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Winter Formal Dash 1 - Reupload [1/2]

By LiQuiD
Created: 2021-03-11 20:39:30
Expiry: Never

  1. "Winter Formal Dash [1/2]"
  3. Created on: Friday 24th of June 2016 11:23:58 PM CDT
  4. Retrieved on: Sunday 25 of October 2020 06:10:00 AM UTC
  7. >"Don't you get it Anon!? I HATE you! I think you're a disgusting pervert! Don't you understand that I will NEVER want to go out with you!?"
  8. "...Never ever?"
  9. >"NEVER EVER!" She slams her locker as hard as she can.
  10. >Sunset Shimmer grabs her backpack and walks down the hallway.
  11. >You sigh.
  12. >Another girl runs away from you.
  13. >What's wrong with you anyways?
  14. "Disgusting pervert...psh."
  15. >You kick a can on the way back to your locker.
  16. >What's wrong with the girls in Canterlot High?
  17. >You're not disgusting, are you?
  18. >Sunset Shimmer, what does she know about you?
  19. >You kick the empty can a bit further.
  20. >You're running out of time.
  21. >The Winter Formal is getting closer and you don't want to stay at home alone once again.
  22. >Sunset Shimmer, the girl that invades your thoughts everyday said that she hates you.
  23. >You kick the can in a fit of rage.
  24. >"Hey you!" A voice calls you out from a dark room, "pick up that can and throw it away!"
  25. >Oh shit, it's Vice-Principal Luna.
  26. "Sorry Vice-Principal Luna, I was just-"
  27. >"I don't care," she rudely interrupts, "throw the can away in this instant and go to your classroom unless you want to get detention!"
  28. >Vice-Principal Luna enters to her office and closes the door.
  29. "Bitch..."
  30. >You pick up the can and throw it away before heading to the chemistry lab.
  32. >["Now class, we'll learn about solutions! First off..."]
  33. >Your mind starts to drift once again to that dreaded moment.
  34. >Your heart is still beating so fast after hearing Sunset's words.
  35. >Why does she hate you though?
  36. >You're fine.
  37. >You're awesome the way you are...right?
  38. >In that moment, you receive a text from one of your friends.
  39. >You don't want the teacher to catch you, so you pull out your phone from your pocket.
  40. >(1) new message(s) from: Dash.
  41. >Rainbow Dash? This'll be interesting.
  42. >You view her text.
  43. >["Hi dude, wanna play soccer after school?"]
  44. >You smile.
  45. >Rainbow Dash is a great friend, she always knows how to cheer you up.
  46. >Your reply:
  47. ["Sure Dash, I'll see you in an hour."]
  48. >"Anonymous! You know the rules, hand over that phone!" The teacher yells.
  49. >Goddamnit...
  52. >One hour later.
  53. >The classes come to an end at CHS.
  54. >You gather your books from your locker to meet Rainbow Dash at the soccer pitch.
  55. >She waves at you.
  56. >"Hi dude!"
  57. >She realizes something's wrong with you.
  58. >"Jeez, why the long face?"
  59. >You let out a sigh.
  60. "It's a long story don't want to-"
  61. >"It's about Sunset Shimmer, right?" She interrupts.
  62. "How did you-"
  63. >"She told us about your...proposal."
  64. "Oh, I should've guessed it earlier," you say, showing discomfort.
  65. >"She was furious! Dude, you really screwed that up."
  66. >You roll your eyes.
  67. >Rainbow places a hand on your shoulder.
  68. >"We all know how you feel about her Anon, and to be honest, we find it, eh...what's the most appropiate word?"
  69. "Cute?" You interrupt.
  70. >"Rather creepy..." she says.
  71. >Even your best friend thinks you're a creep.
  72. " I really a disgusting pervert?"
  73. >Rainbow Dash chuckles.
  74. >"Do you want me to tell you the truth? Or do you prefer to remain being my friend?"
  75. "...I choose the latter," you say.
  76. >Rainbow Dash laughs a little, then drops the ball she was holding.
  77. >"Don't let Sunset Shimmer make you feel that way Anon, for me you're a pretty cool guy; and maybe for other girls as well."
  78. >You smirk.
  79. "Oh yeah? Which ones?"
  80. >"Err...I dunno, nevermind! Let's play already! I feel like I'm going to win!"
  81. >You scoff.
  82. "Yeah right. Fat chance!"
  83. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  84. >"Fat chance? Dude...I always win!"
  85. "I don't think you understand Dashie, I lose on purpose only to make you feel better," you mockingly say.
  86. >She smirks and punches your shoulder.
  87. >"Feeling cocky today eh Anon? Let's make a friendly bet if you feel like you're going to win!"
  88. >You nod.
  89. >"If you lose, you'll have to buy me a sundae at the Cake's sweet shop."
  90. "Alright, but what if you lose?"
  91. >"I won't lose dude, I never lose."
  92. "Alright alright, if you are so confident that you'll win then you won't have any problem with me asking for a small favor..."
  93. >Rainbow Dash looks at you.
  94. >"I won't show you my tits dude..."
  96. "What? No, I wasn't going to ask for that!"
  97. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  98. >"Relax, I'm just pulling your leg! Let's hurry up, I want that sundae already."
  99. >You roll your eyes and kick the ball to the pitch.
  100. >"Same rules?"
  101. >You nod.
  103. >10 minutes later.
  104. >"I win again dude! Ha ha...too bad!"
  105. >You're out of breath, lying on the grass.
  106. "...I think my heart stopped!"
  107. >Rainbow Dash laughs at you.
  108. >"Well, at least you scored a couple of goals this time, you're making good progress."
  109. "You...scored...twenty," you say between pants.
  110. >"Well yeah, I'm the best athlete in the whole county!"
  111. >Rainbow Dash helps you get on your feet.
  112. "Yeah, you and Applejack are pretty good at sports, why don't you play soccer with her instead of humiliating me?"
  113. >"She's been busy these last two weeks dude, and she won't tell me why."
  114. >You crack your back and wipe away some of your sweat with the back of your forearm.
  115. "Yeah yeah, apples and stuff...come on Dash, a nice sundae is waiting for you," you sigh.
  116. >She pumps her fist in the air and lets out a silent and cute "yes!"
  117. >You both walk to the most popular place for the teens of CHS.
  118. >Sugarcube Corner.
  119. >You like to hang out there, sometimes you talk with some of your friends.
  120. >But most of the time, you just buy a quick snack before heading back to your house.
  121. >When you get there, you open the door for Dash.
  122. >She hates it when you treat her like a 'lady'.
  123. >Mrs. Cake gives you a warm welcome.
  124. >You order a sundae for your friend and an ice cream for yourself.
  125. >"I sure love a free sundae, thanks a lot Anon," she mockingly says.
  126. >You roll your eyes in a playful way.
  128. >The two of you sit down and start to chat about what happened earlier.
  129. >"For a guy that got rejected by his crush you're taking it like a man Anon," she says.
  130. "She doesn't have a positive image of me, what can I do but blame myself?"
  131. >Rainbow Dash lets out a grunt.
  132. >"That's true...but she doesn't know you like I do, I bet you can make her like you if you act normal around her."
  133. "Huh?"
  135. "What do you mean by normal?"
  136. >"Well, duh! Normal as in being able to complete a sentence when she's around."
  137. >You scratch the back of your head.
  138. "I'm a little shy when I see her, that's all..."
  139. >Rainbow Dash arches an eyebrow.
  140. >"A little shy? Dude, when she's next to you you tend to sweat a lot, pant and stare at her rack!"
  141. >She's right.
  142. >"She thinks you're a pathetic pervert, but I think otherwise! And I bet she'll start thinking the same when she gets to know you better."
  143. >You put on a little smile.
  144. "Really? Gee...thanks Dashie."
  145. >"No problem dude."
  146. >Rainbow Dash finishes eating her sundae and stands up.
  147. >"anyways; I gotta go Anon. My dad wanted me to help him with the chores...unless you want to play another soccer match with me."
  148. >You exhale.
  149. "No thanks, I don't want to get my ass handed by a girl twice in one day."
  150. >She laughs.
  151. >"Thanks for the sundae dude, I'll see you tomorrow."
  152. >Rainbow Dash grabs her backpack and exits the sweets shop.
  153. >You chuckle to yourself and stand up.
  154. "Time to go home I guess," you say to yourself. "See ya tomorrow Mrs. Cake!"
  155. >"Take care honey," she replies.
  156. >When you open the glass door a loud thump is heard.
  157. >"Oww...owie...ouch!"
  158. >It's Pinkie Pie.
  159. "Oh shit! I'm sorry Pinkie, I didn't see you coming!"
  160. >You help Pinkie up.
  161. >"Owie...don't worry Nonny, it didn't hurt that much anyways."
  162. >You help her up.
  163. >" bum still hurts anyways."
  164. >You noticed that she dropped some fliers thanks to you.
  165. "Let me help you with that Pinkie."
  166. >The fliers read: "CHS Winter Formal!"
  167. >Pinkie notices your interest in the fliers.
  168. >"I'm in charge of the party Nonny! Do you plan to come this time?"
  169. >You're still a bit hesistant about that.
  170. "I don't know Pinkie..."
  171. >"Don't worry about Sunset Shimmer Nonny, you could ask any girl at CHS instead!"
  172. "Eh, I'm not sure about that..."
  173. >Pinkie giggles.
  175. >"Don't be silly Nonny, I bet any girl from school would like to attend the formal with you, I know plenty of girls that don't have a date yet...myself included."
  176. "You don't have a date yet? Why?"
  177. >"I've been sooooo busy with the preparations for this formal, I want it to be perfect!"
  178. >You listen to her.
  179. >"I got plenty of stuff to take care of, like balloons, music, food; you know what I mean..."
  180. >You nod.
  181. >"Well, I hope you find someone to go with Nonny, believe me, you'll have fun! I can assure you that! Or my name isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie!"
  182. >You chuckle.
  183. "I'll keep that in mind Pinkie, I just hope Sunset Shimmer gives me another chance before the Winter Formal!"
  184. >Pinkie lets out a nervous laugh.
  185. >", I don't think she'd enjoy attending a party like that after last year's Fall Formal."
  186. >What's she talking about?
  187. "What do you mean? What happened last year?"
  188. >Pinkie just realised what slipped through her lips.
  189. >"Oh, n-nothing happened, don't worry about it Nonny!"
  190. >Rainbow Dash is right.
  191. >Pinkie is so random.
  192. >"Say, my sister Maud doesn't have a date for the formal yet, why don't you ask her out?"
  193. >Maud Pie?
  194. "Err...I'll think about that Pinkie. I need to go now," you say.
  195. >"Okie Dokie Loki! See you tomorrow!" She happily says.
  196. >You would ask Maud out if she didn't creep the fuck out of you.
  197. >Maybe that's how Sunset feels about you.
  198. >But you would never say to Maud that you hate her or anything like that.
  199. >That's fucked up.
  201. >As you're walking on the streets of Canterlot you notice a huge banana playing an instrument.
  202. >That's funny.
  203. >"Come down to the Flim Flam brothers everything under the sun emporium!"
  204. >Wait a minute, you know that voice.
  205. "Applejack? What are you doing?"
  206. >Applejack jumps after hearing you, then she turns herself around to face you.
  207. >"Oh, howdy Anon! I'm...working."
  208. "Wearing a banana suit?"
  209. >"I need some extra income sugarcube...the Flim Flam brothers were willing to give me a job, and here I am!"
  210. >You want to laugh at her so bad.
  212. >You're struggling to contain your laughter.
  213. >"...What's so funny Anon?" Applejack says annoyed.
  214. "It's nothing AJ, but let me say that you look so 'apeeling' wearing that costume."
  215. >She ignores your comment and keeps playing her bass.
  216. "It's a joke Applejack, you're supposed to laugh you know..."
  217. >"If ya ain't goin' to drop by the pawn shop I recommend you to keep walkin' if you know what's good for ya!"
  218. >You chuckle.
  219. "Sorry Applejack, I got carried away for a bit."
  220. >Applejack lets out a sigh.
  221. >"Aww...It's okay sugarcube, I forgive you."
  222. "If you don't mind me asking Applejack? Why do you need that extra income for?"
  223. >"It's okay Anon, I don't mind; I've been wanting to buy something for my granny, her birthday is coming and I want to get her something special."
  224. >Aww.
  225. "I see. But if you want more income I suggest searching for a job at the mall Applejack, there's this huge store that I used to work in and-"
  226. >"I know sugarcube," she interrupts, "but the gift I want to get for my granny only exists in this pawn shop."
  227. "Whoa really, what is it?"
  228. >"It's going to sound stupid, but the Flim Flam brothers have an antique lamp that my granny wants on display. And I want to get it for her!"
  229. >Interesting.
  230. "Why don't you get the money elsewhere and then buy the lamp instead of...well, wearing a banana suit?"
  231. >She lets out a sigh.
  232. >"I want to play it safe sugarcube, there are many people interested on that stupid lamp, and I sort of arranged a deal with the Flim Flam brothers, they said that they wouldn't sell the lamp if I worked for them."
  233. "Well, that's nice, as long as they stick to the deal."
  234. >Applejack gasps.
  235. >"Don't say those things Anon! I've been workin' like a mule in this shop for the last two weeks!"
  236. >You gotta applaud her effort.
  237. >A thought comes into your mind.
  238. >You could try giving Sunset a gift!
  239. "I'll check out the shop AJ, you gave me an idea!"
  240. >"I did?"
  241. "Yeah! Oh, and you better keep that suit; I really, really, really like it!"
  242. >"...Weirdo."
  244. >You enter the pawn shop, expecting to find something cool for Sunset Shimmer.
  245. >In that moment two strange looking men greet you in a very unusual way.
  246. >"Welcome to the Flim Flam's everything under the sun emporium!" One brother says.
  247. >"If you want it, we got it!" The other one says.
  248. >These guys look shady as fuck.
  249. "Hi there, I'm looking for-"
  250. >"A banjo?!" The man with the moustache interrrupts, "or maybe a remote, a bowling ball, a pogo stick!?"
  251. >You step back a little and let out a uncomfortable chuckle.
  252. "Nah...I want to know if you guys have-"
  253. >"Laptops, cellphones, tablets? We got everything kid!" The other brother adds, "really cheap too! Just don't ask were we got them..."
  254. "I wasn't going to-"
  255. >"Oh don't mind that stupid brother of mine young fella! We are 100% legal." The guy with a moustache nervously clarifies.
  256. >You shrug it off.
  257. "Anyways...I'm looking for something special for my, well-"
  258. >"Your special someone! My boy, you've come to the right place!"
  259. >Can't these fuckers let you finish a sentence?
  260. "I'm gonna check out what you guys have on display first..."
  261. >"We'll be right here if you need us!"
  262. >Finally, some time alone.
  263. >You check out the pawn shop's items.
  264. >If you want Sunset Shimmer to like you, you better get some help first.
  265. >You glance at Applejack.
  266. >She must be exhausted from dancing in that stupid banana costume.
  267. >She's one of Sunset's friends; so she must know what stuff she likes.
  268. >But if you want her to help you, then you must do something nice for her.
  269. >...That's it!
  270. "How much for that antique lamp gentlemen?"
  272. >Applejack wipes some of the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand.
  273. >"Woowhee, it sure is hot today!" She says to herself.
  274. "It sure is Applejack."
  275. >Applejack turns herself around.
  276. >"Oh, howdy Anon, did ya git something nice in the pawn shop?"
  277. "You better take off that costume because you won't need it anymore!"
  278. >Applejack arches an eyebrow.
  279. >"What do you mean?"
  280. >You show her the lamp she wanted to buy.
  282. >Applejack's jaw drops.
  283. >"What did you?"
  284. "I just bought it for you, don't worry. Money was not a problem."
  285. >Applejack rubs her eyes in disbelief.
  286. >You let out a chuckle.
  287. >"Well, th-thank you Anon. That was so nice from you, don't worry about yer' money. I'll pay you back."
  288. >You roll your eyes playfully.
  289. "Don't worry about the money Applejack, I don't want it. In fact; what I want is-"
  290. >Applejack lets out a sigh.
  291. >"I ain't showin' you nuthin' Anon!" She angrily says, "now I see why Sunset thinks you're a darn pervert!"
  292. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and let out an annoyed grunt.
  293. "Applejack, I'm not a pervert. I didn't buy the lamp to take advantage of you like that, I just want you to do me a favor..."
  294. >Applejack's surprised by your reply.
  295. >What's wrong with these girls? Are you really a pervert?
  296. >"Well, I suppose it's a fair deal sugarcube, after all you got me what I wanted."
  297. "And I got you fired..."
  298. >"What?!"
  299. >She's upset.
  300. >Quick, come up with a bullshit excuse brain!
  301. "Come on Applejack, minutes ago you had a terrible job; I just couldn't let you stand under the heat of the sun wearing that dumb costume."
  302. >She calms down.
  303. >"Yeah, you're right sugarcube...Thanks a lot."
  304. >You give her the lamp.
  305. >She takes the banana costume off.
  306. >"Ahh, fresh air! That costume was killing me! I better return this to the Flim Flam brothers. Wait here sugarcube."
  308. >Applejack enters the pawn shop.
  309. >"Hi there Lil' Miss Applejack," Flim says, "we're sorry you can't work for us anymore; your boyfriend told us everything!"
  310. >"My what now?" Applejack says.
  311. >"What a fine lad!" Flam adds, "he bought the lamp because you told him how much you needed it! I hope your granny feels better when she sees her new lamp at the hospital."
  312. >Applejack is confused.
  313. >"Poor old woman, you better go spend some time with her before know." Flim says.
  314. >"Don't be intrusive brother of mine! I'm sure that Applejack's granny will recover from that stroke!" Flam says enraged.
  316. >You enter the store and grab Applejack's hand.
  317. "Come on sweetheart, your granny is waiting for us at the hospital!"
  318. >"Sugarcube? What the hay is going on?!"
  319. >Don't act tricky Applejack not right now.
  320. >She's going to blow your cover!
  321. >You pull your smartphone out of your pocket and feign receiving a depressing text from Applejack's brother, Big Macintosh.
  322. "OH CRAP! Granny's not gonna make it Applejack! We better go to the hospital right now!"
  323. >The Flim Flam brothers gasp.
  324. >"Why are you still here Applejack?! Go and say your goodbyes to your sweet granny!" Flim says, trying not to cry.
  325. >You pull Applejack's hand and the two of you exit the pawn shop hastily.
  326. >Applejack runs behind you, both confused and scared.
  327. >"Sugarcube, what happened to my granny?! Is she okay?"
  328. "...They fell for it!"
  329. >"What?"
  331. >The two of you stop running and catch some air.
  332. >"What do you mean that they fell for it? Mind explaining me what the hay is goin' on?!"
  333. >You begin to laugh.
  334. "I fooled them by making them think that you were my girlfriend, that your granny was about to die, and that since you wanted the lamp so much for her I...persuaded them to sell me the lamp with a discount!"
  335. >Her jaw drops again.
  336. >"You did what?!"
  337. "Applejack, that lamp isn't worth one thousand five hundred bucks...those guys were ripping you off."
  338. >"And you came up with a horseapple story so they could sell you the lamp?"
  339. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  340. "Well, when you say it like that..."
  341. >"Why I oughta...." Applejack clenches her right fist, but instead of slapping you or giving you a lecture; she looks at the lamp.
  342. >"...thank you sugarcube, working there was an absolute nightmare."
  343. >She gives you a bear hug.
  344. >Her breasts are pressing against your chest.
  345. >Maybe you are a pervert after all.
  346. >"How much did you spend anyways?"
  347. "Eh, don't worry about it AJ."
  348. >She smirks.
  349. >"Thank you again, what's that favor you wanted to ask?"
  350. "'s about Sunset Shimmer."
  352. >"What about her?"
  353. "Well, I don't know if she told you what happened on the sixth period, but-"
  354. >Applejack giggles.
  355. >"Oh believe me Anon; she did! What did you ask to get her angry towards you anyways?"
  356. "I just asked her if she wanted to go to the Winter Formal with me, that's all..."
  357. >Applejack arches an eyebrow.
  358. "Well...that's what I wanted to say anyways, it's not 100% accurate you know."
  359. >She lets out a sigh.
  360. >"I know sugarcube, but the way in which you approach to her is very unnerving."
  361. >You just stay silent.
  362. "I just get lost in her beauty, that's all."
  363. >Applejack rolls her eyes.
  364. >"You really need to learn more about girls Anon...but I don't think I can help you with that," she says between chuckles.
  365. >She's insulting you!
  366. >But you have an idea.
  367. >This'll get her for good.
  368. "I guess you're right Applejack; after all...I tend to hang out with tomboys like Rainbow Dash and- um..."
  369. >You shut yourself up.
  370. >Applejack quickly catches your implication.
  371. >"What're you tryin' to say Anon?" She says with an air of annoyance in her voice.
  372. "Nothing! Nothing at all...pardner."
  373. >Applejack squints.
  374. "It seems that I'm making you waste your time, maybe you have apples to harvests, or trucks to fix; I don't know..."
  375. >Applejack is starting to get pissed off.
  376. "Later AJ, we should watch a Canterlot High's football match sometime together." You say before turning yourself over and beggining to walk away from her.
  377. >"Hold yer' horses Anon!" She says.
  378. "Hmm?" You turn your head over your shoulder and look at her.
  379. >"You think I'm not a 'real' woman do you?" She says while fixing her precious golden hair.
  380. "I didn't say anything Applejack. I just said that I wanted help with Sunset..."
  381. >"But I'm one of her best friends! I know her feelin's already!"
  382. "And I bet you just roll your eyes when she starts to talk about the bands she One Vector, or the Judas Brothers."
  383. >Applejack gags.
  384. >"She doesn't like those bands!"
  385. >Your smile.
  386. "Then I guess you can help me after all!"
  388. >"You're darn tootin' right I can!"
  389. >Bingo! You got her good.
  390. >She crosses her arms.
  391. >"But I won't help you unless you apologize!"
  392. >Eh, fair enough. You were being an actual dick to her.
  393. "Ok then, I'm sorry Applejack."
  394. >She closes her eyes and turns herself around.
  395. >"Hmph! I don't believe you!"
  396. >Really? You apologized!
  397. >Let's try something instead.
  398. "I'm truly sorry Applejack, I don't think you're a tomboy, in fact; I think you're one of the prettiest girls at school."
  399. >Applejack's cheeks go as red as a tomato.
  400. >"Come again sugarcube?"
  401. "I'm being honest Applejack. I think you're; well...pretty, and your accent is cute."
  402. >She tries to cover her smile with her left hand, but her attempts at doing such thing aren't working.
  403. >This time you aren't lying.
  404. >You find all of Sunset Shimmer's friends pretty, not as beautiful as Sunset herself, just pretty.
  405. >"You really think so sugarcube?"
  406. >You nod.
  407. >"Well, I guess I don't understand Sunset Shimmer completely then..."
  408. "What do you mean?"
  409. >Applejack lets out a dumb chuckle.
  410. >"What I'm tryin' to say is I don't understand why Sunset Shimmer thinks you're disgustin'."
  411. >Applejack looks at the lamp she worked so hard for.
  412. >The blonde cowgirl lets out a cute smile.
  413. >"I think you're pretty neat too Anon, and I'm gonna make Sunset think the same about you!"
  414. "You will? Thank you Applejack!"
  415. >You give her a big hug, which she gladly accepts.
  416. >"Just don't worry your pretty little head about her, you aren't a bad guy after all sugarcube."
  417. "How do you plan to do it Applejack?"
  418. >Applejack grabs the lamp you bought for her.
  419. >"Exhibit A: you spent your money and time helpin' a friend out. Now I don't have to work with those mean ol' Flim Flam brothers!"
  420. >You chuckle.
  421. "Sure," you glance at your watch, "it's a quarter to four..."
  422. >"I better git goin' sugarcube, I have other stuff to do now that I don't have to work, but before I go..."
  423. >Applejack plants a quick peck on your cheek.
  424. >"Thank you again."
  425. >That took you by surprise.
  427. >Applejack leaves you alone.
  428. >She seemed happy in those last minutes.
  429. >You walk back to your house.
  430. >You're sure you can trust Applejack and Rainbow Dash to help you gain Sunset Shimmer's attention.
  431. >You pull out your phone from your pocket to see the pictures you took of her.
  432. >Her red and yellow hair are so beautiful.
  433. >You view the next one.
  434. >Her hips are so big.
  435. >The next one.
  436. >Whoa...when did you take a picture of her thighs?
  437. "..."
  438. >Yep, you're a pervert.
  439. >But seriously though, who isn't?
  440. >You bet that all of your classmates are just like you.
  441. >Even popular guys like Flash Sentry and his band must have their secret stash of porn saved in their mobile phones.
  442. >You shrug it off and put on your earbuds because you love to listen to music on your way back home.
  443. >Tomorrow is going to be interesting.
  445. >"I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday Anon...can you forgive me?"
  446. >You smirk.
  447. "Of course I can Sunset, how could I say no to such a beautiful girl like you?"
  448. >Sunset Shimmer blushes.
  449. >You rub her cheek with the palm of your hand.
  450. >"Anon, I-"
  451. "Shimmy..."
  452. >Sunset Shimmer puckers up her lips.
  453. >As you lean in for a kiss, a disturbing sound comes from Sunset's mouth.
  454. "What the shit?!"
  455. >You open your eyes after hearing that awful sound.
  456. >Oh, it was just your alarm clock, and all that sweet stuff was just a dream.
  457. "Aww..."
  458. >You rub your eyes and let out a big yawn.
  459. >The sunlight reaches your window and the birds are singing.
  460. "Whoa, what an awesome looking day!"
  461. >You get out of your bed and head to your bathroom.
  462. >Getting ready for school is your favorite part of the day.
  463. >You like to think about your life while taking a dump and showering.
  464. >You have good friends at CHS.
  465. >Pinkie, Applejack, Dashie, Norman, Featherweight.
  466. >They're (sometimes) nice to you.
  467. >But you like to hang out with best friend, Rainbow Dash.
  468. >When you started your studies in this town six months ago she was the first girl to talk to you.
  470. >After you put on your favorite clothes and have some breakfast, you say your goodbyes to your parents and head to CHS.
  471. >Morning is your favorite moment of the day.
  472. >After all, Canterlot sure is a nicer place to live than the town you used to live in months ago.
  473. >You put on your earbuds and listen to nice music on the way to school.
  474. >Last night's dream felt so real.
  475. >You're looking forward to get help from some of your friends to conquer Sunset Shimmer's heart.
  476. >Two weeks, two weeks is the time you need to convice Sunset Shimmer to accompany you to the Winter Formal.
  477. >You don't know how you're actually going to do that, but if Applejack or Rainbow Dash have an idea you'll roll with it.
  478. >First off, you could try acting 'normal' like Rainbow Dash had suggested.
  479. >But it's so difficult when Sunset Shimmer is around you.
  480. >You wish you just could grab her in the middle of the classroom and kiss her passionately.
  481. >In the middle of the song, you can hear a distant voice calling your name.
  482. "Anon! Anon!"
  483. >You take off your earbuds and look behind you.
  484. >It's Rainbow Dash, and she's running towards you.
  485. >You smile and wait for her.
  486. >When she catches up with you, she greets you by her usual way.
  487. >A special handshake that only the two of you can make.
  488. >"Mornin' dude!"
  489. "What up Dashie?"
  490. >She smirks.
  491. >"Today's Wednesday, lame huh?" She asks.
  492. "Yeah I guess, at least it's not Monday."
  493. >"Two more weeks dude! Aren't you excited?"
  494. "For what?"
  495. >Rainbow Dash looks at you in an annoyed way.
  496. >"Really? Did you forget about it already?"
  497. "Ohh right right sorry, I forgot for one second, the Winter Formal, how could I forget? Silly me!"
  498. >She punches your shoulder in a playful way.
  499. >"So Anon..."
  500. "Hm?"
  501. >"Applejack texted me about your situation with Sunset and the little 'detail' you did for her."
  502. "Really? What else did she say?"
  503. >"She said it was the cutest thing someone has ever done for her. Real smooth dude..."
  504. >She pats you in the back.
  506. >You chuckle.
  507. "Stop it Dashie, I'm not a dog!"
  508. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  509. >"Nah, if you were my pet I'd do this instead."
  510. >Rainbow Dash ruffles your hair playfully.
  511. "Whoa, haha, Dashie what the heck?! D-don't do that-"
  512. >"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"
  513. "Stop, you're ruining my hairdo!" You say between laughs.
  514. >She stops.
  515. >"Alright alright, if I don't stop I bet you'll start to lick my face," she says while she shrugs.
  516. >You try to fix your hair.
  517. >"Do you think you'll succeed on getting Sunset's attention?" She asks all of a sudden.
  518. "It's worth giving it a try don't you think? Besides, I have my best friend 'here' to give me a hand..." you say while pointing at her with both your index fingers.
  519. >Rainbow Dash's nods.
  520. >"You're right dude, I bet she'll fall for you immediately if you pull off something similar to Applejack's favor..."
  521. >As the two of you walk to school, she lets you know how excited she is for the Fall Formal.
  522. >"...And the six of us are going to perform one of our popular songs after Principal Celestia names the queen of the formal! Isn't that amazing?"
  523. >You nod.
  524. "How did you come up with a name like 'The Rainbooms' anyways?"
  525. >"I don't just flew by my head when I formed the band! It sounds awesome doesn't it?"
  526. >You nod.
  527. >"But this time we'll have to sing one of Fluttershy's songs," she lets out a sigh, "the lyrics are totally uncool."
  528. "Really? Why do you think so?"
  529. >Rainbow Dash pulls out a girly looking notebook out of her backpack.
  530. >"It's on the tenth page, it's Fluttershy's's just, eugh."
  531. >You search for the page and read the lyrics.
  532. "Well,this is...different, I think I know why you're so hesitant to sing this song."
  533. >"Oh yeah? Why?"
  534. "Because you don't use words like cute, bunnies, or love too often."
  535. >"Too often? More like NEVER!"
  536. >You put on a shit-eating grin.
  537. "Well, I'm looking forward to hear you sing this...I bet you'll sound pretty cute if you sing these words."
  538. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  539. >"N-no I would NOT!"
  541. >Yep, you really love to piss your friend off like that.
  542. "I'm just kidding Dash, but you're right; there's no way I'm missing a huge party like that."
  543. >Rainbow Dash's face shines after hearing your words.
  544. >But then she looks uneasy.
  545. >"Dude, what if after all your efforts, you just can't make Sunset like you?"
  546. >You sigh.
  547. "I don't know, I guess I'd feel pretty bad."
  548. >Rainbow Dash clears her throat.
  549. >"Don't you have a, how can I say it...plan B?"
  550. "Plan B? What do you mean?"
  551. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and lets out a scoff.
  552. >"I mean that you should Invite any other girl to the Formal dummy!"
  553. >You scratch the back of your head.
  554. "Huh...I think that could work too. But I'd feel uncomfortable having Sunset Shimmer around."
  555. >Rainbow Dash smiles.
  556. >"Well; most of us don't have a date yet," Rainbow Dash shyly says, "Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy...myself."
  557. "I really find that hard to believe, I bet any guy at CHS would ask the five of you out in a heartbeat!"
  558. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  559. "That doesn't mean we won't have fun at the Formal Dashie."
  560. >She lets out a small smile.
  561. >"Yeah, I guess..." she says while rubbing her left shoulder with her right palm.
  562. >You glance at your watch.
  563. "Dashie, we better hurry up or we'll be late!"
  564. >Rainbow Dash raises her head all of a sudden after hearing your words.
  565. >She looked a bit sad a few moments ago.
  566. >You don't know why.
  567. >But you know what will cheer her up.
  568. >A friendly race.
  569. "I bet you can't keep up with me Dashie."
  570. >"A race? Dude, are you serious?"
  571. "1,2,3 GO!"
  572. >You start sprinting to High School.
  573. >Rainbow Dash wasn't expecting that for sure.
  574. "I'll see you in school Dashie."
  575. >She laughs and then begins to run.
  577. >3 minutes later.
  578. >You arrive to CHS.
  579. >Rainbow Dash passed you almost immediately.
  580. >You're pretty sure she hangs out with you just because she likes to win in any friendly competition.
  581. >You're heavily panting.
  582. >"There you are tortoise!" Dashie says, "I didn't even break a sweat!"
  584. "Wha...huff...I can't believe it!" You say exhausted, "do you have rockets stuffed in your backpack or what?"
  585. >"Nah, unlike you I got physical condition," she proudly says.
  586. >This girl.
  587. >"Don't worry dude, you're good, but I'm better!" She boasts.
  588. >You roll your eyes in a friendly manner.
  589. "You're modesty personified Rainbow," you say.
  590. >"Alright dude, I have to attend history class right now, I'll see you at lunch," Rainbow waves goodbye at you, and runs to her classroom.
  591. >You sigh.
  592. >Rainbow's plan B idea doesn't sound that bad.
  593. >Going to the Winter Formal with Pinkie...
  594. >It'd be fun, but the girl is a complete party animal.
  595. >She'll be your last option.
  596. >Fluttershy?
  597. >Oh God, you can see yourself in awkward situations already.
  598. >Nah, Pinkie first; then Fluttershy.
  599. >Rarity?
  600. >Way out of your league Anon.
  601. >What about Rainbow Dash?
  602. >...
  603. >You don't want your relationship to be awkward if you ask her out.
  604. >Besides, you already know how much she hates girly stuff like dresses. love songs and dancing to slow music.
  605. >You'll think about that later.
  606. >Applejack?
  607. >Why not? After yesterday's events, you doubt she'll refuse to accompany you.
  608. >Then it's settled, for now at least.
  609. >Plan A: Make Sunset Shimmer like you.
  610. >Plan B: Ask Applejack out.
  611. >Your French class is about to start, so you head to your classroom and start the day with the head high and into the future.
  613. >3 hours later.
  614. >Lunch Time.
  615. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  616. >And you're at the cafeteria, sitting with your five best friends.
  617. >"And I said: Darling? Are you wearing a hat or a trash bag?" Rarity says.
  618. >You, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie laugh.
  619. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack get easily bored when Rarity talks about fashion.
  620. >You're a bit distracted today.
  621. >"Sunset darling...Is everything alright?"
  622. "Yeah...I guess," you say without any emotions.
  623. >"Darling, something's wrong, go ahead, tell us what's wrong..."
  624. >You sigh.
  625. "It's about Anon..."
  628. >Rarity rolls her eyes and lets out a disgusted "ugh."
  629. >Rainbow Dash looks at Rarity with angry eyes.
  630. "It's just, I think I was too rude with him."
  631. >"I think you were clear enough darling, he was starting to get annoying."
  632. >Applejack looks at Rarity with angry eyes as well.
  633. "Yeah, but the way I said how I felt wasn't true at all...I don't hate HATE Anon, I just don't like him, and I don't find him attractive."
  634. >"Um...I think he's nice," Fluttershy adds.
  635. >"He's a little clumsy, and likes dark humour; I'll give you that," Pinkie Pie says, "but he's a good guy after all! He likes to buy treats for Dashie at Sugarcube Corner! Isn't that right Dashie?"
  636. >Rainbow Dash lets out an uncomfortable laugh, accompanied by a shy "yeah."
  637. >Applejack whistles and places her hand on your shoulder.
  638. >"To tell you the truth sugarcube, I think you were too rude towards him, and I think you should apologize."
  639. "Really?"
  640. >Applejack nods.
  641. >"Have you lost your mind Applejack? The way Sunset told Anon off was the only way to get rid of him completely, guys like him never catch a hint when a lady wishes to be alone," Rarity expresses her opinion.
  642. >"That's so stupid Rarity! Do you really think Anon is some sort of freak?" Rainbow Dash replies to Rarity, "well let me tell you something, he's not!"
  643. >"Umm...g-girls?" Fluttershy stops eating her salad and tries to stop the discussion.
  644. >"How could you possibly imply that Rainbow Dash? Anon isn't as...stable as Flash Sentry and his friends! He just sits there to eat his lunch by himself and just stares at his phone, who knows what he might be watching!"
  645. >Applejack sighs.
  646. >"What he does in his free time it's not our business!"
  647. >She tries to calm down and looks at you.
  648. >"Sugarcube, Anon never meant to creep you out. He probably doesn't know how to make a more formal approach towards you."
  649. >Applejack might be right.
  650. >"Rainbow here hangs out with Anon because they share plenty of interests, who knows...maybe he's into something you like too!"
  652. "I think I'll just apologize for now..."
  653. >You stand up and take your tray with you.
  654. >Your friends have different stances towards Anon.
  655. >They can think whatever they want.
  656. >But your opinion also matters.
  657. >What you did yesterday made you feel like the Sunset Shimmer you used to be.
  658. >Selfish, Stupid and Mean.
  659. >You didn't want to hurt Anon's feelings.
  660. >After you apologize, you'll let him know that you're willing to be his friend.
  661. >But that's it.
  662. >You find him enjoying a nice sandwich by himself.
  663. >Kind of sad really, he reminds you of how lonely you used to be when you were...a total different person.
  664. >He's probably surfing the web as well, it's the only thing he does besides hanging out with Rainbow Dash after school.
  665. >"Fucking banana's not that fucking funny," he mutters.
  666. >Wow...he needs to watch his language.
  667. >You're having second thoughts about this.
  668. >Maybe Rarity is right.
  669. >But if the rest of your friends think otherwise about him, then you should do the same.
  670. >He hasn't noticed you yet.
  671. >You clear your throat.
  672. >He raises his face and looks at you.
  673. >"Oh...h-hi Sunset!"
  674. >Oh boy, here we go.
  675. "Hi Anon! Mind if I sit here?"
  676. >"Sure wait no; I-I mean, not at all!"
  677. >You sit next to him just to avoid awkward eye contact.
  678. >Anon places his phone on the table, but he forgets to lock it.
  679. "That's a nice phone Anon..."
  680. >"T-thanks Sunset."
  681. >You see some offensive language in the webpage he was watching.
  682. "Uh Anon? What does YLYL mean?"
  683. >"Oh, it's nothing important, believe me."
  684. >He grabs his phone and places it in his pocket.
  685. >You're regretting this.
  686. >But you want your mind to be at peace.
  687. >Here goes nothing.
  688. "Um...Anon, look..."
  689. >He pays attention to your words.
  690. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened yesterday..."
  692. >"A-apologize?"
  693. >You nod.
  694. >"Aren't you mad anymore?"
  695. >You let out a sigh.
  696. "No, I'm not, I don't think you're a disgusting pervert Anon; I just felt...really uncomfortable when you asked me out of the blur."
  697. >"Oh...I'm sorry too Sunset, I just got too excited about the Winter Formal...and one thing lead to another."
  698. >You chuckle.
  699. "It's okay Anon, say; why don't we forget about what happened yesterday? And just pretend that nothing happened."
  700. >Anon smiles.
  701. >"What are you talking about Sunset?"
  702. "What do you mean? I said that-"
  703. >"What happened yesterday?"
  704. >Is he deaf?
  705. "I said that-"
  706. >"I remember that we barely talked yesterday, isn't that right?" He winks.
  707. >Oooohhh.
  708. >He's clever.
  709. "Right, nothing happened yesterday."
  710. >You grab your now empty tray and stand up.
  711. "I'm glad we discussed this hard feelings?"
  712. >"No hard feelings Sunset..."
  713. "Good, see you later Anon."
  714. >You walk back to your friends.
  715. >Today he wasn't too disgusting.
  716. >Rainbow Dash was right.
  717. >You just need to know him better.
  718. >You return to your seat with a smile on your face.
  720. >You're Anon again.
  721. >And it seems that the odds are in your favor.
  722. >There's a big chance that you can take Sunset Shimmer to the Fall Formal.
  723. >You look at the sexy way in which her hips sway.
  724. >Oh my goodness, her big rear is too hot.
  725. >You need to play your cards right.
  726. >She probably thinks you're still a pervert.
  727. >But you'll have to convince her that you're not!
  729. >Four hours later.
  730. >Classes come to an end at Canterlot High.
  731. >Rainbow Dash texted you to wait for her on the school's parking lot.
  732. >You gather your stuff from your locker first.
  733. >Today is Wednesday, and that means...
  735. >"Aww yeah dude! Movie day!"
  736. "Hell yeah Dashie!"
  737. >"I hope the movie theater is screening that scary movie I told you about!"
  738. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind paying today Dashie, I ran out of money paying for Applejack's lamp."
  739. >"It's no biggie dude, I got you covered."
  740. >You both arrive to the movie theater.
  742. >"Aww yeah, Bloodthirst! The trailer seemed pretty good."
  743. >You chuckle.
  744. "I hope you're right, as long as it doesn't have vampires or stupid shit like that I'm okay with it."
  745. >She lets out a cute giggle, then pays for the tickets.
  746. >"You don't get scared too easily right Anon? I don't want to escort you back home with your mommy."
  747. "Nah, I can handle it. Most of these movies are just jumpscares and gallons of blood leaking out of some poor fuck's body," you cross your arms, "those movies ruin the horror genre."
  748. >"What are you? Some kind of hipster?" Rainbow Dash mocks you.
  749. "Yeah yeah, well; if you don't get scared too easily Dashie, you better get used to seeing flying guts and shit like that."
  750. >You walk next to the snackbar.
  751. >"I'm sorry Anon, this time I can't afford buying popcorn; my dad got angry at me because I didn't clean my room."
  752. >You shrug it off.
  753. "No biggie Dashie, besides; I don't want you to lose your perfect figure, and don't worry about me, I won't starve."
  754. >She puts on a shit eating grin.
  755. >"I know my figure is perfect already, you don't need to compliment me...but thanks anyways," she proudly says.
  756. >You smile and roll your eyes playfully.
  757. >The two of you enter to the show room because the movie is going to start in no time.
  758. >Most teens from CHS tend to bring their girlfriends after school to watch a movie.
  759. >But this time, the show room is pretty empty.
  760. >"Oh boy, we're alone..."
  761. "You're not scared are you?" You mockingly say.
  762. >" Nah!"
  763. >You walk to your favorite seats, in the back of the show room.
  764. >She seems a bit nervous.
  765. "You okay Dashie?"
  766. >"Yeah...I'm fine!"
  767. "If you think the movie's too scary, just tell me and we'll get out of here..."
  768. >"What? No! I already wasted my money, we better make proper use of it!"
  769. "Suit yourself then; don't worry, if it gets too scary for you, I'm here next to you."
  770. >She smiles at you.
  771. >"Whatever...oh look, the movie's about to start!"
  772. "This is gonna be good."
  774. >40 minutes in.
  775. >You're both pretty scared.
  776. >This movie doesn't follow the usual formula, it builds up suspense pretty well.
  777. >You've never felt this scared for a long time while watching a horror movie.
  778. >The fact that you're both alone in the show room makes it even scarier.
  779. >"Aww don't look inside the sink...don't," Rainbow Dash whispers.
  780. >The protagonist does it anyways.
  781. "Whoa fuck!"
  782. >"EEEEEEK!"
  783. >Son of a bitch.
  784. >Dashie has strong lungs.
  785. >This movie is fucking nuts.
  786. >You'll browse /tv/ when you get home, hopefully there'll be a thread discussing this awesome movie.
  787. >And you'll Banepost too.
  788. >Rainbow Dash covers her eyes.
  789. >You smirk.
  790. >She's more scared than you.
  791. >Toughest girl in school? Yeah right.
  792. >You wonder if she will puss out before you do.
  793. >You just keep watching the movie and wait for it to end.
  794. >The plot is somewhat good.
  795. >You can feel Rainbow's hand on your forearm.
  796. "Is everything okay Dashie?"
  797. >"I...I'm f-fine."
  798. >You sigh.
  799. >Her hand feels good.
  800. >Wait a minute.
  801. >Eugh, her palm is sweaty.
  802. >You want to move her arm away, but she won't let you go.
  803. >You move the armrest away and Dashie quickly grabs you by your arm tightly.
  804. > were not expecting that.
  805. >You can hear her whimpers, and feel her hot breath all over your ear.
  806. >This feels...strange.
  807. >You couldn't care less for the movie now, you are just feeling the soft of your best friend's arms.
  808. >The movie is beginning to get a bit more disturbing now.
  809. >But if that makes Rainbow Dash jump out of her seat and sit on your lap, you're looking forward for more.
  810. >Rainbow Dash places her head on your shoulder.
  811. >Her hair feels nice.
  812. >You've always wondered if she dyes her hair or not.
  813. >"Don't look at the mirror dumbass..." she mutters.
  814. >Hell, who would've known that Rainbow Dash could be so cute?
  815. >You are starting to get less tense and more comfortable.
  816. >This feels like if you were protecting Rainbow Dash from the movie's demon.
  817. >Rainbow Dash opens her eyes slowly.
  818. >The demon appears.
  819. >"AAAAAH"
  821. >After several minutes of cruelty The movie comes to an end.
  822. >The show room's lights are turned on.
  823. "Well...that was different."
  824. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  825. >"I'm never watching another horror movie again..."
  826. "Dashie?"
  827. >"What is it Anon?"
  828. "Could you let go of my arm? I think my blood has stopped flowing through it."
  829. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  830. >"Oh damn...sorry."
  831. >You chuckle.
  832. "I thought you weren't scared by these movies Dashie...what happened?"
  833. >She crosses her arms.
  834. >"It was pretty scary, but nothing too strong."
  835. >You grin.
  836. "My right ear thinks otherwise, and it also thinks you have strong lungs."
  837. >She smirks and punches your arm playfully.
  838. >"You won't tell anyone how scared I was, right?" She shyly asks.
  839. "My lips are sealed!" You say.
  840. >"Pinkie promise?"
  841. >You sigh.
  842. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  843. >You both stand up.
  844. >"Good, I can trust you now Anon, we better get going."
  845. "Right behind you."
  846. >You both make your way out of the show room.
  847. >When you exit the movie theater Dash looks at the sun's position.
  848. >"Darn! It's getting late."
  849. "Late?'s a quarter past five," you say confused.
  850. >"Ehh, my dad sorta punished me yesterday."
  851. "Really Dash? What did you do this time?"
  852. >"Remember that I said I had to help him with some tasks?"
  853. >You nod.
  854. >"Well...I didn't help him, I just snuck out of my room and went clubbing with my friends."
  855. "You lazy lazy girl," you scold.
  856. >"H-hey! I'm not lazy!"
  857. "Relax," you chuckle, "I'm just pulling your leg."
  858. >Since she looks a bit tense you'll accompany her to her home.
  859. >Her old man can be sometimes too rough with her.
  860. >"I just hope he's not home yet..."
  861. "Don't worry Dash, if he is, I'll cover you."
  862. >"Thanks a lot man."
  864. >When you both arrive to Raibow Dash's house you see that no one's inside.
  865. >"Phew, my dad's not home!" Dash pumps her fist in the air.
  866. "See? Don't loose your cool Dashie," you say.
  867. >Dash pulls out a key from her backpack.
  868. "Well Dashie; I had fun today, I better get going."
  869. >"Wait! Don't leave!"
  871. >You turn yourself around.
  872. "What's wrong?"
  873. >She's acting a bit weird.
  874. >"It seems that my dad won't be here in plenty of time, I just-"
  875. "Let me guess, you don't want to be alone because the movie was too spooky for you..."
  876. >Rainbow's cheeks go as red as Applejack's apples, but she slowly nods.
  877. >You chuckle.
  878. "Sure Dashie, I hope you got something to eat."
  879. >Rainbow Dash's smile gets bigger and bigger each second.
  880. >"I have some leftover pizza, I hope you don't mind."
  881. >Your eyes go wide.
  882. "You know how much I love pizza Dashie."
  883. >She chuckles.
  884. >You get inside her house.
  885. >It's comfy as fuck.
  886. >She grabs the pizza from the fridge and reheats it.
  887. >You sit on a chair and pull your books from your backpack.
  888. >Dashie sits next to you and does the same.
  889. >"I hate homework so much..."
  890. "You can say that again."
  891. >"The pizza will be ready in no time dude, we should eat first."
  892. "Yeah, you're right."
  893. >"You don't mind staying with me until my dad arrives right?"
  894. "Not at all Dashie!"
  896. >After the two of you enjoy a couple of nice slices of reheated pizza, you start doing your homework.
  897. >And help out Dash with hers, because she sucks at math so much.
  898. >"I hate calculus so much!"
  899. "Relax, you can do this Dashie."
  900. >After several mistakes she finally gets the hang of it.
  901. "See, that wasn't so hard was it?"
  902. >"Yeah, I think I understand it better now...thanks for the help Nonny."
  903. >Wait a minute.
  904. "Did you just call me Nonny? Like Pinkie Pie does?"
  905. >Rainbow Dash's eyes go wide, and her cheeks acquire a nice shade of red.
  906. >"I-I didn't! You must be imagining things."
  907. >You put on a smug face.
  908. "My ears caught that; and let me say that when you pronounce the pet name Pinkie gave to me sounds ten times cuter..."
  909. >"I-I..."
  910. >Rainbow's embarassment is so delightful.
  911. >You stand up and glance at the clock in her kitchen.
  912. >7:30 P.M?
  913. >Crap, your parents will be mad at you if you aren't home before nine.
  914. >But you can't leave your friend behind, all alone and scared.
  915. >You'll stay with her more time.
  917. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  918. >And the fear the movie brought you is vanishing thanks to Anon's presence.
  919. >Having him around is the best thing you could ever ask for.
  920. >When you first met him, you knew he needed a friend ASAP.
  921. >And somehow, you had a hunch that you'd have a good time around him.
  922. >And you were right.
  923. >He's such a cool guy.
  924. >Your friends might have second thoughts about him, but he's your best male friend.
  925. >Before you met him, you thought guys were either sissies or big jerks.
  926. >And Anon proved you wrong.
  927. >He can handle your insults, and at the same time, upset you by being funny.
  929. >You sit on your living room's couch and turn the TV on.
  930. "Anon! Come over here! While we wait for my dad let's watch something together."
  931. >"Coming!"
  932. >Anon shoves all his books in his backpack and joins you.
  933. >"Aaahhh, your couch is so comfy Rainbow."
  934. "I know right? What do you want to watch?"
  935. >"I don't know, are you still scared?"
  936. >You punch his shoulder again.
  937. "Don't bother me like that Anon!"
  938. >"Alright alright," he laughs, "I think there's a soccer match right now on Channel 8."
  939. "Really? But you hate soccer!"
  940. >"Nah, I sort of like it."
  941. "Oh."
  942. >"I just hate losing against you;" he chuckles, "but I know how much you like watching and playing it; just change the Channel"
  943. >Anon...
  944. >You change the channel.
  945. >Dodge Junction's Coyotes vs. Vice City's Islanders.
  946. >He places his arm on the back of the couch.
  947. >You want him to hug you so bad.
  948. >Wait...what?
  949. >Are you falling for your best friend?!
  950. >You blush at the thought of him giving you your first kiss.
  951. >tfw 16-years-old kissless virgin.
  952. >No! That's messed up.
  953. >Anon's your best friend.
  954. >And he's in love with Sunset Shimmer.
  955. >...
  956. >You look at his face.
  957. >He's been always there for you.
  958. >You never realized it until now.
  959. >Anon...
  960. >You close your eyes and slowly place your head on his shoulder.
  962. >In that moment, a car parks in front of your house.
  963. >It's your dad!
  964. >"It seems that your dad's here; I better get going."
  965. >Goddamnit dad!
  968. "Wait Anon! Don't use the front door!"
  969. >"What? Why?"
  970. "Well, duh! I'm grounded remember?"
  971. >"Oh right; I forgot."
  972. "Follow me!"
  973. >You grab his hand and take him to your bedroom.
  974. >You open the door and shove him inside.
  975. >"Whoa, don't you ever clean your room Rainbow?"
  976. >You sigh.
  977. "Who do you think you are? My dad?"
  978. >"I'll use the emergency exit now Dashie, I'll see you at school tomorrow."
  979. >He opens your window and raises his long legs, preparing himself to get out of your room.
  980. "I had a great time today Anon."
  981. >"Me too Dash, me too!"
  982. >As he's about to leave, plenty of thoughts run through your mind.
  983. >Should you tell him your newfound feelings?
  984. >Here goes nothing.
  985. "Anon?"
  986. >He turns his head over his shoulder.
  987. >"Yeah?"
  988. "Uhh..."
  989. >He arches an eyebrow.
  990. >No, you can't do this, not right now.
  991. >If you confess, he'll be weirded out.
  992. >Besides, you don't know if he has changed his mind about Sunset Shimmer.
  993. >"...Rainbow?"
  994. "Have a good night Anon."
  995. >"Uhh, thanks? You too Dash."
  996. >He jumps out of your window and walks back home.
  997. >You let out a sigh.
  998. >"DASH! I'M HOME!" Your father yells from the kitchen.
  999. >You open your bedroom's door.
  1000. "I know dad!"
  1002. >Aw shit.
  1003. "I was hungry dad! I'm sorry!"
  1005. "Ugh...princess? Seriously dad?"
  1006. >You close your bedroom's door and look at your clock.
  1007. "Damn! Eight o'clock already?"
  1008. >You better prepare to go to sleep, so you begin taking your clothes off.
  1009. >This pink bra sure is annoying.
  1010. >Your pet tortoise slowly walks over to you.
  1011. >You pick Tank up.
  1012. "Hey Tank! How's my favorite tortoise?"
  1013. >The little guy rubs his head against your nose.
  1014. >D'aww.
  1015. >You hug your tortoise back.
  1016. "Do you think Anon likes me back Tank?"
  1017. >Tank doesn't respond of course.
  1018. >Thanks to Anon, you'll sleep well.
  1019. >That movie was pretty scary, but rather silly.
  1020. "We better go to sleep Tank, tomorrow will be a great day!"
  1022. >Thursday, 7:30 A.M.
  1023. >The alarm clock rings, waking you up.
  1024. "Ugh...goddamnit, mornin' Tank!"
  1025. >The tortoise's head comes out of its shell.
  1026. >You take off your t-shirt and your shorts and head to your bathroom.
  1027. >After flushing the toilet you take off your panties and turn the shower's water tap.
  1028. >You love to take a hot shower in the morning.
  1029. >Gotta keep your body clean after all, because you tend to sweat a lot after soccer practices.
  1030. >You apply shampoo and conditioner to your long hair.
  1031. >And scrub the rest of your body with a loofah.
  1032. >After you take a shower, you rinse your body with your bathrobe and head to your room to put on your clothes.
  1033. "Don't look Tank."
  1034. >The tortoise pulls its head back into the shell to let you put on your clothes in peace.
  1035. >Ten minutes later, you're ready to leave home.
  1036. >You grab a pop-tart from the kitchen's counter.
  1037. "Bye dad!"
  1038. >"Bye sweetie, have a good day at school," he says, fixing his tie before going to his job.
  1039. >You open a pop-tart and start eating it on the way to CHS.
  1040. >As usual, you find Anon walking in front of you, listening to his music.
  1041. >You catch up with him and tap his shoulder.
  1042. >"Huh? Oh, hi Dashie!"
  1043. "Hey egghead!"
  1044. >"My dad gave me an advance of my allowance, wanna go grab a bite at Sugarcube Corner with me after school?"
  1045. "I'd love to man, but I gotta practice with my band..."
  1046. >"Oh, okay then."
  1047. >You don't like to see him down like that.
  1048. "Would you like to see our practice? Maybe you can help us decide the lyrics we should use for the Winter Formal."
  1049. >"Sure, I'd like that, will Sunset be there?"
  1050. "...Yeah," you say.
  1051. >"Awesome, then I won't miss it!"
  1052. "Cool, we'll be in the music room, at 3:00 P.M."
  1053. >Anon looks rather happy today.
  1054. >But you don't know why you're starting to feel...sad.
  1055. >After Sunset Shimmer called him a disgusting pervert, he still likes her!
  1056. >How can he be so dumb?
  1057. >"I can't wait for you to hear you sing those cute things from Fluttershy's song."
  1058. >You blush.
  1059. "In your dreams maybe!"
  1061. >You both arrive to Canterlot High.
  1062. >Anon says his goodbyes to you and walks to his classroom.
  1063. >You let out a sigh and walk to Calculus class.
  1064. >You sit on your desk and wait for the teacher to arrive.
  1065. >"Um...Rainbow is everything okay?" Fluttershy asks.
  1066. "Why do you ask?"
  1067. >"You seem upset. Is everything okay?"
  1068. >You need to spit it out.
  1069. >"Fluttershy, can you keep a secret?"
  1070. >"O-of course Rainbow Dash, I'm your friend..."
  1071. >You let out a sigh.
  1072. "Come closer..."
  1073. >Fluttershy leans in so you can whisper to her ear.
  1074. "I think I have feelings for Anon."
  1075. >Fluttershy gasps.
  1076. >" lov-"
  1077. >You shush her up placing a finger on her lips.
  1078. " one needs to know!"
  1079. >You sigh.
  1080. >"Rainbow Dash? Are you sure?"
  1081. >You shyly nod.
  1082. >"Then I'm so happy for you! Do you want me to cheer for you?"
  1083. "It's not necessa-"
  1084. >"~yay!"
  1085. >You groan.
  1086. "The thing is," you whisper in her ear again, "I don't know if he likes me back."
  1087. >Fluttershy looks confused.
  1088. >"I think you two would make a cute couple, maybe he does loves you back."
  1089. "It's not very likely, he still likes Sunset Shimmer."
  1090. >"How can you be so sure?" She asks.
  1091. "I invited him to our practice today, and he asked if Sunset was going to be there," you say in a tone of defeat.
  1092. >Fluttershy places her hand on your shoulder.
  1093. >"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash," she says in a comforting tone, "but I think you shouldn't worry about Sunset Shimmer."
  1094. >You sigh.
  1095. "I know, I know...but at the same time I feel that if I'm totally honest with him, I'd lose his friendship."
  1096. >Fluttershy thinks about it.
  1097. >"Do you really think Anon wouldn't choose you?"
  1098. "I don't know!" You pull your hair in exasperation, "I don't know if I should risk losing him as a friend!"
  1099. >In that moment, the Calculus teacher enters the classroom.
  1100. >"We'll talk about that in lunch time."
  1101. "No! I don't want the others to find out, it'd be extremely embarrassing!"
  1102. >Fluttershy sighs.
  1103. >"We'll talk about that after school okay?" Fluttershy says with a smile.
  1105. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  1106. >And you're bored out of your mind in History class.
  1107. >"And for this project you'll work with a partner that I'll choose!" The teacher says.
  1108. >Darn it.
  1109. >"Let's see: Adagio Dazzle, you'll work with Featherweight."
  1110. >She looks upset.
  1111. >"Sonata Dusk, you'll be Flash Sentry's partner."
  1112. >Sonata pumps her fist in the air.
  1113. >You roll your eyes.
  1114. >"Sunset Shimmer, your partner will be Anon!"
  1115. >What?!
  1116. >No, this can't be!
  1117. >You look at Anon.
  1118. >He's totally speechless.
  1119. >What did you do to deserve this?
  1121. >Lunch time.
  1122. "And Anon's going to be my partner in history class...I can't believe it."
  1123. >Rainbow Dash's mouth is agape.
  1124. "You can't believe it either right Rainbow Dash?"
  1125. >"I-I..."
  1126. >You sigh.
  1127. "There are twenty students inscribed in that class, and my partner had to be Anon?"
  1128. >Applejack tries to comfort you.
  1129. >"I'm sure you'll be in for a surprise when you work with him Sunset, boy is he a good student!"
  1130. >Pinkie Pie agrees.
  1131. >"Yeah! I got an A+ when we used to be partners in physics lab; well...he did most of the job anyways."
  1132. >"I'm sure he'll just concentrate in the project Sunset, remember to be friendly towards him."
  1133. "I-I guess I could try, but at the same time I feel like he's going to do something stupid..."
  1134. >Rarity intervenes.
  1135. >"If he gets frisky darling, you should use this," she gives you a tin of pepper spray.
  1136. >Whoa.
  1137. >Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have been awfully quiet during lunch time.
  1138. "Are you girls okay?"
  1139. >"Yes, we're fine Sunset," Rainbow Dash says, "anyways; when's your project due?"
  1140. "We have plenty of time to work on it, the teacher will check it the day before the prom."
  1141. >Rainbow Dash gulps.
  1142. >Applejack chuckles.
  1143. >"Girls? So far...who has asked you out?" Rarity asks, "I already have a daaaate~," she sings.
  1144. >"Me-me-me-me-me!," Pinkie Pie excitedly says, "it's Cheese Sandwich! We're going to have so much fun!"
  1145. >You smirk.
  1146. >They sure look happy.
  1147. >Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash remain silent.
  1150. >"How about you Sunset? Has someone invited you yet? Well, aside from Anon of course," Rarity asks.
  1151. "Eh, not really; I think I'll stay in my apartment this Formal, I don't want to turn into a demon and ruin everything...again."
  1152. >Your friends gasp.
  1153. >"Come on Sunset darling; you're overreacting," Rarity pats your shoulder, "just because Anon was the only one to ask you out doesn't mean that you can't come to the party."
  1154. >You lift your face and smile at Rarity.
  1155. >"Besides, that...ehem, incident happened more than a year ago, I'm sure everyone forgave you already."
  1156. >You slowly nod.
  1157. "Yeah, I guess you're right," you let out a little sigh.
  1158. >"Sunset, if you reject Anon; can I keep him?" Applejack says, "if he wants to come to the party I'll gladly accept him as my date!"
  1159. >Rainbow Dash looks at Applejack with annoyed looking eyes.
  1160. "It's okay Applejack, do as you wish...for now I'll have to endure these two weeks making that history project with him."
  1161. >Pinkie Pie grunts.
  1162. >"I think you're being too rude towards Anon Shimmy...come on, look at him!"
  1163. >The six of you look at the bench where Anon and his friends usually eat lunch.
  1164. >He's telling jokes out loud to his three friends; laughing at his jokes.
  1165. >"What's the difference between an onion and a hooker?" Anon says.
  1166. >"I don't know?" Featherweight says.
  1167. >"I don't cry when I'm cutting up the hooker."
  1168. >The four of them laugh.
  1169. >"...On second thought Sunset, you probably should come to the party alone," Pinkie says.
  1170. >Rainbow Dash giggles.
  1171. >"Come on Pinks, it was somewhat funny," she says.
  1172. >The five of you stare at Dash.
  1173. >"...What?"
  1174. >You sigh.
  1175. >"So girls, are we gonna practice after school?" Dash asks, "I want my...I mean, OUR band to sound awesome!"
  1176. >"You bet!" Applejack says.
  1177. >"Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash touches her friend's shoulder "we'll sing your song this time."
  1178. >Fluttershy's face expresses pure joy.
  1179. >"Really Rainbow Dash?"
  1180. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  1181. >"Oh, thank you thank you!"
  1183. >The school hours come to an end.
  1184. "Sweet sweet freedom!"
  1185. >You're Anon again.
  1186. >You're placing some of your books in your locker.
  1187. >Today was a good day.
  1188. >You'll get to spend some time with Sunset thanks to the history teacher.
  1189. >That way Sunset Shimmer will see that you're worth her time.
  1190. >You close your locker and see a familiar figure with the corner of your eye.
  1191. >"Hi dude!"
  1192. "Oh, hi Dash!"
  1193. >"Ready to watch us practice?"
  1194. "You bet," you say with a smile on your face, "I hope you're ready to sing Fluttershy's song."
  1195. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1196. >"Well, I'm kinda looking forward to it too, I hope you like it," she says while trying to hide a smile between her cheeks.
  1197. "L-looking forward? Are you alright Dash?"
  1198. >You touch her forehead with your right palm.
  1199. >"W-what the hell are you doing Anon?!"
  1200. "I'm checking your temperature, you probably have a fever!"
  1201. >She takes your hand off her forehead.
  1202. >"I'm not kidding dude, just come with me and enjoy yourself."
  1203. >She's been acting weird since you watched that movie with her.
  1204. >You shrug it off and follow her.
  1206. >"We're here girls!" Rainbow Dash announces.
  1207. >"Howdy Anon!" Applejack greets you.
  1208. >"NONNY! You came to watch us practice!" She runs and gives you a bear hug.
  1209. "Oww...h-hi Pinkie, I...can't b-breathe."
  1210. >She releases you.
  1211. "Phew, you got strong arms Pinkie...remind me to never piss you off."
  1212. >Pinkie giggles.
  1213. >Sunset Shimmer rolls her eyes and keeps fiddling with her guitar.
  1214. >Rarity does the same with her keytar.
  1215. "Hi Sunset! Hi Rarity!"
  1216. >"Oh, hello Anonymous," Rarity coldly replies.
  1217. >You take a seat and cross your arms.
  1218. >"We'll sing one of our older songs first Anon, just as a warm up," Rainbow Dash clarifies.
  1219. >"Alright girls, let's get this started" Pinkie says, "...1,2,3!"
  1220. "Woo! Go girls!"
  1221. >The song ends.
  1222. >"What do you think Nonny?" Pinkie asks.
  1223. >That was terrible.
  1224. "That was amazing girls!"
  1225. >Rainbow Dash smiles.
  1226. >"Hey Anon, do you play an instrument by any chance?" Applejack asks.
  1228. "I used to play some instruments back in middle school, I wish I could remember how to play them now though, my dad doesn't want me to waste my time with things that aren't related to math or science, although I like photography a lot. It's one of my hobbies," you reply.
  1229. >Rarity perks up hear ears.
  1230. >"Oh, that's pretty interesting Anonymous, what things do you like to photograph?"
  1231. "Landscapes and black and white portraits; I have a gallery of photos saved in my computer."
  1232. >The five of them look at each other and give nods of approval after knowing your hobby, except Rainbow Dash; because she knows all of your hobbies already.
  1233. >Apparently, girls dig guys who enjoy hobbies that aren't listening to music and playing videogames.
  1234. >"Black and white portraits? That sounds really...artistic darling," Rarity compliments.
  1235. >Rarity called you darling?
  1236. >It'd be the first time she does that, she must be really impressed.
  1237. "Thanks Rarity and yeah, I made several portraits of Dashie, she looks b-"
  1238. >"Awesome!" Dash interrupts trying to hide her rosy cheeks, "yep...just awesome."
  1239. >You were about to say bretty gud, but it's okay.
  1240. >"Real interesting darling...I'd like to see some of your artwork one day."
  1241. >"Um...girls? Anon?" Fluttershy calls out for attention.
  1242. "Yeah Fluttershy?"
  1243. >"We need to keep practicing, could we sing my song next?"
  1244. >Applejack gags.
  1245. >"Sure Fluttershy," Rainbow says before drinking some water, "Ready girls?"
  1246. >Pinkie hits her drumsticks, "1, 2-"
  1247. >In that moment, the music room's door opens, and someone you don't talk too much with enters.
  1248. >"Hey girls!" He says.
  1249. >Rainbow Dash's friends greet Flash Sentry.
  1250. >"I was just passing by; and I heard some music playing...he he, I'm assuming you are practicing for the Winter Formal, right?"
  1251. >"Yeah we are!" Pinkie replies.
  1252. >"Oh, g-good...I was just going to ask...if you could, I don't know...write to a friend and invite her to come to CHS?"
  1253. >The girls look at Sunset Shimmer.
  1254. >"I'll see what I can do Flash," she says.
  1257. >"Cool, thank you Sunset; I'll see you later then! Ha ha."
  1258. >Flash looks a bit nervous. Is he alright?
  1259. >He never drops spaghetti out of his pockets.
  1260. >That's usually your job.
  1261. >"Oh hey Anon! I didn't notice you earlier."
  1262. "Eh, don't worry about it Flash."
  1263. >He exits the music room and closes the door.
  1264. >"Umm...could we keep practicing?"
  1265. >You nod.
  1266. "Go ahead girls, you're doing great!"
  1267. >Fluttershy smiles.
  1268. >"Thank you Anon, at least you're the only one here looking forward to hear my song..." Fluttershy shyly says, looking somewhat grateful.
  1269. >You chuckle.
  1270. >Pinkie raises her drumsticks again and begins to count
  1271. >"1,2,3-"
  1272. >It's not that bad actually.
  1273. >Rainbow Dash keeps looking at you and smiling.
  1274. >She cute.
  1275. >Her usual voice cracks completely vanish this time.
  1276. >Her beautiful rainbow hair flows to the rhythm.
  1277. >Whoa...
  1278. >The lyrics aren't too cheesy when Rainbow sings.
  1279. >She sounds cute actually.
  1280. >Your heart is starting to beat faster.
  1281. >What the hell is going on?
  1282. >Why do you find your best friend so...pretty?
  1283. >It sounds like she were singing for you with all her heart.
  1284. >B-but she's your best friend!
  1285. >She's almost your brother!
  1286. >What's happening to her?
  1287. >She hates stuff like this!
  1288. >The song ends.
  1289. >"What do you think Nonny?" Pinkie asks.
  1290. "..."
  1291. >"Umm...did you like it?" Fluttershy blushes.
  1292. "That was...amazing!"
  1293. >Applejack and Sunset Shimmer look confused.
  1294. >Fluttershy jumps in excitement.
  1295. >"Thank you Anon, I'm glad you liked it!" She walks up to you and gives you a hug.
  1296. "I think you did a good job with the lyrics Flutters, I'm sure our classmates will love your song."
  1297. >She lets out a cute squeal.
  1299. >The session ends.
  1300. >"See ya tomorrow girls!" Rainbow Dash says her goodbyes to her friends.
  1301. >"Bye darling, and bye Anon~" Rarity waves in a peculiar form.
  1302. >"Bye Dashie, bye Nonny!" Pinkie Pie says.
  1303. >You walk with Rainbow Dash back home.
  1304. >It's snowing today.
  1305. >She's been awfully quiet
  1306. >"So...Anon?"
  1307. "Hm?"
  1308. >"Did you like my performance?"
  1310. "Of course I did Dashie, your voice was pretty cute."
  1311. >You're expecting her to punch your shoulder, but instead of doing that, she just thanks you.
  1312. >"I knew you'd like it."
  1313. >You both let out an awkward chuckle.
  1314. >She seems a bit happy.
  1315. >The way back home is never boring when you walk next to Rainbow Dash.
  1316. >And that's the way you like it!
  1317. >You look at her, minding her own business.
  1318. >You know she tries to act tough all the time, but you know that deep inside her there's a true girl wanting to be loved.
  1319. >Sunset Shimmer is okay, but...what if you and Rainbow Dash are meant to be together?
  1320. >It'd be totally awesome.
  1321. >Finally, you arrive to Rainbow Dash's house.
  1322. >"My dad's not home...again," she lets out a sigh.
  1323. "That sucks, his job must be pretty exhausting."
  1324. >She nods.
  1325. >"Yeah, you want to hang out?"
  1326. >You smirk.
  1327. "Are you still scared of that demon Dashie?"
  1328. >She's upset now.
  1329. >"Oh no you won't make fun of me this time!"
  1330. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Break my arms?" You mockingly say.
  1331. >"Don't tempt me!"
  1332. >You shut up.
  1333. >"He he, who's scared now huh?"
  1334. >You both laugh.
  1335. "Alright alright, you win; I'll stay..."
  1336. >You both enter to her house.
  1337. >The place looks fine so far.
  1338. >"Damn it..."
  1339. "What's wrong?"
  1340. >"My dad left a note on the fridge."
  1341. "What does it say?"
  1342. >"He wants to see my room clean before he gets here! And if I don't clean it I'll be in plenty of trouble."
  1343. >She looks at you and gives you puppy eyes.
  1344. >You sigh.
  1345. "I guess you want me to help-"
  1346. >She nods.
  1347. >"You don't actually want me grounded, right dude?"
  1348. >You roll your eyes.
  1349. "Alright alright..."
  1351. >3 minutes later.
  1352. "Oh my goodness Dash, can't you pick up your stuff?!"
  1353. >"I get lazy...and bored."
  1354. >You bend over and help her pick up some notebooks and other belongings.
  1355. >She does the same, but she decides to feeds her tortoise first.
  1356. >"Hi Tank! Did you miss me?"
  1357. >She picks Tank up and rubs her nose against his head.
  1358. >You chuckle.
  1359. "That's cute..."
  1360. >She blushes again.
  1361. >"You didn't see anything...right?"
  1363. "Nope, nothing."
  1364. >"Good!"
  1365. >You don't want Rainbow Dash to kick your ass.
  1366. >Although she wouldn't do such things to her best friend...right?
  1367. >You keep picking up clothes that were lying on the floor.
  1368. >Socks, more socks, a couple of t-shirts and jeans.
  1369. >But something catches your attention.
  1370. >A nice pair of pink panties.
  1371. >You didn't know that Rainbow Dash could wear those.
  1372. >You look at her hips, and then at her panties again.
  1373. >And now you're imagining your best friend wearing those panties.
  1374. >You should stop looking at Rainbow's hips, because you're getting a raging semi.
  1375. >You'll just kick the panties away, so Rainbow Dash can pick them up instead.
  1376. >She's still playing with her tortoise.
  1377. "Dash? Mind giving me a hand?"
  1378. >She turns her head over her shoulder.
  1379. >"In a minute dude."
  1380. >You place her clothes in an empty basket and pull the bed's blanket and sheets.
  1381. >She doesn't even make her bed.
  1382. >You decide to rest a little and let your body fall on her bed.
  1383. "Damn it Dashie! You have a comfy bed!"
  1384. >Rainbow Dash places Tank in his table stand and sits on her bed, next to your feet.
  1385. >"Wow? Getting tired already?"
  1386. "Nah, I just want you to start working...besides," you point at her panties with your index finger, "I ain't picking those up."
  1387. >Rainbow Dash blushes and immediately picks them up.
  1388. "I didn't know you wore that kind of underwear Dashie...that's sexy."
  1389. >"Shut up!" She yells embarrassed.
  1390. >You laugh.
  1391. "That's what you get for making me pick up your clothes," you mock, "next time just listen to your dad and clean your room."
  1392. >"Perv..."
  1394. >30 minutes later, her room is as clean as yours.
  1395. >"Whoa, we actually pulled that off, thanks a lot dude."
  1396. "It's nothing Dashie...say, why don't we watch TV for a moment? I don't want to do my homework right now."
  1397. >She nods.
  1398. >"Alright, we totally deserve a break!"
  1400. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  1401. >And you're watching an action movie with Anon.
  1402. >He looks entertained so far.
  1403. >But you aren't paying attention to the movie at all.
  1404. >Your mind is filled with cheesy thoughts of your best friend.
  1405. >Your heart is beating fast.
  1406. >Should you make a move on him?
  1407. >He's your best friend and all, but you don't want to interfere with his new opportunity to ask Sunset Shimmer out.
  1408. >You want the best for him.
  1409. >After all, he's looked after you ever since the first day you met him.
  1410. >When you got sick three months ago and you couldn't go to school, he brought your homework and passed you his notes.
  1411. >He buys you lunch when you run out of money.
  1412. >And of course, all those little gifts he tends to give you.
  1413. >Now that you think of it...
  1414. >You didn't thank him for all the cute little things he has done for you.
  1415. >That's why he probably likes Sunset Shimmer so much.
  1416. >She's always thankful, cheery, and never says bad words.
  1417. >But you...
  1418. >You tend to burp when Anon's around, you make fun of him when he loses against you playing soccer; and you have told him that you hate it when he treats you like a lady.
  1419. >No wonder why he doesn't feel attracted to you.
  1420. >Maybe he thinks you're just like a guy.
  1421. >How are you supposed to make him fall in love with you when you're the total opposite of Sunset Shimmer or Rarity?
  1422. >That's it!
  1423. >You can ask Rarity for help!
  1424. >She can teach you how to seduce Anon.
  1425. >She doesn't have to know that you're falling for Anon though, because she probably won't help you if that's the case.
  1427. >You're now Anon.
  1428. >And you are watching a lame action movie with RD.
  1429. >You aren't even paying attention.
  1430. >Right now, your mind is full of the Rainbow haired girl.
  1431. >She's the coolest person you know.
  1432. >And she'd probably hate you if you tell her your newfound feelings towards her.
  1433. >How can you know if a girl like her wants a boyfriend?
  1434. >She knows you, and you know her as well.
  1435. >You're scared of ruining your friendship with her.
  1436. >("You? Hell no! I'm sorry.")
  1438. >Nah, you don't want to risk and lose.
  1439. >So you'll mantain the status quo with your friend.
  1440. >Because you like her that way.
  1441. >The movie ends.
  1442. "Well, that was lame, what do you think of it Dashie?"
  1443. >Rainbow Dash shrugs.
  1444. >"Eh, I've seen worse movies, this one was average."
  1445. >You agree with her.
  1446. "Say Dashie, are you still grounded?"
  1447. >"Yeah, why?"
  1448. "I'm just wondering how you get grounded so often, I mean; you're acting like nothing's happening."
  1449. >She smirks.
  1450. >"My dad works two jobs you know; that's why I don't see him too often."
  1451. >You arch an eyebrow.
  1452. "Wait a minute, what's his stance on your friends visiting you?"
  1453. >"He doesn't let me bring my friends to the house."
  1454. >You chuckle.
  1455. "It seems that the poor man can't keep an eye on you."
  1456. >Rainbow Dash places her feet on the coffee table.
  1457. >"I love my dad, but I'm sixteen years old, he can't boss me around like that."
  1458. >You look at the kitchen's clock.
  1459. >4:12 P.M.
  1460. >"Say Anon, can you help me out with my homework? I think that teacher Crazy Doodle hates me."
  1461. "Crazy Doodle? That guy's a complete ass! Sure Dashie, I'll help you out."
  1462. >Rainbow Dash pumps her fist in the air.
  1463. >You love when she does that.
  1465. >Two hours later.
  1466. >You both finish doing your schoolwork.
  1467. >"Phew...Done! Thanks for your help dude..."
  1468. "No problem Dashie," you say as you stuff your books in your backpack.
  1469. >"My dad will be here in no time Anon, I don't think you want to stick around when he arrives..."
  1470. "It's okay Rainbow," you chuckle, "at least this time I won't need to use the emergency exit."
  1471. >She lets out a cute giggle.
  1472. >You walk up to the door and open it.
  1473. "I'll see you tomorrow Dashie, take care."
  1474. >Rainbow Dash smiles at you.
  1475. >"See ya dude."
  1476. >She closes the door.
  1478. >You let out a content sigh.
  1479. "Someday Dashie...someday"
  1480. >You walk back home imagining things.
  1481. >["Of course I want to be your girlfriend dude! I thought you'd never ask you dummy!"]
  1482. >That'd be the best scenario.
  1483. >Only time can tell.
  1486. >Friday. 9:02 A.M.
  1487. >"Aww yeah! TGIF!" Rainbow Dash says.
  1488. >Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack attend Philosophy class with you.
  1489. >The teacher hasn't arrived yet.
  1490. >She probably is having a smoke before class.
  1491. >"Yeah! What should we do this time girls? We could go eat outside!" Pinkie Pie proposes.
  1492. >"I think we should go bowling this time sugarcube!"
  1493. >"Bowling? Hell no!" Rainbow Dash replies.
  1494. >"Ahttp://www..." Pinkie Pie says, "Hey! I know, we should watch a movie at the cinema instead!"
  1495. >Rainbow Dash nods, "Sound like a plan! Which movie should we watch?"
  1496. >"Bloodthirst!" Pinkie Pie replies, "the critics say it's a good movie!"
  1497. >"B-bloodthirst?" Rainbow Dash nervously says.
  1498. >Applejack smirks.
  1499. >"What's the matter sugarcube? Scared?"
  1500. >Pinkie Pie giggles.
  1501. >"What are you; a chicken? Rainbow Dash is scared, Rainbow Dash is scared!"
  1502. >"S-shut up Pinkie! I'm not scared..."
  1503. "The demon wasn't real; it was just the protagonist's imagination...she was the one that killed the parents and her baby brother instead."
  1504. >Pinkie Pie's jaw drops.
  1506. >Applejack rolls her eyes.
  1507. >"Geez, thanks a lot Anon, you ruined our movie night!"
  1508. "Pssh, it's not like Fluttershy would've joined you anyways..."
  1509. >Rainbow Dash lets out a relieved sigh.
  1510. >"Yeah, you're right sugarcube," Applejack says, "I think we should go clubbin'..."
  1511. "There are no clubs that play country music in Canterlot Applejack."
  1512. >Applejack hits you with her hat.
  1513. "Ow! What did I say?"
  1514. >"If you don't want to come then don't come sugarcube!"
  1515. >"He was just kidding, right Nonny?" Pinkie asks.
  1516. >No.
  1517. "Yeah, jeez Applejack, chill!"
  1518. >She crosses her arms.
  1519. >"Then it's settled, we're going clubbing!" Pinkie Pie says.
  1520. >"Text the others Applejack!" Dash says.
  1521. >"I'm on it!"
  1522. >"Maybe we should bring some muscle with us if there's a guy that wants to mess with Big Mac!" Pinkie says.
  1523. >"Psh, we already have Anon!" Dashie says.
  1524. >AJ and Pinkie Pie laugh.
  1527. "What's so funny girls?"
  1528. >"No offense sugarcube, but yer' not exactly...strong, you know what I mean?" Applejack says.
  1529. >You squint.
  1530. >"Hey, leave Anon alone," Dash says, "besides; the bouncers can take care of pervs real quick."
  1531. >You nod.
  1532. >"Remember Pinkie, the clubs we go to are teen friendly," Dash says.
  1533. >Pinkie nods.
  1534. >"I bet we'll find plenty of our classmates there tonight," Applejack says.
  1535. >"Let me check MyStable," Pinkie Pie says, "yup...Trixie's going there tonight; Adagio too, Aria, Sonata, Norman, Lance, Mist-"
  1536. >"We get it sugarcube..." Applejack shuts Pinke up.
  1537. >"Say Nonny, don't you have a MyStable account?"
  1538. "Yeah, but I don't like to use it, you know, privacy and stuff."
  1539. >"Don't be so square Nonny. MyStable is totally harmless."
  1540. >[Richard Stallman Intensifies]
  1541. >The teacher enters the classroom.
  1542. >Her eyes are red as fuck.
  1543. >You sigh.
  1544. >"Mornin' class...I hope you've been studying; because we'll have a pop quiz today!"
  1545. >Here we go.
  1546. >"Fuck..." Dash mutters.
  1547. >Applejack covers her eyes with her hat.
  1548. >Pinkie Pie is about to freak out.
  1549. >Too bad.
  1550. >This class is easy as fuck.
  1552. >Lunch time.
  1553. >"Are you okay girls?" Sunset Shimmer asks.
  1554. >Dash, Pinkie and Applejack look sad.
  1555. >"Nope," Applejack replies, "we weren't prepared for a philosophy pop quiz. We're goin' to fail."
  1556. >"Oh, that's awful, who's your teacher again?"
  1557. >"Can we change the subject please?" Rainbow Dash suggests, "today's freaking Friday!"
  1558. >"Oh yes, I received Applejack's text darling, and yes; we totally should go clubbing!" Rarity excitedly says.
  1559. >"I um, would like to go too..." Fluttershy says.
  1560. >Sunset Shimmer nods.
  1561. >"Count me in gals! Where should we meet up?" Shimmer asks.
  1562. >"Oh don't worry about that, Anon is going to pick us up!" Dash says.
  1563. >"How?"
  1564. >"He texted his dad asking him to let him borrow his SUV, and he said yes; he'll pick us up at Rarity's place," Rainbow Dash says.
  1565. >"Anon can drive?" Rarity asks.
  1566. >"Duh! If you girls weren't so mean with him then you'd get to know him like I do!"
  1568. >You're now Anon.
  1569. >Classes come to an end at CHS.
  1570. >You're kind of nervous about tonight's plans.
  1571. >You didn't know there were clubs that allowed teens in here.
  1572. >Back in your hometown, going to places like those were dangerous even for most adults.
  1573. >But you're starting to be more social thanks to Rainbow Dash and her friends.
  1574. >Your dad is on a business trip and he lent you his beloved Tahoe.
  1575. >When he asked you why you needed to borrow it, he felt proud that you're willing to try new stuff with your new friends.
  1576. >Back in your hometown, you didn't have much friends, because you spent too much time surfing the web and studying.
  1577. >Somehow, you sort of felt that he was ashamed of you.
  1578. >He had many friends when he was young after all.
  1579. >But fortunately, things are changing for better...or worse.
  1580. >You only hope the music's not that loud.
  1581. >Rainbow Dash said that she was going to spend some quality time with her friends first, so you'll be on your own until 8 P.M.
  1582. >You let out a sigh.
  1583. >Maybe you should call it off and not go.
  1584. >But you don't want to disappoint your friends.
  1585. >It's time to be a man and just have fun.
  1586. >Besides, what else can you do on a Friday's night?
  1587. >Stay at home and stare at your computer's screen?
  1588. >You walk back home and try to mentalize that you'll have fun there.
  1590. >7:30 P.M.
  1591. >You're ready.
  1592. >After being called a faggot in /fa/ and /soc/, you searched in your closet and found pretty nice clothes that your dad bought for you in one of his business trips.
  1593. >You're sure that your friends wont feel embarrassed with your clothing.
  1594. >You receive a new text message from Rainbow Dash.
  1595. >She says that they're almost ready, that you should pick them up soon.
  1596. >Since she already gave you Rarity's address, you'll just drive there and feign that you've already done this before.
  1597. >Besides, if you want to impress Sunset Shimmer you'll have to step up your game tonight.
  1598. >You grab the Tahoe's keys and drive to Rarity's place.
  1600. >"Alright, he'll be here any minute girls, are you ready?" Rainbow Dash places her smartphone in her pocket.
  1601. >"I'm almost ready darling, my hair doesn't want to behave tonight!" Rarity whines.
  1602. >You sigh.
  1603. >"We'll have so much fun! Dashie, since you hang out with Anon so much; do you think he knows how to dance?" Pinkie asks.
  1604. >"He doesn't, I was a bit surprised when I heard him saying that he wanted to come with us..."
  1605. >Sunset Shimmer arches an eyebrow.
  1606. >"What does he usually do on Friday nights?"
  1607. >Rainbow Dash stutters.
  1608. >"Aside from playing videogames?"
  1609. >Rarity rolls her eyes.
  1610. >"Look girls, I'm starting to get tired of your attitude towards him, he may not be like Flash Sentry, Axel, or Nolan; but I don't care...believe me, he really is a nice guy!"
  1612. >You arrive to Rarity's house.
  1613. >You knock on the door.
  1614. >Sweetie Belle opens it.
  1615. >"ANON! Hi! What are you doing here?"
  1616. "Hi Sweetie! I'm here to pick up your sister and her friends, are they ready?"
  1617. >"I think they are, come in and stay in the living room!"
  1618. >You enter Rarity's house.
  1619. "Thanks Sweetie Belle, I'll wait for them here..."
  1620. >"Okay Anon, I'll go check on my sister."
  1621. >You sit on a chair and take out your smartphone.
  1622. >You hear footsteps going downstairs.
  1623. >Finally.
  1624. >"Anon?"
  1625. >It's just Rainbow Dash.
  1626. "Oh hey Das-"
  1627. >She looks stunning.
  1628. "Whoa...Dashie! You look stunning."
  1629. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1630. >"I-er...thanks dude, you look nice too."
  1631. "So, I guess your dad didn't ground you today huh?"
  1632. >She chuckles.
  1633. >"Nah, since he saw that my room was already clean when he arrived, I got out of trouble, thanks again for your help man..."
  1634. >The rest of the girls come downstairs.
  1635. >Rarity's wearing an outfit that is too revealing for your taste.
  1636. >She doesn't like you that much, so she might act a bit touchy towards you.
  1637. "Hi girls!"
  1638. >"Howdy Anon!"
  1639. >"Hi Nonny!"
  1640. >"Umm...H-hi Anon, y-you look great!"
  1641. >"Hello Anonymous, shall we get going?" Rarity asks.
  1642. "Sure girls, hop in!"
  1643. >"Bye girls! Take care!" Sweetie Belle says.
  1645. >"Whoa nelly, nice ride Anon!" Applejack says.
  1646. "Thanks AJ."
  1647. >"I call dibs on the front seat!" Pinkie Pie says.
  1648. >"No Pinkie! Anon reserved that seat for her best friend, isn't that right dude?" Rainbow Dash asks with a smirk on her face.
  1649. >You chuckle.
  1650. "There's no need to fight about a seat girls, just play rock, paper, scissors."
  1651. >"Aww what? Dude!"
  1652. >"Easy there Dashie, Anon's right! It'll be fun!"
  1653. >Dash groans.
  1654. >You open the doors for the rest of your friends and help them get inside.
  1655. >"Heh! Better luck next time Pinkie!"
  1656. >You knew Dash was going to win anyways.
  1657. >After all of Dash's friends are inside, you get inside the SUV and start the engine.
  1658. >They engage in small chit chat while you drive, but Dash remains silent.
  1659. >You shrug it off and keep your eyes on the road.
  1660. >Remember, you are responsible of 6 lives, you can't get distracted at all.
  1661. >Minutes later, you arrive to a very decent looking club.
  1662. >You love Canterlot, it's way better than that shithole you and your family used to live in.
  1663. >No muggers, no junkies, etc.
  1664. >You're sure you'll be fine.
  1665. >After all, this is the girls' favorite club.
  1666. >They can't be wrong.
  1668. >After you park your dad's vehicle; the bouncer greets the girls.
  1669. >"Hi girls!"
  1670. >"Hi Quartz!" The six of them reply to the bouncer almost at the same time.
  1671. >He lets them in.
  1672. >As you're about to pass, the bouncer stops you.
  1673. >"Hey, where do you think you're going?"
  1674. "I..."
  1675. >Rainbow Dash opens the club's door.
  1676. >"-I almost forgot. Quartz, this is Anon; he's with us!"
  1677. >He looks at you.
  1678. >"Hmm, alright. Have fun Anon."
  1679. >That was scary.
  1680. >The guy was ripped.
  1681. >"You okay man?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  1682. "Yeah, I'm fine Dash."
  1683. >"You don't have to do this you know..."
  1684. >Your friend is so comprehensive.
  1685. "Nah, it's okay Dash, you know that I'm keen onto trying new things."
  1686. >Rainbow Dash smiles.
  1687. >"Good! Just relax and have fun," she says before going to the dance floor by herself.
  1688. >You sigh.
  1689. >A quick look at the club reveals that there are plenty of people from CHS.
  1691. >There's Trixie and some of her friends.
  1692. >They look kinda hot.
  1693. >Snips and Snails? What are they doing here?
  1694. >Fucking faggots.
  1695. >The Dazzlings are here as well.
  1696. >Oh look, Flash and his gang are here too. Maybe they're trying to score.
  1697. >You feel so out of place.
  1698. >At least the music is nice.
  1699. >You better stay back and quickly learn how to dance if you don't want to embarrass Rainbow Dash and her friends.
  1700. >Fluttershy stands next to you.
  1701. >"H-hi's it going?"
  1702. "Oh hey Flutters. I'm fine, just getting used to this...that's all."
  1703. >"Oh, that's great. I was surprised that you wanted to come with us tonight."
  1704. >You chuckle.
  1705. "I'm surprised as well, I thought you hated this kind of stuff."
  1706. >She lets out a sigh.
  1707. >"You're right Anon, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable right now..."
  1708. "Oh haha, really?"
  1709. >She shyly nods.
  1710. >"I like to sing in the karaoke room though. But it's occupied right now."
  1711. "Well, since the girls are too busy dancing, why don't you stick with me? We can act awkward together," you jokingly say.
  1712. >Fluttershy lets out a giggle.
  1713. >"Okay Anon..."
  1714. "By the way Flutters, you look pretty tonight."
  1715. >She blushes.
  1716. >"T-thank you Anon, I think the same about you."
  1717. "Thanks Shy! Say, why don't we take a seat? Let me buy you a drink."
  1718. >She nods.
  1719. >It's what /adv/ suggested.
  1720. >This club only serves non-alcoholic beverages.
  1721. >Of's a teen exclusive club, and law's the law.
  1722. >So you order a couple of ciders for you and Fluttershy.
  1723. >Rainbow Dash and friends are dancing to the rhythm of the music.
  1724. >They're dancing pretty well.
  1725. >Goodness, Rarity looks so hot in that outfit.
  1726. >"Anon?"
  1727. "Yes Flutters?"
  1728. >"Do you have a date for the Winter Formal yet?"
  1729. >tfw no date.
  1730. "Uh, not yet? Why do you ask?"
  1731. >"Well, I know someone that'd like to go with you..."
  1732. "Yeah? And who's that?"
  1733. >"It's a good, please don't be mad at me, but I can't tell you; not right now."
  1734. >Fluttershy.
  1735. >She's a sweet girl.
  1736. >But not a brilliant one.
  1738. "It doesn't matter Shy, don't worry about the Winter Formal, we came here to enjoy ourselves."
  1739. >"Oh, okay Anon."
  1740. "Say, I'd like to hear you sing again...after all, I really liked your song."
  1741. >Fluttershy puts a cute smile on her face.
  1742. >"R-really Anon? Thanks! Do you sing karaoke by any chance?"
  1743. "No, but I guess I could try don't you think?" You say.
  1744. >She lets out a giggle and nods.
  1745. >"Oh, the karaoke room is vacant!"
  1746. >She quickly stands up and grabs your hand.
  1747. >You follow her and enter the small room.
  1748. >A nice karaoke machine placed under a big LCD screen.
  1749. >Fluttershy grabs a microphone.
  1750. >She's acting extremely friendly tonight.
  1751. >You don't know why, but you like it!
  1752. >"A, B, C, D..."
  1753. >You stand next to her.
  1754. >"Oh, there are many songs that I like...can you help me choose one Anon?"
  1755. "Hmm...oh, how about this one?"
  1756. >"Yes! It's perfect, thank you Anon."
  1757. >She clears her throat and starts to sing.
  1758. >Whoa, she's really good.
  1759. >She keeps staring at you in a strange way.
  1760. >She already knows that you love the way she sings.
  1761. >Thanks to her you're having a good time.
  1762. >When she needs to read the lyrics, she turns herself around to face the screen.
  1763. >You take it as an opportunity to stare at her soft ass.
  1764. >Those jeans are pretty tight for her, but you don't complain.
  1765. >Because you're getting a raging semi after looking at the nice panty line for too long.
  1766. >The song ends.
  1767. >You put a cushion on your lap before she turns around.
  1768. >You start to clap.
  1769. "That was awesome Fluttershy!"
  1770. >"Thank you, could you sing me a song?"
  1771. "I guess that's fair, choose a good song for me Shy!"
  1772. >She giggles and finds a pretty good song for you to sing.
  1773. "Nice choice Shy, it's one of my favorites!"
  1774. >You start singing.
  1775. >Even if you know that your singing isn't perfect, Fluttershy seems to like it.
  1776. >When the song ends, Fluttershy compliments you.
  1777. >"Wow! You're really good Anon."
  1778. "Thanks Shy, that was fun!"
  1780. >You both exit the karaoke room.
  1781. >"There you are!" Applejack says, "so you showed Anon the karaoke room didn't ya Fluttershy?"
  1782. >"Yeah...Anon is pretty good at singing," she sweetly says.
  1783. >You chuckle.
  1784. >"Oh? Is that so? Mind if I borrow him for a moment? I wanna see how good he is at dancing!"
  1785. >Fluttershy nods.
  1786. >Don't you get a word on this?
  1787. "D-dance? well I-"
  1788. >"This is one of my favorite songs! Come on sugarcube!"
  1789. >Applejack grabs your hand and pulls you to the dance floor.
  1790. >Whoa, she's so rough.
  1791. >Fortunately there's plenty of people on the dance floor, that way you and your spaghetti will go unnoticed.
  1792. >The lights change colors pretty quickly.
  1793. >Applejack's so good at this.
  1794. >You try to keep up with her.
  1795. >The first thirty seconds are totally awkward.
  1796. >Applejack leans in to your ear and whispers, "just have fun sugarcube."
  1797. >Solid advice since you're all tense.
  1798. >It's time for you to loosen up for a bit and enjoy the music.
  1799. >Applejack smirks.
  1800. >"See? It's not that hard isn't it sugarcube?"
  1801. >You nod.
  1802. >Applejack bumps her hips with yours.
  1803. >She's kinda playful tonight.
  1804. >You do the same.
  1805. >Sheesh, her rump is so firm. Almost like Rainbow Dash's.
  1806. >How do you know that? It's pretty obvious since you both like to play soccer after school.
  1807. >It's good to see Applejack and Fluttershy act more friendly towards you.
  1808. >When you first met Rainbow Dash, the rest of the girls probably thought that you were nothing but a creep.
  1809. >They seem to act less awkward when you are around them.
  1810. >It's such a good feeling.
  1811. >The song comes to an end.
  1812. >"Whoowee! You sure know how to move even if it's your first time Anon!"
  1813. >You laugh.
  1814. "Thanks Applejack."
  1815. >Another song starts.
  1816. >"Wanna go for Round 2 Anon?"
  1817. >You feel a hand tapping on your shoulder.
  1818. >"I'm sorry Applejack, I want to dance with Nonny now!"
  1819. "Pinkie?"
  1820. >"YEAH!"
  1821. >Applejack chuckles.
  1822. >"Alright, you can have him sugarcube! Good Luck Anon," AJ says.
  1824. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  1825. >You're on a table sitting with your friends Rarity and Rainbow Dash, drinking a glass of cider.
  1826. >"Look at him go..." Rainbow Dash says, looking at Anon; happily dancing with Pinkie.
  1827. "Yeah, maybe I misjudged him back then."
  1828. >"Hey I know, the dude is weird at a first glance, but when you get to know him better you're up for a good time. Just look at Applejack and Fluttershy, they look happy."
  1829. >Rarity smirks.
  1830. >"A good time darling? What do you mean by that?"
  1831. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1832. >"N-not THAT kind of good time, he's not like that," she says.
  1833. "You two are best friends right Rainbow Dash?"
  1834. >"Duh! Why do you ask Sunset?"
  1835. "When I see you hang out with him you look so happy."
  1836. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1837. >"W-well yeah! He buys me stuff and says that I'm awesome! How could I not like hanging out with him?"
  1838. >You and Rarity put on a grin.
  1839. >"Oooh...I think Dashie has the hots for Anon!" Rarity mocks.
  1840. >"No! I don't!"
  1841. >You both giggle.
  1842. "We're just kidding Rainbow Dash..."
  1843. >"You better be!" Rainbow Dash raises her fist.
  1844. >"Anyways darling," Rarity interrupts, "how did you and him became so close?"
  1845. >Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  1846. >"Well, I see that he's just...different, he doesn't give a flying feather about anything, and I...respect that, but that's it!"
  1847. >"There has to be another reason Rainbow Dash..." Rarity inquires.
  1848. >"Why are you complete jerks towards him anyways? He never did anything wrong to you Rarity!"
  1849. >Rarity feels embarrassed.
  1850. >"Or to you Sunset! He just asked you to go to the Winter Formal with him!"
  1851. >You scoff.
  1852. "That's not the complete story!"
  1853. >"Now now girls," Rarity interrupts, "let's be civilised now!"
  1854. >"Are you nuts? How could you ever imply that he's a disgusting pervert?!"
  1855. "It's because he IS a disgusting pervert!"
  1856. >"What are you talking about darling?" Rarity asks.
  1857. >"Five months ago I caught him trying to take an upskirt photo of Rarity...he begged me not to tell on him!"
  1858. >Rarity shrieks.
  1859. >"How could you hide that away from me?"
  1861. >Rarity crosses her arms.
  1862. >"That's ridiculous! Anon would never do stuff like that! Not when I'm around!" Rainbow Dash says.
  1863. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a sigh.
  1864. >"He knew that you'd get mad at him if I told you that! But I decided to remain silent..."
  1865. >Rainbow Dash lets out a sigh.
  1866. >"If he did that to me...I would've forgiven him anyways."
  1867. >Rarity rolls her eyes.
  1868. >"Even if he wanted, he couldn't have done it darling, you wear those shorts all the time under your skirt!"
  1869. >"W-well yeah, but..."
  1870. >Rarity gulps down her drink, angered.
  1871. >"I'm going to dance and pretend that nothing happened..." Rarity says, "he'll have a piece of my mind later."
  1872. >Rainbow Dash covers her face with her palms.
  1873. >"You're all wrong about him..." she says, "well done Sunset, you are about to ruin Anon's night."
  1874. >Your fit of rage calms down and you suddenly realize your mistake.
  1875. "I'm gonna need another drink," Rainbow Dash stands up, "oh, by the way Sunset...we forgave you when you turned into a raging she-demon. I can't believe you can't give Anon a break over something stupid!"
  1876. >Rainbow Dash storms off.
  1877. >"...fucking bitch."
  1878. >You cover your face with your palms in embarrassment.
  1879. >Rainbow Dash is right.
  1880. >You are a hypocrite...
  1882. >You're now Anon.
  1883. >And you're having the time of your life with Rainbow Dash's; YOUR friends!
  1884. >Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and you are holding each other's shoulders and singing without a care in the world.
  1885. >Six months ago, you were alone in this town.
  1886. >Thanks to Rainbow Dash and her friendly attitude towards you, you're now enjoying the beauty of building multiple friendships.
  1887. >If she didn't give you a chance. You'd be stuck in front of your computer screen every freaking day.
  1888. >Nothing can stop this know!
  1889. >For the first time in months, hell; YEARS...
  1890. >You're happy.
  1891. >"YEAH!" Pinkie yells, "BEST DAY EVER!"
  1893. >You're now Rarity.
  1894. >And you always knew that two-faced pervert of Anon was no good.
  1895. >You're so angry right now, you wish to punch his dumb looking face.
  1896. >But a lady doesn't do that.
  1897. >Where is he anyways?
  1898. >Oh, he's singing karaoke with your friends.
  1899. >You have to warn your friends!
  1900. >You pull your smartphone out of your purse.
  1901. >New Text Message.
  1902. >["Girls, Anon is-"]
  1903. >Wait, why stop with three of your friends?
  1904. >The whole school needs to know!
  1905. >You open MyStable's app.
  1906. >Your 600 hundred friends need to know.
  1907. >"Attention everyone! I just found out that the most disgusting teen at CHS, Anon, attempted to-"
  1908. >In that moment, a hot looking guy blocks your smartphone's screen.
  1909. >"Hello gorgeous, why are you so alone?"
  1910. "I...h-hi."
  1911. >"Name's Chad, what's yours sweetheart?"
  1912. "Rarity..."
  1913. >"Texting on the dancefloor ain't no way to be sweetie, would you like to dance?"
  1914. "Sure, thank you."
  1915. >You cancel the status, because you can write it down later.
  1916. >If Anon's having fun at the moment, you deserve to have fun first.
  1918. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  1919. >And you're pretty angry with Sunset Shimmer.
  1920. >But it kind of breaks your heart that all those rumours about Anon were true after all.
  1921. >You need to talk with him ASAP.
  1922. >You pull out your smartphone out of your pocket.
  1923. >Contacts: Anon.
  1924. >New Text Message.
  1925. >["We need to talk, meet me next to the restrooms right now."]
  1927. >You're now Anon.
  1928. >The girls and you finish singing that last song.
  1929. >Pinkie Pie claps.
  1930. "WOO! THAT WAS AWESOME NONNY!" Pinkie cheers.
  1931. >"yay!" Fluttershy mutters.
  1932. >"I gotta admit Anon! You did good!" Applejack congratulates you.
  1933. "Thanks girls, you would not believe how much fun I'm having right now..."
  1934. >They all let out cute giggles.
  1935. >In that moment, your smartphone beeps.
  1936. >You pull out your phone from your pocked and read Rainbow Dash's text.
  1937. >...
  1938. >That's not good.
  1939. "Can you excuse me for a moment girls?"
  1940. >"Aww, we were just getting started Nonny!"
  1941. "I'll be back in no time girls."
  1943. >You walk out of the karaoke room and head to the restrooms.
  1944. >You find Dash tapping her foot.
  1945. >She looks upset.
  1946. >What's wrong with her?
  1947. "Hi Dashie!"
  1948. >"...hi."
  1949. "What's wrong?"
  1950. >She lets out a sigh.
  1951. >"Sunset Shimmer told me something terrible about you...and I want to know if it's true."
  1952. >Your heart drops.
  1953. >"She told me that five months ago you were being creepy with you find it funny?"
  1954. "I..."
  1955. >"Ohh let me take pictures of Rarity's undies, I'm so cool, now I'm gonna jerk off to them like the sad fuck I am!" She says in a ridiculing tone.
  1956. >You sigh.
  1957. >" it true? Did you take upskirt pictures of Rarity?"
  1958. "Yes..."
  1959. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  1960. >"Why?"
  1961. "Because I was forced to take them alright? Being the new kid really sucked."
  1962. >Rainbow Dash gasps.
  1963. >"W-what? Who forced you to get a upskirt photo of Rarity?"
  1964. "Not only of her, but all of the girls in school."
  1965. >Rainbow Dash shrieks.
  1966. "Anyways, it was Snips and Snails, they wouldn't stop filling my locker with trash if I didn't take the damn pictures for them."
  1967. >"Couldn't you tell Principal Celestia on them? They were taking advantage of you!"
  1968. "I didn't, they said that if I got them into trouble, I'd regret it..."
  1969. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1970. >"You didn't take a picture of me...right?"
  1971. "Of course not Dashie; when they asked me your picture I said that I had enough of their bullshit."
  1972. >"And what did you do?"
  1973. "Remember that Snips was missing his awful buckteeth in a 'biking' accident? Well...that was me," you proudly say.
  1974. >Rainbow Dash smiles.
  1975. >"Y-you big dummy!"
  1976. >She punches your shoulder, and then she gives you a big hug.
  1977. >"I'm sorry I ever doubted you dude."
  1978. >You hug her back.
  1979. "It's okay's okay."
  1980. >"Did you give Snails a piece of your mind too?"
  1981. "You bet."
  1982. >"Awesome! I could kiss you for that!"
  1983. "..."
  1984. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  1985. >"I, you better ignore that Anon!"
  1986. "No one's stopping you Dashie!"
  1987. >She punches your shoulder again.
  1989. >Rainbow Dash can't keep herself from smiling.
  1990. "Say, Dash...the girls and I were singing karaoke, do you want to join us?"
  1991. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  1992. >"Yeah why not? I can't wait to hear you sing dude."
  1993. >You chuckle.
  1994. >As you walk with Rainbow Dash to the karaoke room you were inside of a few minutes ago, you feel Rainbow Dash tugging your shirt.
  1995. >You turn your head over your shoulder.
  1996. "What's wrong Dashie?"
  1997. >"There's another karaoke room dude, and it's empty..."
  1998. >She points at the empty-looking room, even though the door looks closed.
  1999. "I promised the girls that I wouldn't take long."
  2000. >Dash puts on puppy eyes.
  2001. >"Sing something for me dude...please?"
  2002. >You smile at her.
  2003. "Alright alright..."
  2004. >You place your arm around her, and she puts her arm around your waist.
  2005. >She totally deserves a song.
  2006. >As you're about to enter the room, you hear someone having a discussion.
  2007. >The karaoke room wasn't empty after all.
  2008. >"EEK! What do you think you're doing?" A muffled yell comes from the 'empty' karaoke room.
  2009. >Was that Rarity?
  2010. >"Come on Babe..." a raspy voice is heard.
  2011. >Who the hell could that be?
  2012. "No! I just wanted to sing! Who the hell do you think you are?"
  2013. >"Dude? What's going on?" Rainbow Dash says.
  2014. "Shh!" You place your ear on the surface of the door trying to hear what's going on.
  2015. >"No one has ever said NO to me! Never"
  2016. >"What are you-EEEK!"
  2017. "Fuck..."
  2018. >You kick the door and see Rarity trying to fight off a gigantic looking guy.
  2019. >"Come on baby, don't you want to have some fun?"
  2020. "Hey you! What the hell are you doing?"
  2021. >He stands up and leaves a crying Rarity on the couch.
  2022. >She smiles when she sees you enter the room.
  2023. >"Stay outta this faggot if you know what's good for you!"
  2024. >Rainbow Dash quickly realises what's going on.
  2025. >You give Rainbow Dash the SUV's keys.
  2026. >"Dude, what are you going to do?"
  2027. "Take the girls to the vehicle, if I don't come back in two minutes, just drive away."
  2028. >Rarity tries to run, but the guy blocks her exit.
  2030. >You grab the karaoke's microphone and throw it at the scary looking dude.
  2031. >"Argh, my nose!"
  2032. >Thank goodness that mic is wireless.
  2033. >Rarity takes the opportunity and runs to Rainbow Dash.
  2034. >"Dude! Are you insane? He's going to kill you!"
  2035. >You gulp.
  2036. "Just go!"
  2037. >Rainbow Dash obeys, and helps a tear eyed Rarity get up.
  2038. >They both run to the other karaoke room where Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were singing.
  2040. >"Girls! We have to go! Now!" Rainbow Dash yells.
  2041. >"Wha- what's going on?"
  2042. >Rarity is trying to hold her tears, but she can't.
  2043. >"Rarity?! Dash? Mind explainin' what the hay is going on?" Applejack asks, scared.
  2044. >"There's no time! Let's run to Anon's car!" Rainbow tries to carry a very disturbed and crying Rarity.
  2045. >"Oh no. Where's Anon?! Is he okay?" Fluttershy asks.
  2046. >Rainbow Dash is getting more scared each second that passes.
  2049. >You are dodging the dude's punches.
  2050. >"Motherfucker! I almost had the finest pussy I've ever seen in this shithole! You're gonna pay."
  2051. >The dude manages to punch you in the stomach.
  2052. "Agh..." you fall to your knees and cough a little.
  2053. >He takes the opportunity and this time, he kicks you while you're down.
  2054. "Agh...shit!"
  2055. >You lie on the floor, helpless.
  2056. >"That's it? That's all you got?"
  2057. >He chuckles and lets you bleed on the floor.
  2058. >Suddenly, he spots the girls talking to the bouncer.
  2059. >"I better get out of here, well done faggot; you ruined my night trying to 'save' that slut."
  2060. >You notice a wooden chair next to the karaoke machine.
  2061. >You gather some strength to stand up and grab the chair.
  2062. "This...ain't over yet."
  2063. >When he least expects it, you hit him with it.
  2064. >The chair breaks, and the douchebag falls to his knees.
  2065. >You sit on the douche's chest and proceed to beat him with your fists.
  2066. >K.O.
  2067. >You stand up.
  2068. >You didn't kill him did you?
  2069. >Nah, he'll be fine.
  2072. >You stand up and notice something odd in the floor.
  2073. >Those are Rarity's panties.
  2074. >Shit, the guy was actually going to...
  2075. >You pick them up and shove them in your pocket.
  2076. >The bouncer is walking towards your position.
  2077. >You quickly exit the karaoke room and evade the bouncer.
  2078. >He passes by, and when he enters the room he finds the guy trying to stand up.
  2079. >You don't have time for explanations, so you run out of the club as fast as you can.
  2080. >When you get out of the club, you find the girls waiting for you in your car.
  2081. >"Shit!" Rainbow Dash exits the SUV to help you get on your feet.
  2082. >The five other girls are horrified about your state.
  2083. >You manage to get inside your dad's vehicle and sit on the passenger's seat.
  2084. >Dash will drive for now, because you aren't feeling too well.
  2085. >Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are trying to calm down Rarity.
  2086. >"It's okay sugarcube, Anon took care of it already..."
  2087. >You let out a sigh.
  2088. >Tomorrow's gonna hurt.
  2089. >Rainbow Dash drops off Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie in their respective houses.
  2090. >When Rarity finally manages to calm down, she pulls her smartphone out of her purse.
  2091. >Her MyStable app is still open.
  2092. >["Attention everyone! I just found out that the most disgusting teen at CHS, Anon, attempted to-"]
  2093. >She deletes the incomplete status and writes down instead: ["Thank you Anon."]
  2094. >Status updated!
  2096. "Girls? Where's Sunset Shimmer?"
  2097. >"Who cares?" Rainbow Dash says.
  2098. >Rarity still looks sad.
  2099. >Rainbow Dash drops Rarity at her house.
  2100. >"Darling...I'm so sorry-"
  2101. "Don't worry about it Rarity..." you interrupt her, "are you okay?"
  2102. >She smiles.
  2103. >"Yes...I'm fine."
  2104. >She gets out of the vehicle and walks to her house by herself.
  2105. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  2106. >"Well, it's just you and me dude, we're on our own."
  2107. >You chuckle.
  2108. >"Yo dude, you alright?"
  2109. >You nod.
  2110. >"Want me to drop you in your house?"
  2111. "It's okay Rainbow Dash...I can take it from here, just drive to your home and I'll go to mine."
  2112. >"Okay..."
  2114. >Rainbow Dash parks in front of her house.
  2115. >You both get out of the car to switch places.
  2116. >"Oh, my dad's already here, he must've gotten out of the job early," Rainbow Dash says after noticing her father's car parked outside the garage.
  2117. >You shrug it off.
  2118. "As long as he doesn't bug you on how late it is then it's fine."
  2119. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  2120. >"Don't worry about that dude..."
  2121. "Well, I better get going Dashie," you spit some blood out of your mouth, "it's getting late you know."
  2122. >She chuckles.
  2123. >"Are you sure you can drive?"
  2124. "Hey, I'm not drunk, a gorilla fucked me up; that's all," you jokingly say.
  2125. >Rainbow Dash chuckles.
  2126. >You get in your dad's vehicle and you close the door.
  2127. >"Hey, before you go..."
  2128. >You roll the window down.
  2129. "What is it Dashie?"
  2130. >"Remember what I said that I would do to you for kicking Snips and Snail's asses?"
  2131. "Yeah I remember..."
  2132. >Rainbow Dash stands on the SUV's running board, then grabs your face with both hands and plants a sweet kiss on your left cheek.
  2133. "...whoa."
  2134. >She chuckles.
  2135. >"Don't tell anyone dude...and for Pete's sake, don't make it awkward."
  2136. "I...Okay Dashie."
  2137. >You turn the engine on and wave at Dashie.
  2138. >She places her index finger on her lips, meaning that she wants you to keep her kiss a secret.
  2139. >You nod and blow her a kiss, just to mock her.
  2140. >She rolls her eyes playfully and waves at you.
  2141. >You drive back to your home.
  2143. "...What the fuck is this?" You say to yourself after placing your hand in your pocket.
  2144. >You pull the cloth out of your pocket and suddenly realize what is it.
  2145. "SHIT!"
  2146. >You step on the brake pedal violently.
  2147. "I'm fucking dead..."
  2148. >You forgot to give Rarity her panties back.
  2150. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  2151. >After Rainbow Dash called you a hypocrite you just didn't want to spoil the party for the rest of your friends.
  2152. >You returned to your apartment just to be alone with your thoughts.
  2153. >Thank goodness nothing happened to you on your way back home.
  2154. >You wanted to leave with Rarity, but when you walked to the dancefloor, you found her dancing with a hot guy.
  2155. >Maybe she got lucky with him in a karaoke room.
  2156. >That's what you did when you and Flash were a couple.
  2157. >You shudder.
  2158. >You hate your older self.
  2159. >Maybe Anon hates you now.
  2160. >After all, Rainbow Dash and him are pretty close.
  2161. >You don't know why Rainbow Dash likes him so much, you told her why you think he's a pervert.
  2162. >Instead of getting mad with him, he called you a bitch.
  2163. >You are eating what's left of your favorite ice cream.
  2164. >You ruined your friendships thanks to that pervert.
  2165. >The others may feel safe around him.
  2166. >But only you and Rarity know the truth.
  2167. >You'll go to her house tomorrow and hang out with her.
  2168. >If the rest want to hang out with that bad mouthed pervert of Anon, screw them!
  2169. >You finish eating your ice cream and go to your bedroom.
  2170. "Th-they can have fun," you sob, "I don't care..."
  2172. >You're now Anon.
  2173. >And you got rid of those stupid panties by throwing them in Canterlot's river.
  2174. >Rarity wears kinky stuff.
  2175. >You wanted to please your boner with them, but you wanted to play it safe.
  2176. >Six months have passed, and finally, Rainbow Dash's friends think you are a nice guy.
  2177. >Well.
  2178. >Most of them anyways.
  2179. >Sunset Shimmer must hate your guts.
  2180. >But you are sure that Rainbow Dash will talk to Sunset and Rarity about that thing you were forced to do.
  2181. >When you arrive to your home, you park the SUV in the garage and carefully sneak into your house.
  2182. >You don't want to worry your mother sick, so you tiptoe back to your bedroom.
  2183. >Today was...well, strange.
  2184. >You had fun, but you're sure that you'll feel like shit tomorrow.
  2185. >You check your phone.
  2186. >(1) new text from: Rarity.
  2188. "Huh, that's weird, Rarity never texts me."
  2189. >You remember that you exchanged phone numbers for a team assignment that your geography teacher wanted you to make.
  2190. >You open the text message.
  2191. >["Darling, we seriously need to talk...could you meet me tomorrow at the park at noon?"]
  2192. >Huh.
  2193. >She probably wants to apologize over being a complete jerk towards you.
  2194. >You shrug it off.
  2195. >Reply: ["Sure Rarity, I'll see you there."]
  2196. >You won't miss her call you a hero for anything in the world.
  2197. "Hehehe..."
  2198. >Aw shit...
  2199. >Your body aches so much.
  2200. >You better go to sleep.
  2202. >Saturday, 9:00 A.M.
  2203. >You wake up feeling....
  2204. "Ohh..."
  2205. >Like shit.
  2206. >You enter the bathroom and do the triple S.
  2207. >Shit, Shower, Shave.
  2208. >Even if it's Saturday, you don't want to meet Rarity smelling like sweat and blood.
  2209. >That's messed up.
  2210. >Whatever happens today is surely going to change your relationship with her.
  2211. >And you're looking forward to it.
  2212. >To play it safe, you have deleted all your compromising photos from both your smartphone and PC.
  2213. >Goodbye Sunset's thighs.
  2214. >You let out a sad sigh.
  2215. >Maybe you can take this opportunity to show Rarity your photography portfolio.
  2216. >Yeah, you'll do that.
  2217. >And you'll bring your camera too.
  2218. >"ANON! BREAKFAST!" Your mother calls out from the kitchen.
  2219. "Comin' mom!"
  2220. >You wear some of your finest looking clothes and go downstairs.
  2221. >"Mornin' son! Here's your...whoa, where are you going like that?"
  2222. "I'm going to meet a friend mom."
  2223. >"Awww, my little baby is going to have a date! I'm so proud of you son!"
  2224. >You don't want to disappoint your mom.
  2225. "Err, sure mom..."
  2226. >"Who's the lucky gal son? Is it the rainbow haired chick?"
  2227. "Mooom..."
  2228. >She giggles.
  2229. >"Oopsie, I'm sorry honey. Here's your breakfast. If you want, you can take your dad's car again."
  2230. "Nice! Thanks mom."
  2232. >Today sure looks like a nice day.
  2233. >You grab your stuff and shove them into your backpack.
  2234. >You're sure that Rarity'll love your albums.
  2235. >After all, she's a fancy girl.
  2237. >The Park, Noon.
  2238. >You get out of the SUV and walk to the park's fountain.
  2239. >Rarity texted you earlier that she'd wait for you there.
  2240. >Damn, today sure is nice.
  2241. >The birds are singing.
  2242. >Not a single cloud in the sky.
  2243. >This is gonna be good.
  2245. >You're now Rarity.
  2246. >You're sitting on a bench next to the fountain.
  2247. >You love this place so much.
  2248. >"Rarity!"
  2249. >You turn your head over your shoulder and see Anon running towards you.
  2250. >You let out a content sigh.
  2251. "~Yoohoo Anon!" You wave at him.
  2252. >He sits down next to you.
  2253. >"Hi Rarity, how are you doing?"
  2254. >You sigh.
  2255. "Thanks to you I'm okay Anon..." you say in a sad but a grateful tone.
  2256. >"I see, did you tell your parents what happened?"
  2257. >You nod.
  2258. "I did, they were hysterical. But I told them what you did for me they were so relieved and grateful...they want you to have dinner with us tonight."
  2259. >Anon wasn't expecting that.
  2260. >"Dinner with your parents...tonight?"
  2261. "Yes darling, what do you think?"
  2262. >He thinks for a while.
  2263. >"Alright, I'd like that Rarity."
  2264. >You smile at him.
  2265. "Good, then it's settled darling, now let's get to another order of business..."
  2266. >"Hm?"
  2267. "I'm sorry Anon."
  2268. >"Sorry? About what?"
  2269. "Me and my stupidity of course...I should've trusted Rainbow Dash since day one."
  2270. >Anon rolls his eyes.
  2271. >"Rarity, that's water under the bridge."
  2272. "No darling, I have to apologize too, I can't believe I've been rude towards you all this time, I guess Sunset Shimmer got the best of me by making me think you were nothing but a weirdo and a pervert."
  2273. >"It's okay Rarity, now you know that I'd do anything for you, Dashie; and the others."
  2274. >You smile.
  2275. "By the way Anon, don't worry about your..ehem, booboos, I forgive you."
  2276. >"Booboos? Oh, you don't know the whole story yet...let me tell you why I took that stupid picture of know what I mean."
  2278. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  2279. "Aaah...mornin' Tank!"
  2280. >And you just woke up.
  2281. >You clean some of your drool with the back of your hand and then, stretch your body.
  2282. >You look outside your window.
  2283. >And suddenly realize that you overslept.
  2284. "Shit! What time is it?"
  2285. >You look at your alarm clock.
  2286. "Goddamnit, it's noon."
  2287. >You throw your pillow to the corner of the room in a fit of rage.
  2288. >Mostly because you hate wasting your precious Saturday time.
  2289. >Also, Tank is hungry.
  2290. >You stand up and slowly walk to his table stand.
  2291. "Tank?"
  2292. >He stretches his head out of his shell and tries to bite you.
  2293. "Alright alright I get it! I'll get you something to eat, don't be a grump."
  2294. >You let out a yawn and walk to the kitchen.
  2295. >Your dad is still asleep on the couch, he didn't even took his clothes off.
  2296. "Aww...poor dad."
  2297. >You grab a blanket and cover him without waking him up.
  2298. "You work too much; you big dummy."
  2299. >He looks so peaceful.
  2300. "I'm sure that mom would be proud of you, wherever she is..."
  2301. >You give him a peck on his forehead.
  2302. >You quickly grab a tomato and a pair of lettuce leaves for your tortoise so he can eat.
  2303. >You return to your bedroom and see that he's still upset.
  2304. "Here Tank, now stop your whining..."
  2305. >The tortoise stretches his head out of this shell and this time, he licks your finger in gratitude.
  2306. >Aww.
  2307. >You let out another yawn and take off your clothes, not in front of Tank of course.
  2308. >Even if you want to stay at home and relax, you'll just feel like a couch potato the entire day.
  2309. >You enter your bathroom and sit down on the toilet.
  2310. >Last night's events were just wow.
  2311. >Thanks to Sunset Shimmer, Rarity got into trouble, and Anon got hurt because of them.
  2312. >You have to admit it, Anon handed the situation like a man.
  2313. >Even if Rarity hates his guts, he risked his life just to save her.
  2314. >That's the coolest thing someone has ever done for his friends.
  2315. >Anon...
  2316. >You flush the toilet and clean yourself.
  2317. >Now it's time to take a shower.
  2319. >As the hot water runs all over you; you apply shampoo and conditioner to your hair.
  2320. >Six months ago, you met him.
  2321. >He was so lonely, and he stared at his phone all the time to remain entertained.
  2322. >You don't know what made you talk to him.
  2323. >And you don't care.
  2324. >You're just glad it happened.
  2325. >You wonder how long it'll take for Anon to do something real sweet for you.
  2326. >Like he did with Applejack or Fluttershy.
  2327. >They thought he was a loser weeks ago, and they now think otherwise.
  2328. >You scrub your body with your loofah and think some more about your life.
  2329. >Anon sure is different from all the generic guys in CHS.
  2330. >Featherweight? Total nerd.
  2331. >Bulk Biceps? He has issues.
  2332. >Flash? Douchebag.
  2333. >You sigh.
  2334. >The truth is, every guy in school must think you're some sort of freak.
  2335. >Just because you don't wear fancy dresses or make up doesn't make you less of a girl.
  2336. >Pinkie and Rarity get everyone's attention.
  2337. >Hell, even Applejack has guys fawning all over her.
  2338. >You close the water tap and grab your bathrobe.
  2339. >Damn, you sure needed that.
  2340. >Your muscles were pretty tense, you don't know why.
  2341. >You get out of the bathroom and grab new panties and a bra from your drawer.
  2342. "I'm gonna get changed, don't look Tank!"
  2343. >Your pet tortoise shrinks his head into the shell until you are done changing.
  2344. >You look at yourself on the mirror.
  2345. >You're not ugly are you?
  2346. >No one has asked you out to the Winter Formal...yet.
  2347. >Not even Anon.
  2348. >You throw your bathrobe to the floor and look at your naked body.
  2349. >Nope, you are perfect.
  2350. >Who could resist these beauties? You think to yourself while you squeeze your breasts with your hands.
  2351. >You chuckle.
  2352. >If only Anon saw you doing this right now...
  2353. >You let out a giggle before putting on your underwear and your clothes.
  2354. >You stand in front of the mirror to comb your hair.
  2355. >If Anon thinks you're awesome, then he probably thinks you're cute too.
  2357. "Okay, you can look now Tank!"
  2358. >You grab your smartphone and notice that you've received a text message from Pinkie Pie.
  2359. >She wants to know exactly what happened yesterday.
  2360. >Applejack and Fluttershy sent you messages as well.
  2361. >You sigh.
  2362. >You might as well tell them so you can clear Anon's reputation once and for all.
  2363. >You send a text message to your three friends asking them to come over to your house.
  2364. >In a matter of minutes, they send their replies.
  2365. >They'll be here in no time.
  2366. >Your stomach growls.
  2367. >You better have breakfast...or lunch.
  2369. >20 minutes later.
  2370. >The door rings.
  2371. >You rush to the door and open it.
  2372. >"Hi Dashie! We came as fast as we could..." Pinkie says.
  2373. "Good, come in girls! Please don't wake up my dad."
  2374. >The three of them enter your house and head to your bedroom.
  2375. >You enter the room, close the door and lock it.
  2376. >The three of them sit on your bed.
  2377. >"Rainbow Dash, mind explainin' what happened? Why was Rarity cryin'? Why did we have to run?" Applejack asks.
  2378. >You let out a sigh.
  2379. "Rarity was about to get raped..."
  2380. >"WHAT?!" The three of them yell at the same time.
  2381. >Pinkie Pie grabs you by your shoulders and starts shaking you.
  2382. >"Why didn't you tell us anything Dashie? I tried to contact Rarity today! But she didn't reply!"
  2383. "Pinkie- calm down!"
  2385. "I don't know, I've never seen him before."
  2386. >"Sugarcube, when you say that Rarity was 'about' to know, what happened?" Applejack asks, concerned.
  2387. "Anon broke into the vacant karaoke know, the 'forbidden room' right?"
  2388. >Your friends shyly nod.
  2389. "Anyways, he gave me the keys of his car, and told Rarity to escape while he fought off the guy."
  2390. >"You're tellin' me that Anon fought Rarity's attacker by himself?"
  2391. >You nod.
  2392. >"Oh my- poor Anon, that's why he could barely walk after he got out of the club!" Fluttershy adds.
  2394. >"Rarity? How's Rarity?!" Pinkie Pie says.
  2395. "She's okay...Anon got there in the right minute. Nothing happened to her."
  2396. >They let out a sigh of relief.
  2397. >"And how is Anon?"
  2398. "I'm guessing that he's okay."
  2399. >Pinkie Pie checks her MyStable account.
  2400. >"Let's see...Railroad, Rainbow Dash...Rarity. Her latest status update is...Thank you Anon."
  2401. >Your friends say "awww" at the same time.
  2402. >"Huh? Who does Trixie think she is?!"
  2403. "What do you mean Pinkie?"
  2404. >She shows you her smartphone.
  2405. >Trixie suggested Rarity that she shouldn't thank nobodies in the comment section.
  2406. >"Trixie is a meanie!"
  2407. "Ignore her Pinkie..."
  2408. >"I know who's getting a stink bomb in her locker this Monday..."
  2409. >Your friends are feeling remorseful.
  2410. >"We were so wrong about Anon girls..." Fluttershy says.
  2411. >Applejack scratches the back of her head.
  2412. >"You're right Fluttershy, he was just trying to be friendly...we never gave him a chance."
  2413. >Fluttershy starts to sob.
  2414. >Pinkie Pie covers her face with her palms.
  2415. >"I didn't invite him to my birthday party..."
  2416. "Pinkie, your birthday party was eight months ago, he was stil living in Detrot!"
  2417. >"Oh right," Pinkie giggles, "silly me!"
  2418. "I guess we should pay Anon a visit, he must be feeling pretty bad at the moment."
  2419. >Applejack and Pinkie Pie nod.
  2420. >"Girls, I think we should go visit Rarity first, she needs our support," Fluttershy proposes.
  2421. >"Poor Rarity, she must be traumatized...her parents are going to kill us for leaving her alone!" Pinkie Pie says.
  2422. >You sigh.
  2423. "Okay, just let me text Anon just to know if he's okay..."
  2425. >You're now Anon.
  2426. >And you are taking pictures of Rarity in the park.
  2427. >She said that she loved your artwork and that you were very creative, and she shortly convinced you to take photographs of her.
  2428. >"How's this Anon?"
  2429. "Move your head a little to the right...perfect!"
  2430. >You snap the picture.
  2431. >She's a natural at this.
  2432. >Rarity fixes her hair.
  2433. >"Oh darling, I'd love to see how my photos will look with your artistic genious."
  2434. >You chuckle.
  2437. >You're Rainbow Dash again.
  2438. >You sent texts to Anon and Rarity.
  2439. >Your friends are worried sick.
  2440. >They haven't replied yet.
  2441. >"Maybe they are still sleeping...r-right girls?" Pinkie Pie says.
  2442. "It's not very likely girls."
  2443. >"Why doesn't Rarity pick up her phone?" Fluttershy says.
  2444. >You groan.
  2445. "Come on dude...answer the text."
  2446. >In that moment, a big vehicle parks in front of your house.
  2447. >"Who's tha-OH WAIT! IT'S ANON'S CAR!"
  2448. >You perk up your ears.
  2449. >The four of you exit your house and run to the large SUV.
  2450. >Anon gets out of the vehicle and opens the passenger's seat for.
  2451. >"Hi girls!"
  2452. >"RARITY!" Your three friends yell and run to Rarity.
  2453. >Anon closes the door.
  2454. >"Hi Dashie!" He greets you in his usual friendly way.
  2455. >You run to him and give him a big hug.
  2456. >"SHIT! Careful Dashie, my body still hurts."
  2457. "You big dummy, don't you realize how scared I was?! Why the hell didn't you answer my messages?"
  2458. >He lets out a nervous chuckle.
  2459. >"I wanted to g-give you a surprise."
  2460. "Oh..."
  2461. >Your four friends look at you and are starting to get suspicious about your feelings towards Anon.
  2462. >You blush in embarrassment and release your friend from your tight grip.
  2463. >"As you can see darling, we're both fine..." Rarity says, "you don't need to worry about us."
  2464. "But Anon got-"
  2465. >Anon shushes you up.
  2466. >"It's okay Dashie, it only hurts when I laugh...or walk, or breathe."
  2467. >Anon; always so positive.
  2468. "It's good to know that you're fine dude, yo Rarity!"
  2469. >"Hm?"
  2470. "How was Anon's timing?"
  2471. >Rarity blushes.
  2472. >"I don't want to talk about that Rainbow Dash, not on the street!"
  2473. >Your friends roll their eyes and push Rarity to your house.
  2474. >"You're tellin' us everythin' Rarity! We can't help you if you don't say how you ended up in that situation in the first place!" Applejack angrily says.
  2475. >They are successful at pushing Rarity into your bedroom.
  2476. >You let out a chuckle.
  2477. "Well, I'm glad that Rarity's okay; she's acting like nothing happened at all!"
  2478. >"It's because nothing happened to her. Thank goodness."
  2480. >You nod.
  2481. >"Say...Dashie?"
  2482. "Hm?"
  2483. >"You wanted me to sing you a song right?"
  2484. >You blush.
  2485. "Dude come on..."
  2486. >He puts on a shit-eating grin.
  2487. >"What? You already sung one for me remember?"
  2488. >You punch him in the shoulder.
  2489. "You mean Fluttershy's song?"
  2490. >Anon nods.
  2491. "Pfft, that song was lame dude. That's not my style and you know that."
  2492. >He lets out a chuckle.
  2493. >"I dunno Dashie, you sounded pretty cute back there, are you sure that you weren't singing that song specially for me?"
  2494. "N-no!"
  2495. >He arches an eyebrow mockingly.
  2496. >"I'll take that as a yes."
  2497. >He can see through your lies.
  2498. "Alright alright! I admit it! Yeah I sung that dumb song for you, are you happy now?"
  2499. >Anon lets out a chuckle.
  2500. >"I knew it..."
  2501. >You roll your eyes in a playful way.
  2502. >"Anyways Dashie...I gotta thank you," Anon says in a sweet tone.
  2503. "For what?"
  2504. >"Believe it or not, I had fun last night. Thanks to you, I'm willing to give new stuff a try..."
  2505. >You smile at him.
  2506. "It's no biggie dude, what would you be without me?" You boast.
  2507. >Anon laughs.
  2508. >"Okay...well. Something has been going through my mind these last two days. I've been wanting to ask the right person something real important."
  2509. "Hm?"
  2510. >He lets out a sigh.
  2511. >"And I already found that someone; listen up..."
  2512. >You perk up your ears.
  2513. >Is he going to?
  2515. >"Dashie...Do you want to go to the Winter Formal with me?"
  2517. >H-he did it...he actually did it!
  2518. >You weren't expecting that, not out of the blur.
  2519. >Calm down Dash.
  2520. >You don't want to loose your cool in front of him.
  2521. >You slowly nod.
  2522. "Yes dude...I'd love to go with you."
  2523. >Anon's face reveals pure joy.
  2524. >"Awesome! We'll have so much fun Dashie!"
  2525. >You let out an awkward chuckle and then you twirl a lock of your rainbow hair.
  2526. >He keeps looking you in your eyes and puts on that charming smile of his.
  2527. >Your heart is beating faster and faster each second that passes.
  2528. >In that moment, Anon's smartphone buzzes.
  2529. >You both wake up from the mysterious trance in which you were trapped.
  2530. >"Give me a break..." He says as he pulls out the phone from his pocket and reads a message.
  2531. >"Darn it...Dashie, I have to go for now."
  2532. "Is everything okay dude?"
  2533. >"My dad got back from his business trip and he wants me to pick him up at the airport, I'll see you later okay?"
  2534. >You nod.
  2535. >"Oh, before I go..."
  2536. "Hm?"
  2537. >Anon brings his face closer to yours and touches your face with his right hand.
  2538. "D-dude?! Not in front of-"
  2539. >"Too late!" He mockingly says before planting a sweet kiss on your left cheek.
  2540. >You feel so...embarrassed; but at the same time, you feel good.
  2541. >When he releases your cheek, he whispers on your left ear, "don't make it awkward...okay?"
  2542. >You shyly nod.
  2543. >He gives you a last smile and gets inside his vehicle.
  2544. >He waves at you before turning on the engine, then he accelerates and drives away.
  2545. >You place your hand on the cheek he kissed.
  2546. >Your smile is getting bigger and bigger.
  2547. "YES!"
  2548. >You pump your fist in the air multiple times celebrating.
  2549. >You touch your cheek again.
  2550. "Anon invited me to the Winter Formal! Anon invited me to the Winter Formal!"
  2551. >You let out a fangirl squeal.
  2552. "..."
  2553. >"He did? THAT'S AMAZING!" Pinkie Pie yells.
  2554. >Applejack is laughing, and both Rarity and Fluttershy are giggling.
  2555. >You left your window open, and your friends were watching you.
  2556. >"CONGRATULATIONS DASHIE!" Pinkie yells again.
  2558. >Your friends saw everything.
  2559. >"She's as red as one of my apples!" Applejack mocks.
  2560. "Ugh..."
  2561. >You enter your house and head to your bedroom.
  2562. >Your four friends congratulate you.
  2563. >"Darling I simply must make a new dress for you! You and Anon will be such a lovely couple!"
  2564. >"Sure thing! Whoowee, I'm kinda jealous that he asked you out just like that!" Applejack says.
  2565. "Knock it off you guys, he's my best friend."
  2566. >"Do best friends kiss like that?" Pinkie inquires.
  2567. "Y-you saw that too?!"
  2568. >She smirks.
  2569. >"We all did was very cute."
  2570. >"It certainly wasn't romantic; but you both make it look so adorable, you're a lucky girl Rainbow Dash."
  2571. >Fluttershy nods.
  2572. >"So I'm guessing that Sunset Shimmer doesn't mean anything to him now..."
  2573. >Your friends realize something after hearing Fluttershy's words.
  2574. >"WE FORGOT SUNSET SHIMMER!" Pinkie yells.
  2575. "Shh! Be quiet; you're going to wake up my dad!"
  2576. >"Oh no, maybe she feels that we abandoned her!" Applejack
  2577. >"Uh, Applejack? We DID abandon her remember?" Pinkie Pie clarifies.
  2578. >"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity scolds her, then she looks at her friends "oh we have to apologize to her...and tell her about Anon."
  2579. "Oh, he told you what he told me?"
  2580. >Rarity nods.
  2581. >"I'm glad I could apologize to Anon, I'll tell you the details later Rainbow Dash; you'll like what we discussed earlier."
  2582. >Applejack clears her throat.
  2583. >"Girls...Sunset Shimmer?"
  2584. >You groan.
  2585. "I'll catch you guys later; Sunset and I aren't in...what's the word? Oh yeah; good terms."
  2586. >"Why Dashie? Did she spill your cider in the club?"
  2587. "No; we sort of had a...fight back in the club."
  2588. >Pinkie Pie gasps.
  2589. >"A fight? What happened?" Fluttershy asks.
  2590. >"We'll talk about that later dear, let's talk to our friend first!" Rarity suggests.
  2591. >"She's probably working in a mall's department store, she works there both Saturdays and Sundays," Fluttershy says.
  2592. >"Excellent! Rainbow Dash? Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"
  2593. "I said that I'll catch you guys later. Rarity? Help me out..."
  2595. >"Of course darling, but promise me that you'll be there."
  2596. >You nod.
  2597. >"Let's get going girls!"
  2598. >Your four friends leave your bedroom and get on their way to Canterlot's downtown.
  2599. >You don't know why Rarity is acting so cheerful.
  2600. >She almost got freaking raped!
  2601. >You let out a sigh and think how to talk with Sunset Shimmer about Anon.
  2602. >You can only hope that she realizes her mistake; and apologizes to Anon.
  2603. >And you'll have to apologize too.
  2604. >You brought her obscure past up, just to defend your best friend.
  2605. >She's your friend too, but what you did was totally not cool.
  2606. >You can only hope she still wants to remain your friend.
  2607. >Because you totally don't want to lose her friendship.
  2608. >You throw yourself on the bed and begin punching your pillows.
  2609. "Why is this so complicated?!" You say in a fit of rage.
  2610. >Anon should talk with Sunset Shimmer, but you're sure that she'll only get mad at him.
  2611. >You don't know why she hates him so much.
  2612. >The dude is cool in your books.
  2613. >And your friends discovered that as well.
  2614. >But she doesn't have to worry about him anymore.
  2615. >Since you're going to be Anon's couple at the Winter Formal he won't bother her anymore.
  2616. >Unless he asks her out again...
  2617. >If he does that you'll kick his butt until he begs for mercy.
  2618. >You chuckle at the thought of doing that.
  2619. >You better do your chores before your dad wakes up and sees this mess you call a room.
  2621. >You're now Rarity.
  2622. >And you've arrived to Canterlot's finest mall.
  2623. >There are clothing shops and jewelry stores everywhere.
  2624. >You're in heaven!
  2625. >"Uhh Rarity...we didn't come to do some windowshoppin', we came for Sunset Shimmer..."
  2626. "Oh right right dear, I'm sorry."
  2627. >"Where does Sunset work again?" Applejack asks.
  2628. >"In a store called 'Sangrons'. I hate that place," Pinkie Pie gags.
  2629. >"We better get going girls;the sooner we fix this the better," Fluttershy suggests.
  2630. >"I still don't know what happened in the club...Rarity?"
  2631. >You sigh.
  2632. "It's a long story Applejack..."
  2633. >Applejack groans.
  2635. >There she is!
  2636. >Wearing a fancy pinstripe suit and a pink silk scarf.
  2637. >That gives you an idea.
  2638. >Wait...Focus Rarity!
  2639. >"Hi! Welcome to-" Sunset Shimmer greets you, but shuts herself up when she sees you and your friends behind.
  2640. >"Oh, it's you girls. What are you doing here?"
  2641. "We came for you darling."
  2642. >"I'm working..." she coldly replies.
  2643. "Darling, what's wrong?"
  2644. >"Nothing's wrong Rarity; it's just-" she sighs, "I didn't expect you guys to be here."
  2645. "Don't be ridiculous darling, if we are here it means that we care about you."
  2646. >Sunset Shimmer examines the room.
  2647. >"Where's Rainbow Dash?"
  2648. "She's not here at t-"
  2649. >"Good, I didn't want to see her anyways!" She interrupts.
  2650. >Fluttershy and Pinke Pie gasp.
  2651. >Applejack taps your shoulder and whispers into your ear.
  2652. >"See? What hapened between them?"
  2653. >You shrug.
  2654. "I don't know Applejack."
  2655. >"Girls! I'm working! My boss will be mad at me if he catches me talking with you!"
  2656. "Sunset darling, what happened after you and Rainbow-"
  2657. >"I left the club; what else could I do? Unlike you; I wasn't in the mood of dancing with a hot guy."
  2658. >You scoff.
  2659. "Hot guy? The guy was a complete ruffian," you start to sob; "h-he tried to...desecrate my body!"
  2660. >Sunset Shimmer gasps.
  2661. >"W-what? Oh my goodness Rarity, are you okay?" She holds your hands, "I'm sorry; I didn't know!"
  2662. >"What happened girls?!" Sunset Shimmer asks disturbed.
  2663. >"We only know that Anon whooped that moron's butt before he could do anything to Rarity..."
  2664. >You slowly nod.
  2665. "H-he was THIS close to succeed! If it weren't for Anon, I'd...I'd-"
  2666. >You break down in tears.
  2667. >Sunset Shimmer gives you a big hug.
  2668. >"And you're telling me that Anon took care of him?"
  2669. >"Just in time..." Pinkie Pie adds.
  2670. >"Wow..." Sunset Shimmer is left speechless.
  2671. >You didn't break down in tears when you were at the park with Anon.
  2672. >You don't know why.
  2673. >"Weren't you mad with Anon earlier?"
  2674. "I was furious darling, and I was about to do something really stupid against poor Anon; and I hate myself for that."
  2676. >Applejack perks up her ears.
  2677. >"What do ya mean Rarity? What were you going to do?"
  2678. "I-oh forgive me for saying it darling; I was about to post a naughty secret of Anon on MyStable account that'll surely make everyone at school hate him."
  2679. >Fluttershy gasps.
  2680. >"How could you ever think of doing that Rarity?" Fluttershy nags, "Anon didn't do anything to you."
  2681. >"I guess it's mostly my fault," Sunset Shimmer says, "well, Anon..."
  2682. >"He didn't do anything wrong Sunset!"
  2683. >Rainbow Dash has arrived to the store.
  2684. >"What do you mean Rainbow Dash?" Sunset arches an eyebrow, "doesn't it bother you?"
  2685. >"Not at all!" Rainbow Dash replies, "he explained to me why he did it!"
  2686. >Applejack pinches the bridge of her nose and groans harder this time.
  2687. >"What's wrong with Anon?! I demand an explanation right now!"
  2688. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  2689. >"Remember all those times you girls used to call Anon a pervert? Well, it was because he was taking upskirt pictures of every girl at CHS, and maybe of you guys too."
  2690. >Sunset Shimmer smirks.
  2691. >"A-anon? Oh my goodness, he'd never do that? Would he?" Fluttershy asks.
  2692. >"I-I find it hard to believe," Applejack says disgusted.
  2693. >"Yeah! N-nonny is such a good guy! He'd never do that!"
  2694. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  2695. >"He did it anyways, only because he was forced to."
  2696. >"F-forced?" Sunset Shimmer asks.
  2697. >"Yup! By your ex-friends Snips and Snails...I can't believe you used to hung out with them Sunset."
  2698. >She blushes in embarrassment.
  2699. >"I wasn't a nice person back there..."
  2700. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  2701. >"I know Sunset...and I'm sorry for bringing that up at the club, I was just furious that you'd talk about my friend and my date like that."
  2702. >"Wait- your what?" Sunset asks in surprise.
  2703. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  2704. >"Anon asked me to go with him to the Winter Formal not too long ago," Rainbow Dash shyly says.
  2705. >Sunset Shimmer smiles.
  2706. >"So...Anon wasn't a pervert after all," Shimmer says.
  2707. >"Nope, just freakin' Snips and Snails!"
  2708. >Applejack and Fluttershy blush.
  2709. >Pinkie Pie doesn't care.
  2711. >"Eh," Pinkie shrugs, "I hope I was wearing my teddy bear undies that day..."
  2712. >"O-oh my...why would Anon agree to such thing?" Fluttershy ponders.
  2713. >Applejack clenches her right fist.
  2714. >"That two-faced Anon! I hope he's good at hidin' or else he'll know what the true meaning of pain is!" She says enraged.
  2715. "Girls! Stop it! Anon refused to keep doing such awful things; and gave Snips and Snails what they deserved!"
  2716. >"I hope he whooped their butts!" Applejack says as she crosses her arms.
  2717. >"Remember that Snails lost his buckteeth in a 'biking' accident a long time ago?" Rainbow Dash chuckles.
  2718. >"Yeah?"
  2719. >"Anon took care of that. And I'm sure that Snips learned his lesson."
  2720. >"Whoa; I don't know how to feel about that..."
  2721. "What about Snails darling? Anon didn't tell me what he did to him..."
  2722. >"I don't know Rarity, but if he said that he learnt his lesson for good, then I'm well served."
  2723. >Applejack manages to calm down.
  2724. >"I hope he deleted those photos; or else he'll..."
  2725. >"He did Applejack! Give him a break," Rainbow Dash interrupts Applejack.
  2726. >Fluttershy is still shocked, probably embarrassed over stupid photos of her underwear.
  2727. >"Well...that changes everything," Sunset Shimmer says, "I'm a big fool."
  2728. "We were all fools darling, and let our imaginations think bad stuff about Anon."
  2729. >"Except me!" Rainbow Dash clarifies.
  2730. "Hush now Rainbow," you say and look at Sunset Shimmer, "look darling, if you want to apologize to Anon, now's the still have to do that history project with him, right?"
  2731. >She slowly nods.
  2732. "Good, if you want to get to know him better, now's the chance! Remember, we're not forcing you to be interested on him..."
  2733. >"Nonny sure is fun to hang out with!" Pinkie Pie says.
  2734. >"And he can pull the most amazin' stuff you could ever imagine to help a friend out..." Applejack says.
  2735. "Don't worry about his...proposal darling, I bet his silly crush on you is already over..."
  2736. >Sunset chuckles.
  2737. >"Thanks girls, I'll apologize to him when I get out of work!"
  2740. >You're now Anon.
  2741. >And you're killing some time before you go and meet Rarity's parents.
  2742. >You are retouching the pictures you took of Rarity on Photoshop.
  2743. >She sure looks gorgeous.
  2744. >You kind of regret that you didn't take a good whiff of her white cotton panties.
  2745. >They must have smelled really good.
  2746. >You wonder what would've happened if Rainbow Dash caught you picking up her pink panties as well.
  2747. >Maybe she would've dropped her skirt in front of you.
  2748. "Ahh...Dashie."
  2749. >You better stop thinking about Dash like that, because you're getting a raging semi again.
  2750. >She's not flirty like Rarity or any other girl.
  2751. >Chances were she would've kicked your ass.
  2752. >You shrug it off and resume your work.
  2753. >You've never met Rarity's parents before.
  2754. >They must be pretty uptight and well mannered like their daughter.
  2755. >"ANON!" Your mother yells, "SOMEBODY'S LOOKING FOR YOU!"
  2756. >That's strange, you weren't expecting visitors today.
  2757. >Rainbow Dash usually texts you when she wants to hang out.
  2758. >You save your progress and walk out of your room.
  2759. >Your mom leaves to the kitchen and leaves you alone.
  2760. >You open the door.
  2761. >"Hi Anon!"
  2762. "S-Sunset!? Hi!" You awkwardly say, "what are you doing here?"
  2763. >"I want to talk with you about something really important, may I come in?"
  2764. "Uhh...sure?"
  2765. >"Thank you."
  2766. >You move aside and she enters your house; waving her hips in the way you love.
  2767. "If it's about the history project; we can ask the teacher if we can switch partners if you want."
  2768. >"No, it's not about's about what happened yesterday."
  2769. >Oh shit.
  2770. >"Relax, the girls told me everything," she smiles at you, "what you did was pretty impressive..."
  2771. "Huh?"
  2772. >"It's just, I didn't think you'd fight a guy off like that, did you get hurt?"
  2773. >You nod.
  2774. "It's nothing serious, don't worry."
  2775. >Sunset Shimmer giggles.
  2776. >"And Rainbow Dash told me something about you that I didn't know. Why did you fall into Snips and Snails' peer-pressure?"
  2777. >You scoff.
  2780. "They were playing mean pranks on me, the new kid."
  2781. >"Oh yeah, nobody knew who you were back then."
  2782. "They said that they wanted upskirt pictures of each girl in CHS, what for? To sell the pictures to anyone that wanted to buy them."
  2783. >"They learn fast," Sunset Shimmer crosses her arms and mumbles.
  2784. "Excuse me?"
  2785. >"N-nothing! Please continue Anon, but why did they choose you?"
  2786. "Since I like photography, they thought that high resolution pictures would sell better than blurry cellphone pictures. So they forced me to use my high-res camera in a way I swore I'd never use."
  2787. >"I can't believe it...who would buy stuff like that?"
  2788. >Anon lets out a nervous chuckle.
  2789. "Well, your photos sold like hotcakes...Even Flash bought a couple of pictures."
  2790. >Sunset Shimmer looks upset, she clenches her fists.
  2791. "S-Sunset?"
  2792. >"K-keep going Anon...I'm not mad at you."
  2793. >You find that hard to believe.
  2794. "Anyways; I got tired of their threats after they asked me a pic of Rainbow Dash..."
  2795. >"Wait; they threatened you?"
  2796. >You nod.
  2797. >"That's horrible! What did they do?"
  2798. "They took a pic of me while I was taking an upskirt picture of Adagio, they said that if I told Principal Celestia on them I'd get what I deserved. That was pretty good blackmail if you ask me, after all; I was the one taking the pictures."
  2799. >Sunset Shimmer scratches the back of her head.
  2800. >"Yeah...they have plenty of experience doing stuff like that; also Adagio can pull some strings to get revenge on someone that gets in her or her friends way."
  2801. "What is she? Some sort of a monster?"
  2802. >Sunset Shimmer giggles in a cute way.
  2803. >"Yeah, something like that...and what did you do afterwards?"
  2804. "After I refused to take a picture of my only friend, at the time, I said that I wanted out. They didn't like it...So I got angry and-"
  2805. >"And?"
  2806. "I beat them with a baseball bat..."
  2807. >Sunset Shimmer takes a break to think about your way to come up with 'solutions'.
  2808. >"Well, if they learned their lesson that way, then it's fine..."
  2810. >"But I'm still somewhat upset that you took a pic of me and my friends except for Rainbow Dash."
  2811. "Well, I had to tell you because I want to be entirely honest with you. In fact, they asked me to take a picture of your undies before anyone else and-"
  2812. >"Stop talking Anon..." Sunset Shimmer says, "I don't want to be mad at you anymore." her right eye twitches.
  2813. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  2814. "Say Sunset...Rainbow Dash told me a long time ago that you used to hang out with them; what happened?"
  2815. >Sunset Shimmer rolls her beautiful eyes.
  2816. >"I was a different person back there, I was manipulative, egocentric, a liar and I pretty much hated everybody...and they weren't my friends, they were more like; henchmen."
  2817. "Whoa..."
  2818. >"But that's water under the bridge!" She cheerfully says.
  2819. "Good, but I still doubt that a girl as sweet as you could harm somebody else..."
  2820. >"Anyways, I'm glad we discussed this up Anon...Rainbow Dash was always right about you...I'm sorry I called you a disgusting pervert."
  2821. >You sigh.
  2822. "You already apologized."
  2823. >"Yes! But I didn't actually mean it...I just felt bad, but that's it."
  2824. "Oh."
  2825. >Sunset Shimmer giggles.
  2826. >"Anyways this time is for real, I'm sorry-"
  2827. >You interrumpt her with a chuckle.
  2828. "It's okay, don't worry your pretty little head about something so stupid Shimmy-"
  2829. >"Yeah it's- wait a minute...did you just call me Shimmy?"
  2830. >Goddamnit brain!
  2831. >She lets out a cute giggle.
  2832. >"Don't worry Anon; I like it, not even Pinkie calls me like that."
  2833. >You let out a relieved sigh.
  2834. >You smile at her.
  2835. "Gee, thanks Sunset."
  2836. >"Anyways, I have to get going; I have plenty of homework to do, we'll start our project next week."
  2837. "Our project?"
  2838. >"Yeah, our project...I bet that we'll make a great team!"
  2839. "Great! I'm looking forward to it."
  2840. >You show her the front door and open it for her.
  2841. >"Thanks Anon...oh, and before I go."
  2842. >She turns around to face you.
  2843. "Yeah?"
  2844. >"Could you close your eyes for a moment?"
  2845. >What the fuck!?
  2846. >Is she going to...kiss you?
  2848. >You can't believe it!
  2849. >Maybe she thinks you're a good man after all!
  2850. >And yeah, she's right.
  2851. >You kicked Snips and Snails' asses with style.
  2852. >If she wants you to punch Flash Sentry or anyone else that bought pics of her sexy ass you'll do it in a heartbeat.
  2853. "Okay Sunset..."
  2854. >Finally, the moment you've been waiting for.
  2855. >You close your eyes.
  2856. >" it goes~" she says in a charming tone.
  2857. >Oh boy oh boy.
  2858. >...
  2859. >*PLAF!*
  2860. >Sunset Shimmer slapped you, hard. Really really hard.
  2861. >She dusts off her hands.
  2862. "What was that for?!"
  2863. >"I caught you taking pictures of Rarity...but I never thought that you'd take pictures of me or the rest of my friends as well."
  2864. >Your cheek is all red now, and it has Sunset's hand printed on it.
  2865. >"Well, I still forgive you, but I hope you learned your lesson."
  2866. "I-I guess that's fair..." you place a palm on your sore cheek.
  2867. >"Good. I don't want to hear more stupid rumours about you. And even if I hear them, I know that they won't be true. Because I'll get to know you better; like Rainbow Dash!"
  2868. >S-she's willing to hang out with you!
  2869. "O-okay Sunset..."
  2870. >She giggles again, then she takes your hand off your sore cheek.
  2871. "What are you doi-"
  2872. >Sunset Shimmer plants a sweet kiss on your red cheek.
  2873. >"Here, I hope this helps relieve the pain..."
  2874. "..."
  2875. >"I'll see you on Monday Anon! Take care!" She smiles at you, then leaves.
  2876. "Y-you too."
  2877. >You close the door.
  2878. >She slapped you; but then she kissed you.
  2879. >Success?
  2880. >You did want to be kissed by her...but, not after she slapped you.
  2881. >You look at the clock.
  2882. >5:30 P.M.
  2883. "Oh crap, I had go to Rarity's place!"
  2884. >You grab the SUV's keys from the key holder.
  2885. >"Where do you think you're going?!" Your dad asks.
  2886. >Shit.
  2887. "Sorry dad, can I take the car?"
  2888. >"What do you need it for? And what the hell is wrong with your cheek?"
  2889. "I'm going to dine with Rarity's family!"
  2890. >"Wait a that a kiss mark?"
  2891. >Was Sunset wearing lipstick?
  2892. >"I didn't know you were such a lady killer. Sure son, grab 'em!"
  2894. "Stuff happened...that's all."
  2895. >"I think I know what happened," he bumps your arm with his elbow, "just put ice on that cheek first alright?"
  2896. >You sigh.
  2897. "Yes dad."
  2898. >Oh shit, you have proof that Sunset Shimmer actually kissed you!
  2899. >You run upstairs and take a picture of your face.
  2900. >This is what you wanted since the first day you saw Sunset Shimmer...minus the slap part.
  2901. >You'll remember this kiss until the day of your death.
  2902. >And Rainbow Dash's too.
  2903. >Now that you think of it...what's wrong with Dashie?
  2904. >She hasn't sent you a text message for a while.
  2905. >Maybe she hates you for kissing her in front of her friends.
  2906. >Yeah, you saw them looking through the window, and you still kissed Rainbow Dash on purpose.
  2907. >You sigh.
  2908. >Rainbow Dash? Sunset Shimmer?
  2909. >Dashie is pretty, but Sunset is gorgeous.
  2910. >No Anon! Don't even think of ditching Rainbow Dash over Sunset Shimmer.
  2911. >No matter what happens, you'll go to the Winter Formal with Dashie!
  2912. >Even if you have still have a chance with Sunset Shimmer, you'll go with Rainbow.
  2913. >You go to the bathroom and wash your cheek first.
  2915. >6:00 P.M.
  2916. >You park the SUV in front of Rarity's house.
  2917. "Let's do this..."
  2918. >You can only hope they aren't stuck-up snobs.
  2919. >You get out of the vehicle, walk straight to the door and knock it.
  2920. >Rarity opens the door.
  2921. "Hi Rari..."
  2922. >She's wearing a long white dress, makeup, and she even changed her hairstyle.
  2923. >She looks so hot!
  2924. >"Darling! You made it!" She gives you a hug, "come on! Let me introduce you to my parents!"
  2925. >Oh shit! Was this dinner supposed to be 'that' formal?
  2926. >You should've put on a suit!
  2927. >Your semi-formal look isn't anything compared to Rarity's formal look.
  2928. >Maybe her dad is wearing a tuxedo...and her mom is wearing pearls and-
  2929. >"Here he is! Dad, Mom...let me introduce you my friend Anon!"
  2930. >Wait a minute...
  2931. >The dad is wearing an ugly-ass hawaiian shirt and a straw hat!
  2932. >You feel relieved.
  2933. >Rarity exaggerated, that's all.
  2935. >"Hi there young fella! How's it going?" The dad extends his hand.
  2936. >You shake hands with him showing confidence.
  2937. >Never lose your cool when you meet a girl's parents, that's the advice your dad gave to you.
  2938. "Hi, I'm doing fine, can't complain."
  2939. >Rarity's father smiles at you.
  2940. >He looks like a chill guy.
  2941. >You don't know why Rarity is so uptight.
  2942. >Even Sweetie Belle is more friendly and graceful than her.
  2943. >"That's good to hear sonny, excuse me for a moment...DEAR! THE KID IS HERE!"
  2944. >The father has strong lungs.
  2945. >"THERE HE IS!" The voice of an elder woman yells.
  2946. "Huh?"
  2947. >The woman runs at you and gives you a bone-crushing hug.
  2949. >The father laughs.
  2950. >"I think you've hugged him enough dear!" The father laughs, "you're going to strangle him!"
  2951. >"Pfft, I'm going to strangle the prick that tried to take advantage of my little princess!"
  2952. >Rarity's face goes red.
  2953. >"Mom? What's going on?" A sweet little girl asks from the stairs.
  2954. >"Sweetie! Come down and say hi to Anon!" The mother calls her second daughter.
  2955. >"Hi Anon!" She walks over to you and hugs you.
  2956. >Is Rarity adopted?
  2957. >Anyways, Rarity's family appears to be fun.
  2958. >"Dinner is almost ready sonny!" The mother says, "While you wait, let my hubby show you his...what do you call it again honey?"
  2959. >"The dad cave! Follow me Anon!"
  2960. >Huh, you just got here and Rarity's parents are treating you like family.
  2961. >You don't know if that woud be the same case if you were Rarity's boyfriend.
  2962. >After all, who wouldn't want to get frisky with that purple haired hottie?
  2963. >You follow Rarity's father to door that is across the living room.
  2964. >He opens the door.
  2965. >"Look sonny, what do you think?"
  2966. "Whoa..."
  2967. >Fishing rods, football memorabilia and shirts, a bar, and a couple of arcade machines.
  2968. "It's amazing Mr.-"
  2969. >"Magnum kid, just call me Magnum."
  2970. >You don't get to call him Mister first?
  2971. >Holy shit, why can't parents be as cool as them.
  2972. >"Want a root beer Anon?"
  2973. "Sure, thanks Magnum."
  2975. >You're now Rarity.
  2976. >And you're feeling so embarrased right now.
  2977. "Ugh, mom...did you really have to crush my friend like that?"
  2978. >"Ha ha, loosen up Rarity! I think the little guy is cute, didn't you say that you wanted a boyfriend?"
  2979. >tfw no bf.
  2980. "Y-yes! But we've hung out just once. In fact, he loves to hang out with Rainbow Dash."
  2981. >"Rainbow Dash? Come on dear. If you lose a guy like him to someone like Rainbow Dash then I have bad news for you."
  2982. >You roll your eyes.
  2983. "Mom, could you pleeeease act like a normal person tonight? I don't want you or dad make Anon feel uncomfortable."
  2984. >"Yeah yeah whatever. Remember dear, your knight on a shiny armour is out there, he'll love you everyday and he'll bear with us."
  2985. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  2986. >Two loud laughs come from dad's cave.
  2987. >"See? Anon's getting along with your dad just fine!"
  2988. >You smirk.
  2989. >"Hey Rarity, could you help me pour this sauce on the spaghetti? It's ready!"
  2990. "Spaghetti?! Heavens no mother! I don't want sauce on this new dress..."
  2991. >Your mother lets out a exasperated sigh.
  2992. >"Sweetie Belle! Come and help me out since your sister's afraid of gettin' dirty!"
  2993. >"Comin' mom!"
  2994. >Sweetie Belle sticks her tongue out at you.
  2995. >Little brat.
  2996. >Minutes later.
  2997. >Anon and your father come out of dad's cave sharing a few laughs.
  2998. >"Honey! You gotta hear this amazing joke Anon told me! What's the difference between an onion and-"
  2999. >"That'll have to wait dear, because dinner's ready!"
  3000. >"Finally!" The dad shouts in excitement, "I wonder what's for dinner. I hope you're hungry Anon! Because my wife is an excellent cook!"
  3001. >Anon nods.
  3002. >"Oh boy; I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
  3003. >"That's the spirit my boy!" He slaps Anon's back, "kids these days are just sticks that wear women's jeans because they don't eat any meat! Pssh, bunch o' sissies..."
  3004. >Anon laughs.
  3005. >Why must your parents be so vulgar?
  3006. >You should've had a dad like Diamond Tiara's.
  3007. >The five of you sit at the table.
  3008. >"Hope you like it Anon!" Your mom says.
  3010. >Dinner comes to an end.
  3011. >Anon looks satisfied.
  3012. >"So, how did you find the food Anon?" Your mother asks.
  3013. >"I looked down and it was right there, sittin' on a plate," he replies.
  3014. >Your parents laugh and Sweetie Belle giggles.
  3015. >"But seriously though, those were the tastiest pork chops I've ever had!"
  3016. >"I'm glad you liked them sweetie!" Your mother smiles at him.
  3017. >Your father laughs.
  3018. >"I wish my mom cooked as good as you Mrs. Crumbles," Anon says.
  3019. >Your father grabs your mother's hand.
  3020. >"That's why I married her sonny!"
  3021. >Your mother laughs.
  3022. >"You know what we say dearie, the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"
  3023. >Anon smirks.
  3024. >"Hey Rarity, how's your cooking?" He says.
  3025. >You blush.
  3026. "W-what do you mean?"
  3027. >Your parents laugh at your reaction.
  3028. >"Come on Rarity, don't you have a sense of humour?" Your dad asks.
  3029. >You smirk.
  3030. "Of course I know how to cook darling, but you will never be able to taste it!" You jokingly say.
  3031. >Sweetie Belle bumps your arm with her elbow.
  3032. >"Sis, if you don't want Anon; can I keep him?"
  3033. "Sure, but only if you feed him, bathe him and train him."
  3034. >The whole family laughs, including Anon.
  3035. >You don't know why, but you sure enjoy seeing Anon laugh like that.
  3036. >He never laughs at school unless he heard a dirty joke.
  3037. >But it sure is nice to see him get along wih your parents.
  3038. >You can't believe you wasted six months of your life by not knowing him better.
  3039. >And it's so frustrating.
  3040. >He could've asked you out to the Winter Formal instead of Rainbow Dash.
  3042. >One hour later.
  3043. >Anon is about to leave.
  3044. >"Well, I had fun Mr. and Mrs.-"
  3045. >"We had fun too sweetie! You must come visit us again."
  3046. >He chuckles.
  3047. >"Only if Rarity is okay with that."
  3048. >You let out a small giggle.
  3049. "I wouldn't mind darling."
  3050. >"Here sweetie! I baked a pie for you and your parents!"
  3051. >Your mother hands him one of her famous pies.
  3052. >"Whoa, thanks a lot! See you later!"
  3053. >"Bye!" Your parents wave at him.
  3054. >He walks to his dad's car.
  3055. >"Aren't you going to say goodbye Rarity?"
  3057. >You bite your lips.
  3058. "Yes, but on one condition...let me say goodbye in my usual way."
  3059. >Your parents look at each other.
  3060. >"I don't see a problem with that," your mother shrugs.
  3061. >"This time I'm okay with it," your father says.
  3062. "Alright, but get inside and don't peek! Okay?"
  3063. >Your parents chuckle, then they get inside the house and close the door.
  3064. >Finally!
  3065. >You catch up with Anon.
  3066. "Darling! Wait!"
  3067. >He turns his head over your shoulder.
  3068. >"Hm? What is it Rarity?"
  3069. >You blush.
  3070. "I just wanted to say that I spent a nice evening today."
  3071. >He smirks in a cute way.
  3072. >"Yeah, I think the same Rares...your family sure is fun!"
  3073. "Really? I thought you'd think funny of me..."
  3074. >Anon arches an eyebrow.
  3075. "Why? I wish my parents were as cool as yours. you shouldn't be ashamed of your parents."
  3076. >Anon's right.
  3077. >He opens the passenger's door and places mom's pie on the seat, then he closes the door and turns himself around.
  3078. >Well, you're already here, so there's no turning back.
  3079. "Anon, did I ever thank you properly about what you did for me yesterday?"
  3080. >"Yeah, today at the park. You thanked me several times."
  3081. >You blush.
  3082. "No darling, what I mean by 'properly' is this..."
  3083. >You caress his face with both of your hands and turn his face to your right a little.
  3084. >Then you lean in and plant a kiss on his right cheek.
  3085. "Thank you for everything darling."
  3086. >"...y-you're welcome."
  3087. >You let out a giggle.
  3088. >He sure is cute when he's confused.
  3089. >"I guess I should do more stuff for you if that's how you thank Rares."
  3090. "If you do, then there'll be more waiting just for you darling..." you say in a flirty tone.
  3091. >He chuckles.
  3092. "You better get going darling, I have a feeling that my parents were watching us."
  3093. >"They were..."
  3094. >You blush and turn yourself around.
  3095. >They quickly get away from the windows and turn the lights off.
  3096. >Your can feel that your face is as red as mom's tomato sauce.
  3097. >"Haha, your parents are awesome," he says while waving at the windows of your house.
  3098. >You sigh.
  3100. >"Anyways Rarity, I have to get going..."
  3101. "Bye darling; take care!" you cheerfully say.
  3102. >He gets inside his dad's amazing vehicle and drives away.
  3103. >You let out a sigh.
  3104. >Yep, you totally lost your chances with him.
  3105. >Rainbow Dash and Anon get along so well.
  3106. >When you saw him kissing Dash you felt so jealous.
  3107. >All the guys in Canterlot High? They don't want to know your feelings, they're after your body.
  3108. >You don't know if your Winter Formal date is going to show you any kind of respect.
  3109. >And you didn't want to go with him anyways.
  3110. >You were just upset that Trixie mocked you because you didn't have a date yet while she had one already.
  3111. >You'll have fun at the Winter Formal with your date anyways.
  3112. >Hazy Star is handsome and confident, but if he starts to get annoying you'll call Anon to help you out.
  3113. >"Rarity! It's cold out there! Get inside already!" Your mother calls from the window.
  3114. >You sigh.
  3116. >You're now Anon.
  3117. >You've arrived to your home and told your dad how things went.
  3118. >He was so proud of you.
  3119. >You can only sigh at how normal he is.
  3120. >Back when you lived in Detrot he was disappointed on you because you didn't have any friends and you spent your time watching anime on your computer.
  3121. >But that wasn't your fault.
  3122. >Detrot was fucking unbearable.
  3123. >Junkies, muggers, gang bangers every-fucking-where!
  3124. >You're glad your dad found a more stable job here in Canterlot.
  3125. >You are now in your bedroom watching a good TV Series on Netflix.
  3126. >Just to kill some time.
  3127. >Homework? Screw that!
  3128. >You're comfy as fuck.
  3129. >In that moment, your smartphone buzzes.
  3130. "Darn it..."
  3131. >You grab your phone and see a new text from Rainbow Dash.
  3132. >["Hi dude! Do you wanna play basketball with me tomorrow?"]
  3133. >Basketball?
  3134. >You're taller than her, so this should be easy.
  3135. "Sure Dashie, where?"
  3136. >["On the park's courts of course dummy, tomorrow at noon!"]
  3137. >You don't know why, but when she calls you dummy she sounds so cute.
  3138. "I'll be there."
  3141. >Sunday.
  3142. >9:00 A.M.
  3143. >You wake up feeling good.
  3144. >Yesterday was such an incredible day.
  3145. >You kissed Rainbow Dash, Sunset kissed (and slapped) you, Rarity's parents love you and she gave you a kiss.
  3146. >If stuff like this keeps happening to you; you'll surely get kissed by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and even her sister Maud.
  3147. >You don't know how that'd feel.
  3148. >Maybe her lips are cold and hard like a rock.
  3149. "Eugh..."
  3150. >Let's have better thoughts.
  3151. >Maybe Maud's nipples will get stiff as a rock when you kiss her instead.
  3152. "Yeah...that's better."
  3153. >You let out a chuckle before getting out of your nice and warm bed.
  3154. >Triple S.
  3155. >Feeling refreshed, you rinse your body with your blue towel and put on your underwear.
  3156. >This time you'll put on your workout clothes.
  3157. >Jeans are fine, but if you want to beat Dash this time you'll have to rely on your flexibility and speed.
  3158. >30 minutes later, you're ready.
  3159. >You have some breakfast.
  3160. >Mom's scrambled eggs are delicious.
  3162. >11:25 A.M.
  3163. >You are so bored and tired of waiting.
  3164. >Rainbow Dash said that she wanted to see you at the park.
  3165. >But you have other plans.
  3166. >You'll surprise her by going directly to her house.
  3167. "Bye mom! I'm going to hang out with Rainbow Dash!"
  3168. >"Bye honey! Take care," your mother waves at you.
  3169. >You wonder if Dashie is still sleeping.
  3170. >She'll be surprised.
  3172. >10 minutes later.
  3173. >You arrive to her house.
  3174. >It looks like her dad isn't home.
  3175. >You knock the door.
  3176. >...
  3177. >Nothing.
  3178. >You walk to Rainbow Dash's window.
  3179. >There she is!
  3180. "Ugh...really Dash?"
  3181. >She's still sleeping.
  3182. >Drool all over her pillows.
  3183. >The bedspread and the blankets are lying on the floor.
  3184. >She's quite a heavy sleeper.
  3185. >You don't know if you should disturb her sleep.
  3186. "What the-?"
  3187. >Rainbow Dash isn't wearing shorts this time.
  3188. >And her t-shirt is way too high for your taste.
  3189. >She's giving you quite a delicious view.
  3190. >You can see a very clear underboob and her pink panties.
  3191. >Her well toned body is such a good sight.
  3193. "What the hell am I doing?"
  3194. >You just can't stare at Rainbow Dash like that!
  3195. >You get away from the window and walk to the front door again.
  3196. >You just wanted to know if Dashie was home, but you didn't expect to see...well, that!
  3197. >You're glad you brought a towel, because you're starting to sweat.
  3198. >Should you wait until she wakes up?
  3199. >Because she tends to get cranky when she wakes up suddenly.
  3200. >Eh, you'll take your chances.
  3201. >Better ring that doorbell.
  3202. >She can't get mad at you.
  3203. >[RING!]
  3204. >No response.
  3205. >[RING!]
  3206. >Nothing.
  3207. >An evil thought comes to your mind.
  3208. >This will wake her up for sure!
  3210. >"For crying out loud! I'm coming!" She yells.
  3211. "Hehehe..."
  3212. >You can hear her footsteps getting closer and closer now.
  3213. >She opens the door in a fit of rage.
  3214. >"Who is-"
  3215. >Her rage suddenly vanishes when she sees you.
  3216. "Hi Dashie!"
  3217. >"...oh, hi dude," she yawns, "why are you here so early? It's freakin' 8:30!"
  3218. >You show Dashie your watch.
  3219. >"11:40?! What? B-but how?!"
  3220. "You should buy another alarm clock. Or maybe you could just stop being lazy."
  3221. >She punches your left arm.
  3222. >"Man, I'm such a mess...I see you're already prepared. Let me get changed first; come in!"
  3223. "Thanks Dashie."
  3224. >You enter to her house and sit on the living room's couch.
  3225. >"I'll be ready in no time dude. While you wait you can watch the T.V."
  3226. "A'ight..."
  3227. >She stretches her body almost in front of you.
  3228. >Oh fuck! She forgot to put her shorts on!
  3229. >For Pete's sake Anon, stop looking at her crotch...and at her cameltoe.
  3230. >"Damn, I slept pretty good..." Rainbow Dash scratches her back.
  3231. >She notices your eye's strange behavior.
  3232. >"What's wrong dude?"
  3233. "Nothing! Nothing's fact, everything's okay...and detailed."
  3234. >What the fuck did you just say?!
  3235. >"Uhhh...yeeeah, look; I'm gonna take a quick shower...No funny business alright?"
  3236. >You chuckle.
  3237. "Come on now Dashie, don't be ridiculous."
  3238. >She walks to her bedroom.
  3239. >You turn the T.V. on and look for something worth watching.
  3240. >"EEEEEK!"
  3242. >Aww shit.
  3243. >She figured it out.
  3244. >Rainbow Dash storms off her bedroom.
  3245. >" didn't tell me that I wasn't wearing my shorts..."
  3246. "Was I supposed to say that? I thought you'd at least feel a breeze."
  3247. >She lets out a sigh.
  3248. >"It's your freakin' fault anyways...I had to open the door!"
  3249. "Didn't your dad taught you that you shouldn't open the door to strangers?" you say with a grin.
  3250. >Her face goes red.
  3251. "Besides, you were the one that let me in, so technically-"
  3253. >And Dash kicked you out of her house...
  3254. "Goddamnit."
  3255. >You sit on the porch and wait for her to get ready.
  3256. >Instead of waiting for her to be ready sitting on her sweet and comfy couch, you're sitting on cold and very uncomfortable concrete.
  3257. >Well, that's what you get for seeing too much.
  3258. >You can only hope the water calms down her anger towards you.
  3260. >40 minutes later.
  3261. >Dash opens the front door.
  3262. >Thank goodness, you were so fucking bored.
  3263. >She's quite a looker wearing those black yoga shorts.
  3264. "Ready to go?"
  3265. >Dash throws the basketball at you.
  3266. >You (barely) catch it.
  3267. >"Duh! Let's get going already," she says.
  3268. >You bounce the ball on your way to the park.
  3269. >"Thanks for waking me up I know how I hate getting up late!"
  3270. >You shrug.
  3271. "And I also know how cranky you get when someone wakes you up."
  3272. >Dash rolls her eyes.
  3273. >"Hey, wouldn't you get mad if someone rang your doorbell like you did?"
  3274. "Eh...good point, but at least I'd answer the door with my pijamas on!"
  3275. >Rainbow Dash blushes and punches your arm real hard.
  3276. "Oww...easy there!"
  3277. >She crosses her arms and scoffs.
  3278. >"Sometimes I wonder if you're really a pervert after all..."
  3279. "Hey, if I were half naked in front of you I bet you wouldn't stop staring!" You proudly say.
  3280. >"More like I wouldn't stop laughing!"
  3281. >That hurt.
  3282. "Good one Dash. Game, set and fucking match!"
  3283. >She giggles.
  3284. >"Come on, I'm just kidding!"
  3285. >You place your arm around her.
  3286. "Don't make me change my mind Dashie, because I really want to go to the Formal with you!"
  3287. >Dash blushes.
  3289. >"What's so good about a dumb prom anyways?"
  3290. "I dunno, the music, the ambient, and I dancing and who knows what else could happen...don't you want to find out?"
  3291. >Rainbow Dash looks away in embarrassment.
  3292. >"D-don't say those things Anon!"
  3293. "I bet you'll look stunning in a dress Dashie!"
  3294. >"That's lame! I don't want to wear a-"
  3295. "I can almost see it now! Rainbow Dash...queen of the Winter Formal!"
  3296. >Rainbow Dash covers her cheeks with her hands.
  3297. >"Oh my gosh..."
  3298. >Dear God, she looks so cute right now!
  3299. >Why did you leave your camera at home?
  3301. >The two of you finally arrive at the park.
  3302. >The basketball court is empty.
  3303. >"Here we are dude! Since we're here, why don't we make a friendly bet?"
  3304. >You sigh.
  3305. "What do you want this time? Another sundae?"
  3306. >"Nope! But that sounds good."
  3307. "You want to go to the movies right?"
  3308. >"Nah, I'm fine."
  3309. "Do you want me to go shopping with you?! Oh God, anything but that!"
  3310. >She giggles.
  3311. >"I'll tell you later...and believe me, if doesn't matter if you win or lose, because you'll like it anyways!"
  3312. "What...if I lose, I still win?"
  3313. >"Something like that...come on now! Show me what you got!"
  3315. >The two of you are playing a game of twenty-one.
  3316. >So far, you're winning by a little difference of points.
  3317. "What's wrong Dashie, is that all you got?"
  3318. >She's panting.
  3319. >"I'm letting you win...that's all!"
  3320. "Maybe you should stick with soccer!"
  3321. >"You can't beat the best athlete in all the county Anon! Just give up!"
  3322. >You throw the ball at the hoop, Rainbow Dash can't block your shot.
  3323. >It goes in!
  3324. "Boom! Add two more points to my count!"
  3325. >She chuckles.
  3326. >Minutes later, you're both tied.
  3327. >You are so tired.
  3328. >She takes the last shot.
  3329. >It goes in...
  3330. >"Yeah! I win again..."
  3331. "Shit!"
  3332. >"Sorry dude, a bet's a bet!"
  3333. >You sigh.
  3334. "Let me guess; I'll have to go to your bedroom and start sorting your mess out..."
  3335. >"Close, but no, that doesn't benefit you in any way."
  3336. "Then I'm confused; what do you want Dashie?"
  3337. >She blushes.
  3338. >"Y-you owe me one song; remember?"
  3340. " that's what you wanted; you know you could've just asked right?"
  3341. >"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"
  3342. >She lets out a cute giggle.
  3343. "Kicking your friend's butt at every sport is a bizarre way of having fun;" you jokingly say, "nonetheless, I'd love to sing for you Dashie..."
  3344. >"Yeah! That sounds...oh nevermind, the club closes on Sundays."
  3345. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  3346. "A-as long as THAT guy isn't at the club then I'm fine with the idea of waiting."
  3347. >Rainbow Dash scratches the back of her head in shame.
  3348. >"Oh, I'm sure Quartz took care of that prick."
  3349. >She shrugs.
  3350. >"Eh, the song can wait then."
  3351. >An idea comes to your mind.
  3352. "Well, if I was going to sing for your ears only, then what's the big deal about going to that nightclub? I can sing perfectly for you anywhere..."
  3353. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  3354. "Where did your dad go anyways?"
  3355. >"He went to see a baseball match, Canterlot's Bashers vs. Fillydelphia's Fillies."
  3356. >You smirk.
  3357. >And she does as well.
  3359. >Rainbow Dash's house.
  3360. >The song ended, and Rainbow Dash loved it.
  3361. >"Aww...that was so-"
  3362. >She shuts herself up.
  3363. >"L-lame!"
  3364. "Pfft...whatever, I know that it's wasn't the same, but since you really wanted to hear me sing I had no other choice."
  3365. >She chuckles.
  3366. >"I won fair and square," she grabs her laptop and turns it off, "and this time you didn't have to risk your ass to save Rarity or anyone else."
  3367. >You smile.
  3368. "If you were the one in trouble, I would've given my own life to save you."
  3369. >Girls usually eat this shit up.
  3370. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  3371. >"D-don't be stupid Anon! I can take care of myself just fine!"
  3372. >You chuckle.
  3373. >"A-anyways...I'd like to ask you something though."
  3374. "Hm?"
  3375. >"Why did you ask me to accompany you to the Winter Formal? A-am I your Plan B now?"
  3376. >You scoff.
  3377. "Plan B? Nope, I talked with Rarity yesterday, and she helped me realize something special about you."
  3378. >She lets out a cute smile.
  3379. "Hey, you said that the bet would benefit me as well. What do I win?"
  3380. >"Hihi...close your eyes~"
  3384. >You sigh and you prepare yourself to receive a amount of pain.
  3385. >She probably is upset about the whole Plan B shit.
  3386. >You better grab a bag of ice when she's done.
  3387. >Make it quick Dash.
  3388. >You close your eyes.
  3389. >You feel something soft on your lips.
  3390. >That feeling made you open your eyes all of a sudden.
  3391. >Rainbow Dash is kissing you!
  3392. >Her eyes are closed, and a cute shade of pink is printed on her cheeks.
  3393. >You feel...good.
  3394. >You close your eyes and kiss Rainbow Dash back.
  3395. >Her hands quickly climb up to your shoulders and caresses them.
  3396. >Yours slide down to her waist to touch her fit figure.
  3397. >She keeps kissing you because she digs the way your hands are touching her body.
  3398. >Two minutes pass, but for you, it felt like an eternity.
  3399. >She releases your mouth, and a trail of saliva remains connected between your mouth and hers.
  3400. >"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time dude; I...really like you."
  3401. >You are speechless.
  3402. >Rainbow Dash confesed her feelings, feelings that you suspected she had for you.
  3403. >You don't know how to feel about this.
  3404. >She's exactly the opposite of your crush, Sunset Shimmer.
  3405. >Unlike Sunset, Rainbow Dash is brash, a tomboy, and hates girly stuff.
  3406. >And this had to happen just before Shimmer forgave you and decided to get to know you better.
  3407. >Rainbow Dash is scared by your silence.
  3408. >"D-dude? Say something, please..."
  3409. >Then again, you kissed her back because you felt something for her.
  3410. >Sunset Shimmer forgave you just because Rainbow Dash was involved.
  3411. >And Rainbow Dash also defended your thoughts and saved your reputation with her friends.
  3412. >It's all clear now.
  3413. >You look at the now sad girl in front of you.
  3414. >Tears are starting to form in her eyes.
  3415. >Rarity was right.
  3416. >["Darling. Don't you have a date for the Winter Formal yet?"]
  3417. ["No, and at this point, I don't know who would be interested in me"]
  3418. >["Hihi, I know just the right person darling..."]
  3419. >You lift Rainbow Dash's chin with your finger.
  3420. "I like you too Dashie...a lot!"
  3421. >You kiss her again.
  3424. >You release her soft lips.
  3425. >"Wow..."
  3426. >You chuckle.
  3427. >"You big dummy!" She gives you a bone-crushing hug, "you scared me! Why did it took you so long to say that?"
  3428. "Because memories of how awesome you are rushed through my mind."
  3429. >She smirks.
  3430. >"Really? That's all?"
  3431. >You nod.
  3432. >She places her hands on your cheeks, and you place yours on her waist.
  3433. >"For a moment I thought you were thinking about Sunset Shimmer..."
  3434. "Sunset? Nah, she'd never be as amazing and beautiful as you are!"
  3435. >"I think the same about you dude...I-I mean; Anon!"
  3436. >You both laugh and share another hug.
  3437. >She places her head on your chest, and you caress her hair with your hand.
  3438. >"I wish we were at the Winter Formal right now...everyone would be jealous of us."
  3439. >You chuckle.
  3440. "Easy there now, there's no need to rush things. How do you think your friends are going to react?"
  3441. >"They better be happy for us, but let's keep it a secret for now okay? I want to see their faces when I give them the news."
  3442. "You mean...when WE give them the news right?"
  3443. >"Yeah, that'd rock...but how should we tell them?"
  3444. "In Sugarcube corner, and just like this..."
  3445. >You kiss her again.
  3446. >Rainbow Dash smiles and places her arms around your neck.
  3447. >...tfw qt sporty gf.
  3449. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  3450. >And you're happily humming a tune while working.
  3451. >You usually hate Sundays because it's the day families tend to come to the department store with their hyperactive children.
  3452. >But this time happy thoughts run freely through your mind.
  3453. >You giggle at how silly Anon looked after you kissed him.
  3454. >You're glad that he wasn't a pervert after all and that you'll have to work with him on that project.
  3455. >You don't know how he'll treat you.
  3456. >If your friends like him so much, then they can't be wrong.
  3457. >If he doesn't have a date for the formal'll go out with him.
  3458. >"Huh...Miss? Are you alright?" A customer asks.
  3459. "Oh sorry sir; yes I'm fine. Don't worry."
  3462. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  3463. >And you're feeling hungry at the moment.
  3464. >You and your new special someone are watching a movie right now.
  3465. >Your stomach grumbles, and Anon lets out a chuckle.
  3466. >"Hungry Dashie?"
  3467. >You blush and look away.
  3468. >"Hey, why don't we grab something to eat at the mall Dashie?"
  3469. "Why the mall?"
  3470. >"It's closer than any other restaurant I can think of, also Sugarcube Corner closes on Sundays."
  3471. "Ah yeah...Pizza sounds nice!"
  3472. >"Cool, don't worry 'bout money, I got you covered. Let's get going..."
  3473. >You both stand up and exit your house.
  3474. >You lock the front door and catch up with Anon.
  3475. >He places his arm around you.
  3476. "D-dude? What are you doing?"
  3477. >"What's wrong?"
  3478. "We are in public!"
  3479. >"So? I don't see any cops around."
  3480. "Y-yeah; but what if someone sees us like...MY DAD! Yeah; him..."
  3481. >Anon chuckles.
  3482. >"I bet he'll be very happy to see us together like this..."
  3483. "I don't know..."
  3484. >"Come on Dash, as far as I know he thinks I'm okay; isn't that right?"
  3485. >You look around.
  3486. >"Or what? Do you want me to-"
  3487. >Anon quickly places his other arm on the back of your knee and lifts you.
  3488. "DUDE?!"
  3489. >"-Carry you on my arms?" He says with that smug smile of his that you love and hate.
  3490. >You blush.
  3491. >"'re so light, I bet Pinkie weighs a Ton."
  3492. "Dude! Put me down! This isn't funny!"
  3493. >He chuckles.
  3494. >"Alright alright...only because you asked nicely."
  3495. >Anon puts you down.
  3496. >You feel so embarrassed.
  3497. >Thank goodness no one saw that.
  3498. >Anon extends his left hand next to your right hand.
  3499. "Anon..."
  3500. >"Please?"
  3501. >You sigh.
  3502. "Screw it..."
  3503. >You grab his right hand and make sure no one is around you.
  3504. >This is so stupid, but you feel so warm in the inside.
  3505. >No!
  3506. >You have a reputation that needs all of your attention.
  3507. >If your schoolmates or rivals from other schools see you like this they'll think that you're a softie...
  3508. >Anon pecks your head.
  3509. >And you liked it...
  3510. >You quickly release his hand and place your arm around his waist.
  3511. >"See? That wasn't so hard was it?"
  3512. "S-shut up!"
  3514. >You both arrive to the mall and walk to the food court.
  3515. >Anon walks up to the cashier and asks for your favorite pizza.
  3516. >"It'll be ready in no time!"
  3517. >You both sit at a little table and wait for the pizza to be ready.
  3518. >While you wait, Anon brings up some topics to talk about.
  3519. >"So how's the gang doing Dashie? Are they excited to go to the Winter Formal?"
  3520. "Uh huh, so far Rarity and Pinkie have dates."
  3521. >"Really? That's good to know...who are the lucky guys?"
  3522. "I think Pinkie's date is Cheese Sandwich."
  3523. >"Oh dear, we better hide when they dance. Those two are freaking timebombs."
  3524. >You chuckle.
  3525. "Yeah, and Rarity's date is Hazy Star."
  3526. >"Hazy Star? The guy's an asshole!"
  3527. "Well duh...he plays for the football team!"
  3528. >"I hope I don't have to kick his ass at the Formal."
  3529. >You giggle and place your palm on the back of his hand.
  3530. "Don't worry dude; we'll have fun."
  3531. >Who knows what might happen after the prom.
  3532. >If Anon plays his cards right...Oh my gosh.
  3533. >You blush.
  3534. >"Uh Dashie? Are you alright?"
  3535. "I'm fine Anon," you smile at him.
  3536. >You release his hand.
  3537. >"Which songs are you and your band going to sing?"
  3538. >You shrug.
  3539. "I dunno, I hope I can get to sing 'Awesome as I wanna be'...that'd rock!"
  3540. >"I'm sure of that, I hope Fluttershy or the rest of the girls don't mind."
  3541. "Flash and his band are also going to sing."
  3542. >"And the Formal just went to shit..."
  3543. "Tell me about it! I can't stand those guys, I don't know what Twilight sees in that guy."
  3544. >"Who?"
  3545. >Oh horsefeathers.
  3546. "Oh, she's a nobody, nevermind!"
  3547. >"Uhh...alright?"
  3548. >The pizza is ready.
  3549. >Anon goes for it and places it on the table.
  3550. >Your mouth is getting watery.
  3551. >You're glad that when you are around him you don't have to act all prissy like Rarity.
  3552. >You take a bite.
  3553. "'s so good."
  3554. >He nods.
  3555. >Your smartphone buzzes.
  3556. >"Damnit, Anon? Could you hand me a napkin?"
  3557. >He gulps some soda to clear his throat first.
  3558. >"Sure!"
  3559. >You clean the grease off your hand.
  3560. >It's your dad.
  3561. >"I just got home. Where are you princess?"
  3563. >You sigh.
  3564. >"What's the matter Dashie?"
  3565. "It's my dad; he wants to know where I am; he also called me 'princess'..."
  3566. >You gag, but Anon laughs instead.
  3567. >"I don't see what the problem is; your dad is pretty chill. Give the guy a break."
  3568. >You roll your eyes and reply to your dad's text.
  3569. >Anon keeps eating happily.
  3570. >Seeing him like that makes you feel really warm in the inside.
  3571. >You send the text to your dad and keep eating your portions.
  3572. >The two of you engage in chit chat as you eat.
  3573. >You're glad Anon doesn't act awkward around you.
  3574. >If he dated Sunset Shimmer instead, she'd drown in his sweat.
  3575. >You don't know why he was so interested in Sunset Shimmer.
  3576. >She' different from him.
  3577. >You felt pretty bad for Anon when she told him how much she hated him.
  3578. >You've developed cheesy feelings for him not a long time ago.
  3579. >And when Applejack told you what Anon did for her you felt scared.
  3580. >Scared that any of your friends would develop feelings for him and that he'd get interested in any of them.
  3581. >Face it're the least attractive girl of your six friends.
  3582. >You just hate makeup, dresses, and all that stupid stuff that Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy are into.
  3583. >Before Anon arrived to CHS, people thought that you weren't into guys.
  3584. >They were sort of right, you just weren't interested in the teens from CHS.
  3585. >Snips...Snails....Atomic Adam....Bulk Biceps.
  3586. >Eugh.
  3587. >When you got to know Anon better, you knew it'd be different.
  3588. >And you were right.
  3589. >He likes you for what you are, he loves your true self.
  3590. >And you couldn't be more grateful for that.
  3591. >He never asked you to be more girl-like, or to wear that dreaded makeup.
  3592. >He just hung out with you without asking you any questions.
  3593. >Of course you were surprised when Sunset Shimmer told you and your friends not to hang out with him.
  3594. >But it's her loss.
  3595. >You couldn't be more happy that you had your first kiss with him.
  3596. >It felt so darn good.
  3599. >You wonder if he kissed any other girl before...
  3600. >Nah. It's not very likely.
  3601. >After you both finish eating, Anon accompanies you to your home.
  3602. >Your dad asked you to get home when you were done hanging out with Anon so you could get started on your homework.
  3603. >"Well Dashie...I had a great time today."
  3604. "Me too Anon."
  3605. >He places his arms atound your waist, and you place yours on his cheeks.
  3606. >He gives you a sweet and long goodbye kiss on the lips.
  3607. >You open the door and he walks away from you.
  3608. >You let out a content sigh and enter your house.
  3609. >Your dad is watching T.V. in the living room.
  3610. >"Hi sweetie! How did your date with Anon go?"
  3611. >H-he knows?
  3612. "Dad!?"
  3613. >He chuckles.
  3614. >"Relax sweetie, I'm just kidding..."
  3615. >You roll your eyes.
  3616. >"By the way, your room looks worse than Applejack's pigpen. You better clean it up unless you want to get grounded again."
  3617. "Yes."
  3618. >"Yes what?"
  3619. "Yes dad."
  3620. >He smiles at you.
  3621. >You grab some vegetables from the fridge for Tank.
  3622. >When you enter your room you find your pet tortoise sleeping peacefully.
  3625. >Tank just woke up due to all the noise you were making.
  3626. "Oops, sorry Tank; here," you place a food on Tank's table stand, "I brought you something to eat."
  3627. >Tank looks happy.
  3628. >You start cleaning your room by making your bed.
  3629. >You were going to clean your room anyways, but Anon came by and you couldn't.
  3630. >You let out a content sigh.
  3631. >Anon sure
  3632. >You can't describe how awesome his touch felt.
  3633. >Or his lips.
  3634. >And pretty much everything about him.
  3635. >You giggle to yourself and carry on your chores.
  3636. >And after you're done, you'll have to do homework.
  3637. >Ugh.
  3639. >You're now Anon.
  3640. >And you got home not long ago.
  3641. >You're doing your homework at the moment.
  3642. >What a day.
  3643. >You can't believe what happened today.
  3644. >Rainbow Dash's kiss left you speechless.
  3645. >You had a hunch that she had feelings for you.
  3646. >Too bad Sunset Shimmer was willing to know you better.
  3647. >Maybe she could've changed her mind and accept going with you to the Winter Formal.
  3648. >But the only way now is forward.
  3649. >And that means sticking with your best frie...nah, your SO Dashie...
  3650. >And who could resist touching her beautiful body?
  3651. >You recall what you saw when you were looking through her window.
  3652. >Her slim figure.
  3653. >Her little panties...
  3654. >And that lovely line that formed when she moved.
  3655. >Fuck.
  3656. >Now you sort of regret not taking a picture of Rainbow's undies.
  3657. >You shrug it off and keep doing your homework.
  3658. >Tomorrow you'll have to go to school.
  3659. >And for the first time you're looking forward to it.
  3660. >Because you've gained the trust and approval of six girls.
  3661. >Even the trust of the two girls that hated you the most.
  3662. >And most importantly...the heart of your best friend.
  3663. >If this is a dream, you don't want to wake up.
  3664. >But it isn't!
  3666. >Thank God it's Monday! - Said no one ever.
  3667. >You wake up after having a real nice dream about your friends.
  3668. >A reeeeal nice one.
  3669. >You still have a boner.
  3670. >Applejack's hands felt pretty real on your dream.
  3671. >Both her and Rarity were caressing your dick.
  3672. >And you were touching Rainbow's firm ass...and Sunset's tits.
  3673. "Fuck yes...wait, wh-what time is it?"
  3674. >7:32 A.M.
  3675. >Ah shit.
  3676. >You freaking overslept.
  3677. >You hurry up and get ready.
  3679. "Bye mom!" You hastily say before getting out of your house running.
  3680. >You couldn't eat breakfast.
  3681. >The teacher of the first period is an asshole to anyone that arrives late to class.
  3682. >Fucking hell.
  3684. >7:56 A.M.
  3685. >You made it!
  3686. >Now it's time to go to class.
  3687. >The teacher hasn't arrived yet, thank goodness.
  3688. >You take a seat and wait for him to arrive.
  3689. >The classroom is filled with teens you don't speak to.
  3690. >But you don't mind.
  3691. >Because Fluttershy attends this class with you.
  3692. >You pull out your phone and load a videogame to kill some time.
  3693. >Fluttershy usually sits in the back of her class. Because she likes to feed those critters she knows she's not allowed to bring to school.
  3694. >You sigh and keep playing your videogame.
  3695. >"Umm...H-hi Anon."
  3696. "Oh, hi Flutters!"
  3697. >"Mind if I sit here?" She points to an empty desk next to you.
  3698. "Not at all Shy. How are you doing?"
  3699. >"I'm fine...and you?"
  3700. "I'm better than ever."
  3701. >She giggles.
  3702. >"Let me guess...Rainbow Dash?"
  3703. >You feign surprise.
  3704. "How did you know?"
  3705. >"Because the way you asked her out to the Formal was really cute..."
  3706. >You chuckle.
  3707. >"I'm glad that you were Dash's date Anon...I'm really happy about you two; yay~"
  3708. "Thanks Flutters."
  3709. >"Pinkie told me yesterday that she wanted you to hang out with us at Sugarcube Corner after school, of course, if you are okay with that."
  3710. "Yeah sure! Who else is coming?"
  3711. >"All of us except Sunset Shimmer, she has to work on Mondays too."
  3712. "Bummer."
  3713. >"Umm...Anon? If you don't mind me asking; do you still feel something for her?"
  3715. "For Sunset?"
  3716. >"Yes. For Sunset."
  3717. >Rainbow and Fluttershy are pretty close.
  3718. >It's pretty probable she knew that Rainbow Dash had feelings for you, that's why she wanted to talk about that issue in the club.
  3719. >You sigh.
  3720. "Nah, we came to good terms and that's it. She's cool and stuff, but not as cool as my Dashie."
  3721. >Fluttershy arches an eyebrow.
  3722. >"Your Dashie?"
  3723. >Shit.
  3724. "'ll see what I'm talking about when we get to Sugarcube Corner."
  3725. >"Good morning class!" The teacher arrives and places his portfolio on his desk, "Let's get to business"
  3726. "We'll talk about that later Flutters..."
  3727. >Fluttershy giggles.
  3729. >Lunch Time.
  3730. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  3731. >And you are having lunch with your friend's.
  3732. "Girls? Where's Rainbow Dash?"
  3733. >Pinkie Pie looks all over the cafeteria.
  3734. >"There she is!" Pinkie points with her finger, "Oh, she's with Anon!"
  3735. >The five of you look at your friends sitting on a far away table.
  3736. >They look so happy.
  3737. >"I bet Rainbow is still so happy that Anon asked her out."
  3738. >You nod.
  3739. "They sure look like a nice couple."
  3740. >Pinke yawns.
  3741. >"I can't say anything unless I see some action! What if they are still being best friends?"
  3742. >"I don't think they are," Fluttershy adds.
  3743. >Applejack sighs.
  3744. >"That's too bad, I was kind of looking forward to be asked out by him...guess Rainbow beat me this time. Now I got no one to ask me out."
  3745. >Rarity pats Applejack's back.
  3746. >"Now now darling, let's be happy for Rainbow Dash; I'm sure anyone in school wants to ask you, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer as well."
  3747. >"Yeah, I guess you're right...I still can't believe how awesome it feels not having to work for the Flim Flam brothers, since Anon took care of that issue."
  3748. >In that moment, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
  3749. >You look behind you and see Flash Sentry.
  3750. >"H-hi Sunset! D-did you ask Twilight if she could come pay us a visit yet?"
  3751. >You frown.
  3752. "What for? So you can have a picture of her undies?"
  3753. >Your friends gasp.
  3755. >Flash Sentry lets out a nervous chuckle.
  3756. >"What are you talking about?
  3757. >You stand up and face him.
  3758. "I know that you and your friends bought upskirt pics of me and all the girls in school from Snips and Snails!"
  3759. >People are staring at you.
  3760. >"S-Sunset...don't make a scene, don't be tricky now..." Flash whispers.
  3761. >You slap him.
  3762. >All the girls in the cafeteria gasp, while the boys just go "oooooooh."
  3763. "I can't believe you Flash!"
  3764. >Your friends also stand up and pull you apart from Flash.
  3765. >"Leave him sugarcube, he's not worth it."
  3766. >Octavia stands up.
  3767. >"What do you mean by ALL of us Sunset? She nervously asks.
  3768. "I mean that Snips and Snails were taking photos of you, me and ptetty much everybody in here!"
  3769. >All the girls in the cafeteria look angrily at Snips and Snails.
  3770. >" wasn't us! We swear!" Snips begs for mercy.
  3771. >"Yeah was-"
  3772. >Anon clears his throat to gain Snips and Snails' attention.
  3773. >He breaks the plastic spoon he was holding in his hands.
  3774. >They both gulp and look somewhere elelse.
  3775. >"Featherweight! Featherweight took the photos!" Snails yells.
  3776. >"Huh?!"
  3777. >"Yeah!" Snips passes the blame on Featherweight. "He's the editor of the school's paper after all!"
  3778. >"B-but..."
  3779. >"Yeah!" Snails yells, "he took the pictures for us and said that he liked Derpy's picture the most!"
  3780. >Derpy gasps.
  3781. >"That's not true! I didn't take the pictures!" He says.
  3782. >"Trying to pass the blame on Featherweight? Come on now Snips..." Nolan North says.
  3783. >Snips grits his teeth.
  3784. >"Alright was Anon!" Snails yells.
  3786. >The girls look at each other.
  3787. >Anon keeps calm and collected.
  3788. >"Anon? The Great and Powerul Trixie finds that hard to believe!"
  3789. >Trixie's friends nod in agreement.
  3790. >"Anon wouldn't do that! For realzies!" Sonata adds.
  3791. >Aria and Adagio bump their fists, since they wear pants after all.
  3792. >"Rainbow Dash hangs out with him. You wouldn't hang out with a perv right Dash?" Bon Bon asks.
  3793. >Dash laughs.
  3794. >"Anon? A pervert? Don't make me laugh girls..." She laughs again before placing her arm around him.
  3795. >Your friends nod.
  3796. >"Nonny is a good guy!" Pinkie jumps in.
  3797. >"I agree darling, he'd never do such thing." Rarity winks at Anon.
  3798. >All the girls look at Snips and Snails again. This time more furious.
  3799. >"I bet you guys did something stupid like keeping the original pics in your lockers..." Anon says with a smug smile printed on his face.
  3800. >The girls rush out of the cafeteria and run to find Snips and Snails' lockers.
  3801. >"" Snips clenches his fist.
  3802. >"Jeez...calm down Snips, why are you guys so salty? Say...why don't we play baseball after school so you can forget about your dirty deeds?"
  3803. >Snips and Snails let out nervous chuckles.
  3804. >"N-no thanks..." Snails says.
  3805. >Flash Sentry and his gang squint.
  3806. >All of a sudden a voice comes out from the school's speakers.
  3808. >That was V.P. Luna and she sounded so angry.
  3809. >They both slam their heads against the table.
  3810. >They are in big trouble now.
  3812. >You're now Anon.
  3813. >And you got out of the cafeteria with your friends.
  3814. >Featherweight was so nervous back there.
  3815. >But he's somewhat innocent.
  3816. >Indeed, Derpy was his, Flash's, Norman's and pretty much everybody's favorite pic.
  3817. >Why? Because she forgot to wear panties that day.
  3818. >Everyone forgot about Sunset's photos when you gave Snips and Snails the photos of the
  3819. >The girls found the album full of pictures in Snails' locker.
  3820. >The guy isn't the brightest guy in CHS, so you were actually right.
  3821. >You thought that they'd hide the album somewhere else.
  3822. >You're just glad you ripped the photo that Snips took of you while you were taking a pantyshot.
  3823. >Yeah, you ripped the damn pic and forced Snips to eat it after you beat him with the bat.
  3824. >And you made sure that no other copies of that pic still exist to this day.
  3825. >Your friends left to their respective classrooms not too long ago.
  3826. >You say your goodbyes to Rainbow Dash by giving her a quick peck on her cheek and heading to your classroom.
  3827. >Lunch time was awkward.
  3828. >You can only hope getting out of this situation harmless.
  3829. >You sit on a desk and wait for the English teacher to arrive.
  3830. >A palm is slammed on your desk, it scares you for one second.
  3831. >"...Anon."
  3832. >'s Flash Sentry.
  3833. "Uh...hi Flash; what do you want?"
  3834. >His friends stand behind him.
  3835. >"Don't try to fool us with that smug smile of yours...we know the truth."
  3836. "That's great to know, I knew philosophy class would do something for you guys eventually," you brush them off while you try to look at your phone.
  3837. >Flash grabs your phone out of your hand and places it in his jacket.
  3838. "Dude? What the hell!?"
  3839. >"We know it was you the one that took the photos!"
  3840. >You arch an eyebrow.
  3841. "People think're just doing this because Sunset Shimmer slapped you in front of everybody."
  3842. >"No; she KNEW that I had photos of her! I was looking forward to meet a friend of mine again...but you ruined my chance!"
  3844. "How is that my fault Flash? I wasn't the one that bought the damn pictures!"
  3845. >Flash swipes through your phone's photo gallery.
  3846. "Dude, you're wasting your time..."
  3847. >He lets out a frustrated sigh.
  3848. >"Nothing! Damn it! What I want to know is how Sunset found me out. I really wanted to see Twilight again."
  3849. >His friend Axel pats Flash on the back.
  3850. >"Come on Flash, I'm sure that everyone bought pictures of all the girls..."
  3851. >The three guys glare at you like you're some sort of asshole.
  3852. >You're not an asshole are you?
  3853. >Although, you did kind of misbehaved back in the cafeteria.
  3854. >Poor Snips and Snails must be getting neutered at Vice Principal Luna's office.
  3855. >Flash gives you back your phone.
  3856. >"Well, now I got no one to ask out to the Formal...every girl at CHS must think that I'm some sort of pig."
  3857. >You kind of feel bad for the poor guy.
  3858. >You suddenly receive a text from one of your friends.
  3859. >Fluttershy?
  3860. >["We seriously need to talk me at my locker after school."]
  3861. "For crying out loud..."
  3862. >She can't be serious.
  3863. >You did a horrible mistake by telling Sunset Shimmer everything.
  3864. >She didn't need to know who bought the pictures, or that you took pics of her fine ass in that red thong.
  3865. >Snips and Snails? Sure; they are assholes but and you gave them what they deserved.
  3866. >Sunset couldn't keep her mouth shut, and the whole pic thing resurfaced once again.
  3867. >Your past came to haunt you again.
  3868. >But this time you'll face it with the support of your friends.
  3869. >"Twilight..." Flash mutters in a sad tone.
  3870. "Who?"
  3871. >Flash gets upset again and walks away.
  3872. >"Leave me alone Anon!" He says before leaving the classroom.
  3873. "Dude! Just apologize to Sunset!" You shout at him.
  3874. >He's gone.
  3875. "Eat a dick then!"
  3876. >The teacher enters the classroom.
  3877. >"Eat what now Anon?" The teacher says.
  3878. >SHIT!
  3879. >Couldn't there be a single day in your life that passes without shit hitting the fan?
  3880. >You apologize to the teacher and take your notebook out from your backpack.
  3881. >You wonder what's on Fluttershy's mind.
  3883. >Classes come to an end in CHS.
  3884. >Plenty of girls look pretty distressed.
  3885. >What the hell is going on?
  3886. >You suddenly feel yourself being pushed against a locker.
  3887. >The assailant places its hand on the back of your head to prevent you from escaping.
  3888. "What the-?!"
  3889. >"Shut up Anon! Tell us the truth, did you take the damn pictures?!"
  3890. "A-Aria?"
  3891. >Sonata pulls Aria away from you.
  3892. >"Stop Aria! Don't hurt him!"
  3893. "What the hell Aria? Why did you do that?"
  3894. >She clenches her fists menacingly.
  3895. >"You know why! Now fess up!"
  3896. >You sigh.
  3897. "I didn't take the damn pics..."
  3898. >"You better not!" Aria notices Norman walking by, "hey Norman!"
  3899. >Adagio and Sonata follow Aria.
  3900. >This is out of control.
  3901. >You need to talk with Sunset Shimmer.
  3902. >But first.
  3903. >You find Fluttershy taking books out of her locker.
  3904. >She doesn't look happy.
  3905. "H-hi Fluttershy."
  3906. >"Oh, you're finally here Anon...let's go to Sugarcube Corner; the girls are waiting for us..."
  3907. "Okay?"
  3908. >You both exit the school and walk together.
  3909. >Fluttershy remains silent on the way there.
  3910. "Fluttershy? Is something..."
  3911. >"You took several shots of me Anon, not just one; but ten!"
  3912. >You cover your face with your palms.
  3913. >She's so pissed off, but her sweet little voice can't talk more seriously.
  3914. >"Why did you do it?!"
  3915. "Requests...Snips and Snails told me that I had to do it to...please their damn customers."
  3916. >She scoffs.
  3917. >"B-but why me?"
  3918. "I don't know...plenty of guys think you're one of the prettiest girls in school; and Snips saw you as 24k gold."
  3919. >Fluttershy sighs.
  3920. >"I think I'm going to wear jeans from now on..."
  3921. "H-hey! I swore that I'd never do such thing again; come on Fluttershy, five months have passed since that incident."
  3922. >"I don't know if I can trust you..."
  3923. >Aw shit.
  3924. "Fluttershy, please! It wasn't my fault."
  3925. >"Anon, I heard Derpy crying in the bathroom for hours, what you did was awful. You could've just said no."
  3926. >Shit...poor Derpy.
  3927. >You regret masterbating to her lovely pussy.
  3929. "I DID say no...but I guess it was too late. Don't worry Fluttershy, I'll make sure that dreadful album doesn't ruin anyone else's life!"
  3930. >"Good, because it was pretty embarrassing to see myself ten times in a row, Applejack sure is angry with you."
  3931. >Crap.
  3932. "W-why?"
  3933. >"Five pics of her, that you took on different sure have a talent for this stuff Anon."
  3934. "H-hey! I didn't want to do it in the first place!"
  3935. >She sighs.
  3936. >"I know...I'm sorry if I'm being too rude with you Anon; but I'm so angry that many perverts bought pictures of my underwear..."
  3937. >Fluttershy's starting to tear up.
  3938. >"I-I feel so...violated."
  3939. >You feel awful.
  3940. >You should've burnt the album as well.
  3941. >If you see Snips or Snails again, you'll have to use an alluminium bat on their thick skulls.
  3942. >Fucking Sunset Shimmer.
  3943. >She couldn't keep her mouth shut.
  3944. >Now the girls at school are aware of the situation, and the guys might investigate that you were the one responsible.
  3945. >Fluttershy's right though.
  3946. >You should've kicked their asses in the beginning.
  3947. >Now every girl is paranoid.
  3948. >Aria is really strong.
  3949. >You don't want to run into Gilda.
  3950. >She'll fuck you up.
  3951. >For now, you'll try to apologize to Applejack.
  3952. >And to the rest of the girls as well.
  3953. >You're glad that you took just one pic of Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
  3954. >Applejack and Fluttershy...damn.
  3955. >Their big asses almost made your camera run out of memory.
  3957. >Sugarcube Corner.
  3958. >There are plenty of CHS students discussing what happened earlier.
  3959. >They're engaged in pretty rough conversations.
  3960. >You're glad you went unnoticed.
  3961. >The girls are enjoying their ice creams they just bought.
  3962. >When they notice you, the only one that isn't pleased to see you is Applejack.
  3963. >She must be thinking in many ways of how to break your bones.
  3964. >"Hi darling," Rarity says, "we just got here, do you want to join us?"
  3965. >You sigh and sit down.
  3966. "Sure Rares..."
  3967. >"I heard that Snips and Snails were suspended for a long time," Rainbow Dash says, "good ridance!"
  3969. >You cover your face with your palms and let out an exasperated sigh.
  3970. "I feel awful now."
  3971. >"And you should be!" Applejack scolds, "what you did was awful!"
  3972. >"Come on now darling," Rarity intervenes, "it wasn't that bad..."
  3973. >Applejack takes the five photos you took of her from her pocket and places them on the table.
  3974. >"I managed to rip our photos out of the album...I hope these are the only ones in existance Anon..."
  3975. "Yes they are! I swear!"
  3976. >Rainbow Dash smiles, because there are no pictures of her.
  3977. >"How could you do this Anon?" Fluttershy clears the tears away from her cheeks with a napkin, "I thought we were your friends."
  3978. >Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  3979. >"The thing is; he did it because none of you liked Anon in the first place."
  3980. >They all look at the floor.
  3981. >"Applejack, you were convinced that Anon was a weirdo before he bought that lamp for you...isn't that right?"
  3982. >She takes her Stetson off, but words fail to come out of her mouth.
  3983. >"Pinkie, you called Anon a pathetic loner because he refused to attend this year's Fall Formal!"
  3984. >"T-that was three months ago," Pinkie eats her ice cream in just one spoonful.
  3985. >"Fluttershy, don't say that you didn't find Anon ugly before I hung out with him..."
  3986. >Huh, so that beard you used to have scared girls away from you.
  3987. >Thank goodness Dashie told you to shave it off in a very subtle way.
  3988. >"Rarity-"
  3989. >"I know darling...I know, there's no need to bring silly stuff about Anon."
  3990. >You squint.
  3991. >You know that she used to hate your guts, but now she's a delight towards you.
  3992. >"The point is...he did it because no one of you tried to get to know him you know what happened when Anon finally snapped out?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  3993. >"..."
  3994. >"Those perverts asked him to take a pic of his BEST any of those words mean anything to you? If you weren't so harsh towards him, your pics wouldn't be on this table..."
  3995. >Rainbow Dash sure is a true friend.
  3996. >Pinkie Pie breaks down on tears.
  3997. >"I'M SORRY NONNY!" She hugs you tightly.
  3999. "Pinkie..."
  4000. >She keeps crying on your jacket.
  4001. >You look at your friends hoping that they'll help you by calming Pinkie Pie down.
  4002. >Rainbow Dash rolls her pretty magenta eyes.
  4003. "It's okay Pinkie...but seriously though, everybody's watching us..."
  4004. >Pinkie stops crying and then opens one eye to look around.
  4005. >Everyone in the store including the Cakes is watching Pinkie hug you in a very uncomfortable way.
  4006. >She releases you and blushes in embarrassment.
  4007. >You sigh.
  4008. >Everybody gets back to their businesses.
  4009. >Applejack sighs.
  4010. >�I�m real sorry too sugarcube; I don�t think you�re a weirdo.�
  4011. >�I�m sorry too Anon,� Fluttershy says, �and I�m glad you shaved that beard off, you look um�nice.�
  4012. �Thanks I guess��
  4013. >Rainbow Dash bumps your arm with her elbow.
  4014. >This whole situation is fucked up.
  4015. >Since most teenagers from your school are here discussing this morning�s events.
  4016. >Derpy�s friends are trying to comfort her.
  4017. >The poor girl�s eyes are tinted red because she cried too much back in school.
  4018. >Trixie is so angry at the moment.
  4019. >�Oh if the Great and Powerful Trixie catches that pervert Trixie will make him suffer!�
  4020. >You gulp.
  4022. >�Zese photos are horrible! Ze degenerate zat took them iz such an amateur!� Photo Finish says.
  4023. >What?!
  4024. >She called you an amateur!? Who the hell does she think she is?
  4025. >Wait, that�s not the point.
  4026. >Lyra and Bon Bon are hugging each other, they look mortified.
  4027. >Come the fuck on�
  4028. >You just took harmless photographs!
  4029. >It�s not like you stripped them out of their panties, ram your fingers into their pussies and lastly photograph them.
  4030. >School in Detrot was tougher another.
  4031. >These bitches are overreacting.
  4032. >Ooh, you took pictures of their panties; so what?
  4033. >Back in Detrot you saw drug deals taking place in the restrooms.
  4034. >You couldn�t even take a crap in peace because of the damned glory hole in the stalls.
  4035. >And the worst of all, gangbangers.
  4036. >But that�s a thing of the past.
  4037. >You can only hope Sunset Shimmer realizes what she has done.
  4038. >While it was your fault, you didn�t need to bring that up.
  4039. >Applejack gives the girls some of the pages she tore off of the album.
  4040. >Pinkie giggles.
  4041. >�Hahaha; so I WAS wearing my teddy bear panties that day! Look how cute the bear looks Nonny!� She places the photo in front of your eyes.
  4042. �Uhhh��
  4044. >Rainbow Dash slaps Pinkie�s hand.
  4045. >�Pinkie! Don�t show Anon that stuff!�
  4046. >Too late Rainbow Dash, but the ass was fat.
  4047. >�Oops! Sorry!�
  4048. >Fluttershy grabs the ten pictures of her and shoves them into her backpack.
  4049. >You and plenty of guys know her secret.
  4050. >She wears very sexy underwear; you don�t know why.
  4051. >She doesn�t look like the kind of girl that would wear this.
  4052. >Rarity looks at her picture.
  4053. >�Ehhh, it�s not my one of my finest pieces anyways, you can keep it if you want Anon.�
  4054. >Your eyes go wide.
  4055. >�Hell no!� Rainbow Dash grabs the pic from Rarity�s hand and tears it apart.
  4056. >"Rainbow Dash? What was that for?!" Rarity says.
  4057. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack look at Rarity in disbelief.
  4058. >�Really Rarity? You were going to post to your MyStable account that Anon was-�
  4059. >Rarity laughs just to interrupt Applejack.
  4060. �You were going to post what?!�
  4061. >Applejack destroys her pics as well.
  4062. >You let out a relieved sigh.
  4063. >�I hope that was everything�right Anon?�
  4064. �Yeah yeah��
  4065. >�You don�t have pics saved in your computer right?�
  4066. �Nope.�
  4067. >"Good...then I can trust ya."
  4068. >Now that you remember it�you stored them in a hard drive, and it�s well hidden in your bedroom.
  4069. >[Handrubbing intensifies]
  4070. >Applejack's right, you're a weirdo after all.
  4071. >If they mistreat you again, you'll 'share' the pics on /b/.
  4073. >You sigh.
  4074. >"I hope the Winter Formal isn't cancelled due to this mess." Applejack says.
  4075. >"Well, it seems that it's over for Snips, Snails and Flash," Pinkie adds.
  4076. >You sigh.
  4077. "Girls, Flash is onto me, he thinks that I'm the one that took the pictures..."
  4078. >The girls gasp.
  4079. >"H-how would he know?" Fluttershy asks.
  4080. "I don't know...but if he somehow reveals to the entire school that I did it then I'm doomed."
  4081. >"Wow, if he does then you'll be in big trouble eh Nonny? And if that happens well...then game over, right?" Pinkie says before eating an entire cinnamon bun.
  4082. "I think I know how to prevent that...but I need to know something first girls."
  4083. >"What is it sugarcube?"
  4084. "Who is Twilight?"
  4085. >The five girls look at each other, and they look worried.
  4086. >"Um..." Fluttershy mutters.
  4087. >Rainbow Dash remains silent.
  4088. >"I won't say anything darling!" Rarity crosses her arms.
  4089. "Applejack? Do you know who Twilight is?"
  4090. >You know that she can't lie.
  4091. >"She's a friend of us that lives far away..."
  4092. >Your friends let out a relieved sigh.
  4093. "That's it? What's with her and Flash? Is she his ex or something?"
  4094. >Applejack giggles.
  4095. >"I don't know sugarcube, I'd like to think that she likes him as much as he does."
  4096. "Then if I get Sunset Shimmer to bring that Twilight girl then Flash won't be mad against me isn't that right?"
  4097. >"A-Anon darling? Are you actually-"
  4098. >You stand up.
  4099. "I gotta go girls! I'll see you tomorrow!"
  4100. >You walk out of the store.
  4101. >"W-wait dude!" Rainbow Dash stands up and runs after you.
  4102. >You are going to pay Sunset a visit.
  4103. >But your girlfriend stops you by tugging your shirt.
  4104. "What is it Dashie?"
  4105. >"Dude! You cannot be serious!"
  4106. "Why not? If Flash can't give me a break then I'll make him forget about me...besides, how far can that Twilight girl be? Does she live in the East Coast?"
  4107. >"She's not from this country; in fact, she's not even from this world!"
  4108. "What are you talking about? She can't be THAT stunning right?"
  4109. >Dash groans.
  4111. >"No dude! I won't let you take advantage of my friends like that!"
  4112. >You turn yourself around and look at your pretty girlfriend, although she looks really upset.
  4113. "A-advantage? No! I didn't mean it like that!"
  4114. >"Anon, admit it; you did wrong..."
  4115. >You sigh.
  4116. >"And you're trying to save your ass by hooking up one of my friends with Flash just because you're afraid of him!"
  4117. "That's not the truth! I'm not afraid of a skinny douchebag."
  4118. >Rainbow Dash smirks.
  4119. >"Prove it!"
  4120. "You're on! How?"
  4121. >"If he has proof that you took the pics, then you'll assume that responsibility!"
  4122. "R-respon...Who are you and what have you done to my Dashie?!"
  4123. >She places a palm on your forearm, and slowly lowers it to grab your hand.
  4124. >"Don't make this worse than it already is, besides, if something happens I'll make sure that Vice Principal Luna goes easy on you."
  4125. >You sigh.
  4126. "..."
  4127. >"Do it for me Anon."
  4128. "...I'll do it."
  4129. >She lets out a cute giggle.
  4130. >"Awww dude..."
  4131. >She stands on her toes and leans in for a kiss, and you gladly accept it.
  4132. >"Mmm <3!"
  4133. >"WHOA NELLY!"
  4134. >The two of you stop the kiss all of a sudden after hearing Applejack's surprised reaction.
  4135. >The four girls were right behind you.
  4136. >"OHMYGOSHTHAT'SSOCUTE!" Pinkie Pie bounces happily.
  4137. >"Indeed darling, congratulations Anonymous and Rainbow Dash!" Rarity winks at you.
  4138. >Rainbow Dash is so embarrassed at she hides behind you.
  4139. "W-what are you girls doing here?"
  4140. >"We were goin' to stop you of course pardner! Who are you in the first place to use our friend Twilight just to save yourself?"
  4141. >You roll your eyes.
  4142. "There's no need for that, Rainbow Dash convinced me already...and I'm very VERY satisfied with her persuasion methods," you say in a mocking way.
  4143. >Rainbow Dash clenches both her fists to hit you in the back.
  4144. >"S-shut up Anon!"
  4145. "Oww D-Dashie, stop! Haha..."
  4146. >"And what are you going to do Anon?"
  4147. "Face the consequences like a man obviously."
  4148. >Rarity smirks.
  4149. >"I must say that I'm very proud of you Anon," she says in a flirty tone.
  4151. "Gee, thanks Rarity."
  4152. >"Anyways darling, how are you going to deal with Flash's suspicions?"
  4153. "Hmm..."
  4154. >Maybe you could wear a locust mask and grab a drill from your dad's toolbox before paying Flash a visit.
  4155. "I don't know Rarity. I guess time will tell."
  4156. >"Don't worry sugarcube, just remember we're all here for you," Applejack places her hand on your shoulder, "besides, I bet you can teach Flash a lesson if he starts getting annoying."
  4157. >You smile.
  4158. "Thanks girls..."
  4160. >7:00 P.M.
  4161. >You had a pretty great time with the girls a few hours ago.
  4162. >Far away from the school that is.
  4163. >You don't want to hear anything about drama.
  4164. >You just finished your homework and you're about to play some vidya.
  4165. >The doorbell rings.
  4166. >You sigh, your parents aren't home so you'll have to use your legs.
  4167. "Shit...I was so comfy."
  4168. >You open the door.
  4169. >"Hi Anon!"
  4170. "Oh, hi Sunset! What are you doing here?"
  4171. >"I'm here because we have to work on that history project remember?"
  4172. "Ahh yes, I thought you wouldn't be available...since you're busy all the week and all that stuff."
  4173. >In fact, she looks pretty tired.
  4174. >"Yeah I know, but don't worry about me...may I come in?"
  4175. "Sure, make yourself at home!"
  4176. >Whoa, she looks pretty in that suit.
  4177. "It must be pretty tiring to work and study at the same time right?"
  4178. >She nods.
  4179. >"I'm getting used to, what should we make our project about?"
  4180. >She's always up for business.
  4181. "Well, we could write a report about the first world war, or the second world war; whichever war you like the most..."
  4182. >Sunset Shimmer arches an eyebrow.
  4183. "I-uh...forget that."
  4184. >She lets out a giggle.
  4185. >"So...shall we get started?"
  4186. "Sure, the sooner the better."
  4188. >Twenty minutes have passed and the two of you are making huge progress.
  4189. >She's way better than any other partner you've ever had.
  4190. >Especially Pinkie Pie...
  4191. >Fuck her and her laziness.
  4192. >"Wow...that F�hrer guy was messed up!"
  4193. >You roll your eyes.
  4194. >You should stop browsing /pol/.
  4195. >In that moment Sunset Shimmer's tummy rumbles.
  4196. >"Oh..."
  4197. "Uhh...are you hungry Sunset?"
  4198. >She bites her lips and looks elsewhere.
  4199. >You can see a cute shade of pink form on her cheeks.
  4200. >Her stomach rumbles again.
  4201. >"Oh look at the time Anon! I gotta go!" She tries to excuse herself!
  4202. "But we've only written five pages!"
  4203. >"Y-yeah...but-"
  4204. "Don't worry, let me check my fridge, you'll love my mom's cooking!"
  4205. >"I-I don't know Anon," she manages to say before her stomach rumbles once again.
  4206. >You let out a chuckle and head to the kitchen.
  4207. "Just relax okay? I won't say a word."
  4208. >"...Okay."
  4210. >This is your chance!
  4211. >Sunset probably thinks you're a pervert, but that'll change.
  4212. >If you show her your friendly side, she'll never regret giving you another chance.
  4213. >You open the frige's door.
  4214. "What?!"
  4215. >There are no leftovers.
  4216. >But there's a note instead.
  4217. >["I threw away the leftovers honey! We'll bring Chinese when we get home! - <3 Mom."]
  4218. >Aww what? That's not fair!
  4219. >Your mom always told you that there are children starving in Africa whenever you didn't want to eat; and now she threw the leftovers away? Right when Sunset's in your home?!
  4220. >Besides, who cares about those nigglets?
  4221. >"Is everything okay Anon?"
  4222. "Y-yeah Sunset, just a sec!"
  4223. >Come on Anon...think!
  4224. >...Guess you'll have to cook something quick for her.
  4225. >You check the pantry.
  4226. >It's full! Thank goodness.
  4227. >And there are plenty of ingredients in the fridge too.
  4228. >"Uhhh? Anon? Do you need some help with the oven?"
  4229. >You peek your head out of the kitchen's door.
  4230. "I'm fine! Don't worry!"
  4231. >The things you do to clear your name.
  4232. >And probably to receive another kiss on the cheek.
  4233. >Dash won't mind...right?
  4235. >Fifteen minutes pass.
  4236. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  4237. >And you're so hungry.
  4238. >You couldn't afford food because your boss saw you talking with your friends yesterday.
  4239. >He said that you were goofin' off on labor hours, so he reduced 10% of your paycheck.
  4240. >He's such a jerk.
  4241. >Just when you were about to pay your bills this had to happen!
  4242. >Of course, you didn't want to bother Anon...but your stomach is still rumbling, and since he insisted.
  4243. >You let out a sigh.
  4244. >Who would've thought that he could be such a nice boy?
  4245. >["Don't you get it Anon!? I HATE you! I think you're a disgusting pervert! Don't you understand that I will NEVER want to go out with you!?"]
  4246. >You groan.
  4247. >How could you be so stupid and insensitive?
  4248. >All he wanted was to ask you out to the Formal and that's it.
  4249. >You're glad he explained why he did that horrible stuff.
  4250. >And that he showed those two perverts a lesson.
  4251. >You look at him.
  4252. >He's running hastily in the kitchen.
  4253. >He's carrying several stuff.
  4254. >You let out a giggle.
  4255. >Why is he so thoughtful?
  4256. >What he did for Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy...just wow.
  4257. >They hated him because of you, and now they love him.
  4258. >You can't help but feel bad about yourself.
  4259. >"It'll be ready in no time Sunset!"
  4260. >You roll your eyes and smile at him.
  4261. "It's okay Anon, I won't starve!"
  4262. >He resumes his cooking.
  4263. >You keep reading your book and highlight important looking data.
  4264. >A smell comes out from the kitchen and you take a whiff.
  4265. >Whoa, it smells delicious!
  4266. >You didn't knew men were able to cook.
  4267. >You resume your work.
  4268. "6-gorillion jews were killed in the death camps and..."
  4269. >You steal another glance at him.
  4270. >He's cutting some vegetables on a cutting board.
  4271. >You scan his body with your eyes.
  4272. >...
  4273. >He has a pretty butt.
  4274. >Wait what?!
  4275. >Sunset what are you doing?!
  4276. >You bury your face in the books.
  4277. >He looks like he's struggling.
  4278. >Should you help him?
  4279. >"Ouch! My finger!"
  4280. >Definitely!
  4281. >You stand up and rush to the kitchen.
  4282. "Oh my...are you okay Anon?!"
  4283. >"Y-yeah, I'm fine..."
  4285. >You see him licking some blood off his index finger.
  4286. >You hand him a paper towel.
  4287. >"Thanks Sunset."
  4288. "Do you need some help?"
  4289. >"Nah, it's okay..."
  4290. >You look at the stove.
  4291. >He prepared a delicious looking meal just for you.
  4292. >"Could you clear the table please? I don't want our progress ruined if a liquid spills."
  4293. >You giggle.
  4294. "Sure Anon. Thank you."
  4295. >He smiles at you, then resumes his cooking.
  4296. >You head to the dining table and close all books, notebooks and papers that you were using, and shove them in your backpack.
  4297. >"Sunset! If you want to wash your hands you can use the bathroom next to the living room! It's the third door on the right," Anon yells from the kitchen.
  4298. >You walk to the bathroom and see lots of pictures of him and his parents hanged on the walls of the living room.
  4299. >They seem nice.
  4300. >A that a baby picture of Anon?
  4301. >He looks so adorable!
  4302. >You giggle and before heading out to the bathroom so you can wash your hands.
  4303. >You look at yourself in the mirror above the sink and check if there aren't any imperfections on your face.
  4304. >Nope, you look fine.
  4305. >You exit the bathroom and head back to the dining room.
  4306. >Your food is already on its place.
  4307. "Wow...that looks delicious Anon, how did you learn to cook like this?"
  4308. >"My mom taught me how to cook. She said that I needed to learn sooner or later."
  4309. >You chuckle.
  4310. >Anon pulls the chair for you and you sit down.
  4311. >"Oh good...wait, aren't you going to eat too?"
  4312. "Nah, I'm not hungry. Don't worry about me Sunset, just eat."
  4313. >He sits in front of you and pulls out a book from his backpack.
  4314. >You are looking forward to eat Anon's meal, and when you do...
  4315. "Oh my..."
  4316. >"How is it?"
  4317. "It's sooo good!"
  4318. >You keep eating.
  4319. "Mmm...<3! This is amazing!"
  4320. >Anon chuckles.
  4321. >"Thanks Sunset! I'm glad you like it!"
  4322. >Now that's a nice boy sitting in front of you.
  4323. "Say Anon..."
  4324. >"?"
  4325. "Do you have a date for the Winter Formal yet?"
  4327. >He nods.
  4328. >"Yeah, I'm going with Rainbow Dash!" He happily says.
  4329. "W-what?"
  4330. >"You didn't know?"
  4331. >A memory rushes through your mind.
  4332. >["I know Sunset...and I'm sorry for bringing that up at the club, I was just furious that you'd talk about my friend and my date like that."]
  4333. ["Wait- your what?"]
  4334. >Anon sighs.
  4335. >"Yeah...about that-"
  4336. "No no no, it's okay Anon, I forgot about that for a second. Rainbow told me that while I was working, but I wasn't paying too much attention to her."
  4337. >You were too late.
  4338. >Darn it!
  4339. >Now that you were actually looking forward to hang out with him this happens!
  4340. >"Oh, you talked with her? About what?"
  4341. "Oh, just nonsense; don't worry about it!"
  4342. >He smiles at you before letting out a concerned sigh.
  4343. >"Anyways, I don't think I'll be able to go to the Formal after today's events..."
  4344. "What do you mean?"
  4345. >"Flash is angry towards me, he's convinced that I was the one that took the photos."
  4346. >You grunt.
  4347. "That no good pervert...why would he need pics of me?"
  4348. >Anon shrugs.
  4349. "Who else bought my pictures?"
  4350. >"Ehhh...pretty much everybody, Sorry Sunset."
  4351. >You sigh.
  4352. >"Freaking Flash; I bet he's going to squeeze info out of Snips and Snails just to make my life miserable."
  4353. "Well, no one else in school knows about your, um...past right?"
  4354. >"Besides you? No one; I guess I wasn't too careful when I took Rarity's picture."
  4355. >You smirk.
  4356. " were pretty clumsy."
  4357. >The two of you share a laugh.
  4358. "Don't worry about Flash Anon, he's all touchy because of all the silly things I said in the cafeteria."
  4359. >"Don't forget that you also slapped him, you sure are good at that cheek still hurts."
  4360. >You cover your embarrassed face with your hands.
  4361. >"It's okay Sunset, that kiss was good enough medicine for me," he says with a smile on his face.
  4362. >You blush.
  4363. >"You better keep eating unless you like cold food."
  4364. >You giggle and keep eating.
  4365. >Whoa, you're so jealous of Rainbow Dash.
  4366. >But you gotta admit it though.
  4367. >She was always right about Anon.
  4369. >After you finish eating the delicious meal Anon prepared for you, the two of you continue working on your project.
  4370. >It's the first time in months you've had a decent meal.
  4371. >Living in this world sure is difficult when you're on your own.
  4372. >Anon has his parents to back him up.
  4373. >But you're completely alone in here.
  4374. >You wonderi f Princess Celestia is still disappointed with you.
  4375. >But living here isn't that bad!
  4376. >You got your friends, your nice apartment, and a good friend that looks after you.
  4377. >His name is Anon, and you can say you're developing a little crush on him.
  4378. >Why not? He's a great student, and he always has a positive attitude.
  4379. >You wonder if Anon and Rainbow are more than friends.
  4381. >10:30 P.M.
  4382. "Whoa, it's getting late Anon..."
  4383. >"Yeah you're right, time sure does fly by...I just wish time went quicker when we're at school."
  4384. >You giggle and stand up.
  4385. "Yeah, you're right; anyways, I need to get going."
  4386. >Anon glances at the clock inside his kitchen.
  4387. >"Jeez, a half to eleven already? Where do you live Sunset?"
  4388. "Near the Pink Zone, why?"
  4389. >"Oh...that place is a bit dangerous you know, and it's also pretty far away."
  4390. "Don't worry Anon, I can handle it."
  4391. >He looks hesitant.
  4392. >"I don't know Sunset..."
  4393. "Well, you can come with me if it makes you feel better. But I assure you that I'll be fine."
  4394. >"Eh, I'll go with you, just to make sure you arrive in one piece."
  4395. >You roll your eyes playfully.
  4397. >20 minutes later.
  4398. >You're glad Anon decided to come with you, because you couldn't see any buses around.
  4399. >Since your apartment is pretty cheap, you can afford it by working in the department store.
  4400. >Too bad the Pink Zone is a bad neighborhood.
  4401. >You and Anon engage in chit chat on the way.
  4402. >He sure is funny from time to time.
  4403. >But in that moment, a big man runs between the two of you and shoves Anon to the ground.
  4404. >Anon stands up.
  4405. >Something's not right.
  4406. "M-my purse!"
  4408. >You just got robbed.
  4409. >The thief runs away.
  4410. "O-oh no! My paycheck!"
  4411. >"Shit, don't worry Sunset. I'll get it back!"
  4412. >Anon quickly stands up and runs after him.
  4413. "No Anon! What are you doing?!" You yell at him.
  4414. >He ignored you.
  4415. >You only hope the thief doesn't have a gun.
  4416. >You try to run after them.
  4417. >But you trip over after two steps.
  4418. "Oww...stupid high heels! Grrr..."
  4419. >After you stand up, you notice that you can't see Anon or the thief.
  4420. >They run pretty fast.
  4421. >You only hope Anon is oka-
  4422. >Was that a gunshot?!
  4423. "ANON! ANON!!!"
  4425. >Oh no, did Anon get shot?!
  4426. >You hear some struggling coming from a dark alley.
  4427. > When you take a peek over the edge of the wall, the thief comes out of nowhere and bumps into you again, causing you to lose balance and fall on your rear.
  4428. >The thief has blood on his jacket.
  4429. >Oh no�
  4430. >The thief looks at you before deciding to run away, he�s covering his arm with a blood stained hand, he also can�t run well.
  4431. >You stand up and walk in the dark alley.
  4432. �Anon? Are you okay?�
  4433. >A figure walks towards you.
  4434. >�Hi Shimmy!�
  4435. >You smile at Anon and run towards him, to give him a big hug.
  4436. �Oh my gosh Anon, I was so scared! I thought he killed you!�
  4437. >Anon chuckles.
  4438. >�Nah, I�m A-OK, can�t say the same about that guy though, that bullet went straight into his arm.� He scratches the back of his head.
  4439. >You let out a relieved sigh.
  4440. >�By the way Shimmy,� he hands you your purse, �don�t worry; he didn�t manage to steal anything.�
  4441. >You grab your purse and hug it.
  4442. �T-thank you so much Anon�� you give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
  4443. >He lets out a silly chuckle.
  4444. �Weren�t you scared?�
  4445. >�Let�s say I have some experience in these situations�you learn fast with thugs on your ass.�
  4446. >You giggle.
  4447. >�Let�s get going, I don�t want to give the cops any sort of explanation, because that might backfire on me.�
  4448. >You nod, showing gratefulness towards Anon.
  4449. >�Anyways Shimmy, as I was telling you��
  4451. >You've arrived to your apartment safe and sound thanks to Anon.
  4452. >"Well, here we are Shimmy."
  4453. "Thanks a lot Anon...I had fun tonight."
  4454. >He chuckles.
  4455. >"Me too, and I'm glad we made progress on that report, unlike Pinkie Pie; you're a great partner!"
  4456. >You smile at him.
  4457. >"You better get some rest Sunset, I can't imagine what it's like to be standing around almost all day on that department store."
  4458. "Well, my day wasn't ruined," you pull your paycheck out of your purse and show it to him, "I'll be able to pay my rent thanks to you."
  4459. >You're starting to feel something inside.
  4460. >It feels so awkward, you feel your heart warm and fuzzy.
  4461. >What's happening to you?
  4462. >Anon lets out a relieved sigh.
  4463. >"I'm glad I could help Sunny. Anyways, I have to get going; if I'm not home when my parents arrive they'll freak out."
  4464. >Anon called you Sunny? That's so cute...
  4465. "Okay...have a good night Anon."
  4466. >He smiles at you and turns his back.
  4467. >...Should you do it?
  4468. >[Do it Sunset!]
  4469. >Screw it!
  4470. "Anon!"
  4471. >He turns his head over his shoulder.
  4472. >"What is it Sunny?"
  4473. >You let out a sigh.
  4474. >"Are you going to be okay on the way back?"
  4475. >He laughs.
  4476. "Come on, you just witnessed what I can do, trust me; I'll be fine."
  4477. >He's right.
  4478. >You walk up to him.
  4479. "Okay, I trust you, but just to be sure, text me when you get home okay? I don't want to know that you didn't ran into a mugger again."
  4480. >Anon rolls his eyes while smiling.
  4481. >"Alright, I'll text ya when I get home. See ya tomorrow Sunny."
  4482. >You smile at him again.
  4483. "Bye."
  4484. >He walks away.
  4485. >You let out a content sigh.
  4486. >Your heart is beating so fast right now.
  4487. >No guy has ever made that effect on you.
  4488. >You can't feel but happy that you hung out with him for once.
  4489. >You can tell that something may happen between the two of you.
  4490. >You wonder if he still has feelings for you.
  4491. >He made it pretty clear that he liked you back then.
  4492. >Today you can say that the feeling is reciprocal.
  4494. >10:50 P.M.
  4495. >You're about to go to sleep.
  4496. >You take off your suit and fold it neatly on its hanger.
  4497. >The chilly air sends shivers to your spine.
  4498. "Brrr..."
  4499. >You better hurry up.
  4500. >You take off your black stockings, and next, your red bra.
  4501. >You look at yourself on the mirror, just to check yourself out.
  4502. >Well, now you can see why Anon just stared at you in that way.
  4503. >It's not like Rainbow Dash has anything better to offer.
  4504. >You giggle, then you lift your hair with your palms and let it fall.
  4505. "Looking good Sunset...looking real good."
  4506. >When you arrived to this world you wondered why you had these things on your chest.
  4507. >How could you be so silly.
  4508. >You chuckle to yourself.
  4509. >You open your drawer and take your pajamas out.
  4510. >You had such an amazing day.
  4511. >In that moment, your smartphone buzzes.
  4512. >(1) new text, from: Anon
  4513. >You open it.
  4514. >["I just got home Sunny, no problems. See ya tomorrow at school."]
  4515. >That's good, you were getting worried already.
  4516. >You put on your pajamas and get into your bed.
  4517. >You're looking forward to hang out with Anon more.
  4518. >Besides, you don't think Rainbow and Anon have something going on.
  4519. >They are just friends after all.
  4520. >You let out a yawn and turn off the lights.
  4521. >Tomorrow's going to be amazing!
  4523. >Tuesday.
  4524. >7:58 A.M.
  4525. >You're Anon again.
  4526. "Another day of school...fuck."
  4527. >You are near the school's premises.
  4528. >Ever since you woke up, you had an eerie feeling that told you something wasn't right.
  4529. >Maybe it's because of what happened yesterday.
  4530. >The girls probably burnt the pictures.
  4531. >You sigh.
  4532. >You can only hope the girls already forgot about it.
  4533. >When you open the main door you cover your face with your palms.
  4534. "Fucking hell..."
  4535. >All the girls are wearing jeans.
  4536. >They look pretty upset.
  4537. >There's also a big banner that says "Canterlot High, home of pathetic perverts."
  4538. >What have you done?
  4539. >Why couldn't Sunset keep her mouth shut?
  4540. >"What the hell are you doing?!" Norman yells.
  4541. >Gilda just opened Norman's locker with a crowbar.
  4542. >"Out ot the way dweeb!" She pushes him before checking his locker, "oh boy what do we have here? We caught another one girls!"
  4543. >Five copies of Rarity's picture.
  4544. >Seriously Norman?
  4545. >Norman gets on his knees and begs Gilda for mercy.
  4546. >The girls gather around him and start throwing garbage at him.
  4547. >You sigh and walk to your locker.
  4548. >"Babe! Please! I'm sorry!" You hear Midnight Bell apologizing to his girlfriend Sandy Lemon.
  4549. >"I hate you! How could you do this to me?! Why would you have pictures of Applejack, Fluttershy and Lyra in your locker?! IT'S OVER BETWEEN YOU AND ME!" She slaps him before running away crying.
  4550. >Fucking hell.
  4551. >What's wrong with these morons?
  4552. >Why the fuck would they keep the pictures in their lockers?
  4553. >Poor Sandy Lemon.
  4554. >Her pics didn't sell too well.
  4555. >You finally get to your locker.
  4556. >Something's wrong with the lock.
  4557. >Someone picked it!
  4558. >The door opens and several pictures fall to the floor.
  4559. >SHIT!
  4560. >You kneel and shove the pictures in your backpack.
  4561. >No one saw you, right?
  4562. >Who would do something like this?
  4563. >And then, you find a note on the floor.
  4564. >It reads: "Snails told us everything...everyone will know who took the pictures at lunch!"
  4565. >You clench your fists.
  4567. "Fucking Flash..."
  4568. >Aria is walking by!
  4569. >You quickly stand up and face her.
  4570. "Hi Aria! How's it going?"
  4571. >She ignores you.
  4572. >Adagio passes by.
  4573. "Hey Adagio."
  4574. >"Hmph."
  4575. >You sigh.
  4576. >"Hi Anon!" Sonata cheerfully says.
  4577. "Oh, hey Sonata!"
  4578. >"We're hunting down perverts! Do you know someone that might have pics in his locker?"
  4579. "N-not at all!"
  4580. >Sonata giggles.
  4581. >"Well, you don't have pics inside your locker, now I know why Rainbow's friends trust you!"
  4582. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  4583. >"Well, I have to get going Anon! One last thing! What do you think of my jeans?"
  4584. "They uh...look great Sonata!"
  4585. >"For realzies? Thank you so much Anon!"
  4586. >She leaves you alone and follows her friends.
  4587. >Damn it.
  4588. >You're so dead.
  4589. >You have three hours until your death.
  4590. >What are you going to do?
  4592. >Face it like a man?
  4593. >Or show Flash and his gang what you're capable of?
  4595. >You sigh.
  4596. >"Howdy sugarcube!" Applejack walks by.
  4597. "Heya..."
  4598. >"You don't look so good sugarcube, is something wrong?"
  4599. "Yes Applejack..."
  4600. >What's the matter Anon?"
  4601. "I'm going to die at lunch time," you open your backpack and show her all the pictures that were in your locker.
  4602. >"Whoa nelly! Why are these things in your backpack?"
  4603. >You show her the note that you found on the floor minutes ago.
  4604. >"Oh boy..."
  4605. "What should I do Applejack?"
  4606. >She sighs.
  4607. >"I guess that you'll have to say the truth know what they say, there's nothin' kept secret that will not come to light."
  4608. >You sit down in front of your locker in frustration.
  4609. >"Aww sugarcube..." she sits next to you, "don't be scared...the girls and I will be there for you, especially Rainbow Dash."
  4610. >Applejack places her arm around you.
  4611. >"Whatever happens at lunch...we'll be there for you sugarcube. Just as you were there for us when we needed a hand."
  4612. >She plants a kiss on your cheek before standing up.
  4613. >"Best of luck Anon..."
  4614. >You touch the cheek that Applejack kissed.
  4615. >She's right.
  4616. >As long as they stick with you, you shouldn't care about what the others think about you.
  4618. >You're now Applejack.
  4619. >And you're waiting for the math teacher.
  4620. >It nearly broke your heart to see Anon hopeless.
  4621. >You felt like that when you started working for the Flim Flam brothers.
  4622. >You knew that you couldn't afford buying the lamp before Granny's birthday.
  4623. >And out of the blur, he decided to help you out.
  4624. >You don't know why.
  4625. >Before that, you considered him to be an annoyance.
  4626. >How could you be so mean towards him?
  4627. >Anyways, what he did for you was one of the sweetest things someone has ever done for you.
  4628. >He didn't want your money, but you feel the need to pay back the favor.
  4629. >So you have to help him!
  4630. >You pull your smartphone out of your backpack and text your friends.
  4631. ["Girls, meet me in the restrooms after the first's important."]
  4632. >["Okie dokie loki!"] Pinkie replies.
  4633. >["Is something wrong Applejack?"] Fluttershy asks.
  4634. >["The restrooms? Eww..."] Rarity adds.
  4635. >["What's going on"] Sunset Shimmer asks.
  4636. ["Flash is going to tell everybody that he took the upskirt pictures...we have to help Anon out!"]
  4637. >["We'll be there!"] Rainbow Dash replies.
  4639. >You're Anon again.
  4640. >And it's lunch time.
  4641. >You don't want to be here.
  4642. >You just want all this to be a bad dream.
  4643. "I'm surely going to wake!"
  4644. >Nothing happens.
  4645. "Goddamnit!"
  4646. >Well, you're screwed.
  4647. >What happens here is going to change your life forever.
  4648. >Maybe you can say goodbye to your chances of studying and getting a decent job.
  4649. >You could run away from Canterlot with Rainbow Dash, marry her in Las Pegasus and have tons of children, then you'll work doing heavy jobs in the East Coast, like construction or some shit.
  4650. >Rainbow Dash...pregnant?
  4651. >That'd be insanity!
  4652. >What's wrong with you brain?
  4653. >You sigh.
  4654. "Here goes nothing..."
  4656. >You enter the cafeteria with your head high.
  4657. >Even if you're not looking forward to hearing the girls' insults, you are hoping to make the situation worse for Flash and his gang.
  4658. >And probably to any guy that wants to pass the blame on you.
  4659. >They bought the damn pictures; it�s not your fault that they couldn't keep the photos in private.
  4660. >"Hey dude! Over here!" Rainbow Dash waves at you from her table.
  4661. >She's accompanied by all her friends.
  4662. >You don't see Flash or his gang nearby.
  4663. >You hastily walk to the table and sit next to Rainbow Dash.
  4664. >"Jeez dude...why are you so tense? Did you kill someone or what?" Rainow Dash says mockingly.
  4665. "I bet that you already know what's wrong with me Dashie," you cover your face with both of your palms, "I'm a dead man..."
  4666. >The girls giggle.
  4667. "What's so funny girls?"
  4668. >"You're just overreacting Nonny!" Pinkie Pie happily says.
  4669. >"I agree with Pinkie darling, I can't believe you're scared of something so ridicule, especially after you've faced actual threats like that ruffian in the club," Rarity adds.
  4670. >They are right.
  4671. "Yeah...I guess."
  4672. >"Don't be nervous sugarcube, you'll be in for a surprise when Flash decides fo open that big mouth of his!"
  4673. "What do you mean AJ?"
  4674. >The girls giggle again.
  4675. >What's wrong with your friends?
  4676. >"Just relax Anon! Do you want my salad?" Rainbow says.
  4677. "I-"
  4678. >The cafeteria's doors open violently.
  4680. >Flash's gang bursts into the cafeteria with megaphones.
  4682. >Your friends and pretty much everyone in the cafeteria perk up their ears, even Applejack's granny.
  4683. >Flash enters the cafeteria with a bag full of copies of the upskirt photos you took and then he drops it on the floor.
  4684. >The girls gasp.
  4685. >"I thought that we got rid of them!" Lyra says, perplexed.
  4686. >"You can't get rid of digital copies Lyra...the guy that took them forgot that Snips and Snails saved the originals on their computers."
  4687. >That's impossible!
  4688. >You searched for the photos in their computers after you beat the living crap out of them!
  4689. >And you didn't find anything.
  4690. >Your friends look at you, confused.
  4691. >"Didn't you say that you had deleted everything Anon?!" Rarity says.
  4692. "I-I thought I did! I found nothing in their computers or hard drives!"
  4693. >The fuckers probably saved the photos in a website with cloud storage service.
  4694. >"Snips and Snails told Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna everything...but they didn't believe them, so they said that they'll upload the photos to the internet if the guy that took them doesn't confess!"
  4696. >The girls gasp again.
  4697. >"They are just bluffing!" Rainbow Dash shouts.
  4698. >Flash raises an eyebrow.
  4699. >"Are they? Go to and you'll see."
  4700. >Everyone in the cafeteria pull up their phones to open the website.
  4701. >"Eeeek!" Sunset Shimmer yells.
  4702. >All her photos are already up and they include her name, her phone number and a link to her MyStable account.
  4703. >Tears roll down her eyes; she slams her head on the table and begins to sob.
  4704. >"Why are you doing this Flash?" Rarity asks while trying to comfort Sunset Shimmer.
  4705. >He appears to be ashamed of his actions after seeing Shimmy cry like that.
  4706. >"They uh...also said that they'd upload everyone's pictures in five minutes if the author doesn't reveal himself..."
  4707. >Your friends look distressed.
  4708. "A-Applejack....what was that surprise you had for Flash?"
  4709. >"I got nothing sugarcube...I didn't know that they'd pull off something so evil like this."
  4710. >Some girls start asking questions; Adagio and Aria are acting very agressive to some guys, while the others are begging Flash to make Snips and Snails stop.
  4711. >Fluttershy looks at the website again.
  4712. >Three of her pictures were uploaded.
  4713. >She blushes so hard at the humiliation before starting to cry.
  4714. >"WHOA...LOOK! MORE PICTURES WERE UPLOADED!" Atomic Adam yells.
  4715. >The rest of Fluttershy's pictures were uploaded, plus Applejack's set and lastily Rarity's picture.
  4716. >The fuckers are targeting your friends!
  4717. >You can't take this anymore.
  4719. >The whole cafeteria looks at you.
  4721. >He takes out his phone of his pocket and texts Snips and Snails.
  4722. >["Anon pussed out. Great job guys."]
  4723. >"That's what we wanted to hear," the voice of a mature woman is heard.
  4724. >"P-principal Celestia!"
  4725. "Anonymous! Come to my office immediately..." she says using a cold tone.
  4726. >You're screwed beyond salvation.
  4727. >Flash smirks.
  4728. >"Good luck Anon," Flash says mockingly.
  4729. >"You too Flash Sentry..." Principal Celestia adds.
  4730. >"W-What?!"
  4731. "NOW!"
  4733. >You take a last glance at your friends and then walk towards Principal Celestia, hoping for the worst.
  4734. >Flash pulls out his phone and refreshes the website.
  4735. >Snips and Snails took the webpage down.
  4736. >"Phew..."
  4737. >You can hear the girls at the cafeteria whispering to each other.
  4738. >"You're dead Anon!" Aria says.
  4739. >She's probably right.
  4740. >You and Flash walk to Principal Celestia's office.
  4741. >"Do you think Anon'll be alright?" Applejack asks concerned.
  4742. >"Let's just hope so," Rainbow Dash replies.
  4744. >Vice Principal Luna is so angry at the two of you.
  4745. >"I'll take care of Anonymous," Principal Celestia says, "you talk with Flash Sentry dear sister."
  4746. >"You boys are in big trouble now!"
  4747. >Flash is nervous.
  4748. >"This is a misunderstanding Vice Principal L-"
  4749. >"Be quiet!" She says before pushing Flash into her office.
  4750. >Oh boy, he's dead meat now.
  4751. "P-principal Celestia?"
  4752. >She remains silent, and opens the door of her office for you.
  4753. >You take a seat in front of her desk, and then she locks the door.
  4754. >She sits down and looks at you.
  4755. "I-I can explain!"
  4756. >She lets out a giggle.
  4757. >"Your friends already did Anon."
  4758. "What?"
  4759. >"Sunset Shimmer told us exaclty what happened yesterday, the girls seem to like you even after that incident..."
  4760. "'re not upset?"
  4761. >"Of course I am! I had to calm down a bunch of angry teenagers yesterday!" She says with a strong voice.
  4762. >Principal Celestia lets out a sigh.
  4763. >"Anon, you do understand that what you did was horrible right?"
  4764. "Yes! I've been trying to fix it ever since, you'd not believe all the trouble I've had with Rainbow Dash's friends."
  4765. >"Trouble? They seem to be happy with you...and don't worry, Rainbow Dash told us why you took the photos. I was surprised when I heard that an excellent student like yourself would be involved in something so silly."
  4766. "Well...I had no choice!"
  4767. >"Sure you did. You should've talked to me since the beggining!"
  4768. >You sigh.
  4769. "No one cared for the new kid, girls laughed at me whenever my locker was filled with trash..."
  4771. >Principal Celestia raises an eyebrow.
  4772. >"I don't know how that justifies your actions Anon."
  4773. "Yeah you're right...well, I'm okay with any sort of punishment you think I deserve Principal Celes-"
  4774. >"We're not done yet Anon. When I asked Snips and Snails what happened yesterday they told me everything. Including can I say it? Ah yes; outburst."
  4775. >Your heart drops for a little.
  4776. >You're fucking done for.
  4777. >"The thing is, they always got into trouble, they played real mean pranks on teachers and students alike, and frankly I got tired of seeing their faces every three days."
  4778. "Huh?"
  4779. >"They stopped pulling their stupid pranks...five months ago."
  4780. "F-five months?"
  4781. >She nods.
  4782. >"They stopped misbehaving after that incident. You did the whole school a favor by 'kicking some sense' in their thick skulls."
  4783. >She lets out a chuckle.
  4784. "Whoa whoa whoa, Principal...I'm so confused right now, you�re telling me that they've been guilty of pulling multiple pranks in the past?"
  4785. >"Yes, although using you to do take dirty photos sure is over the line, even for them."
  4786. "What about Zero Tolerance policies?"
  4787. >"Our school hasn't ever been involved in any scandal of this matter...we've been able to keep bad students on track by suspending them and that usually does the trick, but Snips and Snails sure are special cases...I guess we should be more strict; especially after what happened in last year's fall formal..."
  4788. "What happened?"
  4789. >She giggles.
  4790. >"If you want to find out ask Sunset Shimmer then..."
  4792. >So you did Canterlot High a beating the shit out of Snips and Snails.
  4793. >"Even though I don't endorse violence Anonymous...your file reads that you come from a very violent and insecure city; Sunset Shimmer is still grateful about how you handled that mugger."
  4794. >You let out an uncomfortable chuckle.
  4795. >"You never pick up fights, nor bully other just snapped out, and I understand."
  4796. "You do?"
  4797. >"Yes, but that's not important right now...what is important is your punishment..."
  4798. >Crap.
  4799. >"Since the incident happened five months ago, I'm sure that you 've learned your lesson, I'll go easy on you. You'll have to stay after school hours to help me and my sister with documents for three weeks."
  4800. "That's it?"
  4801. >"Do you want me to suspend you?"
  4802. "N-no! But what about Snips and Snails?"
  4803. >"I suspended them for a week; it's the first suspension they have received in a long time..."
  4804. "What about the website Flash showed at the cafeteria?"
  4805. >A knock is heard on the door.
  4806. >"May we come in dearest sister?" She asks.
  4807. >"Come in Luna..."
  4808. >Vice Principal Luna and Flash enter the office.
  4810. >"Flash here told me why he pulled that stunt off...apparently Anon told Sunset Shimmer the incident before she contacted that Twilight Sparkle girl..."
  4811. >How the hell did he find out?
  4812. >Flash lets out a defeated sigh.
  4813. >"Sunset got mad at him and told him off in the middle of the cafeteria...and that's where it started."
  4814. >"I didn't want to get all the blame!"
  4815. >You stand up and face him.
  4816. "And you had to make this mess?! Nobody forced you to buy the pictures Flash!"
  4817. >"Be quiet Anonymous!" Vice Principal Luna shuts you up.
  4818. >"Luna, what about the website?" Celestia asks.
  4819. >"That was my idea...I just wanted to push Anon's buttons to make him confess! I wasn't planning on uploading the pictures of the rest of the school. I didn't mean any harm!" Flash says.
  4820. >"I convinced Snips and Snails to make the website...and I ordered to take it down after Anon confessed..."
  4821. >The sisters raise their eyebrows.
  4823. >"Well...this is your first offense after all Flash, and the damage is already done...where did you obtain all those pictures anyways?"
  4824. "I asked the guys to give me all the pics they bought before the girls opened all the far they think that twenty students bought the pictures."
  4825. >"Anon? How many students bought the pictures?" Vice Principal Luna asks.
  4826. "All of them..."
  4827. >Principal Celestia sighs.
  4828. >" two are in serious trouble now!" Luna yells, "you'll have to-"
  4829. >"Do paperwork for us for three weeks!" Principal Celestia interrupts.
  4830. >"What? Dear sister! You cannot be serious!" Luna says, "they deserve a worse punishment!"
  4831. >"Luna, they'll get punished alright...I bet that Aria Blaze girl has a couple of 'words' for them..."
  4832. >Shit.
  4833. >"Besides, if we miss the deadline for all those documents we won't be able to enjoy our vacations!"
  4834. >Vice Principal Luna nods.
  4835. >"Alright then sister...but seriously though, you're too soft on our students."
  4836. >"And you're too harsh Luna, don't you think that-"
  4837. "Uhh...can we go now?"
  4838. >"Yeah yeah..." Principal Celestia brushes you off, "go to your classes already; but I want you two here after school hours..."
  4840. >4:00 P.M.
  4841. >Rainbow Dash's place.
  4842. "And that's what happened Dashie..."
  4843. >Rainbow Dash places a bag of ice on your head.
  4844. >"So you have to stay after school hours doing paperwork for the Principals?" Rainbow Dash says.
  4845. >You slowly nod.
  4846. >"Well, that isn't so bad, right girls?"
  4847. >All of your friends nod.
  4848. >"At least you didn't get suspended Nonny!"
  4849. "In this state? I'd rather be suspended."
  4850. >"Poor Anon," Fluttershy cleans a wound on your lips using cotton and alcohol, "how are you feeling?"
  4851. "Horrible...every muscle in my body hurts so much."
  4852. >Sunset Shimmer sits next to you.
  4853. >"I'm sorry Anon, this is all my fault; I should've kept everything a secret..."
  4854. >You sigh.
  4855. "It's okay Sunny, at least Flash got what he deserved as well...damn Gilda and her kickboxing lessons."
  4856. >Applejack sighs.
  4857. >"At least we could calm plenty of girls back in the cafeteria sugarcube...they were pretty upset with you."
  4858. "How did you manage to do such thing? I thought I was a goner back there."
  4859. >"Shh...don't talk too much Nonny," Fluttershy says.
  4860. >"Well sugarcube, we told everyone at the cafeteria your motives, some girls calmed down, while others said that they don't want to see you again..."
  4861. >"Oh darling, it was awful!" Rarity says in a dramatic way, "we even had to tell them about your...peculiar way of dealing with those perverts, but some girls didn't want to listen to us."
  4862. >You let out a chuckle; a painful one since Aria and company managed to beat you after you got out of school.
  4863. "I can't believe it...sweet girls like Trixie, Sonata and many others beat the crap out of me. Snips and Snails got lucky."
  4864. >"Forget about them dude, it'll take some time to get our classmates to forgive you, but we'll make sure that they don't go hard on you."
  4865. "As long as they don't beat me like that again, then I'm fine if I have to wait for them to forgive me when I'm 80."
  4866. >The girls giggle.
  4867. "So Sunny, should we keep working on that history project?"
  4868. >"I don't know Anon, you look like you need some rest."
  4870. >You take out your phone out of your jeans very slowly.
  4871. >"Careful now sugarcube, your arms are full of bruises."
  4872. "Tomorrow's gonna hurt, thank goodness I have you girls as my nurses," you jockingly say, "I must be dying because I'm surrounded by angels."
  4873. >"..."
  4874. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack throw cushions at you.
  4875. >Fluttershy just giggles in a cute way.
  4876. >Sunset smiles at you.
  4877. "Oh dear, even breathing hurts..."
  4878. >"Aww poor Nonny! I better throw you a 'get well' party! And I'll invite Featherweight, Atomic Adam, and Trix...nevermind."
  4879. >You chuckle.
  4880. "Oh Pinkie...I'd laugh, but I can't."
  4881. >"Remember Nonny, laughter is the best medicine!"
  4882. "I just hope Flash got it worse than me, what he did to you gals was horrible."
  4883. >At least he didn't make Snips or Snails upload the pictures to other websites.
  4884. >"Oh, believe me, we took care of that too dude!"
  4885. "Good...good. You don't know how much I wanted to punch the guy's face back in Principal Celestia's office."
  4886. >They all agree.
  4887. >"And he went through all that trouble just because Sunset refused to write to Twilight," Applejack scoffs, "what a baby."
  4888. >"And...done!" Fluttershy says, "how are you feeling now Anon?"
  4889. "I think I feel fine, thanks for your help Flutters, I'm glad you are an expert when it comes to first aid."
  4890. >She giggles.
  4891. >"Anyways...I have to get goin' Anon. My granny told me not to be late today," Applejack says, "take care!"
  4892. >She places her hand on your shoulder.
  4893. "Aghhh; watch it AJ!"
  4894. >"Oops, sorry sugarcube," she apologizes before walking to the front door, "see ya tomorrow y'all!"
  4895. >"Bye AJ!" Your friends wave at her.
  4897. >The rest of your friends eventually leave, leaving you alone with Rainbow Dash.
  4898. >You glance at the clock.
  4899. >5:12 P.M.
  4900. >"Finally! I thought they'd never leave!"
  4901. "Huh?"
  4902. >"We got the house for ourselves dude! Wanna watch a movie?"
  4903. >You nod and smile at her.
  4904. >She walks to the T.V. and bends over to turn the DVD player on.
  4905. >Oh shit.
  4906. >What a beautiful rump.
  4907. "Whoa, what a lovely view!"
  4908. >"Huh?"
  4910. >Did you just say that out loud?
  4911. >Rainbow Dash giggles in a very seductive way.
  4912. >"Thanks, you can look but you can't touch..."
  4913. >You weren't expecting that comment.
  4914. "Uhh..."
  4915. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  4916. >"I'm just kidding dude," she places the DVD in the tray.
  4917. "Aww..."
  4918. >She smirks.
  4919. >"Although I don't mind a quick look...I'll go make some popcorn, be right back."
  4920. >What a tease.
  4922. >Minutes later she comes back with a big bowl full of popcorn.
  4923. >"Come on Anon. Start the movie already!"
  4924. >You hit the 'Play' button on the remote before Dash sits next to you.
  4925. >["Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA."]
  4926. >You place your left arm around her shoulder and grab some popcorn from the bowl.
  4927. >She places her head on your chest.
  4928. "Oww-"
  4929. >"Oh sorry man; I forgot-"
  4930. "It's okay Dashie," you interrupt her, "place your pretty little head slowly, I won't feel anything if you do it carefully..."
  4931. >She giggles and does exactly what you said.
  4932. >"How's this?"
  4933. "Perfect..."
  4934. >["First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!"]
  4935. "Gee...this isn't very romantic," you mockingly say.
  4936. >Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  4937. >"Who do you take me for? Rarity?"
  4938. >You both laugh.
  4939. >"Anyways dude, I'm glad that Principal Celestia wasn't a real jerk towards you."
  4940. "Well, I certainly didn't get expelled, but working for her is going to be awful...and the worst part is that I'll do it for free!"
  4941. >She rubs your forearm with her soft hand.
  4942. >"It'll help you to stay out of trouble after school."
  4943. "Yeah, I guess...I don't want to run into Gilda once again."
  4944. >"Did you know that me and her used to be best friends?"
  4945. "No? What happened?"
  4946. >["It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan..."]
  4947. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  4948. >"She was cool back in middle school, but then she transformed into a big bully...I hate people like those."
  4949. "Damn."
  4950. >"But why was she mad at you? She wears jeans everyday!"
  4951. "And she also wears thongs..."
  4952. >"...don't think about those you big perv!"
  4953. "H-hey, you brought it up!"
  4954. >She takes a cushion and smothers you with it.
  4955. >["For you!"]
  4956. >You laugh.
  4958. >The movie ends.
  4959. >"Well, that was lame...I don't know why my dad likes it so much."
  4960. "Eh, it was better than Bloodthirst."
  4961. >"Ugh, sometimes you're a big jerk-"
  4962. "For you," you say with a shit-eating grin.
  4963. >Rainbow Dash giggles.
  4964. >"But I like you that way dude..."
  4965. >She smiles back at you and plants a kiss on the cheek.
  4966. >Aww.
  4967. "Dashie, is the Winter Formal still up?"
  4968. >She nods.
  4969. >"Pinkie's working really hard for the party, she'd be broken hearted if the girls want to cancel it due to those stupid pictures..."
  4970. "Poor Pinkie...I just hope she doesn't get mad at me if that happens."
  4971. >"And if it DOES happen I bet you'll come to her aid and do something really stupid to prevent that right?"
  4972. "Am I really that predictable?"
  4973. >"I'm just kidding dude, in fact how you concern about us is one of your perks that makes me like you."
  4974. >You let out a chuckle.
  4975. "Well, what else do you like in me?"
  4976. >She blushes.
  4977. >"What's not to like?" Dash shyly says, "I like your attitude, your jokes, your-"
  4978. >You place your lips on her quickly.
  4979. >"Hm?!..Mmm~<3!"
  4980. >She places her arms around your neck.
  4981. >Her mouth is so warm, and her cheeks reveal a sexy shade of red.
  4982. >After long minutes of kissing, you release her mouth.
  4983. >A long saliva trail rolls down both of your cheeks.
  4984. >" can now add that to the list pretty boy."
  4985. >You smirk.
  4986. "Round 2?"
  4987. >"You bet!"
  4988. >This time she pushes you onto the sofa and gets on top of you.
  4989. >That hurt, but you don't complain this time.
  4990. >Please take off the top Dashie...
  4991. >She leans in for another kiss.
  4992. >Eh, another kiss is fine too.
  4993. >You place your arms on her back and kiss her back.
  4994. >This time Dash's tongue decides to drop by your mouth.
  4995. >Whoa, things are getting serious now.
  4996. >Let's try something.
  4997. >Your hands slowly travel down her back.
  4998. >Her butt is so tempting...
  4999. >Should you do it?
  5001. >Rainbow Dash rubs her body on your chest while she lets out little moans in your mouth.
  5002. >You can feel her nipples stiffen and her body temperature rising.
  5003. >Here goes nothing.
  5004. >You place your left hand on her firm ass.
  5005. >She suddenly opens her eyes and breaks the kiss.
  5006. >"What happened to the no touching part?"
  5007. >Shit.
  5008. "I-I didn't mean to-"
  5009. >She places her index finger on your lips and leans in.
  5010. >"Do it again..." she whispers into your ear.
  5011. >You obey the rainbow haired girl.
  5012. >She bites her lower lip.
  5013. >You're getting turned on right now.
  5014. >You've dreamed of touching her private parts for months now.
  5015. >Rainbow is digging your touch, and she starts kissing your neck.
  5016. >Her hot breath, her sweet kisses, and her arousal. What a combination!
  5017. >Your hand is getting to intrusive right now, because you just lifted her skirt with the back of your fingers to get a grip of her panties.
  5018. >"Yeah...keep going."
  5019. >She takes off her jacket and starts unbuttoning your blood-stained shirt.
  5020. >"Oh damn, you're a complete mess dude...I hope this helps relieve the pain."
  5021. >She starts kissing each bruise on your torso.
  5022. >From the the bottom.
  5023. "Dashie?"
  5024. >"Shhh...don't worry, I already said that we have the house for ourselves."
  5025. >She gets on top of your groin and starts rubbing her crotch against yours.
  5026. >Your hand stops caressing her beautiful rump and tries to climb up to feel her delicious breasts.
  5027. >She takes off her top and lets you see her bra.
  5028. "Sexy..."
  5029. >She giggles.
  5030. >You place your hands on her breasts and immediately start doing slow circular movements.
  5031. >"Ahh...damn, it feels better than when I do it myself."
  5032. >Dash masturbates? That's so hot.
  5033. >You try to unhook her black bra, but fail.
  5034. >She giggles.
  5035. >"Let me help you Anon."
  5036. >She places her hands on her bra and unhooks her bra, but holds it in her arms.
  5037. >"Ready?"
  5038. >You nod.
  5039. >She smirks and throws the bra on the floor.
  5040. >"Like them?"
  5041. "Love them."
  5042. >You rub her nipples with your thumbs.
  5044. >Dash bites her lower lip.
  5045. >Damn, you surely love when she does that.
  5046. >"That feels so good..." Rainbow Dash looks at your crotch, "mind if I have a look too?"
  5047. "Not at all sweetie."
  5048. >She gets off you and kneels next to the couch, then she fumbles with your belt for a little before taking your pants off.
  5049. >She blushes at the sight of your boner trapped inside the fabric of your boxers.
  5050. >"Whoa..."
  5051. >She's speechless.
  5052. "What's wrong? Aren't you going to laugh like you said you would?"
  5053. >Rainbow caresses your cock over your boxers, but when she grabs the elastic and pulls them down, her face reveals surprise.
  5054. >You chuckle.
  5055. "Like it?"
  5056. >She shyly nods.
  5057. "Feels good to have my own personal nurse..."
  5058. >Her cheeks are all red now.
  5059. >Rainbow takes her skirt and yoga shorts off.
  5060. >She wears sexy undergarments.
  5061. >Rainbow Dash's face is getting closer and closer to your penis.
  5062. >Is she going to-
  5063. >She gives your penis a couple of licks.
  5064. >That felt good.
  5065. >She continues licking your rock-hard dick before putting it in her mouth.
  5066. >Her left hand travels down her body and when it reaches her private parts, she pulls the panties aside and starts rubbing her already wet labia.
  5067. >"Mmm..." she moans.
  5068. "Aww fuck, k-keep going Dashie."
  5069. >You reach for her breasts and squeeze one of them with your right hand.
  5070. >She keeps bobbing her head up and down.
  5071. >Her hot and wet mouth feels so good.
  5072. >Your balls are aching at the moment, so you're pretty sure that you'll cum in a matter of seconds.
  5073. "D-Dashie...I'm gonna-"
  5074. >You cum inside her mouth.
  5075. >"Urrk-" she releases your cock and coughs up a little, "Ehttp://www...that was gross!"
  5076. >You can barely move.
  5077. >"Don't ever do that again understood?" She cleans her face with her forearm.
  5078. "Aww..."
  5079. >Your penis goes flaccid.
  5080. >"Aww fuck, I'm still horny...Let's go to my room dude, I already know how much you like my bed," she says in a flirty tone.
  5081. >She walks to her bedroom waving her hips in a seductive way.
  5082. >She drops her panties on the living's floor.
  5083. >"Coming dude?"
  5085. >You stand up and pick up all the clothes.
  5086. >You don't want her dad enter the house and find her panties and bra laying on the living room.
  5087. >You follow her and throw the clothes in her bedroom.
  5088. "Can't you be tidy for one day Rainbow Dash?"
  5089. >She giggles first before giving you another kiss on the lips.
  5090. >You place your arms around her waist and begin massaging her butt.
  5091. >She fondles your flaccid dick hoping that it becomes erect again.
  5092. >You know that you'll have to wait a couple of minutes before that happens, so you push Rainbow Dash on her bed and start kissing her tummy.
  5093. >"Ohh..."
  5094. >Your mouth keeps kissing her well toned body before reaching to her dripping wet labia.
  5095. >"Dude...please be gentle."
  5096. >You smile at her and grab both her legs with your hands and spread them apart.
  5097. >"Ngghh...stop teasing me already."
  5098. >You give her nice labia a big and slow lick,
  5099. >"AHH...YES!"
  5100. >She grabs the pillow in excitement with both of her hands.
  5101. >You keep licking her sex, and you're starting to feel aroused once again.
  5102. >It'll be just a matter of time.
  5103. >Your body doesn't even hurt anymore since your mind is busy thinking of many ways to please your girlfriend.
  5104. >She's panting at the sensation of your tongue licking her privates.
  5105. >One hand travels right to her pussy and you start rubbing her clit with your thumb, slowly and in circles.
  5106. >She keeps moaning.
  5107. >You sure love loud sex.
  5108. >Your penis is getting hard at this point.
  5109. >Time to close the deal.
  5110. >You stop rubbing her clit with your thumb, and instead, you put your index finger in her love-tunnel.
  5111. >"Ahhh fuck...k-keep going."
  5112. >You place a second finger inside her, and move them inside.
  5113. >She's so warm and wet.
  5114. >It takes a some time to fully understand what she's feeling, but thanks to all that time wasted watching porn in your bedroom you know what to do.
  5115. >And then, she climaxes.
  5116. >"AAAHHH! YES!"
  5117. >She places her fingers inside her vagina and makes you lick her fluids.
  5118. >Implying this bothers you.
  5119. >"That was awesome dude..."
  5121. "Ready for round two?"
  5122. >She nods.
  5123. >You grab your dick and guide it to her sweet .
  5124. >"Hurry up Anon..." she can't contain her excitement.
  5125. >You rub your dick on her pussy.
  5126. >"Get it inside already!"
  5127. "Whoa...why are you so jumpy now girl?"
  5128. >She blushes.
  5129. >"I'm not!"
  5130. "Alright, here it goes..."
  5131. >As you're about to slide your penis in her warm and wet pussy, the front door opens.
  5132. >"DASH! I'M HOME!"
  5133. >"SHIT!" She says out loud, "My dad's home!"
  5134. "Oh fuck!"
  5135. >You get off Rainbow Dash and grab your clothes.
  5136. >You're glad you picked up the clothes when they were laying on the living room's floor.
  5138. >" sec dad!"
  5139. >You pull up your pants and grab your belt.
  5140. "Time to use the emergency exit I guess," you whisper to her.
  5141. >"Shhh...keep quiet."
  5142. >You open the window and quickly get out of her room.
  5143. "I'll see you tomorrow Dashie. I don't want to get killed by your dad!"
  5144. >She giggles.
  5145. >"Alright dude...don't worry, we can try this tomorrow, just get some protection first okay?"
  5146. >You nod, but before you leave, you give Rainbow Dash a last kiss on her lips.
  5147. >"Dude, just go!"
  5148. "Right!"
  5149. >You start to run away from Dash's house.
  5150. >She's right.
  5151. >You need to get some protection first.
  5152. >A quick trip to the pharmacy store and you're up for some fun.
  5154. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  5155. >And you just finished dressing up.
  5156. >Your dad opens the door of your room.
  5157. >"Princess? Aren't you hungry?"
  5158. "I'll be there in a minute dad!"
  5159. >"Why are you so sweaty?" He asks.
  5160. "Uhhh...I went to jog."
  5161. >"Oh, okay sweetheart. Come on over...maybe we can watch a movie together. Would you like to watch The Dark Kn-"
  5162. "Again? No!"
  5163. >"Oh...okay honey. Hurry up or you'll have to reheat your meal because I ain't doing it!"
  5164. >You giggle.
  5165. "Sure dad."
  5166. >You let out a content sigh.
  5167. >Anon...
  5169. >Plenty of hours have passed.
  5170. >You're now Anon, you don't know where you are.
  5171. >You're in a dark room that isn't your bedroom or any room in your house.
  5172. >An awful stench is present in the air.
  5173. >There are cockroaches, spiders and rats crawling on the floor.
  5174. >You feel disgusted and gag a little before noticing a wooden door by your right side.
  5175. >You run to it and open it, only to find three shady figures sitting on black chairs.
  5176. >"There you are..." the one in the middle says, "you don't know who we are right?"
  5177. "Uhh..."
  5178. >"Let's leave it like that," the second to your left says, "you've done awful things in the past haven't you?"
  5179. "I..."
  5180. >"Of course you have!" The third to your right yells, "what makes you think that you're clear of fault?"
  5181. >You are starting to get confused.
  5182. >"You don't know who we are, but we know you; and we know what's going to happen next..." the one in the middle says again.
  5183. >You can't see their faces, or recognize their voices.
  5184. "Wh-what's going to happen?" You say, scared.
  5185. >"You'll regret everything you've ever done, that's for sure...because for them, you're not a victim."
  5186. "What?! For who?"
  5187. >"Maybe you should apologize to them," the sweet voice to your left says, "they'll understand."
  5188. >"Their parents didn't!" The angry and raspy voice to your right says, "not even the parents of his friends..."
  5189. >"Things won't end well for you, but before you leave I'll ask you these four questions: do you like hurting your classmates' feelings?"
  5190. "No!"
  5191. >"Are you really a victim?"
  5192. "Well..."
  5193. >"Why didn't you ask for help at first?"
  5194. "Shit-"
  5195. >"And lastly, do you actually think that Principal Celestia will stick to her word?"
  5196. >You remain silent.
  5197. >"The alarm will sound now, we'll see each other again."
  5198. "The wha-"
  5199. >Your alarm goes off.
  5200. >You wake up sweating profusely.
  5201. >It was all a dream.
  5202. >A very weird one.
  5203. >6:30 A.M.
  5204. >Who the hell were those guys?
  5205. >What the hell is going on?
  5206. >What's going to happen next?
  5207. "Shit..."
  5209. >7:34 A.M.
  5210. >You're about to leave your house.
  5211. "Bye mom, bye dad."
  5212. >"Take care don't want to run into muggers again," your mother says concerned.
  5213. "Yeah...muggers; I'll be fine, don't worry about me ma."
  5214. >You close the door and walk to your school.
  5215. >You hate lying to your parents, but they don't have to know what happened to you.
  5216. >They'd get angry at you if they know that girls kicked your ass because you took photos of their undies five months ago.
  5217. >But you don't want this shit to hit the fan.
  5218. >It's had to be buried!
  5219. >It was your fault because you wanted to be totally honest with Sunny.
  5220. >What if that nightmare is true?
  5221. >What if the parents of your classmates find out what happened?
  5222. >You don't want to move back to Detrot.
  5223. >You'll be dead within an hour if you go there again.
  5224. >It's a good thing your body doesn't hurt that much.
  5225. >Women.
  5226. >Strong.
  5227. >You laugh to yourself.
  5228. >But fuck that Gilda.
  5229. >She was the one that did most of the damage anyways.
  5230. >But her ass was so big, and her thongs are so little...
  5231. >Best easy money Snips and Snails made.
  5232. >"Nonny! Over here!"
  5233. >You turn your head over your shoulder and find Pinkie and Fluttershy walking with their books on their arms.
  5234. "Oh, hey girls!"
  5235. >"Umm...hi Anon," Fluttershy sweetly says, "how are you feeling today?"
  5236. >You stretch your body.
  5237. "I feel amazing thanks to you Flutters!"
  5238. >You give her a big hug.
  5239. >"I...umm...eep!"
  5240. >You release her and chuckle at the cute shade of pink on her soft cheeks.
  5241. "Seriously though Shy, you should become a doctor!"
  5242. >Pinkie Pie giggles.
  5243. >"So Nonny, how did you and Rainbow spent that alone time together?" She says while bumping your arm with her elbow.
  5244. "We watched a movie Pinks, and that's it..."
  5245. >"Yeah sure...I bet you and Dashie were smooching like this-" she puckers her lips and starts making weird movements with her mouth.
  5246. >You laugh.
  5247. "Reeal funny Pinkie, were you spying on us or what?"
  5248. >Pinkie laughs.
  5249. >"Of course not silly!"
  5251. >The three of you laugh.
  5252. >"Oh look, speak of the devil..." Pinkie points with her index finger to a very happy looking Rainbow Dash.
  5253. >She catches up with the three of you.
  5254. >"Hi girls! Heeey pretty boy!"
  5255. >You smirk and give her a hug.
  5256. >"D-dude? N-not in front of my fri-"
  5257. >You shush her by giving her a sweet and little kiss on the lips.
  5258. >Fluttershy and Pinkie giggle.
  5259. >"Not cool dude..."
  5260. "Pffft, I bet you want another kiss."
  5261. >She punches your shoulder pretty lightly.
  5262. >"A two sure look cute together!" Pinkie Pie bounces happily.
  5263. "Let's get going girls, we don't wanna be late."
  5264. >"Sure Anon," Fluttershy says.
  5265. >You extend your hand and place it next to Rainbow Dash.
  5266. >She lets out a groan.
  5267. >"Dude; seriously?!"
  5268. "Come on Dashie..." you put on some puppy eyes and pout, "please?"
  5269. >She smiles at you.
  5270. >"Okay okay; only because you asked nicely!"
  5271. >She grabs your hand and walks with you.
  5272. >"Ahttp://www..." Pinkie and Fluttershy say at the same time.
  5273. >Rainbow Dash blushes.
  5274. >Pinkie and Fluttershy walk in front of you, talking about an upcoming test of their geography class.
  5275. >You shrug it off, but in that moment Dashie plants a kiss on your cheek.
  5276. >She's a sweet girl.
  5277. >"Dude, our soccer team will play Friday's night against Dodge Junction's High School, will you come to see me play?"
  5278. >You nod.
  5279. "Of course Dashie, I'd like to see you whoop butts at soccer that aren't mine for once."
  5280. >She chuckles.
  5282. >Canterlot High.
  5283. "Oh boy...I think I'm starting to get sick."
  5284. >Your friends try to calm you down.
  5285. >"Don't worry Nonny, we'll be here with you. This time that mean ol' Gilda won't be able to punch you!"
  5286. "I just wish the rest of the girls see my bruises and leave me alone."
  5287. >Derpy walks by you.
  5288. >"Oh hi Derpy!" Pinkie greets her.
  5289. >She hits you in the head with her purse.
  5290. "Owww!"
  5291. >"Derpy! What the heck?!" Rainbow Dash angrily says.
  5292. >She sticks her tongue out at you and walks away.
  5293. "Well...I guess I deserved that."
  5294. >"Ignore her dude, she can't be mad at you anymore..."
  5295. >Well, considering the photo you took of her was the most dangerous of all you can't be mad at her.
  5296. >Hell, she could've called the police on your ass and you'd be Bubba's little bitch right now.
  5297. >Pinkie and Fluttershy walk to their lockers and they wished you luck.
  5298. >You walk to your locker with Rainbow Dash by your side.
  5299. >Some girls are disgusted by your presence, while others laugh at your wounds.
  5300. >"You totally deserved that you pervert!" Roseluck yells at you.
  5301. >Aria, Sonata and Adagio laugh at you.
  5302. >"Ignore them dude..." Rainbow Dash says.
  5303. >You sigh.
  5304. >You reach your locker and open it.
  5305. >A bunch of papers fall down from it.
  5306. >They read very hurful words.
  5307. >You grab them all and throw them away.
  5308. >You notice that Flash arrives to his locker that isn't far away from yours, papers also fall from it.
  5309. >"What the-" He says.
  5310. >You smirk.
  5311. "If I go down I'm taking you with me Flash..." you whisper.
  5312. >"Forget about him dude, he's not worth the time. Only time can heal the wounds. Do you want us to help you out?"
  5313. "No Dashie, I don't want you or the girls to be treated like dirt by our classmates because of me..."
  5314. >"B-but dude!"
  5315. >You place a finger on her lips.
  5316. "Don't worry, I'm used to this stuff...I'm from Detrot remember?"
  5317. >"Oh...right."
  5318. >The bell rings.
  5319. >"Darn, I have to get going! I'll see ya at lunch okay?"
  5320. >Rainbow Dash plants a sweet quick kiss on your cheek before running to her classroom.
  5321. "Bye sweetie..."
  5322. >And she's gone.
  5323. >You run to your class as well.
  5325. >Classroom 204.
  5326. >20 minutes in and it's already shit.
  5327. >Ms. Cheerilee's classes are always boring.
  5328. >You're glad your friends Featherweight and Applejack attend this class with you.
  5329. >Featherweight keeps staring at Ms. Cheerilee's butt.
  5330. >He surely has fine taste.
  5331. >Bulk Biceps passes you a note.
  5332. "Huh?"
  5333. >You unfold the paper.
  5334. >["Anon, could you ask Fluttershy to go to the Winter Formal with me? I'm very shy to ask her out - BB"]
  5335. >Well, he's not a jerk towards you.
  5336. >And you don't know if he bought the pics of Shy.
  5338. >You nod at him.
  5339. >He looks excited and thankful.
  5340. >Besides, you're pretty sure that Fluttershy has some feelings towards him as well.
  5341. >Another note lands on your desk.
  5342. >This one is from Trixie.
  5343. >It reads: ["How are you feeling, pervert?"]
  5344. >You groan.
  5345. >And write down a reply to her.
  5346. ["I'm starting to feel better, not thanks to you of course. When are you going to kick Snips and Snails asses?"]
  5347. >After she reads your reply she giggles and writes her reply down on the same sheet of paper.
  5348. >[Your friend Rainbow Dash already told The Great and Powerful Trixie how you dealt with those perverts. And Trixie is impressed.]
  5349. >The note lands on your desk again and you read it.
  5350. >Does she really need to call herself by her name?
  5351. >Your reply:
  5352. ["You're welcome Trixie, and I'm sorry about the whole photo thing again."]
  5353. >She reads the note and shrugs it off.
  5354. >Well, that went better than expected, that's for sure.
  5355. >Your smartphone buzzes.
  5356. >What now?
  5357. >You take your phone out of your pocket.
  5358. >A new message from an unknown number?
  5359. >You open it.
  5360. >"I hope you have a horrible day Anon! - Love. Junebug <3"
  5361. >How did she get your number?
  5362. >Nevermind. That's not important.
  5363. >You send an apologize to her via SMS, explaining why you did it and how you dealt with Snips and Snails.
  5364. >She doesn't reply.
  5365. >Oh well, can't win them all.
  5366. >Just like your dream...predicted
  5368. >Lunch time.
  5369. >Goodness, you are already tired of this shit.
  5370. >You really need to get the hell out ASAP!
  5371. >So far you've received plenty of insults, a couple of shoves...and a kick in the balls.
  5372. >Why is life so horrible?
  5373. >Well, at least you're not in Detrot.
  5374. >There was that time you got stabbed by Dark Ember and their gang.
  5375. >Fuck them and their territory.
  5376. >You are sure you can handle these bitches.
  5377. >You open the cafeteria's door and grab a tray.
  5378. >"Why are you looking so down sonny?" Applejack's grandmother's asks.
  5379. "Oh, hey Mrs. Smith; I've been having a bad day, that's all..."
  5380. >"It's about the pictures of the panties you took five months ago?"
  5381. >You cover your face with a palm.
  5382. >She lets out a loud laugh.
  5383. >"Don't worry about something so silly lil' seed! Now, what'd ya want to eat?"
  5384. "Eh...I'm not hungry-"
  5385. >She shoves an apple in your mouth.
  5386. >"That's horse feathers dearie! You need to eat to keep yer' skeleton strong and your body pretty just like Applejack likes it!"
  5387. "Mmumhhb-" you take the apple out of your mouth, "Applejack what?!"
  5388. >Granny Smith realizes that she talked too much.
  5389. >"Uhh, never mind dear! Come on get going! You're starting to form a line!"
  5390. >You grab your tray and place some fruit and a burger on it.
  5391. >"NEXT!"
  5392. >Your male friends aren't on the usual table.
  5393. >Featherweight and Adam must've skipped classes to go for that special edition comic they've wanted so much.
  5394. >Now where's Glacier Bolt and Crystal Blade?
  5395. >"Nonny! Over here!" Pinkie waves at you.
  5396. >You smirk.
  5397. >They can eat alone for all you care.
  5398. >You're gonna have a good time with your friends and your girlfriend.
  5399. >As you walk to their table you feel something in front of you.
  5400. "Aaaah!"
  5401. >You trip over Gilda's foot.
  5402. >"Hehe, nice fall dweeb!"
  5403. >Your fell on your lunch, boy you're a complete mess.
  5404. >Plenty of girls laugh at you, as well as some guys
  5405. >Your friends run over to you to help you up.
  5406. >"Gilda you big meanie! Why did you do that!" Pinkie yells.
  5408. >You stand up and dust yourself off.
  5409. >Fluttershy grabs some napkins and starts to wipe off your shirt and jacket with them.
  5410. >"Hey G!"
  5411. >Rainbow Dash pushes Gilda and she falls on her round and meaty butt. Unf.
  5412. >"Show some manners!"
  5413. >The cafeteria goes "Oooooh..."
  5414. >Gilda grits her teeth and gets off her rear.
  5415. >"What the heck are you doing Dash? Why are you on this pervert's side?!"
  5416. >Rainbow crosses her arms.
  5417. >"Because he's a better friend than you!"
  5418. >Gilda looks hurt.
  5419. >Fluttershy shyly raises her index finger to say, "umm...technically he's your boy-"
  5420. >"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash blushes and faces Gilda again.
  5421. >"I don't understand! You used to be so cool when we hung out together Rainbow Dash!" Gilda says.
  5422. >"Those days are over for me, I realized that I was a big jerk back then! And if you have any trouble with Anon, then you'll have to deal with me!"
  5423. >Gilda laughs.
  5424. >"If you insist!"
  5425. >She throws a punch to Rainbow Dash.
  5426. "Shit!"
  5427. >You get in the middle of them and receive a blow to the stomach instead.
  5428. >You place your hand on your stomach and slowly fall to your knees.
  5429. >"Nonny!" Pinkie yells.
  5430. >"Oh my goodness oh my goodness!" Fluttershy starts to hyperventilate.
  5431. >Poor Fluttershy gets too tense when someone gets hurt.
  5432. >It's really sweet to see her and Pinkie worry about you.
  5433. >"Oh no..." Rainbow Dash gets on her knees and comforts you, "are you okay dude?"
  5434. >You slowly nod and try to stand up again.
  5435. >This time, you look at Gilda with eyes full of hatred.
  5436. >Gilda seems nervous.
  5437. >Your anger is making the pain calm down a little.
  5438. >"Gilda, that was uncalled for! Anon here knows that he cannot hit a girl! Apologize to him immediately!"
  5439. >She scoffs.
  5440. >"Bunch of two-faced hags! He also took several pictures of you! Why are you helping him?"
  5441. >"You wouldn't understand you big bully!" Fluttershy loudly says, "umm...sorry?"
  5442. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes.
  5443. >Gilda realizes that the girls are on your side, so she scoffs and walks away.
  5445. >" alright?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  5446. >You nod.
  5447. >Stupid Rarity, you would've kicked Gilda's round ass in a heartbeat.
  5448. >And you really want to find Bon Bon and kick her cunt so she knows what it feels like...
  5449. >But since you don't want to get into more trouble, you just pretend that nothing happened.
  5450. >"Just wait until Principal Celestia has a word with you Gilda!" Rarity yells at Gilda, who is near the cafeteria's doors.
  5451. >Some girls are starting to feel bad about you.
  5452. >And they better be!
  5453. >"H-how'z Anonymouz?" Photo Finish asks.
  5454. >"He's fine, isn't that right sugarcube?"
  5455. "Yeah...I'm A-OK."
  5456. >Applejack lets out a relieved sigh.
  5457. >"Thanks for blocking that punch dude," Rainbow gives you a hug, "I thought I was
  5458. "No worries Dashie. Thanks for standing up for me, and you too girls..."
  5459. >They all feel great.
  5460. >"Since that meanie Gilda ruined your lunch Nonny, do you want my fries?" Pinkie Pie asks.
  5461. "Yeah, that'd be great Pinkie."
  5463. >Hours later.
  5464. >The classes come to an end.
  5465. >You are in the music room listening to one song that your friends are singing.
  5466. >They are so talented.
  5467. >"We'll have to practice a little more if we have to be at our 100% at the prom girls!" Rainbow Dash says.
  5468. >"I think we were fine this time Rainbow Dash," Applejack replies, "what do you think Anon?"
  5469. "It was okay AJ. But I gotta agree with Rainbow on this one."
  5470. >Rainbow Dash chuckles.
  5471. >"See? What'd I tell ya Applejack?"
  5472. >You stand up.
  5473. "Well, that was fun girls, but I have to go now, Principal Celestia is expecting me to arrive to her office in no time."
  5474. >"Huh? Why Nonny?" Pinkie Pie asks.
  5475. "I have to help her file some paperwork as my punishment over the stupid pictures," you scratch the back of your head.
  5476. >"Oh...have fun Nonny!"
  5477. >Fun? Yeah right.
  5478. >Stupid paperwork.
  5479. >The girls say their goodbyes at you.
  5480. >"W-Wait Anon!" Sunset Shimmer says.
  5481. "What is it Sunny?"
  5482. >"We still have to work on our project remember?"
  5483. "Oh, I almost forgot about that Shimmy!"
  5485. >The Principal's office.
  5486. >2:05 P.M.
  5487. >"And you have to file these pile of papers by name and this pile by date, understood?"
  5488. "Yes Principal Celestia... "
  5489. >" Good. Now get to work, I've a feeling that you'll be here for a long time."
  5490. >This sucks.
  5491. >But it could be worse right?
  5492. >Principal Celestia leaves the room, swaying her hips in a very sexy way.
  5493. >You wish Rainbow Dash had wider hips like Sunset or Applejack.
  5494. >You grab the bunch of papers and start sorting them out.
  5495. >One hour later.
  5496. >You're done.
  5497. >"Good job Anon. You can leave now. Come back tomorrow at the same time. "
  5498. >You nod and walk out the door.
  5499. >You stretch your body and let out a yawn.
  5500. >Time to go home.
  5501. >You pass next to the music room and hear familiar music coming out of it.
  5502. >You sneak a peek and find Sunset playing the guitar by herself.
  5503. >You enter the room and Sunset greets you.
  5504. >"Hi Anon!" She happily greets you.
  5505. "HI Sunny! Where is everybody?"
  5506. >"Oh, we finished practicing ten minutes ago, the girls went to their houses already."
  5507. "Oh, why are you still here then?"
  5508. >"I was waiting for you silly, I already know how much time Principal Celestia tends to hold a student. "
  5509. >She's right, she said that she used to be a bad girl back in the day.
  5510. >You wonder how bad... Since she likes to wear sexy thongs a mother would be ashamed of.
  5511. >"Let's get going already Nonny, don't worry, today's my day off and we can make more progress on our project."
  5512. "That's the spirit Sunny Bunny, let's get to work alr-"
  5513. >"Wait. How did you call me again?" She inquires.
  5514. >Can't a day pass by without you saying something stupid?
  5515. >She giggles.
  5516. >"Where did you learn to say cheesy stuff like that Anon? Is Rainbow Dash okay with you saying that?"
  5517. >You let out an awkward chuckle.
  5518. >"It's okay Anon, let's get going...your place or mine?"
  5519. >Your parents are at home.
  5520. >And your mother tends to embarrass you when someone's visiting you.
  5521. >She showed all your baby pictures to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
  5522. "Ehh...your place is fine."
  5524. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  5525. >This is amazing!
  5526. >You'll get to spend your day off with Anon working on that dreaded history project.
  5527. >But you don't care!
  5528. >You'll work as much as you can with him so you can spend some time together doing stuff he likes. Maybe watching a movie like he does with Rainbow Dash.
  5529. >You're now walking by Anon's side, on the cold and windy streets of Canterlot.
  5530. >You love chilly temperatures, it reminds you of your home so much.
  5531. >Anon looks rather happy today, despite the fact that he was beaten up, insulted and humiliated so much.
  5532. >He's texting his parents to let them know that he'll be busy this afternoon.
  5533. >You don't know if your parents still care about you.
  5534. >And you really don't want to think about that.
  5535. >After all, it's supposed to be a happy day.
  5536. >No boring job, no lousy customers, just you and Anon alone in your apartment, and who knows what else could happen!
  5537. >You are humming a song on the way to your apartment.
  5538. >Anon pulls his phone again and texts one of your friends.
  5539. >It surely is nice to see him get along with them.
  5540. >It was your fault they didn't trust him at first.
  5541. >And when you freaked out at Flash two days ago, you got him into trouble with the rest of the school.
  5542. >You still wonder if he has feelings for you.
  5543. >And boy, he surely has changed.
  5544. >It's like someone taught him how to hang out with girls.
  5545. >Rainbow Dash doesn't count since she thinks and behaves just like him.
  5546. >Maybe he didn't want to feel bad that you rejected his proposal for the Winter Formal so he probably asked his 'bro' for a favor.
  5547. >Pffft, Rainbow Dash and Anon as a couple?
  5548. >That's really funny; as far as you know, Rainbow Dash isn't interested in dates or romance.
  5549. >And that's good to know since you really want Anon to ask you out to the Winter Formal again.
  5550. >But you can't trust anyone after Anon told you that your pictures 'sold like hotcakes'.
  5551. >You're going to kill Snips and Snails when they return to school.
  5552. >Minutes later, the two of you arrive to your apartment complex.
  5553. "Here we are Anon!" You happily say as you reach for your key to open the front door.
  5554. >"Yeah, boy am I glad that I get to see your apartment without shooting a mugger in the arm this time."
  5555. >You roll your eyes playfully and invite him to enter the place.
  5556. >He scans your apartment with his eyeballs.
  5557. >"Wow! You're real tidy Shimmy, you should give Rainbow Dash some advice..."
  5558. "What do you mean?"
  5559. >"Her dad tends to ground her whenever she doesn't clean her room, pretty much everyday, didn't hear that from me."
  5560. >You giggle.
  5561. "It's okay Anon, your secret's safe with me," you mockingly say, "have a seat, I'll join you in a couple of minutes."
  5562. >"Where are you going?"
  5563. "I'm gonna dump some stuff in my room and I'll bring my computer, be right back~"
  5564. >He sits on your couch and stretches his body.
  5565. >You take off your leather jacket and your boots and put on your sandals instead.
  5566. >Ahh, that feels good.
  5567. >You grab your remote and turn your stereo on to listen to some tunes.
  5568. >You're so relaxed.
  5569. >Maybe Anon could give you a massage...nah.
  5570. >You don't want to scare him off.
  5571. >Looks like Anon is digging your music as well, since he's tapping his foot to the music.
  5572. >It's the first person that does that, your friends aren't too fond of this genre.
  5573. >You grab your pink laptop with its charger and head to the small table located on the kitchen room.
  5574. >Anon stands up and sits next to you.
  5575. "You've been kinda quiet today Anon. What's wrong?"
  5576. >"Eh?'s nothing Shimmy. I was just thinking about what happened today...that's all."
  5577. >He looks pretty sad.
  5578. "If there's something I can help you with, I'll be glad to do so!"
  5579. >Anon places his palms on his face, his elbows rest on the table.
  5580. >"Sunny?"
  5581. "Yes?"
  5582. >"Are you still upset with me about the pictures I took?"
  5583. "No Anon, I'm not mad at you anymore. In fact, I should be the one that should apologize instead."
  5584. >"Huh?"
  5585. "Yeah, I'm sorry about what happened at the cafeteria Anon...I was really upset with Flash. Did you know that we used to be a couple?"
  5586. >He nods.
  5587. >"Yeah, Rainbow told me about that..."
  5588. "Anyways, I was just so angry that I snapped out, I wanted to talk with him in private, but I don't know what force made me freak out like that in the cafeteria. And I got you into trouble...I didn't want to do it Anon, I swear!"
  5589. >Anon shushes you up.
  5590. >"It's alright Shimmy, Applejack was right, I couldn't keep that thing a secret and it was probably for the best. Now I'm glad that the whole school knows about Snips and Snails."
  5591. "Yeah, but you got hurt Anon!"
  5592. >"It's okay Shimmy, I've been through worse stuff back in Detrot."
  5593. "Really?"
  5594. >He nods.
  5595. >"There was this time I had to run away from armed gangbangers because I was in their turf...but that's water under the bridge, and I don't want to bring that up."
  5596. "Oh, poor Anon."
  5597. >He shrugs it off.
  5598. >"I just hope the girls are more comprehensive like you Sunny, I'd rather get slapped by you once again than to receive another kick in the...well, you know where."
  5599. >You gasp.
  5600. "Oh my goodness, who kicked you Anon?!"
  5601. >"Bon Bon...2nd period."
  5602. "Now I feel more and more guilty. They should be after Snips and Snails, not you!"
  5603. >"Don't feel guilty Sunny."
  5604. "How could I not feel guilty? You're a complete mess, and it's all my fault! If I hadn't-"
  5605. >Anon laughs.
  5606. >"Seriously Sunny, I don't care if the girls hate me, as long as you think I'm not some sort of freak then I'm fine with that."
  5607. >You place your head on his shoulder.
  5608. "I'm sorry Anon..."
  5609. >"It's okay Sunny. Now let's get to business okay?"
  5610. >You smile at him.
  5611. "Okay..."
  5613. "Dachau Concentration camp was finished around 1933..."
  5614. >"Don't add Times New Roman to the presentation Shimmy."
  5615. "Why?"
  5616. >"That font makes people think that you're lazy."
  5617. "Oh."
  5618. >"Light blue and white should be fine."
  5619. "What's wrong with yellow?"
  5620. >"My eyes!"
  5621. >You scoff playfully.
  5623. >One hour has passed.
  5624. "And done!"
  5625. >Anon lets out a relieved sigh.
  5626. >"Well, our essay is done, and our presentation as well!"
  5627. >You save your work and close the program.
  5628. >Anon notices something strange in your computer.
  5629. >"Jeez, what's all that stuff Shimmy?" Anon points at several files scattered on your computer.
  5630. "I don't know...I don't even know if those things are good or bad, I'm practically new to computers."
  5631. >You bought this laptop four months ago because you really needed it for school.
  5632. >Pinkie Pie taught you how to use hers, but only to do school projects and stuff like that.
  5633. >Anon's eye twitches.
  5634. >"Sunny...that's malware."
  5635. "Mal-what now?"
  5636. >He pinches the bridge of his nose.
  5637. >"Don't you have an anti-virus installed?"
  5638. "...No?"
  5639. >"Oh darn, let me have a look through your computer Shimmy. I bet that poor thing will explode in a matter of seconds."
  5640. >He sits next to you and you watch his hands all over your keyboard.
  5641. >He's downloading plenty of programs.
  5642. "What are you doing Anon?"
  5643. >"I'm fixing your laptop, it seems to be pretty expensive."
  5644. "Well, it was somewhat expensive. I haven't finished paying it."
  5645. >He looks like he knows what's he's doing.
  5646. >"Now let's run this software I just installed and...whoa."
  5647. "What's wrong?"
  5648. >"More than one hundred viruses already?"
  5649. "That's a bad thing right?"
  5650. >"Where do you come from Sunny? From a country that doesn't have State-of-the-art technology?"
  5651. "Ehh...something like that."
  5652. >"This'll take a while. Don't worry; I got you covered, your laptop will work properly again."
  5653. >You smile at him.
  5654. "Thanks Anon, I didn't even know that the problem was THAT bad."
  5655. >He chuckles.
  5656. >"You're welcome Sunny. I'll clean your computer and it'll be just as new."
  5657. >You don't want him to think that you're using him.
  5658. >So you'll make him feel welcome.
  5659. "Thanks again...Anon?"
  5660. >"Yeah?"
  5661. "When you're done, do you want to watch a movie with me?"
  5662. >"Sure Sunny, what are we watching?"
  5663. "Let me check my shelves, be right back."
  5665. >You walk to your shelves and look for CDs.
  5666. >This world sure is more complex than Equestria.
  5667. >But you really love it.
  5668. >Television, movies, internet, cell phones and of course, food. That's what you enjoy the most.
  5669. >Sure, this world was a bit overwhelming when you ran away from Equestria.
  5670. >And it was really difficult to find a place of your own to live in.
  5671. >But time has passed, and you've found friends to make this world bearable.
  5672. >Sure, it has it's downsides, like that mugger you and Anon ran into.
  5673. >You bend over and look through your DVD rack.
  5674. >These world's movies are way better than the ones in Equestria.
  5675. >Three nights at paradise? You love this movie, but it probably is too cheesy for Anon.
  5676. >You don't want to scare him away.
  5677. >1942? Eugh, you don't want to see any more stuff related to your history project.
  5678. >Another one.
  5679. >Exploding Penguins III: Total Annihilation.
  5680. >You roll your eyes.
  5681. >You wasted ten bucks because Pinkie Pie loves this movie and she told you that you had to buy it.
  5682. >She's really weird.
  5683. >Another one; Wild Stallions IX?!
  5684. >You shove the movie into the back of your shelf and blush in embarrassment.
  5685. >Anon didn't caught you, did he?
  5686. >He's still fixing your computer.
  5687. >A naughty thought comes into your mind.
  5688. >You'll watch it another day by yourself.
  5689. "Hehehe..."
  5690. >You find another movie
  5691. >He'll love this one for sure!
  5692. "Almost done Nonny?"
  5693. >"I'll be there in a couple of minutes Sunny."
  5694. >You love it when he calls you Sunny.
  5695. >Flash used to call you pet names when you were a couple, but you didn't enjoy them at all.
  5696. >But once again, you only used him to be popular, you didn't care for him at all.
  5697. >You should feel sad about him because he was really nice to you, but now that you know that he bought pics of your underwear you wish you never met him.
  5698. >You place the disc on the tray and press play.
  5699. >"What are we watching Sunny?"
  5700. "You'll see," you giggle, "you'll see..."
  5701. >He shrugs it off and continues with his work.
  5702. >Can't watch a movie without popcorn!
  5704. >Minutes later Anon is done cleaning your laptop.
  5705. >He clears some sweat away with the back of his hand.
  5706. >"Phew, it's ready Sunny! I didn't know you could shove many viruses in one computer."
  5707. "Really? Let me see..."
  5708. >You move the mouse around and open some windows.
  5709. "Whoa, it's even faster now! Thank you so much Anon!"
  5710. >He chuckles while he scratches the back of his head.
  5711. >"It's nothing Sunny, really."
  5712. >You notice that your favorite browser is missing.
  5713. "Um...Anon? Where's my browser?"
  5714. >"I uninstalled it Shimmy, that ain't a browser, it's a freaking botnet that tracks your online activity."
  5715. "B-but I like it! It goes really fast."
  5716. >"It saves you 100 nanoseconds at the modic price of 9,99 GB of RAM!"
  5717. >If you understood what he just said you'd laugh.
  5718. >"It's a joke Sunset..."
  5719. >You let out a chuckle even though you didn't get it.
  5721. >Anon sits next to you.
  5722. >"I love your couch Sunny, it's pretty soft!"
  5723. "My friends have said that before. I bought it in a yard sale, it was very cheap."
  5724. >In fact, you got most of your appliances a couple of months ago from a heated discussion between a divorcing couple.
  5725. >You
  5726. >You place a bowl full of popcorn on the coffee table and hit the 'play' button.
  5727. >"Oh boy, this is gonna be good!"
  5728. >You smirk.
  5729. >A horror movie! What an excellent idea!
  5730. >You'll feign to be scared so Anon can comfort and embrace you with his arms.
  5731. >Five minutes into the movie and Anon knows what's going on.
  5732. >"Uhhh...Sunny?"
  5733. "Hm?"
  5734. >"Why did you choose a horror movie?"
  5735. >You smirk.
  5736. "You're not scared are you?"
  5737. >"No!"
  5738. "Then what's the problem?"
  5739. >"Uhh...none I guess."
  5740. >Bingo! He fell for it!
  5741. >And now for the killing blow.
  5742. "I've never seen this movie before, Pinkie Pie lent it to me. But I don't want to watch it by myself..."
  5743. >He rolls his eyes playfully.
  5744. >"Okay okay, you win Sunny! As long as you don't scream like Fluttershy then I'm fine."
  5745. >You nod at him.
  5746. >This is gonna be great!
  5747. >You put on some lipstick first.
  5748. >Hehe...
  5750. >Anon didn't notice you putting on some lipstick because he's eating popcorn happily.
  5751. >He can be so oblivious from time to time.
  5752. >"Oh boy, it does look creepy. Fluttershy would've run through the window at the first five seconds."
  5753. >You giggle.
  5754. >Pinkie lent you this movie a week ago, and you haven't had the chance to watch it.
  5755. >It can't be that bad right?
  5756. >Ghost girl? Meh.
  5757. >You brought dead animals back to life using black magic and spells when you were Celestia's prot�g�.
  5758. >There is not a single thing in this world that can scare you.
  5760. >Minutes later.
  5761. "Make it stop...make it stop," you whisper to yourself.
  5762. >You're hugging Anon with all your might.
  5763. >He sure looks a bit tense.
  5764. >"Oh fuck."
  5765. >You cover your eyes.
  5766. >"My God, where did Pinkie get this movie?"
  5767. "I-I don't know."
  5768. >"I hate foreign movies, this is just plain sick."
  5769. >You open your eyes and see a man doing unspeakable things to a minor.
  5770. "Nope! I can't watch this anymore!"
  5771. >You grab the remote and stop the movie.
  5772. >Anon lets out a relieved sigh.
  5773. >"Damn, Bloodthirst was complete shit compared to this...this thing!"
  5774. >You slowly nod.
  5775. "Pinkie said that she wanted to see Bloodthirst at the cinema, and that you spoiled the movie for her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash."
  5776. >"The movie would've sucked for Pinkie Pie, I'm sure of it."
  5777. >You both laugh.
  5778. >"I don't know why she likes horror movies so much."
  5779. "Eh, it's because she always giggles at the ghosties."
  5780. >Did you just say that out loud?
  5781. >"G-giggles at the ghosties? Pfft Hahaha! What a girl!"
  5782. >You smirk.
  5783. >"We should watch another movie Sunset, and seek some help for Pinkie Pie as well."
  5784. >You nod.
  5785. "I'll give her the movie tomorrow at school."
  5786. >Anon stands up and stretches his body.
  5787. >Well, your plan to make Anon comfort you failed.
  5788. >People in this world aren't right.
  5789. >He gets on his knees and looks through your shelves.
  5790. >You stare at Anon's butt.
  5791. >Nice...
  5792. >"Oooohh, Exploding Penguins III; you've got great taste Sunny!"
  5793. "T-thanks Anon."
  5794. >You hate that movie so much.
  5796. >Four hundred, you saw four hundred penguins exploding in a time lapse of two hours.
  5797. >Anon couldn't stop laughing all the time.
  5798. >"Oh my God, that was so good, I hope they release the fourth movie already."
  5799. >There's a fourth coming?!
  5800. >Please, no more!
  5801. >Anon glances at his watch.
  5802. >"Gee, it's getting late Sunny, I have to get going."
  5803. >Anon stands up and dusts himself off some of the popcorn he ate.
  5804. >Well, the movie approach was a total failure.
  5805. >You stand up and accompany him to your door.
  5806. >He grabs his backpack and opens the door, but before he walks away he turns around and looks at you.
  5807. >"I had fun today Shimmy, I'll see you tomorrow."
  5808. >You smirk.
  5809. "Yeah, me too Anon -- have a good night."
  5810. >You both exchange a goodbye kiss on the cheek before Anon walks away.
  5811. >What an evening.
  5812. >You close the door and walk to your kitchen.
  5813. >A quick look at your computer makes you think how slow it used to be.
  5814. >Thanks to Anon it works faster than ever.
  5815. >You turn your laptop off and shut the curtains.
  5816. "Ahh..."
  5817. >You make yourself comfortable and open the DVD tray.
  5818. >You didn't expect that you'd end up watching this stupid movie again.
  5819. >The entire evening you were thinking of how to make a move on Anon, but you were afraid he'd freak out.
  5820. >Well, he still likes you...right?
  5821. >You wonder if he has something going on with Rainbow Dash.
  5822. >Maybe he lost again to her playing soccer.
  5823. >You'll never know unless you ask him.
  5824. >A DVD case falls from the shelf.
  5825. "Hm?"
  5826. >It's your copy of Wild Stallions IX.
  5827. >S-should you?
  5828. >Yes you should.
  5829. >You place the DVD on its tray and play the movie.
  5830. "Yeah, that's the stuff..."
  5831. >You take off your jeans and your blouse, because you're going to have a good time.
  5832. >You didn't know that horses in this world had huge penises.
  5833. >It makes you wish you were a pony again.
  5834. "Hmm..."
  5835. >You grab one breast with your left hand, and place your right hand beneath the fabric of your panties.
  5836. "Ahh..."
  5838. >You're Anon again.
  5839. >And you just got home.
  5840. >"Hi dear, how did your date went?" Your mom happily says.
  5841. "It wasn't a date mom, my friend and I were working on our history project but that's it."
  5842. >Your mom giggles.
  5843. >"Sure honey, sure; dinner's almost ready."
  5844. "Alright mom. I'll be in my room, call me when you need me."
  5845. >You climb the stairs and lay on the bed.
  5846. "Ahh..."
  5847. >What a nice day.
  5848. >You spent a fun evening with Sunny Bunny.
  5849. >Everything was fine, except for that horror movie bit.
  5850. >You can't fathom why Pinkie Pie would have something so messed up in her movie collection.
  5851. >But you shouldn't care.
  5852. >Maybe it belongs to her sister Maud Pie.
  5853. >That girl gives you the heebie-jeebies.
  5854. >Even her upskirt photo was boring.
  5855. >Grey and big panties? Meh.
  5856. >No wonder why it didn't sell at all.
  5857. >Sunset Shimmer's pics instead...damn.
  5858. >You can feel that you're about to have a boner.
  5859. >You had a whole evening with her.
  5860. >Sure, she is a nice friend and all, but her body, her lips, everything about her is pure perfection.
  5861. >In that moment, your smartphone buzzes.
  5862. "Huh?"
  5863. >You've received a new text from...Rainbow Dash.
  5864. >You sigh.
  5865. >It's like she's a psychic, whenever you think of Sunny she calls or text you.
  5866. >["Don't forget to come to my soccer game dude or I'll be mad at you ��."]
  5867. >Her game is the day after tomorrow!
  5868. >You write down your reply.
  5869. "Who do you take me for? Of course I'll be there Dashie, and I'll buy you a sundae when you win!"
  5870. >You should find other cute pet names for her.
  5871. >Especially if they make her feel uncomfortable and/or mad at you.
  5872. "Hehehe..."
  5873. >You would never cheat on Rainbow Dash.
  5874. >The only girl who trusted you.
  5875. >Who gave you another chance with her friends.
  5876. >And stuck with you after the whole school turned their backs on you.
  5877. >Screw them, you're happy with her.
  5878. >She'd probably run away with you if everyone in town found out about the photo scandal.
  5879. >What if that actually happens?
  5880. >That's what the voices in your nightmare implied.
  5882. >Thursday, 7:00 A.M.
  5883. >You let out a huge yawn.
  5884. "Man, what a night."
  5885. >You take a peek out of your window and quickly notice a change.
  5886. >It's snowing!
  5887. "Whoa..."
  5888. >You weren't expecting to snow for goddamn sure.
  5889. >Sure, yesterday was chilly, but not that cold anyways!
  5890. >Well, you still have to get ready for school.
  5891. >You have a feeling that snow will cool down the anger of your female classmates.
  5892. >Hopefully you won't have to deal with their shit today.
  5893. >You can't wait to do hang out and play with Rainbow Dash under the snow.
  5894. >But first, the daily routine.
  5895. >Shit, shower (even though it's a torture under these conditions) and shave.
  5896. >After you put on some warm clothes and your favorite jacket you head downstairs and have breakfast with your parents.
  5897. >When you finished eating your breakfast, you say your goodbyes and walk out the door.
  5898. >You glance at your watch.
  5899. >7:40 A.M.
  5900. >You get on your way and walk real slowly to school.
  5902. >Minutes later.
  5903. >"Anon!"
  5904. >You turn head over your shoulder and find Rainbow Dash happily waving at you.
  5905. >She catches up with you and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
  5906. >"Hey! How's my favorite perv?"
  5907. "I'm fin...Hey!"
  5908. >She laughs.
  5909. >"Relax man, I'm just-"
  5910. "Yeah yeah...pulling my leg," you say between chuckles, but then you lean in and whisper into her ear "when are you going to pull my 'third' leg again?"
  5911. >She blushes and shoves you away from her.
  5912. >"Don't say those things Anon, someone could hear us!"
  5913. >Who the hell could be able to hear such a low whisper like yours?
  5914. >"Let's get going big perv."
  5915. "Haha, okay Dashie."
  5916. >She grabs your hand this time.
  5917. >Whoa, that's new.
  5918. >Rainbow Dash moves her head frantically in all directions.
  5919. "What's wrong?"
  5920. >"I just want to make sure the coast is clear."
  5921. "Clear? Of what?"
  5922. >She gives you a nice and wet kiss on the lips.
  5923. >When she releases your mouth she just says; "morons like Flash, Gilda, or anyone that dares to bother us."
  5924. "Oh."
  5926. >Minutes later you both arrive to CHS.
  5927. >Rainbow Dash leaves to her calculus class, not before planting a quick peck on your cheek.
  5928. "Ahh...what a girl."
  5929. >You walk to your locker and open it.
  5930. >For once nothing bad happened to it, thank goodness.
  5931. >You grab your books and head to your class.
  5932. >So far, everything's going well.
  5933. >You pass by the flower trio, Roseluck, Daisy and Lily.
  5934. >They all blow air through their noses when they see you.
  5935. >Well, at least they didn't assault you like the Dazzlings or Gilda.
  5936. >You'll apologize to them later, preferably one by one; because you don't want them to freak out at you.
  5937. >Time for your Geography class.
  5938. >Let's get this over with.
  5939. >You arrive to the classroom and sit down at a free desk.
  5940. >The teacher hasn't arrived yet.
  5941. >Your friend Featherweight sits next to you and you bump his fist.
  5942. >"Hey Anon, how's it going?"
  5943. "So-so, and you?"
  5944. >"I got my hands on these little beauties," he pulls something from his backpack, "look at them."
  5945. >You take a look at what appears to be a deck of your favorite card game.
  5946. "No that-"
  5947. >"Yep. It's just the newest deck brought directly from Japan.
  5948. "Weren't these supposed to arrive to our country in the next month?"
  5949. >"I know a guy...say, do you want me to get you a deck?
  5950. "Damn, you don't know how much I want one of those..."
  5951. >He smirks.
  5952. >"Yeah, but Glacier Bolt and Crystal Blade have three decks already, we can't leave you behind Anon!"
  5953. "I don't know man...are they expensive?"
  5954. >He nods.
  5955. >"But I can get you one for free, but only if..."
  5956. "If? If what?"
  5957. >He gulps.
  5958. >" can get me a date for the Winter Formal, preferably with Applejack."
  5959. "...I'll see what I can do."
  5960. >"Good morning students," Professor K. Sombra enters the classroom, "today we'll learn about Crystals..."
  5961. >"Thanks dude!" He says with a face full of joy.
  5962. >First Bulk Biceps and now Featherweight?
  5963. >What are you getting yourself into?
  5965. >Lunch time.
  5966. >You're now Fluttershy.
  5967. >And you're sooo hungry.
  5968. >Your backpack starts to move.
  5969. "Shh...not now Angel; please stay quiet," you whisper.
  5970. >He's starting to get hungry, but if Principal Celestia sees Angel in school you'll be in trouble.
  5971. >But you can't help it, your pets are just so cute. And it breaks your heart when you have to leave them at home.
  5972. >As you're about to enter to the cafeteria you hear a voice call your name from behind.
  5973. >"Fluttershy! Hey Fluttershy!"
  5974. >You turn your head over your shoulder and see Anon catching up with you.
  5975. "Oh...hey Anon, what's wrong?"
  5976. >"Nothing's wrong Shy, I just wanted to ask you something."
  5977. "Hm?"
  5978. >"It's about the Winter Formal, you don't have a date yet right?�
  5979. >tfw no date.
  5980. >tfw Rainbow Dash has a boyfriend already and you don't.
  5981. �N-not yet, why do you ask?�
  5982. >�Well, someone wants to ask you out but he�s really shy and he asked me if you�d be willing to give him a chance��
  5983. �Well that depends, did he buy any of the pictures you took of me?�
  5984. >�Nope, in fact he was pretty upset towards all the guys that bought your pics.�
  5985. >You gasp.
  5986. "Oh my, what about you? He didn't hurt you did he Anon?"
  5987. >"Of course not! Anyways Fluttershy; what do you say?"
  5988. "Well...I'm not sure Anon, i-is he cute?"
  5989. >"Do you want to find out by yourself or do you want me to spoil the surprise for you?"
  5990. >You think for a couple of seconds.
  5991. "He isn't one of your friends right?"
  5992. >"No," Anon leans in to your ear and whispers, "my friends are hopeless."
  5993. >You both laugh.
  5994. "Well, now I'm now curious Anon...who is he?"
  5995. >"If you want to find out he'll be at the gym after the school ends."
  5996. >You let out a yay.
  5997. "Oh I'm so happy I could scream...woohoo~"
  5998. >Your stomach growls.
  5999. >"It seems you're hungry as well Flutters."
  6000. >You blush.
  6001. >"Let's get something to eat, where's Apple-"
  6002. >Your bunny hops out of your backpack and runs away.
  6003. "ANGEL! Can you help me Anon?"
  6004. >You chase after your bunny.
  6005. >"Goddamnit...wait for me!"
  6007. >You are now Applejack.
  6008. >And you're in the cafeteria enjoying your healthy lunch with your friends.
  6009. >Sunset Shimmer is talking about how much she hates working in that apartment store.
  6010. >"And my boss forces me to count all the money in front of him at the end of the day, even after my shift ends. He once went nuts when a dollar was missing!"
  6011. >"What a greedy guy," Pinkie says, "at least the pay's good right Sunny?"
  6012. >She nods.
  6013. >You're glad you don't have to work in the pawn shop anymore.
  6014. >"Where could Anon be? He never misses lunch."
  6015. "Nor Fluttershy. She probably brought Angel to school once again."
  6016. >You and your friends laugh.
  6017. >In that moment the cafeteria's doors open."
  6018. "Speak of the devil..."
  6019. >Anon and Fluttershy walk over to the table and sit down.
  6020. >"Where were you guys?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  6021. >Anon looks angry, while Fluttershy looks embarrassed.
  6022. >"You tell them Fluttershy, I'm gonna grab something to eat," Anon stands up and grabs a tray from a counter.
  6023. "What happened Fluttershy?"
  6024. >"Angel tried to run away..."
  6025. >You and your friends let out annoyed 'ughs'.
  6026. >"Fluttershy, you know the rules already..." Rarity says in an annoyed way.
  6027. >"Anon helped me catch my bunny before anyone could notice...he ran so fast to catch up with Angel, not before bumping into Aria and making her fall on her rear."
  6028. "And?"
  6029. >Fluttershy blushes.
  6030. >"Anon fell on her, and his face landed on her breasts..."
  6032. >Anon sits down with a tray full of food, and a red cheek.
  6033. >You and your friends let out an 'oh' after noticing Anon's cheek.
  6034. >Poor Anon.
  6035. >You wish you could help him.
  6036. >Why did Sunset have to bring the photos thing up?
  6037. >You've never seen a guy receive such beatings in the span of a few days.
  6038. >Gilda, Aria, Sunset's mugger, Rarity's assailant and almost all of your female classmates...
  6039. >Those photos sure have brought him a lot of pain.
  6040. "Jeez, are you okay sugarcube?"
  6041. >"I'm fine AJ, Aria just slapped me once, I managed to run away from her before she could slap me again."
  6042. >Angel's head pops out of Fluttershy's backpack and tries to escape once again.
  6043. >Luckily Anon catches him before it lands on the floor.
  6044. >Fluttershy sighs.
  6045. >"Thanks Anon."
  6046. >"You better put a leash on that thing Fluttershy...he's out of control."
  6047. >Angel bites Anon's finger.
  6048. >"Aahh! You little son of a-"
  6050. "Anon! Calm down!" You yell at him, while Fluttershy quickly places Angel inside her backpack.
  6051. >"Goddamnit! Put a leash on that thing Fluttershy..."
  6052. >Fluttershy eeps and shuffles away from Anon.
  6053. >Anon covers his face with his palms and lets out a long sigh.
  6054. >"It's like Detrot all over again; getting beaten everyday..."
  6055. >Pinkie Pie pats his shoulder.
  6056. >"There there Nonny, don't lose your cool now."
  6057. >In that moment, a juice box flies over and hits Anon, staining his favorite jacket.
  6058. >"I got the perv girls!" Cloud Chaser and her friends laugh.
  6059. >Anon slams his fist against the table.
  6060. >"I can't take this anymore, now I wish Principal Celestia suspended me instead!"
  6061. >Anon snaps a plastic spoon in two with his fist.
  6062. >Well, he certainly deserved some of the stuff that has happened to him.
  6063. >But when you look at him you simply can not laugh at him.
  6064. >His bruises almost make him irrecognizable.
  6065. >He looks like he's about to snap.
  6066. >You can hear a sniffle coming from him.
  6067. >I-is he...
  6068. >A tear rolls down his cheek.
  6069. >"O-oh my..." Fluttershy covers her mouth with a hand.
  6070. >"I'm done for...just like that nightmare I had predicted," Anon says between sniffles.
  6071. >Your friends look at him nervously.
  6072. >"Darling, I-I didn't know you were under such pressure," Rarity tries to comfort him.
  6073. >Anon clears the tear with the back of his forearm and stands up.
  6074. >"Dude? Where are you going?!" Rainbow Dash asks.
  6075. >"To Principal Celestia's office..."
  6076. >The six of you gasp.
  6077. "Y-you can't be serious sugarcube!"
  6078. >"Just enjoy your meal don't want to hang out with a pervert like me."
  6079. >Anon walks out of the cafeteria.
  6080. >"Oh my goodness, g-girls! W-what do we do?!" Fluttershy is starting to have a panic attack.
  6081. >Sunset Shimmer slams her head against the table.
  6082. >"If I hadn't opened my mouth..."
  6083. >Rainbow Dash stands up and grabs Fluttershy's juice box.
  6084. >"Yo Cloud Chaser!"
  6085. >"What?"
  6086. >Rainbow Dash throws the juice box at her.
  6087. >"Ewww! What was that for?!"
  6090. >"Do you like kicking others while they are down?!" Rainbow Dash angrily asks.
  6091. >"What are you talking about?! Why do you care about Anon that much?" Cloud Chaser says when
  6092. >"It's none of your business! The same goes for you Gilda, and for you too as well Aria!"
  6093. >Aria scoffs, and Gilda flips Rainbow Dash off.
  6094. >You stand up and stop Rainbow Dash before she does something stupid..
  6095. >Cloud Chaser stands up, but is stopped by her sister Flitter as well.
  6096. >"Lemme go Applejack!"
  6097. "Hold yer' horses sugarcube...fighting won't solve anything! It'll make things worse for Anon! You know that."
  6098. >Your friends stand up and help Rainbow Dash calm down.
  6099. >She sits down and tries to relax.
  6100. "Are you alright sugarcube?"
  6101. >"No, I'm not alright."
  6102. >"You better hope that Nonny'll make it out of this one Dashie! D-don't worry about him."
  6103. >Rainbow Dash snaps another plastic spoon with her fist.
  6104. >"Anon is a coward!" She yells, "he took the easy way out!"
  6105. "Sugarcube! Don't say that!" You scold her, "what Anon is about to do is what anyone with a sense of morality would've done, he's not a coward! He's going to face it like a man!"
  6106. >"B-but Principal Celestia will suspend him for sure! How is that facing stuff like a man?"
  6107. >Rarity intervenes.
  6108. >"He's doing the right stuff darling. He never insulted any of his assailants, and he doesn't want to snap at them."
  6109. >Fluttershy nods.
  6110. >"What Bon Bon did was awful," Sunset Shimmer says, "I can't imagine what thoughts rushed through his mind, yet he stayed calmed and collected!"
  6111. >Rainbow Dash starts to sob.
  6112. >"He tried to apologize, he made Snips and Snails pay for their actions, why is everyone still mad with him?"
  6113. >Some of the girls there start to have mixed feelings towards Anon.
  6114. >"M-maybe he wasn't a bad guy after all..."
  6115. >"Are you crazy?! What he did was awful!"
  6116. >"He could've said no!"
  6117. >"But he didn't deserve a brutal beating!"
  6118. >Rainbow Dash is about to cry.
  6119. >"D-darn it! It's not fair...Anon."
  6120. >You hug your friend, and she cries loudly this time.
  6122. >You're now Anon.
  6123. >And Principal Celestia is about to call your parents.
  6124. >"I should've done this since the beginning; I'm sorry all that stuff had to happen to you Anonymous."
  6125. >You nod.
  6126. >"Are you sure you don't want me to suspend all the girls that harmed you?"
  6127. "And make this somehow even worse for me? No thanks, I want to live..."
  6128. >Principal Celestia picks up the phone and dials your number.
  6129. >"Hello, Mrs. Jane Doe? This is Principal Celestia...we need to talk about your son."
  6131. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  6132. >And you're in the Spanish classroom.
  6133. >You arent' paying any attention at all.
  6134. >You're worried sick about your boyfriend.
  6135. >Is he going to get suspended? Or even worse, expelled?"
  6136. >"�Se�orita Rainbow Dash!"
  6137. "Huh? I-I mean...�Qu�?"
  6138. >"�Preste atenci�n en este instante!"
  6139. "S-sorry..."
  6140. >"�En espa�ol!"
  6141. "Lo siento profesor."
  6142. >Your teacher huffs some air through his nostrils.
  6143. >You wonder how is he.
  6144. >Why can't you be there for him.
  6145. >A paper ball lands on your desk.
  6146. >You open it.
  6147. >It's a very crude drawing of you sucking Anon's cock.
  6148. >"Hehe...dweeb," Gilda whispers.
  6149. >You write down your reply.
  6150. >And make a very crude drawing of Gilda accompanied by stink lines and thongs around her with a message that reads: "I'm a skank that will never ever be loved by anyone!"
  6151. >You throw it on Gilda's desk while she wasn't looking.
  6152. >You can't stay here at all.
  6153. >Anon needs you!
  6154. >You stand up.
  6155. >"�A d�nde cree que va se�orita Dash? Vuelva a su asiento de inmediato!"
  6156. >You sit down.
  6157. >You really hate this teacher.
  6158. >You take out your phone and send a text to your friends.
  6159. ["Girls, let's head to Anon's place after classes! He needs our help!"]
  6160. >Message sent.
  6162. >You're now Anon.
  6163. >And you're at home, sitting on.
  6164. >Your mom is still mad at you, she's been yelling at you for two hours straight.
  6165. >"Just wait until your father gets home! Go to your room!"
  6166. >You obey your mother and go upstairs.
  6167. >Right now, you're not in the mood of listening to music, nor playing computer games.
  6168. >A glance at your watch lets you know that it's half past noon.
  6169. >You sigh.
  6170. >Since you have nothing better to do, you'll get some sleep before your dad arrives.
  6171. >You lie down on your bed and close your eyes.
  6172. >Sleep catches up with you immediately.
  6173. "Zzz..."
  6175. >"You did the right thing..." The sweet voice to your left says.
  6176. >"It was really hard; but you did it without harming anyone in the process," the voice in the middle says.
  6177. >"I'm sure you wanted to harm your classmates just like you did with Dark Ember back in Detrot," the rough voice to your right angrily says.
  6178. "That was a different situation...he deserved it."
  6179. >"Don't worry about what is going to happen next, keep in mind that your parents still love you," the voice to your left says.
  6180. >Its voice is similar to Fluttershy's.
  6181. >"That doesn't mean they aren't ashamed of you..." the third voice says, "just wait until the rumor spreads."
  6182. "What the hell are you talking about?"
  6183. >"I'm afraid that you'll have to figure it out by yourself. Good Luck." The voice in the middle says.
  6184. >The room starts to vanish into the thin air.
  6185. >"ANON!"
  6187. "Gah!"
  6188. >You wake up and quickly stand up.
  6189. >You glance at your watch.
  6190. >It's a quarter past two.
  6191. >"ANON!" Your father angrily yells, "GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE!"
  6192. >Why in the world is this happening to you?
  6193. >What did you do to deserve this?
  6194. >Oh right, the pictures.
  6195. >You gulp down and head downstairs.
  6198. "Y-yes dad?"
  6199. >"Your mother told me everything, what's all that bullshit about you being a creep and getting your ass handed by girls?"
  6200. >You sigh.
  6201. "It happened five months ago, but-"
  6202. >"I know that already! What I want to know is why the hell did you agree to take the pictures for those lil' fuckers!"
  6203. >He knows about that?
  6204. "I-I don't know...I guess I didn't want trouble back then."
  6205. >"You didn't want trouble, but you ended up beating the living crap out of them?"
  6206. >Your mom told your dad everything.
  6207. "I got fed up of their threats. Besides, they asked me to take a picture of my friend."
  6208. >"The rainbow haired dyke?"
  6209. >What the?!
  6210. >Your mother gasps.
  6211. >"Hey, if that Rainbow Dash girl was a lesbian she wouldn't hang out with Anon!"
  6212. >"Shut up Jane!"
  6213. "Dad! She's not a dyke, she's my girlfriend!"
  6214. >Your dad's frown turns into a smile.
  6215. >"Whoa, you? A girlfriend? I'm impressed, I thought you only liked girls from Chinese cartoons."
  6216. >"JOHN!" Your mother yells, "The photos!"
  6217. >"Oh, right...well son, what you did was awful. And I'm sorry for saying this, but you got what you deserved..."
  6218. >You groan.
  6219. >"I'm sure glad that Snips' and Snails' parents didn't report you to the police."
  6220. "Well, neither Dark Ember..."
  6221. >Your dad coughs up a little.
  6222. >"No son, you went over the line with that prick...that's why we're living in Canterlot now."
  6223. >Yep, that was your fault.
  6224. >You and your parents had to flee Detrot because of your rage induced assault on Dark Ember and his gang.
  6225. >Dark Ember's father was a big name in Detrot.
  6226. >You can't believe you attended school with the son of an important drug lord.
  6227. >And that you beat the shit out of him and his gang with nothing more than a bat, a steel pipe and a brick.
  6228. >But you don't regret it.
  6229. >Thanks to them you're living in Canterlot with a sweet girl that loves you, and only you.
  6230. >It's rather silly that girls hate you over simple pics of their stupid (and sexy) panties.
  6231. >"Anyways Anon, I think you've learnt your lesson. Go to your room."
  6232. >"J-John?!"
  6235. >Your mother is perplexed.
  6236. >"Jane, look at our son..."
  6237. >Your dad presses a bruise that is located on your arm.
  6238. "Oww..."
  6239. >"Don't you think that he has had enough already?"
  6240. >Thanks a lot dad.
  6241. >Your mother sighs.
  6242. >"Go to your room son, but I don't want you to be lazy while you're suspended. Grab your books and keep studying."
  6243. "Alright dad..."
  6244. >"If I see you with that fucking camera again you'll be in trouble, understood?"
  6245. "Y-yes dad."
  6246. >You climb up the stairs and head to your room.
  6247. >Apparently your dad changed your mind when you told her that you finally got a girlfriend.
  6248. >Pssh...your parents are such fucking normies.
  6250. >The school's bell rings.
  6251. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  6252. >And you just gathered your friends so the six of you can help Anon out.
  6253. >"Let's make it quick Rainbow Dash, I have to work," Sunset Shimmer says.
  6254. >"It'll take less than a minute sugarcube."
  6255. >"Let's get going girls, maybe Anon's parents disowned him!" Pinkie Pie dramatically says.
  6256. >You roll your eyes.
  6258. >After a short walk you knock on the door and wait for someone to open it.
  6259. >"Yes? Who is it?" Anon's mother says in her sweet usual tone.
  6260. "It's me Mrs. Doe!"
  6261. >She opens the door.
  6262. >"Rainbow Dash! How are you dearie...oh, you brought your friends too!"
  6263. >Pinkie Pie greets Anon's mom in her usual extroverted way.
  6264. >Fluttershy shies away and hides behind Applejack.
  6265. >"Why are you all here? Do you want me to call my good-for-nothing son so you can give him a piece of your mind?"
  6266. >"Quite the opposite Mrs. Doe," Applejack says, "we just want to make sure that he's alright!"
  6267. >Anon's mother looks confused.
  6268. >"Aren't you angry at him?" She asks.
  6269. >"It's alright Mrs. Doe, he has redeemed himself already, everything is water under the bridge like he says," Rarity lets out a giggle.
  6270. >"Well...he must have done something really impressive if you forgave him that easily already."
  6271. >Sunset Shimmer and Rarity nod.
  6272. >"Well, don't stay outside, come in!" His mother warmly says.
  6274. >The six of you enter Anon's house.
  6275. >"So what brought you here girls? Did Anon called you so you could help him out?"
  6276. >"Surprisingly he didn't!" Pinkie Pie says, "we came here on our own...well- mostly because Rain-"
  6277. >Applejack closes Pinkie Pie's big mouth with her fingers.
  6278. >Thanks for that save AJ.
  6279. "What she was trying to say is that we're here to show you that we care for Anon, and that we forgave him already over the silly pictures he was forced to take."
  6280. >"I see...well, let's discuss this over a nice cup of tea and cookies!" Anon's mother happily says.
  6281. >"OH OH! Pinkie Pie bounces, "do you have coconut flavored cookies?"
  6282. >"You bet dearie!"
  6283. >Wow, Pinkie could be related to Anon in a twisted way.
  6284. >Anon's mother tells you all to wait in the living room.
  6285. >She hums a tune on the way to the kitchen.
  6286. >You look around and sit on a comfortable looking couch.
  6287. >Your friends do the same.
  6288. >Fluttershy notices a peculiar frame on the fireplace.
  6289. >"Ahttp://www...look, it's baby Anon!"
  6290. >Pinkie Pie quickly stands up and rushes to the fireplace.
  6291. >"Oh lemme see lemme see!"
  6292. >She sees the frame.
  6293. >"Awwhttp://www...he looks adorable!"
  6294. "Girls! Please!"
  6295. >Pinkie Pie places the frame in front of your eyes.
  6296. >"Look at Nonny Dashie!"
  6297. "..."
  6298. >You can't contain your laughter.
  6299. >You're gonna have so much fun mocking him now.
  6300. >Applejack lets out a laugh.
  6301. >"Woowhee, he sure was a little guy! He sort of reminds me when Apple Bloom was born."
  6302. >"Let me see!" Rarity snatches the frame from Pinkie's hands, "Awhttp://www...he looks so divine! Look at his cute little widdle chubby cheeks"
  6303. >Anon's mom comes back with a plate full of cookies and a teapot on a plastic tray.
  6304. >"Oh, you've discovered that frame, ain't he cute?"
  6305. >Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity giggle.
  6306. >"I've plenty of albums of him when he was a baby and a you wanna see them?"
  6307. >"MOM!"
  6308. >The six of you hear familiar footsteps climbing down the stairs.
  6309. >Anon finally appears, rushing to the living room.
  6310. >"DON'T DO IT!"
  6312. >Your friends giggle at Anon.
  6313. >Anon's cheeks go as red as a tomato.
  6314. >He looks cute when he's embarrassed.
  6315. "We came here so your parents don't go hard on you dude...Mrs. Doe? Were you going to ground him?"
  6316. >"Of course I was gonna do it dearie, but his dad didn't let me, just look at my son! He looks like he got in serious trouble in school."
  6317. >You nod.
  6318. >"I still can't believe you managed to remain calmed under all that pressure Anon," Applejack says, "look at yer' body!"
  6319. >"This?" Anon looks at his beaten body, "Ah, it's nothing; Detrot on the other hand..."
  6320. >Anon turns around and lifts his shirt to reveal a nasty scar on his back.
  6321. >"Ewww!" Pinkie Pie gags.
  6322. >"O-oh my!"
  6323. >Rarity gasps, then places her hand on her forehead and finally faints on the couch.
  6324. "Dude?! W-what happened to you?"
  6325. >Anon's mom sighs.
  6326. >"My son got stabbed by some gangbangers..."
  6327. >"That's awful!" Applejack says.
  6328. >"Uhh, is nobody going to help Rarity?"
  6329. "She does that all the time dude, relax."
  6330. >Anon tucks his shirt in his pants and turns around.
  6331. "I'm sure that a guy like you can handle Gilda and company!"
  6332. >"And make the situation worse for myself, no thanks! But you're right, I could teach her a couple of things about respect."
  6333. >Rarity wakes up in no time.
  6334. >"Well, seeing how your friends are so concerned about your well-being son, then I can say that I'm convinced that you didn't want to take the photos in the first place."
  6335. >Anon nods.
  6336. >"I wish everyone at school could say that mom," Anon sighs, "I hope everyone calms down in a week."
  6337. "They better do! Because you have to take me to the Winter Formal dude!"
  6338. >"And I'll attend your soccer match as well Dashie. But I guess I'll have to hide under the bleachers or something like that."
  6339. >You giggle.
  6340. >"I'm glad you want to come to my game dude, unlike some other people I know."
  6341. >Your friends let out uncomfortable chuckles.
  6342. >"B-but I have stuff to do Rainbow Dash!" Applejack says.
  6343. >"And I have to take care of my pets!" Fluttershy adds.
  6344. "Yeah sure."
  6346. >You and your friends spend thirty minutes talking with Anon's mom.
  6347. >Mostly about how they stood up for him after Flash's pulled that website 'prank' on them just to make Anon spill the beans.
  6348. >You gotta admit though, these cookies are amazing.
  6349. >It makes you wish your dad could afford buying expensive stuff like Anon's family does.
  6350. >He surely has everything he could ever ask.
  6351. >Nice parents, a big house, and plenty of stuff.
  6352. >It's strange that Rarity isn't all over him now.
  6353. >You have to keep your eyes peeled, because she might try something funny if you aren't aware.
  6354. >"Oh! I almost forgot, Fluttershy?"
  6355. >"Yes Anon?"
  6356. >"Did you go and meet the guy I talked you about before the lunch break?"
  6357. >She gasps.
  6359. >Meanwhile in the school's gym.
  6360. >"S-she didn't come..." Bulk Biceps says to himself before falling on his knees and letting out a yell full of wrath, "ANOOOON!"
  6362. >Back in Anon's house.
  6363. >"Oh I'm glad I was suspended. I don't think I'd survive another beating."
  6364. >Fluttershy shies away as usual.
  6365. >"I'm sorry Anon! I-I didn't mean to-"
  6366. >"It's okay Fluttershy, I wanted it to be a surprise, but there's no point in hiding it anymore...Bulk Biceps wants to invite you to the Winter Formal."
  6367. >Fluttershy's face reveals pure joy.
  6368. >"B-Bulk Biceps? Oh my goodness, yes! I'm so happy that I could scream!"
  6369. >Here she goes.
  6370. >"yay~"
  6371. >Anon lets out a chuckle.
  6372. >Well, at least you don't have to worry about Fluttershy trying to steal Anon from you.
  6373. >"Dagnabbit...I wish someone asked me out to the formal already!"
  6374. >Anon smirks.
  6375. >"I know someone that is interested in taking you out to the Formal, real nice kid."
  6376. >Applejack raises an eyebrow.
  6377. >"Did he buy any of my pictures?"
  6378. >""
  6379. >"Well, as long as he isn't ugly or a pervert then I'm fine with that, who's this guy Anon?"
  6380. >"Come you read the spoilers before seeing a movie Applejack?"
  6381. >"Sugarcube? You told Pinkie, Rainbow and myself the spoilers of Bloodthrist! I really wanted to watch it!"
  6382. "I-it probably sucks!"
  6384. >"Don't be upset Applejack, there probably are plenty of good movies in the cinema, I don't want you to spend your money in a very dumb film."
  6385. >Applejack shrugs it off.
  6386. >�If you want to meet your �secret admirer� I�ll text you the details tomorrow at lunch alright?�
  6387. >�Okay okay�sheesh, I swear Anon, it�s all mysteries with you.�
  6388. >Sunset Shimmer glances at the clock on the fireplace.
  6389. >"Oh no! I totally forgot about work!"
  6390. >She looks really stressed.
  6391. >She stands up and heads to the front door.
  6392. >"It was real nice to meet you Mrs. Doe; I have to get going...bye!"
  6393. >Sunset Shimmer opens the door and runs through it.
  6394. >�Poor girl�� Anon�s mom says.
  6395. >Minutes pass.
  6396. >You and your friends eventually have to leave.
  6397. >�Do you really have to go Dashie?�
  6398. >You nod.
  6399. >�Awww how cute, you called her Dashie�� Anon�s mom closes her eyes and lets out a huge smile.
  6400. >Anon blushes once again.
  6401. >His mom is pretty cool.
  6402. >You�d feel pretty embarrassed as well, but you don�t mind since your friends already know that you and Anon are a couple.
  6403. >And you�re getting a good laugh at this.
  6404. >�We have to git goin� sugarcube,� Applejack says, �we need to keep practicing for the Winter Formal.�
  6405. >�Oh right�the Winter Formal,� Anon says showing little enthusiasm.
  6406. >You bump his shoulder.
  6407. �I know what you�re thinking, don�t worry; we�ll help you lay low dude, that way the girls won�t be that angry towards you.�
  6408. >Anon smirks.
  6409. >�You really want me to take you to the Winter Formal right?�
  6410. >You chuckle.
  6411. �Of course, how much time did Principal Celestia suspend you anyways?�
  6412. >�Just one week.�
  6413. �Awesome, don�t worry, we got this�remember to come to my match alright? We�re playing against Dodge Junction.�
  6414. >He nods.
  6415. >Your friends say their goodbyes and exit the house.
  6417. >Anon�s mom leaves to the kitchen since she figured that her son wanted some time alone with you.
  6418. >�Finally��
  6419. >Anon places his arms on your waist.
  6420. >You love it when he does that.
  6421. >�Thank you for everything Dashie��
  6422. �Pfft, what are girlfriends for you big dummy?�
  6423. >He lets out a silly chuckle before you both share a nice kiss on the lips.
  6424. >You release his tight grip and catch up with your friends.
  6425. >Anon closes the door.
  6426. >You let out a sigh.
  6427. >Applejack laughs at you.
  6428. >�Look at you�The no. 1 athlete in CHS! Rough on the outside, a total softie in the inside.�
  6429. >You scoff.
  6430. �Give me a break Applejack.�
  6431. >�Now now girls, we need to keep concentrated for the big show, we haven�t practiced as much as we used to and we�re running out of time.�
  6432. �See? Rarity has the right idea!�
  6433. >�Besides,� Rarity lets out a giggle, �we don�t want Rainbow Dash to miss the opportunity of singing a song to her special someone~�
  6434. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  6435. �Not you too Rarity��
  6436. >�Come on girls, when we finish practicing we can order some pizza!� Pinkie Pie suggests, �do any of you have money?�
  6437. >Good ol� Pinkie.
  6439. >Hours later.
  6440. >You and your friends just finished practicing for the day.
  6441. "We're almost there girls. We need to practice a bit more if we want to be perfect for the Winter Formal!"
  6442. >Fluttershy nods.
  6443. >Applejack serves the five of you a tray with mugs full of her famous cider.
  6444. "Awww yeah! My throat is sore due to all that singing."
  6445. >Applejack chuckles.
  6446. >Pinkie Pie chugs down her cider, and you enjoy every drop of it.
  6447. >This is what dreams must taste like.
  6448. >Rarity sips her beverage like a lady, and Fluttershy imitates her.
  6449. >Your smartphone buzzes.
  6450. >You take out your phone out of your backpack and notice that you've received a message from your dad.
  6451. >It reads: ["I'm taking you for dinner princess! I'll be home in an hour. - P.S. I hope your bedroom is tidy."]
  6452. >You groan.
  6453. >If Anon dares calling you Princess he'll have a piece of your mind.
  6454. "I have to get going girls, you"
  6455. >"Oh, okay darling, we'll see you tomorrow."
  6456. >You say your goodbyes and get going on your way.
  6457. >Today sure was a torment for Anon.
  6458. >He must've been really stressed.
  6459. >He looked like he was about to snap.
  6460. >You've never seen him so...angry and desperate.
  6461. >What the heck did he mean like it was like Detrot all over again?
  6462. >You really need to know more about that if you want to support him.
  6463. >...
  6464. >When did you become such a softie?
  6465. >You need to be strong and rough.
  6466. >You don't need his protection.
  6467. >You need to protect him instead.
  6468. >What Gilda and others did to him is just despicable.
  6469. >He knew that he'd get in trouble if he fought back.
  6470. >But today's events made you feel nervous about his mental state.
  6471. >Snips and Snails...sure they are assholes and totally deserved it.
  6472. >Anon's methods were really scary.
  6473. >He's such a nice guy when he's around you.
  6474. >Or maybe he's real good at pretending.
  6475. >You don't want him to snap out again like he did five months ago.
  6476. >If Gilda pushes his buttons too much he'll beat her to a pulp.
  6477. >You'll try your best to make girls at CHS forget about that incident.
  6479. >An hour later your dad picks you up from your house and takes you to a nice restaurant in downtown.
  6480. >It sure is nice to spend some time with him.
  6481. >You barely see his face because of his work.
  6482. >The waiter took your order a couple of minutes ago.
  6483. >"So,'s it going?" He asks.
  6484. "It's eh."
  6485. >"Eh?"
  6486. "I'm...concerned about Anon."
  6487. >"Your friend? What's wrong with him?" He grabs a slice of bread and uses a knife to spread some butter on it.
  6488. >Should you tell him?
  6489. " into trouble over something real stupid. You don't want to know."
  6490. >"Quite the opposite Dash. What did he do? Did he get caught cheating off an exam or what?"
  6491. "Nah, it happened months ago..."
  6492. >"Keep going."
  6493. >You sigh.
  6494. "Dad, if I was forced to do something bad and if I got into trouble for that would you be mad at me?"
  6495. >Your dad drops the knife and the bread on the table.
  6496. >"W-what are you talking about princess? W-what the hell did you do?!"
  6497. >Real smooth Dash, your dad is now scared.
  6498. "No no no dad, it's not what you think! It was Anon that got into trouble, not me!"
  6499. >Your dad lets out a relieved sigh.
  6500. >"Thank goodness...and yeah, I-I guess I'd be angry if you enjoyed doing it anyways, but I don't understand, what does Anon have to do with this?"
  6501. >Here it goes.
  6502. "The girls at school are mad at him because he took upskirt pictures of them. Snips and Snails forced him to take the pictures so they could sell them to anyone willing to buy them."
  6503. >Your dad is perplexed.
  6504. >"When did that happen?"
  6505. "Five months ago, but the girls found out a couple of days ago."
  6506. >"And he took upskirt pictures of ALL the girls in school?"
  6507. "All of them except me of course."
  6508. >Your dad arches an eyebrow.
  6509. >"Dash, you've been around him for a long time, what if he lied to-"
  6510. "It's the truth dad! The girls found Snips and Snails' album; I assure you that he didn't took a pic of me. In fact, when they asked him to take pictures of me, he refused to do so!"
  6511. >"Really?"
  6513. >You nod.
  6514. "And he dealt with those good-for-nothing pervs. But the girls at school couldn't give him a break, so they went with Principal Celestia and, well...she suspended Snips and Snails first since she wasn't planning on suspending Anon in the first place."
  6515. >"What happened then?"
  6516. "Anon got beaten by almost every girl in school and-"
  6517. >"HAHAHA! Really? A Detroter got beaten by a bunch of girls? HAHA!"
  6518. >He can't stop laughing.
  6519. "DAD!"
  6520. >"Hahaha...oh wow," your dad wipes a tear away with his index finger.
  6521. >You cross your arms.
  6522. "Are you done?"
  6523. >He nods, trying to contain his laughter.
  6524. "Well, he got tired of the girls' threats and stuff, so he got himself suspended in a fit of rage instead of fighting back."
  6525. >"I see...well princess, I know how much you like hanging out with Anon, but why are you concerned though? Anon somewhat deserved it, and it was a real smart move of his. Why would he want to get into more trouble after all?"
  6526. >You agree with your dad.
  6527. "The thing is...I don't want my classmates to keep picking on him anymore."
  6528. >"What about your friends?"
  6529. "What about them? Oh, they're in good terms with Anon."
  6530. >"Even that Sunset Shimmer girl? If I recall correctly he really wanted a piece of her you know..."
  6531. >You smirk.
  6532. "Not anymore."
  6533. >"You should tell him to drop by the house one of these days. I haven't seen him in a long time. But don't even think of inviting him home when I'm not around!"
  6534. >Uh oh.
  6535. >"I know you are friends and all, but I don't want him to get too comfortable around you if you know what I mean..."
  6536. "Hehe...d-don't be silly dad. I'd never do such thing."
  6537. >Your dad lets out a sigh.
  6538. >The waitress walks to your table and places the tasty looking dishes you and your dad ordered.
  6539. >"Your classmates are just exaggerating sweetie, if you want to help your friend out then convince the girls that he isn't some sort of freak."
  6540. >You're glad that your dad got to know Anon better when you introduced him months ago.
  6541. >"He'll be fine Dash, don't worry."
  6543. >You sigh and start eating your delicious looking meal.
  6544. >Your dad sure works himself to the bone just to provide everything for you.
  6545. >Right now you are wondering what Anon is doing at the moment.
  6547. >You're now Anon.
  6548. >And you're wasting some time checking some files in your hard drive.
  6549. "Where's that program? Come on..."
  6550. >You've been trying to restore some missing files from your computer for a while.
  6551. >Stupid Antivirus deleted your cracked .exes
  6552. "Fucking false positives..."
  6553. >Your parents left to the movie theater a couple of minutes ago, so you have the house for yourself now.
  6554. >And how are you celebrating that freedom?
  6555. >By doing absolutely nothing.
  6556. >You wonder if your friends are having fun without you.
  6557. >They better not.
  6558. >What about Rainbow Dash?
  6559. >You look at your phone and write a friendly text message.
  6560. >She'll reply in no time, that's for sure.
  6561. "..."
  6562. >Any second now...
  6563. >She doesn't reply.
  6564. >Maybe she's in the crapper or something like that.
  6565. >You shrug it off and continue with your business.
  6566. "There!"
  6567. >All your cracked .exes have been restored.
  6568. >You haven't touched your computer since you got nice (and real) friends for once.
  6569. >Hanging out with the guys was okay, but what you mostly did with them was set up a Spyke call and play videogames.
  6570. >But hanging out with the girls sure has been different.
  6571. >You went clubbing with them, you've watched movies with Rainbow and Shimmy, you've sung karaoke and plenty of other activities that you'd never thought you'd do.
  6572. >Life sure is good.
  6573. >Except for all those beatings and stuff.
  6574. >You log into your MyStable account and see 500+ messages on your inbox.
  6575. >Nope.
  6576. >You log off and close the browser immediately.
  6577. >Stupid girls.
  6578. >A naughty thought goes through your mind.
  6579. >You click on a certain folder hidden in your hard drive.
  6580. >[Upskirt pics]
  6581. >Who cares if they were complete bitches towards you?
  6582. >They had fun beating you up, now it's your turn to have fun for once.
  6583. "Hehe..."
  6585. >Minutes later.
  6586. >You're almost there...
  6587. "Ahhhhh!"
  6588. >The girls were right.
  6589. >You're a goddamned pervert.
  6590. "Fuck that was good!"
  6591. >But you wouldn't have it any other way.
  6592. >The photos of Aria, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Gilda and that particular photo of Derpy made your balls go dry as the desert.
  6593. >You get yourself cleaned and close all the windows you had opened.
  6594. >These photos are worth sharing.
  6595. >But you'd be a dumbass if you actually do such thing.
  6596. >You disconnect the hard drive from your computer and place it back where you had it.
  6597. >You just masturbated to the photos of Aria and Gilda, the girls that fucked you up real good back in school.
  6598. >That's what they get for being massive bitches towards you.
  6599. >But they have the best frilly underwear in the whole school.
  6600. >You surely deserved a treat after all.
  6601. >These days have been pretty stressful.
  6602. >Time to make yourself comfortable with some music you used to listen to back in Detrot.
  6603. "Yeah..."
  6604. >Even though you hate the 'culture' and all that shit behind that certain genre of music, you surely like the rhythm.
  6605. >Back in Detrot your classmates used to listen to this all the time.
  6606. >You raise the volume a little before heading downstairs to grab some chips and a soda.
  6607. >You think of your old life in Detrot.
  6608. >It was awful, but you got all the basics to survive in a city like that.
  6609. >Canterlot is a city full of pussies.
  6610. >That mugger you ran into while you were walking with Sunset Shimmer was a novice, he was clearly nervous.
  6611. >Muggers in Detrot...well, that's another story.
  6612. >You need to go back to your roots if Flash, Gilda or Aria decide to be tricky.
  6613. >For now, you'll lay low in a 'forced vacation' like your classmates used to do whenever they commited crimes.
  6614. >You climb upstairs and open the bag of chips before entering to your bedroom.
  6615. >You're sure that Rainbow Dash will help you out by calming your classmates down.
  6617. >Friday.
  6618. >7:23 A.M.
  6619. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  6620. "Ahh...mornin' Tank!"
  6621. >You just woke up in this beautiful and chilly looking morning.
  6622. >You quickly get out of bed and get inside your bathroom.
  6623. >Take off your t-shirt, your shorts and lastly your underwear.
  6624. >Today's the big game!
  6625. >If it weren't for you your lousy team would never reach the round of eight on their own.
  6626. >It'll be a historic day for CHS.
  6627. >And you can't wait for your classmates to congratulate you.
  6628. >Especially your boyfriend.
  6629. >You open the hot water tap and get inside the shower when the water is warm enough.
  6630. "La la la~"
  6631. >If Dodge Junction High School wants to qualify they'll have to go over your dead body.
  6632. >That first trophy is yours.
  6633. >You imagine the cheers you'll get when you win the trophy for them.
  6634. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" You mutter.
  6635. >You apply some shampoo and conditioner to your hair and carefully wash it.
  6636. >Today'll be a sad day because you won't get to see Anon at school.
  6637. >It won't be the same without him...
  6638. >You sigh and keep scrubbing the rest of your athletic body that Anon enjoys looking at so much.
  6639. "As if someone could resist touching these beauties," you mutter to yourself as you squeeze your breasts with your hands.
  6640. >Too bad your dad arrived when things were getting good with Anon.
  6641. >Well, since Anon wasn't expecting to get frisky with you he obviously didn't bring any protection.
  6642. >He probably doesn't even know how to buy them without sweating and stuttering.
  6643. >You don't want to get pregnant.
  6644. >And with Anon's recent luck you don't want to take any chances.
  6645. >When you're done showering, you exit the bathroom and rinse your body with your bathrobe.
  6646. "Don't even think of looking Tank..."
  6647. >Whatever, he's just a tortoise.
  6648. >You take fresh underwear from your drawers and quickly put them on.
  6649. >Then, you put on your casual clothes.
  6650. >Comb your hair.
  6651. >And put on a warm jacket.
  6652. >You're ready!
  6655. >You get out of your room and have some cereal for breakfast.
  6656. >Your dad is sipping some coffee as he reads the newspaper.
  6657. "Morning dad!"
  6658. >"Mornin' kid! Slept well?"
  6659. >You nod.
  6660. "Yeah, I had to because today's the big you think you'll be able to come this time?"
  6661. >Your dad hesitates.
  6662. >"I don't know princess, I have loads of work today and I'll be home late as usual."
  6663. "Oh...I see."
  6664. >"Sorry dear, I'll be on the final match though, watching you lift the championship cup for sure because I'm pretty sure that you and your team will win."
  6665. >He finishes his coffee and stands up.
  6666. >"I'm off to work, I'll see ya at night honey."
  6667. "Bye dad..."
  6668. >He grabs his coat and walks out of the house.
  6669. >You sigh.
  6670. >Well, at least Anon will show up to your big game!
  6671. >He better does...or else he's going to be sorry.
  6672. >You have your favorite cereal for breakfast and then you brush your teeth.
  6673. "TIme to go to school I guess..."
  6675. >You arrive to Canterlot High.
  6676. >The janitor finally took down the stupid banner the girls placed days ago.
  6677. >And he repaired the lockers Gilda opened with her crowbar.
  6678. >"Principal Celestia...about my payche-"
  6679. >"We'll talk about that later Mr. Morris! The boy's restroom needs to be cleaned!" Principal Celestia rudely interrupts him.
  6680. >Poor janitor.
  6681. >You open your locker and grab a couple of books.
  6682. >"Hi there sugarcube!"
  6683. "Oh, what's up AJ?" You close your locker.
  6684. >"Oh, nothin' going on...still sad about Anon's suspension?"
  6685. >You nod.
  6686. "Well, each day that passes I feel I like him more and more..."
  6687. >"How could you not like him? Whoowee, let me tell you Rainbow Dash, I wish I had a boyfriend like yers."
  6688. "Anon said that he was going to hook you up with someone for the Winter Formal, isn't that right?"
  6689. >She nods.
  6690. >"Do you think Anon's secret friend is handsome?"
  6691. >You shrug.
  6692. >"Let me tell ya Rainbow Dash; I'm getting more and more impatient, I wish I could meet my date right now!"
  6693. >You giggle and walk to your class with AJ.
  6695. >Lunch time.
  6696. >You're now Sunset Shimmer.
  6697. >And you're enjoying a nice school lunch with your friends.
  6698. >Things are seemingly calm right now.
  6699. >Thank goodness.
  6700. >You couldn't stand any other day of stupid fights.
  6701. >Some girls are wondering where Anon is.
  6702. >Half of them still wear jeans, while the other half are wearing their usual skirts.
  6703. >Now where could Flash Sentry be?
  6704. >You haven't heard much of him after he got Anon and himself into trouble.
  6705. >Why do you even care anyways?
  6706. >He deserves much worse stuff after all the things he did to poor Anon.
  6707. >Pinkie takes her laptop out of her backpack and places it on the table.
  6708. >"Status Update: Chillin' with my homegirls in the cafeteria :P"
  6709. >Fluttershy looks really happy today.
  6710. "What's on your mind Fluttershy?"
  6711. >"Oh umm...I'm looking for Bulk Biceps; that's all."
  6712. >Oh right.
  6713. >"There he is! Excuse me girls..."
  6714. >She stands up and walks to him.
  6715. >Wow, he really looks devastated.
  6716. >"I hope Bulk Biceps isn't mad at Anon," Pinkie says.
  6717. "He'll be fine, after all it wasn't his fault."
  6718. >"Indeed darling, it was Biceps' fault, he didn't ask Fluttershy out in the first place," Rarity remarks.
  6719. >"Girls, has anyone noticed that things are going back to normal?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  6720. "Uh huh, Anon surely did good at getting himself suspended."
  6721. >In that moment Photo finish and her friends stand by your table.
  6722. >"Hello girlz, where iz Herr Anonymouz?"
  6723. >Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  6724. >"He said that he didn't want to endure any more beatings so he-"
  6725. >The girls gasp.
  6726. >"H-he didn't c-commit s-suicide right?"
  6727. "What? No! He just got himself suspended."
  6728. >They let out relieved sighs.
  6729. >"I'm glad I didn't bother him...well, not that much anyways," Pixel Pizzaz says.
  6730. >Applejack rolls her eyes.
  6731. >"Aren't you girls mad at him?" Nail Polish asks.
  6732. >"Nah, we know that he didn't want to take the photos in the first place, everything is a just a misunderstanding," Applejack says before gulping down a soft drink.
  6735. >A loud "YEAAAAAAAH" is heard.
  6736. >You both look at the origin of the voice.
  6737. >It was just Bulk Biceps.
  6738. >Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy look so happy.
  6739. >You're glad she fixed everything up for Anon.
  6740. >In that moment Trixie walks by with a tray in her hands.
  6741. >"Anonymous already apologized to The Great And Powerful Trixie, and Trixie believes his claims.
  6742. >"What do you mean Trixie?" Pixel asks.
  6743. >"He didn't take the pictures because he wanted, but because he was forced to, and to be honest, Trixie likes how Anonymous dealt with those perverts."
  6744. "It sounds weird when you say that Trixie, after all, you beat Anon as well."
  6745. >She lets out a nervous chuckle.
  6746. >"That was days ago, and Trixie has forgiven Anonymous already, Rainbow Dash?"
  6747. >"Yeah?"
  6748. >"You're Anonymous' best friend right?"
  6749. >She nods.
  6750. >"So that's why he didn't take a picture of you, you're a lucky girl Rainbow Dash."
  6751. >"Uh, thanks?"
  6752. >Trixie walks to her table.
  6753. >You weren't expecting those words to come out of her mouth.
  6754. >"Hmm..." Photo Finish thinks to herself, "I guess Anonymouz was doing what he was told to."
  6755. >"That's what we've been trying to say for days!" Pinkie Pie loudly says.
  6756. >Pixel sighs.
  6757. >"Now I kind of feel bad for Anon...we totally should go after Snips and Snails!"
  6758. >The Snapshots leave to their table, scheming on how they should make Snips and Snails' lives miserable.
  6759. >"Girls?"
  6760. "What is it Rainbow Dash?"
  6761. >"Did you just see that? We can help Anon out! Trixie, Photo Finish and her friends don't think that Anon took the pictures on purpose!"
  6762. "Well, we should start talking to each girl."
  6763. >Junebug walks by.
  6764. >"Hey Junebug!" Pinkie stands up and forces Junebug to sit next to her.
  6765. >"Uhhh...h-hello Pinkie," she nervously says.
  6766. >Pinkie Pie pulls a flashlight out of her hair, turns it on and aims it at Junebug's face.
  6767. >How does she do that?
  6768. >"Do you think of Anon as some sort of pervert?"
  6769. >Your friends groan and roll their eyes simultanously.
  6770. >Rainbow snatches the flashlight from Pinkie's hand.
  6771. >"Hey!"
  6774. >Junebug scoffs and stands up.
  6775. >"You have issues Pinkie!" She says before walking away from your table.
  6776. >Fluttershy returns to the table you and your friends are sitting at.
  6777. >She has a huge smile printed on her face.
  6778. >Applejack giggles.
  6779. >"I'm guessin' everything went fine with Bulk Biceps right Fluttershy?"
  6780. >Fluttershy lets out a content sigh.
  6781. >"It's like a dream come true..."
  6782. >Rarity smiles.
  6783. >"Now now darling, don't make Biceps think less of you just because you like him back."
  6784. "So Rarity, about that Hazy Star guy. What do you think of him?"
  6785. >Rarity shrugs.
  6786. >"Eh, I don't really mind him darling. As long as he keeps his hands away from me I won't have a problem with him."
  6787. >The whole photo thing surely ruined some dates and relationships before the Winter Formal.
  6788. >Like Sandy Lemon's boyfriend.
  6789. >He really screwed himself up.
  6790. >Applejack's phone buzzes.
  6791. >"Whoowee! It's Anon! He's asking me if I'm ready to meet my date!"
  6792. >Applejack looks pretty excited.
  6793. >"He said that I can meet him in the computer lab after school hours! Anon said that he didn't buy my pictures."
  6794. "Well that's a good start for sure."
  6795. >The bell rings, announcing the end of the lunch break.
  6796. "Uh oh, it's time for us to go girls!"
  6798. >Three hours later.
  6799. >You're now Applejack.
  6800. >And school hours came to an end in CHS.
  6801. >You're checking yourself out in the girl's restroom.
  6802. >Your breath is fine, your teeth are clean, and your armpits smell like lavender.
  6803. >This whole 'misterious guy' act that Anon is pulling off sure has got you hooked.
  6804. >Who could it be?
  6805. >Soarin'?
  6806. >Notewothy?
  6807. >Caramel?
  6808. >They don't seem like the type of guys that'd rely on a wingman.
  6809. >And Anon surely doesn't have the qualities of one.
  6810. >You adjust your hat and exit the restroom.
  6812. >Computer lab.
  6813. >3:12 P.M.
  6814. >Here it goes.
  6815. >You open the door and walk inside.
  6816. "Hello?"
  6817. >There's no one here.
  6818. >"Applejack!"
  6819. >You turn your head over your shoulder.
  6820. >Featherweight?
  6821. >"You finally showed up!" He happily says.
  6823. �O�kay?�
  6824. >You look around hoping to find the guy that wants to ask you out to the Winter Formal.
  6825. >But you can�t see any other guy.
  6826. >Featherweight gulps down some saliva.
  6827. >�Y-you look great Applejack.�
  6828. �Come again Featherweight?�
  6829. >Featherweight�s struggling to form a sentence, and he�s also starting to sweat.
  6830. >�I�you; well-�
  6831. >You can�t make sense to anything he�s saying.
  6832. �Uhh�Featherweight? What�s wrong partner?�
  6833. >He gulps down more saliva and blows some air before putting on a though look.
  6834. >�Applejack, I�m sure Anon told you to come here at the end of your classes, isn�t that right?�
  6835. �Yeah but-�
  6836. >Oh no.
  6837. >�And I didn�t want to say this in front of your friends��
  6838. >Please stop.
  6839. >�Do you want to be my date for the Winter Formal?�
  6840. >Dagnabbit!
  6841. >This is the best Anon could get for you?
  6842. >Featherweight?!
  6843. >Is he out of his mind?
  6844. >He looks really hopeful.
  6845. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  6846. �What�s the best way to say this��
  6847. >Featherweight�s smile slowly converts into a frown.
  6848. �You�re real nice and all sugarcube, but I don�t think we�re�compatible, if you know what I mean,� you try to say in the friendliest way possible.
  6849. >�Is that a no then?�
  6850. >You pat his shoulder.
  6851. �I�m sorry Featherweight. Why don�t you ask Scribble Dee out instead?�
  6852. >�Adam already asked her out��
  6853. >You better leave before you�re obliged to come up with excuses for him.
  6854. �Don�t worry sugarcube, I bet there are plenty of girls that are willing to go out with you. Just a tip; don�t ask Anon to help you out, we prefer boys that aren�t afraid of their own shadow.�
  6855. >That was rude, but honest.
  6856. >You turn around and exit the door.
  6857. >�I didn�t buy your pictures Applejack!� Featherweight yells from the computer lab.
  6858. >You roll your eyes.
  6859. >Poor kid.
  6860. >You only hope he�ll find a date before you do, or else you�ll feel awful.
  6863. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  6864. >And you just had a to give an inspirational speech to your soccer teammates.
  6865. >Too bad Spitfire's ankle got messed up two weeks ago.
  6866. >If it weren't for her awesome shoots and your incredible speed your team wouldn't be in the round of eight.
  6867. >Without her
  6868. >Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth will back you up.
  6869. >But being honest, you'll need a miracle to win.
  6870. >Dodge Junction's players have a reputation of playing dirty.
  6871. >You'll just have to make your best effort.
  6872. >Too bad your dad can't see you play, nor your friends.
  6873. >But if Anon's around you won't feel alone on the pitch.
  6874. >You grab your soccer ball and some books from your locker.
  6875. >"Good luck tonight Captain!" Lavender Lace cheers.
  6876. "Thanks Lace! We'll destroy Dodge Junction tonight!"
  6877. >She gives you a thumbs-up before walking away.
  6878. >You sigh.
  6879. "I hope..."
  6880. >You close your locker and head outside.
  6881. >Today sure was different without that big guy that makes you laugh.
  6882. >But he was right.
  6883. >If he kept coming to school he'd get beaten again and again.
  6884. >Some girls are starting to feel bad about what they did to Anon.
  6885. >Maybe his suspension doesn't have to last the whole week!
  6886. >"Rainbow Dash!" A voice of an elder woman is heard.
  6887. >You turn your head over your shoulder and see Principal Celestia walking towards you as she carries lots of papers in their arms.
  6888. "Oh, hi Principal Celestia."
  6889. >"I'm sure you're ready for tonight's match..."
  6890. "I sure am! I can't say the same about the team though."
  6891. >Principal Celestia lets out a giggle.
  6892. >"Don't worry about them, I'm sure you'll win this match and the others, our school hasn't had a trophy since '89."
  6893. >You scoff.
  6894. "You can count on me Principal Celestia!"
  6895. >"I'm sure of it Rainbow Dash, now if you excuse me I have to file these archives because your friend preferred to get suspended," she says in a cold tone.
  6896. >Principal Celestia struggles to open her office's door because of all the papers she has in her hands.
  6897. >She surely has a handful of work right now.
  6900. >You walk to the soccer pitch to practice a little since no one's around to use it.
  6901. >You place the ball on the grass and aim at the goal.
  6902. >You walk a few feet backwards and get ready to kick the ball.
  6903. >A quick run towards the ball and giving it a strong kick makes the ball travel at a high speed towards the goal.
  6904. >The net catches the ball.
  6905. >A 29-yard goal is not good enough for you.
  6906. >You'll have to try from a farther distance.
  6907. >"Nice goal Dashie!" A familiar voice calls from the bleachers.
  6908. "Anon!"
  6909. >You walk towards him and greet him with a big hug.
  6910. "What are you doing here?"
  6911. >"I was just passing by, you know."
  6912. >You raise and eyebrow.
  6913. >"The guys said that they'd make sure to keep me updated me with some homeworkm since you know, exams and all..."
  6914. "That's it?"
  6915. >He smirks.
  6916. >"Oh! I just remembered, there's a girl I had to meet, she has an athletic body and a voice that cracks all the time."
  6917. >You punch him in the shoulder.
  6918. "Real funny dude...I'm laughing soooo hard right now."
  6919. >Anon chuckles.
  6920. >"So...practicing huh?"
  6921. >You nod.
  6922. "I don't know if my team has what it takes to defeat DJHS..."
  6923. >"I bet that you'll have to carry your team once again. Shame about and her were such a dynamic duo."
  6924. "She said that she's feeling better, but she won't be able to play for the rest of the season."
  6925. >Anon shrugs it off.
  6926. >"Say, are your teammates cool with me hanging around the pitch?"
  6927. >You shrug.
  6928. "Right now it's complicated to tell..."
  6929. >Anon sighs.
  6930. >" How am I supposed to cheer for you if I can't get near the pitch?"
  6931. "Calm down dude, I'll arrange a deal with them okay?"
  6932. >"Ok...say Rainbow, do you know if Applejack met the guy that wanted to ask her out?"
  6933. "Why don't you ask her instead?" You point at a very sad looking Applejack that is sitting on the school's front steps.
  6934. >"Shit..."
  6935. "Don't tell me that you tried to hook her up with one of your friends dude..."
  6936. >Anon scratches the back of his head.
  6937. >"Come on Dash, they aren't that bad!"
  6938. >You groan.
  6941. >You both walk towards Applejack, and when she sees Anon she rolls her eyes.
  6942. >"What happened Appleja-"
  6943. >"I rejected poor Featherweight Anon," Applejack interrupts him, "I feel awful now."
  6944. "Featherweight? Really Anon?!"
  6945. >"Come on, give me a break!" Anon says annoyed.
  6946. "Whatever...what happened Applejack?" You ask concerned.
  6947. >"Well...Anon here texted me to meet my 'secret admirer' in the computer lab."
  6948. >Anon rolls his eyes.
  6949. >"And Featherweight was there, and guess what, he asked me to be his date."
  6950. >You look at your boyfriend in disbelief.
  6951. >"What?" Anon says.
  6952. "And then what happened Applejack?"
  6953. >Applejack sighs.
  6954. >"I said that we were not compatible, and he didn't take it too well. I still feel pretty bad for him. What else could I say?"
  6955. >"You could've just said: 'Yes Featherweight!" don't you think?" Anon says.
  6956. >Applejack frowns at him.
  6957. >"Well, at least you didn't call him a disgusting pervert...right?"
  6958. >"Why I oughta..." Applejack stands up to face Anon, "you know that I hate it when you are a know-it-all Anon!"
  6959. >Anon smirks and pats Applejack's head.
  6960. >"Easy there cowgirl, there's no need to get all jumpy over a date."
  6961. >"Grrr..."
  6962. >Applejack huffs some air through her nostrils and crosses her arms in disapproval of your boyfriend's taunts.
  6963. "Dude...come on, that was uncalled for; apologize to Applejack."
  6964. >"Aw what?"
  6965. "Now!"
  6966. >Anon sighs.
  6967. >"Seriously...Okay okay, I'm sorry Applejack."
  6968. >Applejack smirks.
  6969. >"Apology 'accepted' sugarcube," she puts on a fake smile before looking at you, "boy it sure is good to know that you can put a leash on Anon's neck that easily Rainbow Dash!"
  6970. >Anon squints after hearing her words.
  6973. >"Damn Applejack that was rude, no wonder why you don't have a date!"
  6974. >Applejack looks dejected.
  6975. >Low blow Anon.
  6976. "Ehh...dude? You don't want to get beaten again right?"
  6977. >Applejack smirks.
  6978. >"At least I'm not going with a grade-A perv; I pity you Rainbow Dash!"
  6979. >"Me a perv? Jeez AJ, I wonder why your granny doesn't check your drawers, why would a 'pure and nice girl' like you need red thongs?"
  6980. >Applejack's cheeks go as red as a tomato.
  6981. >"H-how the hay did you-"
  6982. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  6983. "The photos Applejack...Dude! That was uncalled for! Apologize immediately!"
  6984. >Anon is struggling to contain his laughter, and Applejack sure looks pissed.
  6985. >"I'm pretty sure that Featherweight didn't buy your pictures Applejack, can't say the same about the rest of the school though."
  6986. >You roll your eyes.
  6987. "Get him Applejack..."
  6988. >"Thank you Rainbow Dash!" Applejack rolls up her short sleeves, "you've done it now Anon!"
  6989. >"Wait what?...Aw shit."
  6990. >Anon runs away and Applejack chases him behind.
  6991. >"I was just kidding Applejack!"
  6992. >"Come here ya good-fer'-nuthin' pervert!"
  6993. >You laugh.
  6994. "Don't mess him up too much Applejack!" You shout at her, "he still has to come to my game!"
  6995. >Well, he totally deserved that for being such a jerk to your best friend.
  6996. >Besides, you're sure that she'll go easy on him.
  6997. >You grab your soccer ball and kick it to the pitch again.
  6998. >You need to keep practicing your free kicks.
  7000. >You're now Anon.
  7001. >And Applejack is chasing you with a fiery look on her eyes.
  7002. "C-can we talk about this Applejack?" You shout at her.
  7003. >"Sure Anon! After I'm done with you!" She angrily says.
  7004. >That sounded sexy, and pretty dangerous.
  7005. >You really love to push her buttons, but you exaggerated this time.
  7006. >If you don�t run faster than her, she�ll bash your head in.
  7007. >�Come here ya varmint!�
  7008. >You run into a dark and seemingly empty alley, which is also a shortcut to your house.
  7009. >This�ll scare her off for sure.
  7010. >But she�s still chasing you.
  7011. >Goddamnit.
  7012. >There�s the chain-wired fence!
  7013. >Applejack won�t get past through it.
  7014. >You can only hope you�re not out of shape.
  7015. >You used to do this all the time in Detrot while running away from those gangbangers.
  7016. �1,2�3!�
  7017. >You grab onto the fence and stick your left foot inside a spot, climb up a few feet and then stick your right foot into another spot.
  7018. >This fence is pretty tall, but you�ve climbed taller ones in your hometown.
  7019. >You put your left leg on the top of the fence.
  7020. >At least this one doesn�t have barbed wire over it.
  7021. >That shit is extremely painful.
  7022. >Instead of climbing down, you just jump from it, bringing your right foot first followed by your left foot; breaking the fall by landing bent-kneed.
  7023. >Applejack is stopped by the fence and you take your time to relax since you�re almost out of breath.
  7024. >She looks at you in the eyes, and then she puts a big grin on her pretty face.
  7025. >She�s climbing the fence too!
  7026. �Uh oh.�
  7027. >You can�t run anymore.
  7028. >Rainbow Dash is right, you�re out of shape.
  7029. >Back in Detrot you were the fastest guy in school.
  7030. >Stupid Canterlot and stupid Sugarcube Corner.
  7031. >She�s halfway there, and you�re just waiting for your punishment.
  7032. >Applejack is going to jump down as well, but something�s wrong.
  7033. >Her skirt got trapped into a loose wire in the top of the fence.
  7034. >�Whoa nelly!� Applejack loses balance when she tries to fall down.
  7035. >She�s going to hurt herself!
  7038. >You run towards her and lift your arms so you can catch her.
  7039. �I�ll catch you AJ!�
  7040. >Applejack�s skirt rips off and she lands on your arms.
  7041. >You caught her, but her heavy body makes you fall on your back.
  7042. �Ooof!�
  7043. >Her big breasts land on your face.
  7044. >Oh fuck yes.
  7045. >�Oh my goodness! Are you okay Anon?!�
  7046. >You nod, just because you want to feel her boobs with your face a bit more.
  7047. >They are certainly bigger than Aria�s or Rainbow Dash�s.
  7048. >Applejack stands up.
  7049. �What about you Applejack? Are you okay?�
  7050. >Applejack nods.
  7051. >�Thanks to you I landed fine sugarcube��
  7052. >You chuckle.
  7053. >�Dagnabbit!�
  7054. �What�s wrong?�
  7055. >Applejack�s skirt is ruined.
  7056. >She tries to cover her rump with her hands.
  7057. >�Don�t look Anon!�
  7058. >You cover your eyes with your palms.
  7059. �See? I�m not a perv Applejack��
  7060. >She rolls her eyes in a playful way.
  7061. >Huh, it seems that her anger towards you already calmed down when you caught her.
  7062. >Applejack helps you get on your feet.
  7063. >�I can�t return to my house walking in downtown like this�� she says, with a cute shade of red on her pretty cheeks, showing embarrassment.
  7064. >She�s right; she lives pretty far away from school.
  7065. >How can you help her out?
  7066. >�Bingo!
  7067. �AJ, my house is a couple of blocks away. Maybe I can lend you a pair of my jeans��
  7068. >�You�d do that for me right after I wanted to hurt you?�
  7069. >You nod.
  7070. �I guess it was fair, I was being a real jerk towards you after all��
  7071. >Applejack crosses her arms and smiles at you.
  7072. �I didn�t mean all the stuff I said Applejack�I�m sorry.�
  7073. >�I know sugarcube. And I accept your apology,� she says before giving you a big hug, which you gladly accept by hugging her back.
  7074. >Her skirt falls down.
  7075. >�Oh horseapples!� She breaks the hug and picks her skirt up.
  7076. >You saw everything.
  7077. >Her white cotton frilly panties, the little bow, and the best part of all, the camel toe.
  7078. >And you must control your mind to prevent popping a boner in this moment.
  7079. >�C-can we get going sugarcube?�
  7080. >You slowly nod.
  7083. >You walk next to Applejack to your house.
  7084. >She�s trying her best to cover her private parts with her ripped skirt, but you still can check out some of her goods.
  7085. >Rainbow Dash surely needs to eat more to achieve a bigger butt like Applejack�s.
  7086. >A couple of kids walk by Applejack.
  7087. >When they notice the way she�s walking and how she holds her skirt, they laugh at her.
  7088. >�Dagnabbit��
  7089. �We�re almost there Applejack.�
  7090. >It sure is funny what happened to her.
  7091. >If only Featherweight could see her right now he�d laugh at her for sure.
  7092. >That�s what she gets for rejecting your poor friend.
  7093. >You wonder what would�ve happened if you were the one that asked Applejack out instead.
  7094. >Would she have rejected you?
  7095. >Probably.
  7096. >But at least she rejected Featherweight with tact, unlike Sunset Shimmer.
  7097. >Now that you think of it�Sunset Shimmer is starting to get real comfortable around you.
  7098. >It feels so good.
  7099. >These last few days have made a huge impact on your life.
  7100. >You became Rainbow Dash�s boyfriend.
  7101. >Her friends became your friends.
  7102. >You prevented that douchebag from hurting Rarity.
  7103. >Sunset Shimmer slapped and then kissed you.
  7104. >And all that drama that happened in school just because those pictures came back to haunt you.
  7105. >Flash Sentry must hate your guts right now.
  7106. >He�s working for free right now sorting papers for Principal Celestia.
  7107. >Screw him.
  7108. >But to be honest, living here it�s the best thing that could have happened to you.
  7109. >Some days were good, and others were pretty bad.
  7110. >You�ve experienced things here that in Detrot you never thought they could happen to you.
  7111. >You have friends that genuinely care for you.
  7112. >Back in Detrot, no one talked to you.
  7113. >And when someone did, it was just because they wanted to cheat off your exams.
  7114. >You sigh.
  7115. >�What�s wrong sugarcube?�
  7116. �I was just�thinking about my life in Detrot; that�s all.�
  7119. >You arrive to your house and reach for the front door key inside your pocket.
  7120. >�Now that you mention it�do you mind talkin� about that Anon? I mean�the way you fought that guy in the Club, how you just climbed that fence and your scar in the back; you must�ve had a pretty rough life.�
  7121. �I don�t mind at all AJ, in fact; you�re the first person that asks me about my life�not even Rainbow Dash has asked me about it.�
  7122. >You open the front door and invite your friend inside.
  7123. >She goes inside and you follow her, closing the door behind you.
  7124. �Firstly let me find a pair of jeans that fit you AJ; come with me.�
  7125. >You both climb up the stairs and then you open the door of your room for her.
  7126. >�Whoa nelly! You surely are a tidy guy Anon. Not even my brother is that organized!�
  7127. �Thanks Applejack.�
  7128. >You open your closet and take several jeans for her to choose.
  7129. �Here, try them on, you can do it in my bathroom,� you say as you open the door next to your closet.
  7130. >�Thank you sugarcube.�
  7131. >She grabs a couple of jeans and goes inside your bathroom.
  7132. >She closes the door and you take a seat on your chair in front of your computer.
  7133. >�Now sugarcube,� she says from the bathroom, �tell me more �bout yerself�how was your life back in Detrot?�
  7134. �Horrible Applejack�it was plain horrible, I got mugged in an almost weekly basis. My school had the worst kids in the whole city for students; most of them were gangbangers and drug dealers.�
  7135. >�Really? That sounds awful!�
  7136. �Yes it was. The photos I took are nothing compared to the things they used to sell back there. The deals occurred in the restrooms, just like Snips and Snail�s market.�
  7137. >�What did they sell sugarcube?�
  7138. �You really REALLY don�t want to know, trust me.�
  7139. >��Okay sugarcube, I trust you. D-did you have any friends back there?�
  7140. �Friends? Of course not. No one cared for me, and I didn�t care for them. And it was for the best. Plenty of guys I knew got into trouble several times, sometimes at each other, others�with the law itself.�
  7142. >�H-how much time did you live there?� She asks in a concerned tone.
  7143. �Sixteen years�my parents had real nice jobs; but the schools were all the same. In fact, it was my fault we moved to Canterlot.�
  7144. >Applejack opens the door a little and peeks through it.
  7145. >�Your fault?�
  7146. >You stand up and hand her bigger jeans.
  7147. �Yeah, my fault�remember the scar on my back?�
  7148. >�Uh huh.�
  7149. �Well�I got my revenge on the guy that stabbed me and his gang.�
  7150. >Applejack gasps.
  7151. >�What did you do sugarcube?�
  7152. �What I did to Snips and Snails�but using other weapons like a brick, and a steel pipe.�
  7153. >�Y-you didn�t kill them right?�
  7154. �NO! Of course not! I just left them there, in the alleys they used to call their turf. The last thing I heard from them was that all of them got in a juvenile correction center.�
  7155. >Applejack lets out a relieved sigh.
  7156. �But still, my dad thought that if we stayed there we would be in danger since the dad of the guy that stabbed me is a big criminal. So he found another job opportunity here in Canterlot; far away from Detrot. But it pays less according to him.�
  7157. >Applejack opens the door and walks out wearing jeans big enough for her big thighs.
  7158. >�Who cares about money sugarcube?�
  7159. >She walks towards you and gives you a big hug.
  7160. >�I�m glad you and your parents got out of there safe and sound sugarcube; now I regret saying mean stuff behind your back when I first met ya�I just didn�t know how though your life used to be; I�m sorry.�
  7161. >You hug Applejack back.
  7164. �It�s okay Applejack, when first I met you I thought silly things about you too. But I didn�t gather enough courage to talk to you.�
  7165. >�Courage? About what Anon?�
  7166. >You gulp down some saliva.
  7167. �Before I started talking to Rainbow Dash�I found you very attractive, but I didn�t know how to approach you.�
  7168. >Applejack blushes.
  7169. >�R-really? When did that happen?�
  7170. �On my very first day of school; I saw you sitting with your friends at lunch. Boy I felt strange when I looked at you.�
  7171. >Applejack breaks the hug and looks you in the eyes.
  7172. >�And what happened?�
  7173. �Well, one day I was walking to my algebra class and I heard you talking to Fluttershy about �that weirdo from Detrot���
  7174. >Applejack�s eyes go wide after hearing your words.
  7175. >�I-I don�t recall ever saying that.�
  7176. �Eh, stuff happens; that happened a day before Rainbow Dash started talking to me, and a week before I started taking the pictures for Snips and Snails.�
  7177. >�Oh sugarcube, I�m sorry! I didn�t mean to-�
  7178. �Save it AJ. After you said that stuff about me another girl caught my interest�that girl was Sunset Shimmer. And you know how that went down.�
  7179. >Applejack sighs.
  7180. �I never caught Sunset saying things behind my back, so I was oblivious to her feelings towards me�the day I found out she disliked me was the day she told me that I was a disgusting pervert.�
  7181. >You let out a chuckle.
  7182. �She didn�t even say anything to me the day she caught me taking a picture of Rarity�s undies�I wonder why?�
  7183. >�I didn�t know that I could be so horrible towards you Anon��
  7184. >Uh oh.
  7185. �No Applejack, it�s not your fault�I think I know why you girls thought that I was some sort of creep back then. I never had friends in Detrot, or any good relationship whatsoever.�
  7186. >Applejack looks away from you in a way that reflects sadness and regret.
  7187. >But then she faces you.
  7188. >�Anon�can I tell you something?�
  7189. �Sure!�
  7190. >�Over these last few days I�ve got to know you better. And I don�t regret any second of it! In fact, I wanted you to ask me out to the Formal.�
  7193. >Is Applejack flirting with you?
  7194. �Well, to be honest I was looking forward to ask you out as well�after the kiss you gave me when I bought the lamp for you made me consider that option, but didn�t expect Rainbow Dash to confess her feelings last Saturday.�
  7195. >Applejack�s eyes go wide again, and then she looks away from you.
  7196. >�I-it�s okay sugarcube; I�m sure we would�ve had a great time, but if you�re Rainbow Dash�s date AND boyfriend then I guess there�s no point in talking about this anymore.�
  7197. >Poor girl, she must feel pretty unwanted.
  7198. >As far as you know there were plenty of guys that bought her pictures, but there probably are a few exceptions.
  7199. >You give her another hug.
  7200. �It�s okay Applejack, I�m sure that we�ll have fun at the Formal; I�m sure that Rainbow won�t mind if we dance just a song.�
  7201. >She puts on a cute little smile.
  7202. >�I�d like that sugarcube, but are you sure that Rainbow won�t mind?�
  7203. �Heck no, do you remember last Friday? You and I had so much fun together and she didn�t complain.�
  7204. >You break the hug and try to change the subject so she doesn�t think about that anymore.
  7205. �I see that my jeans fit you very well.�
  7206. >She giggles.
  7207. >�I can see that as well sugarcube, but I think they are a bit tight around the thighs though.�
  7208. �They shouldn�t be, my jeans are a bit big for me.�
  7209. >You can see the problem now, she has real big thighs.
  7210. >�Well, now let�s go to my house, I�ll grab a new skirt so I can give you your jeans back.�
  7211. >She exits your bedroom and climbs down the stairs.
  7212. >You grab her ripped skirt and follow her outside.
  7213. >After you close the door you walk next to Applejack and engage in some chit chat with her.
  7214. �Well, you know a bit more about me, now it�s your turn.�
  7215. >�My turn? Aw shucks, I don�t know sugarcube, what do you want to know?�
  7216. �Everything AJ. Your nice family, your life here in Canterlot, and the day you met your friends.�
  7218. >She smiles.
  7219. >�I�m sure that I�ll bore ya sugarcube��
  7220. �Are you serious? I bet your life must be pretty interesting! Just go ahead and tell me.�
  7221. >�Okay. Since you really want to know��
  7222. >Thirty minutes later.
  7223. >You arrive to Applejack�s cozy-looking house.
  7224. >�And I think that�s everything sugarcube!�
  7225. �Aw, that was nice AJ, I wish I lived in Canterlot all my life.�
  7226. >�And me as well��
  7227. >You found Applejack�s life very relaxing and comfortable.
  7228. >Her parents died in an accident just when Apple Bloom was born and Big Mac had to become the man of the house.
  7229. >Poor guy, that�s probably the reason why he never opens his mouth.
  7230. >But even after all the bad stuff that happened to her while she was young, her family and her are very united and happy.
  7231. >Applejack�s Granny�s birthday is going to be the next Friday, and Applejack has been having a hard time hiding the lamp from that little Apple Bloom.
  7232. >She opens the door and tells you to wait for her in the living room.
  7233. >�I�ll be back in no time sugarcube!�
  7234. �Take your time AJ.�
  7235. >You hand her the skirt before she climbs up the stairs.
  7236. >Your jeans did a pretty good job remarking her beautiful rump.
  7237. �Hehehe��
  7240. >You look around the living room and find a couple of framed pictures.
  7241. >Little Big Mac standing next to his father, and there�s little baby Applejack being held by her pregnant mother in her arms.
  7242. >Real sad now that you think of it.
  7243. >Poor Apple Family.
  7244. >You wonder what it would be like to have siblings.
  7245. >Being a single-child can make you feel pretty lonely from time to time.
  7246. >You hear a couple of childish giggles walking down the stairs.
  7247. >�And did you see Diamond Tiara�s new jacket, Scootaloo surely messed it up!�
  7248. >You turn around and see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
  7249. >�Whoa!� Apple Bloom yells.
  7250. �It�s me Apple Bloom, Anon!�
  7251. >She lets out a sigh.
  7252. >�You scared me Anon! I didn�t know you were here!�
  7253. >Sweetie Belle waves at you in a cute way.
  7254. �Haha, sorry about that AB. Hi Sweetie! How are your parents?�
  7255. >�They�re fine; and they�ve been pestering Rarity after they heard that you asked Rainbow Dash to the Winter Formal instead of her.�
  7256. >Your eyes go wide.
  7257. >�Uh oh, Rarity told me that I wasn�t supposed to tell you that��
  7258. >You laugh.
  7259. >�Say Anon, we didn�t see you at school today. Did you get suspended?� Apple Bloom asks.
  7260. >You sigh.
  7261. �Yes Apple Bloom�but I don�t want to talk about that right now.�
  7262. >�Don�t bother him Apple Bloom!� Applejack says as she walks down the stairs wearing her usual skirt, and with your jeans in her hands.
  7264. �It�s okay Applejack�I don�t mind lil� AB asking questions.�
  7265. >Apple Bloom sticks her tongue out to her big sister.
  7266. >�Anyways�thanks for the pants sugarcube,� she hands you your neatly folded jeans; �I don�t know what would I�ve done if you didn�t help me out.�
  7267. �What are friends for Applejack?� You say with a smile on your face.
  7268. >�Applejack? Aren�t you mad at Anon?� Apple Bloom asks.
  7269. >�Of course not Apple Bloom�sure; at first I was angry, but I forgave poor Anon already,� Applejack happily says.
  7270. >Fair enough.
  7271. >What you did was awful.
  7272. >You�re glad the girls are cutting you some slack.
  7273. >You look at your watch.
  7274. �Oh boy, I gotta go Applejack; my parents must be waiting for me, and I have to get ready to see Rainbow�s match.�
  7275. >Applejack smiles at you.
  7276. �Say Applejack, don�t you want to come with me to see Rainbow Dash win?�
  7277. >�I�d love to sugarcube, but I have chores to do right now. Isn�t that right Apple Bloom?�
  7278. >The little sister nods.
  7279. >�Yup, you have to wash the dishes, dust off the furniture, sweep and mop the floors-�
  7280. >�Alright alright we get it!� Applejack sighs, �my Granny will be mad at me if I don�t do the chores today.�
  7281. >You let out a chuckle and walk to the front door.
  7282. �I guess I�ll see you later Applejack. Probably tomorrow or the day after if you are available.�
  7283. >�Yeah, I�d like that sugarcube; take care!�
  7284. >"Bye Anon!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom wave at you.
  7285. "Bye girls!"
  7286. >You open the door and walk out of her nice house.
  7287. >A dog is sleeping on the porch.
  7288. >It�s good ol� Winona.
  7289. >It�s the first time you see her, after all this is the first time you visit Applejack�s house.
  7290. >You walk away from Applejack�s house and return to your home.
  7291. >Man�who would�ve thought that Applejack could be so cute?
  7292. >You look at your jeans.
  7293. >Damn, Applejack has a pretty sexy body doesn�t she?
  7294. >You�re not going to let your mom wash them.
  7296. >7:40 P.M.
  7297. �Bye mom!�
  7298. >�Where are you going mister?�
  7299. �I�m going to see Rainbow Dash�s match against Dodge Junction.�
  7300. >�Oh, okay�take care honey, and tell Rainbow Dash I said hi!�
  7301. >You put on your favorite jacket and get out of your house.
  7302. >Rainbow Dash must be doing some warm-up exercises.
  7303. >You pull your earbuds out of your pocket and listen to some music on the way to CHS.
  7304. >You smirk.
  7305. �Fucking Snips�� you mutter to yourself before letting out a chuckle.
  7306. >You can�t wait to see Rainbow Dash�s face when she wins.
  7307. >After a few minutes of walking you arrive to your school.
  7308. >Gee, there are plenty of teens on the bleachers.
  7309. >There�s Norman, Featherweight, Scribble Dee, Trixie, Photo Finish�everyone!
  7310. >You weren�t expecting this.
  7311. >How are you going to watch the game without your classmates losing their shit when they see you?
  7312. >�Goooooo Dodge Junction!� Girls cheer from the other side of the pitch.
  7313. >Idea!
  7314. >You�ll watch the game in Dodge Junction�s bleachers.
  7315. >Sitting with your rivals is far less dangerous than sitting with your classmates.
  7316. >You�ll text Dash first so she knows where to see you.
  7317. >You climb up the bleachers and find yourself a nice spot.
  7318. �Excuse me�sorry�comin� through-�
  7319. >Well, it sure feels wrong to be here, but you don�t want to get CHS� girls to kick your ass again.
  7320. >You pull your phone out and write a quick text to your girlfriend letting her know about your position.
  7323. >In no time you receive her reply.
  7324. >[�Awesome! I can see you from here dude; I hope you take me somewhere nice after we win.�]
  7325. >You laugh.
  7326. [�Sure baby, you better kick Dodge Junction�s asses tonight.�]
  7327. >The teams come out from the locker rooms and walk into the field.
  7328. >�WOOOOOO!� Both sides go wild.
  7329. >You stay silent because you don�t want to blow your cover.
  7330. >There she is!
  7331. >Rainbow Dash.
  7332. >She surely looks cute in her uniform.
  7333. >�Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!� Your friends and other classmates cheer for her.
  7334. >Rainbow Dash waves and blows some kisses to the audience.
  7335. >You roll your eyes in a playful way.
  7336. >She�s cocky as usual.
  7337. >After Rainbow Dash and the captain of Dodge Junction talk to the referee over which side of the pitch they are going to use, the teams are starting to get ready to play.
  7338. >The goal keepers run to their goals, and defenders, midfielders run to their respective positions.
  7339. >Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker are ready to kick off.
  7340. >The referee blows her whistle.
  7341. >It has begun.
  7342. >�WOOOOO!� The spectators go wild.
  7343. >You lean back and try to relax.
  7344. >Shit, you should�ve brought your camera.
  7345. >Well, your smartphone is fine too.
  7347. >Twenty minutes have passed.
  7348. >And you can�t believe it; Dodge Junction players can�t stop playing dirty!
  7349. >Tackles and slides everywhere.
  7350. >These bitches aren�t soccer players.
  7351. >You feel sick by their lack of sportsmanship.
  7352. >The game is still tied 0-0. And Rainbow Dash is making a great effort in the pitch.
  7353. >Too bad her teammates suck.
  7354. >Blossomforth can�t even complete a pass!
  7355. >�Oh crap, the captain of the Wondercolts is good,� the guy sitting next to you says to his friend.
  7356. >�I bet that Midnight Star will put that girl out of order�� he says before letting out an evil chuckle.
  7357. >�Like what she did to the captain of that team in the south? What was its name?�
  7358. >�I think its name was NOPALEP. Midnight surely messed up that team and their captain badly.�
  7359. >They both laugh.
  7360. >Rainbow Dash has the ball and runs real fast to Dodge Junction�s goal.
  7361. �Show those fuckers what you can do Dashie�� you mutter to yourself.
  7362. >Rainbow Dash evades two defenders and runs straight to the goal.
  7363. >�GO RAINBOW DASH!� Pinkie Pie yells into a megaphone.
  7364. >Oh, Pinkie Pie is here! And she�s cheering for the team!
  7365. >She looks real good in that cheerleader outfit�and very sexy.
  7366. >Rainbow Dash runs to the goal and makes an impressive shot.
  7367. >It goes in!
  7369. >�GOOOOOOAL!� CHS� crowd goes wild and cheers for Rainbow Dash.
  7370. >�Aw what?! Come on!� DJHS� fans jeer.
  7371. >You�d cheer for Dashie, but you can�t.
  7372. >1-0.
  7373. >Pinkie Pie goes insane.
  7374. >�WOOOOOOOO! WELL DONE DASHIE!� She yells.
  7375. >Rainbow Dash celebrates with her teammates and blows kisses to her fans.
  7376. >That�s everything they�ll get from her, because you get the real thing anyways.
  7377. >�P IS FOR RAINBOW DASH!� Bulk Biceps yells.
  7378. >Holy shit! He has strong lungs!
  7379. >Fluttershy is sitting next to him and whispers something into his ear.
  7380. >�NEVERMIND!�
  7381. >Norman, Scribble Dee and pretty much everyone around Bulk Biceps covered their ears.
  7382. >That guy ain�t right.
  7384. >The first half of the game ends.
  7385. >Rainbow�s teammates look motivated.
  7386. >They head to the locker rooms for the fifteen minutes break.
  7387. >Everything seems good so far.
  7388. >Your smartphone buzzes.
  7389. >(1) new text from: Pinkie Pie.
  7390. >It reads: [�What are you doing over there silly? Are you supporting Dodge Junction?!�]
  7391. >What the hell?
  7392. >How did she notice you sitting in the middle of a crowd?
  7393. >You reply once again.
  7394. [�I came to see Dash Pinkie! But I�m hiding from our classmates�you know why.�]
  7395. >Another message.
  7396. >[�Okie Dokie Loki! Don�t worry Nonny, I�ll keep my mouth shut.�]
  7397. >Please do.
  7398. >Rainbow Dash surely looked happy in the pitch.
  7399. >But you got an eerie feeling telling you that something�s wrong.
  7401. >Fifteen minutes later both CHS and DJHS come out of the locker rooms so they can play the second half of the game.
  7402. >Canterlot High didn�t make any change of players, but the opposing team did.
  7403. >A Dodge Junction player makes an appearance and runs to the defender zone.
  7404. >She�s a big girl.
  7405. >�Aw shit! It�s Midnight Star! CHS is done for!� The guy to your right says.
  7406. >The fans of Dodge Junction cheer after seeing their defender on the field.
  7407. >You scoff.
  7408. >As if Rainbow Dash couldn�t get past that fatty.
  7409. >The players run to their position.
  7410. >And the referee blows her whistle.
  7411. >�Go Rainbow Dash!� Pinkie Pie and the rest of the cheerleaders yell.
  7412. >You haven�t noticed until now�they have really short skirts!
  7413. >You roll your eyes.
  7414. >So now they don�t have a problem showing their legs and butts like that?
  7415. >Sandy Lemon and fucking Bon Bon are there! Showing their goods to the whole freaking school!
  7416. >You�re going to demand answers.
  7417. >Especially from that cunt that is Bon Bon.
  7418. >Your testicles hurt like a motherfucker for the whole day after she kicked you.
  7419. >But you can�t be that mad.
  7420. >Bon Bon�s thighs are just a delight.
  7421. >Your friends must never figure out the perverted thoughts you have about all the girls in school.
  7422. >Also, you should convince Rainbow Dash to eat a bit more.
  7423. >Her slim body could use a little more meat for you to grab onto.
  7425. >Rainbow Dash passes the ball to Cloud Kicker.
  7426. >She kicks the ball, but fails to score.
  7427. >Step it up Cloud Kicker!
  7428. >Rainbow Dash pulls her hair in frustration.
  7429. >The goalkeeper kicks the ball into the midfield and DJHS has control of the ball now.
  7430. >Their offensive sure is good.
  7431. >One of their players manages to dodge all of CHS�s defenders.
  7432. >Oh shit! She�s going to shoot the ball!
  7433. >A CHS player slides and steals the ball from the rival center-forward.
  7434. >It was Rainbow Dash!
  7435. >How the hell did she manage to run all those yards in such little time?
  7436. >Rainbow passes the ball to Fleet Foot and then returns to her position.
  7437. >Your girlfriend sure is a gifted player.
  7438. >You begin to wonder why she likes a lazy-ass guy like yourself.
  7440. >Forty minutes later.
  7441. >The match is about to end.
  7442. >Dodge Junction�s players are tired.
  7443. >They couldn�t score a single goal.
  7444. >Not even using their dirty tactics.
  7445. >Thanks to Fleet Foot�s skills and Rainbow Dash�s efforts, CHS� goal has been kept intact.
  7446. >Rainbow Dash has the ball and runs to the other team�s goal.
  7447. >�Go Dash!� Pinkie Pie yells into the megaphone.
  7448. >She�s going to score the second goal!
  7449. >Your classmates stand up in anticipation to yell another goal.
  7450. >But in that moment, Rainbow Dash is chased by that defender the rivals cheered for.
  7451. >And then, Midnight slides�but she didn�t aim for the ball.
  7453. >�Aaaaaaahhhh!� Rainbow Dash yells before falling on her knees.
  7454. �Shit!�
  7455. >Rainbow Dash is lying on the field; she�s grabbing her left ankle and wincing in pain.
  7456. >The damage looks pretty severe.
  7457. >�OHMYGOODNESS�DASHIE!� Pinkie Pie yells.
  7458. >The referee gives Midnight a red card. And your classmates quickly boo and insult her.
  7459. >Midnight smirks and walks to the locker rooms without apologizing to Rainbow Dash.
  7460. >The paramedics run to the field and put Rainbow Dash on a stretcher so they can take her out of the field.
  7461. >Your classmates look worried for the captain.
  7462. >And you? You wish you could run into the field and see what happened to her.
  7463. �Screw it��
  7464. >You stand up and get out of Dodge Junction�s crowd.
  7466. >You�re now Rainbow Dash.
  7467. >And you�re in the nurse�s office.
  7468. >�I�m sorry Rainbow Dash, your ankle seems to be broken�we�ll take you to the hospital in no time,� Nurse Redheart says in a concerned tone.
  7469. �W-what?�
  7470. >�You won�t be able to walk for weeks�but don�t worry, the doctors will take care of you. You gotta be thankful that your student insurance covers these incidents.�
  7471. >You cover your face with both of your palms.
  7472. �What am I supposed to do?�
  7473. >�For now? Just stay still and try to relax.�
  7474. �I can�t! I�m not a lazy girl! I need to move, do some exercise!�
  7475. >The nurse rolls her eyes.
  7476. >�I know I know�but you won�t be able to do such things for weeks, or months.�
  7477. �No! This can�t be! I-I�have to attend the Winter Formal with-�
  7478. >�I�m sorry Rainbow Dash; the ambulance will come soon.�
  7480. >A knock is heard on the door.
  7481. >�Come in!�
  7482. >Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Anon enter the office.
  7483. >�OHMYGOSH DASHIE ARE YOU OKAY?!� Pinkie Pie hugs you with all her might.
  7484. �P-pink�I c-can�t�b-�
  7485. >�What happened to her Ms. Redheart?� Anon asks.
  7486. >�Rainbow�s ankle is broken. It�ll take some time to heal, if you excuse me I have to call Rainbow�s dad to notify him what happened.�
  7487. >Anon sighs.
  7488. >�That Midnight Star�I�m going to kick her ass for this! She did it on purpose!�
  7489. >Fluttershy checks on your leg.
  7490. >�Oh my�your ankle is swelling already Rainbow Dash.�
  7491. >Pinkie Pie�s tears land on your face.
  7492. >�I-it won�t take too long to heal right Dashie? You�ll be fine�before the Winter Formal right?�
  7493. >You look at your boyfriend in the eyes with a sad look.
  7494. >�Darn it!� Anon yells.
  7495. �I�ll be fine dude, don�t worry about me. At least we won right Pinkie?�
  7496. >She lets out a sigh.
  7497. >�Dodge Junction scored two goals after you left the pitch Dashie�we�re out of the league.�
  7498. �Y-you can�t be serious! They scored two goals under five minutes?!�
  7499. >Fluttershy nods.
  7500. >�I�m sorry Rainbow Dash, you did all you could��
  7501. >Your team sucks.
  7502. >Anon looks angry.
  7503. >"That girl won't get away with this...I swear!"
  7504. >Fluttershy places a hand on his shoulder in an attempt of calming him down. But he shoves her hand away and exits the office.
  7505. >"Nonny?! Where are you going?"
  7507. �Oh no, he�s going to do something real stupid! Girls! Please stop him!� You beg to your friends.
  7508. >Pinkie and Fluttershy nod and quickly exit the nurse�s office.
  7509. >If he�s going to do the same thing he did to Snips and Snails he�ll get into big trouble.
  7510. >Your ankle hurts so much right.
  7511. >Nurse Redheart looks confused.
  7512. >�What�s wrong with Anon Rainbow Dash?�
  7513. �You don�t want to know Ms. Redheart��
  7515. >You�re now Fluttershy.
  7516. >And you just got out of the school searching for Anon.
  7517. >Pinkie had a great idea moments ago.
  7518. >If you both split up one of you would spot him easily.
  7519. >You walk to the locker rooms next to the soccer field.
  7520. �Anon?�
  7521. >You can hear plenty of laughs from the players of Dodge Junction High School.
  7522. >[�Midnight! Midnight! Midnight!�] The players cheer for her teammate.
  7523. >Midnight Star is fine.
  7524. >You feel (kind of) relieved.
  7525. >You sigh.
  7526. >If Anon isn�t here, where could he be?
  7527. �Anon?...Anon?�
  7529. >You keep looking for him.
  7530. >A thought comes into your mind and then you snap your fingers.
  7531. >The baseball team�s equipment!
  7532. >You run to the baseball field and find him sitting on the bleachers. He has an aluminum bat in his right hand, and in the left one he�s holding a catcher mask.
  7533. �Anon?�
  7534. >When he looks at you, he lets out a sigh.
  7535. >��Hi Fluttershy.�
  7536. �C-can I sit next to you?�
  7537. >Anon drops the weapon and the mask far away from him and nods.
  7538. >He covers his face with his palms and lets his elbows rest on his knees.
  7539. �What�s wrong Anon?�
  7540. >�I was going to do something awful Fluttershy��
  7541. �I can see that�and what made you stop Anon?�
  7542. >You lean in closer to him and listen to his words like a good friend would.
  7543. >�Memories of my old life rushed through my mind when I picked up the bat, and what stopped me was a girl�s voice that somehow resembled yours.�
  7544. >Your eyes go wide.
  7545. �And what did that voice tell you?�
  7546. >�She told me that I had to forget my Detrot life and that I should treasure what I�ve got right now.�
  7547. �Detrot was horrible wasn�t it Anon?�
  7548. >He slowly nods.
  7549. �But you�re not there anymore. You�re in Canterlot, and you�re here with us, your friends!�
  7550. He stays silent.
  7551. >�Rainbow Dash needs you Anon, you have to be there for her.�
  7552. >You place a hand on his shoulder.
  7553. �Girls think of you as some sort of freak. But we think otherwise.�
  7554. >�Really?�
  7555. >You nod.
  7556. �I for one think that you�re a very sweet guy�and that Rainbow Dash sure is lucky to have you as his boyfriend.�
  7557. >�Gee, I don�t know.�
  7558. >You giggle.
  7559. �I wish your parents moved out of that awful city when you were little so I could meet the nicest boy in the world.�
  7560. >Anon chuckles.
  7561. >�The voice was right; I�ve got you girls now.�
  7562. >He smiles at you.
  7563. >�Thanks a lot Flutters. I really needed someone to talk about this.�
  7564. >Anon gives you a big hug.
  7565. ���
  7566. >His strong arms feel good around your back.
  7567. >You hug him back.
  7568. >The mask and the bat fall to the ground.
  7569. �There there Anon�it�s alright. Your life in Detrot is over.�
  7571. >Minutes later.
  7572. >You�re in the hospital with Pinkie, Anon and Rainbow�s dad.
  7573. >The doctor said that she�d be fine, and he also ordered they�d take a couple of x-rays to confirm Nurse Redheart�s suspicions and to help him determine whether surgery is needed or not.
  7574. >�My little princess�� Rainbow�s father mutters in a worried tone.
  7575. >�It�s okay Mr. Blaze!� Pinkie says, �I�ll throw her a �get well soon� party in no time!�
  7576. >�Uhhh yeah, thanks Pinkie�I guess; Anon? What exactly happened to Rainbow Dash?�
  7577. >�Rainbow Dash was about to score another goal, then a girl from Dodge Junction slid from behind her, the thing is�she wasn�t aiming for the ball.�
  7578. >�You�re telling me that she injured Rainbow Dash on purpose?!�
  7579. >�I�m afraid so.�
  7580. >Rainbow�s dad places his palms on his face.
  7581. >�I feel so guilty now. Stupid work keeps me away from my little girl.�
  7582. >�Guilty? No Mr. Blaze, you�ve got nothing to do with this. That Midnight Star girl is responsible for Rainbow Dash�s injury,� Anon says.
  7583. >You nod in agreement.
  7584. �Rainbow Dash is stronger than what you think Mr. Blaze��
  7585. >�Yep! She�s a big girl!� Pinkie giggles.
  7586. >�Maybe for you girls, but for me is still the baby that I held onto my arms the day she was born�if Dash�s mother was still around she�d kill that Midnight girl for sure.�
  7587. >Anon smirks.
  7588. >�She�d not be the only one then Mr. Blaze��
  7589. �Anon?�
  7590. >�Oh right, sorry Flutters��
  7591. >Rainbow�s dad looks at his watch.
  7592. >�It�s getting pretty late kids; I�ll give you a ride back to your homes, your parents must be worried sick about you.�
  7593. �Not as worried as we are about Dashie Mr. Blaze,� Pinkie Pie says.
  7594. >Rainbow�s father smiles.
  7595. >�You�re the best friends a daughter could ever ask for. But I�ll stay with her tonight, you can visit her tomorrow.�
  7596. >Pinkie Pie lets out a yawn.
  7597. >�On second thought�sleeping in my bed sounds good; I call dibs on the front seat!� Pinkie yells.
  7598. >The four of you exit the hospital and walk to Rainbow Blaze�s car.
  7599. >He�s right.
  7600. >You�ll visit Rainbow Dash tomorrow.
  7601. >Anon pulls his smartphone out of his pocket and writes a text to Rainbow Dash.
  7602. >It must feel nice to have a boyfriend like him.
  7603. >But you have a hunch that Bulk Biceps will become your SO in no time.
  7604. >Pinkie sits on the front passenger�s seat and you sit next to Anon on the backseat.
  7605. >�Are you kids alright?�
  7606. >You all nod.
  7607. >�Good,� Rainbow�s dad enters the car and fastens his seatbelt.
  7608. >Anon sure looks relieved.
  7609. >You�re glad you could help him out.
  7610. >You wonder what went through his mind when he heard that �voice��
  7611. >Detrot surely made him a nervous and violent person.
  7612. >But you know that there�s a nice little guy that cares for other people.
  7613. >You picture a scared kid running away from the dangers that city had.
  7614. >Poor Anon.
  7615. >If you haven�t intervened who knows what he could�ve done in Dodge Junction�s locker room.
  7617. >You�re Anon once again.
  7618. >�I�m glad you didn�t get yourself into more trouble,� the voice to your left says, �you weren�t thinking straight.�
  7619. >�I felt that desire of violence awaken in him,� the voice to your right says, �he wanted to release all his suppressed anger on that girl!�
  7620. �But I didn�t��
  7621. >�You really want to hurt people don�t you?� The voice in the middle says.
  7622. >You stay silent.
  7623. ��Only if they deserve them, and believe me; she did deserve a beating.�
  7624. >You see a faint smirk on the barely visible face in the middle, while the person to your left looks away from you in disappointment.
  7625. >�Remember, all the decisions you take always carry consequences; and the peculiar way you deal with them really backfires on you.�
  7626. >�You�re a horrible person, even SHE thinks that of you,� the voice to your right says.
  7627. �What the hell are you talking about?�
  7628. >�You�ll have to find out by yourself��
  7629. �NO! I demand answers!�
  7630. >The three persons vanish into the thin air.
  7631. �GAH!�
  7632. >You suddenly wake up in your bedroom.
  7633. �Goddamnit�not again.�
  7635. >Saturday, 8:01 A.M.
  7636. >You wipe some sweat away with the back of your hand.
  7637. >Are you losing your mind?
  7638. >Why are you being �visited� by those persons?
  7639. >Your grab your smartphone and see a couple of texts from Dash.
  7640. >She said that she�s fine, and that you should drop by the hospital when you feel like it.
  7641. >That�s good to know.
  7642. >You don�t want to lose more time right?
  7643. >You get out of the bed and head to your bathroom to get ready.
  7644. >The daily routine first and then you put on some new clothes.
  7645. >Since your mother isn�t up yet you�ll make breakfast for yourself.
  7646. >Eggs and bacon, what a combination!
  7648. >9:12 A.M.
  7649. >You left a note for your parents on the kitchen�s counter, telling them that you were going to visit Rainbow Dash to the hospital.
  7650. >But since visitation hours begin at noon, you�ll goof off with your friends before you pay Dash a visit.
  7651. >You pull out your smartphone and call Featherweight.
  7652. >Maybe he�s up to play some videogames together.
  7653. >[�Hello?�]
  7654. [�Hey man! What�s up? Wanna play some videogames?�]
  7655. >He sighs.
  7656. >[�I�m not in the mood right now man�I�m sorry.�]
  7657. [�What�s wrong?�]
  7658. >[�Applejack rejected me�dude, you know how much I like her!�]
  7659. >You roll your eyes.
  7660. [�Dude, let it go already. If you think that�s bad, you should�ve asked out Sunset Shimmer instead.�]
  7661. >An annoying noise is heard in the background.
  7662. [�Dude, what the hell are you listening to?�]
  7663. >[�I gotta go Anon. We�ll play another day okay?�]
  7664. >He hangs up.
  7665. >Poor Featherweight.
  7666. >Applejack must�ve said something really awful.
  7668. >Since he�s one of your closest friends you�ll try to get him a date for the Winter Formal.
  7669. >Well, Glacier Bolt is always available.
  7670. >You dial his number.
  7671. >[�Yo Anon!�]
  7672. [�What�s up man? You wanna hang out?�]
  7673. >[�I can�t right now man, I�m going to visit my grandmother today.�]
  7674. >His parents can be heard in the background moving stuff around.
  7675. [�A�ight man, no problem. Maybe another time.�]
  7676. >You sigh and hang up.
  7677. >You dial Crystal Blade�s number.
  7678. >[�What�s up Anon?�]
  7679. [�Hey man! How�s it going? Wanna hang out?�]
  7680. >[�I�d love to dude, but I can�t, my mom grounded me because she found the pictures of Octavia and Derpy that I had in my drawers.�]
  7681. [�Aw that sucks.�]
  7682. >He chuckles.
  7683. >[�I know right? Wait a minute�Aren�t your parents pissed at you?�]
  7684. [�They were, but I sort of got away with it.�]
  7685. >[�You gotta tell me how you did it�but that�ll have to wait, I�m not supposed to use my phone. If my mom finds out that-�]
  7686. >His mom�s voice is heard in the background.
  7687. >[�Crystal! I thought I told you that-�]
  7688. >[�Fuck, we�ll talk later dude.�]
  7689. >He hangs up.
  7690. >Well this sucks.
  7691. >It�s freaking Saturday and you don�t have anyone to hang out with.
  7692. >You look at your contact list.
  7693. >�Maybe you could hang out with your female friends.
  7694. >And you can hang out with five of them!
  7695. >Now...whom should you call first?
  7696. >You scroll down your contact list.
  7697. >Applejack.
  7698. >Good option.
  7699. >Fluttershy.
  7700. >She isn't the type of girl that would hang out with a guy like you for fun.
  7701. >Pinkie Pie.
  7702. "Eh...could be."
  7703. >Rarity.
  7704. >You chuckle.
  7705. >Maybe her parents are still pestering her about you and Rainbow Dash.
  7706. >Sunny Bunny.
  7707. "Whoops..."
  7708. >If Rainbow Dash sees how you named her she'll kill you for sure.
  7709. >Although you like that pet name.
  7710. >She's probably working right now.
  7711. >Now that you think of it, you haven't talked to her since the cafeteria incident two days ago.
  7712. >You wonder how she's doing.
  7714. >You roll your eyes and put your phone in the pocket.
  7715. >They probably are busy or something.
  7716. >Well, you�re already outside of your house; there�s no point in coming back is there?
  7717. >You�ll have a nice walk at the park.
  7718. >It�s a nice morning after all; it�s neither windy nor chilly.
  7719. >Minutes later, you arrive to the park.
  7720. >There are kids playing with their parents.
  7721. >Dogs playing happily with other dogs.
  7722. >Birds singing.
  7723. >Canterlot sure is an amazing place to live.
  7724. >You sit on a bench and watch couples walk by.
  7725. >If that cunt of Midnight Star didn�t injured your girlfriend you could be playing basketball with her right now on the courts.
  7726. >You let out a sigh and glance at your watch.
  7727. >Being all alone in here makes you think many things about your past.
  7728. >You wish you were born in Canterlot.
  7729. >Bad stuff happened in Detrot, and bad stuff keeps happening over here.
  7730. >Are you really the problem?
  7731. >The girls went through so many problems just to help you out at school.
  7732. >But the truth is that you really deserved all that stuff.
  7733. >What made you act as a pussy when you got bullied by Snips and Snails.
  7734. >Now that you think of it�why did you even let yourself get bullied by them?
  7735. >You could�ve kicked their asses!
  7736. >And all the issues you had with the girls at school.
  7737. >You sigh.
  7738. >Stupid Flash deserved a beating as well.
  7739. >�Hihihi! Over here Scootaloo!�
  7740. >You perk up your ears and turn your head over your shoulder.
  7741. >�Got it!�
  7742. >Oh, it�s Apple Bloom and her friends.
  7743. >They are playing with a frisbee.
  7744. >Sweetie Belle throws the Frisbee at Apple Bloom, but she fails to catch it and it flies to your face.
  7745. �Whoa!�
  7746. >You duck before the frisbee hits you.
  7747. >That was close.
  7748. >�I�m sorry mister! Are you okay?� Apple Bloom runs at you and quickly apologizes.
  7749. �I�m fine Apple Bloom!�
  7750. >�Oh, it�s you Anon! I�m sorry�I didn�t notice you,� she shyly says.
  7751. >You chuckle.
  7752. �No worries AB,� you pick up the frisbee and hand it to her, �enjoying a nice morning with your friends eh?�
  7753. >She nods.
  7754. >Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walk towards your position.
  7755. >�Anon!� Sweetie Belle warmly greets you, while Scootaloo just nods her head and lets out a cool ��sup� Anon.�
  7756. >You chuckle.
  7757. >Scootaloo surely resembles the likes of Rainbow Dash.
  7758. >�What are you doing here Anon?� Apple Bloom asks.
  7759. �I�m just killing some time before I can visit Rainbow Dash at the hospital.�
  7760. >�What happened to her?!� Scootaloo yells horrified.
  7761. �Calm down Scoots, she got injured in yesterday�s game��
  7762. >�Really?�
  7763. >You nod.
  7764. �This girl, Midnight Star, slid when Rainbow had the ball and injured her on purpose�now Rainbow Dash�s ankle is broken.�
  7765. >Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gasp.
  7766. >�Is she okay?� Scootaloo asks.
  7767. �Yeah, she texted me that she was okay, do you girls want to pay her a visit?�
  7768. >They all nod.
  7769. �The hospital visiting hours begin at noon; we�ll drop by that hour to say �hello� to her alright?�
  7770. >�Sounds great! Are you going to bring flowers for her Anon?�
  7771. �No? Why would I?�
  7772. >Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes.
  7773. >�Well duh! Girls love flowers Anon!�
  7774. >�Speak for yourself,� Scootaloo says under her breath.
  7775. �Sweetie, it�s Rainbow Dash we�re talking about. She doesn�t like that-�
  7776. >�Come on Anon,� Apple Bloom says, �don�t tell me that she didn�t like it when you kissed her cheek right after you asked her to be your date for the Winter Formal.�
  7777. �How do you know that?�
  7778. >�My sis� told me about that. She thought that moment was very sweet.�
  7779. >Applejack has a very loose tongue.
  7780. >You let out an uncomfortable chuckle.
  7782. >Hours have passed.
  7783. >You texted your friends about Rainbow�s �accident� and they said that they�d drop by the hospital at noon.
  7784. >It must be nice for Dash to have friends that care for her that much.
  7785. >When you got stabbed, no one visited you in the hospital.
  7786. �Darn it��
  7787. >�What�s wrong Anon?� Sweetie Belle asks.
  7788. �Uh, nothing Sweetie�nothing�s wrong.�
  7789. >The four of you enter to one of the hospital�s elevators.
  7790. >And here you are.
  7791. >You glance at your watch.
  7792. >12:15 P.M.
  7793. >The little girls decided to come with you to pay Rainbow Dash a visit.
  7794. >Rainbow�s room is No. 213.
  7795. >You walk down the hallways and find Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity standing outside Rainbow�s room.
  7796. �Hi girls!�
  7797. >�Hi Nonny!�
  7798. �Look who I found on the way here.�
  7799. >Rarity and Applejack are surprised when they see their little sisters�and Scootaloo as well.
  7800. >�Hi sis!� Apple Bloom says.
  7801. >�Uh, hi AB!�
  7802. >Rarity notices something on your hand.
  7803. >"Oh, are those flowers Anon?"
  7804. >You let out an awkward chuckle.
  7805. "Y-yeah...they are for Rainbow Dash."
  7806. >Rarity smirks.
  7807. >"It was my idea!" Sweetie Belle happily says.
  7808. >Applejack laughs a little.
  7809. >"Whoowee, I wonder how Rainbow will feel when she sees them."
  7810. "I hope she likes them....Sweetie Belle 'convinced' me to buy an expensive bouquet for Dash," you say while your right eye twitches, "anyways, why are you girls out here? Shouldn't you be inside?"
  7811. >"The doctor is almost done checking on Rainbow Dash Nonny! He said that we can enter as soon as he exits the room."
  7812. "Cool..."
  7813. >Rarity's still looking at the bouquet you bought for Rainbow Dash.
  7814. >"Those surely are pretty flowers Anonymous..." she says in a sweet tone.
  7815. "Tell me about it, your sister has fine taste when it comes to things like these, she probably got it from you."
  7816. >Rarity giggles.
  7817. >"Thanks for the compliment darling."
  7818. >The doctor gets out of Rainbow's room.
  7819. >"You can enter now young ladies."
  7820. >"Thanks a lot doctor, is she going to be okay?" Rarity asks.
  7821. >He nods.
  7823. >The doctor leaves without saying any other word.
  7824. >Applejack opens the door and greets Rainbow Dash.
  7825. >�Howdy Rainbow!�
  7826. >Rainbow Dash places her Daring Do book on the nightstand when she hears Applejack�s voice.
  7827. >�Applejack!�
  7828. >The rest of the girls enter the room, but Rarity holds you back.
  7829. �What�s wrong Rares?�
  7830. >�Shh�Don�t you want to surprise Rainbow Dash?�
  7831. >You perk up your ears.
  7832. �That�s a great idea Rares,� you rub your hands and let out a mischievous laugh.
  7833. >�What�s wrong Rarity? Why don�t you come in?� Rainbow Dash asks from her bed.
  7834. >Rarity laughs.
  7835. >�Nothing�s wrong darling,� she enters the room and leaves the door open.
  7836. >You place your ear on the wall and listen to your friends.
  7837. �Hehe��
  7838. >�What happened to you Rainbow Dash?� Applejack asks.
  7839. >�Long story AJ; if you had come to the match yesterday you would�ve known what happened!� She says annoyed.
  7840. >�I was busy sugarcube,� Applejack takes off her hat, �I�m sorry I couldn�t come, but I had to help my granny with some chores. I�ll go to the semifinal match for sure!�
  7841. >Rainbow Dash lets out an exasperated grunt.
  7842. >�There won�t be another match for us, my team lost after I got injured��
  7843. >Applejack whistles.
  7844. >�Tough luck huh?�
  7845. >�Yeah�this sucks,� Rainbow Dash says.
  7846. >�Who did this to you Rainbow Dash?� Rarity asks, �that ruffian deserves to be banned from playing soccer or any sport whatsoever!�
  7847. >�Midnight Star...� Rainbow Dash punches her pillow, �if I had her in front of me I�d teach her how hard my knuckles are!�
  7849. >Pinkie Pie scratches the back of her head.
  7850. >�I thought you didn�t want Nonny to show her a lesson Dashie!�
  7851. >�Pinkie Pie�� Fluttershy says in a worried tone.
  7852. >Rainbow Dash pinches the bridge of her nose.
  7853. >�He was furious! You should�ve seen him last night,� Pinkie Pie says to Applejack, and Rarity, �I swear that if it weren�t for Fluttershy Dodge Junction�s coach would�ve had to look for a replacement!�
  7854. �Fucking Pinkie Pie�� you say under your breath.
  7855. >�Yeah, as much as I liked the idea, I didn�t want Anon to get into more trouble�he�s very important for me you know,� Rainbow Dash says.
  7856. >Aww.
  7857. >�Thanks a lot for your help Fluttershy.�
  7858. >�You�re welcome Rainbow�I�m glad I found Anon before he did something wrong.�
  7859. >�What was he going to do darling? Take pictures of Midnight�s undies?� Rarity mockingly says.
  7860. >What?
  7861. >Rarity can be a jerk from time to time.
  7862. >�Umm�no, I�m sure that his mind went back to his days in Detrot.�
  7863. >Applejack gasps.
  7864. >�Whoa nelly, I�m glad that you stopped him Fluttershy!�
  7865. >Rainbow looks around.
  7866. >�What�s wrong sugarcube?�
  7867. >�I�m kind of sad�I�m glad that you girls are all here, but it kinda sucks that Anon didn�t show up.�
  7868. �Are you sure about that Dashie?�
  7869. >You walk inside Rainbow�s room, but you keep the bouquet hidden behind your back.
  7870. >�Dude!� Rainbow Dash shouts in excitement.
  7871. >The girls laugh.
  7872. >�Surprise darling!� Rarity says.
  7873. >You lean in and hug your girlfriend.
  7874. >She feels something in your back.
  7875. >�What�s this?�
  7876. �I got you something to make you feel better Dashie, here.�
  7877. >You hand her the nice (and real expensive) bouquet.
  7878. >Rainbow Dash blushes, but then she realizes what's going on and shakes her head.
  7879. >��Flowers dude? Seriously?�
  7880. >You smile at her.
  7881. �Don�t act like you didn�t like them, �cuz your little smile tells me otherwise,� you caress her chin with your index finger.
  7882. >�D-dude?! Knock it off!� She swats your hand away in embarrassment.
  7883. > Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom let out an �awww,�at the same time.
  7884. >Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity giggle; but Scootaloo is the only one that gags.
  7885. >�Eww�.give me a break,� she says and crosses her arms.
  7887. >Minutes have passed, and Rainbow�s friends eventually leave.
  7888. >Applejack, Rarity and their sisters were the first ones that left, followed by Fluttershy and Pinkie next, and lastly Scootaloo.
  7889. >They all signed and drew on Rainbow�s cast with colored markers.
  7890. >You decided to stay with her to spend some time alone with her.
  7891. >�I thought they�d never leave��
  7892. �Haha, yeah.�
  7893. >�Thanks a lot for the flowers dude; I love them,� she says while a cute shade of pink forms on her cheeks.
  7894. >She tugs your shirt and pulls you closer to her.
  7895. �You�re welcome Dashie,� you lean in and plant a kiss on her lips.
  7896. >She places her arms behind your head and keeps kissing you, this time with her tongue.
  7897. >Her hot breath sure feels good.
  7898. >You decide not to play around anymore and place a hand on her left breast.
  7899. >�Anon? What are you-�
  7900. >You squeeze her breast with your hand.
  7901. >�Kyaah!�
  7902. �What�s wrong? You don�t like it?� You ask in a mocking tone.
  7903. >��Shut the door and lock it.�
  7904. >Yes!
  7905. >You quickly obey Rainbow and lock the door.
  7906. >She bites her lower lip as you walk back to her.
  7907. >You help her sit down by lifting her torso and placing her pillow in a better position.
  7908. >You scan her fit body with your eyeballs.
  7909. �A hospital gown? Nah�you need fresh air.�
  7910. >You take her gown off in no time.
  7911. >Her breasts quickly react to the chilly air which makes her nipples stiffen.
  7912. >�You like my tits don�t you? You big perv...�
  7913. >implying she�s not turned on.
  7915. �Now what do we have here?� You say with a big grin plastered on your face.
  7916. >You lean in and start kissing Rainbow�s naked chest.
  7917. >She lets out a cute moan before shutting herself up by biting her index finger.
  7918. >You caress her soft breasts with your hands slowly at first, and then you pull out your tongue and lick her chest before licking her right breast.
  7919. >She digs your actions, and quickly places her right hand on your groin.
  7920. >You�re already hard; and since Rainbow Dash notices your excitement she decides to tease you by caressing your penis over the fabric of your jeans.
  7921. >Her touch is so arousing, and the thought of doing this in a place that isn�t her bedroom or your house is even more exciting.
  7922. >Maybe a random nurse will probably unlock the door and get aroused at a sight like this.
  7923. >Rainbow Dash can�t move that much because of the cast on her leg, so you�ll have to figure a way out to have intercourse with her.
  7924. >She quickly unzips your jeans and moves your boxers aside.
  7925. >Your penis quickly jumps out of its denim prison and meets a very excited Rainbow Dash.
  7926. >�Hey there lil� guy�� she says in a seductive way before planting a kiss on the tip of your dick.
  7927. >You smirk a bit before taking your belt off and letting your pants fall to your ankles.
  7928. >�Nice��
  7929. >You grab the bed sheets and throw them on the floor.
  7930. >Rainbow Dash tries her best to move around more, but her movements are limited by the cast on her ankle.
  7931. >You scan her pretty and fit body with your eyeballs, and quickly grab your penis with your right hand.
  7933. >Rainbow Dash quickly catches on what you want to do.
  7934. >�Alright, just�don�t come in my mouth dude. Okay?�
  7935. >She swats your hand away and quickly places your penis in her warm and wet mouth.
  7936. �Ah fuck!�
  7937. >She places her hands on your butt cheeks and squeezes them.
  7938. >You grab the back of her head and force her to swallow more and more of your dick.
  7939. >Are you fucking her mouth?
  7940. >Who cares? The sensation is amazing!
  7941. >�Urk�!�
  7942. >You push her head away so she can breathe�just for a couple of seconds; then you do it again, and again, and again.
  7943. �Ahhh!�
  7944. >She swats your arms away and stops the blowjob so she�s able to let out coughs.
  7945. >�DON�T DO THAT AGAIN!� She furiously says.
  7946. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  7947. �S-sorry Dashie, I guess I got carried away��
  7948. >�Whatever,� she rolls her eyes and continues her blowjob, but this time you restrain yourself of touching her head.
  7949. >She opens her eyes and gives you a lustful look, giving you the message that she�s enjoying this as much as you.
  7950. >You are having a blast.
  7951. >You scan her body and notice her dripping wet pussy, covered with multicolored pubic hair, that is begging for some attention.
  7952. >Rainbow Dash stops sucking your penis and starts jerking you off with both of her hands, while her lips kiss your balls.
  7953. >Whoa, she sure is a dirty girl.
  7954. >You wonder what fetishes she could have.
  7955. >As long as she isn�t into pegging you�re fine.
  7956. >Your hand travels a bit more and starts caressing her thighs.
  7958. �I love your thighs Dashie�� you say as you touch her legs softly and slowly with your hand.
  7959. >�I know you do you big perv, but not as much as I love your cock; and I want to feel it�inside me.�
  7960. >Your dick is now as hard as a diamond.
  7961. ��Awesome.�
  7962. >You grab her good leg and lift it with your arm and place her strong and muscular calf on your shoulder.
  7963. �Alright, are you ready Dashie?�
  7964. >�Wait dude! Do you have protection?�
  7965. �Uhhh��
  7966. >�Darn it Anon! You had one job!�
  7967. >But after she glances at your throbbing penis once again, she bites her lower lip and shakes her head.
  7968. >�Screw it, just fuck me already!�
  7969. �Atta girl��
  7970. >You guide your penis into her soft and wet pussy.
  7971. >She�s so tight and warm!
  7972. �Gnngh�fuck-�
  7973. >Rainbow Dash moans loudly this time.
  7974. >Your penis slides in her warm walls, and your brain is filled with new and pleasant information.
  7975. >�Ahhh�yes!�
  7976. >Rainbow Dash invites you to grab her breasts, which you gladly do.
  7977. >You slide your penis all the way inside until your groin is stopped by Rainbow�s body.
  7978. >Rainbow Dash lets out a content moan.
  7979. >You slide your dick out and thrust inside once again.
  7980. >�K-keep going!�
  7981. >You repeat the thrust again, this time faster; and eventually you find yourself doing this faster and faster each second.
  7982. >�Ah�Ahh�Ahh.�
  7983. >Rainbow�s moans are music to your ears.
  7984. >You�re not a virgin anymore.
  7985. >Who would�ve thought that the friend you considered your bro months ago would end up becoming your lover?
  7986. >�Harder dude! Harder!�
  7987. �You like that don�t you?�
  7988. >�Yeah Anon! Fuck me�hard!�
  7989. >You obey the noisy girl and thrust even faster.
  7990. >Your balls slap against her butt, making that characteristic noise.
  7991. �Aww fuck��
  7993. >You slap her buttcheeks and keep thrusting her inner walls with all your might.
  7994. >Rainbow Dash quickly rubs her clit with her right hand, while she touches your torso with the left hand.
  7995. >Minutes pass, but for you, they are eternal.
  7996. >An amazing sensation like this is something that truly is unmatched to any other pleasure in life.
  7997. >Well, for you anyways.
  7998. >�I-I think I�m going to cum��
  7999. >You�re almost there, but you won�t be able to cum inside her, or else she�ll get pregnant.
  8000. >Fuck that, you have plenty of shit in your life to deal with.
  8001. >You grab her waist with both hands and grab her so you can thrust harder�
  8002. >�YES! YES!�
  8003. >And faster�
  8004. >�AAAAAH!� Rainbow lets out a loud yell.
  8005. >You love loud girls in porn, but Dash�s moans felt 200% realistic.
  8006. >She�s worn out.
  8007. >�Whoa dude�� she says in between pants, �you�re still hard?�
  8008. >You nod.
  8009. >�You didn�t cum did you?�
  8010. �Nope.�
  8011. >�Good; I�m gonna need some water�ha ha.�
  8012. >You pull your penis out and let her touch your wet penis.
  8013. >�It�s so hot,� she says with a big grin.
  8014. �It�s my turn now don�t you think?�
  8015. >Rainbow Dash jerks you off fast.
  8016. �Yeah, keep going. Almost there��
  8017. >You�re about to cum.
  8018. >You grunt, and release your seed all over Rainbow Dash.
  8019. >�What a mess�you�re such a naughty boy Anon!� She says in a seductive way.
  8021. >You grab a bunch of paper towels and help your girlfriend get cleaned.
  8022. >Rainbow Dash has mixed reactions.
  8023. >You can tell that she�s turned on; and at the same time, disgusted.
  8024. �So Dash�how much time will you use that cast?�
  8025. >She sighs.
  8026. >�Six weeks dude, I�ll take a lot of time to fully recover.�
  8027. �Damn it, all because of that fat bitch.�
  8028. >�Midnight Star? Yeah��
  8029. >You help Rainbow put on her hospital gown after she wiped all your cum from her chest and face.
  8030. >�The doctor said that I can get out of here tomorrow�he said that I�ll have to use stupid crutches.�
  8031. �You sent Fluttershy after me didn�t you?�
  8032. >Rainbow looks you in the eyes.
  8033. >�Of course I did dummy! I didn�t want you to get into more trouble��
  8034. >You smile and sit next to her.
  8035. >[YouTube] [High Quality] Chrono Trigger OST 50 - At the Bottom of Night
  8036. �But why though? You know I could�ve sent her to the hospital as well.�
  8037. >�At what price? If you got revenge on her Principal Celestia would�ve expelled you!�
  8038. >Rainbow Dash leans in to your ear and whispers.
  8039. >�I don�t want you far away from me Anon��
  8040. >Aww.
  8041. >You hug her and then, you both share a kiss.
  8042. >�Shame about the Winter Formal huh?�
  8043. �What do you mean?�
  8044. >Rainbow Dash looks at her cast.
  8045. >�We won�t be able to dance at all��
  8046. �Oh.�
  8048. >Rainbow Dash lies on her back and adjusts the pillow of the bed.
  8049. >�I suppose you�ll have to go with someone else dude��
  8050. ��No, I won�t do that.�
  8051. >�B-but my ankle; I won�t be able to dance, let alone stand!� Rainbow Dash says in a tone of defeat.
  8052. �You don�t sound like the Dash I know!�
  8053. >�Huh?�
  8054. �My Dashie never gives up; the Dashie I know is a strong and pretty cool girl that isn�t afraid of anything!�
  8055. >Rainbow Dash blushes and twirls a lock of her hair.
  8056. �I�ll take you to the Winter Formal, even if it kills me!�
  8057. >She lets out a cute giggle.
  8058. �I�ll ask Rarity to make you a pretty dress that goes with your cast!�
  8059. >�Uhh�a dress?�
  8060. �Yeah! How else are you going to show off those pretty legs you have?�
  8061. >Rainbow smirks and punches your shoulder.
  8062. >�Hehehe�never change you big perv!�
  8064. >Hours pass.
  8065. >You both killed time listening to music from your smartphone, talking about your old life in Detrot and Rainbow�s life in Canterlot, how she met her friends, etc.
  8066. >The nurse knocks the door and you unlock it.
  8067. >�It�s time for your dinner Rainbow Dash,� the nurse places a tray on Rainbow�s tummy.
  8068. �Great! I�m so hungry!�
  8069. >Rainbow�s nurse sniffs something odd in the air.
  8070. >�What�s that smell?�
  8071. >Whoops.
  8072. �Uhhh�dampness?�
  8073. >�No, it�s not that�anyways; kid?�
  8074. �Huh?�
  8075. >�Visiting hours are about to end. I think you need to leave,� she says as she walks to the door.
  8076. >�Say your goodbyes to Rainbow; you can come visit her tomorrow,� the nurse says before leaving the room and closing the door.
  8077. �Alright,� you stand up, �I�ll see you tomorrow Dashie��
  8078. >�Cool, I�ll see you tomorrow.�
  8079. >You kiss her red lips and walk out of the room.
  8081. >�Oh darn it! I forgot about something�� Rainbow slaps her forehead with a palm, �dude; could you do me a favor?�
  8082. >You turn around.
  8083. �Sure Dashie! What is it?�
  8084. >�Could you drop by my house and feed Tank? I bet the little guy is all grumpy now.�
  8085. >You nod.
  8086. >�My dad always leaves a key under the doormat. When you�re done please lock the front door and leave the key exactly how you found it!�
  8087. �A�ight, anything else?�
  8088. >�Hmmm�oh yes, don�t even think of looking into my drawers, understood?!�
  8089. >You laugh.
  8090. �Come on Dashie, I wouldn�t do that.�
  8091. >Rainbow Dash arches an eyebrow.
  8092. �Let me get this straight, key under doormat, feed Tank, get out.�
  8093. >�Yup!�
  8094. �A�ight baby, I�ll see you tomorrow��
  8095. >Rainbow waves goodbye at you in a cute way.
  8096. >You close the door and call for the elevator.
  8097. >You totally have to see what�s in her drawers!
  8098. >[Handrubbing intensifies]
  8100. >Minutes later.
  8101. >You have arrived to Rainbow Dash�s house.
  8102. >It sure feels strange to enter to her house like this.
  8103. >You reach for the key under the doormat and then you unlock the front door.
  8104. >You place the key in your pocket and walk to Rainbow�s room.
  8105. >When you open the door you get an awful sight.
  8106. �Goddamnit Rainbow Dash!�
  8107. >Her room is a complete mess.
  8108. >You walk inside on the tip of your toes, because you don�t want to step on something that is on the floor.
  8109. >You notice a green shell on a table stand inside glass panes.
  8110. �Tank?�
  8111. >The poor tortoise slides its head out of its shell.
  8112. �Gee�you must be pretty hungry. Hang on buddy; I�ll get you some food.�
  8113. >You walk out of the room and head to the kitchen.
  8114. �Let�s see�veggies.�
  8115. >You open the refrigerator.
  8116. >Chinese, Thai, and pizza leftovers everywhere.
  8117. >Rainbow�s dad doesn�t know better, but you can�t blame the poor guy.
  8118. >His wife died years ago, and he had to take the responsibility of looking after her daughter.
  8119. >Maybe that�s why Rainbow turned out to be a tomboy.
  8120. �Hehe��
  8121. >You bend over and find fresh vegetables for Tank.
  8122. >Three lettuce leaves and a tomato should be enough right?
  8123. >You close the refrigerator�s door and return to Rainbow�s room.
  8124. >When Tank notices the food in your hands, he slides his legs out of the shell and walks as fast as he can.
  8125. �Calm down Tank, here�your owner should be here as soon as she gets out of the hospital.�
  8126. >You pet Tank's head.
  8127. >The tortoise starts eating his vegetables.
  8128. >That reminds you; you should return to your home and have dinner.
  8130. >As you�re about to leave Rainbow�s room, the back of your eye catches something unusual.
  8131. >One of Rainbow�s drawers is slightly open, and a very funny looking cloth is peeking out of the drawer.
  8132. >Should you?
  8133. >One peek won�t hurt right?
  8134. >You have a better idea.
  8135. �On second thought; Rainbow�s room sure is a mess�� you say to yourself, �somebody has to clean it!�
  8136. >You grab Rainbow�s bed sheets and throw them on the floor.
  8137. >Why isn�t Dash as tidy as Sunny or Applejack? You think to yourself.
  8138. >Rainbow will be thankful towards you when she notices that you cleaned up her mess.
  8139. >After all, she doesn�t want to get grounded by her dad again.
  8141. >Twenty minutes later.
  8142. >You�re done!
  8143. >Rainbow�s room looks amazing!
  8144. >And you did it for free�
  8145. >Well, almost for free.
  8146. �It�s time for my reward�hehehe!�
  8147. >You walk to her bureau and open her drawers.
  8148. �Aww yes!�
  8149. >Rainbow�s underwear does funny things to your dick.
  8150. >She has plenty of panties and bras.
  8152. >Sunset�s words come to your mind.
  8153. >"Don't you get it Anon!? I HATE you! I think you're a disgusting pervert! Don't you understand that I will NEVER want to go out with you?!�
  8154. >You shrug.
  8155. >Yeah you�re a perv, so what?
  8156. �Don�t tell Rainbow Dash Tank!�
  8157. >You pull a nice pair of panties out of Rainbow�s drawers.
  8158. >Now that you think of it, you�ve never seen Rainbow�s panties before.
  8159. >It must be because of those yoga shorts she wears under her skirt.
  8160. >A nice red thong catches your attention.
  8161. �Ohh; how naughty Dashie��
  8162. >Rainbow�s undergarments are just too hot for you.
  8163. >You keep looking through her drawers.
  8164. >Eventually, you feel something hard with the tip of your fingers.
  8165. �What the-�
  8166. >It feels like a notebook.
  8167. >You grab it and take a better look.
  8168. �No�fucking�way!�
  8169. >The notebook reads: �My Diary.�
  8170. >Rainbow has one of these?!
  8171. >Your curiosity kicks in.
  8172. >Should you open it?
  8173. �No, I should not!�
  8174. >Your mind drifts away.
  8175. >What if Rainbow wrote something good�or bad about you?
  8176. >You have to know, you NEED to know.
  8177. �Screw it��
  8178. >You try to open it, but fail.
  8179. >There�s a lock in it.
  8180. �What?!�
  8181. >You�ll have to find a key to open it.
  8182. >It�s no biggie, since you have plenty of time!
  8183. >It'll be the perfect crime.
  8184. >A quick peek won't hurt. Right?
  8185. >You just want to know what Dash thinks of you.
  8186. >Besides, her old man is working, and she's still stuck in the hospital.
  8187. >You look in every place possible.
  8188. >Under her bed.
  8189. >On the top of her bookshelves.
  8190. >Inside Tank's cage.
  8191. >But so far, there's no key.
  8192. >You'll have to keep looking.
  8193. >It'll be just a quick can go all the way through. If you place the things exactly as they were before, this will be a perfect score.
  8194. >But before you keep looking for the key, you grab a couple of panties and rub them on your hard rock penis.
  8195. "Hehe..."
  8197. >Minutes pass, but you can't find the damn key.
  8198. "Come on..."
  8199. >Rainbow Dash is pretty good at hiding stuff.
  8200. >But suddenly, a thought rushes through your mind.
  8201. >Why are you doing this?
  8202. >Rainbow Dash was very clear when she said that you only had to feed Tank.
  8203. >What you're doing is wrong.
  8204. >You look at your hands.
  8205. >You're holding Rainbow's red thongs in the right hand, and in the left one, her diary.
  8206. >What would Rainbow's reaction be if she saw you like this?
  8207. >You drop the objects on the floor and sit on her bed.
  8208. "What is wrong with me? Am I just sick!?"
  8209. >You look at the mirror in front of you.
  8210. >That's the face of regret right there.
  8211. >["If she was here, what would she think of you? You disgusting freak!"]
  8212. >That's the voice of the third man!
  8213. >You look around, but don't see anything or anyone around.
  8214. "Uhh..."
  8215. >["I thought you tried to show your friends how much of a nice guy you're...but I guess I'm wrong."]
  8216. >The voice that is similar to Fluttershy's says in a disappointed tone.
  8217. >What the hell is going on?!
  8218. >Are you losing your mind?
  8219. >You're not dreaming! You're awake!
  8220. >["Are we bothering you? Good...maybe that's the only way you can be stopped."] The voice of the second guy says.
  8221. >["You don't deserve tell you the truth, you should be dead by now."]
  8222. >You stand up and look around.
  8223. "Who or what the hell are you?!" You yell into the air.
  8224. >["It's simple, we are you..."] the voice of the second man says.
  8225. "Alright alright I get it; you want to help a twisted way of course, am I right?"]
  8226. >There's no reply.
  8227. "I see."
  8228. >You pick up the objects and then you place the diary and the thong in Dash's drawers exactly like you found them.
  8229. >The voices are right.
  8230. >If you want to change you have to stop behaving like this.
  8231. >You can't believe you were planning on stealing Rainbow's diary and pick the lock yourself.
  8232. >After all, you acquired lockpicking skills back in Detrot.
  8233. >You exit Rainbow's house and lock the door.
  8235. >You place the key under the doormat and walk away.
  8236. >Well, whatever those voices you heard are, they helped you snap out of the situation you were getting yourself into.
  8237. >Three blocks away from Rainbow's home, you notice a familiar looking car passing by.
  8238. >The car pulls next to you and the driver rolls down the window.
  8239. >"Hey Anon!"
  8240. >Oh shit! It's Rainbow's dad!
  8241. "Uh...evenin' Mr. Blaze!"
  8242. >"What are you doing around these parts kiddo?"
  8243. "I just dropped by because Rainbow asked me to feed her tortoise. She told me about the key under the doormat, I hope you don't mind."
  8244. >Rainbow''s dad chuckles.
  8245. >"Nah, if Dashie asked you to come by then I'm okay with it."
  8246. "Yeah...she wasn't sure that you'd get out of work early, so she asked me to come here instead."
  8247. >He nods.
  8248. >"It's okay kid, I'm glad she has good friends that are willing to help her out when she needs them."
  8249. >You chuckle.
  8250. "I'm glad I could help Mr. Blaze."
  8251. >"By the way Anon..."
  8252. >You perk up your ears.
  8253. "Yes?"
  8254. >"How are your bruises doing?"
  8255. "What do you mean?"
  8256. >"The ones you got from getting your ass kicked by girls from your school!"
  8257. >Rainbow Dash told him about the photos?!
  8258. >Thanks a lot Dash!
  8259. >You should've read her diary.
  8260. "Ehh...I'm doing okay Mr. Blaze."
  8261. >He laughs.
  8262. >"I can't believe that you agreed to take those pictures Anon-"
  8263. "H-hey! I was forced to take them!"
  8264. >"Whatever, I bet your favorites were Sunset Shimmer's; am I right?"
  8265. "..."
  8266. >"It's okay kiddo, say, did you take a pic of Principal Celestia?"
  8267. "No?"
  8268. >"Damn it! Oh well..." Mr. Blaze turns the engine on again, "I'll see you later Anon. Remember to keep visiting Dash at the hospital okay?"
  8269. >After what happened today?
  8270. "Sure Mr. Blaze."
  8271. >He rolls up the window and steps on the gas.
  8272. >Well, that went better than you had imagined.
  8273. >If you had stayed in Rainbow's home...
  8274. "Fuck that was close!"
  8275. >You're glad the voices talked to you in the right moment.
  8276. >Otherwise you'd be a dead man...or teen.
  8278. >You arrive to your house and greet your mom.
  8279. >"Hi sweetie!"
  8280. "Hey mom."
  8281. >"Dinner's ready, how is Rainbow Dash doing?"
  8282. "She's fine mom. If it weren't for that dumb girl from Dodge Junction she'd be A-OK..."
  8283. >"That's terrible dear..."
  8284. >You wash your hands and then sit at the table.
  8285. >Minutes later, Rainbow
  8286. >"Enjoy it son!"
  8287. >Your mom places a plate in front of you with a nice steak and vegetables on it.
  8288. >Nice...
  8289. "Thanks mom!"
  8290. >Today was an amazing day.
  8291. >You're looking forward to visit Rainbow Dash tomorrow.
  8293. >Sunday, 8:43 A.M.
  8294. >You wake up feeling good.
  8295. >For once, you had nice dreams.
  8296. >They involved your friends, and not those shady guys in that room filled with rats and cockroaches.
  8297. >You get out of the bed and head to your bathroom.
  8298. >It's time for the daily routine.
  8299. >S/S/S.
  8300. >When you're done, you grab your favorite clothes from your wardrobe and put them on.
  8301. >You don't need to go anywhere for now, so you'll play some videogames in your computer until you hear your mom's voice calling you for breakfast.
  8302. >When you sit down in front of your computer, your smartphone buzzes.
  8303. >Who could it be?
  8304. >You grab your phone and look at the screen.
  8305. >(1) new text from: Sunny Bunny.
  8306. "Nice!"
  8307. >You open it and read the content of the text.
  8308. >Apparently she wants to hang out after she gets out of work.
  8309. >That'd be nice.
  8310. >It's not like your other friends had included you in their plans for today.
  8311. >You write down your reply.
  8312. >You can't believe it!
  8313. >Thanks to Rainbow Dash you are able to talk to the girl you had a crush on.
  8314. >You don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.
  8315. >Eh, who cares.
  8316. >Who could say no to that beautiful face?
  8317. >You let out a content sigh.
  8318. >Too bad you're already taken!
  8319. >Maybe Sunset Shimmer knows that as well.
  8320. >It's not like her friends didn't tell her that Rainbow Dash is your girlfriend now.
  8321. >You'll meet Sunset at the department store she works in.
  8323. >A couple of hours later you have a nice and quiet breakfast with your parents.
  8324. >Your dad still looks a bit upset with you because of the photographs you took, and you're sure that it'll take some time for his anger to cool down.
  8325. >But for you, that doesn't matter.
  8326. >You finish your breakfast, quickly wash your dishes and climb upstairs to your bedroom.
  8327. >You boot up your computer and check your e-mail.
  8328. >Featherweight was so thoughtful by e-mailing you the homework your teachers assigned on Friday.
  8329. >When you asked him if he wanted your help by getting another date, he said that it was okay and that he rather do it himself.
  8330. "Tsk tsk tsk Applejack..."
  8331. >Beggars can't be choosers! Why didn't she accept poor Featherweight's invitation?
  8332. >You have some time to kill, and since you're bored out of your mind you decide to read some messages in your MyStable's inbox.
  8333. "..."
  8334. >The oldest messages are from girls like Aria, Gilda, Junebug and Bon Bon calling you a disgusting pervert.
  8335. >("What the hell was I expecting?") You think to yourself.
  8336. >In all that sea of hate messages, you find a few surprises.
  8337. >Trixie sent you congratulations on facing things like a true man would've done.
  8338. >Photo Finish said that you needed to improve your techniques.
  8339. >You smirk.
  8340. >Pinkie Pie said that you shouldn't be sad, that she'd throw you a party once things cooled down.
  8341. >And the last one is from Sunset.
  8342. >She says that she's very sorry about all the things she caused because of her loose lips. And that she's grateful for having you around.
  8343. "Aww..."
  8344. >She's probably enjoying her computer and paycheck thanks to you.
  8345. >What an amazing gal.
  8346. >(Uh...not as Rainbow Dash of course!") A thought rushes into your mind to remind you that you should be loyal to your girl.
  8347. >Several chat messages appear.
  8348. >You forgot to turn off the chat.
  8349. "Shit..."
  8350. >Sonata Dusk (11:32 A.M.)
  8351. >["Hi Anon!"]
  8352. >She doesn't sound angry.
  8353. ["Uhh...hi?"]
  8354. >Anoter window pops up.
  8355. >It's Trixie.
  8357. >["Good morning Anonymous, are you busy?"]
  8358. >She's not mad at you it seems.
  8359. ["No I'm not Trix, why do you ask?"]
  8360. >Both Sonata and Trixie are writing their replies.
  8361. >["I'm sorry if Aria hurt you bad Anon, I know that you didn't mean to do that awful stuff."] Sonata texts.
  8362. ["Don't worry about that Sonata, as long as she does the same to Snips and Snails then I'm okay with it."]
  8363. >You read Trixie's reply.
  8364. >["The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to know if her date for the Winter Formal doesn't have a perverted mind."]
  8365. ["Uhh, who's your date again Trix?"]
  8366. >["Brawly Beats"]
  8367. >Oh boy.
  8368. >He's the guy that requested the pictures of Fluttershy and many other girls...including Trixie.
  8369. ["I have bad news Trix, he bought plenty of pictures, including yours...I'm sorry."]
  8370. >Trixie is taking her time to type something.
  8371. >["Trixie didn't see that one coming, thanks a lot Anonymous."]
  8372. ["No prob Trix."]
  8373. >["Plenty of girls have dates for the Winter Formal already, why don't you help them out by saying what kind of boys are they really dating?"]
  8374. >She can't be serious right?
  8375. >["That'd help your situation with the female body at school you know."]
  8376. ["I don't know Trix, you girls already beat me, I'm not sure if I can't handle a bunch of guys-"]
  8377. >["Flash Sentry has a date for the formal already, he's going with Starlight..."]
  8378. >Starlight?! No way!
  8379. >How the hell did he manage to get a date?
  8380. >Then again, he's not like you.
  8381. >Girls would easily forgive him because of his looks, and money.
  8382. ["I'll think about it Trixie."]
  8383. >["Good. Trixie has a date to cancel Anonymous, do you happen to know a guy that didn't buy Trixie's picture?"]
  8384. >You know a couple of guys that didn't.
  8385. ["Featherweight didn't..."]
  8386. >["That's good to know. See you on Thursday Anonymous."]
  8387. >She's now offline.
  8388. >Well, you just ruined Brawly Beat's date.
  8389. >Just to 'help out' Trixie.
  8390. >Why though?
  8391. >You only hope she's right with that whole 'help girls so they can forgive you' crap.
  8392. >["Hellooo? Are you there Anon?"] Sonata types.
  8394. ["I'm here Sonata, sorry; Trixie wanted to know something..."]
  8395. >["Oooohhh okay. I want to ask you something extremely important!"]
  8396. ["Go ahead Sonata."]
  8397. >Sonata is typing her reply.
  8398. >But erases it.
  8399. >["Uhhh...I forgot!"]
  8400. "Fucking seriously?"
  8401. >["I'm sorry Anon, we'll talk when I remember what I wanted to ask you okay?"]
  8402. >Sonata is as bright as a button.
  8403. >But you don't mind since she's so pretty.
  8404. >Sonata logs off.
  8405. >You log off as well.
  8406. >What's with Starlight? Why would she accept Flash's invitation like that?
  8407. >He must've given up on that Twilight girl your friends mentioned.
  8408. >And Starlight doesn't deserve a date like Flash.
  8409. >That makes you wonder, how is Flash doing at school?
  8410. >Are the girls still mad at him or what?
  8411. >Guys like him get off the heat easily because of their attitude.
  8412. >It seems girls went harder on your ass because, unlike him, your unpopularity made them think that you're nothing but a sick bastard.
  8413. >At least Trixie and Sonata still talk to you.
  8415. >A couple of hours later.
  8416. >You walk out of your home and head to the hospital, because it's time to pay another visit to your girlfriend.
  8417. >You can only hope that you can have another 'private' moment with her.
  8418. >Right now you're imagining her in the red thongs you found in her drawers.
  8419. "Hehe..."
  8420. >But you don't have to mention that, or else she'll find out about the antics you pulled off in her house.
  8421. >Now that you know that she masturbates and that she wears that kind of undergarments, she doesn't have a right to call you a pervert.
  8422. >You're walking through downtown and do some window shopping.
  8423. >What can you buy for Rainbow Dash now?
  8424. >More flowers? Nah.
  8425. >Chocolates?
  8426. >Perfect! She loves to eat chocolate!
  8427. >And you love to tease her by telling her that chocolates make her gain weight.
  8428. >You stop by a sweets shop and buy chocolates for her.
  8430. >You walk to Rainbow's door and place you ear on her door.
  8431. >It seems that she's reading a book out loud right now.
  8432. >["Oh Ahuizotl..." Daring Do muttered as the aztec monster took her clothes off slowly and- GYHAAA!]
  8433. >You open the door and look at a red faced Rainbow Dash that tries to hide her book under her bed covers.
  8434. "H-hi Dashie? Is it a bad moment?"
  8435. >"Knock the door first you jerk!" She says enraged.
  8436. >You laugh.
  8437. "Sorry babe...I didn't know you were busy."
  8438. >Rainbow Dash wipes her fingers under the bed sheets.
  8439. >"Whatever," she crosses her arms and blows her hair out of her eyes.
  8440. "May I come in?"
  8441. >"You're already inside..."
  8442. >You smirk and walk to her bed, not without closing the door first.
  8443. >You kiss her forehead, then her cheek, and lastly her neck.
  8444. >"Nyahaha...stop it Anon!" She lets out a dumb giggle before she pushes you away; but you know that she likes it when you do that.
  8445. "How's it going RD?"
  8446. >"So-so...the doctor said that I can leave the hospital in a couple of hours. My nurse already taught me how to use crutches," she says as she points to the crutches across the room with her fingers.
  8447. "Well, that way you won't have to eat hospital food anymore."
  8448. >She giggles.
  8449. "I bet that I'll feel much better when I get my new nurse does what I tell him to..." she says in a mocking way.
  8450. >"Me? As your..."
  8451. >Rainbow Dash smirks.
  8452. "I'll need some help of course dude."
  8453. >"Who do you take me for Dashie? Of course I'm going to help you out."
  8454. "Aww...come here you big jerk!"
  8455. >She reaches for you to give you a hug, which you gladly accept.
  8456. >In that moment, the door opens.
  8457. >"Hi Rainbow Daaaa....huh?"
  8458. >Lyra, Bon Bon, Sandy Lemon and Derpy shut themselves up after witnessing such scene.
  8459. >Rainbow Breaks the hug and looks at the girls that dropped by to pay her a visit.
  8460. >The girls put on a face of disgust when they see you.
  8461. >"What's he doing here?" Lyra and Bon Bon start whispering between them.
  8462. >"What's the hold up?" Scribble Dee says from the hallway.
  8464. >Scribble Dee and Fleetfoot approach the door and enter the room.
  8465. >They both show disgust when they see you near Rainbow Dash.
  8466. >"Uhh...captain?" Fleetfoot says, "are we interrupting something?"
  8467. >Rainbow Dash stays silent, it seems that she doesn't know what to say.
  8468. >Blueberry Cake and Aqua Blossom enter the room as well.
  8469. >"Oh! Anon's here!" She shouts.
  8470. >"Anon?!" The voices of twenty girls yell in surprise.
  8471. >This is bad...
  8472. >Whispers can be heard everywhere.
  8473. >"N-no Fleetfoot, he just dropped by; in fact, Anon was about to leave..." Rainbow Dash says.
  8474. >You look at her in surprise.
  8475. >She looks down and refuses to make eye contact with you.
  8476. >She refused to acknowledge you as her boyfriend.
  8477. "...I see."
  8478. >You stand up and slowly walk out the room.
  8479. "Get well soon Rainbow Dash."
  8480. >You pull the chocolates out of your pocket and throw them away in the trash bin.
  8481. >Rainbow Dash just noticed what you just did.
  8482. >"D-dude...I-"
  8483. >You walk down the aisle and head to the elevator.
  8484. >The girls had a banner that said: "Get well soon Rainbow Dash!" And plenty of presents in their hands.
  8485. >They said a few insults to you and made faces showing hatred and disgust towards you.
  8486. >But you ignored them.
  8487. >What it really made you feel depressed was seeing Rainbow Dash ashamed of you.
  8488. >You close the elevator's door and place your palms on your face.
  8489. "...Dashie."
  8490. >You can't believe what just happened.
  8491. >Why didn't she just say that you were her boyfriend?
  8492. >Or at least laugh it off and tell them to not bother her.
  8493. >But what she did was just low.
  8494. >She kicked you out of her room.
  8495. "If she wants it that way...then it's fine with me."
  8496. >You walk back to your home.
  8498. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  8499. >And you can't believe what you just did.
  8500. >Anon looked real sad and dejected.
  8501. >Why couldn't you just said that he was your boyfriend?
  8502. >Why did you have to kick him out of your room?
  8503. >You're a fool.
  8504. >Now he probably thinks that you're embarrassed of him.
  8505. >The girls are still whispering between them.
  8506. >But Lyra breaks the awkward moment by talking to you.
  8507. >"So Rainbow are you feeling?"
  8508. "Huh? Oh! I'm fine Lyra...I'll leave the hospital in no time."
  8509. >"Really? That's great to hear!"
  8510. >"I saw everything Rainbow Dash!" Bon Bon adds.
  8511. "W-what did you see?!" You ask in a worried tone.
  8512. >"Uhh...the kick you got from that Dodge Junction defender of course," she places a hand on her waist, "are you feeling okay?"
  8513. "Y-yeah...I'm fine."
  8514. >Derpy grabs the crutches and fools around with them a bit.
  8515. >Blueberry Pie enters the room and hands you some of your favorite candy.
  8516. >"Here...sorry we lost against Dodge Junction captain."
  8517. >Blossomforth walks towards your bed and hands you an armband that reads. "The world's best Captain."
  8518. "Aww girls, you shouldn't have."
  8519. >Cloud Kicker rubs her forearm with her palm; looking pretty ashamed about the game they lost.
  8520. >"Sorry captain. After the paramedics took you away we weren't able to focus."
  8521. "It's just a game girls..."
  8522. >"WHAT?!" All the girls yell at the same time.
  8523. >Flitter places the back of her fingers on your forehead.
  8524. >"Are you alright Captain?! You don't have a fever do you?"
  8525. "Flitter! Cut it out!" You say in annoyance.
  8526. >"You always say that winning is everything!" Starlight says.
  8527. >"Maybe that loser of Anon messed up her mind or something," Scribble Dee says.
  8528. >All the girls laugh.
  8529. >"How did you and that creep become friends anyways uh Rainbow?" Bon Bon asks.
  8530. "Who? Anon?"
  8531. >"Duh!"
  8532. "...He was never a creep to begin with okay? And I like him as my friend! He's different from any other guy in CHS!"
  8533. >"Pssh...that hug wasn't very friend-like!"
  8534. >The girls let out a mocking "oooohhh," at the same time.
  8536. >Friend?!
  8537. >Why the heck did you just say that?
  8538. >If Anon was still here he would've dumped you in front of the girls.
  8539. >Why can't you be honest with yourself?
  8540. >You like Anon.
  8541. >You really, really like him.
  8542. >He made you feel things you'd never guess you had inside.
  8543. >When you befriended him, you got yourself a diary and started writing things on it.
  8544. >And most of those things include Anon in a very special way.
  8545. >All of a sudden, Derpy and Fleetfoot notice something strange in the trash bin
  8546. >Fleetfoot picks the box up.
  8547. >"...Who would throw away a box of chocolates? Let alone Kisses!"
  8548. >"Kisses? Oh my gosh I love Kisses!" Lyra says.
  8549. "T-that's..."
  8550. >"It has a note on it."
  8551. >Oh no.
  8552. >Fleetfoot gasps.
  8553. >"What does it say Fleetfoot?" Scribble Dee asks.
  8554. >Fleetfoot clears her throat and reads the note out loud.
  8555. >"It says: I know how much you love these chocolates, but they can't be compared to the sweet kisses you give to me Dashie! - Anon."
  8556. >The girls look at you in a disturbing way.
  8557. >"Rainbow Dash? What is this?" Derpy says.
  8558. >"Y-you're dating the perv?!" Scribble Dee yells.
  8559. >"Un-freaking-believable!!" Fleetfoot laughs in a fake way.
  8560. >You're getting upset.
  8561. >Whispers between the girls are heard.
  8562. >"So that's why she stood up for him when Gilda made him trip in the cafeteria..."
  8563. >"And when we he confessed about the pictures-"
  8564. >"-Don't forget when she threw that juice box to your sister Flitter!"
  8565. "Alright! Enough! ENOUGH ALL OF YOU!"
  8566. >The girls look at you.
  8567. "Yes I admit it! I'm dating Anon!"
  8568. >"...uhh"
  8569. "He's not my friend! He's my boyfriend, and he makes me really happy!"
  8570. >You said it. You finally said it!
  8571. >The girls remain silent, trying to understand what just happened.
  8572. >"So that's why you kept sticking up for that creep! How could you become his girlfriend after all the horrible things he did to us?!" Bon Bon says.
  8573. "Horrible things?! Taking a stupid pic of your undies isn't as horrible as what you did to him!"
  8575. >Bon Bon gasps, feeling insulted.
  8576. >"What do you mean?! What he did to us is-"
  8577. "Pretty mild compared to all the stuff he has seen in his hometown," you interrupt her, "don't you think you are all exaggerating?"
  8578. >The girls look at each other.
  8579. "You shouldn't be giving Anon a hard time; the beating you gave to him was more than enough! What about Snips and Snails huh?! They are home free and without worries!"
  8580. >You know that's the truth.
  8581. >Those losers never get out of their homes because they don't have any friends.
  8582. >But if that helps balance stuff to Anon's favor it's worth a try.
  8583. >Bon Bon calms down and looks at Lyra.
  8584. >The rest of the girls look at the floor and let out uncomfortable sighs.
  8585. "Just to let you know, I asked him to face consequences like a man after Sunset Shimmer freaked out at Flash in the cafeteria...and that's what he did-"
  8586. >"W-well? I-If he had faced the consequences 'like a man' then why did he get himself suspended huh Rainbow?" Flitter asks.
  8587. >You smirk.
  8588. "If you were from where Anon's from you wouldn't want to hang out with people that harass you..." you say in a menacing tone.
  8589. >"What do you mean?" Scribble Dee asks.
  8590. "Let me tell you something, would any of your dates or say...your boyfriends, take down fifteen armed gang-bangers by themselves?"
  8591. >The girls gasp.
  8592. >"Why would you date a crazy guy like Anon?!" Pixel asks.
  8593. >You chuckle.
  8594. "He's not crazy...he just stands up for himself and for others. Why don't you ask Sunset Shimmer? Anon chased down and beat a mugger after the guy stole her purse."
  8595. >The girls can't believe what they're hearing.
  8596. >""
  8597. >"So what you're saying is that Anon would most likely harm any one of us if we kept harassing him?" Fleetfoot says.
  8598. "Come on Fleetfoot, Anon wouldn't hit a girl. That's why he preferred to get suspended, so you could leave him alone!"
  8599. >The girls stay silent.
  8600. >"I-I don't know how to feel about this," Bon Bon says.
  8602. "Well duh! You have to forgive him. Remember girls; he was forced to take the pictures. You should be giving the guys that bought your pictures a lesson."
  8603. >They all agree.
  8604. "Besides, the whole photo thing happened five months ago...Anon immediately stopped taking pics after Snips and Snails asked a picture of me."
  8605. >"R-really?"
  8606. "Yeah! And guess whose undies didn't make it into Snips' album?" You proudly say and point at yourself with your thumb.
  8607. >They all chuckle.
  8608. >"Yeah...I guess you're right," Lyra lets out a sigh, "the question do we know which guys bought our pictures?"
  8609. >"Well, we know that Sandy Lemon's ex-boyfriend did..." Fleetfoot says in a mocking way.
  8610. >Sandy Lemon's eyes start getting watery and she runs out of the room.
  8611. >"Sandy! Wait! Fleetfoot was just kidding!" Cloud Kicker yells.
  8612. >These girls...
  8613. >Now you remember why you like to hang out with Anon so much.
  8614. >But a thought rushes into your mind.
  8615. >What you did was just awful.
  8616. >He probably thinks that you don't t feel anything for him.
  8617. >What have you done?
  8618. "Girls, could you excuse me?"
  8619. >You grab your phone from the nightstand and dial Anon's number.
  8620. "Come on come on..."
  8621. >He doesn't answer.
  8622. ", this can't be happening."
  8623. >"I-Is everything okay Rainbow Dash?" Scribble Dee asks.
  8624. >You stare at your phone's lock screen.
  8625. >"Rainbow Da-"
  8626. >Scribble Dee is quickly interrupted by Cloud Kicker.
  8627. >" seems that you are kind of busy at the moment Dash, hope you get better soon," Cloud Kicker pushes the girls out of the room.
  8628. >You're now alone.
  8629. >Completely alone.
  8630. >You can feel your eyes getting watery.
  8631. >The disappointment face Anon made when you kicked him out of the room is haunting you.
  8632. >You confessed your feelings you have for him to the very same girls that tormented him, but it was a bit too late for that.
  8633. >You need to talk with him. And fast!
  8635. >You're now Anon.
  8636. >And you're in your room, thinking about what happened earlier.
  8637. >Rainbow Dash didn't acknowledge you in front of the girls.
  8638. >You were some sort of stranger to her.
  8639. >For goodness sake! You both have been best friends for months now!
  8640. >If she cares about her reputation so much, you'll let her do whatever she wants.
  8641. >Besides, who wouldn't be ashamed of a pervert like you?
  8642. >If her pride is more important for her than you, then you're sure that she'll enjoy going to the Winter Formal by herself.
  8643. >Many thoughts rush through your mind.
  8644. >What if she only used you to get whatever she wanted?
  8645. >All those free sundaes you got for her.
  8646. >The entrances you paid for her at the movie theather.
  8647. >The times you took her out for dinner.
  8648. "Why Dash?"
  8649. >You bet that she wrote in her diary how much of an idiot you are.
  8650. >You can't believe this is happening!
  8651. >The only person you fully trusted in Canterlot has turned her back on you.
  8652. >You're not worthy of having friends.
  8653. >Nobody likes you.
  8654. >You're just a giant, pathetic joke.
  8655. >How could you be so gullible?
  8656. >["I told you...she always thought of you as the monster you are."]
  8657. "..."
  8658. >["This is only the tip of the iceberg. You're still suffering the consequences of your acts, but you will suffer more."]
  8659. "Stop it!"
  8660. >You place your palms on your face, and then you pull your hair in exasperation.
  8661. >["But this isn't the end you know...and I'm looking forward to see how you react."]
  8662. "FUCK YOU!" You yell into the thin air and punch a framed picture that was standing on your nightstand.
  8663. >You snap out of the strange trance you were into.
  8664. >Once again, you felt the same rage you used to have in Detrot.
  8665. >The voice was right.
  8666. >Something has awakened inside you.
  8667. >You stand up and go outside.
  8668. >Fresh air will make you good.
  8669. >And hopefully it'll make forget about Rainbow Dash.
  8671. >You�re now Applejack.
  8672. >And you are window-shopping in Canterlot�s downtown with Rarity.
  8673. >The two of you pass by an electronics store, but you suddenly stop after Rarity catches something with the back of her eye.
  8674. >�Oh my goodness darling, can you believe it? The new iFruit phone has been released!�
  8675. �I can�t believe it! Too bad I can�t I afford one��
  8676. >�Me neither darling, these phones are too expensive; but they are simply divine!� Rarity presses her face against the display window of the store.
  8677. �Yeah�that�s a shame.�
  8678. >Rarity sighs.
  8679. >�My dad doesn�t want to buy me an iFruit�he�s such a big jerk!�
  8680. >At least she has a dad.
  8681. >You roll your eyes and place your hand on Rarity�s shoulder.
  8682. �Come on Rarity; it�s not that important.�
  8683. >Rarity thinks something.
  8684. >�I bet Anon would be happy to buy me one of these phones��
  8685. >You notice a peculiar figure walking on the sidewalk across the street.
  8686. >It�s Anon.
  8687. �Well, look who�s over there Rarity�maybe it�s your lucky day.�
  8688. >�I was just kidding darling; but do you think that Anon would-�
  8689. �Oh��
  8690. >�What�s wrong?�
  8691. �Look at Anon, he looks pretty angry�I wonder what happened to him?�
  8692. �Why don�t we ask him what happened and see if we can help him?� Rarity suggests.
  8693. >You both cross the empty street and walk towards Anon.
  8694. >He�s so upset that he doesn�t notice you nor Rarity.
  8695. �Anon!�
  8697. >He snaps out of his rage induced trance and looks at you.
  8698. >�Oh�hey girls, what�s up?� He says in an annoyed way.
  8699. �What�s up with us? Or with you? Why are you walking down the street with a frown like that?�
  8700. >�Because I feel like it okay? It�s a free country,� he rudely says before crossing his arms and looking away.
  8701. >�Well I never!� Rarity says offended, �I�m sorry we asked Anonymous! If you want to be a grump then be that way.�
  8702. >Anon lets out a sigh.
  8703. >�Damn it�� he rubs his temples, �I�m sorry girls, that was very rude�I�m just upset with Rainbow Dash.�
  8704. �With Rainbow Dash? What happened sugarcube?�
  8705. >�You don�t want to know girls, it makes me sick by just recalling it.�
  8706. >Rarity looks at you in a worried way.
  8707. �You�re tellin� us everything sugarcube�we want to help you out.�
  8708. >�Really? Okay�I was about to go to the park. I like to chill over there. Are you girls busy?�
  8709. >�Not at all darling, we were just killing time by doing some window-shopping. The new iFruit just came out!� Rarity says in an excited way.
  8710. >�Eww�� Anon gags, �what�s so good about that useless piece of plastic?�
  8711. >Rarity scoffs.
  8712. >�Huh? Well, it�s the most exclusive phone in the planet of course!�
  8713. >Anon arches an eyebrow.
  8714. >�It�s pretty expensive too, and it does less than an average phone, look at mine for example!�
  8715. >You and Rarity look at Anon�s phone.
  8716. >�It�s ugly.�
  8717. �Yep.�
  8718. >�U-ugly? No; it�s not about the looks, but the performa-�
  8719. >�It�s ugly darling!� Rarity interrupts Anon.
  8720. >�B-but muh freedoms.�
  8721. >What�s wrong with these two?
  8722. �Rarity, let�s go to the park with Anon okay? We can debate phones later��
  8723. >�Only if he admits that the iFruit is the best phone in the world!�
  8724. �Rarity�� you cross your arms.
  8725. >�Ugh�fine!�
  8727. >You walk with Anon and Rarity to the park.
  8728. >On the way Anon told you about what happened at the hospital.
  8729. >He told you about the gift he bought for Rainbow Dash, what happened when he arrived, and how Rainbow rudely kicked him out and refusing to acknowledge him as her boyfriend in front of her teammates and other girls.
  8730. >It must�ve been pretty awkward.
  8731. >�Wow�I can�t believe Rainbow Dash would�ve done something like that,� Rarity says.
  8732. >�What about you Rarity?�
  8733. >�What about me darling?�
  8734. >�Would you do the same thing?�
  8735. >Rarity takes her time to ponder.
  8736. >�I-I wouldn�t darling! In fact I�d be pretty happy to announce you as my boyfriend to my family!� Rarity blushes while Anon looks at her in a confused way.
  8737. >�Only if we were a couple of course! Hi hi hi��
  8738. >Anon looks at you.
  8739. >�And you Applejack?�
  8740. >Your relatives have pretty high standards when it comes to guys dating girls of your family.
  8741. >Surely Anon wouldn�t fit in their views, especially into Big Mac�s.
  8742. �I wouldn�t sugarcube.�
  8743. >�You guess?�
  8744. �Well, most of my relatives only got engaged with the approval of their parents. And boy you did awful stuff. If my granny didn�t like you so much then you�d be in trouble with my big brother! But I�d still stick with ya.�
  8745. >Anon sighs.
  8746. >�Gee, thanks a lot AJ. But I think I can handle Big Mac, since he�s not a girl and stuff��
  8747. �Really? My brother�s pretty strong Anon; I think you�d lose if you got into a fight with him.�
  8748. >Anon chuckles.
  8749. >�Seriously Applejack? Don�t make me laugh. For your brother�s sake, just stop talking about that, okay?�
  8750. >He sure is a bit cocky.
  8751. >You don�t know why, but you love/hate when he acts like that.
  8752. �Are you sure about that sugarcube?�
  8753. >�Pfft, the guy that was about to take advantage of Rarity and that I fought at the club was bigger than Big Mac? Didn�t I kick his ass?�
  8754. >Rarity clears her throat.
  8755. >�Oh�sorry Rares.�
  8757. >Five minutes later, you arrive to the park.
  8758. >The three of you sit on a bench and keep talking about Rainbow Dash.
  8759. >�So what should I do girls?� He asks.
  8760. >�Darling, you of all people know exacly how Rainbow�s character is. Did she reject any of your�um, ways to show affection?�
  8761. >�Mmm�yeah, a couple of times, and just because we were in public.�
  8762. �Remember when we found the two you kissin� like little piggies near Sugarcube Corner? She was redder than one of my apples!�
  8763. >�Yeah�but she didn�t say that our kiss didn�t mean anything.�
  8764. �Tsk tsk tsk; Anon Anon Anon��
  8765. >�Huh?�
  8766. �You can�t get mad over something so insignificant, why don�t �cha try to understand Rainbow�s feelings better? For example, what would happen if the guy that stabbed you found out that Rainbow was your girlfriend? Wouldn�t you deny her so she could be safe?�
  8767. >��That�s an awful example Applejack!�
  8768. �W-what do you mean?�
  8769. >�I would�ve done that to protect her, not to protect my reputation.�
  8770. ���
  8771. >�Hell, I wouldn�t deny her at all. I�d give Dark Ember another beating if he dared come near her, you or Rarity!�
  8772. >�Was he so awful darling?�
  8773. >�Do you want me to show you my scar once again Rarity?�
  8774. >�Dont mind if I..." Rarity stops herself from completing that sentence, "I-I�ll pass darling...�
  8775. �Well, why don�t you remember the good moments instead of that bad one sugarcube? Rarity, help me out here!�
  8776. >"Anon darling, it was Rainbow Dash that convinced us to help you out in several occassions, like that time in the cafeteria when Principal Celestia called you, when she confronted Gilda, and lastly when she took us to your house so we could talk to your mother."
  8777. >Anon looks at the grass below him.
  8778. >"I-I guess you're right Rarity..."
  8779. >Anon hugs you both by the neck and brings your heads closer to his strong chest.
  8780. >"I'm not mad anymore! I honestly don't know what would I be without you girls," he happily says.
  8781. >Anon lets out a relieved sigh.
  8782. >"I can be such a hothead from time to time..."
  8783. >You smirk.
  8784. "And a jerk, and a perv and an idiot...but hey, Rainbow loves you that way!"
  8785. >He chuckles.
  8786. >"And I bet you love me that way as well Jackie..." he boops your nose with his index finger.
  8787. >He called you Jackie?!
  8788. >But he's sort of right.
  8789. >Anon stands up.
  8790. >"I have to go now girls..."
  8791. >"Where are you going darling?"
  8792. >"To Rainbow's house of course! See you later, and thanks a lot for helping me out!"
  8793. >He runs away with a big smile on his face.
  8794. >Rarity giggles.
  8795. >"Look at him go darling..."
  8796. "Yeah..."
  8797. >"My mom said yesterday that she wouldn't attend my wedding if Anon wasn't the groom."
  8798. >You laugh.
  8799. "Your mom sure is somethin' outta this world right Rarity?"
  8800. >She nods.
  8801. "It would've been fun to go to the Winter Formal with him don't 'cha think?" You say after letting out a sigh.
  8802. >"Certainly darling...but I guess I was too late."
  8803. "Yeah...Wait a minute, what are you trying to say?"
  8804. >"Well, Anon asked me out in the first place."
  8805. "In your dreams maybe! He would've asked me out first!"
  8806. >Rarity scoffs.
  8807. >"Let me tell you darling why that's nonsense, in the first place..."
  8809. >You're now Rainbow Dash.
  8810. >And you're already in your home, crying about what happened earlier.
  8811. >Anon hates you.
  8812. >He didn't answer to any of your texts or calls.
  8813. >What you did was awful. But you didn't mean it seriously.
  8814. >Your dad picked you up from the hospital, and drove you back home.
  8815. >He noticed that something was wrong with you, but you didn't want to tell him anything.
  8816. >You clear the tears away with the back of your hand.
  8817. "Oh I wish I could go back in time and tell Anon how important he is to me..."
  8818. >"You don't have to do that you know..." A voice says from your window.
  8819. >You look at the window and see a very happy looking Anon, standing in front of your window that you forgot to close.
  8820. "DUDE!" You yell in excitement as your voice cracks.
  8821. >"Hey there!"
  8823. >"May I come in?"
  8824. "Y-yes!"
  8825. >He stretches his long legs and gets inside your bedroom.
  8826. >"So Dash, about what happened earlier..."
  8827. >You stay silent.
  8828. >"Did you really mean it? Were you really ashamed of me? Were you disgusted by my presence?"
  8829. "No dude, of course not!"
  8830. >"Then why did you kick me out of your room?"
  8831. >You can't look at him in the eyes.
  8832. "I didn't want the girls to harm you anymore."
  8833. >"Ah yes, the girls; when you kick- I mean, when I got out of the room, they looked at me as if I was some sort of demon. Jeez, they surely can't let the photo situation go."
  8834. "I think you won't have to worry about that anymore Anon..."
  8835. >"Huh?"
  8836. "Seconds after you left the room I snapped out at them. And I told them that you were my boyfriend."
  8837. >Anon looks at you.
  8838. >"Really?"
  8839. "Yes dude...I told them that you made me pretty happy, and of course, they were disgusted."
  8840. >"Give me a break..."
  8841. >You sigh.
  8842. "Anyways, I convinced them to stop harassing you, that the real objectives should be the guys that bought their photos instead."
  8843. >Anon nods.
  8844. "You don't know how scared I was these last few hours..."
  8845. >"Scared of what?"
  8846. "Of losing you dude...I screwed up real hard, and I thought you'd never want to talk to me again."
  8847. >Anon nods.
  8848. >"Well, it's somehow our fault, we decided to keep it a secret after all..."
  8849. "NO DUDE! It was my fault, I didn't mean to kick you out of my room! I-I"
  8850. >Anon shushes you up.
  8851. >"Dash, what are we?"
  8852. "Huh?"
  8853. >"Are we friends?"
  8854. "Friends don't kiss like we do."
  8855. >"Friends with benefits?"
  8856. >You blush.
  8857. "N-no dude. I want it to be more than that."
  8858. >"And I want honesty Dash...what do you feel for me?"
  8859. >You grab your crutches and stand up with their help.
  8860. >"Dash?"
  8861. >You open one of your drawers and search for a notebook you've been writing on for a long time.
  8862. >There it is!
  8863. "Dude...I'm sorry if warm and fuzzy stuff can't come out of my mouth, but inside this notebook is written everything I feel for you."
  8864. >You open the lock with the key you hide under your reading lamp.
  8866. >You open the lock and hand him your diary.
  8867. >�Uhh�Dash?�
  8868. >You blush and look away.
  8869. >�Are you sure about this Dashie?�
  8870. �J-Just read it before I change my mind!�
  8871. >Anon looks at the pages.
  8872. >��Whoa.�
  8873. >You feel so embarrassed.
  8874. >Anon probably thinks that you�re some sort of pansy.
  8875. >But you�ll do anything for his affection.
  8876. >Anon sits on your bed and starts reading.
  8877. >You sit next to him and wait.
  8878. >Your heart is starting to beat faster.
  8879. >Anon arches an eyebrow.
  8880. >�You�re jealous of Sunset Shimmer?�
  8881. �W-well�I-�
  8882. >�That�s kind of cute Dash.�
  8883. �No it isn�t you big jerk!�
  8884. >Anon chuckles and continues reading.
  8885. >Maybe this wasn�t a good idea.
  8886. >�Aww�Dash.�
  8887. �What?�
  8888. >�I like what you wrote here the day I got suspended; it�s�
  8889. >You place your head on his shoulder.
  8890. �I�m sorry dude�I shouldn�t have done that in front of the girls.�
  8891. >Anon sighs.
  8892. >�You�re damn right, you shouldn�t have done that, but I still forgive you.�
  8893. >You smile at him.
  8894. �Y-you�re not mad anymore?�
  8895. >�Hell I was furious! But thanks to Applejack and Rarity they helped me realize that you just made a mistake�a big mistake in my opinion, but hey; stuff happens!�
  8896. >You punch his shoulder.
  8897. �So uh�no hard feelings dude?�
  8898. >Anon closes the notebook and places it on your nightstand.
  8899. >And then, he steals a kiss from you like a true Detroter.
  8900. >��course not babe, but don�t do it again�or else I�ll have to take Applejack and Rarity to the Formal instead.�
  8901. >You smile at him.
  8902. >Since he started to hang out with your friends his attitude surely changed a lot.
  8903. >If it weren�t for them he probably would�ve killed Midnight Star, Snips, Snails or Gilda.
  8904. >Anon pulls you for another kiss and you gladly accept.
  8905. >You even feel a tear rolling down your cheek.
  8906. >No one has made you feel like this in all your life.
  8908. >In that moment, the door of your bedroom opens.
  8909. >�Hey princess, how are you hold-�
  8910. >Anon breaks the kiss and looks at your father.
  8911. �DAD?!�
  8912. >�Uhh�Hi Mr. Blaze.�
  8913. >You forgot that he asked his boss the day off to keep an eye on you.
  8914. >�A-Anon?! Rainbow Dash?! What the hell are you doing?!�
  8915. >Words fail to come out of Anon�s mouth.
  8916. >Instead, he looks at you with very fearful eyes.
  8917. >Your dad�s eye twitches.
  8918. >�Anon�you�ve got five seconds to explain what you are doing in my daughter�s room.�
  8919. >Anon gulps down some saliva.
  8920. >�I�M-Mr. Blaze! I can explain-�
  8921. >�Four seconds.�
  8922. >You can�t stand this anymore.
  8923. �DAD!�
  8924. >�WHAT?!�
  8925. �DON�T TALK TO MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT!� You yell at him.
  8926. >�Boyfriend?!� Both your dad and Anon say surprised at thesame time.
  8927. >Anon quickly catches on what you just said and smiles at you.
  8928. �Yes, Anon's my boyfriend dad�you should be happy for us!�
  8929. >�Then why were you so sad earlier in the car? Anon! What the hell did you do to her?�
  8930. >�N-nothing; I swear!�
  8931. >Your dad sighs.
  8932. >�Well princess, I was afraid that this day would come. Anon, come meet me in the kitchen, we have things to discuss; Dash�stay here.�
  8933. �What? Dad!�
  8934. >�Uhh�Mr. Blaze?�
  8935. >�NOW!�
  8936. >Anon quickly stands up and walks out of your room.
  8937. >Your dad slams the door and you let out an exasperated grunt.
  8938. >Of all the days your dad decided to be a jerk it had to be this one.
  8941. >You�re now Anon.
  8942. >Rainbow�s dad just got out of her room and closed the door behind him.
  8943. >You�re nervous as fuck.
  8944. >What�s he going to do?
  8945. >Kick your ass because he caught you kissing his little princess?
  8946. >Or probably something even worse?
  8947. >�Sit down Anon��
  8948. >You obey Mr. Blaze so you grab a chair and take a seat.
  8949. >He does the same and stays silent for a few seconds.
  8950. >This silence is unnerving.
  8951. >Rainbow Blaze breaks the silence by letting out a sigh first.
  8952. >�Well, it took you six months to do that�right?�
  8953. �Six months? I don�t understand.�
  8954. >�Date my daughter; you befriended her right when you moved from Detrot isn�t that right?�
  8955. �Yeah��
  8956. >�Alright then kid, here�s the score�over the past few months I�ve noticed a change on her attitude whenever she hangs out with you.�
  8957. >That�s weird.
  8958. >�Before you arrived to Canterlot she was convinced that guys were jerks, and now that she hangs out, or should I say, dates you I�ve never seen her so happy before.�
  8959. �Really?�
  8960. >He nods.
  8961. >�I know you treat her very well, that you buy stuff for her and help her out whenever she needs you�kid; you�re a great guy and all, but I�d like to set a few rules before you and her do something really stupid.�
  8962. >Uh oh.
  8963. >�Firstly, let me say that I approve you dating my daughter.�
  8964. �Really? Thanks Mr. Blaze!�
  8965. >�Eh, save the �mister� kid, it�s not necessary.�
  8966. >He thinks you�re worthy of dating Dash!
  8967. >�I know that a rough fella like you from a place like Detrot knows how to protect his loved ones, and I say this because I used to live in Detrot as well; that was before I met Rainbow�s mother.�
  8968. �For real?!�
  8969. >He nods.
  8971. >�Secondly, I�d like you to keep an eye on Rainbow Dash�s emotions, she�s a tough girl on the outside, but the truth is that she�s a total softie in the inside�please be nice with her.�
  8972. �Of course!�
  8973. >�Thirdly, I know you are teenagers and stuff, but please keep your urges away from each other. I work my fingers to the bone to look after my daughter every day, and I can�t spend much time with her. So if you decide to come by my house, get in her bedroom like you did few minutes ago and do whatever you want to her, so help me��
  8974. >He�s dead serious.
  8975. >�If she tells me that you knocked her up you�re going to wish you never moved from Detrot�understood?�
  8976. >You gulp down some saliva, and then nod.
  8977. >�Good�good; and lastly; just love my girl okay? Don�t mistreat her, nor cheat on her with that Sunset Shimmer girl that Dash told me you used to like�and she�s right about that, right?�
  8978. �Right about what?�
  8979. >�That you USED to like her, because you can�t be a two-timing bastard. That�s messed up son!�
  8980. �Oh y-yeah, Sunset and I are...just friends and that�s it.�
  8981. >Rainbow Blaze crosses his arms and nods.
  8982. >�Good, I�m glad we talked about this Anon, and let me tell you something, when Rainbow told me about your �problem� with the pictures I was impressed; I thought that Dash would be the first girl you�d take pictures of.�
  8983. >You chuckle.
  8984. �Then there�s proof for you that I really care about your daughter Blaze.�
  8985. >He smiles at you.
  8986. >�Good, then I can totally trust you Anon.�
  8987. >He stands up and places his hand in front of you so you can give him a handshake.
  8988. >You reach for his hand and give him a confident handshake.
  8989. >�By the way Anon��
  8990. �Yeah?�
  8991. >Rainbow Blaze looks at Dash�s door, and when he realizes that it�s still closed, he whispers.
  8992. >�How difficult is to take a picture of Principal Celestia�s�you know? Just asking.�
  8994. >You smirk.
  8995. ��It won�t be hard at all. I just need time, space and a real good angle. You�ll keep the pic safe, and you won�t show it to anyone. If someone discovers it you�re on your own. I won�t print it, I won�t upload it. I�ll just take it.�
  8996. >He nods at you.
  8997. >�How much?�
  8998. �A favor that you�ll have to do some time later.�
  8999. >�Fair enough. If you get caught you won�t tell on me right?�
  9000. �I won�t-�
  9001. >�Tell on me?�
  9002. �-get caught.�
  9003. >He smirks and nods at you.
  9004. >�Nice kid�real nice. It�s a deal then.�
  9005. >�Uh dad? What�s going on?� Rainbow says from her room.
  9006. >�N-nothing princess! I�m telling your boyfriend that you need to rest, those are the doctor�s orders you know��
  9007. >Rainbow Dash lets out an annoyed grunt.
  9008. >��She bought it,� Rainbow Blaze lets out a relieved sigh.
  9009. �Alright then, I�ll just say my goodbyes to Rainbow Dash and let her rest. I have things to take care of Blaze.�
  9010. >�Okay then kiddo. Just be quick, because I have to talk to my daughter about what we just discussed.�
  9011. >You nod and walk to Rainbow�s room.
  9013. >When you open the door, you find Rainbow Dash writing some stuff on her diary.
  9014. >�Oh, hey dude!�
  9015. �Hey there sweetie. Guess what?"
  9016. >"What?"
  9017. "Your dad told me that I could date you.�
  9018. >�Really? Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!� She says in an excited tone.
  9019. �We�ll have to play by some of his rules�but don�t worry, they�re not that bad.�
  9020. >She giggles.
  9021. �He also told me that you needed to rest for today so that pretty ankle of yours can get healed.�
  9022. >�M-my ankle? Dude, you�re kinda weird some days��
  9023. >You chuckle.
  9024. �Yeah, and that�s why you love me babe.�
  9025. >She smiles at you and twirls a lock of her Rainbow hair with her index finger.
  9026. >�I-I�d be lying if I said no dude��
  9027. >You smile at her.
  9028. �Well, I have to get going sweetie, I�ll come back tomorrow.�
  9029. >You lean in and wait for a kiss.
  9030. >�Yeah, do that�� Rainbow Dash caresses your cheek before giving you a sweet and wet kiss on your lips.
  9031. >When she breaks the kiss, you smile at her and walk to her window.
  9032. >�Dude! Wait!�
  9033. >You turn around.
  9034. �What is it Dashie?�
  9035. >She hands you her diary.
  9036. >�Read it carefully, and then bring it to me tomorrow okay?�
  9037. >Your eyes go wide.
  9038. �I��
  9039. >�Don�t make me change my mind dude�I trust that you won�t let anyone read it.�
  9040. �Okay then Dashie. See ya tomorrow.�
  9041. >You jump out of her window and wave at her.
  9042. >She blows you a kiss from her bed before letting out a cute giggle.
  9043. >Her dad was right.
  9044. >Rainbow�s a total softie.
  9046. >Minutes later you arrive to your home carrying Rainbow's diary in your hands.
  9047. >You just can't believe she gave it to you so you can read it.
  9048. >You climb the stairs and walk to your room.
  9049. >You close the door behind you and lie on your comfortable bed.
  9050. "Let's see..."
  9051. >Where can you start?
  9052. >This entry is almost six months old.
  9053. >["I hung out with the new kid today!"]
  9054. "Interesting..."
  9055. >Apparently, Rainbow Dash thought you were a pretty cool looking dude.
  9056. >Funny she thinks of you that way.
  9057. >At least it's not something bad.
  9058. >You skip a few pages and head to the most recent events.
  9059. >This entry looks great.
  9060. >[" I saw a scary movie with Anon today...we were both pretty tense all the time, even though I tried to remain calm and collected the movie got the best of me and I embarrassed myself in front of Anon, luckily he didn't make fun of me, well...not for long anyways, he also helped me with my math homework. Thanks to him I can understand these equations better."
  9061. >Aww.
  9062. >This one appears to be from the day you went clubbing with her and her friends.
  9063. >["I can't believe that Sunset Shimmer was right about Anon. Although his explanation made me had some doubts I decided to believe him and stick with him. I felt very flattered when he said that he didn't take a picture of my undies, the way he said it made me feel convinced that he was telling me the truth. I still feel bad that he got hurt because of Rarity. If it weren't for Anon's intervention she'd, I don't want to think about that."]
  9064. >That was one hell of a day.
  9065. >Fuck that guy.
  9066. >You're glad that Rarity changed her opinion about you.
  9067. >This entry looks fun.
  9069. >Whoa, she was very excited.
  9070. >["I'm so happy, he finally asked me out...I've been waiting for a long time, suck on that Sunset! We'll have so much fun, and...who knows what might happen after the formal."]
  9071. "Hehehe..."
  9072. >["Anon and the girls..."]
  9073. "Oh boy."
  9075. >A couple of hours pass.
  9076. >Reading Rainbow's diary made your heart feel so light.
  9077. >Who would've thought that a girl like Rainbow had feelings like this down under that thick and rough personality of hers?
  9078. >She really appreciates you.
  9079. >And this is proof that the things she feels for you are meaningful.
  9080. >It's funny how she thinks of you as some sort of misunderstood guy.
  9081. >Everyone in school just thinks that you're an asshole.
  9082. >"Anon! Dinner!" Your mom yells from the dining room.
  9083. >You close the notebook and walk downstairs with a big smile planted on your face.
  9085. >Thirty minutes later you're done eating.
  9086. >You thank your mom over the delicious meal she prepared and head upstairs to keep reading.
  9087. >But you can't get the over the fact that you're forgetting about something real important.
  9088. >You look at your smartphone.
  9089. >Contacts list.
  9090. >Sunny Bunny...
  9091. >That's right! You had to hang out with her!
  9092. >You can't ditch her like that! That'd be messed up.
  9093. >After a long day of work, the only thing she wants to do is relax.
  9094. >You stand up once again and look at yourself in the mirror.
  9095. >You're fine...
  9096. >You walk to your bathroom and wash your teeth.
  9097. >If Sunny meets you with a stinking breath she'll think you're just disgusting.
  9098. "Hehe..."
  9099. >You'll take her somewhere nice where she can forget about the shitty boss and job she has.
  9100. >It's so good that girls like Sunset look forward to meet you.
  9101. >You walk downstairs and exit your house.
  9102. "Bye mom! I'm going to meet a friend!"
  9103. >"Bye sweetie...."
  9104. >Poor Sunny Bunny.
  9105. >She has written on her MyStable's wall how much she hates her boss.
  9106. >The guy really gets on her nerves.
  9107. >But you'll make sure to turn her frown upside down!
  9108. >Next Destination: The Department Store.
  9110. >Minutes later you arrive to the huge mall in which Sunset Shimmer works.
  9111. >You like to come here to hang out and eat something at the food court with Dash.
  9112. >And you also like to come with your male friends to buy videogames and watch movies.
  9113. >It�s kind of sad that you�re distancing from them since Rainbow became your girlfriend.
  9114. >But then again, Rainbow Dash gives you a nice and warm pussy for you to enjoy.
  9115. >Screw them.
  9116. >You head to the fountain in the middle of the mall to wait for Sunset Shimmer.
  9117. >[Waiting intensifies]
  9118. >You pull your phone out of your pocket and text Sunset Shimmer to let her know that you�re waiting for her at the fountain.
  9119. >She doesn�t answer back.
  9120. >Oh well, you�ll just wait until her shift finishes.
  9121. >Fifteen minutes later you spot Sunset Shimmer walking towards the fountain.
  9122. �Sunny! Over here!� You wave at her with a big smile on your face.
  9123. >But you quickly notice that something�s wrong with her.
  9124. >�Hi Anon�� she says in a sad tone.
  9125. �What�s wrong?�
  9126. >Sunset Shimmer lets out quiet sobs first before facing you.
  9127. >�It�s just�my boss; h-he�fired me.�
  9128. �What?! Why?!�
  9129. >�He said that money kept disappearing from my register machine�and he told me to get out of his sight, that I shouldn�t bother to come back,� she says before breaking down into tears.
  9130. >You give her a comforting hug.
  9131. �There there Sunset, it�s not that bad since you already said how much you hated working there.�
  9132. >�But I didn�t steal anything Anon! Do you believe me?�
  9133. �Of course I do Sunset! I bet one of your coworkers used to steal money from your register and blamed the girl that lives on her own instead�� you help her clean the tears from her cheeks, �don�t worry, I know how to handle assholes like those,� you mutter while looking at the department store.
  9134. >�What was that?�
  9135. �N-nothing�Come on Sunset, let�s get out of here.�
  9136. >�Anon, I�m sorry you had to walk all the way over here, but I hope you understand that I�m not in the mood of hanging out right now,� she says.
  9137. �No Sunny�I understand; can I at least take you to your home? It�s getting late after all.�
  9138. >She shyly nods.
  9140. >Minutes later you arrive with Sunset Shimmer to her apartment.
  9141. >She was very sad on the way home, and you tried everything to comfort her. But you don�t know if you were successful or not.
  9142. �Well, here we are Sunset��
  9143. >�Yeah, thanks a lot Anon.�
  9144. �I-I umm�I have to get going, see you later Sunset.�
  9145. >You turn around and get on your way.
  9146. >Sunset Shimmer lets out a sigh.
  9147. >�I�m sorry Anon; I�ve been acting pretty rude towards you.�
  9148. >You turn your head over your shoulder and look at her.
  9149. >�Would you like to�hang out?�
  9151. >(She changed her mind so quickly? That�s weird,) you think to yourself.
  9152. >Then again, she probably feels more comfortable in her own apartment.
  9153. �Gee, I don�t know Sunset, how are you feeling right now?�
  9154. >�I could use some company, that�s for sure��
  9155. >You shrug and nod.
  9156. �Okay Sunset, if you say so then I�m fine with it.�
  9157. >Sunset Shimmer smiles at you and invites you to come in.
  9158. >She�ll have to find another job if she wants to keep affording this place.
  9159. >Maybe you can help her out.
  9160. >�I�m gonna get changed Anon, please wait here��
  9161. >You nod.
  9162. >Sunset Shimmer turns around and walks to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
  9163. >You check her apartment out.
  9164. >What a tidy girl.
  9165. >Her laptop is on the table.
  9166. >You wonder how many viruses the poor thing has right now.
  9167. >You sit on her comfortable couch and wait for her.
  9168. >Poor thing, she probably feels lonely at times.
  9169. >She�s never told you anything about her parents.
  9170. >Then again, she used to hate your guts.
  9171. >A few minutes later, Sunset Shimmer exits her bedroom and walks towards you.
  9172. >She�s wearing her pajamas and some slippers.
  9173. >How she looks like makes you feel uncomfortable, that�s for sure. But at the same time, you wish you could help the poor girl out.
  9174. >You�ll try your best to cheer her up again!
  9175. �Hey Sunset, come over here and let�s watch something together; I know a funny movie that I�m sure you�re going to love.�
  9176. >Sunset Shimmer nods and sits next to you.
  9177. "Hold on, let me get your computer and then I'll search for the movie okay?"
  9178. >"Okay..."
  9179. >This is awkward.
  9180. >But this is how you're going to let Sunset know that you care for a friend of course!
  9181. >You open the door of her freezer and serve her a nice cup of her favorite ice cream.
  9182. >"Anon? What are you doing?"
  9183. "Come on Sunny, you don't want me to spoil the surprise I'm preparing for you, right?"
  9184. >She giggles.
  9185. >"I-I guess not, keep going."
  9186. >Now you're making progress.
  9187. >You turn Sunset's laptop on and browse the web searching for the movie she'll enjoy.
  9189. �Perfect��
  9190. >You�ll watch a drama movie that has a sweet ending with her.
  9191. >That�ll make her feel better for sure.
  9192. >You return to the living room with a cup full of ice cream and some whipped cream you found in her fridge.
  9193. >She looks so pretty in those pajamas.
  9194. >You place the laptop on her coffee table, then you hand her the cup with ice cream.
  9195. >�Oh�thank you Anon!� She happily says as she tastes her ice cream.
  9196. �You�re welcome Suns-�
  9197. >�It�s fine Anon, you can call me Shimmy�i-if you want to that is,� she says embarrassed.
  9198. >You chuckle and sit next to her, and then you click on the play button.
  9199. >She makes herself comfortable and places a cushion behind her head.
  9200. >You need to hang out with your male friends a bit more or else they�ll think that you�ve betrayed them.
  9201. >After all the �bros before hoes� rule always applies.
  9202. >Maybe Maud Pie is willing to go out with Featherweight.
  9203. >He said that if you got him a date he�ll get a Japanese deck for you.
  9204. >[Handrubbing Intensifies]
  9205. >Besides, beggars can�t be choosers.
  9206. >It sucks for Applejack though.
  9207. >You wonder who could be the most appropriate guy for her.
  9208. >After all, everyone in CHS got multiple pics of her.
  9209. >You look at Sunset Shimmer and she appears to be enjoying the movie so far.
  9211. >Minutes later, Sunset�s sadness has completely vanished.
  9212. >She can totally relate to the protagonist of the movie.
  9213. >You knew he was going to like it.
  9214. >Sunset presses her head against your shoulder.
  9215. >You get a funny feeling in your heart.
  9216. >(�Aww crap not this again��) you think to yourself.
  9217. >It�s the same feeling you used to have whenever Sunset Shimmer was around you.
  9218. >It seems that you still have a crush for her.
  9219. >Can you really blame yourself?
  9220. >Months ago you desired to feel her soft touch in any part of your body.
  9221. >Or even hear her sweet voice talk to you.
  9222. >But what you got instead was her running away from you.
  9223. >And the worst of all, when she said that she hated you.
  9224. >You forgave her immediately, because you somehow knew it was your fault.
  9225. >Why do you have to be such a pervert?
  9226. >You move your eyes a bit and the back of your right eye takes a glimpse of her chest.
  9227. >You can see her very lovely cleavage.
  9228. >Rainbow Dash�s breasts are smaller than hers.
  9229. >You stop looking at her cleavage, because you�re about to have a raging semi.
  9230. >The movie ends with the protagonist kissing her newfound love.
  9231. >�Awwww that was beautiful!� Sunset Shimmer wipes a tear away with her index finger.
  9232. �I-I�m glad you liked it Shimm-�
  9233. >�Like it? I loved it! I�m going to show it to my friends! We�ve scheduled a sleepover the night after the Formal! They�ll love it.�
  9234. >You chuckle.
  9235. �How are you feeling Shimmy?�
  9236. >She shyly smiles at you.
  9237. >�I�m feeling better already Anon, thanks a lot��
  9238. �That�s great Shimmy, don�t worry about the job; tomorrow will be a new day.�
  9239. >She giggles.
  9240. >You glance at your watch and notice that it�s a quarter to eight.
  9241. �Well, it�s getting late already Shimmy, I have to get going��
  9242. >As you�re about to stand up, Sunset tugs your jacket.
  9243. >�Wait Anon, I want to talk with you about something really important!�
  9245. �Uhh�okay?�
  9246. >You sit down once again and look at a blushing Sunset Shimmer in the eyes.
  9247. �If it�s about the history project, don�t worry because I can return to school on Thursday; we�ll be able to-�
  9248. >�N-no, it�s not about that�it�s just; you�ve been very nice with me lately even when I�ve been nothing but trouble for you.�
  9249. >You chuckle.
  9250. �Shimmy�you�re being too hard on yourself, come on now-�
  9251. >�But it�s the truth Anon! It�s my fault you got suspended and beaten, how can you be like this after what happened to you?�
  9252. �Well, it technically is my fault Sunset, if I didn�t take the pictures for Snips and Snails none of this would�ve happened; you had a right to be mad after I violated your and every girl�s privacy.�
  9253. >Sunset Shimmer lets out a sigh.
  9254. �But I�m glad that you only slapped me,� you jokingly rub the cheek Sunset slapped (and kissed) with your hand, �the other girls went nuts on my frail body.�
  9255. >Sunset puts on a cute and embarrassed smile on her face.
  9256. >�Does it still hurt?�
  9257. �Not so much, why?�
  9258. >Sunset caresses your face with both of her hands, then turns it a bit and kisses your cheek once again.
  9259. >This time you feel a weird sensation coming from her.
  9260. >It feels like the kiss Rainbow Dash gave you after you fought that douchebag in the club.
  9261. >Sunset Shimmer breaks the kiss, but she keeps caressing your face.
  9262. >�How about now?"
  9263. �Uhh��
  9264. >She lets out a giggle, and then she does what you�ve wished for months.
  9265. >She closes her eyes and places her hot lips on yours.
  9266. >This is wrong�this is awful.
  9267. >But why does it feel so good?!
  9269. >You're confused.
  9270. >What the hell is going on right now? You ask to yourself. Why is she kissing you like this?
  9271. >Her soft lips feel so good.
  9272. >It seems that Sunset has done this before...she's a great kisser.
  9273. >You can't believe what she's doing.
  9274. >Why doesn't she stop?
  9275. >And why can't you push her away from you?
  9276. >Instead, you just pulled Sunset closer to you with your arms and let her kiss you more.
  9277. >This is what you've wanted since you met Sunset Shimmer.
  9278. >You can't believe that you still have feelings for her.
  9279. >Rainbow Dash is going to kill you if she finds out.
  9280. >Your hands are placed on her waist, and you don't know how they got there.
  9281. >This needs to come to an end.
  9282. >Sunset Shimmer endorses your playful hands, and she starts caressing your chest with one of her soft hands.
  9283. >You open your eyes all of a sudden and see how much Sunset is enjoying herself.
  9284. >She looks so cute with her eyes closed and a cute shade of red on her cheeks.
  9285. >And you?
  9286. >You're uncomfortable as fuck.
  9287. >You can't take Rainbow Dash off your mind.
  9288. >But at the same time, you just wish Sunset could keep kissing you until her lips fused with yours.
  9289. >You're miserable knowing that you can't have the girl you've lusted for months because you already have a girlfriend that is faithful and loyal to you.
  9290. >Rainbow Dash used to be your best friend.
  9291. >And you just had to take her to the next level.
  9292. >You curse the day you asked Rainbow Dash to the Formal.
  9293. >You thought that you'd never see the day Sunset Shimmer would like you.
  9294. >But what's happening now is just incredible.
  9295. >What would Rainbow Dash say if she caught you?
  9296. >You picture a broken hearted Rainbow Dash running away from you instead of a mad one.
  9297. >That's ten thousand times more devastating.
  9298. >Your hand is now caressing one of Sunset Shimmer's thighs.
  9299. >(How the hell did it get over there?!)
  9300. >You don't recall moving your hands to such a risky position.
  9301. >Maybe because Sunset Shimmer didn't break the kiss. In fact, she's digging your naughty actions.
  9303. >Why can't you stop yourself?
  9304. >Why aren't the thoughts of cheating on Rainbow Dash stopping you?
  9305. >You have to do the right thing...for once!
  9306. >You need to stop Sunset Shimmer right now.
  9307. >But how are you going to do it without hurting her feelings?
  9308. >Or even worse, without her going apeshit on you and telling Rainbow Dash about this.
  9309. >You're fucked beyond salvation.
  9310. >Where the hell are the voices in your head when you actually need them?
  9311. >You regain control of your arms and stop touching Sunset's body.
  9312. >That's real progress.
  9313. >Sunset Shimmer notices it and breaks the kiss, leaving a long trail of saliva between your and her lips.
  9314. >"What's wrong Anon?"
  9315. >Finally!
  9316. >You look at Sunset Shimmer's perfect face before gulping down some saliva.
  9317. >She looks confused.
  9318. "I-I can't keep doing this Sunset..."
  9319. >Sunset perks up her ears and carefully listens to you.
  9320. >"What do you mean?"
  9321. >You place your palms on your face and let out a sigh.
  9322. "I've been dating Rainbow Dash for days now...if you didn't knew; she's my girlfriend now."
  9323. >Sunset Shimmer's eyes go wide.
  9324. >"WHAT?!"
  9325. "It's the truth Sunset! Please calm do-"
  9326. >"Calm down!?"
  9327. >She wipes the saliva on her mouth clean with the back of her hand.
  9328. >"How can you expect me to I calm down after the kiss we both sha-"
  9329. "You kissed me!" You boldly interrupt Sunset, "I wasn't expecting you to do such thing!"
  9330. >"But you enjoyed it! Oh my goodness Anon! What would've happened if I didn't break the kiss? I know where your placed hands in the last few seconds!"
  9331. >You recall that you were about to touch her private parts over the fabric of her pajamas.
  9332. "I'm sorry Sunset! I wasn't able to control myself!"
  9333. >She looks furious.
  9334. >But then she regains her composture and lets out a sigh.
  9335. >"You could've stopped me earlier you know...after all; you kept calling me cute pet names, you kept doing real nice stuff for me and-"
  9336. >Sunset Shimmer places her hands on her eyes and starts to sob.
  9337. >"I'm a big fool..."
  9339. >You've done it now Anon.
  9340. >Sunset Shimmer dropped on her knees and started to cry once again.
  9341. >Everything you do after this is now pointless.
  9342. >You'll never see Sunset happy again, and it's all your fault.
  9343. >She probably feels bad about Rainbow Dash, that she brought you here and started kissing you.
  9344. "S-Sunset..."
  9345. >You won't leave until you make sure that she doesn't tell Rainbow Dash on you.
  9346. "Sunny; come didn't know; I wasn't expecting you to do such thing..."
  9347. >You bend over and try to reach for her face.
  9348. >She slaps your hand and looks away from you.
  9349. >"...I thought you were available, and now I kissed you behind Rainbow's back. I feel awful-"
  9350. "And I thought you that we could be friends. About the pet names, I call the other girls those; you can ask Jackie or Rares about that you know..."
  9351. >Sunset Shimmer wipes some of her tears away with the back of her hand.
  9352. "And the stuff I did for you? I did it because I wanted to show you that I care for you."
  9353. >Sunset Shimmer sobs.
  9354. >"I know Anon...I guess I kind of felt relieved whenever you were around me."
  9355. "Huh?"
  9356. >"The pictures, the food, the mugger, the project, those little things made me get to know you better Anon, and I've been thinking about those things for days now, before I go to sleep, when I went to work, and many other times at school."
  9357. >You help Sunset Shimmer stand up.
  9358. >"It's just...I realized how important you are to me; and I still feel guilty over the things I said and did to you."
  9359. >You listen to her words.
  9360. >"Rainbow Dash is a great girl Anon, she doesn't deserve this..."
  9361. "And you don't deserve to feel guilty Sunny. It's mostly my fault because I didn't tell you earlier."
  9362. >Sunset gives you a faint smile.
  9363. "Since this wasn't supposed to happen then let's never speak of it again..."
  9364. >"I agree...but what about Rainbow Dash?"
  9365. "I'm pretty sure that she'll be more angry at you than at'd be for the best if we don't mention a word to her, understood?"
  9366. >Sunset Shimmer nods.
  9367. "Good..."
  9368. >You turn around and open the front door.
  9369. >Sunset Shimmer lets out a long sigh and follows you.
  9370. >"I'm sorry Anon..."
  9371. "Don't be. I'll see you later okay?"
  9372. >" careful."
  9373. "Bye Sunn-Sunset."
  9374. >You walk out the apartment and walk back to your house.
  9375. >Suddenly, drops begin falling from the black sky.
  9376. >It's clearly a bad sign.
  9377. >You zip up your jacket and pick up the pace.
  9378. >You search for your wallet in your pockets, but quickly remember that you left it in your room.
  9379. "Shit..."
  9380. >You're sort of glad that Sunset wasn't feeling well, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to buy her anything.
  9381. >It's a long walk back home, so you'll soak up a bit.
  9382. >If you're fast enough you'll get to your home in no time.
  9383. >It's a shame about what happened earlier.
  9384. >In fact, this whole day was weird.
  9385. >You wish you could 'rewind' stuff and make it better.
  9386. >Five months ago would be a good start.
  9387. >Maybe just telling on Snips and Snails with principal Celestia would've been for the best.
  9388. >That way the girls wouldn't be mad at you.
  9389. >And Sunset wouldn't think bad of you.
  9390. >Too bad. Life isn't fair some days.

A Childhood Friend - Incomplete

by LiQuiD

A Childhood Friend - Alternate Timeline - Complete

by LiQuiD

Fluttershy, Cowardice Incarnate

by LiQuiD

A Loving Husband

by LiQuiD

Winter Formal Dash 1 - Reupload [1/2]

by LiQuiD