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(MLO) Fluttermama

By Clarissa
Created: 2020-12-18 20:06:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Now Mister Bear, you know you shouldn't eat the helpless creatures that are so much smaller than you. Especially with so many berries in the forest!"
  2. >The bear in question was looking very ashamed of himself, as a little bunny in front of him squeaked and waved his paw angrily
  3. >The bunny, Angel, was covered in slobber from the attempted devouring of his person
  4. >And then, from the sidelines, you watched her
  5. >Her little foal
  6. >Though, of course, you weren't so little anymore
  7. >Fluttershy continued berating the bear, and you went back to feeding the squirrels who were chattering at you in hunger
  8. >You really loved your mum
  9. >Maybe that was why you stayed with her instead of going to school, learning about and tending to all the animals
  10. >She always worried about that though
  11. >She didn't want you to end up like her, a hermit in the woods with no special somepony
  12. >You hadn't exactly been conceived from the nicest circumstances
  13. >Maybe that's why your mum never even tried to seek out another stallion to be her lover
  14. >But it didn't matter to you
  15. >Nopony caught your eye like your mother did
  16. >From her soothing voice to her dainty wings
  17. >Her glimmering eyes full of compassion, or her slender legs and meticulously well kept hooves
  18. >Even her soft belly, though stretched from when she had incubated you inside her, was just another beautiful part of a wholly stunning pony
  19. >Unfortunately, you had inherited that one trait that made her stick out from other ponies, or rather, what made them never notice her
  20. >The very same trait that made up the latter half of her name, and allowed ponies to walk all over her like a doormat
  21. >Her shyness
  22. >Maybe that's why she had named you "Anonymous"
  23. >Or maybe it was because she didn't know what stallion had fathered you
  24. >You had been the product of a brutal rape that still remained unsolved
  25. >Anytime it was mentioned, it made your mother freeze up, so she could never describe the pony that had done the heinous act
  26. >Even the Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, couldn't pry the memories from her mind
  27. >That last time the princess had tried, she had put your mother into a seizure
  28. >That was last year when she tried
  29. >You hadn't left your mothers side since
  30. >You were always scared she might relapse into the pony she had been for months after Twilight's misguided attempt to help her get closure
  31. >She hadn't understood, nopony did, that you, little Anonymous, were her closure
  32. >Maybe that's why she had doted on you so much when you had been younger
  33. >But not so anymore
  34. >Now, there were times she got so distracted by animals, rushing around and trying to help all of them herself
  35. >There were more than a couple times that she had passed out in the front yard
  36. >Every time, you had picked her up and carried her inside, upstairs to her bed
  37. >Those were the nights you had crawled under the blankets with her and shared her heat
  38. >You had snuggled up against her like the little foal you had been in years past
  39. >And when your mother had awoken, she never said anything
  40. >She had just put her forelegs around you and held you until you decided it was time to get up
  41. >And even though you knew it was wrong, you sometimes wished she would pass out just one more time
  42. >Just so you could cuddle with her
  43. >While you were absorbed in your thoughts, your mother had approached you in her usual quiet fashion
  44. >You jumped as she placed her dainty hoof on your withers
  45. >When you flinched, she pulled back, terrified she had done something wrong
  46. >"Oh my goodness, are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Oh that was so stupid of me--!"
  47. >You place a hoof on her muzzle and offer her a smile to show you're okay
  48. "Don't worry about it so much, mum. You just scared me is all."
  49. >Your poor mother looks near tears though
  50. >"I'm so sorry, Anonymous. A mother shouldn't scare her foal like that, it's just not right!"
  51. >You nuzzle her neck in an attempt to comfort her
  52. "Mum, I'm not so little anymore. Being scared is a perfectly normal thing. You didn't mean to do it, so you didn't do anything wrong."
  53. >Fluttershy smiles and wraps her forelimbs around your body and squeezes you
  54. >Your face flushes immediately
  55. >You're close enough to smell her, pressed against her hard enough to feel her heart beating far faster than normal
  56. >And your heart speeds up to match the rhythm
  57. >She smells like a springtime field, fresh and natural; it's absolutely heavenly to you
  58. >The little friend sliding out of its sheathe thinks so too
  59. >Being so close to your mother, to her scent, to her warmth, has aroused you
  60. >But you're too comfortable to care what your member is doing
  61. >Aroused or not, awkward or not, you were going to keep close to your mother for every second you could
  62. >Your growing cock slid against your mothers inner thigh
  63. >It felt heavenly, her soft coat radiating warmth and providing just enough friction to drive you mad
  64. >Your mother notices immediately, to your dismay
  65. >And her reaction is far from good
  66. >"A-Anonymous, what is that? Ohmygoodness!"
  67. >She recoils and begins hyperventilating
  68. >You walk over, your penis swinging awkwardly between your rear legs like a flaccid fifth limb
  69. "M-mum, I'm sorry! Are you okay? What's wrong?"
  70. >Fluttershy's pupils dilate, growing to nearly engulf her entire iris
  71. >All she's doing now is stammering and shuddering in place
  72. >Then her eyes roll back and she hits the ground
  73. >Hard
  74. >You ran over to her side and picked up her head in your hooves
  75. "Mum, mum! Wake up, mum. Mummy please, come back!"
  76. >After several minutes of you sobbing uncontrollably, your rational side finally kicked in
  77. >You picked her up and slung her over your back, using your wings as a sort of cradle, and using them to keep her on your back
  78. >You rushed her inside and upstairs to her bedroom
  79. >With the utmost care you could, you laid her in bed
  80. >Then you performed the same checks you would whenever you found an animal laying still
  81. >You pressed a hoof against her neck to check for a pulse and laid your ear in front of her half open muzzle
  82. >A steady pulse and faint breathing
  83. >She was still alive
  84. >You let out a sigh of relief
  85. >And yet, somehow in all the excitement, your boner still hadn't gone away
  86. >And now, with your mother laying in front of you, her limbs spread, completely exposed, you were faced with a tough choice
  87. >You could have sex with her while she slept, doing effectively the same thing that had led to your conception
  88. >Or you could be the better colt and just cuddle with her, and make sure she woke up the next morning
  89. >Life was filled with tough choices
  90. >For you, this decision was almost disgustingly easy to make, though
  91. >Your semi-erect dick begged for your attention
  92. >Fluttershy was right there, and what's more, she was dead to the world
  93. >She would never know
  94. >With that thought heavy in your mind, you began stroking your cock, staring at your mothers plot
  95. >Those same soft, pink folds that had brought you into this world
  96. >The wonderful musk of springtime and new life that constantly clung to her body
  97. >Her soft coat, the colour of newly bloomed marigolds, that she had held you against when the terrors of the night had proven too much to face on your own
  98. >The churning feeling in your stomach was replaced with a growing warmth
  99. >This was just the ultimate expression of your love for the pony that had raised you
  100. >It was showing her that, no matter what, you wanted her and nopony else
  101. >That was the way you reasoned with yourself as you continued your lewd actions
  102. >You could feel an orgasm building as you stroked your shaft faster and faster
  103. >Your breathing grew quick and heavy as you climbed to your peak
  104. >Then, you did something stupid
  105. >You brought your cock in line with Fluttershy's soft belly and leaned your head in to her plot
  106. >The whiff of her heavenly musk sent you over the edge
  107. >You had the most intense orgasm of your, thus far, short life
  108. >Your cum shot all over the stomach where you had lain for ten months, growing
  109. >You collapsed on the bed next to your mother, nuzzling up to her neck, the post-orgasm bliss suffusing your mind
  110. >You really loved your mum
  111. -------------------------------------------
  112. >Then that awful, rational part of your mind came back to you
  113. >You needed to clean her up, otherwise she'd know what you had done to her
  114. >And you could only fear what she'd do when she deduced that puzzle
  115. >You could almost hear her voice right now
  116. >"Anon, how could you do that to me, your own mother?"
  117. >"Get out! I never want to see you again! You're worse than your father!"
  118. >You pulled away from her breast and shook your head
  119. >You wouldn't let that happen
  120. >Scooping her onto your back like you had earlier, you carefully made your way to the bathroom
  121. >All you needed to do was clean her up a bit
  122. >Then she'd never know
  123. >You turned the taps for the tub on, warm water of course
  124. >Then, very gently, you slid your mother into the tub
  125. >When the basin was about halfway full, you turned off the taps and grabbed the bottle of shampoo
  126. >All natural of course, Fluttershy wouldn't have it any other way
  127. >It was imported from Sydneigh somewhere down South
  128. >It was pretty expensive, but it smelled lovely, made with Tea Tree oil
  129. >Apparently made ones mane and coat soft and luxurious
  130. >Nothing but the best for your mum
  131. >You squeezed out a dollop onto her midsection, near the cum that stained her coat, and began to work it in with a gentle massage
  132. >It foamed up quite quickly as you lathered it all over her soft body
  133. >And then your hood brushed her teats
  134. >They were still swollen from lactation, even though you hadn't had any of her milk for a number of years
  135. >But touching them sent an electric buzz through your body
  136. >And almost immediately, you began to harden once more
  137. ------------------------------------------------------
  138. >You ignored it though, you had already degraded your mother plenty for one day
  139. >You moved on to cleaning her legs
  140. >As you scrubbed her inner thigh, you felt some kind of warm jet run over your foreleg
  141. >You looked into the water and saw it taking on a very faint, yellow tint
  142. >Fluttershy was peeing
  143. >And it was hitting your hoof, which for reasons you couldn't fathom, remained where it was
  144. >And the more urine ran over your hoof, the harder your erection got
  145. >You couldn't take it anymore
  146. >You began masturbating again, the mixture of water, soap and urine providing the perfect lubricant
  147. >It felt even better than it had in the bedroom, and you felt yourself fast approaching another orgasm
  148. >Your mother was still completely asleep, so you decide to do something daring
  149. >As you approach your peak, your mash your lips against Fluttershy's, kissing her with all the love you feel
  150. >That pushes you over the edge, and you cum again
  151. >Fortunately you do it right into the tub, so there's no mess to clean up
  152. >You pull away from you mother, panting from your second orgasm in barely a half hour
  153. >Then you go back to scrubbing her, much more slowly, enjoying the feel of your mothers coat under your sodden hooves
  154. --------------------------------------------------
  155. >You are Fluttershy
  156. >The last thing you remember was feeling an odd pressure against your inner thigh, then looking down and seeing your sons erection
  157. >Then you had blacked out
  158. >It wasn't the colts fault, really
  159. >He couldn't control when he was aroused
  160. >But as you come to, you feel a gentle massaging on your belly
  161. >It's so relaxing, so gentle
  162. >You slowly open your eyes to see your son lathering some shampoo into your coat
  163. "Wh-what are you doing, Anonymous?"
  164. >Your son starts sweating when you ask him
  165. >"J-just giving you a bath, mum. You fell in some mud and were all dirty. I-I didn't want to mess up the bed. So I brought you in here to clean you up. S-sorry."
  166. >You smile at him
  167. >He was such a good colt always thinking of others before himself
  168. >He was a bit sensitive though, just like his mum
  169. >You run a hoof through his mane
  170. "Of course it's okay, Anonymous. You had my best interests at heart and did what you thought was right. I'm proud to have raised such a kind colt!"
  171. >Instead of smiling, or looking even the least bit relieved, Anonymous looked positively ill
  172. "Are you okay sweetie? You don't look so well. Are you sick?"
  173. >He smiles at you, though his face is very pale
  174. >"S-sure mum, I'm okay!"
  175. >You frown and reach up to take his temperature
  176. >He shudders when you touch his forehead, his eyes rolling back a bit
  177. "You feel warm, dear. Come on, I can finish cleaning myself. You get yourself to bed. I'll make you some hot soup for dinner!"
  178. --------------------------------------------
  179. >You climb up the stairs to your bedroom
  180. >Of course you couldn't have brought yourself to tell your mother what things you had done to her while she was asleep
  181. >So you barely said anything
  182. >Of course you had looked sick
  183. >The way Fluttershy had looked at you, a look filled with love and trust, had made you feel like a monster
  184. >But all you wanted was her compassion, so you followed exactly what she told you to do
  185. >Ten minutes later, you were in bed, under the covers with a thermometer in your mouth
  186. >And Fluttershy was right beside you, smiling away and coaxing you to eat the wonderful noodle soup she had made you
  187. >She was so kindhearted and gentle, how could you have done what
  188. you did to her?
  189. >Every time she fed you another bite of the perfect soup
  190. >Every time she checked your temperature to make sure you were okay
  191. >Every smile and little gesture, like brushing your unkempt mane away from your eyes
  192. >It was another nail in the coffin you were building around yourself
  193. >You decide it's time to own up to your trangressions
  194. >It's time to tell her what you did
  195. >The worst that happens is you get disowned, right?
  196. ---------------------------------------------------
  197. "M-mum, I need to tell you something..."
  198. >You mother closes her eyes as she smiles at you, making the smile seem all the larger
  199. >"Of course, Anon. You know you can tell me anything!"
  200. >You wring your hooves over and over in front of you
  201. "I...when you were asleep, I uhm kinda uhh masturbatedonyouandkissedyouandtouchedyouwhileIwaswashingyou"
  202. >You quickly mumble out the last part, praying to Celestia she didn't hear it and wouldn't ask again
  203. >But she was your mother, so she had to ask again
  204. >In the kindest way she could, of course
  205. >"Anon, could you please repeat yourself? I didn't quite understand what you said."
  206. >You take a deep breath and silently ask the Cosmic Matriarch to protect you
  207. "Mommy...when you were asleep I masturbated on you. That's why I gave you a bath. But then when I was cleaning you I did it again, and I kissed you like a stallion kisses his special somepony. I'm so sorry mommy, I'm sorry, I'msorry."
  208. >You close your eyes and tears leak from their ducts, staining lines in your coat
  209. >But your mother, Celestia save her, just put a gentle hoof on your cheek and stroked away your tears
  210. ---------------------------------------------
  211. >"Oh Anon, you should have told me you felt that way earlier. I-I have a confession to make too."
  212. >Your beautiful mother takes a deep breath and closes her eyes tight
  213. >"I love you in a way no mother should! I love you like a mare loves a stallion, and I know I shouldn't, but I do! I'm sorry that I feel like-!"
  214. >You cut her off with a kiss on her open mouth
  215. >She's surprised at first, but quickly kisses you back with twice the ferocity
  216. >Fluttershy breaks the kiss and sets the bowl of soup aside, then clambers on top of you
  217. >Your erection that was already making a small tent of the sheets springs up, immediately ready for action
  218. >But the yellow pegasus takes things slowly, tracing kisses around your muzzle and down your body
  219. >She pulls back the sheets, revealing your fully erect penis
  220. >"Oh Anonymous, you've grown so much! I'm so proud of you, my little stallion."
  221. >She kisses her way up the shaft and licks when she reaches the flare
  222. >Your dick twitches in response to the attention to the sensitive head
  223. >She starts licking your member up and down, like a piece of candy
  224. >You let out a little moan of pleasure, stroking your mothers mane with a hoof
  225. >She looks up and meets your eyes, smiling
  226. >"Anonymous, I'm going to turn around. I want you to nurse off me, okay sweetie?"
  227. >You simply nod, utterly stunned at her request
  228. >You can't believe you're so lucky
  229. >Fluttershy turns around, presenting her plot to you
  230. >Her mammaries hang right over your face, swollen with their load of milk
  231. >You take one of the nipple in your mouth and begin to nurse, just like you did when you were a little foal
  232. >Then Fluttershy wraps her lips around your flare and goes to work on your dick
  233. >She works her way slowly, up and down the shaft
  234. >And every time she reaches the head, she wraps her tongue around it before repeating the cycle
  235. >All the while, you suck on her teats, the warm, sweet breast milk trickling down your throat
  236. >Your mother starts fondling your balls with her hooves, pressing with just enough force to make it pleasurable, but not painful
  237. >It's enough to start you working up to an orgasm quickly
  238. >You stop sucking so you can tell her
  239. "Mommy, I'm gonna--"
  240. >She shushes you like a squalling infant
  241. >"It's okay Anon, cum for mommy. Give me all your cum."
  242. >Then she goes back to her ministrations
  243. >After another minute, you're only too happy to oblige her
  244. >You moan into her swollen breasts and let the waves of pleasure overtake you
  245. >Your mother sucks down every last drop of the cum, milking you for all you have
  246. >When you're finally finished, after what felt like hours but lasted only moments, your beautiful mother turns back around to face you
  247. >She's flushed from the excitement and takes you by surprise with another kiss
  248. >You can't do anything but kiss her back
  249. >There's nothing else you'd rather do anyway
  250. >She strokes your mane and hugs you tight against her chest
  251. >"Now, Anon, you must be tired from all that exertion. Cuddle up to mommy and go to sleep, okay honey?"
  252. >You nuzzle into her neck and yawn
  253. >You were quite tired after all
  254. "Okay mommy, I love you."
  255. >"I love you too, Anonymous."
  256. -------------------------------------------
  257. >You wished that had happened
  258. >Instead, your mother had looked at you like you were some stranger suddenly taking her sons place
  259. >Fluttershy turns away from you, but when she speaks you can hear the tears in her voice
  260. >"Wh-why would you do that, Anonymous? How could you do that to me? We could have talked this out, but instead you did that? How could you."
  261. >With every syllable, your heart broke
  262. >Every word was another twist to the knife that you felt in your gut
  263. >But you couldn't even imagine how she felt
  264. >Her colt had turned out like his father in the end
  265. >All you could do was stare at your hooves like a chastised foal caught with his hand in the cookie jar
  266. >"I'm going to my room. Don't you dare come in after me. I-I just can't see you right now."
  267. "B-but mommy--"
  268. >She cuts you off with a murderous looking glare
  269. >"No buts young colt. I don't want to see hide or hair of you until I come to see you. I need to work this out."
  270. >You open your mouth several times, but nothing comes out
  271. >Then you say the only thing that comes to your mind
  272. "I love you mommy."
  273. >Fluttershy stops at the door, as though struck by lightening
  274. >But then she continues as though she hadn't heard you
  275. >It goes without saying that you cry yourself to sleep that night
  276. ------------------------------------------------------
  277. >You wake up before the sun the next morning
  278. >It wasn't like you had slept much the night before
  279. >As quiet as you can, you creep your way downstairs to the kitchen
  280. >It was well stocked as always
  281. >Fluttershy loathed to be without supplies for any kind of situation
  282. >You never knew who was going to be stopping by for whatever occasion, after all
  283. >But it was perfect for what you planned to do
  284. >Today WAS a special occasion, after all
  285. >It was fifteen years ago today that you, the earthy-green coated pegasi known as "Anonymous" had been born to a frightened yellow pony who just happened to be the Element of Kindness
  286. >Sure it was your birthday, but given the circumstances of your conception, you had felt bad for celebrating it as soon as you were old enough to understand
  287. >So today, you decide that you're going to do something for the gentle pegasus that raised you
  288. >You start making her favourite foods for breakfast
  289. ---------------------------------------------
  290. >When you finish making your mothers breakfast, you lay it out on a tray
  291. >Under her bowl of hot oats sprinkled with brown sugar, you put a little note, explaining your actions
  292. >It explained how you had felt about her for years before, and apologized for losing control yesterday
  293. >You could only hope it was enough
  294. >You carry the tray upstairs and push the door open
  295. >The old hinges squeal as though in agony as you carefully open the door to her room
  296. >To your surprise though, she isn't asleep
  297. >Instead, she's sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at a small, framed picture she holds in her hooves
  298. >In the early morning light, you can see the stains tears had made as they ran down her cheeks
  299. >She didn't look up from the picture when you walked in, nor when you carried the tray over to her
  300. >You don't say anything, instead, you just set the tray of food down in front of her before making your way to the door
  301. >"I'm sorry, Anonymous."
  302. >The whisper, cracked with emotion, stops you in the doorway
  303. >But you don't say anything, but you can't hide the slump in your withers and hanging head
  304. >You make your way back to your room and hide under your covers, willing the day away
  305. >It's not long before you fall back asleep
  306. >You awake to the feeling of a soft hoof stroking your mane
  307. >You roll over and find a sad looking Fluttershy, her eyes watery as she gazes down at you
  308. "M-mum? What're you doing in here?"
  309. >Your words are slurred with sleep and your vision still blurry
  310. >But your hearing is perfect
  311. >She starts to sing a lullaby about the two alicorn Princess', a lamentation almost
  312. >You nuzzle up to her belly and fall back into the arms of slumber
  313. >When you finally wake back up, it's nearly noon
  314. >You immediately spring out of bed to get ready to do your chores
  315. >Or, at least, you try to
  316. >It seems your mother is holding you tightly against her chest
  317. >Even though she seems so frail, so weak, she has a grip like nothing else
  318. >But it seems your struggling had woken her
  319. >She blinks tiredly and then looks down at you with a warm smile on her face
  320. >"Good morning, sleepyhead. Did you sleep alright?"
  321. >You rub your eyes, hardly able to believe it
  322. >Just last night, she had acted like she wanted to feed you to Mister Bear
  323. >And now she was cuddling you like her beloved child?
  324. "Uh, I slept okay, mum."
  325. >She runs a hoof through your mane and kisses your cheek
  326. >You can immediately feel the blood rise to your cheeks
  327. >And it's not the only thing rising
  328. -------------------------------------------------
  329. >You pull away, remembering her reaction to it last time
  330. >But Fluttershy doesn't let you
  331. >While one hoof pets your mane, the other traces circles around your back
  332. >You shiver at her caresses
  333. "Mum, what are you doing?"
  334. >She takes hold of your cheek and forces you to make eye contact with her
  335. >"Th-this is what you wanted, right Anonymous? This is what my little Nonny wants from mommy?"
  336. >You blush at her use of your foalhood nickname
  337. "But, I thought you--"
  338. >She silences you with a kiss
  339. >This is a side to her you've never seen before
  340. >She's being so aggressive, so dominant
  341. >And you can't deny, you're getting even more turned on
  342. >Your tongues clash and swirl around in your mouth, only breaking so you two can take occasional breaths
  343. >She presses you down on the bed, towering above you with a smile on her face
  344. >You grin back nervously, you don't know what she has in store for you
  345. >She points down to her moistening pussy
  346. >"Mommy wants you to lick her here. Can you do that for me, Nonny?"
  347. >The heat in your cheeks is nearly enough to light a fire, but you nod
  348. >"Good boy. Get to it and I'll have a reward when you're finished, okay?"
  349. >You nod again, eagerly this time, and she stradles your muzzle, her dripping vagina hanging right above your face
  350. >You lift your head up and open your mouth, your tongue gravitating to the folds that you had come out of
  351. >As your tongue makes contact with the sensitive flesh, Fluttershy shudders and her vagina winks in a sudden contraction
  352. >You wriggle your tongue around, sliding it deeper into her marehood
  353. >She moans and grinds on your muzzle, her wings flaring to keep her balance
  354. >She's sitting on your face now, her wings only making a show of flapping, not doing anything to keep her weight off
  355. >It's making it so hard to breathe for you
  356. >But that's just more incentive to make her finish, not to mention is was just making you further aroused
  357. >Her winking is near continuous now, her red, throbbing clit begging for your attention
  358. >You oblige it, sliding your muzzle so that your nose boops the shuddering button every time it slides out in a wink
  359. >Your tongue, meanwhile, continues its ministrations inside her now sopping vagina, making her squirm and moan like a filly
  360. >You remove your tongue from her dripping folds and decide to do something daring
  361. >The long, pink muscle trails along the outside of her folds and circles her anus
  362. >She gasps at your exploration, but before she can say no, you've plunged your tongue deep inside her ass
  363. >She shrieks at the sudden invasion, but the assault of pleasure emanating from your action can't be ignored and the screams devolve into liquid moans
  364. >You remove your tongue from her twitching ass and move your lips to suck on her clit
  365. >You assault it mercilessly with your tongue, every time it tries to contract in, you keep it out with suction
  366. >Your sweet mother grinds on your muzzle, her mind reduced to mush from the maddening work you're doing
  367. >One more lick and she can't contain herself anymore
  368. >The floodgates open and she cums
  369. >Your mouth is immediately filled with her juices, so much that it trickles down your cheeks and soaks the sheets of the bed
  370. >You dutifully swallow as much as you can before she pulls away from your face and sits on your chest
  371. >She looks at you, lust pouring from her gaze
  372. >"You know, Nonny, I looked at the water in the bath and noticed it was tinted yellow. I must have peed when you were washing me. Did you like it?"
  373. >You open your mouth to say something, but instead you just nod
  374. >You still can't form any words, let alone coherent sentences
  375. >Your beautiful mother gives you a gentle smile and spreads her soaked lips with her hooves
  376. >A spurt of liquid comes from deep within her marehood, making a slight hiss
  377. >It's warm and smells faintly of ammonia
  378. >Your mother, the Element of Kindness, is relieving herself on your chest
  379. >And you enjoy every second of it
  380. >The stream of piss comes again, stronger this time, and splashes over your chest and neck, completely soaking you
  381. >It makes a hiss as it squirts from her vagina
  382. >You lean your face into the squirting stream and lap it up eagerly
  383. >It tastes sweet, but with a bitter aftertaste, like the ginger root tea Fluttershy made for you a year ago when you had the flu
  384. >You keep lapping it up as long as you can, but it eventually trickles off as your mother finishes using you as her toilet
  385. >"Did you like that, you dirty little colt? Did you enjoy being mommy's toilet?"
  386. >You grin up at her, eager for whatever would be next
  387. "Yes mommy. I love being your dirty toilet."
  388. >She smiles at you, patting your head like a child
  389. >"Good boy. You've earned your reward. Close your eyes for mommy."
  390. >You do as she asks, more than willing to obey whatever she tells you to do
  391. >You can feel her lift your stallionhood so it stands straight up
  392. >Then the best sensation you've ever felt engulfs your cock
  393. >You moan and your hips thrust upwards almost of their own accord
  394. >Your mum gasps as you do so, and you open your eyes to see why she had gasped
  395. >You see her grinding her hips against your crotch, the fur around your genitals becoming moist with lubricant
  396. >You can feel a part of your mind you've never felt before coming to the forefront
  397. >You thrust upward and shove your mother onto her back and pin her down
  398. >"Nonny, wh-what are you doing?"
  399. >You simply grunt and begin pounding away at her pussy clumsily
  400. >As you thrust you move your face in and kiss her, pushing your tongue into her mouth aggressively
  401. >You can feel an orgasm approaching, and you break the kiss and looking into your mothers eyes
  402. "M-mommy, I'm going to cum!"
  403. >Your mother moans as you speak to her
  404. >"Cum inside me, Nonny. Fill me up with your cum!"
  405. >That pushes you over the edge and you shoot your load deep inside her womb
  406. >Fluttershy moaned and gushes in orgasm again, making the sheets even wetter than they had been
  407. >She sighs and lays back, and you lay your head on her chest and nuzzle against her
  408. "I love you mommy."
  409. >"I love you too, Anonymous."
  410. -------------------------------------------------------

Chrysalis Condemned

by Clarissa

(MLO) Fluttermama

by Clarissa

(MLO) Taking Care of Mommy

by Clarissa

Not So Lonely After All

by Clarissa

(MLO) Learning By the Books

by Clarissa