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[Genderbender Anon] I love you man! No Homo! (WIP)

By MT88
Created: 2020-12-18 12:22:58
Expiry: Never

  1. MT88 note:
  2. The original thread which has included images to aid in story telling.
  4. --------------------------------
  6. >Flash begs and pleads and whimpers, and after a few moments he finally gets to you.
  7. "UGH FINE!" You shout at him.
  8. "But not here." You grab his hand and step into the treeline dragging him along.
  9. >After the camp grounds disappear behind the trees you determine you're both sufficiently far away enough that no one will bother you.
  10. "NO TOUCHING!" You stress to him. "AT ALL."
  11. >He nods like a puppy about to get a treat.
  12. "And you get 5 seconds"
  13. >"Deal."
  14. >Slowly, and reluctantly you lift your shirt up. Your slim tummy feels the cool air first.
  15. >Flash's eyes are glued to you, and it's making you embarrassed that he's doing so.
  16. "D-Don't stare you i-idiot!" You scold him but to your own surprise your voice came out rather cute, if you do say so yourself.
  17. >The bottom of you bra is exposed now, Fluttershy was happy to lend you one of hers, you guess because she was the closest in size to your own.
  18. >You pull it up over your breasts and leave it rolled up on your cleavage.
  19. "There, you happy?" Your eyes aren't even looking at him and for some reason you feel really hot and embarrassed.
  20. >"C'mon Anon, you promised I could see them. I can see bra's in underwear catalogs." He bemoans.
  21. >You roll your eyes and bring your arms behind your back, trying to undo the bra clasps.
  22. >How girls do this daily you will never know, but after a moment they're unhooked.
  23. >You try to slide it off but the straps are still looped around your shoulders, so you just lift the bra over your cleavage and leave it there.
  24. >Flash is just staring at you.
  25. "Satisfied? You got-"
  26. >He takes a step forward.
  27. "H-hey! Hold it mister!" He continues to advance towards you.
  28. >You go to pull your shirt down when Flash shouts.
  29. >"STOP!"
  30. "W-why should I st-" You angrily shout back.
  31. >"SPIDER!" He points at your chest.
  32. >That's when you feel the hairy tingling of the creepy crawler on your chest.
  33. >Little bastard must have clung on when you were walking through the woods.
  34. "SPIDER?!" You scream.
  35. >You wail about in a panic but manage to get your bra and shirt off and throw them on the ground.
  36. >However, in your struggle you stumbled and trip backwards over a log on the ground.
  37. >Luckily, Flash catches you with his arm around your back.
  38. >"You alright there Anon?" He asks with his face close to yours.
  39. "Y-yeah..." You whisper quietly. You glance up at his face for a second and look away.
  40. >He's kinda cute.
  41. >Wait, what?
  42. >You are sure you're blushing heavily now.
  43. >Why are you blushing though? What the hell is wrong with you?
  44. >It's Flash. The kid you grew up with. You caught tadpoles with, played baseball with, got roughed up and scraped knees together with.
  45. >But... why can't you look him in the eyes, and why is your heart racing.
  46. >Speaking of which, you look down and notice that his other hand is on your bare breast.
  47. >He looks down too and quickly realises his mistake.
  48. >"S-sorry man!" He tries to take his hand away but you hold it in place.
  49. >He's confused but looks down at you, and you summoned the courage to look at him.
  50. >Gosh he is really handsome, always has been.
  51. >N-no homo, you tell yourself.
  52. >Neither of you move.
  53. >You both are just looking at each other.
  54. >There's silence in the woods around you both.
  55. >His face is turning more red by the second.
  56. >Yours is probably too by now.
  57. >The only thing you can hear is your fast heart beat, which sounds like an echo in your ears.
  59. "F-Flash..." You whisper quietly.
  60. >"Y-yeah?" He croaks out before swallowing dryly.
  61. >He leans in closer to hear you better.
  62. >At least you think so anyways.
  63. >But he doesn't stop moving.
  64. >Oh god, he isn't..?
  65. "Flash..?"
  66. >In that second he locks his lips on yours.
  67. >Your eyes open wide at the realisation that your first kiss is being stolen from you by your best friend, of all people.
  68. >Naturally, your whole body freezes up at this new sensation.
  69. >It doesn't last though, and you close your eyes as you feel yourself start to melt into the kiss.
  70. >Your whole body feels like it's burning now.
  71. >You haven't been a girl for long, so everything is new to you, and certainly you grind your thighs together uncomfortably.
  72. >Instinctively your hands move to his chest as you try to push off him, but you can't. You have no strength to resist.
  73. >All your energy is going everywhere but to your arms.
  74. >After what feels like a few minutes Flash finally unlocks his lips from yours.
  75. >You pant softly trying to take as much air in as you can.
  76. >Flustered is how you feel; your face feels hot, your whole body is burning, and your legs are weak.
  77. >You can only imagine how much of a mess you must look like right now.
  78. >Moving your mouth to speak but all that comes out is just mumbling nonsense.
  79. >"Sorry!" He moves back from you, allowing you to plop to the ground gently.
  80. >With the feelings and adrenaline subsiding, you come to terms with your current situation.
  81. >Namely, you cover yourself and lean away from him.
  82. "W-what the f-f-fu-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Choking back a sob as you yell at him.
  83. >"Sorry Anon, but I was serious before." He averts his gaze as he hands you back your shirt.
  84. >He was serious? About being in love with you?
  85. >You are so confused right now, everything just spiraled out of control.
  86. >0 to 100 in 2 seconds level of out of control
  87. >This was supposed to be a school camp before summer break.
  88. >Fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, chilling out and messing around.
  89. >Well not THIS kind of messing around. Playing pranks, telling stories and jokes, that kind of messing around.
  90. >Not falling in love with your best friend!
  91. "Y-you IDIOT!" You scream at him, again your voice came out cuter and completely betrayed the anger you were feeling.
  92. >"I'm sorry Anon, I-I just couldn't help it. I.. I think I love you man." He says rubbing his head.
  93. >Hearing those words makes your heart skip a beat.
  94. >What the hell is this feeling? Is this what those cartoons meant when they say 'dokidoki'?
  95. >You put your shirt back on and pocket the bra before standing up, stumbling in the process.
  96. >Two steps and you fall down again.
  97. "Oooww" is all you can manage as you rub your ankle.
  98. >"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
  99. "Yeah, my ankle hurts."
  100. >He extends his hand to you and you take it, standing yourself up.
  101. >Well, really balancing with your hurt foot off the ground.
  102. >"Here." Flash kneels with his back to you. "Get on."
  103. "W-what the hell are you doing?" Furiously you question.
  104. >"What does it look like? I'm gonna carry you." He looks over his shoulder back at you.
  105. >"You can't walk on it without making it worse so just climb on."
  106. >You know he's right. It could be a sprain or twist, but if you try to walk on it it'll only get worse.
  107. "F-fine, but no funny business."
  108. >You climb on and drape your arms around his neck.
  109. >He stands up and you begin to slide off when he reaches back and grabs your ass.
  110. >Your face flushes red in embarrassment and you slap his back
  111. "W-watch your hands!" Dammit why is it every time you try to sound angry you end up sounding really cute and timid?
  112. >"Sorry, but you'll slip if I don't support you."
  113. >As embarrassed as you are, he's got a point. Again.
  114. "J-just take it easy alright. I don't want you getting hurt either."
  115. >Flash just nods as he begins the trek back to camp.
  116. >Why'd you have to drag him this far in?
  118. >He's been walking for a while now, albeit slowly over all the rocks and tree roots, but you don't think it would take this long.
  119. "Hey um... we've been going... for a while now." You try to calm your nerves. "Do... do you think we're lost?"
  120. >"Nah no way man!" He confidently exclaims. "It's definitely this way, we're not that far now."
  121. >For some reason that really puts you at ease, and you smile a little smile as you rest your head against his back.
  122. >His strong, muscled back.
  123. >Whoa, you're thinking that weird stuff again.
  124. >But you can't help it. You just feel so comforted being carried like this.
  125. >You've never felt this way before.
  126. >Then again you've never been a girl before either.
  127. >He smells nice too, you've never noticed before when you both hung out together but that deodorant he wears is so much more... alluring to you now.
  128. >You shake your head to clear those thoughts out.
  129. "Um... sorry if I'm too heavy."
  130. >"Nah, you're not heavy at all."
  131. "Yeah..?"
  132. >"Really."
  133. >A moment of awkward silence passes before he speaks up again.
  134. >"Hey um... I'm really sorry about putting you in that position back there. Just forget I said anything man."
  135. "Huh?" Is all you can manage before he continues.
  136. >"I don't want anything to change between us, y'know? So let's just stay friends."
  137. >You open your mouth to respond but words just don't come out.
  138. >Your heart feels like it took a hit, like someone is squeezing it.
  139. >Flash, your best friend, probably your only friend, just confessed to you and now he wants you to forget it ever happened.
  140. >You're hurt hearing those words, but you're also really confused about how you feel right now.
  141. >What you are feeling, what you are thinking, they're at odds with what you would be feeling and thinking if you were still a guy.
  142. >Man, being a girl is so confusing!
  143. "I... uh..." They just come out as little quiet whimpers and Flash hardly acknowledges them.
  144. >"There we are!" Excitedly he says, "Back at camp. Told ya we were going the right way!"
  145. >As he carries you through the crowded camp grounds you feel like you're a war hero being paraded through town.
  146. >Students are looking at you both.
  147. >Some give you a thumbs up, some start to whisper to their friends next to them, and others make little encouraging gestures or giggles.
  148. >Having enough of the embarrassment, you bury your face into his back so no one sees you turn red again.
  149. >Flash carries you back to the main cabin and sets you down.
  150. >You hobble for a bit while he brings his arm around your back and helps walk you into the nurses office inside.
  152. ~~~
  153. >"There we go. Just keep that ice pack on it and there shouldn't be any problems. Of course, try not to put weight on it and you should be back to normal come the morning."
  154. "Thank you nurse."
  155. >"Come back when that ice park starts to get warm and I'll swap it over." The nurse says as she takes off the gloves and begins filling out the clipboard.
  156. >You reach for the single crutch when Flash passes it to you.
  157. "T-thanks."
  158. >"Sure, no problem."
  159. >He helps you up and as you leave you hear the nurse remark how cute you two are together.
  160. >Neither of you say anything as you leave the cabin.
  161. >"Where to?"
  162. "I think I'll just sit down over there for a bit." Pointing to the benches of tables in the main clearing.
  163. >He helps you by rolling over a sitting log for your foot.
  164. "Thanks man."
  165. >"No problem man." He takes a seat opposite you.
  166. >After a little moment of you adjusting the ice wrap on your ankle, Flash asked if you want some water or something to eat.
  167. "Nah, I'll be alright. If you got something to do, don't let me hold you up."
  168. >"You sure?" He questions while rubbing his arm.
  169. "Yeah I'm sure. Go, have fun. I'll probably just rest here for a bit."
  170. >With your insistence, he starts to head off towards a group of guys.
  171. >He gets a ways away and stops to look over his shoulder at you.
  172. >It was a quick glance but if you weren't looking you would've missed it.
  173. >You pull out your phone and start up a game.
  174. >After a little while you got bored of it, so you turned it off and put your phone away.
  175. >Your concentration is elsewhere at the moment.
  176. >Shaking your head to try not to think about it.
  178. >"Hey Anon, what'cha doing?"
  179. "Oh, hey girls."
  180. >Sunset and her friends all gather around you.
  181. >"What're you doing all by yourself 'Non?" Applejack asks you with a raised eyebrow.
  182. >Man she's hot in those shorts.
  183. >You may be a girl now, but your tastes are still the same.
  184. >...or are they?
  185. "I uh...twisted my ankle." You emphasise with a rub on your elevated foot.
  186. >"Oh no darling, how did it happen?"
  187. >Thinking quickly about how you'll answer this, you omit the part about being with Flash in the woods and instead opt to say
  188. "I was walking through the woods and tripped, I guess I wasn't really looking."
  189. >"That's horrible!" Pinkie yelps.
  190. "It's fine. It doesn't hurt too much."
  191. >"Yeah but where does Flash fit into it?" Rainbow Dash leers at you suspiciously.
  192. "Y-you saw that too?" Doing you best not to break out blushing
  193. >"Darling, /EVERYONE/ saw it."
  194. >"Eeyup. Looked like you was being paraded as the first hunt of the season." Applejack jokes.
  195. "H-He saw me limping back and offered to c-carry me." Keep it together Anon, last thing you want them getting suspicious and more gossip spreading about you.
  196. >"That was very nice of him." Fluttershy says as she takes a seat next to you. "Do you need anything?"
  197. >You shake your head with a small smile. Fluttershy always was so sweet and kind.
  198. >"How are you doing Anon?" Sunset asks as she gets closer.
  199. "I'm fine. I just need to rest my ankle for the rest of today."
  200. >"I mean with the whole turning into a girl thing." She asks with a guilty frown, no doubt remembering why you're in this position to begin with.
  201. >The rest of the girls' faces also frown slightly at the fact they were all responsible in a way.
  202. "It's... different. I'm still getting used to it."
  203. >"Well we're always here if ever you need us." Twilight offers.
  204. "Oh, Twilight, has there been any new developments?"
  205. >Twilight looks at Sunset, who shakes her head.
  206. >"Sorry Anon, I've run theories and tests but nothing seems to work."
  207. "Oh, OK. How about the other Twilight, Sunset?"
  208. >"Princess Twilight isn't having much luck either Anon." She shakes her head in defeat.
  209. >"She's trawling through ancient scrolls and spells to find an explanation or a counter-spell, but so far there's nothing."
  210. >You take a breath and smile.
  211. "Please thank her for all her effort, won't you Sunset?"
  212. "And thank you Twilight for all you're doing too. I appreciate it."
  213. >"We're really sorry Anon." The girls all apologize.
  214. >You smile at all of them.
  215. "I've accepted that I may not be able to change back for a while, so I may as well get used to being a girl."
  216. >"That's the spirit Anon!" Rainbow slaps your back right where it's sore.
  217. >You yelp at the pain and arch your back, pushing your chest out for all the girls to see.
  218. >"DASH!" Pinkie scolds her
  219. >"A-are you alright?" Fluttershy asks.
  220. "Yeah, my back is just sore from these." Quickly you cover your chest with your arms, pretending to massage your shoulders.
  221. "They're kind of heavy." You say with a whine in your voice.
  222. >"You'll get used to 'em." Applejack says with a wink.
  223. >"Yeah, having the right bra makes all the difference!" Pinkie drives her point home by cupping her own smaller breasts and squeezing them together a few times.
  224. >"Hehe... whoops. Sorry, I don't have that problem." Rainbow slinks behind Fluttershy with a deep red blush.
  225. >You sure hope they don't notice you're not wearing a bra.
  226. >Quickly you divert with a question.
  227. "D-do you think we could go shopping again when camp is over? I think I need a few more things."
  228. >Rarity instantly lights up at the proposal.
  229. >"Absolutely darling! My, we'll need to get you a completely new wardrobe and bedding, and curtains..."
  230. >Applejack ushers her away with a nod.
  231. >"We're gonna go on the zip line Anon, we'll see you later." Sunset says with a wave.
  232. "Have fun girls." You smile and wave back as the girls all leave you.
  234. >You're sitting on the pier with your feet dangling in the water.
  235. >After the girls left, you were just scrolling the internet on your phone but soon got bored of that.
  236. >The ice pack on your foot was starting to get uncomfortable so you came to the end of the pier to enjoy the water.
  237. >The cool water feels amazing on such a nice warm day.
  238. >Not to mention it helps with your ankle, so you're happy to just sit here enjoying the scenery.
  239. >'How peaceful this is, how serene. This camp is wonderful,' you think to yourself as you close your eyes and lean back on your arms.
  240. >Classmates swimming in the lake, the sound of the hacky-sack being kicked around, the birds chirping in the forest surrounds, all of it is quite tranquil.
  241. >It's so relaxing you can't help but feel a little at peace.
  242. >And with everything you've been through lately, you really need it.
  243. >The gentle lapping of the waves on the pylons is disturbed by the creaking of footsteps on the pier, followed by some chatting but you pay it no mind.
  244. >You just try to block it out, probably some other students going fishing.
  245. >The creaking continues as it comes closer to you but the pier is big and there's plenty of room for them to pick a spot.
  246. >Gently you start to sway with the breeze, lost in this little moment of nirvana.
  247. >'Ahh this camp really is-'
  248. *SPLASH*
  249. >You felt a push and ended up in the water.
  250. >As you get your bearings you see two students running off down the pier back to camp.
  251. >You pull yourself up on the pier.
  252. >You're completely soaked and starting to shiver.
  253. >Angrily you grab your shoes and phone and with the crutch you hobble your way back to your tent.
  254. >Luckily you left your phone in your shoe otherwise there would be hell to pay.
  255. >What was a nice afternoon was now ruined by two idiots.
  256. >You're not sure, but you think you know who it was.
  257. >Snips and Snails.
  258. >When you returned to school after you changed, they started harassing you.
  259. >Trying to grab you or pants you just to prove that you were still a boy 'down there'.
  260. >One time during PE Snails ran into you, knocking you both over with him landing face first into your chest.
  261. >You slapped him hard for that.
  262. >If you don't hurry back and change, you'll catch a cold.
  263. >Passing by the equipment shed you grumble to yourself just as Bulks exits with two archery sets in his arms. Most likely one for his sweetheart Derpy.
  264. >"Hey Anon! Y-you alright? You're all wet-" He just stares at you when you deadpan stare back at him.
  265. >But he's not looking at your face.
  266. >No, his eyes are...
  267. >Looking down you see your wet shirt has molded itself to the shape of your D cup chest.
  268. >Bulks blushes instantly and turns his head as you raise your arm to cover yourself, hitting yourself with your shoes in the process.
  269. >Embarrassed, you just keep limping away.
  270. >Bulks mumbles an apology as you pass but you don't stop, out of sheer embarrassment.
  271. >He's always a gentleman that guy.
  272. >Back at your tent you wrestle yourself out of your wet clothes.
  273. >It wasn't easy doing it balancing on one foot, but you didn't want to make your bed wet by sitting on it.
  274. >The shirt was a real effort because it was so tight.
  275. >It didn't help when it dragged over your nipples causing you to slightly moan.
  276. >With the wet shirt finally off, you towel yourself dry.
  277. >Draping the towel over your shoulders you look down at your boobs again.
  278. >'This is so embarrassing' you think to yourself as you cup your breasts in each hand.
  279. >'Why do they have to be so big?' You wonder as you bounce them.
  280. >'They make your back hurt, and it's hard to sleep sometimes.'
  281. >Curiously, you flick your finger over one pointed nipple and a nice sensation shot through you.
  282. "MMmmph~" You had to bite your lip to stifle the moan.
  283. >'Are girls always this sensitive?' You wonder as you pinch the other one, causing you to moan and flinch again.
  284. >'And why are they hard?' you question as you look down and see them protruding.
  285. >Deciding it's probably best that you have a shower now before everyone else does, you hobble over to your suitcase and dig for some clothes and the towel slides off your shoulders.
  286. >"Knock knock, hey man how's the...ankle?"
  287. >Flash strolls in casually, catching you uncovered with the towel on the floor, in your wet lacy black underwear that's sticking to your butt.
  288. "KYAAAAAaaaaa!" Throwing your arms up to cover yourself you scream at Flash who quickly turns around and gets out.
  289. >"Sorry Anon! I wasn't thinking! I didn't mean to!" He shouts from outside the tent.
  290. >Worrying that he heard you, your face turns red instantly.
  291. >That's twice today now. TWICE!
  292. >You quickly throw a shirt on and pull up some sweat pants.
  293. "Y-yeah. It's better, but still a little sore." Replying to him loudly so he can hear you.
  294. >You grab the towel, a clean pair of panties, and your shampoo and exit the tent with your crutch.
  295. >Flash, standing by the flap, apologizes again and wanted to make sure you're doing alright, and asks if you needed anything.
  296. "No, I'm fine." Stopping next to him, you side ways glance at him and see he's got a blush over his nose as well.
  297. "I'm just gonna have a shower before everyone else does. What about you?"
  298. >"I'm gonna go for a walk through the forest with Fluttershy and Sandalwood. I'd ask you to come too, but..."
  299. "Yeah, I think I'd just be slowing you guys down." Ever so softly you giggle to him. "Enjoy the walk, I'll see you at dinner."
  301. ~~~
  302. >The hot water feels so nice raining down on you.
  303. >You can literally feel all the dirt and grime rinse from your skin.
  304. >Your smooth silky skin.
  305. >Before, as a guy, your skin was dry and rough.
  306. >Now, it's quite soft and supple.
  307. >Smooth to the touch.
  308. >To you, a shower or a bath was always the perfect time and place to unwind, think about the days' events and clear your mind.
  309. >Not today though.
  310. >So much had happened in the last few hours, that absentmindedly you walked right into the guys' shower. Again.
  311. >This time there wasn't anyone in there, thankfully.
  312. >It's still so awkward for you going into the girls room that out of consideration for them, you announce yourself before you enter.
  313. >Usually there's someone that calls back so you wait until they finish.
  314. >It was still early afternoon so no one was in here.
  315. >It's just easier now to shower while everyone else is doing other stuff.
  316. >You sigh at how much trouble you're causing to all the students around you.
  317. >It's no wonder many of them are avoiding you.
  318. >The teacher lets you change in the staff toilets whenever you had PE classes.
  319. >You don't blame them though, the girls understandably are uncomfortable around you.
  320. >But the boys? They're kind of weirded out with you around.
  321. >They stop chatting and joking when you get close and just stay silent.
  322. >Maybe they're worried they'll offend you or something? You're not sure.
  323. >Even Flash... he's so distracted by you that he's failing classes.
  324. >You tap your forehead on the shower wall a few times before resting it there.
  325. >Flash...
  326. >That kiss...
  327. >Your first kiss...
  328. >You didn't get to give it to that special someone, instead it was taken from you.
  329. >It felt so good though, and that's why you're so confused.
  330. >Did you provoke him? By accepting to show him your chest, did you unknowingly put yourself in this position?
  331. >But you don't want him to fail, what kind of friend would you be if you didn't do all that you could to help him?
  333. >After your shower you got dressed and returned to your tent.
  334. >Sitting on the edge of the bed you dry your hair with the towel.
  335. >Your hair is long and reaches half way down your back.
  336. >When you woke up in the nurse's office, it was already this long
  337. >Sometimes you can't believe how pretty you look as a girl.
  338. >Alas, as elegant as it is, it is a pain to maintain.
  339. >You feel for the girls that have to do this regularly.
  340. >Like Rarity and how much work she must put into hers, to Pinkie and how she just lets it get frizzled.
  341. >After getting it as dry as you can, you begin the arduous task of brushing all the tangles and knots out.
  342. >With all that finally done, you decide you're just going to stay in the tent.
  343. >It was hard work getting around on crutches so you would just nap until dinner time.
  344. ~~~
  345. >You returned the ice park to the nurse before heading to the dining hall.
  346. >It was hard to get the tray and use the crutch at the same time.
  347. >Not wanting to hold up the line of hungry students, you motioned for everyone else to go ahead of you and you would be last so you could take your time.
  348. >Exiting the line all the tables were taken.
  349. >Rainbow stands up and waves you over, their table was fairly close to the kitchen so you didn't have to weave through the crowded dining hall.
  350. >"Nonny's here!" Pinkie cheers throwing confetti in the air, annoying the others with it landing in their food.
  351. >"PINKIE!" Sunset scolds her.
  352. >Pinkie just shrinks as you take a seat between Dash and Rarity.
  353. >"How yer holding up 'Non?"
  354. >"Pretty good, it's not hurting as much. But Nonny? Non? What's with these nick names?"
  355. >"Weeeeeell," Pinkie starts, "It just sounds cuter for a girl rather than Anon, don't you think?"
  356. >"She does have a point Anon." Rainbow agrees. "Feels weird calling you Anon. Nonny is cooler."
  357. "I guess so, but..."
  358. >"And, like you said earlier, since you're gonna be this way for the time being, I think Nonny is a good nickname." Twilight added after swallowing her food.
  359. "Alright then, Nonny it is." You accept your new nickname with a smile
  360. >Dinner certainly looked delicious and you couldn't wait to tuck in.
  361. >Taking a bite of dinner the girls all gossiped between themselves.
  362. >They asked you a few questions, but mostly they were mostly along the lines of 'how were you adjusting to being a girl now?' and 'which boys were cute' etc.
  363. >They were so into chatting that you were just a part of their conversations whenever you could add anything.
  364. >It felt nice to have a chat with people again, and pretty soon you were giggling and chatting away with the girls.
  365. >"Say Nonny," Sunset looks at you. "You coming to the camp fire tonight? Twilight's boyfriend Timber is having a huge fire with singing and jokes and all kinds of fun things."
  366. >The other girls all look towards you with smiles on their faces, encouraging you to agree to come with them.
  367. >You don't want to disappoint your new friends, so you agree happily.
  368. "Sure, I'll come, but I might need some help."
  369. >"No problem, we got this." Dash says with an elbow nudge.
  370. >As you were eating dinner, you looked around the hall for Flash.
  371. >He was sitting a few tables over. When you looked at him, he glanced back at you with a curt smile for a second before turning away and laughing at something the other guys had said.
  372. >For some reason, you felt a little sad.
  374. ~~Campfire~~
  375. >You're sitting with the girls with your foot raised.
  376. >It's still a bit sore, but not as much as earlier, so it's getting better.
  377. >Pinkie brought the bags of smores so you're just gently roasting yours on the edge of the fire closest to you.
  378. >Timber is telling a story and groups of students chat amongst themselves
  379. >Flash is sitting with the guys, mingling and chatting with them.
  380. >Here you are, just deep in thought, watching your smore toast, zoning everything out around you.
  381. >Your smore starts to melt on the stick as you stare at it, but you're blind to it.
  382. >All you can think about is earlier...
  384. ~~ Earlier ~~
  385. >It's the third day at Camp Everfree and you and Flash have barely done anything you guys said you were going to do.
  386. >Sure, you made the plans a month ago, before you got blasted into a girl two weeks ago, but that shouldn't change the plans, right?
  387. >You guys were going to explore the caves, go rock climbing, hiking, so much stuff that you couldn't do last year when that Gloriosa girl became Poison Ivy.
  388. >After breakfast, you did archery for a bit and then went looking for Flash to do the Canopy rope course with.
  389. >But you couldn't find him.
  390. >You asked around but no one had seen him.
  391. >You were about to give up and do the course yourself, but then you found him.
  392. "Flash man, where have you been?" You confronted him behind the main building.
  393. >"Just around man."
  394. >"Bullshit! I've been looking for you everywhere. We were supposed to do the rope course, remember?" You poke your finger into his chest.
  395. >He hardly bats an eye at your poking, and he's not looking at you.
  396. >Sensing something's wrong, you tone your annoyance down and ask him honestly.
  397. "Dude, what's wrong?" You lean forward.
  398. >"N-nothing man." He sheepishly answers, but you know him well enough that he's lying.
  399. "I know something's up. Wanna tell me about it?" You look up at him. He's a few inches taller than you now, whereas before you were pretty equal in height.
  400. >He just shakes his head.
  401. "So why are you avoiding me?" You cross your arms, pushing your bust up slightly.
  402. >Flash just blushes a bit before shaking his head.
  403. >"I'm not...avoiding you man." He hesitated briefly.
  404. "We're halfway through camp and most of the stuff we were going to do together, I've had to do by myself." You raise your voice a little.
  405. >He stays silent
  406. "Then what is it? I get this enough from everyone else, I don't need it from you too!" You get up right up to him, getting in his face.
  407. >"It's hard to explain man." He scratches the back of his head while looking to the side.
  408. "Come on, out with it." Sternly you stare up at him with your arms crossed.
  409. >He glances up at you but quickly looks down again.
  410. >You continue to stare him down with a pout, narrowing your eyes at him.
  411. >Flash finally gives in and sighs, defeated.
  412. >"It's stupid man, but my grades are slipping."
  413. "Oh." Your anger cools down immediately upon hearing this, "Oh shit man. Which class?"
  414. >"Math, English, biology and science."
  415. >You thought it was just one class but this is serious.
  416. "But we share those classes man." You say rubbing your chin.
  417. >"I just can't concentrate in class. Principal says if I can't raise my grades I'll have to repeat."
  418. >You drop the scorn and put your hand on his shoulder but he doesn't raise his head, probably too embarrassed to look at you.
  419. "What's distracting you? Why didn't you ask for help?"
  420. >That's when you realise he wasn't just looking down, he was looking at you.
  421. >Or rather, your honkers.
  422. >Embarrassed, you take a step back
  423. "D-dude stop ogling me, it's freaking me out."
  424. >"Sorry man, I can't help it. You're hot. Err... I mean pretty. UGH! I mean pretty hot!" He blurts out.
  425. >Heat rushes to your face.
  426. >"I-I mean for a girl, you're pretty hot for a girl!" His stuttering not making things better
  427. "Dude, I'm still a guy inside. Have you forgotten that?"
  428. >"NO! No. It's just, well..." Eyes drifting down again.
  429. "Well what?"
  430. >"It's just, can I see them?"
  431. "WHAT?!" You cross your arms to cover your chest and lean away from him.
  432. >"Just a quick glance man. It'll be the only time I ask, I swear."
  433. >You take a step back, about ready to run from this creep that you call be your best friend.
  434. "T-this isn't the first time you've thought about this, is it?"
  435. >Ashamedly he shakes his head.
  436. "How many times have you checked me out? And be honest."
  437. >Flash kind of fidgets around, like he's ashamed to answer that.
  438. "Oh my friggin GOD! Alot?! Alot isn't it?"
  439. >He silently nods.
  440. >You should've known. The clues were all there.
  441. >In class you thought you could feel eyes on you.
  442. >Eating lunch he'd always have a distracted look on his face.
  443. >Hell, last weekend while you were at his house playing Smash you beat him pretty easily. You thought you had gotten better because he was using his best character and you rubbed it in his face.
  444. >Were you really that clueless?
  445. >Evidently yes, you were.
  447. >So he wants to see your tits.
  448. >You've known him long enough to know he obsesses over stuff he has an interest in. Like guitars, cars, music, Sunset and Twilight. But now you?!
  449. >Wait, maybe you're just over thinking it and maybe it's just the boobs.
  450. >Definitely just the boobs. Boys love boobies.
  451. >After all, the first day after you turned into a girl all you did was look at your boobs all day.
  452. >That novelty wore off pretty fast when your back was starting to get sore by the afternoon.
  453. >"Look, Anon, I know we've been through some stuff over the years but you're like a brother to me. We shared everything. I love you, man."
  454. >Your heart just skipped a beat.
  455. >Wait, why?
  456. >"A-as a brother, I mean." He quickly adds.
  457. >"But I don't want to fail and repeat. My parents would KILL me!"
  458. "OKAY, firstly, back up!" You raise your hands to him.
  459. "Secondly, my eyes are up here!" You motion with your hands.
  460. "Just because I was hit by that rainbow blast thing and got turned into a girl doesn't mean...uh...whatever you're thinking." A shiver ran up your spine at that thought.
  461. "I get that you're lonely dude, I remember all those times you poured your heart out over at my place, but seriously, just because I'm a girl now doesn't mean ANYTHING between us has changed."
  462. >You pause to think about what you just said, and quickly correct yourself.
  463. "Except now I'm a girl, yeah I may be hot and have huge tits, but besides that, I'm still the same dude you grew up with, played games with, and rode bikes with."
  464. >Flash's eyes drift down again.
  465. "Hey! Hey!" Clicking your fingers in front of his face. "Eyes up here buddy!"
  466. >"Sorry can't help it."
  467. >For the first time in this whole confrontation, he looks you in the eyes and you can see that he genuinely doesn't want to fail.
  468. >His eyes are blank, filled with sadness at the possibility of failing senior year.
  469. >Damn you and the brocode, now you /HAVE/ to help him
  470. >Taking a deep breath, you can't believe what you're about to say, but you say it anyway.
  471. "I-If I show you, n-no more distractions?" You leer at him, unconvinced.
  472. >Why did you stutter?
  473. >"Promise."
  474. "You won't ask again or nag me about it, r-right?"
  475. >"Swear." Crossing his heart.
  476. "You'll promise your grades will get better?" Narrowing your eyes at him.
  477. >"Absolutely. We promised we'd graduate and go to the same university together, didn't we?"
  478. "Yeah we did. I'm holding you to that."
  479. >"So please, Anon, just a quick glance. I know if I see them the mystery surrounding them will be lifted and I can move on."
  480. "What kind of argument is that?" Raising an eyebrow at him.
  481. >He shrugs with a smile. "It was Worth a shot."
  482. >You stand there thinking about if you should or shouldn't, with each second causing Flash anxiety.
  483. >He frowns a bit, perhaps accepting that you won't help him, and resigns himself to repeating.
  484. >"Please Anon?" He pleads in a hushed voice.
  485. >Finally you make up your mind.
  486. "Ugh, fine!" You get up close to him now whispering to his face. "But I'm doing this not just for you, but so your parents aren't shamed with a son that has to repeat."
  487. >You grab his wrist and lead him into the forest.
  489. >A nudge brings you back.
  490. >"Geez, something serious must be on your mind." Rainbow Dash hands you a large plastic tumbler cup.
  491. >Taking the cup from her you reply
  492. "Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about stuff."
  493. >"Like what? You're not an egghead like Twily are you?"
  494. "No, nothing serious like figuring out the secrets of the universe." You give Dash a giggle.
  495. "Just thinking about graduation, and beyond, I guess."
  496. >That was a lie, and you feel bad for lying to Dash like that.
  497. >You take a sip and almost spit it out.
  498. >Alcohol?
  499. >You look down at the cup then to Dash, who gives you a wink.
  500. >"Applejack snuck us some homemade cider. The good stuff." She gestures a finger over her lips, to keep it a secret.
  501. >You take another small sip, opting to make it last rather than get drunk.
  502. "Where's Rarity?" Asking her as you look around.
  503. >"Oh, she's too precious to sit around a fire. Something about the heat drying her skin out and her needing her beauty sleep." Dash laughs.
  504. >You make conversation with the girls as best as you can, periodically zoning out and just thinking to yourself.
  505. >"Yeah I can't believe we'll be finished with school this year." Dash stretches her arms up.
  506. >"What d'you think you'll do after, Sugarcube?" Applejack leans over Dash towards you.
  507. "I'm not sure. My dad wanted me to go to university, so I feel I should honor that wish."
  508. >"Ahm sorry hun, I didn't mean to remind you." She apologizes.
  509. "It's alright Applejack, I was thinking of studying engineering like he did, but now I'm not sure."
  510. >"Oh, why not Nonny?" Fluttershy asks quietly.
  511. "Well, with every thing changing so suddenly, maybe I should consider something else."
  512. >"There's plenty of time to worry about that stuff Nonners!" Pinkie pops up behind you and wraps her arms around your and Dash's shoulders, pulling you both in close.
  513. >"Y-yeah, Pinkie's got a point." Dash struggles out of Pinkie's grip, "Let's just enjoy highschool while we can. We're never gonna be together like this ever again."
  514. >"I think you're right. We should enjoy ourselves and make cherished memories." Fluttershy speaks with an almost motherly composure.
  515. "Yeah, you're right. Here's to enjoying the moment!" Raising your cup up you toast, with the other girls following suit.
  517. >By the time you finish that cup you're feeling pretty buzzed.
  518. >Usually it'd take you a few cans to get to this feeling, but since you're a girl now, your body must process it faster or something.
  519. >You weren't really paying attention in biology class. Or health class.
  520. >That or Applejack makes a pretty strong home brew.
  521. >Looking around, you see Pinkie and Fluttershy are pretty much out for the count, just sitting there swaying to keep themselves upright.
  522. >Applejack and Dash are singing with their arms around each other.
  523. >Sunset is grooving along in her seat and Twilight is hanging off whatever Timber is talking about.
  524. >So you think you'll call it a night
  525. >Getting up you reach for your crutch and tell the conscious girls that you're gonna head to bed.
  526. >Fluttershy and Pinkie must be coherent enough because they stand up and say their good nights as well, asking to come with you.
  527. >They help you back to your tent before they say goodnight and head to theirs.
  528. >Your mind is thinking about everything that happened today.
  529. >Why did you keep his hand on your breast?
  530. >Why didn't you stop him from kissing you?
  531. >Where was all your strength to push him away?
  532. >Why can't you stop thinking about that kiss?
  533. >Why did it feel so good?
  535. >Exhausted, you undo your pants and let them fall.
  536. >It's really warm tonight so you sleep in your underwear and one of your shirts from when you were a guy.
  537. >It really is big on you now, coming down almost to mid thigh length.
  538. >And it's pretty comfy now. Perfect for sleeping in.
  539. >So that's why girls steal their boyfriends' clothes.
  540. >You untie your hair and shake it loose.
  541. >You stretch a bit before laying on the bed, trying to make yourself comfortable with your ankle.
  542. >Within minutes you're fast asleep.
  544. >"F-Flash..?" Your voice echoes
  545. >You see him leaning in closer and closer
  546. >Then the kiss.
  547. >You shoot up into a sitting position.
  548. >A dream?!
  549. >A dream.
  550. >It was so vivid, so real.
  551. >Your chest is heaving with every breath you take.
  552. >That kiss.
  553. >It was firm, it was strong.
  554. >It was confident
  555. >Above all, it felt good.
  556. >You cup your face and feel that you are pretty warm
  557. >Oh, why are you so flustered?
  558. >Wait, what is that feeling?
  559. >You reach down curiously and sure enough, you're soaked.
  560. >What the hell?
  561. >They're completely soaked.
  562. >Feeling around a bit makes you flinch in a good way.
  563. >The more you feel around, the better it starts to feel, and sure enough, you can't stop yourself.
  564. >Your fingers are moving on their own, sliding up and down your slit.
  565. >You lay back down on your side and bring your knees close to your chest.
  566. >One hand working yourself while you bite down on your other hand to stifle the moans.
  567. >God this feels so good.
  568. >You rub fast, you rub slow.
  569. >Up and down, then in circular motions.
  570. >Feeling yourself getting close, you slide your fingers over your clit.
  571. >You throw your head back and a loud yelp escapes you
  572. >The sensation was intense!
  573. >But you should try to keep it down, you hope no one heard you.
  574. >You flick your bean for a few minutes until you orgasm, which wasn't far off.
  575. >Your body spasms and twitches while you bite down on your free hand, burying your face into the pillow so no one hears you moaning.
  576. >After your body cools down a bit and your breathing returns to normal, you get up to use the restroom.
  577. >You need to pee anyways.
  578. >Sitting up on the edge of the bed, you see the flap to your tent is a little open.
  579. >Did you close it when you came back to sleep? You can't remember.
  580. >After returning from the toilet and washing your hands and face, you check your phone and it's 3am.
  581. >Closing the flap properly this time, you lay down on the bed and toss and turn for a bit before you get comfortable enough that you fall asleep again.
  583. >The sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves brings you back to the world of the living.
  584. >Honestly, if you could wake up like this every morning instead of having your ears assaulted by a blaring alarm, you'd be more enthusiastic getting out of bed.
  585. >Despite having a late night, you found you were quite well rested and refreshed.
  586. >Moving your ankle around, there's no pain at all, so that's another plus, and the day is just getting started.
  587. >You stretch your arms up and yawn before hopping out of bed.
  588. >As you land on your feet the shirt slides off your shoulder, but you just leave it.
  589. >You jump back into the same pants and pull them up. They smell of smoke so you should wash them. You'll just change them when you get back.
  590. >Taking your toothbrush and toothpaste, and a towel, you head to the toilet block.
  591. >You've got a hop in your step, almost like you're skipping.
  592. >This is pretty fun, you must admit. You haven't felt like a kid in ages.
  593. >Paying attention this time you divert from the boys side and stop at the entrance to the girls' side.
  594. "Hello~" Your voice echos inside. "Nonny's coming in~"
  595. >You're really starting to like this name.
  596. >Silence, so you go in and do your thing.
  597. >After returning the crutch, the nurse checks your ankle before giving you the thumbs up, so you head to the dining hall for breakfast.
  598. >You'll brush your hair after breakfast. Food first.
  600. >Dash and Sunset scoot over letting you in between them.
  601. >Looking around at the girls and their breakfasts makes you question your own choice
  602. >You grabbed a small plate and got one scoop of scrambled eggs, 2 rashers of bacon and a hashbrown.
  603. >You also got a banana.
  604. >Still, compared to theirs, yours is a full meal.
  605. >Twilight is eating cereal with muesli and juice.
  606. >Sunset the same with yogurt on top with a side of 2 pancakes
  607. >Pinkie has 8 pancakes stacked high oozing in syrup
  608. >Rarity is having a cup of tea with raisin bread and a croissant.
  609. >Fancy.
  610. >Fluttershy is having pancakes as well, but her plate has more fruit than syrup
  611. >Rainbow is having bacon and eggs too, but she has half the quantity you got. She's also got a side of yogurt and a sports shake
  612. >Applejack is eating cereal with... strawberries?
  613. >You've only ever seen her eating apples, so you give her a confused look, darting between her eyes and the strawberries.
  614. >She notices and goes red in the face,
  615. >"Ah-Ah lost a bet, alright?" She eats with her mouth slightly open, clearly ashamed.
  616. >"Applejack, darling, just because you were raised on a farm with animals doesn't mean you need to eat like one of them." Rarity snidely comments to her.
  617. >Applejack closes her mouth, eating with a little more dignity.
  618. >Dash just laughs loudly with her phone pointed at AJ, filming.
  619. >"Hey Jacky, how do you like them... STRAWBERRIES!" She jokes, while the everyone just rolls their eyes.
  620. >Pinkie laughs along with her, but you think it's more so she's not the only one laughing.
  621. >It didn't look like much, but breakfast made you almost full.
  622. >You learned very quickly that your new body didn't need as much food, when one morning you made your usual bacon and eggs and couldn't even finish half of it, having to throw it out.
  623. >Papanon would be mad if he saw you waste food like that.
  624. >Since then, just to be safe, you always got little portions, with a little bit carbs, fibre, protein and fruits.
  625. >If it wasn't enough you could always fill up on fruit.
  626. >You don't want to get fat and ruin this nice figure you've got going, after all.
  627. >After you all finished eating you leaned over and asked Dash what the bet was with Applejack.
  628. >"Well,' Dash starts whispering to you. "Jacky here said she could beat me at push-ups last night while we were drinking."
  629. >"So, we were toe to toe doing push ups. 33, 34, 35. She was keeping up."
  630. >Glancing at AJ, she starts to shrink herself.
  631. >Dash, holding back a laugh, continues
  632. >"She started slowing down around 40, and then next thing I know she started puking."
  633. >"But, not wanting to call it quits, she kept going. Eventually, around 50 she couldn't continue and collapsed right on top of it!" Dash starts laughing.
  634. "Ewwww" You scrunch your face with a bit of a laugh.
  635. >"N-now ya had yer fun! Ain't ever speak a word of that again!" AJ points angrily at Dash.
  636. >"Yeah yeah Jacky." She waves her off. "This video of you eating strawberries is WAAAAAAY better."
  637. >Fluttershy, who had taken her tray back first, placed a bowl with a little yogurt and strawberries in front of you.
  638. >"Nonny, have some yogurt. A heavy breakfast can make you feel bloated all day." She says with a smile.
  639. "Thank you Fluttershy." Taking the spoon from her before eating it.
  640. >That yogurt really balanced out the bacon and eggs.
  641. >With breakfast finished everyone was just chatting among themselves waiting for Principal Celestia to make the days' announcements.
  642. >Dinner is going be such and such, a hat and jacket were found by the kayak shed,
  643. >Damaged or broken camp equipment must be returned and not dumped, there is to be no forest walking after dark without a teachers' supervision and something about possible bear sightings in the area
  644. >Standard stuff.
  645. >You weren't really listening, you were looking through the crowd for Flash.
  647. "Hey man." You pat Flash on the shoulder as he waits around.
  648. >"Oh hey Anon. H-how's the ankle?" He asks looking in the other direction.
  649. "Doesn't hurt anymore, see." You hop in place from foot to foot. "Nurse had a look before and said it's completely fine, but not to over do it."
  650. >"That's good to know."
  651. >His smile catches you off guard and you stop hopping.
  652. "Hey, about yesterday..."
  653. >You look up at him and Flash has a look of worry on his face.
  654. "T-thanks."
  655. >Flash gives you a confused look.
  656. "For carrying me I-I mean."
  657. >"It's no problem man."
  658. >Both of you just awkwardly kick the dirt when you speak up.
  659. "So um... do you wanna... do some activities... with me today?"
  660. >Oh good one, idiot! That totally didn't come out wrong and open to misunderstanding.
  661. >And why is your toe digging into the ground?
  662. "I-I mean we can still do kayaking together or rock climbing."
  663. >"Sorry man, I'm gonna hang with the guys today. We're gonna go explore the caves. I already promised them." He starts rubbing his arm.
  664. >You feel a little hurt hearing that, but you understand. Those guys are still a bit weird about you and the whole turning into a girl thing.
  665. "Yeah, nah it's cool bro." You laugh to yourself. "I understand." Nudging him in the arm gently to lighten the mood.
  666. >Flash looks at you with guilt in his eyes.
  667. "The girls asked me to join them, but I'd thought I'd ask what your plans were first. Don't worry about me."
  668. >Before he can reply the other guys form a circle around him.
  669. >"Flash ready to go man?" Valhallan and the rest of the guys start high-fiving and fist bumping him.
  670. >That's your cue to leave.
  671. >"Oh hey Anon-dude. Sorry, are we interrupting?"
  672. >You shake your head with a smile.
  673. "I'll talk to you later."
  674. >Flash just gives you a nervous half nod
  675. >Backing away step by step you keep smiling.
  676. "You guys have fun! It's the last school camp so let's enjoy!"
  677. >Before you turn you catch a brief glimpse of him.
  678. >Flash gives you that look for the briefest of moments
  679. >That look you've come to know means there's something's on his mind
  680. >You hope he's thinking about it too, because you need to talk to him about it.
  681. >What are you going to say to him about that kiss?
  683. ~~
  684. >Lunch time finally comes and everyone is back at the dining hall.
  685. >All morning you've been thinking how to approach the subject with him, and what to say
  686. >You need an answer
  687. >"Hey Nonny we're gonna eat lunch by the lake, you coming?"
  688. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, gotta do something real quick." Shouting to Pinkie as you jog away.
  689. >You didn't see Flash in the hall, so you check his tent.
  690. "Flash~ you in there?" Announcing yourself before you stick your head in.
  691. >Nope, not here either.
  692. >Maybe he's not back from the caves yet.
  693. >Pulling out your phone, you type a message and send it.
  694. >[Hey, we need to talk. About yesterday. Meet me at my tent tonight after lights out]
  695. >You sure hope he doesn't chicken out.
  696. >All through lunch you were deep in thought.
  697. >Reception is choppy out here, so did he get your message?
  698. >You could've left a note in his tent but then Norman would have seen it too, and that's trouble you don't need right now.
  699. >You release a sigh as you pick the sesame seeds off your burger bun.
  700. >The girls are having a conversation but you haven't been paying any attention to it at all.
  701. >Too busy thinking about tonight.
  702. >Will he come?
  703. >Will he be angry that you're bringing it up?
  704. >What are you going to say?
  705. >What are you going to do?
  706. >What is he going to say or do?
  707. >Are you pushing things too far?
  708. >Your desire to know intensifies.
  709. >You release another sigh when Applejack pats your shoulder.
  710. >Surprised you jump a bit in your seat and realise all the girls are looking at you, their conversation having ended a little while ago.
  711. >"Hey Non, you alright there? Ya look like Big Mac stuck decidin' which of his identical flannel shirts to wear." She says with a laugh.
  712. "Oh, just thinking." Picking another seed off the bun.
  713. >"Whatever about darling?"
  714. >"Yeah Nonners, you're with friends now, so out with it!" Pinkie gives you wide toothy smile.
  715. "Oh, alright."
  716. >Quick, make up something.
  717. "Just thinking about getting another job."
  718. >Good save. It was true though, you do need money and something to do.
  719. >"Job? Why do you need a job?" Twilight asks curiously.
  720. "Well, I quit my last job over the phone because I couldn't turn up as a girl and start working. There'd be too many questions."
  721. "I just need something to do during summer break, and I might as well earn some extra pocket money."
  722. >When papanon passed away, he left you everything.
  723. >The house and car, fully paid off
  724. >And your inheritance, in a trust account for when you turn 18.
  725. >Dad was a smart man, and very wise. He taught you many things, and valuing money and being responsible with it was one of them.
  726. >Still, you need money now.
  727. >"I know," Sunset leans over to you, "My sushi restaurant needs another waitress. It's pretty easy and tips are good."
  728. >From what you've seen of her place when she and Flash were dating, they must pay her well to afford all those guitars she has, as well as her apartment.
  729. "I dunno, I've never done waitressing before."
  730. >"It's easy Nonny, all you have to do is serve customers and since you're pretty cute, the money will just flow in." She winks at you.
  731. >You blush at her compliment, but can't help but wonder what kind of customer tips a sushi waitress that well?
  732. >A mental image flashes in your mind, sending a chilling shiver up your spine.
  733. "I'll consider it. I suppose it'd be easier than stacking shelves at Kmoot."
  734. >"Sweet." Sunset beams with enthusiasm. "I'll ask my boss if he's filled that spot yet."
  735. >Sunset pulls her phone out and types away.
  736. >Twilight goes back to telling the girls something about the stars
  737. >You pulled out your phone and check your messages.
  738. >No new replies.
  739. >Your message was delivered and read.
  740. >Yet no answer.
  741. >Putting your phone away you eat most of the burger and some fries.
  742. >It was a good burger.
  744. ~~
  745. >The afternoon and evening blew by.
  746. >After dinner, Principal Celestia detailed that in the morning there would be activities until 11am, then everyone would have to clean their tents and after lunch we would be on the bus back to Canterlot.
  747. >Returning to your tent, you had about half an hour before lights out at 8.30pm so grab your things for a shower.
  748. >After your shower on the way out you bumped into Snips and Snails.
  749. >Or rather, they 'bumped' into you.
  750. >Another slap to both of them for trying to grab your chest again.
  751. >And here you thought today was going great without being hassled by these two idiots.
  752. >Back at your tent you brush your hair and try the facial moisturiser Rarity gave you.
  753. >'Too much sun exposure was drying your skin out and you need to take proper care, including wearing a hat, darling.'
  754. >May as well try it.
  755. >When you were done It was lights out and you just lay on your bed staring at your phone.
  756. >Maybe he isn't coming after all.
  757. >You put your phone next to the pillow and roll over on your side, ready to fall asleep.
  758. >"Knock, knock, Anon?" A whisper from outside makes you sit up.
  759. "Y-yes!"
  760. >He came. You got up and opened the flap for him.
  761. >He steps in and sits on the empty bed opposite yours.
  762. "Hey, thanks for coming."
  763. >"Yeah, sorry, had to wait for Norman to fall asleep." He says looking around your tent.
  764. >He blushes a bit when he looks up and you realise your bras and underwear are hung up on the clothes line drying.
  765. >You blush, which makes him blush more realising he knows you know what he was looking at.
  766. >It's just awkward silence.
  767. >The tension in the air is pretty thick.
  768. "S-so," Swallowing your nerves you start, "We should go into the forest. Then we wouldn't have to whisper."
  769. >The tents aren't that close to each other, but on a still quiet night you can hear even the faintest snoring from a few tents over.
  770. >"Yeah good idea."
  771. >Flash nods and you both get up, and make your way up the track that leads to where you had the bonfire last night.
  772. >You lead Flash into the forest, sticking to the track so you don't get lost.
  773. >The moon is out so you can see pretty well.
  774. >Going half way to where the bonfire was, you step off the track into the trees, but keep the track visible from where you are.
  775. >You're face to face with him.
  776. >You're so embarrassed your face is heating up again.
  777. >But you have to initiate. YOU asked him to see you.
  778. >Clearing your throat grabs his attention and he tenses up.
  779. "Relax." It was more for you but he starts to loosen up a bit.
  780. "So... um... about yesterday." You nervously look up at him.
  781. >All day you were thinking about what to say and do but you couldn't think of anything.
  782. >So you're just winging it right now.
  783. >"Yeah, about yesterday..." He repeats nervously.
  784. "A-about...that kiss..." You lick your dry lips and swallow that lump in your throat.
  785. "W-what was that all about?" As embarrassed as you are, you don't look away from him.
  788. >"I guess we had to talk about it sooner or later, huh?" He shrugs to himself.
  789. >He scratches the back of his head as he thinks up an answer.
  790. >"Well... It was a spur of the moment kind of thing."
  791. >Less than pleased with his answer you question him again.
  792. "What? So it was an accident? You /accidentally/ kissed me?"
  793. >"Y-yeah I guess so."
  794. >He's rubbing his arm now, clearly uncomfortable with the line of questioning.
  795. "S-so it didn't mean anything to you?" You put your hands on your hips as your expression starts to get a little more annoyed.
  796. >"It's... it's just... I dunno man..." He mumbles out excuses, but you're tired of beating around the bush.
  797. "Just what?" You raise your voice a bit. "I want...I want the truth Flash Sentry!" You get right up to him so you don't need to be too loud.
  798. >You look up at him with a stern glare.
  799. >"I'm sorry man, so many things are going on, I'm just so stressed out right now, I wasn't thinking about what I was doing."
  800. >You narrow your eyes at him, but let him continue without interrupting him.
  801. >"But I did mean it when I said I don't want anything to change between us."
  802. "So you /don't/ have feelings for me...then?" Glancing away as you ask that.
  803. >"No man!" He blurts out without thinking. "I don't mean it like that, I mean you're like a brother to me! I guess I'm just thinking ahead to when you change back and how things will be then."
  804. >'No man!' echoes in your ears and honestly you feel a little painful tug in your chest.
  805. >Taking a second to process what he just said, it does make sense.
  806. >When Twilight fixes you everything can go back to normal.
  807. >R-right..? Everything..?
  808. "So then, you just want to forget the whole kiss even happened?" You're a little pained to think that, but you asked for honesty and he gave it to you.
  809. >"Look, I know we can't take that back, but things don't have to change between us. I don't want things to change between us. You're still my best friend."
  810. "Yeah, I just wanted to know why though."
  811. >Flash goes red again. "I-I just thought you were hot. For a second I forgot you were Anon. I got lost in the moment dude."
  812. >Hearing those words heats your face up and makes your chest throb.
  813. >Damn, how do girls deal with their hearts racing at the drop of a hat?
  814. "I guess that makes sense..." Quietly you whisper
  815. >"What about you man, why did you hold my hand?" He whispers to you.
  816. >Your heart just skipped a beat. You don't even know why you did it.
  817. >It was a spur of the moment thing, go with that.
  818. "I-I..." Think fast dammit! "I grabbed your hand to balance myself. Otherwise I would've fallen on my ass." Laughing awkwardly to throw off any suspicion from Flash.
  819. >Flash seems to buy it, judging by the look of thought on his face. He wasn't really the brightest of you two.
  820. >Flash puts his hands on your shoulders.
  821. >"Let's not mention it and just try to move on, you know?"
  822. >"And it'd be weird when you change back to your old self and things got really weird between us." He says with a laugh.
  823. "Haha, yeah, like those boy-love comics Twilight keeps talking about." You say with a laugh.
  824. >"What boy-love comics?" He looks at you confused.
  825. "Forget I said anything. Girls' secret." You press a finger to your lips for 'keep it a secret'.
  826. >He gives you a weirded out look, "No offence dude, but I'd rather not be involved in a gay relationship in my senior year, that's what everyone will remember us by."
  827. >A short giggle escapes you
  828. "I guess you're right."
  829. >The both of you share a short laugh before a pause
  830. >So, that's it then. It was just one big misunderstanding.
  831. >He is right though, when you turn back into a guy things will only be uncessarily complicated between you both, so best to just squash it here and now.
  832. >But deep down this is the answer you know makes sense, but you can't help but feel different.
  833. >Almost sad, in a way.
  834. "Alright then. Friends." You raise your fist to him.
  835. >"Friends." He fist bumps you back.
  837. >A snap of a twig and rustling of leaves on branches freezes you both and you look at the direction of the sound.
  838. >Heavy footsteps and groaning not too far away.
  839. >Something big is thumping around over there.
  840. >Flash grabs you and pushes you up against a tree
  841. "H-hey" You try to speak but he covers your mouth with his hand, and quietly shushes you into your ear.
  842. >"Stay quiet, I think it's a bear."
  843. >His breathe tickles your ear, and the way he's holding you against the tree makes you tingly.
  844. >A BEAR?! Your knees start to wobble from fear.
  845. >Flash whispers not to move, most likely the bear hasn't noticed you.
  846. >You try to turn to get a look at it but Flash stops you with his hand.
  847. >"If it sees us, it could attack. Just stay still and don't look at it."
  848. >You're terrified of being mauled to death in a forest, but you can't stop your knees from shaking.
  849. >Sensing this, Flash pulls you in tighter trying to calm your nerves.
  850. >Wow his arms are really strong, and his chest is really defined.
  851. >What the hell are you thinking? You shake those thoughts out of your head.
  852. >Now's not the time to be thinking like that.
  853. >You can hear the bear getting closer, you estimate it to be about 35 feet away.
  854. >The bear seems to just meander about for a while, and you're both stuck up against a tree trying to avoid being seen by it.
  855. >You pull his hand away with yours and whisper quietly to him
  856. "W-w-what do we do?"
  857. >"Remember what Timber said on the first day;" You shake your head. "Try to avoid being seen, avoid eye contact, then walk away slowly."
  858. >Why didn't you pay attention? You're a smart guy, you just have a tendency to not listen at the worse times.
  859. >You can't help blushing when you look up at him and see how serious his expression is.
  860. >Oh no...
  861. >/That/ feeling again.
  862. >It's not like you can help it though, he's wearing that deodorant again.
  863. >And it's mixed with his scent.
  864. >Your head starts to swirl from the intoxication.
  865. >Every breath you take is a deep one like you can't get enough.
  866. >It might be fear, the adrenaline, or both, but honestly you're getting pretty turned on by this whole situation.
  867. >Your knees have gone from wobbly to grinding your thighs together.
  868. >No! Now's not the time for this.
  869. >Your body feels hot now, and your face is burning.
  870. >You can't help it though, he's protecting you right now, and you're just about to melt into his grip.
  871. >Hormones take over and your body starts moving on it's own.
  872. >You reach up on the balls of your feet, leaning closer to his face.
  873. >He's still got his head turned slightly, watching that bear.
  874. >Just a little more...
  875. >Not five minutes ago you agreed to just be friends and nothing weird would happen, but look at you!
  876. >Have you no self-control?
  877. >You lick your lips just enough to slicken them, and puck your lips
  878. >You chest is starting to throb like your heart is about to jump out of it.
  879. >You just want another kiss like yesterday.
  880. >Just a little kiss. A quick peck.
  881. >It felt so good, and you know one more kiss will feel even better.
  882. >"The bear seems to have moved away." Flash loosens his grip on you but keeps watching the bear leave.
  883. >You just keep looking up at him with half lidded eyes slowly getting closer.
  884. >"OK, I think the bear has gone, but we should-"
  885. >He looks down at you and immediately his face goes red when he notices you're right up against him.
  886. >Your boobs are squished right into his chest.
  887. >Biting your lower lip, with a hot breath you nervously ask
  888. "S-should we...?"
  889. >"Mm-hmm." He nods
  890. >He starts leaning down.
  891. >Is this it?
  892. >He opens his mouth.
  893. >It's on! You prepare yourself by closing your eyes and ready your lips.
  894. >Feeling his breathe tickle your lips you wait for contact.
  895. >And wait.
  896. >What? Where's the kiss?
  897. >"Yeah we should probably head back to camp before the bear comes back." He whispers into your ear, before letting go of you entirely.
  898. >You let out a little whine, but it's no use complaining.
  899. >Seems he didn't notice. Perhaps it's for the best.
  900. >The walk back to your tent was fast, not wanting to stick around should the bear return.
  902. >Back in your tent, you try your best to keep things chill.
  903. "Thanks, that was some quick thinking back there."
  904. >Sitting on your bed it's hard to get comfortable with wet underwear.
  905. >"Thanks man, it's lucky I was paying attention on the first day."
  906. >Flash's demeanour seems to have changed all of a sudden.
  907. >He's relaxed and not as tense.
  908. >Like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
  909. >It's been such a long time since you've seen him this at ease.
  910. >You gotta do what you can to help him. That's what's important right now.
  911. "Hey thanks for the talk. I feel we needed to get that out of the way."
  912. >"Yeah, for sure."
  913. "Well we should probably get some sleep."
  914. >Flash nods in agreement and stands up. He takes a step and trips on your suitcase, landing right on top of you, pinning you to the bed.
  915. "Ow ow ow~" You rub your forehead, "Flash are you al-"
  916. >Opening your eyes, Flash is mere inches from your face.
  917. >With only the moonlight iluminating the inside of your large tent, you can see he has a bit of a blush painted across his face.
  918. >Neither of you move.
  919. >You're just both looking right at each other.
  920. >The only thing that's happening is the red on both your faces spreads.
  921. >"S-sorry, you alright?" He moves around to get his bearings
  922. "Ahnnn~" Quietly you moan, which you immediately cover your mouth with your hands and hope he didn't hear it
  923. >Flash has stopped moving and is just looking at you.
  924. >Oh shit, maybe he did hear it.
  925. "Y-your hand is on my hair." Quickly making up an excuse.
  926. >"Sorry!"
  927. >Looking down, his knee landed between your legs, pressed right up against your crotch.
  928. >This can't be good-
  929. "Sorry man, just let me get up." The mattress sinks in from the weight and brings his knees rubbing along your wetness.
  930. >You clench your eyes shut at the sensation.
  931. >It feels good but you don't want him to see you like this, it'll only make things weird later.
  932. >You do your best to keep as quiet as you can by biting your lips to keep your mouth closed.
  933. >It's no use though.
  934. >He moves and you feel it.
  935. >You squirm and you feel it.
  936. >It doesn't help that you got turned on earlier, so you really hope he doesn't notice.
  937. "W-wait, let me." You shimmy your way out from under him.
  939. "Sorry."
  940. >"Sorry."
  941. >You both apologized at the same time.
  942. >To break the awkwardness, you begin to giggle.
  943. >Flash starts to giggle too, and soon you're both laughing.
  944. >After the chuckle you both settle down.
  945. >He gets up and says goodnight.
  946. "Hey." You say to him, "Friends."
  947. >"Yeah." He says with a smile. "Friends."
  948. >You both bro hug with one arm and pat each other on the back with the other arm.
  949. >After a minute to make sure he was gone, you sit back on the bed, cupping your face in your hands.
  950. >Instantly you feel your face turn hot.
  951. >Have things become more awkward between you two than before?
  952. >Why can't things just go right?
  953. >Letting out a sigh you just lean back and fall on the bed, ready to sleep.
  955. ~~~
  956. >Breakfast was great, you chatted with the girls and afterwards you and Flash did archery.
  957. >There was no tension between you two, despite last night, and it felt great to just hang out again.
  958. >You both got competitive and soon the banter started, just like old times.
  959. >It didn't even feel like you were a girl at all, that's how normal it felt.
  960. >Coming back to camp you began to pack your things and loaded your suitcase on the bus.
  961. >After lunch you sat with Flash talking about how you were going to help him get his grades back up.
  962. >Before, you both used to alternate between whose house you'd go to to play games and sleepover at.
  963. >So you're sticking with that routine.
  964. >Only with studying, not games.
  965. >"Alright students, please pack your things and check your tents one last time so you haven't left anything behind." Vice Principal Luna announces over a loud speaker.
  966. >After checking your tent again, you grab your back pack and check you have your wallet, phone and a few other bits and pieces.
  967. >Today has to be the hottest day of the whole week, and you're just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and you're still sweating.
  968. >You wait near the bus, because you want the best seat: the back.
  969. >It'll be time to leave soon and that will be it, the last school camp you will ever have.
  970. >You're kind of sad to be honest, the whole finishing school in a few months looming over you.
  971. >It's hot so you open a bottle of water and begin to drink from it.
  972. >"Heads up!" As soon as you heard it a Nerf football hits you, causing you to spill your water over yourself.
  973. >The bottle drops to the ground as you yell at Snips and Snails.
  974. "YOU IDIOTS!"
  975. >"Sorry!" They halfheartedly apologise while picking up their ball, running off again.
  976. >Looking down at yourself you can see your whole front is wet.
  977. >You storm off to the bathroom, hopeful that paper towels can dry your shirt
  978. >Looking in the mirror, you can kind of see your bra showing through the thin fabric.
  979. >Taking off the shirt you wring out the water and hold it under the hand dryer.
  980. >You've been doing this for 5 minutes now and your shirt is slowly getting dry, but it's still mostly wet.
  981. >"Nonny, there you are!" Rainbow steps into the toilet, finding you standing there in your shorts and bra.
  982. >You react by covering your chest.
  983. >She blushes a bit before continuing, "Whoa, sorry, we're getting on the bus now. You alright?"
  984. >You explain to her what happened as you struggle to get the wet shirt back on.
  985. >The bra is also wet, but you'll just have to bear it on the ride home.
  986. >Checking yourself in the mirror again, you can still see your bra outline.
  987. >It's not as bad, but noticeable.
  988. >Hope no one else notices though.
  989. >You cover your front by hugging your backpack to your chest.
  990. >Genius Anon.
  991. >"Sorry Ms. Luna." Dash apologises for you both as you pass her onto the bus.
  992. >She just gives you a unimpressed look before checking your names off the list and getting on the bus.
  993. >Being the last ones on, everyone is looking at you as you walk down the centre isle.
  994. >You try to cover your shirt as best as you can with your backpack, but whispering students puts doubt in your mind.
  995. >Passing by Snips and Snails' seat, you pause for a moment, staring daggers at them before Dash pulls you along.
  996. >The girls are taking up the whole back bench.
  997. >Flash saved you a spot next to him.
  998. "Thanks for saving me a spot."
  999. >"N-no problem man. Is everything alright?"
  1000. >With a sigh you explain to him what happened, not letting your backpack go.
  1001. >As the bus takes off for the 3 hour drive back home, you and Flash both play games on your phones.
  1002. >Chatting as you fight monsters on screen.
  1003. >An hour into the ride most students have fallen asleep, some like yourself are chatting and you and Flash talk about how you're gonna spend summer break.
  1004. >You were so into this game that when you looked over you hadn't noticed Flash fell asleep with the window keeping his head up.
  1005. >Seeing this causes you to yawn as well and you turn the game off.
  1006. >A nap does sound pretty good right now.
  1007. >Turning around you see the girls are all asleep on each other as well.
  1008. >You smile as you nestle up to Flash's side, resting your head on his shoulder.
  1009. >You take a selfie of you two.
  1010. >He's so cute, you think to yourself as you pretend to kiss his cheek and take a photo of it.
  1011. >Giggling to yourself you put your phone away and close your eyes.
  1013. >The sounds of giggling and laughter behind you stirs you awake.
  1014. >Flash is still sleeping so you stretch a bit and turn to face the girls.
  1015. >"What's all the noise?" Fully turning around to face the girls.
  1016. >They're all giggling to themselves but stop when they notice you.
  1017. "W-what's up? Are we there yet?" Sleepily you ask them, rubbing an eye.
  1018. >"Nope. Still got a ways ta go." Applejack says with a straight face.
  1019. >"Noooooothing." Sunset teases with a smirk.
  1020. >Looking at the girls you notice Pinkie and Fluttershy looking at a phone giggling with their hands over their mouths.
  1021. "What are you laughing about?" Reaching for the phone.
  1022. >Pinkie passes it to Rarity who looks at it, then at you, and comments.
  1023. >"Awww Nonny darling, you two are simple just too adorable~!"
  1024. >She turns the phone around to you and instantly your face goes red.
  1025. >There, on the screen is a photo of you sleeping with your head right into the nape of Flash's neck.
  1026. >If that wasn't enough, your hand was around his bicep, holding it tight.
  1027. >Trying to snatch the camera away, Rarity waves a finger at you.
  1028. >"Ah ah ah!" She tut-tuts. "It's not polite to snatch." She swipes the screen to another photo of you two sleeping, then another and then finally the last one with you with a little drool spot on his shoulder.
  1029. "D-delete those!"
  1030. >Your voice came out cute instead of angry and the girls all make swooning sounds at you.
  1031. >"Awww what's the matter Nonners? You guys look pretty cute here~" Pinkie chimes in.
  1032. >"Oh my, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were a couple."
  1033. >Fluttershy, in a rare display of confidence, teases you,causing you to blow up even more.
  1034. "What is wrong with you all?! I'm still a guy, or have you forgotten that?"
  1035. >Twilight slides her glasses up her face before grinning devilishly
  1036. >"Nothing wrong with two cute boys getting together." She smirks to herself.
  1037. >Too many comics Twilight, you nerd!
  1038. >Sunset takes her phone back and types away, then puts her phone away.
  1039. >A moment later your phone vibrates in your pocket.
  1040. >"Hey are we back yet?" Flash speaks up with a yawn.
  1041. >"Not yet, but it shouldn't be too far left to go." Sunset answers, and he just nods before asking
  1042. >"What's with all the noise?" Turning to face the girls as well.
  1043. >The girls all put on their best poker faces.
  1044. >"Just keep it down, alright..." and just like that he's back to sleep again.
  1045. >Pouting, you stare at the girls narrowing your eyes.
  1046. >Rarity just blows you little kisses while Pinkie, Fluttershy and Twilight silently cheer for you.
  1047. >Applejack winks at you and Sunset just gives you a thumbs up.
  1048. >Rainbow Dash has been asleep this whole time, and one of the girls put their bag on her head but you can still hear the snoring from under it.
  1049. >You turn around and pull out your phone.
  1050. >Looking over the pics you close the messages and start playing your game again as the girls continue to giggle and chat amongst themselves.
  1052. >Arriving back at school you claim your suitcase after exiting the bus.
  1053. >Principal Celestia has a short announcement about how well every body behaved and bids you all a safe weekend.
  1054. >There's a little mingling and Sunset adds you to their group chat and of course first thing she sent was those photo's again.
  1055. >The girls all head to their cars, Pinkie gets in to Fluttershy's, while Sunset and Twilight jump into Rarity's SUV.
  1056. >Applejack has Big Mac pick her up and Rainbow Dash gets on her dirt bike with her suitcase strapped to the back.
  1057. >They all wave to you as you make your way to Flash's car.
  1058. >You drove to his place and parked your car outside his house.
  1059. >The drive home wasn't too long, only about 10 minutes, but you chatted with him about games and movies.
  1060. >Getting your suitcase from the boot of the car, Flash's mom invites you in.
  1061. >"Welcome back dear!" She hugs Flash. "Come in Anon, it's so good to see you again dear!"
  1062. "Hi Mrs. Sentry."
  1063. >She pulls you into a hug as you enter.
  1064. >"Oh please, call me Louise." She's been asking you to call her that for years now, and it's kind of become your greeting with her.
  1065. >"How are you holding up, with everything?"
  1066. "I'm dealing with it. Sometimes though, I feel like I'm in a dream and I'm going to wake up soon."
  1067. >She hugs you again.
  1068. >"We're always here Anon, and you are family. You're always welcome here." She tells you as she lets you out of the hug.
  1069. "Thanks."
  1070. >"Hey Anon," Tank, Flash's dad, greets you from the living room.
  1071. >He's a large man, bigger than dad and more intimidating for sure, but he is a nice guy.
  1072. "Hi Mister Sentry." You wave to him and he glances at you with a nod before going back to watching the game on TV.
  1073. >"How was camp, boy?" He asks turning down the TV.
  1074. >"Yeah it was great dad, got to do so much and we even saw a bear."
  1075. >That peaks his interest.
  1076. >"A bear?!" Louise grabs Flash and checks him over. "You're not hurt are you?"
  1077. >"No mom," He sighs, "It was about forty feet away!"
  1078. >She was always so protective of him. Growing up it made you jealous wondering what it was like having a mother that cared as much as she did.
  1079. >"Please tell me you'll be joining us for dinner? I made lasagne."
  1080. >You love her lasagne, despite being a working mother, she still cooked all the meals and kept the house clean.
  1081. >She even taught you how to cook so you and dad could eat well at home. She would give you her old cook books once she was done with them.
  1082. "Sorry, I'd like to but not today. I'm feeling really exhausted to be honest. I think I'll just sleep when I get home."
  1083. >She gives you a concerned look and then suggests you take some home and eat it when you're ready.
  1084. >Flash hands you your keys that you left here for safe keeping, and you tell them you'll drop by again soon.
  1085. >The drive home wasn't long, you live 15 minutes away, but it gave you time to reflect on how lucky you are to know them.
  1087. >It was 13 years ago you arrived in Canterlot.
  1088. >Dad had just graduated from university as an engineer when you were born.
  1089. >Just you and dad, for as long as you can remember.
  1090. >He chose to raise you by himself, rather than give you up. Often doing whatever odd jobs he could get.
  1091. >Then he got offered a position as an engineer, but it was in a city called Canterlot; 2 states over from where you used to live.
  1092. >You remember getting in the car with your bag of toys, and hours later falling asleep. And when you woke up again, he was still driving.
  1093. >The drive was long and most of it was filled with stretches of various scenery.
  1094. >Open fields, forests, mountains, valleys, cities, towns, you passed them all on the way here.
  1095. >Watching Simpsons on the crappy tv in the motel room while you and dad ate burgers on the bed was one memory of dad that you just couldn't forget.
  1096. >Another day of driving followed and finally you arrived in Canterlot that evening.
  1097. >After unloading everything from the car, there was a knock on the door.
  1098. >"Hi there!" A woman and man's voices greet in unison. "We're the Sentry's. Welcome to the neighborhood! We live a few houses up the road..."
  1099. >You remember dad was exhausted, but he still greeted them politely and made conversation with them.
  1100. >"...And this is my son, come here Anon." You remember him waving you over from the wall you were hiding behind.
  1101. >"Hi Anon! I'm Flash!" He had a big grin on his face.
  1102. >That boy was confident and outgoing, compared to the quiet you.
  1103. >Right away you both became friends. Both of you were pretty much inseparable from that point on.
  1104. >After a couple of years dad had saved enough to buy the home you live in, and you moved.
  1105. >Because of dad's job, he was often out for days at a time, and the Sentry's were more than happy to have you stay with them.
  1106. >They are your second family, if you couldn't explain it any other way.
  1107. >Tank is an OSHA safety inspector and he and dad used to work together occasionally.
  1108. >When dad died, he named the Sentry's as your guardians until you turn 18.
  1109. >Louise and Tank Sentry.
  1110. >You were grateful to have them, otherwise you would have to move in with that woman
  1111. >That woman... that you reluctantly call 'mom' but is nothing but a stranger.
  1113. >*tap tap tap*
  1114. >You wake up and look around.
  1115. >It's morning, the TV is still on and the blanket is on the floor, just a corner of it still covers you
  1116. >A long yawn escapes as does a few cracks when you stretch.
  1117. >Ow! Your boobs really hurt today. More so than usual. Maybe you slept wrong?
  1118. >On top of that, you've got hunger pains for something sweet.
  1119. >Maybe you shouldn't have skipped dinner last night.
  1120. >You turn off the TV and hear a sound
  1121. >*tap tap tap*
  1122. >What's that sound? The front door?
  1123. >You rub the sleep from your eyes as you get up to answer it
  1124. >someone's at the door, you can hear some talking before the tapping turns into a few loud knocks
  1125. >*knock knock knock*
  1126. >Opening the door you are greeted by the sight of 7 girls all standing there
  1127. >"-See I told you to knock harder!" Rainbow Dash suggests to a shrinking Fluttershy.
  1128. "M-morn-ing girls." You say with a yawn mid-sentence.
  1129. >The girls all just look at you with a blush on their face.
  1130. "What's up?"
  1131. >You follow their gaze down and realise that the shoulder strap of the singlet you were wearing had fallen down, exposing your boob to the girls.
  1132. >Quickly you go to pull it up and cover yourself but because this was one of your singlets from when you were a boy, it just slips off again.
  1133. >It was also then that you realised you were only in your underwear.
  1134. "C-come in" You gesture quickly to the girls as you struggle with the loose clothing.
  1135. >The girls all say good morning as they enter, and you close the door looking around for anyone that may have seen.
  1136. "What brings you girls over so early?" you ask as you run your fingers through your hair in lieu of a proper brush.
  1137. >The girls all sit down where they can find a seat.
  1138. >"It's not early." Applejack quirks, "It's already 9 o'clock."
  1139. "That's pretty early for a Saturday." Yawning again as you fall back onto the sofa, pulling the blanket over yourself as you lay down where you had woken up from.
  1141. >Rarity clears her throat before speaking.
  1142. >"Well darling, we're here to take you shopping, of course."
  1143. "Huh? What for?" With eyes closed you question as you cozy up to your pillow again, ready to fall back asleep
  1144. >"Remember you asked us to take you shopping for a few things." Sunset, looking around your living says
  1145. "Oh, right. I guess I did." You casually remark, the tone in your voice suggesting you aren't really paying attention right now.
  1146. >Rainbow Dash rips the blanket off of you in one swift motion.
  1147. >Sitting up from the sudden shock you glare at her
  1148. >"Come on Nonny, we got a full day ahead. Up and let's go!"
  1149. >"She's right sugarcube, daylights' wastin'."
  1150. "Fiiiiiiiiine~" You whine as you get up and head into the bathroom and make yourself presentable.
  1151. >After doing your morning routine, you find some of the girls in the living room and some in the kitchen.
  1152. >Your house is open plan so you can see them all.
  1153. >Sunset made herself at home on the sofa flicking through channels.
  1154. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash are helping themselves to the lasagne and are eating it out of the same bowl.
  1155. >Pinkie's going through your fridge
  1156. >Twilight and Fluttershy are in the backyard according to Applejack
  1157. >"Hey, this is some good lasagne dude!" Dash remarks with a mouth full of food.
  1158. >"Uh huh." AJ nods, "It's delicious! Where'd you get it?"
  1159. "Oh, Flash's mom made it."
  1160. >"She did?!" Sunset rushes into the kitchen, grabbing a fork. "Gimme!"
  1161. >"Get your own!" Dash and Sunset fight over it while you look at what Pinkie's doing to your fridge.
  1162. "What's the whipped cream for?" You ask Pinkie, pointing to the 6 bottles of whipped cream.
  1163. >You swear she didn't have any groceries with her.
  1164. >"Trust me, Nonners, I have a feeling we're gonna need it soon."
  1165. >She also pulls out a chocolate cupcake and hands it to you with a wink.
  1166. >Pinkie's a good baker and so you don't doubt this will be delicious.
  1167. >As expected from one bite, it was amazing. You finished it quickly.
  1169. >"Ah! Nonny." Rarity steps into the kitchen, "Come darling, you need to get dressed."
  1170. >Following Rarity into your bedroom you find some clothes laid out on your bed.
  1171. >Looking over everything, Rarity really had picked out something outrageous. By your standards anyways.
  1172. >Long flowing sun dress, inch raised pumps, a choker, and a showl.
  1173. >And to top the look off, a little handbag.
  1174. >Up until now, you were pretty much wearing your boy clothes, or whatever still fits.
  1175. >You bought a few things like shoes and underwear and other basics, but you kind of liked the tomboy look you had going.
  1176. >Rarity disagreed, saying that a girl as cute and pretty as you should accentuate your beauty with matching ensembles.
  1177. >That is to say, girly frilly cutesy dresses.
  1178. "Where did you get these from?"
  1179. >"Why darling, these are all clothes /we/ gave to you, remember?" She emphasised 'we' and that's when you remember.
  1180. >After you changed, the girls all helped out with clothes they didn't need anymore.
  1181. >You kind of just pushed them into the walk in wardrobe and left them there.
  1182. >In their boxes, untouched, for the last three weeks.
  1183. >Rarity, picking up that you remembered, comments further.
  1184. >"Tsk tsk tsk Nonny. It's the only thing in there that /wasn't/ crumpled." She emphasised by shooting you a deathly glare.
  1185. >Mental note to self, don't mess with clothes around a fashionista.
  1186. "Can't I wear something more casual, like, Dash or AJ?"
  1187. >"Jeans and flannel? Heavens! One country bumpkin is enough."
  1188. >"Hey!" AJ calls out from the kitchen
  1189. >"No offense darling." Rarity shouts back
  1190. "Well what about leggings and a jacket like Dash?"
  1191. >"Hey! You can't copy me! This is my look, and I trademarked it!" Dash says entering your room.
  1192. >She looks over the clothes and starts to laugh.
  1193. >"Hey Nonny, those clothes really suit you! Told you you'd make a great wife one day!"
  1195. >Ever since she found out you cook and clean at home she used to tease you about it nonstop. Now it's just a passing joke between you both.
  1196. "Well can't I just wear a T-shirt and jeans? I feel more comfortable in jeans."
  1197. >"No no no!" Rarity waves her finger at you. "If we're going clothes shopping today you need to wear something you can slip in and out of easily!"
  1198. "But!-"
  1199. >Rarity pushes Dash out of the room and closes the door, turning to you.
  1200. >"No buts or ifs darling. Now time to change."
  1201. "Rarity, please, I'm not comfortable wearing a dress! Let me wear my shirt and jeans!"
  1202. >Rarity pouts at you and crosses her arms.
  1203. >"But Nonny~" She coos, "You'd look adorable in a dress!"
  1204. "Maybe, but it's kind of weird for me..."
  1205. >After a little back and forth whining and pouting from both of you, you reached a compromise.
  1206. >You would wear your shirt and jeans, but Rarity got to style your hair and give you a full make over one day.
  1208. ~
  1209. >It's just after lunch and all morning you and the girls have been shopping.
  1210. >Rather, Rarity has been shopping and you have been dragged along.
  1211. >When you said you wanted to go shopping you meant you needed a few more pairs of bras and underwear, a couple shirts and pants for school, and maybe a small bag for your phone, keys, and wallet.
  1212. >NOT a whole new wardrobe.
  1213. >You were basically a Barbie for her to dress up and match outfits on.
  1214. >Then there was the other stuff: moisturiser, foundation, make up, eye liner, hair dryer, hair brush, styling brush, blush, powder, perfume etc etc.
  1215. >Despite your insistence, Rarity counter insisted that you needed all these things.
  1216. >She completely ignored you when you asked her what you were going to do with all these things when you turned back into a guy.
  1217. >You've spent close to $500 today, that was money you were going to buy a new console with.
  1218. >To top it all off, you're feeling a little queezy.
  1219. >Maybe lunch was a little off.
  1220. >That or all the sweet pastries Pinkie kept feeding you all morning have finally come back to bite you.
  1221. >Sitting down for a moment, you clutch at your stomach as the girls gather around.
  1222. >It really hurts.
  1223. >"Hey Nonny, you alright?" Sunset asks as she hands you a bottle of water.
  1224. "I think so. Maybe lunch is disagreeing with me." You tell her as best as you can to hide the pain.
  1225. >"Well girls, how about we split up?" Applejack suggests to the group.
  1226. >"FINALLY!" Dash throws her hands up in the air, "Who's coming with me to the game store?"
  1227. >"I will!" Pinkie raises her hand.
  1228. >"It's near the bookstore so me too!" Twilight joins Dash and Pinkie.
  1229. >"I'm gonna hang around here." Applejack leans back on the bench, tipping her stetson over her eyes and putting her hands behind her head.
  1230. >"Me too." Fluttershy says, opening her bag and letting Angel out.
  1231. >"Very well then, I think I'll have a little look at that new store I've been hearing about."
  1232. >"Alright then. How about we meet back here in an hour then?" Sunset suggests to the girls.
  1233. >The girls all nod and go their separate ways.
  1234. >"What about you?" Sunset turns to you
  1235. "I-I think I'll rest for a bit. Then I might have a walk around."
  1236. >"Hey, if you want, we can go to my work place. My boss said he'd like to meet you."
  1237. >"S-sure, just give me a minute."
  1239. >"IRASSHAIMASE~!" A loud greeting is shouted from the staff at Sunset's restaurant.
  1240. >"Oh, Sunset, you're not working today." An old man greets Sunset.
  1241. >"Hi Mr. Sushiya, I've brought my friend Nonny." Sunset introduces you.
  1242. "H-Hi." You shake his hand as you bow your head slightly.
  1243. >It's kind of weird being introduced as Nonny to someone, but you just go along with it. "It's nice to meet you."
  1244. >"Oh, very nice to meet you. Sunset tells me you're looking for a job."
  1245. "That's right. Just something for weekends and after school."
  1246. >He strokes his chin in thought as he looks you up and down.
  1247. >"Please come this way." Leading you both into the back room.
  1248. >After a brief conversation he hands you a folded uniform and asks Sunset to show you the change room.
  1249. >You slip out of your clothes and put on the shortened Yukata.
  1250. >Tying it up, you look yourself in the mirror.
  1251. >It's pretty short. Adjusting it a few times to bring it lower doesn't work as it always stops just above your knees.
  1252. >You feel pretty exposed with no leggings or shorts on underneath.
  1253. >Can't argue with how cute it makes you look though, as you look yourself over in the mirror.
  1254. >Stepping out of the change room, Sunset helps you by untying and retying the Yukata.
  1255. >"Just remember Nonny; 'right over left, only in death'." She recites as she corrects your mistake.
  1256. "How does it look?" you turn around for her to see.
  1257. >Sunset grins, "Really cute on you Nonny."
  1258. >When you turn around completely and face her again you get another stomach pain and clench your abdomen tightly.
  1259. >The pains makes you bend your knees and you hunch forward slightly.
  1260. >"You alright?"
  1261. "Yeah, just hurts a bit is all."
  1262. >After walking back into the office to speak to Mr. Sushiya, he hired you right there.
  1263. >Your first couple of weeks will be with Sunset, so she can show you the ropes.
  1264. >Putting the uniform into an empty locker after changing, you and Sunset thank Mr. Sushiya and head off back to the meeting point.
  1266. >As you're walking your stomach seems to be churning and twisting painfully, so you tell Sunset you'll see her there shortly.
  1267. >Sunset understands and heads off as you rush to the nearest toilet as gracefully as you can.
  1268. >while on the toilet writhing in agony, you're still clutching your abdomen tightly.
  1269. >What the hell is this? You wonder to yourself.
  1270. >The pain becomes too much, causing you to clench your eyes shut and hold your stomach.
  1271. >You strain for a bit before you feel a little relief. There it goes.
  1272. >Finishing up, you wipe yourself and what you see drains the blood from your face.
  1273. >You almost scream out in shock
  1274. >The toilet paper you're holding is covered in splotches of blood.
  1275. >In a panic, you check your blue underwear and thankfully there's no blood.
  1276. >Looks like you made it in time, you sigh as you clean yourself up
  1277. >The more you wipe the more blood there seems to be, like it just won't end.
  1278. >You start tearing up at the sight.
  1279. >It's finally happened. You're having a period.
  1280. >That would explain all the cravings, your chest aching and your somewhat more-lethargic-than-normal mood today.
  1281. >This is just too much to take in right now.
  1282. >You had pushed the thought to the back of your mind, hoping that you would turn back into a guy before things got to this point.
  1283. >Emotionally overloaded you don't know whether you should cry or be happy or angry.
  1284. >Your phone chimes and you read the message.
  1285. >Sunset: [Hey Nonny, everyone's here. How much longer you going to be?]
  1286. >Shoot! You're late, but you can't exactly leave right now.
  1287. [Sorry, I'm running a bit late. Don't worry.]
  1288. >Another text [Where are you? We'll come to you.]
  1289. [No need. I'm just in the middle of something right now.] You hastily type out a reply.
  1290. >Just then your phone starts ringing; Sunset is calling.
  1291. >You decline the call and message her instead.
  1292. [Sorry Sunset, can't talk right now.]
  1293. >[Nonny, what's going on? You're acting sus.]
  1294. [I can't say. Just, I'll be a while, don't worry.]
  1295. >Another message [If you're in trouble, we can help, just tell us.]
  1296. >Should you tell her? It's so embarrassing and kind of disturbing for a guy to have a period
  1297. >Not to mention the girls would probably be disgusted and stop helping you.
  1298. >You think it over for a moment.
  1299. >Your options are:
  1300. >Don't tell her and stuff tissues into your underwear and pray that's enough, and just act like nothing is wrong
  1301. >Or, tell her and maybe she can bring you some pads or something
  1302. >Hmm, no brainer really.
  1303. [Sunset, I need help.]
  1304. >Sunset tries to call again but you decline the call.
  1305. [Sorry, I can't talk on the phone right now. Promise what I'm about to tell you stays between us.]
  1306. >[Uhhh sure?]
  1307. [...] You begin typing
  1308. >This is so embarrassing. Not sure how to tell her, you type and delete over and over
  1309. >Sunset can see you typing something and gets impatient
  1310. >[??? What is it Nonny?]
  1311. >...
  1312. [I'm having a period]
  1313. >Sunset doesn't reply after that, but you get a notification from the group chat.
  1314. >There's a new message from Pinkie: [CONGRATULATIONS NONNY FOR HAVING YOUR FIRST PERIOD!]
  1315. >Her message was followed by emojis
  1316. >3 party hats, 4 confetti explosions, and a bunch of balloons and thumbs up.
  1317. >You just face palm. You trusted Sunset
  1318. >A text message comes through.
  1319. >[Sorry, I didn't know Pinkie was reading my texts over my shoulder. You know how she is.]
  1320. [It's alright. What do I do?]
  1321. >[Where are you? We'll bring some pads]
  1322. [Thanks, I'm in the toilets up near the Fapple store]
  1323. >[On the way]
  1324. >After agonising with your stomache for what feels like ages, you hear a familiar voice call out.
  1325. >"Nonny~ You here?"
  1326. "I'm over here Sunset." You quietly call out.
  1327. >Shoes tap on the tiled floor and you see her boots in the gap under the stall door.
  1328. >"Nonny?"
  1329. "Yeah, thanks for coming Sunset."
  1330. >"It's alright. Is everything ok?" She asks as she slides a plastic bag under the door.
  1331. "Yeah, it just won't stop." Quietly you tell her, unsure if there are other occupants here.
  1332. >"Yeah, it's like that sometimes. How do you feel?"
  1333. "Tired. And emotional. A moment ago I was feeling sad but now I feel uneasy." You pull the box of pads out of the bag and look over the instuctions.
  1334. >"Yep. That's a period alright. Will you be alright or do you want me to stay?"
  1335. "I-I think I can manage. Thanks Sunset."
  1336. >"Alright, I'll be outside. Uh, good luck..?" You hear the door close and silence confirms you're all alone now.
  1337. >You're still in a bit of pain and you can still feel the flow, but at least you can finally leave this cubicle prison.
  1338. >After about 5 minutes of fumbling around and two wasted pads, you got it done.
  1339. >Stepping out the girls all wave and smile as you approach.
  1340. >Everyone gives you that look that they know.
  1341. >Pinkie especially is grinning like the cheshire cat
  1342. >No one says a word though, probably for the better that things don't get more awkward.
  1343. >Are they creeped out? Are they disgusted? Are they going to stop being around you?
  1344. >Fluttershy moves over and you sit down next to her.
  1345. >"H-how do you feel Nonny?" She asks you while gently rubbing your back, which feels good.
  1346. "It h-hurts." You say with a wince. "I-I think I should go home."
  1348. >The girls decided on the way home that they would have a sleepover at your place.
  1349. >Or as Pinkie put it; the Period Party.
  1350. >A hot shower and a new pad made a world of difference. Before you had the shower, you just felt sweaty and gross.
  1351. >Rarity took it upon herself to brush your hair and style it for you. Ultimately choosing to curl the ends with a curling iron. Of course Rarity would know what looks good on you.
  1352. >Pizzas, snacks, and soda satisfied the cravings, and watching movies all evening and into the night took care of the mood swings.
  1353. >Now it was late and everyone was asleep.
  1354. >Everyone except you.
  1355. >Today has been such an emotionally taxing day that you can't shut your brain off from thinking about it.
  1356. >Tossing and turning under your blanket doesn't make it anymore comfortable.
  1357. >"You alright Nonny?" Sunset, who was next to you asks quietly.
  1358. "Hey Sunset..." You whisper quietly. "Did I wake you?"
  1359. >"Not really, what's up?"
  1360. >You bring your knees to your chest as you curl into a fetal position comforting yourself.
  1361. "Um... thanks for your help today."
  1362. >"It's alright Nonny."
  1363. "I know, but... It's just..."
  1364. >"Something else on your mind?"
  1365. "Aren't you all like... weirded out? I thought you'd be disgusted and not want to be around me anymore."
  1366. >"Nah it's cool. It's our kind of our fault you're like this, so until we can change you back we're gonna do our best to help you."
  1367. "Thanks Sunset. I don't think I could do it without all your help."
  1368. >"It's no problem. Also, just to let you know, we all had bets on when you were getting your period."
  1369. "W-What?!" You whisper loudly
  1370. >"I was so close too. I bet on Monday."
  1371. "So who won then?"
  1372. >"Pinkie. She guessed the day and the week right, so we had to cough up double."
  1374. >That explains why she kept feeding you pastries today. That Pinkie sense of hers was amazing.
  1375. "Hey...Can I ask you something?"
  1376. >"Yeah sure, shoot."
  1377. "Why... why did Flash break up with you?"
  1378. >Sunset gulps and shuffles around in her blanket.
  1379. "Sorry if it's too personal. You don't have to answer."
  1380. >"N-no it's fine. I just thought he would've told you. You both are really close."
  1381. "He never told me why, and I never pushed it. I always thought if he wanted to tell me he would."
  1382. >"Do you want to know Nonny?"
  1383. "Yeah."
  1384. >"You remember how I used to be right?"
  1385. >You think back to all the times you heard that she was being a bully and what she did to the other students, ruining friendships and ending relationships.
  1386. >She never did those things to you and Flash though, so you thought yourself lucky.
  1387. "Y-yeah. I remember."
  1388. >"Well, remember when you tried to get me to stop being mean to everyone?"
  1389. >You tried to stop her by confronting her, and when they failed you spoke to Flash.
  1390. "yeah"
  1391. >"I... uh... kind of tried to make Flash hate you too."
  1392. >You couldn't believe what you heard. She tried to ruin your friendship.
  1393. >To think that Sunset would do something like that after you accepted and treated her like your own family really put a squeeze in your chest.
  1394. >"I gather from your silence how shocked you are. Sorry. I tried to make Flash hate you by telling him that you tried to touch me and kiss and ask me out behind his back."
  1395. "What happened?"
  1396. >"He dumped me. Right there and then. Didn't even let me get a word in."
  1397. >"He was just so angry, and his words were, 'Don't you EVER lie about Anon. He's a good guy. I'd rather lose you as a girlfriend than him as a friend any day of the week!'"
  1398. >Your face heats up as your heart starts to race a little.
  1399. >"And that was it."
  1400. >Sure you were bros, and bros always before hoes, but to think he would stand up for you to his own girlfriend?
  1402. >Not just any girlfriend either, Sunset Shimmer; the smoking hot 10 out of 10 Queen of CHS!
  1403. >You never knew he cared that much. You're so deeply touched that your chest starts to throb.
  1404. "So what did you do then?"
  1405. >"Honestly I was shocked. Humiliated even. I started to realize then that I didn't have control over everyone like I thought I did. And maybe that's why Princess Twilight was able to bring me down."
  1406. "Thanks Sunset. I'm glad you changed. I mean you're a better person now."
  1407. >"Aww thanks~" She fist bumps your back gently.
  1408. "Say... have you heard anything from Princess Twilight?"
  1409. >"Sorry Nonny, nothing yet."
  1410. "Oh, okay." You mumble quietly, not wanting Sunset to pick up on your disappointment.
  1411. >"Hey, don't worry. Princess Twilight is doing everything she can to help us. That's who she is. She'll find a way."
  1412. >Sunset rolls over and leans closer patting your shoulder, "And we're here for you too. We'll get through this."
  1413. "Thanks Sunset." That really puts your mind at ease.
  1414. >"No problem, now let's get some sleep." She suggests with a yawn.
  1415. "Night Sunset." You say with a yawn as you close your eyes and fall asleep.
  1418. ~Sunday morning~
  1419. >It's a hot sunny day out and you and the girls are having brunch at Sugarcube Corner.
  1420. >You're still getting cramps but the painkillers seem to be working well.
  1421. >After placing your order, the waitress hands you your order number you make your way to the table where the girls are at.
  1422. >Thinking about how to help Flash study, you weren't looking where you were going and bumped into someone, making you trip.
  1423. >"Hey cutie are you alright?"
  1424. >'C-cutie?!' Looking up at the voice you see a guy about your age.
  1425. >He offers his hand and helps you up.
  1426. "S-sorry!"
  1427. >Are you blushing?
  1428. >Well he is kind of hot.
  1429. >Wait not hot! He's handsome, yeah! Cute even!
  1430. >Argh what are you thinking?!
  1431. >"You dropped this." He hands you your order number
  1432. "T-thank you." You glance up and he's looking right at you, making you look away suddenly.
  1433. >You start to blush a little more.
  1434. >He just laughs, "I'm Double Diamond. What's your name?"
  1435. "I'm... I..."
  1436. >You're captivated by him. His flowing silver hair, those blue eyes.
  1437. "I'm...uh...I...should go."
  1438. >You push past him and dash to the toilet, locking yourself in a cubicle.
  1439. >Breathing in and out rapidly, your heart beats fast as you try to calm yourself down.
  1440. >Just what was that?
  1441. >What were you thinking?
  1442. >You slap your cheeks to snap out of it.
  1443. >Once you calm down enough you leave the toilets but look around for Double Diamond.
  1444. >Looks like he's gone, so you join the girls at the table, just in time for your toasted sandwich to arrive.
  1445. >The girls start chatting about their plans for summer break, and as usual you're thinking about something else.
  1446. >"You'll join me and Fluttershy, won't you Nonny?"
  1447. "Huh? Uh, sure Pinkie, I guess."
  1448. >"Alright then, we'll go right after we finish."
  1449. "Wait, go where?"
  1450. >"To look at swimsuits silly."
  1451. >Oh, that's what she's talking about.
  1452. "Oh, gee, sorry Pinkie, I can't today. I'm going to Flash's place to help him study."
  1453. >Pinkie blows her cheeks up at you and gives you that disappointed look she makes.
  1454. "Sorry Pinkie, it slipped my mind."
  1455. >"Don't worry Nonny! It's all good!" In an instant she's back to her usual self.
  1456. >After brunch you left the cafe and walked home to get your books.
  1458. >It's hot and you are helping Flash study in his room.
  1459. >"Hey man, you alright? You've been acting a bit weird since you got here."
  1460. "Huh? Oh, it's just... hot."
  1461. >Using the heat to cover for your heavy blushing.
  1462. >You still can't stop thinking about it.
  1463. >A stranger called you cute.
  1464. >And not just anyone, a handsome guy too!
  1465. >A guy around your age thought that you, YOU; Anon, were cute.
  1466. >"Hey, what's the way to solve this problem?"
  1467. "Huh? Oh, you have to use this formula here."
  1468. >"Ahh that makes more sense. Cheers!"
  1469. >Flash works his way through the questions as you do some reading.
  1470. >The words on the page start to blur a little.
  1471. "Ugh" You sigh as you rub your eyes.
  1472. >"Let's take a break. I think we've covered a bit of stuff."
  1473. "Yeah, that's a good idea."
  1474. >"Maaaaan" Flash starts to complain. "I can't believe we still have two weeks of school left! Usually it's summer camp and THEN summer break."
  1475. "I know it's weird, but I'm sure Principal Celestia had her reasons for making it this way."
  1476. >"I guess so, but still, two whole weeks I can't concentrate in class! I'll be thinking about summer break!"
  1477. "But you've got soccer training don't you?"
  1478. >Flash sighs. "Yeah man, gotta go. Being the captain of the team means I have to be there. Sucks that you won't be on the team though."
  1479. >You and Flash joined the soccer team as freshmen, and this is the second year that he's been captain.
  1480. >Flash is naturally gifted at sports, being really sporty and active. You on the other hand, are a good player, but no where near as good as Flash. It didn't bother you too much, it was something you could both do and it was good exercise.
  1481. >"Y'know, Dash has been bugging me to ask you to join the girls' team for a while now."
  1482. >Dash has been captain of the girls' team for the last three years. It's no surprise seeing as how good she is on field.
  1483. >When you changed, she kept pestering you about joining, but you turned her down every time.
  1485. >You just didn't want to join the girls team for a bit and then when you turn back into a guy, have to leave again.
  1486. >You told her that you'd consider it though.
  1487. "I know. I don't want to commit to anything at the moment just in case I turn back."
  1488. >A long yawn escapes your mouth, and you are quick to cover your mouth.
  1489. "Excuse me. For some reason I'm feeling a little dizzy."
  1490. >"It must be the heat. I'll get you some Powerade."
  1491. "Thanks man. Do you mind if I lay down a bit?"
  1492. >"Go ahead."
  1493. >Once Flash leaves the room, you really notice how sweaty you've gotten.
  1494. >Maybe you should've worn shorts or a skirt instead of jeans. They're just so stuffy.
  1495. >Standing up you unzip your jeans and fold them on the floor.
  1496. >Without taking off your shirt, you undo and shimmy yourself out of the bra as well.
  1497. >Ahh~ less confining now.
  1498. >Lucky you changed the pad at home before you came.
  1499. >Another yawn slips out and you lay on the bed.
  1500. >You've gotten so used to sleeping in just a shirt and underwear.
  1501. >You can't help it, it just feels so comfortable
  1502. >Just like this bed.
  1503. >...and it smells like Flash.
  1504. >Inhaling deeply you start to get a bit tingly throughout your body.
  1505. >This... really... is... nice...
  1507. >You start to come to.
  1508. >The chirping of crickets and cicadas outside waking you up. Just like at camp.
  1509. >Sitting up on your knees you feel a blanket slide off you.
  1510. >Flash must have put it on you.
  1511. >Such a sweet caring guy, such a shame that he always gets shafted in relationships.
  1512. >Looking around everything is painted a beautiful orange sunset tone.
  1513. >After a yawn and a quick stretch you slide off the bed and grab the box of pads out of your bag and head to the toilet.
  1514. >Doesn't seem like Flash's parents are home yet. You wonder what time it is?
  1515. >Returning to the room, just as you were about to open the door Flash opened it, bumping into you and knocking you to the floor.
  1516. >"Sorry man, I didn't see you there."
  1517. "It's alright." You say rubbing your forehead.
  1518. >"What's this?" Flash mumbles to himself as he picks up the box.
  1519. >He reads it aloud, "'Extra absorbent for those heavy flows'."
  1520. >Your face goes red as you try to grab the box from him but he continues to read it aloud.
  1521. >"'Padded for extra carefree comfort, extra absorbent triple layer means no more leaks'."
  1522. >When he finishes reading he looks at you puzzled
  1523. >"Dude, why do you have a box of pads?" He looks down at your underwear and sees the adhesive wings sticking out from the edge of your panties.
  1524. "SH-SHUT UP IDIOT!" Quickly closing your legs you grab the box from him and run into his room, closing the door behind you.
  1525. >You are so embarrassed right now you could die!
  1526. >Flash comes in a moment later and sits on the bed next to you.
  1527. >"Hey man, sorry about before. I didn't mean to embarrass you."
  1528. >You are hiding under his blanket, despite the heat.
  1529. "It's alright."
  1530. >A moment of silence passes before he speaks up.
  1531. >"Say, mom wanted to know if you were staying for dinner tonight?"
  1532. "Sure. I guess so."
  1533. >"Alright, I'll let her know."
  1534. >Flash gets up but you grab his wrist, causing the blanket to slide off you.
  1535. >You're facing him, but you can't bring yourself to look at his face.
  1536. "Aren't you..?" You mumble quietly
  1538. >"What was that?"
  1539. "I said, a-aren't you... disgusted..?"
  1540. >"Disgusted about what?"
  1541. "That I'm...having a period?"
  1542. >Flash just looks away with a blush on his face.
  1543. >"W-well.. It's..."
  1544. "Go on, SAY IT!" You tighten your grip a little on his wrist. "You're totally disgusted aren't you?!"
  1545. >Why are you shouting at Flash? You know he hasn't done anything wrong.
  1546. >Must be the menstrual hormones at work. You were doing well today keeping your emotions in check.
  1547. >You can feel tears welling in your eyes now, you feel bad for yelling at him but you can't help it.
  1548. >"Just so you know, a period is normal for a girl. I'd be worried if you weren't getting them."
  1549. >Flash sits down and pulls you into a hug.
  1550. >The realisation of what is happening sends your heart racing.
  1551. "Thanks, and sorry for yelling at you. I'm just really emotional because of...you know."
  1552. >You hug him back.
  1553. >"Also, those curls look really good on you."
  1554. >Your heart skipped a beat. He really did notice.
  1555. >This guy...He may be a bit of an idiot but his heart is in the right place.
  1556. >He's really sweet too. If this moment could last, you might just-
  1557. >"Hey um, why are you in your underwear on my bed anyway?"
  1558. >Ah! You completely forgot.
  1559. "D-don't look you idiot!" You try to push him off to cover yourself and he tries to let you go at the same time
  1560. >"Kids, dinner's almost ready~" Louise bursts into the room, catching Flash on top of a half naked you.
  1561. >You face goes red at the compromising position.
  1562. >Louise puts her hand to her mouth and giggles. "My my~ Come down for dinner when you've finished~"
  1563. >"M-MOM!!"
  1564. "Wait! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!"
  1565. >She closes the door and you hear her skip down the hall.
  1566. >Why does this keep happening to you?
  1569. >At last it's Friday night and you can put the week behind you.
  1570. >Nothing particularly eventful happened.
  1571. >Just school, chatting with the girls and helping Flash study on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
  1572. >It was better to reinforce the material from class right away rather than leaving it to the weekend.
  1573. >It seemed to work seeing as how Flash was getting better at keeping up with what the teacher was explaining.
  1574. >Your period just ended too and you couldn't be happier.
  1575. >It's not unusual for periods to last up to 8 days sometimes, so you're glad yours is over, and you hope the next one won't be as long.
  1576. >You barely made it through this week, always feeling like you had to step on eggshells in case you snapped at someone.
  1577. >You explained to Flash that it was all hormonal and not personal and he understood.
  1578. >The girls shared tips on how to manage the discomfort.
  1579. >The tea that Fluttershy recommended really helped a lot.
  1580. >Although, you do wonder how Sunset felt the first time she got hers. Pony's don't get periods do they?
  1581. >Anyway, you're just glad that emotional roller coaster is over.
  1582. >It was a handy excuse for skipping P.E though.
  1583. >Also no more waking up on the flag of Japan.
  1584. >Knowing you have to deal with this monthly makes you hope that Princess Twilight finds a way to turn you back soon.
  1585. >Godspeed little horse princess.
  1586. >That aside, currently you are in dad's office.
  1587. >Everything is just as he left it.
  1588. >Standing at the desk you pull the first draw out and reach in, picking up dad's glasses.
  1590. ~Earlier~
  1591. >English, the last class of the day with Cheerilee.
  1592. >The class was reading passages aloud from the text book.
  1593. >"Very good. Next is...Anon, please continue."
  1594. >While reading you started to get a bit dizzy, so you paused to rub your eyes.
  1595. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  1596. "Y-yes miss. Just something in my eye."
  1597. >After blinking a few times you start squinting. It was the only way you were able to finish the passage.
  1598. >"Thank you. Next is..." Cheerilee moves on to another student.
  1599. >Leaning back into the chair you rub your eyes again.
  1600. >Looking at the words again they start to blur once more.
  1601. >Holding the book at full arms' length helps a little bit. It's just uncomfortable.
  1602. >"Hey you alright?" Flash whispers.
  1603. "Yeah, I think I'm just a bit tired. You don't mind if we postpone the games and pizza tonight, do you?"
  1604. >"Yeah it's cool man. We can do it next week."
  1605. >The bell rings and everyone starts to pack their bags.
  1606. >Miss Cheerilee explains the homework to the class before letting the class go.
  1607. >"Anon, could I see you for a moment please?"
  1608. >"Anon -gosh that sounds so weird saying it to a girl." She clears her throat.
  1609. "It's OK miss, you can just call me Nonny."
  1610. >"Oh, then Nonny, I can't help but notice you're squinting a lot in class lately. Is everything alright?"
  1611. "Y-yes miss. It's just hard to see the text sometimes."
  1612. >She gives you a worried look. "Are your eyes hurting or do they feel strained? Are you getting headaches?"
  1613. "Yeah, how did you know?"
  1614. >Now that she mentioned it, since Sunday whenever you read any passage of text for long periods of time you started getting headaches.
  1615. >Not only that, your eyes have been easily irritated lately and you rub them frequently.
  1616. >"Nonny, have you had your eyes checked?"
  1617. >You haven't ever had your eyes checked. Dad sometimes wore glasses for reading. More often than not though you saw him reading without them.
  1618. >Back in dad's office, you wipe the lens before you put them on.
  1619. >No immediate noticeable change. Everything looks the same.
  1620. >You pick up a book and flick to a random page.
  1621. >It couldn't be...You can see the words without needing to squint.
  1622. >It's been a while since you saw text this sharp and clear.
  1623. >How long have you neglected your eyes?
  1624. >Tomorrow you'll get your eyes tested before you start work with Sunset.
  1626. >"We will give you a call when your glasses are ready to pick up. Thank you very much."
  1627. >The appointment didn't take as long as you thought it would.
  1628. >Maybe you shouldn't have arrived a few hours before your shift. Now you need to kill some time.
  1629. >As you walk around, the scantily dressed displays of a lingerie store catch your attention.
  1630. >As a guy you were drawn to look at it, always curious, yet embarrassed about looking at it in case you might be accused of being a pervert.
  1631. >That doesn't apply to you anymore!
  1632. >Some of those designs though... they're really risque.
  1633. >Having a lingerie fetish is pretty normal. After all, what guy doesn't like seeing a girl in lingerie?
  1634. >The first time you started liking lingerie was when you and Flash got the underwear catalog out of his mail box and ran to his room to look through it.
  1635. >"Hello miss, would you like to come in and have a look?"
  1636. >A woman's voice makes you realise that you've been standing here for a little while. Maybe you should move along now.
  1637. >"Miss?" The lady steps out in front of you.
  1638. "Oh me?" You look around in case you were mistaken.
  1639. >"Yes miss, would you like to come in and have a look?" She raises her hand to the stores' doors, gesturing you to enter.
  1640. >Yes. Yes you would like to have a look.
  1641. >Following the assistant around, she asked if there was anything in particular you fancied.
  1642. "N-no, just looking." That was a lie. You fancy everything in here.
  1643. >Looking at all the lingerie adorning the walls and racks, all the styles and designs really were eye openers.
  1644. >The great mystery of what lies inside a lingerie store finally answered. You gotta tell Flash next time you see him.
  1645. >Everything was either lacy, frilly, see-through or all the above.
  1646. >And a little pricey too.
  1647. >"Well then, is there a particular style that interests you?"
  1648. "I'm not sure. I've never bought anything like this before..." You whisper to her so the other customers don't hear you.
  1649. >"Not at all miss." She smiles at you. "We have a wide selection to choose from, and I can help you find something by color, size, design, theme or taste."
  1650. >Wait, what did she mean by 'taste'?
  1651. "I guess I'd like some underwear..?" Quietly you mumble to her. "I just don't know what would look good on me?"
  1652. >"Please, follow me miss." She leads you into the changing area.
  1653. >"Miss, if you could undress to your underwear I can help find something that suits your body."
  1654. >Your face goes red at the thought of undressing in-front of a stranger in a packed store.
  1655. "D-do I have to undress?"
  1656. >"I'm a trained bra fitter specialist. By seeing your body shape I can help you find something that fits you perfectly." She notices you're still a little uneasy so she gives you a gentle smile.
  1657. >"Worry not miss, we take our customers' privacy very seriously. There are no cameras in this section of the store, and no one in the store can see you."
  1658. >Her reassurance puts you at ease a little and you close the curtain behind you and begin to undress.
  1659. >Nervously you take your shirt and pants off, leaving them folded on the chair provided.
  1660. >Good thing you wore a matching set today.
  1661. >Peeking out from behind the curtain, you look around for anyone else that might see you.
  1662. >Luckily, it was just the sales lady standing there.
  1663. >"I understand how embarrassing this may be miss. If you'd prefer, you can just open the curtain and stay in the change room." She says with a friendly smile.
  1664. >With a nod, you slowly peel the curtain to the side and stand in the middle of the small change room.
  1666. >You're a little nervous and can't help but shift constantly on your feet.
  1667. >Covering yourself with your arms you can feel yourself going red in the face.
  1668. >You feel so exposed right now, standing in a shop full of people in only your underwear.
  1669. >"Miss, please lower your arms so I can get a better look at you."
  1670. >Slowly you lower your arms to your sides, but you can't help your knees shaking.
  1671. >She looks at you then puts her hand to her chin, supported it with her other hand propping her elbow up.
  1672. >"Hmm... yes.." She hums to herself as she walks around you, slowly examining you.
  1673. "W-what do you think?"
  1674. >What have you gotten yourself into?
  1675. >"Would it be alright if I touch your body?" She asks professionally.
  1676. "S-sure I guess."
  1677. >Right away she goes to work, her warm hands inspect your bra, checking the straps and cups.
  1678. >"Are you getting any back pains miss?" She asks from behind while tugging at your bra.
  1679. "A little bit."
  1680. >"Uh huh." She notes to her self.
  1681. >After a little more hands on examining, she steps out of the change room and faces you.
  1682. >"Miss, I will be back in a moment. Please wait here and I'll have something for you."
  1683. >Quickly drawing the curtain closed you hide behind it, doing your best to calm yourself down.
  1684. >'Take it easy Anon. Just breathe.' You tell yourself.
  1685. >This isn't the first time you've bought underwear for yourself, so why are you so nervous?
  1686. >Kmoot and Targent were where you got your other stuff, but there you just walked in, grabbed some stuff, tried it on, bought it and left.
  1687. >There was no person to person interaction.
  1688. >Maybe that's why you're feeling a little nervous?
  1689. >Interacting with a professional that deals in women's' bodies and being worried that she may find out you're not a woman?
  1690. >What would she think though? That you're a pervert or something?
  1691. >Would she call the police?
  1692. >Nah, you're just over thinking. She's been calling you 'miss' this whole time, so unless you told her, she'd only know you as a girl
  1693. >She returns a moment later.
  1694. >"Miss, I'm back. Are you there?"
  1695. "Y-yes!."
  1696. >She passes you a few hangers with different styles of underwear.
  1697. >"Please try these on miss." She directs your attention to a box of liners on the wall. "For hygienic reasons, please use the liners."
  1698. >She excuses herself and closes the curtain.
  1699. >The first pair were plain black. Basic, no patterns, no designs.
  1700. >But wow, that support though, spot on. She is good.
  1701. >The other pairs fit perfectly as well. They were just more fancy and sexier, and of course, cost more.
  1702. >Looking over the choices again, you decide to go with the first pair.
  1703. >Mainly because they were the cheapest.
  1704. >You weren't expecting to buy anything in here, however good customer service like that deserves to be rewarded.
  1705. >After getting dressed and stepping out the lady meets you again.
  1706. >"How did they fit miss?"
  1707. "Perfectly." You hand her back the hangers with the fancy ones. "I think I'll grab these ones please." Handing her the plain ones.
  1708. >"Excellent choice. They are very popular for their comfort, more so than their design."
  1709. >As you head to the register you pass by the bikini and swimsuit sections.
  1710. >With summer vacation coming up you should probably get a swimsuit.
  1711. >Oh well, it can wait for another day.
  1712. >"Thank you miss and we look forward to helping you again."
  1713. >Exiting the store you quickly put the shopping bag in your backpack. You don't want Sunset to see that you've been shopping at Frills 'n Thrills.
  1714. >'Being a girl sure is expensive' you sigh to yourself.
  1715. >You still have time so you'll check out a few more stores before you grab some lunch before work.
  1717. >Coming home you kick your shoes off and fall face first onto your bed.
  1718. >It's 10.30 pm and you are tired!
  1719. >Luckily the restaurant provided dinner for free
  1720. >For your first day you didn't have to do much aside from welcoming customers and clearing the tables.
  1721. >You've been on your feet the whole shift, running from the kitchen to the front serving customers.
  1722. >Your legs ache and your feet hurt.
  1723. >Gotta get some more comfortable shoes before your next shift.
  1724. >Sunset said that weekends were the busiest.
  1725. >You didn't expect it to be that busy though.
  1726. >Sunset is not very fit but she didn't even slow down once today.
  1727. >You did get a lot of compliments from the customers though, many of them calling you 'cute' and 'pretty'.
  1728. >It still feels weird being called those things but a compliment is a compliment.
  1729. >Each time made you blush a little.
  1730. >That's probably why you got so many tips.
  1731. >You made around $60 in tips alone tonight.
  1732. >Sunset wasn't kidding when she said your cuteness would rake in the cash.
  1733. >Seeing how Sunset was today, and how she absolutely milked her sex appeal to the customers, it got you wondering if you could be as confident as her and do the same?
  1734. >Maybe, but the difference between you and Sunset is she has sex appeal and confidence. >You are only pretty and cute. Two completely different things.
  1735. >Still, is it wrong to use your looks to your advantage? It would feel like you were cheating those customers.
  1736. >However... you didn't ask them for tips, they willingly and happily gave it to you.
  1737. >So... it's alright, right?
  1738. >You shake your head clear of the dilemma. You're too tired to be thinking this hard.
  1740. >Lifting yourself into a sitting position you decide you're going to soak in the bath instead of shower tonight.
  1741. >As the tub fills, you undress and look yourself in the mirror.
  1742. >Man, you got nice curves in the right places. If you do say so yourself.
  1743. >However as your eyes drift down... maybe you should clean up a little.
  1744. >Looking down it is quite a mess.
  1745. >Maybe a trim then.
  1746. >Grabbing your electric shaver, and trying to see yourself in the mirror, you start trimming without any real thought other than 'trim it a little'.
  1747. >'That tickles'
  1748. >'Oops, that's uneven now'.
  1749. >'OK, this side now'.
  1750. >'Good one, now it's crooked'.
  1751. >Looking at the horrible hair cut you've given yourself, at this point you should probably just shave it all off.
  1752. >Although, if your bottom regions are anything like your chin when you were a guy, you're going to get irritation if you're not careful.
  1753. >Maybe you should get waxed like Rarity and Sunset keep asking you to.
  1754. >The thought of the pain alone is enough to deter you though.
  1755. >Carefully you work the shaver around your sensitive bits.
  1756. >'Easy does it'
  1757. >Your hand slips and the shaver grazes past your slit.
  1758. "Mmmh~!"
  1759. >A moan escapes your mouth from the sensation.
  1760. >Wow, that was intense
  1761. >Out of curiosity, you turn if off and hold it between your legs.
  1762. >Years of watching porn has taught you that vibrators can cause orgasms in seconds.
  1763. >Truth be told, you're a little scared of what will happen when you turn it on.
  1764. >You'll try it for just a little bit.
  1765. >Turning it on the shaver comes to life
  1766. "Mmm~AAAaaaa~" You moan loudly, surprising yourself with how your voice sounds
  1767. >Oh god! What the hell is this..?
  1768. >The second you turned it on you collapsed to the floor a shivering mess.
  1769. >Your legs gave out that second that it hit you.
  1770. >It was...
  1771. >It was intense.
  1772. >It was so sudden and so overwhelming it was almost painful.
  1773. >But wow does it feel good.
  1774. >You slide it back into place and it hits you again.
  1775. >You can feel your muscles tensing as your legs shiver.
  1776. >All you can do is cover your mouth to stop the loud moan you know wants to get out.
  1777. >Squeezing your eyes shut doesn't help much with the feeling, but it helps you not get dizzy.
  1778. >One hand propping you up while the other is keeping the shaver right against your body.
  1779. >Oh god this feels so good~
  1780. >How could you have not done this earlier?
  1781. >Involuntarily your hips start grinding against the shaver.
  1782. >I-if you keep doing that you're gonna-
  1783. >The sound of water splashing and a wet sensation breaks your concentration and you open your eyes
  1784. >Oh crap! The bath tub is overflowing!
  1786. >Aaah~ that bath felt so good.
  1787. >Even in summer nothing beats a hot bath.
  1788. >Finishing the bath you dry your hair and wrap it in a towel before you moisturise.
  1789. >After moisturising you begin the skin care.
  1790. >You did spend all that money buying this stuff so you may as well try it.
  1791. >Dabbing a little here and there you start massaging it in.
  1792. >It was nice of Rarity to write down her skin care regimen for you to follow.
  1793. >After twenty minutes you were finished. Time to dry your hair.
  1794. >Still wrapped in the towel you head to the dresser to pick out your underwear and pajamas.
  1795. >Speaking of underwear, you grab pair from your bag and put it on.
  1796. >It really was comfortable. That lady knew what she was doing.
  1797. >Maybe next time you go you'll get some lingerie.
  1798. >Yeah, you're certain you'll look good in lingerie.
  1799. >Feeling a little restless, the thought of continuing where you left off before crosses your mind.
  1800. >Grabbing the shaver from the bathroom you turn the light off before you lay on your bed and make yourself comfortable.
  1801. >Biting your lip at the thought of what's to come, you turn the shaver on and slide it into your underwear.
  1802. >The feeling of cold vibrating plastic against your warm clean shaven skin sends tingles up and down your body.
  1803. >Your skin starts to form goosebumps in anticipation.
  1804. >Almost in position... just a little more...
  1805. >Oh~ OooH! RIGHT THEREEEEEE!
  1806. >The pleasure sends your head back into your pillow once you get it in just the right spot.
  1807. >Having the underwear on means your hands are free and instinctively you begin to fondle your chest and nipples.
  1808. >Wow this feels so good
  1809. >The vibration is low but against your clit, it feels like a jackhammer and you can't control your moans as they loudly escape your mouth.
  1810. >Your body starts to squirm, as if it wants to escape this new sensation, yet with every movement it brings forth more pleasure.
  1811. >More pleasure than you are sure you can handle.
  1812. >Rolling over onto your stomach you bury your face into your pillow.
  1813. >You're gasping for air already, your breathing has already become heavy
  1814. >It can't be? You're so close already!?
  1815. >You only just turned it on a moment ago.
  1816. >One hand hugs the pillow as you bury your face into it while the other holds the shaver against your slit, intensifying your pleasure.
  1817. >You stick your butt into the air and spread your legs apart.
  1818. >You're almost-
  1819. >Before you know it, your whole body starts to tense and spasm.
  1820. >Then it hits.
  1821. >You moan so loudly that even the pillow didn't muffle it all, as your body tenses for a second before you start to twitch uncontrollably.
  1822. >Your mind starts to blank, having lost your consciousness to the euphoria your body falls limply to the bed.
  1823. >After a few seconds of bliss, the pulsating between your legs reminds you the shaver is still going.
  1824. >As good as it feels, you don't think you can handle two orgasms back to back so you better turn it off.
  1825. >Reaching into your wet panties you pull the soaked shaver out and turn it off.
  1826. >With a heaving chest and short on breath, you let out a contented sigh.
  1827. >'Wow that felt so good.' You think to yourself as you bring the shaver up to your face to see how wet it and your fingers are.
  1828. >They are really coated. You sure hope the shaver is water proof.
  1829. >Your face must be red as a beet because you sure feel hot and exhausted.
  1830. >Cumming as a girl sure feels way more satisfying and fulfilling than cumming as a guy.
  1831. >Laying there catching your breath gives you time to clear your head.
  1832. >There was nothing weighing on your mind, so you think about what you'll do tomorrow.
  1833. >What groceries you'll need to buy, maybe do some cleaning and the laundry before you go and help Flash study.
  1834. >Sounds like a plan.
  1835. >With the last of your strength you pull the blanket over yourself before you fall asleep.
  1837. >The week flew by and finally, it's the last day of school.
  1838. >"I'm happy to say everyone passed the test and no one will need to catch up over the summer break." Kranky Doodle tells the class.
  1839. >Looking at Flash he sighs in relief.
  1840. "So how did you do?"
  1841. >Flash shows you his results and written in red marker is a large '58%'
  1842. >Barely a passing mark, but it's the effort that matters.
  1843. "Good job!" You congratulate him. His last math test was 41%; a fail.
  1844. >"Thanks for all your help man." His smile stops your heart for a second.
  1845. >Quickly you look away trying not to turn red.
  1846. >Why did your heart just flutter? This whole week you hadn't had this feeling despite being around him most of the time.
  1847. >Was it his smile? He looked genuinely happy.
  1848. >You're so glad that all your study sessions have really helped him.
  1849. >Despite all the times you got 'distracted'.
  1850. "We still have a long way to go dude. I'll help you study and raise your grade more, so don't stress too much."
  1851. >The bell ringing echoes through the school.
  1852. >Saved by the bell.
  1853. >"Now, I hope you all have a fun, and more importantly, a SAFE summer break." Kranky emphasizes before dismissing the class.
  1854. >Finally! School's finished!
  1855. >At your lockers you pack your things while talking to Flash.
  1856. >"Are you working tonight?"
  1857. >You shake your head as you slides some books into your bag.
  1858. >"Well, if you've got no plans, you wanna come over tonight? It's been a while since I've kicked your ass in Smash." He says with a laugh.
  1859. "Sure, whatever dude." You teasingly scoff at him. "Pizza again?"
  1860. >"We can decide when you come over."
  1861. "Alright. Let me go home and shower first. I'll see you around 5."
  1863. >Friday nights are usually Flash's parents' date night.
  1864. >They would go out to dinner, watch a movie and get out on the town until late.
  1865. >Flash would stay at your place or you would go to his and you'd both watch movies or play games all night.
  1866. >Having showered, and packed your TV monitor and console with a few games, you make your way to Flash's house.
  1867. >A quick detour at the store to grab some drinks and snacks and you were soon at his place.
  1868. "So man, did you want pizza or Chinese or..?" You ask Flash after bringing your stuff into his room.
  1869. >"Actually... I was thinking maybe going to a restaurant?" He nervously suggests.
  1870. "A restaurant?!"
  1871. >You feel your face turning red but you played it off by pretending to wipe sweat from your forehead.
  1872. >He said 'restaurant', right? NOT take-away shop, NOT the mall food court, but an actual restaurant?
  1873. >"Y-yeah, my treat. As thanks for helping me study." There's a little red tint on his cheeks and he's looking to the side!
  1874. >He's nervous! That's so cute!
  1875. "A-are you sure? I'm fine with Chinese or something."
  1876. >"Yeah it's cool. My parents told me about this place that does amazing gourmet burgers."
  1877. "Well alright. I only wish I had something better to wear though." You look down at your faded Guns N Roses shirt wrapped in one of your white dress shirts and cargo pants.
  1878. >You weren't planning on going anywhere and they're comfy to sleep in, that's why you wore it.
  1879. "Not to mention I look like a mess." Train wreck more like it.
  1880. >"It's a pretty casual place, so what you're wearing should be fine."
  1881. "Okay... just give me a few minutes." Quickly you grab your bag and run into his bathroom.
  1882. >Rarity drove the point home that even if you were lazy, a little foundation made a big difference.
  1883. >After some foundation you brushed your hair before tying it in a low ponytail.
  1884. >A little eye liner and mascara to really make your eyes stand out
  1885. >And finish by applying a little lip balm.
  1886. >Pursing your lips to spread the lip balm and alright! Looking good Nonny!
  1887. "Okie dokie, let's go." You say as you step out of the bathroom.
  1888. >He looks you over but doesn't say anything. That tint is back on his face.
  1889. "Do I look weird or something?"
  1890. >"Nah, just... you look good." He looks away again as he says that.
  1891. "T-thanks." Now you're blushing too.
  1893. >You and Flash are walking around the promenade after dinner.
  1894. >"The wait to get into the restaurant was worth it."
  1895. "Mm-hmm." You hum in agreement. "Those burgers really were good! Next time I'm gonna try the steak." You say with a big grin and a full tummy
  1896. >"I can't believe we never came here before."
  1897. "We'll definitely have to come back for sure!"
  1898. >The both of you leisurely stroll past all the stores and restaurants.
  1899. >Why haven't you ever come here before? The atmosphere here is nice and relaxed.
  1900. >There are busking musicians, plenty of restaurants and bars, a cinema, and the trees lining the walkways have lights wrapped around their branches and have been lit up, which looks amazing in the evening light.
  1901. "Cool an arcade!"
  1902. >Both of you enter the arcade and walk around.
  1903. >Eventually you wound up at the Street Fighter consoles.
  1904. >You look at Flash with a competitive grin. He looks back and he nods with his own grin.
  1905. >Game on!
  1906. >It was a tough match, but out of five games, he beat you 3 games to your 2.
  1907. >"In your face!" He rubs it in.
  1908. >You just pout before moving on, not saying a thing.
  1909. >Being a sore loser wasn't something you wanted to admit to being.
  1910. >Walking past the crane games you look at all the prizes.
  1911. "Some of these prizes are cheap." You remark to Flash, who just laughs.
  1912. >The next machine seems to have better prizes.
  1913. >Mobile phone, limited edition mug, cute squirrel plushy.
  1914. >Nothing really grabs your attention-
  1915. >"Oh! Nintendo Switch!" You press your face to the glass.
  1916. >Inside the crane game was a token for the Switch, which you claim at the counter.
  1917. >If Rarity hadn't made you spend all your money you could've bought one.
  1918. >"You want a Switch?"
  1919. "Yeah, these are sold out everywhere!"
  1920. >With a gleam in your eye you pull out your wallet and put a bit in the machine.
  1921. >It's a long shot, but you're feeling lucky.
  1922. >Sticking your tongue you concentrate as you move the arm into position and press the button.
  1923. >Anxiously you watch the claw descend over the prize.
  1924. >It grabs but drops it.
  1925. >Not deterred, you put another bit and try again.
  1926. >And again.
  1927. >And again.
  1928. >Ten tries later and you've given up.
  1929. >Of course these things are rigged, otherwise everyone would win.
  1930. >You sigh at your defeat before turning to Flash.
  1931. "Sorry I got distracted. Wanna go?"
  1932. >"Hold on, let me try."
  1933. >You step aside and let Flash have a shot.
  1934. >The first couple of rounds he fails.
  1935. >He drops another bit in and again positions the arm and presses the button.
  1936. >The claw comes down over the Switch token.
  1937. >As the claw closes and lifts, it grabs the token.
  1938. >Your face lights up with excitement!
  1939. >It's a perfect grab!
  1940. >You can barely contain your excitement!
  1941. >Flash did it! He won the Switch!
  1942. >As the claw returns, the token falls from the claws just before it got to the prize chute.
  1943. >It... it was so close...
  1944. >You got your hopes up for nothing.
  1945. >Flash tries a couple more times but is unsuccessful.
  1946. >"Damn, so close too!" Flash fumbles in his pocket for another bit.
  1947. >You grab his forearm to stop him from wasting anymore money.
  1948. "I don't think you can get it, it's rolled into a hard place to reach." You giggle a little to lighten the mood. "Wanna get going?"
  1949. >The both of you are all smiles as you leave the arcade, joking to each other about who's the better player.
  1950. >Flash clenches his fist and grins. "A little bit more and I would've had that Switch!"
  1951. "Thanks, I appreciate you trying to win it for me, but those games are rigged."
  1952. >"Who said I was winning it for you?!" He scoffs, "I was winning it for ME!"
  1953. "You're an ass!" You narrow your eyes at him but soon break into a laugh yourself.
  1954. >This is such a good feeling, you and your best friend hanging out, just like old times.
  1955. >Just a couple of guys hanging out
  1956. >Except you're not a guy anymore.
  1957. >Looking around everywhere you see there are couples. There's a couple to your right that couldn't be any older than you that are so lovey-dovey with each other.
  1958. >There's an elderly couple not far ahead walking hand in hand.
  1959. >Over on that bench there is even a couple kissing.
  1960. >"For the lovely lady~." A man dressed in a suit hands you a rose
  1961. >"That was weird..." Flash remarks as he watches the suited man hand out roses to other couples.
  1962. >Looking at the fresh rose you see a card attached.
  1963. >[Celebrate your love at L'Grande, couples receive a special dessert]
  1964. >You blush a little at the thought that you and Flash must really look like a couple.
  1965. "I guess we do look like a couple to everyone, huh?"
  1966. >Saying that made you blush a little, it was a bit embarrassing to say loudly.
  1967. >"What was that?"
  1968. "N-nothing, just thinking."
  1969. >Even if this wasn't a date, deep down you didn't want to end it yet.
  1970. >Hanging out like this is infinitely more fun than playing games at his place.
  1971. >It was still early too, even if you stayed out another hour, and adding the twenty drive back, you would still have a couple hours to play Smash tonight.
  1972. >Alright, that's what you'll do then.
  1973. "Hey," Softly you tug on Flash's sleeve, causing him to stop walking.
  1974. >"Yeah?"
  1975. "I wanna... I feel like something sweet. Y-you don't mind...do you? M-my treat."
  1976. >"Yeah sure! I could go for some ice cream."
  1978. >There were so many choices to choose from, so you got a chocolate and banana crepe. With extra strawberries and peanuts.
  1979. >So goood~
  1980. >Flash got a banana split.
  1981. >"I think they messed mine up. I didn't order this?"
  1982. "I got them to add a few extra free bits." You wink at him.
  1983. >It was the first time you tried it. Using a combination of your looks, charm, cute voice and batting your eyelashes at the server, you charmed him into adding extra chocolate pieces to the banana split.
  1984. >"How did you do that?"
  1985. "Well... I just used a bit of my charm to get a few extra for you~"
  1986. >You bat your eyelids seductively at him a few times.
  1987. >Flash almost drops his spoon and you can see his face turn a little red.
  1988. >Rarity was right, girls really can use their charms to get their way. Maybe you should use it more often.
  1989. >No! With great power comes great responsibility.
  1990. >You will use your powers wisely.
  1991. "You should see your face!" You bust into a laugh as you slap the table.
  1992. >"Dude! Not funny!" He huffs for a moment then starts to laugh.
  1993. >As you eat your desserts you both chat about mundane things.
  1994. >"Hey, I've been meaning to ask..." His tone turns a little serious, grabbing your attention
  1995. >"How are you doing?"
  1996. "What do you mean? Do I look sad or something?"
  1997. >"No, I mean..." He stirs his ice cream a little, "Are you alright, being a girl?"
  1998. "Oh." You whisper after swallowing your bite.
  1999. >"I should have asked you sooner, but how are you doing? I guess it must be hard, right?"
  2000. >You're taken aback by his concern. He really does care about your well being.
  2001. "Well..." You stall for a little more thinking time.
  2002. "I'm alright, I guess. I don't hate it per say."
  2003. >Really he only thing that's keeping you sane is the hope that you can turn back, but you can't tell Flash that. He's got enough to worry about already.
  2004. "All I can do is wait for Princess Twilight to come through with something."
  2005. >It was only for a split second, but you saw it.
  2006. >Flash's expression dropped at the mention of Princess Twilight.
  2007. >Seems he's not quite over her yet.
  2008. >Stupid Anon! you should kick yourself for letting your tongue slip like that.
  2009. >Think quick, gotta change the subject.
  2010. "Uhh but I'm taking it day by day. Sunset says I should treat this as a learning experience. To really get to know girls think."
  2011. >"I guess that's a good way to think about it."
  2012. "Yeah, like my dad used to say; 'Sometimes things are out of your control. Like a wave, you just have to ride them instead of fighting them.'."
  2013. >You both smile for a bit, then remember your desserts are starting to melt.
  2014. >While you're on the subject, maybe you can get an idea of how he really feels?
  2015. "W-what do you think of...me?" Quietly you whisper
  2016. >"Sorry didn't catch that? What do I think of what?"
  2017. >Better change the subject! He's already told you that he just wants to stay friends, so best not push the subject.
  2018. "I said what do you think of...of...auditioning for the school play?"
  2019. >Nice save.
  2020. >Flash has a look of deep thought on his face.
  2021. "Well last year you were great as father Miner alongside Rarity and Twilight. Maybe you should try out again?"
  2022. >"Has Cheerilee even announced what the play will be yet?"
  2023. "Not yet, but it should be right after the break."
  2024. >"I dunno man, I was thinking of actually watching one of the plays instead of being in them all the time."
  2025. "Come on! You were great last year."
  2026. >He rubs his chin in thought, "I suppose I was alright," He smugly grins. "Fine, I'll audition."
  2027. >Before you can even get a word in he cuts you off.
  2028. >"ONLY if you audition too!" He points to you.
  2029. >What?
  2030. "Ha..what?"
  2031. >"Yeah man, I'll audition if you audition too!"
  2032. "Eeeeeh?! N-no way! Absolutely NOT!"
  2033. >"Why not? It's a lot of fun being in the plays. Plus Rarity always makes the best costumes!"
  2034. "I'm no good, I'm just too-"
  2035. >"Quiet and shy?"
  2036. "I was going to say busy but it's nice to know that's what you really think of me..." You pout a little after taking another bite of your crepe.
  2037. >Flash laughs a little. "Seriously, you may not have noticed, but you've changed."
  2038. >"I mean in a good way. You're more open and confident than you were before."
  2039. "W-what do you mean?"
  2040. >"Well, you've always been quiet and shy and not really outgoing at all. Now you're not afraid to express yourself or to talk to people."
  2041. >"When you change back, stay the way you are. I really think the way you are now suits you better man."
  2042. "T-thanks man." You can't help but get a little flushed from his comment.
  2043. >Well, that was unexpected.
  2044. >Maybe he's right?
  2045. >If he thinks you're better off like this, maybe you don't need to be the quiet shy guy anymore.
  2046. >Maybe turning into a girl is really a blessing in disguise for you?
  2047. >Who knows? What you do know though, is that you're that tiny little bit closer to Flash.
  2048. >Your best friend.

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

by MT88

Applejack's summer [Incest] (WIP)

by MT88

Flash's New Year Eve

by MT88

A moment in the life of Anon: Rarity and Lunar New Year

by MT88

Orphan Anon (WIP)

by MT88