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[Momlestia] Celestia's birthday (Complete)

By MT88
Created: 2020-12-18 12:18:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >You fucked up. Pretty bad actually.
  2. >It's been a few days and even though she still talks to you, you know it's a cold, disappointing tone, even though it sounds like her normal voice.
  3. >You feel like absolute shit. And rightly so.
  4. >You forgot her birthday.
  5. >Again.
  6. >Like, 3 years in a row now.
  7. >You remember it right up until a few days before, and then something happens that it slips your mind.
  8. >First it was the vacation you, Aunt Luna, and mom had taken together.
  9. >To be fair, Luna copped it too for not remembering until you all came back. 5 days after it had passed.
  10. >Then last year you and the guys went to a midnight game release and ended up staying up all night playing it, and slept all day, waking up in the evening.
  11. >This time however, you had a part time job, you forgot to take time off on her birthday and ended up doing a double shift.
  12. >You were dead tired and ending up sleeping most of the next day.
  13. >So yeah, here you are having one of the most awkward dinners you’ve ever had.
  14. >Mom only talking to you when it's necessary and with none of her usual pep that she always speaks with.
  15. >No small talk like she usually does.
  16. >Even Aunt Luna is laying low, she mouths words to you when mom is in the same room.
  17. >Usually though, it's just 'good luck'. Before she scurries off somewhere.
  18. >You try to break the awkwardness by telling her about your day, like you always do.
  19. >Enthusiastically you retell something funny that happened, and even Luna chuckled at.
  20. >But not mom. She just nodded her head and answers "Yes, quite interesting."
  21. >Luna pitches in with something that happened in the staff room, and got a warmer response from mom.
  22. >Luna shoots a look that says 'I'm trying, but it's not working.'
  23. >You shoot her a look back that says, 'I know, thanks aunty. I'll keep trying.'
  24. >After everyone is finished with dinner, you clear the plates and ask if anyone would like some dessert.
  25. >"Yes, please." Luna answers, "Delicious cake is always the best thing after a stressful day at work."
  26. >As cringy and as obvious as that sounded, bless aunty for always having your back.
  27. >Mom always had a cake in the fridge, it was her go-to comfort food.
  28. >This is sure to be a winner. She'd never refuse cake!
  29. >"No thank you. I think I shall just have a bath and head to bed." Mom says.
  30. >"Good night Lulu. Goodnight son."
  31. >Oh, you're worse off than you thought. She's always called you sunshine, even when introducing you to others.
  32. >You and Luna watch mom leave the dining room and hear her bedroom door close before Luna snaps her head back at you.
  33. >Her face plastered with a look that screams. 'Holy shit, you're in deep shit.'
  34. >Luna whisper-shouts to you with a hand over her mouth.
  35. >"Anon, the last time I saw her this angry was when I forgot to buy the cake that time."
  36. >'That time' referred to when Luna was tasked with buying groceries because mom had an important weekend long meeting with the other principals in the state.
  37. >She came home stressed out, tired and wanting cake and when she realised there was none, she almost lost it.
  38. >It didn't help that it was past 9 PM and most stores had already closed.
  39. >You helped Luna bake cookies and make a pancake stacked cake in an attempt to satiate her.
  40. >Luckily it did, but mom still woke Luna up and made her go to the store and buy a cake right when they opened.
  41. >That was one of the few times you had seen her eat cake for breakfast.
  42. >And as soon as she had cake, she stopped being angry. The change was almost instant.
  43. >Back to the present.
  44. "I know Aunty. Maybe I should talk to her?"
  45. >"NO!" She whisper shouts again.
  46. >"Your mother will NOT accept an apology without some kind of tribute."
  47. >Which was true, under most circumstances all you usually did was apologise whole-heartedly, hug her and she'd forgive you.
  48. >On Luna's advice, you decide to leave her be for now. You'll just have to make it up to her.
  49. >This will require an offering, something big.
  50. >Better than all the other gifts you've ever given her before.
  51. >But what?
  52. >You begin patting your chin thinking.
  53. >Should you make a cake? Or a gift?
  54. >As nice as they are, you can do those any time so it's not quite as special.
  55. >Definitely something that showed her that you really care about her.
  56. >Your lips start to curl as you think.
  57. >Then it hits you.
  58. "Ah!" An idea hits you.
  59. >Luna shuffles in her seat closer to you, eager to hear your idea.
  60. "Didn't mom say there was that new restaurant she wanted to try?"
  61. >Luna thinks for a second but struggles to recall.
  62. "You know, the one with the stage?"
  63. >"Anon, you know she doesn't like to sing. How will that appease her?"
  64. "Don't worry Aunty. I think I have an idea."
  65. >Luna looks at you worriedly again, but decides to trust you know what you're doing.
  67. >You worked the last few days and it's finally the weekend.
  68. >Time to enact Operation:make-mom-happy.
  69. >You didn't tell mom that you weren't working, she just thinks you're at work still.
  70. >Luna took mom out to the restaurant using the excuse she heard the ribs were amazing or something.
  71. >Mom wasn't convinced but when Luna told her it was her treat, she was on board.
  72. >"Sister, do try to enjoy tonight." Luna says picking up her martini.
  73. >"I know Lulu." Celestia sighs. "It's just... oh nevermind. Maybe I'm just over-reacting."
  74. >She slumps onto the table.
  75. >"Tell me, what's wrong." Luna asks rubbing her back.
  76. >After a little while Celestia sips her red wine and begins to let loose.
  77. >"He probably hates me Lulu." She begins to tear up.
  78. >"Who? Anon?" Lulu asks rubbing her back more.
  79. >Celestia nods before collapsing onto the table. "I know he forgot my birthday. At first I was angry but now, it's not even about that anymore." She sniffles.
  80. >"I mean, I realised that it's not about my birthday that I'm upset about."
  81. >"Then what is it about sister?"
  82. >"Anon is growing up Lulu." Celestia starts to tear up.
  83. >"He's growing up and soon he won't need me. Or Us."
  84. >Luna is also taken aback by the implications, yet still does her best to comfort mom.
  85. >"Sister, Anon is a good boy. A fine man. We...You have raised him well. I doubt very much he would just abandon us."
  86. >"I know Lulu, it's just..." Celestia wipes her tears and blows her nose. "I have been dreading this day since he was born. And I even tried to stop it from happening."
  87. >She takes another drink.
  88. >"But I can't stop him growing up, and I tried to convince myself that I'd be alright if -WHEN he leaves."
  89. >She wipes her tears again, before crying.
  90. >"But I can't handle it!" She starts to cry.
  91. >The music from the karaoke is just loud enough that no-one can hear mom making a blubbering mess of herself.
  92. >One song ends and another starts as Luna does all she can to comfort Celestia.
  93. >After a few minutes of crying, she gets it out of her system and apologises to Luna.
  94. >The song ends and the restaurant goes dark.
  95. >Luna and Celestia pay it no mind as they sip their drinks, not paying attention to the manager on the microphone.
  96. >"Next up we have someone who's never done this before so please give them a big round of applause."
  97. >Luna and Celestia automatically applause.
  98. "Thank you.There's a very special woman here tonight."
  99. >The crowd roars with applause and encouragement.
  100. "And I honestly don't deserve her, but am thankful everyday of my life to have her."
  101. >A few 'woo's' echo.
  102. "I missed her birthday..."
  103. >Boo's and uh-oh's float through the crowd.
  104. "But I wanted to tell her I love her and she's everything to me."
  105. >The crowd swoons with awww's
  106. "She's always told me she loves my singing, so I apologise if I'm bad." You get a few laughs from the audience, but you don't care.
  107. "I love her always. She is, of course, my mother!"
  108. >The light above the table turns on, revealing them to the applause and cheering of the whole restaurant.
  109. >Confused, mom turns towards the stage and sees you.
  110. >There you are, wearing the best suit Rarity could make on such short notice, looking your absolute best.
  111. >Mom looks you in the eyes with her confused and teary eyes.
  112. >The music starts.
  113. >The crowd gives you a standing ovation.
  114. >Your heart is racing like crazy.
  115. >Other restaurant goers are patting your arms, chest, back as you pass them on the way to the table.
  116. >You get a few looks from some girls and their mothers like they want you to sing more.
  117. "Happy Birthday mama. I love you." You say just loud enough for only her to hear when you reach the table.
  118. >"Of course I love you Sunshine." She says through choked-back tears.
  119. >She throws her arms around you and pulls you into the most comfortable hug you've ever had.
  120. >For good measure Luna jumps in too.
  121. >The whole restaurant erupts into applause that lasts a few minutes.
  122. >"Please forgi-" She tries to apologise but you stop her.
  123. "You don't ever need to apologise for being my mom." You embrace her tightly.
  124. >She kisses your forehead and you bury your head deeper into her chest, like a child who had just been found and didn’t want to ever let go.
  125. >You all sit down and share a late birthday dinner.
  126. >You paid for everything of course, and it was like everything was back to normal.
  127. >Mom laughed and joked, and was back to her usual self.
  128. >She even guiltily asked if she could try the cake, to which you ordered one of every cake just so she could enjoy them all.
  129. >You all enjoyed the night chatting and joking that you hadn't even noticed you were the last table there when they started closing up.
  130. >The manager and staff let it slide this time considering the touching performance you gave.
  131. >Your family was small, but it was certainly just as big as it needed to be.
  133. >~Fin

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

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