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Branded - Chapter 9 AKAME JAN 29TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:18:22
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Mmm…"
  2. "Mmm…"
  3. >A sweet taste fills your mouth as a soft tongue dances between your lips.
  4. >You laugh softly as you slide your hand down your bedmate's side.
  5. >When you reach her wings, you give a small tug, causing them to slowly unfurl.
  6. >Your companion pulls closer to you as she intensifies her tongue's movement.
  7. >Not to be out done, you stroke her wings more roughly.
  8. >"A- ah~"
  9. >A quiet squeak escapes her mouth as she tries to resist the pleasure from her pinion.
  10. >How cute.
  11. >You smile as you pinch a feather between your thumb and index finger.
  12. >Your partner stops her movement, biting her lip in anticipation of what's coming.
  13. >With a quick motion, you pluck the feather.
  14. >"AH~"
  15. >Your lower body is drenched in fluids as your love comes.
  16. >You hold her close, breathing in her musk as she orgasms next to you.
  17. >God, you love that smell.
  18. >When the pangs of ardor fade, the gentle mare's gaze meets yours.
  19. >You stare into the teal depths of her eyes and smile.
  20. "Morning, love."
  21. >Fluttershy beams back at you.
  22. >"M-morning… love."
  23. >You slide out of bed and stretch, making sure to give Fluttershy a good show.
  24. *Pomf*
  25. >That sound always makes you smile.
  26. >Fluttershy's wings stand at attention, all but throbbing at your performance.
  27. >You reach over and pinch her right wing, running your hand back and forth across her ulna.
  28. >"Eep!"
  29. >Her eyes snap shut and her head is thrown back at your touch.
  30. >Snickering, you give Fluttershy a quick peck on the lips and stop.
  31. >She looks a little dejected.
  32. >"Wh-what-"
  33. "I'm going to take a shower."
  34. >You wink at her as you walk to the bathroom, making sure to leave the door open, so you can remove your boxers in clear sight of Fluttershy.
  35. >Turning on the water, you give one more wink to Fluttershy, fully facing front of course, then step into the shower.
  36. >The curtain is opaque, but you can see a yellow blob rush into the bathroom.
  37. >"D-do you need some help, Anon?"
  38. >You grin to yourself.
  39. "Actually, yes. There's this one spot I have trouble reaching."
  40. >"Oh? Where's that?"
  41. >You face Fluttershy and open the curtain.
  42. >Her head is right at crotch height.
  43. >She stands, transfixed by the organ dangling in front of her.
  44. *Drip* *Drip*
  45. >More than transfixed, actually…
  46. "I just can't seem to clean this spot well enough… Mind helping?"
  47. >She says nothing and just nods.
  48. >You step to the side and let her join you in the shower.
  49. >The water mats her mane, causing it to cling to her neck and face.
  50. >A solitary eye peeks at your crotch through the divide in her wet mane.
  51. >You get to work cleaning yourself.
  52. >Shampooed hair?
  53. >Check.
  54. >Body washed?
  55. >All but the spot you 'can't reach'…
  56. >The whole time you are cleaning, Fluttershy just watches.
  57. >From the corner of your eye, you can see her grinding against the wall in an effort to contain herself.
  58. >But~
  59. >You hide a grin from her.
  60. >Now you need her help.
  61. >You quickly turn to the drenched pegasus.
  62. >Your cock softly whacks against your thigh, snapping Fluttershy's attention to it.
  63. "Do you mind helping me? I just can never clean it right!"
  64. >Fluttershy looks up at you, excitement practically written in giant neon letters.
  65. >"Of- of course!"
  66. >She places her head right near your crotch and takes a deep sniff.
  67. >Adorable.
  68. >Her face scrunches, flashing a look of distaste before returning to normal.
  69. >Guess you need to wash your balls better…
  70. >Wasting no time, the wet mare globs a large amount of body wash onto her hoof and slathers the thick soap over your member.
  71. >The cold gel makes your member come to life, engorging to greet Fluttershy's awaiting hoof.
  72. >Noticing you rise to the occasion, Fluttershy grips your shaft more firmly.
  73. >Hoof jobs might sound painful, but you don't have any complaints.
  74. >The mare tugs faster as you pulsate in her hoof.
  75. >She spreads a wing and begins to massage your balls with it.
  76. >Her wing expertly fondles you, far more dexterous than a hoof.
  77. >And softer.
  78. >By now, Fluttershy's efforts have brought you close.
  79. >Her touch was magical.
  80. >It was as if she knew every pleasurable point on your crotch.
  81. >How she could have learned such detailed information, you have no idea, nor do you care.
  82. >Your mind is wracked with delight as your cock begins to twitch.
  83. "Fluttershy! I'm- I'm gonna-"
  84. >She positions herself in front of you, mouth open.
  85. >Her snout scrunches once more, but you don't notice.
  86. >Because you're too busy coming.
  87. >Your seed propels out of your member and onto Fluttershy's waiting tongue.
  88. >She outstretches a wing to block the water from intercepting your gift.
  89. >Tilting her head back, Fluttershy's tongue swirls around in the thick soup of semen.
  90. >Squeezing out a few smaller loads, you stare down at the normally shy pegasus.
  91. >Her eyes are half open and her tongue is still swimming in your spunk.
  92. >She gargles the thick fluid while her eyes focus on you.
  93. >Slowly, her mouth closes.
  94. >She stares at you and gives a faint smile.
  95. *Gulp*
  96. >Her hoof moves from her throat to her abdomen, tracing the path of her meal.
  97. >"Ahh~"
  98. >A bare pink tongue flops out of Fluttershy's mouth.
  99. >A thin strand of cum connects her lips though, eliciting one more spurt onto her face.
  100. >Her surprise quickly changes to lust as she wipes your load off.
  101. >You watch as she props herself up on her head and reaches back to her marehood.
  102. >Her hoof, coated with your semen, is jammed deep into her pussy.
  103. >"Oh~"
  104. >The sight of Fluttershy masturbating starts you going as well.
  105. >You both stare at each other as you pleasure yourselves.
  106. >Eventually, your grunts and groans coincide with Fluttershy's own.
  107. >You're about to come again.
  108. >As if sensing your thoughts, Fluttershy stops clopping and pulls her lips apart.
  109. >Her tight hole winks madly as you position yourself.
  110. >Your tip kisses her entrance as you continue to jack off faster and faster.
  111. >You knew what she wanted.
  112. >As your balls tighten, you press your urethra against Fluttershy's canal.
  113. >Without entering her, you pump the yellow mare full of your cum.
  114. >Her sex makes a slurping sound as it guzzles your essence.
  115. >Once you've finished, you withdraw yourself from Fluttershy.
  116. >She stands and cleans you again.
  117. >She's incorrigible.
  118. >…
  119. >And a little rough.
  120. >…
  121. >Now it's just starting to hurt.
  122. "Fluttershy!"
  123. >Your raised voice gets her attention and she stops cleaning you.
  124. "There's no need to be so aggressive…"
  125. >You give her a concerned look.
  126. "I'm not going anywhere."
  127. >She sighs and smiles at you.
  128. >"Y-yes, that's right."
  129. >The quiet mare attempts to fly up to you, but the water causes her feathers to clump together.
  130. >You lean over instead and give her a soft kiss.
  131. >She pulls the curtain over and exits the shower, drying herself with your towel.
  132. >"I-I'm going to make us some breakfast."
  133. >Then she leaves.
  134. >You stand in the running water, attempting to analyze what has just happened.
  136. >You are Fluttershy.
  137. >Why wouldn't it come off?!
  138. >You briskly walk into the kitchen and begin to make breakfast.
  139. >That smell.
  140. >Twilight.
  141. >No matter how hard you scrubbed, it wouldn't go away.
  142. >You open Anon's fridge and reach into the back.
  143. >Into the secret compartment he had back there.
  144. >Her scent makes it impossible for your to enjoy his musk…
  145. >You pull out a small satchel of bacon.
  146. >Other p0nies would judge Anon for eating meat.
  147. >But not you.
  148. >You love Anon.
  149. >And he loves you.
  150. >That's why even though that whorse's pheromones make you sick to your stomach, you'll still take all of Anon's love.
  151. >You turn on the stove and begin to cook.
  152. >Your stomach churns as you smell Twilight's pheromones on your breath, forcing you to vomit.
  153. >You catch Anon's gift in your mouth and swallow, returning it to its rightful place.
  154. >Inside you.
  155. >Because you love Anon, and he loves you…
  157. >You are Anon, Slayer of men… Slayer of HENCHmen…
  158. *Sniff-Sniff*
  159. >Is that…?
  160. "BACON!"
  161. >You dash into the kitchen and see the plate of divine sustenance sitting on the table.
  162. >Licking your lips, you take a seat and dig in.
  163. >Meat was such a rare treat in Equestria.
  164. >Not just because of the social stigmata, but because most of the things humans are used to eating can talk here.
  165. >You're no vegetarian, not by choice anyway, but you still frown upon the consumption of sentient beings.
  166. >Pigs being the exception because bacon is the most holy of meats.
  167. >As you finish the last piece, Fluttershy nuzzles your side.
  168. >You stoke her mane and give her a quick peck on the cheek.
  169. >She blushes and begins to clean the table.
  170. >You start to help, but a knock at the door draws your attention.
  171. "I'll get it."
  172. >Fluttershy quickly places the dishes in the sink and follows you.
  173. >Opening the door, you see a purple unicorn.
  174. >"Hey Anon! Sorry I didn't come by last night, that pink gak was a hoofful."
  175. >The p0ny props herself up against you and moves her face close to yours.
  176. "Whoa-whoa-WHOA!"
  177. >You back up and fall to the ground.
  178. >"Oh my! Anon, a-are you alright?"
  179. >Fluttershy moves to help you up but is intercepted by the purple stranger.
  180. >"Fluttershy! What are you doing in Anon's house?!"
  181. >The crazed mare stands over you, acting like she's protecting you from your love.
  182. >"I- um- I-"
  183. "She's here because she's my marefriend!"
  184. >You shove the intruder off of you and stand.
  185. >"WHAT?!"
  186. >The purple p0ny's eyes widen as she stares in disbelief.
  187. >"Anon, we- we are-"
  188. >She looks between you and Fluttershy.
  189. >"WE are together!"
  190. "I've never even met you."
  191. >Your abrupt response catches the mare off guard.
  192. >"I- wh- you-"
  193. >Tears form in her eyes.
  194. >"Anon, what's wrong with you?"
  195. >Fluttershy cowers behind you as the unicorn approaches.
  196. >"How could you forget me? How-"
  197. "I'm sorry, but I can't remember someone I haven't met."
  198. >The stranger continues to cry.
  199. >"You don't remember two nights ago?"
  200. >She places her hoof on her stomach.
  201. >"You- you helped me survive another Estrus cycle."
  202. >That's right, Estrus is occurring right now.
  203. >Maybe this mare is just in heat?
  204. "I'm sorry… But I couldn't have done that. I'm with Fluttershy."
  205. >The strange mare's face contorts.
  206. >"What about this?!"
  207. >The unicorn's horn glows a soft purple, and your shirt is torn off.
  208. >The brand shows Fluttershy's mark.
  209. >"Wh- what?"
  210. >The p0ny stumbles back and trips.
  211. >You walk over to the grounded mare and pinch her horn, causing her to yelp in pain.
  212. "I don't know how you know about this, and I don't care. You're going to leave, NOW."
  213. >You pull the sniffling unicorn to her hooves and lead her to the door.
  214. >"Wait- *choke* wait Anon! Where did you get that- *choke* if not from me?"
  215. >You pause and think.
  216. >…
  217. >You… don't remember.
  218. >You just woke up one day, and this curse was emblazoned on your chest…
  219. >But there was a time when it wasn't there… What changed?
  220. >Fluttershy attempts to get close to you, but retreats when your captive lashes out at her.
  221. >"YOU! You did something to Anon, didn't you?!"
  222. >"Eep!"
  223. >Fluttershy tries to hide behind her mane.
  224. >Your chest burns… Not good.
  225. >"I swear, I'll find a way to cure him! And then I'll-AARG!!!"
  226. >You tweak the purple unicorn's horn, shutting her up.
  227. >As you throw her out onto your lawn, she teleports to your side again.
  228. >You quickly grasp your chest to cover the freshly changed brand.
  229. >"Anon, please! Don't forget me! Don't-"
  230. *Thump-thump*
  231. >The mare is sent flying.
  232. >You search for the culprit, only to find Fluttershy standing in bucking pose next to the spot once inhabited by the stranger.
  233. >She could definitely be assertive when she needed.
  234. >Another pang signifies the brand changing again.
  235. >You are safe with your lover's mark once more.
  236. >The unicorn attempts to stand, but her legs give out from under her.
  237. >She's crying and muttering under her breath in a way that is difficult to make out, but you strain to hear it.
  238. >"I- I will save you, Anon…"
  239. >She manages to stand.
  240. >With a final sad glance towards you, she slowly limps away.
  241. *Drip* *Drip*
  242. >You look down and notice two wet spots on the ground.
  243. >Rain?
  244. >You look up, searching for clouds.
  245. >The sky is clear and blue.
  246. >Then… why is your face so wet?
  247. >Your hand touches your face.
  248. >…
  249. >Why… are you crying?

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