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A Childhood Friend - Alternate Timeline - Complete

By LiQuiD
Created: 2020-12-20 19:21:35
Expiry: Never

  1. "A Childhood Friend [ALTERNATE TIMELINE] [Complete]"
  3. Created on: Saturday 25th of June 2016 12:03:17 AM CDT
  4. Retrieved on: Sunday 25 of October 2020 06:09:38 AM UTC
  7. >”Say Pinkie Pie…what’s with that old necklace you wear all the time?” Rainbow Dash asks.
  8. “Huh? You mean this one?” You say as you pull your favorite necklace out of your cleavage.
  9. >”Yep, that one…I haven’t seen those since the late ‘90s,” Rainbow Dash asks.
  10. “Oh, this old thing? Well, you’ve never asked in the first place Dashie,” you reply before giggling.
  11. >"I'd like to know as well," Fluttershy adds, “you never take it off don’t you Pinkie?”
  12. "Huh, and I thought you girls wouldn't even notice. I keep it hidden right here after all-" you say while pointing at your cleavage using your thumbs, "-it's a gift my first BFF gave to me."
  13. >"Your first BFF?" Sunset Shimmer raises an eyebrow.
  14. "That’s right! We were just eight years old when he gave it to me just the day before he-“ you sigh, “-moved to another city."
  15. >"Ooooh, a boy gave it to you then?" Rarity inquires.
  16. >You nod.
  17. “He was very nice to me and my sisters and they liked him as well…especially my eldest sister Limestone Pie, too bad my dad never liked him.”
  18. >”It sounds like you really miss him…” Rainbow Dash says in a mocking way, “anyways, who was he?”
  19. “His name was Anonymous…but I called him ‘Nonny’; he used to live in the house in front of mine,” you let out a giggle, “my daddy didn’t let me walk across the street so he walked to my house instead even when his dad told him not to.”
  20. >”Awww…that’s adorable darling, tell us more about him!” Rarity says in an inspired way.
  21. >Professor Harshwhinny enters the classroom.
  22. >”Good morning class…open your book in page 23-“
  23. “Whoopsie, guess I’ll continue at lunch time girls,” you say before reaching for your book in your backpack.
  25. >Lunch Time.
  26. >Canterlot High School’s Cafeteria.
  27. >You sit at your favorite table with a tray full of food in your hands.
  28. >Your friends join you; their trays don’t have as much food as yours.
  29. “Alrighty then! Where should I start?”
  30. >”Tell us everything darling, how old were you since you first met him?” Rarity asks.
  31. “Let me remember…ah yes! I was four years old, just an itty bitty little little twinkie Pinkie! My family and I moved to Canterlot after my daddy got a great job offer.”
  32. >The girls start eating their lunch.
  33. “When we started to unpack our stuff he was riding his tricycle in the street…and that was the first time we saw each other. He kept looking at me and my sisters.”
  34. >”Probably because you were four and he was only one,” Sunset Shimmer says before giggling.
  35. “That’s right! He was an only child, anyways…when my parents and sisters were done unpacking our stuff he and his mother came by to welcome us to Canterlot, she even brought a delicious pie for us!”
  36. >Your mouth waters from the warm memory that rushed through your mind.
  37. “It was an apricot pie…perfectly baked and-“
  38. >”Uhh…Pinkie Pie?” Applejack prevents you from drifting off
  39. “Oh right right, since Anon was just about my age my sisters made me play with him since they didn’t want to babysit us. But it was fine…we played tag in our new yard while our parents talked with Anon’s mom.”
  40. >”Really? How cute!“ Fluttershy says as she places one palm on her cheek.
  41. “And from that point he always dropped by my house so we could play together lots and lots of games, or watch TV, or swim together in the inflatable pool he had, or just to give me an ice cream because my mother wouldn’t let me have dessert after dinner.”
  42. >You let out a content sigh.
  43. “Good times, good times.”
  44. >”Uhh…that’s great and -totally not lame- Pinkie Pie but…why didn’t your dad like him?” Rainbow Dash asks, “he seemed like a pretty cool friend!”
  46. >You giggle.
  47. “I was very careless back then…and I broke plenty of stuff that was my dad’s.”
  48. >”And what happened?”
  50. >[“I got you now Pinkie!”]
  51. [“Haha you’re too slow Nonny! Catch me if you can!”]
  52. >[“Watch out Pinkie!”]
  53. >THUD!
  54. ["...Uh oh"]
  56. “That time, my dad’s high school trophy fell and broke because I crashed against the shelf standing in our living room.”
  57. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  58. “My dad was furious! And I thought I was done for…“
  59. >”And what happened?” Applejack asks.
  61. >[“MY TROPHY! PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!!! Were you responsible for this?”]
  62. >[“No Mr. Rock…it was my fault.”]
  64. >”H-he took the blame for you?” Rarity asks dumbfounded.
  65. “And that wasn’t the only time…” you say “many other accidents happened.”
  67. >[“Who broke the darned window?!”]
  68. >[“Who spilled chocolate milk on the rug?!”]
  69. >[“Who the hell flooded the basement?!”]
  71. “And he took the blame every time, that’s why my dad disliked him…and he eventually forbid him to come to our house.”
  72. >Your friends give you a disappointed look.
  73. >”And you didn’t say anything?” Applejack asks.
  74. “What? You would have done the same to avoid his spankings…I’m not even kidding girls! Limestone and Marble got spanked for things much more harmless than the ones I mentioned.”
  75. >”Whatever…what happened then Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asks.
  76. “Well, he kept coming to visit me each time he could, and of course, I always apologized and thanked him each time he had to save my hide. But he was never bothered by it because he knew my dad wouldn’t hit the neighbor’s son. Believe me; Anon was pretty clever for a boy his age.”
  78. >Rarity giggles.
  79. >"Well, he was pretty brave just to hide your -ehem- boo boos...but you should've been more careful Pinkie Pie."
  80. "Yeah, I know...I still feel bad whenever I remember it. But still, my sisters noticed every time he blamed himself, and they got around to like him..."
  82. >["Aww your little friend is so cute Pinkie!"]
  83. >["I'm not cute!"] Anon replied.
  84. >["Yes you are Nonny,"] Limestone Pie says as she ruffles his hair.
  85. >["I'm not a dog either Limey!"]
  87. "Limestone bothered him so much, and to be honest, I kinda disliked it whenever she bothered him like that."
  88. >Rainbow Dash tries to contain her laughter.
  89. >"Ahttp://www..." Both Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer say at the same time.
  90. >"Do you have a picture of your friend Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asks.
  91. "Of course I do silly!"
  92. >You pull your favorite pink notebook with hearts and candy shapes stamped all over it and open it on the first page.
  93. "Here!"
  94. >The girls quickly stand up and look at the picture of you and little Anon hugging.
  95. >"AWWWWW!" The four of them say at the same time with the exception of Rainbow Dash.
  96. >"Look at you Pinkie Pie, you were so little!" Fluttershy says.
  97. >"Forget Pinkie, look at Anon's little widdle chubby cheeks!" Rarity adds.
  98. >"He was quite good lookin' for a boy his age. Big Mac was a lot different when he was four." Applejack says.
  99. >You giggle.
  100. "Our mothers took this picture minutes before we entered to kindergarten for the first time, I was a little nervous but happy because Nonny would be my classmate."
  101. >Your friends keep listening to you.
  102. "The first day was a total disaster..."
  103. >"Why?"
  105. ["Bwaaah!"]
  106. >["What's wrong Pinkie?"]
  107. ["That meanie pushed me Nonny!"]
  108. >["Wow...h-he's quite big."]
  109. ["Can you show him a lesson?"]
  110. >["Alright Pinkie, if you say so...HEY YOU!"]
  112. >"And what happened?" Rarity inquires.
  113. "The bully pushed poor Nonny as well, luckily our teacher noticed and took the bully to the Principal's office."
  114. >"Oh..."
  115. >"Well, I hope that showed the meanie a lesson..."
  117. "Yeah...I wasn't expecting him to do that. I comforted him when he was still on the ground, and thanked him as well."
  118. >Rarity giggles.
  119. >"Kinder must've been nice from that point."
  120. "It was, we had lots and lots of friends..."
  121. >You stand up and search the cafeteria, looking for someone.
  122. "LYRA!" You loudly yell, making your friends cover their ears, "OVER HERE!"
  123. >Lyra places her empty tray on a trash bin before looking at you.
  124. >"What is it Pinkie?"
  125. "Come over here! I was telling the girls about Nonny, do you remember him?"
  126. >"Nonny?"
  127. >She rubs her temples trying to remember the name you just said.
  128. >"Ahh! You mean Anon right? 'course I remember him!"
  129. >Lyra walks to your table and sits next to Rainbow Dash.
  130. >"Hi girls!"
  131. >Your friends greet Lyra as well.
  132. "Lyra and I went to the same kindergarten with Nonny, and we were great friends!"
  133. >"Like, obviously! He and Pinkie knew each other for a while and we all had a blast...remember the time we went on excursion to the forest?"
  134. "Yeah...I got lost. I was crying for my mommy...I shouldn't have chased that butterfly."
  135. >"Our teacher was hysterical! Where's Pinkie Pie? Where's Pinkie Pie?!"
  136. >You giggle.
  137. >Your friends pay attention to Lyra.
  138. >"And then -BAM- Anon was missing as well...our teacher almost had a heart attack."
  139. "Yeah...poor old lady, I didn't mean to make her worry like that."
  140. >"I still don't know how Anon found you Pinkie, but it was really's like you and him had some sort of connection."
  141. >You giggle.
  142. "Yeah, and he showed me the way back with the group. I still don't know either how he did it. The teacher was relieved and furious at the same time."
  143. >Lyra laughs.
  144. >"Shame he had to move far away right Pinkie?"
  145. "Hah, tell me about it..."
  146. >"Hey! Remember that time you wanted to repay all the nice things he has done for you?
  147. >You nod.
  148. >"Who knew you could organize a birthday party by your own? We were so little after all!"
  149. "Of course! He loved it so much!"
  151. >You place your necklace on the table.
  152. "As Lyra said, Anon's dad took a job opportunity in a city very far away from here. I didn't want him to move...and I was sad; very very sad."
  154. ["I don't want you to leave Nonny!"] you barely manage to say while tears run through your cheeks.
  155. >["I don't want to go either Pinkie...but the dumb job of my dad is forcing us to leave Canterlot."]
  156. ["But why?! Waaaaah!"]
  157. >["I don't know, if I could I'd stay here so we could go to the park, watch cartoons and eat all those candy we like forever."]
  158. >Anon gives you a hug and you hug him back using all of your strength.
  159. >["HNNGH! P-Pinkie! I can't breathe!"]
  160. ["Oops...sorry Nonny."]
  161. >["Come on sport! We gotta go, tell Pinkie and her sisters goodbye!"] Anon's dad says.
  162. >Anon sighs.
  163. >["Here Pinkie...I want you to have this."]
  164. >You wipe some tears away with the back of your hands.
  165. >Anon grabs your hand and makes you open your palm.
  166. >Then, he puts a shiny string on it.
  167. ["W-what is this?"]
  168. >["It's a necklace mom bought it for me, but I chose it for you. I hope you like it."]
  169. >You wipe away more tears and look at it.
  170. >It's beautiful.
  171. >It has three colored little balloons hanging from the string.
  172. >["Promise me that you'll always wear it okay?"]
  173. >You nod.
  174. >["Pinkie promise..."]
  175. ["C-cross my heart, hope to (sniff) f-fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"]
  176. >You put on the necklace in front of Anon.
  177. ["Thank you Nonny...for everything."]
  178. >Anon's dad sounds his car's horn.
  179. >["COME ON ANON!"]
  180. >["Shoot, I have to go. Now, could you stop crying Pinkie?"]
  181. ["I wish I could Nonny...I don't feel like smiling at all."]
  182. >Anon sighs and thinks for a couple of seconds before snapping his fingers.
  183. >["I got it! I saw this in a movie...Pinkie, close your eyes."]
  184. >You do as told before feeling something warm...on your lips.
  185. >You quickly open your eyes and see something you weren't expecting.
  186. >Anon is kissing you!
  187. >You feel strange, but...great.
  188. >He stops the kiss.
  189. >["There, feeling better now?"]
  190. >You can feel an intense blush on your cheeks, extending to all of your face.
  191. >["Wow, that movie was right! Alright then Pinkie...I have to go"]
  192. >You still don't know how to feel about the kiss.
  193. >["Well, I already said my goodbyes to your sisters...tell them to be nice with you okay? Or else they'll be in trouble."]
  194. >You nod.
  195. >Anon opens the car's door and hops in.
  196. ["Nonny! Wait!"]
  197. >["Aw for Pete's sake..."] Anon's dad says as he places his palm on his face.
  198. >["Shh!"] Anon's mom quickly shushes him up.
  199. ["Promise me that you'll come back okay?"]
  200. >Anon puts on a nice smirk.
  201. >["Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"]
  202. >H-he did it!
  203. >He Pinkie promised it!
  204. >["See you Pinkie!"] Anon says before quickly grabbing his dad's sunglasses and mimicking the robot from the movie you saw with him ["I'll be back..."]
  205. >You giggle.
  206. ["See ya Nonny! Take care!"]
  207. >Anon's dad starts the engine and drives away.
  208. >You wave at the car, and Anon waves back.
  209. ["Bye Nonny..."]
  211. >"Awhttp://www...what a sweet story Pinkie," Sunset Shimmer says, "look, even Rainbow Dash is crying!"
  212. >"No I'm not!" Rainbow Dash says as she struggles to wipe away some tears.
  213. >Applejack giggles.
  214. >"Darn it! Now you got me all sappy!" She says before crossing her arms.
  215. >"Awww indeed darling, that was just downright adorable. There's nothing as cute as thoughtful children like your friend, if only my sister wasn't such a headache..."
  216. >You nod.
  217. "But he never came back...too bad, sometimes you just can't get what you want, even if you wish for it every night."
  218. >Your friends look at each other before Applejack places a palm on your shoulder.
  219. >"Come on now Pinkie, don't lose your optimism. If he Pinkie promised then he'll be here, after all, he does sound like the type of guy you can trust."
  220. >You smile a bit.
  221. >The bell rings.
  222. "Shoot! I couldn't eat my lunch...hold on girls."
  223. >You quickly stuff your mouth with food and swallow it.
  224. "Ahh...That's the stuff!"
  226. >You quickly put on your necklace and let the balloons hide in your cleavage.
  227. "Let's go girls, and don't forget! Tonight we'll have our super awesome sleepover we've been planning to do!"
  228. >"Got it Pinkie! I'll bring some chips and the new videogame I bought. Think you can handle losing against me Applejack?" Rainbow Dash says.
  229. >"Ha, not a chance pardner! When I'm done with 'cha you'll know who's the best."
  230. >They both squint at each other, but let out a friendly chuckle after that.
  231. >Rarity lets out an inspired sigh.
  232. >"What a beautiful friendship Pinkie Pie…and then the five of us met when we were ten years old. How come you never talked about him in the first place?"
  233. “I don’t know…I just didn’t want to remember Anon that much because each time I did my eyes would get watery. My parents were sick of seeing me sad over him-”
  234. >”Pssh…they were probably right Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash says, “who doesn’t have friends like those as a kid? Even the biggest loser nowadays had some friends in their childhood.”
  235. “Oh Dashie, the things I told you were just the tip of the iceberg. I have hundreds of stories I could tell you about us. Hundreds! Even my sisters have their share of stories.”
  236. >”Pass…if I wanted to hear namby pamby stories then I would listen to my grandma instead.”
  237. >You giggle.
  239. >10 P.M.
  240. >Your house.
  241. >[YouTube] Mortal Kombat X OST - Dead Woods
  242. >"What's wrong Applejack? I thought you said you'd try to win..." Rainbow Dash says.
  243. >"You know I hate this videogame...all this senseless violence is making me feel sick! Just look at Fluttershy!"
  244. >Fluttershy is in the corner of the room, covering her ears with her hands and sobbing.
  245. >"Turn off the game Rainbow Dash..."
  246. >"Hold on hold on!"
  247. >["Skorpion wins! Fatality..."]
  248. >"Aww yeah...I won!" Rainbow Dash pumps her fists in the air, "I got you good Applejack!"
  249. >Applejack sighs.
  250. >"Alright alright...we'll play another game alright?"
  251. >You let out a giggle
  253. "A'ight girls, the pizza should be here in a fifteen minutes!"
  254. >"You ordered it already? I hope you didn't forget the pineapple this time..." Rainbow Dash says.
  255. >"Pineapple on a pizza? That's disgusting!" Applejack says.
  256. "Well I asked you several times what kind of pizza you wanted, but all you said was: Just order the pizza up Pinks! You were too distracted on that videogame of yours Dashie."
  257. >"Where's Fluttershy?" Sunset Shimmer asks.
  258. "She had to go to the bathroom...I think that videogame was too much for her."
  259. >"Gee, good job there Rainbow Dash..."
  260. >"Gimme a break Applejack!"
  261. >"Say, Pinkie Pie..." Rarity says before starting to paint your nails, "your little friend didn't write you letters or anything?"
  262. >You sigh.
  263. "Yeah...he did. In fact, I keep them stored in that drawer over there..."
  264. >Rarity looks curious.
  265. >"Erhm...Pinkie Pie? Would it be too much of a bother if I, you know...."
  266. >"Rarity! How can you even think of asking such things?!" Sunset Shimmer nags, "Anon's letters were meant to be for her eyes only!"
  267. >"I-I was just trying to-"
  268. "It's okay Sunset...I don't mind. Go ahead Rarity! You should read them."
  269. >"Are you sure darling? I feel like I'm intruding too much and-"
  270. "Totally!"
  272. >Rarity opens the drawer and finds a bunch of letters.
  273. >Fluttershy enters the room again.
  274. >"H-hey, what did I miss?"
  275. >"Take a seat Fluttershy! We were about to lear a little more about Anon," Rarity says.
  276. >"Oh! Pinkie Pie? Are you okay with this?"
  277. >You nod.
  278. >"Whatever, let's keep playing Applejack..." Rainbow Dash says.
  279. >"Hold on sugarcube, I don't want to miss this."
  280. >Rarity clears her throat, "Manehattan, NY April 3rd 1999."
  281. >["Dear Pinkie...I arrived to this city a week ago, I know I promised to write you as soon as I arrived, but I couldn't. Dad kept me away from desk and taking me to a bunch of places. I kind of like it here, we live in a very small apartment, and I'm going to my new school tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous but I hope to meet a girl like you there!"]
  283. >You smile a bit.
  284. >["Then I'd tell her how amazing you are! How are things over there? Is your dad still angry at me? And your sisters? Boy do I miss them, I miss all of you."]
  285. >"Aww..." Fluttershy and Sunset say at the same time.
  286. >"That's all it says," Rarity says, "here's another one."
  287. >[June 15th 1999.]
  288. >["Hey Pinkie! I'm glad you won that spelling bee contest! And I'm glad you're making new friends. It kinda sucks over here, kids aren't as nice as our friends from Canterlot. Two days ago a mean kid punched me and no one helped me. Remember when that bully pushed you when we were in kindergarten? Well this kid is like ten times bigger than him! I don't know why he keeps picking on me, he's been like this since I got here."]
  289. >"Well that's not good," Applejack says, "what did you reply Pinkie?"
  290. "I told Nonny to tell on him, and if that didn't work that I'd fly to Manehattan to kick that bully's butt!"
  291. >Your friends laugh.
  292. >[Dec 26th 1999]
  293. >["Merry Christmas Pinkie! Santa got me an awesome RC car and a PlayStation! What did you and your sisters get for Christmas? I wish I was in Canterlot so we could play with our gifts!"]
  294. >"I like the little guy...Apple Bloom kind of gets greedy whenever she gets something new."
  295. >"Tell me about it darling! Sweetie Belle once got mad at me because I borrowed some of her nail polish!"
  296. >Rarity grabs another letter from the drawer.
  297. "I thave to do something girls, be right back..."
  298. >You exit the room and head downstairs.
  300. >Many letters later.
  301. >"I wish we met Anon too girls. He was such a total cute boy!" Rarity says.
  302. >"You're darn right Rares! Hah, no wonder Pinkie never takes her necklace off."
  303. >"'s the next one, it's kind of weird, seems Anon didn't write to Pinkie for a long time."
  304. >["August 3rd 2003."]
  305. >["Hey Pinkie...I'm sorry couldn't write to you, I've been feeling kind of sick. My mom doesn't know what's wrong with me, and I've been going to the doctor a lot, I hate it there...all I do is wait."]
  307. >["My mom worries too much for me, she says I'll be okay, but that I need to be strong for her. I don't know what's gotten into my parents, they've been very sad for a long time. I don't know what I should do to cheer them up, but I know what would you do! You'd throw a super cool awesome party for them. Tell your sisters I said hi, when I feel better I'll ask my dad to fly us to Canterlot so we can spend some time together..."]
  308. >"What a sweet child," Fluttershy says, "I hope Pinkie reunites with Anon one of these days."
  309. >"By the way, where the heck is Pinkie Pie with that pizza?! I'm starving and I got fed up of namby pamby letters. I get it, they were cool friends and all. No need to get all sappy over a kid."
  310. >"Rainbow Dash! How rude!" Rarity nags, "Well; there's two letters left...strange isn't it?"
  311. >"Just two? They must've gotten in a fight." Fluttershy
  312. >"Or their parents bought cellphones for each of them don't you think?" Sunset Shimmer adds.
  313. >["January 5th 2004."]
  314. >[YouTube] Hotline Miami OST - Turf Intro
  315. >["Pinkie...I'm still sick, the doctors keep injecting me lots of stuff, but they say it's no use. My mom can't stop herself from crying. My doctors didn't want to tell me at first, but they said that I have something called-"
  316. >Rarity shrieks.
  317. >"W-what is it?" Fluttershy asks.
  318. >"A-Anon had leukemia..."
  319. >"WHAT?!"
  320. >["All these years they've been trying to get me feel better, and I hated it...the medicine made me feel weak. But now I that know the truth. That I won't be able to see you again. I'm sorry Pinkie. I couldn't keep my pinkie-promise."]
  321. >The whole room is dead silent.
  322. >"Unbelievable...simply unbelievable," Rarity says, drying one eye with a tissue.
  323. >Rainbow Dash sobs.
  324. >"Poor kid...he didn't deserve such thing! Darnit!"
  325. >Rarity opens the last letter.
  326. >"This one is from his says that Anon passed away a week later and how thankful he was for having a friend like Pinkie, she also thanks Pinkie for being her son's best friend."
  329. >"W-we should talk to Pinkie Pie..." Fluttershy suggests.
  330. >"She's still downstairs I think," Sunset Shimmer says.
  331. >Every girl inside the room quickly gets out and heads downstairs.
  333. >You quietly sob by yourself on the kitchen's counter.
  334. "Nonny...sniff-"
  335. >"Pinkie Pie?" Rarity approaches from behind.
  336. "Oh, hey Rarity..."
  337. >"W-we know what happened to your little friend...we're so sorry darling, especially me for opening an old wound."
  338. >You wipe away some tears with the back of your hand.
  339. "I-it's okay Rarity. That happened a long time ago...don't worry about me. It's just that...I couldn't see him a...agai- oh my goodness. WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
  340. >Rarity gives you a strong hug.
  341. >"There there dearie, let it all out."
  342. >The others feel moved by the situation and hug you as well.
  343. >Even Rainbow Dash, who is crying as loud as you.
  344. >You hear a faint voice in your ear, which immediately triggers a memory.
  346. >["Say Pinkie, what do you want to be when we're older? I think I want to become a doctor."]
  347. >You let out a giggle.
  348. ["Well, I want to be something alright, but not a doctor..."[
  349. >["Like what? An engineer?"]
  350. ["Hee hee...nope!"]
  351. >["A lawyer?"]
  352. ["Try again!"]
  353. >["A vet? A party planner? A baker?"]
  354. >You just shake your head to all of his guesses.
  355. ["Do you give up?"]
  356. >["Yeah...I give up,"] he says in a defeated tone while pouting.
  357. ["I want to be your wife Nonny!"]
  358. >Anon spits his drink and coughs loudly.
  359. >["R-really? B-but what about your parents? What would they say?"]
  360. ["They'll be okay with it, because if they don't...they'll be so sorry!"] You say while giving Anon a bone-crushing hug.
  361. >["Okay okay! I take your word!"]
  362. >You release him.
  363. >["Phew~ well then, if you want to be my wife then you'll have to know how to cook!"]
  364. ["Mommy will teach me how, last week I asked her to teach me."]
  365. >["Didn't your kitchen catch on fire last week?"]
  366. ["It was an accident! I wanted to bake a cake for you."]
  367. >Anon laughs.
  368. >["You went through all that trouble for me? Aww Pinkie..."]
  369. >Anon comes closer and gives you a peck on your cheek.
  370. ["If that's the truth then I'll be your husband one day. I promise..."]
  373. >Another memory passes by.
  374. ["Maudie...I can't sleep."]
  375. >["What's wrong Pinkie Pie?"[
  376. ["I had another nightmare..."]
  377. >["About Anon?"]
  378. >You shyly nod.
  379. >Maudie rubs an eye with her fist and lets out a yawn.
  380. >["Oh, Pinkie Pie...what should we do to make you feel better? You barely eat or sleep."]
  381. >She lifts you and puts you on her bed.
  382. >Maudie caresses your head.
  383. >["What's that thing you're holding in your hand?"]
  384. ["This? Nonny gave it to's a necklace."]
  385. >Maudie opens her eyes a little.
  386. >Then she grabs a history book from her nightstand and opens it on a bookmarked page.
  387. >["Pinkie Pie, did you know that people from some ancient civilizations gave their loved ones gifts they could wear? Like collars or earrings?"]
  388. ["N-no? Why Maudie?"]
  389. >["They believed that if they died one day, their souls would remain in those gifts, so they could be with their loved ones for eternity..."]
  390. >You wipe your nose with the back of your forearm.
  391. ["R-really?"]
  392. >["Yes."]
  393. >You look at the necklace.
  394. >["He gave it to you because you were very special to him...keep it close to your heart and he'll never leave your side."]
  395. ["O-okay, thank you Maudie..."]
  397. >You stop crying.
  398. >"There there, feeling better now darling?"
  399. "Yes..."
  400. >All the girls break the hug and pat you in the back.
  401. "It's okay girls, Nonny never left me."
  402. >"Huh? What do you mean Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  403. >You pull your necklace from your cleavage.
  404. "I just remembered...he's been always here with me, and that the only thing he wanted for me was to be happy."
  405. >"Aww..." Rarity says while cleaning her run down mascara with a tissue.
  406. >"Sugarcube...that's just a necklace," Applejack adds.
  407. "It's more than just a necklace Applejack," you wipe more tears away from your face and finally smile, "it's a very special gift."
  408. >"I'm sorry sugarcube, you're you want some time alone? We can leave and have another sleepover anyother day."
  409. "Nah, I'm fact, I feel better than ever!"
  410. >"Oh! How nice!" Fluttershy says.
  411. >"Are you sure sugarcube?"
  412. "Totally!"
  413. >In that moment, the doorbell rings.
  414. "Finally! It's the pizza I ordered! I'm so hungry I could eat a rock...I'll get it!"
  415. >The girls look at each other in confusion.
  416. >You turn on the radio.
  417. "Come on, this is supposed to be a sleepover party! So let's get this party started!"
  418. >Sunset Shimmer smiles.
  419. >"You heard her ladies!"
  420. >All of your friends start lauging and dance together.
  422. >Meanwhile, in your parent's bedroom.
  423. >"Those freaking girls...couldn't they be a little less louder?"
  424. >"Igneous Rock! Let them have fun!"
  425. >Igneous grunts.
  426. >"Well, if they are allowed to have fun...can't we have fun together as well eh Cloudy?" He says as he rubs his foot against Cloudy Quartz.
  427. >She giggles.
  428. >"Should I put on the...special attire?"
  429. >"You know how much I love it," Igneous says before kissing the back of her hand.
  431. >Three hours later.
  432. >You and all of your friends are exhausted after a long and fun party.
  433. >In fact, Rainbow Dash is snoring loudly.
  434. >They are all tucked in their sleeping bags.
  435. >And you're about to fall asleep.
  436. >You had a bittersweet day.
  437. >You've forgotten how important your necklace was.
  438. >If it wasn't because of Rainbow Dash you would've had another common day.
  439. >But since she had to ask about the necklace, you spent all day talking and thinking about Nonny.
  440. >And even if you miss him a lot, you feel he's in a far much better place, waiting for you.
  441. >You'll see him again, but that day won't come any time soon.
  442. >You pull your necklace out of your cleavage and whisper to it.
  443. "Goodnight Nonny...I love you."
  444. >You kiss your necklace and put it back in your cleavage.
  445. >You let out a yawn and turn the lights off.
  447. >You are walking on a field full of beautiful flowers."
  448. "La la la la la~"
  449. >You hear a familiar voice behind you.
  450. >["Pinkie!"]
  451. ["Nonny? Is that you?"]
  452. >You turn your head around your shoulder and see Anon running towards you with a big smile on his face.
  453. >["PINKIE!"]
  454. ["NONNY!"]
  455. >You smile at him and run towards him, with your arms open and immediately jump at him.
  456. >He catches you in mid-air.
  457. >["I love you too Pinkie..."]
  459. THE END

A Childhood Friend - Incomplete

by LiQuiD

A Childhood Friend - Alternate Timeline - Complete

by LiQuiD

Fluttershy, Cowardice Incarnate

by LiQuiD

A Loving Husband

by LiQuiD

Winter Formal Dash 1 - Reupload [1/2]

by LiQuiD