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/emo/ Unstable Symphony, chp 4

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:49:52
Expiry: Never

  1. >You woke up early again, though you were little more tired.
  2. >At first you were concerned the energy you have had was lost.
  3. >But thankfully, it returned again.
  4. >Though you’re not as concerned as you should be about it.
  5. >Things will be fine, it shouldn’t be a problem.
  6. “Just have to make it through today and the next two concerts is all.”
  7. >The first concert is this evening, and you can’t wait.
  8. >So you practice some more, never hurts, right?
  9. “I will be better, though if I do say so myself, I think I’m nearly the best.”
  10. >After all, you got first chair.
  11. >You shift through some songs, but decide to pick one at random.
  12. >Adjusting the violin, you begin.
  13. >As you play, you imagine yourself before an audience.
  14. >A memory flashes before you.
  15. >The talent show where you got your cutiemark.
  16. >Your parents had pushed you to play, and even your friends did.
  17. >When you stepped onto that stage in front of all those ponies.
  18. >So much anxiety, but you played.
  19. >The roar of applause as you finished was unforgettable.
  20. >A flash of light caught your eye, and you saw the mark finally adorning your flank.
  21. >Your attention almost drifts too much, but you manage to focus again.
  22. >Though you finish the song, you play another.
  23. >It’s like you’re possessed, but you don’t care.
  24. >Another finished, and you stop to take a moment.
  25. “Suppose I should start getting ready.”
  26. >Getting up, you grab your dress for this evening.
  27. “It’s lovely, shame I only wear it for concerts.”
  28. >You set it aside for now, along with your violin and bags.
  29. >It hits you that you forgot to send out those letters.
  30. >You breath out a frustrated sigh.
  31. “Alright, then I’ll send them out when I leave to the concert.”
  32. >Looking to the clock you note it’s getting close to leaving.
  33. “Might as well leave early though, I can kill some time with the other members.”
  35. >Your excitement is at an all time high.
  36. >It’s just another concert, but it feels your first all over again.
  37. >A stray thought enters your mind.
  38. >Maybe you should see a doctor about these weird energy spikes you have.
  39. >After the third concert of course, don’t want to potentially stay home.
  40. “It’s probably nothing, but I can never be too safe.”
  41. >The evening brings out many ponies, so you have to get a taxi.
  42. >You hail one and climb in.
  43. >Along the way, you think some more.
  44. >Yesterday you snapped at Friedrich, and the day before, you nearly did.
  45. >It’s not like you hate him, sure he can be stuck up, but he isn’t a bad pony.
  46. >Not too mention buying those bracelets yesterday.
  47. >It’s not like you really needed one.
  48. >Plus Feather was uncomfortable with it.
  49. >Shouldn’t you be a little more concerned?
  50. >The cart stops, pulling you out of your thoughts and you pay the stallion before stepping to the curb.
  51. >Many ponies are entering the building, some of which you recognize.
  52. >Mostly Manehattan elite, but some are your fellow members.
  53. >You join them and enter the venue to the dressing room.
  54. >As you just finish getting into your dress, you see Feather.
  55. >She is wearing a beautiful dress like yourself.
  56. “Hey there, how are you feeling?”
  57. >Feather beams, you can already tell she is ready.
  58. >”Pretty good actually, I think you gave me the confidence I needed.”
  59. >It’s hard to contain your joy from hearing that.
  60. “That’s wonderful, I’m glad to hear that.”
  61. >The two of you make your way to the back stage.
  62. >You see Friedrich, and figure you should talk to him.
  63. “Just one moment Feather, I’ll be right back.”
  64. >She nods and you approach him.
  65. >He is wearing a tuxedo in addition to his bow tie.
  66. “Hello Friedrich, if you have a moment, I’d like to apologize for yesterday.”
  67. >He raises an eyebrow and nods.
  69. >”I do, and I accept your apology. Though you really cannot let things get to you. We have a job as professionals and must learn to keep a level head.”
  70. “Thank you, I’ll try to do better.”
  71. >He smiles and offers you a hoof shake.
  72. >That’s a little surprising, as it’s the first genuine smile you’ve seen from him.
  73. >Of course you shake his hoof, and hopefully this is all water under the bridge.
  74. >You head back to talk to Feather before you all have to take your places.
  75. “Sorry about that. Had to try to apologize.”
  76. >She looks a little confused, but nods.
  77. >”It’s okay, I saw you two were talking intensely yesterday. I’m guessing something was said?”
  78. >More like you overreacted.
  79. “It’s nothing, just a minor problem was all.”
  80. >Several members head off to the stage.
  81. “Show time, I’ll join you in a moment.”
  82. >She nods, and hurries off.
  83. >The others warm up and start to review the music.
  84. >Just remember, you can do this.
  85. >You have done this many times before, and each a success.
  86. >The only difference is you’re the concertmaster.
  87. >You join the others on stage and tune with the orchestra.
  88. >Shortly after, Maestro Quiet enters the stage and bows to the applauding audience.
  89. >She turns and begins the concert.
  90. >Gently you move with the music.
  91. >It’s a wonder how such works were crafted by a lone individual.
  92. >Can’t lose your focus now.
  93. >You shouldn’t have stray thoughts like this.
  94. >The first half finishes, and it’s time for intermission.
  95. >You’re certain that was great, but the second and final half is just as important.
  96. >Some of the members go use the restroom, others talk.
  97. >Like you’re doing now.
  98. “First half done Feather, are you doing alright?”
  99. >She closes her eyes and nods slowly.
  100. >”Yeah. Kinda feel like my heart is gonna burst from my chest.”
  101. >You give her a soft smile, you’ve been there before.
  103. “It’s no different than a small audience, you’ll get used to it.”
  104. >She snorts and quickly her eyes shoot open.
  105. >You can’t help but laugh.
  106. >Her face turns red.
  107. >”I didn’t mean to do that.”
  108. “It’s fine, not like you’re the only who has done that when they’re nervous.”
  109. >”Doesn’t make it any less embarrassing.”
  110. >You give her a reassure pat on the wither.
  111. “Like I said before, we all have been there. Intermission is just about over though, so let’s finish strong.”
  112. >Feather smiles and nods.
  113. >The remaining members take their seats and you all prepare once again.
  114. >Music picks up, and the final half guides you once more.
  115. >Such strong emotions evoke a response.
  116. >If you were in the audience, you’d have no doubt you would be on the edge of your seat.
  117. >The last piece finishes strongly, and you are certain now.
  118. >It is flawless, you knew it would be!
  119. >The roar of applause only further confirms it.
  120. >You all bow, though you’re almost moved to tears of joy.
  121. >All of you move off stage and back to the dressing rooms.
  122. >Along the way you talk with Feather.
  123. “That was fantastic! Don’t you agree?”
  124. >She beams with joy.
  125. >”I couldn’t agree more, I’m so happy to have made it through.”
  126. >Friedrich interrupts you two.
  127. >>”It was quite nice, I agree. However, do remember we have another two shows.”
  128. >You’re a little annoyed, but he is right.
  129. >Feather’s face loses a little color.
  130. “It will be fine, we made it through tonight, we can do it again.”
  131. >Friedrich replies just after you.
  132. >>”Just continue as you are, that is my advice.”
  133. >He enters the stallion’s dressing room, while you two enter the mares.
  134. >Looks like his words got to Feather, she looks worried now.
  135. “Don’t worry about it Feather, you can do this.”
  136. >She shakes her head, and looks at you.
  137. >”Yeah, yeah I can.”
  138. >You nod gently and get out of your dress.
  140. >As you’re putting away your things, you’re starting to feel tired.
  141. >Odd, you haven’t been feeling tired around this time.
  142. >The concert must have taken more out of you.
  143. >It will be fine.
  144. >Feather approaches you with a small smile.
  145. >”I’ll see you tomorrow Connie.”
  146. >You smile back.
  147. “Take care.”
  148. >She heads off and you yawn.
  149. “Guess I’m more tired than I thought.”
  150. >As you reach the streets of Manehattan, you start to trot home.
  151. >However, you’re starting to find yourself more tired.
  152. >So you hail a taxi.
  153. >A cart pulls up and you climb in.
  154. >Your mind wanders randomly.
  155. >It’s hard to focus.
  156. >The ride home feels longer.
  157. >Your eyes close for just a second and suddenly you’re jolted awake.
  158. >The driver is looking back at you.
  159. >”Hey, wake up, we’re here.”
  160. >You shake your head, how’d that happen?
  161. >Doesn’t matter, you pull out some bits and hoof them over.
  162. “Here you go, keep the change.”
  163. >He tips his hat and takes off.
  164. >Trotting up the stairs, you note how heavy you feel.
  165. “I haven’t been getting much sleep.”
  166. >Letting out another yawn, you reach your apartment at last.
  167. >You set your things aside and head to the bedroom.
  168. >Normally you would stay up for a little longer as it’s still early.
  169. “I’ll be fine, just need to get some rest.”
  170. >You get ready for bed and lay down.
  171. >For some reason, you feel a little sad.
  172. >You can’t discern why as you fall asleep.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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