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Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 21:42:38
Expiry: Never

  1. This was a short memeing about the unicorn mythology where they can only be seen by virgins
  3. >Accidentally give your final thrust into her candyvag and nut.
  4. >She disappears but you're still holding her now invisible body. Whoopsie do.
  5. >Can still hear her moans and see your goo floating in mid air inside her, but she is effectively invisible to your eyes.
  6. >She uses this to her advantage and torments you.
  8. >"OoOOOoo."
  9. "Fuck off scratch, not now I'm reading."
  10. >"OoOoOoOoo Thaat's noOo waAaAayy toO taAalk toOo your Ghooahst Marefrieeeend. OOoOooO."
  11. "Look, Vy it was funny at first but I'm trying to figure out how to see you again, this book twi gave me about becoming a wizard looks promising.
  12. >"Thiiis wouldn't have haAppeEened if you just kept it in my buUuUuuUtt."
  13. "Yeah, I know."
  14. You feel two hooves in between your legs and just resign yourself to whats to come before the voice of your marefriend greets your ears again.
  15. >"OoOoOo AaAaAaNnOoOoN, I've coOoOme to suck your Diiiiick."
  17. >Having a nice little tea party with Octavia.
  18. >Chamomile, aww yeah we gonna get fucked up.
  19. >Unbeknownst to you both, Vinyl has slipped under the table while Tavi is talking about her next concert.
  20. >You then feel your belt being unbuckled.
  21. >Sweating intensifies.
  22. >Octavia soon notices you squirming in your seat.
  23. >"Is something wrong Anonymous? You look positively flushed!"
  24. "U-uh heh, n- ooh -ope! E- ah -everything is A- ugh o-okay!"
  25. >Looking unconvinced, and hearing some strange slurping noises, Octavia becomes suspicious and looks under the table sheet to see Vinyl choking herself on your rod.
  26. >"V-vinyl! what are you doing?!"
  27. >*Pop*
  28. >"UH. OoOOoOo I'm a ghoOoOst theEereE iiiss noOoOo Vinyl heEaAar."
  29. >"Vinyl I can see you, only Anon can't.
  30. >"Oh yeah."
  31. >"Please put him away we are trying to enjoy some delightful tea right now."
  32. "Well I didn't -stop- enjoying it."
  33. >Vinyl snickers and Octavia just looks at you.
  34. >"Shut up Anon."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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