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Vinyl shorts: Brushie brushie

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2020-12-18 22:17:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >When you forget you're in magical pony land and let loose a scary story from earth that traumatizes the little DJ pone so bad that she refuses to sleep without you.
  4. What, a story about flossing?
  6. I took a little more liberty with this one, adding in some anime memes. Don't hate me.
  7. Does not contain any actual flossing.
  9. Green:
  10. "Aww c'mon Vy, it's not that scary, plaque is a natural function of your mouth!"
  11. >Following in the direction where the spooked DJ scampered off to, you mentally curse yourself for forgetting that ponies are a little on the soft side.
  12. >At least she didn't faint like the flower sisters do whenever they see you.
  13. >...You should probably take care of that at some point.
  14. >Walking into Vinyl's room, you search for the terrified pony among the messy clothes and electronic equipment.
  15. "By brushing and flossing every day, you keep bacteria and tartar away easily."
  16. >Pulling open the covers to her bed reveals nothing but a few striped socks and a pair of short shorts.
  17. >"But I don't even like tartar sauce!"
  18. >Ah you had her now.
  19. >Leaving the room and crossing the hallway, you open the adjacent door into Octavia's room.
  20. >It was much tidier than the DJ's, having a pleasant scent of roses versus the more heady scent of mare and energy drinks in Vinyl's.
  21. >Looking to the room's owner, who was perched calmly on her padded stool, your eyes wordlessly ask her the obvious question.
  22. >Taking her attention off her music sheet she was composing, she points the quill in her hoof over to the other side of the room.
  23. >Following the motion with your eyes, you see an electric blue tail sticking out from under her bed.
  24. >Tiptoeing over, as to not alert the barricaded pony to your presence, you get down on your knees and reach under the frilly purple bed skirt.
  25. >Grabbing the overreacting unicorn by her squishy waist causes her to let out an ear piercing screech.
  26. >The cellist behind you winces and covers her ears with her hooves to try and block out the noise.
  28. >The white musical pony thrashes in your grip, trying desperately to free herself.
  29. "It's me Vinyl! Stop kicking!"
  30. >"I don't want holes in my teeheeheeeth!"
  31. >"Vinyl! If you scuff up my floor again I'll shave you bald and use your mane to string my bow!" Shouts the irate charcoal mare behind you.
  32. >Going limp with defeat, Vinyl curls up as you pull her out from her hiding spot.
  33. >Hefting her into your arms, the trembling little DJ has both her eyes and mouth tightly shut, covering the latter with her hooves.
  34. "Vinyl, it's me."
  35. >Cracking open a vibrant [spoiler]RED[/spoiler] eye, you see relief flood her features.
  36. "Are you going to be okay now after that little episode?"
  37. >Nodding slightly, Vinyl keeps her hooves pressed tightly against her lips.
  38. "Are you going to say anything?"
  39. >She shakes her head no.
  40. "Are you still afraid the cavity creeps are going to drill holes in your teeth?"
  41. >Vinyl's eyes shrink to pinpricks as she shuts them again nodding vigorously.
  42. >"What absolute nonsense did you traumatize her with now, Anonymous?"
  43. >Turning around to the accented earth mare, you sheepishly answer.
  44. "Uhh, cavities?"
  45. >Octavia fixes you with an unimpressed stare.
  46. "It wasn't even that bad! She ran off before I could get the chance to explain root canals or impacts.
  47. >Bringing her hooves up to rub her temples, Octavia tries her best to soothe the oncoming headache.
  48. >"Just- just fix her, if you would be so kind. I need to finish this piece and I cannot deal with another crisis at the moment."
  49. "No problem Tav, we'll get out of your mane." You say, walking over and giving her a scratch behind the ears, making her lean into your hand.
  50. >"Mmm, well when you've taken care of that, those heavenly fingers of yours have an invitation right back into my mane."
  51. "We'll see how this goes." You say, bouncing the still curled up unicorn in your arms. "I might be a bit."
  52. >Huffing, Octavia rolls her eyes at you two.
  53. >"Hmmf, she gets all the attention. Did I ever tell you about my crippling fear of quiche and red wine?"
  54. >Booping the cheeky mare on the snout, you make your way out of her room.
  55. "One crisis at a time luv."
  56. >Closing the door behind you, you look down at the mortified pony still protecting her teeth with her hooves.
  57. >At least this wasn't as bad as the vacuum incident.
  58. "Alright Vinyl, lets go protect toothopolis."
  59. >Carrying her to the bathroom, you step inside and switch her to one arm as you look for her toothbrush among the numerous hair and mane care products belonging to both girls.
  60. >Fishing out a white toothbrush from under a bottle of Uniklorane shampoo, you run it under the tap and with some difficulty, give it a healthy dollop of toothpaste.
  61. "Alright, open up Vy." You say, tapping her hooves with the end of the toothbrush.
  62. >Vinyl shakes her head again, loath to lower her defenses against the microscopic terrors.
  63. "You know covering your mouth doesn't do anything right? Bacteria exists inside your mouth alre-"
  65. >Shrieking again, Vinyl flails wildly in your arms, almost knocking the toothbrush out of your hand.
  66. "Vinyl stop! If you keep struggling like that I'll drop you!"
  67. >Deaf to your concerns, the panicking pony continues to freak out, nearly clobbering you in the face.
  68. >Doing the only thing you can think of, you jam the toothbrush into her screaming maw.
  69. >This seems to calm her, as when she feels it enter her mouth, Vinyl goes stiff, teary eyes going wide.
  70. >"Ahh-ahhhnn."
  71. >Gently brushing her weird horse molars, you cradle the back of her head to steady her as she starts to twitch.
  72. "Do you finally understand?"
  73. >Vinyl can't respond, only whimper at the feeling of the bristles against her enamel.
  74. >Switching up your technique, you brush the outsides of her molars, getting at where they meet the flesh.
  75. >Vinyl moans as you tickle her gums, blushing as she enjoys the sensation of being cleaned.
  76. >Satisfied with your progress, you pull out a little to get at her bicuspids, all the while Vinyl squirms underneath you.
  77. >As you brush, Vinyl paws at your shirt, wrinkling and pushing it in an attempt to deal with what she was feeling.
  78. >Turning your hand inward, you guide the fine hairs to the inside of her teeth, again hitting the sensitive gums.
  79. >Surprised, Vinyl bites down on the handle a few times, making a clacking noise against the plastic.
  80. >You take out the brush momentarily, looking down at the sweaty quivering mare.
  81. >Not bad... makes you want to try harder.
  82. >Putting a fresh glob of toothpaste on the end, you slowly guide the brush back to her face.
  83. "Say ahhh."
  84. >Vinyl opens her mouth obediently, letting you inside her once again.
  85. >"Ahhh."
  86. >You go for her other side this time, making the bristles dance upon her ivory... well, ivory.
  87. >Vinyl keeps squirming, crossing her legs and flagging her tail, trying to lean away and push into you at the same time paradoxically.
  88. >Taking care of her lower mandible, you switch to the top, causing Vinyl to make her cute noises again.
  89. >"Ahhnoonnn."
  90. >Hearing her moan makes you feel really weird... It makes your heart race!
  91. >Foamy drool leaks from the corners of her mouth, mixing with droplets of sweat as you brush harder, making sure nothing is overlooked.
  92. >Panting, Vinyl screws her eyes shut as you go after her incisors, giving them the same treatment as the others before moving onto the roof of her mouth.
  93. >This really sets her off, making her eyes flutter as she struggles against herself, still whining and mewling away.
  94. >She's really cute... was Vinyl always this cute?
  95. >Her flat tongue was next.
  96. >Bringing the brush to the sensitive organ, you push the thin hairs against her buds softly.
  97. >Vinyl jerks at the feeling, shuddering as you massage it, arching into you.
  98. >Feeling her weakly fight against you, you take the opportunity to dive under her tongue to attack her delicate frenulum, giving it a fresh minty scrubbing as well.
  99. >"Ahhhhhnnnnn!"
  100. >This seems to be too much for her as you pause, pulling out the brush with her following it with her tongue.
  101. >Holding onto her must have been harder than you thought as you breathe heavily against Vinyl's own rapid panting.
  102. >Locking eyes with her, Vinyl says your name again.
  103. >"Anon~"
  104. >A noise comes from the door.
  105. >"A-ahem"
  106. >Slowly, both of you turn your heads to the voice.
  107. >"A-am I interrupting something?"
  108. >Octavia stands there awkwardly, looking between you two with a blush on her face.
  109. "W-wait, Octavia! It's not what you think!"
  110. >"Why is Vinyl smiling happily and making those noises while you brush her teeth?"
  111. >"Why are you using MY toothbrush to brush her teeth?"
  112. "Uh... I can explain."
  113. >Sauntering forward, Octavia unties her bow tie with a hoof.
  114. >"I'm afraid that will be inadequate Anonymous, I require a more... physical demonstration."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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