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Branded - Chapter 6 AKAME JAN 15TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:16:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, AKA Duchess.
  2. >How long has it been since you entered this forsaken basement?
  3. >Hours, yes… but how many?
  4. >It's been long enough that the sun could be seen going down through a small window one the wall.
  5. >At least seven hours then...
  6. >You sigh as you look over the progress you have made on the Apple's paperwork.
  7. >The office in completely clean.
  8. >Files are organized according to date and if payment has been made.
  9. >You had finished organizing a short while ago and took to sweeping the cellar.
  10. >You attempted to leave a few times, but the fear of Applejack's vengeance prevented it.
  11. >You just stop when you reach the foot of the staircase…
  12. >Like some kind of irrational response to something you can't perceive.
  13. *Sigh*
  14. >…
  15. >God you have to take a leak.
  16. >There is no bathroom down here, and you'll be damned if you just go in the corner like some animal.
  17. >Out of the edge of your eye, you spot an empty cider barrel.
  18. >…
  19. >Only as a last resort.
  20. >…
  21. >You continue to sweep up the cellar and try to analyze your situation.
  22. >As you clean, you see a dim glint behind the cider barrel.
  23. >Curious, you approach the glimmer's source.
  24. >Reaching behind the wooden container, you pick up the object.
  25. >It was a small mirror.
  26. >Old from the looks of it.
  27. >It was slightly smaller than a normal hand mirror, and had an ornate design engraved on the back.
  28. >Rarity would probably kill Applejack to get this.
  29. >You stare at your reflection in the mirror.
  30. >You think back to your earlier theory.
  31. >That pang you experienced in your chest…
  32. >It always occurs when next to a mare.
  33. >And if you're right…
  34. >You stretch the neck of your shirt down.
  35. >You almost drop the mirror when you see the brand.
  36. >Apples.
  37. >Not Gems, or Insects… Apples.
  38. >So it IS mares that change the brand.
  39. >You lower the mirror and walk into the office.
  40. >A small desk that you had discovered while organizing sits along the wall.
  41. >You place the mirror gently on the desktop then go to the staircase.
  42. >As you reach the base, you stop.
  43. >Move.
  44. >Your body doesn't listen.
  45. >MOVE-
  46. *Thump-Thump*
  47. "Argh!"
  48. >You clutch your chest and step back, gasping.
  49. >What was that?!
  50. >You stare in vain at the staircase.
  51. >…
  52. >Time for your last resort.
  53. >It might break the sense of seriousness, but you'd rather not piss yourself.
  54. >You approach the barrel and remove the lid, dropping it to the ground.
  55. *Thud*
  56. >The thunderous sound echoes through the basement.
  57. *Zzzzip*
  58. >…
  59. *Ssssssssssssssss*
  60. "Ah~"
  61. >That's the stuff.
  62. >"What in... TARNATION ARE YA DOING, ANON?!"
  63. *Sssss-*
  64. >Your bladder tenses, halting the relief you had been experiencing.
  65. >You slowly turn your head to look at the orange earth pony glaring at you.
  66. >Uh oh…
  67. >You attempt to quickly fasten your pants, but are instead sent flying across the room by one of Applejack's famous bucks.
  68. >As you hit the wall, the wind escapes your lungs and refuses to return.
  69. >When did she come down?
  70. >You look at the barrel lid on the ground.
  71. >The loud *Thud* must have covered up the sound of her opening the cellar door.
  72. >What bad timing…
  73. >You clench your side as you stand.
  74. "AJ… I'm… sorry…"
  75. >Speaking is proving difficult without any air in your lungs.
  76. "You… said… couldn't… come up… Had to… improvise."
  77. >Applejack canters over to you.
  78. >You look into the soft emerald pools that are her eyes.
  79. >She smiles at you.
  80. >You smile awkwardly back.
  81. >Her expression becomes dark.
  82. >"Do ya know how much it is ta get those cider barrels?"
  83. "Actually, yes. I read the recei-"
  84. >A hoof connects with your stomach, forcing you to double over.
  85. >"A lot."
  86. >Another blow to your stomach drops you to your knees.
  87. >"Ah don't know how ya'll are goin' ta pay for a new one."
  88. >Apparently, nop0ny has ever heard of Apple-Sol.
  89. >Yet another blow rolls you onto your back.
  90. >Applejack trots to your side and looks down at you.
  91. >She places a hoof on your chest and presses down.
  92. >The pressure feels as if it's going to shatter your sternum like it was a brittle piece of glass.
  93. >"But maybe Ah can think of somethin'…"
  94. >Easing off the pressure, she moves her hoof down your torso.
  95. >"Ah'm not like that prim 'n proper Rarity, Anon."
  96. >Her hoof traces circles on your stomach.
  97. >"Ah don't keep ma' desires bottled up…"
  98. >She begins to move again.
  99. >"Ah have an itch, Ah scratch it."
  100. >Her hoof reaches your pants and unbuttons them.
  101. >"Ah see an Apple, Ah eat it."
  102. >She unzips you.
  103. >"Ah want a stallion…"
  104. >She pulls out your member.
  105. >"Ah buck him."
  106. >With that, she pops your cock into her mouth and sucks.
  107. >You are rock hard in a matter of nano-seconds.
  108. >Her tongue wraps around and teases your glans before moving onto your shaft.
  109. >She prods the underside of your member with her tongue, gently applying pressure as she suckles.
  110. >She's good.
  111. >"Mmmm-Ah~!"
  112. >Applejack opens her mouth, exposing you to the cold air of the basement.
  113. >Your member twitches in discomfort at its sudden removal from the warmth of Applejack's warm orifice, breaking the strand of saliva connecting you and her.
  114. >She kisses your head and lowers her face.
  115. >You let out a gasp as you feel Applejack roll your balls in her mouth.
  116. *Pop*
  117. >Your left testicle pops out of AJ's mouth and she continues to suck on the other.
  118. >As she does so, she softly nibbles on it.
  119. >Not enough to hurt, but more than enough to cause you to moan.
  120. >She notices you trying to stifle your moans and nips at your sack.
  121. >You bite your lip to contain the pain and pleasure.
  122. >You shouldn't enjoy this…
  123. >You shouldn't-
  125. *Slurp* *Slurp*
  126. >Every inch of your crotch is covered in Applejack's spit.
  127. >It's so warm.
  128. >You can't help but wonder how she get so good.
  129. >Her technique is perfect.
  130. >You have to fight to keep yourself from placing your hands on her head and shoving down.
  131. >"Mmm-*Pop*"
  132. >AJ pulls herself from your crotch and stares you in the eyes.
  133. >She grabs your member with her hoof and positions herself over you.
  134. >...
  135. >"Hey AJ, you down here?"
  136. >You both freeze.
  137. >Rainbow Dash!
  138. >As the pegasus descends the stairs, you debate weather or not to be happy with the interruption.
  139. >When Rainbow sees Applejack positioned to skewer herself with your member, she blushes.
  140. >"Applejack! Wh-What are you doing to the poor guy?!"
  141. >The blue pegasus dashes over to you.
  142. >She places her hoof up to your face and brushes it, making sure you were ok.
  143. >Rainbow glares at Applejack.
  144. >"That's no way to treat him, AJ."
  145. >Rainbow was standing up for you…
  146. >She was-
  147. >Wait.
  148. >Her hoof smells like...
  149. >MUSK!
  150. >You try to get up but your head is forced down as Rainbow Dash's crotch meets your face.
  151. >"THIS is how you treat him!"
  152. >Your chest burns.
  153. >"It's just ah little too indirect fer me."
  154. >You struggle against your captors, but they just hold you down.
  155. >"A-ah-ah, Anon. AJ and I need to blow off some steam. You're the first stallion to be in Ponyville during Estrus for years."
  156. >Rainbow gasps as she grinds against your face.
  157. >"So you're going to do everything you can to- Unf. Satisfy us."
  158. *Thump-thump*
  159. >Your tongue splits Dash's slit in half.
  160. >No need for foreplay, she's already warmed herself up.
  161. >The smell of fresh rain fills your nose as you inhale the mare's scent.
  162. >She almost comes just from that, must have really been going at it before.
  163. >Applejack has been standing patiently…
  164. >Seeing Rainbow leaking onto your face has dried up her patience however.
  165. >Dash watches eagerly as Applejack repositions herself above your member.
  166. >The earth p0ny grins.
  167. > "This is what Ah like!"
  168. *Slam*
  169. >The heat is incredible.
  170. >It like an inferno comprised of sentient flames is constricting around you.
  171. >Her muscles flex.
  172. >It's like she's jerking you off while you're inside her.
  173. >Rainbow gripping your hair and forcing your face into her marehood causes you to refocus your efforts on her.
  174. >Her clit winks out at you and you get a devious idea.
  175. >You move your hands to Rainbows flanks and lift her slightly. She struggles and thrusts herself back down onto your face.
  176. >But you have already repositioned.
  177. >Her clit lands perfectly in position for you to suck on it.
  178. >Rainbow's dissolves into pure ecstasy as you nibble on her.
  179. >The three of you continue to exploit one another's bodies.
  180. >Rainbow and Applejack thrust down while you thrust up to meet them.
  181. >This dance gradually quickens.
  182. >You suck on Rainbow's marehood while Applejack rides your manhood.
  183. >The pleasure just keeps building.
  184. >And building…
  185. >Until.
  186. >...
  187. >Time stops.
  188. >You are aware of every sensation wracking your body.
  189. >You feel the small spasms in Rainbow's abdomen as your tongue thrashes about inside her.
  190. >You feel the soft pressure of her thighs squeezing your head.
  191. >You feel her voice as it reverberates through her body, directly into yours.
  192. >You feel the weight of two mares grinding down on you.
  193. >You feel the hot folds inside of Applejack, contrasting with the cold air as she slams into you repeatedly.
  194. >You feel her cervix kiss your head with each thrust.
  195. >You feel the contractions of her muscles as they pull at you, begging you to flood her heated womb and extinguish the fire inside.
  196. >You feel…
  197. >Everything.
  198. >…
  199. >It's too much.
  200. >Your base instincts take over as you near release.
  201. >Grabbing AJ's flanks, you thrust into her as you pull her down.
  202. >She yelps, but continues to pound away.
  203. >"Ah- Ahh! Ah won't finish first, Anon! *Gasp*"
  204. >Her body says otherwise.
  205. >You can feel the spasms in her abdomen. She's fighting the urge to come.
  206. >Sensing your prize, you begin to grunt and thrust harder.
  207. >On top of your face, Rainbow screams.
  208. >Your mouth floods with her fluids as she trembles and presses herself firmly against you.
  209. >You do the only thing you can think of.
  210. >You swallow.
  211. *Gulp*
  212. >As a part of Rainbow enters your body, a part of you enters Applejack.
  213. >AJ impales herself deeply on your cock one last time and yells.
  214. >You feel her cervix open and allow your head direct access to her womb.
  215. >You come.
  216. >And you come hard.
  217. >AJ barely manages to stay conscious as you fill her.
  218. *Pump**Pump**Pump*
  219. >Her muscles pump you for all you're worth.
  220. >Your seed is pulled deeper and deeper with each spasm of her walls.
  221. >"Ah- Ah-"
  222. >She can't even speak.
  223. >Rainbow Dash falls off your face, sighing heavily as she hits the ground.
  224. >You see Applejack.
  225. >Her head is thrown back, displaying her abdomen.
  226. >You can see the muscle contractions rocking her body.
  227. >Every toned muscle is put to use milking you.
  228. >Her stomach is somewhat bloated…
  229. >Guess you were more backed up than you thought.
  230. >Her heartbeat pulses around your member, causing you to twitch.
  231. >The contractions have slowed and now match your heartbeat. Only one or two per second now.
  232. >She manages to milk a few more drops from you before passing out onto your stomach.
  233. >As she loses consciousness, you hear her whisper.
  234. >"OK… ya'll can…go now."
  235. >You pull out of the mare.
  236. *Plop*
  237. >A puddle of your cum pools under Applejack's marehood.
  238. >You slide out from under her and button up your pants.
  239. >You glance outside, completely dark. How long had you been down there?
  240. >Looking at the two mares sleep peacefully, you have trouble believing they just forced themselves on you.
  241. >…
  242. >Still, you can't leave them in the basement all night.
  243. >You pick up Rainbow and take her to AJ's room.
  244. >She doesn't have a guest bed, so you just place her in AJ's.
  245. >She wouldn't mind sharing.
  246. >As you lay Applejack down, she grabs your hand.
  247. >Your eyes snap to her.
  248. >She's still asleep.
  249. >"Mmm… Sorry, Anon."
  250. >Tears dribble down her face.
  251. >"It's so hard… these feelings."
  252. >You wipe her tears away and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
  253. "It's ok AJ, I understand."
  254. >Twilight was right, you guess.
  255. >They really just don't think straight this time of year, do they?
  256. >You leave Sweet Apple Acres and begin your journey home.
  257. >As the farm disappears behind the trees, you stop walking and stare at the beautiful pale moon.
  258. >…
  259. "I'm so fucked up…"
  260. >You resume your journey down the lonesome road.

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