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Vinyl shorts: Life sucks but tits are soft

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 21:53:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompts:
  2. sweet gril
  4. >I know she's crying, but would it cheer her up if I told her she has the sweetest tits I've ever seen?
  6. Green:
  7. “What’s up Vy?”
  8. >”Hey...”
  9. >Not looking up from her hands, the school’s resident Disk Jockey fumbled with something you couldn’t quite make out.
  10. “What’cha got there wubinator?”
  11. >Electro sliding over to your bud, you throw an arm around her in a sideways hug.
  12. >She doesn’t respond, simply opening her hands showing you her favorite pair of headphones mangled in her palms.
  13. “Ooh damn, that sucks. What happened?”
  14. >Clutching her dead beats, Vinyl’s dejected voice simmered with anger “Sunset happened.”
  15. >”She got one of her betas to jack them off my head and waited till I was looking to crush them with those stupid boots she has.”
  16. >She sniffles, a drop of something landing against the white plastic.
  17. >You know just how to deal with this situation.
  18. “Hey, I ever tell you that you got some sweet tits?”
  19. >”W-what?”
  20. >Vinyl looks up at you, a confused look in her teary eyes.
  21. >You don’t notice though, your gaze is stuck on her bulging shirt instead.
  22. “I’m saying you got some great bazongas on you.”
  23. >”Anon what the-“
  24. “Sure they aren’t quite as big as Fluttershy’s or as perky as Rainbow’s, but you-“
  25. >”Anonn.” Vinyl says dangerously, covering her breasts with an arm.
  26. “Please, allow me to elaborate.”
  27. “While you don’t have the biggest set around, you’re still in the top seven percent in size easily.”
  28. >You meet Vinyl’s smoldering red eyes piercing your skull.
  29. “But unlike the others, you’ve got almost no sag to ‘em, a perfect combo of size and perkiness.”
  30. >”Why are you-“
  31. >You cut her off with a finger to her lips, hushing the agrivated girl.
  32. “Now of course those aren't the only reasons why you’ve got a spectacular pair.”
  33. “You also got a real nice bounce to your chest.”
  34. >The blue haired girl angrily grumbles around your finger at this.
  35. “They have just the right amount, not like Trixie’s stiff fakers or like Pinkies flails.”
  36. >Giving her a shake, Vinyl’s tits bounce nicely in their cotton prison.
  37. “Perfect. See?”
  38. >You can tell she does, if the blush was anything to go by.
  39. “Now with great bounciness comes great malleability.”
  40. >Confused again, the DJ arches an eyebrow.
  41. >Taking the finger off her mouth, you bring it down and poke it into the side of her pillowy breast.
  42. >Squeaking, she drops her destroyed headphones and slaps your finger away. “A-Anon!”
  43. “So, what I’m saying is that bacon hair is envious of you.”
  44. >Vinyl freezes, looking at you as if trying find some sign of deceit in your face.
  45. “And uh, you didn’t hear this from me, but I heard that she’s got huge salami nipples.”
  46. >That gets a smirk from her.
  47. “Plus she was probably jealous of your butt too.”
  48. >Vinyl rolls her eyes with a smile. “Alright, I get it.”
  49. “No really, you’ve got the best ass In school bar none. And I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.”
  50. >Giggling, she hip checks you, pushing out of your grip. ”You’re such a perv Anon.”
  51. “Maybe, but you’re not so sad anymore right?”
  52. >The little smile that was on her lips grows at your words.
  53. >”Nah, I’m good now. But you’re gonna buy me new headphones for that tit poke.” She says, the smile turning into her signature grin.
  54. “As if I wasn’t going to already.”
  55. “But, since I am buying you a new pair, don’t you think I should get to touch the /other/ pair? After all I only got one.”
  56. >Vinyl crosses her arms under her bust and pushes them up, grinning even wider when your attention flicks down. ”We’ll see.”

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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