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(MLO) Learning By the Books

By Clarissa
Created: 2020-12-18 20:14:56
Expiry: Never

  1. >Today was the day you always woke up extra early
  2. >Even before Spike got up, you were awake
  3. >Because today was your mommys birthday
  4. >But what made it so special, was that you two shared that same date of birth
  5. >So it was yours too, but you never really felt that you deserved the special treatment on that day
  6. >After all, your mommy was not only a bearer of an Element of Harmony, but a princess too!
  7. >That's right, you're the child of Princess Celestia's favoured student, now heir, Twilight Sparkle
  8. >Your mommy worked every day, all day, researching magic in the royal libraries of Canterlot and trying to find solutions to Equestria's problems
  9. >It was the duty of a princess, after all
  10. >So you got up early to make the day extra special for her, since it was the one day that Celestia forced her to take off
  11. >Even with orders directly from her former teacher, Twilight still read books almost all day
  12. >To be fair, you had taken after your mother far more than your father, whomever that was
  13. >When Twilight had retired from adventuring with her friends, she had settled down in the Ponyville library
  14. >Discord had been converted to their side, Chrysalis hadn't been seen in over a decade, and Sombra was well gone
  15. >So your mother had decided to try the one thing she had denied to herself until now
  16. >Love
  17. >Unfortunately, every stallion she had tried to date had only gone out with her one or two times
  18. >Twilight didn't exactly know when to stop talking, so when one stallion had asked her if she knew about Princess Luna's guards, she had talked non-stop for an hour on the subject
  19. >Well, until the stallion had walked out on her at the fanciest restaurant in the town, of course
  20. >The owner of the restaurant, whom had seen the boorish display had given her the meal for free, banned the stallion from the premises and spread the word of his actions around
  21. >Now it was the issue of males fearing to go out on a date with her, lest they too become laughingstocks
  22. >So your mother took things into her own hooves
  23. >On a trip to Canterlot, while she was in heat, she visited an insemination clinic where she had them impregnate her
  24. >Nine months later, much to the surprise of Twilight (the normal foal gestation period was ten months after all!) you were born
  25. >She had been at her birthday celebration in Canterlot, a festivity held by the princesses of day and night themselves in her honour
  26. >She had gone into labour at the beginning of the party and had given birth just as the moon was ousting the sun in the sky
  27. >A beautiful, unicorn foal
  28. >Under the influence of the medicine they had given her to stem excess bleeding and for pain, she had named you "Anonymous"
  29. >As she had remarked to the doctors in her delirious state "After his father"
  30. >She'd always had a dry humour, that young princess
  31. >Twilight had stayed in Canterlot, living with her parents in their home on 481 Nebula Avenue
  32. >It was just above one of her only friends from before she had moved to Ponyville, a headstrong filly named Moondancer
  33. >Of course, she had moved away years ago, and no new tennants had taken up residence
  34. >But she had moved in with her parents again because, for all of her preparation and reading on the subject, motherhood was very different than she had thought it would be
  35. >Her parents were ecstatic to be spending more time with their daughter, though not quite as ecstatic about the sleeping schedule a newborn foal brought with it
  36. >Twilight raised you in the house she had grown up in and, when she was finally ready, moved to a set of chambers in the castle
  37. >The Celestial sisters had welcomed her with open arms back to their home and had promised her whatever she needed
  38. >As it turned out, all she needed was food, water, and access to books
  39. >Of course, she had got all that in abundance
  40. >You were a sheltered colt
  41. >Twilight had always worried about your safety, or where you were, or what you were doing
  42. >You always blew her off about it, saying it was getting in your way
  43. >But deep down, you felt warmly towards the fact that she loved you enough that it distracted her from working on her numerous projects
  44. >But sometimes she went a little overboard on the parenting thing
  45. >Like one time, she had caught you in the "adult only" section of the library
  46. >You had been curious what there was down here, so when your mother was distracted you had trotted into it and started taking books off the shelves
  47. >You had become engrossed in one of the texts, and though you didn't understand vast quantities of it, the illustrations were enough to show numerous ponies in lots of different positions
  48. >But they all had one thing in common, their private parts were always coupled
  49. >Your mother had come looking for you, and when she saw the book you were reading, she sent you to your room
  50. >She had said she'd come up with a punishment later, she didn't know what to do with you yet
  51. >To stave off her anger, you had started cleaning the house
  52. >Unfortunately, when you had tried to use your underdeveloped magical potential to lift some plates into the sink, they had fallen and broke
  53. >Twilight came home within two minutes of the incident, saying something about a parenting text dating back before the Lunar Rebellion
  54. >Said book had dropped to the floor when she saw you in the middle of a pile of broken, good plate
  55. >She had taken you into the living room with magic, bent you over her knee and had spanked your flank until her arm got tired
  56. >It wasn't much, given her lack of physical fitness, but you still hadn't been able to sit down for the rest of the day
  57. >And she had sent you to bed without dinner
  58. >But that was a long time ago, and you had grown up since then
  59. >Today you made her breakfast, along with Spike's, and your own
  60. >Your magic had come a long way, so you were able to make near perfect pancakes
  61. >Spike came down the stairs, he was an early riser too, though for different reasons
  62. >As his body had changed and grown, his sleep cycle had become erratic
  63. >So often, he was up with the dawn
  64. >He was surprised by your early rise, but he soon realized why
  65. >And the gem encrusted pancakes he certainly hadn't questioned
  66. >Soon he had to leave the house for, as he said, a date with a certain seamstress that had recently made it big in Canterlot
  67. >So it was just going to be you and your mommy alone all day
  68. >It sounded just perfect to you
  69. >So with a plate of piping hot pancakes and warmed syrup in your mystic grasp, you made your way to your mothers bedroom
  70. >You had taken the liberty of unplugging her alarm clock so she didn't wake up before you had
  71. >Placing the plate down on the bedside table, you climbed into bed and nuzzled her neck in an attempt to gently wake her
  72. >Slowly, she opened her eyes to find out what was going on
  73. >She saw your smiling face looking up at you and gave you a tired grin back
  74. >"Goodmorning, son. What are you doing up before your mommy?"
  75. >You levitate the pancakes over to her along with the syrup
  76. "Happy birthday, mommy!"
  77. >She embraces you and giggles
  78. >"I can't believe you remembered it, Anonymous. But that means...Ohmigosh I forgot about your birthday!"
  79. >Her hug nearly crushes you as she tenses in sudden stress
  80. >You hug her back and talk loudly, but calmly, over her neurotic ranting
  81. "Mommy, it's okay. I remembered for both of us, see how many pancakes I made? Can't you relax even for one day?"
  82. >She strokes your mane and her grip relaxes a but
  83. >"You're too kind, Anonymous. A mommy should never forget her childs birthday though. That means I'm a bad mother!"
  84. >She starts hyperventilating again, in fear of failing as a mother
  85. "Mommy, the only thing you do is work too much. Can't you please take a day off, so we can spend time together like we did when I was little? That'd be the best birthday gift!"
  86. >Your mother sighs and looks at the pile of books beside her bed
  87. >Your lower lip starts to quiver, she's going to choose the books over you
  88. >Then she does something that is completely apart from her usually neurotic self
  89. >She shoves the stack of books over so that it collapses into a big heap beside the bed, then hugs you tighter than before
  90. >"Of course we'll spend the day together, Anonymous! What kind of mother would I be to deny that to you?"
  91. >Your eyes grow wide and you cheer into the soft coat of her chest
  92. >"But first, let's finish off these pancakes, alright?"
  93. >You nod and dig into them with the energy of youth, while your mother takes a more methodic pace
  94. >But soon enough, you're both done and lay cuddling in the bed
  95. >"So, Anonymous, what do you want to do for our big day together?"
  96. >You ponder for a moment, then suddenly it dawns on you exactly what you want to do
  97. "Can we go to the park?"
  98. >She smiles that motherly smile of hers, the kind that lets you know that she'll do anything to make this day special for you
  99. >"Of course. Go and get on your coat and we'll head down, alright?"
  100. >It was the late fall, and your mother didn't want you to catch a chill in the cool, damp air of the stone city
  101. >So you two, appropriately clothed, made your way down to the park near the main square of Canterlot
  102. >You loved it because there was a playground with lots of foals to play with
  103. >Your mommy liked it as a place to relax, a place where she could come and forget about all the worries of being a princess and just focus on being your mother
  104. >It was both of your favourite place in the whole city
  105. >But when you scampered about on the playground with the other colts and fillies, you looked over and saw a sad look on Twilight's face
  106. >You shrugged it off and went back to playing a game that one of the colts had called "grounders"
  107. >It was fun, but soon the sun was beginning to set and the other foals went home, and you trotted back over to your mommy
  108. >She was staring at the ground, looking as though she were a thousand miles from the bench she sat on
  109. >You didn't know what to do, so you crawled into her lap and nuzzled her neck
  110. >Eventually, she snapped out of it and nuzzled you back, though she didn't speak of it
  111. >So you two made your way home through the lamp lit streets of the capital of Equestria, you nuzzling at her hooves the whole way, and her trudging along tiredly
  112. >But it wasn't just normal tiredness from a long day
  113. >It was deeper than that, it was the weariness that came from working every single day, sleeping for hardly six hours a night
  114. >So, your little colt mind devised a devilish scheme
  115. >It was all for the best though
  116. >After all, you did love your mommy
  117. >The next day, while your mother was busy as usual in the library, you snuck away to go see someone special
  118. >A pair of guards stood before the doorway to your target, and needed to be dealt with
  119. >Simple enough, a long range levitation spell pulled over a candlestick in the room in front of them, and they both went to investigate
  120. >Big mistake, you snuck your way inside and hid behind an opulent pillar in the room of your desire
  121. >On her throne sat Princess Celestia, raiser of the sun, and beside her was her sister Luna
  122. >They were exchanging pleasentries, but you could tell that Luna was going to get some sleep after a long night
  123. >After the princess of the moon had departed, you crept your way up the large promenade to the throne, always being careful to stay out of sight
  124. >"You can come out of hiding, Anonymous. You know you're welcome in here."
  125. >You tense up behind the pillar, but walk out and into her view, a defeated scowl on your face
  126. "How'd you know it was me?"
  127. >She gave you a cheeky grin, showing that, though nearly as old as time as she was, the princess still had a sense of humour
  128. >"I didn't. So what brings you to my hall at such a time, Anonymous? You ought to be with Twilight in the library. She needs an assistant, now that Spike has grown up."
  129. >You scuffed your hoof against the floor, aware of how selfish your request would be
  130. "Princess, could you give my mommy some time off? She works all the time and I don't get to see her much anymore. I feel kinda lonely, especially since I can't go to school and make friends."
  131. >The princess of the sun looks at you with motherly concern and gestures to the small, padded stool beside her ostentatious throne
  132. >You trot over and take a seat, looking up at Celestia's face
  133. >It was drawn tight, making her look older than she usually did
  134. >The thought dawned on you that maybe ruling took more work than you had thought before
  135. >But when Celestia looked down at you, the tension had vanished from her face, and a warm smile had taken its place
  136. >"Anonymous, I will do this for you. And as a gift to you, I wish to show you something as well. Please, follow me."
  137. >As the princess got off the throne, you dismounted your stool, and when she started trotting, you followed in her footsteps
  138. >The corridor she took you down led directly to her personal chambers
  139. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. >The torch sconces lit before you and extinguished behind you, seemingly of their own will
  141. >Finally, you two reached her chamber
  142. >The centerpiece of the bedroom was a massive orrey, replete with gems of all kinds and at the center, some kind of stone with a hexagonal pattern on it
  143. >"This is the Celestial Orrey. It predicts the allignment of the stellar bodies that my sister and I do not control. And the stone at the center, is a mystical amplifier."
  144. >You strode up to the device, young eyes wide with curiousity and awe
  145. >But such feelings were replaced with confusion, which you redirected onto Celestia
  146. "Princess, why did you bring me here? Sure I mean, it's cool, but does it really merit a secret pilgrimage and stuff?"
  147. >To Celestia's credit, her smile never wavered for a second, nor did her voice
  148. >"It is more my actions with the artefact that I brought you here to speak of. You see, when Twilight visited me in Canterlot a decade ago, she had expressed her desire to mate and birth a foal."
  149. >Celestia appeared to be looking through the ancient device, which with her power, she very well could be
  150. >"I helped her plan out her fertility cycles so she could know when best to concieve. But a year later, she returned to me in tears, saying how no stallion would have her. So I did the one thing a mother watching her child suffer could do."
  151. >Her heavy gaze turns upon you, causing a shiver to go through your body
  152. >"I offered a solution. I would use magic to stir life in her womb and give her a foal. She was shocked, but when I showed her how I would do it, she readily agreed. So with the proper ritual, I gave her a foal."
  153. >A tear glistens, unshed in the goddess' eye before she closes them both and turns once more to the amplifae
  154. >"The spell had some...unfortunate side effects on her mental well-being however. So I wiped her memory of ever having it cast on her, and instead implanted the idea that she had gone to an insemination clinic instead."
  155. >When the ancient alicorn turned back to you, there was a new look in her eyes, one that you could have sworn was hunger
  156. >"So you see, Anonymous, I am your mother. Just as much as Twilight is. It had pained me all these years to watch you grow up and to not be a mother to you, but only a figure that you know of."
  157. >The smile returns to her face, though it's much erier with the look her eyes now hold, locked onto yours
  158. >"But now you know, that you have two mothers. And I want to express all those years of hidden love to you, right now."
  159. >You're surrounded by an aura of golden light and you slide towards the maddened goddess
  160. >She immediately plants her lips on yours, her tongue invading the orifice and ravaging it with insatiable lust
  161. >But you pull away from her, you don't understand what's going on
  162. "P-princess, why are you doing this?"
  163. >She recoils, visibly wounded by the question
  164. >"Why, because this is a special way ponies show love, of course. Don't you want to love your mother?"
  165. >Well, when she put it that way, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all
  166. >Celestia kissed you again, but this time hers was not the only tongue swirling around your mouth
  167. >You kiss back, clumsily since this is your first time, but it's making you feel warm and excited
  168. >A tingle travels down your belly to your stallionhood, making it swell with an erection for the first time in your life
  169. >But you're confused, why is your private part getting bigger?
  170. >Celestia merely chuckles as she feels your dick hardening against her soft underbelly
  171. >"Oh, excited already? Well, I suppose I should start right away then."
  172. >She trails kisses along your neck and down your belly, moving nimbly around your erection and kissing down to your inner thighs
  173. >You shiver at the kissing in your tender crotch, your dick twitching of its own accord
  174. >Celestia chuckles at the involuntary motion, and takes it as a sign to get started right away
  175. >She takes a long, slow lick of your shaft, all the way from the balls to the flare, and back down again, savouring it like a summertime popsicle
  176. >You moan, your young vocal cords making the noise crack in the middle
  177. >Celestia takes your throbbing flare into her mouth and swirls her tongue around the sensitive flesh
  178. >Her ministrations overwhelm you with waves of pleasure unknown before now, dulling your mind to a feeble state of being
  179. >As your member slid deep into her throat, you could no longer contain the pressure building up inside you
  180. >You orgasm deep inside Celestia's throat, your first load shooting into the alicorns belly and filling her up
  181. >She keeps sucking, milking every last drop before finally letting your dick out of her mouth
  182. >She licks her lips and gives you a look that tells you you're not done yet
  183. >"I always wanted to nurse a colt, but a princess can't be seen playing wetnurse to just any pony. But I kept myself lactating all these years in hopes that this day would come."
  184. >She turns around, presenting her plot, complete with a set of teats swollen with milk, sustained for years with magic
  185. >You realize it must have been agonizing for her, to keep all that milk in her for nearly a decade, just on the slight hope of you nursing from her one day
  186. >What love she must feel for you to keep it that long, it would be rude to not drink
  187. >You move in, your mind high from sexual endorphins, and take one of the tits in your mouth, beginning to suckle like a foal
  188. >Her milk trickles over your tongue and down your throat in a steady stream, thick and warm
  189. >It had a sweet flavour over top of the expected milky one, as though a small amount of sugar were mixed into the glands as they secreted the fluid
  190. >You were enjoying yourself so much, you hadn't even noticed that Celestia's pussy was winking in arousal
  191. >But the small bud caught your eye as it flicked in and out elusively
  192. >It looked a bit like a nipple, you wonder what kind of milk it produces
  193. >So when it comes out of its sheathe again, you immediately latch onto it, much to Celestia's surprise
  194. >She immediately groans and her hip press back, grinding her wet marehood against your equally soaked muzzle
  195. >With all of your suckling and licking, Celestia orgasms much quicker than she had anticipated
  196. >The resulting flood from her vagina fills your mouth and the excess pours down your chest, coating you in the sticky fluids
  197. >It tastes vaguely earthy, with a bit of sweetness
  198. >As the alicorn princess falls over from sudden weariness, you lick your lips and nuzzle at her neck, suddenly feeling very affectionate for your estranged mother
  199. >Sure she hadn't raised you, but she would have if she could have
  200. >So you settle in for a quick nap before going back to your real mommy and show her everything you had learned
  201. >You were sure she would love it, and of course you couldn't keep such wonders from her, after all
  202. >You love your mommies
  203. >By the time you wake, Celestia has left the room to attend to some royal duties
  204. >A note lay on the dresser in her eloquent scrip
  205. >It was from Celestia
  206. >'My dear son, I must leave you for I have duties to attend. I ask only that you not tell Twilight about the circustances surrounding her pregnancy. I love you with all my heart. Celestia'
  207. >You stretched in place, wondering why you had woken in Celestia's bed at all, the haze of sleep still engulfed your mind
  208. >Then it all came rushing back at once
  209. >Celestia forcing herself on you, the revelation of her being one of your parents, the assault of pleasure from her ministrations
  210. >You immediately felt ashamed of doing it, but you couldn't understand one thing
  211. >Why?
  212. >Why had you acted the way you did? It was entirely outside how you normally behaved
  213. >Maybe you and your mother together could figure out the reason behind your practically involuntary actions
  214. >You made your way down the torchlit hall back to the throne room
  215. >Celestia wasn't there either, which was odd but not alarming
  216. >You peeked out of the door that led to the corridors of the castle, relieved to find it unguarded
  217. >And so, you made your way back to the library to see Twilight
  218. >As you passed a window, you noticed that the moon had risen and break into a gallop
  219. >Your mother was probably worried sick, you had been gone for most of the day after all
  220. >You suddenly remember the gushing from the princess' marehood that had soaked your coat
  221. >You look down but find you're completely clean, though your coat is a little messy
  222. >It looks like the princess cleaned you herself, with her tongue
  223. >No matter, here's the library doors
  224. >You burst in and find your mother pacing anxiously at the librarians desk
  225. >When you barrel through the doors, she gallops over and embraces you, her unshed tears flowing through her voice
  226. >"Anonymous, I thought I'd lost you! Where have you been, young colt?"
  227. "I-I was just visiting with Auntie Celestia! I kinda fell asleep though...But I'm okay!"
  228. >She pushes you away shock on her face
  229. >"I thought you were hurt! Don't ever wander off like that again, I have enough to worry about without you wandering off without telling me!"
  230. >You're near tears, but suddenly you remember what Celestia told you about what you two had done
  231. >Something about it helping mares and stallions relax
  232. >So you make a snap decision, you're going to help mommy relax
  233. >But not here, when you get home
  234. >She practically drags you down the corridor to your shared chambers silent the entire way
  235. >You try apologizing again and again, but she ignores you
  236. >When you two finally reach your rooms, she takes you into hers and sits you down on the bed next to her
  237. >"Look, Anonymous, we need to talk."
  238. >Your confused gaze makes her entire body quiver and her shoulders start quaking
  239. >"You know that you aren't exactly a normally born foal. And I know that you haven't had a father in your life ever, and I know that must be hard."
  240. >She draws a shuddering breath, running a hoof through her mane
  241. >"It's been hard for me too, raising you without the support of a stallion. And all this work as a princess it's just...I haven't been a good mother to you, and I'm sorry."
  242. >Tears flow freely down her cheeks, their stains matching the ones that are just beginning to form on your own face
  243. "It's okay mommy, I know you're doing the best you can. I just wish we could spend more time together."
  244. >She puts a foreleg around your withers
  245. >"Don't worry Anonymous. I'm telling Celestia tomorrow that I'm going to be cutting back on my royal duties so I can be a mother."
  246. >You're struck speechless, your mother giving up her duties just to spend time with you?
  247. >It was unthinkable
  248. >She notices the look on your face and frowns
  249. >"I-is something the matter? I thought you'd be happy!"
  250. >She still seems too stressed, so you decide to express your happiness in another way
  251. >You spring up and kiss her on the mouth, pushing your tongue inside and running it along her own
  252. >She's too shocked to do anything, so you break the kiss and nuzzle against her neck
  253. >She doesn't push you away, but the shock in her voice is clear
  254. >"W-why did you do that Anonymous? You're not supposed to do that with your own mother!"
  255. >You nibble at her neck, no quite knowing how to show your affection
  256. "But Princess Celestia it was to help mares and stallions relax. And you're super stressed, and I wanna help!"
  257. >She looks down, the weight of what you're saying crashing onto her head
  258. >"T-the princess? What did she--!"
  259. >You cut her off with another kiss, being more forceful this time
  260. >By Celestia, you were going to MAKE her relax!
  261. >She accepted the kiss this time, for about four seconds
  262. >Then she recoiled, grasping her head in her hooves
  263. >"What am I doing! You're my son!"
  264. >You nuzzle her neck again, making sure she knows that you love her
  265. "B-but you love me don't you? Isn't this how ponies show their love?"
  266. >She takes your hooves with hers and looks into your eyes, her face utterly serious
  267. >"Anonymous, this kind of love is for special someponies, not a mother and son. You know I love you, just stop doing this."
  268. "Then will you be my special somepony, mommy?"
  269. >Her ears press against her skull and her eyes go wide, pupils shrinking
  270. >"Anonymous, b-but you're my son!"
  271. "So?"
  272. >"It's wrong! You like other fillies don't you?"
  273. "I don't get to see other fillies mom. And I love you. Please be my special somepony?"
  274. >Twilight's head thunks against the backboard of the bed as it tips backwards, her head spinning
  275. >Why couldn't she be your special somepony?
  276. >There weren't any laws about it, after all, and even if there were she was above them as a princess
  277. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  278. >Your son just asked you to be his special somepony
  279. >You knew it was wrong, and your rational mind argued at you to refuse him
  280. >But deep down, you couldn't help but feel touched
  281. >You had always sought after love, but every stallion you had tried to find it in had refused you
  282. >And now, your son, born of the seed from a stallion you had never known, was offering you the very thing you had been denied for years
  283. >And in that same part of your heart that was touched, you knew you loved him back
  284. >It was just time to stop denying it
  285. >Your little colt strokes your mane and nuzzles the crook of your neck, and you embrace him and nuzzle him back
  286. >You're Anon once more
  287. >Your mommy is nuzzling you back and hugging you, finally responding to the affection you've been showing her
  288. >So you look up into her eyes and kiss her again
  289. >She responds this time, her tongue dancing with yours around your mouths and the space between when you breathe
  290. >You can feel her body warm as you kiss, a blush rising to her cheeks and suffusing her face
  291. >You move you hoof down and rub her belly, a little paunchy from the baby weight she had never worked off
  292. >She moans into the kiss, vibrating your tongue pleasently
  293. >You both slide down until you're laying next to each other, her panting from the kiss and you smiling like a fool
  294. >"A-Anonymous, this is wrong. But I love you like nopony else."
  295. >You plant a kiss on her cheek and whisper into her ear
  296. "I love you too, mommy."
  297. >Her ears flick and suddenly she's nuzzling your belly and a hoof is caressing your sheath
  298. >You bite your lip and your member begins to harden
  299. >She licks it as it appears, running her tongue along its length before returning to the tip and taking it in her mouth
  300. >You moan and thrust into her mouth, forcing your dick down her throat
  301. >She gags, but sucks away, her head bobbing up and down in a rhythmic fashion
  302. >You moan again, her warm esophagus stimulating your senses into near orgasm
  303. "M-mommy, I'm gonna--!"
  304. >She pulls off your member and kisses you, cutting you off
  305. >The sudden lack of stimulation brings you back from the brink and you watch her line her marehood up for something
  306. >"I-I read this in a book once. It's called the 'cowgirl'. I can't imagine why, it looks nothing like a cow!"
  307. >You smile, that was your mother alright
  308. >Even during lovemaking, she always piped up with random facts
  309. >But your thoughts are cut off as your cock slides into her winking, wet pussy
  310. >She makes you hilt immediately and cries out in ecstasy, coming down for another kiss as she rides you
  311. >You can feel your orgasm approaching rapidly, so you break the kiss
  312. "I'm really gonna this time, mommy!"
  313. >She speaks between panting and moaning, riding your dick the entire time without end
  314. >"Cum inside me Anonymous, cum inside mommy!"
  315. >That pushes you overboard and you shoot the second load of your life deep inside your mothers womb
  316. >With that, Twilight falls over the edge with you and her vaginal muscles contract in orgasm, milking your dicks for everything in it
  317. >She collapses on top of you, panting from the exertion
  318. >You kiss her in the post-coital bliss, and she returns it
  319. >It's only a simple kiss, both of you are too exhausted to use your tongues, but it's somehow more meaninful
  320. >As you nod off to sleep, you hear your mother whisper into your ear
  321. >"I love you, Anonymous."
  322. >Before you completely go under, you manage to speak back to her
  323. "I love you too, mommy."

Chrysalis Condemned

by Clarissa

(MLO) Fluttermama

by Clarissa

(MLO) Taking Care of Mommy

by Clarissa

Not So Lonely After All

by Clarissa

(MLO) Learning By the Books

by Clarissa