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Vinyl shorts: Wub Overload

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 22:15:03
Updated: 2024-05-30 09:37:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  3. I want to wub Vinyl's booty.
  5. I want to start out wubbing Vinyl's belly, and slowly travel lower to her thighs, and then wrap around her leg until I'm wubbing her butt, then I want to go to sleep.
  7. And other various wub related activities.
  9. Green:
  10. >A cool breeze wafts through the house as you hear the front door open and close.
  11. >Peering up from your book, your tired looking marefriend makes her way into the living room.
  12. "How was work Vy?" You ask, watching as the blue headed DJ waddles her way over to you.
  13. >Your question goes unanswered, the white unicorn opting to instead jump up on the couch and lay against you heavily.
  14. "I'll take that as not well."
  15. >Giving an exasperated sigh, Vinyl just nods into you.
  16. "Well I'm sorry to hear that babe, if you want to talk about it, I'm right here."
  17. >Shaking her head, Vinyl instead goes limp and falls backwards into your lap with a pomf.
  18. "Oof. You know, you aren't a filly anymore. You aren't as light as you think you are."
  19. >That little remark earned you a hoof to the chest and a disgruntled 'hmf'.
  20. "Heh, sorry. But Pinkie Pie is a bad influence on you girl." You say, rubbing the spot she smacked.
  21. >Vinyl crosses her forelegs and pouts indignantly, still seemingly miffed at the unintentional slight you gave her.
  22. "Oh stop, acting like all those sweets didn't go straight to your butt you flaunt every chance you get."
  23. >This makes the unicorn smile mischievously, waggling her eyebrows at you.
  24. >Flustered, you ignore her lewd implications, returning to your book and scanning the page to find where you left off.
  25. >No sooner had you found your spot, a white muzzle pushes the book away to reveal Vinyl looking at you expectantly.
  26. >When you stare back blankly, she attempts to clarify by arching her back to push her pale stomach out at you.
  27. >Feigning ignorance, you give her a boop on the snoot and continue reading your book.
  28. >You don't get far before a marshmallow hoof knocks aside your reading material to expose a neglected and scrunching mare.
  29. >She impatiently pats her tummy with her hooves, looking at you with puppydog eyes.
  30. "Use your words Vy."
  31. >The last thing you see before again returning to your book is the DJ's face contorting into a furious scrunch.
  32. >A violet aura envelops your hands and book before it is wrenched from your grip and launched across the room.
  33. "My playcolt! Vinyl, Twilight's gonna kill me if she finds any wrinkled pages!"
  34. >Indifferent to your plight, the spurned mare takes your still glowing hands and brings them down to her soft belly.
  35. >When you don't immediately start petting her, she looks up at you with teary eyes.
  36. >Ah, now you feel bad.
  37. "Okay, okay. Maybe I was being too mean, I'll give you your wubs now."
  38. >Running your hands over her velvety fur, the unicorn in your lap immediately melts into a puddle of pony.
  39. >Flexing and stretching against your fingers, Vinyl lets out coos of pure contentment at your ministrations.
  40. >Despite your earlier ribbing, Vinyl wasn't as chunky as you might have implied.
  41. >There was a bit of pudge on her sure, but feeling just under the healthy layer of fat, you could easily make out the muscles underneath.
  42. >Notably her slightly pronounced abs, which you gave ample attention to, making her hum satisfactorily.
  43. >If she were a cat she'd be purring right now.
  44. >Vinyl referred to these as 'belly wubs' but no part of her body was off limits to you, as you demonstrated by bringing a hand up to her chest and neck.
  45. >Threading your fingers through her tuft, you begin to scratch it, feeling the happy groan reverberate though her body.
  46. >Wherever you explore, you make sure to keep one hand on her midriff, as that was by far her favorite place to be wubbed.
  47. >Well, maybe except for one or two other places but those would start a whole other kind of 'wubbing' session.
  48. >Fingers weaving through her electric blue mane, her sensitive ears get some special attention as well.
  49. >The auditory pseudo appendages reflexively flick against your palm, especially when you rub their slightly ticklish furred insides.
  50. >The amorphous blob previously known as Vinyl Scratch was absolutely loving the attention, the dopey grin on her face practically stretching from ear to ear.
  51. >Not even her horn goes unwubbed, the ridged magical conduit receiving its own massage of attentive, wrapped around fingers.
  52. >When you start to see it sparking though, you know you have to move on as once warmed up, a unicorns horn could act as an erogenous zone just as sensitive as some more intimate parts of their body.
  53. >The faint hint of ozone wafts in the air as you work your way back down, rubbing some sleep from her large, sparkly [spoiler]RED[/spoiler] [spoiler]hearted[/spoiler] eyes.
  54. >Her cheeks and muzzle get a heavy helping of wubs as well, along with a few boops for good measure.
  55. >Before you can take your hand anywhere else, it's grasped gently by Vinyl's mouth, sucking in a few fingers and playing with them with her tongue.
  56. >Having no hands, ponies used their mouths when delicate work needed to be performed if they weren't unicorns so it wasn't considered lewd if a pony were to hold your hand in their mouth as it was kind of more like holding hands.
  57. >Wait, that's very lewd.
  58. >Licking your palm, Vinyl nibbles a little on your knuckles as she switches fingers.
  59. >Slurping on your middle and ring finger now, Vinyl bobs her head in a very provocative manner.
  60. >Ponies also found your sweat to be delicious due to the salt in it, but you think she's trying to tell you something else now.
  61. >Pulling your wet hand out from the suction of her lips, Vinyl waggles her eyebrows again at you trying to push your hands down south.
  62. >Somewhat complying, you let her guide you down to her lower belly until you're stopped by something.
  63. >Two somethings to be exact.
  64. >Your hands are halted due to two large mountains crested with matching nubs at their peaks.
  65. >Wrapping around as much teat flesh as possible, you gently squeeze both of them in a bottom to top motion.
  66. >At your touch, Vinyl's nubs begin to harden and stick out more with each squeeze, begging for attention.
  67. >Taking the hint, you change your squeezing to more of a milking motion.
  68. >Starting from where her crotchboobs meet her body, you firmly grasp the squishy fat and start the journey up to the peaks.
  69. >Vinyl's breath hitches when you reach her nipples, squeaking as the two nubs easily roll between your fingers.
  70. >You don't stay at her summits for long, massaging back down to make sure the whole milky area got some wub.
  71. >Squeezing and rubbing, every part gets attention, so much so that they become hot to the touch from all the extra caressing.
  72. >Pinching her abused tips again, you pull on them until you hear a whine from their owner, releasing them to snap back to their correct position.
  73. >Looking over your victim, she was in quite the state. Her face was flushed and hair mussed from pushing into the couch and her horn was sparking wildly with arcane drippings.
  74. >She looks so cute when she's all hot and bothered, especially that blushing face.
  75. >Come to think of it, almost all of her was blushing. Her white coat easily showing off the effect you had on her body.
  76. >Especially her crotchteats, poor things almost shone red after your defilement.
  77. >Her nipples were also hard to miss as they stood at attention, much larger than when you started, the mistreatment they suffered causing them to engorge and throb angrily into the air with Vinyl's quickened heartbeat.
  78. >Changing you view back to her face, Vinyl had an unfocused but steady stare locked onto you, her eyes glazed over but brimming with love all the same.
  79. >The only sound heard was her light panting, which slowed when you rested your hands back on her soft stomach.
  80. >Blinking a few times, the needy mare nuzzled into you ardently, earnestly pushing your hands down again, over her hot mounds to a sweltering heat coming from even lower.
  81. >Spreading her legs, you're hit with the unmistakable scent of the mare's arousal, making it all too clear how worked up she was in your care.
  82. >Her flower was a mess, puffy and neglected, strands of her sweat and pleasure coated the inside of her legs, connecting to everywhere imaginable.
  83. >You could see from where you were that her entrance was pulsating fervently, her plump clit winking like mad and her inner muscles working desperately against an intruder that wasn't there.
  84. >By this alone you could tell she was a hair's breadth away from toppling over the edge.
  85. >Not wanting the fun to end so soon, you decided to prolong her torture a little longer, reaching down to grab the insides of her slick thighs, as close as possible without quite touching where she obviously wanted.
  86. >Jumping at the contact, Vinyl took a look down to see your hands perfectly framing her gushing and spurting love box.
  87. >Letting out another deprived whine, she tries in vain to buck against your hands in an attempt to get them to her prize.
  88. >Seemingly unaware of her plight, you trail your thoroughly drenched palms down her juicy thighs to give them their own wubbing.
  89. >Much like her belly, Vinyl's rear was covered in a layer of fat. However like you said to her earlier, this is where most of that junk food goes.
  90. >Her legs devour your hands, letting them sink into the cushiony flesh easily as you worked your way down to her hooves.
  91. >Taking a hoof in each hand, you rub her frogs gently but firmly, your thumbs ending up doing most of the work.
  92. >Wrapping both hands around a fetlock, you massage back up over her hock until your hands are pushed apart by her generous thighs.
  93. >Crawling up her inner leg, you stop just before her cunny again and squeeze, causing Vinyl to gasp and moan at the pressure so close to her begging slit.
  94. >Your efforts are evidently not enough though as the DJ slams her legs shut, trying to push you into her.
  95. >Quickly, you grab her gaskins and pull her legs back apart, showing off new gooey threads strung between her thighs.
  96. >Crying out frustratedly, Vinyl flexes her legs against you but is unable to close them again.
  97. >Angrily struggling, she takes matters into her own hooves and tries to bring them down to her sopping peach, intent on satisfying her one carnal desire.
  98. >Easily stopping her with a hand, you lie down on the couch and lay her face down on top of you, her still painfully hard nipples digging into your stomach.
  99. >Screaming briefly into your chest, Vinyl goes boneless, submitting as she realizes her situation.
  100. >Instead, she whimpers needily as you cup under her massive cheeks, spreading her thighs for you once more to have better access.
  101. >Continuing where you left off, you trace Vinyl's legs again, acutely aware of the amount of trembling the pony was doing.
  102. >Each time you got near her spilling slit, the unicorn would kiss, lick, whine, neigh, and nuzzle you, desperate to do anything to keep you there.
  103. >But every time you would leave. Always accompanied with a quiet debased cry of pure agony from your prisoner.
  104. >Moving further up her body from her legs, you reach your prize.
  105. >Vinyl was already gifted in the butt department, but Pinkie's treats had expanded what was already impressive for a unicorn to something that put many a earth mare to shame.
  106. >Grasping at her pillowy rear, the pony loaf on top of you moans lustily, planting more kisses wherever she could reach telling you in unspoken words to keep going.
  107. >Unlike her thighs, Vinyl's badonk had an almost cartoonish amount of give, the ivory skin stretching to your will easily but always jiggling back into place.
  108. >This made for an excellent spanking target.
  109. >Making sure she wasn't too close on the razors edge, you pulled back a hand and brought it down sharply with a satisfying smack.
  110. >Vinyl yipped at the strike you gave her, more in shock than pain as she hadn't expected it.
  111. >Stroking the mark you left, you pull back again for another one, and another one, and another.
  112. >You continue this until each alabaster cheek was nice and rosy, a few tears beading at the corners of Vinyl's eyes as her tongue lolled out of her mouth.
  113. >Much like her teats, Vinyl's tush was hot to the touch from your rough treatment, but that only seemed to get her even more into the mood as she pushed back into your hands passionately.
  114. >Pulling and prodding at her pliable patootie, you indulged in her softness, no matter how many handfuls you grabbed never seemed to be enough.
  115. >Taking a titanic cheek in each hand, you spread Vinyl to the cool air of the room, causing her to bite down on your shoulder gently with a whinny.
  116. >Unconjured magic drizzles from her horn, most of it evaporating into the air with sparkles and the rest following the spiral of her horn down to her head.
  117. >Getting into position, you grasp the base of her dock with one hand while the other traces the outside of her ponut.
  118. >This action alone caused her to whinny again, locking eyes with you with large hearts for pupils.
  119. >Ever so slowly, you begin tracing her tight muscled ring that periodically puckered to kiss your fingers.
  120. >Primed and ready, Vinyl got her snout to almost touching your mouth and matched her breathing with yours.
  121. >As you exhaled, she would inhale, taking your breath into her before doing the same for you.
  122. >This was an alien, yet supremely intimate action that took you completely by surprise.
  123. >So much so that you became transfixed with the act, focusing on keeping the rhythm between you two.
  124. >Both of you were so completely distracted that neither of you noticed the finger slipping gently into Vinyl's backdoor.
  125. >Taking it a step further, Vinyl meets her lips to yours when she sees you going for another breath and pushes her warm air into you in a breath kiss.
  126. >Staying locked, you share the breath back with her, letting her take in the life giving oxygen.
  127. >Closing your eyes, you enjoy the sensation of Vinyl's lips on yours and the slight teasing of her tongue on your teeth.
  128. >Everything else seems to fall away in this moment, leaving only Vinyl and you, still connected while passing the breath back and forth.
  129. >It was unconscious now, the ritual between you two not even requiring effort to keep up as you felt the world slip away...
  130. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
  132. >Breaking the kiss, you look down lovingly at your human, his small cute eyes closed with peacefulness as he- SNORES?!.
  133. >The fog lifting from your mind, you make doubly sure you aren't seeing things.
  134. >Did- did this motherbucker just fall ASLEEP?!
  135. >All that teasing and torture just to end up blue beaned?!
  136. >Mentally screaming, as to not wake up your hubby, you must be the hot, horny and ABUSED Vinyl Scratch.
  137. >Shifting your perfectly normal weight, thank you, you are painfully aware of how hot and horny you still really were.
  138. >Ugh, if this flankhole thinks he's gettin outta this one in the morning, he's got another thing coming.
  139. >He owes you like, a bajillion orgasms for this.
  140. >Adjusting yourself again, you wince as your raw teats brush up against him.
  141. >Did he really have to go so hard on your mams? Geez, you could cut AND melt glass with these pokies now.
  142. >Trying to stand on your soaked and trembling legs, you feel a jolt from your rear as Anon was still grabbing your dock.
  143. >...And also had his finger stuck in your butt, so close, yet so far.
  144. >You had half a Celestia damned mind to sit on his face and finish yourself off a few dozen times, but you could tell your body wasn't having any of that.
  145. >Gently, GENTLY, laying back down, you resign yourself to your fate, gazing up at your HORRIBLE coltfriend.
  146. >Look at that dumb face, his stupid cute nose, his... eyes you were sure you saw little hearts in, the way he breathed with you...
  147. >Okay, maybe not totally horrible, but darn it if he didn't plow you into next Tuesday tomorrow you were SO gonna get him back.
  148. >Hmm, maybe you'll wear that little red thong he loves so much and NOT let him touch you at all.
  149. >Hehe lets see how HE likes being teased.
  150. >Y'know you might do that even if he does turn your mind to mush tomorrow.
  151. >Ooh, maybe you can get Octy in on it too, you have the perfect purple pair for her.
  152. >If she knew what this jerk did to you, you bet she'd try your 'slutty, uncouth, slagwear'.
  153. >Like she has any room to talk. You've seen that prench maid dress she has, the closet hoe.
  154. >Whatev, she's prolly just jealous you got a bigger badonk than her.
  155. >Sighing, you lazily nuzzle into your human pillow and try your best to fall asleep, the fire in your belly still there but slowly cooling.
  156. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
  158. >Opening the front door, you push your tartarusly heavy cello case through the portal.
  159. >Trotting inside after it, you shut the door behind you with a rear hoof and prepare yourself to be assaulted.
  160. >...
  161. >Strange, usually by now you would've been swooped down upon by your resident daemon who should be currently chewing your ear off, both literally and figuratively.
  162. >Cautiously making your way forward into the house, you're hit with a scent that immediately makes your tail flag.
  163. >Ah, that would explain it.
  164. >Seems like they've been wubbing all night again, the degenerates.
  165. >Rolling your eyes, you stow your cello away and head off to look for them, fetching a blanket along the way.
  166. >Following the smell, you find the two lovebirds on the couch, with Anonymous surprisingly clothed and Vinyl equally surprisingly not entirely covered in various fluids.
  167. >Well at least not completely...
  168. >Scrunching your nose, you grab a towel from the bathroom and clean up Vinyl's... mess, making her moan cutely in her sleep.
  169. >No reason to ruin a perfectly good blanket after all.
  170. >Taking said blanket in your teeth, you cover them as best you could, tucking them in and then getting yourself ready for bed.
  171. >After finishing with brushing your teeth, you yawn as you walk yourself into to the bedroom.
  172. >The empty, cold, bedroom.
  173. >This will not do.
  174. >About-facing, you take your tired body back to the living room, undoing your bow tie in the process.
  175. >Letting the small article of clothing land on the floor unceremoniously, you gaze at the warm looking bundle of pony and human with bleary eyes.
  176. >Thinking for a moment on how best to enter the cuddle pile, you nose under the blanket nearest Anon's side.
  177. >Wiggling your way in, you ignore the smell of copulation as you thread yourself under one of his arms.
  178. >Popping back out from under the blanket, you find yourself exactly where you wanted.
  179. >Right next to Vinyl on Anon's chest. The best pillow in the house second only to Vinyl's freakishly enormous derrière.
  180. >Relaxing, you peck a chaste kiss on both Vinyl and Anonymous before you too are swept into the sandmare's clutches.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

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Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

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Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

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