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Orphan Anon (WIP)

By MT88
Created: 2020-12-18 12:13:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >The hustle and bustle of the street outside, almost drowned out by the classical violin playing in the restaurant.
  2. Echoes of taxi horns beeping outside contrast to the murmurs of conversation and gentle clinking of cutlery on china ware.
  3. >A phone vibrates on the table as a text message lights up the screen.
  4. >[Really sorry babe, can’t make it tonight. I’ll make it up to you. Swear.]
  5. >Rarity looks at the text for a little while before deciding on how best to reply.
  6. >[Please don’t even bother. I need someone that is there for me all the time. Not just some of it. Goodbye.]
  7. >“Huh… I guess that’s it then.” A disheartened purple haired beauty sighs as she stares absent minded out the restaurant window to the street.
  8. >“I suppose I should just get going. Save whatever little dignity I have left.” She over dramatizes to herself.
  9. >“Honestly, an hour is far too long to keep a lady waiting.” She whispers to herself as she takes opens her handbag to deposit her phone in.
  10. >A white gloved hand gently places a tiramisu desert served in a tall cocktail glass on the table and slides it in front of her effortlessly.
  11. >“Oh, there must be a mistake. I didn’t order this.”
  12. “Compliments of the house, Ms. Bellezza.” You say as you tuck the serving tray under your arm.
  13. >“Thank you. And just Belle is fine. Is Mr. Pierre here this evening?” She asks you.
  14. “He is, Ms. Belle. Shall I get him for you?”
  15. >“That won't be necessary. Please pass my thanks to him for tonight’s reservation on such short notice.”
  16. “Absolutely, Ms. Belle. We look forward to having you dine with us again. Hopefully under better circumstances in future, I’m sure.”
  17. >Rarity smiles at you once again before picking up her spoon.
  18. >You bow and walk off to the next table.
  19. >Rarity smiles to herself as she begins her favourite desert, comforted in the fact that tonight wasn’t a complete write-off.
  20. >You’ve seen her here plenty of times since you started working here to know when she’s having a good time or not, and you know tiramisu is what makes her happy when she’s down.
  21. >When you return to clear her table you smile a little when you see she’s left you a nice little tip with a beautifully hand written note.
  22. >[Thank you so much. The tiramisu was absolutely divine and exactly what I needed. Ta-ta].
  23. >You pocket the note and tip and continue working, but at least the remaining few hours of the night won’t be so bad.
  25. ~~~~~~
  27. “Sorry, excuse me.” You say as you sidestep out of Rarity and Sunsets’ way.
  28. >“Not at all, darling.” Rarity barely glances at you.
  29. >“It’s alright.” Sunset says with a smile.
  30. >“That was weird.” Rainbow says as Sunset and Rarity set their trays down at the table where everyone is having lunch.
  31. >Sunset watches you take a seat at the empty table behind theirs.
  32. >“Hey girls, you ever wonder why Anon is always alone?” Sunset asks the others.
  33. >“Who is Anon?” Rarity genuinely asks the others.
  34. >“The new kid. Didn’t you know? He’s been here for like two weeks now.” Applejack informs her.
  35. >“We have a new student? Where?” Rarity looks around.
  36. >“There!” Twilight points.
  37. >Rarity looks you intently.
  38. >“Hey Rarity!” Rainbow finally gets her attention.
  39. >“Oh, sorry darling.”
  40. >“Something interesting over there?”
  41. >“Nothing. Just a little curious about the new student.”
  42. >“Anon? What about that loser?” Rainbow smirks
  43. >“That’s not very nice Dash.” Sunset quickly scolds her.
  44. >“Yeah Dashie. He may be quiet but he’s not a loser!” Pinkie chimes in.
  45. >Fluttershy nods in agreement.
  46. >“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down.” Dash tries to save face. “I’m just going off what I see, and what I’ve heard.”
  47. >“What do you mean D?” Applejack questions.
  48. >“Just look at him. Long hair covering his face, crappy suit, all those bracelets. Total loser.”
  49. >Twilight slaps Dash’s arm.
  50. >“Seriously, loser is putting it nicely.” Dash says while rubbing her arm.
  51. >Rarity takes another look at the boy, noticing the obviously oversized suit, long hair tied hastily in a ponytail, and all the accessories before turning back around.
  52. >‘Tsk tsk tsk. Such poor choices in style.’ She thinks to herself.
  53. >“Why the sudden interest hun?” Applejack probes Rarity.
  54. >“Anon, is it? I think he works at La Pierre’s restaurant.”
  55. >“That fancy pants-y place you love?” Applejack teases.
  56. >“Yes, Applejack. It is quite exquisite and established. Thank you very much.” Rarity mocks in return.
  57. >Sunset continues, “He’s not a loser, he’s just a really quiet guy. I showed him around the school but he hardly said anything and he always had his head down.”
  58. >“He’s in our year level too, but honestly, I think he might have repeated a few times. He does look a bit older than us.”
  59. >Sunset’s expression turns into a frown as she continues.
  60. >“It’s not easy being the new kid. Especially in a new place and all.”
  61. >The girls all nod in agreement.
  62. >“Usually Principal Celestia has some info on the new students, like their interests, previous schools, etcetera, but this time, she had nothing for me to go on, so I couldn’t even make small talk with him.”
  63. >"What classes does it take?" Rarity asks the others.
  64. >“He’s in our cooking class.” Fluttershy speaks up.
  65. >“Yep. And he’s pretty good at cooking, too.” Pinkie nods.
  66. >“He’s in science class with Sunset and I.” Twilight points out.
  67. >“And he’s in our English class.” Applejack mentions to Rarity. “He just always sits at the back. Kinda like he don’t want to be noticed.”
  68. >“Yep, always in the back of the class. Total weirdo.” Rainbow shrugs as she leans back in her seat, earning another slap from Fluttershy this time.
  69. >“Ow! Seriously, there’s rumours around that he’s nothing but trouble.” Rainbow leans forward into the group.
  70. >“Trouble?” Fluttershy repeats. “What kind of trouble?”
  71. >“Well, I heard from Flash that he’s just come out of juvie.”
  72. >The girls gasp at this revelation, except Sunset.
  73. >“Pfft. Come on Dash. Don’t be silly.”
  74. >“Oh yeah? Think about it. New student, no one knows anything about him. He keeps a low profile. Hardly speaks to anyone, and never smiles. And he’s clearly older than us.”
  75. >Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie raise an eyebrow each in thought as they consider the possibility.
  76. >“Ask Roseluck, when she said hi behind him, he freaked out.”
  77. >“Nonsense. I’m sure she just startled him.” Rarity dismisses Dash.
  78. >“Maybe. But I also heard that he steals things from others to buy drugs.”
  79. >“No way!” Pinkie wails, almost loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.
  80. >“Sshhh!” The girls all scold her.
  81. >“Scouts honour!” Rainbow says putting her hand on her heart. “I heard Norman walked in to the change room as Anon was getting changed and he swears he saw needle marks on his forearms. Anon just pulled his sleeves down and stared at Norman until he left.”
  82. >“Now I know you’re telling horsepies Dash.” Applejack tells Dash as she bites her apple.
  83. >“Hey, think what you will. I’m just stating what I hear.” Rainbow shrugs.
  84. >The girls continue to chat about their weekend as you get up and head back to your locker.
  86. ~~~~~
  88. >A few days later, on a brisk Friday night, Rarity exits her favourite boutique with bags of shopping in hand, an autographed portrait and a bounce in her step.
  89. >The young girl is ecstatic, understandably so as she had just met her idol and inspiration; Prada Heels. The fashion designer and trend setter Rarity aspires to become.
  90. >Earlier, at lunch time, Rarity received a last minute exclusive invitation to the meet-and-greet session. Fortunately her seventh period was a free study period allowing her ample time to catch a bus from school to the city.
  91. >She arrived a few hours early and decided she would visit a store she had heard much about that sold good quality fabrics at reasonable prices, so she made a stop.
  92. >It was now quite late. Rarity checks her phone and the time flashes 9.15pm before flashing 6% of battery life remaining.
  93. >In her excitement earlier, she had forgotten to ask one of the girls to use their charger to charge her phone, and now she was a little worried.
  94. >She boards the bus and takes a seat. As the bus takes off she glances over the schedule.
  95. >Rarity makes her way to the front of the bus and gently taps on the drivers’ window.
  96. >“Excuse me, sir, would this bus happen to be heading back to Canterlot South by any chance?”
  97. >”Sorry miss, this bus is heading to the Docks. If you get off at the next stop, and walk around the corner about 2 minutes, the bus stop there should get you back home.”
  98. >“Oh thank you oh so much.”
  99. >The driver nods his head without taking his eyes off the road.
  100. >She takes a seat by the exit, ensuring she’s the first off.
  101. >After a little traffic, the next stop comes into view. Double checking that she has all her belongings, she stands at the doors waiting for them to open.
  102. >“Have a good night.” She calls out as she jumps out of the bus and jogs as fast as she can in her heels.
  103. >As she rounds the corner, she can see the bus half way down the street.
  104. >She had already missed it and that was the last one of the night that would take her back home.
  105. >Taking a deep breath, she tells herself, “Calm down Rarity. Let’s think this through.”
  106. >The other bus has already left.
  107. >She hasn’t got enough money for a taxi fare back.
  108. >She can’t call her parents as they’re at a party, and sweetie is staying with Applebloom for the weekend.
  109. >None of her friends know that she came all the way out here. She had only told them she was going shopping after school.
  110. >Panic starts to creep in as she starts to worry about how she will get home.
  111. >She could walk the 4 miles home, it’d only take her little over an hour.
  112. >Weighing up her options, she decides on walking and starts down the street.
  113. >“Oh great. Now it’s getting cold. Wasn’t rain forecast for tonight? Best to hurry.” Rarity mumbles to herself.
  114. >Rarity had been walking for about 5 minutes when she noticed the street had fewer and fewer lights.
  115. >Not only that, but there were noticeably less people around.
  116. >Her instincts told her she had walked right into a bad part of town.
  117. >However she doesn’t get far when she thinks she hears footsteps behind her.
  118. >Pulling her phone out, she calls Twilight.
  119. >“Rarity? It’s pretty late. Is everything alri-“
  120. >“Twilight listen, my phone is about to die, and I’m somewhere in Upper Canterlot, I’m walking home but I think I’m being followed. Please, please ask Shining to come pick me up. Please darling. I’m on 12th Street, making my way to the-.”
  121. >With that, the phone flashes an empty battery icon before going black.
  122. >A chill runs up her spine as she is now completely helpless and alone. Alone in the sense that any teenage girl would feel without their phone.
  123. >A cough echoes somewhere behind her, confirming her suspicions of being followed.
  124. >She grips her bags closer to her body and power walks at a faster pace.
  125. >She steps into an alley to catch her breath and hide from whomever may be following her.
  126. >Suddenly she is grabbed from behind and pulled deeper into the alley, losing a shoe at the entrance of the alley.
  128. >This can’t be happening.
  129. >This can’t be happening. Over and over it repeats in her mind.
  130. >She tries to scream but the hand covering her mouth doesn’t allow her to.
  131. >A raspy voice warns her, “Make a noise girly, and you’ll be on the news. Understand?”
  132. >Rarity nods her compliance as tears start to streak down her face.
  133. >He continues to drag her deeper into the alley.
  134. >The dim light from the street illuminates the sparkle of the gems on the shoe she lost at the entrance.
  135. >Her bags also lay not far from her shoe.
  136. >They stop deep in the alley, and he turns her so that she is now between him and a chain link fence, with her pressed against the fence.
  137. >He takes the hand covering her face away and quickly brings up his other hand.
  138. >With that, Rarity gasps at the feeling of cold metal on her warm skin.
  139. >In a low voice, lacking any of her usual confidence, she starts to sob, “P-please m-mister. I’m only in h-high school. Don’t hurt me, P-please just let me go. T-take my purse, my phone, anything. P-p-please I just want to go home!”
  140. >“Anything?” He smirks with a hint of perversion in his tone.
  141. >“You’re quite the hotty. Oh don’t worry girly, I’ll let you go, if you co-operate first. Hehe.”
  142. >That little snicker at the end has Rarity fearing the worse.
  144. >“Mmmm.” He inhales the scent of her shampoo deeply.
  145. >Rarity shrieks loudly as the man puts his other hand on her breast and gives it a firm squeeze.
  146. >Pressing the knife against her skin again to reiterate his earlier point, he grumbles angrily into her ear. “If you don’t shut it, girl, I may have to get violent. Got it?!”
  147. >The terrified girl seizes at those words, body frozen in fear.
  148. >He takes this as her submission and continues to grope and feel her.
  149. >She shivers at his every touch.
  150. >She muffles a moan when he pinches her nipple.
  151. >The fine hairs on her arms stand when he breathes down her neck.
  152. >Her knees begin to shake when she can feel the hand with the knife slip under her shirt, pulling her bra cup down with two fingers.
  153. >Tears flow faster when she can feel the fingertips of his other hand slip under the elastic waistband of her underwear.
  154. >Skin so soft and supple only dares him to reach deeper, much to Rarity’s arousal and disgust.
  155. >Reflexively, she pushes her hips back into him when his fingertips just start to brush the top of her trimmed bush.
  156. >In that second, he bounces back with his hips, causing Rarity to stumble forward into the chain fence.
  157. >She grabs at the fence to stop from failing, however now she is slightly bent over.
  158. >“Stay just like that, don’t move.” He says again, pressing the flat of the blade between her shoulder blades.
  159. >Too terrified to resist, she only clutches at the fence tightly, praying that whatever happens, that it will be quick and not hurt her.
  160. >Goosebumps rise on her skin, her knees shake, her eyes clenched tightly shut, as if trying to imagine being anywhere else but here.
  161. >The feeling of his hands on her derrière, tugging at her lacy underwear brings her back to her current predicament.
  162. >She also tries not to move so the knife doesn’t cut her delicate skin.
  163. >‘This is really happening. I’m going to be raped in this disgusting place, by this disgusting pig.’
  164. >Rarity squeezes her eyes shut and begins to shake her head, doing her best to muffle her sobs.
  165. >He may take her money, and have his way with her, but she will NOT give him the satisfaction of taking away her dignity.
  166. >Everything slows down for Rarity as dozens of random thoughts run through her mind.
  167. >‘I never got to give Twilight that full make over.’
  168. >‘Didn’t get a chance to finish the dresses for the formal.’
  169. >‘Won’t get to see Sweetie in the school play.’
  170. >‘Can’t even tell my parents I love them so.’
  171. >‘I’ll never get to enjoy college life.’
  172. >‘Never know the feeling of being proposed to by the man I love.’
  173. >‘Won’t even get to hold my children when they’re born.’
  174. >Her thoughts start to darken just as lightning and thunder crackle through the sky.
  175. >‘This is how my life ends. Raped and murdered in a disgusting alley.’
  176. >‘Strangled to death, found naked and indignant.’
  177. >‘Or perhaps I’ll be cut up into little pieces and all that will be left of me is my earring.’
  178. >‘How long would I be here before someone finds my body?’
  179. >‘Or would he keep me prisoner in a basement for decades?’
  181. “Hey!” You shout, swinging a piece of wood you picked up off the ground, at the rapists’ head.
  182. >A sickening thud echoes through the alley as the sound of wood connects to soft tissue.
  183. >He stumbled back, hunched over, but still standing.
  184. >Not giving him a chance to move you swing again, this time the piece of wood breaks over his back and he falls on the ground.
  185. >You turn to Rarity when suddenly a glass pane appears in front of you and it pushes you into the wall, smacking your head against the brick work.
  186. “Ow! What the hell was that?” You mumble while rubbing your head.
  187. >Looking over at Rarity, she’s slumped on the ground with her hands outstretched infront of her.
  188. >‘What is she do-‘ You don’t finish that sentence when another large glass pane materialises out of nowhere, but this time she keeps it between you and her.
  189. >The shield wobbles as she shakes on the ground, still with eyes closed.
  190. >You take a step towards her but she screams at you not to move as she pushes the shield closer to you.
  191. >You don’t want to be thrown against the wall again, so you decide to talk her down.
  192. “Ms. Bellezza, are you alright? You’re not hurt are you?” You put your waiting voice on in the hopes she’ll recognise you.
  193. >Shakily she replies, “Anon?! Is that you? W-what are you doing here?”
  194. >She wipes the tears from her eyes and looks at you.
  195. “Are you hurt? It’s OK, you’re safe now.” You gently reassure her, offering your hand for her.
  196. >She takes your hand and stands, but you push her behind you as you back away from the rapist, who is starting to come to.
  197. >You take off your jacket and drape it over her, which she appreciates with a smile.
  198. “Here, your shoe.” Placing the shoe on the ground so she can slip her foot into it.
  199. “Take these.” You hand her the bags of shopping.
  200. “I’ll slow him down. Run out to the street and to the right, I’ll catch up. Go!” You command her, as the rapist starts to get to his feet.
  201. >Rarity, realising just how much danger she is still in, nods and begins to make her way out of the alley as instructed.
  203. ~~~~
  205. >You are all sorts of uncomfortable at the moment.
  206. >Tired from school, yet luckily you didn’t have work. However, having to run a couple blocks whilst dragging a girl wearing heels and carrying bags of shopping isn’t easy.
  207. >Soaked to the skin as it started raining as soon as you and Rarity left the alley, and it really came down just before you got back to your place.
  208. >Starving as you haven’t eaten since recess, which is nothing new. Just today has been really tiring and you just want to eat.
  209. >Also that cut on your arm stings like hell. You kicked him as hard as you could when he got up. You honestly don’t remember when he slashed you. Luckily it’s not too deep. At least you hope it’s not.
  210. >You literally can’t afford to go to the doctor and get stitches, so a bandage will have to do.
  211. >More uncomfortable than all those though, is you’re stuck.
  212. >Rarity latched onto you tightly as soon as you entered your apartment, and she refuses to let go.
  213. >Normally you’d refuse physical contact from others, in this case however, you make an exception. Considering what’s just happened.
  214. >As much as you’re uncomfortable with her in your personal space, and touching you, you let it slide.
  215. >It would be bad for your boss Marco Pierre if one of his regulars suddenly stopped coming to his restaurant.
  216. >It would be especially bad for you because he’d easily connect the dots back to you.
  217. >You did tell him that she was a student at your school not that long ago.
  218. >Rarity’s sobs turn into crying and she collapses onto the floor.
  219. >You do the only thing you know might help; pulling her into a tight hug.
  220. >Initially shocked, Rarity reciprocates by tightening her arms around you.
  221. >You remember the words a police officer said to you when you were younger. Hopefully they work for her like they did for you.
  222. “There, there, you’re safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you as long as I’m here.” You gently whisper as you start rubbing her back.
  223. “Don’t think about what happened. Just know you are safe now, and nothing bad will happen to you anymore. Trust me, I understand how you’re feeling.”
  224. >Rarity, surprised by such gentleness, takes comfort in your words and begins to calm down.
  225. >She buries her face into your chest and just about shrinks in your arms.Her wailing has softened to just silent tears running down her cheeks.
  226. >They weren’t just merely words. They were comforting, and more importantly, they were genuine.
  227. >For the first time tonight, she actually feels safe.
  228. >After a minute, Rarity has stopped crying and brought her arms between herself and you, tucking them close to her chest.
  229. >She looks up at you with her teary eyes as she gently places one hand on your chest and quietly whispers,
  230. >“Thank you again for rescuing me. It scares me to think what would happen if it weren’t for you. You’re my hero.”
  231. >Your face starts to turn a bit red.
  232. >You’ve been called a lot of things. A hero was never one of them. So you avert your eyes and shrug it off.
  233. >Secretly though, it does make you feel good that someone actually acknowledged you, for once.
  234. “I was just coming home from the store when I saw you get off that bus. You looked lost, and since you were walking the same way I was going, I’d thought I’d keep an eye on you.”
  235. >Rubbing the back of your head as you explain.
  236. >A quick glance down and she’s still looking at you with that look in her eyes.
  237. >Those big beautiful blue eyes staring up at you causes your face to turn rose red.
  238. >Rarity definitely notices it, if the small smile was any indication.
  239. >You just ramble on;
  240. “Seeing as how this isn’t the best neighborhood in town.”
  241. “I-I was just worried about you.”
  242. >As you say that, you can feel Rarity tighten her grip on your shirt, causing your heart to skip a beat and your mouth to stutter.
  243. “Y-Y’know, you’re a good customer at the restaurant and all. Yeah…” You finish rambling.
  244. >A second of awkward silence as Rarity starts giggling with her hand over her mouth.
  245. >You start to giggle yourself.
  246. >Soon you’re both laughing as if you had just told the funniest joke in the world.
  247. >A-choo!
  248. >Rarity sniffles as she rubs her nose, shivering just a little in your arms. She’s soaked down to her skin.
  249. “Right. Hold on Ms. Belle, I’ll grab you a towel. I’ll be right back.”
  250. >Rarity rises with you as you stand, maintaining her tight hold on you.
  251. >She looks up at you as you’re almost a whole foot taller than her.
  252. >Her gaze is beautiful, and even more so with those teary eyes.
  253. >You can’t help but want to just hug her back and never let go.
  254. >“Just call me Rarity. Mis-ter He-ro.” She teases before she lets you go.
  255. “A-Anon is fine. Please come in and make yourself at home.”
  256. >“Thank you, darling.”
  257. >She calls everyone that, but for some reason you can’t help but feel a little bit special upon hearing it.
  259. ~~~
  261. “You can wear these until your clothes dry. It’s probably below what you’re used to, but trust me. They’re comfy and warm.”
  262. >Nudging a fresh towel, folded shirt and sweatpants to the girl now standing in your hallway-dining room.
  263. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” You remark.
  264. >“Oh, thank you.” Rarity looks at your offering. “I’m quite famished myself.”
  265. >Her stomach starts to rumble a loudly, causing her to blush in embarrassment.
  266. >Again, you both giggle a little.
  267. “Well then, I insist. Please stay for dinner.” You throw your waiting voice on again for fun.
  268. >Rarity’s eyes dart all over, like she’s thinking about it.
  269. >“YES!” Rarity blurts out, unlike how you’ve ever heard her speak before.
  270. >You swear you heard her break her accent for half a second.
  271. >“Hh-hmm.” Rarity recomposes herself. “Very well then, if you insist. What will you be ordering out?”
  272. “Don’t worry, I’ll make something I’m sure you’ll enjoy.”
  273. >She smiles excitedly.
  274. >Unbeknownst to you, she would be fending for herself tonight.
  275. >Which meant a pre-packaged salad with low fat dressing and a cup of instant noodles or some take away Chinese.
  276. >Rarity was not the most confident cook.
  277. >Once, she had burned hot dogs. She had boiled them and started watching a movie.
  278. >She came back to the kitchen to grab a drink when she found the hot dogs burning in an empty pot.
  279. >She asked her father to place a smoke detector in the kitchen after that day.
  280. >There had been occasions when she had to eat her own burnt cooking purely for the fact that she would starve otherwise.
  281. >Like one weekend her parents had taken Sweetie to visit her grandparents, while she stayed behind to finish an important assignment.
  282. >Luckily for her, they cut their trip in half because her grandfather had a cold.
  283. >Her smile looks gentle but on the inside she’s absolutely beaming with joy. No more takeaway tonight for the weight conscious girl.
  284. >You hand her the clothes.
  285. >“I truly appreciate it.”
  286. >Suddenly she gasps.
  287. >“Heavens! Your arm! It’s bleeding!” She grabs your forearm and starts to roll up your rain and blood soaked sleeve.
  288. >When you try to pull your arm back, she doesn’t let go, holding firmly onto your leather cuff bangle.
  289. “It looks worse than it is. It’s just a scratch.” You tell her, hoping she would believe it and just drop the subject altogether.
  290. >She looks at you unconvinced, considering half your sleeve is soaked red.
  291. >“Nonsense. Let me see it. It’s the least I can do for-.”
  292. >Instead she pulls it closer so she can inspect it.
  293. >You don’t want her to see your arm but she does, and she just stares at it in horror.
  294. >For a second she loosens her grip, allowing you to pull your arm away.
  295. >She struggles to piece a sentence together.
  296. >“M-my gosh… What happened? A-are those..? I…I’m…”
  297. >You place the clothes and towel in her hands and turn your back to her, quickly pulling down your sleeve.
  298. >“Anon, are those scars?”
  299. “Bad things happened to me. Just forget what you saw.” Coldly and bluntly you state.
  300. >“Anon… please.”
  301. “You can change in the other room. I’ll turn the heater on so you can dry your clothes.”
  303. >In the other room, Rarity leans against the locked door.
  304. >Undressed down to just underwear and patting her hair dry with the towel.
  305. >She’s too deep in thought; unable to stop thinking about Anon and those scars on his arm.
  306. >Maybe Rainbow Dash was right.
  307. >Maybe he is a felon or even a recovering drug addict.
  308. >Although, he certainly doesn’t seem to be as violent as most addicts seem to be.
  309. >“No Rarity, a lady simply does not involve herself in speculation and rumour.’’ Quietly she reminds herself.
  310. >‘Bad things happened…’ Those words echo in her mind again.
  311. >She shudders thinking about what could have caused those scars.
  312. >'Why there were so many of them?'
  313. >And his reaction, it certainly was cold and harsh. Not like how he was a little while ago.
  314. >He obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, and as Rainbow Dash said, he never talks about himself.
  315. >Yet, no one seems to know anything about him.
  316. >Rarity breathes deeply and exhales to clear her thoughts.
  317. >She's going to do what she can to learn about this enigma named Anon.
  318. >After a few seconds of thinking, she puts her hands on her hips as she decides on her game plan.
  319. >First things first; she’ll need to find out what she can about him.
  320. >A bit of seemingly casual conversation over dinner should give her some information.
  321. >The thought of Anon being dangerous or even violent towards her sticks in the back of her mind.
  322. >She shakes her head to dismiss those thoughts.
  323. >She has seen how he presents himself at both work and school to know that if we were to have a violent outbreak, then he would have done so already.
  324. >“The way he speaks and carries himself is very well mannered and respectful, far too gentlemanly for a ruffian.”
  325. >She’ll need the help of the others, especially Sunset, to find out about Anon and how to help him.
  326. >“Time to put on the charm, Rarity.” She whispers to herself as she perks up her bust and presses her lips together with a pop. A habit of hers when she wants to work her charm.
  327. >Rarity gets dressed in the clothes.
  328. >To say they were presentable, much less wearable was an understatement.
  329. >However, despite the holes they were very comfortable and warm, exactly as Anon said they would be.
  331. >Slowly she opens the door, the wet clothes wrapped in the towel.
  332. >She’s been in the room for a noticeable amount of time.
  333. >Immediately Rarity is hit by the wafting smell of sizzling meat and the light aroma of garlic.
  334. >The delightful smell makes her stomach rumble again and quickly she walks into the dining room, eager to see what’s cooking.
  335. >“It smells incredible, darling.”
  336. “Oh, Rarity.” Your voice no longer cold and blunt like a little while ago.
  337. “You were in the room for a while, I was starting to worry. Is everything alright?”
  338. >“Uh, yes darling. My apologies, I just needed some time alone, considering everything that’s happened tonight.”
  339. >A quick glance at her, before lowering your eyes back on to the frying pan.
  340. “I understand. If there’s anything I can do to help, just ask.”
  341. >“You’ve done more than enough. I can’t thank you enough. Hero.” She playfully teases again.
  342. >You reply with a little giggle.
  343. >“Is there anything I can help with?”
  344. “No, not really. You’re my guest, so please just try to relax in the living room. Dinner will be ready soon.”
  345. >“Very well.” Rarity replies somewhat relieved, knowing full well she’d probably make a mess of dinner if she helped.
  346. >Stepping into the living room, she drapes her clothes out on the airing rack near the heater.
  347. >She looks around the room, noting how bare and shabby it is.
  348. >It is very basic, even for a teenage boy, and certainly not like the other boys’ rooms that she has been to before.
  349. >There is only an old TV on a small stand in the corner, a three seater sofa, a bare bookshelf with only a couple books and CDs, and a desk with a chair.
  350. >Everything is old and worn.
  351. >The bookshelf has numerous nails hammered into the sides to keep the shelves in place.
  352. >All the books on the shelf are tatty and falling apart, with pages turning yellow.
  353. >The CDs are mostly old classical albums. Most picked up from goodwill by the looks of them.
  354. >The sofa has rips and stains, but otherwise the cushions still look comfortable enough to sit on.
  355. >There’s a leg missing on the television stand that’s been replaced with a brick, causing the TV to slant downwards ever so slightly.
  356. >And the television itself is quite old. It wasn’t an old tube TV, but it must have been one of the early generation flatscreen plasma televisions when they first came out.
  357. >It also has a crack in the corner.
  358. >The desk has a mess of papers strewn all over. The office chair cushion fares the same as the sofa.
  359. >The desk looks remarkably in good condition, despite the peeling melamine revealing the chipboard underneath.
  360. >Anon’s laptop looks to be almost a decade old, similar to one Rarity had when she was younger.
  361. >Old, tattered text books, a couple manila folders, novels with worn out covers, various note books and loose papers with class notes written on them.
  362. >“What’s this?” Something catches her eye.
  363. >Sticking out from under a few pieces of paper is a folded purple cloth.
  364. >She shifts papers out of the way, trying not to make any noise less she draw attention to her snooping.
  365. >Or reconnaissance as she prefers to calls it.
  366. >Snooping is not something Rarity would normally partake in. However, her curiosity is piqued at what is buried under those papers.
  367. >Sitting atop the folded cloth is a beautiful blue crystal pendant on a chain necklace.
  368. >These two items certainly stand out in an apartment that is devoid of such luxuries.
  369. >Bringing it closer to her eyes, she examines its beauty.
  370. >Engraved on it is what looks to be a symbol, or a crest of some sort.
  371. >Looking even closer, trapped within the blue crystal are spots of carbon, forming a small swirl in the center of the piece.
  372. >The formation of the carbon almost makes the piece seem artificial.
  373. >Such a pattern would be extremely rare to form naturally.
  374. >Nonetheless, it is a beautiful one-of-a-kind piece, one that no doubt would be worth quite a sum.
  375. >Placing it down on the desk she picks up the cloth.
  376. >Pure cashmere. She can tell by the feel.
  377. >Very luxurious and very hard to come by, not to mention very expensive.
  378. >Holding it by the corners Rarity lifts it up and it unfolds as it dangles.
  379. >It definitely was bigger at one point, unfortunately cashmere only lasts around ten years before it starts to fall apart.
  380. >Sadly now it is nothing more than a tea-towel sized tattered rag.
  381. >In one of the corners is the same symbol that was on the necklace, embroidered in fine silk.
  382. >‘Why does he have this?’ She begins to wonder.
  383. >‘Could he have maybe stolen it from someone?’
  384. >Sounds of footsteps approaching causes her to hastily return the items to how she found them.
  385. “Dinner’s ready Rarity.” You find her next to the heater, looking out the window at the approaching thunderclouds.
  386. >“Thank you. My, this storm won’t let up.” Saying as she closes the curtains.
  387. “Doesn’t look like it will any time soon.”
  388. >“Would you mind if I freshen up first?”
  389. “No, ofcourse.” Stepping back, unblocking the doorway. “It’s the second door on the right, opposite the bedrooms.”
  390. >“Please excuse me for just a moment.”
  392. >“Anon, this is simply delicious. Where did you learn to make this?”
  393. “Thank you Rarity. When I was younger, I’d use to help out in the kitchen. Then when I started working in the restaurant, the chefs taught me some recipes, and even let me cook sometimes.”
  394. >“My, sounds like you are quite the helper. How did you come to work at Pierre’s?”
  395. “Through some people I know.”
  396. >“Friends of your family?” She innocently asks.
  397. You almost choke on your mouthful, swallowing quickly. Hopefully she didn’t notice.
  398. “Something like that.” You remark casually before drinking some water.
  399. >Through your peripheral, you notice Rarity glancing at you occasionally as she eats her carbonara.
  400. >Catching her looking at you again, you ask her.
  401. “Something wrong rarity?”
  402. >“Oh, um, does your arm hurt?” She cautiously asks you, careful not to have you snap at her again.
  403. “It hurts a little, but I’ll be alright.”
  404. >Rarity frowns a little, still feeling guilty that you were hurt because of her.
  405. >You pick up on this, and try to make her feel better by continuing.
  406. "Small price to pay but at least you're safe."
  407. >Her smile returns.
  408. “After dinner, I’ll take you to the police station. They should be able to get you home.”
  409. >“That won’t be necessary. I don’t particularly feel like recalling that dreadful event. I would much like to forget it ever happened.”
  410. “Are you sure Rarity?”
  411. >“And besides, I’d rather not run the risk of catching a cold.”
  412. “Is there anyone you can call to pick you up?”
  413. >“My phone died. And I don’t remember any of the girls’ numbers.”
  414. “In that case then, I’ll call you a taxi.”
  415. >“Please, you needn’t trouble yourself, Anon. I’m a little ashamed to admit that I may have over spent…”
  416. “I’ll cover the fare, Rarity. Your parents must be worried sick about you.”
  417. >She blushes a little bit at your concern before she continues.
  418. >“There’s no one at home tonight. My parents are at a party and won’t be back until Sunday, and my little sister is staying with her friend.”
  419. >Placing your fork down, you lean in closer.
  420. >Dropping your tone, you continue.
  421. “Rarity, it sounds like you don’t want to go home. Is everything alright?”
  422. >She waves her hand dispelling any misunderstandings.
  423. >“Please don’t misunderstand me Anon, I’m not trying to make excuses. It’s just…” She averts her eyes away from you, and her porcelain white cheeks turn a little red.
  424. >“I’m still a little scared to be all by myself tonight. I guess I am still a little shaken.”
  425. >Sighing in relief, you lean back in your chair.
  426. “For a second there I thought it was something much more serious, like family problems.”
  427. >She narrows her eyes at you.
  428. “Err, not that it’s any of my business.” You quickly try to save face.
  429. “Well, it’s not much, but you’re more than welcome to stay here. You can have the bedroom. I’ll take the couch.” You generously offer.
  430. >Rarity beams her appreciation with a wide smile and a thank you.
  431. “Say,” You start. “What was that back in the alley?”
  432. >“Whatever do you mean?”
  433. “That glass thing you hit me with. What was that?”
  434. >“Oh, you mean this?” Rarity touches her pendant and forms a small diamond shield that hovers just above her palm.
  435. “Whoa.” Is all you can muster at this amazing display.
  436. >“It’s a diamond shield. I can create many at will, and in any size I desire.”
  437. “That’s pretty amazing.” You remark. “How’d you learn to do that?”
  438. >Rarity begins to briefly explain how she and the girls all got their magical powers over the course of dinner.
  440. --------
  441. >After finishing dinner Rarity asked if she could use the shower, which you obliged.
  442. >While she was in the bathroom you cleaned the dishes, then prepared your room for her.
  443. >The whole time you were cleaning the dishes you were fixated on trying to figure out the physics behind how magic works, but gave up when it got too confusing.
  444. >It was a lot to take in, yet it just made sense to you. So you stopped questioning it and just accepted it.
  445. >The sound of the hair dryer shutting off is followed by the bathroom door opening.
  446. >It was quite lucky you found a hair dryer in the other bedroom, the owner uses it as a storage room.
  447. >Rarity exits the bathroom followed by a large cloud of steam.
  448. >She walks into the living room where you are sitting at your desk doing some homework.
  449. >You lean back and stretch, cracking a few times as you adjust your posture.
  450. >After rubbing your eyes, you notice Rarity enter.
  451. “Feel better?”
  452. >“Yes. Very. What are you working on?”
  453. “Just doing some homework. I like to get it done as soon as I can.”
  454. >“Oh, Anon, do you have a phone charger?”
  455. “There’s my charger in the bedroom, but I’m not sure if it’ll fit your phone.”
  456. >Rarity thanks as she grabs her handbag and disappears for a moment.
  457. “No good?” You ask when she returns.
  458. >“Unfortunately not. What kind of phone do you have Anon?”
  459. >You pull your phone out of your pocket. Shocking Rarity.
  460. >It’s a touch screen, however far from the newest available.
  461. >In fact, it’s as old as the TV.
  462. >“I had one like that years ago.” She points out as she comes closer to examine it.
  463. “Yeah it’s pretty old. All I really need it for is for when work calls.”
  465. >Rarity takes this opportunity to ask about the cloth jutting out from under the papers.
  466. >“Oh my, that is beautiful.” She says looking at the folded cloth, feeling it with her fingers.
  467. >You follow her eyes to the cloth.
  468. “Oh, that. It’s nothing.”
  469. >“Nonsense.” Rarity hushes you.
  470. >“I can tell quality when I see it, and this certainly is exquisite. Is it cashmere? May I see it?”
  471. “I don’t know. And no... I’d rather you didn’t.” Hastily you tuck it back under the papers. “It’s very important to me.”
  472. >“Please Anon?” She pleads with a cute little smile.
  473. “Not to be rude Rarity, but it’s just not something I like to talk about.”
  474. >Rarity huffs in defeat, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.
  475. >She decides against pushing the subject further.
  476. >She takes a seat on the couch and tucks her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.
  477. >Picking up your pen again you continue doing your homework for a minute or two.
  478. >The silence in the room is really awkward, especially since Rarity hasn’t made a sound since she sat down on the sofa.
  479. >Glancing over your shoulder, you catch her turning away quickly, pretending to look at something else in the room.
  480. “That’s enough homework for one night.” You say rubbing eyes after dropping your pen and closing your books.
  481. >Turning in your chair to face Rarity, who is still pretending to look at something, yet sideways glances at you.
  482. “So, Rarity, what were you doing all the way out here at this time of night?”
  483. >She snaps to attention, facing you.
  484. >“Oh, I was doing a bit of shopping before a special event, and I lost track of time. Before I knew it, the last bus had left and I was stranded.”
  485. “What kind of special event?”
  486. >”Well darling…”
  487. >Rarity excitedly tells you about the highlight of her evening.
  489. >“And that’s where I wish to be when I finish school.”
  490. “Wow Rarity, you’ve really figured your life out.” Hearing her enthusiasm and passion for what she loves puts a smile on your face.
  491. >“Yes, I like to think so, it is my dream.” You can see the sparkles in her eyes.
  492. >“How about yourself Anon, what are your plans after finishing school? What are your dreams?“
  493. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll even finish school.”
  494. >Rarity leans forward in disbelief. “Why not? What will you do?”
  495. “I’ll probably just work at the restaurant or find another job.”
  496. >“What about your family? What would they think if you just quit?” Rarity probes, a hint of worry in her voice.
  497. >You hesitate to answer as your eyes drift to the floor.
  498. “Uh…that’s…uh…” You mumble as you quickly try to think of an excuse out of answering.
  499. >You don’t want others to know about your situation.
  500. “So anyways,” You try to change the conversation. “Mr. Doodle really is a real hard-“
  501. >“Anon…” She puts her hand on yours.
  502. >“You can tell me. We’re friends, are we not?”
  503. >You can see the sincerity in her eyes when you look into them.
  504. >She called you a friend. Did that mean she trusts you?
  505. >Yet you barely know her. Do you tell her? Can you trust her?
  506. >You’ve never thought of her or anyone else as anything other than as just people around you.
  507. >People that would never notice you, and if they did, they’d probably quickly forget about you.
  508. >That’s why you keep a low profile and don’t draw attention to yourself.
  509. >It’s how you prefer it to be.
  510. >Yet, the thought alone warms your cold heart.
  511. >Another glance into her eyes tells you she’s waiting on your reply.
  512. >What do you do?
  513. >It’s a weird feeling; you feel like you can trust her, like you don’t want to lie to her.
  514. >Still holding your hand, she rubs your fingers with her thumb.
  515. >Gentle persuasion, she’s letting you know she’s here for you.
  516. >It wouldn’t hurt to open up to someone once in a while, would it?
  517. >Maybe.
  518. >Or maybe not?
  519. >The last time you did though, you paid greatly for it.
  520. >It’s the reason you-
  521. >No, don’t think about it.
  522. >However, she has always been honest and genuine with you every time you’ve interacted with her.
  523. >So do you trust her?
  524. >Drawing a deep breath, you make your decision.
  526. >In a solemn voice you reply;
  527. “I’m an orphan, Rarity. I’m all alone.”
  528. >As you tell her this you avert her gaze. Every time you’ve told someone the reaction has always been the same.
  529. >You steel yourself for the incoming ridicule, the laughs and the jokes.
  530. >Yet no laughter comes.
  531. >Instead she wraps her arms around you and pulls you into a soft hug, not as tight as the one earlier.
  532. >“I didn’t know. I’m so sorry Anon. I didn’t mean to pry.” The sincerity in her voice puts you at ease.
  533. >“Thank you for telling me. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to tell someone something so personal.”
  534. >The fact she understands makes you feel good.
  535. >And the hug makes you feel cared for.
  536. >A feeling of calm and warmth rushes through you, and you can only mutter these words.
  537. “I don’t know why, but I feel like I can trust you, Rarity.”
  538. >“Worry not, your secret is safe with me.”
  539. >As gratitude, you hug her back.
  540. “Thank you Rarity. It means a lot to me, really.”
  541. >After breaking the hug you sit back down in your seat.
  543. >“Anon, may I ask you something?”
  544. “Yeah?”
  545. >“I was just wondering, why have you never talk to me at school?”
  546. “Well… isn’t it obvious?”
  547. >Rarity tilts her head, unsure of what is supposed to be ‘obvious’.
  548. “You’re one of the hottest girls at school, along with your friends.”
  549. >She blushes a little.
  550. “And I’m just the loner kid. As if you’d risk your reputation being seen with me at school.”
  551. >Rarity furrows her eyebrows at that, almost insulted.
  552. >“Anon, my friends and I are not that shallow.”
  553. “But isn’t popularity everything to a high schooler?”
  554. >“Pish-posh Anon. I insist you join my friends and I at school. That is non-negotiable.” Rarity crosses her arms, having the final say.
  555. “Fine. I’ll try.” You relent. “No promises though.” Stating to Rarity as she claps her hands in glee.
  556. >“I’d certainly like to get to know you better.” She says as she starts to yawn, covering her mouth.
  557. “Maybe another time.” You yawn as well.
  558. >“It’s getting late now, we should probably get some sleep.”
  559. >You stand and help Rarity to her feet before saying good night.
  561. **The next morning.**
  563. >The gentle rays of sun light rouse Rarity from her sleep.
  564. >She sits up in bed, stretches, and rubs her eyes before yawning.
  565. >Despite the noise from the rain and thunder last night, she had a good nights’ sleep.
  566. >Rarity exits the room and quickly darts to the bathroom, to make herself presentable.
  567. >After a few minutes she exits and walks into the living room.
  568. >Empty sofa with folded blanket.
  569. >The clock on the wall says 9.45am, not particularly unusual for Rarity given she enjoys her beauty sleep.
  570. >Rarity checks finds no trace of the young man.
  571. >She does find a note on the dinner table.
  572. [Good morning, hope you slept well.]
  573. [I have to work this morning, but you are welcome to stay as long as you like, please help yourself to whatever is in the fridge.
  574. [To get home, walk down the street and turn left at the first light.
  575. [The bus stop there will take you back to the school.
  576. [Please lock the door when you leave and make sure all the lights and heating are turned off.
  577. [Also, it’s a little cold so please take the jacket.
  578. [I’ll get it back from you at school.]
  579. >She smiles gratefully at the thoughtful note he had left her.
  580. >Under the note was a familiar twenty dollar note.
  581. >It was the same one she had left on the table as a tip weeks earlier.
  582. >She knew this by the moustache someone had drawn on the face on the note.
  583. >After having something to eat and cleaning up a little, Rarity changes and prepares to leave, writing thank you note and leaving it on the table.
  585. >It wasn’t a very long walk home from the bus stop near the school.
  586. >Rarity unlocks the front door and is immediately tackled to the floor by Sweetie.
  587. >Her parents, all her friends and Shining are all there, with worry evident on their faces.
  588. >Sweetie hugs her tightly, scared that if she lets go her sister will disappear again.
  589. >“Rarity! Thank goodness you’re home!” Sweetie squeaks, choking back tears.
  590. >Rarity pats her gently on the head, soothing her sisters’ worries.
  591. >Everyone now runs up to hug you.
  592. >“What happened?”
  593. >“Are you alright?”
  594. >"We were so worried about you!"
  595. >“Are you hurt?”
  596. >“Where did you go?”
  597. >Everyone bombards her with questions.
  598. >“Mother, father, please. I’m quite alright. I’m not hurt at all.” Rarity reassures everyone as she gets back to her feet.
  599. >After explaining to everyone what had happened, omitting the part about nearly being raped, she reassured them that she was well looked after.
  600. >“I do apologize Shining, for you driving around all night looking for me.”
  601. >“Hey, don’t worry about it. All that matters is you’re safe now.” Shining says with a relieved smile as he bids everyone a goodbye before leaving.
  603. >“So Anon did that, huh?” Applejack nods slowly in disbelief.
  604. >“He didn’t try anything on you did he?” Rainbow Dash questions, a little unconvinced.
  605. >“Dash!” Twilight scolds.
  606. >“It’s quite alright Twilight. And no, darling. Anon was quite the gentleman. Not once was he ever unbecoming towards me.” Rarity reassures them.
  607. >“I’d certainly like to meet this young man sweetie. Please bring him around sometime so we can thank him.” Cookie says with a hint of enthusiasm in her tone.
  608. >“M-mother!”
  609. >“Oh come on Rarity, I’d at least like to meet the boy that saved my little girl.” Hondo says with a wink.
  610. >Rarity pouts as her face turns a little red, giving the other girls something to giggle about.
  611. >“Well, we’d better get going then honey.” Cookie says to Hondo.
  612. >“Oh that’s right.” Hondo says, “Sweetie needs new shoes. Would you like to join us honey?”
  613. >“No thank you father, I’d like to just rest here.”
  614. >“We’ll let you get some rest Rarity.” Sunset says, ushering the other girls to the front door.
  615. >“See you tomorrow at Sugarcube Corner?” Dash questions as she puts her shoes on.
  616. >“Absolutely. See you then.” With a wave Rarity closes the door.
  617. >A little time passes before she lets out a long held sigh.
  618. >Finally some peace and quiet.
  619. >Back in her room she charges her phone and enters her ensuite bathroom to brush her teeth.
  620. >She breathes into her hand and inhales, disgusted by what she smells.
  621. >After brushing her teeth and freshening up, she picks up her phone.
  622. >Dozens of missed calls, messages and voicemails.
  623. >One, from her ex, catches her eye.
  624. [Hi babe, I’ve been thinking and I’d like for us to talk. How about lunch? My treat.]
  625. >Rarity thinks it over for a second before typing out a reply.
  626. >With a few hours to spare, she begins working on the blazer Anon had loaned her.
  627. >At her sewing machine she starts by sewing all the holes, tears and seams together.
  628. >Holding it up infront of her, she’s not satisfied with just fixing it.
  629. >A spark of inspiration hits her and she starts to measure and cut material from the jacket, altering it to better fit the young man.
  630. >Rarity’s talents were such that she was able to tailor it to Anon’s shape.
  631. >She blushes deeply thinking about when Anon hugged her back in his apartment.
  632. >Specifically, his strong core, broad chest and strong arms. All things she inadvertently made mental notes about.
  633. >To finish the piece, she sews a small label inside the breast of the jacket.
  634. [~Thank you Anon, Rarity~]
  635. >She signs all pieces she works on, hoping that one day she will be recognised.
  636. >“Simply Magnifique!” Proudly Rarity examines her handiwork.
  637. >Hanging the garment up on a hanger, Rarity begins to get herself ready.
  638. >Rarity locks the front door behind her, dressed appropriately for a casual lunch.
  640. ~Later that evening~
  641. >Rarity awakens and sits on the edge of a bed, wearing nothing except for a blanket.
  642. >She takes a minute to adjust to her surroundings as well as find her phone to check the time.
  643. >The unfamiliar-familiar bedroom. She wonders how she wound up here and where her afternoon went.
  644. >She mentally punishes herself for letting it happen. Again.
  645. >Too late now. What's done is done, she berates herself.
  646. >After wiping herself with a wet-wipe and putting on her brasserie and underwear, she begins picking up other articles of her clothing off the floor.
  647. >Tiptoeing around the room as to not to wake the person sleeping in the bed.
  648. >She straightens out her ruffled hair and checks her make up in her mirror.
  649. >Regret plastered all over her face as she quietly closes the door behind her.
  651. -------
  653. **** NOTE FROM MT88 ****
  654. I just realised I had left out a whole paragraph.
  655. I've added that paragraph in, it's at line 440.
  657. -----
  659. Update 05/NOV/2019
  661. ~Monday morning~
  662. >You’re walking through the halls to your locker as usual.
  663. >Actually, more like dragging your feet.
  664. >You’ve got a killer headache you’re feeling really tired.
  665. >Like, no-energy-to-deal-with-anything tired
  666. >You’ll just have to tell the coach that you’re going to sit out P.E today.
  667. >On top of that, you seem to be really thirsty.
  668. >Yesterday when you woke up you started feeling like crap. The feeling only got worse while you were working.
  669. >As soon as you got home you just went to sleep.
  670. >Hopefully Harshwhinny doesn’t give you detention for not finishing the homework.
  671. >Today is going to be a real struggle to get through.
  672. >You should’ve just stayed at home.
  674. >Alas, you push on. Not like there’s anything for you to do at home except watch daytime television.
  675. >Passing by the students, many turn their backs to you as you approach.
  676. >Like most other days.
  677. >Many cover their mouths to whisper to their friends, no doubt something about you.
  678. >You’ve heard the rumors, and what they say about you.
  679. >They call you a freak. You can’t help standing almost a foot taller than most other students.
  680. >You’re also somewhat more mature than them as well, although that might be mistaken by the fact you don’t like to talk much unless you have to.
  681. >Ignoring them you continue on your way, un-phased by slander or gossip.
  682. >In a year, you’ll graduate and disappear from the minds of all these kids, so there’s no point making friends that will just forget you anyways.
  683. >There was no reason to try to make any friends, you’re not sure how much longer you’re gonna be staying at this school.
  684. >Also, legally you’re an adult now, you don’t have to be here anymore if you don’t want to.
  686. >Reaching your locker, you throw your bag inside and grab what you need for the first two classes.
  687. >You jump a bit when you feel someone touch you.
  688. >You hate when people touch you. Seriously, respect personal space.
  689. >Turning around, your usual stern expression sends a chill up Sunset’s spine and she forgets what she was going to say.
  690. >“Um…. Hi Anon.” She says nervously.
  691. “Oh, it’s you. Uh… Sun-dried..? Sunkist?” You guess cautiously.
  692. >“Sunset.” She says raising an eyebrow. “Geez, a little jumpy Anon.”
  693. “Sunset.” You repeat, committing it to memory. “I don’t like people touching me. Can I help you?”
  694. >“We heard from Rarity what you did for her on Friday night. And we came to thank you because…” Sunset rubs her arm nervously as she speaks.
  695. >“Frankly, if it weren’t for you being there…Rarity could have…” Sunset shivers at the thought.
  696. >You look at the other girls, minus Rarity. They’re all nodding in agreement as they twirl their hair or scrunch the bottoms of their clothes or fidget with something to deal with the thought of what could have been.
  697. >Meekly they peek up at you, obviously intimidated for some reason. Their eyes shoot away when you look at them.
  698. >Except the one wearing the cowboy hat. She tries to match you with her own stern gaze.
  699. “I see. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Speaking of, where is she?” You ask in your usual expressionless voice.
  700. >“She’s got first period off.” Sunset answers.
  701. >“Oh by the way…”
  702. >Sunset introduces the other girls to you.
  703. “Nice to meet you all. Well, if there’s nothing else, I’ll just…” You motion your hand as a blade down the middle of the group, hinting that you’d like to be on your way.
  704. >“N-no Anon.” Twilight speaks up. “Please, as thanks we’d like for you to come join us for lunch.”
  705. >The other girls all nod enthusiastically, waiting for you to take them up on their invitation.
  707. “Thanks, but no thanks. I didn’t bring lunch today.” Like most days.
  708. >“Excellent!” Farmer girl calls from the back. “Lucky we done brought extra today.”
  709. >“P-please Anon? It’d be nice to get to know you more.” Fluttershy whispers.
  710. “No offence, but I’m happy for people to know very little about me.”
  711. >Fluttershy hides herself behind Rainbow Dash, looking out from behind her as if she had upset you.
  712. >“Don’t be such a pooper-trooper Nonny!” Pinkie gets right up into your face, invading your personal space.
  713. “I’ll think about it. And don’t call me Nonny.”
  714. >You try to step around her, but you stumble briefly, to which Sunset immediately notices.
  715. >“Hey Anon are you alright? You’re looking a little pale.”
  716. “Yeah, I’m just a little tired.” You blink rapidly to clear up the double vision.
  717. >“Come on dude, six hotties are asking you to join them for lunch. What are you, gay?” Rainbow Dash jokes.
  718. >“Don’t mind her hun,” Applejack says tapping Dash in the arm. “She don’t mean anything by it.”
  719. >Every time you step in a direction to move out the girls seem to surround you more, closing in on you.
  720. >You draw a deep breath as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
  721. >This conversation is dragging on and really exasperating your headache.
  722. >It's clear you’re not leaving without an answer they agree with.
  723. "Will you leave me alone if I come?"
  724. >The girls just nod silently.
  725. “Alright, fine.“ Loudly you exhale to show your annoyance at them, which they ignore.
  726. >The girls cheer quietly and a couple high-five each other.
  727. >“Thanks Anon, we’re having lunch near the statue. See you then.” Sunset says as she leads the girls away.
  728. >Once they pass the corner you rub your face with your hands. Which turns into you massaging your temples.
  729. >It's little relief from this headache.
  730. >Time to drag yourself to class.
  732. >It’s been a really slow morning in your classes and you fell asleep a couple times.
  733. >Luckily no one noticed as you were sitting in the back.
  734. >You just can’t seem to concentrate, and you’re more uncomfortable than this morning.
  735. >Cranky Doodle and his monotonous voice aren’t helping to make time pass any faster.
  736. >Looking down from the clock you see a few other kids around the classroom with their heads propped up on their arms. Some of them nodding off.
  737. >At least it’s not just you.
  738. >Not long to go so you start to pack your desk up.
  739. >Your eyelids feel heavy and you feel yourself falling asleep again.
  740. >Finally the sound of the bell snaps you out of it and Cranky dismisses the class.
  741. >After leaving the room you stop by the toilet. For the third time today.
  742. >Looking yourself in the mirror as you wash your hands, you can’t help but notice you are looking a bit under the weather, like Sunset said.
  743. >After every class you've gone to the toilet and everytime you seem to be getting paler. You’d probably better go see the nurse. After you eat something.
  744. >Splashing a few handfuls of water on your face gives you temporary comfort.
  745. >It doesn’t last long as your headache seems to pound at your skull now.
  746. >Passing by the drink fountain in the hall you take a few large gulps of water.
  747. >Seemingly unable to quench your thirst you take a few more before you realise you’ve been drinking water for a little while.
  748. >A little stinging pains you as you wipe your mouth with your sleeve, agitating the cut.
  749. >Out the front doors and the brightness hits your eyes, so you shield them.
  750. >They're starting to irritate causing you to rub your eyes.
  751. >You blink a few times to clear up the double vision and narrow your eyes to focus them, scanning the yard.
  752. >Over by the corner of the building you spot Pinkie waving her arms and she shouts out to you, so you head over.
  754. >“Fluttershy got us a reeeeeally nice spot over there by the trees.” She says as she leads you around the side of the building.
  755. >The first thought that runs in your mind is this must be some kind of trap. Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been led to a beating somewhere.
  756. >In a shady spot between some trees are the girls, all sitting on a large picnic blanket with lots of plates of food spread out.
  757. >Twilight is the first to notice you approach, and speaks over the others who are conversing. “Anon’s finally here!”
  758. >They all stop chatting and applaud your arrival.
  759. >“Make yourself comfortable, dude.” Dash insists.
  760. >The girls shift over leaving a space between Rarity and Sunset for you.
  761. >“Thank you for joining us Anon.” Rarity pats your knee as you sit down.
  762. >You acknowledge Rarity with a smile and nod.
  763. “Wow girls, this looks incredible.” Humbly you state. Everything looks delicious. It’s a shame you don’t have much of an appetite.
  764. >“Aww shucks.” Applejack blushes. “Ain’t much but a few sandwiches.”
  765. >“Aaaaaaaaaaand cupcakes!” Pinkie pulls out another plate full of cupcakes.
  766. >“We all made a little something, Anon. Please help yourself.” Fluttershy says with a little smile.
  767. >“Let's eat!” Rainbow complains. “I’m starving.”
  768. >The girls pass plates around and everyone starts to eat.
  769. >They asked you a few things about Friday night, which you answered vaguely, as to not embarrass Rarity.
  770. >You correctly guessed that she didn’t tell them the part about nearly being raped, judging by the worrying look she would shoot at you when the others asked a specific question.
  771. >Not long into lunch and you’re already feeling sleepy again. At least that headache has softened a bit.
  772. >Your concentration is waning a bit and you start to zone out a little as the conversation changes between the girls.
  773. >“Wow Anon, that’s a nice necklace.” Twilight’s comment snaps your attention back.
  775. >The girls all look at it and admire it.
  776. “Thanks.” You reply while quickly tucking it back into your shirt.
  777. >Twilight was expecting more of an answer.
  778. >“Could I see it? It looks really nice.”
  779. “I’d rather not, Twilight. Nothing personal, it’s just very important to me.”
  780. >“Aw c’mon Anon. I’m really curious if it’s a sapphire or lapis.”
  781. >You look at her dubiously, causing her to shrink a little.
  782. >“…or maybe it’s just a zircon…” She trails off, fearful that she’s upset you.
  783. >Rarity, quick to dispel the awkwardness, taps your shoulder.
  784. >“Oh, Anon. This is for you.” She reaches to her side and presents you with your jacket.
  785. “Oh yeah. Thanks Rarity.”
  786. >“I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of making a few changes to it. Please, do try it on.”
  787. >Standing up you put it on and button it up.
  788. >It looks and feels like a brand new jacket.
  789. >You do a few poses to check for restrictions but there don’t appear to be any.
  790. >It’s a perfect fit for you.
  791. >And the girls all seem to notice judging by how intently they are watching you
  792. “Wow Rarity. It’s a perfect fit. How did you know?”
  793. >“Skill, darling. Skill.” She replies with a wide grin.
  794. >“You look better in a suit that fits you Anon.” The girls all nod in agreement with Twilight’s compliment.
  795. >For fun you strike a strong man pose just for laughs, and all the girls start to giggle as you laugh at your own foolishness.
  796. >Your laugh however quickly turns into a fit of coughing as you lose your breath.
  797. >A sudden bout of dizziness causes you to stumble and you fall to one knee.
  798. >“Anon!” The girls all gasp.
  799. >You tightly close your eyes and try not to focus on the spinning feeling.
  800. >Rubbing your temples with both hands doesn’t help. This headache feels like a sledgehammer pounding at the outside of your skull, and a jackhammer trying to break out of it.
  801. >Rarity and Sunset both help to steady you.
  802. >“Anon are you alright?” Sunset asks you.
  803. “Yeah. Just a headache. I’m fine.” You swallow dryly. “I just…need a minute.”
  804. >Your breathing becomes more erratic as you take big deep breathes when your heart wants to take fast shallow gasps.
  805. >“Anon, you’re pale as a ghost!” Applejack points out.
  806. >Rarity puts her hand to your face and pulls it back immediately. “Heavens Anon, you’re burning up!”
  807. >Sunset places her hand on your forehead, agreeing with Rarity.
  808. >“We’ve got to get you to the nurse!” She says to the other girls.
  809. “I just need a… *dry swallowing* drink of… *deep breath* wat-”
  810. >“Anon!” The girls’ voices and everything else fades to black as you collapse.
  812. [Updated 24/08/2020]
  814. Nurse's office
  815. >“How is he?”
  816. >“He’s asleep, but stable. The fever has lessened, but it’s still very high.”
  817. >Principal Celestia sighs in relief before noticing Redheart with a look of concern on her face.
  818. >“That’s not what you called me for, is it?”
  819. >“N-no ma'am, this is what I called you about.” Redheart lifts your arm and shows the scars on the inside of your wrists and arms.
  820. >Principal Celestia winces and covers her mouth to gasp quietly, but otherwise keeps her professional composure.
  821. >“There’s more.”
  822. >She slides the bed sheet down your chest revealing a few scars and marks that are there as well.
  823. >Celestia motions that she's seen enough and suppresses another gasp as she quickly turns around so Redheart can’t see her eyes start to tear up.
  824. >“Thank you Redheart. I’ll make a note of it.” Celestia wipes her tear before turning to face the nurse again.
  825. >“Do you think he’s a risk?” Redheart glances at you, thinking about the scar on your wrist.
  826. >Celestia rubs her chin for a moment. “I haven’t yet heard anything to suggest that he might be.”
  827. >Nurse Redheart looks at her with a worried look, unsure of what to do. All her time as the school’s nurse she had never experienced anything such as this.
  828. >“W-what should I do?” She asks as she covers you back up with the sheet.
  829. >“Please just treat his fever. That is why he’s in here. No notes about his scars.”
  830. >“But Principal, shouldn’t we-“, Redheart is cut off by Celestia’s calming yet stern voice.
  831. >“Anon’s file made no mention of this."
  832. >Redheart flinches, not moving or saying anything.
  833. >"However, it was also very bare. I will make some inquiries. Please let me know if his condition changes, nurse.” She proceeds to the door of the infirmary.
  834. >“O-of course, ma’am.”
  835. >Celestia is about to open the door, but stops and looks over her shoulder to the nurse.
  836. >“And of course, for Anon’s privacy, this is strictly confidential. Understood?”
  837. >Redheart nods quickly as Celestia shoots her a gentle smile before leaving the little office.
  838. >As Celestia walks back to her office, she is pained to learn that Anon had hurt himself in the past.
  839. >But more disturbing are the signs of past abuse the young man must have endured.
  840. >She cares so much for each of her students, and Anon should be no different, but just thinking of what he must have been through makes her heart break.
  841. >Once she reaches her office she locks the door and pulls up Anon’s file from her cabinet.
  842. >Opening it, she starts at his photo for a little while, and again tears begin to form in her eyes.
  843. >"Anon... what happened to you?"
  844. >Celestia rubs her eyes at the bridge of her nose, before picking up the phone.
  845. ~~~~~
  848. >“Rarity, was this really a good idea? Shouldn’t we have taken him to the hospital?”
  849. >“Yeah, Ah agree with Dash. We’re not cut out to handle something like this.”
  850. >“There’s no backing out now girls. We promised Principal Celestia we’d help, and we’re gonna stick by it.”
  851. >“Yeah I know Sunset, but things are different now.”
  852. >“How so? He’s still Nonny!”
  853. >“Yeah Pinkie, but you know. You saw it!”
  854. >“I know Dash! So what?”
  855. >“So what?! How do you explain all those scars? And those look like injection tracks on his forearms! He’s probably an addict!”
  856. >“Girls, girls,” Twilight quiets everyone down a bit. “we’re getting a little loud.”
  857. >“They do look awfully painful. Maybe he likes to get into fights?”
  858. >“Hold on now Fluttershy, I’ve got a few cuts and scrapes myself. That don’t mean I’m some kind of danger to myself or others. Just means I’m a bit careless.”
  859. >“I don’t care what the excuse is, how the heck does someone his age have that many scars?”
  860. >“Dash you’re raising your voice again.”
  861. >“Sorry Twi, but I don’t trust him.” Dash says as she crosses her arms.
  862. >“There’s a lot he’s not telling us.”
  863. >“Yeah I agree Dash.” Sunset nods, “But can you blame him though? Without even getting to know him we already have this impression he’s a trouble maker. That’s not fair. Not for him.”
  864. >“Sunset’s right. I mean, you could ask anyone in the year level about him and I’d reckon they’d have only rumours and slander to tell ya.”
  865. >“I get that AJ, but why is he so secretive? What’s he hiding?”
  866. >“Rarity, has he told you anything?”
  867. >The table of girls shift their attention to Rarity, who hasn’t really said much.
  868. >“What? Me?” she feigns ignorance. “Nothing of particular interest…”
  869. >“Come on Rarity, there’s a reason he’s here and not at his home or the hospital, isn’t there?”
  870. >“Yeah, now that you mention it Twi, who were you talking to one the phone before?”
  871. >“Oh, that was just Anon’s boss, asking if he could work tonight.”
  872. >“That’s another thing.” Dash points out. “Isn’t it strange that no one seems to care that he’s here? No one even came to pick him up from school.”
  873. >“Rainbow Dash does have a point. Maybe his parents are working all the time?”
  874. >“In times of medical emergencies, schools are required to have a contactable next of kin or guardian for this very reason.” Twilight replies to Fluttershy. “It is very strange though that no one came to pick him up. You’d think a family friend at least would have.”
  875. >“Poor Nonny, maybe that’s why he’s so quiet. He’s just lonely at home and at school.” Pinkie says without any of her usual pep.
  876. >“Pinkie, maybe his parents are away overseas and he doesn’t get to see them much. Flash’s parents are like that.” Sunset adds to cheer up Pinkie.
  877. >Rarity almost knocking her cup of tea over gets the attention of the girls.
  878. >“Everything alright Rares?” Dash quirks an eyebrow at her.
  879. >“Actually...” She mumbles as she hastily wipes up the spilled tea.
  880. >Fluttershy, sitting the closest to Rarity leans in a little. “Sorry Rarity, did you say something?”
  881. >“I… um…never mind.”
  882. >“Go on sugarcube.” AJ crosses her arms waiting.
  883. >The girls stares’ adding pressure to Rarity.
  884. >With a sigh, Rarity crumbles under their gaze.
  885. >“Forgive me Anon.” She mumbles to herself.
  886. >“Girls, what I am about to tell you must absolutely, positively NOT leave this room.”
  887. >The girls exchange glances before nodding.
  888. >“It is imperative that you keep it secret. Do you understand?”
  889. >“Pinkie promise.” Pinkie crosses her heart and slaps her eye.
  890. >“Never breathe a word of this again to anyone, not even yourselves?”
  891. >“Yes, Rarity.” Dash says with an eyeroll. “We get it.”
  892. >“Very well. Anon is…”
  893. ~~~
  894. >The girls all sport frowns on their faces, after Rarity explains Anon’s situation.
  895. >"No kidding..." Sunset sighs dejectedly.
  896. >“Wow… that kind of makes a lot of sense actually.” Rainbow says quietly as guilt from her prejudice kicks in.
  897. >“No kidding Dash. Poor guy.” Applejack takes off her hat.
  898. >“Poor Nonny. I mean not poor, I mean sad.” Pinkie quickly corrects herself.
  899. >“And to live like how you described Rarity, That’s so sad.” Fluttershy says as she stirs her tea.
  900. >Sunset looks up from her hot chocolate to ask Rarity a question.
  901. >“He’s really protective of that necklace. Has he said anything to you about it?”
  902. >Rarity shakes her head slowly.
  903. >“Afraid not, Sunset.”
  904. >“He’s just really protective of it and the scarf.”
  905. >“Scarf?”
  906. >“Yes. He has a cashmere cloth with the same symbol embroidered on it.”
  907. >Sunset rubs her chin in thought.
  908. >Just then a knock on the door breaks the atmosphere of the room as Rarity answers.
  909. >“Rarity, mom and dad want to know if you’re all staying for dinner.” Sweetie Belle pokes her head in and asks the girls.
  910. >“What’s for dinner?” Twilight innocently asks.
  911. >Dash, Sunset and Applejack all shoot Twilight a look that says ‘You shouldn’t have asked’.
  912. >“Meatloaf!” Sweetie squeaks excitedly. “I’m helping cook it too!”
  913. >Twilight beams with glee as the rest all look at each other with worry; remembering the last time they had stayed for a ‘home-cooked meal’.
  914. >"Oooh" Twilight smiles before Sunset covers her mouth.
  915. >“We wouldn’t want to overstay our welcome.” Sunset delicately replies, and the other girls nod.
  916. >Rarity’s family was middle class, but cooking wasn’t really something any in the household were particularly good at.
  917. >“Aww…” Sweetie pouts. “Are you sure?”
  918. >”Yep, we’re sure. Gotta go. Lots of homework to do.” Dash blurts out as kindly as possible, not to hurt the younger sisters’ feelings.
  919. >”We’ll see ya tomorrow Rares.” Applejack says as the girls all grab their bags and head out of the room.
  920. >”Wait.” Sunset says to the others as they pass the door that Anon is in.
  921. >Sunset opens the door quietly and peeks inside.
  922. >”Get well soon Anon.” She whispers as she closes the door.
  924. >The sound of a door closing rouses you awake.
  925. >Slowly you come to, blinking to adjust to the low light in the room.
  926. >You feel wet. An uncomfortable kind of wet, like all your clothes are sticking to your body.
  927. >Slowly you prop yourself into a sitting position with your elbows.
  928. >A wet cloth falls from your forehead as you sit up.
  929. >Still a bit weak and you still have a headache, although it’s not as intense.
  930. >The only light in the room is coming from the lamp on the bedside table.
  931. >The curtains are drawn but there’s no light peeking from under them, so it must be night time.
  932. >Looking around the room, you’re not sure where you are. Nothing is familiar.
  933. >Your breathing is still a bit rapid and you feel your forehead.
  934. >Still a bit hot.
  935. >Looking down you see your dress shirt is unbuttoned a bit and you’re covered in sweat.
  936. >At least you’re still dressed.
  937. >Immediately you begin patting at your chest for a familiar lump but it’s not there.
  938. >Luckily you find it on the bedside table and breathe a sigh of relief. Your phone and wallet are also neatly placed there.
  939. >You reach over to it but it is just far enough out of your reach.
  940. >“Well good evening.” A familiar voice says from the other side of the room.
  941. >Rarity enters holding a tray with a bowl of water and a hand towel, placing it on the bedside table.
  942. >“Anon. You shouldn’t be moving about. You need to rest.”
  943. >She says placing her hand on your chest and gently pushing you back into the bed.
  944. “Where am I?” you weakly whisper.
  945. >“Shh-shhh” She hushes you. “You’re in my guest room, Anon. You collapsed during school.”
  946. >You raise your head to ask another question but she stops you.
  947. >“Rest darling. You still have a slight fever. It appears your cut had become infected.”
  948. >A fever? Knew you should’ve stayed at home today.
  949. >“Excuse me dear.” Rarity sits on the edge of the bed as you scoot over a bit making room.
  950. >Rarity explains as she wrings out the towel and places it back onto your forehead.
  951. >“Nurse Redheart took care of that,” Rarity glances to your arm. “And she gave you some antibiotics as well.”
  952. >You lift your arm and see a properly dressed wound. The itching sensation is also gone.
  953. “Thanks.” Weakly you whisper. “What time is it?”
  954. >“It’s seven pm, you have been asleep since lunch time.”
  955. “Okay… but why am I here?
  956. >“When you collapsed, we brought you to the nurses’ office. Your fever was much higher than it is now.”
  957. >“Nurse Redheart and Principal Celestia were inclined to call an ambulance to take you. They could not figure out why your fever was so high.”
  958. >She wipes more sweat away.
  959. >“However, I was able to persuade them not to, explaining that the cut on your arm might be why.”
  960. >"And with the school day ending, they couldn't very well leave you in the infirmary."
  961. >”So, after a little persuasion, Principal Celestia allowed me to care for you.”
  962. “Thank you Rarity. But how..?”
  963. >”Let’s just say it was a favor for saving the school.” She smiles slyly.
  964. >You have no idea what she means but are thankful nonetheless.
  965. >“However…” Rarity becomes a bit serious in her tone of voice.
  966. >“Principal Celestia is, at this very moment, considering whether or not to have you medically examined. It appears she fears you are a risk to yourself.”
  967. >Rarity takes your hand and turns it over, emphasising her point by tracing the scar on your wrist and the cigarette burns on your forearm.
  968. >“And, heavens forgive me,” She pleads, “As do I.”
  969. >You try to take your hand back but Rarity doesn’t relent, bringing it closer to her chest, hugging it.
  970. “Rarity…” Bringing yourself to a sitting position, Rarity grabs your shoulders and rests her forehead on your collar bone.
  971. >Her hair smells as nice as when she was in your apartment.
  973. >“Please Anon, I need to know. You're not...are you? I couldn’t live with myself if you ever…” She says with tears in her eyes.
  974. >What is she on about?
  975. >Wait, does she thinks you’re suicidal?
  976. >You can use this if you answer right.
  977. >You think of a careful answer. If she and her friends think like that, they’ll be watching everything you do.
  978. >On the reverse though, if you don’t give them a convincing answer they’ll never leave you alone.
  979. “Rarity, I’m not. Not anymore.”
  980. >“Anymore?”
  981. “Rarity, my life has been anything but easy. Bad things happened a very long time ago, and I’ve buried it all.”
  982. >She looks at you with those eyes again. You feel compelled to trust her, to tell her everything, but you know you shouldn’t. She wouldn’t understand.
  983. “Please understand that I don't want to talk about it. But know that I’m trying to move on from what happened.”
  984. >“Let me and the girls help you Anon. We are your friends, after all.”
  985. >She wipes her tears away.
  986. >“I’m not saying tear your walls down dear, but please, let us in. Even if just a little.”
  987. >She hugs you tightly and her warmth feels good on your bare chest.
  988. >She’s really getting to you. So much for your ‘no-attachments’ vow.
  989. >Instinctively you hug her back and whisper into her ear.
  990. “Maybe one day, Rarity. I promise to try.”
  991. >Rarity gives you a final squeeze, then wipes the last few stray tears before composing herself again.
  992. >“Swear it to me Anon. Swear that it’s all behind you.”
  993. “I swear, Rarity.” You emphasise with a cross over your heart.
  994. >Rarity sniffles before taking a deep breathe to clear her mind.
  995. >“Now then…” Her eyes dart down to your chest.
  996. >She begins to unbutton the rest of your shirt, slowly sliding it open.
  997. >You’re too tired to resist, not that you mind her doing it, if you’re being honest.
  998. >She traces the scars on your chest with her fingers before she dabs your sweat with the freshly soaked towel.
  999. >You hadn’t even noticed that she's now sitting on your lap.
  1000. >But you notice now. And how nice her figure is in that pencil skirt.
  1001. >And now that you've seen, you can't help not notice and it's making your blood flow from your face to your lower half.
  1002. >"Oh dear! You're going pale!" She gasps as she shifts about on your lap in a panic.
  1003. >She's unintentionally making it worse and you're getting harder there the more she shifts around, causing you to blush more, making Rarity think it's your temperature going up making her shift around more.
  1004. >You try to think of something boring to clear your mind of those thoughts only to feel Rarity sliding your shirt down your arms.
  1005. >Looking down you get an incredible up-close view of her cleavage, and it certainly was amazing.
  1006. >You glance for a second and pull your eyes away. Now's not the time to think about that kind of stuff.
  1007. >Neither of you say a thing as she undresses you.
  1008. >“There we are. I’ll wash this and you can have one of my fathers’ shirts.”
  1009. >Your heartrate was elevated before but now it’s racing.
  1010. >She's so close to you but you feel embarrassed to look her in the face. In fact, this whole time you've not really looked her directly in the eyes.
  1011. >Rarity cusps your face in her hands and brushes your fringe back to get a good look at your face. You avoid looking into her eyes.
  1012. >“My, you are quite handsome Anon. Has anyone ever told you that?” She teases you in a seductive voice.
  1013. >Nervously you swallow. “N-no. I-I don’t think I am.”
  1014. >She giggles at your face turning red. “But you are. When you’re better, we’re going to get your hair cut and it will be the start of a whole new you!” she says with a little giggle.
  1015. >She’s close enough to your face that you can see down her blouse.
  1016. >She’s close enough to your face that you can see down her blouse again.
  1017. >You're suprised her tits are real, you thought she wore a padded bra. Not that you were perving on her when at school or at the restaurant, but because you got a few glances occasionally because so always wore something figure-hugging.
  1018. >Yep, they’re real and big and are really just right there.
  1019. >You’re trying not to look but it's hard to stop your eyes drifting down there.
  1020. "Uh..s-sure, I guess."
  1023. >“Hey Rarity, mom says that dinner will be ready soo-“ Sweetie Belle walks in without knocking, catching you both in an embarrassingly compromising position.
  1024. >Just as quickly as she entered she had already left, closing the door behind her after shouting “Sorry!”
  1025. >“Sweetie!” Rarity jumps off your lap but her sister is already gone.
  1026. >You’re not sure what just happened but you’re too embarrassed to say anything.
  1027. >Rarity grabs some folded clothes at the end of the bed and places them next to you.
  1028. >Judging by the silence from Rarity, she must be pretty embarrassed too.
  1029. >“I-I’ll bring you some dinner. You should get changed.” She says with a deep blush and eyes averted.
  1030. >You nod as you take the large shirt and put it on as Rarity leaves.
  1031. >Once the door closes, you lean back down onto the soft Egyptian cotton pillows and they feel amazing compared to what you’re used to.
  1032. >You think back at what Rarity might be thinking, and indeed, what the nurse and principal might be thinking as well.
  1033. >You rule out them reading your file. The courts sealed those details and only the orphanage has the record of them, so that aspect remains secret.
  1034. >However, they think you’re suicidal now. That means they’re going to be watching you and keeping you closer to them.
  1035. >It’s not that bad though, is it? You ponder to yourself as you lay there.
  1036. >Also means another rumour about you to spread around, not that you care that much.
  1037. >The door bursts open, scaring the hell out of you as a tall man marches up to you.
  1038. >“How you feelin' boy-o?”
  1039. >He says as he grabs your hand and shakes it vigorously. “Name’s Hondo. Nice ta meet'cha.”
  1040. “Anon. Likewise sir.”
  1041. >“I didn’t think I’d be meeting you so soon boy.”
  1042. >You give him a confused look.
  1043. “You did save my little buttercup didn’t you?”
  1044. >“I uh… yes?”
  1045. >He puts his arm around your shoulder and starts spouting about how he’s always gotta keep an eye on his two little princesses.
  1046. >Occasionally he’d slap you in the back followed by a laugh.
  1047. >You’re really uncomfortable, and he’s really close. You can smell his cologne.
  1048. >But you’re really not in any position other than to just bear it.
  1049. >“Father! Enough!” Rarity yells from the door way holding a tray with food on it.
  1050. >Hondo stops, giving you a chance to let out a few coughs.
  1051. >“Honestly, what were you thinking?” Rarity pushes her father aside and places the tray with ‘dinner’ onto the bedside table.
  1052. >“Oh Rarity, I’m sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there hey.”
  1053. >She hmphs at her father before sitting down next to you.
  1054. >“I’m dreadfully sorry Anon. My father has a tendency to *ahem* get carried away.”
  1055. >She shoots her father another glance and he takes it as his cue to leave the room.
  1056. >“Oh, um...Looks like dinners' ready! Well nice ta meet ya sport. Mi casa es su casa." He says as he scratches the back of his head. "Come out whenever you’re feeling better and I’ll show you around.”
  1057. “T-thank you sir.”
  1058. >“Hondo’s fine. No one’s ever called me sir apart from the police hehe.”
  1059. >He laughs to himself as he leaves the room, and you can still hear him laughing through the wall.
  1060. >“Again, I’m terribly sorry Anon. Papa tends-“
  1061. “No it’s fine Rarity." You interupt her, "He just surprised me is all.”
  1062. >“I’ve brought you some dinner. Shall we?” Rarity sets the lap table your lap, and you notice there's two plates.
  1063. >She presents you with ‘dinner’.
  1064. >“Meatloaf and steamed vegetables.”
  1065. >Rarity smiles as you nervously pick up the fork and cut a small piece and taste it.
  1066. >She watches you expectantly, and under her gaze you don’t feel telling her the truth is the right move right now.
  1067. >“Mother’s specialty. My sister Sweetie helped cook it too.”
  1068. >After chewing it from one cheek to the other, you force it down.
  1069. “It’s…. definitely something.” You nervously tell her, the sting of the burnt taste still fresh on your tongue.
  1070. >Rarity claps her hands together happily. “I’ll tell mother you like it.” She smiles widely as she picks up her plate and begins eating it next to you.
  1072. >Dinner was a challenge, to say the least.
  1073. >You've eaten old food. You've eaten off food. You've even eaten stuff you thought was food from places where you wouldn't normally find food.
  1074. >But you've never eaten whatever that 'meatloaf' was.
  1075. >How they got it burnt crisp on the outside and yet still a touch undercooked on the inside was beyond your culinary knowledge.
  1076. >To be nice, you ate it all. You were starving after all, and didn't want to be rude.
  1077. >Now you wish you hadn't.
  1078. >Rarity took the plate a while ago and said she was going to leave you to rest while she did some homework.
  1079. >She suggested you lay down and rest a bit more, or take a bath to clean your sweat off.
  1080. >Which wasn't a bad idea.
  1081. >You ran the bath and got yourself cleaned up.
  1082. >The hot bath was very relaxing. Almost indulgent.
  1083. >Quick showers were what you were used to, as there wasn't enough hot water in your apartment.
  1084. >You felt like a king just relaxing in this large tub. The clamy feeling on your skin just washed away in the soothing massaging heat of the bath.
  1085. >You didn't want it to end, you just wanted to enjoy it for as long as you could, who knows when you'd get a chance like this again.
  1087. >After a while you felt the bath start to cool, so you get yourself out and dry yourself.
  1088. >Putting some pants on you stand at the large mirror that adorned the wall from the floor to the ceiling.
  1089. >This is probably the first time you've seen yourself fully reflected.
  1090. >Thinking back at what Rarity had said, you start pulling your hair into all different hairstyles to see what would suit you.
  1091. >Long shoulder length hair, usually kept it tied in a tail like those Samurai in movies you used to watch.
  1092. >Your fringe covers most of your face. You sweep it apart so you can see your whole face. Maybe you can find what Rarity seems to think is there.
  1093. >Just the same face with those same green eyes staring back.
  1094. >Mesomorph physique. You're not overweight, but one could say you're borderline underweight for your BMI.
  1095. >Maybe you should go back to working out. Back in juvie was when you put most of the muscle on, so maybe you should work to maintain it.
  1096. >Looking at yourself what you see disgusts you. You've always hated it.
  1097. >Your scars.
  1098. >Your past forever carved into your body as permanent reminders of what your value was as a person.
  1099. >Turning around you can see them on your back too.
  1100. >The cigarette burns on your arm, and the wrist scars from the cable ties digging in. The newest one courtesy of that rapist still stung a bit, but it was healing.
  1101. >You clench your fists at the memories. The torment.
  1102. >That hell you endured.
  1103. >'Keep it together Anon. You were doing so well not to recall them for so long.' You remind yourself.
  1104. >Deep breaths. Count 1 to 10. Calm yourself down.
  1105. >You do stupid things when you're angry, and you don't want to scare Rarity or her family.
  1106. >Taking more deep breathes you use the image of Rarity breasts to distract you.
  1107. >It works, and brings another part of you to life.
  1108. >Before you know it, you're standing over the toilet stroking yourself aggressively to the image of Rarity's breasts.
  1109. >You can't get the image out of your mind.
  1110. >The smell of her perfume, the perfect shape of her breasts, how they must feel to be held, how soft they must feel.
  1111. >You're really getting into it when you hear a knock on the door.
  1112. >"Anon, are you there?" Rarity calls out through the door.
  1113. >Shit, better stop for now.
  1114. "Y-yeah, I'll be out in a sec."
  1115. >A splash of cold water as you wash your hands helps to calm yourself down.
  1117. >Rarity is sitting on the bed waiting for you.
  1118. "Oh, sorry to trouble you Anon. I forgot I need to wrap your arm." She pats the bed next to her.
  1119. >Sitting next to Rarity she dabs a cotton ball with antibiotics on your cut.
  1120. >The whole time you've been stealing glances at her.
  1121. >"Is something the matter?"
  1122. >Her question pulls you out of your stare
  1123. >It was completely un-Rarity-like to see her in sweatpants and oversized tee shirt.
  1124. "It's just weird... seeing you in something so... casual."
  1125. >"I'll admit that I don't normally wear something so..." She pulls her shirt a bit, "casual, but I must say it is rather comfortable."
  1126. >You just nod
  1127. >"D-does it not suit me?" She asks with a bit of a pout.
  1128. "It's not that, it's just... Every time I've seen you you're always dressed in your best."
  1129. >Rarity smiles at your compliment. "Thank you darling. However, since Friday night, I've grown quite fond of this simple nightwear."
  1130. >She finishes wrapping your arm.
  1131. >"It's much less time consuming than my usual evening routine. And not to mention, covers more than what I'd usually wear to bed."
  1132. >She puts her finger to her lips and gives you a wink.
  1133. >You can't help but blush.
  1134. >Rarity starts to giggle to soften the mood and you can't help but let out a short laugh yourself.
  1135. >Your laugh is cut short as you cover your mouth with your hand.
  1136. >Standing up quickly you rush to the bathroom, throwing the door closed behind you
  1137. >"What's the matter Anon?" Rarity calls through the door
  1138. >Reaching the toilet you begin to throw up.
  1140. >"Sunset darling, could you let the teachers know I won't be in school tomorrow?"
  1141. >"Yes, Anon's fever hasn't quite gone down yet, and on top of that, he's... ahem, throwing up."
  1142. >"Thank you darling. Ciao."
  1143. >Rarity tucks you in to bed.
  1144. "Sorry you had to see that. I'll be alright."
  1145. >Rarity gives you a concerned look before putting her hand on your forehead.
  1146. >"You just get some sleep. You can stay here tomorrow with me."
  1147. "Thank you Rarity. For everything."
  1148. >Your stomach starts rumbling loudly.
  1149. >"Heavens! I'll make you some tea. You'll never get any rest with your stomach unsettled."
  1150. >Before Rarity leaves, you ask her for something to nibble on.
  1151. >"Not to worry Anon, I'll be back shortly."
  1152. >Man you are starving.
  1153. >You didn't have the heart to tell her it was dinner and not the fever that made you throw up.
  1154. >Ugh, you can still taste it despite rinsing your mouth out with mouthwash.
  1155. >Rarity returns a while later with a steaming teapot and cup, as well as a few wrapped cookies.
  1156. >The pleasant aroma of the hot brew wafts gently to your nose and your stomach reacts with another rumble.
  1157. >"I'll leave this here Anon. Drink it slowly while it's still hot. It's a nice tea you can drink even when it's cooled down."
  1158. >You thank her again..
  1159. >She pats your chest a few times before leaving, but not before bidding you a good night.
  1160. >Letting the tea cool down a bit before drinking it and eating the cookies really helped to settle your stomach, allowing you to get a good nights' sleep.
  1162. >Morning comes and the alarm blaring wakes Rarity from her sleep.
  1163. >For all her lady-like mannerisms, Rarity still yawned and stretched as undignified and unladylike as any other teen-aged girl.
  1164. >After making herself presentable, she comes to the kitchen.
  1165. >The smell of something delicious cooking only enticing her to get to the kitchen faster to see what goodness awaits her.
  1166. >"Morning sis."
  1167. >"Morning honey."
  1168. >"Morning Rarity."
  1169. >"Good morning everyone." Rarity greets her family sitting at the table.
  1170. "Good morning Rarity. Just in time, breakfast will be ready soon." You call from in front of the stove.
  1171. >"Anon, what are you doing up? You should be resting!" Rarity grabs your forehead and feels for a temperature.
  1172. "I'm completely fine Rarity, I feel much better and my arm doesn't even hurt anymore."
  1173. >"That may be, but you should still rest today."
  1174. "I wanted to thank you and your family with a nice breakfast."
  1175. >"Just don't over do it, alright?"
  1176. >Rarity takes a seat next to Sweetie and pours herself a cup of orange juice.
  1177. >"Oh mother, this is Anon, he's the-"
  1178. >"Oh honey, I know, your father's told me all about it." She winks at Rarity.
  1179. >After a little while you bring the plates out to the table.
  1180. >Scrambled eggs and bacon for the man of the house
  1181. >"Whoa it certainly smells delicious!" Hondo says as he folds the newspaper and puts it down.
  1182. >Omelette with mushrooms for Cookie, omelette with cheese and bacon for Sweetie and omelette with cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes for Rarity.
  1183. >Sweetie bounces in her seat in giddy anticipation
  1184. >Everyone begins to tuck into their breakfast as you sit down with your own plate of eggs and bacon.
  1185. >"Wow Anon, you cooked the bacon perfect! And these eggs," Hondo brings another fork to his mouth. "Mmm-mmm, nice and creamy!"
  1186. "Thanks Mr. Flanks, I made them with the saucepan, so they stay creamy and fluffy."
  1187. >"Why Anon, this is just delicious! Where ever did you learn to cook like this?" Cookie asks after taking a bite.
  1189. >"Yeah you should work in a restaurant!"
  1190. >Rarity scolds sweetie for speaking with a mouth full of food.
  1191. "I do, actually. Three, in fact."
  1192. >"Wow, that must be so hard. What do your parents think about you working so many jobs?"
  1193. >You almost drop your fork at the question. Rarity is the only one to notice your unease and tries to change the subject.
  1194. >"Mother, that's not quite appropriate."
  1195. >"Oh? I was just worried his parents might think he was working too hard."
  1196. >Rarity shoots her mother a look that says to drop the subject, but Cookie continues, oblivious to the message Rarity was sending with her eyes.
  1197. "I... I actually live by myself."
  1198. >Hondo and Cookie stop eating and look at you with concern on their faces.
  1199. >"Anon, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
  1200. "It's alright. Let's just say that certain circumstances have forced me to live by myself."
  1201. >"Well, from what I've heard and seen so far, you're certainly leaps and bounds more mature and independent than most boys your age, from what Rarity tells me."
  1202. >Hondo lightens the mood a little with a laugh.
  1203. "Let's eat before the food gets cold."
  1204. >Everyone thanks you for breakfast when they finish their meal.
  1205. "It's nothing, really. I did however use most of your eggs, so I apologize."
  1206. >"Hey don't worry!" Honda slaps your shoulder. "Most of the time we end up throwing half the food out anyways."
  1207. >Hearing that makes your eye twitch. You hope no one noticed it though.
  1208. >However, to be kind you just laugh along with Hondo.
  1209. >Rarity shoots you a look that says she's sorry on behalf of her family.
  1210. >You just give her a curt smile before you clear the table.
  1212. >It's just you and Rarity now, alone in her house.
  1213. >Hondo and Cookie left for work after breakfast, taking Sweetie to school with them.
  1214. >After you finish cleaning the kitchen, Rarity steps in.
  1215. >She's looking like her primped up self so she must've had a shower while you were cleaning.
  1216. >"Anon, you should be resting, even if you feel fine." She gives you a worried look.
  1217. "I'm done anyways. I'm not used to having nothing to do."
  1218. >"Is that so? Then, would you mind helping me with something?"
  1219. "Sure. What did you need?"
  1220. >"Please come with me."
  1221. >Rarity leads you into another room in the house.
  1222. >Looking around the studio, you are very impressed with what you see.
  1223. >The room is well lit and there are designs and sketches pinned to one wall.
  1224. >On another wall there must be a hundred spools of thread, all in different shades of colour.
  1225. >A dozen mannequins stand around the room, many donning different outfits in various stages of completion.
  1226. >In the middle of the room is a large bench with a sewing machine on it.
  1227. >the rest of the table is littered in pages of sketches, measurements and designs.
  1228. >This room is huge, it looks like it might have been a converted garage or basement.
  1229. >"Sorry that my work space is a little cluttered." Rarity grabs a measuring tape off the table.
  1230. "Wow this is amazing." There's a hint of admiration in your voice. "It's very impressive."
  1231. >"Thank you darling." Rarity proudly boasts.
  1232. >"Well, if you don't mind..." She blushes a little, causing you to dry swallow nervously. "Would you mind if I got some measurements from you?"
  1233. "Oh, uh sure, I guess. What's it for?"
  1234. >"To get into fashion design, I'd like to have my portfolio be as broad as possible, hence why I started a mens line. Unfortunately, I don't really have many male friends who could help me with sizing."
  1235. >It was quite interesting to hear that Rarity, one of the hottest girls in possibly the whole school doesn't really have any male friends.
  1237. >"And, if you don't mind me saying Anon, you have quite the physique. It would be perfect for modelling, if I do say so myself."
  1238. >Her compliment makes you red in the face and you just look at the floor.
  1239. >"How about it?" She gives you a wink.
  1240. "I'll pass, thanks."
  1241. >She pouts a little but is otherwise not phased.
  1242. >"Please, stand here." She shows you to a raised platform.
  1243. "What should I do?"
  1244. >"Just stand here, feet apart. I'll do the rest."
  1245. >Rarity begins to take your measurements.
  1246. >She's very thorough as well, getting just about every measurement and writing them down.
  1247. >It's quiet work, so to cut the awkwardness, she started talking with you.
  1248. >Just chit-chat like what her parents do, what having a little mischievious sister is like.
  1249. >"Anon, I apologise for my parents."
  1250. "What for?"
  1251. >"Well... earlier when father said we throw half the food out..." Rarity pauses for a second, "I could tell it made you uncomfortable, didn't it?"
  1252. "Mmhmm."
  1253. >"Please, I hope you don't think we're wasteful people. We're not usually like that. It's just... with mother now working we hardly ever have a home cooked meal."
  1254. >To say it didn't bother you would be a lie. Food was a privilege you didn't always have, and to hear that a lot of it gets thrown out here makes you angry.
  1255. >"Anon... you're not angry, are you?" Rarity asks quietly.
  1256. >It's not Rarity's fault however, so there's no point in getting angry about it.
  1257. "Not really. Just try not to waste as much, alright?" You give her a small smile to put her mind at ease.
  1258. "Say, Rarity..."
  1259. >"Yes?"
  1260. "I... well..."
  1261. >"Hmm?" She squeaks from behind you as she measures your shoulders.
  1262. "Uh, well... I didn't get a chance to ask you... but..."
  1263. >"Lift your arms straight out please."
  1264. >She wraps her arms around your chest from behind, pinching the tape where it overlaps.
  1265. "About Friday night... are you alright?"
  1267. >A moment has passed without either of you moving or making a sound.
  1268. "I didn't mean to bring it up, but I'm worried because you're taking it rather well considering what happened..."
  1269. >Maybe you shouldn't have said anything.
  1270. >Still, from your own experiences, something as traumatic as nearly being raped wasn't something that you can just shrug off and continue life as normal.
  1271. >Rarity lays her head on your back as her arms tighten around your chest.
  1272. >"Thank you Anon. You really are such a kind and sweet boy."
  1273. >She tightens her hug around your chest a little bit more.
  1274. >"To be honest, I haven't thought about it at all. I know I should feel something."
  1275. >Rarity takes a deep breathe. "I think it's because of you that I don't feel scared, even though I know I should."
  1276. >You don't know what to say. She's taking it well. Perhaps a little too well.
  1277. >Maybe she's stronger than the dainty princess her persona portrays her as.
  1278. >"I guess it just feels like a bad dream, -a nightmare that I just want to forget."
  1279. >Rarity's crying whimpers reach your ears and you can feel her bury her head into your back more
  1280. >"Truth is, i-if it weren't for you... I might not be here right now. That's what scares me, Anon."
  1281. >She's almost crying at this point.
  1282. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up."
  1283. >"Don't apologize! You did nothing wrong. You saved me that night. I'm only here because of you."
  1284. >Your hands move on their own and they envelope her hands and grip them tight to your chest.
  1285. >"I get to see my family every night and every morning, and it's because of you. If there's anything I can do for you, please, just let me know."
  1286. >Rarity just cries for a little longer and you just stand there in silence.
  1287. >Not sure what to do, or say, you just let her cry it out, but continue to hold her hands so she's not alone.
  1288. >That's the least you can do.
  1290. ~
  1291. >"Sorry about that, I think I really needed to get that out." Rarity dabs her handkerchief at the corners of her eyes.
  1292. "It's alright. It's not good to bottle those things up inside."
  1293. >"Thank you Anon, for everything you've done for me."
  1294. >Rarity takes a deep calming breath
  1295. >"Now, shall we continue?"
  1296. >Rarity continues to take your measurements and after a little while she's finished.
  1297. >"Thank you for helping me with this. It was a great help."
  1298. >Rarity puts the notebook that she wrote all the measurements and a few sketches in on the table
  1299. >She collapses into the chair and sighs heavily.
  1300. >You pick up some of her sketches and have a look.
  1301. >They are very detailed and the designs are amazing.
  1302. "These are very good"
  1303. >"Thank you darling. I didn't know you had an eye for art."
  1304. "Not really. I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. Now it's just to pass the time and art class."
  1305. >"Really? I'd like to see your work sometime."
  1306. "Maybe one day. Say, how long does it take to make the suit?"
  1307. >Rarity sits up in her chair, tapping her finger on her chin in thought.
  1308. >"If there are no issues, maybe four weeks? Why do you ask?"
  1309. "No reason, just curious."
  1310. >You need a suit in a few weeks' time for a special event. Unfortunately, you have no money, and you couldn't ask Rarity for one. That'd put you in debt to her.
  1311. >You could wear the suit that Rarity altered for you, but it would look better for you to wear a proper suit
  1312. >"What's on your mind darling?" She leans on her elbows towards you.
  1313. >Her eyes stare at you, she knows you're thinking something by the little smile that's creeping on her lips.
  1314. >You just look away, her stare makes you nervous.
  1315. >"So there /is/ something on your mind then?"
  1316. "Uh, well, it's, uh nothing." You mumble awkwardly.
  1317. >Rarity giggles at your mumbling. "Just say what's on your mind. No need to by shy."
  1318. "Well, Um, once it's completed, do you think-"
  1319. >She raises an eyebrow "Yes~?"
  1320. "Could I borrow it for something?"
  1322. >"My Anon, have you got a date?" She giggles to herself. "Kidding! Of course you can use it."
  1323. "Thanks Rar-"
  1324. >"On one condition~"
  1325. "Which is..?"
  1326. >"You have to be my modelling partner, agree?"
  1327. >Should've known she was going to say that.
  1328. >As you think it over for a moment, Rarity continues
  1329. >"It will be fun Anon! You model what I create, and I'll happily make you some new clothes. And all you have to do is wear them!"
  1330. >"Why, I'll be doing all the work really!" Rarity bats her eyelids at you
  1331. >You know she's getting to you but you try not to look
  1332. >"Pretty please~"
  1333. "Fine. I agree." You sigh, as Rarity does a little happy shuffle in her seat.
  1334. >The hours flew by as you were helping Rarity in her studio.
  1335. >Mostly just adding your input on her designs and sketches.
  1336. >You both stopped for lunch.
  1337. >Rarity insisted on reheating the meatloaf.
  1338. >Not wanting to chance another stomach, you told her you saw some things in the fridge and you could make something.
  1339. >So you made fried rice. Nothing special, just whatever bits and pieces you found in the fridge and pantry.
  1340. >You made enough that her family could have it for dinner.
  1341. >After you ate lunch you got changed and made your way home.
  1342. >Rarity wanted you to stay longer, but you couldn't miss another shift.
  1343. >You couldn't tell her that all your shifts just barely cover your rent and bills.
  1344. >And because you missed a shift, you were now behind.
  1345. >Maybe you should just leave school and work full time.
  1347. >You were lucky to do a bit of overtime last night, so you weren't completely behind.
  1348. >Still, looks like you'll have to ask all your bosses if you can take an extra shift on the weekend.
  1349. >You really hate having to pull double shifts, but there's no other way you can make up for the time you lost.
  1350. >You pass by the office on your way to your locker.
  1351. >"Anon, could I have a word with you please?"
  1352. "Uh, sure Principal." You follow Principal Celestia into her office, closing the door behind you before taking a seat.
  1353. >"Sorry to pull you out of the hallway like that. This will only take a moment of your time."
  1354. >“How are you feeling Anon?”
  1355. “Better, Principal Celestia. Thank you.”
  1356. >“You had me worried there for a while. You were burning up, we couldn't get the temperature down. I was about to call an ambulance for you."
  1357. "Sorry to make you worry. And thank you for not calling an ambulance."
  1358. >You glance away, too embarrassed to tell her you don't have insurance or any way to pay for an ambulance.
  1359. >"It’s Rarity and the girls you should be thanking." Celestia relaxes a little in her chair.
  1360. >"How are you finding your classes? Have you gotten used to the school yet?"
  1361. "Classes are alright. I'm used to the layout of the school now, and where all my classes are."
  1362. >"It's good to hear that." Celestia nods with a smile. "Are you fitting in with the other students?"
  1363. "I guess so." You lie because to say otherwise would open more dialogue with her, and you just want to go.
  1364. >Celestia gives you a strange look for a second.
  1365. >“Anon…” Celestia comes around her desk, sitting on the edge of it in front of you.
  1366. “Y-yes?” You gulp as you can see more of her slender legs than you probably should.
  1367. >“I care about all my students.” She looks you straight in the eyes, with an expression that makes you feel nervous.
  1368. >She reaches out and takes your hand.
  1370. “...Are you a danger to yourself or others?” Her voice breaks, as she chokes on her words a bit.
  1371. >Her voice and demeanour let you know she absolutely cares about your wellbeing the same as any other students.
  1372. >She has that motherly concerned tone about her, or at least what you think is a motherly concerned tone.
  1373. >Standing up you try to pull your arm out of her grasp but she doesn’t let go.
  1374. >You yank again and this time she pulls you into her.
  1375. >She pulls you into a hug and before you can react your face is buried into her chest.
  1376. >"I don't know what happened to you, and I don't need to know. I just need to know you're safe now. That's all that matters to me."
  1377. >She smells good. And her skin is so soft and warm.
  1378. >She’s got her hand on the back of your head stroking your hair.
  1379. >“Anon, I love you like I love all of my students. To know that even one of them has troubles breaks my heart.”
  1380. >You rise with her chest as she takes a breath in.
  1381. >“Please, if ever you need to talk or need help, I or Luna are always here. For you. Think of us not as principals or teachers, but as family.”
  1382. >She rubs your head again to emphasise her point.
  1383. >You can’t see but you can feel a few tears on your hair.
  1384. >You’re completely confused as to what you should say or do to end this uncomfortable situation
  1385. “T-thank you..? I will.”
  1386. >She tightens her hug a little and you take a guess at what she wants so you raise your arms and hug her back.
  1387. >Celestia quickly pecks your head with a small kiss and then releases you.
  1388. >"I do care about you Anon. Deeply in fact. Please feel free to speak to me anytime, about anything."
  1389. >Her smile makes you blush a little and you leave her office quietly.
  1391. >Walking down the hallway you are really confused on what you should be thinking or feeling at the moment.
  1392. >Rounding the corner, still in thought you bump into someone.
  1393. >"Sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you alright?" You apologise as you get up, extending your hand out to the silver haired girl you knocked over.
  1394. >"Watch where you're going!" She swats your hand away angrily.
  1395. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking."
  1396. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need your feeble apologies."
  1397. >'Great and Powerful Trixie?' It can't be... could it?
  1398. >You help her pick up her books and pencils.
  1399. >"Trixie appreciates your help, outcast." She says reaching for her books.
  1400. >She tries to take them from you but you don't let go just yet.
  1401. >Looking right at her... it couldn't be, could it?
  1402. >Trixie tries to take the books again, then starts to panic.
  1403. >"T-Trixie is most appreciative. Y-you can let go now."
  1404. "Beatrice? Is that you?"
  1405. >Trixie freezes and looks at you. A terrified expression on her face. As if you told her deepest secret to the world.
  1406. >"B-Beatrice... I -Trixie knows no one by that name!" She tries to sound confident but you can hear the cracks in her voice.
  1407. >She looks around for a moment. There are no students nearby
  1408. >"B-Beatrice..? H-how do you know my name?" She quietly speaks, as if ashamed.
  1409. "So it /is/ you!" releasing your grip on her books and she takes them.
  1411. >She looks at you for a few seconds. Her eyes shift about.
  1412. >Once they settle, they widen and that's when she realises.
  1413. >"A-Ani? Is that you?"
  1414. >It is her.
  1415. >"A-Ani?" She rubs her eyes as if you're an illusion.
  1416. >"Is it really you?" Tears start to form in the corners of her eyes.
  1417. >Before you can answer, she's already lunged at you and wrapped her arms around you.
  1418. "Y-yeah, it's me." Stumbling backwards a bit from the force of her jumping at you. "Been a long time huh?" You smile at her.
  1419. >"Trixie missed- I missed you so much, Ani!" You just make out her muffled sobs as she cries into your shirt.
  1420. >Her grip on you is tight, as if she doesn't want to let you go.
  1421. >You just stroke her long hair and hug her back.
  1422. "I'm happy to see you're doing well. Beatrice."

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

by MT88

Applejack's summer [Incest] (WIP)

by MT88

Flash's New Year Eve

by MT88

A moment in the life of Anon: Rarity and Lunar New Year

by MT88

Orphan Anon (WIP)

by MT88