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Branded - Prologue AKAME JAN 7TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:10:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, human extraordinaire, and you are being chased by Fluttershy. Usually, this would be a normal stroll through town for you, but today was different.
  2. >Today, you were branded… by HER...
  3. >You turn a corner and dash down an ally, hoping the yellow demon's inertia would force her to miss the turn.
  4. >It doesn't.
  5. >Looking back, you see the pink maned menace as she begins to shout- uh- say- hmm- more of a loud whisper actually.
  6. >"Anon! Give me your hot monkey di-"
  7. >You clasp your hands to your ears and begin that age old ignoring technique.
  8. "LALALALALALALA I can't hear you!"
  9. >You reach the town square and quickly look around.
  10. >Why is it today, of all days, that there are no mares outside?
  11. >Fluttershy closes in from behind and starts to yell- er- utter- wait- murmur (that's it!).
  12. >"Mister, come here and rut m-"
  13. "No!"
  14. >Your hands cover your ears again as you begin to sing "Look Down." Because fuck what Rainbow Dash says, guys can like musicals too.
  15. >You make a mad dash to the library. Twilight has no social life, if you can just get to her you'll be safe!
  16. >A glance behind you shows Fluttershy in hot pursuit. Fortunately your loud singing drowns out her commands.
  17. >Almost there…
  18. >Fluttershy leaps through the air.
  19. >Just a little more…
  20. >You can almost reach the door!
  21. >You suddenly lurch forward as your pursuer strikes your back, forcing your hands from their protective station. The subsequent collision with the library door stops your singing as the two of you roll into the library and hit a shelf, flinging its contents from their resting place and covering you and Fluttershy.
  22. >You push the yellow pegasus off of you and scan the room. A very confused Twilight looks at the two home wreckers laying on her floor. You smile as you stand up and make sure you didn't break anything serious. A small pang in your chest alleviates your fears.
  23. >A slight tug at your sleeve draws your eye to the side. Fluttershy sheepishly flies up and whispers into your ear.
  24. >"Um… R-rut me?"
  25. >You smile.
  26. "Not today, Flutterbutt."
  27. >You stretch the neck of your shirt down and reveal the brand on the left side of your chest. The brand matches the cutie mark of Twilight Sparkle.

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