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Branded - Chapter 8 AKAME JAN 23RD, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:17:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Mmm…"
  2. "Mmm…"
  3. >A warm mass snuggles closer to you.
  4. >You adjust your position to accommodate it and wrap an arm around it.
  5. >Soft breaths warm your chest as you lay under the covers.
  6. >As much as you wish to stay like this, light piercing the curtains makes the room a little too bright to continue sleeping.
  7. >You gaze down at the beautiful mare nestling with you.
  8. >She has a serious case of bed head.
  9. >As in, her mane looks like a torn up duster.
  10. >And you worked so hard to clean it last night.
  11. >You grin to yourself.
  12. >Guess you could always wash it again…
  13. >For now, you slowly remove yourself from the bed, taking care not to wake the purple pony sleeping there.
  14. >She whines when she the cold air fills the once warm spot you had occupied.
  15. >You tiptoe to the bathroom to perform the morning routine.
  16. >As you close the door, you realize that you are in Twilight's house.
  17. >No toilets… right.
  18. >You had to special order yours and have it built to specifications you provided.
  19. >They ARE p0nies, after all.
  20. >A shower seems a little unnecessary, considering that you took one before bed.
  21. >As for a shave, it's unlikely that Twilight has your razor here.
  22. >With nothing to actually do, you just kind of stand silently for a moment before returning to the bedroom.
  23. >As you exit, you notice Twilight stretching near her bed.
  24. >She spots you and trots over.
  25. >When she reaches your side, the purple unicorn nuzzles your stomach.
  26. >"Hey, Anon."
  27. >She looks up at you.
  28. >"So does this mean we are…"
  29. >She motions back and forth between the two of you.
  30. >"You know?"
  31. "Dating?"
  32. >A hopeful smile appears on Twilight's face.
  33. >You pretend to think about it, pulling out all the trademarked poses.
  34. >The Thinking Man, The Stoic, you do them all.
  35. >After ten agonizing seconds you smile back at Twilight.
  36. "Yes."
  37. >Knowing the barrage of "YES"'s was about to begin, you swiftly place your hand on her head and rub her ears.
  38. >She blushes and kicks her rear leg out slightly.
  39. >"Oh~"
  40. >You forgot how sensitive their ears are.
  41. >Twilight regains her smiling composure as you cease the rubbing of her parts.
  42. >"I charged your phone for you, by the way. I can't believe you didn't come get me the moment it died!"
  43. >You say nothing as you pick her up and pull her lips to yours.
  44. >"Anon! What are you-Mmm… Mmm… Mmmmmmm."
  45. *Pop*
  46. >"Oh stop it, Anon. You naughty-Mmm- Mmm."
  47. >"Mmm. Mm. MMM!"
  48. *Slurp*
  49. *Pop*
  50. >You set Twilight down.
  51. >She wobbles as she speaks.
  52. >"I- I'm going to get us some… breakfast."
  53. >Twilight manages to walk to the door, despite her shaking knees.
  54. *Drip*
  55. >And leaking parts.
  56. >You grin as you watch her flank disappear around the corner.
  57. >She truly was magic.
  58. >You stare at the wall and slap yourself.
  59. >That was terrible and made no sense…
  60. >But you guess that's what love is.
  61. >…
  62. "'Love' huh?"
  63. >You smile as you descend the stairs and enter the kitchen.
  64. >A cloud of black smoke assaults you when the door opens.
  65. *Cough* *Cough*
  66. "Twilight?"
  67. >"I'm here, Anon!"
  68. >You wave the smoke away from your eyes and make out the faint outline of a purple quadruped.
  69. >As you stumble throughout the smog, you hit an unexpected object.
  70. *Thud*
  71. "HERG-"
  72. >With your crotch.
  73. >The corner of a table, to be precise.
  74. >Your voice reaches three octaves above human hearing.
  75. >Twilight gallops to your side as you slump over.
  76. >"Are you ok, Anon?"
  77. "^Just crushed my boys… No Biggie^"
  78. >Twilight props you up and helps you to a chair.
  79. *Cough*
  80. "What's with the smoke?"
  81. >Twilight's ears flatten as she averts her eyes.
  82. >"Spike is usually the one to cook. I'm… not the best at it."
  83. >Whatever she was cooking catches fire.
  84. "Obviously."
  85. >Twilight huffs as she extinguishes the fire and magics the smoke away.
  86. >She sits next to you and plops her head down on the evil, groin hating table with a disappointed sigh.
  87. >You stroke her mane to cheer her up.
  88. "How about we just get some oats? The complex carbs are great for… long durations of strenuous activity."
  89. >You nudge her side and wink.
  90. >She blushes and focuses a spell.
  91. >Bowls appear on the table filled with oats. A pitcher of milk is conjured up as well.
  92. >You pour the milk over the oats and dig in.
  93. >…
  94. >God you missed cow's milk.
  95. >As you munch away happily, you catch glimpses of Twilight looking over at you.
  96. >After the third peek, you investigate.
  97. "What's wrong, Twilight?"
  98. >The bookish mare glances at you apprehensively.
  99. >"I just… I can't believe this is real. I've wanted this for a long time…"
  100. "You're right, Twilight. This is just a dream."
  101. >"Wh-what?"
  102. >You reach over and pinch her cheek.
  103. >"Ow!"
  104. "Hmm, well you feel pain… I guess this is real then!"
  105. >You smile at her.
  106. >She smiles back.
  107. >You feel your face stretch as Twilight uses magic to tweak your cheeks in retaliation.
  108. >Twilight giggles as you release each other.
  109. >She rubs her snout against your hand as you begin to draw away.
  110. >She's so soft.
  111. >Her nuzzling soon escalates to her sucking on your fingers.
  112. >As she works your fingers deeper into her mouth, you feel yourself getting hard.
  113. >When her tongue laps between your digits, the confinement of your erection becomes an act of animal cruelty.
  114. >You are the only human in Equestria, after all.
  115. >Harming you probably violates some Endangered Species Act.
  116. >In a grand sweeping motion, you scoop up the sexy p0ny and carry her upstairs.
  117. >Your tongues wrestle for control as you enter the Twilight's bedroom.
  118. >Reluctantly, you withdraw your tongue into your own mouth and rest Twilight on her bed.
  119. >She traces the brand as you hold yourself over her.
  120. >You lean down and nibble on her neck, slowly making your way to her ears.
  121. >Her tail flicks at your crotch as you tease her aural extrusions.
  122. >She slowly lowers a hoof to herself, but you catch her.
  123. >She is about to protest but stops when she feels your finger rubbing her slit.
  124. >"Oh~"
  125. >You tease her, rubbing around her entrance, but never entering her.
  126. >As her hips begin to buck, you slide a solitary finger in.
  127. >She clamps down on it hard, her muscles massaging it in an attempt to draw out something your finger cant give.
  128. >You slide another digit in and probe deeper, causing Twilight to arch her back.
  129. >As you play with her lower orifice, you give her upper one attention too.
  130. >Twilight's tongue isn't putting up as much of a fight as it was on the staircase and you are having an easy time bending it to your will.
  131. >You pull it into your mouth an suck on it, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the mare beneath you.
  132. >Twilight's breathing escalates and you feel her walls tighten around your fingers while you piston into her more rapidly.
  133. >A warm fluid sprays over your hand as Twilight moans.
  134. >When her contractions fade, you steadily extract your fingers and undo your pants.
  135. >Twilight watches eagerly as you line yourself up with her marehood.
  136. >You press the tip against her slit and feel her winking.
  137. >Her body desperately wants you.
  138. >Your body desperately wants her as well.
  139. >Your pre-cum mixes with her fluids and flows down her thigh, dripping onto the bed.
  140. >"Do i-"
  141. >Without waiting for her to finish, you plunge into her.
  142. >Her walls wrap around you instantly and begin to milk you.
  143. >You slowly pull yourself out, leaving your head inside Twilight's hole.
  144. >Her walls cling to the only part of you left and attempt to pull you back in.
  145. >You indulge her desires.
  146. >"Ah!"
  147. >Twilight's familiar squeak returns as you ram your full length into her again.
  148. >"Ah!"
  149. >And again.
  150. >"Ah~"
  151. >And again.
  152. >As you pound your cock into her, you place your tongue on Twilight's face and slowly lick up.
  153. >Her head jerks as you near her horn, giving you a devious smile.
  154. >You begin to run your tongue up and down the length of her horn.
  155. >"Oh~ N-no, not- ah~"
  156. >She is cut off by your sucking on her horn.
  157. >You feel sparks of magic escape into your mouth, making you even more excited.
  158. >The dual stimulation is too much for Twilight.
  159. >"Ah- Anon, I'm-"
  160. >Her walls clutch your member as they pump.
  161. "Me too!"
  162. >With a guttural roar you hilt yourself and pour your seed into Twilight.
  163. >Her body greedily swallows every load you give her as she writhes under you.
  164. >Twilight thrusts her head back and screams.
  165. >"I feel it! Oh Celestia, I feel you filling me!"
  166. >Your loads decrease in volume, but Twilight continues to milk you for more.
  167. >Soon, you finish and roll to the side.
  168. >Twilight stays connected to you and rolls over on top of you.
  169. "Twilight?"
  170. >The mare gives no response.
  171. >She leans forward and buries her head in your chest while grunting.
  172. >What is she- OH GOD!
  173. >Your hips thrust into Twilight as odd spasms inside her reverberate into your member.
  174. >The pleasure was unreal.
  175. >You quickly come a second time.
  176. >As you fill Twilight, she releases with a soft *splurt*.
  177. >The air is saturated with her musk as a viscous substance is ejaculated onto your crotch.
  178. >You don't care though, it feels too good.
  179. >Twilight slowly comes to as she rests against your chest.
  180. >When she notices the musky smell, she props herself up and looks at your conjoined sexes.
  181. >"Oh no, I'm so, so sorry, Anon!"
  182. "What?"
  183. >You can only look at the mare in confusion.
  184. >She blushes heavily as she speaks.
  185. >"I- I just 'claimed' you."
  186. >Mr. Cake's words flash across your mind.
  187. "Meaning?"
  188. >Twilight lays her head against your chest again.
  189. >"When a mare and stallion enter a relationship, the mare can 'claim' the stallion by marking him with a strong dose of her pheromones."
  190. >You nod, showing you understand.
  191. "Mm-hmm."
  192. >"This lets other mares know that the stallion is in a relationship and is not free game for Estrus."
  193. "In other words, only you can have me now?"
  194. >You look into the purple eyes of your lover.
  195. >"Basically, yes."
  196. >You feign despair and throw an arm over your forehead.
  197. "Oh, woe is me. Forced to be with this spellbinding mare forevermore. Life can be so~ cruel."
  198. >She jabs your chest as you smile at her.
  199. >"And I'm forced to be with this obnoxious ape…"
  200. >She pulls herself nearer to your face.
  201. >"This idiotic…"
  202. >Closer.
  203. >"Childish…"
  204. >Still closer.
  205. >"Lovable-"
  206. >Twilight stops speaking as her lips meet with yours.
  207. >She kisses you deeply.
  208. >…
  209. >You're already hers, what harm could a few more rounds do?
  211. >You are Fluttershy, Anon expert.
  212. >The sight in front of you is unbelievable.
  213. >Twilight, one of your closest friends, is raping Anon!
  214. >She's on top of him, just using him to satisfy her urges!
  215. >There's no way he'd do that willingly…
  216. >After all, he loves you, and only you.
  217. "Th-that whorse!"
  218. >You manage a grumble while orgasming.
  219. >The sight of Anon's hot monkey dick sliding into a mare is just too much.
  220. >You had to satisfy yourself right then and there.
  221. >You manage to find a window that is out of sight and peek in at Twilight's little romp with YOUR man.
  222. >As his length slides into her, you shove your hoof into yourself.
  223. >It wasn't as good as Anon's dick, but it will do for now.
  224. >When Anon comes, you pretend that it is you that he is pumping full of his love gravy.
  225. >Warming your insides…
  226. >You orgasm and splatter your juices on the ground below.
  227. >Tonight is the night Anon realizes his love for you.
  228. >Tonight is the night…
  230. >You are Anon, Undefeated of the East, once again.
  231. >Your rapturous lovemaking with Twilight had unfortunately been interrupted by Rainbow Dash.
  232. >Leading to an awkward explanation as to why you had an upside down unicorn sucking you off while you ate her out.
  233. >…
  234. >Very awkward.
  235. >Apparently, there was some magical pink goo near Everfree Forest and Applejack needed help containing it.
  236. >As Twilight leaves to deal with the situation, she looks back and mouths she'll finish the thrill ride later.
  237. >Then she turns and walks alongside Rainbow, giving you a wink as she stares strait ahead.
  238. >God you love that mare.
  239. >With your rape protection gone, you decide to brave your home to use the restroom.
  240. >You sniff yourself.
  241. >And maybe take a shower, Twilight really made you work up a sweat.
  242. >Before you leave, you make a note saying where you've gone, just in case she gets back before you.
  243. >You also note that you have figured out the brand's effects and would like to discuss them after the two of you finish your, as Twilight put it, 'Experiment on the effects of how gravity affects pleasure.'
  244. >Smiling, you head out into town.
  245. >To your surprise, there are actually a few mares outside today.
  246. >You recognize Carrot Top, Bon Bon, Lyra, and several others.
  247. >They recognize you too. Every single one approaches you, most likely to ask if you want a quick 'roll in the hay', as they say.
  248. >When they near you, however, their faces scrunch up in a look of disappointment and they quickly gallop away, not so much as a courteous 'Hello.'
  249. >You rather enjoy being 'claimed', though, you wish there was another term.
  250. >An image of Twilight in leather whipping you, saying she owns you shoots across your mind.
  251. >Then again…
  252. >You decide to stick to the alley ways on your trip home.
  253. >Both to avoid giving false hope to the hot and bothered mares, and because the brand changing so often is quite painful.
  254. >When you arrive at your house, you glance at the time.
  255. >11:53 AM
  256. >You approach the door and slowly prop it open.
  257. >Seems safe.
  258. >Venturing further into your home, you head to the bathroom and perform your much needed daily routine.
  259. >Almost break the toilet trying to flush that behemoth.
  260. >The razor strains to slice through the veritable forrest of hair growing on your face.
  261. >The shower was normal though, not a lot of change there.
  262. >As you exit the shower, you notice quick movements in your bedroom.
  263. >You get dressed, keeping watch for any yellow blurs.
  264. >Once you slide your shirt on, you cautiously approach the doorway, ready for the worst.
  265. >When you reach the opening, a yellow appendage swings out at you.
  266. >You catch it.
  267. >What the?
  268. >It was a yellow dildo, set up to look like an arm.
  269. >You hear a faint flapping noise coming from behind you.
  270. >Clever girl.
  271. >She knew you'd be on guard, so she set up a fake trap to hide the real one.
  272. >You turn, briefly seeing Fluttershy before a rag is forced to your face.
  273. >You hold your breath and struggle as the pegasus holds the cloth to you.
  274. >"Shh… Son't fight it, Anon."
  275. *Thump-thump*
  276. >Shit.
  277. >You take a deep breath, darkness encroaching on your world.
  279. >You awaken strapped to your bed.
  280. >Surprisingly, still donning all of your clothes.
  281. >You look out the window.
  282. >Nighttime.
  283. >As you survey your room, you notice a figure at your bedside.
  284. >A yellow p0ny stares, unblinking at you.
  285. >She is terrifying.
  286. >You struggle against your bindings in vain, only managing to tear the skin around your wrists.
  287. *Drip* *Drip*
  288. >Tears hit your cheek as they fall from Fluttershy's eyes.
  289. >"Oh Anon! I was so worried that you'd never come back to me. I know how bad the whorse Twilight hurt you."
  290. >Her words were uttered with contempt.
  291. >'Whorse?'
  292. >'Twilight?'
  293. >'Hurt you?'
  294. "Twilight didn't hurt me, we had sex."
  295. >You glare angrily at your captor.
  296. >"No, she raped you. I saw it!"
  297. >Fluttershy stares at you as if you didn't know any better.
  298. >"What she did was wrong, Ano-"
  299. "What WE did was fucking beautiful. After being almost raped by YOU and ACTUALLY raped by several of your friends, I finally managed to be with someone I like."
  300. >You contort towards Fluttershy, grimacing at her.
  301. "I love HER, Fluttershy. I… LOVE… Twilight. Nothing you do will ever change that fact."
  302. >The sound of Fluttershy's world crashing down is almost audible.
  303. >"…"
  304. >"No."
  305. "What?"
  306. >"No. No. No. No. No. NO!"
  307. >The despondent mare stands as she shouts at you.
  308. >"Nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono!"
  309. >She shakes her head as she repeatedly yells her mantra of denial.
  310. >You make an effort to break free from your confinement, but the pleather straps hold you tight as you squirm.
  311. >"…"
  312. >Fluttershy suddenly stops.
  313. >You peer over at her.
  314. >Her head hangs low, mane obscuring her face.
  315. >You dare not make a sound, lest something even worse happen to you.
  316. >The two of you sit in silence for an eternity.
  317. >Eventually, the deafening silence gets to you, causing you to act against the screams of reason.
  318. "Flutter-"
  319. >She flies onto you in an instant and tears at your shirt, revealing the brand.
  320. >Three butterflies meet her piercing gaze.
  321. >Fluttershy cackles as she hides her face from you, her quiet voice makes your skin crawl with fear.
  322. >"Nononononononononononononono…"
  323. >She traces the brand.
  324. >"Nononononononononononononono…"
  325. >The insane mare stares at her marking.
  326. >"Nononononononononononononono."
  327. >She looks into your eyes.
  328. >You see the rage of a thousand spurned advances.
  329. >The fear of loneliness.
  330. >Lust for you.
  331. >You make one last attempt to calm your captor.
  332. "Fluttershy I-"
  333. >"Mmm~ Say my name again, sweetie."
  334. *Thump-thump*
  335. "Fluttershy, I-"
  336. >"I like it when you say my name."
  337. >The yellow rapist strokes your face with her hoof.
  338. >"I could make you rut me, Anon. You know that, right?"
  339. "…"
  340. "Yes."
  341. >"But that wouldn't be fair. You'd still feel those awful feelings for Twilight, and be haunted by the pain she inflicted on you…"
  342. "I told you that we-"
  343. >"Don't interrupt Mama when she's talking Sweetie."
  344. *Thump-thump*
  345. >Words no longer escape your throat as Fluttershy continues.
  346. >"So I'm going to help you forget about all those bad things she did. And then I'll help you realize your love for me."
  347. >Forget… No! She couldn't take Twilight from you! The hours of debating physics, the nights spent putting yourself back together after one of her failed spells. No one could take those moments from you!
  348. >Fluttershy looks coldly down at you.
  349. >Her voice is just a whisper, but in the silence of the room, she was as thunder.
  350. >"Love me."
  351. *Thump-thump*
  352. "No…"
  353. >You try to resist the order.
  354. *Thump-thump*
  355. "Hng-"
  356. >Your chest swells with agony as Fluttershy speaks again.
  357. >"Forget about Twilight."
  358. >…
  359. *THUMP-THUMP*
  361. In the eyes of the cosmos, you are Anon.
  362. >But through the eyes of the cosmos, we see the world.
  364. >A gray unicorn with a mechanical cutie mark enters the audience chamber of Princess Celestia.
  365. >There was a certain matter he had to inform her of.
  366. >When he reaches the base of Celestia's throne, the unicorn prostrates himself before the princess.
  367. >"Ah, Mr. Machina, is it?"
  368. >"Yes, your majesty. My family has humbly served as Head Librarians here in Canterlot for…"
  369. >The librarian stops to think.
  370. >"Ever. I am honored that you would remember me."
  371. >"Nonsense, I remember all of my faithful subjects, especially those who have been so important to Canterlot's development."
  372. *THUMP-THUMP*
  373. You writhe in agony.
  374. >The gray stallion rises as he addresses the princess.
  375. >"I come to inform you that an item on the restricted list has been checked out."
  376. >He levitates an old tome to the princess.
  377. >She is surprised when she recognizes the work.
  378. >"By your student, it seems."
  379. >Celestia's eyes narrow at the unicorn.
  380. >"Why would Twilight want this book?"
  381. >"It is possible she did not know what it was, your highness. It is written in a dialect that is now extinct. Besides yourself and Princess Luna, I'd say only I could read it properly."
  382. >Celestia turns the pages, remembering the magicks of wars past.
  383. >"I've heard Ms. Sparkle enjoys learning new spells. The diagrams in there could be enough for a scholar of her caliber to decipher, if only barely."
  384. The bed shakes as you convulse on top of it.
  385. >The princess stops on a certain spell.
  386. >It has fresh drool stains, indicative of Twilight's late night studies.
  387. >"Soldier's Heart."
  388. >"You think that is what she tried to cast, princess?"
  389. >For the first time in her life, Celestia wished failure upon her pupil.
  390. >"The effects are pretty bad. The affected individual must obey the dominant mare in the area, even against his wishes."
  391. *THUMP-THUMP*
  393. >The gray unicorn continues his exposition.
  394. >"I believe we once utilized it in our military, but it fell out of favor due to some unforeseen abuses."
  395. >"Yes… There was one particular case that finalized this spells dismissal long ago."
  396. >Celestia elaborates when she notices the stallion's expression of curiosity.
  397. >"A promising mare took command of a platoon. Apparently, she had displayed a certain amount of unrequited affection towards one of her soldiers."
  398. *THUMP-THUMP*
  399. Blood from your torn wrists lubricates your hands enough that they slip through your restraints.
  400. >Machina listens intently.
  401. >"After enough rejections, she simply ordered the stallion to love her. His screams of agony woke the entire camp. Metaphysical commands place extreme stress on the affected stallion."
  402. >"It's my understanding that orders are not actually carried out by their initial intent, rather based on the interpretation of them by the subject."
  403. You manage to undo your leg bindings and fling yourself to the floor, roaring out in pain.
  404. >"Yes, there were several unfortunate incidents of commanders sarcastically telling a soldier to, 'Go buck themselves' only for the soldiers to sever their genitals and force them-"
  405. >"Uh- yeah. I get the picture, your majesty. But about that case?"
  407. Curling into the fetal position, you clutch your head.
  408. "Remember… Remember.RemEmbErRemeMBerremember…"
  409. >"Oh yes. The commanding mare was sentenced to execution for abusing her position."
  410. >"The punishment was that severe?"
  411. *THUMP-THUMP*
  412. Your body jerks you onto your knees.
  413. >"We were at war, division amongst our troops was unacceptable."
  414. >"I see, what happened to the stallion?"
  415. *THUMP-THUMP*
  416. *Thud*
  417. You smash your head against the ground.
  418. >"Unfortunately, the mare had ordered him to follow only her commands."
  419. >"Such commands are possible?"
  420. *THUMP-THUMP*
  421. You forget your night with Twilight.
  422. *Thud*
  423. "NO!"
  424. >"The spell is both flexible and potent. Even some impossible orders can be carried out on a physiological scale."
  425. *THUMP-THUMP*
  426. You forget her protecting you from Fluttershy.
  427. *Thud*
  428. "NO!"
  429. >"And his ultimate fate?"
  430. *THUMP-THUMP*
  431. A purple p0ny lingers on your mind before fading to nothingness.
  432. *Thud*
  433. "NO!"
  434. >"He killed himself when the mare was executed."
  435. >The unicorn blinks in disbelief as Celestia continues.
  436. >"He couldn't go on living without his lo-"
  437. "-ve me, Anon!"
  438. Fluttershy whispers to you as you cease beating yourself.
  439. You look up and wearily reach out to her.
  440. She smiles gently as she takes your hand and embraces you.
  441. Tears stream down your face for no reason as you cling to your love.
  442. "I love you, Anon."
  443. Fluttershy snuggles closer to your chest.
  444. "I… love you too, Fluttershy."
  445. The room spins as you fall to the floor and sleep.

A message to all horsefuckers

by Sodapop

Amor fati

by Sodapop

Some old as fuck pastebin that some anon wrote back in 2014 but i wrote the[...]

by Sodapop


by Sodapop

(MLO) Mothershy *Finished* GOOD_GUY DEC 9TH, 2013

by Sodapop