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Anon shows his Zune to Twilight

By CavScoutAnon
Created: 2020-12-19 01:06:27
Expiry: Never

  2. >"Anon I'm not so sure about this?"
  3. "Relax Twiggles I know what I'm doing."
  4. >"Maybe in the kitchen Anon but this is some serious businesses,I mean combing a power crystal to your uh... thing."
  5. "Zune"
  6. >"What?"
  7. "It's called a Zune and it hasn't failed me in years, it won't fail me now."
  8. >"Well your Zune or whatever it is doesn't look safe I don't trust it especially if we combine it with something from Equestria."
  9. "Will you relax Sparkles after all great things have come from the joining of our two worlds."
  10. "Get it?"
  11. >"Yes Anon I get it."
  12. "I was talking about my penis."
  13. "You know 'coming, joining' it's comedy gold!"
  14. >"YES Anon I get it!"
  15. "Cause you distrust all my electronics from Earth,but you sure like it when I do that thing with my toung-"
  17. >"Truly Equestria would devastated by the loss of your sharp wit."
  18. "Heh you know it babe,now stand back the light shows about to start."
  19. >"Anon are you sure this will work?"
  20. "Ha Ha, I have no idea Twilight!"
  21. >"This really doesn't feel safe for a stallion to be doing,even one as whimsical as you Anon."
  22. "Not a stallion Twi,besides I got such a strong magic caster here with me after all we'll be fine."
  23. >"Still... should I even be allowing this? It seems like a bad idea waiting to go kaboom."
  24. "Well no probably not but since you are can you tell me your favorite type of music?"
  25. >"What,why? How would that help you power up your thing?"
  26. "Zune."
  27. >"Fine your Zune,and you still haven't answered the question!"
  28. "Nuh uh you first purple butt."
  29. >"Fine I really like jazz, ...what don't look at me like that! You asked!"
  30. "Yeah its just, jazz really?"
  31. >"I was at a concert recently and they played it as the finale. I've enjoyed hearing it while reading a good book in the library."
  32. "Huh,I guess you like jazz,huh?"
  33. >"Yes I literally just said that Anon."
  34. "No,no I heard you the first time,its just an Earth thing,forget about it."
  36. >"What?"
  37. "Don't worry about it"
  38. >"No I feel like I'm missing something."
  39. "Oh here it goes look somethings happening! Watch out!"
  40. >"Anon!"
  41. ...
  42. ....
  43. .....
  44. ........
  45. "Oh shit its glowing! Is the crystal supposed to be doing that Twinkle Sprinkle?"
  46. >"Stop calling me that! I told you that name isn't marely!"
  47. "Oh but you sure loved me calling your name out last night,why I bet we even woke lil Spike up."
  48. >"Shut UP Anon,and anyway the crystals usually do that after they expend their charge its their way of telling you their empty."
  49. >"In fact its quite an interesting and fascinating topic you see..."
  50. "Yeah yeah,save it for when Spike comes asking about the ghosts haunting this treehouse."
  51. "Get it? Because ..."
  52. >"YES ANON I 'get' it"
  53. >"Now when I let go of your mouth with my hoof will you please not say something crass?"
  54. .....
  55. .......
  56. "Saul Goodman,no sexy flirting right now,pure professionalism I hear you sister."
  57. >"Good"
  58. ....
  59. >"You don't think Spike has heard us right Anon?"
  60. "Eh..."
  61. >"RIGHT?"
  62. "Look Purple Nurple we'll cross that bridge when we get there,now help me check my Zune out."
  63. "Ah look at this right here in my hand truly the pinnacle of portable media players,nothing could ever top this."
  64. >"Its just a black box Anon."
  65. "Hey this 'black box' got me through college Sparks,its not unfair to say I owe my bachelor's degree in culinary arts to this bad boy."
  66. "Without my trusty Zune would have spent so much time in silence waiting for food to finish cooking."
  67. >"I still can't believe your people have entire academies dedicated to cooking."
  68. "Yeah well I can't believe you of all ponies managed to get such a catch like me."
  69. >"I know,its like a dream,I love you Anon."
  70. "Ah geez you were supposed to say something witty that I could turn around on you."
  71. ...
  72. "I love you too Twilight."
  73. ...
  74. "You're still a cuck for wanting me to fuck the rest of your friends."
  75. >"Anon! I am not a cuck!"
  76. "I mean you kinda are though..."
  78. >"We're not getting into this again,things work differently here than whatever crazy land you're from!"
  79. "Ok Twi whatever you say" cuck
  80. >"What? Did you say something?"
  81. "Yeah I said pay your respect to the all mighty ZUNE!"
  82. "Any way look here it's working,it actually got a charge."
  83. "I wonder if I can charge everything else with those crystals?"
  84. >"Don't count on it,do you know how hard it was to get even just one of those?
  85. >"All that trouble for a box I don't get it Anon the box is just glowing."
  86. >"If you wanted a torch,there are plenty of ways to make a light source."
  87. "No you silly nerd horse its so much more are you ready?
  88. >"Ready for what?"
  89. "For me to blow your mind with some sweet smooth jazz."
  90. >"I didn't know you played Anon?"
  91. "I don't BEHOLD! https://youtu.be/n2rVnRwW0h8 [Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Tank!]
  92. >"Eh, whats that sound? Is that jazz?"
  93. "It's the sound of progress my purple marefriend."
  94. >"Wait where is it coming from?"
  95. "Why the Zune of course!"
  96. >"So the music is coming out of your Zune thing?"
  97. "Yep."
  98. >"Woah" achievement unlocked make a pony go woah
  99. "You said it sister now all we need is to pick which mp3 we wanna hear."
  100. >"What's an mp3?"
  101. "Do I look like I know what an mp3 is?"
  102. >"But..."
  103. "Nah I'm just yanking your tail and boy that sounds a lot more dirty when I'm not talking to a human."
  104. "Anyway think of it like a record just choose which one you want from this list of jazz songs I got."
  105. >Hmm ok,wait you don't have a lot of jazz songs here Anon?"
  106. "Yeah I was never really a fan but I still got some chill tunes,go ahead Twi."
  107. >https://youtu.be/wRMkOY9OrbU [Platina Jazz - Come, Sweet Death [Komm, süsser Tod] (from ”Neon Genesis Evangelion”)] Hm sounds kinda sad Anon
  108. "Yeah well it is what it is go ahead and check the rest out."
  109. >https://youtu.be/sbzRCSIgkAE [California Dreaming by the HBCM Big Band] I don't think this is jazz Anon but I like it.
  110. "Yeah it's more big band anyway we won't go quietly, the legion can count on that!"
  112. >"Another Earth thing?"
  113. "Yes sweet mamma go on pick another."
  114. >"Uh I guess this one"
  115. >https://youtu.be/RfkB6pLq__c [Everybody Wants To Be A Cat (The Aristocats) by Dimie Cat]
  116. >"Oh I like this Anon, it sounds really good."
  117. "Yeah you know what we can listen to this later on tonight after all..."
  118. >"What?"
  119. "Did you forget? Spike is going to the sleepover at AJ's place,we will have the entire tree to ourselves."
  120. >"Oh sweet Celestia."
  121. "So why don't we listen to one of my favorite songs in the meantime and dance Twi?"
  122. >https://youtu.be/vGJTaP6anOU [Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love (Audio)]
  123. >"Wait Anon what about the library or Spike what abou...
  124. "A kiss on the lips for this little mare, now why don't you grab my hand and stop worrying for once?"
  125. ...
  126. >"Ok Anon, as long as I'm with you it'll be fine."
  128. A little story I wrote for RGRE but I figure you guys would like to read about the almighty Z U N E anyways I added the song names for those reading the paste, I know I hate when I'm reading a paste with youtube links that have been deleted and your left wondering what the hell those songs were.

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