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Amor fati

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-14 08:00:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >Its a great Sunny day on ponyville
  2. >You are twilight sparkle, biggest (and only) student of Princess Celestia
  3. >It has been quite some time since spike and you moved out from canterlot to ponyville thanks to the princess and her task of learning about friendship she had laid upon you
  4. >The first few weeks were pretty exciting, a lot happened from the very first day of your arrival
  5. >Nighmare moon (now princess luna), a dragon, parasprites, royal parties, the winter wrap up, etc etc
  6. >Of course, these things were nothing compared to the best thing that could happened to you. Your friends
  7. >You werent that social to begin with, always studying, reading books and missing tea parties of your fellow acquaintances and so on
  8. >You really didn't had any friends before, maybe moondancer but since you kinda forgot her birthday when coming here she may have just forgot about your friendship so there's that, you have to do something about that later.
  9. >Anyways, you are pretty happy of having these friends now, they are truly magical
  10. >Friendship truly is magic, heh.
  11. >After the gala, things happening in your life died down quite a bit
  12. >Or at least thats what you thought this morning before you were galloping straight to your friend's cottage
  13. >Aparently she has found some weird animal on the outskirts of the everfree forest
  14. >Hopefully it is just a weird bunny or dog and not something that is actually from the everfree. The fauna there is really dangerous and the last thing you want is fluttershy getting injured for trying to save some unusually cute timberwolf or whatever
  15. >Thats why you are galloping to her cottage the moment rarity told you about the situation.
  19. Fluttershy, are you there? I heard about some strange animal you found near the everfree, rarity told me
  20. >"Oh yes twilight, ill be right with you in a second"
  21. >So you waited, hoping that fluttershy finished whatever she was doing so you could get a look of this creature
  22. >She opened the door after a couple of minutes
  24. >"Oh, hello twilight, hope i didnt make you wait too long, come in!"
  25. >Is not big deal fluttershy im glad youre ok, after hearing rarity talk about a big tall animal roaming near your cottage i got kinda worried for a bit
  26. >"Why yes im ok twilight thanks for worrying but there is no need to!, after all Anon is just a gentle gigant, he wouldnt hurt a fly."
  27. >Anon? Did you already gave it a name?
  28. >"Yes, well, not exactly, he told me that was his actual name"
  29. He.. told you? It can speak?
  30. >"Uhm, its actually a He twilight, and yes, he told me. he also told me that he isnt an animal."
  31. Uh, ok im really curious about "him" now, can i meet him?
  32. >"Oh!, Yes of course he is in the kitchen, i made him some soup for lunch, you can get some if you want"
  33. Thanks fluttershy
  34. >After finally entering the cottage your curious mind started thinking about dozens of things about this creature
  35. >He talks?, Is he smart like a regular pony? What was he doing near the everfree? Is he a threat?
  36. >That last thought got you worried again, he may not be an animal but anyone that lives in the everfree could be planing something and you didnt liked that one bit.
  37. >As you aproach the kitchen you see him
  38. >He is just standing near the stove with a bowl, must be going to take some of the soup fluttershy made
  39. >Now that you look at him he doesnt look that big or menacing as what rarity told you
  40. >He looks just like a tall ape, or a minotaur but less bulky
  42. >Still, better keep your guard up, he could be hiding something
  43. >And with that, you decide to just greet him, after all, he hasnt done anything suspicious and someone can get just so much soup in one bowl
  45. Hello, im twilight sparkle, nice to meet you...
  47. ---------
  48. >Its been 4 months since anon came to ponyville
  49. >After the first couple of days of gathering information, telling the princess and helping him get along with everyone you learned several things
  50. >Aparently he comes from a place called "earth", as in dirt
  51. >Weird i know
  52. >He also told you that there werent any "talking pastel colored horses" as he call us ponies
  53. >You find it hard to believe but after sereval days of interrogation you slowly accepted the idea of this "earth"
  54. >Turns out humans are pretty similar to ponies, minus the magic so it wasnt THAT hard to acclimate him to our culture.
  55. >As the days passed anon and you started to get this little rutine
  56. >He would come to you in the mornings, you asked him some questions and answered his, then you would get lunch >together and ask more questions afterward
  57. >Honestly after the first week or so it was more of a chitchat than anything
  58. >Turns out you two have a lot in common
  59. >He is just as curious as you are, maybe more! He asked a lot of questions during the first week, like A LOT.
  60. >You of course answered gladly before asking yours
  61. >Reading was also another thing you got in common
  62. >Apparently the lack of "in terr neet" and "pee sees" made him more interested in literature
  63. >he find it funny the fact that many of our fictions books are really similar to books from his world
  64. >You find it funny too
  65. >That being said you really enjoyed his company
  66. >It was nice having a friend to read and just to hang around when you werent busy
  67. >You like to think that he feels the same too!
  68. >Afterall, you two spend more nights reading together or watching the nightsky looking for the stars more times that youd like to admit.
  69. >Of course you wouldnt just keep anon to yourself, you made sure to introduce him to others ponies, your friends too
  70. >Pinkie was a lot of help in this, she threw one big party for him
  71. >She said it was her biggest yet, "one big party for one big fella" as she said
  72. >Anon was a little shy at first, said that us ponies are really kind and that in his world people were different
  73. >You of course already knew thay, he told you before.
  74. >The party was perfect, he got to know all of your friend better, he already knew fluttershy since he spend several days living with her before he moved to the library
  75. >Pinkie was really interested on anon
  76. >For some reason she got a liking for him, saying that "it must be hard being an alien on a world you barely know" and she is unusualy more bubbly when he is around
  77. >She even calls him nonny
  78. >Cute
  79. >Overall you feel pretty happy with you and your friends, anon may be an alien to this world, but you feel like there is nothing impossible if you have your friends and anon now.
  80. >Or at least thats what you thought
  82. ---------
  83. >You are twilight again obviously
  84. >Its a beautiful sunday morning, birds are singing, the weather is comfy and the sun of celestia is extra bright!
  85. >Today will be a great day, you can feel it
  86. >Right now you are with spike practicing some fun spells that he asked you to do
  87. >It has been a fun morning but you got to do some small chores, you could have spike do them since he is your number one assistant but you think he has earned a rest
  88. >You can visit your friends along the way
  89. >As you are about to leave something weird happens, you get a feeling of uneasiness, like you are fogetting something...
  91. >Anon!, Of course!
  92. >These past couple or months have been relatively paceful, no new threats, no weird pinkie shenanigans and your friendship reports have been on point every week
  93. >That being said, there was one thing that got your attention
  94. >Anon, your friend has been feeling under the weather lately
  95. >And by lately you mean for more than a month now
  96. >He was having a rough time assimilating his situation
  97. >He was stuck here
  98. >Before our last asking sessions ended he just asked one more thing
  100. >"Can you send me home?"
  101. >At first, you said "Sure, just give me time and im sure ill eventually find a way to send you home"
  102. >Looking back you should have been more realistic
  103. >After months of trying spells, reading books and asking your mentor you couldnt even begin to even understand where Anon came from
  104. >He didn't took the truth very well
  105. >After you came forward and explained that he would be staying here indefinitely, thats when something about him changed
  106. >Something was... Off...
  107. >Everything seemed normal at first but he started avoiding going out, meeting his friends, doing pretty much anything
  108. >Now he spends most of his time in his room, just thinking, maybe
  109. >you cant blame him and you dont, thats why you are giving him space
  110. >Honestly you dont know what to do, nopony had ever acted like this before that you knew
  111. >This is way beyond you friendship knowledge!
  112. >The closest you thini you have seen a pony act like anon was pinkie when she went all pinkamena, and even that only lasted the evening!
  113. >Youll have to do something eventually....
  116. Anon, im leaving! I have errands to do and ill be gone from a while, there is food on the kitchen from this morning so eat up!
  117. >You shout from the door at towards the stairs, hoping that anon heard it
  118. >You didnt hear anything back
  120. So, uhm ill get going bye!
  121. >As you leave you only have one thing in your mind now
  122. >How are you gonna help your friend
  124. ------hours later------
  126. >The day is almost over
  127. >You cant believe it took you this long to do everything on the list, 3 hours tops
  128. >Then again, you somehow managed to spend some quality time with all you friends today
  129. >It was a good day, tho you could shake anon out of your head
  130. >It didnt helped that every so often when talking with your friends they would mention anon
  131. >It wouldnt be bad if it wasnt for the fact that every time they would talk it was about how worried they are about him
  132. >Guess you arent the only one
  133. >Pinkie was specially concerned
  134. >It was basically all we talked about
  135. >Other than that the day went like a normal day
  137. Spiiiiiike in hoooome! Spike?
  138. >"Oh hey twilight, took you some time doing them chores? Guess it wasnt as easy as i make them look huh?
  139. >You chuckled a bit at his teasing
  141. Yeah, i guess i should value my number 1 assistant more right spike?
  142. >You said it without any sarcasm
  144. >"Eh..... Its nothing really hehe..."
  145. >He blushed a little, how cute
  147. Anyways, how's anon? What did the big fella did today?
  148. >"Ehm.... Not much, in fact, nothing at all really"
  149. So he just stayed in his room?
  150. >"Yeah, he didnt even came down to eat or day hi! I even went and knocked but he didnt said a word so i leave him alone"
  151. >You have that feeling again

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

by Sodapop

Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

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(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

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