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A Loving Husband

By LiQuiD
Created: 2020-12-28 07:02:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >”Darling! It’s so good to see you…you look wonderful.”
  2. >”Thanks Rarity,” Rainbow Dash replies, “you look great too. How’s Europe treating you?”
  3. >”We shall discuss that later when the other ones arrive dearie, can you believe we can finally see each other for the first time in like forever and a half?” Rarity blows a curl of her hair off her forehead.
  4. >”Yeah, oh look! Here’s Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash points to Fluttershy, who just got off a taxi.
  5. >”Aww, she looks as gorgeous as ever. Those glasses and that lab coat really suit her,” Rarity adds.
  6. >”Oh sorry, am I late?” Fluttershy asks as she hugs her friends.
  7. >”Of course not dearie…we’re the only ones here. Twilight and Sunset said they’d be joining us real soon,” Rarity replies as she looks at her smartphone.
  8. >”Golly, I’m sorry, I just got off work. The shelter is kinda full right now and-“
  9. >”Geez, take a chill pill and relax Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash interrupts, “we’ll just wait for the others to arrive and…OH LOOK! Twilight’s here!”
  10. >”That car of hers looks pretty beat down…” Rarity says under her breath.
  11. >”Hi everyone!” Twilight says as she hugs her friends, “it’s been a while, I’m so glad to see you after all these years.”
  12. >”Don’t sweat it Twi, it’s good to see you too. You look…uh, well-“
  13. >”Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolds.
  14. >”Don’t worry about it Rarity,” Twilight laughs, “I know I know, this time my experiment kept me up all night and when I finally got some time to shut my eyes I remembered that we had an appointment!”
  15. >”It’s not an appointment per se Twilight,” Rarity says with a smile, “it’s just a regular outing like we used to have back in High School.”
  16. >The girls turn their heads around their shoulder to admire the building behind them that used to be their school.
  17. >”Dang, believe it or not I kinda miss this place, even that old hag Celestia…do you think she’s still in charge of the school?” Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow.
  18. >”Who knows, I’m sure she would’ve been happy to see us after all these years,” Twilight says.
  19. >”Rainbow Dash? Not so much I’m afraid,” Fluttershy giggles, along with Twilight and Rarity.
  20. >”Hey…just because I pranked her a lot doesn’t mean I didn’t like her,” Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  21. >”Heya ladies!” Pinkie Pie walks towards the group, “what’s cooking?!”
  22. >“Pinkie Pie!” Everyone greets the party animal friend.
  23. >”You all look gorgeous! Time’s been kinder to you all,” Pinkie Pie says, feeling somewhat embarrassed from her chubby figure.
  24. >”Nonsense darling, you look great too,” Rarity dismisses Pinkie’s embarrassment by waving a hand at her, “I hope you’re doing fine with Cheese Sandwich.”
  25. >”Of course! He’s a great hubby and our business is doing fine!” Pinkie Pie smiles as she hands the group a bunch of business cards, “weddings, parties for children, you name it.”
  26. >”Cheese & Pie Co.- Professional Event Planners?” Rarity reads the card out loud.
  27. >”Yep, I still liked the name Pink Sandwich though…” Pinkie Pie fumbles with her fingers.
  28. >”It must be easy to do a job when you have the skills for it,” Rainbow Dash says.
  29. >”Don’t forget the passion and the most important thing…LOVE!” Pinkie Pie shows her friends her smartphone’s home screen, which shows a picture of her shirtless husband Cheese Sandwich, the girls frown and look away.
  30. >”Umm…okay, we get it Pinkie. We totally didn’t need to see that,” Rainbow Dash says trying to hide her face in disgust.
  31. >”Ladies please, we shall resume our talk about our lives this once Sunset and Applejack arrive…” Rarity says, “it would be rude to keep them out of the loop.”
  32. >”THERE’S SUNSET!” Pinkie Pie points and yells at Sunset Shimmer who just got off a very expensive looking car, the driver speeds off.
  33. >”Hey everyone…” Sunset Shimmer says, “how are you?”
  34. >”Sunset!” Everyone greets their friend like back in the good old days, with a bone crushing hug.
  35. >”Heya…g-girls, I-I can’t breathe!” Sunset Shimmer says.
  36. >”You look like you’re doing great Sunset…” Rainbow Dash says as she looks at the car who dropped Sunset off.
  37. >”Yeah…I guess,” Sunset Shimmer doesn’t know what to say.
  38. >”Haahh…” Twilight sighs, “well that’s most of us here. Do you think Applejack will be able to meet us this time?”
  39. >”We haven’t seen her since her wedding,” Rainbow Dash says, “apparently she doesn’t live at Sweet Apple Acres anymore.”
  40. >”Yep, and it’s harder to keep in contact with her,” Fluttershy adds, “I think she lives kinda far away.”
  41. >”Shall we wait a bit more?” Rarity adds.
  43. “GOOD MORNIN’ LADIES!” You yell from your red truck.
  44. >”Applejack!” Your good ol’ friends happily yell.
  45. >You park your big pick-up truck your husband bought for you earlier this year on the school’s parking lot and get off.
  46. >They quickly rush to greet you to give you a bone-crushing hug, but they suddenly stop when they notice something unusual on you.
  47. >”EEEEK! Applejack…y-your belly,” Pinkie Pie says with a big smile on her face.
  48. “Ah sure am glad to see y’all. It’s been a while,” you say before lookin’ down and touching your belly, “you don’t mind if I have some company with me don’t ‘cha?”
  49. >They all let out a fangirl squeal.
  50. >”How many months?!” Pinkie Pie asks.
  51. “Six in…three to go.”
  52. >”Boy or girl?” Fluttershy asks.
  53. “A cute boy…”
  54. >”How adorable, your first one I assume?” Rarity says.
  55. “Third one actually…” you scratch the back of your head.
  56. >They all gasp.
  57. >”Third one? Dang! They are all Anon’s right?” Rainbow Dash bumps your shoulder.
  58. “What in tarnation does that even mean Rainbow Dash? Of course they are!”
  60. >Your name is Applejack, and you’re 32-years-old.
  61. >Ten years ago, you married the man of your life, Anonymous. Anon for short, your high school sweetheart.
  62. >When he got out of university, he asked you to marry him.
  63. >And you said yes.
  64. >You have a share of stories to tell, and you are looking forward to this little meet up with your friends from high school, 14 years have passed since you got out of school and 10 since you last saw your friends.
  65. >They carried on with their lives and moved to different parts of the county, Rarity and Twilight even stayed in other countries in Europe to pursue their fashion and science careers respectively.
  66. >You sporadically talked to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, your best friend, but it has been a while since you talked to your five friends.
  67. >As soon as Fluttershy told you that Rarity was back from that country where they speak in a fancy way wanted to organize some time for the six of you, you just had to meet them all, and now that the day has finally arrived you can’t wait to enjoy this day with your friends.
  69. >”I’m just kiddin’ Applejack,” Rainbow Dash says, “it’s good to see you’re doing pretty well and that your belly is not from eatin’ all those apples.”
  70. >You just let out a chuckle.
  71. “What can I say…my hubby and I enjoy each other’s company a lot, and since there’s not much to do at nights in our farm-”
  72. >Your friends let out a naughty giggle.
  73. >”Oh so you live in a farm?” Sunset Shimmer asks.
  74. “Yep, but not in Sweet Apple Acres, not anymore…tell ya what, let’s just go to Sugar Cube Corner to talk about our lives like we used to back in the day.”
  75. >”Yeah, let’s do that!” Pinkie Pie says, “come on everyone, follow me!”
  77. >Minutes later.
  78. >”Ahh, it’s so good to be back…” Rarity says as she drinks from her latte, “I swear France can get on my nerves sometimes.”
  79. >”Really?” Rainbow Dash asks, “isn’t that what you’ve always dreamed of? Living there and ‘making it’ in the city of lights?”
  80. >”Easier said than done…” Rarity scoffs and takes another sip from her cup, this time with a frown on her face, “I barely get clients anymore and critics say my designs are not up to ‘Europa’ standards. Competition is ferocious and I can barely afford to stay afloat.”
  81. >”Tell me about it,” Twilight says as she stirs a spoon into her coffee, “giving lectures to my students can be frustrating at times, they always get bored and I always catch them sleeping in my class or cheating in my exams…and the work I get to do is never recognized. I haven’t been able to get some sleep these last few weeks thanks to my experiment and even worse Timber Spruce gets mad at me, what an ungrateful jerk…I pay for our rent every month while he’s out there hanging out with girls way younger than me in that stupid camp of his…”
  82. >”Right…” Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow at Twilight’s bitter ranting, “well…for me it was hell too, I couldn’t make it into the Wonderbolts when I had the chance because according to the higher ups I wasn’t qualified enough, BS! I was qualified and did the exams well but the Air Force’s higher ups just couldn’t stand me…”
  83. >Rainbow Dash takes a sip of her coffee.
  84. >”As soon as my time in the Air Force was over and all I could land after getting a proper license was a commercial pilot for United, I get to travel around the world but it’s so dang boring! All I loved from my time in the Air Force was the danger and the speed…now all I do are sign checklists, sit down on my ass, and fly a big fat bird in the skies for hours. BLEGH…” Rainbow Dash takes another sip, “well, the only good thing about my job is, if the copilot’s cute I make him join the high mile club.”
  85. >Your friends giggle.
  86. >”Wait, you do that while flying?!” Sunset Shimmer says.
  87. >”At times, the automatic pilot does most of the job anyways…” Rainbow Dash takes another sip.
  88. >”Well…how about you Fluttershy?” Rarity asks, “you look like you’re doing well.”
  89. >”Yeah, I guess…” Fluttershy sighs, “all I do is take care of people’s pets at the shelter, it’s a small office and I get enough money to get through the week. I don’t go outside much though, my life consist mostly of doing my job and returning home to feed more animals, read some magazines and that’s it.”
  90. >”Wait, what happened to that hunk that worked with you in that shelter Fluttershy? What was his name?” Sunset Shimmer says.
  91. >”Dr. Stable? Oh…he said he wasn’t interested. Things got weird after that so he found another shelter to work at, leaving everything to do it myself,” Fluttershy bitterly says, taking yet another sip of her coffee.
  92. >”Well, at least you’re still free and don’t have to keep up with a husbands’ BS…” Sunset Shimmer sighs, “things aren’t well between Flash Sentry and I…I swear I didn’t marry a man, but a child.”
  93. >”How so?” Rarity inquires.
  94. >”It’s always, Sunset! Where’s my portfolio? Sunset! Where are my pants? Sunset! This coffee is cold!” Sunset Shimmer shakes her head, “it’s even worse at work, that office job is soul crushing, and I can’t stand my coworkers. The men get too frisky and the girls get too jealous at the attention I get from the men, and it’s also infuriating when Flash gets jealous too. He thinks I’m having an affair with one of my coworkers.”
  95. >Sunset gulps down her entire cup of coffee and asks Mrs. Cake for another one.
  96. >”Oh that’s just horrible dear,” Rarity says, “he doesn’t trust you? But why?”
  97. >”Who knows…but you know what the worst part of all of this is? I have also caught him giving other girls at our workplace not-so-innocent looks too, but whenever I confront him about it he denies everything and then he starts shouting at me, then storms off our home and leaves to who knows where, ugh. I can’t believe I did a mistake to start dating him once again after we got out of high school. I guess I did it from the remorse of treating him like garbage when I was…well. You know the story.”
  98. >”I don’t know the details because I transferred a year later to Canterlot High,” Twilight says, “but I totally get what you’re saying, it happens to me too with Timberspruce. He says I’m not giving him enough attention and that I spend the whole day and night at the laboratory even though I have tried to explain to him that the calibration of the experiment alone takes hours to complete, he even tries to call me in the middle of a lecture and I have already warned him not to do that, he gets angry and refuses to talk to me when I get home.”
  99. >Your friends let out exasperated sighs.
  100. >”Applejack darling, you’ve been quite silent this whole time.” Rarity says, “this is the first time we see each other in years and you say nothing?”
  101. >”Yeah, it’s not fair for us to let us rant while you just sit down and have that slice of apple pie by yourself, I bet Anon gets on your nerves as well,” Rainbow Dash arches an eyebrow and waits for your answer.
  102. “Actually…that’s quite far from the truth Rainbow Dash. Anon and I have a nice relationship,” you say without meaning to brag or make fun of your friends.
  103. >”Really?” Rainbow Dash asks while looking a bit confused.
  104. “Yup! Lemme tell you how I’ve been handlin’ things…from the moment we last saw each other okay?”
  106. >Years ago.
  107. >“And here we are! Home sweet home,” Anon says as he opens the door and carefully places you on your feet, “what do you think?”
  108. “Whoa…sugarcube, this is such a nice apartment.”
  109. >”Worth the five hour trip right hun?” Anon says.
  110. “Yeah. You can say that again…” you say.
  111. >”Is something wrong Jackie? You’ve been acting like that since we left Canterlot.”
  112. ”D-don’t mind silly ol’ me sugarcube, it’s just gonna take me some time to get used to this huge change,” you say in a reassuring tone.
  113. >”I know…sorry dear. But we just couldn’t keep on living in Sweet Apple Acres anymore, after all your brother got married and things got awkward.”
  114. “Like the time you walked in on Sugar Belle changing?” You chuckle, “or the time you walked in on her right after she walked out of the shower.”
  115. >”Yeah…thank goodness you were there to protect me from Big Mac,” Anon says with an awkward chuckle, trying to forget what happened.
  116. “Well, he forgave you the first two times, but that happening seven times in a month? Even I was starting to get suspicious.”
  117. >“It was just bad luck AJ!” Anon rolls his eyes, “we’ve been over this right?”
  118. “Yeah, he he he…just messin’ with ya big guy,” you say as you shuffle his hair.
  119. >”Besides, don’t tell me it wasn’t awkward when we tried to do you know what…” Anon bumps your arm with his elbow.
  120. “Yeah,” you reply with a naughty giggle, “the walls were kinda thin back home, and even taking our business in the barn was out of the question.”
  121. >“Yeah, especially since we ran into your brother and your sis-in-law doing it in our usual spot, so! That’s why we needed to move away in the first place, I also needed to find a new job and I happened to land a well paying one in this town here.”
  122. “Well, this place looks comfy enough, what’s its name again?” You ask.
  123. >“Fairview, from Seacrest County.” Anon states.
  124. “Well I sure am glad you found a job here,” you say as you take a look at the streets from the building you’re forced to call home now, “I’m gonna be honest with you sugarcube, I’m not that used to live in a city, and I’m kind of scared.”
  125. >“Yeah, but you saw the forests and mountains when we got here right?” Anon says, “we can go there on weekends to keep in touch with nature.”
  126. >You just shyly nod, but then start to sob a bit.
  127. ”I’m already starting to miss Sweet Apple Acres…I won’t be able to wake up to the roosters crows’ or milk some cows, or take a bite from an apple of my orchards.”
  128. >”I’m…I’m so sorry hun. Just give me some time okay? I promise to you that this apartment and everything will be temporary okay?” Anon says as he embraces you and you just cry on his shoulder.
  129. >Once you stop crying he stops hugging you and you give him a stern look.
  130. “It’s okay Anon, I’m yer wife now and I promised you that I’d be with you always…for better, or worse, in sickness and in health.”
  131. >”I know you will Applejack,” Anon says with that smile of his you love so much, “trust me…this is only the beginning.”
  133. “And it was! I got used to that apartment quicker than he did. All I did was take care of the chores of the house and cook him a nice meal once he arrived from his work.”
  134. >Your friends give you smug glances and shake their heads.
  135. >”So you just became a house wife?” Sunset Shimmer says, “and you just cook for him and wash his clothes?”
  136. “Well, I wasn’t able to get in college or the air force like you five did, so yeah…but it was so refreshing to see him from time to time to cook something for me, and believe me. The man’s a natural at cooking! I dare to say he was better than me at cooking, back in our first year of marriage I couldn’t cook that well, my granny did most of the cooking at the farm.”
  137. >Your friends keep paying close attention to you.
  138. “I even burnt some meals, but he’d never get mad at me, he even took me to a fancy restaurant one night after I ruined the roast I was preparing for us…ahhh, I still can recall his words and his embrace: ‘Don’t cry dear, these things happen from time to time, just go get changed and I’ll take you out somewhere nice,’” you say with an inspired sigh.
  139. >”Huh…that’s neat,” Pinkie Pie says, “I remember how Cheese Sandwich lost his cool and shouted at me once because I burnt a cake we were supposed to deliver that same day, we lost a client and money too, I mean, money comes and goes but what really hurt me was seeing his angry face and calling me a fat pink doofus that day.”
  140. >Pinkie Pie tries to laugh, but the laugh feels so forced she ends up coughing and staying silent after recalling that event.
  141. “The year went by and Anon got promoted, I was happy for him but at the same time I was worried he’d end up forgetting about his promise,” you say, “soon after we weren’t tight on money and instead of spending like crazy he said he’d have plans for it. And another year went by, and another…but one day, something incredible happened.”
  143. >Anon places a cloth over your eyes and gets you inside his car.
  144. ”Where are we goin’ Anon?” You say, trying to take the blindfold off.
  145. >“Don’t take it off yet Jackie…you’ll ruin the surprise.”
  146. >After a somewhat long drive, Anon steps out of the vehicle and opens your door, he grabs your hand and takes you out of the car.
  147. >All of a sudden you feel a breeze on your face, one that could be compared to your old home back in Sweet Apple Acres, you can also hear the sound of the wind moving grass and crashing against tall trees.
  148. >Anon takes off the blindfold.
  149. >”Surprise!”
  150. >You are standing in a large terrain sitting right next to a beautiful forest, and you can hear water running from a river nearby.
  151. >Then, you see a sign that says SOLD OUT, and very far away you can see a little old house sitting next to a barn.
  152. “Anon? W-what’s all this?”
  153. >”Our new home!” Anon happily says, “what do you think?”
  154. “WHAAAAT?!” You yell, “w-what do you mean our new home?”
  155. >”I was checking out some properties around Fairview, and I was told of an abandoned farm in Fox Lair Pass, you know…next town over.”
  156. “B-but how? We can’t afford this!” You say, taking another look at the huge plot of land you’re standing on.
  157. >”Who says we can’t? Remember all that extra money I was making? I invested most of it and ended up winning more, I just signed the papers to the deed of this farm yesterday.”
  158. “I-I don’t know what to say sugarcube…this is just, just-“
  159. >”Well?”
  160. >You grab Anon by the shirt and pull him down to give him a big kiss on the lips.
  161. “Don’t hide things from me anymore you dummy…” you say while wiping some tears away with the back of your hand, “this is just perfect, it reminds me so much of Sweet Apple Acres.”
  162. >“That was the idea honey, I just couldn’t stand seeing you all so sad just for my sake, I just felt guilty, but now I saw you smile just like you did back in Canterlot High,” Anon happily says.
  163. >You rest your head on his chest and he hugs you tight.
  164. “You don’t know how happy you just made me Anon…I love you so much.”
  166. >”Awwww…” your friends go at the same time.
  167. >”Good ol’ Anon,” Rainbow Dash says, “lucky you AJ…”
  168. “Yep, there were issues at first, like getting the house repaired, the barn repaired as well, building a silo…but I asked some of my family members to help us out since Anon wasn’t used to that kind of work. They were all eager to help us out and drove from various places of the country to Seacrest County, Big Mac and Sugar Belle, as well as Apple Bloom and Granny Smith ended up helping as well, after the raising of the barn was done and the new farmhouse was fixed, we had a huge celebration. Anon must’ve felt so out of place, but that’s what he gets for marrying an Apple,” you finish that sentence with a cute giggle.
  169. >”And then what happened next?” Pinkie Pie asks.
  170. “My big bro ended up gifting us an apple sapling for our new farm, which Anon and I planted, it was our first tree of the many more we ended up planting that year, of course I did most of the job but that’s because Anon had to drive all the way to Fairview every morning and return to Fox Lair Pass at night…meanwhile I was having the time of my life cutting the tall grass with the new tools that mah Granny gifted to me and plantin’ tons of seeds because according to Anon and I quote:”
  172. >”We’re not gonna eat apples only right? Right?” Anon asks.
  173. “No sugarcube, the soil is great to plant anything we want, but if you don’t want me to turn it into an apple orchard then I’m fine with it.”
  174. >”Cool, I’d like to eat some strawberries too!” Anon says.
  175. “Strawberries?! Don’t push it…”
  177. ”And that’s all I did, I went to the in the next town over to buy some seeds, according to the locals the farm was abandoned a lot of years ago and the bank had seized it. The owner of the shop said that he’d buy some of my crops to get the local economy goin’, that town is filled with a bunch of nice folks…unlike Fairview town which is full of snobs, plenty of ‘em mocked my accent and ways to dress. I never told Anon how unhappy I was in that place, but somehow, I think he always knew…”
  178. >”And you did most of the work? By yourself?!” Twilight inquires.
  179. “I did, but Anon wasn’t comfortable either, he wanted to help as well and I shrugged it off as usual. But one day something beautiful happened…”
  181. “Whew…there she goes,” you say as you pat the ground where you just planted a few seeds, “you can grow now!”
  182. >”Heya honey, what’cha doing?” Anon asks.
  183. “Oh, heya Anon!” You say as you dust off your clothes, “I’m just plantin’ some more seeds. I should be able to finish this acre today.”
  184. >”You’ve been working so hard these last few weeks…you sure you don’t need my help?” Anon asks as he rolls up his sleeves.
  185. “Oh no no sugarcube…I got this, I don’t want you to ruin those soft accountant hands of yours,” you say with a smug tone of voice.
  186. >”Soft? Oh you’ve done it now farm girl…pass me that hoe!”
  187. >You do as told, and Anon starts digging some holes with the hoe, makes some progress at first, but then gets noticeably tired.
  188. “What’s the matter Anon? Can’t keep up?” You say once again, trying your best to stifle a giggle.
  189. >”Hahh…phew, this is harder than I thought. Let me keep going honey, I want you to take breaks from time to time to spare you from all this hard work,” Anon says as he takes a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat away, “I wouldn’t want you to break your back or get hurt, not when your man is around.”
  190. >You hug him from behind.
  191. “Aww…ain’t ‘cha a flatterer. Very well then…just wear these gloves so those hands can stay as soft as they are,” you say as you release him and then hand him your gloves and a bottle of water, he washes his hands immediately and rinses them with a clean hanky of yours.
  192. >”Why’s that? Ooohhh! I know why…it’d suck if I were to touch your beautiful face with callused hands right?” Anon says as he touches your cheek with the back of his hands.
  193. >You always love it when he does that.
  194. >You grab his hand and ask him to keep doing that, then you place your other hand on his chest.
  195. “Ya know, I totally wouldn’t mind if you helped me out with the farm, it’s our farm after all. I just don’t want to keep you busy and tire you out while you also have your work at Fairview, that’s all…”
  196. >”Nevermind that…I’d rather help you build something amazing in our farm first, for us and our family.”
  197. “Family huh? S-so…you’ve been thinking of taking that step already?” You ask, your eyes suddenly go wide.
  198. >”I guess I am…what do you say?” Anon says with a smile.
  199. >You just let out a dumb chuckle, and Anon notices that your face has started to turn red.
  200. “T-that’d make me so happy sugarcube! I love you so much…”
  202. >“AWWWWWW…” Pinkie Pie, Sunset and Fluttershy say at the same time.
  203. >Rainbow, Rarity and Twilight look a bit disgusted at the idea of having children.
  204. “Yep, you don’t know how happy I was. All those years of him wearing protection and all of a sudden he wanted to have kids? I had to act quickly. So! Right after he told me that…”
  206. >You both then share a beautiful kiss which then you slowly turn it into a passionate one.
  207. >”Mm…Applmph?!” Anon’s mumbles are drowned with your kiss, you want this so much, right there and now, in the middle of the farm.
  208. >You start kissing his neck and start unbuttoning his shirt with your fingers, he lets out cute moans and he guides his hands towards your butt.
  209. >He starts unbuckling your belt and slides your jeans down to your knees.
  210. >A cold breeze goes right through your thighs and makes you shiver, but then Anon just keeps going, touching your privates over the fabric of your panties.
  211. >”I love it when your wear the pink ones…” he mutters into your ear, his hot breath sends a tingling sensation on your face.
  212. >You hug the back of his head and beg him to keep going, trying to stifle some moans, he then slides his finger inside your panties, and the back of his hand brushes against your golden pubes.
  213. “Haahh…ahh.”
  214. >He then starts to feel up your already wet parts and works his magic with his fingers. All those days using that darned calculator gave him quite the dexterity.
  215. >Then, he slides a finger inside easily, the wetness helps his way through.
  216. “Mmmph! Nghh…” you mutter, then you bite a finger to prevent more moans to come out.
  217. >Anon chuckles at your moans, then keeps going the usual way, playing with your labia.
  218. >You can’t take it anymore, you slap his hand away and quickly get on your knees.
  219. “Whoa! AJ?!”
  220. >You quickly take off his belt and slide down his pants and trousers.
  221. “Hahh…would you look at that, you know Anon…I’ve been workin’ my way with wood lately,” you say as you look at the wooden fence you built last week, then you take a look at his erection, “but this piece o’ wood will always be mah favorite!”
  222. >And with that you start kissing, then blowing Anon’s junk like a dirty whore would do. You know that he loves it when you take an aggressive approach.
  223. >You even take off your blouse and bra to start giving him a titjob, while licking the tip of his dick with your tongue, you just love seeing him squirm like that.
  224. “They’re big aren’t they sugarcube?” You say, referring to your tits.
  225. >”Y-yeah…hah, holy shit!”
  226. >You pick up the pace until you can feel his rod throbbing more.
  227. >“Fuck, A-Applejack…I’m gonna-“
  228. >He releases his load all over your tits and your face.
  229. >”Holy fuck…that was so good.”
  230. >You let out a content sigh and take a taste of his cum with your finger, then you stand up and let Anon catch some breath.
  231. >You take some time off to clean the mess he caused, and then keep kissing and teasing him, waiting for his cock to become hard again, and when it does…
  232. “Ready for round two?” You say as you turn around, bend over, and spread your pussy at him.
  233. >Anon’s eyes go wide open and he prepares to insert his hard rod inside you once again.
  234. “Ahhh…y-yes, k-keep going!”
  235. >Anon keeps sliding his junk more inside you until it reaches deep inside you, he then smacks your butt with a hand.
  236. “OW! What’s the big ide-AAAH?!” You yell as he smacks your butt once again, this time a bit harder, which leads to you releasing some fluids to prepare for what comes next.
  237. >”Nnngh-“ Anon thrusts his dick as hard as he can, which only makes you smile before you bite your lower lip.
  238. >His thrusts, slow at first, gradually build up some speed accompanied by constant spanking and then him pulling your ponytail, which only makes you moan, you try to place your hands over your mouth to prevent yourself from moaning loudly, but Anon grabs your wrists and pulls both your arms.
  240. >”That’s right honey…moan for me.”
  241. “Don’t stop! I’m almost there! Yes…YES! I’M GONNA-”
  242. >Anon pulls you by your wrists harder and makes you moan louder, and you yell once you climax. He shortly climaxes afterwards and cums inside of you.
  243. >He takes his dick out and orders you to clean it, all you can do now is fall on the ground, exhausted…but you do as told and lick his cock clean.
  244. >“Phew…that was good. Honey?”
  245. ”Yes?”
  246. >”…Did I get carried away?” Anon asks, looking a bit embarrassed.
  247. >You let out a giggle and stand up.
  248. ”Nah, don’t apologize sugarcube. I love it when you listen to my needs and give me a good ol’ rutting like this, but I also enjoy your umm…preferences too. Although they can be a bit embarrassing at times…”
  250. >Your friends’ eyes are wide open. Even Mrs. Cake is just standing there with a bunch of desserts and coffee cups on the tray.
  251. >”Wow…” Sunset Shimmer just says.
  252. >”That was…” Fluttershy says as she crosses her legs and bites on a thumb, “h-how can I say this?”
  253. >Pinkie Pie unties the ribbon bow tie she was wearing and literal steam comes out of her shirt from the neck.
  254. “Oh horseapples…did I get carried away too much?”
  255. >”That was…hoo boy,” Twilight wipes some fog away that formed on her glasses with a hanky, “pretty explicit I must say.”
  256. “S-sorry, I don’t even know why I had to tell you guys that…I just recalled what went down that day, I didn’t know I could remember so much things with that level of detail.”
  257. >”N-nevermind dearie!” Mrs. Cake says in a dismissive manner as she places another slice of apple pie on your table and a large coffee, “umm…here, it’s on the house!”
  258. “Golly, thanks a lot Mrs. Cake!” You thank the sweet 50s-something woman and keep telling your story to your friends, “and shortly after, I realized that I was pregnant…I wish you were able to see Anon and Big Mac’s faces when I told them.”
  260. >”Really?!”
  261. >You nod.
  262. >“A-awesome! I-I don’t know what to say!” Anon takes his hands to the back of his head, then he just walks over towards you and she gives you a big hug, “I’m gonna be a dad! But you know what’s the best thing about this?”
  263. “What?” You say with your eyes closed, resting your head on his chest.
  264. >”You’re gonna be a mom, a beautiful and loving mom. The mother of my first child…I can’t believe this, I’m the luckiest man alive on the entire world.”
  265. “Aww…come here you!”
  266. >Anon places his hand on your belly. You reply by placing your hand on top of his. Your wedding ring is on top of his ring as well, he takes another loving look at you before you both share a nice kiss in front of the chimney.
  268. >”…that sounds nice,” Twilight says, perhaps she’s having a change of heart to the idea of having kids after listening to Anon’s reaction.
  269. “Yeah, it was…and we were off to a good start, the crops were growing well and my belly was getting larger and larger, he he he. I recall one time where Anon got back from work and saw me fixin’ a couple of boards from the barn that had broken down.”
  271. >”Jackie! What are you doing?!”
  272. >Oh crud…
  273. “What does it look like? I’m fixin’ the darn barn Anon…” you reply.
  274. >”I know! What I meant was that you’ll end up hurting the baby! Step aside…I’m gonna do it instead.”
  275. “Oh this I gotta see…” you say with a smug grin printed on your face, then you stretch your back.
  276. >“What, you think I can’t do it? Just sit back and relax okay?” Anon says as he grabs the hammer from your hands and starts nailing the wood.
  277. >You’re kind of glad Anon arrived early from work. This big belly you’re getting has been kind of getting in the way lately.
  278. >”Sheesh, you’re gonna end up killing me with all this stress, as if work wasn’t stressful enough. All I want you to do is to chill and wait for the baby to come out.”
  279. >You let out a giggle.
  280. “You know I just can’t do that, you worry too much sweetie…”
  281. >Anon sighs.
  282. >”Of course I worry over you and Apple Seed. I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of you. Even when you water the crops…it worries me sick when you do it.”
  283. “Nah, my momma used to work hard back when she was pregnant with Apple Bloom, and even harder when she was pregnant with me.”
  284. >”Well, that’s good to hear. But I still don’t want you to work that mu-OWWW!”
  285. “What happened?!”
  286. >”Crap…I hit my thumb with the hammer.”
  287. >You just laugh at your husband.
  288. “Should’ve let me do it instead…”
  290. >”So he was just being annoying…” Rainbow Dash says.
  291. >”Didn’t you hear?” Sunset Shimmer interrupts, “she was the one annoying him with her antics.”
  292. >You let out a laugh.
  293. “Yeah, poor Anon…he had a hard time understandin’ what I was capable of. Me bein’ stronger than him and bein’ raised in a farm was no match to his strengths and abilities thanks to his background, but I finally came to terms to what he was about to do for me and Apple Seed.”
  295. >You throw some haybales inside the barn.
  296. ”Whew…that’s the last one!”
  297. >”Jackieee? Where are you honey? Are you in h-”
  298. >Oh no. You’re in trouble now.
  299. “Uhh, hi sweetie. You’re early,” you say with a nervous smile on your face.
  300. >”Yes, you’re here. Working…even when I told you not to,” he doesn’t look angry this time though, just disappointed. Ouch.
  301. “Here we go again.”
  302. >Anon lets out a defeated sigh.
  303. >“Well, I just came here to tell you some big news, like it or not you won’t have to work at the farm for now,” Anon says with a stern look on his face.
  304. “Hah, good one Anon. But why not?”
  305. >”I’m taking over now, I asked my boss to let me work from home, and he said yes.”
  306. “What?! Are you for real?” You ask, not knowing how to feel.
  307. >”Uh huh…he said he was cool with it as long as I get the work done. So guess what? I’ll be able to do your work and do mine from my computer.”
  308. “…Sugarcube, you shouldn’t do this just to-”
  309. >”Take care of you? Listen to yourself honey. I don’t want you to leave you working this huge field by yourself. Don’t you worry about me. I’ll do my best,” Anon says as he pinches your cheek.
  310. ”Well, it seems you’ve made up your mind Anon, I’m still not sure about this though.”
  312. ”Can you imagine how that went down?”
  313. >”Lemme guess,” Sunset Shimmer says, “he screwed your hard work up?”
  314. >Your friends laugh at your husband’s expense.
  315. “Heh, wrong.”
  316. >”Huh?!” Your friends’ eyes go wide.
  318. ”I didn’t know it myself, but Anon had been watchin’ over me and my work, and he learned so much over the months we’ve been livin’ there. He was also wise enough to ask me a bunch of things about a farmer’s job, and guess what? He did a pretty good job. The crops I was raisin’ ended up growing up well and so did his. The locals from Fox Lair Pass really appreciated what he was doing for me and came regularly to our farm to buy our produce…”
  319. >”The word spread fast huh?” Rainbow Dash asks.
  320. “Yup,” you say with a nod, “Anon worked hard in the mornings and then worked on his spreadsheets on the afternoons. All I did was chill around and do easy chores around the house and cooking like when I used to do back in our ol’ apartment.”
  321. >”How beautiful darling!” Rarity says with a smile, “Anon sure is one in a million. Did he end up enjoying the farm life?”
  322. “More than the accounting job, that’s for sure. I didn’t realize it until I kept watching him from our porch, that smile…that darn smile. while doing what I was supposed to do. He accidentally ended up loving the farm work and he didn’t even know it. Time passed and I finally said the words my hubby wasn’t expecting to hear.”
  324. “Uh oh…s-sugarcube?”
  325. >”Hmm? What is it Jackie?” Anon says as he dusts off his gloves.
  326. “I-it’s time.”
  327. >”Time? Time for what?” Anon asks.
  328. >You grab your belly and look at the floor.
  329. >”…oh, oh crap. OH CRAP!”

A Childhood Friend - Incomplete

by LiQuiD

A Childhood Friend - Alternate Timeline - Complete

by LiQuiD

Fluttershy, Cowardice Incarnate

by LiQuiD

A Loving Husband

by LiQuiD

Winter Formal Dash 1 - Reupload [1/2]

by LiQuiD