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Hippodrome pt 2

By AnonymousWritefag
Created: 2020-12-23 13:27:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be mare
  2. >Master seemed to take the news about Rose reasonably well
  3. >And you got her set up in the spare bedroom
  4. >She seemed satisfied with the situation
  5. >Even grateful
  6. >Though she seemed kind of in shock about the whole thing
  7. >Which makes sense
  8. >A couple days ago she was the property of a wealthy man who claimed to love her
  9. >He indulged a lot of her whims, including having her own apartment and access to his credit cards
  10. >Today she's the third wheel at your place, in a practical sense she's property of your master
  11. >And she's carrying his foal
  12. >It's a pretty big change for all of you
  13. >And while you and master can easily see to it Rose is OK, and the foal when it comes
  14. >You need to make sure master is dealing with this as well as he can
  15. >For everypony's sake
  16. >You find him in bed, drinking a double while music plays in the background
  17. "I almost feel like I could use one of those, master"
  18. >"Feel free,l but I'm almost sure you won't like it. It's not just an acquired taste, it's also very strong"
  19. >He offers his glass to you
  20. >Do you really want to do this?
  21. >You take a sniff of it and recoil a little
  22. "It smells like poison"
  23. >"It is"
  24. "I think I'll pass"
  25. >"As usual. Rose settling in?"
  26. "It'll be an adjustment - for all of us - but she's appreciative. You're doing the right thing"
  27. >"Well what else are we going to to? A mare shows up at my door carrying my foal"
  28. "That was me not all that long ago"
  29. >"Big difference though: I ASKED for you. I wanted you here"
  30. "And you don't want Rose?"
  31. >"Not particularly. Is that horrible to say?"
  32. "Probably if you said it to her"
  33. >"I wouldn't. But I feel awful to already be thinking about just how active a role I want to take with the foal"
  34. "You don't have to think about that, master. Rose made her choice. It's different from the one we made. We just deal with it now"
  35. >"Right. How are you dealing with it?"
  36. "I don't want a foal around here, but who knows? It'll be cute, and as long as Rose does most of the work taking care of it..."
  37. >"Kind of what I was thinking. And Rose herself?"
  38. "She's my friend. It's not a big deal for her to be here as far as I'm concerned. And as for the finances of the whole thing..."
  39. >"You haven't run the numbers already, have you?"
  40. "Just in my head"
  41. >"And?"
  42. "I know John indulged her - she's used to a posher life than we live, with the exception of this place, which we don't pay for"
  43. >"She's not getting a credit card"
  44. "Then even when the foal comes she's not going to be any financial burden to us. So there's no room for resentment there"
  45. >"That's what I figured. The VP doesn't want his talent dealing with financial anxiety"
  46. "No. This seems more like spite. Rose getting pregnant ruined his little party, so now he foists her on us to try to ruin ours"
  47. >"His note made that clear. Though I don't think she's going to ruin anything, just change things. Now I've got two mares"
  48. "I have no idea how much she's into you having your way with her now, even if it is within your rights"
  49. >"That's not something I want to push anyways, especially in her condition. I'm more than happy to have you for that"
  50. "I'm happy to hear that, master. And if it puts your mind at ease know that I don't see her as any kind of threat"
  51. >"If you had you wouldn't have arranged for me to bang her in the first place - at our fucking wedding, no less"
  52. "That was pretty good, wasn't it?"
  53. >"Yeah, but now the chickens have come home to roost"
  54. "I really can't see her as a chicken"
  55. >"What then? A resuce pet from the shelter?"
  56. "You're terrible"
  57. >"I don't mean it. I totaly respect her. Just still getting used to the idea of her living with us and..."
  58. "Being the mother of your foal?"
  59. >"Yeah. And raising it here"
  60. "The alternatives would be..."
  61. >"Totally fucking heartless. Neither of us could do that to her"
  62. "I don't even want to think about it. Besides, between the flower shop and the new show she's not going to be under hoof that much"
  63. >"The foal is going to be the game changer that way, when it comes"
  64. "She's the one who wants it, so taking care of it is on her. I'll help out a little if she needs it because she's a friend, but..."
  65. >"Tougher call for me, since I'm the father. Guess I'll just have to figure that one out as I go"
  66. "Isn't that how it's supposed to be done? If you think about it this foal is going to be in a really advantageous position growing up"
  67. >"Should we have had your foal?"
  68. "Would you have wanted two pregnant mares here, and two foals on the way?"
  69. >"That sounds like a nightmare. No offence"
  70. "It doesn't sound all that great to me, either. We chose well, master. It may have been a sad decision, but it was a good one"
  71. >"So you're totally OK with all of this?"
  72. "Sure. If I know one thing it's that you have to be OK with stuff you have no control over"
  73. >"That's a big thing I've learned from you"
  74. "And I want you to be OK, too. Anything I can do to help in that regard?"
  75. >"A blowjob would be nice, if you're feeling it"
  76. >Really?
  77. >He's just gonna say it like that?
  78. >He catches the look on your face and tousles your mane
  79. >"Right. Show me how a good girl sucks her master off"
  80. "That's more like it!"
  81. >Shit, you didn't mean to say that out loud
  82. >He smiles at you
  83. >"Don't keep master waiting, then"
  84. >You don't
  86. >Be VP
  87. >In a meeting with two very excited beardy producers
  88. >"So we've got the numbers for the rough cut of the Pilot," Beard #1 informs you
  89. "From the looks on your faces Blinders Off tested better than we figured"
  90. >"Eighty percent of viewers said it made them uncomfortable or they found it offensive," Beard #2 responds, "But seventy five percent of them would watch it anyways"
  91. >"Women in New York and LA loved it," Beard #1 adds, "and it did a lot better with men than I thought it would"
  92. "I knew it. Read me some of the negative responses"
  93. >Both men tap at their laptop keyboards
  94. >"Anti-capitalist bleeding heart propaganda," Beard #2 reads from his screen, "It's like you're trying to sell out humanity. Cameramare is a hottie, though"
  95. "That's a guy who hates it, but will watch"
  96. >"The negative comments are full of folks likely to watch, then," Beard #1 answers
  97. >Then he adds, "I've got one: It's infuriating to see these whores living better than what I work so hard for. Or it would be if they weren't so damn sexy"
  98. >"Or how about this?," Beard #2 inquires, "The obvious gap in quality of life between the free ponies and the hosts proves pony slavery is right and abolitionists are cucks"
  99. >"Then there's this one," Beard #1 responds, "Nice to see someone telling the truth about how good slaves have it and how happy they are"
  100. "Email me the rest of the negatives and we'll work from there. But it looks like a solid go?"
  101. >"We could keep on production schedule, air the pilot in a month or so and be good," Beard #2 responds, "If you say go"
  102. "You'll know in two days. But a September premiere makes sense"
  103. >"Then you should know PonyMatch is interested in advertising," Beard #1 replies
  104. >"And they're much more reputable than they used to be," Beard #2 says
  105. "Decent budget?"
  106. >"Twenty percent of mares are sold are through them," Beard #2 replies. "On par with Amazon. That good enough?"
  107. "Sounds like a good start for advertizing dollars"
  108. >"It will be," answers Beard #2, "and there are other interests in the pipeline. A couple big fish"
  109. "Great. Anything else I should be aware of?"
  110. >"Guests," Beard #1 replies. "Vidal hung with the girls pretty well. We ought to line up a roster of other options"
  111. "I'm assuming you already have a few suggestions?"
  112. >"The issue is ponies within reach," he answers. "It's hard to approach free ponies and slaves have owners that require convincing"
  113. >"Also," Beard #2 adds, "there's the fact that what qualifies as pony celebrity happens on the fringes of social media"
  114. >"We put a couple interns on it," Beard #1 continues, "and have a few leads. One that's already an established contact"
  115. "Really? Who?"
  116. >After some furious tapping on his keyboard Beard #1 turns his laptop screen toward you
  117. >"Remember her?," he asks. "Over a million followers on Instagram, and two sub Reddits dedicated to her pretty much from this pic alone"
  118. >The image on the screen shows a beautiful red pegasus mare with a whip in her mouth
  119. >She's standing in what looks like a dungeon, in front of a giant birdcage that hangs a few feet above her
  120. >Inside the cage is a blue pegasus filly looking away from the camera, while the red pegasus looks right into it
  121. >The caption reads: Me At Work With a Friend
  122. "She was at the wedding. One of the bride's friends. Established contact, indeed"
  123. >"Right," Beard #1 replies, "and if they're cool with her blowing up online like this they ought to be cool with an interview"
  124. "It's perfect - so sexy and disturbing at the same time"
  125. >"We'll send out a feeler then," he responds
  126. "The trick is going to be keeping it sexy without being relentless about it. Be sure to line up some more issue oriented guests as well"
  127. >"You thinking organizers and activists?," Beard #2 asks
  128. "Keep that idea in your back pocket for now. See if you can find a couple free ponies who embody self-determination"
  129. >"Got it"
  130. "Good. Then let's wrap this up. I have to see a man about a horse - literally"
  131. >"Getting yourself a new mare?"
  132. "That's the plan. Hopefully one that's less of a handful, but just as easy on the eyes"
  133. >"Good for you, and good luck"
  134. >The easy on the eyes bit is going to be the challenge
  135. >Most mares are beautiful, but Roseluck was a standout
  136. >So you're pretty spoiled now
  137. >It's going to take an exceptionally beautiful mare to turn your head
  138. >And you know that's gonna cost you
  139. >Then again, you get what you pay for
  141. >Be Rose
  142. >You basically spent the last few days sulking
  143. >Which you felt perfectly entitled to do
  144. >While they've been perfect hosts you know it's not their choice that you're here
  145. >And it certainly isn't yours
  146. >Also while the pregnancy is probably making extra emotional
  147. >John's betrayal still hurts a lot more than the few lashes he landed on you
  148. >He claimed to love you, and had you believing that he did
  149. >Enough to foolishly assume the relationship could survive the results of your own indescretion
  150. >You really believed he loved you enough to forgive you
  151. >Which was pretty insane given that you're a slave
  152. >Even though he set things up to make it easy to pretend you weren't
  153. >And he had you nearly believing that, too
  154. >But now things are different
  155. >There's a way out of this
  156. >And figuring it out just jolted you out of feeling sorry for yourself
  157. >Because it wouldn't just be for you - it would be for both of you
  158. >So really now is the time to act, or at least find out whether this is even possible
  159. >You need to talk with an accountant
  160. >Fortunately there's one under the same roof
  161. >You find her in her office at her computer
  162. "Working?," you ask
  163. >"Supposed to be," she replies, "but really more like procrastinating. What's up?"
  164. "Can I have a few of your precisous precrastination minutes?"
  165. >"Fire away," she says, swiveling her chair to face you instead of the screen
  166. "When John sent over my paperwork what did he value me at?"
  167. >She cringes a little
  168. "That bad?"
  169. >"I think the number was meant to be an insult"
  170. "Good. Even when he's being vindictive he can't help but be clever"
  171. >"I don't get it"
  172. "Help me figure out of there's anything TO get, and if so I'll explain. What's a business that does three hundred fifty k a year worth?"
  173. >"Like if you wanted to buy it? Is this your florist shop?"
  174. "Yeah. What's it probably worth?"
  175. >"I don't know. One eighty seems like a reasonable ballpark estimate. No debts?"
  176. "Been in the clear for a couple years"
  177. >"Then yeah, somewhere just under two seems about right. One seventy five at the lowest. What are you thinking, Rose?"
  178. "He may have misled me, he whipped me and he broke my fucking heart - I didn't even realize I had come to trust him that much"
  179. >"He's an asshole"
  180. "Agreed, but a brilliant one who does take care of those around him. We're all living off of that"
  181. >"OK, he a very generous asshole. I'll give you that"
  182. "One who might have left me, but also left me almost set up"
  183. >"Set up? Like framed?"
  184. "No. Like on the edge of freedom and finincial independence"
  185. >"Is that a risk you want to take, especially with a foal on the way?"
  186. "That's exactly why I want to take it"
  187. >"I'm not sure, but that might complicate your staying here for the long term. The network pays for us here because we're technically network property"
  188. "You don't really want me here for the long term anyways. I could get a place in Brooklyn. Not Ponytown, of course, but maybe Crown Heights"
  189. >"You haven't thought this through yet. Master might go along with it, but do you think John will?"
  190. "I don't think he cares about owning a flower shop. I know he doesn't."
  191. >"What about spite?"
  192. "He's already gone pretty far in that direction. Which is what opens up this opportunity. He can't resist opportunities"
  193. >"It's hardly that great an opportunity for him, getting out of the florist business by you buying him out in increments"
  194. "If I know him he's making a list of everything he did 'wrong' with me, and is going to try to fix all that with his next mare"
  195. >"It's barely been a week. Do you really think he's already thinking about his next mare?"
  196. "You know how men are, and he's one who's used to getting what he wants. And he took a hit getting rid of me the way he did"
  197. >"Which means?"
  198. "He'd love the idea of my hard work and sweat funding his next major purchase - my replacement"
  199. >"That does sound like something he'd like"
  200. "And maybe I'm kidding myself, but I also think he'd also respect my desire to give birth to a free-born foal"
  202. >Be El Bronco
  203. >You aren't looking forward to this meeting
  204. >The VP is really the last guy you want to see right now
  205. >But you like to think of yourself as a stand up guy
  206. >And this is doing the right thing by the soon to be mother of your foal
  207. >Your foal
  208. >Still getting used to the idea
  209. >But it's happening regardless of your readiness
  210. >And Rose is determined to do this her way
  211. >So you're in the waiting room outside the VP's suite, waiting to be sent in
  212. >Eventually the phone on the secretary's desk rings, and she answers, looks at you and says, "He'll see you now"
  213. >He didn't even keep you waiting five minutes
  214. >So he's not doing that show of power thing
  215. >You're not sure if that's a good sign or not
  216. >But in you go, regardless
  217. >"Bronc!," he says as you enter his office, "Not exactly my favorite pony at the moment, but I get it - I couldn't say no to her, either"
  218. >He's smiling, and it's not particularly menacing
  219. "Thanks for seeing me"
  220. >"Any time. So what's this about?"
  221. "Rose"
  222. >"Trouble in paradise?"
  223. "I wouldn't say trouble. More like big ideas we need your cooperation to achieve"
  224. >"And you think I'll cooperate with you because?"
  225. "You own a flower shop, and you don't give a fuck about flowers or owning a retail business"
  226. >"You've got me there. And it's obvious you three had your pony thinking caps on. I was expecting you to ask about this a day or two ago"
  227. "Really?"
  228. >"Yeah. It hit me the moment I transfered ownership of her to your network account with the lowest value possible without raising any red flags"
  229. "Are we talking about the same thing here?"
  230. >"You could emancipate her with your signature. But it would be foolish to do, because she couldn't get by on what the network or florist would pay a free pony for the work she does"
  231. >He adds, "And sending your own foal and it's mother into poverty would be cruel. I know you're not cruel"
  232. "So far so good - you've got my number"
  233. >"But if that free mare owned her successful flower shop she'd actually be doing more than well enough to get by as a free pony"
  234. >He smiles at you again
  235. >"And your son or daughter would be born free. It's a great plan, and I'm all that stands in the way of it"
  236. "Are you standing in the way?"
  237. >"One eighty five. You're right I want out of that retail shit. It's just fucking me on taxes anyways. Give me one hundred and eighty five thousand dollars and it's yours, or hers, or whatever"
  238. "I was hoping she could pay in installments, from her work there."
  239. >"Oh, Bronc, you're a shit negotiator - this is why artists have management"
  240. "Management couldn't help me with this"
  241. >"No, they couldn't. And I'm guessing a year would be too disruptive, so she's looking to pay it off over two?"
  242. "We ran the numbers, and that could work"
  243. >"It's a pain in my ass, though. I don't want this to look like I'm rewarding you guys for what you did to me. Two fifteen, then?"
  244. "That's a lot for that business"
  245. >"Better deal than you'd get financing it, if any bank out there gave ponies loans"
  246. >He sees the look on your face
  247. >You are a shit negotiator
  248. >"They don't. And I'll save you the embarrassment of tripping over yourself with a counter-offer. Let's pretend you did that and we settled at two ten"
  249. >You're not all that good with numbers
  250. >But you remember your wife showing Rose the scenario for $220k, and Rose saying it was doable, worst case
  251. >Which makes $210k doable and not worst case
  252. >You nod
  253. >"Great. I'll have the paperwork drawn up and sent to you. Rose can sign as soon as you emancipate her"
  254. "Thank you"
  255. >"Realize that starts another clock tocking as well - how long the network will turn a blind eye to a free pony freeloading in network accommodations"
  256. "I'm aware. Maybe until she has the foal?"
  257. >"Once she's emancipated she's your guest. When she has the foal they're both your guests. Just remember guests leave eventually, otherwise they're freeloaders"
  258. "Got it"
  259. >"Good. She's going to talk about all this on the show, right? Totally compelling stuff."
  260. >He smiles and adds, "And congrats. I know I'm the last person who ought to be congratulating you, but you're really taking lemons and making lemonade here"
  261. "Thanks. I'll pass that on to Rose"
  262. >"If you must. Now you can do me a favor. There's somepony who'd like to meet you. Just for a sec. Game?"
  263. "Sure, why not?"
  264. >He pushes a button on his desk and says, "Send her in"
  265. >Then he looks at you and whispers, "Any cracks about her age and it'll be two twenty five k"
  266. >A grey pegasus with a blond mane enters the room
  267. >She looks a lot like Skydancer, but with different coloration
  268. >And instead of a smouldering look in her eyes there's...
  269. >Not much
  270. >The phrase "not a thought in her pretty little head" leaps to mind
  271. >She smiles at both of you
  272. >She's even younger than Skydancer
  273. >"Cloudburst," the VP says, "meet my colleague El Bronco"
  274. >"OOOoooh," she says, "I saw you get married on TV!"
  275. "I bet you did"
  276. >That gets you a frown from the VP
  277. >Fair enough - no need to be condescending
  278. "It was his idea," you say, "and I think he did one hell of a job with it"
  279. >She smiles at her master and says, "He's so smart"
  280. "That he is. Pleasure to meet you. I've got to get going."
  281. >"Bye!," she calls after you as you walk out of the office
  283. >Be Cloudburst
  284. >Anon told you one day a wealthy man would be your master
  285. >And you'd get to live a life like the rich women on TV
  286. >As long as you were ALWAYS a good girl for him
  287. >You trusted Anon when he told you this
  288. >You trusted him when he taught you how to act like a good girl
  289. >And taught you how a good girl takes care of a man
  290. >He made you practice all the sexy stuff every day, and praised you as you got better and better at it
  291. >He also taught you about the non-sexy things that were just as important
  292. >Always saying things that build up his ego, and NEVER tearing it down
  293. >Always being supportive and there for him
  294. >Never arguing or even disagreeing with him
  295. >Being always ready to tell him how smart, sexy and talented he is
  296. >But never laying it on so thick that it sounds like lies
  297. >Keeping your opinions to yourself when they don't line up with any of the above
  298. >And never expressing any negative emotion around him
  299. >Though it's perfectly OK to pout to get your way over little things
  300. >As long as you're sure it's cute, and not a threat to his dominance
  301. >And when he chooses to indulge you show your appreciation immediately
  302. >Cum for him when he wants you to - that's another sexy thing, though
  303. >Just like making him cum whenever he wants without fail
  304. >All the while making sure everything you do can be seen as cute, sexy and elegant
  305. >Tailored to his desires as you learn them
  306. >Your job is to make him feel like he's the best and most important man in the world
  307. >And your reward is a life of luxury at the side of a man like that
  308. >When he wants you around
  309. >When he doesn't you wait until he does without causing any fuss or trouble
  310. >Making sure you're looking great and ready to come whenever he calls
  311. >After a few months of training Anon said he'd found you your master
  312. >You were afraid you might not be ready
  313. >But you trusted Anon when he told you that you were
  314. >Of course you knew not to argue, or even hint otherwise
  315. >Instead you smiled and said
  316. "Thank you, master"
  317. >"Just watch it with this guy," he responded. "He may want to pretend you're his marefriend. That's OK, but don't ever forget what you are"
  318. "His concubine and his property," you replied
  319. >"That's a good girl. I'm going to miss you"
  320. "I'll never forget you, and never be able to thank you enough for giving me this opportunity"
  321. >"It's my job, but you're welcome to try"
  322. >You tried your best to show him, and he seemed satisfied with it
  323. >A few hours later you met your new master, John
  324. >Older, taller and better looking than Anon
  325. >With the air of leadership about him - clearly a man used to those around him doing what he said
  326. >And obviously a higher status man than Anon
  327. >You could tell that just from the dynamic between the two men
  328. >And the clothes he wore
  329. >He looked like a slightly less good looking version of a boss character from TV
  330. >Less flashy, too
  331. >You know he's in television
  332. >Like in charge of it, or some of it
  333. >And you love TV
  334. >So he's perfect
  335. >He looked you up and down and smiled
  336. >You made it a point to look down and blush when you saw him jam a hand into one of his pants' pockets, knowing what that means
  337. >He shifted from one leg to the other, resettling the garment around him and the part that was starting to poke out a little
  338. >You guess he's bigger than Anon, but not so much so as to be hard to handle
  339. >You hope
  340. >"So she can fly?," he asked looking lustily at your wings
  341. >Anon told you how men get fetishy about pegasus' wings
  342. >He got you used to them being touched clumsily
  343. >But he did'nt have to tell you to keep them immaculately preened before and after
  344. >"Of course she can," Anon responded, "And she very much appreciates the opportunity to do so. I liked taking her to the park and letting her stretch her wings"
  345. >"No issues with that?," the man - his name is John - asked
  346. >"None," Anon replied confidently, "she's a very good girl"
  347. >That filled you with pride
  348. >"Of course if you're concerned," he continued, "I'd recommend the least restrictive options, and nothing permanent - she's too good for that"
  349. >The mention of a permanent solution to flight issued filled you with fear, but you kept a demure smile on your face
  350. >"I like that she can fly," John replied, "And there's no need for anything barbaric if she's as good a girl as you say"
  351. >"She is," Anon said confidently
  352. >"She'd better be for what she's costing me," he said, then turned to you, "Do you watch Hippodrome, or is that too violent for you?"
  353. "It's violent," you answered, "But I like the announcers, so I watch it"
  354. >"Who do you like better, Juan or Bronc?"
  355. "I like Juan because he's a pegasus like me, but El Bronco's the one. I loved his wedding!"
  356. >John smiled at you
  357. >"You have good taste," he said, reaching his hand to caress your mane, "Those shows are mine. Would you like to meet Bronc?"
  358. >You've barely met your new master and he's offering to introduce you to celebrities!
  359. >He's practically a celebrity himself
  360. >This was more exciting than you dreamed it would be
  361. "Oh yes, master!," you replied
  362. >He laughed and said, "Not yet your master, but I will be in a couple minutes, so you may as well get used to calling me that"
  363. >Then he and Anon signed some papers
  364. >There was a little tension about payment details
  365. >Something about Anon preferring some online service over standard credit cards
  366. >But they worked it out
  367. >Then it seemed like master John was ready for Anon to leave, but Anon lingered long enough to ask a question
  368. >"If you don't mind me asking," he said as politely as possible, "How is Roseluck?"
  369. >Master laughed and replied, "I don't mind you asking, but I don't have the hour to give you that the answer requires"
  370. >Roseluck!
  371. >Anon kept her picture in the living room, in a frame with a lock of her mane
  372. >He never told anypony who asked much about her
  373. >But the rumor among his mares was that she was his first
  374. >And almost-but-not-quite his marefriend - almost inappropriate emotionally between the two of them
  375. >So he sold her to a wealthy man so she could have a better life than what he could provide
  376. >And he's been doing that for mares ever since
  377. >When you watched the pony wedding on TV he got excited when she was on screen for a few seconds
  378. >And proudly told everypony that she ran "her own" flower shop in Manhattan
  379. >Then he got kind of quiet and whistful after
  380. >Which led you and the other mares to conclude he definitely still carried a torch for her
  381. >He just sold you to the man who bought Roseluck!
  382. >Your heart feels full to overflowing with appreciation - maybe even love - for him
  383. >That he'd do this for you
  384. >"You know how she was always pretty willful," master John continued
  385. >"That was one of the things you found attractive about her," Anon responded
  386. >"Well I found a great outlet for that," master said
  387. >"The flower shop?" Anon asked
  388. >"Bigger than that," master answers, "She's a principal on a new show of mine that's likely to be a blockbuster. Blinders Ooff. Probably going to air in September"
  389. >"Wow," Anon said, "I'm so happy for the two of you"
  390. >"Be happy for each of us," master replied, "there's no longer a 'two of us'. She's network property... for now"
  391. >"Sorry to hear that, John," Anon said, "But good for you for moving on"
  392. >"Good for me all around," master replied. "And for her. We both went through some shit, but it looks like things are going to work out better than expected for each of us"
  393. >"I'm sorry you had to go through 'some shit,'" Anon said, contritely
  394. >"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs," master replied, "But seriously, watch the show. You're in the ponytrading business. It'll blow your mind"
  395. >"In a good way?," Anon asked
  396. >"In a you might want to screen it yourself before you watch it with your mares way," master answered
  397. >"That over the top?," Anon questionned
  398. >"Imagine me trying to make penance for Hippodrome," master replied, "but still going for as big a hit, just in the opposite direction"
  399. >"Fuck," Anon responded, a little out of character from the Anon you know, "You're a madman!"
  400. >"A madman who has just had the pleasure of doing business with you"
  401. >"It was my pleasure," Anon responded, as he turned to look at your flank, then back to your new master
  402. >"May I?," he asked
  403. >"Go right ahead," master answered with a chuckle
  404. >Anon landed a smack on your flank with an open hand
  405. >It wasn't meant to hurt, and it didn't all that much
  406. >But it made a loud noise in the room, which offest your sharp intake of breath as it happened
  407. >"I don't have to tell you anything, do I?," he asked
  408. "No sir!," you replied, proud that you remembered to call him 'sir' after the papers were signed
  409. >At whick point he smiled at you and walked out of the room
  410. >"I wish we could celebrate the start of our new relationship right now," master said, "But I have a meeting. It's with Bronc. My secretary will call you in when we're done"
  411. "Thank you, master," you said, "this is so exciting"
  412. >"For both of us"
  413. >And with that you were led to the executive lounge
  414. >Where you sat for a while thinking about how your new master could put you on TV if he wanted to
  415. >Or even if he didn't you're life was about to become much more like the lives of those on TV
  416. >Meeting celebrities and living a fabulous lifestyle with an alpha male by your side!
  417. >Wherever you go together they'll ask, "Who is she?" and wonder where he found such a pretty mare
  418. >As you sat in the awkward human chair in the executive lounge you said a silent prayer of thanks to Anon
  419. >You've heard people talk about heaven
  420. >If there is a heaven you pray he's going there for making this hook up for you
  421. >The same one he did for Roseluck!
  422. >You can't believe it
  423. >Before long you were called back into the office
  424. >And you met El Bronco
  425. >That was a blur, and you're pretty sure it went by quickly even without you being starstruck
  426. >He was almost as sexy as on TV, though the moustache looked a little silly up close
  427. >But it was amazing to actually meet somepony from TV!
  428. >Because you have a master who is one of the bosses of TV
  429. "He seemed nice, master"
  430. >"He's a self-centered egomainiac who couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag without help. But he has star quality, for sure"
  431. "Thank you for making the introduction"
  432. >"No problem. We ought to head home," master John says
  433. "I'd love that"
  434. >He takes you through the building to where a black car is waiting
  435. >The two of you are getting into the back of a limo!
  436. >It's not a stretched one, but you understand how a guy like master wouldn't to be overly flashy
  437. >You settle into the back seat next to him
  438. "Is now the time to celebrate, master?"
  439. >"It can be"
  440. >You start out blowing him
  441. >But it finishes with him slamming you onto him as you flap your wings to give him something to pull against
  442. >The zipper on his fly rubs you a little painfully
  443. >Right on your winking clit
  444. >But you cum right as he's about to, sending him over the edge
  445. >Riding through Manhattan in the back of a black car
  446. >Does life get any better than this?
  448. >Be El Bronco
  449. >In court
  450. >The building is weird, with lots of old wood and marble, very fancy cielings, but horrible lighting
  451. >And security that required you to walk through a metal detector and wear a temporary ID badge
  452. >Your lawyer told you the state had contested the filing of Rose's emancipation
  453. >On the grounds of your signature being that of a "pony asset"
  454. >Which is a nice way to say slave
  455. >He also said the state's case is weak, and this is little more than formality
  456. >Of course Roseluck is here with you
  457. >And she can barely contain herself
  458. >You're just waiting for it to be over
  459. >Which means letting the lawyer do all the talking unless the judge specifically asks you a question
  460. >You, Rose and your lawyer file into the courtroom at the appionted time
  461. >And stand for the Hon James Kelly
  462. >Who, like the other lawyers is an older white man
  463. >As opposed to the security people who are younger and darker colored, and even have a few women represented among them
  464. >Clearly showing who holds the power, and who makes a living supporting that power
  465. >And where you stand as the only ponies in the building, it seems
  466. >"This is an emancipation," Judge Kelly states. "Why are you here? Isn't this a simple matter of filing with the clerk?"
  467. >"Your honor," your lawyer begins, "The state is contesting the signature on the filing"
  468. >"Explain why this isn't a waste of the court's time," he answers
  469. >The attorney seated across the aisle from you speaks up:
  470. >"The state is contesting this filing on the basis of property ownership by pony assets being illegal in the State of New York"
  471. >He continues: "This stallion is sole signator on an account that owns two mares and has thousands of dollars in it. That's tantamount to owning property"
  472. >The judge looks over at your lawyer and says, "How does this work?"
  473. >The lawyer takes two leaves of paper from the folder in front of him
  474. >"The asset in question, one Roseluck is owned by Fox Television, specifically held in this account," the lawyer says
  475. >He offers one piece of paper to an officer, who brings it to the judge
  476. >"And the sole signator on that account is another pony asset also owned by Fox Television"
  477. >"Which sounds a lot like slaves owning slaves," the judge answers. "Can't pay the TV star directly, so pay him in a roundabout way"
  478. >"Pony assets may not be allowed to own property," your lawyer answers, "but they CAN administrate it, and that's the case here"
  479. >"Got it," the judge answers. "So the emancipation requires the signature of an administrator whose legal status is private property"
  480. >"Excatly, Your Honor," the lawyer responds, "He doesn't own the account - the network owns him and the account, and he administrates it"
  481. >The judge looks across the aisle and says, "And?"
  482. >"The state contends this is just a loophole to get around the law," the opposing attorney replies. "One that should be closed"
  483. "It clearly is," the judge replies, "But ruling against it would set a bad precident for any pony asset who has to make a payment of some sort on behalf of their owner as part of their duties"
  484. >The judge looks back to your lawyer and says, "Your response?"
  485. >"The law regarding slave ownership of property was hastily written and is overreaching," he replies, "setting this precedent would throw into question any pony asset using an authorized credit card"
  486. >Kelly sighs and says, "And the network is not contesting their administrator vaporizing five figures from the balance of the account?"
  487. "Not to give away proprietary information," your lawyer answers, "but the netowrk regularly emancipates pony assets for its purposes"
  488. >"I'm aware," the judge states, then he looks at you. "I've seen your show. And this would be pushing the law at bit far. You have the paperwork signed by..."
  489. >"Perfect Pitch, AKA El Bronco," your lawyer replies, "I have it right here"
  490. >"No outstanding obligations on the asset?"
  491. >"All settled"
  492. >"Then you're free to file it," the Judge replies. "The state's challenge to this filing is denied"
  493. >He turns to Rose and says, "Roseluck, you have been emancipated by the State of New York, and are now a free mare"
  494. >"Thank you, Your Honor"
  495. >The judge turns to the attorney across the aisle and says, "Don't waste my time with nonsense like this again"
  496. >Under an hour later you're in the lawyer's office with Rose
  497. >She's signing the papers to buy the florist shop from the VP
  498. >You're done here, and could go home
  499. >But the lawyer has a nice bottle of rye in his office, and didn't mind you having a double while waiting for Rose
  500. >So you're hanging for a bit
  501. >The lawyer assured you it would take less than an hour
  502. "How does it feel?," you ask her
  503. >"Terrifying. Not about the business, I think I've got that all worked out. It's being pregnant and there being no safety net"
  504. "There is, though. I can be that for a while, at least until our foal arrives. And you're a star of new show now. The network ought to provide something"
  505. >"Whatever they pay a free pony. Probably my former allowence," she answers, a little dejectedly
  506. >Then she adds, "I heard you say 'our foal'. How does it feel to know your son or daughter will be born a free pony?"
  507. "Terrifying. But proud. I'm proud of you for doing this, Rose. I believe everything is going to work out fine"
  508. >"I appreciate your faith in me. I'll be able to stand on my own before long"
  509. >"Well, this ought to help out with those calculations," the lawyer says, smiling and holding another stack of papers
  510. "What's that?"
  511. >"The contract the network sent over for Rose," he replies, "Shall we take a look?"
  512. >"What's the bottom line?," Rose asks
  513. >"It's a lot of money for a free pony," he begins
  514. >"But not enough to live on?," Rose quips back
  515. >"You tell me," he replies, "Could you live on $35k a year? I couldn't. Not here, at least"
  516. >"It's actually more than I expected from them, knowing what free ponies tend to make"
  517. >"That's because pony wages are usually set by what an owner would get contracting out his slave or slaves," the lawyer answers
  518. "I hear that. My wife works two days a week under contract to her former organization, and it amounts to under 10k a year"
  519. >"Which is still a nice chunk of change when you don't have to pay rent or food costs," Rose replies.
  520. "And you're technically not allowed to own anything anyways"
  521. >"Do you mind me asking what you're contract with the network is like?," Rose asks
  522. >This is embarrassing
  523. >You honestly have no idea
  524. "I'm network property, so there is no contract. The account is a new thing that came with my wife. Before that..."
  525. >You had a credit card you could use for day to day things, and everything else was a call to management
  526. "They just set me up and gave me what I asked for, as long as it wasn't too outrageous"
  527. >"What qualified as too outrageous?," the lawyer asks
  528. "I never found out. Once Hippodrome blew up they gave me anything I wanted, which at the time was mostly bourbon and hookers"
  529. >"That's how you two met, isn't it?," Rose asks, already knowing the answer, "Thankfully she has a head for numbers"
  530. "So I can stick to doing what I'm good at"
  531. >"Getting drunk and fucking whores?," Rose asks in a slight come-hither tone
  532. "Says the mare I knocked up at my own wedding, who was technically working at the time"
  533. >"And supposedly in a committed relationship," Rose adds "I was being a total whore - but you WERE my celebrity crush!"
  534. "You should have gotten a pass for that"
  535. >"I could have," she answers, "but it would have meant killing your foal inside me. I couldn't do that"
  536. "I promise I'll do whatever I can to see that you don't have to whore yourself out to raise it"
  537. >"I've just about got that covered on my own, thank you," she replies, "But knowing you'll be there for us is worth a lot. And I'm still hot for you, anyways"
  538. >The two of you lock eyes, and you assume you're going to be fucking later
  539. "Is the threesome I've been thinking about since you moved in going to happen tonight?"
  540. >"Maybe," she says, blushing. "Being pregnant is making me horny"
  541. >You notice the lawyer is giving the two of you a funny look - a little surprised and shocked
  542. >"I didn't think ponies were usually so," he says, a little taken aback, "...raunchy"
  543. >Rose blushes harder
  544. "Back home we weren't. Sexy? Yeah. Promiscious? Sometimes. But not raunchy. This is what your kind has done to us"
  545. >You add:
  546. "Seriously, I would never have spoken to a mare like this back home, but here it just seems normal"
  547. >"On behalf of my kind then," he replies, "sorry for that"
  548. "That's really nothing compared to what else you've done to us"
  549. >"I never supported slavery," the lawyer shoots back. "My own people were once enslaved"
  550. "You're black? Sorry, you don't look black to me, but what do I know?"
  551. >"No, I'm Jewish"
  552. "I thought that was an attempted genocide"
  553. >"That was in Poland seventy-five years ago. The slavery was in Egypt five thousand years ago. Both hazards of being a people without a homeland"
  554. "You don't have to explain THAT to me"
  555. >"I know I don't. That's why I do emancipation cases pro bono"
  556. >There's a slightly uncomfortable pause, so you take another sip of the man's liquor
  557. >"Thank you," Rose says. "We both appreciate it. And soon there will be three of us who do"
  558. >"Thank me by raising the youngster to know his heritage - who he is and where he came from. That and G-d's will are the only ways my people survive"
  559. >Him saying "god" makes you think about Princess Celestia
  560. >And it takes physical effort to keep tears from welling up
  561. >It's a mix of loss, sadness and - to be honest - rage
  562. >Because you just know humans had to be behind it
  563. >Time to just shut up and let the man do a favor for Rose
  564. >No need to pick a fight with someone sympathetic
  565. >But it's hard
  566. >His god is as there as it ever was
  567. >Yours sure as shit is gone - you remember when the sun stopped coming up back home
  568. >And everypony panicked - yourself included
  569. >You also remember seeing the Princess on more than one accasion
  570. >She was beyond beautiful - regal, powerful - awe inspiring, actually
  571. >Of course you'd have given your left nut for a tumble with her - but you doubt you could have even gotten it up in her presence
  572. >That's how fucking awesome she was
  573. >And she looked after her subjects
  574. >She was kind
  575. >Kept ponies safe for thousands of years
  576. >And without her you have actual fear for your son or daughter being born free here, never knowing Equestria
  577. >Even to such a capable mother as Rose
  578. >Which is something else you'd be wise to keep your mouth shut about
  579. >Because it's clear she's going to bust her ass to make this work
  580. >And while she's impulsive and prone to risk taking
  581. >She's also organized and has a head for business
  582. >And with these papers signed she's better set up than most - or maybe nearly all free ponies
  583. >Plus you'll find out soon enough just how much leeway you have to help out
  584. >If both of you are on hit shows you're pretty sure the network will let you get away with a lot
  585. >For a while, at least
  586. >And you have to admit Rose is right about the VP
  587. >The guy can't help but be generous even when he's being a dick
  588. >But now isn't the time for sour thoughts
  589. >Tonight you're going to celebrate Roseluck's emancipation
  590. >And have that threesome you've been hoping for
  592. >Be Roseluck
  593. >Lying in bed with the sire of your soon to be foal and his wife
  594. >The threesome ended up being more fun than you thought it would
  595. >You were concerned about the lesbo angle, but she wasn't into it anyways
  596. >Beyond a little kissing, which was actually nice
  597. >You were surprised that it turned you on
  598. >She's a really good kisser - also so soft and she smelled so nice
  599. >So it was the two of you on him
  600. >And him on the two of you
  601. >And kudos to him for getting you both off before he came
  602. >In her, which was a little disappointment, but only fair
  603. >You've already got part of him growing inside you
  604. >That was another surprise - sex while pregnant is almost as hot as sex in heat
  605. >At least at this stage in the pregnancy
  606. >Which means this probably won't be the last time you'll find yourself sweaty in this bed with these two
  607. >You prefer being around ponies to being around people, anyways
  608. >You like the sex better, too
  609. >Though that might have less to do with anatomy than doing it of your own free will
  610. >FREE!
  611. >You are a FREE PONY!
  612. >And for only the second time since you arrived here you had sex because you WANTED to
  613. >Not because you had no choice in the matter
  614. >That's got to be part of the reason you came so hard for Perfect Pitch - you can't think of him as El Bronco in spite of that mustache
  615. >That and the fact he is Perfect Pitch, no matter what they call him now
  616. >You just had sex with your favorite Equestrian singer - again!
  617. >You really wanted to join him for a drink to toast your freedom
  618. >But you decided to nix drinking for the rest of your pregnancy
  619. >It was easy to just have a glass of wine once a week or so with John
  620. >But Perfect Pitch drinks everyday, and more than just one
  621. >You're pretty sure the only reason he managed to hold out long enough to please the both of you was the three bourbons he drank after dinner
  622. >Doubles, at that
  623. >You don't need a drinking buddy like that when you're pregnant
  624. >Not to mention bourbon is a different world from a glass of wine or cider
  625. >And they don't keep either in the house, anyways
  626. >You inhale deeply and appreciate the smell of pony in the room
  627. >Pony sex, without a whiff of people smells
  628. >That's intoxicating enough on its own
  629. >You don't need a drink at all
  630. >But you will need more of this
  631. "You guys are awesome"
  632. >"You're not so bad, yourself," Perfect Pitch replies in the cocky tone of a stallion who just had two mares at once
  633. >"Master," his wife says to him, "we should do this more often"
  634. >"I was thinking the same thing," he replies, "What do you think, Rose? You're the free pony here"
  635. "As long and the pregnancy doesn't make the mechanics of it awkward or painful I'm in"
  636. >"When do you think you'll start lactating?," she asks. "I wanna see that"
  637. "Probably right when I'm about to give birth, so I'll be huge"
  638. >"I wanna see that, too," she replies
  639. >"Me, too," Perfect Pitch adds
  640. >He wants to see you swollen with his foal
  641. >You almost swoon like a schoolfilly
  642. >"I'm just so happy it all seems to be working out so well for you," she says
  643. "I know, right? Like everything is falling into place? I hate to say it, but think some of that's John's doing"
  644. >"That asshole?," Perfect Pitch replies, with a bit of an irritated tone
  645. >Right... you just fucked up a little
  646. >You aren't supposed to talk about your former lovers in bed with your current one
  647. >Or ones, in this case
  648. >Too late now - you have to explain yourself
  649. "He could have been much more of an asshole about it. And not just to me, to all of us. But he wasn't. He was just the opposite"
  650. >"He's still an asshole," she replies
  651. >"I'm gonna side with my wife on this one," Perfect Pitch says. "He fucking whipped you"
  652. "I think that's it. He was ashamed of himself"
  653. >"You're going to convince me the guy who created Hippodrome feels shame?," he says sarcastically. "Good luck"
  654. "Think about it. John has to be in control. The night he whipped me he almost lost it. And he knows I know that"
  655. >"How does he know that?," Perfect Pitch asks
  656. "Do you know what one of the first things my first master here said to me was?"
  657. >Two sets of pony eyes look at you, waiting
  658. "I'd be within my rights if I beat you to death"
  659. >"No one can ever say that to you again," she replies
  660. "True. But John that night? I saw it in his eyes. If he hadn't stopped when he did he wouldn't have, and he knows I know that"
  661. >"So he's trying to make things up to you?," she asks. "There's no way he can do that"
  662. "He knows. But I'm the one who saw him almost cross one of his own lines. And he wants me to know he's not that monster"
  663. >"But he is a monster," Perfect Pitch says in a condescending tone. "Hippodrome is more than enough proof of that"
  664. "I think it's important to him that I don't think he was a monster to me. Not whether he is or isn't actually a monster"
  665. >"OK," Perfect Pitch answers. "I can see that. As long as it works to our advantage I'm fine with it. On a lighter note I met his new mare"
  666. "When?!"
  667. >"A few days ago"
  668. "And you're just telling us now?"
  669. >"With all this serious business going down I guess the gossip slipped my mind"
  670. >"Master," his wife says sadly, "Please don't make me question your judgment. You KNOW gossip is serious business"
  671. >You laugh a little
  672. >The way she plays her whole submissive thing is hilarious sometimes, especially when she's exerting her will
  673. >"My bad," he replies, "With two mares in the house I should have known better"
  674. >"She's pretty, right?," she asks
  675. >"If featherheads are your thing, sure," he responds
  676. "What's with the casual racism?"
  677. >His wife gives him an accusatory look and says, "I told you that was racist!"
  678. >"I'm not being racist," he protests, "I'm just saying pegasus ponies may or may not be your thing. Nothing racist about that"
  679. "True, but the test would be if you would use that word in front of a pegasus, like Vidal or Juan Pablo"
  680. >"Or Skydancer," she adds, "Who's even been in this bed with us"
  681. >"Of course I wouldn't," he replies dismissively, "Because I respect them, and I know they'd find it disrespectful"
  682. "Then it's racist, you beautiful idiot. It's like the old joke: 'How does every racist joke begin?'"
  683. >Again, two sets of pony eyes are on you waiting for you to continue
  684. >You make an exaggerated show of looking around the room to see who might be listening
  685. >They both laugh, thankfully
  686. >"Yeah, pick on the older stallion for being racist," he says
  687. "You're not old enough to get away with it yet. Not if you can still satisfy two mares at once"
  688. >"Point taken," he replies, kind of proudly instead of apologetically
  689. >"Really, master?," she asks. "Ponies have to stick together"
  690. >"Really," he answeres
  691. "So what was she like?"
  692. >"Honestly, she was pretty," he stalls, then continues, "and was starstruck a little."
  693. >Such a stallion, making this all about him
  694. >"But she knew her place," he continues, "and seemed very happy to be in it, if you know what I mean"
  695. >The opposite of you
  696. >Of course that's what he'd go for on the rebound
  697. >But you do hope things work out for them
  698. >Because a little part of you is thankful to him, even though your bedmates fail to understand it
  699. >Right now you're just happy to have such wonderful bedmates
  701. >Be VP
  702. >Playing with your new toy, Cloudburst
  703. >This one you are going to treat like a pet/paramour
  704. >And not make the mistake of trying to make her your pony girlfriend
  705. >Which was a stupid idea in the first place, even though it's really what you wanted
  706. >And it's how you fucked things up with Rose
  707. >Fortunately everything worked out and it didn't cost you much to get out of that situation
  708. >Not like it would if Cynthia ever filed for divorce
  709. >Fuck, she'll be back from the Hamptons in a week or two
  710. >Which means you have to get your new little bird horse set up over at the apartment
  711. >You're sure she'll be very apprecitive
  712. >And when Cynthia raises an eyebrow over her and asks after Rose
  713. >You can just say it felt like a conflict of interest, with her on one of your shows now
  714. >Both of you will know it's bullshit, but she'll accept it to let you save face
  715. >The two of you have tolerated a lot from each other over the years
  716. >Plus your new one has wings, which is super hot
  717. >She'll understand your wanting to trade up to a pegasus
  718. >But now is not the time to think about all this
  719. >Now you've managed a rare thing for your life
  720. >A block of hours free with nothing you HAVE to do
  721. >Nobody waiting on a response or command from you
  722. >Nobody except the little grey pegasus in front of you
  723. >Just waiting for you to tell her what to do
  724. "Show me how you lift that tail"
  725. >She turns her rump toward you and up it goes
  726. "Good girl, keep it up... Now wink at me... Good girl"
  727. >She's turned her head to smile back at you
  728. >"Like this?," she asks, winking her clit
  729. "Good girl. Keep that tail up. Wanna let a little go? You'll get a reward for it"
  730. >"What about the carpet, master?"
  731. "Fuck the carpet"
  732. >A few more winks and you see some fluid dribble down her clit
  733. >You can't tell if it's cum or piss, but you don't care, because it tuns you on
  734. "Good enough to eat"
  735. >"If that's what you want to do," she giggles
  736. "What I want to do is put the cock to you, but spread those wings for me first"
  737. >She complies
  738. >Now you are fucking diamonds, time to let Little John out for some air
  739. >You unzip your fly, then think better of it
  740. >Last time you fucked her with pants on they had to go straight to the dry cleaner
  741. >You kick off your shoes and get the pants off
  742. >You can already smell her excitement, and you know there's going to be a lot of it
  743. >She's... juicier than your last one, who was no slouch in that regard to begin with
  744. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard"
  745. >"Please. This is making me so hot"
  746. >You rest a hand on her flank and feel her literally quiver with excitement as you angle toward her
  747. >You hold your cock so it just touches her marehood
  748. "One more wink"
  749. >She complies
  750. >You slam into her, and she makes a little grunt, followed by a high pitched horse noise
  751. >You love that shit
  752. >You never considered yourself a horsey guy - they always seemed like a way for the wealthy to burn their money
  753. >But these kind of horses?
  754. >Between their eyes, the tail, the smell, the winking - and let's face it - the ease of just owning one as opposed to...
  755. >Dealing with a woman in a relationship - Is that horrible?
  756. >You don't ever see yourself going back to women
  757. >Just as well, because it's been over a year since you and Cynthia had sex together
  758. >This is so much better
  759. >And she's already soaked you by the second thrust
  760. >Which you follow with several more in quick succession
  761. >The view is nice, too
  762. >Your cock slamming into her just below that tight little asshole, tail held high above it all
  763. >You wet your thumb in your mouth, then press it against her asshole
  764. >To be rewarded with a gasp and a wink as she contracts around you
  765. >Eagerly trying to milk the cum out of your dick
  766. >You increase the pressure on your thumb and feel it start to slide into her
  767. >She lets out another nicker, which just makes you slam harder into her, again and again
  768. >She pushes back onto you, making you hilt in her as she lowers herself a little and starts to shake
  769. >Another little squeal follows a few heavy breaths as you push both your cock and thumb into her as far as you can
  770. >The tight muscles wrapped around your cock continue their magic and you realize this is it
  771. >You're not going to last any longer
  772. >Though from what you understand even a quickie with a man is longer than a stallion usually lasts
  773. >And you don't really have to give a fuck anyways
  774. >You've already gotten her off
  775. >And that doesn't really even matter, either
  776. >Though it does to you, as a point of pride
  777. >"I feel you getting bigger inside me... Please... give me your cum, master," she pants
  778. >Rose never begged like that
  779. >And she only came this hard when she was in heat
  780. >And you're really past the point of caring about Rose as the first spasm of your orgasm sends a wave of pleasure over you
  781. >Which triggers more pegasus shaking and her gripping you so tight you feel it around your thumb as well
  782. >And that's how you stay until you feel yourself shrinking in her
  783. >You ease out of her - first your thumb from her ass, then your cock
  784. >She's soaked you so hard your thighs are wet
  785. >And she's looking at you lovingly - that's really the only word for it
  786. >Her pupils are huge, and eyes half lidded
  787. "I guess it's time for a shower. You really soaked me"
  788. >"Sure," she says, "but let me clean you up a little first"
  789. >She turns around and next thing you know you feel a soft pony tongue gently working up your thigh
  790. "That tickles"
  791. >"Sorry," she says, moving her head up toward your cock, "Is this better?"
  792. >She takes your half hard cock into her mouth
  793. >Which means you are not going to be half hard for long
  794. >You gently run your fingers through her blond mane
  795. >Making sure to use your left hand, since your right thumb was just up her ass
  796. >Good to be considerate toward the little pony sucking your cock
  797. "God, you're such a sweet little thing"
  798. >"Hmmmmm," she replies, vibrating your cock in her mouth
  799. >It's going to take a lot of willpower to resist the urge to spoil the shit out of this one
  801. >Be El Bronco
  802. >The summer lull is over, which means you're back in the studio taping the first episode of Hippodrome, Season 3
  803. >Not exactly where you want to be
  804. >The idea of narrating a deathmatch always troubled you
  805. >Even having to watch it is brutal - but pretending to take joy in it
  806. >It takes a lot of alcohol to deal with that
  807. >Somewhere in the back of your mind you hate yourself for doing this, and living so well as a result
  808. >Even though it's something you really don't have a choice about
  809. >Like your mustache
  810. >Now with two mares at home, one of them pregnant with your foal
  811. >Facing this is even tougher
  812. >Because you have life to look forward to
  813. >While your job is being party to a senseless death
  814. >A completely unnecessary, violent death for nothing more than entertainment purposes
  815. >You didn't even drink that much last night, but you feel sick to your stomach as you walk into makeup
  816. >And there he is - Vidal
  817. >You missed him
  818. >Your faggot friend
  819. >Of course you'd never call him that to his face
  820. >Did you really just think that?!
  821. >Maybe the girls are right - maybe you are kinda bigoted
  822. >The question is are you old enough to just not give a fuck about it anymore?
  823. >Probably not yet
  824. >And being that way could make you a laughingstock
  825. >You know who the character Archie Bunker was
  826. >There was nothing sexy about him
  827. >And these days your stock and trade is being the sexy, older stallion
  828. >Which probably means toning that bigoted shit down
  829. >There's a lot of shit you just take for granted being a good looking straight stallion
  830. >And a celebrity
  831. >You have to deal with some shit, but plenty of others have a lot more shit to deal with
  832. >No reason to casually throw around words some of them would find disrespectful, or worse
  833. >Vidal may be the gayest stallion you've ever met
  834. >But he's also a friend, and would be hurt if he knew you thought of him as a faggot sometimes
  835. >So it's probably time to stop thinking like that
  836. >Damn, your wife is rubbing off on you
  837. >A younger you would have thought she was making you soft
  838. >But that's not really true
  839. >Compassionate is more like it
  840. >Maybe the fact that you're gonna be a father soon has something to do with it as well
  841. >Regardless, it is good to see your pink friend, and you feel better the moment you lay eyes on him
  842. "Hey buddy! How was your summer?"
  843. >"Not as eventful as yours, if the rumor mill is to be believed"
  844. "Yeah, the whole thing with Rose has kept me busy. Did you make it out of town?"
  845. >"Nothing more than a couple weekends on Fire Island. We were going to go up to P-Town, but the weather was shit. You?"
  846. "Not once. We're total fucking homebodies"
  847. >"Well, with two mares in a penthouse I can imagine it's like being under house arrest, in a good way, though"
  848. "It hasn't been entirely what you'd think... well, it has been a little"
  849. >"You don't look THAT dehydrated, so I'm guessing they're going easy on you"
  850. "I've got no complaints in that regard"
  851. >"No reason you should have. And you're going to be a daddy?"
  852. "Not just that, but the father of a free pony. Rose insisted on being emancipated"
  853. >"Shit, she's a risk taker"
  854. "No doubt about that. But she's smart, organized and entrepreneurial, so I think she'll be fine. And of course I'll help out as much as I can"
  855. >"Of course. Still that's some balls for a mare"
  856. "You don't want to get in her way, that's for sure"
  857. >"And your girl is cool with everything?"
  858. "Yeah. As long as I keep up the veneer of dominance with her she's happy"
  859. >"Sounds like MY love life"
  860. "I bet it does. I'm just not as experienced with THAT defined a role"
  861. >"I'll bet it comes naturally enough for you, though"
  862. >You laugh
  863. "Yeah, it kinda does. It's a little more mind gamey than I'm used to, but the payoff is more than worth it"
  864. >"I'd think so. She's beautiful, and from what you've told me very... open"
  865. "She wants me to tell her what to do, which can be pretty much anything. I've barely scratched the surface of that"
  866. >"Well it's not like you're in any rush, except for the two mares situation - every straight guy's dream"
  867. "One I've lived several times over. In this case neither of them are that into each other, which just means more attention for me"
  868. >"Not at all into each other?"
  869. "They kissed the other night, and I think Rose was more into it than she expected"
  870. >"Yeah, I can see Rose having a little of that in her, your little Miss Thing not so much"
  871. "You think?"
  872. >"You're telling me you can't see Rose like, five or six years from now, a little stocky with a short mane and a femmy mare half her age fawning all over her?"
  873. "You paint a vivid picture"
  874. >"I'm not saying that's what's gonna happen, but I'm saying it's possible"
  875. "Now you're making me want to push things a little more in that direction, just to see what happens"
  876. >"Good thing you have a 'wife' who's game"
  877. "Exactly. The wedding may have been a sham, but the result is pretty much married life"
  878. >"In what sounds like a have your cake and eat it too kind of way"
  879. "Like I said, I've got no complaints"
  880. >"Dare I say it? 'Good for you'?"
  881. "Ooooh, that's brutal. But there was an issue along those lines with Rose's emancipation"
  882. >"Really?"
  883. "Yeah. A state attorney challenged my signature on the form because it made it seem like I owned her"
  884. >"You kind of did. For a little while there you owned not one, but two mares. That's what I was getting at. So what happened?"
  885. "We had to go in front of a judge who threw the case out. But it was interesting. I'd never seen how the legal system works here"
  886. >"Let me guess. A bunch of rich white guys in charge of everything? Just like here"
  887. "Pretty much. Maybe with Jews better represented. Our lawyer was one who took the case pro bono because it was an emancipation"
  888. >"How idealistic of him"
  889. "That's what I thought, but I wasn't going to question it"
  890. >There's a pause in the conversation as he gives your mustache a quick trim
  891. >You'd let it get a bit out of hand over the summer
  892. >"Did you see the details of tonight's match?"
  893. "Nope. I try to give this as little thought as possible"
  894. >"I hear that"
  895. "It it particularly bad?"
  896. >"It's a marefight, earth mares. One of them is an Apple"
  897. "Like Element of Harmony Apple?"
  898. >"Yeah, but not her. Maybe her sister?"
  899. "Fuck. I really don't do well with marefights"
  900. >"I know you don't. That's why I figured I'd give you a head's up"
  901. "I don't like to drink before a show, but today may have to be an exception"
  902. >"I can be there with eyedrops, but more than two drinks and your eyes will look like shit on camera no matter what I do"
  903. "I'm a pro. I know my limits"
  904. >"Professional sportscaster, or professional...?"
  905. "Knock it off. I'm not as bad as I used to be"
  906. >"I should hope not. You used to be at the 'should be going to meetings' level"
  907. "That's not going to happen"
  908. >"You'd think with two mares in the house you'd be worried about it effecting your..."
  909. "No issues there, thankfully"
  910. >"You're lucky then. Plenty of guys our age have to pop blue pills beforehand"
  911. "Yikes, are we really that old?"
  912. >"Old enough to have had lives in Equestria before coming here. Now you're 'married' to somepony who was born here. Do the math"
  913. "Fuck. Now I really need a drink"
  914. >"Keep it together, tiger. You still have a show to get through"
  916. Exerpt from Blinders Off, S1 E2, first edit
  918. Ada Maria: You may have seen our next guest on Instagram, Reddit or any of a number of places online
  919. Roseluck: This image of her with the caption "Me at Work With A Friend" has been viewed over 100 million times
  920. >Cut to image
  921. >It's a red pegasus mare with a rding crop in her mouth
  922. >Her eyes look stern, but the edges of her mouth betray a trace of a lusty smile
  923. >Above her and to her right hangs a giant birdcage in which sits a blue pegasus filly, looking away from the camera, bored
  924. Ada Maria: Please give a big Blinders Off welcome to Skydancer
  925. >The audience applaude as a red pegasus srtolls onstage, stopping to give a quick hug to mare
  926. Ada Maria: You two are friends, right?
  927. Mare: We grew up together for a while. Skydancer graduated before I did, though.
  928. Ada Maria: And by graduate you mean...
  929. Mare: Once you get your cutie mark you're considered too old to stay at the filly brothel
  930. Ada Maria: Can we get a shot of Skydancer's cutie mark? (To Skydancer) Now your "work" today is being a dominatrix?
  931. Skydancer: That's what my special talent is
  932. Roseluck: That's got to be... interesting
  933. Skydancer: It gives you a, shall we say "unique" perspective on men
  934. Roseluck: I can't tell if that's a good thing
  935. Skydancer: Neither can I
  936. Ada Maria: So there's got to be a story behind getting a cutie mark like that
  937. Skydancer: I had a regular who was really into my hooves. Like REALLY into them
  938. Roseluck: Is that a common thing?
  939. Skydancer: In my line of work it is. Back then it was just something you knew a few clients were into
  940. Roseluck: I don't get the appeal
  941. Skydancer: I didn't either. Until I realized part of it was that his mouth on my hooves was degrading to him - the idea of subjugating himself to me was what turned him on
  942. Roseluck: That's what he was into? The drgradation of it?
  943. Skydancer: That's what I figured out. So I said, "That's right, lick them clean you filthy monkey"
  944. >The audience responds with a mixture of gasps and laughter
  945. Mare: You never told me that! That's hilarious!
  946. Ada Maria: And how did he react?
  947. Skydancer: He, um... how do I say it on TV?
  948. Mare: Finished?
  949. Skydancer: Yeah, he finished. Keep in mind the only point of contact at the time was his mouth on my hoof
  950. >Roseluck: It was that powerful for him?
  951. Skydancer: That's when I realized just how psychological sexuality was. I'd always considered it more physical before then
  952. Ada Maria: And?
  953. Skydancer: And then I had to have Madam explain to me what a riding crop was. Because there was now one on my flank. As soon as she did it all made sense
  954. Ada Maria: Since then you've been?
  955. Skydancer: Taking care of men with those particular kind of needs. You'd be surprised how many of them are out there
  956. Roseluck: No women of mares? Just men?
  957. Skydancer: A woman or a mare can usually find a man or a stallion to dominate them if that's what they're into. (To Mare) Am I right?
  958. Mare: Hey, don't drag me into this!
  959. Skydancer: My point is there are more men with these needs than there are women or mares who are into being dominant like that. Which is why it's a business
  960. Mare: Under the unbrella of the same organization we grew up in anyways, so it was a smooth transition for you
  961. Skydancer: For me it was a very comfortable upgrade from what I had been doing. And I do feel like I do some good
  962. Moonglow: Of course this all assumes a hetero-normative situation. Aren't there women and mares who want a mare to do that to them
  963. Skydancer: For me that would be mixing business and pleasure. As you can imagine my work history doesn't leave me all that attracted to... males in general
  964. Mare: Back at the brothel growing up Sky took care of the other fillies who felt the same way
  965. Roseluck: Really?
  966. Skydancer: That's a kind way to put it. Somepony less charitable might consider my attraction a bit on the predatory side
  967. Roseluck: Meaning what, exactly?
  968. Skydancer: I like being dominant and I like them... how do I say this? Young. I like the imbalance of power between me and a filly. That turns me on
  969. Ada Maria: We have a question from the audience
  970. Audience member: More of a comment, really. That's completely predatory. If you were a person you'd be locked up for acting on that
  971. Skydancer: If I were a person I doubt I would have grown up being a cocksock. Can I say that?
  972. Ada Maria: You just did. If it's over the line they'll bleep it in post. And speaking of where the line is, let's talk about this photo that's made you internet famous
  973. Roseluck: Who is your friend in that pic?
  974. Skydancer: That's Lightning. (To Mare) She's more or less the new me at the brothel
  975. Roseluck: So another working girl
  976. Skydancer: That's pretty much everypony I know
  977. Mare: Don't take this the wrong way, but I always thought there was a racist thing going on with clients picking pegasi over earth fillies
  978. Skydancer: Really?
  979. Mare: Yeah. You've always been beautiful, but so were plenty of the other fillies. It always seemed like you were first pick because you were a pegasus
  980. Skydancer: Well, that wasn't the position I wanted to be in. But I can see that. It was men doing the picking, and people are more racist than ponies
  981. Audience member: Is this still on? Can I make another comment?
  982. Ada Maria: Go ahead
  983. Audience member: It feels like most of us are trying not to be racist, only to find out we're racist anyways, and the rest are trying to justify it as normal
  984. Moonglow: That sounds about right. Ponies went through something similar, but it was a long time ago
  985. Ada Maria: Thank you for your comments. So back to the story of this picture
  986. Skydancer: One of the owner's sons is studying at Bard, an art school, and he wanted to do a photo essay on the dungeon
  987. Moonglow: Edgy
  988. Skydancer: Art school. What do you expect? Anyways, he failed to realize that our clientele aren't the kind of men who sign photo releases
  989. Ada Maria: Of course not
  990. Skydancer: So he was left with a much more, shall we say - vanilla - set of pics than he expected to get
  991. Roseluck: All setting and no action?
  992. Skydancer: Exactly. And he was complaining about it to me while I was between clients. So I told him about Lightning, and suggested doing a shoot with her
  993. Ada Maria: Where'd the birdcage come from?
  994. Skydancer: His idea. I think he was a little put off from the idea of getting too fetishy with a filly in the shoot
  995. Mare: So he puts her in a birdcage?!
  996. Skydancer: I think it's supposed to be a methaphor - some heavy handed cycle of abuse stuff. He said he got the idea from a Rammstein video
  997. Mare: I'm gonna need an explanition on that
  998. Moonglow: Edgy Greman band. Sets themselves on fire and blows stuff up on stage. That's exactly what their music sounds like
  999. Mare: How does that not kill them, or does it? Is that their thing?
  1000. Moonglow: (laughs) They're German. They can do it precisely enough that they don't get hurt. They have been arrested on obscenity charges for their shows, though
  1001. Mare: OK. Because to me a filly in a birdcage is pretty... provocative. And I'm saying that as somepony who has done a lot of things many would find shocking
  1002. Rose: Fair enough, but how many by choice?
  1003. Mare: More and more everyday. I'm just saying a pegasus filly in a birdcage is... sending a strong message
  1004. Skydancer: I think you're being a little disengenous, though
  1005. Mare: I'm not trying to be
  1006. Skydancer: Imagine the same photo with you as the filly and your master in the foreground
  1007. Mare: Buck. You got me, Sky. I'd see that as borderline normal, and kinda hot. Maybe I'm being racist here, or whatever
  1008. Skydancer: And you could argue how much of that is nature versus nurture, but when you've grown up like we have it's nearly impossible to sort it out
  1009. Roseluck: It's still provocative, though. That's why it went viral
  1010. Moonglow: It's also beautiful, if in a slightly disturbing way. I'd say this kid belongs in art school
  1011. Skydancer: Is Bard a legit art school? Someone told me it was more like summer camp for rich kids
  1012. Roseluck: Isn't that art school in general?
  1013. Ada Maria: We're five mares up here. None of us know anything about art school. Audience? Anything culturally relevant come out of Bard before this?
  1014. >Several audience members yell out unintelligibly before a mic gets to one of them
  1015. Audience member #2: Steely Dan. And Walter Becker died recently. They were a big deal. And the name was a William S. Burroughs reference
  1016. Ada Maria: Please forgive us for not being all that up on our Dad Rock. But yeah, they were a big deal. Go Bard
  1017. Moonglow: I got the Burroughs reference. Read Naked Lunch last week. Pretty gross.
  1018. Ada Maria: Good work. Stick around for the next segment called 'Is Roseluck pregnant, emancipated or hiding her giant futa penis from all of us'?"
  1019. Roseluck: Hey, wait! What are you doing?
  1020. >Audience laughter
  1021. Ada Maria: Messing with you... Quiet everypony... 3...2...1... Stick around for our next segment called 'What has Roseluck Gotten Herself Into?'"
  1022. >Rammstein's Engel plays the segment out
  1024. >Be mare
  1025. >Things are getting pretty casual with Rose now
  1026. >Last night she joined you and master in bed again
  1027. >And master suggested the two of you give him a little show
  1028. >You had enough experience back in the day with Snowdrop that it was easy
  1029. >And just like Snowdrop, Rose's response was not faked
  1030. >You didn't even have to bother faking yours, because master was in you the moment you'd finished her off
  1031. >And you were pretty proud of how little time it took
  1032. >You might be better with dicks, but you can still find your way around mare bits
  1033. >And Rose... appreciated it, probably more than she expexted to
  1034. >Though you sould see her excitement the moment master made the suggestion
  1035. >She's a lot like Snowdrop that way
  1036. >Responds to a gentle touch
  1037. >And you can be gentle that way, even if it isn't really your thing
  1038. >It got master plenty riled up, and he took it out on you pretty good
  1039. >You would have liked it a little rougher, but you understand why he held back a little with Rose there
  1040. >And he made up for it this morning while she was ostensibly asleep in her own bed
  1041. >Only problem is she wasn't
  1042. >She totally walked in on you in the midst of something that probably requires an explanation
  1043. >Because he was balls deep in your ass while moments from choking you out with your collar
  1044. >Telling you that you weren't allowed to breathe again until you came
  1045. >And you did, right as she walked into the bedroom
  1046. >Of course master didn't notice because he was so wrapped up in his own orgasm
  1047. >But after yours, while gasping for breath you caught a flash of her in the doorway, with a horrified look on her face
  1048. >So now you feel like you owe her an explanation
  1049. >Because you know seeing that might make her thing bad of master
  1050. >And you don't want the mare carrying his foal to think bad of him
  1051. >Especially because being pregnant has already made her more emotional
  1052. >She actually cried during the last taping of Blinders Off
  1053. >When she brought up her relationship with the VP
  1054. >And how he'd managed to convince her that he actually loved her
  1055. >But that so-called love hit its limits as soon as she defied him
  1056. >But that wasn't the part that made her cry
  1057. >It was how in spite of that she was sure he had quite a bit to do with her about to give birth to a free pony
  1058. >As a free pony herself
  1059. >AWhile somehow bypassing most of the dire economic stress most free ponies live with everyday
  1060. >That's when she lost it
  1061. >Over the fact that even though he's a monster and she betrayed him he still saw to it she was taken care of
  1062. >You think her being born in Equestria is part of it, too
  1063. >Those born there have expectations of how things are going to be
  1064. >And tend to pass judgment easier, on themselves and others
  1065. >Master can be like that, too
  1066. >Leads to not doing very well with conflicted feelings
  1067. >Whereas you just assume you'll aklways have conflicted feelings, so you don't let them trouble you
  1068. >But they troubles master, and obviously trouble Rose
  1069. >Which is why you're scrambling to catch up with her, even with master's cum still dribbling out of your ass
  1070. >Probably making a mess of your tail
  1071. >You don't want Rose misjudging what she walked in on
  1072. >When you get to her room she looks at you and blushes very hard
  1073. >"Sorry about that," she says, "I didn't mean to disturb your privacy"
  1074. "It's kind of hard for privacy to be much of a thing whith three of us here and even sharing a bed sometimes"
  1075. >"Yeah, that's what I was coming to talk with you about, but I should have knocked"
  1076. "We should have shut the door. But I want you to know that wasn't what it looked like"
  1077. >"Your business, not mine"
  1078. "It may have looked like he was being rough on me it was really him INDULGING me"
  1079. >"Seriously?"
  1080. "Yeah. Being that... rough... isn't entirely in his nature. He does it for me"
  1081. >"That sounds like somepony who has been abused talking"
  1082. "If I have it hasn't been by him. That's my point"
  1083. >"Are you telling me you're not just OK with that, but into it?"
  1084. "Didn't you see how hard I was cumming?"
  1085. >"I tried not to notice, but yeah."
  1086. "Think of me like the opposite of Skydancer. She likes being the one in power. I like being powerless. Complete surrender is what turns me on"
  1087. >"And he's into that?"
  1088. "It takes a little prodding sometimes, but he wants to be a good master"
  1089. >"And that's what being a good master looks like?"
  1090. "To me. I'm sure everypony is different. But master is very kind about taking care of my needs"
  1091. >"I thought taking care of HIS needs is what makes you a good girl"
  1092. "Of course. But a good master makes you work to do that, to make it more... meaningful"
  1093. >"Like choking you?"
  1094. "I love the feeling of my life being in his hooves - that my very existance is something for him to play with"
  1095. >"Wow. It's like we're from different worlds"
  1096. "Well, we are. I know we see things differently that way. You never wanted to be a good girl"
  1097. >"I couldn't even fake it that well. 'Lippy and high spirited' is what they called me"
  1098. "You don't have to pretend anymore. You're no man's good girl now"
  1099. >"And I'm never going to be a good girl again"
  1100. >You smile at her
  1101. "You were pretty good last night"
  1102. >She blushes again
  1103. >"That's what I was coming to talk to you about. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea"
  1104. "About what?"
  1105. >"About me being into... mares"
  1106. "You were pretty into me. Either that or being on TV had made you into a great actress"
  1107. >"But that's not who I really am. You know, I'm straight"
  1108. "You're a free mare now. You can choose your own lovers. There's nothing to stop you from having a little fun with mares"
  1109. >"But I'm not, you know, like that"
  1110. "I'm not like that. For me it was hot because I knew master was getting off on it. You got off on it, too. So like it or not you're..."
  1111. >"You really think I am?"
  1112. "You came all over my face. Obviously you were into it. That's OK. You can like both. You met my friend Snowdrop at the wedding?"
  1113. >"Only for a second. Very pretty mare, and she seemed nice"
  1114. "She's like that. She likes both."
  1115. >"But you don't?"
  1116. "Not really my thing. You just saw what my thing is. But I know my way around a mare. Snowdrop and I did shows together growing up"
  1117. >"So you did that to me just to please him?"
  1118. "Yeah. But I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy pleasing you as well. It was almost like having a master and a mistress for a minute there"
  1119. >"That was the first time I ever... with a mare"
  1120. "Then I'm extra happy to have been your first! We'll always have that as a special thing between us!"
  1121. >She gives you a lusty look
  1122. >"And maybe we could play master and mistress sometime?"
  1123. "I don't think it would take much convincing to get master to go along with that. I kind of think he was hoping for it"
  1124. >"Just nothing that rough involving me, please"
  1125. "He knows better. That's for me only"
  1126. >"For somepony who claims to get off on being powerless and submissive you're awfully good at getting what you want"
  1127. "You're not so bad at it, either"
  1128. >"I didn't even know this was what I wanted, but I couldn't be much happier. But no talking about this on the show"
  1129. "About what?"
  1130. >"About us together"
  1131. "Okay"
  1133. >Be mare
  1134. >It feels weird to be looking for stuff about you on the internet, but that's what you're doing
  1135. "I found it on the network's website"
  1136. >"Play it," Rose asks, looking over your shoulder
  1137. >"it" is the first promo for your show
  1138. >You hit the play button and the screen fills with images of the show with the Blinders Off logo in front
  1139. >The voiceover says, "Real Mares, Real Talk"
  1140. "Not the catchiest tagline, is it?"
  1141. >"It's good enough"
  1142. >Both of you are curious to see how you look on camera
  1143. >And how much time - if any - you got in the promo
  1144. >Neither you nor Rose actually watch TV
  1145. >But seeing yourself on it is another matter entirely!
  1146. >You hope you're both well represented in the 30 second commercial
  1147. >Why?
  1148. >Just because it's exciting
  1149. >You know it's kind of a shallow thing
  1150. >But seeing yourself on the screen as the clip plays makes you feel special
  1151. >After all, not everypony gets to be on TV
  1152. >Even if TV is kinda bullshit
  1153. >You are proud of the work you and Rose do on your show
  1154. >And you're not gonna lie to yourself
  1155. >Being on a TV show makes you feel somehow more important than when you weren't on one
  1156. >Because anypony watching, along with all the people not only get to see you
  1157. >But hear what you have to say as well
  1158. >Which you really weren't thinking about while taping the show so far
  1159. >But seeing a clip of you referencing growing up in a brothel makes you think about it now
  1160. >That's how the world is going to see you
  1161. >You never thought the world would see you at all
  1162. >But you looked good on camera, so what's there to be concerned with?
  1163. >You DID grow up in a brothel, after all
  1164. >And it's not something you're ashamed of
  1165. >Even if someponies find it a little shocking
  1166. >The montage ends with a little exchange between Rose and the cameramare
  1167. >"Let me get this straight," the cameramare says, "A month ago you were a kept mare with a Manhattan address and credit cards you could use?"
  1168. >"Yeah, I was," Rose replies
  1169. >"Drinking wine and eating French food at fancy restaurants," the cameramare continues
  1170. >"Or having it delivered," Rose replies
  1171. >"And now," the cameramare says, "You're staying with friends and working two jobs while you're pregnant?"
  1172. >"I'm saving up so I can hopefully get a place in Crown Heights," Rose answers
  1173. >"Sounds about right," the cameramare responds, "Welcome to freedom!"
  1174. >The clip ends and you turn to Rose
  1175. "Looks good, don't you think?"
  1176. >"I'm so excited," she replies, but there's a hint of trepidation in her voice
  1177. "But what?"
  1178. >"I didn't realize how... personal we get on the show"
  1179. "Well, it seems like everything they used for the promo was personal stuff. Weird that the world is gonna see it, huh?"
  1180. >"Yeah. I didn't realize how... frank we all are, even with the cameras rolling"
  1181. "I just realized how much control the editors have over how it comes out"
  1182. >"This is gonna be interesting"
  1183. "We looked good, though. You're beautiful on camera"
  1184. >"You're no slouch either"
  1185. >She blushes and gives you a little bit of a bedroom eyes look
  1186. >Shit, it looks like Rose is getting a little crush on you
  1187. >Definitely a hazard of having sex with her
  1188. >She knows you're not really going to ever feel the same wway about her, because you're not really into mares
  1189. >But it's still flattering, because she is a beautiful mare
  1190. >And it has been fun to pretend that you have both a master AND a mistress
  1191. >But that's just pretend
  1192. >You hope she understands that
  1193. >Your computer starts autoplaying another clip
  1194. >When you hear the word "Hippodrome" you rush to stop it
  1195. >You manage to pause it and go to close the tab
  1196. >"Holy shit!," Rose exclaims, "I know her!"
  1197. >On screen is the image of a mare between you and Rose in age
  1198. >It doesn't take much to realize she's a contestant on the show
  1199. >Not a good thing at all
  1200. >"That's Applebloom from Ponyville," Rose says in disbelief
  1201. "A friend of yours?"
  1202. >"Not really a friend, but somepony I knew as a filly. When she was a filly. I've got to know if she's all right"
  1203. "We can ask master when he gets home, but I can tell you he never talks about work. Never"
  1204. >"I have to know now. She could be... Is that episode streaming?"
  1205. "That's a bad idea, Rose"
  1206. >You click over to the Hippodrome page anyways
  1207. "Yes. It aired last night. Season three premiere is streaming. But I'm not going to watch it"
  1208. >"I'm not going to watch it, either. I'm just going to skip to the end so I know whether or not she's alive"
  1209. "I'm not going to stop you, but I'm not sticking around while you do. I know what watching this does to master, and I don't want that done to me"
  1210. >"I have to know"
  1211. "I'll be in the kitchen"
  1212. >You leave Rose in your office and head to the kitchen
  1213. >May as well put something together for dinner, master will be home soon
  1214. >A few minutes later Rose joins you
  1215. >She looks upset
  1216. "You OK?"
  1217. >"You were right. I shouldn't have watched that. I want to un-see it so badly"
  1218. "Your friend?"
  1219. >"She 'won'. But the mare on the show was not the sweet little filly I knew back in Ponyville. I shudder to think what must have happened to her"
  1220. "At least she's alive. That's good, right? And she's a free pony now, just like you"
  1221. >"There's nothing just like me about her now, I'm afraid"
  1223. >Be El Bronco
  1224. >Happy to be home
  1225. >Today was an easier day at work than most
  1226. >Just a few retakes and overdubs on an episode you shot yesterday
  1227. >But this working two days a week thing isn't your jam
  1228. >And this is the second week in a row an episode required major post production work
  1229. >Which is what happens when things don't go the way the producers expect
  1230. >But post production is a lot less brutal than a live shoot
  1231. >Just boring
  1232. >While you generally don't do well with boring in this case you'll take it
  1233. >And coming home to two mares sure as shit isn't boring
  1234. >You've been having a lot of fun with them, actually
  1235. >And Rose has definitely taken a liking to your wife
  1236. >Which is fun to watch
  1237. >And that sweet little fucked up wife of yours has just set out dinner for the three of you
  1238. >Including the Spring Mix Rose likes so much
  1239. >That's a sweet little indulgence
  1240. "You are so good"
  1241. >She beams at you
  1242. >You start eating, but something seems off
  1243. >Usually Rose is pretty chatty
  1244. >She isn't right now
  1245. "Everything OK, Rose?"
  1246. >"I'm just a little upset over something I saw online," she replies
  1247. "There's a lot of upsetting stuff online."
  1248. >"This was involving somepony I used to know back home"
  1249. "Bad news?"
  1250. >"She was a contestant on your show"
  1251. "Ouch. Do I want to know more?"
  1252. >"I don't," your wife says. "Can I go into the other room while you talk about this, master?"
  1253. "Of course you can"
  1254. >Last thing you want is anything that would fuck her up more
  1255. >Because she's just right in terms of how fucked up she is
  1256. "I'll call you when we're done"
  1257. >When she's out of earshot you look at Rose
  1258. "You can imagine I don't like talking about work, so tell me what's on your mind and let's get this over quickly"
  1259. >"Applebloom, the winner of the season premiere. I watched the ending. I couldn't believe she could do that to another pony"
  1260. >You laugh
  1261. >And Rose looks at you like you'rew a monster
  1262. >"You think that's funny?!"
  1263. "No. Sorry. I think it's funny that you finally watch the show, and the part that freaks you out it the part that didn't happen"
  1264. >"What are you talking about?"
  1265. "Usually things go the way the producers want, but often they don't, and we have to fix it in post. It's almost always the victor refusing to finish the job"
  1266. >"Finish the job?"
  1267. "Yeah. The final stroke - the death blow. Plenty of contestants win the fight, but refuse to kill the loser"
  1268. >"So how do they...?"
  1269. "In post. They can put the ending they want on in post. CGI is that good these days, then Juan and I go in the next day and do our bit over it"
  1270. >"So it's faked?"
  1271. "Most of the time it isn't, some of the time it is"
  1272. >"And this time it was?"
  1273. "Apple had the upper hand from the start - she was the stronger pony. Eventually she knocked out her competator"
  1274. >"I saw that"
  1275. "That's where the edit is. She refused to kill her. So the drones tazed the shit out of her"
  1276. >"Is she alive?"
  1277. "I think she was. She got the shit shocked out of her, though. Actually it was piss. She got the piss shocked out of her"
  1278. >"Holy shit. I KNEW that couldn't have been her doing that!," Rose says, then adds, "But you think she survived?"
  1279. "They don't tell me what happens to the winner in this situation, and I know better than to ask"
  1280. >"If they could do the whole show with CGI why are ponies still dying over this?"
  1281. "You know who to ask that question to, but I don't think he'd take your call"
  1282. >"He told me not to watch it, you know. But there was no way I couldn't know what it was. But seeing somepony I KNEW on it was..."
  1283. "It was a good thing they redid the ending anyways. I had been drinking by then. I don't handle marefights well"
  1284. >"I can see why. Well, here I was wondering what hell Applebloom must have gone through to end up like that, and it wasn't her"
  1285. "And you're going to keep your mouth shut about this, or the sire of your foal will end up as a contestent himself"
  1286. >"He wouldn't"
  1287. "He's already threatened me with it. 'Jokingly', of course. But if you of all ponies started blabbing about this? El Bronco is still network property, and..."
  1288. >"I get it. I won't breathe a word of this to anypony"
  1289. "Appreciate that. Can we be done talking about this shit? I don't like thinking about work when I'm home"
  1290. >"We can be done. Thank you for trusting me with the truth"
  1291. "Please don't make me regret that. And please go tell my wife she can come back"
  1292. >"You got it"
  1294. >Be VP
  1295. >You owe Anna a phone call
  1296. >School started for her, and this is really her first time away from home
  1297. >A little check in is what a good uncle ought to do
  1298. >Kids her age don't answer their phones - they do everything with texts
  1299. >Which is a pain in the ass on the flip phone you refuse to give up
  1300. >But Anna will usually take your calls
  1301. >And it's 5PM, so she's probably not in class
  1302. >You decide to just call her, knowing her generation sees a call out of the blue as a bit of an imposition
  1303. >But you figure you're just old enough to get a pass in that regard
  1304. >Shortly after the third ring she answers
  1305. >"Hi, Uncle John!"
  1306. "How you doing? Settling in?"
  1307. >"So far so good. My roommate is nice. We get along. She's from Queens"
  1308. "The world's borough," you say in your best impresion of a mid-century Brooklyn-Queens accent
  1309. >"Yesyerday we got back from class and decided to take a quick nap, and we slept right through dinner. Good thing we had care packages"
  1310. "Instant noodles?"
  1311. >"What else are students supposed to make in a dorm room?"
  1312. "I remember. College is where I realized I had to actually figure out how to cook for real, because I didn't want shit like that to be a big part of my diet"
  1313. >"I'm not there yet, but I can see how you got there"
  1314. "Your options are probably a little better in that regard than mine were"
  1315. >"Right. Now we have spicy"
  1316. "Spicy is good. But this shows you the first big skill you're supposed to learn in college - time management"
  1317. >"You're going meta on me"
  1318. "No. Think about it - your parents told you when to sleep, wake up, eat and go to school. Now it's on you to keep track of that shit"
  1319. >"It isn't rocket science"
  1320. "Nope, but get it wrong and you miss dinner, then class, then deadlines... Like Woody Allen said, half of life is just showing up"
  1321. >"I don't know if I'd take life advice from HIM"
  1322. "He's a genius, and he's done some brilliant work. My guess is you could cast a shadow of any of the greats if you knew enough about their personal lives"
  1323. >"Is that gonna be your defense?"
  1324. "If I ever get anywhere near greatness, sure"
  1325. >"I did see your new show. Rose is pretty awesome on it"
  1326. "Blinders Off? Yeah, I think it's going to do well"
  1327. >"I can't believe you're cool with letting her talk about your personal life like that. You come off as the bad guy, you know"
  1328. "So what? I also get another hit show out of it"
  1329. >"That's what counts? Do you even miss her?"
  1330. "I'm sure I would if I didn't have Cloudburst. She's really good for me"
  1331. >Silence
  1332. "What? You don't like her??"
  1333. >"She's really cute and sweet. If she were a woman I'd be worried you'd picked up a golddigger, though"
  1334. "But she's not a woman. So that kind of manipulation isn't an issue"
  1335. >"Just other kinds of manipulation. But that's your business. My only issue with her has nothing to do with that"
  1336. "What is it, then?"
  1337. >"It sounds shallow. I've only met her a few times. And I know ponies go through heat, which is far more savage than what I deal with monthly, but..."
  1338. "But what?"
  1339. >"She has a really strong smell"
  1340. "I like the way she smells"
  1341. >"She smells like sex. Really strong"
  1342. "It is a new relationship"
  1343. >"I get that. But she's more than a little young for you, incredibly pretty, hangs on your every word and always smells like sex. It's a little... creepy"
  1344. "Yeah. I know it makes me look a little like an old fool"
  1345. >"More like an old perv"
  1346. "Thanks"
  1347. >"I understand how successful men your age are - I don't approve, but I understand it. To me it's really only worthy of an eyeroll, but..."
  1348. "But what?"
  1349. >"When you add the... olfactory aspect... it's hard to deal with. But I know it's not her fault. Just a little hard for me to deal with"
  1350. "Maybe you're uncomfortable with it because she turns you on?"
  1351. >"If I could look at her without thinking of you and her together maybe that could be the case. She's really sweet. But the smell of her arousal for you is... too much"
  1352. "You never thought me and Rose were creepy, did you?"
  1353. >"Just the ownership aspect, and you worked hard to play that down. Until you fucked it up"
  1354. "To be honest, both of us fucked it up"
  1355. >"When you have very limited free will you're bound to have oversize moments of rebellion"
  1356. "Yeah. My first marriage was that for me - my parents were stricter than yours"
  1357. >"I think every generation says that to the one who comes after them"
  1358. "You're probably right. Well I'm sorry she makes you uncomfortable"
  1359. >"It's more on me than it is on you. It just seems like she's ALWAYS in heat"
  1360. "Yeah, I kinda noticed that, too"
  1361. >"But that doesn't bother you one bit"
  1362. "Like I said, new relationship"
  1363. >"Is it even a relationship? The roles are totally clear cut. Not really any give and take, is there?"
  1364. "I think give and take is a new thing. Came with the rise of the middle class. Before that roles were much more strictly defined"
  1365. >"By men, for their benefit"
  1366. "Yet when it's time to make the rules it's always the men doing it. When does your Feminist Theory class start?"
  1367. >"I have to get through all the pre-recs for my majot first. And the argument that it's always been this way in the past so it must be right is weak"
  1368. "Right isn't the word I'd use. "What works' is more like it"
  1369. >"Slavery works. Sexism works. Racism works. But I don't want to live in a world where they're considered right"
  1370. "You do, though. Or at least half the world is OK with those things"
  1371. >"I want to help make things better than that"
  1372. "Good luck to you"
  1373. >"Like you're not trying to make up for Hippodrome on some kind of karmic level with the new show?"
  1374. "If karma exists I'm fucked. I'm just saying at a certain point it's smart to stop thinking about what you want the world to be and focus on what you want your life to be"
  1375. >"Is that why Rose is emancipated and speaking her mind on national television, even if it makes you look like a jerk?"
  1376. >She adds, "You just pretend you don't give a fuck because you've done horrible things. You'd still love a shot at redemption - everyone wants that"
  1377. "I want to call you naive, but you're partially right. Had there not been a Hippodrome there wouldn't be a Blinders Off, that's for sure"
  1378. >"See?"
  1379. "But keep in mind if things hadn't gone south with Rose I wouldn't have Cloudburst, either"
  1380. >"But doesn't that feel a little shallow? Come on!"
  1381. "I think shallow is a word people throw around when they can't stand others appreciating simple things, like beauty"
  1382. >"Beauty is fleeting, though"
  1383. "Which makes it all the more precious"
  1384. >"You are NOT going to convince me that being shallow is a virtue"
  1385. "I'd enjoy making that argument, though"
  1386. >"Of course you would. You work in television. You almost have to believe that"
  1387. "I do"
  1388. >"What about the desire to better yourself and the world around you?"
  1389. "Sounds good if you don't like who you are, and have no other way to make your mark on the world"
  1390. >"You are terrible. I love you, but you're terrible"
  1391. "I love you, too"
  1392. >On the way home in the back of the black car one thing keeps going through your head
  1393. >Old perv
  1394. >That's what Anna thinks of you
  1395. >Or at least thinks with regard to you and Cloudburst
  1396. >Maybe you should just own that
  1397. >You have a young pegasus slave mare eager to please you
  1398. >She certainly cost you enough
  1399. >Just accept that you've become an old perv
  1400. >She greets you when you walk into the apartment
  1401. >The one you keep for her, forferly for Rose, since Cynthia is back at your place
  1402. >You texted Cynthia that you'd spend the night here
  1403. >Which means she's probably got her little stallion over
  1404. >Oh well, everybody's happy
  1405. >"Welcome back, master," the relentlessly cheerful little grey winged horse greets you
  1406. "You know what, Cloudburst? When it's just the two of us don't call me master anymore. Call me Daddy"
  1407. >"Ok, Daddy"
  1408. >Shit, that is kind of hot
  1409. >You ARE an old perv
  1410. >Anna's right about that
  1411. >She's also right about something else
  1412. >The apartment totally smells like Cloudburst, and it is a pretty sexy pony smell
  1413. >Between that and her calling you Daddy you feel yourself getting hard
  1414. "Why don't you show me how good you can suck your daddy's dick?"
  1415. >"Ok, Daddy"
  1416. >This is gonna take a while to get tired of
  1418. >Be mare
  1419. >You've been told you shouldn't google yourself
  1420. >Even master has said it's a bad idea now that you're in the public eye
  1421. >But you can't resist seeing what people (and ponies) think about the show
  1422. >And you've come across something that really moves you
  1423. >It's just one image
  1424. >A bit of fanart of you
  1425. >But you can't believe somepony (or someone) took the time to draw you
  1426. >Part of you just melts over it
  1427. >You guess it was drawn by a man
  1428. >Because it's really sexy
  1429. >And it makes you kinda horny
  1430. >Because even though you're used to men looking at you lustily
  1431. >You've never had one DRAW you the way they see you before
  1432. >And he's done a good job of it
  1433. >You wish you had some way to thank him
  1434. >There's no LIKE button where he's posted it
  1435. >If he were here right now you'd give him a blowjob
  1436. >But master wouldn't approve of that
  1437. >So that's as much a fantasy as him apperaing here
  1438. >He's anonymous anyways
  1439. >Just like you when you're not talking to Snowdrop, Durril or Skydancer on Skype
  1440. >Another nopony outside of the social media thing
  1441. >But this is hot stuff
  1442. >Sky would LOVE it
  1443. >Because he posed you with the look she often has in her eyes
  1444. >You copy the image to your computer
  1445. >Maybe you'll share it with her
  1446. >But not Snowdrop
  1447. >You don't want to make her jealous
  1448. >Because you suspect she already is a little bit about your life
  1449. >That's hard to deal with
  1450. >You decide to respond in the stie, anonymously
  1451. >What say?
  1452. >In your mind there's really only one answer
  1453. >It's ridiculous, but you feel a tear roll down your cheek as you post it
  1454. "I love you for this"
  1455. >You say it as you post it
  1456. >Then decide to consult master on how to deal with fans in the future
  1457. >Because he knows
  1459. AV Club Review
  1460. Blinders Off (Fox)
  1462. You could be forgiven for assuming Blinders Off is just a raunchy extended version of the View's Hot Topic segment with mares instead of iconic women. You could also be forgiven for thinking it's just an excuse to put beautiful mares talking about sex on television. Turn the sound off and you may as well be watching a pony beauty pageant. During its most insipid moments it may as well be just that. Fortunately the show frequently transcends the insipid, largely through the device of not one, but two peanut galleries. Five mostly privileged slave mares spouting off with a guest about whatever crosses their minds (mostly slavery and sexuality) is half a premise, but welded to input from the audience (mostly the middle aged female npr listeners) and the crew (hardscrabble free ponies from Brooklyn's Ponytown) a surprising depth and diversity of opinions emerge. Ada Maria, who viewers with young children will recognize from the Fox show Pony Time takes a mature role here, moving things along and making sure everyone (everypony?) doesn't talk over each other. For the most part. This is not scripted material, and she sometimes loses control of the proceedings, especially when the audience gets involved.
  1464. Unlike most talk shows the goal here does not seem to affirm the opinions of a like minded viewership. At any given moment there may be three sets of opinions presented, none of which may align with those of the viewer. The show serves as a window into a world that exists alongside our own, but is usually invisible to us. Your feelings about the show are likely to be determined by how intriguing you find that view. Even those who disagree with most of what's said on Blinders Off could still enjoy watching it from that perspective alone - these mares are talking about things you get the feeling they're not supposed to be talking about. The show is packed with I-can't-believe-she-just-said-that moments.
  1466. If there's a main character the show hinges on it would have to be Roseluck, or Rose as she's called. She's a former pampered concubine to a wealthy network executive, now a free pony. She's also pregnant and scrambling to get her emancipated life together. Her evolving opinions serve as a bridge between the three sets of wordlviews the show aptly contrasts. Rumors of the sire point to Hippodrome's El Bronco, with whom she currently lives and whose wife happens to be one of her co-hosts. This provides a gossipy subtext that adds some guilty pleasure appeal, especially given the casual intimacy the two share on camera. Viewers are only given crumbs of personal dirt on the mares - just enough to keep you watching through the show's duller moments.
  1468. The ease with with they accept some of life's more brutal realities is also noteworthy - frank descriptions of a bedmare's duties, growing up in a brothel or stepping over the body of a dead pony on the way home from work add a gravitas to a show that seems to choose it's guests from Howard Stern's playbook. Guests have included a flamingly gay stallion stylist "top" and a mare dominatrix. Debate about slavery is a constant, and unsurprisingly a mare's opinion on the subject is often a function of her social status, with Rose providing the middle ground between slave and free ponies. It's meant to be provocative, and more prudish viewers, especially those who take issue with interspecies relationships will find the show's relentless focus on such relationships discomforting, if not outright offensive. Abolitionist viewers might find slave mares spouting a pro-slavery point of view disconcerting. But the average viewer is likely to find Blinders Off an intelligent, outrageous, thought provoking half hour at its best. At its weakest it's a bunch of very attractive mares talking about sex most of the time. What's not to like?
  1470. Though the concept and the format may be old hat, in these mares' capable hooves it feels fresh, and more important, relevant.
  1472. B+
  1474. >Be mare
  1475. >In bed with master and Rose
  1476. >Rose is really showing her pregnancy now
  1477. >Her teats are getting bigger
  1478. >You're super aware of this because both master and Rose enjoy you servicing her
  1479. >And you know your way around her very well by now
  1480. >Her smells, what she likes
  1481. >She likes you sucking her teats before you start working on her clit
  1482. >While for you this is just putting on a show for master you know for her it's different
  1483. >She likes you
  1484. >The way Skydancer always wanted to
  1485. >You feel a little guilty about that
  1486. >On two fronts, actually
  1487. >First you're afraid you might be leading Rose on - letting her develop feelings for you that you really don't reciprocate
  1488. >And you also feel like you should have let Sky have "a piece" of you back in the day
  1489. >Because it would have been a nice thing to do for her, and really no big deal for you
  1490. >She would have really liked that
  1491. >But who knows?
  1492. >It might have made Snowdrop jealous, and you wouldn't have wanted that
  1493. >Or maybe she would have developed feelings for you that you couldn't reciprocate
  1494. >Feelings are really complicated, and you prefer things simple
  1495. >You please master and everything is good
  1496. >That's all that matters - being a good girl for him
  1497. >And you know his cock is getting huge while he watches your mouth close around one of Rose's teats
  1498. >She moans gently as you suck on her
  1499. >To be rewarded with a jet of warm milk and another moan
  1500. >It's kind of a shock, though you knew this was going to happen sooner or later!
  1501. >It's warm - like cum, but much sweeter, and it coats the inside of your mouth
  1502. >"Did I just?," Rose asks
  1503. >You ease off of her teat and swallow
  1504. "You did"
  1505. >"Oh shit, that's hot," master says
  1506. "I'll get you a taste, master"
  1507. >You wrap your mouth around her other teat and draw on it
  1508. >A few sucks larter you're rewarded with another warm jet
  1509. >Two in quick succession, actually
  1510. >And the knowledge that this is really turning Rose and master on
  1511. >Rose is moaning softly and master just grunted in the way he does when his dick is hard
  1512. >Careful not to swallow you again ease off of her, this time coming up to kiss master
  1513. >His mouth opens when it meets yours, and you dribble Rose's hot milk into him, as his tongue brushes your own
  1514. >And even though you're used to it his mustache still tickles a little
  1515. >But his tongue tasting like Rose is far more interesting at the moment
  1516. >You feel his imperative - that tongue is very aggressively pushing into you
  1517. >He's not going to take his time today
  1518. >That little taste of Rose got him really stoked
  1519. >You turn to present yourself to him, looking back to steal a glance at his cock as your tail goes up
  1520. >He's nearly flared, and he's not even in you yet!
  1521. >You feel his weight on your back as his teeth close around your ear
  1522. >Just enough to be a little painful
  1523. >He knows what you like
  1524. >And that cock bumps up against you twice before finding its way home
  1525. >As you stretch around him he slams forward
  1526. >There's just a little more pain as you feel him grow inside you and that flare mashes against your cervix
  1527. >Just enough pain to set you off as he unloads into you
  1528. >Him pulsing inside you as you squeeze him
  1529. >Damn, that was quick!
  1530. >You look at Rose, and she meets your gaze
  1531. >Her eyes are smouldering watching you orgasm pinned on master's cock
  1532. >Which is already starting to shrink inside you as he releases your ear
  1533. >You feel his weight shift off of you as his cock slips out
  1534. >And his cum starts dripping down over your still winking clit
  1535. >You return to your senses, eyes still locked with Rose's
  1536. >"Can it be my turn now?," she asks
  1537. >You have an idea
  1538. "When I suckled on you it felt good, right?"
  1539. >She blushes
  1540. >"Almost like an orgasm"
  1541. >Perfect
  1542. "So if you had that feeling AND an orgasm at the same time it would be even better?"
  1543. >"I don't know if I could handle that," she says with a guilty smile, "But I wouldn't mind finding out"
  1544. "You get her warmed up," master says to you. "I need a minute to recover"
  1545. "I know what'll get you going," Rose says
  1546. >She moves towars your hindquarters, and you lift your tail without even thinking about it
  1547. >You feel her breath on your dock
  1548. >And suddenly feel her tongue lap against you
  1549. >She's licking master's cum off of you!
  1550. >"That will definitely speed things up for me," master says. "When did you get so filthy, Rose?"
  1551. >"I fell in with a couple bad influences," she replies, "and ended up knocked up and perverted"
  1552. "And into mares"
  1553. >"Into you," she replies, and gives you another lick back there
  1554. >Rose may have been joking about the bad influence bit
  1555. >But she has gotten really adventurous sexually since she's been with you and master
  1556. >She's not the same mare she was in the bedroom when she first got here
  1557. >She said being pregnant makes her horny, so that could be part of it
  1558. >But you figure being free is part of it as well
  1559. >John may have convinced her that their relationship was more like a man and a woman than a master and his mare
  1560. >Which you think was unforgivably cruel
  1561. >But now for the first time since she left Equestria it's HER choice whom she has sex with
  1562. >And you know that freedom is important to her the same way having a good master is important to you
  1563. >It is flattering that she chooses to have sex with you as well as master
  1564. >It might not be what turns your crank, but it does make you feel special
  1565. >And you and Rose together really turns master on
  1566. >You don't think he's ever cum that fast
  1567. >Come to think of it YOU have never cum that fast, either
  1568. >His excitement was electric
  1569. >And it seems the spectacle of Rose licking his cum out of you has just about recharged his batteries
  1570. >Which means it's time to try out your little idea, and see the condition it reduces Rose to
  1571. >You have pretty high expectations, actually
  1572. "Sucklefucked," you say to Rose. "You're gonna get sucklefucked"
  1574. >Be mare
  1575. >In the kitchen making coffee
  1576. >After this morning's trip around the bed with you and Rose master left for work without even having any
  1577. >And instead of his usual workday gloomy spirits he seemed happy
  1578. >He has reason to be, after all
  1579. >Rose became something of a new toy this morning, and she was fun to play with
  1580. >Though you were careful not to swallow too much of her milk so you didn't fuck up your digestion
  1581. >Or you hope you didn't - time will tell
  1582. >Also both of them were super into it
  1583. >She's in the shower right now because she has to get to the flower shop
  1584. >You can wait on yours because the rest of your day is spreadsheets
  1585. >And as long as nopony entered anything wrong or weird you have them automated to make perfect sense with the touch of a button
  1586. >Acorss the five accounts your former organization is responsible for
  1587. >YOU are responsible for
  1588. >Keeping everything organized and under control
  1589. >Coffee is ready - you pour yourself a cup
  1590. >The tack dance club has been doing a booming business since they started selling alcohol on premises
  1591. >Though it tripled their security budget
  1592. >Durril has to be proud of herself
  1593. >She really started a thing
  1594. >Thinking of starting a thing, you hear Roseluck's hooffalls moving toward you
  1595. >SHE started a new thing today, and not the first new thing she's started since she got here
  1596. >She trots up to you and gives you a long, deep kiss
  1597. >How do you play this?
  1598. >You did manipulate things toward her pleasure this morning
  1599. >After master ravaged you so well
  1600. >Which is only right because it makes master super excited and your guest happy
  1601. >She's also your friend and co-host on your show
  1602. >Which is all the more reason to make her happy as well
  1603. >That plus she has master's foal growing inside her
  1604. >So you're on team Rose across the board as long as master is
  1605. >And he is
  1606. >But you're still a little conflicted, because you think (know) she has feelings for you
  1607. >And that isn't how things are supposed to work out
  1608. >If things are going to work out any particular way
  1609. >The idea that things are SUPPOSED to work out a certain way is something you've learned from Rose and master
  1610. >And you're still not sure you believe it
  1611. >Though the idea of destiny is something you have to consider, given how well things have worked out for you
  1612. >You dreamed of a master and a stallion as a filly
  1613. >Now your master IS a stallion
  1614. >And the mare whose tongue was in your mouth just a second ago
  1615. >Is your new best friend
  1616. >"You know," Rose says, "I'd bite your ear if I thought it would get me anywhere"
  1617. "I'd bite yours if it turned master on. I think it would, actually"
  1618. >"You'd do that?"
  1619. "Anything that pleases master... actually, anything he wants. You may be the new toy, but I'm still THE toy"
  1620. >"Doesn't that feel a little degrading, when it's not a turn on, of course?"
  1621. >You laugh
  1622. "You see being degraded as something bad that happens to you. I see it as proof master cares about me, especially because it doesn't come naturally to him"
  1623. >"I never understood that. The whole being submissive to survive thing always made me rage a little on the inside"
  1624. "Obviously. You casually fucked up a situation a lot of mares would kill to be in"
  1625. >"Maybe. But now I get to play with you, too"
  1626. "You do. And we really had master going this morning"
  1627. >"You really had ME going, too. But you don't see anything wrong with liking being... degraded?"
  1628. You laugh again
  1629. "It's just who I am. It's something I need"
  1630. >"But you know that's only because of how you were raised and what you went through, right?"
  1631. "Yeah. Like I said, that's who I am. And the only reason you couldn't be a good girl, even for a master like ours is because of how YOU were raised"
  1632. >"You saw Perfect Pitch as my master?"
  1633. "You never accepted it, but he was, before he emancipated you"
  1634. >"And as much of an asshole as he is, it was John who laid the groundwork for that, you know"
  1635. "There's another guy who failed to be a good master to you. It's because you don't know how to be a good girl, so no master stood a chance"
  1636. >"That's because because I wanted to be free and back in Equestria. But half of that is enough, I think"
  1637. >She adds, "I like pretending to be YOUR misterss, though"
  1638. "It's fun for roleplay, but you'd make a WAY to lenient mistress for real, and you know it"
  1639. >"I even feel dirty for fantasizing about it. But the idea that I could buy you and be your mistress does turn me on"
  1640. "Except that couldn't happen. Master would never sell me. He loves me"
  1641. >That sounded really defensive
  1642. >"I'd have to make a lot of money for that ever to be a consideration, so don't worry"
  1643. >Shit
  1644. >She's actually thought this through a little
  1645. >You quick run the math in your head
  1646. >Six or seven years
  1647. >Even with a foal and paying her own rent, if Blinders Off renews her contract and the florist shop remains successful
  1648. >She could theoretically afford to pay what you're worth in that many years
  1649. >That's terrifying, and it makes your blood run cold
  1650. >Best to confront this now
  1651. "Part of you wants to, though. And you feel really guilty about that, don't you?"
  1652. >She blushes
  1653. >Shit, you were right
  1654. >Thankfully master would never sell you!
  1655. >Just the thought is the stuff of nightmares
  1656. "OK, well keep that fantasy to yourself, please, because it scares the shit out of me"
  1657. >"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
  1658. "Don't even joke about it. This is my dream come true, and a friend doesn't fuck up somepony's dream just because she's now a free pony"
  1659. >"I said I'm sorry. It was just a guilty daydream. I could never actually OWN somepony else. Take it as a compliment that it turns me on to think of you that way"
  1660. "I think you need to meet some free mares"
  1661. >"Not stallions?"
  1662. "You've already done the stallion thing. The mare thing is new and exciting, which is why you're so into me - I'm your first"
  1663. >"OK... I think it's more than that, but I'll give you that could be part of it"
  1664. "I know the last thing you actually want to be is a mistress, and I'm NOT the mare for you, really... so go meet some free mares"
  1665. >"Once the foal comes and I'm set up on my own I just might... I just might try to do that"
  1666. "I think one of the cameramares is hot for you - the cute blonde"
  1667. >"I've noticed her. She's cute for sure. But dating? I haven't thought about dating in years. Is it even still a thing?"
  1668. "It's what you would have done if you's known this about yourself back in Equestria, isn't it?"
  1669. >"I never even thought about it back then, you know, with mares. But I'm glad I didn't, because of how it would have worked out"
  1670. "Right. There's plenty of heartbreak to go around here. I know it wasn't like that in Equestria. I won't even tell you about my first 'master'"
  1671. >"You've told me enough already. My first was no picnic either, but yours was really fucked up and predatory"
  1672. "Nopony was predatory like that in Equestria?"
  1673. >"It wasn't as common as here. Predators were obvious - monsters, griffons... They weren't usually ponies, and there were no people"
  1674. "I can't imagine no men. My identity for a long time was based around... what I was to men"
  1675. >"It still is. And I'm not gonna judge you for that. I just wish sometimes..."
  1676. "I know what you're wishing"
  1677. >You smile at her
  1678. "That's not me, which is why you need to meet some free mares. But I WILL take care of you in the meantime"
  1679. >"You're so sweet. I really do appreciate it"
  1680. "It's flattering. You're free to choose who you want to have sex with and you choose me? It's like being picked first back at the salon"
  1681. >"Except you have a choice about it, too"
  1682. "No I don't. It's just being a good girl for master, and you have the benefit of it. What I have a choice about is being your friend"
  1683. >"Well, I'm happy you've made that choice"
  1684. "Me, too. And I don't want things to be awkward between us just because we have sex and you're getting feelings about it"
  1685. >"That often makes things awkward"
  1686. "It shouldn't with me. You know my deal exactly"
  1687. >"It really is that simple for you?"
  1688. "I like things simple"
  1689. >"But what about your feelings? That's what makes things complicated"
  1690. "Feelings only matter when you have choices to make. I try to keep those to a minimum as well"
  1691. >You add:
  1692. "Please master, do the spreadsheets... now do the show with you. That's really more than I need on my plate"
  1693. >"Yeah, I hear that. I can't imagine how two jobs and a foal is gonna leave me any room for dating"
  1694. "You make room for somepony special. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?"
  1695. >You're proud of yourself for actually managing to think like her
  1696. >"It's going to be a challenge, that's for sure"
  1697. "If you didn't want a challenge you would have just learned to be a good girl. And you didn't, so you wanted a challenge. But I'm here for you"
  1698. >"Well then, know I appreciate you and everything you've done for me, and... you just being so delicious"
  1699. >She's shifting on her hooves, looking you up and down
  1700. "You're gonna kiss me again, aren't you?"
  1701. >"Are you going to stop me?"
  1702. "Nope"
  1703. >She does taste good
  1704. >She'd like Snowdrop
  1705. >Do you dare set that up?
  1706. >How would you?
  1707. >Would it be a terrible idea?
  1708. >Maybe you should just chill and see if anything happens with the cameramare
  1709. >There's no rush
  1710. >That foal in her is going to be her top priority for a while
  1711. >But she does like you as much as any regular of yours back in your filly days
  1712. >You may have gotten a little older, but you've still got it
  1713. >Even mares want you
  1714. >And it's not even meaningful anymore now that you have a master
  1715. >Rose also has to go to work anyways, so there's no reason for concern
  1716. >It's not like she's asking you to do a show with her without master being there as an audience
  1717. >Which he'd probably like the idea of anyways
  1718. >It almost seems like she understands
  1719. >You hope that's true
  1720. >The last thing you need is some kind of friendship problem with Rose to split master's loyalities between you
  1721. >That's the kind of complicated shit you'd REALLY like to avoid
  1722. >Maybe you SHOULD try to Svengali something between Rose and the cameramare
  1723. >Gotta learn her name first
  1725. >Be El Bronco
  1726. >In the bathroom
  1727. >You just took a shower
  1728. >But now you're on the floor
  1729. >And it's kind of funny, because you're actually up by the ceiling looking down at your body on the floor
  1730. >Which is really fucking weird
  1731. >Your mouth is hanging open, but it looks like you're still breathing
  1732. >Actually it's hard to tell
  1733. >You can't call out or even move because you're not in there to control things
  1734. >This is not you at your best
  1735. >You look old and fucked up, regardless of the job Vidal has been doing keeping the grey out of your mane and mustache
  1736. >Something big just went wrong with you
  1737. >You're pretty sure you would have felt a heart attack
  1738. >Did you just have a fucking stroke?
  1739. >That wasn't supposed to happen - you quit smoking years ago!
  1740. >And you kept the weight off
  1741. >But you knew your blood pressure ran a little high, and avoided seeing a doctor
  1742. >Doctors aren't your thing
  1743. >In retroscpect that was probably a mistake
  1744. >You don't remember hitting the floor, but obviously you did
  1745. >Because there you are, awkwardly on your side, unable to move
  1746. >Shit
  1747. >You don't want the girls to see you like this
  1748. >But it appears you have no say in that matter
  1749. >This could be it, actually
  1750. >Wow
  1751. >How come you're not terrified?
  1752. >Because this doesn't even seem real, though you have no doubt it is
  1753. >There she is - she came at a gallop
  1754. >Your fall must have made some noise
  1755. >She's terrified, panics and screams for Rose
  1756. >If you weren't having an out of body experience you'd be trying to console her
  1757. >And it breaks your heart to see how scared you're making her
  1758. >Rose quickly joins her
  1759. >Rose has a phone, and makes the emergency call
  1760. >It's hard to make out exactly what she's saying
  1761. >But apparently if there actually is any help for this it will be on the way soon
  1762. >"Master, hang on!," your wife pleads
  1763. >Hard to do when you're floating above yourself
  1764. >You wish you could tell her you love her, and she's a good girl
  1765. >If this is how you go out that's gonna be your last regret
  1766. >Second to last, you realize as you look over at Rose, who is not all that far from being due
  1767. >You know the network will take care of your girl now that she has her own show
  1768. >And Rose is in the position to take care of herself
  1769. >But if this is it you'll never see your foal
  1770. >Which is a bit of a tragedy
  1771. >You have no illusions about yourself
  1772. >You are not World's Greatest Dad material
  1773. >But you we're damned sure you were going to try to al least be a good one
  1774. >At worst you'd still have been better than no dad at all, you're sure of that
  1775. >Which might be the case now
  1776. >Or who knows?
  1777. >Maybe you'll manage to pull through this
  1778. >It doesn't look good, though
  1779. >That's a decent last regret if you don't - not being there for the foal
  1780. >Shit, both girls are crying now
  1781. >You feel horrible for putting them through this, but it's out of your hooves at this point
  1782. >And now you have that train leaving the station feeling that means you're about to black out
  1783. >As much as you want to stick around it looks like you have no say in the matter
  1784. >...
  1786. >Be VP
  1787. >You smell like Cloudburst
  1788. >It's got to be on your clothes, because you took a shower after having lunch with her
  1789. >There wasn't a whole lot of eating
  1790. >And the apartment really smells like her, too
  1791. >Her arousal
  1792. >And her piss
  1793. >You've never been with a squirter before
  1794. >She was really self-conscious about it at first
  1795. >You assured her it turned you on
  1796. >Which is true
  1797. >It's not something you ever thought about before, but the idea of a girl -
  1798. >She's not really a girl, so a mare
  1799. >So turned on by you that she loses control of her body functions?
  1800. >That's pretty hot
  1801. >But it means the apartment and everything in it smells like her arousal and piss
  1802. >It also means the shower after is NOT optional
  1803. >Even then she's still marked you with her scent
  1804. >But you figure that's a quality problem
  1805. >And it's not so bad as to seem unprofessional
  1806. >Though you probably want to start keeping a change of clothes at the office for when you indulge in a little afternoon delight
  1807. >Because her scent does linger
  1808. >And while you don't mind - you could swim in it - coworkers might
  1809. >Oh, look guys, it's John the VP smelling like a stable, as usual
  1810. >You don't need that
  1811. >Of course it's the kind of thing that's a lot more noticiable to a pony than a person
  1812. >So it's ever so slightly embarrassing that you're meeting with one this afternoon
  1813. >Not that you really give a fuck about her judgment
  1814. >Except on camera, where it turns out to be gold
  1815. >Even if it's often turned on you in a negative way
  1816. >You're a big boy, you can handle it
  1817. >And what was that Oscar Wilde line?
  1818. >The only thing worse than being talked about it is not being talked about
  1819. >And while you'd prefer not to have your dirty laundry aired on national TV
  1820. >You'll take another hit show any day
  1821. >This meeting is not going to be fun
  1822. >It's something that has to be done, and now, as your secretary is showing her in
  1823. >You brace for it
  1824. >Sure enough the solicitous 'let's be bad together' look you remember from your last encounter with her is gone
  1825. >Replaced with cold loathing
  1826. >You motion for her to take a seat, but she remains standing in front of your desk
  1827. >And you see her nose wrinkle a little
  1828. >She knows exactly what you smell like
  1829. >And she refuses to even meet your eyes
  1830. >Fair enough - let's get this over with
  1831. "I want you to know that I'm pretty broken up about Bronc, and my heart goes out to you"
  1832. >"You know I blame you"
  1833. "And not his drinking?"
  1834. >"I blame you for that, too. You put him in an impossible situation, then totally enabled him to just drink his way out of it"
  1835. "Fair enough. It's a lot more complicated than that, but if that's how you see it you're not worng. For what it's worth I'm sorry"
  1836. >"Sorry won't bring him back," she replies coldly
  1837. "No, it won't. And it's a huge loss for both of us. You especially. I just want you to know you're one of my stars, and you'll be taken care of"
  1838. >"Are you going to be my new master?," she asks with utter contempt
  1839. >You've never had a mare look at you the way she is right now
  1840. >Complete hatred
  1841. >You could just tell her yes
  1842. >And hatefuck her on your desk right now
  1843. >But you know better, having given her a voice to the nation on broadcast TV
  1844. >It doesn't make the idea any less hot
  1845. >And you'd probably roll it around in your mind a little more if you hadn't just been soaked by Cloudburst
  1846. >Who is objectively just as hot, or maybe even a little hotter
  1847. >But the collar she's wearing definately ups her hotness from a nine to a pretty solid dime
  1848. >Gotta get one of those for Cloud, maybe with a few diamonds on it
  1849. "No. We can work out any needs you have in that area in the future. For the time being I'm not going to make any waves in your life"
  1850. >A look of relief flashes across her face for a second, then she's back to cold loathing
  1851. >Good
  1852. >She understands
  1853. "You, Rose and the colt can stay in the penthouse indefinitely. Any particular needs can be taken care of with a call to artist management"
  1854. >"That's kind of a sham, isn't it?"
  1855. "Yeah. I did it for Bronc because it's what he was used to. It keeps a couple interns busy though, and they're authorized by me directly"
  1856. >Pause for dramatic effect and lower your voice
  1857. "So when you call them shit WILL happen"
  1858. >"How do you do it?"
  1859. >Her look softens a little, but her affect remains pretty flat
  1860. "Do what?"
  1861. >"Be so evil and good just randomly? You were that way to master, to Rose and now to me. I don't get it"
  1862. "I could be flip and say what is creativity without a little evil? Fucking New Age music?"
  1863. >She looks at you blankly
  1864. >You sigh
  1865. "This is the entertainment industry. Good and evil are just ways to sell advertising"
  1866. >"Master never really accepted that"
  1867. "He was talent - they all think they're artists"
  1868. >"He was, though. And you crushed that. That's what took him away from me"
  1869. "Maybe. But I'm the one who gave you to him in the first place"
  1870. >"Because you thought it would make for a good show, which eventually it kinda did"
  1871. "What you see in me as good and evil isn't really malice or altruism. It's just business"
  1872. >"I get it. And I'm just a piece of property, which I didn't mind being at all when I was HIS, but now..."
  1873. "He loved you. I should saved the drunken voicemail he left asking us to get you from your previous organization. It was gold"
  1874. >She's tearing up a little
  1875. >"How do I go on from here?"
  1876. "I can't answer that for you. But I can make sure you get whatever it is you need to do it. You're one of my stars now"
  1877. >"I don't feel like a star. I feel like a mare without a master"
  1878. "I could do something about that if you want"
  1879. >"Can I say not just yet?"
  1880. "Sure"
  1881. >"You know, the fact that this is all just business to you doesn't make me hate you any less"
  1882. "I didn't expect it would"
  1883. >"And you smell like pony piss"
  1884. "Yeah, I know"
  1886. End


by AnonymousWritefag

Hippodrome pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Forty Seven's Baby Mama

by AnonymousWritefag