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(MLO) Applecest *Finished* GOOD_GUY FEB 4TH, 2014

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:02:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >The auburn fields danced amongst the Apple Family farm, under a stetson hat, held in a tight clasp, always restraining what beauty she had.
  2. >Her sun-kissed coat dazzled you as she moved dexterously from tree to tree.
  3. >The powerful thighs she stood upon kicked with precision and poise.
  4. >You watched as she perpetuated her ritual, first she would relax her back, invisible muscles ripple under the taut flesh.
  5. >She had the force of a battering ram in those legs, but always with exact force, she would expertly pick each tree clean.
  6. >Red, yellow, green, they all fell neatly, perfectly.
  7. >With perfect syncopation, she developed a rhythm, moving from tree to tree as if dancing.
  8. >Each buck of her athletic legs caused her frame to shake, you would watch as her flanks bounced against the force of her blows.
  9. >The mare before you glistened with sweat, her mane draped across her forehead in slick lines.
  10. "Whelp, Ah'm about tuckered." She exhaled, a basket of her labor decorated her back, "Whatcha say, 'Non? You ready to call it a day?"
  11. >Her voice was silky and somehow husky, the rich range of her southern drawl flittered and hung in your head.
  12. >Emerald orbs trained on you, like the brightest gemstones, they too dazzled you.
  13. S-sure thing, mah.
  14. >Her cheeks turned up at that, her eyes eclipsed as she beamed at you.
  15. "How's some pie sound when we get back?" She flashed her brilliant eyes upon you again, "I reckon we've gathered 'nough fer a little treat."
  16. >She spun on her hooves, the small impacts of her feet on the ground patted in tandem with your heart.
  17. >Your mother was the mare before you, her name was Applejack, and, well, you weren't sure how you felt about her.
  18. >Applejack and your family's apple growing business had been very successful in the past few years, so much so that Applejack had to expand her farm.
  19. >You had never seen a single gold piece from all your family's so-called "success."
  20. >You assumed that every bit you made went straight back into the farm.
  21. >The farm was simply too big for the family to all stay in one place, Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith all relocated to help assist with the massive undertaking.
  22. >Your father met Applejack shortly after, mom fell head over heels, but the guy was a jerk.
  23. >He dumped you on Applejack and never looked back.
  24. >Now, it was just you and your mom working the fields.
  25. >You had always resented your father for putting a burden on Applejack, he came in and turned her life on its head.
  26. "'Non?" The light voice twangs, she stopped in mid-stride, her deep green eyes gleam at you from just behind her shoulder blade.
  27. >A small breeze jostles her long ponytail, individual strands glimmer against the sun's rays like gold silk as they sway and fall with the winds heavy breaths.
  28. S-sorry mah, was miles away.
  29. >You manage to choke out in your captivation.
  30. >A small grin spreads across her freckled cheeks, her eyebrows raise.
  31. "You thinkin' bout that pie, huh?" Her smile is a vision of beauty, "Well you'll never get any if you keep your pace, c'mon, let's go!"
  32. >You marveled at your mother's ability to maintain such happiness, she had effectively been separated from her family by her family.
  33. >The living arrangements for your uncle, aunt, and grandma had once been the same as your mother's.
  34. >The Apple Family, they worked together on this very acre you worked on, you had wished you could have seen them all together.
  35. >Thankfully, Apple Family Reunions happen every so often.
  36. >A time in the year where every Apple relative came down to this very farm, cousin Braeburn, Red Delicious, Apple Fritter, and ugh, well, there were a lot of relatives.
  37. >Perhaps the conditions that split your mother and her immediate family apart weren't so unique, droves of kin always showed up and sometimes you would swear that you had never seen those folk in your whole life.
  38. "Alright 'non, why don't you get cleaned up?" Applejack spoke as she hoisted the day's efforts off her back, "I'll get started on the pie, don't take too long now."
  39. >You simply nodded and made your way towards the bathroom.
  40. >A whiff from either pit revealed just how hard you had been working, or maybe being around your mother made you sweat.
  41. >You turned the nozzle and warm water jettisoned from the shower head, you took the soap on a rope in mouth and began scrubbing away.
  42. >You hung your head as the torrent tapped against your skull, thoughts of Applejack spun through your head.
  43. >Those orange cheeks, turned up in a smile.
  44. >Her cute dimples smiling at you as she gives you a wide grin.
  45. >Her long hair, always in a modest ponytail.
  46. >Being on the farm with your mother has given you a long time to examine her, you've seen sides to Applejack you were sure she hadn't shown anypony.
  47. >Several times, Applejack had too much to drink.
  48. >She was always laughing when she was drunk, singing, and of course, dancing.
  49. >You were never one for dancing, four left hooves, but your mother would take no excuses.
  50. >She would grab you and swing you around at break neck speeds, always chastising you for never keeping up.
  51. >She was so full of energy, somewhere down the line your admiration for your mother turned into something much more.
  52. >Suddenly you weren't seeing your mother prancing around, you saw a mare.
  53. >A mare you fell in love with.
  54. >You shook your head violently at the thought, the shower water was unperturbed by your dilemma and continued to cascade across your face and mane.
  55. >You attempted to shut out any further thoughts of your mother, instead you focused on finishing up.
  56. >The rich lather melted away your stress and for a moment you had nearly forgotten about your mother's effect on you.
  57. "Anon?" Applejack tapped lightly on the bathroom door, "The pie's ready, come on out and get some!"
  58. S-sure thing, be out in a sec.
  59. >You sigh as the water ceases its assault, you hop out of the tub and towel yourself off to the best of your ability.
  60. >Regular interactions with your mother have been strained, luckily, the difficulty seems to have been completely lost on the work-mare.
  61. >With slight trepidation, you descend the stairs from the bathroom to the kitchen.
  62. >You spy the orange mare sashaying her hips as she peers into the over, of course the pie wasn't ready.
  63. >Applejack spots you from her awkward position, she raises her eyebrows at you in surprise and then smiles warmly.
  64. "Ah knew you'd take ages, ya dang near used all the water in Ponyville!" Her hearty laugh was rich with her southern twang, "You an' Spike, ah swear."
  65. >She turned around so as to attend the baking pastry.
  66. "Just a little while longer, hooooooooo." She sits down on the kitchen floor, a long exhale escapes her, "I'm so glad I have you 'round ta help 'non. I'm not sure I could do this alone."
  67. >A sudden somberness enters her voice, her characteristic upbeat demeanor absent.
  68. Well, don't worry 'bout a thing mah. I ain't going anywhere.
  69. >You had made that oath to yourself a long time ago, you hated your father for abandoning your mother and you would do everything you could to distance yourself from his likeness.
  70. >Her deep green eyes fell upon you, beautiful jade embers complimented by her gorgeous thick blonde hair.
  71. "You really mean it, huh?" Her expression was knowing, a small reassurance in her hectic life.
  72. Of course, I'd never leave. Even when you're old and in diapers.
  73. >She laughed loudly, you weren't sure who that made feel better.
  74. "Have you seen Granny? She's a mite crotchety, but she'll never wear diapers. Me 'n her are cut from the same cloth." She shook her head in a half dismissing, half joking manner.
  75. >The both of you sat there silently as the kitchen timer ticked away, Applejack returned to watching the pie in the oven.
  76. >You attempted to speak several times, unable to find your voice you simply open and close your mouth mechanically.
  77. Regardless of how time handles your bowels, I'll stay right here.
  78. >Really?
  79. >You flash an awful smile, you felt like you were being crushed under your own stupidity.
  80. >She raised an eyebrow at you, she tried to maintain a serious expression but eventually caved and chuckled again to herself.
  81. "I know ya mean it too, thank ya 'non."
  82. >Your stomach no longer felt like it was being used as a pin cushion, the sincerity in her voice was as warm as Celestia's sun and almost as disarming as the Princess herself.
  83. >She was perfect, even when you were an idiot she was still so-
  84. >Suddenly, the kitchen timer rattled loudly, cracking the uncomfortable air and causing you to jolt.
  85. "Heh, startled ya?" She reaches into the oven with a mitt in her mouth and grasps the edge of the pan, "Isht jusht pai!"
  86. >She sits the pastry down in front of you and watches you expectantly.
  87. >You quickly grab yourself a slice, practically inhaling the piece as you eat it.
  88. >You stop yourself when you notice her eyes still on you.
  89. Ugh, you want some?
  90. "Nah. I made that for you 'non, you go right on ahead." She turned her head, her lavish mane spun with the movement, the sun beamed off her hair like an extension of itself.
  91. >Your eyes darted from the floor to her turning body, her tail whipped absent-mindedly as she trotted off, revealing her well-toned backside.
  92. >A warm tinge engulfs your face, you had to do something about your attraction to Applejack.
  93. >Maybe you were just infatuated? You hadn't seen too many mares in your life time, they had pretty much all been family at this point.
  94. >Spending so long with her, could it really have an effect like this?
  95. >You pensively stared at the pie on the table, willowy wisps of steam exuded from the pie's surface and dissipated.
  96. >Applejack wouldn't want this, you shook your head, there's no way mom would accept these feelings, if they even were feelings.
  97. >You sigh and slump into the chair.
  98. >What could you possibly do? Everyday was like torture, so many times you had to take "breaks" to hide your arousal from Applejack.
  99. >Even worse, the act of relieving yourself made you feel even more guilty.
  100. >You allowed your head to rest on the table as you thought, you turned your head in the direction where your mother ran off.
  101. >Why did you feel this way? You knew it wasn't right, but something about Applejack messed with the circuits in your head.
  102. >They would spark wildly in her presence.
  103. >You sat up, frustrated with yourself and your situation, you eat another slice of pie in a single massive bite, stuffing your mouth to its capacity.
  104. >There has to be something you can do.
  105. >You chewed the mass into smaller, swallowable portions as you mulled things over.
  106. >Nothing.
  107. Ugh...
  108. >Maybe this was your punishment? Somehow, it almost made sense to you.
  109. >What with being not only your father's son, but well, being so perverted.
  110. >You pushed away from the table and stepped out into the living room.
  111. >The evening sun settled behind the curtains, the day was closing and night was sure to follow.
  112. >Where did mom go?
  113. >The living room was perhaps the most spacious room in the house, complete with furnishings from before the Apple Family's departure.
  114. >An old rocker, pictures of them all gathered together.
  115. >Applejack was most likely very lonely, she would never admit it to you, she would always claim that you were all the family she needed.
  116. >You weren't sure how you felt about that, Applejack wasn't one to lie, but something about the statement always made you wonder.
  117. >Suddenly, a previously undiscovered Applejack descends from the stairs.
  118. >Her sudden yawn startles you but the mare didn't seem to notice.
  119. "Haaa, I'm fit for bed." The bones in her shoulder crack as she stretches, "What say we call it a night? Got plenty to do in the morning."
  120. >Her eyes fell upon you as her silky voice, ripe with exhaustion, caressed your ears.
  121. >She most have showered while you were eating, her gorgeous mane was slightly damp and Applejack was without her signature hat, instead, she had a towel draped around her neck.
  122. S-sure.
  123. >Your bed was actually the one place you wanted to be more than anywhere else at the moment, the earlier exertion was almost forgotten by you, but your body reminded you in sharp pricks along your neck and shoulders.
  124. >She began walking in the direction of her own bed, you followed her up the stairs, where her large wet flanks took up your view.
  125. >You stared at her bottom, each movement of her hind legs threatened a peek at her marehood, you noticed small droplets of water on her inner thighs.
  126. >Oh, how you wish you could lick them off.
  127. >You shook your head, mentally chastising yourself for such lewd thoughts.
  128. >A familiar stirring in your groin made you anxious but thankfully you were already in the hallway and your room was in the opposite direction of your mother's.
  129. "G'night, 'non." She whispered sweetly from her door frame.
  130. G'night, mah.
  131. >A creak, and then a click as her door shut.
  132. >For a while, you just stood in the hallway, watching her door, thinking of the mare's nightly rituals before she went off to bed.
  133. >You sigh and flop on your bed, leaving your door cracked in the process.
  134. >Your sheathe grew hot and you felt your length begin to ease its way out.
  135. >It was always the same at night, you would lay here in your bed and the events of the day would replay over and over again in your mind.
  136. >You pressed the side of your hoof against your balls, you toyed with your member between two hooves.
  137. Applejack...
  138. >The golden maned work mare, her motherly smile, her adoration of you.
  139. >You clinched your teeth in frustration, you had betrayed her love by lusting after her, what would she think of you if she knew that every night was the same? That every night you thought of her this way?
  140. >Regardless of how you felt, your erection had other plans.
  141. >You replayed the recent events, Applejack's moist form gliding up the stairs, her bottom splitting as she stepped deliberately.
  142. >You wanted to press your face between her cutie marks and lick and tongue her, you wanted to hear her erotic voice ring out in this empty house.
  143. Ugh...
  144. >You were masturbating furiously to the thought, but to no avail.
  145. >Your member swayed back and forth, twitching but the stimulation wasn't enough.
  146. >Were you at the point where simple fantasy would no longer suffice?
  147. >You sighed, your member left unsatisfied, you walk towards the hallway.
  148. >Pressing your snout against your ajar door, you peer out into the quiet, empty hallway.
  149. >You meander throughout the hallway on sleepy legs, you make your way to the bathroom where you get a drink of water to hopefully calm your nerves.
  150. >The cool fluid falling down your throat did little to comfort you but it was a start, maybe it was the only comfort you would receive tonight.
  151. >The silent house made you feel nervous, like being the only thing awake in it was somehow a crime, that you were disturbing whatever sanctity your home had.
  152. >Feeling this, you trot back to your room when something catches your eye.
  153. >The door to Applejack's room was slightly askew, didn't she shut that?
  154. >Worth a check, you make your way towards your mother's room, making sure to be as silent as possible.
  156. >What was that colt doing up?
  157. >You rolled in your bed as Anon wandered around the house, his hoofsteps leaving you wide awake.
  158. >Doesn't he know we have to get up early tomorrow?
  159. >You decided against getting up, letting him know you were awake as well would likely result in the both of you missing on even more sleep.
  160. >He would probably do what he needed then head back off to bed.
  161. >The warm night air left you slightly damp with sweat, the uncomfortable stickiness made you kick off the covers, leaving the lower half of your body exposed.
  162. >You flipped the pillow over to try and get back to sleep.
  163. >Just as you were about set to fall asleep you heard a creak as your bedroom door was slightly pushed open.
  164. >What the hay was that boy thinking? Maybe he left something in here?
  165. >Anonpony stood in the doorway for a long while, perhaps debating on whether or not he should enter.
  166. >Hesitantly, his hooves met the ground and he entered the room.
  167. >The door opened wide enough for a ray of light to wash over your form, you felt the light behind your eyelids and you struggled to maintain your calm sleeping facade.
  168. >Just pretend to be asleep and he'll leave.
  169. >Anonpony, again, hovered in the room, seemingly afraid to disturb you.
  170. >The young colt seemed captivated by something, you could feel his eyes on your form.
  171. >What in the world is he doing?
  172. >Just as you asked yourself, you felt his timid hoof brush against your flank.
  173. >The feeling of his hoof startled you but you remained motionless.
  174. >He sat on the edge of the bed, every movement he made he would wait twice as long for the night to settle again around him.
  175. >What in the hay?
  176. >After Anonpony felt comfortable moving again, he stroked his hoof over your cutie mark.
  177. >You lay confused as your son paid his attention unto you.
  178. >He moved his hoof over your cutie mark multiple times, his movements were incredibly delicate.
  179. >I should put a stop to this.
  180. >Right as you were about to get up, Anonpony kissed your flank.
  181. >You felt your own cheeks redden and your heart quickened its pace.
  182. >M-maybe I'll just lay here, he'll likely stop...
  183. >Anonpony brought both of his hooves on either side of your rump, he pressed your cheeks together and sucked on the excess flesh.
  184. >You almost gasped out, you weren't sure if it was surprise anymore.
  185. >You gripped the sheets in your hoof as Anonpony continued his assault on your hind quarters, you bit the pillow so as to remain quiet.
  186. >He rubbed your flanks with much more gusto than before, seemingly getting over his skittishness.
  187. >T-this isn't right...
  188. >Your eyes fluttered open, you watched as Anonpony pined around, the light from the hallway gave him a perfect view of your body but your face was still in the dark.
  189. >It had been so long since you had been touched, that was back before Anon's father left...
  190. >You felt yourself wink unintentionally at your son's attention, he seemed to have noticed, he pressed his face directly against your open slit.
  191. >You were lucky you had bitten into the pillow already, you stifled a moan within your throat.
  192. >Why is Anon doing this to me?
  193. >Does he hate me?
  194. >Your son's tongue swirled drunkenly, beastly.
  195. >Your lonely body had no qualms over who was giving you attention, your loins ached for release.
  196. >You clinched your eyes shut tightly, pin pricks of pleasure and guilt propped all over your body.
  197. >Your withers were nearly vibrating, an almost forgotten pressure began building inside you.
  198. >A-anon...
  199. >Anon flicked his tongue against your engorged clit, the stimulation was almost too much right there!
  200. >I can't cum from my son's tongue...
  201. >Anon suddenly and very quickly removed his tongue from you, your pulsing marehood was left on the brink of climax.
  202. Hmmmm...
  203. >Oh no!
  204. >Your voice was throaty and, filled with disappointment?
  205. >You remained stock still, save for your quivering sex, in fear that Anon had heard you, the pounding in your chest was so loud you were afraid he could even hear your pulse.
  206. >Lying there, you hoped against hope that Anon wasn't hovering over you, waiting for you to open your eyes.
  207. >After a painful amount of time stewing in your own neglected arousal and fear, you meekly pop an eye open.
  208. >The room was empty, you lifted yourself with a hoof to look around, the sheets around your lower body were tossed with neglect and a small pool had collected between your thighs.
  209. 'Non...
  211. >What did you just do?
  212. >Why did you go in there!?
  213. >You had only stopped yourself when the gravity of what you were doing truly hit you.
  214. >The mare that was always there for you, the one that brought you into this world...
  215. >How could you take advantage of her!?
  216. >Even as your guilt tears your insides, you stood over the toilet pleasuring yourself.
  217. >Mom's pussy...
  218. >Your lungs heaved, straining to supply you with oxygen.
  219. >Your member was slick with your pre-cum, your hooves glided across its surface.
  220. >You had never felt pleasure like this before.
  221. Applejack...
  222. >Tilling the field with her, helping her with the chores around the house, molesting her...
  223. >You had desecrated your relationship with your mother, but your erection didn't care.
  224. >The tip of your cock flared, you bucked your hips with each wild stroke.
  225. >Barely a whisper
  226. Mah...
  227. >You felt your hind-legs lose their strength, thick volleys of your guilt splashed against the porcelain toilet bowl, the pleasure was excruciating, your orgasm shook your form with its mixture of pleasure and pain.
  228. >You slumped onto the floor in the bathroom, your hooves sticky with your deed, your breathes were labored as you lie there on the floor.
  229. >Warm fluid collected in your eyes, how could you look at your mother again?
  230. I'm so sorry...
  231. >You wept in the bathroom, silent sobs shook your form.
  233. >Sleep didn't come to you that night.
  234. >The night melted away, or did it seep through the cracks?
  235. >Laying on your bed with your eyes glued to the ceiling, you didn't know time could pass so quickly.
  236. >Before you or even the day knew it, it had begun.
  237. >The morning rituals that you had grown accustomed to seemed foreign, as if you were emulating somepony else's routine.
  238. >You were washed and ready an hour before Applejack awoke, you dreaded every second.
  239. >Pacing from your room to the kitchen and back, you peered towards her door with every fleeting pass.
  240. >A silent curse escapes you as you wander into the bathroom for the hundredth time, mere hours ago you had...
  241. >Shaking your head, you try and compose yourself, as much as it pained you, you absolutely had to be at 100%.
  242. >The day wasn't going to give you reprieve, time was cold and unforgiving.
  243. >The painful silence of your home served as a constant reminder of your actions, as if the house was in awe and speechless.
  244. >Thirty minutes, Applejack would get up soon, she always got up around this time.
  245. >You wandered back into your room, collapsing on the bed, you stare up at the ceiling, trying to decipher yourself.
  246. >What came over you? You had never given into your urges before, what was different?
  247. >Your ears flicked in the direction of your mother's room, she was awake.
  248. >Her hoovesteps felt like daggers pressing into your ears, that very hoof tapped on your door lightly.
  249. "A-anon? You up yet?" The once syrupy voice sounded dull, you couldn't detect her usual optimism.
  250. Yeah, I'm up, be out shortly.
  251. >You had no reason to stay in here, a few moments longer before you confront yourself, a few moments before you see the mare you had betrayed.
  252. "Alright, not too long now, y'hear?" An attempt at humor, or an attempt at something, her voice sounded about as unsure as you were.
  253. >You sat up in your bed, trying to look through the door at the mare on the other side.
  254. Sure mah, I'll be out in a second.
  255. >No response, you pictured nodding her head from behind the door before trotting away.
  256. >You crashed into the bed once more, your toiling mind didn't allow you to sleep the night before, but now you nearly felt yourself drift off.
  257. >Shaking your head, you decided that you had spent enough time hiding, what you had done didn't exempt you from your responsibilities.
  258. >Trotting down the stairs, you see her, her mane was done up in its usual fashion, ponytail.
  259. >Her eyes met yours and quickly flitted about before landing on her unassuming hat, she rubbed her front-hooves together anxiously.
  260. "Well, looks like you're ready." She grabbed her hat and put it on in a single motion, she moved toward the door, not even looking back to see if you were following.
  261. >You hobbled after the mare, your eye lids felt heavy and exhaustion clung to you like a heavy cloth.
  262. >You mechanically completed chores to keep the guilt from conquering you, maintaining a gait of a sick lion you hunched, mentally and physically exhausted.
  264. >Anon...
  265. >Last night had stuck into you like a thorn, you couldn't shake the memory away, no matter how hard you tried.
  266. >Every interaction with your son felt repressed, you couldn't even bare to look him in the eyes.
  267. >You weren't sure how he felt about what he did, if he was just using you, or if...
  268. >You shook your head as the apples above you fell neatly in their baskets.
  269. >It didn't matter, you could tell that Anon didn't get a wink of sleep, neither had you.
  270. >The entire night you laid there, as if Anon had flicked a switch inside you.
  271. >Your hot sex burned in frustration as you laid there, you dare not touch yourself, the heat would whittle away, you thought.
  272. >You had almost regretted not taking care of yourself, working with Anon made you feel uncomfortable and dirty.
  273. >You caught yourself watching the growing colt several times during the day, marveling at his strength as he tossed each bucket with ease into the massive wagon, then finally, hauling it off to repeat the process.
  274. >Even your brother struggled with that darn thing when he was his age.
  275. >Worse than catching yourself stare at your son, the two of you had made odd eye-contact multiple times throughout.
  276. >Each time your eyes had met you hastily looked away, it bothered you that you could feel his stare.
  277. >It bothered you how much it excited you.
  278. >You had just about had enough of this, you wave to Anon, wordlessly signifying you needed a short break.
  279. >Trotting over to the barn, you slump your shoulders allowing yourself a moment to relax.
  280. >You sit against the outside of the barn, pulling off your stetson, you wave off the hot summer air.
  281. C'mon girl, you know this ain't right...
  282. >You hopelessly chastise yourself as you watch Anon continue working, your nethers burn as the young colt picks up the slack.
  283. >You notice your ogling and quickly look to the ground.
  284. What's with me...
  285. >It had been so long since a stallion had given you attention like that, were you so desperate that anypony would do?
  286. I must look like a pensive mess.
  287. >A long sigh escapes you, you had never expected to wrestle with these feelings.
  288. Anonpony...
  289. >He had grown up so much in these past few years, you remember holding the young colt to your chest so he could sleep.
  290. >Such a colicky colt, you remember the first time he had one of his fits, you couldn't sleep all night.
  291. >You cooed over his crib and rocked him to sleep, he was so cute.
  292. >His nubile smile turned in to a heart-stopping smirk, how could so many feeling develop over one night?
  293. "Mah?"
  294. >His deep voice surprised you, your hat fell from your hoof.
  295. Wh-wha?
  296. >You turn to face your son, he was dripping with sweat.
  297. >The droplets followed his musculature precisely, you traced the contours of his body, his gliding sweat beads serving as paths for your eyes to follow.
  298. >He leaned his head toward the west field.
  299. "I've all but done your share."
  300. >Maintaining eye contact was difficult, his eyes seemed to be just as elusive as yours were.
  301. >A red tinge spread across your cheeks, embarrassment for falling behind and embarrassment for staring.
  302. What? Already?
  304. >Your mother took a break today, she almost never does that.
  305. >You had been on edge all day, not getting a wink of sleep didn't help matters.
  306. >Despite all that, you managed to work harder today than you had in your whole life.
  307. >You allowed your body to go through the motions, mechanically, you removed yourself completely as you toiled.
  308. >Your chest heaved greatly, you patted your forehead, you were slathered in sweat.
  309. >Applejack took a long look at you, then the field behind you.
  310. "W-well, I'll be..." She seemed like she was miles away, something was definitely off.
  311. >She hadn't confronted you about last night, but the way she was acting...
  312. >Did she know?
  313. It's alright if I go in and rest, right?
  314. >You nodded your head towards home, your eyes never leaving her face, closely examining her.
  315. >If she knew, you weren't sure what you would do.
  316. >Probably leave home.
  317. >The idea pained you greatly, your mother handled herself well, that wasn't the issue.
  318. >It was very clear that Applejack was lonely, you could tell in her voice, her way of moving.
  319. >You had seen Applejack around Apple Family Reunions, she was a different mare, full of energy, happy energy.
  320. >These days, it was hard to say...
  321. "Um, I guess so." She seemed skittish somehow, like a rabbit cornered, "You earned it, huh?"
  322. >She may have practiced wearing a mask, but you could read her like a book.
  323. >Something was definitely up, she wouldn't behave like this if she knew about last night.
  324. >You were sure of it, Applejack would probably remove you from her home personally.
  325. >What was up then?
  326. >You walked toward your home, your body screamed at you as it lugged your weight inside.
  327. >Your shoulders fell slack, you collapsed onto the closest piece of furniture, the living room couch.
  328. >Nestling your head into the couch, you start to daze off.
  329. Leave home...
  330. >Saying it out loud, your eyelids open up slowly.
  331. >Dad left home, he abandoned Applejack.
  332. >You had resented him this entire time for leaving your mother.
  333. >Now, leaving seemed like the best thing you could do for Applejack.
  334. I really am like Dad...
  335. >As much as it hurt you, as much as you hated it, it seemed like the right decision.
  336. >Just imagining your mother's reaction to you fondling her filled you with terror, self-loathing, a plethora of emotions that wracked your very being.
  337. >It had only been a night, a single night of weakness has erected a massive wall between you and your mother.
  338. I'm sorry, Mah.
  340. >You couldn't help but watch Anon as he left, his strong legs rose and fell in deliberate strides.
  341. >A fluttering in your chest startled you.
  342. >You wafted the warm summer air against yourself.
  343. Get a grip, girl.
  344. >Despite your efforts, your sex continued to angrily pulsate in defiance of your neglect.
  345. >This is ridiculous.
  346. >How could your own son have this much of an effect?
  347. It must be my season...
  348. >You knew that wasn't the case, your time always came in the spring not the summer.
  349. >Maybe it's just Anon.
  350. >You froze.
  351. >The more you thought about it, the more that idea made sense.
  352. >You had watched Anon grow into the young stallion he is today, he was such a momma's boy when he was younger.
  353. >He was always underfoot, more times than you cared to count that young foal toppled you over.
  354. >A small chuckle escapes you.
  355. >How did you not notice his maturity until now?
  356. >His body is in perfect condition, his physique started to excite you just by thinking about it.
  357. >That night has been playing within your mind on repeat, every waking moment you remembered the feeling of his tongue against you.
  358. >You had refused to touch yourself up to this point, Anon was sure to leave you alone...
  359. >Meekly, you spread your legs, your dampness was met with the warm summer air.
  360. >The feeling of the air against your sex elicits a quiet moan inside your throat.
  361. I just need to do this ta think straight, that's all...
  362. >You watched your hoof as you apprehensively pressed the edge directly against your engorged clit.
  363. Ha...
  364. >With your other hoof you removed your stetson hat and placed it over your snout.
  365. >The edge of your hoof met your folds, you glided across your sweltering orifice, maintaining the majority of your attention on your large clit.
  366. Hmmmm...
  367. >Your hat fell from your face.
  368. >You adjusted yourself so that your chest met the ground, you sat with your legs underneath yourself, your right hoof was glued to your stiflingly hot marehood.
  369. >You rubbed your button from left to right, pressing with force as it met your thighs.
  370. >How you wish you saw Anon's member, you would take him into your maw and clean him extensively with your tongue if you were given the chance.
  371. >You imagined him bucking your face, his large, full balls slapping your chin as he thrusts deeper and deeper into your throat.
  372. >Your hoof was a blur on your sex, the almost forgotten pressure built inside your chest.
  373. I want it, all over my face... please... hah!
  374. >Anon's imaginary cock was removed from your throat, it's bulbous head pulsed inches from your face, his balls tightened and he sprayed a thick glob across your forehead, mane, and open mouth.
  375. >You impaled your hips onto your your hoof, stabbing your clit directly.
  376. >You bit into your stetson hat hard, the first orgasm in years coursed through you, electric muscles grew taught as they tried to prolong the experience.
  377. >Your hips quivered as lubricant coated your hoof and the ground under you.
  378. Anon, oh Celestia...
  379. >A massive swelling in your chest threatens to push your ribs apart.
  380. >It seems every waking moment is filled with thoughts of Anon, his gentle voice echoes through your mind.
  381. >You lie there, your rump and hoof slathered in fluid.
  382. >Why did this happen? It was as if he planted himself in your mind.
  383. >All because he visited you last night.
  384. >You sigh in defeat and roll over to look up at the barn ceiling.
  385. >Did he even touch you? Were you so starved for affection that you imagined that encounter?
  386. >You clasped your hooves on either side of your head, the ravaging thoughts left you exhausted and frustrated.
  387. It doesn't matter, s'not like anything would come of it...
  388. >Your words left a pang in your chest, how could you face Anon as his mother after doing something like this?
  389. >You weren't strong enough to just pretend this hadn't happened.
  390. >You couldn't exactly avoid the colt either, this situation made you feel completely helpless, you wish you could shout out until your voice was hoarse.
  391. I'm sorry, 'Non.
  393. >Sleep was still so far away, an anxiety had moved in to your heart and had essentially set up residence there.
  394. >Nothing came easy, breathing, eating, even keeping your eyes open for this long.
  395. >You knew hard work, but nothing felt this arduous before in your life.
  396. >You had occasionally glanced out at the barn where your mom resided, hoping for another glimpse at the mare.
  397. >Her image was branded into your mind, nothing compared to seeing her.
  398. >At least, that's how you used to feel.
  399. >Now, each moment with her in view felt like an eternity of torture.
  400. >You rolled and pressed your face into the couch cushions, seeking release from this miserable consciousness.
  401. >As much as it hurt, there was one certainty in all this chaos.
  402. >The best decision for the both of you, was for you to leave.
  403. >You sat up, the air that hovered over you felt heavy, it took all of your strength to sit up.
  404. >You hung your head, eye lids threatening to close.
  405. >Could you really just leave her? Where would you go?
  406. >Thoughts addressing your well-being were tossed aside, it didn't matter what happened to you.
  407. >Apprehensively, you made your way towards your room.
  408. >The house in which you grew up felt alien, as if you had been planted there against the will of the house itself.
  409. >The once welcoming hallways were now long corridors, built for you to reflect on your actions.
  410. >You brushed open the door to your room, a simple arrangement that lended to your simple lifestyle.
  411. >A bed, a desk, a dresser and a light fixture.
  412. >You removed your old saddlepack from your closet and hastily began tossing old garments in.
  413. >Haphazardly tossing memorabilia, no pictures though, nothing to remind you.
  414. >A soft rapping at the door made you nearly jump out of your skin.
  415. "Anon?" A muffled voice sounded from behind the barrier.
  416. >What was she doing back already? Applejack still had chores, she wasn't one to shirk her responsibilities.
  417. Yeah ma? What's up?
  418. >It sounded as if she backed away from the door before she spoke again.
  419. "W-well, I was wonderin' if you were okay with that, that is..." She seemed to be struggling to find the words to say.
  420. >You stared at the door as if you were staring into her eyes, awaiting her.
  421. >You stepped forward, twisting the handle and revealing your mother to you.
  422. >She teetered slightly, small noises came from her mouth but they didn't have any meaning.
  423. >You peered at her, immediately noticing her missing hat and ragged appearance.
  424. >She looked as if she had been rolling around in hay, her hair had strands of the stuff littered through out her mane.
  425. >Speaking of, her mane had actually been undone, you had rarely seen your mother without her signature ponytail.
  426. >The mare standing before you reaffirmed your decision, the only thoughts that went through your mind were Applejack in her current state experiencing throes of passion.
  427. >Her head knocked back as you hilted inside her, her half-lidded eyes falling on you, her free mane flowing over her chest.
  428. Wh-what?
  429. >Your voice caught upon seeing her.
  430. "I was wonderin' if you wanted to spend the day with me?" She glanced at you from behind her bangs.
  431. >What did that mean?
  432. >Living alone on the farm with Applejack meant you spent everyday with her.
  433. Whad'ya mean?
  434. "I-I don't feel like we've..." Why did it feel like she was as uncomfortable as you were?
  435. >You stayed silent, she glanced around, avoiding your eyes.
  436. "I don't feel like we've bonded." She gestured with her hooves to you and her chest.
  437. >Bonded?
  438. Whad'ya have in mind?
  439. >Her ears stood up atop her head, her eyes opened wide at your question.
  440. "Wh-why don't we see where the day takes us?" She attempted to sound enthusiastic but it sounded forced, as if she didn't really want to.
  441. >This was odd but today would likely be the last day you spent on the farm.
  442. Sure.
  443. "Yeah, I underst-wait, what?" She began talking before you spoke, you agreeing must not have been a possibility in her mind.
  444. Sure, ma.
  445. >You feigned a smile, it must have looked fake because Applejack returned with one of her own.
  446. "Right then, you might not like what I have planned though." She turned her face away from you as she spoke, she began trotting towards the stairs.
  447. I said I'd do it, don't worry.
  448. >One request from your mother stopped you in your tracks, could you really leave her?
  449. >You shook the thought away, right now Applejack wanted to spend time with you, as her son...
  450. "Alright, now you wait right here, Ah'll be back." She trotted off, leaving you alone in the living room.
  451. >What could she have planned?
  452. Don't tell me it's...
  454. >These racing thoughts about Anon, something was sure up.
  455. Ah know just the thing.
  456. >The old photo album lied peacefully in the drawer it had been placed years ago.
  457. >You slid a hoof over its cover, memories in here felt more like dreams now than reality.
  458. >You lifted the old tome, heavier than you remembered.
  459. >Anon always hated whenever you brought this out, maybe it was a trait all kids had.
  460. >You cantered down the stairs with the book in tow, Anon's face immediately changed to one of annoyance.
  461. "Oh, c'mon ma, not that dusty old thing." He turned his head as if in disgust, "If I had known I wouldn't have agreed to this."
  462. >That was about the response you had imagined.
  463. Too late, you agreed and now you'll have to suffer.
  464. >Anon sighed loudly in protest but he didn't move from his seat.
  465. >You giggled lightly, holding the pages of family history made you feel more relaxed around your son.
  466. >As if the memories from the inside were seeping into you and returning you to your motherly self.
  467. >You sat next to your son and splayed the book out across your lap.
  468. >The first thing you saw was that old inscription you had written years ago.
  469. [To my angel sitting down from heaven, I'll always love you.]
  470. >Your eyes softened upon seeing that familiar hoofwriting, a week after Anon's birth you went out and purchased the first photo album you could find.
  471. >You decided that you wanted to capture every moment of that little colt's life, you silently chastised yourself for not updating the book.
  472. >Anon's expression once again showed disgust, or perhaps annoyance.
  473. What's the matter?
  474. >He shook his head and placed his face into the cup of his hoof.
  475. "You always used to call me that, and always around my friends too. You know how embarrassing that was?" He shot a wondering eye at you.
  476. Ah don't care if you're embarrassed of me, and for the record, you'll always be my angel sitting down from heaven!
  477. >You coyly sang, much to Anon's protest.
  478. Alright, alright, just stop calling me that.
  479. >This warmth was familiar, you laughed heartily at Anon's mock annoyance.
  480. >The pictures on display felt like more than just that, like avenues of history.
  481. >Each picture replayed a host of memories within you, some made you smile, others made you sad.
  482. "Oh wow, look at that one." Anon pointed with his hoof at his 1st grade class photo.
  483. >All of the fillies and colts in his class were gathered around Cheerilee, at first, you couldn't find your son in the crowd of children.
  484. Oh, oh my...
  485. >In the second row of kids you finally found him, he was at the left end of the row and his facial expression was priceless.
  486. >You quickly shot your hoof to your mouth to try and halt the flow of giggles coming forth, you had failed.
  487. "That's the face of pure mischief right there." He smirked at himself.
  488. >Anon was the only pony smiling in the picture, but it was no ordinary smile.
  489. >It looked as if Anon was in on the funniest joke in the world and all of his other classmates were the subject matter.
  490. Hehe, that's just golden.
  491. >You wiped a tear from your eye, the laughter had felt like ointment to your ailing mind.
  492. >Casually flipping through the pages resulted in more and more laughter and embarrassment for the two of you.
  493. >Anon would always stop on the younger pictures of you and point out your ridiculous clothes, you would always coo over the baby pictures of him.
  494. >This felt natural, you looked over at your son and those lustful feelings returned.
  495. >You hung your head down as you flipped to the final page with any pictures.
  496. >It was a page dedicated to the last Apple Family Reunion, all the family was busy with their own affairs, except for your immediate family.
  497. >In the first picture, you all stood together in front of the old barn, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and even Anon.
  498. >It was a nice picture, one that you wished was more that just that.
  499. >You missed them all so dearly, to think that they all work on a different orchard now felt so wrong.
  500. >Because of the tacking on of this new orchard your family was splintered off from each other.
  502. >It didn't seem the air was disturbed up until Applejack came to that last page.
  503. >You had nearly forgotten about everything just by laughing together with your mother.
  504. >Now, it felt as if every thought was rushing into your head at once.
  505. >Leaving her, loving her.
  506. >Her facial expression turned somber the minute she saw them, her family.
  507. >She placed her hoof against the pictures, rubbing her hoof against as if she could push through and enter that moment.
  508. You really miss 'em, huh?
  509. >You looked to your mother, she didn't speak, instead she exhaled long and slow.
  510. >You looked at the picture as well, Applejack was smiling, her hooves were wrapped around you in that picture.
  511. "There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about everypony." She didn't drop her gaze from the picture as she spoke, "Seeing them reminded me about how much time has passed, how much Ah've missed."
  512. >She shook her head slightly before taking a long deep breath.
  513. "Time's funny like that, it never stops for nopony, no matter how much we want it to, no matter what happens." She closed her eyes, "Sometimes I just wish I could make it stop, just for a second, so that I could tell everypony how much they matter to me."
  514. >Applejack went to shut book, you reached out a hoof and stopped her.
  515. >She turned her head to you, confusion evident in her eyes.
  516. Don't end it on a sappy note like that.
  517. >You looked into her eyes, a weak smile forming on your face.
  518. >The corners of her mouth turned up and her eyes smiled back at you.
  519. >She flipped back several pages before landing on a random page.
  520. >It was an unassuming photo of you, you must have been about five or six years old.
  521. >You were wearing overalls and were looking up at the camera from a sandbox.
  522. >Her face lightened upon seeing you, she smiled but her eyes and cheeks started to grow red.
  523. "Ah remember this one." She paused for a while, just staring at the picture, "Do you?"
  524. >She didn't look at you as she asked, instead she remained transfixed by the book.
  525. Not really.
  526. >She laughed but it had a different weight to it, as if she was punched in the gut.
  527. "Ah'll never forget this one, or what you said to me." She held that smile, it didn't make any sense though, now it looked as if she were in even more pain.
  528. >You thought maybe it was best not to ask, but this meant a lot to her, what could you have said?
  529. What'd I say?
  530. >It felt as if the room and everything outside it stopped when you asked her that, for the first time in a while her eyes flashed on you.
  531. "You asked me to marry you." The outside of her eyes were puffy, her face was growing redder with each passing minute.
  532. >She quickly wrapped her arms around you and embraced you as she bawled into your shoulder.
  533. >You felt mortified, you meant to cheer her up but this seemed to have backfired.
  534. >Quiet sobs left her shaking body, you hugged her back and she squeezed onto you even tighter.
  535. >The side of your neck was damp from her crying, you felt her chest heave and rise painfully with each sob.
  536. >Her throaty sobs lessened in frequency but you continued to hold her tightly, she didn't seem like she was letting go anytime soon either.
  537. >Her voice cracked slightly, she cleared her throat and began again.
  538. "I love you so much, Anon." Her voice wavered, she spoke as if her life exuded from that statement alone.
  539. "D'you know that? You're the reason I wake up everyday, the reason I breathe..."
  540. >She relaxed lightly into the embrace, her form draped over top of yours.
  541. >What could you say to that?
  542. I love you too, Ma.
  543. "No." She abruptly stated
  544. >She pressed herself away from you, holding you at hooves length.
  545. "I love you more." She looked into your eyes, the puffiness hadn't left her, she looked miserable.
  546. >She retreated back into your shoulder and laid into you.
  547. >Your thoughts returned to your packed belongings in your room, could you really leave her?
  548. >You rubbed your hoof into her back, she adjusted her hoofs to the side of yours, she laid her side into you and she glanced out the window.
  549. "Anon, I have a big favor to ask." She looked away again, she bit her lip lightly as if afraid of your reaction.
  550. Sure, what is it?
  551. >Another pause, maybe she was looking for the right words, or maybe she was thinking she shouldn't ask at all.
  552. "I-I want you to promise me something..." She spoke slowly yet desperately, "Promise me... promise me you'll never leave me."
  553. >She turned her head away from you.
  554. "I-I wouldn't be able to bear it Anon." Her voice shook as if Applejack threatened to burst into tears again.
  555. >Applejack feels so alone, her family is on another orchard altogether yet this mare stayed here for the good of that family.
  556. >For so long it had been just the two of you our here, abandoning her would be selfish.
  557. >Your thoughts flash back to last night, how you had ravaged the very pony that lay defenseless in your hooves.
  558. >Would she want you here if she knew? How could you stay here? What will you do?
  559. I-I promise, I won't leave ya.
  560. >Her condition seems to have stabilized from that, her sniffling had stopped.
  561. >She sniffled once or twice, than a small giggle escaped her.
  562. "Y-you know, you were the first colt to ever ask to marry me?" She looked up from her position on your chest.
  563. Wh-what?
  564. "It's true, your father never even asked for my hoof." She sighed, "Ah guess no one would want a pony like me, huh?"
  565. >How could nopony have...
  566. That's not true.
  567. >Your chest moved powerfully as you spoke, causing Applejack to slide slightly further down your torso.
  568. You're a gorgeous mare, you're a hard-worker and a good mother. Any stallion would be luc-no they'd be blessed to have you. You sacrifice so much for everypony else's sake, you, you...
  569. >You shook your head, how could she say that?
  570. "Anon, I-"
  571. You're incredible! I've never seen somepony more perfect in my lifetime.
  572. >These feelings whirled inside you, the torrent threatened to swallow you whole.
  573. Nopony is good enough for you.
  574. >You pictured your mother and yourself together, maybe in another life where you weren't her son.
  575. Nopony.
  576. >She rose slightly and looked you directly in the eyes
  577. "Anon..." Something in her voice tugged your heart, as if she needed you to lay there with her forever.
  578. >You were lost in her emerald eyes, an odd breeze caused threads in her mane to swathe across her forehead.
  579. >The freckles that adorned her face were more bright and beautiful than all the stars you had ever seen, her fur was lush and soft to the touch.
  580. >Those lips, those lips that could never be kissed.
  581. >Applejack hovered there, the two of you locked in this stare.
  582. >How could you live with this mare? The one who gave birth to you was the only mare you loved.
  583. >Applejack was the only thing that made sense in this world, and you couldn't have her.
  584. >These feelings weren't fair to Applejack, she truly loved you as a son, you had to abandon them.
  585. >You quickly turned your face away from her and began to sit up, Applejack slid off you and sat up herself.
  586. Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away.
  587. >Your stomach was in knots, you had felt so perfect lying with her like that.
  588. I think I know what you mean about stopping time though, if just for a little while.
  589. >This must be your punishment devised by Celestia herself, living in hoof's reach of the mare you love.
  590. >Applejack moved closer to you, she sat her hoof on your leg.
  591. >You looked into her eyes and felt transfixed again, wrapped in her web.
  592. >She moved her face to yours, her eyes fluttering as she closed the distance.
  593. >You could feel her breath against your face, her smooth lips jolted against yours.
  594. >Her eyes were shut tightly as she pressed into you.
  595. >Yours lips quivered under hers, the contact stunned you completely.
  596. >She retracted slightly and brushed some stray hairs off her face.
  597. >Her eyes were anywhere but on yours.
  598. >Did Applejack just?
  599. >You moved your hoof to your lips, this wasn't a dream.
  600. >You sat up slowly, you moved to her.
  601. >You examined her face closely, she wouldn't look at you.
  602. >You brought a hoof to her chin and tilted her face.
  603. >She finally looked at you, regret, love, excitement, sorrow, all intermingled in her eyes.
  604. I-I love you, Applejack.
  605. >Her eyes widened as you pressed your lips against hers.
  606. >For a moment she was stiff, than in an instant she relaxed into you.
  607. >This was crazy, if this was a dream you didn't want to wake from it.
  608. >You kissed her deeply, passionately, all the feelings that you had hidden flew forth.
  609. >You rubbed your hooves along her spine until finally reaching her hips, you gripped her tightly.
  610. >She gasped out from your kiss but quickly returned her maw to yours.
  611. >The two of you were enraptured.
  612. >Holding your mother that way, in your arms, it felt as if an ache on your soul had been mended.
  613. >The one you were made to be with, your own mother.
  614. >There were only breaks from the kissing when one of you needed to breathe, as Applejack gulped for air, you would turn your attention to her neck and shoulder.
  615. "Mmmm, ha..."
  616. >Her voice excited you, It came out.
  617. >The voice that you had heard your entire life, you had never experienced this part of it.
  618. >You wanted to hear her cry out.
  619. >Kissing her throat and chest, you slowly moved your way down her abdomen.
  620. >Licking and kissing, you wanted to feel all of her.
  621. "A-anon..."
  622. >Your hooves trailed after your kisses, she would meet your hoof with her own and allow you to move as you pleased.
  623. >Finally you reached your destination, it looked different in the day and Applejack was slathered in excitement.
  624. You're so beautiful, Applejack.
  625. >You kissed just above her waiting slit and you sensually rubbed your hooves against her inner thighs.
  626. >You pet the skin between her thigh and marehood eliciting several groans of pleasure from your mother.
  627. >You kissed her inner thighs, back and forth on each leg, making sure you were satisfied.
  628. >You wanted all of her, every inch.
  629. "Y-you're driving me crazy." Her voice was throaty, hushed.
  630. >She clamped her hooves over her head, obscuring your view of her face.
  631. >Lightly darting your tongue at her clit, she whimpers in ecstasy.
  632. >How could this be happening? It's nothing like the night before, does Applejack really want this?
  633. >You relinquished your grip on your mother, her chest rose and fell several times in the quiet night, her knees quivered.
  634. M-mah.
  635. >Her hooves were still blocking your view of her face, the tone in your voice invoked a serious tension.
  636. I-I don't know what I'm doing here, what we're doing here.
  637. >You pushed away from her and began to sit up, she clasped onto you quickly, she buried her head into your chest.
  638. "N-no, Anon..." Her voice shook you, she was truly pleading with you, "I-I want this..."
  639. >There wasn't any turning back from this, did she really think this through?
  640. T-there's no way it could work out.
  641. >You hung your head, you could feel her damp eyes against your chest.
  642. >She dug in deeper, she holed up in your arms as if it were the only safe place in the world.
  643. "You're the only colt to ever make me feel this way, Anon." She took a deep breath, "Ever since last night..."
  644. >What?
  645. >You looked down at your mother, watching her head shake in your embrace.
  646. >She moved away from you, her eyes pierced you.
  647. "Ah heard you wandering around, I thought maybe you were just getting something." She paused, "Then you came into my room, I had no idea what your intentions were but I didn't move."
  648. >This came to a complete surprise to you, you were totally stunned.
  649. "Y-you came in, before I knew it, my mind was blank and you were..." She clutched her hoof to her chest, "Ah was..."
  650. >She was awake the entire time?
  651. Mah, I'm so sorry. Ah don't know what to say, you've always been the only mare on my mind.
  652. >She looked to you as you spoke.
  653. Working day-in and day-out, I've seen you. I've always watched you mah, watched you work, watched you cook. You're just, everything, I don't know what to say.
  654. >She continued to watch you, she waited for you to continue.
  655. Whenever I would get these thoughts about you, I would absentmindedly stare. I felt like a statue around you, like a hunk of stone. Whenever your eyes fell on me, it felt like thousands of years had passed and that stone turned to dust. Ah've always felt this way about you mah, I wish I could have been stronger. Going to you while you were asleep was just...
  656. >A seething hatred for your actions erupted, your blood boiled.
  657. "A-anon..." Her voice sounded distant, as if nothing could reach her.
  658. I'm an idiot, falling for my own mother.
  659. "Ah don't think you're an idiot." She lifted your chin lightly, she sat back and gave you a warm smile, "And what you said sure made me feel good, had no idea we had a poet in the family!"
  660. >Somehow, what she said made you feel better, if only a little bit.
  661. "So..." She rubbed her hooves together nervously, "D'ya really mean it? D'ya, ya'know, really..."
  662. Ah've never been more sure of anything mah.
  663. >That seemed to have stopped her, she sat quietly for a while.
  664. "Than, could ya, say it again?" She sounded meek, not at all like her regular self.
  665. >You moved close to her, placing your hoof over hers.
  666. I love you.
  667. "Anon..." She turned her head away from you.
  668. I love you more than anything mah.
  669. "I..." She looked scared.
  670. You don't have to say it if you don't want.
  671. "No, I love you too, Anon. More than anything..." You finished her sentence with a kiss, one unlike before.
  672. >There was no longer a barrier, Applejack knew what you did, she was yours now.
  673. >The kiss was sweet but short, you pulled away from her and glanced at her form in the night light.
  674. >Her mane was in tangles, strewn about her shoulder with small webs across her forehead.
  675. >Her ever-brilliant eyes reflected the moonlight like pools of water, yet they were somehow deeper.
  676. >Her fur felt like the finest lavender.
  677. >And her.
  678. >Applejack, the mare that brought you into this world with love and care.
  679. I want to do right by you, I want to love you proper.
  680. >Applejack seemed nervous once again.
  681. "I want you to love me..." She eased into the couch, she was opening herself to you.
  682. >You pressed your lips against hers, slowly.
  683. >You explored each others coats with your hooves, reveling in each other's.
  684. >Your member slid from its sheathe, this was what you had always wanted.
  685. Mah...
  686. >You were delicate in your movements, you wanted to remember every sound she made, every detail of this event had to be recorded.
  687. >Your member rested against her inner thigh, your hips humped instinctively upon making contact.
  688. "Ah can feel you..." Her voice, to hear her like this was maddening.
  689. >To have her in your hooves, to have her want you as well.
  690. >You lapped at her neck, flicking her ears with your snout.
  691. >Each movement you made was for her, this was all for her.
  692. >Finally, your hooves moved to her rump.
  693. >Her backside had been haunting you up to this point, to be able to hold it like this...
  694. >You pressed your hooves into the soft flesh, felt its elasticity and pressed the two orbs together.
  695. >Your hooves slid to her crotch, your member swayed over her opening, ready to penetrate.
  696. >She gasped loudly at your quick movement.
  697. >Your whole body shook, the passion was threatening to take you over completely.
  698. >You wanted this to be special for her, you wouldn't succumb.
  699. I want to make you feel good, Applejack.
  700. >She sighed out as you stood over her, your member drooled as it bobbed over her waiting orifice.
  701. >You slid the length of your member against the hot chasm, bits of her own lubrication coated the underside of your member.
  702. >Applejack was writhing around underneath you, her voice escaped every once in a while but she still seemed reserved.
  703. >Let's change that.
  704. >You pressed the head of your proud length into her, the warm walls grasped and suckled on your flesh instantly.
  705. >The feeling of masturbating couldn't compare, you were afraid you would cum too soon.
  706. >Applejack through her head back, she gritted her teeth and several small squeaks came from her dry throat.
  707. >Your whole body was dripping with sweat, as was hers.
  708. >The passionate fire in your bodies kindled each other's flames and bolstered them greatly.
  709. >Applejack swung her back-legs around your waist, she pulled you deeper inside herself.
  710. "Ahh! Anon!! Ha!" Her cries were desperate, her movements were almost too much for you to bear.
  711. >She slid her maw over your member, enveloping it and releasing it only to repeat the process.
  712. >You tried your best to concentrate on anything but the feeling of your mother's warm insides but the challenge was difficult.
  714. >The feeling of your son penetrating you, it was unreal.
  715. >It wasn't like any other fling, you could feel his love radiating inside you.
  716. >His movements are delicate, he really cares about you.
  717. >He stood over you, panting from the love-making.
  718. >You lay entwined with him, your own flesh and blood.
  719. >His strong body pressed against yours, his long member reached all the places your lonely hooves could never reach.
  720. >Not only that, his love was real.
  721. >He brought out feelings in you that you didn't even know you had, you thought that love was something that would be unattainable.
  722. >Yet here you were.
  724. >Applejack gripped onto you tighter, she wailed into the night as you pumped into her.
  725. "A-anon, ha, I love you!" She managed to shout over your slapping flesh.
  726. >You were nearing your climax, you were at the verge at any moment but her shouting that...
  727. I... Mah, I'm gonna...
  728. >You couldn't cum inside her, couldn't risk...
  729. >Her legs wrapped around you tighter, she bit into your shoulder and slammed her hips into yours.
  730. >Your resistance dwindled, the familiar churning in your loins signified your limit.
  731. Mah, oh Mah!
  732. >You pumped slowly, feeling the rush of sperm reaching the head of your cock.
  733. I, Celestia, I'm-!
  734. >One final thrust as you felt your member tense, you felt your pulse through your member.
  735. "I-I-I feel it! Ah, Anon! Cum! Cum for me!" With your mothers encouragement, you fired your seed directly inside her.
  736. >The orgasm that coursed through your bones was unlike any other, you felt yourself violently fire your repressed desire in spurts.
  737. >As you thrusted, your seed mingled with her juices and coated the outside of your cock, you pressed any over and over feeling the flared head of your cock against her womb.
  738. >You hilted inside your mother and shot the remainder of your massive orgasm directly into her womb.
  739. >You fell onto her, the both of you gasped wildly as the passion of your love-making came to a close.
  740. >Your member fell out limply and retreated into your sheath, her marehood was gushing with your fluids but she seemed content.
  741. "Th-that was incredible, Anon." You both moved to sit up but the effort proved too much, "I guess we'll just lay out here for tonight."
  742. Oh Celestia, Mah...
  743. >Your head was spinning, you could hardly form a sentence, the toils of the day before and tonight had come to a head.
  744. >You were physically and mentally exhausted beyond the point of return, you collapsed into your mother.
  745. "I'll wake ya in the morning, get some rest." She patted you on the back, her voice was soothing, was this the perk of loving your mother?
  746. G'night...
  747. >Your eyes fluttered, you didn't want to miss a second of her, even if she'd be there in the morning, you didn't want to miss a second of her.
  748. I love you.

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

by Sodapop

Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

by Sodapop


by Sodapop

(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

by Sodapop