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Branded - Chapter 7 AKAME JAN 18TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:16:39
Expiry: Never

  1. *Slurp* *Slurp*
  2. >You mumble, still half asleep.
  3. "No~ not there…"
  4. *Slurp* *Slurp*
  5. "Twilight~ that tickles…"
  6. *Slurp* *Slurp*
  7. >"Ah~ *Mmm*"
  8. >The other voice rouses you from your sleepy haze.
  9. >Sitting up, you notice that your bed sheet seems to have a rather large lump under it.
  10. >It's bobbing up and down.
  11. *Sluuuuuurp*
  12. >The sudden awareness of pleasure in your groin causes you to reflexively throw your head back.
  13. *Thud*
  14. >Right against the headboard of your bed.
  15. "FUCK!"
  16. >Your scream of pain frightens the lump from your covers.
  17. >You grip your pounding head as you stare at the intruder.
  18. >Fluttershy stares back at you, eyes wide from being startled from her endeavor.
  19. >You massage both your head and the brand in an attempt to sooth their aches.
  20. >You notice the light pouring through the window.
  21. >Why didn't your alarm-
  22. >That's right… You had shut it off to preserve power.
  23. >You swiftly don the clothes Rarity had fashioned for you yesterday.
  24. >As you finish getting dressed, you remember that Fluttershy is in your room.
  25. "What do you want, Fluttershy?"
  26. >She gains some confidence as she trots over to your bed.
  27. >"Isn't it obvious?"
  28. >She climbs into the bed and snuggles up to your pillow.
  29. >Her eyes stare directly into yours.
  30. >"You."
  31. >You roll your eyes and begin to walk out of the room.
  32. >"Not so fast, mister. You're in trouble."
  33. >She intercepts you at the door.
  34. >You try to stifle a laugh as she tries to appear intimidating.
  35. >"You never came back to see me last night."
  36. >The events of yesterday flash across your mind.
  37. >You look to the window and stare at the trees billowing in the wind outside.
  38. "I… had a rough day yesterday… Besides, I never said I would come see you."
  39. >You turn your attention back to Fluttershy.
  40. >She's right in front of your face now, close enough that you can feel her breath.
  41. >She frowns at first but then smiles knowingly at you.
  42. >The pegasus grabs your head and pulls it to her chest.
  43. >She nuzzles you as she coos softly.
  44. >"I know, Anon. I saw how badly you were treated by those mean mares."
  45. >The blood in your veins freezes.
  46. "What?"
  47. >You pull yourself away from the mare and stumble back.
  48. >The back of your knees hit the edge of your bed, causing you to collapse onto it.
  49. >Fluttershy gazes at you bashfully as she approaches you.
  50. >"I- I was just so impressed with your display of love for me…"
  51. >Her hoof traces the brand on your chest.
  52. >"I couldn't help but follow you… "
  53. >Oh God… She saw everything?
  54. "H- How?"
  55. >"Let me see. You remember the models in Rarity's workroom?"
  56. >There were seven, if memory serves you right.
  57. "Yes, there were seven, I think."
  58. >"Rarity, only has six models in her work area. *I* was the seventh."
  59. "So you saw-"
  60. >Fluttershy licking her lips and making several swallowing motions answers your question.
  61. >Your face couldn't fit any more blood in it.
  62. "W- What about Sweet Apple Acres? There was nop0ny around except for AJ and Rainbow!"
  63. >"Remember that nice old shepherd you and Rainbow met on your way there?"
  64. "Mr. Jenkins?"
  65. >"Yes!"
  66. >She beams at you elatedly.
  67. >"*I* was one of his sheep!"
  68. "A sheep… Not-"
  69. >"Yes!"
  70. "Flussy!"
  71. >"Yes!"
  72. "But didn't I-"
  73. >"Yes, Anon!"
  74. >Fluttershy draws near and pushes you down.
  75. >"Ba~a~a~!"
  76. >You had rubbed that sheep's belly…
  77. "Oh my god…"
  78. >Fluttershy towers over you, preventing you from leaving the bed.
  79. >"So… I think I have a new fetish to try, if that's okay with you…"
  80. >You try to escape.
  81. >"Stop!"
  82. *Thump-thump*
  83. >You stare blankly at the pink-maned equine.
  84. >"So it does work..."
  85. >What?
  86. >She looks down at you.
  87. >"I've helped Twilight practice enough to know a spell when I see one."
  88. >She stares at you.
  89. >"I'm guessing that you have to obey whatever the you're told…"
  90. >Her hoof strokes the brand.
  91. >"If this matches the cutie mark of the p0ny saying it."
  92. >***********************************
  93. >"Satisfy us."
  94. >"Ya won't come back up from that there room till Ah say ya can."
  95. >"Swallow it all."
  96. >"Let me make you feel good."
  97. >...
  98. >"Go home Anon."
  99. >***********************************
  100. >"And since I'm the only p0ny here…"
  101. >She eyes you, expectantly.
  102. "You control me…"
  103. >Estrus has made Fluttershy even worse.
  104. >Before, since she was so timid, her attempts where merely annoying.
  105. >Now she seems dangerous.
  106. >Fluttershy gazes hungrily at your crotch.
  107. "Fluttershy, I-"
  108. >"Be quiet."
  109. *Thump-thump*
  110. >Your mouth clenches shut. Any commands your brain sends to your vocal chords are not received.
  111. >You begin to panic.
  112. >You wrestle with the weight holding you down.
  113. >"Stop."
  114. >Your legs cease their movement as your arms fall limp by your side.
  115. >There is no point in struggling anymore, your body wont listen.
  116. >You do the only thing you can.
  117. >Smile awkwardly.
  118. >And hope nothing happens…
  119. >You've never felt so powerless.
  120. >Fluttershy nuzzles your face.
  121. >"Mama's going to make you feel real good."
  122. >She continues to rub against you as her cold words command you.
  123. >"You're going to let me taste you."
  124. *Thump-thump*
  125. >She uses her hooves to force you to look at her.
  126. >"You're going to give me mouthfuls of something only you can give me…"
  127. *Thump-thump*
  128. >One of her rear legs brushes against your crotch.
  129. >"Your seed."
  130. *Thump-thump*
  131. >She strokes your face.
  132. >"And once I've swallowed all of your gift, you will-"
  133. >Her hooves brush past your ears muffling her voice.
  134. >"-me."
  135. >Fluttershy grins at you.
  136. >"Then, you can do what you like."
  137. *Thump-thump*
  138. >"Understand?"
  139. >You whisper your response, defeated.
  140. "Yes…"
  141. >"Good."
  142. >She positions herself between your legs.
  143. >She tugs at your pants, freeing your member from its confinement.
  144. >You feel her snout on your skin as she breaths in your smell.
  145. >Her soft touches quickly overcome any attempts to stay flaccid and you feel yourself harden.
  146. >"Ah~"
  147. >Fluttershy opens her mouth and looks at you.
  148. >You turn your head.
  149. >"Look at me."
  150. *Thump-thump*
  151. >Your head locks on to her and your eyes open.
  152. >Her mouth engulfs you.
  153. >You feel her tongue lap voraciously at your cock.
  154. >The intense suction adds to your pleasure, almost overwhelming you.
  155. >Soon you find yourself making small thrusts into her mouth.
  156. >She looks up when you thrust.
  157. >You see a look of triumph as she smiles and returns to her work.
  158. >She probes your urethra with her tongue before she teases your head.
  159. *Pop*
  160. >The yellow pegasus releases your member from her mouth.
  161. >It stands erect, glistening with her saliva.
  162. >She places her tongue at the base and licks from the base to the tip slowly.
  163. >She curls her tongue back as she reaches the tip, creating a thin strand of spit that connects you to her.
  164. >Seeing your cock twitch is response to her actions, Fluttershy takes you into her mouth again.
  165. >The warmth combined with the wetness is too much for you.
  166. "I- I-"
  167. >Fluttershy slams her head down and takes your full length into her maw.
  168. >You feel her breath against your abdomen as her tongue wraps around your cock, attempting to milk you.
  169. >She chokes back a gag as you come.
  170. *Gulp*
  171. >She swallows as fast as she can, desperate to bring your seed into her body.
  172. *Gulp*
  173. >Her mouth fills with your essence again.
  174. *Gulp*
  175. >You inhale sharply as Fluttershy massages your scrotum, coaxing more cum out.
  176. *Gulp*
  177. >"Ahh~"
  178. >She pulls herself from your cock and holds her mouth open in front of it.
  179. >Your last load lands on her tongue.
  180. >You stare at the concoction swirling in Fluttershy's mouth.
  181. >Cum, mixed with spit, is swallowed one more time.
  182. *Gulp*
  183. >She opens her mouth to show that she swallowed every last drop you gave her.
  184. >You wince.
  185. >She smiles and moves in for a kiss.
  186. >You turn your head before your lips join.
  187. >Fluttershy seems upset at first, but is soon smiling again.
  188. >"That's ok. If you don't like these lips…"
  189. >She positions aligns her marehood with you.
  190. >"How about I try a different pair?"
  191. >You feel her rub against the tip of your member as she winks at you.
  192. >This…
  193. >You don't want this.
  194. >Renewed strength flows through you.
  195. >Fluttershy shows a look of surprise as she is thrown across the room.
  196. >Her head cracks against the wall and she crumples to the ground.
  197. >You stare, astonished at your regained ability to move.
  198. >You quickly jump out of bed and run to the door.
  199. >As you pass through the doorframe, your fear dissipates.
  200. >You're going to escape from her!
  201. >Light streams through your living room windows as you enter.
  202. >You're going to be fine!
  203. >The front door is in reach.
  204. >You're goin-
  205. >"Anon?! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
  206. >The yellow rapist has regained consciousness.
  207. >She doesn't have to find you…
  208. >Just be close enough for you to hear her.
  210. >You grip the sides of your head is despair.
  211. >Your head shakes from side to side as you imagine the nightmares awaiting you.
  212. >She's going to order you to rut her.
  213. >She's going to force you to pleasure her every day, for the rest of your life.
  214. >She's going to take away your ability to resist.
  215. >She's going to destroy… you.
  216. >…
  217. >You stand in silence, unmoved by the commands Fluttershy just shouted at you.
  218. >It dawns on you.
  219. >You aren't obeying her.
  220. >But why?
  221. >She ordered you to do something and you didn't do it.
  222. >You had a good idea of what it was, even if you didn't hear it.
  223. >…
  224. *Slap*
  225. >Your palm collides with your forehead, causing the happiest sensation of pain you have ever felt.
  226. >You didn't HEAR it.
  227. >How can you be expected to follow orders if you don't hear them?
  228. >The enormous grin on your face disappears as you hear hoofsteps running down your staircase.
  229. >Fluttershy scowls at you when she sees you.
  230. >"ANON, COME HE-"
  231. >No trial quite like fire.
  232. >You cover your ears and hum the Smash theme.
  233. >Fluttershy mouths words at you, but you cannot hear them.
  234. >When she finishes speaking, she gawks at you.
  235. >She couldn’t understand why you weren’t heeding her orders.
  236. >With a smile large enough to make the Cheshire Cat jealous, you bolt out of your house and sprint into town.
  237. >Your rapist gives chase, but all attempts to issue commands are ignored due to your foolproof strategy.
  238. >Covering your ears and singing like nails in a blender.
  239. >…
  240. >No one ever complimented your obviously superior singing abilities.
  242. >You hope that Fluttershy will be less… aggressive when she is in town.
  243. >She's been good at covering her tracks so far, nop0ny has believed the allegations of rape you've levied against her.
  244. >She wouldn't want to risk that changing.
  245. >As you reach the outskirts of town you begin thinking of what to do next.
  246. >The brand changes whenever you meet a mare, right?
  247. >You just need to run into a mare and you'll be fine.
  248. >…
  249. >The street is devoid of any life.
  251. >You turn into an ally as Fluttershy catches up to you.
  252. >You could go to Rarity's…
  253. >Fluttershy rounds the corner into the alleyway.
  254. >"Anon! Give me your hot monkey di-"
  255. "LALALALALALALA I can't hear you!"
  256. >Better not, you don't think you could swallow any more of her shit.
  257. >The ally opens into the town square. You take a quick look around, surveying your surroundings.
  258. >Sugarcube Corner?
  259. >Fluttershy returns.
  260. >"Mister, come here and rut m-"
  261. "No!"
  262. >You couldn't stand Pinkie's randomness right now.
  263. >Hurray for show tunes...
  264. >You run off towards the only sanctuary left.
  265. >Twilight's Library.
  266. >As your pursuer nears her target, you cover your ears and continue to sing.
  267. >Gotta try…
  268. >Here comes 'Shy.
  269. >You'll always fight…
  270. >To reach Twilight!
  271. >…
  272. >The bad news, Fluttershy is faster than you and she crashes into your back.
  273. >The good news, the speed boost propels you into the library.
  274. >You see a flaw in your perfect defense as your hands are torn from their preventative post and the air slips from your lungs.
  275. >Books rain down on you and Fluttershy as you roll into a bookshelf in the library.
  276. >The last book hits your head, prompting you to look around the room for your savior.
  277. >Your eyes fall on the purple p0ny and your chest burns with a painful, but desired pang.
  278. >Fluttershy senses that the day is lost, but makes one last pass at you.
  279. >"Um… R-rut me?"
  280. >You smile, this was your victory.
  281. "Not today, Flutterbutt."
  282. >You stretch the neck of your shirt down and reveal the brand on the left side of your chest.
  283. >The brand has returned to its original design.
  284. >Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark has never looked so appealing.
  286. >As Fluttershy indignantly leaves the library, you approach the p0ny responsible for your current elation.
  287. >She scurries away from you, keeping her head down.
  288. >Her mane is a frazzled mess.
  289. >And she smells… less than flattering.
  290. "Twilight… Are you ok?"
  291. >She carries on staring at the floor as you move towards her.
  292. >"Anon, I thought I told you to stay away."
  293. "I'm sorry, Twilight. But I've figured out this brand thing! It-"
  294. >"Go awa-"
  295. >Hands to the ears, your voice preservers.
  296. "~Springtime for Hitler, and Germany!~"
  297. >"Just leave me alo-"
  298. "~Winter for Poland and France!~"
  299. >The purple unicorn finally looks up in frustration.
  300. >…
  301. >Oh god...
  302. >Her eyes are swollen and red. Tear stains are visible in her matted facial fur.
  303. >It looks like she's been crying the whole time since you last saw her.
  304. "Twilight…"
  305. >You try to embrace her.
  306. >She lets out a blast of magic, and you find yourself flying across the library again.
  307. >As you pick yourself up off the floor, Twilight’s face greats you.
  308. >You blush.
  309. >She forces her lips to yours.
  310. >You turn your head away from her kiss.
  311. >Not like this… Not her.
  312. >She backs away, slowly shaking her head.
  313. >Disbelief shows clearly on her face as she runs upstairs.
  314. >Crying.
  315. >You are a failure.
  316. >The back of your head throbs.
  317. >Can’t even protect Twilight.
  318. >You seriously consider getting a pillow strapped to that wall as you ascend the stairs.
  319. >Can’t even…
  320. >When you reach Twilight's room, you pause to knock on the door.
  321. "Twilight? It's me…"
  322. >Hearing no response, you let yourself in.
  323. >It's dark, the curtains are drawn and almost all illumination is currently coming from the open door.
  324. >You close the door and feel your way around the room.
  325. >Soft sobbing noises draw you to Twilight's bed.
  326. >She lies under the impenetrable barrier that is her covers.
  327. >You sit down on the bed, alerting her to your presence.
  328. >Her weeping ceases with a sharp breath as you speak.
  329. "Twilight… I'm sorry. I didn't realize how rough this whole Estrus thing is for you."
  330. >She doesn't respond, so you continue.
  331. "I'm not… great at this sort of thing. I don't know what to say. You told me to stay away, that you were afraid that you'd do something to me. Well, I can tell you, I've had things done to me these past twenty-four hours that I'd rather not remember."
  332. >She peeks out from her blankets.
  333. "Fluttershy would be having her way with me right now if it wasn't for you."
  334. >You say it flatly.
  335. "Twilight… you saved me just by being there."
  336. >The mare looks you dead in the eyes now.
  337. "So let me be there for you."
  338. >Twilight throws her hooves around you and bawls.
  339. >"I- *Sniff* I don't want to hurt you, Anon! I w- want to do so m-many things to y-you… My heart beats so fast th-that I can't think s-straight, and I… burn so hot w-when I'm around you. *Sniff*"
  340. >Her tears soak your shirt.
  341. >"It… It hurts!"
  342. >She buries her face in your chest and sobs.
  343. >You never realized how much Twilight liked you.
  344. >You thought that she just saw you as a friend.
  345. >Slowly, you wrap your arms around the trembling p0ny who’s tears now stain your shirt.
  346. >You hold her close.
  347. >The two of you sit there for what seems like an eternity as she cries.
  348. >You… are a failure.
  349. >When Twilight begins to pull away, you relax your grip on her.
  350. >*Sniff* “Thanks, Anon.”
  351. >She looks herself over.
  352. >”Ugh, I- I look pretty horrible don’t I?”
  353. “I try not to fly in the face of public opinion, Twi.”
  354. >The studious p0ny glares at you.
  355. >You smile back at her as you place your hand on her hoof.
  356. “But I think you look beautiful.”
  357. >Her face flushes as she looks away.
  358. >You do something you haven’t done in a long time.
  359. >Laugh.
  360. >Somehow, this makes her face even redder.
  361. >She shoves the covers off of her and gets out of bed.
  362. >”I- I’m going to go take a shower.”
  363. >Her look of confidence has returned.
  364. >“I feel gross.”
  365. >She takes two steps and falls over.
  366. >You rush to her side.
  367. >She looks everywhere but you as you make sure she’s ok.
  368. >Guess spilling out days of pent up emotions is a pretty daunting task.
  369. >It must have sapped all of her energy.
  370. >”Anon…”
  371. >You’re pulled from your thoughts upon hearing Twilight’s voice.
  372. >”I hate to ask, but could you… help?”
  373. >Your pulse soars.
  374. “I- um…”
  375. >She’s had enough embarrassment already…
  376. >Got to MAN UP.
  377. “Sure. I’ll help.”
  378. >”Really?”
  379. “Yeah… let’s just, uh, get it over with.”
  380. >Both of you look away.
  381. >”Y-yeah.”
  382. >This was going to be awkward.
  384. >You were wrong, this isn’t awkward.
  385. >This is downright nerve-wracking.
  386. >Twilight has a shower.
  387. >Not a bath tub, just a shower.
  388. >Meaning you have to bathe with her.
  389. >You carry her into the bathroom and rest her next to the shower.
  390. >A torrent of water is released as you turn the shower’s knobs.
  391. >As you wait for the water’s temperature to rise, you search for some towels.
  392. >It is terribly impractical of you, not having yours at the ready.
  393. >Returning to the bathroom with fresh towels, you make sure the water is just right.
  394. >It was still a little cold, so you decide to get ready for the ordeal ahead of you.
  395. >Twilight stares at the brand as you remove your shirt.
  396. >”I’m so sorry for doing that to you, Anon.”
  397. >She looks down, ashamed.
  398. >Depression sirens go off.
  399. >You walk over to her.
  400. >Unfortunately, you trip over nothing.
  401. *Shhhhhhhhhhh*
  402. >Cold water greets you as you bounce into the shower.
  403. “AH!!! Coldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcold!”
  404. >You throw yourself out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor.
  405. >"*Pfft*"
  406. >Miss Socially Awkward is trying not to laugh at you.
  407. >A smile graces her face.
  408. >That was another good trick from your arsenal.
  409. >You stand up, dripping water everywhere.
  410. “Water’s not ready yet.”
  411. >That was too much for Twilight.
  412. >”Bwahaha! HAHAHA”
  413. >She laughs louder than she ever had before.
  414. >You turn away flustered.
  415. >That one, however, was not from your stash of trademark smile-inducing tricks.
  416. “T-turn around. I need to strip.”
  417. >Twilight turns her head as you remove your pants and boxers.
  418. >You don’t see her blush as she sneaks a peek at your exposed ass.
  419. >You quickly wrap one of the towels around your waist and test the water again.
  420. *Shhhhhhhhhhh*
  421. >It’s just right.
  422. >You turn to Twilight.
  423. >She nods at you, giving you the go ahead.
  424. >You already had the pre-game talk with yourself while searching for towels.
  425. >No awkward boners.
  426. >No awkward boners.
  427. >No awkward boners.
  428. >Twilight flails a little as you begin.
  429. >She relaxes after you adjust yourself and establish a stable grip on her.
  430. >She’s so war-
  432. >…
  433. >”A-Anon?”
  434. >You are just standing outside the shower like some idiot holding a magical unicorn.
  435. >Oh wait.
  436. "Heh. Sorry, it's nothing."
  437. >You step into the running water, clutching a magical unicorn close to your chest.
  438. >The hot water feels good on your back.
  439. >Haven't showered since yesterday morning. You aren't exactly feeling clean, especially after last night.
  440. >Twilight's mane clings to her body while the water rushes over her.
  441. >After you both get acclimated to the temperature, Twilight asks to be let down.
  442. >Her legs wobble as she tries to stand.
  443. >She hasn't regained all of her strength yet, and her rear legs buckle under her weight.
  444. >Your friend sits, water forming streams at it traverses the mane adhering to her face.
  445. >You sit down next to her and ruffle her mane.
  446. >She looks at you and smiles.
  447. >You grin back.
  448. "So Twilight, lovely weather today."
  449. >Your wet hair sticks to your face, making you look like a shaggy dog.
  450. >"I don't know, Anon. Seems a little wet to me."
  451. >…
  452. >"*Pfft*"
  453. "*Pfft*"
  454. >"Hahahaha!"
  455. "Hahahaha!"
  456. >You both crack up at the atrocity of a joke you just made.
  457. >As you laugh, Twilight props herself against your side.
  458. >Amidst all the steam, her brilliant purple irises find you.
  459. >Your heart feels like it's going to pound its way out of your chest.
  460. >…
  461. >You lean towards her until her face is almost touching yours.
  462. >Her hot breath mixes with yours as you take each other in.
  463. >She breathes faster as you close the distance between you.
  464. >Your lips touch hers.
  465. >A burst of hot water puts a damper on your mood.
  466. >You and Twilight stare wide-eyed at each other, readying yourselves for the searing pain that is about to afflict you.
  467. >…
  468. >"HOOOOOO-"
  469. "-OOOOOOOT!"
  470. >Both you and Twilight lurch out of the cascading water and hit the floor.
  471. >You land on your back.
  472. >Twilight lands on your chest.
  473. >Fortunately, your towel stays snuggly bundled around you.
  474. >Light filtering through the swirling mist behind her makes Twilight look like a goddess.
  475. >This time, she makes the move.
  476. >She presses her lips against yours.
  477. >Her tongue slips between your lips and she explores every crevasse of your mouth.
  478. >Your tongue interlaces with hers.
  479. >She tastes sweet.
  480. >With a soft *pop* Twilight pulls herself from you.
  481. >Saliva strands attach to her tongue as it leaves your orifice.
  482. >She manages to stand and walks back to the shower.
  483. >She winks at you.
  484. >"Come on, Anon. You still need to clean me."
  485. *Thump-thump*
  486. >You grin
  487. "Your wish is my command!"
  488. >As you enter the shower again, you grab some bottles of "Pnyell" shampoo.
  489. >Twilight is sitting down expectantly.
  490. >She smiles seductively at you when she notices you.
  491. >You sit, legs crossed, behind her.
  492. >This wont work, you can reach all of her mane like this.
  493. >You unwrap your towel and place it over your thighs as you stretch out your legs.
  494. >Twilight sees your legs unfurl and she slides into position between them.
  495. >Her tail glides under your towel and flips it onto her lower back.
  496. >Her flank grinds into you under the towel.
  497. >She looks over her shoulder at you.
  498. >"W-well?"
  499. >She continues grinding as you shakily pour some shampoo into your hand and begin to lather her mane.
  500. >The concoction creates a cleaning white froth that contrasts with her coat.
  501. >She moans as you lean her head into the water to rinse her.
  502. >It's getting difficult to suppress the urge to thrust your hips as her flank applies more and more pressure against you.
  503. >You massage her temples as you ease Twilight back out of the stream.
  504. >Her mane glistens.
  505. >Under the towel, Twilight's clit winks out at you.
  506. >You grab the next bottle of shampoo as Twilight bites her lip.
  507. >It label has "Coat Wash" emblazoned in cursive.
  508. >Lathering up your hands, you wash her back.
  509. >Your fingers dig deep into her coat, kneading the skin beneath.
  510. >The purple p0ny arches her back and lets out a soft whimper.
  511. >As the water cleanses her back you feel a tug on your crotch.
  512. >Twilights horn glows a soft purple.
  513. >You continue to lave her as she strokes your shaft with her winking pussy.
  514. >With a fresh spurt of shampoo, you pull her in closer so you can reach her front.
  515. >She grinds against you even more.
  516. >You let out a moan as you shampoo her chest.
  517. >Soon, you move down to her stomach.
  518. >After that is finished, you continue the journey south.
  519. >The excited mare gasps as you rub across one of her nipples.
  520. >"Oh~"
  521. >You massage her tits, cleaning every inch.
  522. >She starts bucking her hips.
  523. >With her front completely soaped up, you hold her and lean back.
  524. >Her stomach faces the ceiling as she lies on top of you.
  525. >The gushing water rinses her coat.
  526. >Her vulva teases the tip of your dick.
  527. >Every fiber of your being wants to thrust into the beautiful unicorn laying on top of you.
  528. >To fill her, to join with her in the most primal way.
  529. >You're about to let her go when you feel a familiar pull on your crotch.
  530. >Twilight aligns you with her entrance.
  531. >She looks over at you and whispers.
  532. >"Rut me."
  533. *Thump-thump*
  534. >"Ah!"
  535. Twilight squeals as you slam your full length into her.
  536. >"Ah!"
  537. >"Ah!"
  538. >"Ah!"
  539. >"Ah~!"
  540. >You continue to pump in and out of her as she screams in ecstasy.
  541. >Walls of wet silk wrap around your adamantine member.
  542. >Her muscles constrict. You can feel her whole stomach churning to accommodate your length and drain you.
  543. >But this is not the first time you've met with such intoxicating muscle spasms.
  544. >You power through her winking pussy and continue to mate with Twilight.
  545. >A gentle purple glow fills the shower and you suddenly feel every minute sensation of Twilight's body.
  546. >Each individual fold gripping your cock shrieks from pleasure as you thrust into her.
  547. >Her womb burns as she relaxes her cervix.
  548. >Abdominal muscles clench and release your throbbing member as it occupies her body.
  549. >This feels amazing.
  550. >Her marehood only heats up as she nears satisfaction.
  551. >As she comes close, her pleasure spills into you via her spell.
  552. >It brings you to the edge.
  553. "Twi- Unf- I'm gonna-"
  554. >"Inside! Do it inside!"
  555. *Thump-thump*
  556. >You rest your hand on Twilight's stomach as you come.
  557. >Sparks erupt from her horn, accompanied by her now characteristic scream.
  558. >Twilight's cervix stretches around your head and you stain her deepest place white
  559. >Through her abdomen, you can feel yourself pulsating, working hard to douse the fires of Estrus.
  560. >As your loads begin to shrink in size you feel Twilight's hoof on your hand.
  561. >"Un~"
  562. >Her muscles spring to life and milk you.
  563. >Unprepared for such pleasure, your dick obliges her.
  564. >You feel more loads being pulled from you.
  565. >The moment a load enters your shaft, her walls trap it and push it along your length, eventually swallowing it once you deposit it inside her.
  566. >This goes on until you have nothing left to pump out.
  567. >Twilight rubs her stomach and gives a satisfied sigh.
  568. >Guess she was finally able to wake up from this nightmare.
  569. >You turn the shower off and try to get up.
  570. >Twilight sags on you, preventing you from standing.
  571. "Twilight?"
  572. >She breathes softly.
  573. "Asleep, huh?"
  574. >You kiss her head as you pull out of her.
  575. >You expect a mixture of man and mare juice to slosh onto the shower floor, but nothing comes out.
  576. >She wanted you so much that she held everything in.
  577. >You rub her stomach softly and kiss her one more time.
  578. >After you dry Twilight off, you carry her to bed.
  579. >It's evening now, soft orange light slips through the curtains in Twilight's room.
  580. >As you tuck your…
  581. "Heh."
  582. >You laugh to yourself.
  583. >Your special somep0ny in, a small fear drifts over you.
  584. >If you go home Fluttershy will probably…
  585. >You shudder.
  586. >Twilight rolls over and you see her peaceful face.
  587. >You're suddenly aware of how tired you are.
  588. >Would Twilight mind sharing a bed with you?
  589. >A few moments later, you're snuggled up to the purple p0ny, spooning with her.
  590. >You feel a little uncomfortable.
  591. >As you move to leave, Twilight talks in her sleep.
  592. >"Mmm… I love you… Anon."
  593. >…
  594. >You just made mind-blowing love to her, this is okay with you.
  595. >You return to your cuddling position and kiss her.
  596. >"I love you too, Twilight."
  597. >With that, you drift off to sleep.
  599. >[Somewhere in Canterlot]
  600. >A gray unicorn reads by candlelight.
  601. >As he hooves through the pages, he comes to a sudden stop.
  602. >"Someone has checked out one of the restricted works…"
  603. >He glances through the records to see who borrowed the tome.
  604. >…
  605. >The unicorn makes a note to inform the princess tomorrow morning.

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

by Sodapop

Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

by Sodapop


by Sodapop

(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

by Sodapop