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Branded - Chapter 4 AKAME JAN 12TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:14:52
Expiry: Never

  1. >~Through this land of tragedy, I try to find my way. And in this town of misery, I search for yo-~
  2. >You shut off your phone alarm and lay in bed.
  3. >Last night was a disaster.
  4. >It was just supposed to be dinner...
  5. >But you knew it meant more than that.
  6. "Estrus."
  7. >The word hangs in the air like a poison fog.
  8. >You wanted to comfort your friend, but Twilight didn't want comfort...
  9. >She wanted you to stay away.
  10. >Would everyp0ny be like that?
  11. *Sigh*
  12. >You get out of bed. Applejack is expecting you on the farm again today.
  13. >God knows that she wouldn't touch those files in her basement.
  14. >As you walk across the room and get ready for your morning routine, you become aware of a soft, *clopping* noise coming from your closet.
  15. >The noise gets louder and faster as you approach.
  16. >Please don't let it be-
  17. >You yank open the closet door and are sprayed with a clear, viscous fluid.
  18. >Not just you, your closet clothes were completely drenched as well.
  19. >Fluttershy lays on the floor, almost passed out from cumming so hard.
  20. >You chest burns as you bend down to pick her up.
  21. >The pleasant fragrance of hay mingles with her musk.
  22. >She regains her bearings as you attempt to throw her from your bedroom.
  23. >Her front hooves press against the doorframe as she resists leaving your room.
  24. >"Wait! Wait, Anon!"
  25. *Thump-thump*
  26. >You stop pushing and let her down.
  27. >After regaining her composure, Fluttershy looks at your chest and gasps.
  28. >Maybe seeing Twilight's cutie mark on you will make Fluttershy back off?
  29. >"Oh my."
  30. >The look of surprise on her face quickly gives way to one of lust."
  31. >"I knew you cared, Anon!"
  32. >What?
  33. >You look down at the brand.
  34. >The angle makes it difficult to judge, but you can see it has changed.
  35. >Fortunately, your bathroom has a mirror you can use.
  36. >Your face goes pale as you examine your reflection.
  37. >Right where Twilight's cutie mark was yesterday, three butterflies were visible.
  38. >Fluttershy's cutie mark...
  39. >Was this the spell's doing? Why did it change?
  40. >You exit the bathroom shaking.
  41. >The yellow p0ny trots up to you and gives you a hug.
  42. >You quickly push her away.
  43. >Fluttershy initially looks surprised, but she soon gains some confidence.
  44. >"You don't have to hide your feelings anymore, Anon. I can see your love for me."
  45. "Fluttershy, this is not what you think. Hell, I don't even know what to think about it."
  46. "Now, now, mister. I know you want it."
  47. >She tries to grope your crotch.
  48. >You stop her and walk away. She follows, trying to get you to stop.
  49. >"Come on, Anon! Let me make you feel good."
  50. *Thump-thump*
  51. >Your chest sears, but you continue walking.
  52. *Thump-thump*
  53. >You hunch over a bit, clutching your chest, but still you walk. You wont let Fluttershy do that to you.
  54. *Thump-Thump*
  55. >You stop and quickly turn to Fluttershy.
  56. >She is caught off guard by your sudden lack of motion and bumps into you, right at crotch level.
  57. >The pegasus stares at you confusingly, then notices what's in front of her.
  58. >Your groin is right at eye level, with clear access for her. She looks up to you, as if to ask if you were serious.
  59. >You... wanted this.
  60. >When you don't move, she gives a squeel of joy and moves into position.
  61. >She pries your boxers away, leaving you standing naked.
  62. >You feel her muzzle rub against you, hot breath teasing your skin.
  63. >Blood pumps downwards, eliciting a yelp of surprise from Fluttershy when you prod her face.
  64. >She stares hungrily at your crotch. Taking a final look at you for reassurance, she opens her mouth.
  65. >It's like the world is moving is slow motion.
  66. >You see Fluttershy guide your dick into her mouth.
  67. >Though you can no longer see it, you feel the moisure and heat of the air around your head.
  68. >You were on the edge of pleasure.
  69. >Time speeds up as Fluttershy's lips engulf you.
  70. >Her tongue slurps around your shaft and teases your urethra.
  71. >You let out a moan of pleasure as you hilt, her snout touching the base of your stomach.
  72. >This... feels good.
  73. >...
  74. >You come to your senses.
  75. >The p0ny who has been trying to rape you is now sucking your dick.
  76. >Whatever you had wanted before, you didn't want it now.
  77. >You shove Fluttershy away from you and back up, hyperventilating.
  78. >She looks from you to your crotch and back.
  79. >"D- Didn't it feel good?"
  80. >It did.
  81. >Oh God... It-
  82. >...
  83. >It did...
  84. >You feel sick.
  85. >You rush to the bathroom and throw up.
  86. >Fluttershy flies above you as you regurgitate the remnants of last night's meal.
  87. >Once you're finished vomiting, Fluttershy lands next to you.
  88. >"Oh, my poor baby."
  89. >You summon the strength to speak.
  90. "Fluttershy... Please leave me alone. I'm not feeling well..."
  91. >The pink maned succubus nuzzles your face.
  92. >"Don't worry, Momma's going to make you feel all better."
  93. >She turns to leave, but you reach out and grab her tail, stopping her.
  94. "Fluttershy, please... I'm... please, give me some space today..."
  95. >You stare at her, eyes begging for her to just subside her attempts at your affection this one day.
  96. >...
  97. >"Ok."
  98. >What?
  99. >As she talks, she rubs the brand with her hoof.
  100. >"I can see how much you love me Anon, I trust you'll come back to me later."
  101. >After a short while, she gives you a quick peck on the lips and flies out of your bedroom window.
  102. >You manage to crawl into the shower from the floor.
  103. >The hot water calms you a little as you think about what has happened.
  104. >Why did you...
  105. >Why did You WANT Fluttershy to do that?
  106. >You know that's not what you want now.
  107. >It's like you were overcome with this desire to let her...
  108. "Make you feel good..."
  109. >You push this morning's events out of your mind as you scrub yourself clean.
  111. >After your salvaged routine was finished, you went to get dressed.
  112. >Fluttershy's musk hit you has you reached the closet, causing you to gag a bit.
  113. >You couldn't wear those clothes now.
  114. >You glance at the time.
  115. >8:24 AM
  116. >Shit.
  117. >You go to the dirty clothes hamper, only to find it was empty.
  118. "What the-?"
  119. >There was a note at the bottom of the hamper.
  120. >"Thanks for the gifts, Anon. They're just my size."
  121. >A lipstick smooch covers the bottom of the page.
  122. >It isn't horizontal...
  123. >You burn the note and throw it out the window.
  124. >Glancing around the room, your eyes fall on the only clothing you have left.
  125. >It sits in the corner, wrinkled up. You tossed it there just yesterday.
  126. >You pick up the torn shirt and put it on backwards, covering the brand.
  127. >A trip to see Rarity might be in order before heading to Sweet Apple Acres.
  128. >Air brushed your back as you walked out of your house.
  129. >It felt odd having your back exposed, but it was better than p0nies thinking you were fucking Fluttershy or something.
  131. >You arrive at Carousel Boutique wearing only a half dissolved shirt hanging off your shoulders, a towel wrapped around your waist, and a pair of shoes on your feet.
  132. >The door is answered by-
  133. "Spike?"
  134. >The young dragon stares up at you.
  135. >"Hey, Anon. What are you doing here so early?"
  136. >He motions you inside and closes the door.
  137. "I need some new clothes, mine are all kind of... ruined."
  138. >"I can see that."
  139. "Is Rarity available?"
  140. >He looks you up and down.
  141. >"Yeah... what's with the towel?"
  142. "Never underestimate the immense practicality of a towel, Spike. This is just one of its many possible uses."
  143. >Spike just shrugs and walks upstairs.
  144. >A few moments later, you hear a startled scream from upstairs.
  145. >*"WHAT?! But I look horrible! Oh, no, no, no , no, no. I'm not even CLOSE to looking presentable!"*
  146. >Sounds like Rarity was having some fashion issues.
  147. >Spike runs down the stairs looking somewhat frightened. He glances over at you.
  148. >"Heh, um… She'll be down in a minute."
  149. >You roll your eyes and take a look at your phone.
  150. >9:05 AM
  152. >"Anon! What a pleasure to see you, darling."
  153. >Rarity's voice shocks you from your drowsy haze and you jump up reflexively.
  154. >Your towel wasn't quite as responsive and chose to remain sitting down.
  155. >Should have wrapped it better.
  156. >Your hand clasps your chest as another pang strikes.
  157. >Rarity stares at the full display of you in front of her face.
  158. >You quickly cover yourself with your towel. Hopefully this wont be a recurring thing today.
  159. "Sorry, Rarity."
  160. >The fashionista regains her composure and smiles at you.
  161. >"No, no, it's quite alright. Here I was, worried about looking presentable, and you just present yourself to me. I like that in a stallion, Anon."
  162. >She blinks seductively at you.
  163. >You try to think of a response but cannot, so you do what you always do in uncomfortable situations.
  164. >Smile awkwardly.
  165. >Rarity giggles.
  166. >"Oh, I'm just teasing, dear. A lady always keeps her desires in check, even during her most heated moments."
  167. >You keep smiling, hoping that nothing happens.
  168. >"Now what is it that I can do for you, Anon?"
  169. >Rarity walks past you, towards her work area.
  170. >You feel her tail flick your towel as she walks by.
  171. >She's swaying her hips more than usual…
  172. "I need some new clothes."
  173. >Rarity examines the tattered cloth you called a shirt.
  174. >"Indeed you do. What happened to all those clothes I slaved over for you before?"
  175. "Fluttershy, happened."
  176. >You hated telling p0nies about Fluttershy. They never believed you, or worse, said it was just her trying to be cute. Even Twilight had her doubts for quite some time, only believing you after Fluttershy tried to give you a blow job under a table… in a public restaurant… with Twilight sitting next to you.
  177. >Needless to say, Twilight got rather angry with Fluttershy after that.
  178. >…
  179. >Twilight...
  180. >"Anon, dear, are you alright?"
  181. "Hmm?"
  182. >You look up at the white unicorn holding measuring tape with her magic.
  183. >"I need to take some measurements."
  184. >Apparently, you had spaced out a bit. You were now standing on a modeling platform in Rarity's work room without shoes.
  185. >Heaven forbid you scuff up her platform.
  186. >You laugh nervously.
  187. "Heh, heh, right…."
  188. >The next few minutes were going to be… uncomfortable, to say the least.
  189. >Rarity needed to measure your inseam.
  190. >Meaning you would have to remove your trusty towel and reveal your… Ford Prefect…
  191. >A glance at the time forces you to acquiesce to Rarity's demands, however.
  192. >9:42 AM
  193. >Applejack is going to kill yo-
  194. "Hey!"
  195. >Rarity has just measured your junk, rather obviously at that.
  196. >"I'm just doing what you asked here, Anon. Don't get mad at me~."
  197. >She bats her eyes innocently.
  198. *Thump-thump*
  199. *Sigh* "Just… get on with it, please."
  200. >The white unicorn grins and finishes taking measurements.
  201. >Of course, she forgot to record your inseam the first time and wastes no time remeasuring.
  202. >As Rarity leaves the room you rewrap your towel around your waist. Standing half naked around a mare in heat doesn't seem like the best idea.
  203. >Hopefully it won't take her too long to finish your clothes, it is late enough as it is.
  204. >Walking back into the foyer of Carousel Boutique, you are astonished to find Rarity putting the finishing touches on your new set of clothes.
  205. >She sees you approach and gives a soft grin.
  206. >After she finishes sewing, Rarity holds up your new shirt.
  207. >It looks good. Even has the design you were so well-known for, alongside Rarity's three diamond signature of course.
  208. >"Would you mind trying this on, Anonymous? I'd like to make sure it fits properly."
  209. >Reluctantly, you remove your threadbare shirt to try on the new one.
  210. >Rarity gasps.
  211. >Shit.
  212. >You had forgotten about Fluttershy's cutie mark being engraved in your chest.
  213. >Now Rarity probably thinks you and Fluttershy are dating… Or worse…
  214. >You quickly cover the brand with your shirt.
  215. "Rarity, it's not what you think. I-"
  216. >"Oh my…"
  217. >This is starting to sound dangerously familiar.
  218. >Rarity looks at your chest with wonder.
  219. >"Anon, who knew you were so… bold."
  220. >She locks eyes with you.
  221. >"I've never had somep0ny tattoo my signature onto their chest before. It's exhilarating."
  222. >What?
  223. >Did the brand change again?
  224. >You dart back into Rarity's work room and look yourself over in a mirror.
  225. >Right where three butterflies had been, three gems now show.
  226. >This can't be good.
  227. >What is causing these changes?
  228. >It must have something to do with the p0nies around you.
  229. >Every time you've looked at the brand, it has mimicked the cutie mark of the p0ny you were with.
  230. >You are too deep in thought to notice the white unicorn approaching you.
  231. >You are pushed, face down, onto the modeling platform.
  232. >Rarity's face greets you as you turn over.
  233. >She stands over you, her tail flicking your crotch through your towel.
  234. >The two of you sit in silence.
  235. "Rarity, I- *Mmmf*"
  236. >You try to speak, but are cut off by Rarity pressing her lips against yours.
  237. >Her tongue invades your mouth and dances.
  238. >You feel her wrap around your tongue and pull it into her mouth.
  239. >With a loud *Slurp* she sucks on your tongue before releasing you.
  240. *Drip* *Drip*
  241. >A wetness spreads over your towel. Your hardening member causes it to unfurl.
  242. >You are completely naked now.
  243. >Rarity glances down at your crotch.
  244. >"Oh, Anonymous. You ARE a bold one…"
  245. >She grinds against you, her fluids drenching your now rigid cock.
  246. >You become aware of the strong aroma of Vanilla coming from Rarity.
  247. >Your breathing becomes heavy as pleasure floods your body.
  248. >Rarity speaks as she grinds.
  249. >"So, Anon- Ooh… How will you be paying for- Ah! For your new clothes?"
  250. >She licks her lips as she stares at your reddening face.
  251. >You just realized…
  252. >You left your bits at home.
  253. "… I- I don't have my bits on me. If you don't mind, I can go ho-"
  254. >"Oh no, no, no. *Mmm* There's no need for that."
  255. >She leans down and licks your neck, slowly working her way back to your mouth.
  256. >As she reaches your lips, you part them.
  257. >Her tongue reclaims its place in your mouth.
  258. >You must be insane for enjoying this…
  259. >She soon removes her face from yours and sits up.
  260. >A thin thread of saliva connects your mouths as she pulls away.
  261. >"Do you know why it is that I've never had a coltfriend, Anon?"
  262. >You had always wondered. For all her talk of romance and love, you had never actually seen Rarity with a stallion.
  263. "Wh- Why?"
  264. >She leans forward and plants several small kisses on your face before whispering in your ear.
  265. >"Because none of them would do the one thing all gentlecolts should do for a lady."
  266. "And what's that?"
  267. >She smiles as she licks the side your face sensually.
  268. >"Submit."
  269. *Thump-thump*
  270. >You are of two minds right now.
  271. >Logic says to leave, to run to Twilight, or anywhere really.
  272. *Thump-thump*
  273. >But Logic wasn't guiding you right now…
  274. >Years of repression have boiled to the surface.
  275. *Thump-Thump*
  276. >Lust is in control.
  277. >Rarity climbs off of you and turns around.
  278. >Her tail lifts, revealing her winking sex.
  279. >She lowers her head to the ground while thrusting her rear into the air.
  280. >"Anon, come here."
  281. *Thump-thump*
  282. >You approach the mare, your member standing at attention.
  283. >"Kneel."
  284. >You kneel behind her. The heat coming from her warms your face.
  285. >"Satisfy me."
  286. *Thump-thump*
  287. >You grip her flank on both sides and pull her cheeks apart.
  288. >You're drooling at this point, eagerly anticipating the meal you were about to enjoy.
  289. >A small pool is forming under Rarity's crotch from her viscous fluids.
  290. >You part her lips with your thumbs and press your face against her, taking a deep breath.
  291. >A Vanilla scent fills your nose.
  292. >You begin.
  293. >You slowly lick along the outer folds, forcing a moan from Rarity.
  294. >Her clit winks out
  295. >After teasing her for a bit longer, you get serious.
  296. >You probe her opening with your tongue then push further inside.
  297. >Your tongue swirls around inside her, lapping at her spasming walls.
  298. >She squeezes your tongue as you massage her flank.
  299. >You've never done this with a p0ny before, but you can tell she's enjoying it.
  300. >Rarity's legs wobble as she struggles to stay propped up.
  301. >Her walls begin to constrict at a quickening pace and she lets out a gasp.
  302. >"Anonymous! Stop!"
  303. *Thump-thump*
  304. >You remove your tongue, dejected.
  305. >Rarity gasps for breath as she looks at you through her half-open eyes.
  306. >"It's not so easy for a Lady to release... I have a gift for you, as thanks for your services."
  307. >You look at her, more confused as to why she didn't let you make her come than interested in her gift.
  308. >Propping herself up with her head, she reaches back and parts her lips.
  309. >"Since you showed up so unexpectedly, I forgot to perform some of my normal routines…"
  310. >A drop of yellow liquid falls to the floor.
  311. >…
  312. >She wouldn't-
  313. >"Position yourself."
  314. *Thump-thump*
  315. >You move to her rear once again and place your open mouth on her.
  316. >You try to pull away, but her magic holds you in place.
  317. >"Swallow it all."
  318. *Thump-thump*
  319. >You feel Rarity relax her muscles, and your mouth is filled with her piss.
  320. *Gulp*
  321. *Gulp*
  322. *Gulp*
  323. >The taste is horrible, but you continue to swallow.
  324. *Gulp*
  325. *Gulp*
  326. >Rarity shudders and lets loose a scream.
  327. >Another fluid mingles with her urine in your mouth.
  328. *Gulp*
  329. >She came from you drinking her piss.
  330. *Gulp*
  331. *Gulp*
  332. *Gulp*
  333. *Gulp*
  334. *Gulp*
  335. >Her stream begins to weaken and you feel her muscles tense to push out every last drop.
  336. *Gulp*
  337. *Gulp*
  338. *Gulp*
  339. >…
  340. *Gulp*
  341. >Rarity collapses onto the floor while you sit in silence.
  342. >You stand to leave.
  343. *Slosh*
  344. >Your hand covers your mouth.
  345. >You feel like vomiting.
  346. >Rarity smirks at you from the floor.
  347. >"I know that look. Keep it all down, Anonymous."
  348. *Thump-thump*
  349. >She sighs contently as you leave her on the floor and head to the foyer.
  350. >You quietly put on your new clothes and leave.
  351. >Everything fit perfectly.
  352. >On your way out you bump into Spike and Sweetie Belle. They are eating ice cream.
  353. >"Hey Anon!"
  354. >Sweetie Belle trots over to you and hugs your leg.
  355. "H- Hi Sweetie…"
  356. >"Dude, you don't look too good."
  357. >Spike looks you over with a worried expression.
  358. >Probably true.
  359. >You probably look pretty good for someone who was just forced to drink p0ny piss, though.
  360. >"You should go check out Sugarcube Corner, they're having a sale on ice cream!"
  361. >He licks his ice cream and smiles.
  362. >You decide to follow Spike's advice.
  363. >Anything to get that taste out of your mouth...

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