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(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 21:57:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Darn it
  2. >You've been dreading this day since the beginning of summer, the day you would return to that hellhole masquerading as a flight camp.
  3. >You have yet to receive your cutie mark and your bully was always kind enough to remind you of this truth, it also didn't help that your mother was "Klutzershy".
  4. >You stared absent-mindedly into your bowl of Hoof-o's and contemplated your options.
  5. >Run away? That never worked in the past, Sparrow was the best flyer you had ever seen, which just made his bullying all the more worse. Confront him? Ye-nope. Drop out? It was pretty early in your flying to consider something like that.
  6. Ughhhhh
  7. >Groaning in exasperation and resignation, you pushed the bowl of Hoof-o's away, you had lost your appetite.
  8. >You flap your wings twice barely lifting you off the stool you were sitting on and fall on your chest.
  10. >What a great way to start the day, pushing on your forearms you right yourself back with your flank to the ground.
  11. >For a while you just sat there, dreading the coming persecution.
  12. >The final tick of the clock sealed your fate. You grabbed your saddlepack and stepped through the comfort of your cottage.
  13. >You were immediately greeted by the visage that was your mother, gingerly scrubbing a grizzly bear in a tub that was too small for him.
  14. >The bear didn't look happy.
  15. "Now now Mr.Bear, don't forget your promise. One bath and you're free to go."
  16. >The bear had his arms folded as your mother coddled him, indignant to his caretakers ministrations.
  17. >Fluttershy hears the door latch behind you and turns her head, her caring gaze falls on you which quickly turns to panic.
  18. >She flies over as quickly as she can and worriedly hovers about you .
  19. "Oh, sweetie, is it that time already?" She daintily lands next to you and begins bombarding you with motherly concern.
  20. Yeah.
  21. >You sigh, Your response heavy with annoyance
  22. >You never really liked being babied by her.
  24. "Well, if you have any problems at camp you just let me know and I'll be there. I know you want to be a better flier honey but don't push yourself. If it's too hard you can always go to flight camp next year." Your mom gave you a weak smile when met with your despondent face.
  25. >You hated that idea, you wanted to be a better flier so that bully would leave you alone. Somehow missing a summer of camp didn't seem like the best way to improve.
  26. >Then again, it's not like she knew about the bully. If she did, she would probably just hold you tight all day and cry.
  27. Alright, I really need to get going mom.
  28. "Oh, ah..." She began walking with you across the bride from her cottage to the outskirts of Ponyville.
  29. Mom, you can't come with me to flight camp.
  30. >Struck by your comment she stops in her tracks.
  31. "I-I know, I just... oh you're growing up so much, my little colt!"
  32. >The crushing pain of your mother's embrace is all you know. She doesn't look it but Fluttershy can hug the crap out of just about anyone.
  33. Ack, mom let me go!
  34. "Just a little longer, I won't see you all day."
  35. >Crushing intensifies
  36. >After you're sure all of your bones have been broken she releases you but not without kissing you on the forehead.
  37. "I guess I can't hold you forever, I love you, have a great first day back!"
  38. Mmmm-love you too...
  39. >You were always reluctant to return your mother's love, it wasn't the cool thing to do.
  40. "Oh my, I almost forgot about Mr. Bear!" She moved as quickly as was possible for Fluttershy back in the direction of your cottage.
  41. >You watched as her pink mane disappeared into the green brush.
  42. Well, here goes nothing.
  44. >Ring exercises
  45. >You hate ring exercises
  46. >Despite the ring's appearance, its solid, at least for pegasi, and for some reason the rings were way more solid for you in particular.
  47. >You had seen ponies make the rings dissipate just by flying through them, you on the other hand, you couldn't get the ring to vanish no matter what you did.
  48. >You steeled yourself and began galloping towards the rings with your wings flared.
  49. I can do this.
  50. >You flapped powerfully and lifted yourself off the ground, your speed reaching critical limits, you careened through the first two rings with ease.
  51. "Oops, sorry!" You heard your bully preemptively shout as he bucked you off course.
  52. >You crashed directly into the third ring with your barrel meeting the rock solid cloud.
  53. >You felt the wind get knocked out of you as you held onto the ring for dear life, you were in no condition to fly right now and you were about 60 meters high.
  54. >Scrambling, flapping, and hanging you were desperately struggled for solid footing.
  55. >Suddenly, your eyes met with your assailant.
  56. >Sparrow.
  57. >He sneered at you as he effortlessly kept himself aloft.
  58. "Wow anonpony, I guess being a klutz runs in the family, huh? Maybe that's your special talent."
  59. >You of course had a million things to say to this jerk but couldn't even muster a sentence in your state.
  60. >Sparrow looks off into the distance and a scowl forms on his face, it's quickly replaced with a feigned countenance of concern as Sparrow glides over to you.
  61. "Jeez anonpony, you've got to be more careful. Here let me help." He lifts you with his front legs right as the instructor surveys the course.
  62. >You want to shout out, but your diaphragm still hasn't recovered.
  63. >Sparrow dexterously flies you to the safety of the cloud course, and once he's sure the instructor is out of sight, tosses you.
  64. "You just keep catching breaks, huh?" He leans in close as he venomously oozes, "I'm going to make sure this summer is hell for you Anonpony."
  66. >With Sparrow's threat delivered the prodigy bully launched into the sky, where he is praised by the instructor and your camp-mates.
  67. "Wow, Sparrow's so great. You're lucky you have such a good friend to show you the ropes." One of your camp-mates yakked.
  68. >You hated Sparrow, he had always been a jerk to you.
  69. >You struggled to your feet, finally the wind returned to your lungs and you trudged back to the ring exercises.
  70. >This was going to be a long summer.
  72. >With only suffering one more incident with Sparrow in the bathroom, you returned home.
  73. >Luckily the sun was still high in the sky, your day way free to you now.
  74. >You didn't have many friends so it looked like you were going to spend the day with your mom.
  75. >Grabbing your saddlepack, you step off the pegasi drawn carriage and it flies away to drop off its next passenger.
  76. >You made your way home.
  77. >Once you arrive, you find that your mother left you a note on the fridge.
  78. Went to the market to pick up some groceries,
  79. there's a sandwich for you in the fridge.
  80. I love you
  81. Mom
  82. >You toss the note in the trash and gobble the sandwich in a flash, the daisy and sunflower sandwich lifted your spirits but now your mom wasn't even home.
  83. >You sat on the couch and tried to come up with something to do in the meantime.
  84. >An idea pops into your head, you rush to Fluttershy's room and gather her bed sheets. You tie the sheets into a cape and mask and fly around the house "saving" critters.
  85. >The ferrets that you "rescued" from their poisoned food didn't seem too happy about your escapades. They jittered at you angrily and returned to their respective bowls.
  86. Well that didn't last very long.
  88. >You return to Fluttershy's room and put the sheets back the way they were, sort of. You kind of just toss them on the bed.
  89. >Turning to leave, something catches your eye. A single drawer with what appears to be a slightly crumpled magazine cover breaching the top.
  90. >You tug the drawer open to find a plethora of fashion magazines.
  91. I didn't know mom was into fashion.
  92. >You look through several uninteresting magazines, Marellure, Flaunt, InStyle, etc.
  93. >Just when you were about to quit you see something you don't believe.
  94. Is that...
  95. >You take a closer look at the magazine in question.
  96. Mom!
  97. >Sure enough, plastered across the cover is your mom, wearing what appears to be a see-through green dress and a green headpiece.
  98. >Fluttershy's eyes were cast down in the picture and her flank was accentuated by the dress.
  99. >You looked at the magazine cover for a while, you were... beckoned to keep looking. You opened the magazine and skimmed for more pictures of your mother.
  100. >There were several. One with her wearing a red sequin dress, one with her wearing a red jacket over a white blouse, one with her wearing nothing but a hat and sunglasses.
  101. >You found that your breathing was getting heavier; your member slowly eased its way out of your sheathe.
  102. "Anonpony, I'm home!" Fluttershy announced as she entered the cottage.
  103. >Your heart skipped about 3 beats, you quickly place all the magazines back into the drawer, shut it, and run to the bathroom.
  104. "I hope that sandwich was good, I used the last of the sunflowers."
  105. >You were panicking, what exactly was going on? You look between your legs and find that your little friend was at about half-mast.
  106. >You try to think of unsexy thoughts but the only thing that fills your mind is your mother staring at you with half-lidded eyes, the strap on her red sequin dress falling slightly on her shoulder and...
  107. >You slap yourself, your mom is in the kitchen right now. You need to get rid of this.
  109. "Anonpony? Are you home?" Fluttershy calls out, worry coating her voice.
  110. Yeah, I'm in the bathroom.
  111. >You manage to speak out clearly even though you were shaking, so many emotions flooded you.
  112. "Oh, sorry." She squeakes out at your response "When you're done I want you to come in the kitchen, I've got a surprise for you~!"
  113. >What? What could that mean?
  114. Snap out of it!
  115. >You whisper to yourself, seeing your mom in such provocative dresses really did a number on you.
  116. >After enough time spent calming down and mentally preparing to see the woman whom you just had lewd thoughts of, you exit the bathroom.
  117. >You slowly walk to the kitchen, the animals in the house give you passing glances and continue to their own devices.
  118. "Oh, there you are. I got you something at the market. I just know you'll love it!" She dips her head into a bag, unintentionally presenting her shapely flank for you to see.
  119. >Your eyes wander and you wish they didn't, you try to control yourself as your mother's flank waves back and forth as she searches.
  120. "Here it is!" She lifts a hastily wrapped rectangular present out of the box using her mouth.
  121. >She drops the present into your hooves.
  122. "Oh, I hope you like it. It was on sale! I know your birthday isn't for a while, but I couldn't help myself."
  123. >She smiles at you meekly as you look at the present and back to her.
  124. "Go ahead, open it!" She excitedly clops her hooves together, anticipating your reaction.
  126. >If only you weren't looking at those magazines earlier you could function like a normal colt.
  127. >Your hooves are quivering nervously as you try to unwrap the gift.
  128. Fluttershy notices and she can barely contain her happiness, she seems to think that you're so excited about the gift you can barely open it.
  129. >You rip off enough of the wrapping to see "-boy" in familiar lettering.
  130. >You quickly realize what's inside and rip the rest of the packaging off without reagard.
  131. A Joyboy!
  132. "I knew you'd like it. It was the last one you know!" Fluttershy is elated, she loves making you happy.
  134. >You've been playing your Joyboy for about an hour now, you had just gotten to the 5th floor on Castlemaria.
  135. >Looks like you're going to need a double jump rune or something here.
  136. "Anonpony, dinner's ready!" You can hear your mother cheerfully calling you from the kitchen.
  137. >Oh crap, your sudden excitement from getting the Joyboy made you forget all about the magazines.
  138. >An idea hits you.
  139. Mom, is it ok if I eat in my room? I want to play my Joyboy.
  140. >Fluttershy furrows her brow.
  141. "I'm sorry, but no. I want us to eat dinner together. You'll have plenty of time to play after we eat." She flashes a smile, "If that's ok."
  142. Y-yeah.
  143. >You weren't sure how you were going to get out of this, the uncomfortable air seemed exclusive to you though; your mom munched her salad without a care.
  144. >You anxiously moved one lettuce leaf from one side of the bowl to the other.
  145. >Fluttershy gives you a quizzical look.
  146. "How was your first day back at summer flight camp?" She stares at you waiting for a response.
  147. Uh, good.
  148. >Smooth.
  149. >Your mother sighs, she knows when you're lying.
  150. "I had a feeling something like this might happen." She looks down at the floor as she speaks.
  151. >You're sweating bullets, could she know?
  152. >You sit awaiting your punishment, your mother looks back to you, care ever-present.
  153. "I-I had problems with flight camp, I used to get bullied by these three nasty colts." A sad expression exudes from her until she quickly lifts her head up, "I had a good friend back then, she would never let them bully me for long."
  154. >She looks over at you expectantly.
  155. I-I'm not getting bullied. May I please be excused?
  156. >Sparrow was the last thing on your mind right now, you would rather spend an eternity with him than a moment longer with your mother.
  157. >Her expression changes again, this time you can't quite read hear. Somewhere between disappointment and understanding.
  158. "You hardly touched your salad Anonpony. You can tell me if something or someone is bothering you, Anon..." She floats over to you and places a hoof on your head.
  159. >The contact makes you jolt.
  160. >Fluttershy pulls away, almost scared at your reaction.
  161. I'm fine, I just want to play my Joyboy that's all.
  162. >Your voice wavered again.
  163. "Ok, I guess you've eaten enough. If you get hungry again, let me know. Ok?" She tilted her head as she asked, almost pleading.
  164. Sure.
  165. >You averted your gaze and quickly leapt off the chair and bound to your room. Feeling her eyes on you the whole way.
  166. >You finally had a moment to catch your breath and think.
  167. >Wait, mom was bullied too?
  168. >You shook your head, nothing mattered right now except clearing your head. The best way to do that was to distract yourself. You grabbed your Joyboy from where it was sitting and turn it on.
  170. >It was almost bedtime now, you weren't sure how you got through the day without a hitch but you did. Luckily flight camp only met in the middle of the month so you wouldn't have to see Sparrow again any time soon, but you would have to spend time with your new emotions towards your mother.
  171. >Was it infatuation? Your young mind couldn't understand why you were seeing your mother this way, how did a couple of pictures suddenly change your perspective so greatly?
  172. >You remembered the pictures vividly, her flank being the focal point of almost every picture.
  173. Ughhhh
  174. >You groaned in frustration as your member slowly saluted you. Standing at attention, it pulsed with the lust you never knew you possessed.
  175. I can't believe this.
  176. >What's wrong with you? Are you a pervert? What would happen if mom found out? Would, would she hate you?
  177. >You felt the corners of your eyes moisten. You quickly dried them with your forearm.
  178. >All you know right now is how you feel, the rest was unknown. You look to your door, the light eminating from the living room seeped under the cracks.
  179. >You rolled over in bed with your erection angrily pulsing against your hind-leg, searching for release.
  180. >You tried to sleep but the thoughts of your mother wouldn't go away
  181. *Oh, sweetie, you found mommy's magazines? What's that between your... oh, my~*
  182. AGHHHHHH!
  183. >You hear a clamor as someone moves through the house towards your door. Silence, then a knock.
  184. "Honey? Is everything alright? I thought I heard you, are you ok?" Her voice was laced with concern as she asked.
  185. I'm fine, I-I just uh, hit my head!
  186. >You idiot, now she's going to make sure you're alright.
  187. >You hear the knob turn and see your mom in the crack of the door. She was wearing her robe she normally wore at the spa, she liked to sleep in it sometimes.
  188. "Are you sure?" She walked over to the side of your bed.
  189. >You were trying to stifle your erection and your efforts were present on your face.
  190. "Baby, you're all red!" Flutterhsy gasped, "Did you hit your head, let momma take care of you!" She peered at your crown trying to discern the non-existent wound.
  191. >You were growing more uncomfortable with your arousal as your mother examined you.
  192. I'm alright, really. Heh, don't worry. You can go back to bed, mom.
  193. "Nonsense, how can I not worry when I hear you yell out like that? I'm not leaving until I'm sure everything's al-" She stopped mid-sentence as the tent in your blankets entered her vision.
  194. Mom, I-I-I-I-
  195. "It's, it's ok. Um, that's normal for colts your age to get." Embarrassment takes you both as the situation quickly gets out of hoof.
  196. I was just um, uh, touching it and I-
  197. "Oh, it's quite alright sweetie, it-"
  198. >You both speak at once trying to escape the awkward situation.
  199. >Finally, you just sit there defeated. Tears threatening to burst from your eyes.
  200. "You're not in trouble, really. This is something all colts go through, I promise." She coos reassuringly.
  201. >If only she knew the source of your arousal, would she still be saying such things?
  202. >Fluttershy brushes her forearm with her hoof, avoiding eye contact and seeming to focus on a single spot on the floor.
  203. I-I saw your magazines.
  205. >Her ears perk up at this.
  206. I-I was looking through them right when you got home, I'm sorry.
  208. "Oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh." She seems to realize your problem now.
  209. >You've finally done it, you've done the one thing to make your mom upset. She hates you now, she hates you, you little pervert.
  210. >You hang your head in anticipation for what's to come.
  211. >You hear your mother move to your side of the bed, she sits with her back facing you.
  212. "I-I don't know what to say, are you saying that..." She pauses and seems to be looking for the right words to say, "That, is because of me?"
  213. >You feel wretched as your mother gestures to your crotch with her hoof. You nod slowly, never letting your head rise enough to see her eyes. Those darn eyes...
  214. >She turns bringing her hind-legs onto the bed, her back is still straight. You feel her looking at you but you don't return her attention.
  215. "Baby, I-, yo-" she seems flustered. Why wouldn't she be?
  216. Mom, I'm so sorry. If you hate me I under-
  217. "Hate you? Sweetie, you could never do anything to make me hate you."
  218. >You look up at her and find the same caring expression you were accustomed to.
  219. But, I'm a pervert.
  220. >You state with dejection.
  221. "This type of thing is completely natural. I'm the only real woman in your life, it only makes sense you would develop a crush on me." She brings her forearm around you.
  222. >Your heart was beating a million miles a minute.
  223. "Really, don't feel bad about something you can't control." She tilts your head up so that your eyes meet.
  224. "Promise me you won't feel bad?" She pleads again, with those big, beautiful, radiant, teal eyes.
  225. M-mom
  226. >While you were in complete conflict this entire time your erection decided how it felt long ago, it was raging under the blankets, pulsing periodically at your mother's display of love for you. You feel a sharp tug at the source of your arousal.
  227. Ugh, it hurts down there. I don't know what to do.
  228. >Your mother looks at your face, you were telling the truth and she could tell. She looks to you and the tent diving you.
  229. "Um, well..." She seems a little uneasy at this admission, "I-I-I co-co-co" She's struggling with what to say.
  230. >You look at her and find she's torn.
  231. >She looks down at you nervously, and gives a very weak smile. She swallows and looks at you with a little more determination.
  232. "I-I could help you..." She trails off again.
  233. What?
  234. "I could help you with..." She is almost hiding behind her hair.
  235. What is it mom?
  236. >Your innocence hits her.
  237. "I could help you with your problem... d-down there." She finally states, her eyes were anywhere but on you.
  238. What do you mean?
  239. "It hurts right? Like, like you want to let something out?" She gestures towards your crotch again. A red tinge enveloping her face.
  240. >You turn your head away, ashamed.
  241. Yeah, I don't know why it got like that but I know it's bad.
  242. "It's not a bad thing, it happens wh-when you really love someone." She was no longer hiding behind her hair, she seemed to be channeling her motherly instincts as well as some other instincts.
  243. >Your mother lightly tugged at your blanket, you clasped down in response.
  244. I-I don't know if you're supposed to see it.
  245. >It was your turn to blush, your mom had seen you naked a million times but her seeing this didn't feel right to you.
  246. "I-I can't help you... i-if I don't see it..." Her face was completely red by this point.
  247. >Reluctantly, you released your grasp on the blanket, your mother looked at you one last time to make sure she had your consent to continue.
  248. >She tugged again, very lightly on the blanket. The friction of the blanket against your flared tip made you groan out.
  249. >Fluttershy's ears flattened at your moan and she halted revealing your member. She bit her lip and continued.
  250. >Freed from it's prison, your penis stood proud right in front of your mother.
  251. "Oh, wow. Um, does it usually get this, um, big?" She questioned you. Her breathing had changed and suddenly you noticed a smell you hadn't ever encountered before.
  252. >Your nose twitched as the aroma of honey and flowers filled your nostrils.
  253. O-only when I saw the magazines early.
  254. >You admitted with another blush.
  255. >Her eyes opened wide at this and she looked at your penis and the ground several times, increasing frequency in glances at your erect member.
  256. "Baby, just know that mommy loves you very, very much and she'll do anything for you. I wouldn't do anything if you didn't want me to." She looks at you again, she was controlling herself for your sake.
  257. "If you want me to, help you, I will. If you don't, I'll leave and we won't ever talk about this again. Ok?" She looks at you, her eyes were so intense she was breathing very quickly as she spoke.
  258. >You felt yourself getting harder with everything she said and her constant looking at you didn't help it go down either. The pain was almost unbearable, you didn't know what you needed but you needed it now.
  259. Please mom, help me.
  260. >With the tinniest voice you managed to answer her.
  261. "Oh, my little baby..." She looked at your member again, she moved a hoof very daintily to your throbbing erection and brushed the tip.
  262. Ahhh
  263. >Your hips bucked at her touch, it was incredible but somehow you knew it was wrong.
  264. Mommy!
  265. >You breath out, she jerks her hoof away.
  266. >She takes a long look at your twitching member, mere inches away from her hoof.
  267. >Fluttershy looks overwhelmed with forbidden desire, the blush that lined her cheeks were now engulfing her entire face.
  268. "My goodness..." a barely audible Fluttershy pants.
  269. >She nuzzled your face into her chest as she rubbed the side of her hoof against your quivering length.
  270. >Electricity fired through your synapses once more.
  271. Ahhhh
  272. >You cried out into her chest, you couldn't believe this was happening.
  273. >Fluttershy was going painfully slow as she rubbed your member.
  274. "H-how is t-this?" She stammers out, looking to you. She was only thinking of you even as her own desire grew.
  275. I-ahhh, it feels so good mom.
  276. >Hearing that made Fluttershy gasp out, she clutched her free hoof to her mouth, effectively muffling herself.
  277. >She couldn't bare to make eye contact with you any longer.
  278. >She took your member into her hoof and rubbed it up and down slightly faster.
  279. Oh mom, ahh
  280. >You turned your head from her chest to watch as she stroked your penis.
  281. "Wow... You're so..." Her eyes were half-lidded as she whispered out behind her hoof.
  282. >You felt something building inside you that you've never felt before, the pleasure your mom was bringing you was starting to be too much!
  283. >You can hardly support your back, almost collapsing against the headboard as the sensations bombard you.
  284. Mom, something's...
  285. >She clenches her eyes shut as you announce, her breathing coming in quick, short bursts.
  286. >The pleasure was indescribable, your penis pulsing in tandem with your mother's stroking hoof.
  287. >She opens her eyes again to see you writhing under her. Your penis began leaking ropes of pre-cum, lubricating you.
  288. "Oh, my, you're so, ahh-" She ashamedly slaps her hoof against her mouth, shocked at her own arousal. Her body was aching as you graphically moaned. She watched your hips pump into her hoof ever so slightly at the new found sensation, the lube increased your pleasure ten-fold.
  289. >Your hips locked, you arched your head back against the headboard.
  290. >She was shaking as she pumped your throbbing cock.
  291. >The pressure in your loins built exponentially with each movement of your mother's hoof until it reached its peak.
  292. >Your breathing became labored, as did your mother' albeit she tried to restrain it.
  293. M-m-m-mom!
  294. >A single spurt of your ejaculation shot onto your stomach, several spurts seemed out with less intensity and pooled onto your mother's hoof. Your mother kept stroking you through your very first orgasm as you painted her hoof, your stomach, and parts of your sheets with your seed.
  295. "Ha, mmmm, ahhhh." Fluttershy squealed out, coinciding with each rope of cum you produced.
  296. >Your entire was set ablaze, the warmth and euphoria washed over you. You colapsed, completely exhausted, your chest heaved as you struggled to supply your lungs with oxygen.
  297. Mo-mom
  298. >You managed to sigh as the last of the waves of pleasure wracked your little form.
  299. >Fluttershy was shaking now, seeing her own son cum from her hoof was too much.
  300. >She brought her hoof up to her snout and sniffed your cum, she looked longingly at it before licking a small amount off her hoof.
  301. >She picked your limp form up and flew you into the bathroom.
  302. >Your head was a buzz with new feelings. You had never done that before, your mother's eyes were half-lidded now as she peered down at you. Was she alright?
  303. >She laid you into the tub and gave you a smile before turning the knob with her teeth, a steady stream of warm water left the faucet on the opposite side of the tub.
  304. >She took off her robe and sat beside the tub looking at you, she took a hoof and ran it through your mane.
  305. "My beautiful colt really is growing up." With that she grabbed the shower head and pulled the lift knob, halting the flow from the faucet and starting the flow through the shower head.
  306. >She washed the semen off your chest and kissed you on the lips, it was the first time she had ever kissed you on the lips.
  307. "I love you anonpony, I love you so much." She kissed you again on the lips, and again.
  308. >Your member, not willing to give up, lolled to the side of your hindleg.
  309. "Oh, you're getting hard again sweetie~!" She giggled softly, "Don't worry, I know just what to do." Her tone was sultry in nature. She stood up and halted flow from the showerhead, then affixed it to its natural place.
  310. >She climbed into the tub with you and was standing over you.
  311. >She turned so her flank was facing you, her slit was emanating heat and winking involuntarily at you.
  312. >She turned on the shower again, water cascaded down her mane and fur leaving ripples, this was unlike any of the pictures you saw in her magazines.
  313. >She was too large to lay on your torso so she kneeled down on her front-legs and began teasing your member with her nose.
  314. >It wasn't long before you were fully erect again.
  315. "Baby, you're so warm. I'm going to kiss you down here, is that ok?" She poked your tip again as she spoke, her voice sounded different, she sounded different.
  316. >You couldn't respond, you came so recently and having your member teased again was taxing.
  317. >You felt her lips on your penis, she kissed the head and trailed down to the base and back up again. She parted her lips halfway on the shaft and licked wherever her tongue could reach.
  318. >She brought her attention back to the head and kissed it several times. She parted her lips around the flared tip and accepted you into her mouth.
  319. AHhhhhhh, mom, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  320. >She was goaded by your moans and continued her assault, she began bobbing her head very lightly.
  321. >She removed you from her mouth with an exhale and resumed her work, this time taking you deeper into her throat.
  322. >Even though you couldn't believe it, this was even better than before, your tiny hips struggled to pump into your mother's waiting mouth.
  323. >Her throat was so large it could accommodate you and your thrusts without making her gag at all.
  324. >You could hear her moan as you were humping her mouth, her clit winking faster than before.
  325. Mom, it's happening again!
  326. >You felt the rush building inside you as you were approaching your limit.
  327. >She released your from her maw and started rubbing you with both hooves.
  328. >You sprayed your load into your mother's waiting mouth and across her face.
  329. >Fluttershy let out an audible gulp and panted, she brought her hoof to her neglected sex and pressed the side of her hoof into her winking button.
  330. >Several sharp moans escape your mother as she encircles her swollen nub. Her tail whips from side to side as she masturbates above you.
  331. >Her wings stiffen and her hind-legs tense around you.
  332. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Anonpony!!" She squeals out, several trickles of fluid leave her marehood and travel down her hind-leg, mixing with the shower's rampant stream. Her legs wobbled as her pussy convulsed in front of you.
  333. >Your mother's legs struggled to support her as she violently orgasms over you.
  334. >She falls onto her upperarms in an attempt to raise her flank higher, her head presses against the bottom of the tub.
  335. "I-I love you Anonpony, I love you so much..." Your mother panted out with her mane in a clump underneath her, the water still falling upon both of you.
  336. M-mom, I love you t-
  337. >You pass out under your mother's trembling flanks.
  339. >You awoke in the morning in your mom's bed, you felt small in the bed. Pressed right next to you was your mom. She was sleeping with a content look on her face.
  340. >It was rare when you woke before her, she always had to tend to the animals, but today it seemed she was tuckered out.
  341. >You decided to let her rest, kicking the oversized blankets into a pile onto your mom. She yawned in response.
  342. >All you could see of your mom was her head, the massive pile of blankets on her chest saw to that. The morning sun glowed against her mane, she looked like something out of a dream.
  343. >Was it a dream? Last night was, so intense.
  344. >You look down at your mother, she looked so happy.
  345. >Pulling the blankets into a more suitable fashion around your mother, you leave her to her slumber.
  346. >A thought pops into your head and you quickly check the drawer that started it all, sure enough, one of the covers was barely peeking out.
  347. >You open the drawer and examine the magazines again, it was real. You quickly scanned all the magazine until you found what you were searching for.
  348. >You really liked the one with her wearing a red sequin dress and decided that maybe you'd keep it.
  349. >It wasn't stealing right?
  350. >You look back to the mare that raised you from birth and recount last night. Your heartbeat quickened at the prospect of ever doing something like that again.
  351. >I thought having thoughts like that about mom would make me a pervert, she seemed ok with it. Are we both perverts? For some reason that notion didn't bother you as much.
  352. >Glancing at the sleeping mare you wonder what you could do to surprise her, you're practically beaming when you think of something.
  354. Alright so how do you make pancakes again? Just put batter in the skillet right? Oh no, I don't know about this.
  355. >Your cooking cutie mark was nowhere in site and for good reason, you really sucked.
  356. >You managed to make one decent pancake, you topped it with the strawberries Fluttershy got from the market yesterday, she actually got a lot of fruit.
  357. >Unsure of what goes with pancakes you got a small bowl and filled it with some other fruit she procured the day before.
  358. >A tall glass of orange juice and you should b-
  359. >Angel was staring at you tapping his food on the ground, you never liked Angel and he never liked you.
  360. >He pointed towards the fruit in the bowl and made squeaking noises at you. He wasn't getting mom's breakfast.
  361. >You buzz your wings and narrow your eyes at Angel, he's taken aback that you would even dare to challenge him. Pompous little jerk.
  362. >He crouches on all fours, his eyes were those of a killer.
  363. >You charged the bunny and he charged at you, your buzzing wings lifted you over his head and he watched as you flew effortlessly into Fluttershy's room.
  364. >He bolted for the door but you were too quick, shutting it just before he could make it in.
  365. >You emit a satisfied snort at beating the bunny and turn to your mom in bed, only to find the orange juice you had brought her spilled onto the pancakes and fruit.
  366. >You sink down to the floor, Angel had won.
  367. "Hmmm, oh, good morning~!" rousing from her sleep, Fluttershy rubbed one eye and sat up in bed.
  368. >For some odd reason you felt a little embarrassed, you just shared everything with your mom last night. Why were you getting butterflies?
  369. I tried to make you breakfast but...
  370. >You look down at the tray resting in your forearms, signaling her attention to the mess.
  371. "I'm sure it's perfect, let me try it." She beamed at you, "I've never had breakfast in bed before, you're so thoughtful."
  372. Well, I just thought that's what the colt's supposed to do.
  373. >Her ears perk up and her eyes open wide you could swear her irises shrunk somehow too. Then her features relax.
  374. "Are you my colt?" She winked her eye at you with her tongue out.
  375. >You blush profusely.
  376. >You walked over with the tray ready, you sat it down on the side of the bed.
  377. "Thank you, it looks delicious." She moved the tray so it was sitting in front of her, she looked down at the tray and gasped.
  378. "I-I bought these fruits for you, I know they're your favorite."
  379. I know that, you can have them.
  380. >You thought you were so cool, sacrificing your favorite meal for your mom, girlfriend? No, just mom right now.
  381. >She smiled warmly at you, and cut a small piece of orange juice soaked pancake and strawberry. She held the fork up in the air for a while, examining it.
  382. >You had barely noticed you were leaning over the bed in anticipation.
  383. Ahem.
  384. >You cleared your throat in your deepest voice and corrected yourself.
  385. "My little colt, such a gentlecolt he is." She beamed, then finally ate the portion of your morning efforts.
  386. >Her eyes were shut as she chewed and she let a low moan as she ate, placing both of her hooves on the sides of her face.
  387. "This is so good~!"
  388. >You pumped your hoof into the air at the compliment, Mission Feed Mom was a success.
  389. >She quietly munched on the rest of her breakfast, you climbed into bed with her and hugged her.
  390. "I love you." This phrase carried an all new meaning to you, you always knew you loved your mom, sometimes you would say you loved her without even thinking about the words but now you could tell why the phrase was so powerful.
  391. I love you too, mom.
  392. >She almost looked sad for a moment as she looked down at the tray.
  393. Are you alright?
  394. "I'm fine, it's just..." Tears started welling up in her eyes, "I'm a terrible mother!" She burst and practically slammed her head on the tray.
  395. Mom, what's gotten into you?
  396. "I-I don't deserve you as a son." She managed to whine out between her sobs, "I-I did things no mother ever should."
  397. >You were reminded of your suspicions from earlier, were we both perverts? It seems so.
  398. Mom, you asked if I was ok with it.
  399. >You tried to defend your mother from herself but she was adamant on making herself suffer.
  400. "I should have never put my darling little foal through something like that." She shook her head violently, she was distraught.
  401. >You didn't know what to do.
  402. P-please stop crying.
  403. >You felt droplets start to fall down your own face.
  404. >She looked up at you, the corners of her eyes had traces where the tears had fallen.
  405. >She cast her head down.
  406. "I'm sorry."
  407. >You hugged her tight.
  408. "Anonpony?"
  409. You're not a bad mother, you're the best mother.
  410. >You croaked out, your voice wavering.
  411. And I won't let anyone say otherwise, not even you!
  412. >You looked at her fiercely but it was all a facade, you were at the breaking point. Everything that had happened left your mind in a state it had never been.
  413. >You felt like everything around you was falling apart but at the same time it was like everything was in its right place.
  414. "Sweetie..."
  415. >She looked deep into your eyes and saw the scared foal that she brought into this world.
  416. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I shoul-"
  417. No!
  418. >She's taken aback by your assertiveness.
  419. I was the on- I was the one that snooped in your dresser, I was the one that had dirty thoughts. If anypony is bad it's me.
  420. "It's perfectly natural for a foal to be attracted to his mother." She deflected the blame, her face once again took a somber mantle, "It's not natural for a mother to act on those feelings."
  421. >She wiped the tears from your face.
  422. "I love you and I went too far." She seemed utterly defeated as these words punched your heart.
  423. >You kiss her on the lips. She is suspired at your advance and quickly backs her head away from yours.
  424. "Anonpony! What are you doing!"
  425. See, I kissed you. You're not the bad one.
  426. "It doesn't work like that."
  427. Why not?
  428. "I don't know, that's just not how it works."
  429. How does it work?
  430. >She looks at you confused.
  431. How does it work then? What's wrong with us loving each other? We're not hurting anypony.
  432. "You're too young to know that kind of love." She had an answer for everything, "That kind of love isn't acceptable between a mother and son."
  433. I don't care.
  434. >She raised her ears at this, she was shocked.
  435. I-I love you mom. Nothing's going to change that, so you better just get used to it.
  436. >You couldn't read her face, your words registered but there was no reaction.
  437. >After a short moment she looked down at you and gave a pitiful excuse for a smile.
  438. "I guess you're right." Her smile was forced not only for your sake but for her own, "There's no going back." She glanced out the window behind her bed.
  439. Mom...
  440. >She returned her focus to you.
  441. "Yes?"
  442. ...
  443. "..."
  444. >Silent words were communicated just by looking into one another's eyes. You saw her self-loathing and she saw yours but in both your eyes you found each other.
  445. I love you, mom. Whether it's right or wrong.
  446. "I love you, anonpony. Whether it's right or wrong."
  447. >You embraced her tightly, she slowly wrapped her wings around you and held you.
  448. >You two stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, when her wings relinquished their grasp on you, you almost panicked.
  449. "Shhh, it's ok. I'm not going anywhere." She let out a deep sigh, "It looks like you made up your mind on this." She teased, it seems she was coming back to her old self.
  450. Darn straight.
  451. >She gasped.
  452. "Anonpony!" She seemed appalled at your language.
  453. Yeah?
  454. >You peered at her with a toothy grin.
  455. >She maintained her stare until she finally cracked and started to giggle.
  456. "You know, you're the only one that stare doesn't work on?"
  457. Really? Cause it's totally lame.
  458. "I'll have you know your mom stared down a dragon once." She puffs out her chest.
  459. What Spike? He's a pushover.
  460. >You scoff at her.
  461. "No, a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!"
  462. >She brought her mouth down on your belly and blew a raspberry.
  463. >You tried to escape but you were laughing to hard.
  464. St-stop it haha!
  465. >She continued her attack on your belly with no regard to your surrender.
  466. "Do *phhhhh you *phhhhhh believe *phhhhhh me *phhhhhhh yet?" She managed to ask in the midst of her onslaught.
  467. Ne- haha never!
  468. "You better believe me!" She chased you around her room and cuddled you.
  469. Haha...
  470. >The mood had suddenly changed again, you turned and saw the same mare that approached you last night.
  471. >She met her lips with yours and before you knew it she was on top of you.
  472. "I love you, you're momma's little boy and nopony is going to take you away from me." She breathed as a strand of saliva bridged the gap between your mouths.
  473. >You kissed back with force, having no experience you kind of just mushed your face against hers.
  474. >You continued to kiss until you were both out of breath and something began poking your mom's flank.
  475. "Oh, what's this?" She rubbed her flank against your growing arousal.
  476. Mom...
  477. "What is it, baby?" The air was thick with titillation.
  478. I-I want to love you. Like a colt and a mare.
  479. >Your proposal startled her slightly.
  480. "You want to..." She looked at you with softer eyes before kissing you again, this time the kiss was more subdued and loving.
  481. "Ok." She reacquainted you so you were on top of her, her eyes were so full of love as they gazed up at you.
  482. >She guided you to her opening.
  483. "This is how colts and mares make love, anonpony. You put yourself in here." She guided you until your tip was pressed against her waiting entrance.
  484. "Be gentle, sweetie." She exhaled.
  485. >You gradually press forward, her folds parted to allow you access. Strands of excitement were clear as her lips opened. Her marehood was splayed out for you, the aroma that you encountered last night greets you again.
  486. >You rub yourself against her opening in an attempt to enter her, the moist flesh feels great but it's not right.
  487. >Your mother moans out under you.
  488. "Anonpony, hurry..." She grabs a pillow between her front-legs and clutches it tightly.
  489. >Your mother lifts her flank to better present herself to you.
  490. "Right here~" She breathes out.
  491. >Flesh parts ways as you ease inside, the warth of your mother bathes your member. She massages your member from inside herself, the pulsing muscles milking you.
  492. Ohhhhhh
  493. >You couldn't help but let a moan out, you hadn't even thrust in but you felt that familiar bubbling again.
  494. Mom, I think I'm going to...
  495. "It's ok, cum for mommy." She purred behind half-lidded eyes.
  496. No, I want to make you feel good too.
  497. >You were disappointed in yourself.
  498. "If you touch mommy down there till you calm down, we can both get what we want."
  499. >The act of removing yourself from your mother was almost too much but you manage not to ejaculate just yet.
  500. >You position yourself between her hind-legs and inspect her moist cavern. The folds of her marehood were slightly plump and puffy along the outside but they were very delicate closer to the center.
  501. "I can feel you breathing on me, it feels nice~" She exudes.
  502. >You lightly place your hoof against her warm sex, a moan escapes your mother as you slowly encircle her vagina.
  503. >She moved her hoof down to yours and guided you to a little red nub that you had noticed winking at you.
  504. "I really like it if you touch me here." You press on the small cluster of nerves and a squeak is what you get in response.
  505. >You press it again, this time moving your hoof in a small circle.
  506. "Mmmmm, oh... that feels so nice." She incites you to continue, you feel your member start to pulsate between your hind-legs.
  507. >You remove your hoof to find it very damp on the underside and the aroma that you had grown familiar with invades your senses.
  508. >It was much then powerful before and something beckoned you to taste your mother.
  509. >You lick your hoof, surprised at the taste, almost like a tart honey.
  510. >You move your mouth to your mother's maw and give it a slow deliberate lick.
  511. "Oooooh!!! Oh, please, lick me..." She begs for your continued attention.
  512. >You lick her warm slit and taste more of your mother's nectar, you notice the nub from before is winking at a quick rate in sync with your mother's breathing.
  513. >Her flanks were shaking and her sex was practically oozing fluids.
  514. >You trace your tongue along the slit where it meets her clitoris. You can hear your mother loudly exhale and bite the pillow she was clutching.
  515. >Her pussy was opening and closing on its own, trying to milk an imaginary penis.
  516. "Sweetie, I'm really ahhh, I'm really close~!" She bites the pillow again hoping to stifle any more loud moans.
  517. >Teasingly, you flick your tongue against her clitoris hoping for some more reactions.
  518. "*Mffffffffffahahhhhhhhhhhhhh" A torrent of fluids burst from your mother's plot and coat your tongue and most of your face.
  519. "Ahh, ahh, ooh..." Your mother can be heard recovering from her climax, "Oh, sweetie, I need you now. Pl-please..."
  520. >You stradle your mother again, pressing your diamond hard cock against her folds.
  521. "Don't tease mommy, that's not nice..." You slowly press forward with new found endurance, "Oh Celestia~!"
  522. >Immediately you're bombarded with so much stimulus, Fluttershy's organ was clasping, sucking, and massaging your member for all it was worth.
  523. >Moving your hips elicited more muffled moans from your mother, her eyes were clinched shut.
  524. Ahhh, oh mom...
  525. "I love you, anonpony! I love you!" She wrapped her wings around you as you continued to pump in and out of her.
  526. >Her lips found yours and hungrily assaulted your mouth.
  527. >Increasing your pumping you felt yourself going numb except for the part of you that was entwined with Fluttershy.
  528. >The rest of the world disappeared, it was just you and your mother.
  529. >The muscles around you were contracting much quicker than before, your mother moaned loudly with each thrust.
  530. "Ah, ah, ah, I'm gon-I'M CUMMING!!!" She shouts, you felt her pussy tighten and suck on your cock for all you were worth.
  531. >You continued pumping through your mom's orgasm, fighting against the suction just to make it out.
  532. >Her head fell to the bed and she brought her front-legs around your neck, her wings began flapping uncontrollably as you finally felt yourself getting close.
  533. Mom, I'm going to-
  534. "YES, PLEASE, GIVE IT TO ME!!" Your balls grew taught and an electrifying feeling emanated from your cock, you pumped slowly as you came again.
  535. >You sprayed the inside of your mom with your sperm, you felt yourself ejaculating for what felt like a century.
  536. >You finally collapsed and rode the final surges of ecstasy.
  537. "Oh my goodness, ha, that was amazing." She nuzzled you again, the feathers in her wings out of order from her thrashing them.
  538. Uhhhh
  539. >You barely manage a guttural moan as you experience your post-orgasm. Your eyes grew heavy and the world around you faded into a low hum.
  540. "Sweet dreams, my love."
  542. >You awake for the second time today in your mother's bed, you remember that just recently you were opting to spend an eternity with Sparrow rather then another moment with your mom.
  543. >Sparrow, it's like everything was perfect in your life until you remembered his name. You dreaded your return to summer flight camp but thankfully, that wasn't for a while.
  544. >Stumbling out of bed, you make your way to your room. You wanted to get some more time in on Castlemaria.
  545. >Pushing the door open to your room, you see your Joyboy where you left it along with the magazine you "borrowed" from mom.
  546. >You plop down on the ground and discover the switch was flicked to on and your Joyboy was unresponsive, it appears you left it on all night.
  547. >Oh well, at least you have the magazine to read. You look at the cover and see your mother staring back at you wearing the red sequin dress that made you pick this particular magazine.
  548. >The dress had one strap over her right shoulder and the bottom of the dress hugged her haunches snugly, there were holes for her wings on the back.
  549. >Her mane was styled in a very sultry manner with her bangs drooping over one of her eyes, her thick mane was curled for this photo.
  550. >The tight pink ringlets gave a border to her face, her expression wasn't the same as in the other magazines. It was almost inviting, her one eye looked directly at the camera unlike in her other photos.
  551. "Oh, you like that one?" Your mother managed to sneak up behind you as you were ogling her.
  552. >Fluttershy calmly sits next to you without taking her gaze off the article in your hooves.
  553. "You would never guess it by looking at me, but I used to be a very famous model." She gives you a warm smile.
  554. Yeah, how did that happen?
  555. >She brings a hoof to her chin.
  556. "Well, it was by accident believe it or not." She seems to reflect on the memory with both fondness and annoyance.
  557. "I didn't want to be a model, my friend Rarity wanted to design some dresses for this very famous pony, she said that I was the perfect model for her fashion catalog."
  558. >You listen intently as your mother delineates the events.
  559. "Oh, it was just awful. Everypony was always staring at me, I couldn't get a moment to myself." She shook her head and her mane swayed along with her movement.
  560. "Worst of all, I think I hurt Rarity. Rarity was the one that wanted to be in the limelight, not me." Even though the story seemed to be at it's low point, Fluttershy smiled as she continued.
  561. "We were both pretending to be happy, for each other's sake." She giggles softly, "It was a great big misunderstanding."
  562. So, what happened? How'd you stop being a model?
  563. "Well, with a little help from Princess Twilight I managed to get out." Her cheeks glow a very faint red, "It's kind of embarrassing how I got out of the business actually."
  564. >After telling you the beginning and end of her modeling career, Fluttershy glances back down at the magazine cover.
  565. "You know, Photo Finish left me some of those dresses." Your ears perked at this, "I think I might still have that one." She presses her hoof against the magazine cover.
  566. >Your heart skips a beat.
  567. R-really?
  568. "Oh, yes." She nods, then she gasps quickly, "Just what are you thinking about, mister?" She quickly cuddles you.
  569. N-nothing, I just think you look really pretty in this dress. That's all.
  570. >She gives you a knowing look.
  571. "Are you sure?" She raises and eyebrow at you, "Is that all you think about that dress? Is that why you went to the trouble of getting it from my dresser?"
  572. >You look down at the ground, caught red-hoofed.
  573. "Hehe, I guess that's alright." She winks at you as she releases you and gets up to leave.
  574. >She walks to the doorway then turns to face you.
  575. "All of the animals have been getting pretty jealous of you, I haven't spent much time with them today." She giggles, "I need to make sure they're all taken care of."
  576. >You nod at this and she leaves.
  577. >You sit there with the magazine of your mother being your only company in your room.
  578. >You decide that maybe you should help your mom with the animals, I mean, what else were you going to do?
  579. >With legs like the wind, you gallop towards the living room.
  581. "You were so much help today, even if some of the animals seemed upset at you, I'm sure they'll come around." She beamed as she laid on her couch, exhaustion taking you both.
  582. Yeah, if only Angel would come around.
  583. >You mutter.
  584. "oh, Angel just doesn't know how to express himself. He's really very sweet."
  585. >You cringe, you weren't sure how your mom could be this delusional. Angel was an abomination, even the other animals knew it.
  586. >A sigh escapes you as you plop down on the couch next to your mom.
  587. >You recall that your mother mentioned she's been bullied as well.
  588. Mom...
  589. >She watches you as you fidget, searching for the words.
  590. I was lying, when I said things were fine at flight camp.
  591. >She considers you, motherly concern adorned her features.
  592. I've been getting bullied for a long time now, by this colt named Sparrow.
  593. >Her face falls, her eyes downcast.
  594. "Oh, I just knew it." She exhaled dolefully, "A mother always knows."
  595. >She raises her head, eyes anew, she examines you again.
  596. "I can't understand why anyone would be so mean to my baby." She brings a hoof to your face, "Maybe I should give him a piece of my mind." She puffs her chest out at this.
  597. >For some reason your mom coming to your rescue didn't exactly bring you comfort.
  598. I don't know, I just wish he would leave me alone. You said you have a friend that helped with your bullies, what did she do?
  599. "Oh, um." She seems unsure, "I'm not sure if it's the best way to..."
  600. Well they stopped bothering her right?
  601. >You were willing to do just about anything to get Sparrow off your back.
  602. "Well, she performed a sonic rainboom."
  603. >Your jaw dropped.
  604. Wh-what? How am I supposed to do that?
  605. >You cross your front-legs across your chest, a pout forming on your face.
  606. >A pitying demeanor decorated your mother's face.
  607. >Your shoulders slouch.
  608. I just don't know what to do.
  609. >You admit solemnly.
  610. >your mother brings you into her chest, she pats your head with her hoof.
  611. "No one is going to bother you if I have anything to say about it." She nuzzles you.
  612. >The thought of your mom coming to your rescue embarrassed you, Sparrow's efforts to ruin your life would undoubtedly be doubled if she intervened.
  613. >You pushed away from your mother's embrace, she reluctantly let you go.
  614. "What's the matter?" She fretted.
  615. Nothing, I just, I don't think you would be able to help.
  616. >She looks alarmed.
  617. "What do you mean? I could talk to your instructor, I could talk to Sparrow's parents-"
  618. It would only make it worse.
  619. >You hung your head, you shouldn't have said that.
  620. "Sweetie, you don't know that." Her feelings were hurt, you heard her sniffle. "I love you anonpony, I could do anything if it was for you..."
  621. >That tugged at your heart strings but you didn't break your stare with the ground.
  622. Mom...
  623. >Fluttershy hopped from her position on the couch, she trotted over to you and lifted your chin. She gave you a quick peck on the forehead.
  624. "Believe in your mom, please?" She implored.
  625. >You returned your attention to the ground but quickly glanced back at your mother.
  626. Ok.
  627. >She smiled contentedly and embraced you again, she caressed your back as she held you.
  628. "Thank you." She whispered into your entwined form.
  629. >Unwrapping you, she noticed just how late it had become.
  630. "Oh, there is just never enough time in a day." She yawned, her yawn made you realize just how fatigued you were as well.
  631. >You brought a hoof to your eye and rubbed it, taking care to pay attention to the corners.
  632. "Do you want to sleep in my bed again?" She hoped.
  633. Yes.
  634. >She made a satisfied squeak and lifted you into her forearms, she flew in the direction of her room.
  635. >Once she reached her destination she carefully placed you onto her bed, only for Angel to screech out and kick you from under the blankets.
  636. "Angel?" The bunny perked his head angrily from the pool of blankets, he was upset his rest was disturbed. "Anonpony is going to be sleeping with me again tonight, Angel. You can sleep in your bed."
  637. >Angel's face was priceless, he couldn't believe you were taking his place AGAIN. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself at his misfortune.
  638. >He glared at you and motioned between his eyes and yours, a threat. He hopped off the bed and bounded out the room but not before slamming the door.
  639. Jeez, I can't stand him.
  640. "Oh, stop it the both of you." She chastised.
  641. What did I do? That was all him.
  642. "You laughed." She turned away from you, head upturned.
  643. Sorry, I guess.
  644. >She peeked at you with one eye, then smiled again, the warmth returning to her face.
  645. "I can't stay mad at you." She cuddled you, bringing you with her under the blankets.
  646. >She spooned with you, her front-leg draped across you.
  647. "Comfy?" She cooed into your ear.
  648. Yeah.
  649. >Her breath lightly washed against your ears, causing you to flick them involuntarily.
  650. "I love you, so much." She pulled you closer, you were pressed right against her now.
  651. I know.
  652. "Do you know why I say I love you so much?" She didn't wait for your response, "It's not because I say it out of habit, I say it because you're the best thing that ever happened to me."
  653. Oh.
  654. >You felt like you should say more but you didn't.
  655. >She giggled lightly at your abrupt response.
  656. "Goodnight, sweetheart." She kissed the back of your head.
  658. >You felt anxious, this was the day you were going back to summer flight camp. You were going to have to see Sparrow again and you've been fretting over your mom's plan.
  659. "Don't worry, after today, Sparrow won't be bothering you." She gave you a confident grin, well, confident for Fluttershy, "I'll be watching the whole time." She winked at you.
  660. >Today was the big meet, you watched the clouds form before you as you grew closer.
  661. >You hated the meets more than the practices, the meets were when all the parents of your camp-mates watched as other camps came together and competed in several events.
  662. >You were always only given one event and as luck would have it, your event partner was none other than Sparrow.
  663. >The 4x100 obstacle relay was your event, you were starting and Sparrow was the one you handed the baton too. You quickly considered every possible negative outcome of today.
  664. >Your mother notices your duress and wraps her wing around you.
  665. "You'll do just fine, I just know it." She tried to reassure you, "I'll be watching out for you."
  666. Thanks mom, I just don't know how this is going to turn out is all. I'm kind of scared, what if Sparrow doesn't stop bullying me?
  667. >A hitch in the pegasi drawn carriage pushed you and your mother closer, a little too close for a mother and son to be.
  668. >Fluttershy blushed and blinked at your proximity, clearly not prepared to make your relationship public, she pushed you away slightly.
  669. "W-well, that's not going to happen." She nervously mutters, then regains her poised attitude, "I won't let you down!"
  670. >The carriage pulled up to the cloud the meet was taking place on and you and your mother hopped off.
  671. >Other kids and their parents were arriving at the same time as you, you quickly scanned the crowd until you spotted Sparrow and his mother Lightning Dust.
  672. "Oh, my." Fluttershy seemed nervous upon seeing Lightning Dust, "I know her, she went to the Wonderbolt Academy with Rainbow Dash."
  673. >That didn't surprise you at all, the way Sparrow competed of course he would have a parent like her.
  674. "From what I can remember, she wasn't a very nice pony." She hides behind you, who was protecting who here?
  675. Mom, I thought you said you could handle this.
  676. >She gives you a hesitant glance, still hunched over hiding behind you. She lets out a deep breath and stands up straight.
  677. "You're right, I'll be strong, for you." You both made your way to the field. You parted ways when the instructors called for the participants to meet.
  678. >Your mom gave you a wave and went into the bleachers with the rest of the parents. You noticed that she sat anxiously by Lightning Dust who paid her no mind at all.
  679. >The first event was a sprint, just a straight line with whoever reaching the end first being the victor.
  680. >Sparrow trotted on the field along with several other fillies and colts. They all readied themselves and waited for the instructor's mark.
  681. >Sparrow flicked his wings in anticipation, when the mark was called Sparrow blasted forth and won almost instantly. You could hear Lightning Dust shouting in the bleachers, it didn't sound like cheering.
  682. >Several events followed this routine, Sparrow wins, Lightning Dust yells and you start to feel a little more sick to your stomach.
  683. >After an agonizing wait, it's your turn to compete.
  684. >You walked onto the field only to be stopped by Sparrow.
  685. "Hey, I know they made you my partner for this but that doesn't mean anything." He sneered at you, "I'm going to win this and if you do anything to mess it up, consider your life officially over."
  686. >He flapped his wings powerfully and steered towards his position in the relay.
  687. >The distance between you and Sparrow was littered with rings and cloud columns
  688. This wasn't going to be easy.
  689. >You surmised. You looked up at the bleachers in an attempt to find your mom, you saw her and she saw you. She gave you her best encouraging nod.
  690. >You sighed, how was this even going to work? Was she going to come on the field and stop the whole event the minute Sparrow does something?
  691. >You shook the thoughts out of your head and focused on the task at hand.
  692. >You made your way to the beginning of the event and waited for the instructor.
  693. >Your heart was beating quickly and you could feel the pulsing of that muscle clear up to your head, an engine pumping and thumping in time.
  694. >You lifted your wings and prepared for the worst.
  695. >The mark was called and you flew with all the power you could muster, expertly dodging and weaving between rings and columns.
  696. >There was only one other colt in front of you, the rest of the competitors fell at the wayside. You swore you could hear something that sounded like your mother cheering but it was way too loud to be her.
  697. >You spotted Sparrow waiting for you a short distance away and you powered through the final section, Sparrow quickly started trotting, he held his hoof back to you without even looking at you.
  698. >You landed on the cloud and ran after him, meeting him halfway and you hoofed him the baton.
  699. >Once the baton was in his clutches, Sparrow burst forward, the resulting wave he left behind sent you skidding against the cloud floor.
  700. >When your hearing returned to you all you could make out was Lightning Dust's shouting.
  701. >You didn't even pay attention to the relay, you looked up at the bleachers again to find your mom with her hoof clutched over her mouth.
  702. >You gave her a reassuring smile and you saw that she calmed down in response. Meanwhile, Lightning Dust was still screaming her head off in the seat next to her.
  704. >The meet was coming to a close, your instructor praised you for your part in the relay, he said you've improved greatly since your first day.
  705. >Your mom found you in the crowd, it was clear she was uncomfortable around so many other ponies.
  706. "Oh, sweetie, you did so great!" She scooped you up and hugged you tightly, you pushed away, embarrassed.
  707. Jeez mom, quit it.
  708. >Her ears flattened down and she gave you a small nervous smile.
  709. "You're a much better flyer than I ever was." She gushed, "I'm so proud of you!"
  710. LD: "What was that? Are you trying to make us look bad? You should have creamed the rest of those kids!" You heard Lightning Dust admonish.
  711. Sp: "I did cream them, I won every event didn't I?" Sparrow retaliated.
  712. LD: "If it was me out there those other kids would still be spinning, you're going to need to work a lot harder if you think that's going to cut it!"
  713. >You and Fluttershy looked at each other, your mom seemed off put. She took a deep breath and began walking over to the arguing family.
  714. "Um, excuse me." You slapped your hoof to your forehead, this was her plan? You trotted over to help however you can.
  715. >Lightning Dust whipped her head towards your mother and narrowed her eyes into slits.
  716. LD: "What? Can't you see I'm busy talking to my son?" Sparrow didn't even look at you, there was something different about him.
  717. "I do see that, I just wanted to congratulate your son." Well that was a surprise, Sparrow eyes lifted up from the cloud floor.
  718. "He's an excellent flyer, you must be so proud of him." What is she doing?
  719. LD: "Proud? This little runt has brought me nothing but grief." Sparrow returned his attention to the ground.
  720. LD: "Do I know you from somewhere?" Lightning Dust squinted at your mom, trying to place her.
  721. "Oh, I was at the Wonderbolt Academy." Lightning Dust's face twitched, "I'm one of Rainbow Dash's friends, I was in the hot air balloon?"
  722. LD: "I remember now." Sparrow looked up at his mom for the first time, "You were that pegasus that wouldn't even save yourself."
  723. "I'm a really weak flyer, always have been." Lightning Dust's comments seemed to have no effect, "This here's my son, Anonpony. He was in the relay with your son."
  724. >Lightning Dust examines you, she looks unimpressed.
  725. LD: "I saw him, he was behind that colt from Manehatten in the relay." She spits, it seems that whatever happened at the Wonderbolt Academy made her bitter.
  726. "I know! I'm so proud of him!" Sparrow looks at Fluttershy completely surprised. Lightning Dust was at a loss as well.
  727. "He's been working so hard, he's a much better flyer than I was at his age." Fluttershy beams, "He tells me that Sparrow here is the best flyer at his flight camp."
  728. >Sparrow looks at you somewhat shocked, he quickly turns his head away when you look back at him.
  729. >Lightning Dust scoffs.
  730. LD: "He's far from the best, this little runt's got a long way to go before he can compare to me." She puffs her chest out at this.
  731. "I just hope that our sons can be good friends, I'm sure they would get along wonderfully." Sparrow can't take his eyes off your mom.
  732. >Lightning Dust looks to you again, her face seems to lighten just slightly.
  733. LD: "Maybe." She examines your wings, "He does have a little potential, he was the closest to Sparrow." For the first time Sparrow looked at you.
  734. Sp: "Anonpony is pretty good, I could show him the ropes I guess." He turns his head away as everyone listens to him.
  735. "Oh, that's just great. I knew they would get along." You were speechless, not only did Sparrow say something halfway decent to you, Lightning Dust also became a little more palatable.
  736. >You decide you should speak up as well following your mom's example.
  737. I can't wait for next practice Sparrow, I'm going to have to work hard if I want to compete in more events next time.
  738. >You could swear the hints of a smile started to develop on his face.
  739. Sp: "It would be nice to have a partner." Was this really happening right now? Sparrow basically just asked you to be his partner.
  740. "So it's settled, it was nice talking to you Lightning Dust." She kneels down to Sparrow's height, "You too, Sparrow."
  741. >Sparrow blushed profusely. Lightning Dust tapped her hoof to her chin.
  742. LD: "What did you say your name was again?"
  743. "Fluttershy."
  744. LD: "It was nice to see you too, Fluttershy." Lightning Dust looked down at Sparrow, "What do you say runt? You want to race home?"
  745. Sp: "You know it!" Sparrow hopped excitedly, the mood made a complete 180.
  746. >You waved to Sparrow as he flew home. Your mom really came through.
  747. Wow, how did you do that?
  748. >she giggles softly.
  749. "Sometimes, we all just need to be shown a little kindness."
  751. >Somehow you found yourself becoming friends with Sparrow, over the past few months the two of you had bonded more than you would have imagined.
  752. >He opened up to you about his mom's expectations of him, he felt like he couldn't screw up and he talked a lot about how he was pressured into being the best.
  753. >He confided in you, eventually the two of you started hanging out together after practice. You would meet up at Sugarcube Corner whenever you had the chance.
  754. >Sparrow was always training, his mom made sure of that but whenever he had time the two of you would hangout.
  755. >The two of you spent the day flying over Ponyville, it was getting dark.
  756. Sp: "So I asked my mom if it was ok to spend the night, she said that if I practiced for twice as long tomorrow I could." He looked excited.
  757. That's awesome, I'm sure it would be ok with my mom. I could show you my Joyboy!
  758. >He looked surprised.
  759. Sp: "A Joyboy? Have you played Poke'mare?" You felt a battle brewin'.
  760. I'm the best a Poke'mare.
  761. >You posed as you bragged, Sparrow seemed unimpressed.
  762. Sp: "Ha, yeah right. You're all talk." He laughed, "So can I spend the night? I just need to get some things from home real quick."
  763. >This would be the first time you've had a friend over at your house, you barely contained your excitement.
  764. I'm sure my mom will say yes, hurry and get your stuff and meet me back here.
  765. >Sparrow hoof bumped you and flew off in the direction of his home, he always surprised you with how fast he was.
  766. >He returned shortly after with a saddlepack full of stuff.
  767. Alright, let's go there now.
  768. >You both soared towards your home, of course Sparrow turned it into a race, even though he didn't know where he was going.
  769. >He flew around wildly darting from place to place, he would wait for you to lead the way then dash towards where he thought was the right direction.
  770. >You beat him just because he got exhausted after flying around so much.
  771. Mom I'm home, I brought Sparrow with me!
  772. >You hollered as you opened the door, your mom stepped out of the kitchen on her hind-legs, she was wearing an apron and had a bowl in one hoof and was drying it with a rag.
  773. "Oh, hello Sparrow. I'm so glad to see you two are such good friends now." Sparrow blushed and looked at the ground, "I'm making cake, you're welcome to have some when it's finished Sparrow."
  774. >She turned and walked back into the kitchen as she spoke.
  775. Sp: "Th-thank you Ms. Fluttershy." Sparrow choked out.
  776. >You bolted into the kitchen after your mother, Sparrow slowly followed after you.
  777. Can Sparrow spend the night? I was going to show him my Joyboy.
  778. "That sounds wonderful, of course he can spend the night, I have plenty of beds for the critters. I'm sure I could find one that hasn't been used for you." She beamed down happily.
  779. >Sparrow looked up and nodded his head mechanically.
  780. Sp: "Th-thank you Ms. Fluttershy." Was he alright?
  781. "You can call me Fluttershy." She tilted her head and smiled brightly.
  782. >Sparrow just nodded at this and returned to looking at the ground sheepishly.
  783. Alright, let's go to my room, Sparrow!
  784. Sp: "Y-yeah!" You quickly headed towards your room, Sparrow followed after.
  785. >Once inside your room, Sparrow calmed down.
  786. What's the matter with you? You go the hots for my mom?
  787. >That was, until you asked him that.
  788. Sp: "Wh-what? No way!" He shook his head back and forth in denial.
  789. Oh come on, Ms. Fluttershy? I never call your mom Ms. Dust!
  790. >You playfully nudged Sparrow.
  791. Sp: "Ok! You caught me." He blurted out in embarrassment, "I do like your mom, she's really... nice."
  792. Haha, I knew it!
  793. >Sparrow was getting flustered at your jeering.
  794. Sp: "Alright, alright. Get off my back! Let's play, alright?" He opened his saddlepack using his mouth, he pulled out a Joyboy with a clear purple casing and a link cable. "You're going down!"
  796. >Intense battles were had, you played for what felt like an eternity. You finally had a rival, when you picked one Poke'mare he picked it's counter.
  797. >Although there were no weapons, a war was being waged in your room. You would defeat him and he would come back the next match and sweep you.
  798. >You were all tied up, you decided that you should probably get his bed situation figured out. You also needed a minute to come up with a strategy, two birds with one stone.
  799. >You both were getting hungry too, you volunteered to get snacks.
  800. >You made your way to the kitchen where you found your mom was sitting at the table.
  801. >She looked up at you as you entered the kitchen.
  802. "Have you boys been having fun?" She asked, she had been the one suggesting that you two become friends.
  803. Yeah, we've been playing Poke'mare! He's pretty good, we're tied right now."
  804. "I'm so happy that you two are getting along, I can just tell that Sparrow is a sweet boy." You imagined his reaction if he had heard that.
  805. Is there a spare bed for him? I want to put it in my room.
  806. >She pondered the question for a minute.
  807. "I think that there might be one his size, check downstairs. I don't want you moving it by yourself though." She warned.
  808. Alright.
  809. >You fly downstairs in search for the bed. You enter the basement and found it was almost pitch black, you never liked going down here.
  810. >You scan along the labeled boxes until you stumble upon a couple of sleeping bags. You thought that those would be perfect for a sleep over, perhaps you two could make up some ghost stories.
  811. >You heft two sleeping bags back onto your shoulders, they wobbled precariously as you ventured upstairs.
  812. "Oh, sleeping bags! Great idea, that saves us the trouble of moving a bed." She trotted over to you, she lifted one of the bags off your shoulders with her mouth and helped carry it to your room.
  813. >You pushed the door open to find Sparrow sitting where you had left him, his face grew red upon seeing your mother behind you in the doorway.
  814. "Anonpony found some sleeping bags, you boys will be camping indoors tonight!" Fluttershy's enthusiasm was all but lost on Sparrow.
  815. Sp: "O-oh." Smooth.
  816. >You worked with your mother clearing space on your floor to lay your sleeping bag, as you laid yours down you looked over to Sparrow.
  817. >Sparrow was busy ogling your mother's rear as she was moving piles of clothes to your hamper.
  818. >You were starting to get annoyed. After all, your mom was spoken for.
  819. "Phew, you really need to clean up your room from time to time sweetie." She wriggled her bottom as she worked.
  820. >Sparrow took his eyes off her derriere and feigned innocence when met with your cold glare.
  821. "All done, don't stay up too late. I'll be in the kitchen if you boys need anything." She turned and left the two of you alone.
  822. >You closed the door behind her.
  823. Stop staring at my mom's butt.
  824. Sp: "I-I wasn't staring, it just happened to be where I was looking is all." Caught red-hoofed.
  825. Whatever, let's finish this.
  826. >You sat down and resumed your session.
  828. >The sun had set a little while ago, the two of you were quickly losing steam.
  829. >You rubbed your eye and yawned and cause Sparrow to do the same.
  830. I'm getting tired, you about ready for bed?
  831. Sp: "I'm way ahead of you." Sparrow was already climbing into his sleeping bag, "Thanks for letting me stay the night, what do you want to do in the morning?"
  832. >You were way too tired to think of activities right now.
  833. I'm sure we'll come up with something in the morning.
  834. >You followed Sparrow's lead and climbed into your own sleeping bag. You rolled over with your back facing Sparrow.
  835. Night
  836. Sp: "Good night."
  837. >The two of you laid down and awaited for sleep.
  839. >You awoke in the middle of the night, you sat up straight making the covers of the sleeping bag pool into your lap.
  840. >The glow of the moon illuminated the room, Sparrow was upturned, sleeping underneath his sleeping bag.
  841. >You took care to exit your room quietly so as not to disturb Sparrow, you were hankering for something to drink.
  842. >You bumbled into your kitchen, your body was still heavy with sleep. You opened your fridge and took a swig of milk straight from the gallon.
  843. >Mom hated that.
  844. >Fully satiated, you screwed the cap back on and returned the milk.
  845. >Suddenly you had to pee, wandering around the dark cottage you managed to find the bathroom purely because of familiarity.
  846. >All body maintenance complete.
  847. >You walked out of the bathroom and bumped into your mother.
  848. "Oh, sorry." She apologized, "I thought I heard someone out here."
  849. Yeah, just me.
  850. >You yawned.
  851. >Fluttershy brought her hind-legs together and rubbed them against each other.
  852. "I-I've been getting pretty lonely." She peeked at you from behind her mane, "You haven't been paying much attention to me lately..."
  853. >Your heart skipped a beat, you always waited for your mom to initiate these kinds of things. You were just so inexperienced you didn't want to upset her with bad timing or something.
  854. O-oh, I-I'm sorry.
  855. >You rubbed your forearm.
  856. "That's alright, I know you've been busy with Sparrow. I'm happy you've made a friend." It was her turn to rub her forearm, "Just don't forget about me, ok?"
  857. >She always knew how to tug at your heartstrings.
  858. I would never forget about you mom, I love you.
  859. >A content smile spread across her face, she brought her face close to yours.
  860. "You promise~" She gave you a light peck.
  861. You know I do.
  862. "That makes me happy." She sighed, she lifted your chin and kissed you deeply.
  863. >Your heart was beating faster, Sparrow was in your home. What if he found you and your mom doing something like this?
  864. >The thought scared you but also slightly excited you.
  865. >After a short while your mother broke the kiss with a coquettish exhale, it made your hair stand on end.
  866. "Oh, this is bad." She seemed anxious, "I'm getting so..."
  867. >You noticed her flank was quivering, your mom wanted you.
  868. M-mom...
  869. "Will you take care of me tonight?" She breathed amorously, "Y-you can go right back to your room when we're done, I just need you tonight..."
  870. >She was almost begging you, you felt a familiar stirring that only your mother knew how to incite.
  871. "Come on, sweetie." She lifted you unto her back, your sleeping member started to rouse at the situation, "Oh, I feel you already."
  872. >This felt so different from anytime before, the fear of getting caught was fanning your desires like an open flame.
  873. Wh-what about Sparrow?
  874. >You whisper, your heartbeat reverberated through your form.
  875. "He's fast asleep, we'll be really quiet." She turned to you, "Oh, I feel so naughty..."
  876. >She opened her door, her sheets looked as if she had been rolling around non-stop. She really was feeling lonely.
  877. >You hopped off her back and made your way to her bed.
  878. >You sat atop her bed and watched your mother slink over to you. You caught a glimpse of her marehood, it was sopping wet. Little beads of excitement ran down her inner thighs.
  879. "I've been waiting for so long." Her voice was little over a whisper, "Oh, my sweet little boy."
  880. >She moved her form over yours, both her front-legs on either side of you. She softly brought her lips to yours and kissed you sensually.
  881. >You had noticed your mom was shaking, she laid her chest against yours, your erection poked into her abdomen.
  882. "Your heart is beating so fast." She murmured, rubbing a hoof lightly across your chest. She intimately kissed you, opening her mouth and allowing your tongue to enter.
  883. >You were both reserved in this act but the slight contact of each other's organ exhilarated you to no end.
  884. >You reluctantly broke the kiss with a quiet smack when you felt your lungs cry out for oxygen.
  885. "Sweetie, I can't take it anymore." Her hushed tone was desperate, she climbed off of you and laid down on her front and hind-legs.
  886. >She swished her tail from side to side giving you fleeting glances at her bare sex.
  887. "Take me... like this..." She looked back at you with the most sincere eyes.
  888. >Your heartbeat pounded against your ear drums, you started to move over her when you caught a glimpse of movement outside your mom's cracked door.
  889. >You were paralyzed by panic as you stared out into the hallway. Sparrow was standing there with eyes the size of saucers, a blush encompassed his entire face.
  890. Sp-Sparrow!!
  891. >Your worst fears had come true, Sparrow had apparently awoke in the middle of the night as well and he stumbled upon your intimate moment.
  892. >Fluttershy's ears shot up and her eyes opened wide.
  893. "O-o-o-oh no! Sp-Sparrow!" Her shrill voice was laced with terror, "Don't look at me!"
  894. >Fluttershy quickly covered herself with her blankets, her eyes were filled to the brim with tears.
  895. >Sparrow's mouth open and closed several times, no sound escaped him.
  896. "Sp-Sparrow, please, don't tell anypony. I-I don't want to lose Anonpony..."
  897. >Sparrow seemed more terrified than your mom.
  898. Sp: "M-Ms. Fl-Fluttershy! Anonpony!" You watched the disaster unfold before your eyes, Sparrow looked to you then your mother multiple times.
  899. >Your mother had completely encased herself in blankets, hoping to escape the situation.
  900. Sparrow, I can't believe you saw this.
  901. >It was over, Sparrow was probably going to tell Celestia's Guards, you were likely going to be put in a foster home. You were never going to see your mother again.
  902. >You felt warm liquid develop in the corners of your eyes.
  903. Sp: "I-I-I!" He was completely floored, he looked quite frightful, as if he was the one who had been caught.
  904. >You hung your head.
  905. A-are you going to tell anypony?
  906. >You questioned, submitting to your fate.
  907. >Fluttershy peeked an eye out from her blankets, she looked at Sparrow with sorrow.
  908. >Sparrow just stood there, the situation threatened to be too much for the young colt.
  909. Sp: "Wh-what were you two do-doing?" He finally managed to speak.
  910. You saw what we were doing, answer the question!
  911. >Fear overrode you, it dictated your actions.
  912. >Sparrow flinched at you.
  913. Sp: "I-I don't know! I'm sorry!" What happened next surprised you, Sparrow seemed to be on the verge of tears as well.
  914. >When you calmed down, you noticed that Sparrow looked so small, he was cowering.
  915. >Fluttershy noticed this as well and popped her head from her hiding place.
  916. "Sparrow?" He looked to your mother but quickly avoided eye-contact when it was established.
  917. "Sparrow? Please, speak to me." Your mom wasn't crying anymore, her motherly disposition was restored.
  918. >Sparrow looked at your mother, a flurry of emotions swept of his features never seaming to stay on just one.
  919. Sp: "Wh-what?" His voice caught in his throat, he was scared.
  920. >Your mother looked at him, completely abandoning her blanket defenses.
  921. "Wh-what you just saw, between Anonpony and I..." She struggled, "I-It's something that... a mother and son shouldn't do."
  922. >Sparrow wiped his eyes, he was still cowering in the hallway, afraid to move from his spot.
  923. "I'm responsible, I-"
  924. Please don't tell anyone Sparrow...
  925. >You interrupted her, you had never been so desperate.
  926. >Sparrow looked at you both and back towards the ground.
  927. Sp: "I-I won't tell anypony." Both you and your mother's eyes lit up, "D-do you love each other?" He asked sincerely, fear started to dissipate from the environment.
  928. >Fluttershy looked at you and you looked at her, you turned your head towards your friend.
  929. Yes.
  930. >Sparrow looked dejected again, was he sad that you had this relationship with your mom? Was he, jealous?
  931. "Sparrow? What's the matter?" Fluttershy asked.
  932. Sp: "Y-you're just so nice, a-and pretty, and you're so..." He shook his head, "It isn't fair, why does Anonpony get you?"
  933. >What? You knew he had a crush on your mom but...
  934. "Sparrow..." Your mother flew over to the now sobbing colt.
  935. Sp: "Y-you two looked so happy, I want to be happy too..." He rubbed his eyes, you had never seen Sparrow like this before.
  936. >He was distraught, Sparrow had always told you about troubles with his mom, how she would yell at him. Whenever you talked about Fluttershy he would always listen intently.
  937. *You're so lucky to have a mom like her.* Now you watched as that same colt cryed his eyes out while your mother comforted him.
  938. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea you felt this way." Your mother looked over at you, she needed your help.
  939. >You hopped down from the bed and came to Sparrow's side as well.
  940. Sp: "I just wish somepony loved me like the way you love Anonpony." Fluttershy gasped at this.
  941. "That's..." Fluttershy was beside herself, she didn't know what to do in this situation.
  942. >Sparrow was your best friend, you two did everything together. You thought about what he said, he wanted to be loved too?
  943. Mom? Can I talk to you?
  944. "What is it?" She rubbed Sparrow's back as he quietly sobbed.
  945. Come here a moment.
  946. >She looked down at Sparrow, she retracted her hoof from him and walked over to you.
  947. Sparrow's feeling lonely just like you were mom.
  948. >You whispered into her ear.
  949. "Oh, I know. Poor little thing, I wish there was something I could do." You gulped nervously at this.
  950. Maybe there is.
  951. >She had a pensive look on her face until what you said struck her.
  952. "A-Anonpony!" Sparrow looked up at the sudden outburst, still looking miserable.
  953. Mom, he always talks about you. I think he loves you too.
  954. >Fluttershy's face grew red.
  955. "Do you know what you're suggesting?" She looks over at the sniffling colt, "I-I don't know..."
  956. Remember when you said sometimes ponies just need a little kindness?
  957. >She looks down at the ground, her face was growing more and more red.
  958. You've met Lightning Dust, Sparrow doesn't get any kindness.
  959. >She bit her lip and glanced back at Sparrow, was the idea exciting her?
  960. "..." She remained quiet for some time.
  961. "I-I love you, sweetie. I would do anything for you but this is too much." She was conflicted, yet you could tell she was at least thinking about it.
  962. I love you too, mom. Sparrow doesn't have anyone, imagine if I was in his place.
  963. >Her face was redder than you had ever seen it, she was breathing faster as well.
  964. "Anonpony..." She contemplated, "I-I don't know what I would do if you were in his place, I couldn't stand to see you that upset."
  965. >She gulped again.
  966. "He needs someone to love him doesn't he..." She was quivering slightly, her arousal from earlier was likely influencing her decision making.
  967. >You nodded at her, her breath hitched. She turned once again to face the young colt, she wobbled over on legs of jelly.
  968. "Sp-Sparrow, h-honey?" She barely whispered, the colt looked up, his eyes were finally dry.
  969. Sp: "Yeah? What is it?" Fluttershy tried to compose herself.
  970. "W-would you like it i-if I lo-loved you?" Her voice caught on every other word, you noticed her tail was flicking a lot more than usual.
  971. >Sparrow's body stiffened, his wings shot out at full attention.
  972. "I-it would only be for tonight, to help you stop feeling so lonely..." Sparrow was awestruck.
  973. Sp: "Ms. Fluttershy?" He looked up at the adult pony, he was completely bewildered but he managed to make a sound of approval.
  974. >Fluttershy let out a sultry exhale, she sat right in front of Sparrow.
  975. "Ok, I'm going to start by kissing you. If you ever feel like it's too much, just let me know." She instructed coquettishly.
  976. >Sparrow nodded quickly and your mother kissed him on the lips.
  977. >Sparrow kept his eyes open as your mother very carefully lead him.
  978. >You couldn't believe this was happening, Sparrow and your mom were kissing right in front of you. You noticed Sparrow's admittedly small penis extend out from within his sheathe.
  979. >Fluttershy pulled back, she opened her eyes and saw his excitement saluting her.
  980. "Oh, my." Your mother's tail was flicking back and forth, yearning for an itch to be scratched.
  981. Sp: "Ms. Fluttershy, I lo-" She pressed her hoof against his lips.
  982. "Remember, this is a one time thing." Sparrow nodded, her hoof still silencing him.
  983. "You must be aching down here, let me take a look." She lowered herself to the ground, her hind-legs were splayed out to her side, her rump was completely exposed to you.
  984. >She hovered her head right above his exposed penis, he moaned lightly as her breath washed over the head.
  985. "Does it hurt?" Her vagina was winking rapidly, she was the one aching.
  986. Sp: "Ju-just a little." He sheepishly murmured.
  987. "I'll kiss it, maybe that will make it feel better?" She parted her lips and smooched the head of his penis.
  988. Sp: "Ha, ahhh." Sparrow whimpered in pleasure.
  989. >Your own penis was returning with gusto at the display before you.
  990. "How did that feel?" She looked up at him, her face still inches away from his throbbing cock.
  991. >Sparrow muttered something unintelligible in response. You felt your desire growing, you wanted to feel your mother's love as well.
  992. Mom, mine hurts too.
  993. >She looked back at you, lust threatening to overtake her.
  994. "O-oh, well umm, you can love mommy while I take care of Sparrow, sweetie." A small pool of her fluids collected directly under her slit.
  995. >You stepped forward, your erection longing for release. You placed your front-legs on either side of your mom, your penis was pressing against her entrance.
  996. "Ahhh, oh wow, boys..." Fluttershy returned her attention to Sparrow.
  997. "I'm going to take good care of you." She began licking Sparrow, eliciting several loud moans from the young flyer.
  998. >Seeing your friend and your mom doing something so naughty brought you new found excitement, you felt your member twitching violently in your hoof.
  999. >You slowly pressed into your mother. The lips of her pussy parted eagerly as your encroaching member invaded her.
  1000. "AHHHHHH, ohhhhhh, Anonpony, haaaa, it's been so long~" She could hardly contain her lustful throes. This was a new experience, your mother's walls were squeezing you so tightly it made your head spin.
  1001. Sp: "M-Ms. Fluttershy, you're so beautiful." Your mom was in ecstasy at the attention she was receiving.
  1002. >She sucked on the side of his penis hungrily as you thrust into her, each thrust produced a muffled moan. You tried to thrust the entire length, but the suction was so intense you couldn't pull out more than halfway.
  1003. >There was a surplus of lubrication, your mother panted lewdly as you pounded into her, each meeting of flesh creating a clap.
  1004. "Mmmmmm, ahhhh, Sparrow, I need, hah..." She looked at his small cock longingly, she lowered her head and wrapped her lips around him.
  1005. Sp: "Haaa, Ahhhhh." Sparrow's face contorted as he entered nirvana.
  1006. >You watched as your mom bobbed her head on Sparrow's member, the sight fueled your arousal even further.
  1007. >You used your wings to give you leverage. You thrust in sync with your flapping causing your mother to cry out again. You felt your mother's walls constrict around your cock.
  1008. "Oh Celestia, I-I can't..." She released Sparrow with a small pop and held his member in her hooves, your thrusting proving too much for her to concentrate.
  1009. >She threw her head back as you continued your pumping, she began stroking Sparrow quickly in her hooves.
  1010. "I'm, ahh, I'm so close~" She shut her eyes tight as the stimulus flooded her, Sparrow started grunting much louder than before.
  1011. Sp: "Ms. Fluttershy, something's..." He whimpered, she turned her head towards his cock and began circling her tongue around his head as she jerked him.
  1012. "Yes, please, yes!" She squealed out as you speared into her, the stimulation was overwhelming for you both. Her hoof was a blur as her urgent desire increased.
  1013. Sp: "Ms. Flutter-ahhhhh!" Upon hearing this Fluttershy quickly brought her face down, opening her mouth, Sparrow coated your mother's tongue and splattered against her face, his hard length pulsed and swelled and his powerful ejaculation sent her over the edge.
  1014. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her walls clamped down and coaxed you into releasing your cum, each pump exponentially increased your pleasure as you reached the brink.
  1015. MOM!
  1016. >You heaved one final slam and you coated the inside of your mother with your semen, several spurts of cum gushed into your mother's wanting hole.
  1017. >Your mom's head was flung back, her mouth agape as she screamed in complete elation. Her hind-legs spasm as you filled her to the brim.
  1018. >After the powerful orgasm wracked her body, she spent several moments panting, trying to recover. She tried to lift herself with her hind-legs but found she couldn't.
  1019. >She returned her attention to Sparrow's penis only for him to soften as her tongue gently lapped at the last remaining traces of his seed.
  1020. >Sparrow collapsed as his first orgasm left him completely spent.
  1021. >Your wings were sore already from all the exertion, you slumped against your mother's rump and passed out.

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

by Sodapop

Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

by Sodapop


by Sodapop

(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

by Sodapop