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Vinyl shorts: Vinyl misbehaves

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 22:10:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. What would you do when Vinyl gets a little too rowdy?
  4. Same thing I do when she gets a little too horny; I slap her directly on her pussy.
  6. Green:
  7. >"This game's lame!"
  8. *CRASH*
  9. >This was the fifth time tonight Vinyl had overturned the livingroom table because she was losing.
  10. >Ponopoly, kirin checkers, friendship risk, stratego, and now appleloosa hold'em. All met the ground by this childish mare's actions.
  11. >Well if she was going to act the part, then you would punish her accordingly.
  12. >And you knew just how to do it.
  13. >Reaching forward and grabbing Vinyl by her substantial hips, you make sure she can't escape before winding up.
  14. >"What're you doi-"
  15. *SLAP*
  16. >You knew from experience that a normal spank across her butt wouldn't get the results you were looking for. She had too much junk in the trunk, so to speak.
  17. >So you aimed for where she didn't have as much padding.
  18. >"AH! What the buck Anon?!" she yelps, pinning down her tail to guard her stinging rear.
  19. "You're getting a little rowdy Vinyl."
  20. >"What does that have to do with spanking me in the pussy?!
  21. >Holding the squirming mare against your chest with an arm, you let loose again.
  22. *SLAP*
  23. >You could feel her already starting to swell.
  24. >"AHH!"
  25. "You need to calm down."
  27. *SLAP*
  28. >Your hand comes back wet this time.
  29. >"BUCK! You got me in the clit!"
  30. >Seeing you pull back for another strike, Vinyl crosses her legs in an attempt to shield her tender area.
  31. >Not to be denied, you change your hold, switching Vinyl so she was over your legs, the only thing protecting herself now was her tail, which is easily pulled away.
  32. >"Buckbuckbuck okay! I'll calm down! Just ease off the bits will ya?!"
  33. *SLAP*
  34. >"BUUHUUUCKKKK!" She screams, kicking out her legs behind her into the air.
  35. >Her normally light grey lips were now a swollen beet red. Both with arousal and from the punishment that had been laid on them.
  36. *SLAP*
  37. >"AH! Yes! I'm a bad mare! Hit me harder Nonny!"
  38. "Your five spanks are up."
  39. >"W-what?"
  40. "A spank for each game."
  41. >"B-but I'm all worked up now! See?"
  42. >Shakily standing up from your lap, Vinyl presents her bruised plot and flags her tail, showing off her red and winking sex.
  43. >"You need to take responsibility!"
  44. "Lets try another game."
  45. >"Ooh how about roleplay?"
  46. "Hoofatafl."
  47. >Vinyl's hopeful face falls and then turns to fustration when you pull out another board game.
  48. >"You can't just abuse my pussy and pretend it didn't happen!"
  49. "Vinyl, it's game night."
  50. >"Buck that! It's rut night now!" She says, booty bumping the board out of your hands and grinding against you.
  51. "Vinyl."
  52. >"Yeeeees?~"
  53. "Do you know what horny ponies get?"
  54. >"The D-"
  55. *SLAP*
  56. >"AH MOTHERBUCKER! I wasn't ready!"
  57. *SLAP*
  58. >"OWW! Horseapples! That was a teat!"
  59. *SHLAP*
  60. >Your hand was soaking now, the space between her cheeks flooded with her excitement.
  61. >"AHHN! I'm just getting hornier! When are you gonna buck me?!"
  62. *SHLAP*
  63. >"I need dihiihiiiick! She whines, rubbing her slick thighs together needily.
  64. *SHLAP*
  65. >"BUCK! Just stick /something/ in me! I'm on fire back here!"
  66. *SHLAP*
  67. >"GUH-BUCK! Right on the clit again!"
  68. *SHLAP*
  69. >"Let me cum Nonny! Stop torturing me!"
  70. *SHLAP*
  71. >"I swear you two, I leave for five minutes to make tea and it's back to shouting."
  72. >There's a clipcloping of hooves from the hallway as a pony makes their way to the livingroom.
  73. >"Honestly, what am I to do with-"
  74. >Halting mid sentence, Octavia freezes at the scene before her as she enters the room.
  75. >Vinyl in your lap moaning with a crimson crotch and your hand dripping in the air.
  76. >Locking eyes with you, her mouth opens but nothing comes out.
  77. "She was being too rowdy."
  78. >"...I see."
  79. >Looking around, the cello mare spys an end table and trots over to it before knocking it over.
  80. >The table falls, sending the vase on top to the floor, shattering it.
  81. >"Oh dear, how rowdy of me."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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