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Vinyl shorts: Vinyl's Glowstick problem (Futa)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 22:11:42
Updated: 2023-08-21 03:00:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. Why does everything always lead back to Vinyl's glowing blue futa-dong? It's like the opposite of the elephant in the room, we can't stop acknowledging it.
  4. I bet it'd be hard for her to keep her glowstick down once it 'lit' as it would immediately find it's way between her ample crotchboobs (would her nipples glow too?) and just create a feedback loop until she popped.
  6. >All of Vinyl’s sensitive bits glow in the dark
  7. >All you have to do is make a slightly lewd comment and she lights up like a Christmas tree, much to her embarrassment.
  9. haha imagine taking her out to a rave and making her all turned on and watch her cock glowing through the fabric of her panties
  11. Green:
  12. >Be Anon.
  13. >Be making out with one of the hottest girls in school, Vinyl Scratch.
  14. >You're not sure how you got to this point, but it probably had something to do with the drinking game she challenged you to at the house party.
  15. >Oh yeah that's right... Vinyl invited you to a-
  16. >Your train of thought is interrupted by the girl throwing a leg over your lap and continuing to sloppily invade your mouth.
  17. >Mmm she tastes like wubs.
  18. >Thank you drunk Anon for making this happen, you finally did something cool this time.
  19. >Laying your hands on her large thighs currently straddling you, you run them up to her just as large butt and squeeze, causing the owner to moan into you throatily.
  20. >Man, she is going to town up there, her hands all over your face, fingers combing through your hair, and dominating anything and everything she could get her lips on.
  21. >Maybe it was time to pump the breaks a little, not that this wasn't enjoyable, but you were starting to get pretty soggy.
  22. >Pulling back, you try to separate from the eager DJ, but she just follows you until your head meets the back of the couch you two were on.
  23. >Okay, that didn't work.
  24. >Trying a second time, you pull her purple leggings clad butt all the way towards you until she couldn't quite reach your face comfortably anymore.
  25. >Pulling off of you, the insatiable facehugger gasps for air, her hot breath washing over you in waves.
  26. >"Guess I'm also... the better kisser too huh 'Non?" She pants breathily, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smirk.
  27. >You don't respond, as before you is quite the sight.
  28. >The DJ on top of you was all out of wack. Her trademark purple glasses crooked on her face, candy blue lipstick smeared, and a long saliva trail still connecting you two, dripping from her glowing tongue.
  29. >Wait, what?
  30. "Vinyl, you're blue."
  31. >"Hehe that's right Anon, I've got blue hair."
  32. >Blinking, you focus your vision now to her well endowed chest which also has two glowing spots showing through her shirt.
  33. "No I mean you're turning violet, Violet."
  34. >She giggles again, but takes her glasses off and looks you over for a second, studying you. "Geez you're pretty sloshed huh?"
  35. >Feeling something press into your stomach, you peer down and yep, her leg is glowing blue too, although it's only one leg, and it's just on the inside of her thigh...
  36. >Maybe she left her phone on in her pants or something?
  37. >Your head is gently pulled back up to see a concerned looking Vinyl studying you.
  38. >"Are you feeling okay dude? No one spiked your drink did they?"
  39. >Getting annoyed that she wasn't listening to you, you fumble around her lap in the area where you remember seeing the light.
  40. "Look, see?" you say, pressing the squishy, slightly moist bulge "Blue."
  41. >The effect is immediate, Vinyl's [spoiler]RED[/spoiler] eyes widen in shock as she pushes off of you and looks down.
  42. >Apparently seeing the same thing you were, she lets out a yelp and covers her crotch before scampering off into the house somewhere.
  43. >Aww man, you blew it. All of drunk Anon's work gone to waste, great.
  44. >...Maybe you can still save it, just gotta get off the couch and- oh hello floor.
  45. >Okay, guess Vinyl was right, you might be a little wasted but you know what you saw.
  46. >Pulling yourself up onto your unsteady feet, you head in the direction you remember Vinyl went.
  47. >If nothing else, you should check on her to make sure she wasn't turning into a smurf or something.
  48. >Finding her turns out to be a problem however, as she doesn't seem to be anywhere in the house.
  49. >Not by the drinks table, not in the kitchen with two chicks fighting over something, not at the beer pong table, not in the corner with the stoners, not by the massive vape cloud with legs adjacent to the stoners, and not even by the massive audio system pounding your head with bass.
  50. >Well shit, guess she bailed.
  51. "Fucking idiot..."
  52. >Sighing, you berate yourself a little more before you feel nature calling, and ask some guy with Edward Fortyhands and a backwards snapback where the bathroom is.
  53. >He points you in the right direction, kinda, and you stagger your way up the stairs to the relatively quiet second floor.
  54. >Opening the first door you see takes you into a closet.
  55. >Closing the door you try another one father down the hall.
  56. >You manage to find the right door on the fifth try, walking into a few too many naked people along the way.
  57. >Finally making it to the bathroom, you fling the door open only to be greeted by another naked person facing away from you.
  58. >Goddammit not again, can't anyone control their hormones around here?
  59. >Wait a minute, you know this mostly naked person!
  60. "Vinyl! I've been looking all over for you, are you alright?"
  61. >"AH! What the hell?!" She yells, without turining around.
  62. >She's got a little beamed eighth note tattoo on one of her cheeks, cute.
  63. >"What are you doing in here?!"
  64. >Quick! say something that'll make her feel better!
  65. "Ya got a nice butt."
  66. >"Dude seriously, get outta here! You don't wanna see this."
  67. "See what? A half naked girl? You callin me gay?"
  68. >"What? No! Holy shit you're drunk."
  69. "Look I ain't leaving until I know you're okay."
  70. >"Hoh boy, I am definitely NOT 'okay'."
  71. "Well then I'm not leaving." You say, closing the door behind you and shutting out most of the light entering the bathroom.
  72. >Putting her head in her hands, Vinyl lets out a defeated moan.
  73. >"Ughhhh you're gonna chase off another one Scratch."
  74. "Look, I know whatever you're all worked up about has got to do with why you're currently lighting up half the room, so why not just show me?"
  75. >Sighing, Vinyl looks over her shoulder at you. "It's embarrassing."
  76. "Looks pretty cool from where I'm standing."
  77. >"That's because you can't actually SEE it from where you're standing."
  78. "I can see what looks like you tried to eat a glowstick just fine." You say, pointing to her biolumenesent mouth.
  79. >"Hah, glowstick, you don't even know how right you are."
  80. >Stepping closer, you try your best to get her to open up.
  81. "C'mon, I thought we were hitting it off pretty well by the way you were trying to suck the soul out of my body earlier, I'm pretty sure we were heading in this direction already."
  82. >Sighing again, Vinyl abruptly straightens as if psyching herself up.
  83. >"Okay, fuck it. You wanna see? Here it is!"
  84. >Whirling around, Vinyl turns so quickly that it takes you by surprise for a moment.
  85. >Looking at her, you don't see what the big deal is.
  86. "Okay so you glow a little so wha-"
  87. >Your eyes roam down her body before seeing something that certainly should not be there.
  88. >Standing proudly out from Vinyl's crotch was a bobbing, neon blue horsecock.
  89. "Huh"
  90. >"Yeah that's what I thought, not so sure of yourself now are you?"
  91. >"Go ahead, get it over with. Start calling me names, a freak, that's- that's what everybody else *sob* did."
  92. >Hearing her voice break, you bring your eyes back up to hers to see them pouring tears.
  93. >Without thinking, you step closer and bring her into a hug, not even noticing her pole getting sandwiched between you two.
  94. "It'll be okay Vy."
  95. >"It'll be okay?! Are you even- look, just- just shut up and hold me dummy."
  96. >So you do, letting Vinyl get out all her frustration as she cries into your chest.
  97. >After a while of comforting, she gets herself mostly under control, her already messy face now streaked with mascara as well.
  98. >"I bet I look even uglier now huh?"
  99. "It's fine."
  100. >"Really? It's fine huh?" she says, wiping her nose "Do you even know how annoying this thing is? I've had to buy so many panties because the stupid thing keeps ripping them off!"
  101. >"Not to mention any guy that finds out about it wants nothing to do with me, just fucking tears me up inside!"
  102. >"Ever since I got it, it's been a massive pain in the ass!"
  103. >Don't say it Anon, let the joke go.
  104. "You weren't born with it?"
  105. >"Hell no! I used to be fucking sexy! Who do you know that's born with a eighteen inch horse dick?"
  106. >"It got stuck on me when those portals opened on school grounds, one of them opened up right on me and I've had it ever since."
  107. >"Worst of all, I can't go anywhere with it hard like this, It's impossible to hide even without it shining like a bug zapper."
  108. >"And It won't go down until I- ...until I take care of it."
  109. "Do you need help?"
  110. >"H-help?"
  111. >You feel a large throb against you.
  112. "I'd say that's a yes."
  113. >Turning the 'gifted' girl around, you lead her over to the toilet and sit down, guiding her to sit on your lap with her back leaning against your chest.
  114. >Finding herself the center of attention, Vinyl shyly tries to cover up her endowment with her pale hands.
  115. >Putting your hands on hers, you give them an encouraging squeeze.
  116. "Show me how you do it."
  117. >"W-well first off I- I do this."
  118. >Moving her arms jerkily, Vinyl slowly begins to stroke her shaft, taking you with her up and down her length.
  119. "Hmm I see, let me try."
  120. >Slipping your hands under hers, you caress the hot flesh beneath, continuing to run your hands over her impressive cock.
  121. >Vinyl gasps at your touch, her member throbbing again, making it jump in your grip slightly.
  122. >The veins bulge all the way up to the tip, causing the head to flare and a little drop of pearly white liquid to drip out.
  123. >"Yesss jusst like that." Vinyl hisses "I rub it slow until I start to leak."
  124. >Taking one of your hands in hers, she escorts you between her thighs and puts her heavy blue balls into your palm, massaging them with you.
  125. >"I get these two warmed up too, they've got a big job ahead of them."
  126. >Her warm smooth sack glides effortlessly between both of your hands, practically churning with unreleased seed.
  127. >"I have to make sure both of them are totally drained or I'll be hard again in like five minutes."
  128. >Your other hand still works her shaft as Vinyl takes you even lower under her orbs to what feels like a furnace.
  129. >"And here is what I WAS born with, though it glows like everything else now too."
  130. >Pushing your fingers against her folds, Vinyl arches her back and moans, grinding her booty into your lap.
  131. >"That's about it for the tour, I think you've got the hang of it now, oh, couldja help me with my top?"
  132. >Pausing your ministrations for a moment, you help take off the DJ's shirt and unfasten her red bra, letting her boobs free with a flop.
  133. >Now that you can see them clearly, each one was tipped with the same glowing blue that seemed to be on every one of her sensitive bits.
  134. >"Ahh, that's better, now I can show you how I REALLY get goin."
  135. >Taking her length, she guides it into her cleavage and pins it there, spitting on it a little to lube it up.
  136. >Showing you where to put your hands, she puts them on either side of her tits, keeping her cock stuck in booby prison while stuffing her own down against her flower.
  137. >"I usually titfuck myself or play with whatever I get my hands on 'till I burst."
  138. >"But now that you're helping me I can do both at once!"
  139. >"Lets see If you can keep up, babe." She says with a smirk.
  140. >Immediately, she starts fingering herself and kneading her balls, letting you take control of the areas she left to you.
  141. >Not one to disappoint, you get to work on her breasts, tweaking a blueberry nipple in the process.
  142. >It's a little awkward and slow to perform at first, occasionally bumping into Vinyl's arms, but once you get into a rhythm you're able to go much faster.
  143. >"Now you're getting it! I've never been able to do all this at once before, I'm gonna pop so fast!" Vinyl cries, blue tongue lolling out of her mouth.
  144. >Pretty soon, the front of your pants become drenched, both a combination of excitement from Vinyl's pussy and from the copious amounts of pre squirting out from her rapidly throbbing tip.
  145. >"Fuuhuuhuuuk this is soo GOOOD!" Vinyl screams, harshly grinding against your diamond hard dick straining against your pants.
  146. >For a second you're worried someone might hear you from the party, but the thumping bass coming from the floor puts your mind back at ease.
  147. >"My turn! go down at my bits stud!"
  148. >You switch places with Vinyl, letting her take charge of her tits while you focused on her weeping cunt, adding a few good tugs to her slick rod.
  149. "Hey Vy, we're making a bit of a mess, do you want to-"
  150. >"Don't you dare stop! Keep going! it's not my bathroom! I'll paint this whole room white I don't give a shit!"
  151. >Following her order obediently, you bury your fingers farther into her sodden depths, making them hit just the right spot to make her writhe against you.
  152. >"Almost there 'Non! Take me over the finish line! Get me that blue ribbon!"
  153. >The squelching sound of Vinyl's slippery cock being forced between her tits becomes more erratic with every thrust, her fluttering and rolled back eyes betraying the desperation she was feeling for release.
  154. >Starting to pant again, Vinyl licks at her spurting tip greedily, sucking up whatever lands inside her mouth as she continues her assault on her poor cock.
  155. >"Here it comes Nonny! Here it comes! Keep going even after I stop! Gotta make sure we get every. last. drop!"
  156. >The clear liquid shooting out of her rapidly pulsating cockhead begins to turn an opaque white as her sack tightens against her body as if to help squeeze out the massive load that is but milliseconds away.
  157. >"I-I'M- I-I CAN'T- I CAN'T TAKE ANY MOREEEEE!" Vinyl shrieks, her tip ballooning out into a massive flare as she plunges down upon it, sucking it into her mouth eagerly.
  158. >As you bring her over the edge, you feel her lower lips clamp down on your hand and spasm as her length gives it's strongest pulses yet, powerfully pushing baby batter up her cumtube and into her waiting mouth.
  159. >As it reaches her, she noisily gulps it down, sucking in as much of her own cream as she possibly can.
  160. >She is horribly outmatched however, as she can't swallow fast enough before the tide of cum overwhelms her.
  161. >It backs up quickly, causing her to choke and come out of her nose, forcing her to release the still shooting rod from her lips.
  162. >Ropes of white fly through the air as the head is freed, also slipping out from between the fleshy prison of Vinyl's tits.
  163. >Dutifully adhering to her previous request, you grab a hold of the emancipated shaft and beat it like it owed you money.
  164. >Running your hand over the slick skin, you feel every vein, bump, and ridge on her bass canon flex and strain as the opposing wall is coated with Vinyl's cum.
  165. >"Keep- AH! going! *cough* this is- ooh! the most I've ever gotten OUT!"
  166. >Taking out your other hand from her convulsing snatch, you bring it to her still swollen tip and play your fingers around the flare and gushing slit.
  167. >Vinyl can only take so much however, and is soon writhing from overstimulation as her orgasm slowly peters out.
  168. >Even so, you do your best to coax the last remaining globs from her, countering her reflexes that try to pull out of your torturous grasp.
  169. >"O-okay-hay! I think you-OOH got it a-All 'Non! LE-ave my cock alone!"
  170. >Stopping your agonizing strokes, you opt to hold her oozing member gently.
  171. "You sure? I think I could get maybe one or two more drips out of here." You say cheekily, giving a light press to the shrinking length.
  172. >"Mmmf, yes I'm sure, you squeezed me dry and then some, just look at that!" Vinyl gestures to the gooey wall in front of you two.
  173. "I feel bad for whoever has to clean that up." You say, now toying with her sheath as it fully folded into itself.
  174. >"Eh, every room has people bangin in them, I'd say it's their own fault for not keeping watch."
  175. >Taking your teasing fingers off her groin, she pops each one into her mouth to clean them.
  176. >"Plus it tastes pretty good too. I should charge." She sniggers to herself at her own joke.
  177. "So how do you feel about your 'little' friend now?"
  178. >Peering down at her flaccid length hiding comfortably inside its sheath, Vinyl lets out a snort.
  179. >"Still annoying, but now that I think about it, it's not so bad."
  180. "Probably helps that you can cum buckets with it."
  181. >"Yeah yeah, that's definitely a plus, you got me there."
  182. >Standing up from you, Vinyl staggers a bit before getting her footing.
  183. "Oh hey, your glow is going away."
  184. >"Yeah, it only gets that bright when I'm turned on." She yawns, stretching.
  185. >"How 'bout we get out of here? I still have to repay the favor after all. Vinyl says, turning around and pointing at the very wet tent in your pants.
  186. "Well we're kinda messy, especially you miss cum hose, everyone is definitely going to notice."
  187. >Shrugging, Vinyl gives you another smirk.
  188. >"Let 'em stare, who cares?"
  189. "I thought you did?"
  190. >"Ah, that was old Vinyl, new Vinyl's got herself one snake charmer of a boyfriend now."
  191. >So you were a boyfriend huh? cool.
  192. >Picking up her leggings off the ground and pulling them on over her sticky legs, Vinyl cocks an eye at you.
  193. >"Ready to beat it?"
  194. "Almost, first I have to piss like a racehorse."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

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Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit