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Happy Accident [Celestia x Anon]

By Editfag
Created: 2020-12-21 17:10:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anonymous, do you know why I called you in here?"
  2. "Is it because I accidentally mailed you my dick pic?"
  3. >"Why yes! The letter you sent was-"
  4. >"Accidentally?"
  5. >Glancing between the seemingly expensive bottle and twinkling glass of wine shaking slightly as they hover in her warm, glowing grip and her distraught expression, you come to a solid, swift conclusion
  6. >If one with as much control over her emotions and as strong of a pokerface as Celestia let herself be shaken by a single word, she is clearly much worse off than you are able to perceive
  7. >thinking quickly, you give the best response that springs to mind
  8. "I didn't intend to send it, however if you took it as a positive sign, I won't discourage you from pursuing whatever feelings you might hold."
  9. >Lowering the bottle and glass to the elegant tea table between you, she takes a moment to draw in a deep breath and seems to be carefully considering her next words
  10. >"Anonymous, in the time you've spent in the company of my little ponies have you found any romantic prospects? If you truly didn't intend for me to receive that *ahem* rather provocative image, then for whom was it meant to be delivered to?"
  11. >You blow out a low, relieved sigh at this turn of events
  12. >Knowing now that she isn't angry at this revelation comes as a great weight off of your shoulders, yet you shudder at what your next words might bring
  13. "To tell you the truth, I haven't had any luck in romance."
  14. "That image was solicited from me by your student, Twilight."
  15. >At this, her eyebrows shoot up mighty fast, a slight chuckle leaving her pursed lips before she catches herself and tilts her head to the side
  16. >"I feel I must ask you to elaborate. You believe yourself to have had no luck with mares, yet my dear, ever so shy Twilight has requested such a... tastefully shot image from you?"
  17. >"Do you mean to tell me that she harbors affection from you that you failed to notice, or that she was simply so shameless and bold as to ask for this without prior warning?"
  18. >You quickly put your hands up, refuting her claims as she sips from her own glass of wine, newly reclaimed from the tabletop
  19. "It's nothing of the sort, she wasn't hitting on me or doing this to satisfy her horniness."
  20. "She asked for the picture as a reference, since she wanted to satisfy her scientific curiosity by comparing it to stallion... anatomy."
  21. >For the briefest moment, you see Celestia's mask crack again, as she nearly spits out her wine at this revelation
  22. >"Her scientific curiosity, you say?"
  23. >"While I can certainly see her requesting it, even doing it innocently at that, I have to ask whether the lighting and angle were conducive to her studies..."
  24. >This time it's your turn to be embarrassed, as you admit rather quietly
  25. "Well, is it really that bad that I wanted it to at least be somewhat flattering of a picture?"
  26. "Knowing Twilight, she might have used magic to blow it up to the size of a poster and hung it on her bedroom wall for extensive "study"
  27. >You emphasize this point with a rather accurate imitation of her panting and mumbling about pheromones and statistical averages, much to Celestia's amusement
  28. >You grab your own glass as well, downing far more than a sip with your first mouthful
  29. "Either way, if there was any pony I'd be fine with receiving it instead of the intended one, I suppose I couldn't pick a better recipient."
  30. >She once again lets her mask slip as she blushes, raising her hoof in an obvious attempt to get you to continue as she drains her own glass
  31. >"Why is that, my well-endowed drinking partner?"
  32. "Well, to be honest... You're likely the only mare I know who wouldn't tease me too much or cause a ruckus about such a brazen breach of etiquette."
  33. "Rarity would likely never stop lecturing me about it, insisting on endless reminders about it, needling me verbally and perhaps literally every time I went into her shop for a new set of clothes."
  34. "Fluttershy would either be too embarrassed to face me again, or too... kind to talk about it, making our time together rather awkward."
  36. >She nods along, now pouring herself a second glass, and filling your third
  37. "Applejack would either be so upfront about her lack of interest in me that I'd feel terrible about it, or she'd tear herself up trying to not hurt my feelings."
  38. "Dash would absolutely never let me live it down, and would likely bring it up at every opportunity, making any event with mixed company really awkward."
  39. "Pinkie would... Actually, I'm not sure how she'd take it. It would likely still be a bigger pain in the ass than any of the others, though."
  40. >After bringing your ramble to a close, and taking another deep swig of your glass, you catch her covering her mouth in a poor attempt to hide her giggling
  41. >"All of that is a valid assessment, yet you still have yet to directly answer my question."
  42. >After a moment of confusion, you catch her drift and take another drink to steady your nerves
  43. "Do you mean why I couldn't pick a BETTER option, instead of why I would prefer it not be any of those particular ones?"
  44. >She nods her assent, and you release another sigh, this one a little shakier
  45. "I suppose at this point, I'm too far in to back out..."
  46. >"Absolutely, now spill!"
  47. "I've had my eye on you since I first arrived in this world, all those months ago."
  48. "I can't really say why, but something about you struck me as... Unattainable, as if no amount of reaching would get me even close to your level."
  49. >Her eyes widen, another glass emptied as she listens, enraptured by this recounting
  50. "The way your coat reflects the mid-day sun, shining as though all light in Equestria comes from you instead of your warm star above."
  51. "The way a light breeze blowing through your hair fills the air with the scent of fresh flowers and golden fields of wheat."
  52. >Looking away, you take another drink and continue
  53. "I've never felt the way I do by your side, and I never feel whole when I'm away from you."
  54. "I tried to tamp these feelings down, thinking you could never accept them."
  55. >At this admission, she sets her glass aside and lays a hoof over your hand, using her other to raise your chin
  56. >"I believe I understand now, why your answer initially dodged my question."
  57. >"Worry no longer, Anonymous. I accept your feelings in full."
  58. >You finally lock eyes with her, hope quietly filling your heart until it feels tight in your chest
  59. "Really? You aren't put off by me? I'm not even from this land, let alone a pony like you."
  60. >She smiles reassuringly, stroking the side of your face with her hoof
  61. >"Of course not, what kind of mare would I be if I couldn't respond to a confession like that?"
  62. >"I can tell you mean it from the bottom of your heart."
  63. >She chuckles a bit wryly, before tapping the picture, long since forgotten on the table between you, causing your cheeks to grow hot again
  64. >"If this was an accident, I'd consider it one of the luckiest I've seen in my long time as a ruler."
  65. >At this, she somehow grows paler than you thought possible from a pony with a coat so light
  66. >"I suppose, rather than you asking if I can accept you... I should be asking if you could love a pony so old as I."
  67. >At this you smirk and grab the bottle on the table to top off both of your glasses once more, before gently swirling what little wine remained before her eyes
  68. "Would you say that the age of this vintage dulled its flavor? I don't believe so... Much like this wine, I suppose you're the sort that's grown much more pleasant to the palate over time."
  69. >She returns from her pale-faced state to a bright pink and swats your shoulder at the implication of that statement
  70. >"You flatter me, but I won't turn down a complement from someone who has taken in enough of said wine to prove his own point."
  71. >A sharp laugh escapes you at this, and you respond, teasingly
  72. "And what mare was it that pulled out such a strong wine with the intent of seducing a younger man tonight?"
  73. >"I'm the seducer, here? And which of us was it that sent such a striking and provocative image to the one they claim to respect?"
  74. >Both of you have a solid laugh at this, before a brief, heady silence falls between you
  75. "It may just be the wine talking, but if you enjoyed the picture that much, I suppose I could be convinced to make it a repeat event... Provided you can promise to reciprocate."
  76. >"You're asking the ruler of the nation dedicated to friendship whether she is kind enough to send images of herself to you without even going on a date? How devilish of you, Anonymous..."
  77. "Is that a no?"
  78. >"I accept, obviously"

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