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Vinyl shorts: Massive Milky Mammaries Make Me Moan

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 21:54:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >"That's what gets you off? Fucking milk? That's gross. What, do you jack off every time you eat cereal in the morning? I'm not a fucking cow, Anon. Oh, be careful not to twist my nipples too hard; you'll cum before I can even get your pants off, you freak. Why don't you go back to the dairy farm before I kick you in the nuts?"
  3. >"Or you can get over here and show me your 'milking' technique, weirdo."
  5. Green:
  6. >As you open the front door, Vinyl pushes past you in a huff, the irritation plain to see on her face.
  7. >Closing the door behind you, you immediately knew what was wrong by the way she struggled with her soaked through top.
  8. >“Ugh, fucking- Anon make yourshelf useful and help me!”
  9. >Silently complying, you walk over to her and help with the offending garment.
  10. >Finding where the fabric had caught on her bra, you free it and help work it off her now very generous bust.
  11. >”If I’d known thesh would have been such a fuckin hassle I woulda never done thish.” Vinyl slurs, pulling the soiled clothing off and tossing it aside.
  12. >She got like this whenever she was really backed up, either missing a milking or having an extra productive day.
  13. >”That wash my favorite shirt you know, now it barely fits me as a fuckin crop top.”
  14. >By the tone of her voice and use of curses it appeared both had happened.
  15. >Taking a look at the offending party, you could see them bulging and straining against her wet bra, at least two sizes too small for the job.
  16. >”Well? Shtop jizzing in your pants and take the rest off!”
  17. >Knowing it was smarter to not engage, especially when she smelled like she’d swam in booze, you reach down between her massive chest and fumble with the latches there.
  18. >The clips groan as you undo them, springing back as the tension was relieved from each one.
  19. >Arriving at the last two, you don’t even get a chance to touch them as they explode off, one beaning you right in the forehead and the other clattering down the hall.
  20. >The rest of the abused underwear rips apart, catapulting off behind and letting their load fall heavily against your arms.
  21. >”Ahh! Careful you cumbrained idiot! They’re sore!”
  22. >Recoiling in pain, the busty girl glares at you, cradling her massive mammaries protectively.
  23. >Holding up your hands, you give the titty monster DJ your best apologetic look hoping she’ll forgive you.
  24. >Somewhat appeased, she relaxes from her guarded stance, letting her big balloons flop freely into the air.
  25. >Seems she forgot how much they weighed though, as she groaned at the weight on her chest and looked down with a sigh.
  26. >”Look what you did to me, can’t believe you convinshed me to do this shit for you.”
  27. >Not needing to be told twice, your gaze is entirely focused on her two funbags now, the chill of the room dotting her skin with goosebumps and tightening her large nipples, jutting the soggy tips outward invitingly.
  28. >When you first brought up the idea of making her lactate, Vinyl laughed. She teased you about it relentlessly, making cow noises and splashing you with milk whenever she could.
  29. >You were never spared a ribbing, especially when you two went shopping in the dairy aisle.
  30. >It was usually something along the lines of, “Try to keep it in your pants cowboy, we’re just getting food.” or “Jesus Christ Anon there’s kids here!” All while covering your crotch to hide your non existent boner.
  31. >That was another thing, the completely innocuous word ‘cowboy’ had been twisted into her little nickname for you.
  32. >The jokes and teases kept on, but one day, completely and titally out of the blue, she bashfully told you she would try it, if it’d make you happy.
  33. >Neither of you were expecting the extreme breast growth, at least not to this extent.
  34. >Her already ample triple Ds that had inspired you in the first place had exploded to monstrous, double Ls.
  35. >A hand snapping in front of your eyes brings you out of your little daydream, the owner loudly clearing her throat in impatient irritation but with a blush all the same.
  36. >”Couch. Now.”
  37. >Without even a hint of protest, you eagerly scamper over to your seat with barely contained excitement.
  38. >Vinyl just rolls her eyes at your antics. ”Horny fucker.”
  39. >As she makes her way after you, you watch captivated as her swaying sweater puppies bounced with each step, sending little ripples through her pale skin.
  40. >Climbing on the couch, she straddles your waist with her tight purple clad legs, bringing her bosom to your face.
  41. >While your vision was replaced with her huge tracts of land, her nipples beaded with milk in anticipation.
  42. >”Get too it.”
  43. >That’s all you needed to hear as you hungrily latch onto a fat teat, giving it a suck.
  44. >”Gentlyyy!” She whines, bapping you on the side of the head.
  45. >Easing off, you more kindly tend to the engorged flesh, massaging it delicately with your lips.
  46. >Small rivulets of milk splash into your mouth, releasing with a moan from above you.
  47. >”Ooooh~ oh yeah, that’s why I’m doin this.”
  48. >Chuckling to yourself, you lap at the milky streams, tasting the creamy goodness before swallowing it down.
  49. >Gloved hands wrap around your head, pulling you further into the squishy fat, keeping you in place.
  50. >Still locked around the lightly spraying nipple, you decide to give it another suck, pulling it further into your mouth.
  51. >You are rewarded with a louder moan this time, the hands on your head tightening into your scalp.
  52. >Continuing with your sucking, her nipple swells further, sticking against your tongue rigidly.
  53. >Unrelenting, the larger tip gives you more to pull against as you feel the floodgates open.
  54. >Vinyl tenses and then relaxes against you in an instant, the trickling sprays turning into a flood of nourishing nectar as her ducts open fully.
  55. >”Ohhhh yeahhhh that’sh better.” Vinyl coos, running her hands through your hair lovingly.
  56. >Encouraged by her happy noises, you keep tugging on her, her pores doing their best to sate your thirst.
  57. >”Hey, that’s not all for you.” You feel a tapping on your head. “I made it, so gimme shome too.”
  58. >Nodding against her, you stop swallowing and allow your mouth to fill with the warm ambrosia.
  59. >Sliding you off her tit, she tilts her head down to yours and locks lips with you, accepting your gift contentedly.
  60. >Your tongues dance briefly as you pass the delicious liquid, Vinyl breaking the kiss soon after to drink her share.
  61. >”Back to work you.” She says, pulling you down against her expectant, dripping nipple.
  62. >As you latch back on, you notice your head is swimming.
  63. >Probably due to all the alcohol in the milk she was producing as a result of her heavy partying.
  64. >Your efforts on Vinyl seem to be helping as the taut boob relaxes and lightens as you remove the painfully excess milk.
  65. >Sounds of relief echo in the room from the buxom DJ while you dutifully perform your task, determined to drain every last drop from her aching tatas.
  66. >You bring your hands up around the breast you were nursing off of and rub it in a inward motion toward your head, pushing more milk to the exit.
  67. >”Mmm yeah, jusht like that cowboy, make sure you get all of it.” Vinyl murmurs, giving you little kisses.
  68. >After a while of more massaging and pressing, you feel the flow lessen back down to a trickle, the tit inside your mouth puffed up far beyond normal from the constant suction.
  69. >Releasing with a pop, your face is grabbed and brought into another kiss by the much more relaxed party girl.
  70. >The connection is soft and pleasant, more playful than needy as lips hugged and tongues prodded.
  71. >Separating, Vinyl plants another light kiss on your forehead.
  72. >”You’re not done yet, there’sh two remember?”
  73. >Twisting her torso, the other paired leviathan is brought into view, the neglected peak already drizzling down onto her leggings.
  74. >Without a second thought, you attach to the turgid fountain, keen on relieving its treasure.
  75. >As if waiting for this moment, you are met with a cascade of hot liquid immediately after taking in the bloated nipple.
  76. >”Mmmf, that’s my big guy, take as much as you need. Momma’sh got plenty for you.”
  77. >She lays heavily on you now, her cheek pressed against the top of your head as she pants faintly.
  78. >Like with the previous one, you grasp around the plentiful melon and start your ministrations, much to the delight of Vinyl.
  79. >”Moo~”
  80. >You barely heard that quiet noise in your now very inebriated state, but you knew for sure she had let it slip.
  81. >Smiling around the gushing udder, you pretend as if nothing happened and keep doing your work.
  82. >By the time you finished, the stacked and now throughly drained girl had fallen asleep on top of you, holding you close to her chest protectively.
  83. >Belly full and head buzzed, you feel yourself start to drift off, embracing sleep as it washes over you like a blanket.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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