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Amazon Vinyl is a sweet cinnamon roll I pledge to protect

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 22:06:29
Updated: 2024-05-30 09:33:30
Expiry: Never

  1. “Yo wassup legs? If you crush my head between those thunder thighs of yours, I’ll give you my lunch.”
  2. >Why did you say that.
  3. >The first thing you say to this girl is ‘crush my head with your thighs’ what’s wrong with you.
  4. >As you silently berate yourself for your idiocy, the girl in question turns her head to you and looks up from behind her shades with an eyebrow cocked.
  5. >Say something dumbass!
  6. “Ooh, what are you gonna do, suffocate me with those fat cow tits?”
  7. >Brain why.
  8. >The girl looks startled by your crassness and turns the rest of her body to face yo-
  9. >Darkness.
  10. >There’s a tapping on your face and something is shaking you a little too hard.
  11. >”-h my god Tavi, I killed him!”
  12. >As you come to, you crack open your eyes and are greeted by the girl, Vinyl Scratch, shaking you violently, trying to bring you back into the world of the living.
  13. >”I swear I didn’t mean too!” She cries, hugging you uncomfortably tight to herself, holding your head against her generous bust.
  14. >Oh shit, she really was trying to suffocate you, you think as you try to push out of her grip franticly.
  15. >”I think he’s quite alright now, Vinyl.” Comes a different voice, a little sophisticated tinge to it unlike the previous’ scratchy one.
  16. >Still being held up from your armpits, you are set back down onto the cafeteria floor, thankfully released from the squishy prison.
  17. >Now that she was standing, you got a better look at the veritable amazon before you.
  18. >Vinyl was remarkable to say the least, not only was she staggeringly tall, but she looked like she could squat a truck with those massive legs of hers.
  19. >”I’m so sorry little guy! I didn’t mean to knock you out with my boobs!”
  20. >Little guy? You were at least 5’**, you weren’t no manlet. Wait, what did she say about boobs?
  21. >”Do you think you can forgive me?”
  22. >Craning your head up to look at your assaulter, you see she'd taken off her purple glasses and was peering down at you with teary concern.
  23. “Uh, s-sure.”
  24. >As soon as the words leave your mouth, her red eyes brighten with happiness as you’re brought back into a spine crushing hug with a stream of thankyous.
  25. >Okay, so maybe to her you were a manlet but that’s just because she was huge!
  26. >She wasn’t just big for a girl, she was one of the biggest people you’d ever seen, as she towered over everyone else in the school easily.
  27. >Turns out she was also pretty strong for a chick as well, evidenced by the way she swung you back and forth like a flag in the breeze.
  28. >”Thanks man! I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad, you’re alright, right?”
  29. “Yeah.” You wheeze “Mind letting me go? You’re crushing my lungs.”
  30. >”O-oh right, sorry.”
  31. >As she drops you back onto your feet, you’re able to look around at the now silent lunchroom and at the black haired girl who was glaring at you disapprovingly.
  32. >”Oh shoot, I made you drop your food too! Aww man that was totally not cash money of me.”
  33. >Spying your cafeteria tray lying on the floor, you don’t get a chance to respond before the giant woman pulls you close again.
  34. >”Oh I know! You can eat with us dude!”
  35. “That’s okay, I’m not very-“
  36. >”He’d LOVE to join us, wouldn’t he?” The girl with the bowtie practically hisses at you.
  37. “Uhh, yeah sure I can hang for a bit.”
  38. >Fistpumping, Vinyl ushers you to the table and sits down on the bench, looking at you expectantly.
  39. >Sitting down as well, you give her a wide berth, keeping a healthy distance between the two of you.
  40. >”Aww, please don’t be afraid of me, I promise I won’t hurt you again.” She pouts, dragging you over to her with an arm.
  41. >”Look, I’ll show you how harmless I am.” Pulling you up into her large lap, the girl hugs you close, much gentler than last time.
  42. >”See? I’m nice! You just surprised me the first time is all, and now I got you here I can’t accidentally smack you again.” She says sweetly, patting you on the chest.
  43. >A few sniggers are heard over the din of the cafeteria at your predicament, including the bowtie girl sitting next to you two, making your face heat up in embarrassment.
  44. >But as Vinyl continued eating, you found that you could ignore it, relaxing into your new cozy chair comfortably as the attention came off of you.
  45. >Her body made for an excellent lounge you found, your head wedged between her soft breasts like a pair of pillows and her very warm thighs undoubtedly gave you the best seat in the house.
  46. >You could get used to this actually.
  47. >All of a sudden, you’re brought out from your comfy stupor by something poking your cheek.
  48. >The offending object appears to be a fork with food, being held by none other than the purple leggings clad girl.
  49. >Alright, being manhandled was one thing, but you weren’t about to be fed like a baby in front of everyone.
  50. >Without saying a word, you push the food away as to not make a big deal about it and draw attention.
  51. >This doesn’t do much though, as she only brings the food back to your face, making you irritated.
  52. >”You gotta eat man! Can’t have you going hungry ‘cause of me!”
  53. “It’s fine, I’m not really hungry anyways, plus if I wanted more I could just go get some.”
  54. >”Uh oh, I think someone’s getting a little fussy Vinyl.” The British girl teased, little giggles escaping her and some of the other table members.
  55. >Okay, now you don’t feel so bad about earlier anymore as you tried freeing yourself from the giants grip.
  56. “I’m not being fussy, I’m not some fuckin ki-“
  57. >You’re cutoff by the food being jammed in your mouth and the table roaring with laughter.
  58. >All your embarrassment comes rushing back as you violently push out of your comfortable seat, spitting what had been forced in your mouth on the ground and angrily stomping out of the cafeteria.
  59. >”W-wait man! What’s wrong?”
  60. >Ignoring her calls, you slam the doors open and leave into the empty hall.
  61. >You don’t get far before you hear rapid footsteps behind you and then a hand on your shoulder.
  62. >Whipping around, you knock the hand off of you with a smack.
  63. >”Oww...”
  64. >The owner, the same girl who’s lap you were just sitting in a moment ago, rubs her hit hand with the other.
  65. >”What was that for guy?”
  66. “What, not done humiliating me? Or are you just stupid?”
  67. >“I don’t- what?”
  68. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said okay? Just leave me alone.”
  69. >Turning around again you continue down the hall until you’re grabbed from behind and pulled into a hug.
  70. >”I can’t let you go lil buddy till you tell me what’s bothering you!”
  71. >You feel your blood boil as you angrily twist out of her embrace, shoving her away from you forcefully.
  72. “Get off me you freak!”
  73. >As the words left your mouth, you immediately regretted them, watching the big girl recoil against your words, shocked by the venom in them.
  74. >For the first time, you saw her shrink into herself, nervously playing with her hair as she avoided your stare.
  75. >”O-oh sorry dude, T-tavi says I can be a l-little grabby sometimes h-heh. I’ll stop b-bothering y-you now.” She looked everywhere but you, blinking away tears as she responded.
  76. >Great job Anon, you made a girl cry. What are you gonna do next, kick a puppy?
  77. “Look I...”
  78. >You trail off when she rushes past you and down the hall as the bell rings, catching a sob as she runs away.
  79. >Aww fuck.
  80. >You stand there feeling like an absolute piece of shit until someone else walks into your view, grabbing your attention.
  81. >It was the bowtie girl again from the lunchroom, still wearing a faint smirk as she addressed you.
  82. >”I hope you learned your lesson about being uncouth towards others, little darling.” She teases, finishing her sentence by pinching your cheek like a grandmother would their grandchild.
  83. >You don’t react to the harassment, barely even registering her words as you still felt like a donkey for chasing off Vinyl like an asshole.
  84. >”Where did Vinyl get off to anyways? It’s not like her to disappear.”
  85. >Your stomach wrenches with guilt at her words, making you set off in the direction Vinyl ran. English can wait, you have to make this right.
  86. >It was hard to figure out where she ran, especially with all the other students walking to class and clogging up the hall.
  87. >She probably wouldn’t be in a classroom, so that narrows down your choices a little.
  88. >Problem is, there aren’t many rooms that /weren’t/ classrooms.
  89. >If she went to the girl’s bathroom then you’d be outta luck, you don’t want to be a pervert on top of being an asshole.
  90. >Turning a corner, the crowd thins as everyone makes it to their classes and out of the hallways.
  91. >You need to find her quick or the hall monitors will fuck with you and report you to Vice principal Luna.
  92. >And if she found out the reason you were out of class she’d give you weekend detention again for sure.
  93. >The halls were now empty once again as the bell rung, signaling classes starting and putting you on edge.
  94. >Where the fuck could she be?
  95. >Rounding another corner, you come across your fear, two hall monitors walking the opposite way towards you.
  96. >Shit, you don’t have a hall pass but maybe you’d get away with saying you forgot your books?
  97. >They’d probably give you grief though and make sure you actually went to get them instead of leaving and smoking a bowl or whatever the stoners did when skipping class.
  98. >Looking around franticly, you see what could be your saving grace, the library.
  99. >Ducking into the quiet book sanctuary, you quickly get yourself lost in the aisles, eager to hide from anyone who could have followed you in.
  100. >Well that’s the immediate problem solved, but you doubt you could make it back out of here without being questioned.
  101. >Maybe if you grabbed a large stack of books and carried them out, it’d look like you were doing something for a teacher and no one would suspec- what was that?
  102. >Freezing in place, you cock you head to where you thought you heard a noise come from.
  103. >Silence greeted you, nothing but the occasional creak of wood or hum of the HVAC system sounded over the silence of the library.
  104. >Must have been nothing.
  105. >As you’re about to continue however, you hear a sniffle from somewhere above you on the second floor.
  106. >A sniffle? Could she have-?
  107. >You quickly leave the rows of books and make it to the stairs, being careful not to make too much noise as students weren’t really supposed to be here outside of class visits or the occasional computer work.
  108. >The second floor was somehow even quieter than the first, all noise seemed muted by the rows of bookshelves save for what was clearly crying coming from somewhere to the left.
  109. >There was no guarantee that it would be her of course, there was a lot of drama in this school and it could be any number of gir- nope, it was her.
  110. >Reaching the crying, you come into a little reading cubby in the corner of the room, filled with a few couches, chairs, and a table or two.
  111. >Furthest away was her, Vinyl, hiding in a beanbag chair, curled up into herself.
  112. >You didn’t know someone that big could look so small and vulnerable, the knife in your guts twisting harder as you saw what you had caused.
  113. >Now that you had found her, you wish she was further away, as in no time at all you had closed the distance to the weeping girl.
  114. “Uh, hey there, Vinyl.” You whisper, trying not to alert anyone else of your presence.
  115. >It was useless however, she had her headphones on and had buried her face in her arms.
  116. >C’mon Anon, don’t make her suffer anymore, get her attention.
  117. >Tentatively, you reach out and touch her as if she was made from spun glass.
  118. >Right as you make contact, she freaks out at your touch, yelping and flailing in her seat, knocking off her teal earphones in the process.
  119. >Worried that you’d been found out, you freeze again and listen for any sounds of NPC discovery dialogue.
  120. >When nothing but more silence greets your ears, you let out a sigh you didn’t know you'd been holding and look back down at your victim, quietly hugging her knees.
  121. >She had clearly been crying, her running mascara and redder than usual eyes being pretty clear indicators.
  122. >She says nothing, instead choosing to simply look up at you from her guarded spot.
  123. “Uh, hey.”
  124. >Still saying nothing, she appears to withdraw further into the beanbag but keeps her unwavering eyes uncomfortably locked onto you.
  125. >Unable to keep her gaze, you look away with shame and scratch the back of your head.
  126. “So, I um. I-... I just wanted to let you know that what I said was incredibly douchey, and uh, totally not cash money of me.”
  127. >You finish the apology with a weak smile, looking back at the uncharacteristically quiet girl.
  128. >She still hadn’t moved a muscle, still looking at you as if you were about to throw a punch at her.
  129. >You can do better than that Anon.
  130. >Exhaling, you make a point to meet her eyes as you try again.
  131. “And you’re not a freak. You’re actually incredibly pretty. So much so that I couldn’t even talk to you before today and only managed to blabber some dumb shit at you.”
  132. >This seems to have a much better effect, as Vinyl loosens her stance and stares at you with something other than fear.
  133. “I felt so bad for saying that, that I had to come find you right away. I couldn’t let you be sad over me, you’re much too nice for that.”
  134. >Sitting up, Vinyl relaxes further and uncurls her body, wiping away tears that had yet to fall.
  135. “And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. Trust me, if I could redo this whole thing, I would in a heartbeat.”
  136. >She stands up, a ghost of a smile on her face as she cautiously walks over to you.
  137. “If you don’t want to talk to me again, I get it I’ll leav- oof”
  138. >You’re silenced as you’re brought into a hug, once more having your face mashed into her chest as she tries to squeeze the life out of you.
  139. >This time however, you return the gesture, wrapping your arms around the small of her back and pulling her tightly to you as well.
  140. >Hello boobies, great to see you two again. How are you doing? I see you’re as soft and squishy as ever.
  141. >”Thank you, I needed that.”
  142. >You try to say something back, but you’re muffled by the two mountains in your face.
  143. >”Oh right, sorry. Getting grabby again, my bad.”
  144. >She loosens her grip, but you don’t move, keeping your hold on her, refusing to let go.
  145. >Giggling a little, she taps you on the head with a finger.
  146. >”You’re giving me mixed signals here dude.”
  147. >Relenting, you let go of her and step back, looking pensive.
  148. “Well now that I’ve thought about it, I don’t think you being grabby is going to be a problem.”
  149. >Rolling her eyes with a smile, Vinyl gives you a light, friendly shove and sits down on a couch, motioning you over to sit by her.
  150. >”Y’know, I don’t think I caught your name.”
  151. >Right, that’s how you're supposed to talk to people, ask their name.
  152. “Anonymous, or Anon, whatever you prefer.”
  153. >”Nice to meet you Anon, name’s Vinyl Scratch.”
  154. >Sitting down next to her, the two of you strike up a nice conversation, talking about bands you listened to, what kind of food you liked, and what plans you had for the future.
  155. >All was normal until Vinyl brought up something you had said earlier.
  156. >”S-so, you really think I’m pretty?” She asks nervously, hiding behind her spiky hair and playing with her hands unsurely.
  157. >Unprepared for the question, you balk, not remembering that you had confessed to her.
  158. >”It’s okay if you said that just to be nice, I won’t be mad at you.”
  159. “I, no, of course I meant it!” You say, taking ahold of her gloved hands.
  160. “I really couldn’t even talk to you I was so nervous!”
  161. >”Cause I’m intimidating.” She said sadly, seemingly prepared with the answer already.
  162. “Well yeah! But not because of your size, it’s because you’re so beautiful I couldn’t think of anything to say to you.”
  163. >Shocked, Vinyl peeks out from her hair and stares at you.
  164. >”Really?”
  165. “Do you remember the nonsense I said to you in the lunchroom? That was the best I could come up with.”
  166. >A small smirk works its way onto her face as she grabs you around the middle and pulls you into her comfortable lap again.
  167. >”I seem to remember something about crushing your head and suffocating you, yes.”
  168. “W-WELL that was of course just gibberish, no need to read into it further.”
  169. >Vinyl simply pats you on the chest reassuringly.
  170. >“You’re hopeless, you know that?”
  171. >Saving you from answering was the school’s bell, ringing out loudly over the silence of the library.
  172. “We should probably get going, we don’t want to miss another class.”
  173. >”Nah, I’m good.” She says, taking her headphones and putting them back on her head, hugging you closer.
  174. >As she flips through her phones music selection, she casually asks you a question.
  175. >”Hey, you wanna get food after school with me?”
  176. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
  178. >”-and that is why class, if you take the integer and apply it to the graph you-“
  179. >Ughhhh math.
  180. >Tapping your pencil against your desk impatiently, you glance at the clock for what seems like the hundredth time this period.
  181. >Almost done, almost done, c’mon.
  182. >When Vinyl had asked if you wanted to chill after school, you jumped at the chance.
  183. >Not just because you were starving after the lunch fiasco, but because you were pretty sure it was a date.
  184. >Pretty sure, because after you agreed maybe a little too eagerly, all she responded with was a ‘cool’.
  185. >No one said date, but you two had exchanged phone numbers, that’s at least a step in the right direction right?
  186. >Sighing, you straighten up in your chair.
  187. >Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself a little bit, full of excitement and jittery nerves, yeah.
  188. >You’re not sure why you’re so strung up, you were just talking with her not a few-
  189. >”Mr. Anonymous!”
  190. >Snapping your gaze off the clock, you look at your teacher, Ms. Harshwhinny, who was rapping a ruler against her palm irritably.
  191. >”I do hope you were paying attention, there will be a test on this next Monday.”
  192. “O-of course Ms. Harshwhinny.”
  193. >”Then I’m sure you’ll have no problem solving this graph here.” She says, pointing to the board with her ruler.
  194. >Damn it all.
  195. >You should’ve just skipped this class as well, but you didn’t want to risk being found out and given detention.
  196. >Slowly standing up from your desk, you rapidly scan the board for any hints about whatever you were supposed to be doing.
  197. >Plotting graphs? Ok, seems like what you were doing last class, but there’s shading on them this time...
  198. >Reaching the board, you think you have an idea on what to do as you start solving the equations to give you the correct coordinates.
  199. >You weren’t quite sure what the less than and greater than signs were for but you’d cross that bridge when you got there.
  200. >Taking your time, you periodically check the previous problems for reference when your saving grace announces itself.
  201. >Ringing harshly, the last bell declares the end of school, and you hear your classmates start to pack up behind you.
  202. >”Ah, ah! The bell does not dismiss you, /I/ do.
  203. >All the relief you had drains out your feet, as the other students grumble to themselves and sit back down.
  204. >Connecting the appropriate coordinates, you’ve reached your bridge and can’t see the rest of the board anymore for hints as Ms. Harshwhinny had moved when she addressed the class.
  205. >Taking a shot in the dark, you fill in the space below the line you had drawn, praying that you were correct.
  206. >As you back away from the hopefully right answer, she takes a second to go over your work before turning back to the class.
  207. >”Dismissed.”
  208. >Letting out a sigh of relief, you walk back to your desk and pack up your things, slinging your backpack over your shoulder and following the last of the students out.
  209. >”Mr. Anonymous, if you’d please shut the door I’d like to have a word with you.”
  210. >[screaming internally]
  211. >Grabbing the door handle, you momentarily consider booking it and dealing with the consequences later.
  212. >But you think better of it, best not make it any worse for yourself you think, closing the door and sealing your fate with a thunk.
  213. “It wasn’t right was it.”
  214. >”No it wasn’t.” she affirms, “You did fine in the beginning but there is no half credit in math.”
  215. >Slumping your shoulders, you turn around to face her.
  216. “It’s either right or it isn’t.”
  217. >”Precisely.”
  218. >”But that isn’t entirely what I wanted to talk to you about.”
  219. >Harshwhinny changes her expression to look at you a little concerned.
  220. >”What has you so absorbed? Normally you’re decently attentive, but you've had your head in the clouds the whole class today”
  221. “Well... I was just thinking about this girl-“
  222. >”Ah, say no more.” She smiles, putting up a hand.
  223. >”Young love can be quite the distraction but I expect you to be more present in the future.”
  224. >Young love?
  225. “Will do, teach.” You say, trying to end the conversation quickly.
  226. >She raises a eyebrow at your frivolity, but shoos you off nonetheless.
  227. >”Don’t let me keep you, but do remember to finish pages 71 to 77 before next class.”
  228. >Giving her a casual salute, you back out of the door and into the freedom of the loud hallway.
  229. >Getting to your locker, you pack away your unneeded items when your pocket buzzes.
  230. >Pulling out your phone, you see you have a message from DJ Pon-3.
  231. >Vinyl put in her own contact info, you think it’s her stage name, she had surrounded it with eighth notes and record emojis as well.
  232. >[”Wher r u?”]
  233. >Opening your phone, you type out a reply.
  234. [“Lockers”]
  235. >[“K b ther in a sec”]
  236. >You finish packing up, shutting your locker in time to see Vinyl coming your way from down the hall.
  237. >She parts the sea of students easily, dancing through them to the beat of her headphones you swear you could almost hear from where you were standing.
  238. >As she gets closer, she sees you and waves, stopping her music and making a beeline over to you.
  239. >Before she can say anything however, a smaller figure darts around her with something large and heavy.
  240. >As you focus on the new person, you see it’s bowtie girl again, and she looks pretty pissed off.
  241. >”You have some nerve saying such a vile thing to my friend!”
  242. >You raise your arms to protect yourself against the flurry of slaps that descend upon you, thankful she didn’t decide to use the club in her other hand.
  243. “Ow ow ow! I said I was sorry!”
  244. >”Oh, you’ll be sorry alright! When I turn you into-“
  245. >”Tavi, stop!” Vinyl cries, pulling the enraged girl into one of her hugs.
  246. >”Don’t hurt him Octy! We talked about this!”
  247. >Unsuccessfully trying to wiggle out of the vise-like embrace, this ‘Tavi’ or ‘Octy’ gives up and slouches into Vinyl.
  248. >”You’re right.” she grumbles, ”But when I saw this Tosser again I felt the need to work out some frustration.”
  249. “Nice to see you too.”
  250. >Your comment gets you a dagger filled glare from the smaller girl, making her let out a very unladylike growl.
  251. >”Vinyl, if he acts untoward to you again, let me know. I’ll be happy to destroy him with my cello.”
  252. >”Relaaax, nothings gonna happen, we’re cool now. Plus I’m pretty sure he’d just like that Tavi.” She says, giving you a cheeky grin.
  253. >”Hmf, well regardless, don’t keep anything from me if he doesn’t act a complete gentleman.”
  254. >”You got it Tav.”
  255. >”And if you wouldn’t mind letting me go, I’ve got band practice to attend.”
  256. >”Oh yeah sure, no prob.” Vinyl says, unwisely letting the lioness free.
  257. >Fixing her dress and bowtie, Tavi picks up what you now realize looks like an instrument case and heads off without another word.
  258. >”You hear that Anon? You gotta to treat me like a lady~ today.”
  259. >She punctuates her sentence by puckering her lips and batting her eyelashes at you.
  260. >Two can play that game.
  261. “Verily, then where shall we be off to this eve, m’lady?” You say with your best snooty accent, giving her a bow.
  262. >”Eww, don’t talk like that dude, you remind me of Tavi’s dates.” She says, sticking her tongue out in disgust.
  263. >Ooh pierced.
  264. >”And I’m feeling like burritos right now, how bout you?”
  265. “That’s fine with me, lead the way.”
  266. >Following Vinyl out of the school, she leads you past the parking lot and onto the street, walking down the sidewalk with you in tow.
  267. “I take it, it’s close by?”
  268. >”Oh yeah, it’s just down the block. It’ll let me stretch out my gams after bein cramped in those tiny desks all day.” She says, stretching her back with a sigh.
  269. >You try to ignore how her large chest juts out from the movement, but you aren’t made of stone and manage to steal a few glances despite yourself.
  270. “I-If you need to stretch, let me to take your backpack, I’ll hold it for you.”
  271. >Looking down, Vinyl smiles at you from behind her shades.
  272. >”Aww that’s sweet of you, thanks man.”
  273. >Taking off her backpack, she hands it over to you, shrugging her shoulders a bit at the lifted weight.
  274. >The bag looked like a little toy on her, but as you took it, you found that it was over twice as heavy as your own.
  275. “Geez, what do you have in here, bricks?”
  276. >”Don’t be dumb, dummy. It’s just school stuff.” She says, twisting her back and popping a few joints.
  277. “If you say so.”
  278. >”It’s not /that/ heavy, besides don’t you feel great for helping a girl out?”
  279. “I guess?”
  280. >”Well if you’re gonna be like that, I’m gonna drown out your moaning with some tunes.”
  281. >Removing her phone, she picks a song seemingly at random and sticks out her studded tongue at you childishly.
  282. >You didn’t mind being ignored for awhile, as you were treated to a very nice show in return.
  283. >As her music picked up, Vinyl pulled ahead of you and started dancing down the road, much like back at school but with less concern about knocking anyone over.
  284. >The energy in her steps and sway of her body was a delight to watch as she skillfully jammed out to her music freely.
  285. >Her attitude was infectious, putting a little rhythm into you as well, though you kept it much more mild then she did.
  286. >Did you forget to mention she was tall? Because she was really tall.
  287. >Her hips easily came up to your stomach, which gave you a front row seat to her gyrating butt, that you tried your best not to stare too much at.
  288. >You couldn’t say the same for anyone you passed however, almost everyone else had their eyes glued to the dancing rave chick.
  289. >There were even a few people who honked as they drove past, but Vinyl didn’t seem to notice.
  290. >She was having a blast, shutting out the world and not caring what anyone else thought of her.
  291. >You wish you had that same not give a fuckness, looks like it’s fun.
  292. >Apparently reaching the right place, Vinyl opens the door to a restaurant and motions you in, still bouncing to the beat.
  293. >’Los enormes huevos salados’ huh, never been here before.
  294. >Tasty smells waft in from the kitchen as you enter, giving your stomach the rumblies.
  295. >Like outside, a few people gawk at your company as she enters, ducking through the doorway to avoid bumping her head.
  296. >And just like outside, she pays them no mind, getting in line with you as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
  297. >The menu was in horrible Spanglish, but you already knew what you wanted as you reached the counter and ordered some enchiladas.
  298. >The cashier yells your order to the kitchen and rings you up.
  299. “Oh yeah, we’re together.” You say, pointing to Vinyl behind you and reaching for your wallet.
  300. >”Pshh, c’mon, none of that chivalry bunk ‘Non.” She says, flicking you in the back of your head.
  301. >Ow.
  302. “I owe you, it’s the least I could do after what happened today.”
  303. >”If it’ll make you feel better I guess.” she shrugs, “I hope you know what you’re getting into, I’m a big eater.”
  304. >She wasn’t kidding, the two grande burritos with extra guac she got made your enchiladas look like a snack.
  305. >Grabbing a corner booth, you drop the backpacks onto one side and slide into the other, Vinyl following you in.
  306. >After you two get settled, Vinyl closing the distance, you dig in.
  307. >Your first bite is amazing, and you make a note to come back here again as you chew your cheesy food.
  308. >”Mmm, ‘hanks Ano these ‘re great.” She says, swallowing a mouthful of burrito and chasing it with her iced tea.
  309. >You simply nod, the both of you savoring your meals quietly.
  310. >”Oop, you got a little somethin’ on ya.”
  311. >Wiping your cheek with a finger, Vinyl takes the sauce there and pops it into her mouth with a grin. “Finders keepers.”
  312. >As Vinyl murders her first burrito, she wraps her free hand around you and begins pulling you into her lap again.
  313. >Intercepting the move, you put your hand on her meaty leg to stop her, looking around to see if anyone had noticed.
  314. “I-I’m good.”
  315. >”Oh no? Why not? I know you like it~” She singsongs into your ear.
  316. “W-well yeah, but that was when there weren’t any people around.” You flusteredly reply.
  317. >”Is that why you freaked out at lunch? You were embarrassed?”
  318. “Kinda, it was okay at first but got... emasculating when you tried feeding me.”
  319. >”Hmm, I donno about that, it’s more like you're using me as a sweet throne, but I guess I see where you’re coming from.”
  320. >An awkward silence falls upon you two as you go back to your food, poking at it a little.
  321. “You can sit in my lap if you want.”
  322. >She looks over at you amused.
  323. >”Really.”
  324. “Sure, why not?”
  325. >”I don’t think you know what you’re saying.”
  326. “Try me.”
  327. >”Ooohkay~”
  328. >Lifting up from her seat, Vinyl scooches over in front of you and gently sits down.
  329. >Unfortunately for you, she wasn’t a string bean.
  330. >As soon as her full weight was on you, you realized you had made a bit of a mistake.
  331. >She was soft sure, plush and squishy in all the right places, but a three hundred pound teddy bear is still three hundred pounds.
  332. >”How ya doin back there ‘Non?”
  333. “Fine!” You wheeze, trying to keep all the blood from leaving your legs while pinned under her very warm bottom.
  334. >”Really? ‘Cause it sounds like you’re dying dude.”
  335. >She accentuates her point by leaning back into you further, her bra strap digging into your cheek as you’re held against the backrest.
  336. “Never better!”
  337. >”Boys...”
  338. >It sounded like she rolled her eyes, but you had no way of telling, as your vision was filled with her back.
  339. >”So this is less emasculating for you? Being squashed into the ground by a girl instead of using her as a seat?”
  340. “Y-yes?”
  341. >Hearing your hesitation, she continues on the offensive.
  342. >”Well if you’re sure, I just thought you’d be more comfortable the other way around, have a nice meal without having to worry ‘bout if your legs will still work after.”
  343. >”But you’re right, who’d want to sit first class when they could be in the back getting crushed between two fatties in coach?”
  344. >Two fatties was right, her tremendous glutes, while wonderful in every other way, were trying to split your pelvis in half under their weight.
  345. “W-we can try switching again if you’d like.”
  346. >”You sure? I don’t wanna embarrass you again.”
  347. “I think I’m over that now.”
  348. >”Good.”
  349. >With that, she stands up, freeing your lower half from the hot sauna it’d been confined to.
  350. >Sitting back in her original seat, Vinyl wastes no time pulling your broken body onto her.
  351. >”Thank you for choosing Vinyl air, we hope you have a pleasant stay.” She says, all too smugly.
  352. >Stretching your legs under the table to get feeling back into them, you revel in the plush cushiness of her body once again.
  353. >Now that you weren’t being slowly turned into a diamond anymore, you could actually appreciate the closeness and properly reach your food once again.
  354. >While being under Vinyl had its merits, chiefly having a smoking hot girl on top of you, it probably wasn’t good for your overall long term health.
  355. >You weren’t giving up though, you will find a way to be the the big spoon without suffering bodily harm!
  356. >Having long since inhaled both burritos, Vinyl wraps her gloved arms around you as if you were a stuffed animal, keeping you close as you finished your food.
  357. >”It was kinda nice being held for once though.”
  358. >Yeah, definitely not giving up.
  359. >Exiting the restaurant, you two work your way back to school, chewing on some blue raspberry gum Vinyl had.
  360. >It was her favorite flavor apparently, even if the fruit didn’t actually exist, only slightly beating out cherry for the top spot.
  361. >You tried to enjoy the walk back, but the feeling of eyes upon you two again was starting to get under your skin.
  362. >”What’s up, bub?” Vinyl asks, picking up on your annoyance.
  363. “How do you deal so well with people staring at you all the time?”
  364. >”Oh that.” She waves dismissively.
  365. >”I’m a performer dude! I love all the love my peeps give me!” She exclaims, spinning around with her arms out.
  366. “Really?”
  367. >Bringing you into a sideways hug that smooshes you into a boob, Vinyl lowers her voice.
  368. >”Okay, I’m gonna be real with you for a sec, I didn’t always like it.”
  369. >”But hiding away didn’t make things any better, so I started joining the life of the party and hanging out in the spotlight until I got used to it.”
  370. >”Heck, it’s how I got interested in the party scene in the first place! Fake it till you make it!” She shouts, pointing to the sky triumphantly.
  371. “When did you ‘make it?’”
  372. >”When I got over my stage fright, and when I stopped giving a fudge what everyone else thought of me and just enjoyed the music.”
  373. >”Now I don’t even notice when people look anymore, and when I do, I know it’s cause I’m too sexy to look away from.”
  374. “I see.”
  375. >”Don’t be so serious Anon, just be you and everything’ll be cool.” She says, bumping you with her hip, making you stagger a few steps.
  376. >”Learn to go with the flow once in a while!”
  377. >Reaching campus grounds again, you’re released as Vinyl waves to Tavi who was waiting on the front steps of the school.
  378. >Well it’s now or never, ask her out Anon.
  379. >Shoot your shot player.
  380. “Hey, I was thinking, uh you wanna go on a date with me sometime?”
  381. >”You mean another one?”
  382. >Swish.
  383. >So it /was/ a date. Awesome.
  384. “Y-yeah!”
  385. >”Tell ya what, I’m playing this weekend, you should come by and check it out, I’ll text you the deets tonight.”
  386. “Okay, sounds like a plan!”
  387. >Ruffling your hair with a hand, Vinyl separates from you, running over to her friend and picking her up in a hug, much to the smaller girl’s chagrin, bopping Vinyl on the head while screaming.
  388. >Laughing at the sight, you wave goodbye to your date and head to your car, butterflies in your stomach and your heart hammering away.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit