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Gildaed Cage 1 - The Prince of Equis AKAME DEC 17TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-23 01:12:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >It was maddening.
  2. >In her heart, Lilly knew that this romantic rendezvous couldn't last. That Hyperion would be called away to lead his soldiers into battle.
  3. >Every day, every hour, every second the two were separated was nothing but a hell created just for them, and when she looked into her dearest's eyes, she could see he felt it too. The longing to be together, entangled so close that time itself turns to nothing in the wake of their love. If this was to be the last moment she would see him, Lilly wanted Hyperion to know… She wanted him to know her, how she felt.
  4. >Without a word, Lilly pressed her lips against the red prince's. Hyperion's tongue was as powerful and gentle as its owner, and her own tongue relished its company. Despite the pleasure it brought her, Lilly soon broke her kiss with Hyperion. A thin string of saliva reminded them of the social taboo they had just broken. She bit her lip, briefly contemplating the repercussions of what she was about to do before throwing them aside.
  5. >Lilly slowly turned, gazing at her lover, until she was looking over her shoulder. Her tail swished softly before it raised to the side, exposing her marehood to Hyperion. For a moment, Lilly thought she had been too brash, and the prince had been offended. She hung her head and started to cry. Her tears soon stopped as she felt two strong hooves brush past her flank. Lilly quickly looked back to see her love mounting her, his penis probing her for entry. With one stark thrust, Hyperion-
  7. >*Slam*
  8. >You shut the book and let out a sigh before glancing at the crowd of p0nies gathered around your table.
  9. >Quite a few mares have began panting from your reading.
  10. >'The Prince of Equis'
  11. >A story of a young mare falling in love with a prince.
  12. >The two want desperately to be together, despite the prince's betrothal to a cruel countess, and a harsh war that demands he lead his father's army against a rival nation.
  13. >And if the publisher is to be believed, it's the most pre-ordered book in Equestrian history.
  14. >It's not your best work, but your patron was insistent that you produce something.
  15. >Apparently, a single year is far too long a break for an author.
  16. >You push your glasses up as you lament the slave-like conditions you find yourself in.
  18. >A swift kick flings the yellow menace away, then you set the book you were reading from on the table.
  19. "Now, you all remember what I told you when I started reading, right?"
  20. >Most of the p0nies whisper to each other in confusion before looking back to you.
  21. >Of course not.
  22. "I said, 'I'll read this for you, if you can behave yourselves.'"
  23. >You point to a cerise mare with a light pink mane.
  24. >She's using her head to prop herself up while she touches herself.
  25. "You were starting to clop. That's the opposite of behaving."
  26. >Another mare tries to stand up a short distance away, causing your finger to snap towards her as well.
  27. "Nope, don't try to hide it, you were doing it too."
  28. >Both p0nies blush and stop their indecency.
  29. >You quickly level your gaze at a stallion and a mare near the back of the crowd.
  30. "And you two! I've seen you at some of my previous book readings."
  31. >The crowd turns to see the stallion mounted on top of the mare.
  32. "You were re-enacting the book as I read it, scene-by-scene."
  33. >They blush as well, but do not falter from their position.
  34. >Instead, they stare at you expectantly, like you're going to start reading again.
  35. "I'm not going to keep reading, so fuck off."
  36. >The stallion shrugs before pumping into his partner, eliciting a moan from her and several observing audience members.
  37. >These p0nies.
  38. >They may seem like idyllic, little…
  39. >Well, p0nies- but they are actually just gooey centers of sexual frustration wrapped in layers of sugary adorableness.
  40. >Though, that 'adorableness' is debatable.
  41. >You look down at the yellow pegasus who has reattached herself to your leg.
  42. >Clever girl must have done it while you were briefly monologuing.
  43. >Her gentle teal eyes hide a wild hunger behind them, which you have no desire to help satiate.
  44. >"U-um… I'm your biggest fan… Oh~"
  45. >A warmth runs down your leg as she bucks her hips against you.
  46. >…
  47. >That's it.
  48. >That was the hump that broke the human's straw.
  49. >Your soft-spoken friend with leg benefits screams as you kick to send her flying again.
  50. "Ok, there will be no book signing today! So go-"
  51. >Words fail you when you see the crowd has devolved into an orgy of biblical proportions.
  52. >Mares on top of stallions, stallions on top of mares, mares on top of mares, and-
  53. >*Pop*
  54. >"Ooh~"
  55. >Yup, stallions on top of stallions.
  56. >Again, you adjust your glasses in an effort to vent some frustration before you turn and walk away.
  57. >But not before finishing your earlier thought.
  58. "Fuck yourselves."
  59. >Is the last thing you say before leaving Ponyville, and starting the walk back home.
  61. >Traveling between Ponyville and Canterlot on foot isn't really a terrible ordeal.
  62. >Sure, the train is faster, but the last railing you saw didn't involve locomotives, so...
  63. >Besides, it's a gorgeous day outside.
  64. >Gorgeous enough to make you use the descriptor 'gorgeous.'
  65. >You never use that word.
  66. >…
  67. >Huh.
  68. >It was morning when you left the sex stain that is P0nyville, by now it should be a little after noon.
  69. >Equestria's capital looms over the tree tops, drawing closer with each step.
  70. >Should be about halfway there by now.
  71. >*Grmbrmbrmb*
  72. >A snack would be great.
  73. >It's not like there's anything else to do, so you start making a list of tasty food.
  74. >Peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich?
  75. >Judging from the flood of saliva, that's a check.
  76. >Maybe a-
  77. >"What's your problem?"
  78. >Hmm?
  79. >You scan the surrounding area, but the woods obscure your vision.
  80. >"Our 'problem' is that you ruined our package. Now what are we supposed to give to our boss?"
  81. >The voice sounds pissed.
  82. >From what you can tell, it's male, and definitely not fully grown.
  83. >It has that staining sound made by someone who's balls just dropped.
  84. >Like a teenager trying to sound tough.
  85. >"Not my fault, you overgrown lizard!"
  86. >This one is female, more along the lines of someone in their early 20's.
  87. >She sounds annoyed.
  88. >Not the kind of annoyed as in she's annoyed right now, but the kind of annoyed where she's never NOT annoyed.
  89. >You slink between the trees, careful to hide your presence from whoever is arguing.
  90. >"Well, it's not ours, so that just leaves you!"
  91. >A clearing opens up in front of you, allowing you to survey the spat.
  92. >It's quite the sight.
  93. >Two young dragons are arguing with a griffon.
  94. >From the looks of things, you'd say both sides are just waiting for the other to make the first move.
  95. >The griffon points a talon at the taller of the two dragons.
  96. >"Back off. Maybe if you ordered something more sturdy, it wouldn't have melted when I flew past a dumb volcano!"
  97. >The tall dragon glares at the griffon before speaking with a seething rage.
  98. >"And maybe if you weren't so incompetent-"
  99. >"I'm not incompetent, you dweeb! You don't know anything!"
  100. >The dragon swings a clawed hand at his derider, but she is too fast and manages to dodge.
  101. >She retaliates by knocking him over as she takes flight.
  102. >Smart.
  103. >Griffons are notoriously good fighters, but against two dragons she would likely have some trouble.
  104. >Fortunately, this also means you wouldn't have to get involved.
  105. >"Nya~"
  106. >The griffon makes a face at her ground-bound annoyances before making a fast fly away.
  107. >As she approaches the edge of the clearing, you notice the tall dragon on the ground smiles.
  108. >From the tree tops, a third dragon flies out and punches the griffon in the head before she can react.
  109. >Her body falls limply to the ground where it is recovered by the newcomer and dragged back to his cohorts.
  110. >This new dragon is somewhat fat.
  111. >Looking at him closer, you'd wager he probably couldn't string five words together without pausing to think.
  112. >"I got the… uh…"
  113. >Damn, only three?
  114. >Guess you were a little too generous.
  115. >"Birdie! I got… uh…"
  116. >The alpha dragon holds up a hand to silence the idiot.
  117. >"Good job, Bolt. Now, both of you, hold her down."
  118. >The big dragon smiles before dimly shouting.
  119. >"Ok!"
  120. >Really, it's almost adorable how simple he is.
  121. >The griffon is placed on her stomach, with both of the underlings taking up position on opposite sides of her.
  122. >Bolt pins her front limbs and the smaller dragon holds the rear.
  123. >The griffon's wings twitch as she regains consciousness.
  124. >"Nail! She's waking up!"
  125. >The leader walks to the griffon's side before stomping a foot onto her back and grabbing her left wing.
  126. >She screams as he begins to bend the wing forcibly.
  127. >"If your wing was made of something more sturdy, maybe it wouldn't bre-"
  128. "Excuse me!"
  129. >Your sudden outburst startles Nail, and he stops trying to break his victim's wing.
  130. >You stand up and walk slowly out into the clearing.
  131. "I was just passing through, and I'm a little lost, could you point me towards Canterlot?"
  132. >All three dragons stare at you.
  133. >Two of them look up at the white city clearly visible over the treetops.
  134. >The dumb one just keeps looking at you.
  135. >Well, at least you fooled HIM with that.
  136. >The griffon senses her captors no longer paying attention to her and tries to wriggle herself loose.
  137. >Nail wrenches on her wing, forcing her to stop and scream again.
  138. >"Trying to escape, not with a broken wi-"
  139. "DON'T! …do that."
  140. >The two semi-intelligent lizards return their focus to you.
  141. >"Hey Nail, you ever see anything like that?"
  142. >The smaller dragon motions to you with his head.
  143. >"Can't say that I have, Screws. What the hell are you?"
  144. >Ha ha…
  145. >This conversation again.
  146. >You've only had it about A MILLION FUCKING TIMES!
  147. "I'm just a passerby, trying to relax after a bad morning. Would you mind letting her go? I'd rather not have to-"
  148. >*Snap*
  149. >The griffon screams louder than before before.
  150. >She writhes on the ground, half of her left wing hanging limply from it's center.
  151. >You stand, watching distantly as the dragons get off of her and Nail begins mocking you.
  152. >Her screams continue, seeming to grow louder as the trio gets closer to you.
  153. >"You talk too much."
  154. >No one listens to you.
  155. >"I don't care what you are, you don't want to get in our way."
  156. >No one ever listens to you.
  157. >Nail is right in front of you now.
  158. >He's shorter than you, maybe around five feet.
  159. >Bolt is taller by about half a foot, but Screws is four feet at most.
  160. >Not good odds.
  161. >Nail stares at you before speaking.
  162. >"Why don't you just turn around and walk aw- hurk!"
  163. >His voice catches in his throat.
  164. >Or maybe it'd be better to say you caught it?
  165. >Either way, your hand is gripping his neck tightly.
  166. >He squirms, trying to loosen your hold and his scaly gullet.
  167. >When you look him in the eyes, he stops.
  168. >For a brief moment, you could see it on his face.
  169. >Fear.
  170. >It's only for an instant, but it was there.
  171. >Nail begins to claw at your arm, no doubt hoping the pain will get you to release him.
  172. >Minor gashes tear open on your forearm, but nothing that would make your grip loosen.
  173. >His cohorts show the same look of horror as they come to the aid of their leader.
  174. >It's probably the smile.
  175. >It tends to happen when you get like this.
  176. >"Boys! Get this- *Cough* -thing off of me!"
  177. >They hesitate at first, but the two soon run at you, striking you in the stomach, shoulder, arms, wherever they can hit.
  178. >Through it all, you stay fixated on the one who ignored you.
  179. >*Slam*
  180. >People always ignore you.
  181. >*Thud*
  182. >You tell them to behave.
  183. >* Punch*
  184. >You tell them to be nice… Is that so hard?
  185. >*Wham*
  186. >Your body is starting to ache from the repeated blows it's receiving.
  187. >*Kick*
  188. >The griffon girl has stopped screaming.
  189. >Did she die from shock?
  190. >*Crunch*
  191. >All sensation stops as your glasses are pressed against your face.
  192. >The only thing that you notice is the sound of the frame snapping, and one of the lenses cracking under a punch.
  193. >Nail has nearly passed out from lack of air, but you can still see the terror inside him deepen.
  194. >They broke your glasses.
  196. [Several hours later]
  197. >You sit quietly in your garden, sipping some nice cinnamon tea.
  198. >"Sir, is your arm feeling any better?"
  199. >Your butler trots up to you levitating a fresh pot of tea.
  200. >A smile crosses your lips as you hold up your injured arm.
  201. >The gashes have long since stopped bleeding, and are already starting to heal.
  202. "Wonderful stuff, this tea. Thank you for making it Quentin."
  203. >The unicorn simpers before regaining his neutral appearance.
  204. >"Of course, Sir. I always have the ingredients ready whenever you go on a trip."
  205. >You take another sip of your tea before putting on a sarcastic frown.
  206. "Why, Quentin, are you suggesting that I bring trouble with me wherever I go?"
  207. >"No, Sir. Trouble just seems to bring you wherever IT goes."
  208. "Haha… I suppose it does."
  209. >*Crash*
  210. >You glance up at the second story of your house.
  211. "Perhaps I should check on our guest. And Quentin-"
  212. >"I already have a pot brewing for the miss, Sir."
  213. "Good man."
  214. >With that, you walk inside and head upstairs to the guest bedroom.

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