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Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 21:39:55
Expiry: Never

  1. "I'm just sayin I got a bigger trunk is all."
  2. >"Again with this Vinyl?"
  3. "Nah, I'm a hundred percent on this one Tavi. I got the booty in this friendship."
  4. >"Hmm, rather presumptuous of a unicorn to think they could even hope to compare with an earth pony flank."
  5. "What the buck is /that/ supposed to mean Tavi?" She says, squaring off against her friend.
  6. >"Vinyl don't be ridiculous dear, its only natural you'd be smaller. There's no need to feel ashamed."
  7. "Humph, Just cause I'm a unicorn doesn't mean my buns ain't the biggest in town. I mean have you /seen/ how guys look at me?"
  8. >"I assumed it was because you dress a little... oh whats the word...? Like a whorse?"
  9. "WHAT?!"
  10. >"Oh calm down, really. I understand you feel the need to dress up your lacking assets, it's not that bad of an idea actually."
  11. ""Lacking assets" yeah right, gimme a break. You WISH you could have this ass."
  12. >"I'm simply stating the obvious Vinyl, but I know you have trouble in that department, so let me rephrase it to your level."
  13. >Clearing her throat, Octavia points to herself.
  14. >"Me big, you small."
  15. "You little-"
  16. >"Quite the contrary actually, there's nothing small about me love."
  17. >"You on the other hoof, are merely pretending to have a rump. What with all that fat covering it."
  18. "Yeah? Cause its every colts dream to buck a rock huh?"
  19. >"J-just because I actually take care of myself and exercise, doesn't mean I don't have a little... give."
  20. "I donno Octy, I think whatever a stallion sticks in you, he wont be gettin back." Vinyl giggles.
  21. >"You're thinking of Applejack. I pity whatever stallion gains /her/ affections."
  22. >"And you're one to talk, little miss doughy." She says, poking Vinyl's chubby belly.
  23. >"I'm sure no stallion would care to sink into that derrière and be lost forever."
  24. "That's just more cushion for the pushin, Tav." Vinyl smugly replies, giving her own butt a smack.
  25. >"Yes well, if I decided to let myself go like that, there wouldn't even BE a debate."
  26. "Let go?! Do I look like Whoa Nelly to you?!"
  27. >"Could have fooled me."
  28. "Grrrr"
  29. >Raising a hoof to her muzzle, Octavia lets out a snooty laugh. "Oh my~ is somepony getting a little heated?~"
  30. >Having enough, Vinyl hip checks Octavia, sending her stumbling a few steps.
  31. >"OI! Are you daft?!"
  32. >"N-not that I even felt anything that is." She stutters, regaining her footing.[spoiler]hoofing?[/spoiler]
  33. >"Like throwing a stone against a bolder really."
  34. "Aww I'm sorry Tavi, I musta brushed up into you accidentally."
  35. >"That's quite alright /Vinyl/. Mistakes do happen."
  36. >Falling back in line with the DJ, Octavia rears back and gives a savage hip check of her own into Vinyl's side, sending her flying to the ground.
  37. >"Brushed up indeed."
  38. "OWW! What the hay Octavia?!"
  39. >"I'm terribly sorry, I must not have seen you there. It's hard to keep track of you sometimes with how small your stature is."
  40. "Alright that's IT! I'm gonna settle this right now!"
  41. >"And how, pray tell, are you going to do that?"
  42. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
  43. >You are Anon, chillin under a tree.
  44. >All Is good in your life, little to no stress to be found.
  45. >Hearing a "There he is!" and hoof beats coming toward you, you sit up against the tree to see what was going on.
  46. >Ah, it was the musicians, both very nice ladies you had met before.
  47. >Before you can say anything however, they both gallop over to either side of you.
  48. "Yo, its Anon right?"
  49. >"Of course it's Anon. Honestly, he's the only human around. Is your head full of fat too?"
  50. "Shut up. Anon dude, we need your help."
  51. >"Yes, we require your opinion."
  52. "No! We need the factual truth!" Vinyl says, raising her hoof and head to the sky.
  53. >She stays like that until Octavia awkwardly nudges her with a hoof.
  54. >"Well go on then, spit it out Vinyl."
  55. "I need you to tell Tavi here that I got a bigger butt than her."
  56. >"That is /not/ why we are here."
  57. "Kinda is."
  58. >Octavia gives Vinyl a look before addressing you again.
  59. >"Anonymous, we need your honest opinion. Which one of us has the um, larger... *ahem* buttocks.
  60. "We came to you cause we know you'd give it to us straight."
  61. >"Yes, we knew you would give an impartial answer."
  62. >Uh oh. Was this a trap? Usually girls don't- wait, what was that supposed to mean?
  63. "Well, he can't see from there can he? We gotta like, show him. Duh."
  64. >"Ah yes, of course. How foalish of me."
  65. >With that, the two mares spin around and mash asses together right in front of your face.
  66. >Thank you, god.
  67. >Struggling against one another, the two mares vie for your attention, trying to knock the other away out of your sight.
  68. >Well that won't do, you need to keep them steady for proper observation.
  69. >Grabbing a cutiemark in each hand, you stop the jostling abruptly.
  70. >"W-what-"
  71. "Relaaax Tav, he's gotta feel em to tell which one's better. Again, duh."
  72. >"A-ah yes, quite right."
  73. >Taking Vinyl's idea, you let your hands roam the two expanses of ass greedily.
  74. "S-see? He kn-knows what he's doIIING...!"
  75. >"Y-es /Yes~/ he certainly d-does."
  76. >Groping their legs, thick thighs, and flanks, the difference between them was obvious, but neither less delicious.
  77. >Octavia's grey rear was delightfully pliable, yet sturdy with toned earth pony muscle beneath, telling you about their strength with the slight definition you could feel through your fingers.
  78. >She tensed against your probing and prodding caresses initially, then let her flesh relax and become more malleable as she got used to your affections.
  79. >After growing accustomed to the appendage, she helped guide you around her rear by moving under your hand to relocate it where she liked.
  80. >Vinyl's white rump was just as large as her friends', but felt completely different.
  81. >Where Octavia had structure under hers, Vinyl's butt could only be described as "Juicy".
  82. >Your hand practically sank into her, being swallowed by the spongy phatness.
  83. >You could squeeze and mold her supple bubble butt easily, but it had less firmness and stability under it making it harder to effectively massage.
  84. >It was almost as if her butt was made of squishy memory foam, from the way it allowed you to play with it.
  85. >Similar to the ashen mare, Vinyl guided your hand around to her favorite spots with her tingly magic.
  86. >They were both getting pretty riled up, if the drips on your hands and arms were anything to go by.
  87. >Under your attentions, both of them begin to push against your hands, letting you feel the growing heat coming from between their legs.
  88. >"Mmmf o-oh mare he's good..." Octavia says, arching her back as you hit a particularly sensitive spot.
  89. "You can say that again s-sis."
  90. >Taking that as a sign to continue, you start to become rougher with your movements, digging your fingers into them and dishing out a few spanks and pinches, earning squeals of delight.
  91. >You also become more adventurous, rubbing docks, gripping tails, and periodically spreading them both to get a look at their rapidly winking and drooling slits.
  92. "H-hey buddy, you're getting a-a little f-friendly back there." Vinyl pants, looking over her shoulder.
  93. >"B-backing down Scratch?"
  94. "N- Ah~ NO! NEVER!"
  95. >Sweating profusely now, you can't hold back anymore as you let go of them and loop your arms through their legs.
  96. >You pull them up to you, smashing their booties against your face, pinning you to the tree.
  97. "H-he's gotta get /real/ far in there so he- ughnn s-so he knows what he's de-dealing with!"
  98. >"I- unf knew that, you p-pillock nnngh."
  99. >As if to confirm this, both mares push even harder against your head, burying you deeper into the squishy prison.
  100. >Being this close, your face felt like it was in the wettest furnace on the planet, receiving periodic slippery kisses from their lips.
  101. >You could barely hear the outside anymore, as they had completely submerged your head with booty.
  102. >What you /could/ hear however, other than the squelching, were their alluring pleasured gasps and incoherent babbling through their bodies.
  103. "Hf... hf... Auhhhhhh~"
  104. >"Mmmmnnhhh /HNG/"
  105. >It was getting hard to breathe, the space for air becoming smaller and smaller as they started grinding against your face fervently.
  106. >They were absolutely /covering/ your face with boilingly hot sticky juices, as they needily rubbed themselves into you.
  107. >They were both becoming more sloppy with their movements, jerking every time they pressed their throbbing clits against you as they neared the edge.
  108. >Not to be outdone, you use the last of your breath to motorboat the daylights out of the poor mares.
  109. >Surprised, they give one last forceful push, pressing their nethers against you hard before freezing in place.
  110. "I-I-I-I'm gonna I-I'm gonna-"
  111. >"HAhhh~ ooh m-me toooo!"
  112. >Both screaming out, they simultaneously cover your face in their love.
  113. >Seconds go by, their juice still flowing down your face as they shake violently.
  114. >Eventually, the screams wane and the mares ease off your face, letting you gasp for life-giving air.
  115. >Vinyl stands there for a second, still quivering, before crumpling to the ground, letting her shades tumble off to the side.
  116. >Octavia takes a few dizzy steps forward before face planting into the grass, ass up, presenting her still dripping pussy to the sky.
  117. >Regaining your breath, you wipe some of the fluids off your face with your fingers and pop them into your mouth.
  118. >Mmm marshmallow and chocolate. Damn, another tie.
  119. >Speaking for the the first time, you clear your throat.
  120. "I- I think we'll need to check again later, I couldn't quite get an accurate judgement. Same time tomorrow?"
  121. >All you get in return are two exhausted, but happy "mhms"

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

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