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(MLO) Ghostpone *Finished* (Very Short) GOOD_GUY MAR 3RD,[...]

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:04:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Things have never really been the same since the death of your mother, you remember the event like it was yesterday.
  3. >As you were walking to school, your mother hurriedly rushed behind you with your forgotten lunch in tow.
  4. "Honey! You forgot you-"
  5. >You turned to find an anvil that had appeared to have been produced from thin air crushing your mother's head into the pavement.
  6. >You hadn't had a second to mourn before a ghastly, incorporeal being floated from her body.
  7. "Oh, there you are! You forgot your lunch!"
  8. >Her usual doting nature ever-present even after death.
  9. M-M-mom!?
  10. "What's the problem sweetie? You look like you've seen a ghost!" She waved her purple hoof before you, she stopped when she noticed her new-found transparency, "Wh-what's going on?"
  11. >She looked around in a panic and saw her limp form under the anvil, she gasped loudly, spun in a daze, and fainted.
  12. >You didn't know ghosts could faint, Tartarus, you didn't know ghosts were even real!
  13. >You tapped your mother's wispy body, there was an odd consistency to it, there seemed to be a very thin membrane keeping her essence inside it, once you pressed lightly enough against it your hoof went through.
  14. >Your mother giggled slightly, was she even unconscious?
  15. "Tee hee, stop it Anon~" She tittered, her transient eyes shut.
  16. >The recent events were so jarring, you really weren't quite sure how to react.
  17. >Your mother's limp form was right next to her other, slightly more see-through form.
  18. >Where did that anvil even come from?
  19. >A quick surveillance of the area alerted you to a cross-eyed mail mare humming as she flew away, a carriage in her wake filled with anvils.
  20. >You slapped your hoof to your face in exasperation.
  21. >A quick look back to your ghost mom showed she seemed to be alright, as alright as somepony who was dead could be.
  22. >A satisfied smile was splayed across her face, her legs kicked lightly in her sleep? You weren't even sure what was going on.
  23. >You sigh, welp, might as well do what you can, looks like you aren't going to school today.
  25. >It had taken a lot of getting used to, for the both of you.
  26. >Tasks around the house were impossible for your mother, it seemed she could only interact with other ponies.
  27. >Inanimate objects passed through her entirely, leaving a lot of the work around the house up to you now.
  28. >She would give you instructions on how to do things around the house, fold the clothes, cook the food, do the dishes.
  29. >Her doting personality never left her, you were thankful for that.
  30. >Regardless of her state, she was still your mother.
  31. "You're doing so well honey, I'm so sorry things turned out this way." She pouted her lips out, "I'm such a useless mom."
  32. >A long exhale left you, you wondered how your mom did all this work, you were completely exhausted.
  33. That's okay mom, nothing you can do about it.
  34. >She tapped her hoof to her chin, her eyes scanned up and to the left, as if she was looking around inside her own head.
  35. "Aha! There's one thing I can do!" She flew over to you and wrapped her clammy hooves around your shoulders.
  36. Ugh, mom! What are you doing?
  37. "I can still touch you! Here, let me work off some of that stress." Her hooves were almost indescribable, they left you feeling wet wherever she touched but there was no moisture to speak of.
  38. >The cold, frigid aura that floated around her was transferring into your skin.
  39. >The feeling was an odd one, but it wasn't unpleasant and you soon found that your stress was melting away from her touch.
  40. >You slumped back and relaxed as she rubbed her hooves over you.
  41. "See? There we go~" She cooed lightly, her hooves trailed across your back causing small tingles wherever they went.
  42. Ha, thanks mom. I feel way better.
  43. >You sat up.
  44. I can get back to work now, still a lot of chores to do.
  45. >Your mother gasped at this, a look of shock on her face.
  46. "Oh, no no no! There's no way my little colt is doing anymore work today!" She shook her head back and forth, "You're plumb tired! You really ought to rest."
  47. If I don't do it, who will? Besides, I'm not that tired.
  48. >An exasperated expression came across her face, she flew around the room before finally colliding with you.
  49. >It felt as if a gust of wind was blowing around inside you, cold wind that made you shiver to the bones.
  50. >Your teeth chattered at your mother's assault.
  51. A-a-a-alright! I-I-I'm g-g-going!!
  52. >Satisfied, she left your body, a wave of relieve washed over you.
  53. "Good, glad I could get through to you." She flicked her hoof in the direction of your room, "Now, off to bed, Momma will find a way to deal with this."
  54. Hmmph, good luck.
  55. >You walked off in the direction of your room, suddenly feeling the tiredness you were fighting off.
  56. >You crash onto your bed and sleep takes you almost instantly
  58. "AAAAAAAAHHH!!" A shrill voice sounded from the kitchen, rousing your from your sleep.
  59. Ugh, what is it now.
  60. >You tiredly paw at your eyes as you clamor out of bed.
  61. >Walking into the kitchen reveals an absolute catastrophe, along the walls were purple goo, you had seen this before, it happened whenever your mother passed through a wall.
  62. >The good was the same color as her coat, you weren't sure if that had anything to do with it but it might.
  63. >You found your mother's head coming up halfway through the floor, revealing only her eyes to you.
  64. What is it?
  65. >You asked in a frustrated tone.
  66. "I just, I don't know, I can't do anything right. I hate this, I just wish I could do the things I used to, everything is so hard now." She expressed herself solely with her eyes, they darted around and her brow furrowed and finally sagged in defeat.
  67. Mom, I know, I wish you could go back too. Things probably aren't going to change though, so let's just get used to it.
  68. >One of her hooves passed through the floor to wipe her eyes.
  69. >She looked up at you, sincerity radiating from her gaze.
  70. "I'm so sorry Anon, I wish I could help." She sniffed out, you were seriously unsure about her, how could she sniff? How could she cry?
  71. >You shook your head.
  72. Don't worry about it, as long as you're around, I won't have a problem.
  73. >She floated the rest of her head from below the floor.
  74. "Do you mean it?" Her eyes still glued to you, always falling you.
  75. Yeah, no matter what, as long as you're around, I've got it.
  76. >You stuck your hoof in your direction and flashed a confident smile.
  77. "Oh, Anon!" She flew toward you, her hooves outstretched.
  78. >She passed through you, causing the all too familiar wind but it felt different this time.
  79. >The wind was much calmer, and it felt almost warm.
  80. >She flew through you, passed around the room and hovered over you.
  81. >You lay with your back to the cold kitchen floor.
  82. "I love you so much Anon!" She rubbed her cheek against yours, the cool exterior bringing you back to reality.
  83. C-cut it out mom.
  84. >She backed away, then a sly look came across her face.
  85. "Ohoho! Anon~ what? You don't like me?" She moved her face closer to yours, "What if I peppered you with kisses? Would Anon just hate that?"
  86. What's with you? quit it!
  87. >You felt your face grow warmer at her affection, you weren't sure why, but the way she felt, it was so different, it made you feel funny sometimes.
  88. "Oh, Anon, you're so dishonest. I can see it on your face." She slid closer again, her lips pursed in a kiss, "You really want kisses, don't you?"
  89. M-mom...
  90. >She pressed her lips on your cheeks, the warm wind returned into you, it was growing hotter.
  91. >She kissed you several times, each kiss lingering a little while longer until finally she kissed you on the lips.
  92. >She held the kiss for just a moment, her eyes flashed open and she pushed you away the best she could.
  93. "Oh, hehe, sorry about that sweetie. Mom seems to have gotten a bit carried away, haha!" A red tinge came across her transparent cheeks as well.
  94. >You felt your heart nearly burst from your chest with each heavy thump.
  95. I, that was...
  96. "I just, well, I love feeling you, you're alive and all, my baby colt! I, I'm sorry that I kept, oh this is so embarrassing, there's just so much running through my head." She rambled on, her tinge growing with each second, "It's just, it's been so long since I had somepony, even before well, y'know." Your mother fidgeted uncomfortably, a red tinge streaked across her face.
  97. >You were so baffled at what she was saying you merely sat there, dumb-founded.
  98. >She eyed you nervously, lingering on your face then quickly returning her attention to the floor.
  99. "I-I may be this way, but I still..." She drooped her neck down completely, "Have needs..."
  100. >Your eyes widened, you remained silent.
  101. >She floated over to you meekly, her hooves outstretched to you.
  102. "Anonnnnnn~" She wrapped her hooves around you again, the warm current from before turned into a raging torrent within you, your mother pursed her lips together and hovered mere inches from your lips.
  103. M-mom...
  104. >She pressed her lips into yours, they parted lightly and her incorporeal tongue licked and teased your lips.
  105. >There was moisture from her tongue surprisingly, her labored breaths left chills along your spine.
  106. >Her hooves glided along your shoulders and down your forehooves, she guided your hoof to her transparent flesh.
  107. "It's okay, touch me..." She cooed into your ear, she pressed your hoof against her chest, "Hah, you feel so nice~"
  108. >Her body was incredibly cold, you caressed her silky, almost mist like body.
  109. "Th-that's it, you're doing so good." She encouraged, she licked your lips between pecks, her own hoof pressed into your sheathe.
  110. M-mom, what are we doing...
  111. >You ceased your advances.
  112. We should stop.
  113. >Guilt was slowly creeping into your conscious, this was your mother after all, she wasn't even alive!
  114. "D-do you really want to?" Her voice was a mere shade of itself, "I've always loved you Anon, m-maybe more than a mother should..." She brushed a strand of her airy mane behind her ear, returning her gaze to you, "I'll, I'll stop if you want to, I-I'll forget all about this."
  115. >She was tearing you up! A burning inferno in your chest incinerated whatever qualms you had.
  116. >You pressed your lips into your mother's with new force, nearly passing through the apparition.
  117. "Mmmm!" She wrapped her hind legs around you, passing through you accidentally once before re-positioning herself.
  118. >You stood over your mother, her features wavered back and forth, the translucent mare seemed to sweltering from your passionate embrace.
  119. "Oh, Anon~, a-are you sure?" She flickered her eye-lashes at you coquettishly, she retracted a hoof to her chest in an attempt to look vulnerable.
  120. >Her appearance was exciting you, the aura of the situation was doubling arousing, you absolutely knew this was wrong but even she wanted it to happen.
  121. >You answered her by kissing her open mouth, her tongue quickly met yours, the cold muscle fencing with yours.
  122. >The two of you laid entwined, your member eked it's way out and greeted your mother's waiting sex.
  123. "Wow, my little colt sure has grown up." She stroked your member, lubing her hoof with her own excitement, she coated a thin layer along your shaft.
  124. I can't believe we're doing this...
  125. >She grasped your face between her two hooves, directing your sight to her.
  126. "Shhhh, don't think." She winked at you playfully, she grasped your cock and drew circles around the only warm portion of her body.
  127. Ahhh, mom...
  128. "That's it sweetie, feels good, huh?" She looked up at you again, her eyes half-lidded from the heavy mood.
  129. >Your member pressed against her opening, causing a shrill moan to come from your mother, she laid with her legs splayed wide, ready to accept you into herself.
  130. "Now try moving honey~" She licked your cheek playfully as she adjusted herself to her side to better accept you.
  131. >You moved your hips forward, penetrating your mother's phantasmal orifice, you were surprised at the love the act elucidated.
  132. >Your mother loved you dearly, even death couldn't keep her from loving you.
  133. >The steely cold that exuded from your mother was completely absent during love making, she radiated warmth as you pierced her sex.
  134. >The walls along her squeezed you but didn't necessarily contain you, as you moved you felt yourself phase from inside her vagina to other portions of her body.
  135. "Wah, ah! Oh my goodness, Anon! This, mmmmm, you're incredible!" You pistoned your swollen manhood into your shrieking ghost of a mother.
  136. >The feeling of passing through her wasn't the same as her passing through you, her body contoured around your cock, still squeezing and sucking onto every inch of you.
  137. >You thrusted yourself downward, from your mother's pussy invading her ass in the process.
  138. "AHH! Oh Celestia, hmmmmm, no one's been in there~!" You pounded over and over into your mother, her pussy and anus engulfed you simultaneously.
  139. M-mom, I'm gonna-
  140. >Her mane was frazzled, she gripped you tightly, with urgency.
  141. "DO IT INSIDE ME, DO IT IN MOMMA!" She wrapped her hind-legs around you, her pussy tightened ten-fold as you neared your peak.
  142. Mom, oh Celestia, MOM!
  143. >You thrust into your mother as your semen shot out in thick ropes inside her, each spurt of your cum was visible through your mother's translucent skin.
  144. >Four, five, six, seven spurts of your seed drenched her vaginal and rectal walls.
  145. >You pumped weakly as the remainder of your strength escaped the tip of your cock.
  146. "Such a good boy~!" She released you, she spread her lips lightly and globs of your semen poured out of her orifice.
  147. M-mo-
  148. >You collapsed from the exertion, landing inches away from your mother.
  150. >Things have never really been the same since the death of your mother, doing all the chores was taxing, but your mother would always help you the only way she could.
  152. ~End~

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

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Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

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by Sodapop

(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

by Sodapop