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Thousand Nights [Luna x Anon] [Smut]

By Editfag
Created: 2020-12-21 17:06:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >How many nights have you seen this same dream?
  2. >The sad blue horse-like creature sitting alone, looking out towards the distant planet with a look of longing etched deep into her wide eyes
  3. >How many more times will she be surprised to see you there, waiting for her to accept your embrace?
  4. >You always start each visit with a hug, as it always seems to take the edge off her wariness as soon as your arms envelope her small, shaking frame
  5. >She always seems in disbelief at first, as though not expecting you to return again the next night, or as though she were imagining you standing there as you do every night
  6. >Her disbelief always melts with that hug, and you can feel the relief pouring forth as she confirms that you really are there
  7. >It hurts to let her know you will leave, but you know it's easier if she knows ahead of time, rather than simply vanishing as you did the first few times
  8. >You had always been a bit of a lucid dreamer, but once the dreams of her began, you quickly were able to seek her out as soon as you fell asleep, without fail
  9. >The sensation of being pulled away from the dream was very distinct, and made the parting easier to time, which proved to be easier for both of you in the long run
  10. >With the dreams being lucid, you had hoped to understand her, but regardless of how hard you tried, her language never seemed to make sense and vice versa
  11. >Eventually the two of you were damn near masters of charades, which helped nothing, given that it took you nearly half a year to work out any sort of sensible communication outside of just reading body language
  12. >Also a painful learning curve was realizing that your species had vastly different sets of body language, which lead to many a misunderstanding overall
  13. >The hardest part was getting close to her so she could trust you without making it awkward during your tiny visits of a few hours
  14. >Luckily you got most of this out of the way before the mutual attraction was noticed
  16. >The weird part was figuring out how to give your day schedule and social life the finger so you could have more hours to spend with your imaginary horse girlfriend
  17. >After all, 6 to 8 hours a day is hardly enough time to cuddle and be lewd with a pony so sad as her
  18. >Needless to say, as days turned to months, and months to years, you spent more time unconscious than not
  19. >It worried you for a while, but after nearly a year and a half, you simply gave up trying to fight it
  20. >Every night, lying next to her on the moon, looking up at unfamiliar stars
  21. >While you knew you couldn't tell anyone about her, simply having her was all you really needed
  22. >As time wore on, she seemed less stressed by your time apart, and seemed to jump straight to you, as if every second counted
  23. >After hundreds of nights, over two and a half years of pure happiness
  25. >The dreams stopped
  28. >There was nothing, not a hint of half forgotten dreams, not even a hint of her colors or the sound of a language you can't grasp
  30. >Nothing
  32. >Nothing at all
  34. >You went about your days sluggishly, lost in thought, your surroundings nothing more than a blur of meaningless noise and dull color
  35. >It was gone
  36. >She was gone
  37. >She had become your everything, and everything had been stripped away over night
  38. >As you failed to dream of her, insomnia began plaguing you, and soon restlessness joined it, as you felt the urge to wander the streets and look up at the night sky, hoping you might see a twinkle on the moon above
  39. >Every night, you simply walked the back alleys of your neighborhood, aimless and left alone by those who saw you
  40. >The emptiness in your eyes scared away those who would follow or those who would try to help
  42. >Then it happened
  44. >A long night of wandering and aching heart interrupted by a bright light coming from the alley nearby
  45. >Thoughtlessly, you meandered down the alley, thinking it to be a trash fire you could stand by for a moment's warmth
  47. >Pain
  49. >So much pain
  50. >A sensation unbearable, something akin to your skin being turned inside out and put back on, with acid being poured between the raw muscle and the backwards flesh to hold it in place
  51. >The sensation was instantaneous, yet it was a pain you knew you would never forget
  52. >One moment you were in a disgusting alley, the next: screaming at the top of your lungs, curled up on something smooth and cool
  53. >As the twitching subsidies in your aching muscles, you catch sight of something dark and blurry on the edge of your vision, leaning closer every second
  54. >Darkness, and the blessed respite of unconsciousness take you
  56. >The first sensation that hits you is a familiar softness, and an unusual scent, but one you know as well your own name
  57. >It's a dark, smooth smell, and you could never forget it
  58. >You bolt up, but find your movement checked by the weight on your chest
  59. >You nearly sob in joy as you throw your arms around the sleepy, blurry mass
  60. >It's her
  61. >You found your way back to her, and you'll be damned if you're waking up this time
  63. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  65. >Another long day of work, but the reward is worth it
  66. >Sleepy time.jpg
  67. >You toss on a black tee and drop the jeans before flopping across your bed with a sigh
  68. >At least you can pass out now
  70. >You crack your eyes open groggily, and look around the strange, desolate gray expanse slowly
  71. >What the fuck
  73. >Is
  74. >Is this the moon
  75. >Why are you on the moon
  76. >As you look around, you feel a chill run up you spine and turn to see
  78. >A horse
  80. >A little, blue, crying
  82. >horse
  84. >You don't get it, but you'd just as soon see it stop crying
  85. >It's too cute to be sobbing its eyes out like that
  86. >Its giant blue eyes
  88. >Man that is freaking adorable
  90. >Hey you
  91. >Hey, blue
  92. >Blue jumps a bit and stares at you for a while before cautiously standing and walking over slowly
  94. >It makes some sounds that seem like some kind of speech, but you have no idea what it's saying
  95. >You shake your head and tell it you can't understand it, but it doesn't seem to know what you are saying either
  96. >At least it isn't crying anymore
  98. >You lay down and pat the ground next to you, but it shuffles back a bit, avoiding sitting near you
  99. >While you wait for it to get more comfortable, you lay back and look up at the stars
  100. >The constellations seem different than you remember, but dreams are weird like that
  102. >Huh
  103. >Now that you think about it, this is a dream
  104. >Why are you dreaming about a little blue horse on the moon?
  106. >Brushing up on your astronomy was a good choice, since pointing at the stars and drawing a couple of the classics seems to have gotten Blue excited
  107. >You kept having the moon dream, so you figured you might as well play along and try to keep her happy
  108. >Whatever Blue's deal is, she really likes stars, so she tends to unwind quickly whenever you lay back to look up at them
  109. >She seemed interested when you started drawing your constellations in the moon-dust for her
  110. >After a half-dozen or so you stopped to try and remember more, but realized she was enthralled by them
  111. >It took a bit, but you managed to draw out a rough diagram of your solar system and the major constellations, after which she smiled broadly and hugged you for the first time
  113. >Caught off guard, you take a moment to react, but you pull her into a deep hug, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her up onto your lap against your chest
  114. >She seemed to be smiling and crying simultaneously, though you aren't sure why your minimal knowledge of astronomy was this big of a deal, you weren't turning down a chance to hug Blue
  115. >Good Christ she's soft
  116. >You stumble through the door, half-dead from getting slammed at work
  117. >Tossing your clothes off, you slam face-first into the bed and pass out
  118. >Sitting up, you see her waiting, red-eyed for you
  119. >She walks over slowly, seemingly uncertain
  120. >With no hesitation, you roll up to your knees and sit cross-legged while pulling her to your chest and onto your lap
  121. >A shaking sigh leaves her as your fingers brush down her sides beneath her wings, smoothing her fur and pressing into her tense back muscles
  122. >She practically melts into your palm as you lay your hand along her jaw and rub her twitching ear with the tip of your fingers
  124. >After the first few dreams, she always seemed stressed, so you tend to spend the first few minutes giving her this little rub-down ritual
  125. >To be honest, it relaxes both of you
  126. >You get to unwind after work, and she always seems stressed, so it's mutually beneficial
  127. >That being said, it's actually quite fun to dig your hands into her chest tuft and rub the stiff muscles along her chest and neck, feeling her stress collapse beneath your hands
  128. >Your hands drift along until they run down the muscles adjacent to her wings, and you slowly massage out along them
  129. >She shivers and presses against you, looking up into your eyes
  131. >With a strange feeling of crossing a line of sorts, you massage along the tops of her wings while she leans into your chest
  132. >The feeling intensifies when you gently rub down her feathers and feel her wings straining up against your hands
  133. >She gently bites down on your collar and shivers as you run your hand through her feathers
  134. >You just let your free hand drift, coming to rest on her withers, massaging slowly as she twitches against your chest
  136. >Eventually her shivering slows to a stop and you lie back, letting her rest against your chest as you look up at the stars
  138. >That shit was weird, but you don't feel like you are up to questioning it at the moment
  139. >You've been visiting her for a while now, and she seems determined to find a way for you two to be able to communicate
  140. >It took quite a while to be able to say her name, you never really got the hang of it, with the closest you seem to get is "Lulu"
  141. >She seems to be unable to say your name, as it requires mouth movements that elude her
  142. >You still refer to her as Blue in your head, since it was ingrained by that point
  144. "Nonna"
  145. >You jump back to the present as she calls out to you quietly
  146. >You lay your hand on her head and smile to reassure her before getting back to rubbing her back slowly
  147. >Since that odd bit with her wings a while back, you've been avoiding straying, despite occasionally finding her wings pressing against you unexpectedly while rubbing her back
  148. >You were never quite sure what was going on there, but you try to avoid dwelling on it and using your short time with her on idle thoughts
  150. >You seem to be there in real time, the hours that pass seem to be the same length as the hours that you sleep
  151. >That being said, being able to spend eight hours a day with her and still wake up refreshed was a truly wonderful thing
  152. >Work became easy once you had someone to come home to and spend your night with
  154. >Spend
  156. >Spend your night with
  158. >You really have been with her every night, haven't you?
  159. >that
  160. >huh
  162. >Your hand takes over as your mind drifts, remembering the path it took just weeks before, running down her back and kneading her flight muscles, the free hand stretching her wing out, fingers firmly wrapped around the front of the wing
  163. >She gasps quietly and shivers, but stretches her wing out, her feathers rustling lightly as she settles down for you
  164. >Lost in your musing, you knead deep, fingers sinking into the muscle, fingers sifting through the feathers, sliding the loose ones free
  165. >She buries her face in her hooves, her wings straining up, outstretched
  166. >You come back the present when she backs up into you, pressing lightly as she shivers
  167. >It felt a bit strange the first time this happened, but now you know you're doing something weird, culturally
  168. >There is no doubt you are crossing a line, and to be honest you aren't sure which side you'd rather be on
  170. >Or so you thought until she grinds against you with a moan and your body loudly tells you its position on the subject
  171. >You take a moment to think over what you are considering before laying one hand on her rump and squeezing firmly
  173. >She moans happily and smacks her hips up against yours, encouraging you to work her some more
  174. >All sense of hesitation is lost as you squash and smack her ass with greedy abandon, wanting nothing more than to feel it jiggle as she grinds against you
  175. >This successfully works her up, but she clearly isn't satisfied, if the look she throws you is anything to judge by
  177. >Your hands drift, switching from rubbing her wings to trailing down her plump hind-quarters, teasing along her inner thighs
  178. >Her tail flicks aside to reveal her drenched, winking sex, begging for release
  179. >You know she is getting impatient, and you are feeling it yourself
  180. >You waste no time in bringing your hand to her hot folds, so you can sink some fingers into her wet, greedy depths
  181. >She groans appreciatively, clenching around you, her walls desperately trying to draw your fingers deeper
  183. >You grab a thick handful of her rump and push deeper, sinking up to your knuckles inside her, flicking around against her inner walls like you mean to memorize the sensation of her slippery marehood
  184. >Her love button pops out and hits your knuckle, which you respond to by plunging as deep as you can and working your knuckle in a circle against her lips
  186. >Her legs tremble as she slams her hips back into your hand over and over, lifting her lower half off the ground in her desperation to take your fingers deeper
  188. >You manage to work a third finger in just as she lets out an rib-shaking shout, slamming herself back hard enough to hilt your hand before letting her front legs collapse, her tongue hanging out, the puddle of fluids staining the lunar dust below
  190. >You rub her back gently as you slide your hand free of the silken vice, before lying beside her and pulling her to your chest
  191. >Her wings wrap around you as best they can in her hazy, lust-addled afterglow before you both drift off
  193. "Nonna, up!"
  194. >Laughing as you heft her up, you carry your cute little Lulu Blue around in your arms, the strain of your muscles pulling playing a nice contrast to her bright, ringing laughter
  196. >These last few months have been amazing
  197. >You haven't really done much with her since that first time, but she has been more open to affection, and she rarely frowns anymore
  198. >It seems like every time you go to sleep, she's waiting for you, hooves spread as wide as her smile
  199. >She throws her hooves around your neck and snuggles closer, burying her muzzle against your chest, wings tucked at her sides save for the occasional flutter
  200. >Smiling, you hold her with one arm and ruffle her mane with the other
  201. >She looks up to pout about you mussing up her mane, and you steal a kiss, flustering her in the process
  202. >She kisses back for a moment before tucking her head back against your chest, scarlet-cheeked
  204. >Kicking a leg out, you spin around a bit before slowly drifting down to your back
  205. >You pull her tighter against you as you settle to the lunar surface, arms sliding beneath her down-soft wings
  206. >Your hands scritch and rub down her sides, her muscles melting beneath your familiar touch
  207. >She sighs into your chest and wriggles up further, her head settling into the crook of your collarbone, your hand sliding down to her lower back and flank
  208. >The scritching shifts as you move to the sides of her soft belly, causing her leg to kick happily
  209. >You raise your hands and slowly scratch down her whole side a few times, from one leg to the other, your hands out of rhythm, one up as the other goes down
  210. >She nickers into your ear, then blushes when she catches herself
  211. >A chuckle escapes you at this, and she quickly smacks your chest with her hoof while frowning
  213. >An ear scratch later, and the perceived insult is lost to her
  214. >You will never tire of this, the simple luxury of being with her after a long, tiresome day's work
  215. >A part of you wonders what you did to deserve this, and another part simply pities the dead who can no longer know such joys
  216. >Your hands pause for a moment as you ponder this, and she nudges your chin with her nose, annoyed that you stopped
  217. >You chuckle again, and preemptively scratch her ear to stop her puffing her cheeks out in protest, adorable as it may be
  218. >You resume your rubbing of her back and legs, hands drifting about slowly, without any purpose or place to be
  219. >Your hand drifts further south than anticipated however, brushing across her moon, causing her to gasp lightly and press against you
  220. >Your face flushes crimson as you realize you grabbed her ass again, and you quickly pull your hands away, only to feel them being pushed back gently
  221. >Blinking in surprise, you look down to find her looking straight at you, a look of determination upon her scrunched muzzle
  222. >Your hands are pressed more firmly against her as she shuffles to sit upright on your abdomen, palms instinctively cradling her ass
  223. >A light pressure makes itself known as your member swells, straining against its bindings, just barely grazing her as she shifts around
  224. >She smiles slyly and slides down, putting pressure on the tip, teasing and grinding slowly
  225. >A hiss escapes your lips as you hold back a groan, hips jumping to meet hers
  226. >Your hands tighten on her, pushing her down further until your encased member is sliding between the two of you
  227. >Her breathing gets heavier as she grinds against you, her juices slowly seeping into your clothes
  229. >She slides down your legs, and your grip is lost
  230. >Settling in on your legs, she brings her muzzle down to your crotch and takes a deep whiff before nosing your pants, sliding the flaps aside to snatch the zipper in her teeth
  231. >She draws it down slowly, your member straining and protesting all the while
  232. >Her tongue works with a severe degree of dexterity, slipping the button free and diving between the flaps of your boxers to retrieve your member with ease while her hooves draw your pants just far enough down to give her easy access
  233. >Bringing her front legs up, she braces your shaft between the frogs of her hooves and strokes slowly, the soft, but firm pressure causing you to twitch your hips a bit, accidentally booping her nose
  234. >You grin apologetically, but she merely smiles, rubbing the head along her velvet cheek-fur as she strokes a little harder
  236. >Shuddering a bit, a drop of clear pre-seed seeps out of you, only to disappear as her tongue snaps out, hooking it off your tip
  237. >She licks her lips before wrapping them around you, suckling softly, her broad, flat tongue curling around and under the tip, teasing you gently
  238. >You look down to find her big, loving eyes gazing up at you as she takes you deeper, her strokes becoming swifter
  239. >Your hand finds its way to the top of her head, tangling in her hair as you seek out something to grasp
  240. >She releases a muffled moan around your member as your thumb brushes her horn, prompting you to slide it along the ridges slowly
  241. >Groaning happily, she doesn't fight as you push her down, your member sliding deeper into her muzzle, her tongue dancing around the underside lightly
  242. >Her hooves relinquish their grip on your member in favor of bracing against your thighs, holding her steady as she rocks her head, moaning happily as you rub her horn, cradling it in the crook of your thumb
  243. >As nice as this all is, you feel like you might be neglecting her a bit, despite the noise she is making
  245. >Stopping her for a moment, you roll your eyes at her groans of protest, before sitting up to wrap your arms around her midriff
  246. >Shuffling her about, you manage to get her turned about so you can lie back down with her lying prone on your chest, her wet marehood winking as you go in for a kiss
  247. >She squeaks at the unexpected sensation of your lips wrapping around her love button, tongue teasing the nub
  248. >You lay your hand along the back of her head and gently guide her down as you slide your tongue into her hot depths
  249. >Her happy moan is muffled as she takes your member into her mouth happily, sucking enthusiastically at the delightful saltiness that greets her
  250. >Satisfied that she can move under her own power, you opt to use your hands to grope and smack her rump, rather than leave them idle
  251. >The vibrations that your cock is treated to as she groans give you all the answer you need, a hand deftly smacking and squishing as the other seeks a familiar spot within her burning mound, fingers sinking deep, hitting the soft spots you found once before
  253. >She hilts you, her nose brushing your boys, hooves wrapped around your thighs, forcing you as deep as she can get you
  254. >Not to be outdone, you begin playing around inside her, aiming to hit as many sweet spots as you can, trying to get her love button to pop again so you can get your lips around it
  255. >She obliges, winking, coating your tongue in her love as she attempts to drain you of your salty seed
  256. >Knowing you won't last long at this rate, you begin working her with all you've got, hoping to bring her to the edge before you
  257. >She finally gives up, slamming her hips down as hard as she can, her tongue sliding around your shaft frantically
  258. >Your core seizes up as you throw an arm around her upper body
  259. >Hugging her to your chest, your hips buck wildly as you fill her mouth with your liquid love
  261. >She sucks hard, draining your shaft, her nose massaging your balls in an attempt to coax more from you as the salty come strikes her palate
  262. >Eventually you have no more to give, and you both choose to simply lie there, panting and hot
  263. >The last thing you remember before you awake is her turning about, snuggling against you with a passionate kiss
  265. >Cracking your neck firmly with both hands, you ready yourself for the last time with a shoulder roll and a squat before wrapping your arms around the rock and heaving into the corner slot, finishing it off with style
  266. >Standing back to admire your work, you finally take in the full picture
  267. >Dozens of lunar rocks laid flat and level, moon dust poured into the cracks, packing the stones tight on the slight plateau
  269. >A bed
  270. >The worst rock-lain, improvised bed you've ever seen, let alone made, but now you have somewhere to lay with her besides the dust of the lunar surface
  271. >Sitting on the edge, you lie back and look up at the stars as she curls against your side
  273. >Time has just flown by, hasn't it?
  274. >Only a few months ago, you were just a lonely minimum wage worker with no interest in finding a significant other, but your mind has given your dream girl
  276. >She really is just perfect
  277. >You swooped in and crushed her sadness beneath your heel as you held her close
  278. >She is content to simply look up at the night sky with you, lying still as hours pass quietly
  279. >Neither of you has any idea how to talk to the other, but words are superfluous with a love like this
  280. >A love as bright as the stars in the sky, as full as the moon, comforting like the quiet night sky
  282. >You lay your arm around her torso and hold her closer, her head sliding into place like the spot was made for it, her cheek resting along your collarbone, muzzle nuzzled under your chin
  283. >Her breath brushes across your chest as she sighs happily, sinking into you, your bodies fitting together as if you had been together this way forever
  284. >Your free hand strokes her smooth, beautiful neck as you gaze up at the stars, trying to pick out the constellations she has drawn in the dust for you
  285. >Her heartbeat bounces along your fingertips lazily, half as fast as your own, yet seemingly in sync, your own heart pulsing back to back, before hers calls out to you strongly
  288. >It's reassuring, feeling the heart of another as they lie so close to you
  289. >All your thoughts, your impulses, your needs
  290. >They fade away as you look over the vastness of space, with her heartbeat there for you
  291. >Nothing more is needed in this vast universe, nothing else among the stars in the sky could match the sheer happiness of her at your side
  292. >Her fur rubs against your chin as she brings her head up to face you, a gentle smile on her lips
  294. >Your lips lock with hers slowly, your hand holding her head to yours
  295. >You nip her lower lip gently as your lips press apart, encouraging her to push deeper into the kiss
  296. >The tips of your tongues slide across each others' lips slowly, each seeking out the other
  297. >Tongues press and entwine, a dance of passion between you as her hoof seeks out your hand
  298. >Your fingers wrap around the side, your thumb caressing the top of her hoof, her frog pressed into your palm
  299. >The kiss slowly becomes more drawn out and heated, your tongues slipping over each other time and again as you explore each others' mouths
  300. >Your foreheads press together gently when you break the kiss, so you can take the time to catch your breath
  301. >After a moment, you look her in the eyes to find her watching you as well
  302. >A flicker of thought passes between you both, and the need to speak is lost to the volumes said by your eyes
  304. >Turning over slowly, you rest on your hands and knees above her, holding her head in your hand as you kiss again, this time rougher than the last
  305. >She leans into you, pressing as deep as she can into the kiss, her tongue wrestling yours more aggressively as time goes on
  306. >Her broad, flat tongue strong-arms your smaller, more dexterous tongue to the side, but you don't give up, flicking your tongue around her mouth, pressing into her palate and cheeks
  307. >Incessantly do the two of your kiss until finally you break for air, gasping as you lean over her
  309. >You chuckle and lay down on your side, tossing your arm around her barrel and pulling her into a spoon
  310. >She lets out a deep sigh and lies back into you, nestling her head against your chest, her body molding to yours
  311. >It will take some time, but moments like this make you determined to learn enough of her language to tell her how much you love her in her own tongue

Greentext for Notepad++ [Technical Instructions]

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