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Drinking with Luna [Luna x Anon] [Smut]

By Editfag
Created: 2020-12-21 17:12:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another night at the bar, another night of heavy drinking
  2. >You don't know how the fuck you ended up here, surrounded by magic horses, but at least they have decent booze
  3. >One minute you're walking home from the bar in the rain, the next you're stumbling through the doors of one full of ponies
  4. >Didn't even have time to order another shot, since the shock of being surrounded by talking pastel ponies caused you to black out then and there
  5. >Bartender was a bro though, this little horse man dragged your soggy ass into the back and laid you down next to a fireplace
  6. >You woke up with a bit of a hangover, but one of his waitress mares was waiting there, and she handed (hoofed?) you a bowl of soup that was being cooked over said fire
  7. >You drank it gratefully and considered your options: you were in a coma, in another world, or still really fucked up from all those shots
  8. >None of that shit mattered though, since you were in a bar
  9. >Magic horses or no, you just wanted to drink some more, and that's what you did
  10. >Asked the little horsebro if you could work at his bar in exchange for booze and some pocket money, and he accepted your offer
  11. >More and more ponies piled into the place once they heard about the "hyuman" that was serving booze and drinking alongside any sad mare who wanted to split a bottle with him
  12. >Nights passed in a blur, lots of alcohol hit your liver as mare after mare tries to get you drunk enough to sleep with them
  13. >The cute fuzzy little weirdos really wanted to fuck you for some reason, maybe because you were so "exotic" or something
  14. >Your boss didn't care about you drinking on the job, since it sold tons of booze, so you just kept drinking the colorful little ponies under the table while they tried their best to "discretely" grope you
  15. >Most of the time, you were numb from the drinks, so you barely even felt it
  17. >You suppose you should have cared, but it was free shots, and sometimes it felt kinda nice to have a pegasus or unicorn softly stroke you under the table while you pretended not to notice
  18. >Not that you ever finished, mind you
  19. >Most of them seemed to give up after a few minutes, once they could tell you weren't really reacting to their ministrations
  20. >Eventually you gathered that word of you had spread pretty far in the city, since even what seemed to be upper-class fancier mares were showing up to drink with you
  21. >They always bought the expensive bottles, so your boss always pointed them out to you, he made sure you drank with them instead of some of the grimier mares that stumbled into his bar
  22. >Later on one night, after most of your regulars had come and gone, you were seated at the barstools, waiting for one of the upper-class types to show up as they tended to do
  23. >Your boss seemed to tense up, the way he always does when a special customer comes in, so you looked to your side slowly, spotting a dark blue mare with a starry, slowly waving mane seated beside you
  24. "Pretty hair, wow"
  25. >Internally, you cringe at your drunken mumbling but before you can speak up to correct your faux pas, she giggles and replies
  26. >"Is that so? We are rather proud of our mane, but it has been quite some time since somepony has complemented it so directly"
  27. >She frowns for a moment, then adds, "Though we suppose thou aren't a pony, so perhaps that makes sense"
  28. >Your weak grip on your glass is solved by quickly downing what little drink you have left, steadying your nerves
  29. "Yeah, I'm not a pony. Hope that won't dissuade such a beautiful mare from sharing a drink with me."
  30. >She tilts her head to the side, seeming to mull your words over for a moment, before she nods
  31. "In that case, let's get some beer, I'm getting tired of all these frilly drinks that ponies order around here"
  33. >You hear a sharp clacking sound, and glance over to see bar-bro shooting you a harsh look, the noise coming from his hoof hitting the counter
  34. >You realize your mistake and turn to apologize, only to find the mare laughing, before she agrees, asking the bartender for a pitcher of his best ale
  35. >He pales slightly at the sudden attention, but he nods and begins pouring the drink
  36. >In the meantime, she nods to a booth in a corner of the room, and the two of you abandon the stools in favor of the plush benches of the isolated table
  37. >He finishes quickly and sidles over to the table, a tray with two shiny mugs and the pitcher of booze balanced carefully on it held in his amber magic
  38. >He lays it down and quickly scuttles away towards the bar, his eyes still trained on the two of you
  39. >You begin pouring the drinks, focused just as much on the pretty mare across from you as your task
  40. >"Thou art a rather odd fellow to find in such a place," she muses, tilting her head as she scans your face, before taking the freshly-poured mug from you in her shimmering blue magic
  41. >You pick your drink up as well, the two of you clacking the rims of your mugs together briefly before drinking deep of the strong brew
  42. >Her eyes seem to light up, seeing you scull your drink so confidently, she reciprocates
  43. >Both of you drop your now empty mugs to the table, grins and foam adorning each of your mouths, a laugh slipping from your lips you reply
  44. "I suppose I would seem strange to a place like this, since it's hardly where I belong"
  45. >Her eyebrow arches at this, and you continue
  46. "Not the bar itself, I certainly belong in one of those. I'm not from this land, or anywhere near it, so I suppose I feel rather out of touch"
  47. >At this, a shadow seems to pass behind her eyes, and she nods before she quietly adds
  48. >"We hardly belong here ourselves, most of the time we feel so isolated that we may as well be alone, even in a crowd"
  50. >A terse chuckle slips out and you nod, filling both mugs again
  51. "Well, far be it from me to allow a pretty mare to feel lonely, especially when she's kind enough to supply me with drink"
  52. >She blushes at this, and quickly tips up her mug again, seemingly in an effort to obscure her embarrassed face
  53. >You follow suit, the cold alcohol quickly breaking down your self-control, since it comes after many hours of prior drinking
  54. >Locking eyes with her above your tilted mugs, you note the soft teal color and quickly find yourself lost in them, drinking more than you meant
  55. >You snap out of it when her mug lowers, and realize you've finished your own as well
  56. >This time you are the one to blush, not quite meeting her eyes as you pour another round
  57. >You sense a bit of a change in the atmosphere, now she seems excited, ready for another drink
  58. >She begins to lift her mug again, but before she does, she asks "Where art thou from, if not from Equestria or its neighbors? A land far from this, as thou said, but we confess to not really recognizing thine race"
  59. >Your head spins a bit, slightly put off by her odd dialect, but you respond carefully as you drink again
  60. "My homeland doesn't seem to be one of this world, to be honest. I have seen much of my world, and nowhere on it could I find such colorful ponies, magical or otherwise"
  61. "I have to assume I'm in another world entirely, though the alcohol isn't entirely unlike that of my homeland, much to my relief"
  62. >She nods carefully at this, before asking "Did thou do much drinking before thou came here? Thou certainly seem fond of it, unlike most stallions"
  63. "Funnily enough, I actually ended up here after a round of heavy drinking. I was leaving the bar at sometime late in the night, looking up at the sky when I suddenly felt as though I was missing out on some great transcendent beauty"
  65. "I looked up at the stars for a long time before the moon caught my eye, and I suddenly felt overwhelmed by how bright and wonderful the night really was"
  66. "Next thing I know, I'm turning a corner and stumbling through the front door of this bar"
  67. >She finally releases a tightly held breath, sitting back as a strange look stretches across her muzzle
  68. >Upon closer inspection, you note that she has even more foam there than before, and you lean across the table, gently brushing it off
  69. >She jerks a bit, startled by your actions, but she doesn't pull away, leaning into your touch instead, her muzzle sliding along your palm
  70. >This doesn't bother you too much, since ponies tend to get "affectionate" once they've drank even half of what you two have had so far
  71. >What does surprise you is the deep, far-off look of longing in her eyes as she quietly asks
  72. >"Dost thou truly find our night so wonderful?"
  73. >You smile and stroke her soft cheek, responding warmly
  74. "Of course, nights are always fun! I love looking up at the stars, picking out the constellations, watching the moon slide across the sky in its graceful dance"
  75. "My favorite part however, is the night-life! There's nothing as fun as going out and sharing a drink without someone new, making memories with a beer and a conversation"
  76. >At this, her eyes sparkle brightly and she leans in, eyelashes fluttering as she whispers in a husky tone, "Shall we make some more memories tonight, then?"
  77. >You nod, pouring another round with a smile
  79. >Light breaks on a pair of sweaty disheveled bodies tangled on a rough-hewn mattress, neither yet awake
  80. >You stir slowly, noting the dark blue mare beside you, her formerly starry ethereal mane now a soft blue, its strands spread across the sheets and your chest
  81. >You pull in a deep, slow breath, taking note of the strong scent of lavender and alcohol hanging in the air alongside another, muskier smell that you can't quite pin down
  82. >You can feel the sheets sticking to your thighs, and as you pull them aside to cool off your legs, the smell grows much stronger, and you quickly discover the origin as what you can only assume to have been some remarkably good sex, based on the level of saturation your poor bedding has endured
  83. >Sparing one last look at your pretty bedfellow, you slide out of the sheets and stumble towards your bathroom, intent on taking a nice, hot shower to soothe your aching head
  84. >As the water cascades down your head and back, you reflect on what little you remember of the night, and find yourself somewhat comforted by a lack of discomfort at the idea of having finally giving up your horse-fucking v-card
  85. >As odd as the idea was, the aftermath of that event was clear
  86. >You had a great fucking night, even ignoring the sex
  87. >You finish up your shower and step out, only to find that she has begun to stir, her hooves shaking a little as she stretched, her tongue flipping out in a loud yawn
  88. >You chuckle and lean against the door-frame, and her head snaps around, her eyes starting off at the same level as the towel tightly wrapped around your waist before slowly climbing up to meet your teasing gaze
  89. "Savoring the view? I know I cut a nice figure, but I wouldn't have taken you for the type to ogle"
  90. >A deep blush overtakes her and she stammers for a moment before taking a breath to compose herself
  92. >"We... Apologize if our actions last night caused thee any discomfort. We found ourselves rather comfortable in thy company and might have been too forward after imbibing so many drinks"
  93. "I don't mind, and neither did you judging by the state of my sheets. If you care to come by for another night of drinks, by all means feel free" You reply, scooping a card off your bedside table to offer it to her
  94. >"The Draft Tap? What a... suggestive naming choice" She read the card with a bit of trepidation, but accepts it nonetheless, before sliding out from under the sheets
  95. >She grimaces at the sensation of her flank sticking to the sheets, but quickly recovers, flashing you a very genuine smile
  96. >"We had a fantastic night talking with thou, so we shall undoubtedly return for another night. Perhaps we shall find ourselves desiring your more... carnal company once more as well" She adds with a wink, before trotting off to the door.
  97. >You wave as she heads out, a feeling of warmth spreading through your chest as it closes behind her.
  98. >The next few days pass in a blur of pushy mares and downed drinks, dozens of glasses meet your lips, hooves stroke your thighs and forearms, the nights are filled with laughter, yet there's only one mare on your mind
  99. >Your mind throws her before your eyes, blurring everyone you talk to, and it only becomes more overwhelming with each drink
  100. >You can practically smell her whenever she's on your mind, the whole bar fading away in a wave of lavender
  101. >Even in your dreams, she awaits you, her starry main waving gently in an unfelt breeze, a gentle smile on her lips as she greets your sleeping mind
  102. >Then it happens
  103. >Late one night, long after the other mares have stumbled home, she trots in, her eyes locked on yours the instant you turn from your seat at the bar
  105. >No words spoken, none are needed
  106. >You rise from the stool, nod to the bartender and move to that wonderful little corner booth, the soft clinks of her metal-shod hooves behind you
  107. >Your drinks arrive, and just like that, the words start flowing between your lips as easily as the drink
  108. >You speak of the stars of your world, the legends of mighty beasts they earned their names from, and discover much to your surprise that those myths of human tales roam this land in some places
  109. >With a wink and a smirk, you promise to defeat any beast that approaches her, telling her of the constellation of Orion the Hunter
  110. >She blushes and accepts your gallant offer, though she assures you it won't be needed, since the creatures rarely leave the dark woods known as the Everfree forest
  111. >Your reply shocks her, as you call the name "Everfree" fascinating, since it reminds you of the wilds of your own world, untamed forests full of animals of all sizes
  112. >Apparently ponies of this world maintain an unnatural order within the land, using their masterful control of the weather to shape the clouds, and taming animals of all kinds
  113. >You silently ponder the implications of controlling all the weather within a country and marvel at the discipline it must take to regulate it so closely
  114. >She sees your puzzled, musing expression and expresses a desire to hear your thoughts, to which you respond that your world holds no magic at all, let alone the type needed to regulate the weather or wild creatures
  115. >You talk at length about your world, and how your race struggled to master their surroundings, building and creating while learning to harness the resources of the land
  116. >You speak of natural wonders and the efforts taken to preserve them, from parks to waterfalls, natural habitats untouched by man, sanctuaries for endangered animals of many species
  119. >Her eyes grow in size with each addition, sparkling beautifully at mentions of humans finding ways to preserve the world around them with no magic to aid them
  120. >Eventually, the two of you have drank more than you should and you agree to her subtle hints, sweeping her up into your arms when she stumbles leaving her side of the booth
  121. >She squeals at first in displeasure, then in excitement once she grasps your idea
  122. >You carefully step out from the bar floor, heading quickly to your room in the back, using her weight to off-set your wobbly footfalls, her head tucked between your neck and shoulder comfortably
  123. >You slip your hand from her side to her bottom as you lean back, letting her rest against your chest with a blush from both of you
  124. >Your free hand slips to the handle, tossing your door open so you can sidle in, your heel tapping it closed behind you, a moment spared to be certain it was locked before you wandered over to your bedding
  125. >You spin around as you adjust her to face you, slamming into the bed back-first, her wings popping out for a moment in panic, slowing you both as you fall backwards
  126. >You bounce a bit on the soft bedding as you both laugh, faces mere inches apart
  127. >As the laughter fades out, your eyes lock and she comes in quickly for a kiss
  128. >A hand slides down her back, hooking under her wing, massaging gently as the large blue feathers stroke your chest, tickling slightly
  129. >The other hand runs up the back of her neck, sending a shiver through her that you echo, the anticipation building quickly as your hand slips into her cool, waving hair
  130. >You feel an overwhelming urge to pull her deeper into the kiss, and do so, your fingers tightening against the back of her head
  131. >She obliges eagerly, her tongue slipping past your lips' defenses, barely resisting her in the heat of the moment
  132. >Your tongue however puts up a more valiant effort, battling hers in a fierce dance, the two leaving their space to invade the other's
  134. >Finally the kiss breaks, heavy panting from each side as your foreheads touch, her horn grazing your temple as she nuzzles into your cheek whispering huskily how much she needs you
  135. >The words alone are enough to shatter your restraint, and she can feel it pressing against her from below
  136. >You feel her smile rather than see it, a strange tingling against you as the horn laying beside you head bathing the room in a gentle blue glow as her magic undoes the button on your jeans with ease, having received practice in it a few nights prior
  137. >You gasp as she slides both layers aside in one smooth pull, your length making a strange slap as comes free between your stomachs
  138. >Her soft fur tickles, but her warmth against you is exhilarating, an odd contrast from the few memories you have of women from home
  139. >You toss your arms around her back and pull her closer, raising your chin until her ear brushes your lips
  140. >Lips part, teeth spring forth, and you bite gently, a low moan meeting your ears as you nibble hers
  141. >You adjust slightly, your canines digging in, and she whimpers
  142. >It's a strange sound, a titillating mixture of fear and arousal as she feels the long-forgotten sensation of being mere prey before a hungry predator
  143. >Releasing her ear, you swiftly flip over, pinning her beneath you as your arms come out from behind her to grip a foreleg and press gently against her barrel
  144. >Fingers trawl gently through her soft tuft, raking loose rows into the dark blue fur as your hand slips down, twisting as it goes lower until the tips of your fingers meet a raging heat
  145. >Her hips buck for an instant, a sharp gasp slipping past her lips, but your position above her prevents her moving much
  146. >Teasingly, your fingers swirl around the edges of her hot marehood and she whimpers in protest
  147. >You smirk at the sensation of her writhing before obliging her, a finger brushing over her winking button for an instant as it slips down far enough to go inside
  149. >That alone is enough to cause her to jerk and tighten up beneath you, her arousal quickly coating your hand
  150. >You waste no time in taking her higher, a second finger plunging in easily, her gasps grow in pitch, nearly a quiet whine now
  151. >You start off slow, your fingers pumping in and out in a single tempo, but it doesn't last long as you begin alternating the rhythm, each one dancing to its own pace
  152. >Her clit winks out again, and your thumb is waiting, brushing across it and that seals it
  153. >You can feel her abruptly tighten around your knuckles and the hand restraining her hoof shoots up to her mouth, just in time to keep a loud neigh leaving her
  154. >Leaning into her ear, you whisper that she might wake all of Canterlot this night if she isn't careful and her eyes shoot open, before she relaxes again
  155. >You have reached your limit now, this was increasingly chipping away at your self-control, and with a whisper of apology, you pull your fingers out and guide your length into her
  156. >The sudden change in what occupies her soaking depths causes her to nip at the fingers covering her mouth, her tongue sliding around one to pull it between her lips as she sucks greedily with both mouths
  157. >You grunt at the sudden rush of sensations, slowly plunging deep into her as your bellies meet, her soft fuzz against your hot skin
  158. >Resting for a moment, you savor how she seems to massage your member, lovingly clenching against it, doing her best to draw you deeper inside
  159. >Your eyes meet hers in a silent question and she nods
  160. >You pull back, fighting against her grip before allowing gravity to drop you back in, her back arching beneath you
  161. >Time becomes muddled as the dance of two lonely lovers commences, a steady rhythm of up and down beats, hips slapping wetly as her juices pool between you
  163. >Panting, your pace jumping up after many minutes of passion, your hand locks onto her hips and your lips meet hers again
  164. >There is no subtle playing now, your tongues writhe quickly, each fighting for dominance in this lewd embrace
  165. >It isn't long before you feel it again, that flaming heat and sudden tightness, but this time you are ready alongside her
  166. >The kiss breaks and you lean into her again, trapping her ear between your teeth as you finish, both of you groaning out in pleasure, her voice going on a bit longer, a little higher than before
  167. >Your arms give out and you slip to the side, falling next to her, your chest heaving and covered in a sheen of sweat
  168. >You meet her eyes and feel yourself drifting off, the extra drinks and vigorous love-making sapping your stamina
  169. >Her mouth meets yours, but this kiss is tender, the actions of a lover rather than a rough lay and you can see her eyes slipping shut as well
  170. >The night takes over, and you slip into a deep, dreamless sleep, your arms holding close a beautiful, dark blue mare
  172. >This time when you wake, she isn't lying beside you as usual.
  173. >You glance around the room in confusion for a moment before your eyes lock onto the clock on the wall.
  174. "Fuck, I really need to be out of bed"
  175. >Tossing the covers aside, you grope at your nightstand in the hope of finding a bottle of whiskey, but find instead a glass of water and a note
  176. >You start with the drink, the letter held at a comfortable reading distance this early.
  177. >It reads simply "Our greatest apologies for having to leave thy side, We were called back to be beside our sister for a formal event, so We had to leave thou alone this morn. We have left thou a drinking glass in the suspicion that thou would likely suffer from the morning fog, or "hang-over" as ponies call it these days. We hope to see thou again quite soon. - Luna"
  178. "Her name is Luna? Huh. I suppose that explains her mane, and the fascination with stars and such. I wonder if she researches that stuff for a living"
  179. >Glass now finished off, you trek into the bathroom for a quick shower to make yourself presentable for the day's shift.
  180. >Your boss, whose name you now know is Velvet Hammer glances from you to the clock on the wall and arches an eyebrow before going back to polishing a glass.
  181. >Sheepishly, you start yourself off with a smaller drink than usual before heading off to wipe down some tables.
  182. >It isn't long into your shift before the bar starts picking up speed, mares and even a few stallions piling in to share a drink with you.
  183. >You're running on auto pilot though, you pour the drinks distractedly, and even the occasional sensation of a unicorn playfully running her magic up your inner thigh not really registering as thoughts of Luna overtake your mind.
  184. >I wonder what kind of ceremony she's attending? She seems to do something with stars, so maybe a new telescope is being put up, and she's cutting the ribbon?
  186. >Come to think of it, she mentioned a sister in her note. Does she also work with stars? I wonder if she's as adorable as Luna?
  187. >You shake your head to clear the thoughts and focus on the mares you're drinking with only to catch some of them wandering away as what appears to be a guardspony in armor lays down a scroll before you, a fine blue ribbon and a wax seal with a moon holding it shut.
  188. >The few mares still nearby clear out at the sight of it, clearly giving you some privacy to read it.
  189. >The guard nods and quickly turns to leave before you can form a question.
  190. >You look it over for a moment longer before popping the seal and unfurling it carefully.
  191. >"Greetings, fair Anonymous! We didn't expect to be sending thou another note so soon, but alas our sister has taken an interest in meeting thou, so We will be coming by soon to pick you up. We apologize if this is a bit uncomfortable for thou, but our sister simply couldn't ignore thou after hearing a new race from another world is walking around in our lands. The guard who delivered this note shall be speaking with the owner of thine establishment to ensure thou will be free to attend the meeting"
  192. >Glancing up from the note, you do indeed see the guard in question talking to a very nervous Velvet Hammer over by the bar.
  193. >He seems to be nodding amicably, so you push this aside for the moment and return to the note.
  194. >"Once our guard has confirmed the time thou shall be free from thine duties, he shall return said information to us, and We shall personally come to collect thou in a carriage."
  195. >"Worry not, for this meeting will likely be brief and thou will have access to alcoholic beverages whilst our sister speaks with thou. We greatly appreciate thy cooperation in this sudden event, and We look forward to spending more time with thou - Luna"
  197. >A tense breath leaving your nose, you take another drink as you consider what's happening here.
  198. >You knew she was somewhat important, with how the other ponies act around her, but it never really crossed your mind what her position might be in pretty pony society.
  199. >Maybe astronomers are important or something?
  200. >Either way, you don't have time to consider this as your boss comes over to tell you that you have the rest of the day off.
  201. >You nod and head back to your room, intent on cleaning yourself more thoroughly since you were meeting the family of an important client.
  202. >Client? What the fuck were you talking about, you SLEPT with this one. For all you knew, this was a marriage proposal waiting to happen.
  203. >While that doesn't seem too offensive of a possibility, you really don't wanna get sucked into a family of rich assholes if she turns out to be the only nice one.
  204. >Those thoughts quickly leave you when the sound of your door opening catches your attention.
  205. >You turn and the air leaves your lungs as your midsection is compressed by a blue blur.
  206. >Gently prying her off, Luna looks up to you with a bit of confusion before you scoop her up into a proper hug, a squeal escaping her as she leaves the ground.
  207. >You tuck her up against your chest and revel in her warmth and the scent of lavender washing over you as her hair seems to wrap around the arm you have looped around her back.
  208. >Eventually you let her down and the two of you head outside, where an elegant blue and silver chariot awaits you.
  209. >The tension returns as you step into the back pensively.
  210. >She nods to the two odd looking ponies hitched to the front, and you have to stop yourself from screaming as they take off, the whole thing lifting smoothly into the air.
  211. >Eyes bulging from their sockets, you resolve to not look over the sides again as your first attempt leaves you feeling funny at the sight of buildings flying past underneath.
  213. >The chariot keeps heading further and further up in the city until you begin approaching the gates of a massive buildings.
  214. >The golden gates swing wide as you approach, and it touches down gently as the guards circle the courtyard, coming to a stop near the stairs.
  215. >Your nerves a little frayed by the unexpected flight, you fail to really acknowledge your odd surroundings as you stumble off the back of the chariot and give yourself some time to get your legs under you again.
  216. >Luna smiles patiently before nodding to the door and you join her on the walk up the rather elegant staircase.
  217. >The trip through the building is rather uneventful, but the constant presence of guards throughout do little to help your nerves.
  218. >You idly wonder if this place is some kind of government building, and wonder what section Luna works in.
  219. >Once you get far enough in, you are standing before a massive pair of doors flanked by a pair of guards whose horns light up to swing the doors open before you.
  220. >This is when your jimmies hit peak rustle, because not only are you in a literal throne room, there are stained glass windows clearly depicting Luna and the big white pony on one of the thrones ahead of you.
  221. >Speaking of which, holy shit, there's a giant white pony on a throne.
  222. >As you stand in shock, Luna joins her on a second, admittedly smaller throne of her own.
  223. >It finally sinks in how fucked you might be as the larger one speaks up to introduce herself as Princess Celestia.
  224. >Fuck, that means Luna is a princess.
  225. >You knew she was important, but royalty? What the fuck did you get yourself into?
  226. >You tune back in as you realize they are waiting for an answer to something, and thinking quick you fire off a shaky reply.
  227. "My apologies, this is a lot to take in all at once so I wasn't quite listening."
  229. "I knew Luna was someone important by my boss' reaction to seeing her, but I never got around to asking what her job was, and I never thought to ask about the class system of this land, so I guess I didn't know what significance her visits held."
  230. >Their eyebrows shoot up at this, but you persist in speaking for a moment.
  231. "I suppose I seem naive in the moment, but I was just getting by day to day and I had grown accustomed to pouring drinks for ponies my boss assured me were important in some way or another, so I didn't think much of drinking with her."
  232. >At this admission, Celestia raises a hoof to quiet you, replying simply "If you truly don't know my sister's position, why did you spend so much time speaking with her?"
  233. "Well... I suppose she was different? Most of the ponies who drank with me seemed only interested in what I was, rather than who. They seemed more concerned with spending time with the strange creature than making friends."
  234. "From our first conversation, she seemed to want to learn more about me and my world. I enjoyed our time together greatly, though I suppose my actions were a bit... rude for someone new to this land."
  235. >That last addition causes Luna to blush as her sister looks to her confused, clearly not knowing the context of your comment.
  236. >She seems to shrug it off before asking you another question.
  237. >"Now that I have seen you for myself, I can confirm you're certainly as different from my subjects as I've heard. Might I ask what your plans are going forward? I know you seem to have taken up work at a local bar, but is that your talent?"
  238. "Well, to be honest I didn't really have a career back home, I mostly stuck with that bar because I enjoy drinking, and it's the first place I ended up in after I wound up here."
  239. >"I see... So if you were presented with another opportunity, one with better pay and access to good drink, would you take it?"
  241. "I'd say so, yeah. I just do whatever job I can get, provided I make enough to drink."
  242. >"So if we offered you a place to stay here at the castle...?" she asks, trailing off as the look of terror slips past your mask finally.
  243. >Luna leans in to whisper something to her sister, the blush still running rampant across her muzzle.
  244. >Celestia's eye widen and she smirks a bit before turning to you again, the wheels clearly turning in her head.
  245. >"I suppose I should mention that we aren't expecting anything of you in exchange for giving you a better place to stay. I don't know the extent of your relationship with my sister, since I heard of you from other sources, but given what she has just told me you might have some issues with the idea of staying here?"
  246. "I uh... To be honest, I wasn't sure what was going to happen today. Once I saw the windows and the thrones, I was afraid I was gonna end up in a dungeon or being forced into marriage for being intimate with her."
  247. >At this, Celestia lets slip a small laugh before quickly regaining her composure and replying,
  248. >"Certainly not, my little human. We wouldn't think of something so harsh just because you get along well with my sister. If anything, my sister would be the one in trouble for stealing away the purity of a young stallion."
  249. >This time it's you who laughs, as the idea of being considered pure by these big pastel ponies comes as a bit of a shock.
  250. "Well, if I'm not in trouble why go to all this length to meet me? You could have just came down to the bar and had a drink with me."
  251. >It only dawns on you after that you just asked a princess to drink in a dive-bar with the man who bedded her sister, and you curse yourself for being so careless.
  252. >Your inner struggle is cut short by a bright laugh, with Celestia clearly delighted by your suggestion.
  254. >"I suppose I could have done that, but I doubt your boss would really feel comfortable having me there. Perhaps we should continue this discussion over a glass, since that seems more your forte?"
  255. >The mood is considerable more relaxed by this point, and when she invites you to join her for a drink, she also informs you Luna will be retiring to bed soon.
  256. >You agree and Luna trots over for another hug before she leaves.
  257. >Celestia takes a moment to alert the guards by the door that she will be busy with a meeting and that she is to be left undisturbed in her sitting room.
  258. >They nod sharply, and the two of you set off through the castle, winding through hall after hall, passing paintings and statues, servants and guards bowing as the two of you pass.
  259. >Eventually you come to to rest before a simple wooden door with her cutie mark etched into it which she opens to reveal a room lit gently by a a fireplace, several large cushions near it accompanied by a tray with a pair of glasses and what seems to be a decanter of brandy.
  260. >You raise an eyebrow at the presence of the tray before she happily explains that after Luna mentioned your drinking habit she prepared her sitting room ahead of the meeting, assuming correctly that the two of you would end up there at some point.
  261. >She seats herself on one of the cushions and her horn lights up as she begins pouring out the first of what will likely be many drinks.
  262. >You join her by the fire on a cushion of your own, taking the offered glass, a gentle tinkling alerting you to her magic chilling the glass in your hands.
  263. "No ice?"
  264. >"I find that too much ice ruins the taste of the drink, so I learned a good spell for cooling the brandy instead. I hope you don't mind." She explains, smiling as she takes a sip of the cool golden drink
  265. "Fair enough"
  266. >You join her, though you toss back a bit more than a sip, to which she seems pleased.
  267. >The two of you drink in silence for a while as the alcohol begins to take effect.
  269. >Once the two of you stop to refill your glasses she finally breaks the silence.
  270. >"If you don't mind answering, what exactly is your relationship with my sister? She was rather sparse on the detail, preferring more to talk about your tales of your world and it left me rather curious."
  271. >You swirl the drink around as you cautiously build an answer, preferring to err on the side of caution, you reply
  272. "She drank with me at the bar, and we spoke at length, and we may have been a bit... Intimate after enough drinks. I suppose I should clarify that I've not had any other relations since I arrived here, so there's no conflict of interest as far as I'm concerned."
  273. >She smiles at this and replies coyly: "I don't quite take your meaning Mr. Anonymous, what do you mean by being intimate with my sister? Do you perhaps mean to imply that my sister has had some improper relations out of marriage?"
  274. >You turn pale at this and struggle to reply until she laughs good-naturedly and tells you not to worry.
  275. >"There isn't any issue if you choose to be with my sister, there's no need for you two to declare any sort of relationship, let alone concern yourself with marriage. If being with her is enough to make her happy, then I won't pressure you."
  276. "So I don't have to worry about some kind of formalities because we uh... shared a bed?"
  277. >"Quite the contrary, my sister is still working to rejoin society, so her making a "friend" is a wonderful thing as far as I'm concerned. Take your time, there's no issue with you being close to her."
  278. >"My earlier offer still stands, of course. If you wish to live here at the castle instead of living with your employer, arrangements can easily be made to set you up with lodgings in one of our guest rooms."
  279. >"That is, unless you'd prefer to share my sister's room" she added, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
  281. >You manage to stammer out a reply that your own room would be better and she laughs again as you take another drink to mask your embarrassment.
  282. >"Well, with that settled, let's take some time to enjoy our drinks and chat. I'm certainly a bit curious about this other world my sister mentioned, and I'd love to hear more about your land."
  283. >The day passes quickly and she excuses herself to lower the sun as, much to your delight, Luna joins you in the room and the three of you chat for a while until Celestia retires for the night, at which point Luna leads you from Celestia's sitting room to her own.
  284. >Her looks much the same, save for the darker theme and the drink she has prepared for you.
  285. >She explains that she normally sleeps through the day, as her duties keep her awake through the night, walking the realm of dreams and decorating the night sky
  286. >You realize that all your discussions about earth's stars would have been rather personal for her, and resolve to have her talk more about how she arranges the sky
  287. >The wine flows smoothly, and so does the conversation until you reach the point in the night where you would normally have headed off to be with her
  288. >You are a bit cold-footed at this point, since your revelation of her position has left you a bit uncertain about how to approach the current situation, but the thought is lost as she comes over from her cushion to plant a deep, passionate kiss on your lips
  289. >Your doubts leave you and you lean into the kiss, the taste of different drinks mixing on your tongues.
  290. >Eventually the kiss ends, and the two of you pull away with a gasp.
  291. >She looks deep into your eyes for a moment before she trots over to the door, her magic lifting you from your cushion as she heads out and down the hallway, clearly not content with simply waiting for you to walk behind her as you float along beside her
  293. >You head up quite a ways before she stops before a silver and blue pair of doors adorned with moon and star emblems, flanked by another pair of those odd bat-like ponies.
  294. >She merely jerks her head and the pair of guards quickly move down the hallway and out of sight, her magic tossing the doors open
  295. >Her regalia comes off quickly in a burst of magic, and she drops you onto a plush four-poster bed
  296. >You recover in time to feel the tingle of her magic undo the button and fly on your pants, you grin and help her, shoving them down on your own once the door slams shut behind her
  297. >They barely pass your knees before she is between them, her hot breath cascading over your thighs, easily getting a rise out of you.
  298. >The moment you are half-erect, her lips wrap around you, her tongue bringing you to full mast with a few choice passes beneath the head
  299. >She starts off slow, teasing the tip and sides with her tongue, gently caressing your length as she occasionally bobs her head.
  300. >She speeds up soon enough however, and she is taking more with each dip.
  301. >Your hand comes to rest on her head, your thumb gently rubbing the spiral of her horn, which she hums appreciatively at.
  302. >Her ministrations bring you closer quickly and your hand tangles in her hair as you begin controlling her pace yourself
  303. >She cooperates happily, and soon you are on the edge, gasping as she pulls herself up to the head, her magic wrapping around your slick, exposed shaft in a manner not unlike what the mares did at the bar, but with much greater control
  304. >Luna makes full eye contact now, her tongue swirling around the tip as her magic milks you for all you're worth and you can't hold on any longer
  305. >You yell her name and you hips begin to buck, rope after rope of your seed coating her mouth as she swallows, the sensation of intense suction prolonging your orgasm for a few seconds after the shots subside
  307. >Dizziness takes you for a moment, your vision a bit blurry as she climbs onto the bed next to you, her magic pulling your clothes off completely as you limply comply, allowing her to strip you down to your bare skin
  308. >Once you come back from the edge of your intense afterglow you catch her giggling a little, and you arch your eyebrow questioningly to receive the reply:
  309. >"We are most glad our skills can provoke such a strong reaction. We profess that we were more than a little concerned whether our performance would be sufficient, since we didn't have a chance to test it any of our prior nights together.
  310. "Rest assured, that was rather intense, but in the best ways."
  311. >She smiles at this and snuggles up to you, wrapping a wing around the both of you.
  312. >You hold her close happily for a while before you clear your throat and ask
  313. "You don't want to... go further, do you?"
  314. >She seems startled by this before asking quietly "Art thou disappointed? We thought thou might be a bit nervous, coming here to the castle, so We assumed thou might want to take it slower for a while."
  315. "It's fine, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I don't mind just staying like this for tonight."
  316. >She smiles at that, and pulls herself tighter against you, her head finding its usual place against your neck as the two of you lay quietly together.

Greentext for Notepad++ [Technical Instructions]

by Editfag

Thousand Nights [Luna x Anon] [Smut]

by Editfag

Happy Accident [Celestia x Anon]

by Editfag

Drinking with Luna [Luna x Anon] [Smut]

by Editfag

Ponies and Porn [Prompt]

by Editfag