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(MLO) Taking Care of Mommy

By Clarissa
Created: 2020-12-18 20:08:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up to the dawn breaking over the horizon of the Unicorn Mountain Range
  2. >Just like every day since your mothers accident
  3. >It hadn't been her fault, really
  4. >Some unicorn genius had wanted to test out a new spell on a live pony, specifically a pegasus
  5. >Some kind of performance enhancer that was supposed to increase the airspeed of pegasi
  6. >Since your mother was a mailmare, she was chosen as a perfect candidate
  7. >If the experiment worked, the mail would be delivered ten times faster
  8. >And if it didn't, well, there were no shortage of pegasi to deliver the mail after her
  9. >Of course, she hadn't told them she had been pregnant
  10. >This was the opportunity of a lifetime, afterall
  11. >So she tried their experimental spell, and it had even worked, your mother flew faster than any other pegasus in Equestria
  12. >Well, until the speed had torn the stabalizing feathers from her wings
  13. >Out of control, and going too fast to stop without tearing her wings to pieces, she had aimed for the softest patch of dirt she could find
  14. >Unfortunately for her, it only looked soft
  15. >Underneath the disturbed earth that had looked more inviting than the gravel around it, was a boulder
  16. >The doctors had said it was a miracle that she had lived at all
  17. >What was more miraculous was that her unborn foal, you of course, had survived the stresses on her body
  18. >And at that, the doctors were stunned that you had been born with only stunted wings
  19. >Your mother was not so fortunate as to come out of the accident with hardly a scratch, however
  20. >She was in a coma until she went into labor, and even then she slipped back under almost the minute you were placed in her arms
  21. >One of the nursing staff had named you "Anonymous", as he had said, "after his father"
  22. >Since your mother was unable to name you herself, the name had stuck
  23. >She had lain in a coma for three months, in which time you were fed by milk extracted from your mother
  24. >After many tests, she was finally released from the hospital
  25. >But that was before the mental aberrations had shown themselves
  26. >So as you grew older, your mother, it seemed, grew younger
  27. >At least, her mental age regressed
  28. >The unicorn responsible for the original experiment started a fund to make sure that you and your mother had never wanted for anything
  29. >Celestia herself had donated a large sum of her personal treasury to ensure that you two were taken care of
  30. >A nurse had come over every day to check up on you and your mother
  31. >Well, until you had seen her one day, when you were shopping for your mom's birthday, and had overheard her disparaging remarks about your mothers mental state
  32. >Calling her by that horrible name so many had yelled at her around the town
  33. >"Derpy"
  34. >Not to mention her idea of what should be done to such ponies
  35. >The next day, when she had reported bright and early, you had chased the nurse off with a skillet
  36. >Ever since, you had cared for your mother
  37. >Cooking for her, cleaning up around the house, bathing her, even changing the diapers she'd needed since she had woken up
  38. >It didn't matter to you
  39. >You loved your mommy
  40. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. >So you made your way downstairs in your two-storey home
  42. >You cooked breakfast for yourself and your mother, a very simple affair
  43. >For her, a bowl of hot oatmeal with sugar and cinnamon and a muffin warmed in the over, and for you some almond butter on toast
  44. >After eating your own food, quickly as ever, you brought the oatmeal and muffin up to your mother
  45. >As you pushed open the door, you could hear her snoring softly, along with the rustle of sheets as she shifted in her sleep for whatever reason
  46. >You couldn't help the smile that crept onto your face when you saw her
  47. >Her yellow mane and grey head poked just out of the top of the duvet, the morning light streaming through the window catching her hair and making it glisten like golden thread
  48. >Who else was so lucky to see such sights every morning?
  49. >You trot over to her and gently nudge her shoulder in an effort to wake her up
  50. >She clumsily swats at your hoof and rolls over, hiding her head beneath the covers before mumbling in a tired voice
  51. >"Five more minutes..."
  52. >You notice the small, barely noticeable really, wet patch on the sheets, a clear sign her diaper needed changing
  53. >You push her a bit more forcefully this time
  54. "Come on, mom. I've got some breakfast for you. Hot oatmeal and a muffin!"
  55. >She bolts upright when you mention the food
  56. >"MUFFIN! Gimme, gimme!"
  57. "Ah, ah, ah. What do we say when someone is nice enough to bring you breakfast in bed?"
  58. >She blushes and looks down at the crumpled sheets
  59. >You feel bad for scolding her, but she needed to be retaught almost everything, like a little kid
  60. >"Thank you for making me breakfast, Anonymous. May I please eat now?"
  61. >Your grin widens, nearly splitting your face
  62. >She was just so adorable, you could never REALLY be mad at her
  63. "Of course, mom. Here you go."
  64. >You place the tray on her bed and step back from the bed to give her some space
  65. >The expression of rapture on her face would have given anyone with a weak heart instantaneous cardiac arrest
  66. >You just couldn't wipe that idiot grin off your face
  67. >Your mom digs into the breakfast with reckless abandon, the muffin disappearing in less than a second
  68. >When she's halfway through her oatmeal, she looks up at you
  69. >Those beautiful, golden irises flay away the skin of a colt raised by a nurse and himself, and into the soul of a young stallion who loved his mother dearly
  70. >Even if they are a little off center
  71. >She pushes the bowl, half full of sweetened, mushy oats towards you
  72. >"Here, Anonymous. You were looking at me funny. Are you hungry?"
  73. >You chuckle at her misinterpretation of how you're feeling
  74. >But the gesture is touching, even after the accident it shows that your mother is a sweet pony
  75. "No, mom. I already ate. I was just waiting for you to finish so I could change your diaper. Looks like you had an accident last night."
  76. >You gaze pointedly at the damp spot on the sheets
  77. >She follows your gaze and gasps, her off kilter eyes moistening with unshed tears
  78. >"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it. Please Anonymous, I'm so sorry!"
  79. >You immediately go over and embrace her, stroking her mane and shushing her whimpers
  80. "Don't worry, I know it was an accident. I'm not mad at you, mom. It's not your fault. Just finish your breakfast and I'll change you after okay?"
  81. >She pulls away a bit and smiles, the tears already drying from her eyes
  82. >"Thanks Anonymous. You're the best!"
  83. >You let her go and give her a pat on the head
  84. "Thanks mom. Now finish your breakfast."
  85. >She goes back to eating
  86. >She isn't sloppy when she eats, despite the breakneck pace, there were hardly any crumbs on the bed
  87. >Your musing is interupted by an empty bowl that had contained oatmeal mere seconds ago appearing less than an inch from your nose
  88. >"All done!"
  89. "Okay mom. Please bring your dishes downstairs and put them by the sink so I can wash them later. Then I'll change you."
  90. >"Okay!"
  91. >She grabs the tray and brings it and the bowl downstairs to the kitchen, skipping the whole way
  92. >In the mean time, you took the stained duvet and sheets to the washing room and put them in a basin of soapy water
  93. >The mattress had long been covered by a plastic "bed condom" as the nurse had called it, ever since the first incident where your mom had wet the bed
  94. >Fortunately for the nurse at the time, and for you now, the incident that had crippled her bladder control and frontal cortextual functions had, oddly enough, left her bowel control intact
  95. >Thank the alicorns for small miracles
  96. >You, of course, would have cleaned up after her no matter what, it was just easier this way
  97. >You waited in the washing room for your mother to come prancing back up the stairs so you could change her
  98. >You could hear the slight crinkle of her diaper before she entered the room
  99. >"Okay, Anonymous, I'm ready!"
  100. >She hops up onto the changing table that had been installed in the room, stocked with powder, wipes, and diapers for changing
  101. >Her wide hips are spread, awaiting your attention to the pink diaper clinging to her nethers
  102. >You pull the diaper apart and peel it off of your mothers moistened marehood
  103. >Taking the powder and a wipe, you run the damp towelette over her vagina, in almost a teasing manner
  104. >At the action, she shifts uncomfortably and her damp folds glisten just a bit more
  105. >You quickly powder her, wanting to get this over with so you could take care of your own...uncomfortable situation
  106. >You put the new diaper on your mom and strapped it up quickly
  107. "Okay mom, you're all done. What d'you want to do today?"
  108. >She starts jumping up and down, excitedly
  109. >"Can we go to the park? I love the park!"
  110. >You grin at her enthusiasm, desperately trying to distract her from your growing stallionhood
  111. "Okay. We'll go to the park. I just need to take care of something first, okay?"
  112. >Your mother cocks her head to the side, then her gaze travels down
  113. >Though you had desperately tried, it hadn't been enough to entirely hide your, now, full mast
  114. >"Hey, Anonymous, why is your boy part getting bigger?"
  115. >Oh great, you were going to have to explain sex to your mother
  116. >What a perfect way to spend an afternoon
  117. >Although...
  118. >A terrible idea formed in your mind, so awful that you felt physically ill for even thinking it
  119. >But the more you thought, the more it seemed not so terrible
  120. >After all
  121. >You really did love your mommy
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. >You take a deep breath and use your hoof to lift her chin, and with it her gaze, to meet her eyes
  124. >Those eyes shone with an innocence like that of a young filly
  125. "When a stallion really likes a mare his, uh, boy part gets bigger. And if the mare likes the stallion too, her girl parts will start getting wet too."
  126. >Your sweet mothers muzzle scrunched in confusion
  127. >"Like when I wet the bed? But there's no stallion that I like there, so that can't be it."
  128. >You stroke her cheek with your other forehoof
  129. "No mom, not like that. It's a different kind of wet, and you start getting a weird, twisty feeling in your guts, and you start getting really warm too."
  130. >Her mouth forms a small "O" as what you're saying starts to sink in
  131. >"So what do you do when you really like a mare? Why would my girl part get wet, and why does a boy part get bigger?"
  132. >You give her a weak smile
  133. >You muster all the courage you can, then you take the plunge
  134. "Uh, how about I show you, mom? It's better that way, and I promise it feels really nice."
  135. >Your mother gapes at you, her golden, crooked eyes wide in surprise
  136. >"Y-you like me, Anonymous? B-but you take care of me and stuff. Why do you like me?"
  137. >You wait a moment, forming he answer in your mind before speaking
  138. "It's more than like, mom. I love you, like really, really love you. And if it's okay with you, I'd like to be your special somepony. I know you may not be oka--."
  139. >You're cut off as your mom tackles you in a crushing hug, squeezing the very breath from your lungs
  140. >"Yes, Anonymous, yes I'll be your special somepony!"
  141. >You can only hug her back
  142. >And, of course, let your erection be squished between your two bodies
  143. >Your mothers soft coat caresses your member, which secretes a small amount of precum, making a small, damp patch where the tip is crushed between your abdomens
  144. >She looks down at the sizeable cock sandwiched between your embracing forms
  145. >"S-so that means you really do like me, Anonymous?"
  146. >You grin at her and boop your muzzle against hers
  147. "That's only part of it. Here's another bit."
  148. >You kiss her mouth fiercely, invading the orifice with your tongue and swirling around, running its tip over her molars and along her cheek
  149. >You can taste the breakfast you made for her not a half-hour ago, the sugar from the oatsmeal and the flavouring you had put in the muffin, cinnamon and carrot
  150. >When you broke the kiss, you found your mother staring at into your eyes, her own gilded orbs half-lidded and filled to the brim with love for you
  151. >You leaned back on her bed, laying your head down on her pillow
  152. >You had relocated here after you had formulated your plan, deciding she would be more comfortable in her own room rather than yours
  153. >Your mom remained sitting upright on your belly, confused by your relaxing of posture
  154. >"Is something wrong?"
  155. >You stroke her foreleg to reassure her
  156. "No, not at all. Here, let me just do something..."
  157. >You trail off and lift her bottom a couple inches from your belly and slide your cock under her diaper covered marehood
  158. >The crinkling material of the diaper feels amazing on your dick, and does nothing to insulate the heat now radiating from your mothers marehood
  159. >She starts rubbing back and forth on your erection, biting her lower lip as she does so, eyes screwed tightly shut
  160. >You let out a small moan, her attention causing more precum to leak from the tip and onto your belly
  161. >But your mother, bless her, gasps in concern, afraid she hurt you
  162. >"Did I do something wrong, Anonymous?"
  163. >You're quick to reassure her
  164. "No, that just feels so good. Here, I can make it even better for the both of us. Turn around and bend over."
  165. >She follows your instructions, putting her diapered plot in front of your muzzle, her tail lifted out of the way
  166. >"Like this, Anonymous?"
  167. >You get to work taking off her diaper as you speak in a soothing tone
  168. "Yeah, there you go. Here let me get this off you."
  169. >The diaper comes away, a string of lubricant clinging to the material and stemming from the inviting, moist folds of her vagina
  170. >You take hold of her hips and bring her back down on your shaft, more rough than you had meant to be
  171. >Though shaken, your mother was quick to resume her previous rhythm on your dick, sliding up and down, lubing it for what you planned next
  172. "Okay mom, stand up please."
  173. >She complies, such an obedient mare
  174. >You take your moistened shaft in your hooves and stand it upright, prodding your mothers wet passage
  175. "Now just sit down on it, I've lined it up for you."
  176. >She looks at you with fear in her skewn eyes
  177. >"Will it hurt, Anonymous?"
  178. >You notice her clit winking in and out of her near dripping marehood and your dick twitches at the slight stimulation of the touch from it on your flare
  179. "No mom, I promise it'll feel great. Just sit down."
  180. >So she does
  181. >But far too quickly
  182. >You hilt immediately and your mother cries out, from pain or pleasure you're not sure
  183. "Mom! Are you okay?"
  184. >She responds with a guttural moan that makes it clear she's enjoying herself too much to be bothered to speak to you
  185. >That's totally fine, she didn't need to speak, just enjoy herself
  186. >You grabbed her hips with your hooves and begin lifting her up, only to slam her back down when you've nearly exited her
  187. >She squeals with delight at the sensations that are entirely alien to her give her pleasure beyond belief, beyond words
  188. >Two more repetitions of going from tip to hilt make her climax
  189. >Her body is gripped in the throes of pleasure, her vagina muscles grip your erection like a vise as you continue pounding away at her soft marehood
  190. >Mare cum gushes from her vagina in a torrent, soaking your crotches and the sheets beneath you
  191. >You can feel yourself approaching your own orgasm as her winking button slides on your sensitive flare when you near the outside
  192. "Mommy, I'm gonna cum!"
  193. >Still panting from her orgasm, your mother leans down and presses her mouth to yours, her tongue clumsily wrestling with your in a sloppy kiss
  194. >It pushes you over the brink and the most intense orgasm of your life makes your head spin in a rapturous buzz
  195. >You fill her with your seed, sending spurt after wonderful spurt into her womb in the throes of ecstasy
  196. >You pull out of your mother, being careful to continue the kiss that brought you to your peak
  197. >Your softening cock slaps against your inner thigh, bringing you back to the present
  198. >You break the kiss with your mother and sit up, bringing her with you
  199. >"Anonymous, that was...wow."
  200. >She's still breathless from the invasion of such new feelings of pleasure
  201. "Yeah, that's a good way to describe it."
  202. >She lays her head down on the pillow next to you, sliding her body off of yours
  203. >You lay down next to her, meeting her crooked, sleepy gaze full of love
  204. >Love for you
  205. >"I feel kinda tired. Can we go to the park tomorrow instead?"
  206. >You smile at the perfect mare laying in front of you, only too happy with her
  207. "Of course we can go, mom."
  208. >Her own smile could light up the entire Everfree Forest
  209. >"Yay...I love the park."
  210. >She yawns and her eyes droop ever lower
  211. >Before she completely nods off though, she says four words
  212. >Four words that make you the happiest colt in Equestria and feel completely justified
  213. >"I love you...Anonymous."
  214. >For a while, her quiet snores are the only noise in the room
  215. >You start to nod off too, youw own eyelids growing too heavy to hold up anymore
  216. >But you're still concious enough to speak, just before falling asleep next to the mare that gave you life
  217. "I love you too, mommy."

Chrysalis Condemned

by Clarissa

(MLO) Fluttermama

by Clarissa

(MLO) Taking Care of Mommy

by Clarissa

Not So Lonely After All

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(MLO) Learning By the Books

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