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/emo/ Miss Eri in Manehattan, chp 3

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 18:50:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >Yesterday was probably one of the best days you’ve had in a very long time.
  2. >You lay in bed for a little bit to think.
  3. >As long as you go out with your friends, things can be fun.
  4. >’Do you honestly believe they can do this all the time?’
  5. >Of course not, I’m not dumb.
  6. >’Really? It took both Connie AND Rest to get you out of the house.’
  7. >That’s different.
  8. >’No it isn’t, had they not pushed, you would’ve stayed inside.’
  9. >Yeah, you’re right about that.
  10. >’When this is all over, things will go back to the same routine, you can never escape that.’
  11. “That’s not true.”
  12. >’Don’t fucking lie to yourself Eri, it’s sad.’
  13. >You pull a pillow over your head and groan into it.
  14. >’Can’t ignore this forever, you will see.’
  15. “Fuck this.”
  16. >Tossing the pillow aside, you get up and leave the bedroom.
  17. >As you go out into the hallway, you nearly slip on the socks you’re wearing.
  18. >Forgot about those, you put them on to hide the bandages last night.
  19. >Carefully, you continue to the source of the heavenly aroma.
  20. >Of course Connie is cooking again.
  21. “That smells wonderful.”
  22. >Connie turns to you with a small smirk.
  23. >>”I’m certain it does, it’s french toast with a side of hay bacon.”
  24. >Not like your stomach is going to argue with that.
  25. >Joining Rest at the table, you see she is half finished.
  26. >”Nice socks.”
  27. >You stumble out an excuse.
  28. “T-thanks, my hooves were a little cold last night.”
  29. >>”Told you it can get cold at night here.”
  30. >Rolling your eyes, you reply back.
  31. “And that’s why I packed socks and hoodies.”
  32. >You start to eat and let out a small moan of satisfaction.
  33. >Hearing a giggle you see Rest looking at you with a smile.
  34. >”Yeah, it is good isn’t it?”
  35. >Nodding, you rather not speak right now, just enjoy the food.
  36. >As you continue to eat, Connie joins you both.
  37. >>”So, after I’m done practicing, where would you two like to go next?”
  38. >”You mentioned the museum, how about there?”
  40. >Before they can ask you like yesterday, you just agree.
  41. “Sounds good.”
  42. >>”Great, we can even get a tour as well. I haven’t been there in a while, but it’s a lovely place. I’m certain you two will like it.”
  43. >You nod along and finish eating.
  44. >Figuring you should go wash up, you head back to the bedroom.
  45. “I’ll go prepare then.”
  46. >Connie nods and the two of them start to chat as you reach the bedroom.
  47. >You look through your clothes and just settle on wearing the same hoodie again.
  48. >No point in changing into something else, though the socks gotta go.
  49. >You set them aside for now.
  50. >Though as you turn to go to the bathroom, you run into Rest.
  51. >”Hey there.”
  52. >You freeze, thankfully the bandages are covered by the clothes you’re holding, but that doesn’t stop the fear.
  53. “H-hey.”
  54. >She looks concerned.
  55. >”Just checking on you, wanna make sure you’re alright.”
  56. >Of course.
  57. >’Why wouldn’t she? You cause her enough concern.’
  58. “Yeah I’m fine, looking forward to seeing the museum.”
  59. >She smiles and gets a little closer making you feel more nervous.
  60. >”I’m happy to hear that, but don’t forget that you can open up to either of us.”
  61. >Rest gives you a small hug, one you eagerly return.
  62. >’You’re so desperate it’s pathetic.’
  63. >Let me have this dammit.
  64. >She pulls away, and gives a soft smile.
  65. >You give a smile in return and head into the bathroom.
  66. >As the tub slowly fills, you check on your cut from yesterday.
  67. >Looks better, but that doesn’t mean much.
  68. >’So how long do you think you will hold out Eri?’
  69. “As long as I can.”
  70. >’You know Rest really isn’t your friend, right?’
  71. >Your anger starts to rise.
  72. “Just fuck off.”
  73. >’Touched a nerve? She sees you as a pet project you know.’
  74. “T-that’s not true.”
  75. >’Face it, when you’re fully ‘healed’ she will leave you.’
  76. >Gritting your teeth and squeezing your eyes tightly you try to silence the thoughts.
  77. “Leave me alone...Please...”
  79. >The sound of the filling tub is the only noise you hear.
  80. >Opening your eyes slowly, let out a slow sigh of relief.
  81. “Have to stop doing that.”
  82. >Turning off the facet, you climb into the tub and try to relax.
  83. >However, your thoughts start to wander again.
  84. >How long will you actually hold out?
  85. >It’s not like you want to die, right?
  86. >…
  87. >Maybe dying isn’t so bad...
  88. >Shaking your head, you quickly clean up rather than deal with this shit.
  89. >Though you hurry, it doesn’t hide the fact that you thought of that.
  90. “W-why can’t I just be normal? Seriously, is it that fucking hard?”
  91. >Silence.
  92. >Letting out a groan, you should know better by now.
  93. >Just as you’re about to leave the bathroom, you nearly forget to wrap up your leg again.
  94. “Idiot, I can’t believe I nearly did that.”
  95. >You quickly wrap it up and look it over.
  96. >Feeling satisfied, you put on your hoodie and head out to the other room.
  97. >Connie’s music echos from the living room, it soothes you a little.
  98. “At least I have that...”
  99. >Slowly you trot to the living room, and see them both were they where yesterday.
  100. >For a while, you stand there in the entrance, just listening to the music.
  101. >It’s beautiful.
  102. >Makes you wish you could play an instrument, but you always sucked.
  103. >All you have is a talent that no pony can enjoy, least of all yourself.
  104. >A cold feeling enters your heart, and your eyes start to moisten.
  105. >You close them in an attempt to hold back the tears, but a few tears fall to the floor.
  106. >Taking a few steps back, you don’t want either of them to see you like this.
  107. >You can’t hold back much longer, so you retreat to the bedroom to let it out.
  108. >The moment you reach the bed, you bury your head in a pillow and softly cry.
  109. >Rest even told you that you could open up to either of them, but here you are, alone and crying.
  111. >But you know why you’re not, you don’t want them to see you suffer nor do you want them change today’s plans.
  112. >Just suffer alone...For them…
  113. >Eventually your tears dry up, and you pull away from the pillow.
  114. >Your voice is barely a whisper now.
  115. “S-so s-stupid...”
  116. >You rub your eyes and head to the bathroom to see if you can hide the disgrace marking your face.
  117. >Looking into the mirror reveals your eyes are bloodshot and puffy.
  118. >’How do you intend to hide this one?’
  119. “I’ll figure it out.”
  120. >’You can’t expect them to not see it.’
  121. “J-just leave me alone...”
  122. >You turn on the facet and splash some cold water on your face.
  123. >It helps freshen you up a little, but you’re going to have to wait it out for your eyes to clear up.
  124. >So you sit in the bathroom and trace a hoof over the other leg’s scars.
  125. “Don’t remember most of these...”
  126. >Many you did while falling apart, even got close to cutting too deep far too many times.
  127. >Some like yesterday, were in a bathroom.
  128. >A sudden knocking causes you to jump.
  129. >”How long are you going to be?”
  130. >Of course it’s Rest…
  131. “Just a few more minutes!”
  132. >You give yourself a once over in the mirror and hope for the best.
  133. >Thankfully your eyes are mostly cleared up.
  134. >You flush the toilet and run the sink for a minute before turning it off.
  135. >Opening the door you give Rest a fake smile and head to the living room.
  136. >Connie is looking over some music sheets again.
  137. “H-hey, how’s it going?”
  138. >She beams and turns her attention to you.
  139. >>”Pretty good actually, I’d say practice went well, how about yourself?”
  140. >’Yeah, how about it Eri?’
  141. >Still wearing the same fake smile, you answer her.
  142. “I’m doing alright, little nervous about today.”
  143. >Connie nods and motions for you to sit, which you do.
  144. >>”It’s okay to be nervous, just remember we will be right there with you. I’m certain you will like what the museum has to the offer.”
  145. >Hopefully she’s right.
  147. “Yeah, I’m sure I will get through it.”
  148. >She nods and starts to put away her things.
  149. >>”Suppose I should get ready as well, be right back.”
  150. >You nod and watch her leave.
  151. >While your anxiety settles, your mind wanders.
  152. >’Do you think you will actually enjoy going to a museum?’
  153. >Haven’t been to one since I was little, so maybe I’ll appreciate it more.
  154. >’At least with the theater you couldn’t see the other ponies, but now you will be surrounded in broad daylight.’
  155. >I can handle this.
  156. >’Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. With your track record though...’
  157. “I said I will handle this.”
  158. >”Who are you talking to Eri?”
  159. >Freezing up, you see Rest looking confused.
  160. >Your embarrassment skyrockets and you stumble out a response.
  161. “I-um...I-I...M-myself! I was talking to myself.”
  162. >Sure it’s the truth, but do you honestly think she will buy that?
  163. >”Okay, do you want to talk? I know you tend to talk to yourself when you get worked up.”
  164. >Forgot she knew that, don’t need to say everything though.
  165. “J-just stress that’s all. Still working my way through all of this. Don’t worry though, I haven’t forgotten what either of you have said.”
  166. >She smiles and nods.
  167. >”I can imagine, you’re doing really well so far.”
  168. >’Holy shit, she actually bought that?’
  169. >Just fuck off.
  170. “You think so? Maybe this is all working out then.”
  171. >’Or maybe you’re on a path to collapse, again.’
  172. >I can try dammit.
  173. >”Yes I do, you’ve taken another step towards getting better.”
  174. >Maybe you are getting better.
  175. >’We’ll see about that.’
  176. >Ignoring that thought, you stand up, feeling a little more renewed.
  177. >Connie trots back into the living room looking quite pleased.
  178. >>”Alright, lets get going, I’m really excited to visit the museum again. I usually feel inspired after I go there.”
  179. >The three of you leave the apartment and like yesterday, Connie hails a taxi.
  180. >Though this time, you try to stay focused.
  182. >Just remember Eri, do it for them.
  183. >A taxi pulls up and you climb in, you decide to try to chat with the other two this time.
  184. “From the sounds of things, you’ve been to the museum a lot?”
  185. >Connie nods.
  186. >>”Yes, it’s nice to see what history is contained within. Really puts a whole perspective on everything.”
  187. >”I can imagine a city like this has a lot of history, though I don’t know much about Manehattan.”
  188. >>”It’s not just on Manehattan, there is stuff on the history of Equestria and much more.”
  189. >Would be nice if you could share their enthusiasm, maybe you will when you see it all.
  190. >While you wouldn’t mind adding more to the conversation, you start to zone out.
  191. >’Giving up again?’
  192. >They understand, not like they expect me to be as talkative.
  193. >’Do you honestly believe that? They would probably like it more if you actually talked instead of being a fucking wall.’
  194. >Die in a fire.
  195. >The taxi pulls up to a huge concrete building adorned with statues and pillars.
  196. >Guess this is the museum.
  197. >Connie and Rest get out of the taxi with you joining them.
  198. >As you all trot up to the building, you’re starting to feel overwhelmed
  199. >This place feels really imposing.
  200. >Damn anxiety is trying to dissuade you again.
  201. >Gritting your teeth, you continue to follow them and watch as Connie talks to a mare who probably is in charge of tours.
  202. >You look around in the meantime, this place has high ceilings and banners.
  203. >Of course there is a fuck ton of ponies around, and slowly you feel yourself start to shake.
  204. >Not because you’re cold, but because you’re so damn afraid.
  205. >For fucks sake, just hold on Eri, you can do this.
  206. >You pulse rises and with it, so does your breathing.
  207. >Come on you piece of trash, don’t give in, please for the love of Celestia, don’t give in…
  208. >>”We made it just in time for the next tour.”
  209. >Snapping out of it, you see Connie smiling and looking at you two.
  211. >Thank fuck…
  212. >You slowly calm down and follow Connie as she leads you over to a group.
  213. >A guide grabs the attention of the whole group.
  214. >>>”Alright everypony, we are about to begin our journey through the museum. I ask that you wait to ask questions till after I explain each exhibit and to stay together. We don’t want anypony to get lost after all. Is everypony ready then?”
  215. >A collective agreement goes out from the group.
  216. >She smiles and starts to lead the group to one of the wings of the museum.
  217. >>>”Starting off with Manehattan, it was founded shortly after the unification of the three tribes. This was necessary...”
  218. >Slowly, you tune her out and look at the many exhibits around the room.
  219. >There are many pictures and even some old things from when the city was founded.
  220. >You feel yourself start to relax as you distract yourself.
  221. >The guide starts to move with the group again and you follow along once more.
  222. >This section has various fossils, skeletons, and all other kinds of stuff.
  223. >Of course you zone in on the skeletons, they looks pretty cool.
  224. >One of which is labeled Modern Equus.
  225. “Huh, so that’s what is inside of me. Spooky.”
  226. >”It’s pretty rad.”
  227. >You jump and notice Rest is looking at the skeleton with you.
  228. >She realizes this and smirks.
  229. >”Jumpy?”
  230. “Fuck, you scared me.”
  231. >She giggles.
  232. >”Didn’t mean to, but I’m happy to see you interested.”
  233. >>”Come on you two, we can’t fall behind.”
  234. >You both look to see Connie waving to the moving group.
  235. >”Be right with you.”
  236. >Nodding, you both quickly rejoin the group.
  237. >Looks like the next area is dedicated to Equestion history in general.
  238. >Sure you learned that in school and you forgot most of it, but it’s kinda nice to remember.
  239. >As the tour guide talks, you look around again.
  240. >’Can’t pay attention, can you?’
  241. >I can, just rather look is all.
  243. >’You were the same way when you were a filly, guess you didn’t change at all.’
  244. >That’s not true, I’m not a damn filly anymore.
  245. >’Doesn’t stop you from breaking down and crying like one.’
  246. >It’s not like I want to!
  247. >’That’s real rich. ALL of your problems are from being an attention whore.’
  248. >Shut the fuck up!
  249. >’Truth hurts, don’t it Eri? Then again, that’s not the only thing that hurts, you hurt yourself.’
  250. >You shut your eyes tightly as tears threaten to emerge.
  251. >I am getting better, regardless of what you think.
  252. >’You mean what you think. I am a random thought in YOUR head, YOUR thoughts at that.’
  253. >I-I need to find Rest and Connie.
  254. >As you open your eyes, you don’t see the group.
  255. >Your eyes widen as you realize you’re alone.
  256. “No, no, no, no...I-I can find them...Just focus like they told you.”
  257. >Quickly, you start to look for them.
  258. >As you enter the next room, you see them quickly rush to you.
  259. >”There you are!”
  260. >>”Are you alright?”
  261. “Yeah I’m fine, just got distracted is all.”
  262. >”Are you sure about that? You don’t look alright.”
  263. >You probably look awful.
  264. “I just...I had a minor incident, that’s all.”
  265. >They don’t look that convinced.
  266. >>”How about we just...Finish this up and get going?”
  267. >Connie looks to Rest who nods.
  268. >’Fantastic Eri, you ruined the whole tour.’
  269. >You say nothing and follow them while looking downwards.
  270. >Though they talk and try to include you, you just nod or shake your head instead of talking.
  271. >The tour finishes up and you leave them with, feeling worse.
  272. >Even the ride back to the apartment, you remain silent.
  273. >When you get back, you skip out on dinner and just head back to the bedroom.
  274. “...Idiot...Couldn’t stay normal for one day...No...”
  275. >Tears fall freely as you reach the bed and collapse on it.
  276. >Slowly, you fall asleep crying.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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/emo/ Hearth's Warming Eve with the emo ponies

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 1

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 2

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