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Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the last part

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 21:47:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >So it has finally come to this.
  2. >You suppress nervous laughter at how pathetic you are.
  3. >Idly running tough rope through your fingers, why was it always like this?
  4. >You could never be satisfied with what you wanted. It was sickening.
  5. >You wanted nothing more to be here, and now? You hate it. Life is worse than you could have imagined.
  6. >Images of friends and family drift over your vision - you don't know what you've got until it's gone.
  7. >You couldn't take it anymore.
  8. >Last objective? Find the quietest, most peaceful part of the Everfree forest.
  9. >No one notices you slip out of town with a thick rope stolen from Apple Acres.
  10. >For at least 30 minutes you relentlessly trek though steadying darkness created by the overhead trees.
  11. >The surrounding foliage muffles sound in all directions - perfect for privacy and tranquility.
  12. >You contemplate backing out with a last sorrowful look at the direction you came from.
  13. >The path had blended into the dark, unruly trees.
  14. >Well no point prolonging this shit, is there?
  15. >Admiring the emerald green moss scattered over the beautiful tree that'd take your life, you hoist up your rope over a strong branch.
  16. >You'd already tied a noose once to get here, so this was a sinch.
  17. >With both hands spreading the noose over your head you pause - were you really ready to go through this shit again?
  18. >Harsh memories of the Ponyville resident's disgust at you begin to play.
  19. >"Weird pale freak", "Tiny eyed ape", "bipedal weirdo"
  20. >They were silly insults, but hurt no less.
  21. >The difference between you and the villagers was too great to ignore.
  22. >They could never really look at you as an equal or a proper friend.
  23. >Conversation with them had dry because they were too scared to engage.
  24. >This made it impossible to socialize, and as a result, get a job.
  25. >Eventually you'd resorted to stealing on a few occasions to survive.
  26. >While no one accused you directly, you're sure they knew.
  27. >As for the mane 6 who tempted you to come here in the first place? Hah.
  28. >Any time they spent not bickering with each other was apparently time wasted.
  29. >Enough of this - time for business.
  30. >Soon enough the noose is securely around your neck; a collar of death.
  31. >You slowly climb up the moss-covered tree.
  32. >The plan was to simply let go. Cannonball to the ground. Let gravity do its thing.
  33. >You were terrified just like the first time. Could you really endure an encore of desperately struggling to survive past the point of no return?
  34. >No matter how much you wanted this, instinct always fought back.
  35. >You were never never satisfied, right?
  36. >After climbing as suitable distance, you cast one last look around the peaceful enclosure.
  37. >Would anyone ever find your body here? It's so secluded, you'd probably long be a skeleton before then.
  38. >Heh. Spooky Scary Skeleton.
  39. >Your grip loosens.
  40. >At this point you felt that maybe, just maybe someone would have come to try to stop you
  41. >Maybe just wait a little, you are going to die regardless time.
  43. "Nope, nofuckingbody as expected"
  44. >You weren't the attention whore type of person, but seriously nobody gave two shits about you here?.
  45. >That was the last straw
  46. "Here goes nothing!"
  47. >And with that you loose the rope and just fall off the tree.
  48. >You quickly feel the rope pressing against your windpipe.
  49. >Though the tree was kinda tall your neck didn't broke
  50. >"asphyxia then" you tought
  51. >A timid smile draws through your face.
  52. >Maybe you'll wake up in another place, back in earth, another equestria, maybe even heaven.
  53. >Your face and extremities are feeling very numb by now.
  54. >It feels silly.
  55. >And isn't that bad really.
  56. >Sure, the lack of oxygen makes you freak out for a little but after a while you just feel tired, even more than before.
  57. >Just like the last time.
  58. >"The headache is new, i think"
  59. >Everyting is getting darker and blurry
  60. >herewego.jpg
  61. >With the latest seconds of your sight you see 6 ponies passing near of your future rest place.
  62. >They are bickering about how awesome will be to renovate some old castle.
  63. >You move your head slightly up and you see it.
  64. >Celestia and Luna's old castle.
  65. >Just at less than 50 meter of you.
  66. >Its seems that they will find you sooner than you thought.
  67. >Everything fades to dark.

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Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

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