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Blinders Off

By AnonymousWritefag
Created: 2020-12-23 14:50:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Blinders Off
  3. >Be mare
  4. >Cuddling on the couch with colt who really does look like a baby version of master
  5. >No mustache though, just lots of black fluff
  6. >He likes to cuddle
  7. >So even though Rose gave him a name, to you he's Cuddleslut
  8. >Since he seems just as happy to cuddle with you as Rose
  9. >He's warm and fluffy, and him nuzzling into you feels nice
  10. >He's tried to nurse off you a couple times, and was disappointed you had nothing to deliver in that regard
  11. >But it was a strange experience for you
  12. >Actually, the simple act of contact with him is strange, because there's nothing sexual about it
  13. >You try to remember back to when touch from a male wasn't a sexual thing for you
  14. >It would have been some time before you got to the filly brothel
  15. >And the time before that is pretty hazy in your memory
  16. >Though you do remember that you had to LEARN that touch was a sexual thing
  17. >It wasn't something that just occurred to you
  18. >Until it just became that from repitition
  19. >And it's strange, even a little disconcerting to suddenly be in a situation where it isn't
  20. >Even more so because of how much he looks like a little version of master
  21. >And master's touch was definitely sexual
  22. >Was it all the time?
  23. >Maybe not
  24. >He did like to hold you or just lean against you sometimes when it wasn't foreplay or after
  25. >Not a lot, though
  26. >You two had sex almost every day, often more than once
  27. >You miss him, and feel purposeless without him
  28. >Cuddling with Cuddleslut makes it easier, but doesn't make the feeling go away
  29. "He's so cute," you say to Rose, probably for the hundredth time
  30. >"He looks just like his father, doesn't he?," she replies, as usual
  31. >It appears with a foal in the house the two of you are destined to have a lot of the same conversations again and again
  32. >Mostly talking about the little black colt
  33. >Little Cuddleslut
  34. >You've been careful not to call him that in front of her
  35. >Because you're pretty sure she'd take offense, even though you mean it lovingly
  36. >It's also weird to feel lovingly toward somepony else in a way that's completely non sexual
  37. >Somepony else with a penis, that is
  38. >You totally know non sexual love with your friends (who are all mares)
  39. >You just don't remember many non sexual interactions with men or stallions
  40. >Even when they didn't HAVE to be sexual you often let them go that way
  41. >Because that's just what you know - you understand things better that way
  42. >Plus they're usually a lot nicer after they cum
  43. >But Cuddleslut isn't even capable of cumming
  44. >A sexual relationship with him really isn't even an option
  45. >Of course you were having sex long before you were able to cum
  46. >But that's because you were a pretty filly, not a colt
  47. >You think that's how it works
  48. >You don't really know
  49. >Actually, given how some men (and stallions) are you could imagine them having sex with colts
  50. >Just not ones this little
  51. >Thinking about the mechanics of it you sure hope those colts get ice cream after
  52. >Thankfully nothing like that is gonna happen to this little guy
  53. >He's not just a free pony, ut he has a strong mother looking out for him
  54. >Are you jealous?
  55. >Would you want to go back if you could and grow up free with a mother by your side?
  56. >It would probably be nice
  57. >But then you wouldn't be you, and your life would be totally different
  58. >You wouldn't have your friends
  59. >You never would have had a master, even if you don't now
  60. >You miss him, and it's strange to see him reflected in Cuddleslut here
  61. >Who probably sensed you were thinking strange thoughts about him and just started to fuss
  62. >"He's probably hungry again," Rose says
  63. >She puts him on the floor and stands next to him
  64. >He's up and latched on to her in moments
  65. >"That's what I thought"
  66. "Does it feel good when he does it?"
  67. >"Yeah, just not in a sexy way like when you did"
  68. "I was just thinking that. How there's nothing sexy about him. He's the only male I've spent any time with where I wasn't concerned about being sexy"
  69. >"Well he's just a foal. And the spitting image of his sire, so you know he will be sexy someday, just not for a long time"
  70. "I'll be an old mare by then"
  71. >"You won't, but I will"
  72. "I'm sure you'll still be sexy even then"
  73. >"That's the last thing on my mind now"
  74. "I'm never not thinking about it. And I really don't know what to do with myself now that..."
  75. >"I miss him, too. But there's more to who you are than pleasing a stallion. You've got our show, the books you keep"
  76. "Are you telling me I'm not sexy?"
  77. >"You know I think otherwise. It's just hard for me to think about being sexy with my colt nursing"
  78. "He is a huge distraction"
  79. >"What he is is something more important"
  80. >More important than being sexy for your master?!
  81. >No wonder Rose could never be a good girl if that's how she thinks!
  82. >But she's a free pony now, and Cuddleslut IS the most important thing in her life
  83. >"We both defined ourselves in our relationships to men and stallions. I'm not going to do that anymore"
  84. "I miss it. I just want somepony to tell me I'm a good girl"
  85. >"You're a good girl"
  86. "It's not the same, and you know it"
  87. >"Have you ever thought about emancipation?"
  88. "I try not to. That level of insecurity is terrifying to me. I don't think I could ever relax not knowing exactly what to do"
  89. >"Yet that still doesn't sheild you from life's unpredictability"
  90. "It keeps me from having to think about it, because I know what's important"
  91. >"To HIM. What about to you? You're remarkably well set up and smart. Why not live the life you want instead of being a man or stallion's plaything?"
  92. "You're trying to make me gay, Rose, and it's not gonna work"
  93. >"I am not, though that would be nice. But I am talking about agency here. You could have it"
  94. "And what would I do with it?"
  95. >"I don't know. Whatever YOU want for a change"
  96. "Oh, great. Then I'd have to think about that, too."
  97. >"Try it. What do you want?"
  98. "I want master back"
  99. >"I want that, too. But that isn't something we can have. Plenty of other things are. What about them?"
  100. "I wouldn't even know where to start thinking about that. And what makes you think emancipation could be one of those things"
  101. >"Think about it. The network owns you. You're on a show where we talk about sex and slave versus free pony life"
  102. "So?"
  103. >"I know how John thinks. Your freedom could be as simple a matter of whether it would be good for the show"
  104. "We'd lose this place, and that would just be the start of bad changes"
  105. >"We could get a place together in Brooklyn, near Ponytown"
  106. "That sounds like a bad change, all right"
  107. >"You don't care about luxuries. You can't convince me you would balk at more modest accommodations"
  108. "It's not the luxury, it's the security. The network owns me, they take care of me"
  109. >"And if you were free they'd pay you, so would your former organization for doing the books. You'd have a decent income"
  110. >She adds, "And it's not like you couldn't keep track of it. You're already helping me do that. And as for a master..."
  111. "That's kind of a big one"
  112. >"Because you're a sub. Finding a dominant free stallion to play that role for you would probably not be all that hard"
  113. "So settle for roleplay instead of the real thing?"
  114. >"You kind of were with Perfect Pitch. He wasn't really into being your master. He just loved you, so he played along"
  115. >Shit
  116. >You know there's some truth to that
  117. >He DID love you, but his heart was really only a little into being your master
  118. >He did that for you, and you loved him for it
  119. "This really isn't the time to cave in what's left of my world"
  120. >"I'm not saying tomorrow. But imagine someday having a stallion who loved you AND loved dominating you. He wouldn't need to actually own you because..."
  121. "Because he would anyways, even if legally I was a free mare. I never thought of that"
  122. >"Because it was never an option before. We should probably rehash some of this on the show"
  123. "Rose exploits my sadness and fears to convince me I want to be free like her? With a side of possible lesbian subtext?"
  124. >"It would go over well"
  125. >You look down between Rose's legs
  126. >Cuddleslut finished nursing a while ago, and has fallen asleep on the floor
  127. "Looks like somepony's out again"
  128. >"Eating and sleeping is a lot of what they do"
  129. >You're kind of glad you don't have a Cuddleslut of your own
  130. >Not that he isn't totally cute and comfy
  131. >But somepony else dependent on you for everything?
  132. >It'd be like having a master with none of the... rewards
  133. >If he was a colt that would make things around here excessively colty - one useless penis here is more than enough
  134. >And if it'd been a filly you'd want Cuddleslut to be her master
  135. >You could never explain that to Rose, who just nearly convinced you emancipation isn't an awful idea
  136. >And probably could on the show, in front of an audience, cameras and crew
  137. >There's no way you could make the case the half-brother should be the half-sister's master to Rose
  138. >She'd be horrified
  139. >Even though it seems right to you
  140. >Judging right and wrong have never been your strong suits
  141. >Because there don't seem to be any rules about it
  142. >It's not like math, which makes sense
  143. >It's fuzzy, and not in a cute way like Cuddleslut
  144. >There are a few big things that are pretty clear
  145. >Be good to your friends, be generous, try not to be mean, look out for other ponies if you can...
  146. >But beyond that?
  147. >Be a good girl for master
  148. >That's pretty easy to grasp
  149. >Except now you don't have a master
  150. >So how do you be a good girl?!
  151. >How do free ponies do it?
  152. >It's like the rules aren't written down or even agreed upon, and they're different for everypony
  153. >But right now you're kind of in limbo without master
  154. >You may as well be a free pony
  155. >Because you have no master to be a good girl for
  156. >When you asked John if he was your new master it was with complete contempt
  157. >You HATE him
  158. >You hate what he did to Rose, and what he did to master makes him far and away the worst monster you've eveer known
  159. >But he smelled like his good girl
  160. >And maybe she's happy
  161. >Maybe, in spite of being such a horrible man he's somehow a good master
  162. >It's not impossible
  163. >You don't think a man has to be good to be a good master
  164. >And you're ashamed to admit it, but a little piece of you wanted him to say yes
  165. >Yes, I'm your new master, even though you hate me
  166. >It doesn't matter
  167. >Just be a good girl and everything will be fine
  168. >But he didn't say that
  169. >And you feel ashamed for wanting him to
  170. >Because you do hate him
  171. >But a master you hate would still be better than no master, wouldn't it?
  172. >Maybe he wouldn't be so bad if he smelled like you
  173. >No
  174. >That would be horrible
  175. >He's the monster who killed your master
  176. >Then why are you turned on a little?
  177. >Because he knows how to be in charge
  178. >He kind of is your master, in that you're network property and he's the network executive who authorized your purchase
  179. >He could have said yes
  180. >And he knew you knew that
  181. >But chose to leave you hanging
  182. >Like not being picked at the salon
  183. >You shiver thinking about that - it never happened to you, but it was a secret fear you had as a filly
  184. >Not being picked
  185. >You're sure you could have seduced him - you did it before
  186. >You were just too angry to think straight
  187. >You flinch at the thought of him fucking you, even though it does turn you on a little
  188. >You haven't gone this long without that since... you were a filly
  189. >"What are you thinking?," Rose asks
  190. >She noticed you flinch
  191. >You sigh
  192. "What you said about agency. Seems like I have it already, whether I want it or not"
  194. >Be mare
  195. >Rose has bullied you into looking at apartments with her
  196. >Even thouigh she KNOWS you haven't decided whether or not you want to try to get out from under the network's wing
  197. >She's already operating under the idea you two will be roommates
  198. >You three, counting Cuddleslut
  199. >Truth is going with her is easier than listening to her nonstop attempts to convince you to
  200. >And this will be a big day of firsts
  201. >First time either of you will try to negotiate the subway
  202. >You're used to taking cars or network vans everywhere
  203. >First time either of you will see Ponytown, or even Brooklyn for that matter
  204. >You used to live on Staten Island, but never really saw much of it
  205. >Really any of it, if you're being honest
  206. >The brothel was very much a bubble
  207. >So is life at the penthouse, but it's a much bigger bubble
  208. >And now Rose wants to drag you into an even bigger one
  209. >While you admire her confidance you don't share it
  210. >You know neither of you have much in the way of street smarts
  211. >The way you carry yourselves is different from the way the free pony crewmembers on the show do
  212. >Which makes this trip intimidating - something you don't want to do
  213. >But Rose is your friend, and sometimes you do things you don't want to do out of friendship
  214. >This will also be the first time Rose leaves Cuddleslut with a foal sitter
  215. >And you know even though she's excited she's also stressed out about it
  216. >She gave the young free mare who showed up at the penthouse the same set of instructions three times
  217. >And double checked that her phone's battery was fully charged
  218. >As the two of you walk out of your building and onto the sidewalk she turns to you
  219. >"Do you think he'll be OK with the bottle?"
  220. "He didn't like it so much yesterday, but I'm sure he'll deal if he gets hungry enough"
  221. >"Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he's too young to leave with a foal sitter"
  222. "Your call. If you want to call this off I'm fine with it"
  223. >"No. She seemed capable. I've got her number. I'll check in if I don't hear from her"
  224. "Well then the subway is this way"
  225. >You did your research
  226. >You know you have to buy a card at the machine
  227. >You get through that without a hitch
  228. >The turnstiles are a little more of a challenge, obviously being designed for two legs, not four
  229. >The trick is to rear up and kind of fall forward into it
  230. >Almost like a stallion on a mare
  231. >You only know this because you watched another pony do it while you were trying to figure it out
  232. >Definitely not the most dignified act, but you managed to get in
  233. >You took the stairs carefully, because a fall on them would be bad, maybe even deadly
  234. >You wonder if that happens
  235. >Do ponies actually die falling down the stairs in the subway?
  236. >But you make it to the platform for the scariest part of all
  237. >There's nothing between the platform edge abd the tracks the trains loudly come in on
  238. >They painted the edge yellow as a warning, but that's it
  239. >You and Rose stick to the center of the platform until your train arrives and the doors open
  240. >You enter the car and see an area in the rear where other ponies are standing
  241. >Where you entered is all people, so you make your way to the pony section
  242. >Thankfully it's not that crowded at 11AM on a Tuesday, so this only gets you a handful of dirty looks
  243. >The ponies are mostly quiet, and none of them meet your eyes when you look at them
  244. >As the train moves from stop to stop you watch carefully
  245. >Once it gets to Brooklyn you have to change trains at Atlantic Ave
  246. >And it's important not to fuck that up
  247. "Two more stops," you whisper to Rose, "then we change trains"
  248. >By the time you get there only a handful of light colored people are left on the train
  249. >It's mostly dark people, probably the most you've ever been around at one time
  250. >But it seems like you and Rose are invisible to them as long as you stay out of their way
  251. >The station where you have to change is a labyrinth of passages and staircases
  252. >But there are signs telling you where to go
  253. >You make it to the next scary platform without any issues, and again keep to the center until the right train arrives
  254. >So far you're pretty proud of yourself
  255. "I think we've got this," you say to Rose
  256. >Standing on the platform you realize you're not entirely invisible to the people around you
  257. >Some men steal glances at you, particularly your backsides
  258. >And they're really not doing much to hide it
  259. >But it's the little girls who really surprise you
  260. >They wstare right at you, like they're drawn to you
  261. >You don't know a thing about little girls - you've never known any
  262. >But obviously they like ponies, or are at least fascinated by them
  263. >The men don't bother you, but the girls freak you out a little
  264. >It's like you're something the WANT, but in a way that doesn't appear to be sexual
  265. >You're not going to figure that one out on a subway platform, but it's uncanny
  266. >And it's not just you and Rose
  267. >They seem to be like that with all the ponies they pass
  268. >And there are a lot more ponies on this platform than there were on the last one
  269. >A lot more very dark people, too
  270. >They talk abong themselved with some strange accents
  271. >One you're hearing a lot of reminds you of the singing in some music master liked
  272. >Was it Reggae or Reggaeton?
  273. >Reggae was the one he liked
  274. >Which makes sense, because Ponytown is right next to a Caribbean neighbord you have to walk through to get there
  275. >Unless you'd paid more to take a different train at the terminal
  276. >And your card wouldn't work on that train, so it seemed like too much to figure out
  277. >Besides, the nicer places that rent to ponies are actually on the egde of the Caribbean neighborhood
  278. >So this trip is culturally enriching as well
  279. >That's what you've heard about Brooklyn
  280. >It's not just Ponytown there - it's also home to people from all over the world who decided to come to New York
  281. >Walking through the terminal you heard people speaking languages you'd never heard before
  282. >And dressed in a variety of strange outfits
  283. >You are sure to enter the next train with the other ponies, and your second subway ride begins
  284. "Next stop is us"
  285. >"Great. Once we're out of the station I'll take over navigation with my phone"
  286. "I'm counting on it, because I just memorized the train part"
  287. >As you walk out of the station you notice how it's different from where you've been living in Manhattan
  288. >The buildings aren't as tall, nor as grand
  289. >Less glass, metal and concrete, and a lot more bricks
  290. >The brightly painted businesses on their ground floors spillout on to the sidewalks
  291. >All of which seem kind of beat in and a little grimy
  292. >Old is what it is
  293. >You're not seeing a lot of new buildings
  294. >But it's vibrant
  295. >Music spills out of restaurants and retail shops - including Reggae among other music that's new to you ears
  296. >And your nostrils are assulted by a variety of smells, some disgusting, others delicious
  297. >There's a lot more happening at street level - right on the street - than what you're used to
  298. >Some businesses appear to be nothing more than folding tables set up on the sidewalk
  299. >It's almost overwhelming
  300. >Vans driving down the street honk at each other in what seems more like a greeting than annoyance
  301. >Adding to the noisy chaos of it
  302. >People and ponies moving at all different paces on the crowded sidewalks
  303. >Families pushing strollers just... strolling
  304. >People, and even a few ponies walking slowly because they're staring at their phones while they walk
  305. >Rose has put you two in that category as she's figuring out how to get to the first apartment you're supposed to see
  306. >Then there's everyody (and everypony) else trying to get around the slower moving ones
  307. >The whole thing breaks down a little when a greengrocer spills out onto the sidewalk, making for one lane of flow
  308. >On uneven cracked Brooklyn sidewalks
  309. >Several times you just have to stop walking to let people and ponies coming from the oppisite direction pass
  310. >A few comments from behind you lead you to think you might be doing a bit too much of this
  311. >But with Rose constantly checking her phone it's hard to be aggressive
  312. >Soon you're on a much less congested residential side street
  313. >Then another one, where Rose stops and sends a text in front of a brick building like the others on the block
  314. >Old, four stories high
  315. >But one of the sacttered few painted in pastel colors, signifying it's a place with pony renters
  316. >"Micah says he'll be here in five minutes," Rose says
  317. >Which means you have five minutes to kill on a residential sidewalk in Brooklyn
  318. >Could you live here?
  319. >You obviously would not starve like you've heard some ponies do in Ponytown
  320. >You could be making money - you know what you're worth - and the prices at the greengrocers you passed were cheap
  321. >Other ponies live here, too
  322. >Nopony you've passed on the sidewalk or even the few you've seen going in and out of the building seemed desperate
  323. >Or miserable
  324. >Just keeping their heads down
  325. >Because they're not the property of wealthy men or organizations who can protect them
  326. >They're free ponies who've done well enough to become interlopers
  327. >In a world of not so wealthy people
  328. >In a place where the housing stock is tight enough that a "pony 2BDR"
  329. >Which means a one bedroom for people, with a room subdivided
  330. >Rents for $1500 a month
  331. >You know some of the people on the street - those who make little more than free ponies - are unlikely to have much love for you
  332. >Though that won't stop men (or stallions) from checking out your asses
  333. >Which already happened a couple times when Micah arrives
  334. >A young one even said "Damn, that's sexy," like it was nothing as he walked by
  335. >Rose blushed
  336. >Micah is a light colored man, in a black suit, black hat, white shirt, but no tie
  337. >His shirt collar is open and he sports a reddish beard
  338. >If his clothes fit better you'd call him a hipster, but he's not that
  339. >"Hello girls," he says, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we go and see the apartment?"
  340. >He pronounces the "g" on "waiting" almost like it's a "k"
  341. >He leads you up the steps, key in hand, then holds the door open for you
  342. >The small lobby is nicely tiled, but really could use a cleaning, polishing and repainting
  343. >Micah leads you up the marble stairs to the second floor and opens a door labeled 2B
  344. >It's a modest place - three rooms, really, with one subdivided for a total of just over 500 sq ft
  345. >A little cramped for three
  346. >But the walls are charmingly painted with brightly colored stencils
  347. >Micah sees you staring at them
  348. >"We used to always paint the walls white, but whenever ponies move in they change that. At first we just kept their security deposits and replainted," he says
  349. >And continues, "But it kept happening again and again, so we just leave it now"
  350. >"I love it," Rose gushes, "It's totally Equestrian"
  351. >"That's what everypony says," he responds. "My daughter says it reminds her of tole painting. Her husband is an antiques dealer"
  352. >Funny to hear a man say "everypony"
  353. >"So we just leave it now," he continues, "because if we paint over it somepony else is eventually going to repaint it anyways"
  354. >"It reminds me of home," Rose says whistfully
  355. >"Isn't that what everyone does when they come here?," he asks, "Bring a little bit of the Old World to the New?"
  356. >You never thought of Equestria as the Old World, but what he's saying seems to resonate with Rose who is nodding along as he talks
  357. >"I know my family did," he rattles on, "Just like most of the other families here"
  358. >"Speaking of family there would be three of us," Rose replies, "I've got a foal"
  359. >Micah looks from Rose to you and back
  360. >"Not every family follows tradition," he answers, "But I have a bigger place just a couple blocks away for nineteen-fifty"
  361. >That's at the very top of the budget IF you decide to do this with Rose
  362. >And too much for her to do responsibly on her own
  363. >"Maybe you'd like I should show you?," he asks
  364. >"We have a couple other appointments, but if it's close by we can take a look," Rose replies
  365. >The next few hours pass in similar fashion
  366. >Two other men much like Micah show you similar apartments
  367. >Of the four you see only one had stark white walls
  368. >And it had to be the nicest of the bunch, especially for what they were asking in rent
  369. >After seeing the painted apartments Rose was a little put off by how plain it seemed
  370. "What's your policy on tenants painting the walls?," you asked
  371. >The man showing to the place rolled his eyes and said, "Technically you're not allowed to, but we know there's no way around it"
  372. >Now you're back on the sidewalk heading for Ponytown proper
  373. >Rose is texting Crystal, who has promised to show you around in return for lunch at an Equestrian restaurant
  374. >Crystal is one of the cameramares from the show
  375. >The one who has practically insinuated herself into the cast
  376. >You're not sure, but you think she might have a little crush on Rose
  377. >Which would be convenient
  378. >If it's true you intend to help it along however you can
  379. >You reach the corner where you're supposed to meet, and Crystal isn't there yet
  380. >Rose uses the opportunity to check in with the foalsitter for the third time
  381. >You soon spot Crystal coming toward you
  382. >She's smiling, but shaking her head
  383. >"Hey, you two," she says, "I'll bet you got some looks in the subway and on the street"
  384. "We did. What are we doing wrong?"
  385. >"First off," Crystal begins, "you're a bit over coiffed. You look like you should be getting out of a black car"
  386. >"Thanks again. I gotta go," Rose says into her phone
  387. >"But THAT," Crystal gestures to your collar, "has GOT to come off"
  388. "My collar?"
  389. >"The two of you walking around like that," Crystal says dismissively, "Makes it look like Rose owns you"
  390. >Rose smiles, "Really?"
  391. >"Really," Crystal answers, "and ponies owning other ponies is a very unpopular idea around here"
  392. >That might explain some of the catcalls and funny looks you've gotten
  393. >And Micah saying you weren't traditional might have meant a lot more than just thinking you were lesbians
  394. >You don't want to take off the collar master got for you
  395. >But you realize you have to, so you do
  396. >"That's better, "Crystal saya, "Now let me show you around Ponytown"
  398. >Be mare
  399. >Sitting in a restaurant with Crystal and Rose
  400. >Without your collar on, surrounded by ponies
  401. >Free ponies
  402. >And no people at all, just ponies
  403. >It strikes you as a little sad that this is a novel experience for you
  404. >It feels good to be surrounded by your own kind
  405. >But you're torn by the feeling that you're not really one of them
  406. >And they know it, because it turns out a lot of them watch your show
  407. >Crystal is kind of a local celebrity
  408. >And Rose is obviously somepony they root for
  409. >But their reaction to you?
  410. >Those who recognize you seem to give off a vibe of pity mixed with some...
  411. >You can't tell if it's jealousy or resentment, but it's something negative
  412. >Like they feel sorry for you, but also want to hate you
  413. >And feeling sorry wins out
  414. >This has played out several times as ponies stopped the three of you as you wandered around Ponytown
  415. >But the best example was the mare who asked you for your autographs
  416. >Crystal wrote "To", then the mare's name, the word "Best" and then her own name in clear block letters
  417. >Roseluck wrote what you assume was something similar in script
  418. >You of course never learned to write, or even how to sign your name
  419. >So you made an "X" on the piece of notebook paper under where Crystal and Rose had written
  420. >Before that the mare looked at you with a little hint of what you figured was disgust
  421. >It certainly wasn't the same excitement warmth she gave Crystal and Rose
  422. >Like they were the good celebrities and you were the bad one
  423. >But after seeing your awkward signature
  424. >Your mark - face it, that's really what it was
  425. >She looked like she was about to cry
  426. >For you
  427. >Which seemed crazy, because she lives here in Ponytown and you live in a penthouse in Manhattan
  428. >Yet she clearly felt sorry for you
  429. >And you're pretty sure it wasn't because you recently lost your master/husband
  430. >If that had been it she would have looked sorry for you from the start
  431. >And she didn't
  432. >One pony did express sympathy for you that way though
  433. >A skinny stallion about your age came right up to you on the street and said, "Sorry about your loss"
  434. >He was nervous, and mumbled it, not able to maintain eye contact
  435. >By the time you realized what he'd said he was gone
  436. >But that meant something
  437. >You're not completely a foreigner here
  438. >But you are somepony who talks about very personal and controversial things on television
  439. >And for the first time you're walking the streets where ponies who watch, and have their own opinions about it actually live
  440. >And apparently they have very mixed feelings about you
  441. >Complete strangers have strong but mixed feelings about you
  442. >That is really weird
  443. >The only feeling you're used to complete strangers having for you is sexual desire
  444. >THAT you can deal with
  445. >The whole low rent celebrity thing is new ground entirely
  446. >It does make you a little anxious, but it's exciting, too
  447. >Sitting here in the Equestrian restaurant you can tell your table is the focus of attention for the whole room
  448. >Kind of like being on the show, but without the cameras
  449. >Not entirely without the cameras
  450. >One young mare did come up and ask if she could take a selfie with the three of you
  451. >Crystal gently told her you were trying to enjoy your lunch so now wasn't a good time
  452. >At first that seemed a little rude to you
  453. >But it's dawning on you that if she'd said yes half the ponies in the restaurant would have followed
  454. >And your entire lunch would have been nothing but posing for selfies
  455. >You're pretty sure you've seen a few ponies fiddling with their phones taking stealth pics of your party anyways
  456. >Eventually an older stallion in a white apron approaches your table
  457. >"Everything OK here?," he asks
  458. >"It's amazing," Rose says, beaming. "Really takes me back to Ponyville"
  459. >"Happy to hear it," he responds. "I was a chef back home, so I try to keep things as authentic as possible here"
  460. >"I haven't had a heyburger this good since...," Rose trails off, misty eyed
  461. >"Just doing my little part to keep some of the magic alive. Enjoy your lunch, ladies"
  462. >His eyes were misty, too
  463. >That happens a lot when ponies from Equestria talk about it
  464. >It must have been one hell of a place
  465. >You're sure they're romanticizing it at least a little
  466. >But it still sounds like it was borderline paradise
  467. >Just a paradise with magic and monsters
  468. >The food was obviously good, though
  469. >You never got what the big deal was about hayburgers before
  470. >They're OK, but ponies then to overhype them
  471. >The one you're halfway through definitely lives up to the hype
  472. >That old stallion - his cutie mark was a spatula - knows hiw way around the grill, for sure
  473. >You'd almost consider another trip to Ponytown just for another hayburger
  474. >It's so good you're thinking about the next one before you've finished the one in front of you
  475. >The only other food that ever moved you like this was an Italian hoagie when you were a filly
  476. >And that was mostly because it was the saltiest, naughtiest thing you's ever eaten
  477. >That and it was a man being kind to you when he had no real reason to be
  478. >Well, looking back there was a motive behind it
  479. >But you weren't going to begrudge him a sexual favor or two when that's what you spent half the day doing anyways
  480. >That's another way you're different from most ponies you know
  481. >And most ponies here in Ponytown, you assume
  482. >You and your friends growing up had A LOT more sex than most mares do
  483. >You've become a little careful about how many fillyhood stories you share with Rose
  484. >Because you've shocked her again and again, even though she tries to be cool about it
  485. >And if you can shock somepony who spent years as a bedmare you've definitely had a lot of sex
  486. >You miss it, too
  487. >It's part of who you are
  488. >The word Rose would use is validate
  489. >Sex is part of how you validate yourself
  490. >You may not be 100% sure of what that means exactly
  491. >But you grasp the general concept, and agree with it
  492. >"You're pretty quiet," Rose says to you
  493. "This is all a lot to take in. And I'm still thinking about him. I see why he never came here. He would have been ashamed"
  494. >Crystal nods and says, "I think most ponies understood he didn't have a choice in what he did. The shame was how good he was at it"
  495. >"And you can't blame yourself for what happened. You who know who is to blame for it"
  496. "Yeah, they guy who's the reason the three of us are here having lunch together in the first place"
  497. >Neither mare responds
  498. "But I feel so stupid about it. I didn't know anything about drinking. I didn't know the way he drank was that dangerous"
  499. >"You're not a doctor," Crystal replies. "How are you supposed to know about high blood pressure and stroke risks?"
  500. >"I just assumed he was under doctor's care," Rose says, "because he was so valuable to the network"
  501. "All they cared about was whatever it took to get him in front of the camera. Even if it killed him"
  502. >"How could you have fought that?," Crystal asks. "You couldn't have"
  503. "No. But if I hadn't been so ignorant - if I'd known what he was at risk for I would have pushed him to see a doctor"
  504. >"You can't blame yourself for what happened," Rose says firmly
  505. "I don't blame myself. I just feel like if I'd been a little better informed I could have prevented it"
  506. >"You can only know what you know," Crystal adds, "so you couldn't have prevented it because you didn't know"
  507. "They did an autopsy. They had to for insurance. Turns out he was a ticking time bomb. If it hadn't been a stroke..."
  508. >You gather yourself for a second, because you don't want to break down in a restaurant with so many pony eyes on you
  509. "He could have had a massive pancreatitis attack any second"
  510. >"What's that?," Rose asks
  511. "I had to look it up. In heavy drinkers as they get older their pancreas can just blow up. It's not always fatal, but with somepony like master..."
  512. >Keep it together, ponies are watching you
  513. "There's a good chance it could have killed him. I didn't know any of this stuff. Doctors do. If I could have gotten him to see one..."
  514. >"You had no way to know," Crystal replies. "You can't keep asking yourself 'What if?'"
  515. >"You CAN, actually," Rose says, "It's just a bad idea. You'll drive yourself crazy for nothing, then there'll be two tragedies instead of one"
  516. "You two are right. There's no way I could have known. I grew up in a brothel, and can't even sign my name"
  517. >That really sounds like you're feeling sorry for yourself
  518. >But this whole experience has been enotional
  519. >And on top of your recent loss it DOES make you feel sorry for yourself
  520. "I can barely read. Without a computer I couldn't even do math, and accounting is my special talent"
  521. >"You've got a lot on your plate right now," Rose says, "but you have friends who can listen and help out"
  522. >"I'd say you're holding up really well," Crystal says. "Becoming a celebrity, losing your husband - that's a lot for anypony"
  523. >"Not to mention being here," Rose says. "I'm emotionally on the edge myself just being surrounded by so many ponies"
  524. "Who are watching us and all know our business. Half of them could guess exactly what we're talking about"
  525. >"You're probably right," Crystal says. "If you need to have a little pity party you've come to the right place"
  526. "I don't deserve to be pitied. We walked by skinny fillies and colts begging on the street half an hour ago"
  527. >Knowing Rose is on the edge emotionally somehow makes it easier to control your own feelings
  528. >You don't want to set her off
  529. "I've never gone hungry a day in my life. And I'm sitting in a restaurant while they're on the street. THEY deserve pity, not me"
  530. >"That's what's getting me," Rose replies, "How much this is like Equestria, but how much rougher and more tragic it is"
  531. >"You're still in New York," Crystal says, "Great place if you have a little money, not so great if you don't"
  532. >To you she adds, "My point is bad things happen to everypony. When they do it's only natural to feel sorry for yourself and others to pity you"
  533. "I don't have to like it, though"
  534. >""I don't think anypony likes it," Crystal responds, "It's just the way things are. Just like nopony likes the poverty and decay here..."
  535. >"That's what's getting to me," Rose says
  536. >"There's not much we can do about it," Crystal answers, "Yet. We'll get there. That's the dream we're working toward"
  537. "Sounds like a dream, all right"
  538. >Oops. Didn't mean to be THAT sarcastic.
  539. >"Without struggle there can be no progress," Crystal says, then adds, "That's from Fredrick Douglass"
  540. >That gets her blank stares from both you and Rose
  541. >"A big figure in black American history. Escaped from slavery to help lead to the end of it," Crystal says, a little surprised
  542. >"I'm guessing figures like that from black history are popular here?," Rose asks
  543. >"They're inspiring, and are generally admired. We just have to be careful about how much we let it show sometimes"
  544. "Why?"
  545. >"Because to a lot of blacks the struggle is ongoing," she replies. "We want them to stand in solidarity with us, not see us as co-opting their history for our own purposes"
  546. "I dare you to say that on the show"
  547. >"I would say that on the show without a second's hesitation," Crystal responds firmly
  548. "It's your struggle, not mine"
  549. >"That's what makes you so infuriating to viewers here," she responds. "You live in a penthouse and support slavery because YOU have it good"
  550. "Duh"
  551. >"Yet under that system you lived a life of what most viewers would consider horrific sexual abuse, from the time you were a little filly"
  552. "I don't like the word abuse. Makes me sound like a victim"
  553. >"That's what's infuriating about you. To still be so naive after what you've been through is astounding"
  554. "You don't have to mock me"
  555. >"I'm not. I consider you a friend. I'm just trying to explain something to you"
  556. "What then?"
  557. >"How you've been manipulated. Your wedding turned you and El Bronco into symbols of they lie THEY want to spread about slavery"
  558. "Who's they?"
  559. >"Those who profit from it. Those who think they're good people but own slaves. The politicians who get elected on pro-slavery agendas"
  560. "OK, go on then"
  561. >"You had a lavish wedding studded with celebrities, then went home to a penthouse. It was televised. What message does that send about slavery to the nation?"
  562. "That we were very lucky?"
  563. >"That some slaves have it better than free ponies, or even most people"
  564. "Some do. That was us"
  565. >"Right, but did you think about why you were put in the position to send that popular message?"
  566. "Because people are fascinated with celebrities? Ponies are, too"
  567. >"It created something anti-abolitionists could point to and say, 'See, slavery isn't all so bad. Look at these ponies'"
  568. "That doesn't effect me. I'm just concerned with myself and the ponies around me, trying to do the best I can for them"
  569. >"That's noble when what you say only effects those ponies around you. But you're on national TV now. Like it or not you shape opinions of ponies and people you'll never meet"
  570. >"Shit," Rose says. "I hadn't even fully considered THAT"
  571. >"Obviously," Crystal answers, "but your opinions are a lot less dangerous to ponies than hers"
  572. "So now I've got to think about what's good for everypony before I say or do anything?"
  573. >"On camera, yeah," Crystal replies. "That would be great. I didn't mean for this to be an ambush, but I wasn't going to say it on the show"
  574. "Why not?"
  575. >"They haven't really censored us much yet," she responds, "And right now viewers are sympathetic to both of you"
  576. >She adds to you, "Even though ponies mostly disagree with you, and hate your opinions"
  577. "Why would they be sympathetic then?"
  578. >"Because your -quote - husband, the poster child for this lie about slavery just drank himself to death, proving it was a lie"
  579. "So now I'm supposed to suddenly be on your side?"
  580. >"Now at least you can see what's happening. Where you go from there is up to you. But ponies, and people will listen to you"
  581. "I don't want to be listened to. I just want to be a good girl"
  582. >"You've done plenty of that. You've been VERY good by THEIR definition. Why not try doing something REALLY good for a change?"
  583. >"Back off a little," Rose says. "No need to give her the hard sell. Neither of us have really thought this through as well as we could have"
  584. "My dream was a lie?! And I'm some kind of horrible victim?! What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?"
  585. >"Move forward like the rest of us," Crystal responds. "Or at least consider it. I was thinking we could do a segment or episode from here"
  586. "This restaurant, or Ponytown?"
  587. >"Ponytown, but we could probably shoot here specifically," Crystal replies, "Show the world the good, bad and ugly of Ponytown"
  588. >"You know I'd probably break down on camera," Rose says
  589. >"And that wouldn't be good TV?," Crystal answers
  590. "If we were going for your agenda why not just do an expose on the horrors of slavery itself?"
  591. >"I doubt we could get away with that," Crystal responds dismissively, "But you've been doing a good job coming at it sideways"
  592. "What do you mean?"
  593. >"Every time you talk about your fillyhood in a brothel," she answers, "that shocks the shit out of viewers"
  594. >"Yeah," Rose adds, "I had no idea places like that existed until I met you. That PETA video going viral also did a lot of good"
  595. >"You've actually done A LOT of good already," Crystal says, "So if you could just cool it on the self-serving pro-slavery comments that would be great"
  596. >Cool it?
  597. >That's kind of insulting
  598. >A good chunk of the show, as you see uit at least, is based around you and Rose bantering back and forth
  599. >And you can't do that if you don't have opinions
  600. >It might just be too bad that Crystal doesn't like them
  601. >But you never thought that your opinions could have effects, maybe negative ones on ponies you'll never even meet
  602. >You've always just looked out for yourself and those around you
  603. >You never thought of big picture stuff because it didn't concern you
  604. >But now you're a celebrity, and what you say gets heard
  605. >Which probably does mean you have some kind of responsibility
  606. >To be sure you're not saying things that could hurt other ponies
  607. >Then again she's the one quoting black abolitionists from human slave times
  608. >And you're pretty sure it took a civil war for them to finally get their way
  609. >But you're aware you're not going to win this one in a room full of free ponies, so you let is drop
  610. >On the way out of the restaurant a few ponies approach you for selfies and autographs, and Crystal relents
  611. >It takes you a good fifteen minutes to get back to the sidewalk
  612. >You part ways with Crystal and start walking back toward the subway
  613. >Rose is quiet and remains sao on the train
  614. "What did you think of Ponytown?"
  615. >"Overwhelming"
  616. "It was for me, too. What got you about it?"
  617. >"Every time I started feeling the magic of being back in Equestria I looked around and it was so obviously a slum in New York"
  618. "Yeah. It's definitely a slum"
  619. >"Yeah. But what a mix of cheerful and depressing. Right on top of each other. What got you?"
  620. "The poverty. I don't care if the buildings are run down and everypony's manes are poorly styled. But too many visible ribs on the street gets to me"
  621. >"Right. They say you can never be too thin, but a lot of ponies there were just that"
  622. "Then there's that free pony attitude that really annoys me"
  623. >"What attitude?"
  624. "You CAN'T just accept things the way they are. There HAS to be a struggle to change things for the better"
  625. >"You don't believe in changing things for the better?"
  626. "I don't believe the things I say are all so dangerous when what she's talking about is pretty much a civil war!"
  627. >Rose gives you a concerned look
  628. >"We're not in Ponytown anymore," she whispers. "We probably shouldn't be talking about this in public"
  629. "Thank you for proving me right. And the moment we get out of the subway I'm putting my collar back on"
  630. >"I won't think less of you for that. But does this mean you won't be moving with me to Brooklyn?"
  631. "I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet. I don't even know if it's a option, really"
  632. >"You could ask and find out"
  633. "Another day, maybe. Today was intense enough"
  634. >So who is she to tell you about saying dangerous things?
  636. >Be mare
  637. >Doing the show again
  638. >Sitting next to Rose and Ada Maria, with Moonglow next to her
  639. >The cameras are in front of you, the center one operated by Crystal Clear
  640. >The fifth member of the cast
  641. >Ada Maria turns to you and Rose and says, "So I heard you two went to Ponytown this week. Impressions?"
  642. "Well, it's not going to be a tourist attraction any time soon"
  643. >Rose laughs and says, "It's definitely a real neighborhood. Like a piece of Equestria transported to Brooklyn"
  644. "And not the trendy part of Brooklyn, either. The run down part"
  645. >"Yeah, it's not Williamsburg, that's for sure," Crystal adds. "But there are lots of fans of the show there"
  646. >"So we ought to give a shout out to Ponytown," Ada Maria says. "Anypony from Ponytown in the house?"
  647. >A few ponies in the audience stomp their hooves and cheer loudly
  648. >"It was wild to just be stopped on the street for autographs and selfies," Rose says
  649. "That almost never happens in Manhattan"
  650. >"So are you and Rose going to join Crystal and become Ponytown residents?," Ada Maria asks
  651. "We were looking... or Rose was looking just outside of Ponytown proper"
  652. >"You were looking with me," Rose replies
  653. "It's for moral support at the moment. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'm still network property, after all"
  654. >"Right," Moonglow says. "You don't actually have any say in where you live, or anything, really"
  655. "I'm kind of in limbo though, because I don't have a master. I don't even know what my options are, if there are any"
  656. >"That's got to be tough," Moonglow replies
  657. "All I know is I'm taken care of. And I saw some ponies who clearly weren't in Brooklyn"
  658. >"Freedom is a double edged sword," Rose says, "You gain autonomy and self-determination, but you have to sink or swim on your own"
  659. >"And the table isn't exactly tilted in your favor," Ada Maria replies
  660. >"That's an understatement," Crystal answers. "Some free ponies are very poor. We do our best to try to look after everypony, but..."
  661. "There were still a lot of very skinny ponies walking around"
  662. >"It's a work in progress," Crystal says a little defensively. "At least we're free. Our lives have more value than just pleasing men"
  663. "Hey! I may have grown up feeling like a pincushion for dicks - maybe not an ideal situation - but I NEVER went hungry"
  664. >"And if you have a good master like I do," Moonglow chimes in, "you almost never fantasize about being free"
  665. >"That's not something you can count on, though." Rose replies. "I had it really good until I didn't"
  666. "It's more complicated than that and you know it. You did betray him"
  667. >"Yeah, with your encouragement," Rose shoots back
  668. "And a mouthful of his dick so you could. I wasn't trying to blow up your life. I thought I was being generous"
  669. >Murmurs from the audience range from amusement to shock
  670. >"You were," Rose admits. "And everything worked out for the better, so far, at least"
  671. >And Rose gets a small round of applause for that line
  672. >Actually it's for the both of you probably
  673. >It's hard to really tell
  674. >"OK, girls," Ada Maria says, "Let's get things back on track. No need to make more work for the editors and censors. Ponytown. Back to that"
  675. "I did have the best hayburger and fries of my life there"
  676. >"That Equestrian restaurant Crystal took us to really was just like home," Rose replies
  677. "If you're not food insecure in Ponytown you can eat really well, entirely in the company of other ponies"
  678. >"There's that, too," Rose replies. "When you've gotten used to being one of the only ponies in the room and suddenly..."
  679. "It's ponies everywhere. Hardly any people. That was a new thing for me, not to have to be looking up all the time"
  680. >"It's a feeling I'd almost forgotten," Rose replies. "Just being another pony"
  681. >"To be fair," Crystal pipes up, "the three of us weren't just other ponies there. The show makes that impossible"
  682. >"Still," Rose replies, "There's a feeling of being among your own kind that I'd missed. Even the way the apartments were painted"
  683. >Crystal laughs
  684. >"What do you mean?," Moonglow asks
  685. >"When ponies are in charge of the decor," Rose replies, "things start looking like Equestria"
  686. "Bright colors, little painted hearts and stuff. Plain white walls are not a thing there"
  687. >"You can tell where ponies live," Rose says, "because even if it's a little run down it's painted to look cheerful"
  688. "I'd call it relentlessly cheerful"
  689. >"You should have seen Equestria," she replies, "Ponies would burst into song on the street. Sometimes in Ponyville it seemed like the whole town was singing"
  690. "That doesn't happen in Brooklyn, does it?," you ask Crystal
  691. >"Sometimes," she replies, "though it's usually just a few ponies, and everypony else just gathers around them"
  692. >"I'd love to see that," Rose says whistfully
  693. >"I think we all would," Ada Maria adds
  694. >Shit, Crystal's idea!
  695. >She's smiling at you
  696. "Well, maybe we should all go sometime. Like, take the show there"
  697. >That gets you a round of applause, which includes scattered hoof stomps
  698. >More ponies are showing up in the audience each week
  699. >And not all of them have the hungry look and bad mane styles of free ponies
  701. >Riding home in the van with Rose your mind won't stop
  702. >You're thinking about something Crystal said
  703. >How what you say sends a message
  704. >And how shows send messages THEY want to send
  705. >Which sounds paranoid, but does make sense
  706. >It takes a lot of money to make a show, apparently
  707. >And to be successful advertisers have to want to help pay for it
  708. >That's a lot of complicated big picture stuff you don't understand the nuances of
  709. >But you've decided to try, because you don't like the idea of being ignorant
  710. >Even if you dislike the way EVERYTHING gets so complicated when you look at it long enough
  711. "Help me understand something, Rose"
  712. >"What?"
  713. "The message we're sending. In John's other shows it's pretty clear. But not with ours"
  714. >"We're pretty close to it, so it might be hard to see. What are you thinking?"
  715. "Well, Hippodrome clearly sends the message that pony lives are only as valuable as the entertainment they provide"
  716. >"Yeah, unfortunately"
  717. "And if Crystal is right my wedding showed that some slaves live fabulous lives"
  718. >"Crystal has a very particular slant to her views. I sympathize with it, but don't entirely agree with her"
  719. "Let's just say she's right. The attempt at Yours Truly was more of the same, then"
  720. >"OK..."
  721. "All shows with messages that support a pro slavery stance"
  722. >"Well, John did own me. And now he owns another mare. He's not an abolitionist"
  723. "Then what is he doing with us on Blinder's Off? It doesn't fit the message he's been sending"
  724. >"He's not an ideolouge. If he has an agenda it's getting his name on hit shows"
  725. "But he's contradicting himself"
  726. >"That's because he doesn't care about the message, really. Just whether or not it will resonate with viewers"
  727. "So then what's the message we're sending?"
  728. >"I don't know... maybe what mares have to say matters? Or at least it's interesting?"
  729. "We have a ridiculous amount of leeway, though. It's unscripted, and barely censored"
  730. >"He's always talking about the zeitgeist. Maybe he feels America is ready to hear what ponies actually think"
  731. "Coming from a bunch of pretty mares, of course"
  732. >"Well that can't hurt"
  733. "It just feels like we're being played somehow"
  734. >"This is the entertainment industry"
  735. "More than that"
  736. >"Well there is a free pony middle class emerging - you saw it in Brooklyn. Which means ponies are about to be a marketing demographic"
  737. "That makes more sense"
  738. >"And while our show isn't exactly a hit it's doing well with men ages 18-24, which is enough to keep it on the air until..."
  739. "Until what?"
  740. >"Hopefully until they start tracking pony viewers, and discover we're one of the top shows with ponies"
  741. "It seemed that way in Ponytown"
  742. >"John's talking a chance on pony viewers, and it isn't even that big a risk, because our show costs almost nothing to make"
  743. "What makes you say that?"
  744. >"Think about it. No writers. No actors. No expensive location shoots. Free pony crew. It's cheap enough to take a risk with"
  745. "What's the reward?"
  746. >"Advertizers targeting ponies will buy ads during our show, driving up the value of a very cheap to produce program"
  747. "And John's name is on another hit. He's really that smart?"
  748. >"His instincts are very good. And this is pretty much what he thinks about all day long. I used to have to hear a lot of it"
  749. "What I don't get is our solid numbers with men 18-24. They can't all be message agnostic like John. Lots of them have to HATE what we say"
  750. >"Lots of them are probably watching with the sound off"
  751. "What? Oh, I get it. And their dicks in their hands?"
  752. >"That's so gross. Don't make me think about that. But I'm sure we have plenty of viewers who tune in just to see pretty mares on TV"
  753. "Why don't they just get pretty mares of their own?"
  754. >"Because they don't have the money. Or if they do it's tied up in a house, a wife or the kids' college fund"
  755. "I guess that's why renting is so popular"
  756. >"Says the mare who grew up in a brothel"
  757. "Business was good. Still is"
  758. >"What kind of man looks at a filly and thinks 'Yes, I want to have sex with her'?"
  759. "You wouldn't ask that question if you'd seen Skydancer back in the day. I bet you would have wanted her, too"
  760. >"She is a beautiful mare, I'll give you that"
  761. "And you're way too old for her. For her taste, anyways"
  762. >"Oh, great. Now you're making me wonder what she tastes like"
  763. "I couldn't tell you. We never hooked up. And not because SHE wasn't interested. I wasn't"
  764. >"I can imagine she was. But I already know what you taste like"
  765. "And you know I'm not interested in that with you, either"
  766. >"It was fun there for a while though"
  767. "We drove him pretty wild, didn't we?"
  769. >Be VP
  770. >You've been following the show
  771. >Blinders Off has been successful
  772. >You feel like a genius for it
  773. >Especially after the failure of your Yours Truly concept
  774. >It's even more controversial than Hippodrome
  775. >And you're amazed the higher ups haven't given you any blowback
  776. >Probably because it's profitable
  777. >You knew the demographic was out there
  778. >You knew the time was right
  779. >But you have no idea what the ramifications of it will be
  780. >In a way it's noble - you're giving a voice to the voiceless
  781. >But that isn't what drives you, so you're not going to kid yourself
  782. >You just love stirring up controversy and profiting from it
  783. >Wich it turns out there's a market for at the moment, and you're good at delivering it
  784. >Who knew tiny talking horses would be such a big deal?
  785. >If someone had told you this a decade ago you would have laughed at them
  786. >Back then they were a threat that had to be dealt with firmly
  787. >Dangerous creatures from another world that had to be put in their place, lest they take our world away from us
  788. >Now you're fucking one, and have two hit shows focused around them
  789. >And you have this meeting with one you hate
  790. >The slut who threw a monkey wrench into the good thing you had going with Rose
  791. >But you were smart about it, and spun it into gold
  792. >A lesser man couldn't have done that
  793. >Also it's hard to really hate her now that you have some idea of just how fucked up the poor thing is
  794. >Which makes for great television
  795. >But really has the Beards right up against the limits of what the censors will allow
  796. >Thankfully the FCC is not all over your ass
  797. >Good to be Fox with a Republician in the white house
  798. >Gives you mopre leeway than you'd probably otherwise get
  799. >Which suits your style just fine
  800. >Nothing like being in the right place at the right time
  801. >And it feels like that's exactly where you are
  802. >So you better milk this for all it's worth
  803. >The decision you make today will have an impact on that
  804. >And you really haven't made it yet
  805. >This one is going to go down in real time
  806. >Right now, in fact, because she's walking through the door to your office right now
  807. "Welcome. How can I help you?"
  808. >She doesn't meet your gaze
  809. >Nor does she respond
  810. "Is today the day you ask me to emancipate you?"
  811. >"I don't know," she mumbles
  812. "Then what can I do for you? I don't need my time wasted"
  813. >"Master, I..."
  814. "Master?," you laugh
  815. >"You are, though. If anyone is my master it's you"
  816. "I suppose. But that's not a role I intend to take on. Don't think I haven't thought about it, though"
  817. >She gives you a pleading look
  818. >"Why can't you just tell me what to do?"
  819. >Oh, man
  820. >A younger you would have jumped on this
  821. >But your appetites are less keen these days, and pretty much satisfied by Cloudburst
  822. >More than satisfied, actually
  823. "The hate sex would be amazing, wouldn't it?"
  824. >She blushes
  825. "And I know you well enough to know you'd get off even harder than I would, even though you hate me, or maybe because of it"
  826. >She blushes even harder
  827. "This is bigger than you. It's bigger than me now. We have viewers who are invested in you figuring things out for yourself"
  828. >"I don't want to figure things out for myself. Can't you just step up and stop pretending you're not my master?"
  829. "I only have so much bandwidth. Being Cloudburst's master is all I've got room for"
  830. >"She's a good girl?"
  831. "It's not your business, but yes. She's a very good girl"
  832. >Shit
  833. >This hurts to watch
  834. >Maybe you should give her just a little of what you know she wants
  835. "You are, too"
  836. >You get up from your chair an slowly walk toward her
  837. >She looks down at the floor, but doesn't shrink from your approach
  838. >You reach a hand down to caress her mane
  839. >She winces at first, then leans into you
  840. "You are a good girl. And I understand this isn't the position you want to be in"
  841. >"It isn't, master"
  842. "Don't call me that. There are things you can get from me. You can remain network property, you can ask me under what conditions I might grant your emancipation"
  843. >Another pleading look
  844. >Why not just give her what she wants?
  845. >Put her up in the apartment with Cloudburst
  846. >Roughly fuck the hell out of her every now and then
  847. >Like a regular diet of that wouldn't fuck with your head
  848. >Make you into some kind of predator or something
  849. >It wouldn't be good for your mental health, even if your dick would love it
  850. >Probably exactly because your dick would love it
  851. "But you can't have me. I'm not going to be your master"
  852. >"Please"
  853. >She's groveling, and your dick is responding to it
  854. >Could you?
  855. >No
  856. >It would totally fuck up the show
  857. >A lot of the value she brings to it is wrestling with this issue
  858. >Her going through this process is part of the drama
  859. >You'd be a fool to get in the way of that
  860. >Especially over pussy when you have all you need in another small horse
  861. >Who even has wings, which makes her even sexier than the one whose mane you're absent-mindedly caressing
  862. >Which is probably sending her a mixed message
  863. "You don't have to make a decision now, but you have to go through the process of making one"
  864. >"Why do I have to?"
  865. "You tell me"
  866. >"The show?"
  867. "Damn right"
  868. >Your dick is a little sad at how this is going, so you let your mind wander to last night with Cloudburst
  869. >Sucking daddy's dick like a good girl
  870. >Shit, down boy!
  871. >She notices
  872. >"You want me, though. I know you want me"
  873. "Of course I want you. But I want the show to continue being a success even more. And just taking you like you want me to would get in the way of that"
  874. >"That's a lot of self-control"
  875. "Why do you think I have the big office?"
  876. >"You could just take me for a little while, just to see what it's like. I know I could please you..."
  877. >Shit, this is a hard sell
  878. "I have no dfoubt about that, just like I have no doubt about what a good girl you are. I just have other priorities"
  879. >Now she's making eye contact
  880. >Total bedroom eyes
  881. >If you're being honest she really is just about as sexy as Cloudburst
  882. >And all she wants right now is for you to dominate her in every way
  883. >But that also sounds like a lot of fucking work, and even this meeting is eating up valuable time in what is a pretty busy day
  884. "Right now you're network property and one of the stars on the show. Being a good girl means doing what's good for the show"
  885. >You got to put this in a way that she'll buy
  886. "What's good for the show is you coming to a decision on your own. That's being a good girl in this particular situation"
  887. >"That's cruel. You're a cruel man"
  888. "It doesn't have to be now. It's whenever you're ready.You're a priority to me, so I'll be available when you're ready"
  889. >One thing's for sure - Cloudburst is getting ridden hard tonight
  890. >Your dick is pretty angry with you, and you already know you'll take it out on her
  891. >She'll love it, of course
  893. >Be mare
  894. >Doing the show is now part of your weekly rhythm
  895. >You actually enjoy it, though part of you feels wierd because it means everypony knows your personal business
  896. >But it's not like you've ever had much in the way of privacy in your life
  897. >So it doesn't really feel wrong
  898. >More like surprising that anypony gives a shit
  899. >You're sure there have to be plenty of others out there just like you
  900. >You're just the one who ended up on television
  901. >And that makes you somehow special
  902. >Which seems absurd, but there it is
  903. >If you're on TV everypony thinks you're special
  904. >Even if you're really not all that special
  905. >That's the secret you have to keep from them, it seems
  906. >Even the ones who pity you, which you don't like at all
  907. >Though you wouldn't mind a little pity from a stallion, or even a man right now
  908. >This is the first time you've ever been in heat and NOT gotten any...
  909. >You caught yourself fantasizing about the driver on the ride to he studio today
  910. >More than that, actually
  911. >You debated asking him if he wanted to duck into the studio bathroom for a little fun
  912. >But you were with Rose, and you knew something like that would get strong disapproval from her
  913. >So you just suffered instead
  914. >You're aching for a penis in you, and it's completely distracting
  915. >You're not even paying attention to what Ada Maria is saying
  916. >And you're pretty sure it was just directed at you
  917. >And the cameras are rolling
  918. "What?," you ask, then hastily add "sorry, I'm a little distracted today"
  919. >"She just went into heat," Rose says, "And this is her first time without..."
  920. "Any release," you respond. "I feel like I'm going crazy"
  921. >"Well, you probably just blew up the show's Twitter with that revelation," Ada Maria responds with a eyeroll
  922. >Then she adds, "Follow us on @BlindersOff"
  923. >"Calling all creeps," Moonglow says sarcastically
  924. "I don't see anything creepy about helping a girl out when she needs it"
  925. >Crystal chimes in, "Maybe that's because you've never had a say about it, have you?"
  926. "A say about what?"
  927. >"When you have sex, and with who," she replies
  928. "Of course not. I'm not a free pony. If you don't count a few friendly advances from mares, that is"
  929. >You smile at Rose
  930. >"That's kind of a big deal," Rose adds, "You know, being control of your own sexuality"
  931. >"Or not," Moonglow counters, "If you have a good master"
  932. "You know she's right," you say to Rose. "All freedom seems to be is having to make a lot of difficult decisions on your own"
  933. >"And no master to take care of you," Moonglow adds
  934. "Don't remind be. I wish John had just said 'yes'"
  935. >"John the VP?," Rose asks, "My ex?"
  936. "Yeah. I asked if he'd be my master because... he kinda IS. I practically begged him"
  937. >"He said 'no'?," Rose asks, a little surprised
  938. "He said he had other priorities for me"
  939. ?"Like moving to Brooklyn with me?," she asks hopefully
  940. "He said I could ask unmder what terms I might be emancipated," you say with a sigh
  941. >"That's huge!," Crystal says brightly, "and what are they?"
  942. "I dunno. I didn't ask"
  943. >"That's crazy," Rose says in a scoldy tone. "How are you supposed to make a decision if you don't know your options?"
  944. "I was TRYING to get out of a making a decision! He wouldn't have it. He wouldn't have ME"
  945. >"Not to get too meta," Ada Maria answers, "but I'm guessing it had something to do with your work here"
  946. "Yeah. Putting me through this is evidently good TV. But it doesn't solve my more immediate problem, though"
  947. >"Are you allowed to date?," Ada Maria asks
  948. "I don't know. Are you?"
  949. >"They told me I was when I started doing Pony Time," she replies, "as long as I- quote - kept it out of the tabloids and didn't get knocked up"
  950. >"How professional of them, " Crystal quips, which gets a a smattering of laughter from the audience
  951. >"And she's network property just like you," Rose affirms. "They'd probably give you the same deal"
  952. "OK. But how do you go about dating? It seems like that's a lot of pressure on the mare, isn't it?"
  953. >"What do you mean?," Ada Maria asks in a gentle tone
  954. >The same tone she uses with children on Pony Time
  955. "Like isn't there a whole game you have to learn to play? Like choosing who and then deciding the pace things happen at?"
  956. >"It's a good idea to choose somepony you're likely to be compatatible with, and meet in a place where both of you feel comfortable," she responds
  957. >"It's like auditions for a relationship," Crystal adds
  958. "What, like picking your own master?"
  959. >That gets a chuckle out of Moonglow
  960. >You knew it would
  961. "Like I said, that sounds like a lot on the mare. And I'm guessing dragging the stallion into the bathroom when you first meet is frowned upon"
  962. >"Not by the stallion," Crystal responds
  963. >The audience laughs
  964. >Crystal continues, "The town bicycle will always have her fans, but generally not the respect of her peers"
  965. "Town bicycle?"
  966. >"Don't give her ideas," Rose chides
  967. >"The mare who will let pretty much any stallion take her for a ride," Crystal continues "Like a whorse, except she does it for fun and attention instead of money"
  968. "I could see myself being that mare, at least for a while"
  969. >"That's the heat talking," Rose says
  970. "Maybe. But don't forget we were brought up very differently. We have different ideas about this stuff"
  971. >"You actually were a whorse," Rose says. "Now you don't have to be that"
  972. "I'm just saying if I don't have a master to dedicate myself to I see no reason not to be generous with... you know"
  973. >"Keep talking like that and half the crew will be lining up the second we finish taping," Ada Maria responds
  975. >Be VP
  976. >The Beards are in your office
  977. >And you're very happy to see them
  978. >These two have been doing a great job with your two biggest shows
  979. >Fucking rockstar producers
  980. >Not just on the nuts and bolts, either
  981. >They're making great creative calls as well
  982. >You're toying with the idea of getting them mares of their own as a reward
  983. >Well, maybe a stallion for Beard #1 - you're pretty sure he's gay
  984. >Not 100%, and you're sure as fuck not going to just ask him
  985. >And of course if you got him a pony it can't seem at all like any kind of sexuality test
  986. >Because while you don't give a fuck who he, well, fucks
  987. >Anything someone in your position does has to have the right optics
  988. >Leaving room for misinterpretation just invites lawsuits
  989. >And you pride yourself on being scrupulous in that regard
  990. >"Viewer engagement on Twitter has been very strong," Beard #1 says
  991. >"So much so we'd like to scroll tweets across the bottom of the screen in realtime while it airs," Beard #2 finishes
  992. >"It would make Blinders Off feel much more interactive," Beard #1 continues
  993. >"And I think viewers expect it from a show like that," Beard #2 concludes
  994. "Sounds great. You need a team for that?"
  995. >"I could head it up pretty easily," Beard #2, "but there's an issue with Maddy in new media"
  996. "What kind of issue?"
  997. >"You know how black twitter is its own thing?," Beard #2 replies
  998. "There's a black twitter?"
  999. >"No," he replies, "but there's a distinctive culture of how a lot of black users tweet"
  1000. "Ok. I'm following"
  1001. >"Same is true for ponies. There's a pony twitter culture that's kind of its own thing, too"
  1002. "I'm so glad I don't mess around with that shit. But let me guess: the Blinder's Off twitter doesn't come across as being very pony?"
  1003. >"We really should have a mare handling it," Beard #1 says, "And Maddy has yet to warm up to the idea"
  1004. "I'll make it top priority. Should we buy one, or should this be a freepony hire?"
  1005. >"Definitely freepony," Beard #1 replies
  1006. "That's what I thought. OK. Find a young, hip, media savvy mare and pay her more than you have to. I want this done right"
  1007. >"I can get the scrolling tweets set up for tomorrow's airtime," Beard #2 says, "But you have to smooth things over with Maddy"
  1008. "Let me handle it. Anything else?"
  1009. >"Nothing on Blinders," Beard #1 replies, "but on a Hippodrome related note there's a heads up. Bob Dallas committed suicide yesterday"
  1010. "The buyer?"
  1011. >"Contestant Selection was how he's credited on the show," Beard #2 responds
  1012. "And you think his job might have something to do with that?"
  1013. >"Whether it did or didn't it still looks bad," he answers
  1014. >Beard #1 chimes in, "When the guy in charge of procuring contestants for Hippodrome kills himself..."
  1015. >"The family wants to keep it quiet, and we should probably do the same," Beard #2 says, "We just thought you should know"
  1016. "How are we on contestants for the rest of the season?"
  1017. >"We'll be fine," Beard #1, "But that position will need to be filled before we start work on next season"
  1018. >"And it's really more of a casting thing than a production thing," Beard #2 states
  1019. >Beard #1 nods
  1020. "So neither of you want that added to your job description is what you're telling me"
  1021. >"I think we're on the same page with that," Beard $1 answers
  1022. >"Oh, back to Blinders Off for a sec," Beard #2 says, "Bronc's widow - is she allowed to date? It came up at the taping today"
  1023. >You laugh
  1024. "I don't see why not"
  1025. >"Also," he continues, "Any feelings about shooting on location in Ponytown?"
  1026. "A segment or an episode?"
  1027. >"Just the idea in general"
  1028. "As long as we don't lose the focus. I'm not interested in doing pony cultural programming"
  1029. >"We're on the same page there, as well"
  1031. >Be mare
  1032. >You really feel like you need somepony to talk to
  1033. >And Rose is NOT the pony you need
  1034. >As much as you love her, she has her own agenda with regard to you
  1035. >You reached out to Skydancer last night, and she said she'd do a Skype call with you this morning at 9:30
  1036. >And you were so excited about it you woke up at 7
  1037. >Truthfully you usually wake up around then anyways, because Cuddleslut is up and running around the place at that hour
  1038. >Sometimes earlier, even
  1039. >You've had complaints from the neighbor under you
  1040. >Which the network responded to by sending over a bunch of rugs from ABC Carpet
  1041. >You're not as easily taken in by fancy things as Rose, but you like them
  1042. >Master had furnished the penthouse pretty sparsely
  1043. >And without him it was starting to feel kind of cold and empty
  1044. >The rugs give the place a coziness it was missing
  1045. >And of course Rose loves them
  1046. >You might even let her poach one of the smaller rugs when she moves out
  1047. >Unless you go with her, then you'll just take it yourself
  1048. >But thinking about just makes you tense up
  1049. >Which is why you need to talk with Sky
  1050. >She's the most insightful pony you know
  1051. >And she's known you for a long time, even if you were kind of slack about keeping in touch for a while there
  1052. >But you've been better at it recently
  1053. >Kind of fitting that her 15 minutes of internet fame was from a photo of her in her dungeon
  1054. >With her filly "friend" in a birdcage behind her
  1055. >Incorrigible - you're pretty sure that's the word for it
  1056. >Like she's a little bit wrong, but isn't going to change
  1057. >You share that, just not the same way
  1058. >You're aware by everypony else's standards you're not exactly "right"
  1059. >And while growing up you were closer with Snowdrop and even Durril
  1060. >As an adult Skydancer is the one it's easiest to talk to about stuff
  1061. >She's probably the smartest pony you know
  1062. >Which is kinf of funny considering she spends all day in a dungeon making men lick her hooves and shit
  1063. >And they PAY for it!
  1064. >Well nopony ever told you life wasn't supposed to be absurd
  1065. >And the fact that you think that way was one of the things master loved about you
  1066. >He had a ten dollar word for it
  1067. >Existentialist
  1068. >The coffee maker beeps
  1069. >FINALLY the coffee is ready
  1070. >There's another thing you got from him
  1071. >You never drank coffee before he became your master
  1072. >You always thought of it as bitter, nasty shit
  1073. >Now you look forward to it every morning
  1074. >You miss him
  1075. >And could REALLY use him now
  1076. >You ache for him
  1077. >It's bad enough that when you woke up this morning you considered getting in the elevator
  1078. >And seeing who was working the door today
  1079. >Usually it's a man named either Hector or Victor
  1080. >But when he's not there it's a stallion
  1081. >And you didn't want to take that risk
  1082. >Because you KNOW getting knocked up by your doorpony is EXACTLY the kind of thing everypony would give you shit for
  1083. >And rightfully so
  1084. >You don't know much about the rules of high class living
  1085. >But you know you're not supposed to fuck the staff
  1086. >Which seems like some kind of snobbery
  1087. >Unless it's to protect them from unwelcome advances
  1088. >People and free ponies think about things like that, you've learned
  1089. >The idea of an unwanted advance being such a bad thing is completely foreign to you
  1090. >Probably because you grew up in a brothel
  1091. >But it's a big deal to people and free ponies
  1092. >That's stupid, because you know those with predatory sensibilities ALWAYS find a way to get what they want
  1093. >And if they get you they don't let go until they're done
  1094. >You lived it with your first "master"
  1095. >You sigh as you take a sip of the hot liquid
  1096. >You wish you'd had more time with your REAL master
  1097. >Suddenly you hear the sound of tiny hooves heading your way at a near gallop
  1098. >And a fluffy black colt comes racing into the kitchen, loses his balance and slides across the tiled floor
  1099. >You watch as if in slow motion as he hits one of the cabinets, thankfully not very hard, but with a loud thud
  1100. >He looks surpised, stands up and bursts into tears
  1101. "Oh, you're OK"
  1102. >That doesn't stop the crying
  1103. >But you stop yourself from laughing
  1104. >A concerned looking Rose hastily enters the kitchen
  1105. "He slid on the tile and hit the cabinet. I don't think he's actually hurt"
  1106. >"THIS is why we don't run in the house," Rose scolds the colt. "We can run in the park after breakfast"
  1107. "Don't have to go into the shop today?"
  1108. >"This afternoon. Got a big order for a fundraiser. But I've got the morning free"
  1109. "Are you calling the sitter, or do you want me to watch him?"
  1110. >"Could you?"
  1111. "My afternoon is pretty clear"
  1112. >"That would be great. I'll be home by six, six-thirty latest. Thank you"
  1113. "Not a problem. This afternoon has nothing more ambitious for me than a couple hours on the computer. I can watch him while I do that"
  1114. >"I appreciate it. I don't want to take advantage. But you're good with him, and it's a big help for me"
  1115. "How can I not like him? He looks like master"
  1116. >"He does. I just don't want to take advantage of you, that's all I mean"
  1117. "If I feel taken advantage of I'll let you know"
  1118. >"I have a tough time believing that"
  1119. "Believe it. If I just let you walk all over me we'd be living in Brooklyn by now, and I'd be working on becoming emancipated"
  1120. >"You know that isn't just self-interest on my part. I really think it would be good for you"
  1121. "I know you do. But it would also be VERY convenient for you"
  1122. >"Sure. But I don't think you realize the magnitude of this opportunity. Ponies literally kill for a chance at freedom"
  1123. "I'm not so sure thay have a choice about that"
  1124. >"OK, bad example. But think of how many out there dream of being in your position"
  1125. "A lot more don't even let themselves dream of it, and for good reason. False hope is cruel"
  1126. >"But it's not false in your case"
  1127. "Think of it like this. Imagine someone you don't even like wants to give you a valuable gift, and it's not even something you think you want. What do you do?"
  1128. >"I don't know. Be gracious about it?"
  1129. "Even if it could turn your life upside down?"
  1130. >"Your life is already upside down. What do you have to lose?"
  1131. "Security. My place in the world. My sense of who I am. That a decent short list?"
  1132. >"Fair enough. But those things are never static. They're always in flux. That's just how life goes. What do you have to gain?"
  1133. "I don't know. It seems like jumping off a cliff without a parachute"
  1134. >"You have a parachute. Two, in fact. Your skill with the spreadsheets and the show"
  1135. "I know I wouldn't be one of those who ended up starving. I know I could get by"
  1136. >"And it's bigger than you. You and I represent the slaves who 'had it good'. If mares like us choose freedom think of the message that sends"
  1137. "I don't know if I want to send a message"
  1138. >"You're on TV, speaking freely. Like it or not you're sending a message. You have the chance to send a good one here"
  1139. "Is it good? It's going to make a lot of people upset and probably hurt a lot of ponies"
  1140. >"Maybe in the short term. But people are going to be upset and ponies will get hurt anyways. You have the chance to make things better for ponies like... him"
  1141. >She looks lown at the little foal who has just started nursing on her
  1142. >That's a point
  1143. >If you KNEW it was true you'd have to consider it
  1144. >But nopony really knows
  1145. >It could be so much false hope
  1146. >Though you know Rose is sincere
  1147. >She believes it
  1148. >You have to figure out whether you do
  1150. >Be mare, in front of your computer
  1151. >Rose is out at the park with Cuddleslut, which gives you privacy to Skype with Skydancer
  1152. >And now it's time
  1153. "Hey, girl! Everything good?"
  1154. >The red pegasus on your screen smiles at you
  1155. >"Can't complain. What's the checklist? Autonomy, respect of my peers and being well taken care of? Check to all"
  1156. >You smile back at the beautiful mare on the screen
  1157. "Happy to hear it"
  1158. >"How's your heat going? I watched the show yesterday. You looked pretty frustrated"
  1159. "It's awful. I was thinking of signing up for an outcall just to get fucked"
  1160. >She frowns
  1161. >"You don't have to resort to that. You easily have tens or hundreds of thousands of willing takers out there"
  1162. "You think?"
  1163. >"If the Twitter feed scrolling across the bottom of the broadcast last night is to be believed"
  1164. "They finally got that going? I know they were talking about it"
  1165. >"You don't watch your own show?"
  1166. "I'm there for it. I know what happens"
  1167. >"I watched the episode I was on probably 20 or 30 times"
  1168. "I was like that at first with it. Now it's just something I do, and not a big deal"
  1169. >"You're already a blase celebrity. Achievement unlocked"
  1170. "You think I'm a celebrity?"
  1171. >"You're on TV every week, and millions tune in. You were married to a famous TV star on top of that. Like it or not you're a celebrity"
  1172. "I guess. The reaction I got in Ponytown was interesting, that's for sure"
  1173. >"I bet. I can't imagine being around so many free ponies"
  1174. "Yeah, they're different. I mean, they're ponies just like you and me, but..."
  1175. >"They think completely different?"
  1176. "Different values, for sure"
  1177. >"That would only stand to reason"
  1178. "I don't know if they're values I share, though they make a good case for them"
  1179. >"The more I read and think about it the more I think the values we were raised with are pretty... fucked up"
  1180. "Well of course the rules are going to be different for property and those who are free"
  1181. >"Of course. But I think the system is the way it is because those who are free don't realize how things are for those who are property"
  1182. "I get that a lot. That look of horror mixed with pity, like I'm some kind of victim"
  1183. >"Maybe they're right. Even if they are we still have to make peace with it"
  1184. "I feel like I have, for the most part"
  1185. >"I'm more of a work in progress"
  1186. "Really?! I don't think so. I think you have your shit pretty together"
  1187. >"Yeah, I'm doubting a couple things. Like my visits back to where we were raised. Am I just leaving the same marks on the next generation that were left on me"
  1188. "Oh, come on. I know you're never rough with them. So it's OK"
  1189. >"That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's how we were brought up to think. I don't think it's right"
  1190. "It's kind of what you're for if you're owned by a brothel"
  1191. >"I know that. And that's not something we have any control over. But I have control over whether or not I perpetuate it personally"
  1192. "I'm sure the girls are happy to see you. You're not traumatizing anypony"
  1193. >"I know. But I could be adding to the list of shit they'll have to work out later in life"
  1194. "Or you could be a bright spot in some filly's day"
  1195. >"It could be both, and that's my issue. The values we were brought up with don't really make for an ethical operating system"
  1196. "At least not the same one everypony else seems to be using"
  1197. >"It's just what you'd tell a bunch of fillies you bought and put to work in your brothel"
  1198. "They still took care of us. Good care, I'd say"
  1199. >"True, but it did leave us with a lot to work out on our own"
  1200. "Yeah. I'm going through a bit of that, too"
  1201. >"Deciding whether it's worth taking a shot at emancipatioon? That's terrifying"
  1202. "Nopony seems to understand that"
  1203. >"Maybe it isn't and we were just conditionned to think it is"
  1204. "Would you do it if you had the chance?"
  1205. >"Thankfully I'll never be in that position"
  1206. "But say you were?"
  1207. >"YOU'RE the one who got to live impossible dreams. You wanted a master. None of us had they heart to tell you that wasn't going to happen"
  1208. >She looks down a little guiltly
  1209. >"Then you grew up and it DID! And he was a stallion! And you had a celebrity wedding on TV!"
  1210. "And it only lasted for a minute. I miss him so much"
  1211. >"I know. My heart avhes for you. But the fact that it happened at all is... You know, you had another impossible dream back then"
  1212. "Did I?"
  1213. >"Yeah, you wanted to be a mommy"
  1214. "Until somepony explained what life was like at a breeder's"
  1215. >"Of course. Nopony wants that"
  1216. "And when I had the chance with him we passed on it"
  1217. >"He was a raging alcoholic who would have left you a widow with a foal. That decision is completely understandable"
  1218. "And now I've got nopony"
  1219. >"Imagine if you were free, met a free stallion with similar interests but no life threatening addiction issues, and started a family with him?"
  1220. "That's a lot of 'if's'"
  1221. >"Sure. For me it would be totally impossible, and I wouldn't want it anyways. But for YOU? It could be within reach"
  1222. "And he'd roleplay as my master, of course"
  1223. >"You're a celebrity. You're beautiful, generous and kind. A dominant stallion who wants to raise foals with you is hardly a tough ask"
  1224. "That would require dealing with more of these... issues from fillyhood"
  1225. >"We have to deal with them one way or another anyhow"
  1226. "That's scary, though"
  1227. >"Yeah, it is. But you have the chance to live out another of your fillyhood dreams. Nopony raised like we were gets that. Don't take it lightly"
  1228. "You just made this whole thing even more intimidating"
  1229. >"It's your life. And you actually get to have some say about it. Of course that's intimidating. We weren't raised for that"
  1230. "But you think I should?"
  1231. >"I won't tell you what to do. But I will point out what you ought to consider. You are in an extrodinary position"
  1232. "I'd trade it to have him back"
  1233. >"Oh, honey. I wish that were an option for you"
  1234. "You know you're the closest thing I have to family. I wish I'd given you what you wanted back when we were fillies"
  1235. >"Hush. If you had we might not be so close now. That was your decision to make, and you were true to yourself. Which is what you've got to be now"
  1236. "Why does that make me feel better and worse at the same time?"
  1237. >"I don't know. I can't imagine being in your position"
  1238. "You're doing a good job helping me make a little sense of it"
  1239. >"You know better than anypony that things don't always make sense, though"
  1241. >Be mare
  1242. >Sitting down to your weekly spreadsheets
  1243. >Which isn't really that much of a thing anymore
  1244. >Between the automation you set up
  1245. >And linking QuickBooks to the organization's various bank accounts
  1246. >You've almost successfully automated yourself out of a job
  1247. >Of course you haven't told them that, and don't intend to
  1248. >You like the responsibility
  1249. >The feeling that while you no longer belong to them they still need you
  1250. >And your work for them is important, even if it really isn't that much work anymore
  1251. >You check your email
  1252. >Snowdrop sent you one with the subject CAN YOU BIELIVE THIS???!!!!!
  1253. >It's a link to a news story about gender issues
  1254. >Some men and women are really strange that way
  1255. >Men think they're women trapprd in men's bodies
  1256. >Or vice versa
  1257. >They want everyone around them to pretend they're the gender they want to be
  1258. >While they dress as if they were, take hormones and sometimes even get surgeries to try to become that way
  1259. >Of course they never really do
  1260. >Which is kind of sad
  1261. >Because if a man wanted to be a woman and could actually become one that would be weird, but whatever
  1262. >But the fact that men like this end up woman like, but never real women?
  1263. >They put themselves through all kind of work to become women
  1264. >And end up still not actually being real women?
  1265. >It IS sad
  1266. >Skydancer has even met a few in her work
  1267. >It's another thing a very long list of sad, crazy shit people do
  1268. >Thankfully the story is a video
  1269. >And you do have to laugh
  1270. >Because it's about a bunch of young men who are convinced they're really pretty little mares and fillies
  1271. >Some even wear fake tails and ears, and crawl around on all fours
  1272. >And they look fucking ridiculous
  1273. >When one of them says, "I'm a pretty little filly trapped in a man's body," you totally loose it
  1274. >There's something you're sure would never happen the other way around
  1275. >You can't imagine there's a filly anywhere in the world who would claim to be a man trapped in a filly's body
  1276. >It's so fucking ridiculous
  1277. >You send Snowdrop a LOL response and go back to your inbox
  1278. >There's something from an address at FoxTelevision.com
  1279. >Better read that
  1280. >There are a few words you don't understand
  1281. >Which you assume are legalese, because you know laywers use lots of words nobody else understands
  1282. >But you recognize that you're now the administrator of an account with a familiar number
  1283. >The one the credit card you use is tied to
  1284. >The one where the money your former organization sends for your service is sent
  1285. >The account is part of a legal entity within Fox Corporation
  1286. >The legal entity that technically owns you, and used to own Rose
  1287. >The administrator controls how the money and properties owned by that entity are managed
  1288. >Master granted Rose her emancipation because he was the administrator of that account
  1289. >If YOU'RE the administrator does that mean?
  1290. >You could emancipate yourself?
  1291. >You know master's emancipation of Rose was challenged legally
  1292. >But the case was thrown out
  1293. >Surely a slave emancipating herself would be challenged
  1294. >Wouldn't it?
  1295. >You have no idea
  1296. >But you know who does, and even though you hate talking to him you do have his private number
  1297. >You steel your resolve and call
  1298. >Only to be flustered when a female voice answers
  1299. "I'm sorry, I, I thought this was his private number
  1300. >"It is," she answers, and you recognize it's the voice of his secratary. "He's in meetings all day so he ported it to his work line"
  1301. >"I'm only supposed to bother him in case of an emergency," she adds
  1302. "Well, this isn't an emergency. I'll try tomorrow"
  1303. >"Is this about the administration of Bronc's account?"
  1304. "Yes, I had a couple questions"
  1305. >John said you were going to call, and I should put you in tough with one of the producers. Hold the line and I'll see if either is available"
  1306. "OK, thanks"
  1307. >There are two producers on the show, both not quite yet middle aged men who wear beards
  1308. >You're pretty sure the chunkier one is gay, because you've seen him checking out stallions the way most men check out mares
  1309. >The skinnier one is definitely straight, because you've seen him checking out you a few times
  1310. >He was trying to be discreet about it, but men suck at that
  1311. >"How are you doing today?," a male voice comes on the line
  1312. >You recognize it
  1313. >It's the skinnier one, the straight one
  1314. "Confused and a little concerned"
  1315. >"Well let's see what we caqn do to make you much less of each. I'm assuming this has to do with you taking over administration of the account"
  1316. "You assume correctly"
  1317. >"Well, that account only exists because John wanted to give you to Bronc and..."
  1318. "Slaves can't own property. I get it"
  1319. >"Right. Then you expressed the interest in managing the household finances, and we just rolled everything else you two weren't allowed to own into it"
  1320. "I understand making me administrator as far as the household stuff is concerned because I'm still here and he isn't"
  1321. >"But it puts you in a unique position, doesn't it?"
  1322. "Could I actually emancipate myself?"
  1323. >"Legal says you could"
  1324. "Why would you put me in that position? Isn't that against your interests?"
  1325. >"First off, you weren't bought as an investment. You were a perk for Bronc. One he specifically asked for and John felt he more than deserved"
  1326. "I know. I was his Cadilliac, a status symbol for him. I liked being that"
  1327. >"But John being John he had to find a way for some ROI on you. With the wedding you payed for yourself many, many times over"
  1328. "And now with Blinders Off?"
  1329. >"Hundreds, maybe thousands of times over. Even the most tightwad bean counter we have wouldn't begrudge you your freeedom at this point"
  1330. "But what if I just walked away from the show?"
  1331. >"You wouldn't"
  1332. "How do you know?"
  1333. >Come on. No one just walks away from a hit like that. Especially when they have creative input"
  1334. >He's right
  1335. >You couldn't just walk away from the show
  1336. >You like it
  1337. >You like (most of) the attention
  1338. >And those mares have become friends of yours
  1339. >Even though you definitely do not agree with some of them with regard to certain topics
  1340. "OK, you're right. I wouln't just walk away from the show. But what if I remain property of the network and the show ends. What then?"
  1341. >"Well, John being John he'll try to set up another vehicle for you. You'd have to move to more modest accommodations, of course"
  1342. "I have no problem with that. But eventually whatever else he comes up with will come to an end as well. What then?"
  1343. >"I dunno. We haven't thought THAT far ahead"
  1344. "I'd like you to. I'd like you to find out if I could work with those tightwad bean counters you mentionned"
  1345. >"You want to work in accounting?"
  1346. "I'm pretty sure I could continue that return on investment over there as well, just less dramatically"
  1347. >"I don't see why not. I'll look into that and get back to you. Sound good?"
  1348. "Yeah. Thanks"
  1349. >"My pleasure. Anything else I can help you with?"
  1350. "You could come over here and fuck the hell out of me"
  1351. >"What?!"
  1352. >Shit
  1353. >You didn't mean to say that out loud, but you did
  1354. >You thought it so hard that you ended up saying it
  1355. "I'm sorry. I know men are touchy about suggestions like that in work related settings. It's just that..."
  1356. >"I know. I produce the damned show. But producers fucking talent is a big no-no. Not that it doesn't happen, but it can ruin careers"
  1357. "Is it the same when the talent is also network property?"
  1358. >"Hmmm. That is more of a gray area. Go on"
  1359. "Network property who is also the administator of how that property is..."
  1360. >"Deployed?"
  1361. "Yeah. Deployed on your cock"
  1362. >"That's a pretty compelling case"
  1363. "Also I know you'd want to be discreet about it, and Rose won't be home until six, so..."
  1364. >"John did say you were my priority today"
  1365. "And he IS the boss"
  1366. >"What about my girlfriend?"
  1367. "It would be cheating if you had sex with another woman, wouldn't it?"
  1368. >"Yeah, and I don't want to be a cheater"
  1369. "But I'm not a woman. I'm a pony. So is it cheating? John and his wife both have ponies of their own"
  1370. >"I'll be there in half an hour"
  1371. >"Yay!"
  1372. >You are getting fucked this afternoon!
  1373. >And as far as men go the producer is as cute as a guy with a beard can be
  1374. >You're also kind of proud of yourself for flirting
  1375. >Maybe you weren't all that great at it
  1376. >Especially when you just blurted out that he ought to fuck you
  1377. >But you took a guy with several good reasons to turn down that offer
  1378. >And pretty easily persuaded him to take it
  1379. >So you feel like you did a good job
  1380. >And you really NEED this
  1382. >Be mare
  1383. >You're beside yourself with anticipation
  1384. >It may be the end of your heat, but this has been the only heat in your life without any...
  1385. >Release
  1386. >Actually the longest time you've gone in your life without any sexual activity
  1387. >And the heat just made it extra horrible
  1388. >But now there's a man on his way to you
  1389. >A man you like just fine, and whom you find attractive
  1390. >He'll more than do
  1391. >And even though he's someone you work with you're pretty sure it's considered less bad than fucking the doorman
  1392. >Which you've been thinking about too much lately anyways
  1393. >You want this to go well
  1394. >You NEED this to go well
  1395. >It was so easy back when you were a filly
  1396. >A man just picked you and that was that
  1397. >Or a regular scheduled an appointment
  1398. >Easy
  1399. >But this isn't a coustomer
  1400. >This is one of the show's producers
  1401. >And you know he could be a little skittish because of that
  1402. >Which is the last thing you want him to be
  1403. >How do you put a possibly skittish man at ease?
  1404. >On the TV shows Rose watches
  1405. >(You and master never watched TV, but Rose does)
  1406. >When a man and a woman get together there's usually alcohol involved
  1407. >The man buys the woman a drink, or they share a bottle of wine in a private setting
  1408. >Or something like that before it cuts to the scene of them in bed together after
  1409. >They never show the fun part on TV for some reason
  1410. >You're just supposed to assume they both came because they're in bed together
  1411. >It's pretty fucking silly, but that how this stuff works on TV
  1412. >Also sometimes on TV a man inexplicably turns down an attractive, sexually willing woman for some kind of bullshit reason
  1413. >And you don't want that to happen to you
  1414. >That would be even worse than just cutting to the scene where you're in bed together after
  1415. >So what should you do when he gets here to seal the deal?
  1416. >Offer him a drink?
  1417. >There's still a half case of what you assume is good bourbon in the apartment
  1418. >Master always called it the "good stuff"
  1419. >And there is a bottle open already
  1420. >You've opened it up and smelled it a couple times to see if it would remind you of master
  1421. >It did, a little
  1422. >But it smelled much better on his breath than just by itself
  1423. >HE was what made it smell good, and without him it just smells harsh to you
  1424. >So holding onto it as a memento seems silly
  1425. >And you realize you've kind of been doing that
  1426. >What if the producer wants YOU to have a drink with him?
  1427. >Master offered every now and then, but never forced the issue because he knew you didn't drink
  1428. >The producer doesn't know that - you're pretty sure it never came up on the show
  1429. >Would it make him uncomfortable if you offered him a drink and didn't have one yourself?
  1430. >On TV it's always the both of them drinking before they fuck
  1431. >So you suppose you'll have to do your best to choke a little of the stuff down
  1432. >It'll be worth it, after all
  1433. >Maybe you ought to see if you can
  1434. >You pour yourself a little, and let a couple drops touch your tongue
  1435. >It makes your whole body shiver
  1436. >That's not going to work
  1437. >Do people put ice in it sometimes?
  1438. >Maybe that would help
  1439. >There are some ice cubes in the freezer
  1440. >You put a couple in and wait
  1441. >How long should you wait for the ice to do whatever it's supposed to do besides make it cold?
  1442. >Five minutes, you decide
  1443. >Five minutes later it's still unpleasant, but cold and a little diluted
  1444. >Maybe sweeter?
  1445. >You can just choke it down, but it still makes you shiver a little
  1446. >But you can do it!
  1447. >You're not going to look like a fool
  1448. >It actually makes you feel kind of warm
  1449. >Now if you could just drink it without flinching or shivering
  1450. >Maybe a little more practice
  1451. >It did get easier the more you drank it
  1452. >Master used to drink a lot of it
  1453. >That's probably how he grew to like it
  1454. >But liking it too much can kill a pony
  1455. >You know that
  1456. >But you don't need to like it
  1457. >Just be able to tolerate it
  1458. >You pour yourself a little more and add another ice cube to the glass
  1459. >Halfway through it seems to be easier to drink
  1460. >You can sip on it without a reaction
  1461. >It still tastes horrible
  1462. >But you manage to finish it
  1463. >You feel ready
  1464. >You body sure as fuck is ready
  1465. >And the few minutes that pass before the doorman buzzes from downstairs that your guest is on his way up seem like an eternity
  1466. >But finally you're opening the door for him as he steps out of the elevator
  1467. >He seems slightly uncomfortable as he catches you looking him up and down
  1468. >Noticing the anticipatory bulge in his pants, suggesting his size down there is probably more than adequate
  1469. "Come in. Would you like a drink? I'm afraid all I have is bourbon, but I'm pretty sure it's good bourbon"
  1470. >"I usually try to avoid daydrinking, but I don't have to drive anywhere and I have the rest of the afternoon clear, so why not?"
  1471. >He follows you into the kitchen where you set a glass for him next to your own and the bottle on the counter
  1472. "Ice? I have mine with ice"
  1473. >He looks at the bottle critically, then smiles
  1474. >"Normally I would, too. But you're right, that's good stuff. I'll take it neat"
  1475. >You assume by context "neat" means no ice
  1476. >That's how master drank it
  1477. >You put a few ice cubes in your glass and pour the bourbon until both glasses are at the same lever
  1478. >He seems a little surprised and impressed
  1479. >"That's a generous pour"
  1480. "Thank you. I didn't grow up with much, so I learned how important it is to be generous to those around you"
  1481. >"Evidently karma's worked out for you"
  1482. "Karma?"
  1483. >"It's an idea from eastern religions. If you live a virtuous life you come back in the next life in a better position"
  1484. "I don't think I believe in next life kind of stuff"
  1485. >"I don't either. But people use the word karma to mean doing good things now means good things will happen to you later"
  1486. "I don't think that's true for everypony, but in some ways it's worked out for me. But in other ways, I guess I wasn't good enough..."
  1487. >"You're a good girl"
  1488. "Thanks. It's always nice to hear that"
  1489. >"You're also beautiful. I've had a little crush on you from the moment I first met you"
  1490. "Really? That's so sweet. But I kind of knew. I saw you checking me out a couple times"
  1491. >He looks a little frightened
  1492. >"Was it that obvious?"
  1493. "I don't think it would be obvious to everypony. I'm extra aware of that kind of thing because of how I was brought up. Getting picked was important"
  1494. >"So you learned to read those cues really well?"
  1495. "You bet! If you noticed a client checking you out, then looking at one of the other girls you'd smile and swish your tail to regain his attention"
  1496. >"It was that competative?"
  1497. "More like NOT being picked would have been humiliating. And the other girls would give you shit if they thought you were pandering"
  1498. >"What would have been pandering?"
  1499. "You know, lifting your tail and nickering at a client in the salon. Winking at him. Acting desperate"
  1500. >"God, that sounds so hot"
  1501. >You smile
  1502. >Nothing wrong with a little pandering at this point
  1503. >He's mostly finished with his drink, as are you
  1504. >And the combination of the liquor and your heat makes you feel less silly about it than you normally would
  1505. >You turn your hindquarters to him, raise your tail and look back at him
  1506. >He's staring at you intently with lust, a look you're very familiar with coming from men
  1507. "Like this?," you say in your best come hither tone, and let out a soft little nicker
  1508. >You also feel yourself wink in anticipation of what is about to happen
  1509. >"Shit!"
  1510. >He kicks off his shoes, undoes his belt and slides his pants down, switching from one leg to the other to remove them
  1511. >You notice his cock is plenty adequate, and cut
  1512. >Which usually means they can go longer
  1513. >If not the first time definitely on the second
  1514. >And you've got two hours, so you'll probably go at least twice
  1515. >He removes his shirt
  1516. >If he lost the beard and put just a little more muscle on his skinny frame he'd be really sexy
  1517. >But as is he's more than sexy enough
  1518. >Then he does something weird
  1519. >Instead of just taking you, which is obviously what you're offering he comes around front and goes in for a kiss
  1520. >NOPE!
  1521. "Hey, hey! You have a girlfriend, and I don't want any emotional bullshit from you. You came over to fuck the hell out of me. That's it"
  1522. >He seems a little surprised
  1523. >"So this is just a booty call? A friends with benefits thing?"
  1524. "Are we even friends? More like associates with benefits"
  1525. >"That sounds like a lawsuit"
  1526. >Fuck, you can't let him think that way
  1527. "Network property can't sue the network, silly," you say, followed by another nicker
  1528. >Thankfully that's all the encouragement he needs
  1530. >Be Rose
  1531. >Riding the elevator up to the penthouse with your son
  1532. >He slept most of the day at the shop, so he's pretty rambunctious now
  1533. >You're going to have to take him to the park for a run before dinner
  1534. >And before it gets dark, now that the days are shorter
  1535. "Let mommy relax for a minute then we'll go to the park"
  1536. >"Par, par, par, par, par!," he replies
  1537. >He's going to be verbal any week now
  1538. >Ponies hit young milestones much quicker than people
  1539. >You've heard children take a year to learn to walk
  1540. >With a foal it's minutes
  1541. >With children it's like a year and a half before they start being verbal
  1542. >Your little black ball of fluff and hooves is going to be talking any second
  1543. >Which is going to be a whole new thing for both of you
  1544. >He already understands a lot of what you say to him, even if he pretends not to when you say something he doesn't want to hear
  1545. >Like no running in the house
  1546. >The elevator door opens and you use your key to open the penthouse door
  1547. >And there he goes
  1548. "We don't run in the house!," you shout after him
  1549. >To no avail
  1550. >No rest for the weary - you're going to have to hit the park sooner rather than later
  1551. >Wow, the place really smells like sex
  1552. >This has been a rough heat for her
  1553. >Poor thing
  1554. >It smells almost like a man was here
  1555. >If that's the case it's really none of your business
  1556. >Unless she wants to dish, then you'll be all ears
  1557. >"Rose!," she says, trotting up to you a little wobbly, and saying the "s" more like and "sh"
  1558. "Are you drunk?"
  1559. >"I dunno. Never drank before"
  1560. "Are you dizzy?"
  1561. >"Nope, just a little clumsy I think. Almost tripped over a rug"
  1562. "OK, you're drunk"
  1563. >"I've got news, though"
  1564. >Great, maybe she has some gossip to share
  1565. "A man?"
  1566. >"Maybe," she says with a conspiratorial look, "but I'm not talking about that. It's a secret. Something else"
  1567. >She's not wasted, but drunk enough to slur a little
  1568. "Well, I hope he appreciated what he got"
  1569. >"He did. A couple times over," she says with a lusty grin
  1570. >That's what it smells like in here, for sure
  1571. "So what is your news?"
  1572. >"The account, y'know, the account that used to own you?"
  1573. "Yes?"
  1574. >"I'm the adminishtraitor"
  1575. "You're what?!"
  1576. >She shakes her head
  1577. >"The ad-min-is-trator. Let that sink in for a second"
  1578. >Perfect Pitch was the administrator, and his signature emancipated you
  1579. "Does that mean you could... emancipate yourself?"
  1580. >"Yup. Probably. Legal thinks so"
  1581. "That's amazing! When are you going to do it?"
  1582. >She frowns
  1583. >Be careful here, Rose
  1584. >This is a touchy subject for her
  1585. "I mean, that's a unique position. Being on a hit show means they'd have to pay you enough to live comfortably if you did"
  1586. >"Sure. But I live comfortably now"
  1587. "What about your future?"
  1588. >"They're seeing if I can be a bean counter when the celebrity thing comes to an end"
  1589. "A bean counter?"
  1590. >"I could maybe work in accounting. They're looking into it. No reason not to increase their return on investment with me"
  1591. "Who's looking into it?"
  1592. >"The producer. The cute one, not the gay one"
  1593. >The CUTE one?
  1594. >Where did that come from?
  1595. >You realize - not for the first time - there's a good chance she won't be moving to Brooklyn with you
  1596. >You sigh
  1597. "Well I hope you get the answers you want and make a decision you're comfortable with"
  1598. >"Thanks, Rose. You're the best. If I stay adminis-trator I could change my mind anytime I had a good reason"
  1599. "So you still might come to Brooklyn with me?"
  1600. >"If I had a reason that worked for ME. Do you understand?"
  1601. >A fluffy black colt starts running circles around the two of you shouting, "Par, par par par par!"
  1602. "I understand I have to take this one to the park, and you ought to lie down. I'll put dinner together when we get back"
  1603. >"You're the best!"
  1604. "Seriously, go lie down"
  1605. >"I gotta piss first"
  1606. "Do that and then lie down"
  1607. >"I knew you'd understand"
  1608. >You don't, really, but keep that to yourself
  1609. >No point trying to argue with her when she's drunk
  1610. >You'd probably start a fight, then you'd have an upset drunk mare and a crying colt on your hooves
  1611. >Not worth it at all
  1612. >She wanders off toward her bedroom, and you hear the sound of hooves on the tile floor of the en suite
  1613. "C'mon, let's go to the park!"
  1614. >"Par!," the little colt replies, looking up at you expectantly
  1616. >Be mare
  1617. >Waking up
  1618. >You feel something small and warm pressed up against you
  1619. >You can both feel and hear his breathing
  1620. >Cuddleslut?
  1621. >What's he doing in bed with you?
  1622. >Looking over at the clock you see it's 9:30, but it's dark out through the windows
  1623. >9:30 at night?!
  1624. >Then you remember
  1625. >You were drinking this afternoon, and you fucked the producer
  1626. >And now you have to pee really bad
  1627. >Like you'll piss the bed if you don't make it to the bathroom pretty quickly kind of bad
  1628. >You carefully roll away from the little colt, and luckily he remains asleep
  1629. >You make it to the bathroom just in time, shutting the door so your forceful stream of piss splashing into the tiolet doesn't wake him
  1630. >Shit, you're thirsty, too
  1631. >And hungry
  1632. >Thankfully you don't seem to be hungover - you doen't feel sick or even queasy
  1633. >Just like you ought to move slowly and carefully for a little while
  1634. >You decide not to risk flushing after yourself - it is your toilet, after all
  1635. >And gently walk toward the door of your bedroom, which is ajar, letting a very little light in
  1636. >Emerging from your room you see Rose on the couch watching something on TV
  1637. >"There you are," she says, "Wasn't sure whether you'd emerge today or sleep 'till morning"
  1638. "I had a little friend join me"
  1639. >Yeah," she replies, "When we got back from the park I fed him, then he went looking for you. When he found you he just curled up and fell asleep"
  1640. "So you did a good job wearing him out in the park?"
  1641. >"I had to. He slept most of the afternoon. I have dinner for you if you're hungry"
  1642. "Thanks. I am"
  1643. >She heads to the kitchen and quickly returns with a nice bowl of greens topped with edible flowers
  1644. >Nice thing about having a pony florist in the house - there are always edible flowers in the fridge
  1645. "Perfect, thank you"
  1646. >"So you had a big afternoon. I was afraid you might have hurt yourself"
  1647. "Luckily no," you reply between bites, "But I doubt I'll do much drinking from now on. I don't like being all wobbly like that"
  1648. >"You were pretty cute, actually"
  1649. "Don't get ideas about getting me drunk and taking advantage of me"
  1650. >"I wouldn't do that to you. I might fantasize about it though"
  1651. "Well that's OK," you say with a laugh
  1652. >"So I know you said your guest was supposed to be a secret. I don't have to worry, do I?"
  1653. "Nope. I didn't fuck the doorman or some rando from the street, though I thought about both"
  1654. >"Not surprised. Heat makes you think about doing a lot of things you'd never even consider otherwise"
  1655. "You got that right. But this was more of a booty call with a trustworthy guy. One that requires discretion on both our parts, though"
  1656. >"OK. I won't press any further"
  1657. "I Appreciate that"
  1658. >"Was it good though?"
  1659. >She's dying for even just a crumb of gossip
  1660. "He's good looking and had the right equipment. He was a little skittish, but with a little prodding more the delivered the goods"
  1661. >"Well I'm happy for you then"
  1662. "Yeah, I feel a lot better"
  1663. >"What inspired you to drink, though? Were you nerveous?"
  1664. "More like I was afraid he might be. So I did what they do on those shows you watch"
  1665. >"The 'can I get you a drink' thing?"
  1666. "It worked, but I had to have a couple too, so it wouldn't be weird"
  1667. >"I don't think it's a good idea to take life lessons from Shonda Rhimes, or TV in general for that matter"
  1668. "Then why do you watch it?"
  1669. >"Escapism. Sometimes you just want to zone out over something stupid but dramatic after a busy workday"
  1670. "But they spend all their time second guessing themselves and regretting their decisions along the way to the sexy parts"
  1671. >You take another quick bite of greens, chew and swallow
  1672. "Then they skip over the sexy parts. How is that escapism?"
  1673. >"You have no idea how boring most viewers' lives are"
  1674. "I'd happily take boring WITH the sexy parts left in over that much drama and the sex implied"
  1675. >"You're not the average viewer, but then again I'm not either"
  1676. "Yeah. Our lives haven't exactly lacked for drama lately"
  1677. >"I'm hoping to settle into something much more staid in Brooklyn before too long"
  1678. "For you that would be staid. For me that would be so many choices I'd be like one of those TV characters second guessing herself"
  1679. >"Yet you're in the position now where you have that many options in front of you anyways"
  1680. "But I don't have to act on them if I don't want to"
  1681. >"Some would say not making a choice is a choice as well"
  1682. "And what would Vidal say to that? He'd call you out on being overly literal about the words and missing the point"
  1683. >"Arguing semantics"
  1684. "Right," you do your best impression of the pegasus stallion's haughty tone, "Of course it's a legitimate field of endeavor, but not the way you're applying it here"
  1685. >Rose laughs
  1686. "I tell you, as somepony who finds reading difficult listening to such a well read pony makes me feel smarter, even if I don't get everything he says"
  1687. >"I don't either, to be honest. It is kind of funny that one of the smartest ponies we know is our stylist"
  1688. "And the second smartest pony I know is a dominatrix"
  1689. >You sigh
  1690. "I'm pretty sure if he were in my position he'd be acting the same way I am"
  1691. >"Of course. It's hard to chafe against the lack of freedom when you have a sweet lifestyle and a lot of automony"
  1692. "I knew you understood"
  1693. >"I do, at least a little. But I'd also bet if you asked him point blank about the importance of the message you could send he'd agree it was important"
  1694. "Sure he would. But if he were in the position to send that message at the expense of his fabulous lifestyle do you think he would?"
  1695. >"He'd recognize the conflict between self-interest and selflessness, and would probably agonize over finding a path of enlightened self-interest"
  1696. "Which means what, exactly?"
  1697. >"Doing what's right for you while being able to accept the consequences of your actions"
  1698. "That sounds great. That's exactly what I want. I just don't know what that would be"
  1699. >"I wish I could tell you"
  1700. "Yeah, but that's what a master is for"
  1701. >Rose giggles and says, "Speaking of Vidal I sometimes wonder who's the master there, him or the B F"
  1702. "Oh, come on. You're telling me you couldn't play John like a fiddle when he was your master?"
  1703. >"As long as I stayed within the role of his fantasy of me, sure. The moment I stepped out of that..."
  1704. "Look at what happened"
  1705. >"What do you mean?"
  1706. "You get a few lashes, then the guy schemes behind the scenes to get you emancipated, which is what you really wanted anyways"
  1707. >Rose hangs her head, then gives you a pleading look
  1708. >"I don't know how to live with that sometimes"
  1709. "Because a monster with that much blood on his hands shouldn't do right by anypony?"
  1710. >"You'd think that, wouldn't you?"
  1711. "YOU would. I don't know. I just learned about karma, and it sounds like a lot of wishful thinking to me"
  1712. >"So you don't see anything wrong with the fact that a monster like John would almost make me love him, then still look out for me when I betrayed him?"
  1713. "I don't think he cares about rihght and wrong the way you do. He cares about his career, which has nothing to do with right or wrong"
  1714. >"I know. But it's like accepting gifts from a murderer. You probably shouldn't do that"
  1715. "Even though you're a free pony now I'll still ask - did you really have a choice? Do you really have one now?"
  1716. >"What do you mean?"
  1717. "Even free ponies are still subject to the will of those more powerful than they are. You were back in Equestria"
  1718. >"How so?"
  1719. "You were one of Celestia's subjects. If she'd 'asked' you to do something you would have done it"
  1720. >"Of course I would have. Princess Celestia was good and kind - a fair ruler"
  1721. "To the best of your knowledge, yeah. But say you'd found out she'd done horrible things as well. Could you have changed anything because of that?"
  1722. >"But she was good. And kind. And fair"
  1723. "Say she was all those things but also had done some monstrous things. What could you have done about it? She was in power and you weren't"
  1724. >"I don't like you talking that way about the Princess"
  1725. "Sorry. I might still be a little drunk. Master would sometimes say outrageous things when he was drinking. I don't mean to offend you."
  1726. >"I'll accept that, but lay off the Princess"
  1727. "My point is whoever has power has it. Whether they're good or bad doesn't matter. They have the power. You just figure out how to deal with the power they have"
  1728. >"Well in John's case I hate him, and I'm trying to get as far away from him as possible"
  1729. >You laugh, hoping it doesn't sound mean - you're not trying to be mean
  1730. "You said he almost made you love him just a minute ago"
  1731. >"But I hate him now, and I don't know how to deal with how... good he's been to me"
  1732. "Not by distancing yourself from him, that's for sure"
  1733. >"What do you mean by that?"
  1734. "He still owns nintey-some percent of your business, and you're a star on one of his shows. That's not distancing yourself from him"
  1735. >"At least I don't have to fuck him anymore, and eventually I'll be done with him... And I'm not sure I like drunk
  1736. you all that much"
  1737. >Shit
  1738. >You don't want her to feel like you're attacking her
  1739. >Were you?
  1740. >You can't really tell, but you hope not
  1741. >But if she's calling you drunk maybe you ought to speak your mind a little less freely for the time being
  1742. >Then again fuck her if she can't handle the truth
  1743. >Oh, that's probably the bourbon
  1744. >You remember when master would get like that sometimes
  1745. >Beligerent about something that wasn't entirely clear
  1746. >This explains a lot
  1747. >But you're not sure what to say now
  1748. >Probably best to apologise, even though it feels like you have nothing to apoligise for
  1749. >But you can't do that without abandonning the point you're trying to make here
  1750. >THINK!
  1751. "He smells like piss these days, by the way"
  1752. >"WHAT?! Has he become incontinent?"
  1753. "Nope. Mare piss. His new good girl? She marks the hell out of him in every way she can"
  1754. >Rose giggles a little bit, then says, "I almost feel sorry for her"
  1755. "Don't. She knows what she's got, and she's determined to hold onto it"
  1756. >"I'll admit it, he can be very charming"
  1757. "More important than that he's the boss"
  1758. >"Well he's not my boss anymore"
  1760. >She sees the look on your face
  1761. >"Well, he won't be for much longer"
  1762. >She's talking years
  1763. >Let her have it
  1764. "That's the spirit, Rose"
  1766. >Be mare
  1767. >Checking through your email you see something from Snowdrop
  1768. >The subject is: Wat I Did Last Nite
  1769. >Interesting
  1770. >It's a link to a video
  1771. >Obviously a fancy party somewhere
  1772. >Men in blazers, women in nice dresses all holding drinks
  1773. >But kids are there, too
  1774. >The video pans around the party to stop on the merry go round
  1775. >Which is composed of a frame of decorated poles with a mare wearing tack and saddle tied to each
  1776. >They're close enough to each other that each mare's nose is almost in the dock of the one in front of her
  1777. >And kids (mostly little girls) are sitting on top of them
  1778. >It's kind of sexy, actually
  1779. >As the ponies walk in a circle Snowdrop comes into view, a beaming little girl on her back
  1780. >She's one sexy pony, to be sure
  1781. >You're really happy for her that she still looks so good
  1782. >She looks like she's enjoying herself as well
  1783. >You've got to find out the story behind this
  1784. >You try contacting her on Skype, but she doesn't answer
  1785. >It's 10:30AM, so there's no way she's working yet
  1786. >You watch the rest of the vodeo, which is just the mares walking proudly in a circle, looking great with kids on their backs
  1787. >But you can see that the men are enjoying watching almost as much as the girls are injoying riding
  1788. >What's not to like, after all?
  1789. >A merry go round of beautiful mares, placed tightly enough together that it's kind of suggestive
  1790. >Not that the kids notice that
  1791. >But clearly the male spectators (and maybe avan a few female ones) seem to
  1792. >Your computer makes the Skype noise, and it's an incomming call from Snowdrop
  1793. >"Hey!," she says brightly, "You got that video I sent you?"
  1794. "Just watched it. You look great, but I need some backstory on this"
  1795. >"It was an out-call. We did the merry go round for the kids for, like, an hour"
  1796. "And you looked great doing it. Very sexy"
  1797. >"Thanks! It was my first time wearing tack and a saddle, and I FELT sexy"
  1798. "Yeah, the little girl on your back couldn't tell, but the guys watching sure could"
  1799. >"Which was the second half of the call. Taking care of the VIP's in some private rooms upstairs"
  1800. "How did they arrange that?"
  1801. >"They provided transport and security. Classy event, too. I even tried Champagne!"
  1802. "Any good?"
  1803. >"Not really. Take all the sweetness out of grape juice and make it sour instead. And fizzy. I liked the fizziness, though"
  1804. "It seems like a lot of the fancy things men and women seem to enjoy really aren't to pony tastes"
  1805. >"Except for the salty stuff"
  1806. "Yeah, they do salty stuff well"
  1807. >"Speaking of salty, a drunk VIP tried fucking me with a Champagne bottle"
  1808. "That sounds terrifying"
  1809. >"It WAS! But one of the security guys stopped him when he saw how scared I was"
  1810. "Security was in the room with you while you were working?"
  1811. >"That was the deal. Security was with us the whole time. I blew him later as a thank you"
  1812. "Very thoughtful of you"
  1813. >"You know you would have done the same thing"
  1814. "Oh yeah. So who took the video?"
  1815. >"The same guy! Like I said, security was with us the whole time. His name is Gus. He promised he's send it to me and he did!"
  1816. "I'm guessing he's cute, too?"
  1817. >"Yeah. It felt like there was a little thing between us. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up as a client"
  1818. "If he can afford it"
  1819. >"Right. Security guys might not make that much money, but this was a high end gig. He could be doing all right"
  1820. "Is romance in the air?"
  1821. >She laughs
  1822. >"Of course not. But I wouldn't mind seeing him again, that's for sure"
  1823. >You remember what it was like to have favorite clients - ones you looked forward to seeing again
  1824. >Those whose touch was actually welcomed, not just tolerated
  1825. >Then again, you had some very welcome touches just the other day
  1826. >You'd like to share that gossip with Snowdrop, but you know it's a bad idea
  1827. >As much as she'd love to hear it
  1828. >"So what's been up with you - beyond what I see on the show?"
  1829. "Today ought to be interesting. I'm going back to visit Madam"
  1830. >"Really? Any particular reason, or just social?"
  1831. "I don't know. Of course I want to see her, but I'm also trying to figure some stuff out, and maybe she can help"
  1832. >"I hear that. Your life is a LOT more complicated than mine"
  1833. "Yeah, sometimes I'm almost jealous of you"
  1834. >"Don't be! I'm over here being jealous of you half the time!"
  1835. "And the other half?"
  1836. >"Happy I don't have stuff to figure out"
  1837. "See what I mean"
  1838. >"Yeah, but still... You see why a lot of ponies would be jealous of your life"
  1839. "Not free ponies so much"
  1840. >"I think the pressure Rose and that cameramare put on you is terrible"
  1841. "Crystal. Her mane is Crystal"
  1842. >"She's pushy"
  1843. "I think that tension is part of what keeps the viewers' interest"
  1844. >"Not for me. I just watch to see my friend on TV"
  1845. "You're not the average viewer"
  1846. >"Do you think there IS an average viewer? Somepony out there who is just that? The AVERAGE viewer?"
  1847. "I don't know"
  1848. >"I think about stuff like that sometimes. Anything else up with you?"
  1849. "Skydancer might be there when I see Madam. She mentionned she had an apointment today as well"
  1850. >"Oh, tell her I say hi! I haven't been all that great about keeping up with her lately, but tell her I'm thinking about her"
  1851. "Will do. And thanks for sharing the video with me. Last thing I expected to see was you on a merry go round"
  1852. >"I know, right?"
  1853. "You look as good in tack as Durril"
  1854. >"Thank you! You are so sweet!"
  1855. "And I've got to get going. Catch up again soon"
  1856. >"Bye!"
  1858. >Be mare
  1859. >Back where you grew up
  1860. >It's really weird to be back
  1861. >This isn't the first time - you've come back a few times before
  1862. >But it's always weird
  1863. >You almost feel like a filly again, until you see some of the fillies who work there now
  1864. >They're SO young!
  1865. >You know you were that yonng when you worked here, but you can't remember being THAT young
  1866. >You must have been, though
  1867. >Walking down the hall toward Madam's office a male voice calls out to you
  1868. >"Hey, kid! good to see you back"
  1869. >The guard!
  1870. >You turn around to look at him
  1871. >He has less hair now, and most of what's left is grey
  1872. >Which makes him look a little old
  1873. >But you notice the pot belly he'd been working on last time you saw him is gone
  1874. >He looks pretty trim, actually
  1875. >He's no silver fox, but he looks pretty good for a man his age, which you assume is the age a lot of men start looking like shit
  1876. "Look at you! Someone's really trimmed down"
  1877. >He smiles and reaches a hand down to play with one of your ears
  1878. >You always loved the way he did that
  1879. >It was never overtly affectionate, nor overly sexual
  1880. >Just a friendly, almost absent-minded gesture of familiarity
  1881. >There aren't many people or ponies you have that kind of familiarity with, so you lean into his touch
  1882. >Basking in the attention
  1883. >"Somepony missed me," he says with a laugh
  1884. "I was sad you couldn't make the wedding. Sorry about your mother"
  1885. >"She had a good life. She had no regrets. And she died with loved ones around her. We should all be so lucky"
  1886. >He adds, "Sorry about your husband"
  1887. "Yeah, it's been hard. I know he had regrets - that's part of what killed him. But he died with me and Rose at his side"
  1888. >"He knew you loved him"
  1889. "I did, and he knew for sure. I just wish we could have had more time together"
  1890. >"Life is cruel sometimes. And I hate that it was cruel to you like that"
  1891. "Thank you. I hate it, too. But I know in spite of it my life is still pretty good. I'm just heartbroken and sad right now"
  1892. >"My mother always said 'It's a good life if you don't weaken'"
  1893. "Smart woman"
  1894. >"Yeah, she was. We didn't always see eye to eye on everything, but she did right by me, no doubt. Toward the end I think I did right by her"
  1895. "Speaking of doing right, how'd you get so skinny?"
  1896. >"Stopped eating crappy food. Not entirely, but on a day to day basis. That and a little exercise was all it took"
  1897. "No more Italian hoagies then?"
  1898. >He laughs
  1899. >"Once a month or so, instead of three or four times a week. I'm too old to eat like a 20 year old anymore"
  1900. "Well, whatever you're doing is working. You look great"
  1901. >"You, too. You're as beautiful a mare as you were a filly. Been watching you on TV"
  1902. "What do you think?"
  1903. >"Think is the word. When I started working here I had my own opinions about ponies. Then I got to know Madam and some of the girls like you..."
  1904. >He seems a little uncomfortable, but thankfully his hand remains caressing your ear
  1905. >You lean a little further into him
  1906. >"...and my opinion evolved. But watchjing your show? That's making me rethink everything! And I'm sure I'm not the only one"
  1907. "It's amazing what they let us get away with. You know it's mostly unscripted, too. They just let us talk, then edit the best bits together"
  1908. >"It feels natural when you watch it. But a lot of, shall we say, unpopular opinions go flying by in that half hour"
  1909. >He adds, "And I gauratee you you're changing opinions"
  1910. "Is that good or bad?"
  1911. >"The truth coming out is good. Only people doing bad things are afraid of that"
  1912. "Yeah. I'm just afraid people who do bad things would be willing to do worse things to protect themselves"
  1913. >"Those with privilege fight to maintain it. We've had plenty of that in our history. But I think we're moving toward a fiarer world"
  1914. "For ponies, too?"
  1915. >"That's gonna take a while, I'm afraid. But I think you and your show are on the right side of history"
  1916. "I just hope it doesn't get anypony hurt"
  1917. >"Me, too. You should get going. I know Madam's waiting for you"
  1918. >He releases your ear, causing it to flick a few times involuntarily
  1919. "Great to catch up"
  1920. >"Yeah, don't be a stranger, kid"
  1921. >You head to Madam's office
  1922. >The door is open a crack
  1923. "Knock, knock," you say, gently pushing the door open
  1924. >Madam is seated behind her desk, and Skydancer is in one of the two chairs in front of it
  1925. >"Have a seat," Madam says creerfully, "I was just telling Sky that I was planning to see each of you today, but something unexpected came up"
  1926. >Damn
  1927. >"So," she continues, "It would work out better for me if I met with the two of you together"
  1928. >"I'm fine with that," Skydancer says
  1929. "Yeah, me too. I have the feeling Skydancer and I have some overlaps in our concerns anyways"
  1930. >"I wouldn't be surprised," Madam replies
  1931. "Also, Snowdrop says hi"
  1932. >"How's she doing?," Madam asks
  1933. "Well. She did a fancy party out call last night and ended up being part of a merry go round"
  1934. >Skydancer laughs
  1935. >"I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that," she says
  1936. "There's video. I'll send you the link"
  1938. >Be mare
  1939. >Sitting in Madam's office with Shydancer
  1940. >Madam shifts a little uneasily in her chair under both of your gazes
  1941. >"Ok," she begins, "I guess I should give you a little background on myself and this operation. You know I was a madam in Equestria?"
  1942. >You nod
  1943. >"Most working girls didn't make a cxareer out of it," she contimues, "it was something they did for a while because it was easy money"
  1944. >She laughs a little nerveously
  1945. >"I never got that memo, and after years of working I had saved enough to start my own bnusiness, which I did"
  1946. >She sighs
  1947. >"Then when the darkness came like everypony else I made my way to the portal, where I was informed I was now private property"
  1948. >"Eventually," she continues, "I was interviewed and my work history came to light, at which point I was sold to this organization"
  1949. >"As the details of my new position were made clear to me I had two shocks to deal with"
  1950. >"First, the girls I'd be working would not be their by choice, nor were they free to leave when they wanted"
  1951. >"And second was the age of the girls. Working girls this young would have been unthinkable back home"
  1952. >"But I realized I had no say in either matter. All I could do was work to make the experience less... harrowing for everypony involved"
  1953. "I think you did a good job of that. When ponies find out about my upbringing they act like I should be traumatized by it, and I don't think I was"
  1954. >"That's very kind of you to say," Madam answers, "It might sound pathetic as a boast, but I'm proud we never had any suicides here"
  1955. >"Not even an attempt," she continues, "Though I was worried about Durril there for a bit. You were a big help with her"
  1956. "Ponies got to stick together"
  1957. >"It definitely wasn't ideal circumstances," Shydancer says, "But I think you handled it as well as anypony could have"
  1958. >"It's still hard," Madam says, sadly. "I don't think it's right to normalize working girls this young, but I have to do it everyday"
  1959. >"You have to be a party to something," Sky begins, "you actually believe is sexual abuse"
  1960. "Don't be so dramatic, Sky. We were NEVER abused"
  1961. >Madam looks at you a little sadly
  1962. >"If this business had existed in Equesrtria," Madam says softly, "That's exactly what they'd call it"
  1963. >"Or if the girls were people instead of ponies," Skydancer continues
  1964. >"It would be a huge scandal," Madam says, "That would end with everyone involved going to prison"
  1965. "But it's not because it's ponies"
  1966. >"Exactly," Madam answers, "And as wrong as that may be it definies the lives of the girls here, and I have to somehow prepare them to live those lives"
  1967. "Like I said, I think you do a good job. I don't look back on my days here as something horrible that I managed to survive"
  1968. >"Even now that you've known a life outside the organization?." Madam asks
  1969. "Well it's nice not to spend every night taking care of men"
  1970. >"You can say that again," Skydancer chimes in
  1971. "But it's not like that was so horrible. It's not like we were being worked to death in the fields"
  1972. >You do realize," Madam replies, "that's exactly what I told you as a filly?"
  1973. >Shit
  1974. >How much of what you think is stuff Madam told you when you were young?
  1975. >Probably a lot - you looked up to her
  1976. >She was just doing her best to prepare you for the future she saw for you
  1977. >And that worked for most girls, who still work in the organization
  1978. >But somehow you ended up outside of it
  1979. >Which makes you feel really alone now
  1980. >"If you really believe these girls are being abused," Skydancer asks, "and we were, too..."
  1981. >She takes a second to gather herself
  1982. >"Do you think I'm contributing to that cycle of abuse when I visit the girls?," she asks, pleadingly
  1983. >Madam sighs
  1984. >"Well, Sky. It's no secret there are girls who look forward to your visits," Madam answers, "You know who they are"
  1985. >"But is that OK," Skydancer asks, suddenly sounding like a filly herself, "Or am I just perpetuating the legacy my own abuse had on me?"
  1986. >"Wow," Madam says gently, "You've got almost as much to keep you up at night as I do"
  1987. >"This has really been bothering me," Skydancer replies, "I know my proclivities are a result of my upbringing, but does that make it OK to exploit those here now?"
  1988. >"They'll be exploited regardless," Madam answers
  1989. >"But I can choose not to be part of it," Skydancer replies
  1990. >"From where I'm sitting," Madam says, "That's an enviable position. I can't make that choice"
  1991. "But Sky, couldn't you see it as being a bright spot in some filly's day? For the ones into that stuff?"
  1992. >"That's what I've been telling myself for years," she replies, "and I'm not sure I believe it anymore"
  1993. >"Well," Madam says, "If you want me to tell you I don't think your daliances here cause any harm to anypony I will"
  1994. >"But," she adds, "If you want me to tell you I'm SURE that's the case, I can't"
  1995. ?"I... That's fair," Sky replies
  1996. >"The same way I couldn't turn to your girls and ask for absolution," Madam replies
  1997. "Abso-what?"
  1998. >"Forgiveness," Skydancer answers
  1999. "Forgiveness for what?"
  2000. >"You are such a gem," Madam says, "I really thought for a little while there you'd be the one taking over the business from me"
  2001. "I'm sure I fantaszed about it back then"
  2002. >"Well things have taken a much more interesting turn for you. Much better I'd say"
  2003. "That's what everypony says. I don't know. The uncertainty of it gets to me sometimes"
  2004. >"How so?," Madam asks
  2005. "Because really in my heart I just want to be a good girl and know that will make everything OK"
  2006. >Madam sighs
  2007. >"Maybe I did too good a job with you," she says spologetically. "Being a good girl is how you survive when you have no other options"
  2008. >"She doesn't want to face those other options," Skydancer says
  2009. "You have no idea. There's huge stuff hanging over my head"
  2010. >"Like helping shape opinion in ways that might effect all ponies?," Madam asks
  2011. "Yeah. I didn't ask for that"
  2012. >"Like it or not I think you're doing a lot of good," Madam answers. "For what it matters I'm proud of you"
  2013. "You watch the show?"
  2014. >"Of course I do," Madam shoots back, "Everypony does. You have no idea how much it means to hear pony voices on TV"
  2015. "But the responsibility of the message I'm sending is a lot to face"
  2016. >"You're doing fine just by being who you are"
  2017. "Thanks, but I feel like who I am isn't really equipped to deal with this"
  2018. >"Of course not. There was no way anypony could have thought you'd end up in a position like this. You're practically emancipated"
  2019. "I could actually be, in fact"
  2020. >Silence
  2021. >Madam and Skydancer just stare at you with their mouths open
  2022. >After what seems like ages Skydancer says, "Holy shit!"
  2023. >Madam continues to watch you intently
  2024. >Finally she says, "You're not sure you want that, right?"
  2025. "I KNEW you'd understand"
  2026. >"I understand I did too good a job with you. Of course we scoff at the idea of freedom and self-determination, because it's completely out of our reach"
  2027. >"But it's actually within yours?!," Skydancer says breathlessly
  2028. "They've practically foisted it on me"
  2029. >"And you're balking?," Madams asks
  2030. "How do I know it's something I want? Evberypony acts like that should be a given, but I don't see it"
  2031. >"Because you just want a simple life?," Madam asks
  2032. >You nod, realizing you're on the verge of tears
  2033. >"I'm afraid that ship sailed when you were sold to the network. You've been in the spotlight ever since"
  2034. >"And handling it gracefully, I'd say," Skydancer adds
  2035. "So you think I'm a fool for not doing it?"
  2036. >"I don't think you're a fool," Madam says gently, "But if either of us had that chance..."
  2037. >"There wouldn't be any hesitation," Skydancer finishes
  2038. "Really? You'd just walk away from the organization and your lives here?"
  2039. >"It's not an option," Madam responds, "So it doesn't matter. But yes, I think almost anypony would"
  2040. "But without an owner how would you be sure you get takem care of? I've been to Brooklyn. Lots of skinny ponies there"
  2041. >"It's not like you're unemployable," Skydancer replies
  2042. >"On the contrary," Madam adds, "You're something of a hot commodity right now"
  2043. "So both of you think I should do it?"
  2044. >"It's uncharted territory," Madams answers, "so I see why it's intimidating"
  2045. >"But you of all ponies won't be left hungry," Skydancer adds, "Besides, then having a family would be an opti for you then"
  2046. "That's a better reason to consider it, for sure"
  2047. >"If the network is already giving you so much freedom," Madam replies, "that you actually have to make a case for emancipation..."
  2048. >"That's got to be nice," Skydancer says, not even trying to hide her jealousy
  2049. "But it's not like that's what makes me happy. They just know I wouldn't walk away from the show no matter what I choose"
  2050. >"Nor should you," Madam answers, "What you're doing there is important. The question is whether choosing freedom - real freedom sends a message of..."
  2051. >She continues, "...false hope to everypony watching"
  2052. "The free ponies would say just the opposite"
  2053. >"Because thy're free," Madam says curtly
  2054. >"I think," Skydancer says, "it sends the message that everypony ought to be free"
  2055. >"Which could be dangerous for those of us who aren't," Madam answers
  2056. >"Somepony's got to say it," Skydancer says
  2057. "Yeah, but does it have to be me? I'm not interested in being some kind of revolutionary"
  2058. >"Good," Madam replies, "Revolutionaries tend to live short lives with awful ends"
  2059. >"But as long as you have the world paying attention to what you say," Skydancer adds, "you may as well let them know how things really are for us"
  2060. "But doesn't that make me a hypocrite? I live in a fucking penthouse"
  2061. >"Giving that up to be free would really be saying a lot," she counters
  2062. >Madam nodds and says, "I understand why this isn't easy for you"
  2063. "But you still think I should do it?"
  2064. >"I would," she replies, "in a heartbeat"
  2066. >Be mare
  2067. >In the kitchen with a little black colt who has his nose in a small dish of ice cream
  2068. >Rose just got a call about some emergency at the flower shop, and left
  2069. >So you're watching him for the next few hours, at least
  2070. >Which you don't mind at all, because he looks so much like a little master
  2071. >You can't help but love him
  2072. >You had one of those inside you for a little while
  2073. >And you sometimes wonder who they would have been if you and master had made a different decision about it
  2074. >But you didn't, so there's no point wondering too much
  2075. >Two of them in the house would have been crazy
  2076. >Would it really have been?
  2077. >It does seem like one is more than enough sometimes
  2078. >He's taken Rose's life away from her
  2079. >She can still do things, but everything has to come to a halt when the little colt needs something
  2080. >Which is practically all the time
  2081. >He notices you watching him and lifts his face out of the bowl, well smeared with ice cream
  2082. >"a... b... c, D!," he sings
  2083. >That's as far as he can get
  2084. "Very good"
  2085. >He seems pleased with himself and turns his attention back to the ice cream
  2086. "You're lucky. You get ice cream for no good reason. When I was a filly I only got it for being brave"
  2087. >He's not really paying much attention to you, which is fine
  2088. "You know what being brave was? It was a man taking his..."
  2089. >You gesture toward his crotch
  2090. "And fucking a filly up her..."
  2091. >You gesture to your tailhole
  2092. "Which hurts a little - a lot if you don't use enough lube, and even sometimes then. That's when I got ice cream"
  2093. >He doesn't understand what you're saying, which is probably a good thing
  2094. "Hopefully you'll never go through anything like that"
  2095. >Unless it turns out he's gay, then maybe he'd like it
  2096. >But then it will be his decision, hopefully, which would make it more like when master did that to you
  2097. >Which was great, actually
  2098. >A totally different experience from being brave as a filly
  2099. "Like I said, you're lucky. Even though you don't have a dad, you have a mom who is right there for you. That's more than I ever had"
  2100. >At the word "mom" he looks around the room
  2101. "She'll be back soon. Now is a little you and me time"
  2102. >He seems satisfied with that, which is good
  2103. >The first couple times Rose left him alone with you he cried for her
  2104. >Now he's cool enough hanging with you
  2105. "When you're a little older we'll tell you all about your father. You look just like him. I loved him. I think your mother did, too, but not in the same way I did"
  2106. >He's now pushing the bowl around the table trying to lick the last of the sweet dairy out of it
  2107. >Better intervene before he knocks it on the floor
  2108. "Let me take that from you"
  2109. >Thankfully it's plastic
  2110. >You and Rose have both learned not to give a colt anything breakable
  2111. >Because he'll break it, given the chance
  2112. >You take the bowl and put it in the sink
  2113. "Let's get your face washed before ice cream ends up somewhere it shouldn't be"
  2114. >Which could be anywhere
  2115. >You wet a paper towel and bring it toward him
  2116. >He leans away from you
  2117. "No. You're not going anywhere with a face like that"
  2118. >He resists, but you manage to get most of if off his face
  2119. "You may be free, but there are still things you have no say about"
  2120. >He frowns at you for a second, then sings, "a... b... c, D!"
  2121. "That's the start. You just have to learn the next 22 and you'll have it. I'll probably be free like you soon"
  2122. >He gives you a confused look
  2123. >You sing the whole alphabet to him
  2124. >You never sung it as a filly, but you learned it quickly from Rose singing it to him
  2125. >He still looks confused
  2126. "Yeah, I don't think I'm cut out for it, either. But I don't think I can be the poster girl for the slave who has it well anymore"
  2127. >He yawns
  2128. "It was fine when I didn't care what image it sent to the world because my own dreams had come true"
  2129. >He gives you a sleepy, dopey look that's not unlike how master looked at the end of the night, just much more clear eyed
  2130. "When your father was around. I didn't realize I was a symbol of anything - I was too busy just being his!"
  2131. >He yawns again
  2132. "Does somepony need a nap? We can take a nap in my bed. Follow me"
  2133. >That much he understands, and he follows you into your bedroom, cuddling up next to you under the covers
  2134. >Guess you'll be reading the notes for the next episode of the show later rather than sooner
  2135. >Not that it matters
  2136. >Your nearly made decision will blow things up for an episode or two regardless
  2137. >So YOU'RE in the driver's seat here - the last place you want to be
  2138. >Moonglow is going to give you so much shit
  2139. >But she cares more about her Cartier collar than how anypony else has to live their lives
  2140. >You noticed the way she looked down at Skydancer when she was on the show, and Sky is a million times smarter than she is
  2141. >Or at least ten times
  2142. >It was Sky's opinion on freedom that really had an effect on you
  2143. >And Madam's
  2144. >You don't even care that much
  2145. >But you've got something ponies you respect think is priceless hanging over your head
  2146. >So it's probably wrong to act like it's valueless
  2147. >You feel Cuddleslut's breathing go into sleep mode
  2148. "But if I'm gonna be honest with myself, I can't be part of why folks think slaves have it good when most of us don't"
  2149. >The little colt shifts against your body, dreaming
  2150. >You wonder what this privileged little colt could be dreaming about
  2151. "I want to be generous to other ponies"
  2152. >You hear master's voice in your head saying, "They're in control of everything"
  2153. >So they're still in control of you, aren't they?
  2155. >Be mare
  2156. >Someone is trying to scare you
  2157. >When you got the mail today there was a letter labeled "Resident"
  2158. >Usually only fliers and junk mail come addressed like that
  2159. >So you were tempted to ignore it
  2160. >But since it appeared to be some kind of letter you took it back to the apartment and opened it
  2161. >Only to be met with a small cloud of white powder
  2162. >You were too suprised to even be scared, because by the time you realized what it was supposed to be
  2163. >A threat to scare you
  2164. >Some had gotten up your nose and you recognized it as powdered sugar
  2165. >So you didn't even have the time to realize it was supposed to seem like some dangerous chemical
  2166. >Because by the time you realized that was the intent you knew it was just powdered sugar
  2167. >And trying to scare a pony with sugar isn't going to work
  2168. >May as well try scaring a pony with carrots and apples
  2169. >Which is why you're pretty sure it came from someone, and not somepony
  2170. >The accompanying letter simply read, "Fuck you"
  2171. >You decided not to tell Rose about it
  2172. >Because the idea some wacko could send you a toothless threat
  2173. >Probably means there's a chance a real one could get through as well
  2174. >And you don't want her to worry
  2175. >She already watches the news, so she worries a lot more about what's going on in the big bad world than you do
  2176. >But of course she HAS to share those concerns with you
  2177. >And motherhood has only made that worse
  2178. >She'll watch a news story on TV about a mass shooting where ponies were killed
  2179. >Or even worse specifically targeted, not just random victims
  2180. >And you'll have to spend the next hour talking her down from it
  2181. >Pointing out that this stuff doesn't happen in the City
  2182. >(Or at least hasn't happened yet in the City)
  2183. >There are incidents of man on pony violence here, sure
  2184. >But the mass shootings are always reported from places far away
  2185. >Always the reporter standing in a parking lot full of pickup trucks
  2186. >Outside of where the shooting happened
  2187. >You've started thinking of the rest of the country beyond New York City as mostly parking lots and pickup trucks
  2188. >In front of places where mass shootings are about to happen
  2189. >And you're pretty sure that's not accurate
  2190. >It just seems like that from the news on TV
  2191. >The way politics seems crazy for the same reason
  2192. >You never paid any attention to politics before because you're a pony
  2193. >You have no say in politics
  2194. >But being forced to watch the news has made you aware of all the divisive issues people argue about constantly
  2195. >Including, but not limited to:
  2196. >Terrorism, immigration, the environment, healthcare, socialism, religion, guns, racism, who REAL Americans actually are...
  2197. >And, strangely enough how your opinions on four legs versus two fit into to various combinations of those issues
  2198. >Including which four legged creatures ought to have any rights at all
  2199. >A surprising number of folks seem to support Equestrian ponies being considered nothing more than livestock
  2200. >If expensive livestock when they're not free ponies
  2201. >While also advocating for greater legal protection for dogs, cats(?!) and even native horses
  2202. >Having sex with any of those three is illegal in many places, whereas Equestrian ponies are fair game in all of the US
  2203. >Well, California is trying to impose an age limit on sex with ponies
  2204. >One that seems ridiculously old to you
  2205. >But you really shouldn't know or care about any of this shit
  2206. >There's nothing you can do about any of it
  2207. >It isn't your business
  2208. >And your opinions ahouldn't matter
  2209. >But they kinda do, because your opinions are now on national TV
  2210. >Like it or not you're part of this national clusterfuck of a situation, if in a small way
  2211. >FUCK!
  2212. >You don't wanna hafta watch the news, and you think you'd actually be better off if you didn't
  2213. >Because it seems to be mostly full of stuff to make you worry or feel scared
  2214. >Or make you angry
  2215. >A lot of the things they say on the news seem calculated to make the viewer angry
  2216. >And ponies, especially free ponies are sometimes the target
  2217. >Like when they say abolitionism is a left wing conspiracy, like Black Lives Matter
  2218. >Then point to ponies like you (sometimes actually you) as proof of how well ponies have it under slavery
  2219. >Which helps explain why sometimes people (always men, it seems) shoot them in pickuptruckland
  2220. >Where left wing conspiracies are apparently a dire threat to the American way of life
  2221. >And you're guessing similar kinds of men send you envelopes of powdered sugar with fuck you notes inside
  2222. >Because just being a mare who gets to speak her mind threatens something they hate to see threatened
  2223. >Which is why you still feel safe here
  2224. >It isn't really that way in New York, where it's less about God and Country and more about the American Dream
  2225. >As long as you don't slow anyone down or get in the way of them making a dollar you're fine here
  2226. >Or so it seems
  2227. >You hope it continues to seem like that
  2228. >Because if you ever felt it was as dangerous here as Florida or Mississippi
  2229. >You don't know what you'd do
  2230. >Probably never leave the apartment
  2231. >And if a shooting ever happened near here where a colt was killed
  2232. >Rose would be stuck here with you forever
  2233. >And if that happened you'd just tell her straight up that you're done watching the news
  2234. >Because the idea of being holed up with her all day doing that sounds like hell to you
  2235. >You would have to put your hoof down
  2236. >Your phone is ringing
  2237. >It's Rose
  2238. >Have you two lived together long enough that you just have to think about her to summon her?
  2239. >Is that even a thing?
  2240. >You're not sure
  2241. >But you ought to answer regardless
  2242. "Rose?"
  2243. >"There's been a mass shooting. We HAVE to talk about this"
  2244. >You sigh
  2245. "Don't we always have to talk about it when shit like this happens? Of course we will"
  2246. >"No, I mean all of us on the show!"
  2247. "That might not be such a good idea. Don't you think giving them more exposure encourages others to cpoycat?"
  2248. >"It just happened on 48th Street, where we do the show"
  2249. "At Fox?"
  2250. >"Yeah, I just got an alert on Twitter"
  2251. "How bad?"
  2252. >"Two dead, one of them the shooter. More hurt"
  2253. >Shit
  2254. >You hope the other killed wasn't a member of the security team
  2255. >It's horrifying enough when these sociopaths kill at random
  2256. >Even worse when they tagrget some specific group for pathological reasons
  2257. >But it's twice as bad when they commit suicide after taking out one of those whose job it is to keep others safe
  2258. >Guards are important people, who never get their due
  2259. >Never get the respect they deserve
  2260. >Not like police or military
  2261. >Who seem to get at least a token mourning some of the time
  2262. "Wow. That's fucked up. Keep me abreast of the situation. You OK?"
  2263. >"Not really, but OK for now"
  2264. "Keep it that way"
  2266. >Be VP
  2267. >Getting out of meeting and headed to lunch rendezvous at the appartment
  2268. >With your little sexy pegasus
  2269. >She knows Up Thai is fine fore delivery
  2270. >The food is beside the point
  2271. >You walk out of the elevator and hear firecracker noises
  2272. >Have you been shot?!
  2274. >Be VP
  2275. >In hospital
  2277. >Your left arm hurts
  2278. >And doubly so every fucking time you try to move
  2279. >The resident doctor told you that you were very lucky
  2280. >Yeah, very lucky you got fucking shot
  2281. >But you understood what she meant
  2282. >You're alive
  2283. >A bullet in the arm is a lot less bad than a bullet in the head, torso or gut
  2284. >And it passed through without tearing an artery or shattering a bone
  2285. >It just made hamburger out of part of your bicep and some tendon or ligament or something
  2286. >Which means you ARE lucky in that this could have been so much worse
  2287. >You heard it was worse for a couple people there
  2288. >Someone was killed
  2289. >But that's not what's in the front of your mind
  2290. >You have shit to do, and you can't get it done from a hospital bed
  2291. >And no one has given you any indication as to when you can get the fuck out of here
  2292. >Cynthia is here with you
  2293. >She was pretty shaken up, which is to be expected when you hear your husband got shot
  2294. >But she calmed down the moment she saw you were conscious
  2295. >Even though your marriage these days is little more than a contract and a bunch of stuff you own together
  2296. >You sleep in seperate bedrooms and don't even see each other all summer
  2297. >You're still a partnership
  2298. >With a legit history behind it, even if it feels like a sham today
  2299. >"I don't like your blood pressure," she says
  2300. "They're monitoring it. I did just get shot, and I'm in pain. Kind of hard to relax"
  2301. >"Well you should try. I know you'd rather be anywhere but here, but..."
  2302. "I know exactly where I'd rather be. La Condesa, about fifteen years ago"
  2303. >She smiles at you
  2304. >"That was great, wasn't it?"
  2305. "Best time of my life. I was so happy I got fat"
  2306. >"You weren't fat"
  2307. "You're kidding yourself. I was 35 pounds heavier than I am now. I wasn't obese, but I was fat"
  2308. >"You wore it well. You never looked fat. But you can blame the chilaquiles you had everyday for breakfast"
  2309. >She smiles again
  2310. "They ribbed me at the office for that - the gringo showing up every morning with his breakfast in a styrofoam container"
  2311. >"The churros and chocolate at El Moro weren't much help, either"
  2312. "We only did that on the weekends. I'd go back in a heartbeat"
  2313. >"It's not the same. Hipsters have taken over. And be thankful we weren't there last year"
  2314. "The only thing I have against hipsters is that they make me feel old. But you're right. The place where we used to live partially collapsed"
  2315. >"I was always afraid a big one was going to hit. Glad we missed it. You always said you didn't trust that kind of construction in an earthquake zone"
  2316. "I hate that I was right about that"
  2317. >"What are you talking about? You love being right"
  2318. "Not about tragic shit. Peubla got hit even harder, which is a shame"
  2319. >"You still have a soft spot for that town?"
  2320. "It's been years, but yeah. Everyone crows about the food in Oaxaca, but Puebla has the better food"
  2321. >"You are getting old. You're repeating yourself. You've said that to me at least a hundred times"
  2322. "Well I don't mind being right about that. Look darling, there's nothing you can do here, you don't have to stay"
  2323. >"Trying to get rid of me? You know that's not going to happen"
  2324. "No. But I sent for Cloud, and she'll be here any minute"
  2325. >"I can't believe you're already on your second pony"
  2326. "Things with the first one didn't go as planned"
  2327. >"I know. So you put her on TV talking shit about you, and had a hit with it"
  2328. "I wish I could say that was pure inspiration, but it was really just making lemonade out of lemons"
  2329. >"It was ballsy. I didn't think it was possible to get something more controversial than Hippodrome on the air"
  2330. "Might be part of the reason why I'm lying here now"
  2331. >"You don't know that"
  2332. "No. I don't. But I'm guessing I'll find out as soon as they let me out of here"
  2333. >"It's obviously not going to be tonight. So you call me when you know and I'll come get you"
  2334. "I appreciate that"
  2335. >"I've got to be useful for something other than spending your money"
  2336. "OUR money. That was the deal when you stopped working"
  2337. >"Because we moved to DF for your dream job, and I couldn't get my Spanish fluent in three months"
  2338. "You did well enough, though"
  2339. >"So did you"
  2340. "God, when was the last time we just talked like this? Feels like I had to get shot to reconnect with my wife"
  2341. >"You mean you didn't plan this?," she says with a little laugh
  2342. "You didn't sign the release yet? This is my new reality show: Active Shooter"
  2343. >"He wasn't active for very long"
  2344. "Working title. You know what we ought to do when I get out of here?"
  2345. >"What?"
  2346. "Take a drive to Brooklyn, just the two of us, hit some Mexican joint where they don't even speak English"
  2347. >"If we take an Uber we could have drinks, too"
  2348. "That's the girl I married"
  2349. >"Sounds like a date. I'm a little surprised, actually"
  2350. "What, a man can't take his wife out on a date?"
  2351. >"THIS man hasn't in quite a while"
  2352. "Never too late?"
  2353. >"You're lucky it isn't. I'm in"
  2354. >A grey pegasus comes running into the room, right to your bedside, her usual poise replaced with a look of fear
  2355. >"Are you OK, Daddy?," she asks in a pleading voice
  2356. >Without thinking you reach to stroke her mane and your arm explodes with pain
  2357. "I will be. You've got nothing to worry about"
  2358. >Cynthia raises an eyebrow and mouths the word "daddy" to you
  2359. "Not a word from you - you're in no position to throw stones. Besides, you wanted me to relax, and service animals are good for that"
  2360. >"I don't know if THAT kind of service speeds up recovery," she replies slyly, "But I'll let you have some privacy"
  2361. >She shuts the door behind her on the way out
  2362. >"I was so scared when I got the call," Cloudburst says
  2363. >You can see she's been crying
  2364. "It's OK. I'll heal. But of course it was scary"
  2365. >"Were you scared?"
  2366. "I didn't even have time to be. I didn't realize what was going on until I was hit"
  2367. >"Does it hurt?"
  2368. "Of course it hurts. But they say with physical therapy I'll get some strength and range of motion back, they can't say how much"
  2369. >"When they said there was an incident I thought you'd been killed"
  2370. "I could have been. But I wasn't. Someone was, I still don't know who"
  2371. >"Now you should focus on getting better," she says in a naive way that pretty much mashes the cute receptors in your brain
  2372. "And you can focus on taking my mind off the pain"
  2373. >Just looking at her gave you half a chub, and making that suggestion gets you the rest of the way there
  2374. "I don't know what they've got me on for the pain, but it's probably going to make me less responsive than usual"
  2375. >Carefully you pull the covers off of you with your good arm
  2376. >She licks her lips
  2377. >"I'm just happy you're OK. Take as long as you need to, Daddy. I'm a big girl. I can handle it"
  2378. >This roleplay thing makes you feel really pervy
  2379. >And your wife knowing about it is a little embarrassing
  2380. >But damn if it doesn't make you diamonds
  2381. >For a second you have a moment of anxiety over hospital staff walking in on what's about to happen
  2382. >But it passes quickly as you realize just how good you feel about yourself
  2383. >Here you are, almost 50 years old
  2384. >Wounded and in a haze from painkillers
  2385. >And not only is your dick diamonds, but it's about to get sucked by an incredibly attractive mare
  2386. >Who calls you daddy
  2387. >You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in this situation
  2388. >You actually feel pretty self-satisfied for a guy who just got shot
  2390. >Be Cloudburst
  2391. >Daddy is hurt
  2392. >And the idea that someone just shot him at work is terrifying
  2393. >Do people just shoot people like that?
  2394. >Why?
  2395. >It really makes the world seem like a scary place
  2396. >Where not even the masters are safe
  2397. >And if the masters can't protect themselves how can they protect their good girls?
  2398. >You have a master who loves you so much he wants you to call him daddy
  2399. >If he were taken away you have no idea what you'd do
  2400. >Would you kill yourself?
  2401. >Don't think like that
  2402. >Good girls don't think about stuff like that
  2403. >But he's obviously happy to see you
  2404. >His cock is huge and rigid
  2405. >That's how much Daddy loves you!
  2406. >Usually you'd hover before him
  2407. >Flapping your wings just enough to keep you in place
  2408. >As he'd grab your head with his strong hands
  2409. >Pulling you on to him as that beautiful cock slides back and forth down your throat until he finishes
  2410. >You being sure to keep your teeth away from the action
  2411. >And your tongue moving against it
  2412. >Especially the base of his shaft when he hilts down your throat
  2413. >Which is where he likes to cum
  2414. >But things are going to be different for a little while at least
  2415. >Most movements cause him to wince in pain
  2416. >So it's all on you to take care of him now
  2417. >One of those strong arms is out of commission
  2418. >But he's OK
  2419. >He's still here for you
  2420. >And you have to be a good girl for him
  2421. >Which is its own reward, but he's such a good daddy he praises you for it anyways
  2422. >Not to mention how he spoils you by making you cum - a lot
  2423. >But now is NOT the time for that, either
  2424. >It's up to you to take care of your daddy
  2425. >And you've got to manage in a way that's not going to hurt him
  2426. >The idea of hurting him nearly makes you cringe
  2427. >You are NOT going to hurt him
  2428. >Just suck him off carefully instead of getting throatfucked
  2429. >You're still going to get him down your throat, though
  2430. >Because that's what you know he likes
  2431. >It just has to be a little more gently than usual
  2432. "You lie still, Daddy, and let your little girl will take care of that for you"
  2434. >Be mare
  2435. >Picking at a plate of greens for a late dinner in the penthouse
  2436. >It's really just hay with a little arugula in it
  2437. >But Rose was right, the arugula adds a certain something special to it
  2438. >Beyond just doubling the cost of the meal
  2439. >She was eating with you, but she got a call and went to her room to take it
  2440. >You thought you heard her say "John" as she left the room
  2441. >But you doubt the VP would call her this late
  2442. >Or at all, for that matter - they're not exactly on good terms
  2443. >Her getting the call was kind of a relief, actually
  2444. >Usually you enjoy her company, but tonight she wasn't really at her best
  2445. >All she wanted to talk about was today's shooting - at work, but on a day neither of you were there
  2446. >And neither of you know that many facts about it
  2447. >Not even if anypone or anyone you know was hurt
  2448. >All you know is what they said on the news
  2449. >Five injured, three dead, one of them the shooter
  2450. >So of course Rose went straight to wild speculation
  2451. >Which is a pointless way to get yourself all upset
  2452. >Was it something to do with ponies?
  2453. >Maybe your show?
  2454. >Maybe you're the targets
  2455. >No way to know just yet, so why start fearing you might have a target on you?
  2456. >You know you do a little anyways, just because you're ponies who speak their minds on TV
  2457. >Of course that's exactly where Rose, a mare currently responsible for the well being of a young colt goes
  2458. >Thankfully that colt is asleep, because he's starting to understand some of what's said around him
  2459. >And this is the kind of thing he probably shouldn't be aware of yet
  2460. >Seeing his mother worried about security would NOT do him any good
  2461. >You are SO glad you didn't tell her about the envelope with the sugar in it and the fuck you letter
  2462. >She would be completely freaking out right now
  2463. >Totally convinced this was some kind of anti-pony attack - she's already halfway there
  2464. >Which it could actually be, but you're not one to jump to conclusions
  2465. >Not when they won't keep you any safer
  2466. >What would you be doing differently right now if you knew this attack had targeted you because of your show?
  2467. >Nothing, because you can't think of anything you could do differently
  2468. >Getting a gun of your won wouldn't help because neither you nor Rose is capable of operating one
  2469. >And having one in the house with a colt seems like a terrible idea
  2470. >You don't have anywhere else to go
  2471. >And if you did what would make you think it was safer than here?
  2472. >Even if you do feel a little less safe up here in the penthouse than you used to
  2473. >Back when you had a master
  2474. >Oh shit
  2475. >Rose is on her way back, and she looks even more upset
  2476. >"That was John," she says, "He was shot. Hurt, obviously. Not killed"
  2477. "Too bad"
  2478. >Probably not a good idea to be that flippant to her, but you said it anyways
  2479. >"You say that," she responds, "but you know how good he's been to both of us"
  2480. "I know how much blood he has on his hands as well"
  2481. >"Enough to wish him dead? Come on... self-interest alone here ought to make you reconsider that"
  2482. >You think
  2483. >Do you really wish he was dead?
  2484. >You kinda do
  2485. >Rose adds, "You're talking like a mare scorned"
  2486. >Really?!
  2487. >Did she have to go there?
  2488. "It's not like he's only rejected me. Think about how you're a mother. His dick was in my mouth while that went down"
  2489. >"Fair enough," Rose answers, "But you weren't all that happy when he refused to be your master, though"
  2490. "I guess you're right. I guess I'm glad he's not dead, though. But not out of self-interest"
  2491. >"Then why?"
  2492. "Because of his good girl"
  2493. >"My replacement?"
  2494. "Think of the poor thing. Remember seeing master slipping away from us? Remember how horrible that was?"
  2495. >"So the only reason you wish he wasn't dead is the feelings of a mare you don't even know?"
  2496. "Remember what it felt like? Would you want anypony else to go through that? Especially somepony who's just trying to be a good girl?"
  2497. >"Shit, you may be a better pony than I am, given the circumstances"
  2498. "No. You're a mother now, so your son takes priority over looking out for other ponies. I get that"
  2499. >"Even if it makes me selfish?"
  2500. >You want to say she's always been selfish, but you hold your tongue
  2501. "Your son is your priority. That's not selfish"
  2502. >"Thank you"
  2503. >You really don't want the conversation to go back to the shooting, but she just spoke to the VP, so you have to ask
  2504. "Did he say anything about the motivations of the shooter?"
  2505. >"He doesn't know. He intends to find out as soon as he's out of the hospital. There's an investigation underway"
  2506. "We can agree we're glad the shooter is dead?"
  2507. >"Absolutely"
  2508. "Then can we leave it at that for tonight? I'm just about maxxed out on this"
  2509. >"Sure, but it still worries me"
  2510. "Of course it does. But there's nothing we can do about it tonight"
  2511. >"Besides, we're going to be there talking about this on camera tomorrow. That'll have the producers on pins and needles"
  2512. "Yeah it will. Fox is pretty pro Second Amendment. A bunch of mares talking about a mass shooting at hteir workplace..."
  2513. >"Is not the kind of thing they want to air. But they may not have any choice"
  2514. "And we'll probably know more by then anyways"
  2515. >"Or supposedly know more"
  2516. "What's that mean?"
  2517. >"Once you're in the media the information you're fed could be disinformation"
  2518. "You're making my head hurt"
  2519. >"Sorry. Just saying"
  2521. >Be mare
  2522. >In production meeting with the girls from the show and one of the producers
  2523. >The cute one who took care of you during your last heat
  2524. >Porduction meetings are where you get coached for the shoot
  2525. >You're given details about who the guest will be and good topics to bring up with them
  2526. >You bring up topics to discuss
  2527. >And hash out who has which opinions on them
  2528. >Who really has something to say on a topic and who doesn't
  2529. >If you don't you keep quiet for most of that segment
  2530. >The show is unscripted
  2531. >But the meetings make sure you have a direction to go with it
  2532. >And there's a set of topics always at the ready if you mares are out of ideas for that week
  2533. >Which happens sometimes
  2534. >Today is NOT one of those times, given what happened yesterday
  2535. >So it caused a little stir when the producer told you not to bring up the shooting today
  2536. >"You're trying to censor us?," Rose asks indignantly
  2537. >He rolls his eyes
  2538. >"Yeah," he replies sarcastically, rubbing his beard. "The show is based on mares speaking freely so I want to censor you"
  2539. >"That's what it seems like," Rose shoots back
  2540. >"Do you want the official explanation from corporate, or the explanation from your producers?," he asks
  2541. >'Why not both?," Rose answers
  2542. >"There's an ongoing police investigation, as well as an internal one," he says, "and we can't comment on ongoing investigations"
  2543. >"I'm guessing that the corporate answer," Ada Maria says
  2544. >"Yeah," he replies, "and it's common practice. Not at all unreasonable"
  2545. >"Then what's YOUR answer?," Rose demands
  2546. >"Integrity," he replies
  2547. "Explain"
  2548. >You've got to stop saying that
  2549. >It's become a thing on the show
  2550. >Snowdrop even emailed a picture of you taken from the show with the caption, "EXPLIAN"
  2551. >Obviously you say it enough that others have picked up on it
  2552. >"Viewers watch because if when what you have to say infuriates them they know you're speaking honestly," he begins
  2553. "We infuriate viewers?"
  2554. >"Of course you do. You're always presenting minority opinions on hot button topics. We get a lot of angry emails, even calls"
  2555. >He continues: "Topics like sexuality, slavery and pony rights will do that"
  2556. >He takes a sip from his coffee
  2557. >He continues, "But you don't come off like you're trying to spread fear and dissent, we already air more than enough of that"
  2558. >"That's the opposite of what we're trying to do," Rose replies, pouting a little
  2559. >"It shows," he replies, "so if you're going to wade into ANOTHER hot button topic like gun violence..."
  2560. >He takes another sip of coffee
  2561. >"You want to have your facts straight and present coherent opinions," he says, "I'm all for it, but we're not there yet"
  2562. >"Not to mention it would be like setting off a bomb for most Fox viewers," Crystal says
  2563. >"The show is that already. This would just be pouring gas on the fire. And I'm happy to go there, but only if we do it with integrity"
  2564. >He adds, "Without that it would feel exploitave, like you're just there to look pretty and stoke controversy"
  2565. "Oh, that's not part of it?"
  2566. >He laughs
  2567. >"Of course some viewers tune in to gawk at the beautiful mares, no matter how angry what you say makes them"
  2568. >He's looking right at you
  2569. >"You are gorgeous, after all," he says with a little smile
  2570. >Was that flirting?!
  2571. >In front of everypony?!
  2572. >You look around the room
  2573. >Everypony else just looks a little bored at this point
  2574. >Except Rose, who is still pouting over the policy
  2575. >She was hell bent on talking about the shooting today
  2576. >"But that doesn't change the fact that what we're doing here has integrity," he concludes, "And we ought to maintain that"
  2577. >"When are you going to get us some... facts," Rose asks a little sarcastically, "so we can form coherent opinions"
  2578. >"I've got two researchers on it right now," he replies. "You think we didn't see this coming?"
  2579. "What do we do if someone from the audience asks about it?"
  2580. >"Say you can't comment on an ongoing investigation, but will be able to once it's concluded and we know the facts"
  2581. >The rest of the meeting drifts by as usual
  2582. >Looks like you and Rose won't have all that much to say on today's show
  2583. >Just sit there and look pretty
  2584. >Eventually the meeting ends and everypony starts heading toward the set
  2585. >You manage to make eye contact with the producer
  2586. "A minute?"
  2587. >"Sure"
  2588. >When everypony else is out of earshot you say:
  2589. "We're you flirting with me back there?"
  2590. >"I was trying to be subtle about it"
  2591. "Good job. I don't think anypony else noticed"
  2592. >"I've been thinking about you"
  2593. "Filthy things, I hope"
  2594. >He looks a little surprised, then laughs nerveously
  2595. >"Yeah"
  2596. "You'll have to come by and show me sometime"
  2597. >"I'd like that. You call me or I call you?"
  2598. "I call you. I never get to be in control. This is fun. But once you're there YOU'RE in control. Got it?"
  2599. >"Sounds great. Yeah"
  2600. "There was something else. I don't know if it's a big deal or not"
  2601. >"What?"
  2602. "When you said we infuriate viewers, does that mean we could be in danger from angry people who watch the show?"
  2603. >"That's exactly the kind of speculation I want to keep off the air for now. But it's possible"
  2604. >You tell him about the "Fuck you" letter with the powdered sugar in it
  2605. >"Shit. And you didn't call the police?"
  2606. "Over what? It was powdered sugar"
  2607. >"It was a threat. I assume you still have it?"
  2608. "No. I got rid of it. Didn't want to scare Rose"
  2609. >"Wow. So you didn't tell anybody about it?"
  2610. "I just told you"
  2611. >"I'll run it by John when he gets out of the hospital. In the meantime let me know if anything else like this happens"
  2612. "OK. It's not a big deal, right?"
  2613. >"We'll see what John says. And I'll be waiting for your call about the other thing, as well"
  2614. "Good boy"
  2615. >You can't believe you just said that to a MAN!
  2616. >You feel so naughty!
  2617. >He smiled at it, though
  2618. >He'd be so much cuter without that beard
  2619. >Maybe you can get him to shave it off?
  2620. >Something to think about
  2621. >Now it's time to shoot the show
  2622. >Shoot
  2623. >It's gonna be hard not to talk about it when it's on everypony's mind
  2625. >Be mare
  2626. >Sitting next to Rose doing your best to look interested
  2627. >But you're bored out of your mind
  2628. >It almost doesn't matter if it shows, because the cameras have been on Ada Maria and Moonglow for a while
  2629. >Moonglow has been answering audience questions about unicorn magic for nearly 20 minutes
  2630. >Turns out people have a lot of crazy ideas about it
  2631. >Well, not exactly crazy, but wrong
  2632. >They seem to think unicorns are capable of doing things here that probably weren't even possible in Equestria
  2633. >Moonglow has been setting them straight, which the audience seems to find very interesting
  2634. >But you don't
  2635. >Not because you're racist against unicorns - you're not
  2636. >You just don't really give a fuck about magic, or horns, or any of that bullshit
  2637. >So you're kind of tuning things out
  2638. >When you notice the conversation turns back to sex
  2639. >An audience member asks whether there's a big difference between men and stallions sexually
  2640. >And suddenly all eyes are on you and Rose
  2641. >She blushes and says, "Let me figure out how to put this so it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor"
  2642. >She begins, "A stallion is... intense. His weight is on you, his forcefulness getting... into you"
  2643. >She's really blushing
  2644. >"But once he's in it's so warm," she continues, "as he grows inside you and you feel him flare right up against your cervix"
  2645. "And that's when he... finishes"
  2646. >"Right," she replies. "and you can feel it. It's faster than with a man, a lot more intense, his head leaning into you"
  2647. >"As his... you know," Rose hesitates
  2648. >"Thing?," Ada Maria suggests
  2649. >"Starts to shrink and slip out of you," Rose continues, "Then before you know it his warm weight is off of you"
  2650. "And you can almost see straight again"
  2651. >"Yeah," Rose answers, "But with a man it's relentless, over and over again until you can't see straight, then you can, then you can't again"
  2652. "And sometimes you can again before he's done"
  2653. >Little snicker from the audience feels good
  2654. >"With a stallion it's like you say 'Take me', and he does. With a man it's more like 'Have me', and he does until he's done"
  2655. "Which can be a while"
  2656. >"Sometimes too long, but we don't tell them that"
  2657. "You never learned how to hurry them along? There are stratagies"
  2658. >"You're not supposed to tell them that, either" Rose replies
  2659. >And she gets some almost exclusively female laughter
  2660. >Not that there are that many men in the audience, but there are more than they're used to be
  2661. "No matter what you do you're going to get beat against for a while with a man"
  2662. >"Which means if you're not all that warmed up to start with you will be"
  2663. "Yeah, if you're not warmed up with a stallion he can finish before you get yours"
  2664. >"True, but it's not like getting filled up like that isn't satisfying"
  2665. "The flare counts for a lot. Pushing up against your cervix is better than going through"
  2666. >"Ouch. I can't imagine that"
  2667. "If the mare is small and the man is big it can happen. I had a few clients like that when I was a filly"
  2668. >"That had to hurt"
  2669. "You bet it did! You just tried not to let it show and hope they finished quickly"
  2670. >"And if he didn't?"
  2671. "You'd be sore for the rest of the day"
  2672. >"That's horrible. I've said it before, but it bears repeating - men should not be having sex with fillies. I don't know why that isn't self-evident"
  2673. "I do. Some men really like it, and men have a say, fillies don't - we just do what we're told and don't ask questions"
  2674. >"I think there's no outrage about this because most people don't know it's a thing. Because fillies have no voice"
  2675. "It's not like places where I grew up advertise. They stay under the radar. Those interested find out and it's better everybody else doesn't"
  2676. >"Until now. YOU are the voice of those fillies for all the world to hear"
  2677. "Then let's get one thing straight. It might be wrong, but we have no choice about it. Before you give that look of pity mixed with horror..."
  2678. >You need to collect your thoughts on this
  2679. "We were taken care of - fed, kept safe, treated well - because we were valuable as whorses. If you criminalize sex with fillies..."
  2680. >Got to say this exactly right, because it's the important part everypony seems to forget about
  2681. "These girls won't be as valuable, and the lives the lead could end up so much worse"
  2682. >"Worse than being a filly sex slave?"
  2683. "I can think of a lot worse things, and I was one. Right off the top of my head being beaten, left hungry and worked to death"
  2684. >"Yeah. I didn't think about that. When I was a private property I had it very well because I was valuable as a bedmare"
  2685. "Of course you were. You were a status symbol. Being that valuable portected you"
  2686. >Moonglow adds, "Some of us are still status symbols, and doing pretty well"
  2687. "And it's all based on us being pretty, so men want us. If that weren't the case how well would you be doing?"
  2688. >"I shudder to think," the unicorn replies
  2689. "Exactly. I'm sure any filly out there can think of things she'd rather do than service men. I know I could have"
  2690. >Think - this has to sound smart because it's important
  2691. "Would I have liked to have gone to school, had parties with my friends and pretended to be a princess? Of course!"
  2692. >Get to the point
  2693. "But if you take that value a filly has because men want her away, what's left to protect her? You need to answer that before you just say sex with fillies is wrong"
  2694. >Moonglow - use her as an example
  2695. "It's like saying being bedmare is wrong. What if we made that illegal. How would that work out for you, Moonglow?"
  2696. >"I'd probably keep doing what I'm doing if I were free and that were an option. I have no problem being a kept mare"
  2697. "The Gucci collar looks good on you"
  2698. >"It's Louis Vitton," she replies
  2699. "We're the only private property voices you'll hear - the ones who have it well. Never the ones who have it bad"
  2700. >"Sure," Crystal chimes in. "You are the mares people can point to and say 'See! Slavery isn't all bad - they have it pretty good'"
  2701. "While you and the crew bust your butts just to keep middle class lives"
  2702. >"Lower middle class by New York standards," Crystal replies
  2703. "So before we start up with ivory tower pronouncements about right and wrong we have to consider the consequences for ponies who don't have it as well"
  2704. >"I can't believe you're making a case for a filly sex slavery," Rose says, exasperated
  2705. "If the other options are worse I would. To me right and wrong work like this: right makes things better for ponies, wrong makes things worse"
  2706. >"I get it," Rose replies. "If we're the only pony voices being heard we have to be sure we're making things better"
  2707. "And if ponies are going to be private property we aren't doing them a service by undercutting their value"
  2708. >"I still think men having sex with fillies is wrong"
  2709. "Maybe it is, but if they put a stop to it somepony is going to have to be there for those fillies to make sure they don't end up in a worse situation"
  2710. >"That I agree with"
  2711. >"Maybe," Ada Maria suggests, "we can get back to the topic at hand. Men or stallions? Preference?"
  2712. "Like if I had to choose one or the other?"
  2713. >"Exactly," Ada Maria replies
  2714. "Both can get the job done... men are more work, but hands are nice... stallions are easier, and flares are nice. Probably stallions"
  2715. >"Rose?," Ada Maria asks
  2716. >"Do you want me to be honest?," she asks
  2717. >Ada Maria nods
  2718. >"These days I'm finding myself fantasizing about mares," Rose replies, blushing a little
  2719. >There are a few snickers from the sudience
  2720. "That's probably my fault"
  2721. >"Not a fault," Rose replies, "But nothing I'd thought about until you. And the cruel irony is you're straight"
  2722. >"So how does that work?," Ada Maria asks
  2723. >"It doesn't," Rose says dismissively
  2724. "Sorry to inconvenience you"
  2725. >"Yeah," Rose laughs, "I guess it would be a little too convenient, wouldn't it?"
  2726. >"Falling for straight girls is never convenient," Cristal interjects
  2727. >"I thought I was a straight girl," Rose replies, "Until this one. Turns out she was just acting and I... wasn't"
  2728. >Cristal smiles at you
  2729. >"You must be a good actress," she says
  2730. "I've been a whorse from a very young age. Being able to put on a convincing girl-girl show is part of the skill set"
  2731. >"But it's not your jam?," Crystal asks
  2732. "No. Afraid not. Not like there weren't plenty of opportunities if it had been"
  2733. >"I would think," Cristal answers. "Must be hard to respect men when you only see that side of them"
  2734. >Wow
  2735. >That's some real free pony talk
  2736. >It never occurred to you there might be other sides to them
  2737. >Beyond the guard and John with his overriding ambition
  2738. >Where their jobs get in the way of just being... men
  2739. >Basically hard dicks in need of release
  2740. "It's not like that. I may not be the least bit innocent about sex things, but I know I'm naive about a lot of other stuff"
  2741. >You have to elaborate on that a little
  2742. "I never really judged men for being the way they are. I just took it for granted that's how they are"
  2743. >"You can," Cristal responds. "Your friend Skydancer told a different story"
  2744. "She's in the position to lose respect for them because she sees them being vulnerable. I never saw much of that"
  2745. >"They never showed any vulnerability to you?," Cristal asks
  2746. "Remember I was much younger. They'd sometimes get cuddly after, but they always dominated"
  2747. >"Which is how you like it now," she replies. "What a surprise"
  2748. "Hey, we're all products of our environment. Mine was just a little more intense than some others"
  2749. >"Speaking of men and intense environments," Rose begins, "You all know there was a shooting here yesterday"
  2750. >Fuck, Rose, what are you doing?!
  2751. >"My ex, John, the executive producer of this show was one of the injured," she continues. "He got shot"
  2752. "Yeah, and we can't comment on it while investigations are ongoing"
  2753. >"I'm not going to comment," Rose replies. "Just ask a question. Why is it always a man? You hear about a shooting and you KNOW it's a man"
  2754. >"Perhaps on a future episode," Ada Maria suggests, "we can get an expert guest to answer that for us"
  2755. >"It would be nice," rose replies. "You notice it's never a pony"
  2756. >You laugh
  2757. "Ponies can't fire a gun. Doesn't work with hooves"
  2758. >"Could a unicorn?," Rose asks Moonglow
  2759. >Moonglow thinks for a second
  2760. >"I could pick one up with magic," she replies, "But aiming, pulling the trigger and compensating for the recoil?"
  2761. >"Too sophisticated for how weak magic is here?," Rose asks
  2762. >"Way too sophisticated," Moonglow replies. "The concentration required to do something as simple as pouring a cup of tea is exhausting"
  2763. >"OK, then. So it's not even an option for ponies. But it is for women, and you never see a female shooter"
  2764. "That's true. Maybe because women are less impulsive?"
  2765. >"Can't be," Rose replies, "This stuff is premeditated. They plan it out"
  2766. "That's messed up"
  2767. >"So if your 'product of our environment' thing is true what is it in the environment that's making men do this?"
  2768. >"I think that's a topic for future shows," Ada Maria says firmly. "For now we have to leave it there. Good question, though"
  2769. >Looking out in the audience it's apparent many of them would like to comment
  2770. >A bunch of people are even raising their hands, like they're in class
  2771. >Ada Maria notices this as well
  2772. >"We're leaving this topic there for now," she repeats. "And we're going to take a short break"
  2774. >Be mare
  2775. >In meeting room with the other hosts while a stand up comedian keeps the audience entertained
  2776. >The producer (the one you like) has joined you as well
  2777. >And Moonglow is really mad at Rose
  2778. >"We do an entire segment," she scolds,"debunking myths about unicorns and magic, then you go straight to a topic we were supposed to avoid..."
  2779. >She's so angry she's shaking
  2780. >"And the first thing you do is speculate about whether a unicorn could fire a gun?! Not very racially sensitive, Rose"
  2781. >Ada Maria takes her side, saying, "It's not exactly the kind of thing that's going to put fears about magic to rest"
  2782. >Rose knows she fucked up
  2783. >She's struggling to come up with something
  2784. >She finally says, "Sorry about that. That wasn't even my point. My point was it's never a pony or a woman, always a man"
  2785. >"Which is a good point," the producer replies, "but you jumped the gun bringing up the topic"
  2786. >Jumped the gun
  2787. >Was he going for a cornball pun, or is that just a common figure of speech?
  2788. >You're not sure
  2789. >"And you made the audience visualize a unicorn using magic to fire a gun," Moonglow adds
  2790. >"We're going to edit out that bit at the very least," the producer answers
  2791. "In Rose's defense it's on all of our minds, somepony was going to bring it up sooner or later"
  2792. >"She could have done it without fearmongering about spooky unicorn magic," Moonglow shoots back
  2793. >"I know," Rose replies. "I fucked up. I wasn't thinking about people's fear of magic"
  2794. >"Because you don't have to live with it," Moonglow says. "You don't get suspicious looks just because of your horn"
  2795. >"Does that really happen so much?," Rose asks
  2796. >"All the time. Even with my master I have to endure a constant stream of stupid questions that come from a place of fear"
  2797. "People are scared of magic. They don't understand it. Growing up I never knew any unicorns because there were none at the brothel"
  2798. >"Really?," Moonglow asks
  2799. "It was all earth ponies except to Skydancer - she was the exotic one"
  2800. >"No unicorns at all?," Moonglow says, like it's taking a while to sink in
  2801. "None. I'm sure there would have been if there was a demand for them. I always figured Sky was popular because of her wings"
  2802. >"People are racist," Moonglow answers
  2803. >"And we don't want to do anything to make that worse worse," the producer says flatly
  2804. >While Moonglow glares at Rose
  2805. >"I can't believe you could be so ignorant," Moonglow says, still pretty angry
  2806. >And she's right
  2807. >People who are comfortable around earth and pegasus ponies are often less relaxed around unicorns
  2808. >It's pure racism, but you can't pretend it doesn't exist
  2809. >You even wonder if part of the reason you feel closer to Rose than Moonglow is because she's an earth pony like you
  2810. >But you're pretty sure you're not racist against unicorns
  2811. >Maybe Rose is, though
  2812. >More likely she's just not as sensitive to racism as a unicorn because she's never experienced it that way
  2813. >Either way asking if a unicorn could fire a gun was pretty bad
  2814. >Definitely not helping the stereotype of magic creatures being untrustworthy and dangerous
  2815. >Then again Rose is from Equestria, where magic was an everyday thing
  2816. >It could be scary, but it wasn't always something to be suspicious of
  2817. >From what you understand some earth ponies in Equestria weren't all that fond of its use
  2818. >But they weren't exactly racist about it, like people are
  2819. >Ignorant is the word
  2820. >Rose is just ignorant
  2821. >Like you were growing up, because you didn't know any unicorns
  2822. >You also figure the horn itself has something to do with the issues people have
  2823. >You've learned that as strong and confident as men seem to be they can also be pretty insecure
  2824. >Especially about their cocks, which you figure is part of why some of them want to fuck fillies in the first place
  2825. >The smaller the mare the bigger their cocks seem, and the more dominant they feel
  2826. >But a mare with a horn on her head that might be close to the size of their cocks?
  2827. >Maybe they find that threatening
  2828. >And there probably is an element of danger to it in intimate settings
  2829. >And add magic on top of it, and it's easy for them to be racist against unicorns
  2830. >Are you being racist just thinking about this stuff?
  2831. >No
  2832. >Being aware of racism just means you're not ignorant - it doesn't make you racist
  2833. >But the fact that you've never really had any unicorn friends
  2834. >Never hung out with any unicorns
  2835. >Does leave you wondering if maybe you are a little racist
  2836. >Or maybe it's just a consequence of living in a racist world
  2837. >That seems more like it
  2838. >Still you feel bad for Moonglow
  2839. >Everypony has it a little rough because men, not ponies make the rules
  2840. >But it has to be tough being a unicorn
  2841. >She's lucky she has a good master
  2842. >You understand why she likes showing off the fancy things he buys for her
  2843. >Kind of like she's showing the world unicorns can be just as pretty to men as earth or pegasus mares
  2844. >Good for her, because it's true
  2845. >"We should get you back up there," the producer says, "I don't know how much material the comedian actually has"
  2846. >As the girls head toward the set you make eye contact with him
  2847. "One sec," you say as quietly as possible
  2848. >He hangs back, giving you a knowing look
  2849. >And you begin a whispered conversation
  2850. "My place, tonight at five. Rose will be at the flower shop"
  2851. >"You sure you wouldn't prefer a stallion?"
  2852. "I never got to choose who I was with. Now I do and I choose you. You should be flattered"
  2853. >"I'm supposed to take the girlfriend out to dinner"
  2854. "That early?! How old is she, 60?"
  2855. >He laughs
  2856. >"We usually go for drinks before"
  2857. "Push it back. I bet she doesn't even give you anal"
  2858. >He looks uncomfortable
  2859. >"Last time we tried it there were tears"
  2860. >What a weak woman she must be!
  2861. "Be at my place at five and you can take me up the tailhole. I assure you there will be no tears"
  2862. >You walk away, not even waiting for his response
  2863. >He'll show up, you're pretty sure
  2864. >Being sneaky is exciting
  2865. >The fact that it has to be kept a secret, even though you're being brazen about it behind everypony's backs
  2866. >That makes it more fun
  2867. >Rose would be shocked if she found out
  2868. >But it's pretty easy to shock Rose
  2869. >When you exit the room you get a little shock yourself, as you nearly bump into Ada Maria
  2870. >She gives you a little smile and asks, "What were you whispering about in there?"
  2871. >You can't tell if she's being accusatory or just nosy
  2872. >But regardless you have to think fast
  2873. "I was just saying we shouldn't be that hard on Rose. She's aware of how much she fucked up"
  2874. >"Moonglow is the one you should be saying that to," Ada Maria replies, "On second thought, don't. She's really pissed"
  2875. "She'll get over it, though"
  2876. >"Probably, but not today. Can a unicorn fire a gun? What was she thinking?"
  2877. "When you think about it, a few of them working together probably could"
  2878. >She frowns at you
  2879. >"That is exactly the kind of image we do NOT want to put in people's minds"
  2880. "I would never say anything like that in front of people"
  2881. >"Because you're not stupid. I didn't think Rose was, either, but sometimes ponies surprise you"
  2882. "Hey, she went from being in Equestria to being a bedmare to being the free single mother of a young colt, and she works two jobs on top of it"
  2883. >You shouldn't have to bring race into it, but you do
  2884. "And she's an earth pony. Maybe she never really understood the nuances of people's attitudes toward unicorns"
  2885. >"Do you believe that?"
  2886. "I don't know. She's also really upset by the whole gun violence thing, especially since she became a mother"
  2887. >"That's understandable"
  2888. "Right, and someone she used to be very close with was shot yesterday. My guess is she's just not thinking straight right now"
  2889. >"That much is obvious. Well, we should finish this up"
  2890. "Sounds good. I have a thing at five"
  2892. Excerpt from the book 21st Century American Slavery, Chapter 2, "The Unicorn Problem", by Michael Krowd, Columbia University Press, 2016
  2894. "While slavery is always enforced by both the threat and practice of violence, its existance also requires a particular agreement among both the subjugators and also among the subjugated. The masters must believe their status is part of the correct societal order, just as the enslaved must accept the inevitability of their status inasmuch as they don't feel compelled to rise up against it. Violence alone is not enough to sustain this. A slave society has to develop a culture of slavery, accepting narratives that make it seem self-evident. In the previous iteration of American slavery slaves were quoted Bible passages regarding one's duties to one's master, and told their rewards would be in the next life. The Constitution legally counted each slave to be 3/5ths of a person. It was generally accepted among slave owners (and even many slaves) that African-Americans were better off as slaves because they lacked the mental capacity to take on any greater role in American society.
  2896. "The New American Slavery is predicated on similar ideas. The Bible gives man dominion over the animals, and ponies are indeed animals by definition. Enslaved ponies have the same legal status as chickens, in that animal cruelty laws do not even apply to them. They are simply property. (Free ponies live in a legal limbo somewhere between Resident Aliens and animals as of this writing). All would have been in order for an easy transition to human domination of the Equestrian diaspora had it not been for one thing: magic. Long before the first Equestrian ponies set foot in our world terrifying stories of Alicorn and unicorn magic spread like widlfire. Living beings there wielded powers of mythological creatures and gods. Whatever resembled real magic in our world was either the realm of fantasy or the divine, but in Equestria creatures who commanded it lived among the general populace. Quite correctly this was seen as a threat to the established orders in our human world.
  2898. "This issue came to be commonly referred to as the Unicorn Problem. How could man's dominion over creatures with the powers of gods be self-evident? They had to be some kinds of demons, and calls for their destruction were not uncommon shortly after the Contact. This problem proved to be short-lived, however, because it was soon discovered that the magic these creatures wielded in Equestria was almost, though not completely neutralized upon their arrival here. Without any real power to back up their use of magic a new narrative emerged. The use of magic was immoral, invoking Biblical injunctions against false gods and sorcery. The horn, once proudly the symbol of the unicorn race was seen as a mark, much like the horns Medevial Europeans assumed could be found on the heads of Jews. A new kind of bias emerged leveled entirely against unicorns. They weren't trustworthy, they were looking to cheat you, they conspire to use magic regain the status they held in Equestria, to the detriment of other pony races and mankind in general - very much a set of prejudices historically leveled against Jews, with the result that unicorns fell to the lowest status among the pony races in America. In less than a generation that loss in status began to be reflected in attitudes of ponies themselves. Unicorn stallions are not only the most frequent victims of man on pony violence, but the demographic with the highest rate of suicide among ponies. Unicorn mares command the lowest selling prices of all pony slaves because their horns are seen as unattractive by people and ponies alike.
  2900. "This is the New Unicorn Problem. The narrative is so pervasive that even their pegasus and earth pony brothers and sisters have begun expressing doubts, or worse about them. Among those who remember Equestria it's said levels of racism among ponies, almost all of it directed against unicorns has reached levels unknown in Equestria for over a thousand years. Divide and conquer is a time honored strategy, and it has been effectively employed against the Equestrian diaspora. In typically American fashion race has become a primary indicator of social status. For men that has been a function of the lightness or relative darkness of one's skin. Unfortunately for unicorns among ponies it's currently a function of whether or not there's a horn growing out of your head."
  2902. >Be mare
  2903. >You knew he'd come
  2904. >Promptly at five
  2905. >His excitement clearly showing through his pants when he walked through the door
  2906. >His desire for you was delicious
  2907. >That feeling of being desired is something you were missing
  2908. >And catching Rose sneaking a glance at your rear isn't the same
  2909. >As a man unable to hide his arousal over you
  2910. >Because you are that desirable
  2911. >You'd left the lube bottle in a pot of warm water so it wouldn't be a shock to either of you
  2912. >Then took turns lubing each other up
  2913. >He was reluctant and hesitant against your tailhole at first
  2914. >You told him you weren't a China doll, and he wasn't going to break you
  2915. >And that changed his approach for the better
  2916. >The familiar mix of pleasure and pain was blessed relief
  2917. >Not being touched really gets to you
  2918. >It makes you feel isolated and alone
  2919. >Like you're dead, but somehow still conscious
  2920. >But straining around the producer's dick makes all of that go away
  2921. >You feel very much alive
  2922. >His lust for you and the pleasure he's taking from your pain make you feel alive
  2923. >It's something a mare like Rose might not understand
  2924. >You don't think she needs this in the same way you do
  2925. >When she's not in heat, at least
  2926. >He didn't even balk when you told him to choke you
  2927. >Almost like he knew that's what you wanted
  2928. >And you came twice before he unloaded into you
  2929. >It was a struggle to stay on your hooves at that point
  2930. >But you managed to keep the position until he'd finished in you
  2931. >Then you led him to the bathroom where you soaked a washcloth in warm water
  2932. >You'd cleaned yourself back there, but he was up your ass, regardless
  2933. >So his cock smelled like it had been there
  2934. "Let's get you cleaned up. No reason for your girlfriend to get a taste of my ass when she takes you in her mouth"
  2935. >You realize that might be presumptuous
  2936. "She does that, right?"
  2937. >"Yeah, she's good that way for sure," he responds
  2938. "Good. Men who don't get what they want at home are going to get it somewhere else. I saw it everyday growing up"
  2939. >"While sucking miles of dick, I'm guessing"
  2940. >The words "miles of dick" make you laugh
  2941. >He moans when the warm washcloth touches his own dick
  2942. "Yeah, it could almost be miles of dick. Never thought of it that way"
  2943. >"I'm glad you didn't take offense at that. It came out sounding a lot cruder than I'd intended"
  2944. "You just came up my tailhole. I'm not going to be offended by crude talk. I wasn't brought up all genteel"
  2945. >He laughs
  2946. >"Still no reason for me to talk like that. I'll make it up to you," he says gesturing toward the bathtub
  2947. >"Next time I'll give you a bath"
  2948. "Next time? What makes you so sure there will be a next time?"
  2949. >"You came twice, didn't you?"
  2950. "So you assume I'll have you back just because you can make me cum twice?"
  2951. >This is fun
  2952. >What was that about him giving you a bath?
  2953. >Is that a thing?
  2954. >Might be interesting
  2955. >But toying with him a bit is even more interesting right now
  2956. "Making me cum and offering to give me a bath aren't quite enough to secure your position"
  2957. >"Oh, really? What else do you want from me, then?"
  2958. >He's asking for it
  2959. >May as well let him have it
  2960. "I'd like to see how much sexier you'd be without the beard"
  2961. >You said it!
  2962. >You look up from cleaning his cock to see his reaction
  2963. >It's a frown
  2964. >That's great
  2965. >This is a great test
  2966. >Can you make him do something he doesn't want to?
  2967. >You're pretty confident the answer is yes, even if he doesn't know it yet
  2968. >"What is it with every female in my life giving me shit about the beard?"
  2969. "Maybe we all think you'd look better without it"
  2970. >"I have no idea what I'd look like without it. I've pretty much had it ever since it grew in"
  2971. "Change can be good"
  2972. >"It would make my girlfriend and mother happy"
  2973. "And the mare you've been fucking. Don't forget about her"
  2974. >"I think about you a lot more than I probably should"
  2975. "Good boy. I like hearing that. Now just take care of that beard and you can keep fucking me, at least for now"
  2976. >He looks really reluctant
  2977. >"We'll see"
  2978. >That's a yes
  2979. >You know that's a yes
  2980. "I guess we will. Now don't you have a romantic dinner to get to? With your girlfriend?"
  2981. >"Yeah, I kind of do"
  2982. "Then you should put your pants on and get out of here"
  2983. >"You know, you could let me be a little romantic with you. I was serious about that bath"
  2984. >Romantic
  2985. >You're not sure how you feel about that
  2986. >No man has ever been romantic toward you
  2987. >And master was tender and sweet, but not really romantic
  2988. >Not in the way some mares dream of being treated
  2989. >You've never been one of those mares
  2990. >You're not sure you'd even like being treated that way
  2991. >But Beardo seems really into this bath thing
  2992. >Does he want to brush your mane and tail, too?
  2993. >Would you think of him as less of a man if he did?
  2994. >Probably not
  2995. >Because where it counts he's definately enough of a man
  2996. >Just a man who thinks giving you a bath would be romantic
  2997. >You'll let him do it if he ditches the beard
  2998. "You know what you have to do if you want that"
  2999. >The romance thing sounds like a bad idea though
  3000. >Isn't that what he has a girlfriend for?
  3001. >What if one, or worse both of you were to develop feelings for each other?
  3002. >That would be complicated because you work together and no one (and nopony) is supposed to know
  3003. >And that shit would show after a while
  3004. >Because the mares you work with aren't stupid
  3005. >They'll pick up on things
  3006. >Could he be your new master?
  3007. >The thought almost makes you laugh
  3008. >You stifle the uege to do so while watching him pulling up his pants in the bedroom
  3009. >He is in charge of the show to a degree, but he's not the master
  3010. >That's John, who is his boss
  3011. >This man has a lot more boy in him than John
  3012. >You don't think you could ever call a man master who let you call him a "Good boy"
  3013. >And smiled at you instead of giving you shit about it
  3014. >Then again he did just take you in a masterful way
  3015. >But offered to give you a bath next time
  3016. >You don't know what to make of that
  3017. >But a little part of you is already fantasizing about him washing your mane
  3018. >With your eyes closed and his fingers rubbing against your skull
  3019. >And that can't be good, either
  3020. >Can it?
  3021. >Maybe it could be
  3023. >Be mare
  3024. >You got an iphone
  3025. >You really didn't want to get one
  3026. >But with Rose planning to leave you figured it was a necessity
  3027. >It was expensive, but the credit card covered it
  3028. >You suspect the network wouldn't balk at funding a more lavish lifestyle than the one you actually live
  3029. >You're good at not spending money
  3030. >And there's no doubt you make plenty for the network
  3031. >You're probably a pretty good deal for them in spite of whatever ridiculous sum they pay to put you up in the penthouse
  3032. >Like the penthouse you're aware the phone has a status symbol element to it
  3033. >The screen is kind of hard to work even when it's set to "hooves"
  3034. >Because the thing was designed for hands
  3035. >The fact that it's not impossible to work it is nothing short of a miracle, actually
  3036. >It was time to get with the times
  3037. >You're not Snowdrop or Skydancer
  3038. >Your access to the outside world extends beyond a limited amount of time on a shared computer
  3039. >With an email and a Skype account
  3040. >You are something of a celebrity, so your personal communications should reflect it
  3041. >While you don't have any interest in social media you understand texts are a thing
  3042. >And if you want to stay in touch you need to be able to text
  3043. >The thing is more than you really want or need
  3044. >And you have no desire to join the hordes of people walking slowly on the sidewalk with their eyes glued to a tiny screen
  3045. >Nor do you want to be on facebook
  3046. >But it was suggested at the last meeting that everypony should have a twitter account
  3047. >Ugh
  3048. >You don't have anything to tweet about
  3049. >Instagram was also encouraged
  3050. >But you have no desire to take pictures with your phone, let alone share them with strangers
  3051. >Leave that to Crystal
  3052. >And whichever pony handles social media for the show
  3053. >But you feel like you have to let somepony know you've joined the 21st Century
  3054. >Somepony who won't see it as bragging
  3055. >You shoot off a text to your Good Boy
  3056. >Saying "I got an iphone. We can text now! ;-)"
  3057. >And pretty quickly he responds
  3058. >"Got something to show you"
  3059. >Oh shit, is he about to send you a dick pic?
  3060. >You like his dick just fine, but don't really need a picture of it
  3061. >Sure enough a photo comes in seconds later
  3062. >It IS a selfie, but not of his dick
  3063. >His face
  3064. >The beard is gone!
  3065. >You did it!
  3066. >You've always known you could weild power over some men
  3067. >Because you're desirable
  3068. >But it's nice to be reminded of it
  3069. >You may not be as young as you used to be, but you've still got it
  3070. >And this nearly takes the sting out of not being able to have your way with the VP
  3071. >Even if deep in your heart you still hate him
  3072. >He is perfect master material
  3073. >And he rejected the idea
  3074. >You hope his good girl is as good as he said
  3075. >You'd almost be jealous of her if you didn't have the producer at your beck and call
  3076. >He should get a reward for being such a good boy
  3077. >You walk over to the mirroe and set the timer on the phone camera for five seconds
  3078. >Then you hold the phone up to capture your rear, reflected in the mirror, tail held high
  3079. >Really high
  3080. >You send it to him
  3081. >Which feels naughty in a very good way
  3082. >He quickly replies: "Nice! Now a good time?"
  3083. >Someone's eager
  3084. >You text him back a thumb's up emoji
  3085. >And giggle to yourself that technology has made it possible for a pony to give a thumb's up
  3086. >It's Christmas Eve, so Rose is slammed at the flower shop
  3087. >Last night she said she'd be happy if she never saw another poinsettia again
  3088. >It always struck you as strange that a tropical flower is somehow associated with Christmas in the Northeast
  3089. >But it's a thing
  3090. >They've been everywhere for a month now
  3091. >The lobby of your building is full of them
  3092. >He responmds "C U soon"
  3093. >Why would be be free on Christmas Eve?
  3094. >That's a big deal for most people
  3095. >But you don't really care
  3096. >He's beardless, which makes him look more boyish, but cuter as well
  3097. >You won
  3098. >You're more than happy to give him a consolation prize for your little victory
  3099. >Though it is kinda surprising he doesn't have plans with his gf or even his family for the holiday
  3100. >Is he a Jew?
  3101. >That would explain the cut cock and the affinity for wearing a beard
  3102. >Maybe he has no bigger plans than seeing a movie and going out for Chinese food?
  3103. >And seeing you, of course
  3104. >Because he's on his way right now
  3105. >So it doesn't matter
  3106. >Which leaves you with at least half an hour to kill
  3107. >And no plans for tomorrow, Christmas Day
  3108. >Growing up the brothel was closed for Christmas
  3109. >So the true meaning of Christmas for you was a day off and the sweets Madam provided
  3110. >Brothels are closed on Christmas!
  3111. >That gives you an idea
  3112. >You head toward the office to email some old friends, but realize you can do that from your new phone
  3113. >Can you do it with voice commands?
  3114. >It takes you a few tries, but before long you've sent an email to Skydancer, Snowdrop and Durril
  3115. >Asking if they'd like to joint you for lunch tomorrow in Ponytown, your treat
  3116. >The place you went with Rose and Crystal was very good, and taking the girls out there would cost about what a single bottle of master's bourbon cost
  3117. >You have access to that kind of money
  3118. >Because you live pretty frugally
  3119. >You have a moment of anxiety that such an offer might make your fillyhood friends sad or jealous
  3120. >Because you're offering them something they have no chance of doing without you
  3121. >Would they think you're being a show off?
  3122. >You hope not
  3123. >You're just being generous
  3124. >You CAN take them out to lunch, and they never get to do that
  3125. >So it would be nice
  3126. >You hope
  3127. >You also hope your status as a celebrity is going to be weird
  3128. >You're sure it won't be for Snowdrop
  3129. >She seems to like the idea of having a celebrity friend
  3130. >And Sky's actually been on the show - she should be cool with it
  3131. >Durril?
  3132. >You have no idea, but a chance to catch up with her would be great
  3133. >She's been the hardest to keep in touch with
  3134. >Which is probably as much your fault as hers
  3135. >You wonder if you can get cars to pick up the girls and take them to Ponytown
  3136. >That would probably be a lot more expensive
  3137. >But you're not sure if they've ever negotiated the subway
  3138. >Probably not
  3139. >You have a smartphone now
  3140. >You can try to figure out Uber
  3141. >Or just wait for the man on his way over to show you
  3142. >You're sure he knows how that works
  3143. >Before he arrives you hear back from Snowdrop, saying she'd LOVE to do lunch with you tomorrow
  3144. >Do lunch
  3145. >You have no idea where she picked up that phrase, but it makes you feel ind of Hollywood to be making plans to do lunch
  3146. >It is kind of glamorous, even if your destination is Ponytown in Brooklyn
  3147. >Not a glamorous place at all, really
  3148. >But the restaurant was really nice - you're sure the girls will like it
  3149. >You hope Sky and Durril can make it
  3150. >The doorpony rings that you have a guest
  3151. >Of course it's a pony today, and will be tomorrow as well
  3152. >Men get Christmas off whenever possible
  3153. >In moments you're greeting your producer
  3154. >Looking goofy, boyish and holding a plastic bag
  3155. >"Merry Christmas!," he says holding the bag up
  3156. "You got me something? Shit, I didn't get anything for you"
  3157. >"Oh yes you did, you just don't know it yet"
  3158. "Well if I'm what you want for Christmas you can just tie a bow on my head"
  3159. >"I can do better than that. But first how about a little Christmas cheer?"
  3160. >He pulls a milk carton out of the bag
  3161. >"You do still have some of the bourbon we drank the other day, right?"
  3162. "More than I ever plan on drinking"
  3163. >"Well plan on drinking a little in some egg nog"
  3164. >You know what eggs are, but what the fuck is nog?
  3165. >He sees the lack of understanding on you and says, "It's sweet, rich and delicious. Let me make one for you"
  3166. >But before he does any such thing he gives you a kiss
  3167. >It totally catches you off guard
  3168. >And while there's passion there it's mostly tender
  3169. >Like master was after sex when he wasn't passing out
  3170. >But you haven't had sex with him yet
  3171. >So it's confusing, but it does give you a chance to appreciate his new clean shaven look
  3172. >He breaks away from you and heads to the bar, which is really just a small table with the bourbon and a few glasses on it
  3173. >And an ice bucket with tongs beside it, neither of which have ever seen use to your knowledge
  3174. >He pours a generous amount of the brown liquid into two glasses, then tops it off with the stuff from the milk carton
  3175. >He offers one glass to you and says, "Merry Christmas"
  3176. >You reply in kind, wishing someone merry Christmas for the first time in your life
  3177. >And take a sip of the drink
  3178. >It's as he described, the rich sweet dairy nearly masking the taste of the alcohol, but not entirely
  3179. >THIS is a drink you can drink!
  3180. "It's good!"
  3181. >He smiles at you
  3182. >"Well enjoy that while I run you a bath"
  3183. >Is he serious?
  3184. >He knows he can just have you any way he wants right now
  3185. >Because the good boy shaved his beard
  3186. >And he wants to run you a bath?!
  3187. "You don't want to fuck me first? Or I can suck you off for being a good boy"
  3188. >He laughs
  3189. >"I want to give you a bath. Then we'll see what we feel like doing after"
  3190. >He produces another item from the plastic bag he brought
  3191. >It's a plastic bottle
  3192. >You can read the words "Mane and Tail" on it
  3193. >He's serious about this
  3194. "Whatever you want"
  3195. >Though part of you can't believe THIS is what he wants
  3196. >Then again you've been around the block - some of the things men want are straight up crazy sometimes
  3197. >You had more than one client over the years who insisted on eating out your tailhole
  3198. >Really got them worked up
  3199. >So you can't question this too much
  3200. >Though you've never heard of a bath fetish before
  3201. >Unless this is about pee
  3202. >Is that his thing?
  3203. >Is he going to pee on you?
  3204. >Or have you pee on him?
  3205. >Neither is your favorite thing, but if that's what he's into you'll oblige
  3206. >You won anyways, the beard is gone
  3207. >"I think you'll like this"
  3208. >He walks toward the bathroom and soon you hear water running in the tub
  3209. >He really doesn't strike you as the kind of guy who's into piss
  3210. >Those guys always have a weird intensity about them that he seems to lack
  3211. >But who knows?
  3212. >You sip your drink and look out the window at the winter cityscape
  3213. >A few minutes later you hear the water stop running and he returns, naked
  3214. >"May I?," he asks
  3215. >May he what?
  3216. >Doesn't matter, you nod
  3217. >Whatever he wants, that's the deal
  3218. >He reaches down and scoops you up in his arms
  3219. >He is strong as fuck, picking you up firmly but gently
  3220. >Like that you're no longer on your hooves, but warmly pressed up against him
  3221. >And you're being carried to the bathroom, where he steps into the tub anbd squats down into the warm water
  3222. >Just using an elbow to steady himself against the tub
  3223. >His grip on you never wavering as he lands in a seated position
  3224. >This guy works out for sure
  3225. >You doubt just any guy could have done that
  3226. >His strong arms around you and the warm water drain all tension out of you
  3227. >You don't fight it, you just relax into him and the tub
  3228. >"There you go," he says, grabbing a washcloth
  3229. >It feels good, but a little weird
  3230. >You can't remember being washed by someone else
  3231. >Must have happened when you were a foal, but your memory doesn't go back that far
  3232. >But there's a strong hand with a soapy washcloth rubbing your back, then your neck
  3233. >Then your barrel
  3234. >You're waiting for the fetishy surprise, but it's not coming
  3235. >You can even feel his cock against you, and it's not even half hard
  3236. >Which leaves you without a reference point to understand what's going on
  3237. >Even though it does feel good
  3238. >Just not a kind of good you're used to feeling
  3239. "This is it?"
  3240. >"Just relax and enjoy"
  3241. "Why are you doing this?"
  3242. >He laughs
  3243. >"You have no one to take care of you, so why not me?"
  3244. "I can take care of myself"
  3245. >"You let me take care of you in other ways. Why not this? Don't you think you deserve to be taken care of?"
  3246. >You deserve to be taken care of?!!!
  3247. >There's a thought you would never have come up with in a lifetime
  3248. >Not even something you'd dare to think
  3249. >"Let's do your mane," he says, reaching for the plastic bottle he brought
  3250. >Shit, you can feel tears welling up
  3251. >You don't want to ruin this for him by crying
  3252. >But it's too much to fight
  3253. >You don't even know where it's coming from
  3254. >You deserve to be cared for?
  3255. >That's it, you're about to loose it completely, right here in the tub with him
  3256. >"It's OK," he says, wrapping a strong arm around you. "Let it out. We can get to your mane in a minute"
  3257. >You want to apologize for losing your composure
  3258. >You want to tell him you love him
  3259. >You love him?
  3260. >Where did that come from?!
  3261. >You want to say something to stop the tears, but they won't stop
  3262. >Nor will the sobs
  3263. >"It's OK," he says, planting a gentle kiss on your ear
  3265. >Be mare
  3266. >Afraid you just ruined the experience for him
  3267. >HE wanted to give you a bath
  3268. >And you made it all about yourself, like a selfish filly
  3269. >But you couldn't help it
  3270. >You had no control over the situation
  3271. >Your emotions just got the better of you
  3272. >And now that bathime is over, your mane and tail have been washed and brushed
  3273. >By this man who is so strong, yet so gentle with you
  3274. >You don't know how to feel about it
  3275. >But you feel like you should apologize to him for losing control over yourself
  3276. "I don't know what happened. I'm sorry if I ruined the bath for you"
  3277. >"Don't be silly. I knew what I was getting into"
  3278. "What do you mean?"
  3279. >"I'm no psychologist, but I did get an A in Intro Psychology in college"
  3280. "Which means what?"
  3281. >"I've been watching you on camera for a while now. That's part of why I wanted to give you a bath"
  3282. "I'm not following you"
  3283. >"I wanted you to experience being cared for without having it be a situation you had to submit to - where you weren't expected to just be a good girl"
  3284. >You feel your ears go up involuntarily at the words "good girl"
  3285. >"You are a good girl, by the way"
  3286. >Just hearing that makes you feel good
  3287. >Every time
  3288. "So I didn't ruin it for you?"
  3289. >"It wasn't about me. Well maybe it was, a little. I wanted to be the one showing you men are more than just stiff cocks to submit to..."
  3290. >He takes a sip of egg nog
  3291. >"Or creatures who you can minuplate by calling them 'good boy' and making them shave their beards in return for sexual favors"
  3292. >Are you that transparent?
  3293. >With him you probably have been
  3294. >You feel really naive and guileless
  3295. >Again
  3296. "I feel stupid about it, though"
  3297. >"For what? Being vulnerable?"
  3298. "Yeah"
  3299. >"That's silly. You trusted me. I'm flattered you trust me to be vulnerable like that"
  3300. "So you're not upset about it?"
  3301. >"The opposite. If you'd just gone all submissive on me I'd have been a little disappointed. You were real with me"
  3302. "I don't know what it was. But it gave me really strong feelings for you. I don't know if that's good or bad"
  3303. >You nuzzle into him anyways, and he offers no resistance
  3304. >"It's fine. I have strong feelings for you as well. But this is as far as we can take that, I'm afraid"
  3305. "What do you mean?"
  3306. >"It's not like you want me to be your master"
  3307. >You giggle a little
  3308. >Why is that funny?
  3309. "As terrifying as it sounds I'm not even sure I want a master anymore"
  3310. >"Good. Good for you. And you are the one who pointed out this is just a booty call"
  3311. "That's what it was at first. Now it feels like it could be something else"
  3312. >"I don't think it can be that. My girlfriend is going to be my fiancee soon, then my wife. Eventually this has to stop"
  3313. "Then why are you doing this to me?"
  3314. >"You're giving me some of the best sex of my life. I wanted to give you something of equal or greater value"
  3315. "What, a broken heart?"
  3316. >"No, silly"
  3317. >A strong hand tousles your mane
  3318. >"What you just realized. You can be an equal in a relationship with a man... or a stallion, for that matter"
  3319. "You see us as equals?"
  3320. >"We're not, actually, which is another reason this can never be more than it is now. But I see you like that, yeah"
  3321. "So where does that leave me?"
  3322. >"Knowing you can find someone to care for you and be vulnurable with while making your own decisions and choices"
  3323. "That actually sounds like something I've been trying to avoid"
  3324. >"In your heart you know you deserve it, though"
  3325. "It's so much more complicated than just being a good girl, though"
  3326. >"Yeah, but you don't want to be my good girl, do you?"
  3327. "No. But I want you"
  3328. >"You can have me for a while, but eventually you should find someone just as good or better"
  3329. "And how do I do that?"
  3330. >"You're a celebrity. You could be a free pony if you wanted. You're smart, kind and beautiful. The world is your fucking oyster"
  3331. "Even if you're not?"
  3332. >"Don't make this about me. You are the one who's special here. You are the one who's so much more than a sex object"
  3333. "I'm still one hell of a sex object, though"
  3334. >He smiles
  3335. >"Of course you are. But you know that already. What a magical creature you are might be less obvious to you"
  3336. "Um, maybe you need your eyes checked. There's no horn growing out of my head"
  3337. >"I didn't say magic user. I meant you're an Equestrian pony, which means you're a magical creature"
  3338. "Again, I don't know if that's supposed to be a good or a bad thing"
  3339. "It's who you are. I think it's a very good thing, but I can see how you'd think otherwise when you spent the early part of your life being groomed to be a whorse"
  3340. "Yeah, but I became a bookkeeper on my own"
  3341. >"But you still never escaped your upbringing, even when you were plucked out of it into celebrity"
  3342. "I'm still trying to work that out. It's a lot to take in, and there's no guidebook for any of this"
  3343. >He laughs
  3344. >"You're doing great. I'm just pointing out that you undersell yourself even in your own mind, because part of you is still that little filly whorse"
  3345. "She IS part of me though!"
  3346. >"Of course she is. But your options are so much more than she ever was supposed to have. May as well accept there's a lot more to you than she could ever realize"
  3347. "That's so easy for you to say... but super-hard for me to figure out"
  3348. >"I'm here to help as much as I can"
  3349. "Until you're not"
  3350. >"That'll be a little while from now. By then you could be on a path that leads to the life you deserve"
  3351. "I had a life that was more than I deserved, then he died on me"
  3352. >"You don't have to try to fill that whole with the first acceptable penis you find after that"
  3353. >Ouch
  3354. "That's not ewhat I'm doing"
  3355. >Isn't it?
  3356. >Maybe it's exactly what you're doing
  3357. >"My point is you can do much better for yourself once you know who you really are, what your options are and what YOU want"
  3358. "I could be an old mare by then"
  3359. >"I doubt it. You're too smart. It's just a lot to take in right now"
  3360. "You know you and the girls on the show are the only ones I can talk about this stuff with"
  3361. >You're thinking about your lunch plans tomorrow
  3362. "I'm meeting with some of the girls I grew up with for lunch tomorrow. Anything I say about this could be seen as gloating"
  3363. >"Like you're getting out of jail while they're serving life sentences, even though you're all innocent?"
  3364. >Exactly like that!
  3365. >You nod
  3366. >"That's injustice. Exactly why slavery should be abolished"
  3367. "Someone's a flaming abolitionist"
  3368. >"I produce a show that's all about giving mares a voice. My lover is a product of slavery and only just now realizing its ramifications"
  3369. >He looks into your eyes intensely
  3370. >"Of course I'm a flaming abolitionist"
  3371. "And I'm your lover"
  3372. >That was satisfying to say
  3373. >"And hopefully the work we're doing will do something toward progress for all ponies. Including your friends, if we're lucky"
  3374. "And if we're unlucky?"
  3375. >"I just hope we don't inadvertently make things worse"
  3376. "I worry about that when Crystal starts sayings that sound revolutionary"
  3377. >"So do I. I don't think she's wrong, though"
  3378. "I bet that's a lot easier to think as a successful, white man"
  3379. >"Who gets to make TV shows about this shit for a living. Yeah"
  3381. >Be mare
  3382. >Your lover arranged for transport for the girls
  3383. >Probably an abuse of his authority at the network
  3384. >So you rewarded him with a blowjob
  3385. >Which was really no big deal, but it made him very happy
  3386. >When Rose got home and you told her about your plans she insisted you call the place and make a reservation
  3387. >Which was smart
  3388. >She also told you to make sure the place wasn't cash only, because it was Brooklyn, after all
  3389. >She knows a lot more about dining out than you do
  3390. >But you feel confident about it now
  3391. >You have your credit card
  3392. >Well, it's not technically yours, but you are authorized to use it
  3393. >And you're seated at the table with your fillyhood friends
  3394. >Who seem to be visibly uncomfortable without their collars on
  3395. >You told them to leave them in the van so they wouldn't cause a scene
  3396. >Even though you're the one likely to cause a scene, because you're sure to be recognized from the show
  3397. >"It's weird to be around this many ponies," Snowdrop says
  3398. >"Yeah," Durril responds, "All free ponies and no people. I guess this is what Equestria was like"
  3399. "The chef is from there. I can vouch for the hayburger"
  3400. >"This is my first time in a restaurant," Skydancer says
  3401. >"Me too," Snowdrop answers
  3402. >"Technically I'm in one every night," Durril replies. "The club serves food, but it's terrible"
  3403. "They don't make any money off it, either. But you sure clean up on alcohol sales, even when you count the cost of increased security"
  3404. >"Men like to drink while watching mares dance," Durril answers, "So you need a lot of guards to keep them in line"
  3405. >"So how does this work, exactly?," Snowdrop asks. "Is it like on TV?"
  3406. "Pretty much. Look over the menu, and tell the server what you want when she asks"
  3407. >"Whatever I want?," Snowdrop replies. "What if I want the most expensive thing on the menu?"
  3408. "We're in Ponytown and I have a credit card. Anything you want. I make a lot of money for the network and cost them next to nothing"
  3409. >"So you can afford this easy?," Skydancer asks
  3410. "The show is paying, and the show can afford this easy. They'll say it's research for future episodes"
  3411. >"Is it?," Snowdrop asks hopefully. "I'd love to be on TV"
  3412. >She turns to Skydancer and says, "When you were on I was totally jealous"
  3413. >"I was totally nerveous," Skydancer replies
  3414. >"It didn't show on you at all," Snowdrop answers
  3415. "The editors are really good. They're the heroes behind the scenes who make the show. The tapings are twice as long as the episodes"
  3416. >"And they do what?," Snowdrop asks
  3417. "They cut out the boring stuff or where we go off on tangents - or when Rose says something she shouldn't - and line up the good parts"
  3418. >"Yeah," Skydancer says. "I was actually shaking up there at first I was so nerveous. None of that made it to broadcast"
  3419. "Sometimes the producer spots an obvious edit point and feeds us a line to set it up. Makes the whole thing seem a lot more planned out than it really is"
  3420. >That's not entirely true, though
  3421. "We still have to plan a lot of it out, though. At least an outline of who is going to talk about what"
  3422. >"How about when you take questions from the audience?," Durril asks
  3423. "The questions are screened, but our responses are totally candid"
  3424. >Your server aproaches the table and says, "You girls know what you want, or could you use another minute?"
  3425. >She's a pretty, young yellow pegasus
  3426. "Another minute, please"
  3427. >Snowdrop looks uncomfortable
  3428. >"I can't even read the menu," she says quietly
  3429. >"I'll help you with that if you like," Skydancer replies
  3430. >Sky was always precotious, and you know she's become a reader
  3431. >She's talked to you about stuff she's read
  3432. >You can just about read the menu, but there's no way you could make it through books like she does
  3433. >"Or should I just have the hayburger and fries?," Snowdrop asks you
  3434. "Best I've ever had, though I'm hardly a connoisseur"
  3435. >"OK, so it's that or... What's the most expensive thing on the menu?," she asks
  3436. >She's so cute
  3437. >But you get it
  3438. >She wants to be able to go back home to the brothel and tell the girls not only did she get taken out to a restaurant
  3439. >But she got the most expensive thing on the menu
  3440. >Because of her celebrity friend who MIGHT put her on TV someday
  3441. >That is a lot of bragging rights for a mare like her
  3442. >You really hope they all enjoy this as much as you're enjoying taking them out
  3443. >When it's time to order all of you go with hayburgers except Snowdrop
  3444. >She gets the wild foraged greens and grasses platter, topped with lady apples, pomegranate and pink salt
  3445. >The most expensive thing on the menu
  3446. >And she beams when your server tells her, "Excellent choice"
  3447. >You're so happy you can do this for her
  3448. >You notice Durril is blushing and looking across the room
  3449. >You follow her gaze to see a handsome stallion checking her out
  3450. >She whispers to you, "Men look at me like that all the time, but a stallion has never..."
  3451. >She's completely flustered
  3452. >"There are more stallions in this room than I've ever seen in one place," Skydancer comments
  3453. >"I've never even been this close to one," Snowdrop replies
  3454. >Durril is still flustered, and blurts out, "Me neither, and the way he's looking at me makes me feel like I'm about to go into heat"
  3455. >That's something you forgot about
  3456. >None of the girls have even been around stallions to your knowledge
  3457. >They spend their days with mares and nights with men
  3458. "I should have mentionned there'd be stallions around," you say as quietly as possible while still hopefully being heard
  3459. >"It was pretty obvious," Skydancer replies. "Free ponies and all"
  3460. >"I just didn't expect them to be so cute," Durril adds
  3461. >"Where are their... cocks?," Snowdrop asks
  3462. "In their sheaths. They're not like men where it's out all the time. Their cocks only come out when it's go time"
  3463. >"And what's go time like?," Durril asks
  3464. "Amazing. Quicker than a man, but more intense"
  3465. >"So you said on the last episode," Skydancer answers. "But they're a lot more attractive face to face than I thought"
  3466. "I thought your taste didn't run that way"
  3467. >"My taste doesn't run toward men that way," she replies. "Stallions might be another matter entirely"
  3468. >Really?!
  3469. >Skydancer?
  3470. >She sees the surprise on your face and says, "I'm just saying it's a little distracting with so many around"
  3471. >You think you know a pony...
  3472. >Durril is still making eyes at the stallion across the room
  3473. "If you encourage him he's gonna come over"
  3474. >"He can if he wants to," she replies. "It's not like I'm gonna drag him into the bathroom"
  3475. >The other girls giggle
  3476. >Was that a joke at your expense?
  3477. >"Yeah," Snowdrop says, "Thats more your kind of move. But Durril's boy over there does look pretty yummy"
  3478. >"I wouldn't have brought it up if the thought hadn't crossed my mind for a second," Durril replies
  3479. >That was a joke at your expense
  3480. >Now you have to look at him for real
  3481. >Bay colored, strong jaw, pretty blue eyes
  3482. >Not as handsome as master was, but a good looking stallion, to be sure
  3483. >Shit, he caught you looking at him
  3484. >You and everypony at your table
  3485. >This is pretty obviously a group of mares not all that used to being out in public
  3486. >But you're not exactly making a scene, so it's OK
  3487. >Or you figure it is
  3488. >Then the server approaches the table and says to Durril, "The gentlecolt at the table over there would like to buy you a drink"
  3489. >And with that everypony in your party is giggling like fillies
  3490. >A blushing Durril tries to regain her composure while the server politely waits
  3491. >"I have no idea what to say," the green mare finally manages to get out
  3492. >"The cider here is very good," the server helpfully suggests
  3493. >"I'll have a cider then, thank you"
  3494. >The server heads off to get Durril's drink
  3495. "Now he's definitely going to come over"
  3496. >Very quickly the server returns
  3497. >"Real Equestrian style cider," the server says. "We have it specially made for us at an orchard upstate"
  3498. >Durril takes a sip
  3499. >"You girls have got to try this," she says. "It's totally decelious!"
  3500. "Hold off on that, your coltfriend is on his way over"
  3501. >The stallion approaches your table, heading toward Durril
  3502. >"Thank you for the drink," she says
  3503. >She looks nerveous
  3504. >"My pleasure. You went with the cider I see," the stallion replies. "That's the move here"
  3505. >"I took the server's advice," Durril responds
  3506. >"Look, I don't want you to think I'm trying to bat above my league," the stallion begins, "but you were checking me out, right?"
  3507. >Durril nods
  3508. "We were all checking you out, but she's the one who started it"
  3509. >Skydancer and Snowdrop giggle
  3510. >"I'm flattered. If you'd like to continue doing so over coffee sometime...?," he suggests
  3511. >"I'd love to, but...," Durril answers
  3512. >And proceeds to freeze up
  3513. >"But.. but...," she mumbles
  3514. >"I think my friend," Skydancer says, "is looking for a polite way to tell you she's already spoken for"
  3515. >"My loss then," the stallion replies, showing just a little disappointment. "Sorry to intrude on your lunch"
  3516. >"Sorry I can't take you up on anythig more than the drink," Durril manages to say
  3517. >"Me too," the stallion replies, "but enjoy the drink, regardless"
  3518. >He passes you on the way back toward his table and quietly says, "Big fan, by the way"
  3519. >As soon as he's out of earshot you say:
  3520. "'Already spoken for?' Well played, Sky!"
  3521. >"After making us leave our collars in the van," Skydancer replies, "I figured the truth probably wouldn't go over so well here"
  3522. >"Yeah," Durril chimes in. "I wasn't going to come out and say 'I'm private property.' But I couldn't think up a dodge"
  3523. >"Still, you've got to feel good about yourself," Snowdrop says. "Four pretty mares at the table and the hunky stallion goes straight for you"
  3524. >"He was hunky, wasn't he?," Durril responds
  3525. >"He was hunky," Skydancer says firmly. "No doubt about that"
  3526. >I thought you were into fillies, Skydancer
  3527. >But you don't say it
  3528. >"The girls at the club are gonna flip when they hear about this," Durril says
  3529. >By the time your food arrives Durril had made all of you try her cider
  3530. >It was really that good, so you ordered a round for the table
  3531. >Followed by two more while you ate
  3532. >That bumped the bill up to a little more than you'd guessed it would be
  3533. >But still an utterly insignificant amount compared to the account the card is linked to
  3534. >When you called the driver to tell him you we're wrapping things up he already had the van waiting outside
  3535. >On the way out a customer asked to take a selfie with you, and you happily obliged them
  3537. >Be mare
  3538. >The smartphone has made it easier to see what's up in your email inbox
  3539. >So when you get a thank you email form Skydancer you know it immediately
  3540. >And read it immdiately
  3541. >Which means on Dec 26, 2018 at 2:24PM you read the following:
  3543. "It turns out thank you notes are a thing. Not a thing we grew up with, not being able to read or write. But among those who do thank you notes are common courtesy. The traditional note is delivered by post, but email and even social media shout outs are now considered acceptable today. So in that spirit I would like to thank you for a wonderful time yesterday. It was great to catch up with you and the girls. Not to mention getting a peek into a world I only knew from reading, TV and movies. Sitting there drinking cider with you made me feel like I imagine a princess back in Equestria must have felt - spoiled and privileged, surrounded by other happy ponies. Thank you again for that.
  3545. I also wanted to applaud what you're doing, even if you're not yet entirely aware of what that is yet. Between the visit with Madam and taking us girls out it looks like you're saying goodbye to your past life - the life you were plucked from to live your dream for such a targically short time. My heart aches for you over that. If I'm being honest I must also admit to being jealous. I have no resentment, but I am jealous of you. How you carried yourself around free ponies, joking with Durril's stallion, graciously indulging a fan's request for a selfie... You seem ready for that life. No longer merely the widow of the most controversial pony celebrity, but now a celebrity in your own right taking on the mantle of her emancipation. I know it must be terrifying, but you know what you have to do. But you're no longer the filly I knew growing up. It's time to step forwad into your new life and the new world that comes with it. Not just for yourself but for the thousands and thousands of ponies who will never be any closer to such a life than living it vicariously through you.
  3547. I have faith in you. You can and will make it as a free mare in this crazy world. And should you need a friend along the way remember that you will always find one working in the dungeon. It will be my pleasure to be there for you in whatever way I can. I wish you the best of luck!
  3549. Love,
  3551. Skydancer
  3553. >Why are you crying?
  3554. >You put the phone down and look out the window
  3555. >You want to enjoy the view because you know you'll be saying good-bye to this place before too long
  3556. >The view is beautiful
  3557. >The apartment is beautiful
  3558. >But none of it can compare to the beauty of having friends
  3559. >And now you're crying even harder
  3561. >Be VP
  3562. >You're in a bad mood
  3563. >Your left arm is in a sling, and the injury makes it almost impossible to sleep at night
  3564. >And the painkillers make you dopey, so you're taking them only when things get unbearable
  3565. >Like now
  3566. >You grab the glass of water on your desk and take a generous swig to get the pill down
  3567. >MAYBE you'll feel better in half an hour
  3568. >Maybe you won't
  3569. >But you finish the water anyways
  3570. >Because while the pills aren't always effective for the pain
  3571. >They are very effective at making you constipated
  3572. >Which certainly doesn't help your mood
  3573. >Add to that today's meeting with that whorse
  3574. >She's actually done really well for you
  3575. >But you don't have to like her
  3576. >And you don't
  3577. >Even though you are going to emancipate her - finally - today
  3578. >It's not something you're doing out of kindness
  3579. >Or any noble reason
  3580. >And you intend to make that very clear to her in the process
  3581. >Her emancipation is nothing more than a celebrity perk that's good fodder for the show
  3582. >You're sure she's come up with some high minded rationale for her choice
  3583. >And you have no intention of letting her keep that
  3584. >Not after the bitch got you shot
  3585. >Well, that's not entirely true
  3586. >But if you'd known about a threatening letter delivered to the penthouse you would have called for higher security
  3587. >Or maybe you wouldn't have
  3588. >Threats come in everyday over Hippodrome
  3589. >You just assume they're toothless because PETA types aren't usually big fans of the Second Amendment
  3590. >Abolitionists might be another matter
  3591. >But those who despise abolitionists are most likely to be packing
  3592. >And watching Fox
  3593. >You know a lot of them don't like much of what's said on Blinder's Off
  3594. >But you don't care if they hate it as long as they keep watching
  3595. >It's not like the news, where the product has to be carefully dialed in to align with viewers' beliefs
  3596. >Or they'll simply stop watching
  3597. >Talk shows are different
  3598. >Howard Stern proved that in the 90's
  3599. >People will listen to talk they disagree with or even find offensive if it's compelling enough
  3600. >And "compelling" means sexual content
  3601. >Which thankfully your girls are constantly talking about in one way or another
  3602. >Even if it vilifies you personally every now and then
  3603. >There is no reason to think you or your shows were specifically targeted in the attack
  3604. >That's what they tell you
  3605. >You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time when some psycho decided to shoot up the lobby
  3606. >But security has increased, and aparently the everyday threats your shows in particular bring in are being taken more seriously
  3607. >Whatever that means
  3608. >As long as there's no armed guard in front of your office you're good
  3609. >That would be a dealbreaker
  3610. >You would walk away
  3611. >Who are you kidding?! - that's the drungs talking
  3612. >You don't leave money on the table
  3613. >And you don't walk away from your career at the height of your dragon slaying prowess
  3614. >Getting shot was definitely not part of the plan, though
  3615. >It did rattle you a little
  3616. >Though you wouldn't admit it to anyone
  3617. >You and Cynthia had sex last night for the first time in recent memory
  3618. >Not that you were useful for much of anything beyond providing the hard thing she jumped up on
  3619. >You were afraid it might have been something along the lines of a pity fuck
  3620. >But she came twice grinding on top of you
  3621. >You didn't come at all because of the painkillers
  3622. >And you made it a point of telling her that, because it did feel good - really good
  3623. >It's just hard to get there on an opiate
  3624. >Cloudburst can get you off, but she can do things with her mouth and horsepussy no woman can
  3625. >It was still nice to reconnect with Cynthia
  3626. >You still love her, even if the thrill is gone - well, not entirely gone, just subdued
  3627. >Having sex yesterday allowed you to let go of the little(?!) resentment you had toward her for introducing ponies to your relationship
  3628. >In the long run it was a good move - you're both having great times fucking your small horses
  3629. >But it did come at the expense of a closeness to each other that only got rekindled last night
  3630. >You two have to remember to avoid letting so much time go between your intimate moments
  3631. >As fun as horsefucking is - obviously for both of you - there is still a marriage you have, and it should still be tender
  3632. >And spicy
  3633. >Or at least spicy-ish
  3634. >You've been together for a long time, and you are both almost old at this point
  3635. >She's not quite the beauty she was couple decades ago
  3636. >You can't pretend you don't notice that
  3637. >You're sure she notices the same about you
  3638. >You still look pretty good in the mirror, but what you see can't compare to old pictures of yourself
  3639. >Being able to connect with her at all at this point is nice
  3640. >And it's pretty satisfying to think that dipshit stallion of hers is probably jealous about it today
  3641. >With that thought it's time to deal with another dipshit pony
  3642. >You should try not to think so poorly of her, though
  3643. >She is part of a show of yours that's doing very well
  3644. >She's more than earned her freedom
  3645. >And actually the money you'll be paying her under contract as a free pony will be less than the cost of keeping her in the penthouse
  3646. >It's a win-win for everyone
  3647. >And her agonizing over the decision on the show for so long has been good for ratings
  3648. >A surprising number of viewers were apparently rooting for her to stay a slave
  3649. >A very vocal minority at least on Twitter
  3650. >You push the button on your desk and tell your secretary to send her in
  3651. >The large file legal has dwarn up requires quite a few signatures from both her and you as a witness
  3652. >You've been assured this will hold up
  3653. >She walks through your door followed by a cameramare - Crystal from the show
  3654. "Welcome, ladies. Big day today. We're only going to film the part where she's signing"
  3655. >The soon to be free mare gives you a cold look
  3656. "Really? You should be happy. This is one of the biggest moments of your life"
  3657. >"The biggest moment of my life was getting a master, and he's dead because of you"
  3658. >That's it
  3659. >Normally you'd let that go, but in your current mood you decide to let her have it
  3660. "He's not dead because I made him do Hippodrome. He may have hated it, but he was fantastic at it, and he knew it"
  3661. >"Which made him miserable, and you provided him with an infinite amount of alcohol to drown his misery with"
  3662. "That's just the nature of celebrity. Nothing to do with me in particular. If you don't learn that it might kill you, too"
  3663. >"Learn what?"
  3664. "The pitfalls of being the goose that lays the golden eggs. You're laying golden eggs now, too"
  3665. >"I'm not following you"
  3666. >Is she that dumb?
  3667. >Not dumb, but she is that sheltered in her own weird way
  3668. "Why do you think ao many musicians, actors and comedians behave erratically and die from substance abuse?"
  3669. >Blank stare
  3670. "When you're the goose that lays the golden eggs no one calls you on your shit. It gets encouraged, as long as you keep laying"
  3671. >You think you see a glimmer of understanding in her eyes
  3672. >Good
  3673. "It's not just drugs. Harvey Weinstein was an open secret in Hollywood for decades. But he made hit movies, so no one called him on his shit"
  3674. >"Until they did"
  3675. "True. My point is celebrity gives you the freedom to fuck up spectacularly, and eventually at least some of it will hit the tabloids"
  3676. >Do you go there?
  3677. >Yeah
  3678. "Even if it's just the story of you choking to death on your own vomit"
  3679. >"Good thing I don't drink, then"
  3680. "Right. And you don't fuck your producer, either"
  3681. >That got a reaction
  3682. "Oh, come on. It's my business to know what's going on around here. And of course everyone is going to look the other way over that"
  3683. >She sighs, making it pretty clear she thought she was in trouble
  3684. >It would be cute if you didn't have issues with her
  3685. >So instead it's a little annoying
  3686. "Like I said, no one is going to call you on your shit because you're a celebrity now. And that can be dangerous"
  3687. >"I don't see how in my case"
  3688. "What if he's dating a psycho who decides to stalk and murder you when she finds out? Just spitballing here"
  3689. >"That's a stretch"
  3690. "Sure it is, but so many things happen in life that a few are going to seem like a stretch"
  3691. >"So that's the freedom I'm signing up for here?"
  3692. "No. This is only a formality. You've had that freedom the moment Blinders Off was a hit. You just didn't notice"
  3693. >"What about Cristal?"
  3694. >"I've been in the business long enough to know the score," she replies, "I'm just happy to live in a time where I don't have to sleep with the boss to get hired"
  3695. "This one will try to sleep with the boss regardless"
  3696. >Shit, don't laugh
  3697. >That hurts
  3698. >The hateful look is back on her face
  3699. >Which is funny, given that she's offered herself to you more than once
  3700. "All right. Let's get that camera fired up and get these papers signed. I do have other shit to do today"
  3702. >Be mare
  3703. >In Brooklyn with Rose looking at an apartment Micah is showing you
  3704. >You're accepting that she was right all along
  3705. >You were going to end up living as a free pony with her and Cuddleslut just outside of Ponytown
  3706. >Which you realize isn't a bad thing at all
  3707. >You're excited actually
  3708. >Though you're goiong to miss the view from the penthouse windows
  3709. >The soon to be new tenants will probably appreciate it
  3710. >Ada Maria let it slip that the VP had promised the place to her and Juan Pablo once you moved out
  3711. >When you seemed surprised she just smiled
  3712. >You had no idea those two were a thing
  3713. >But they're both total pros
  3714. >They'd kept it discreet
  3715. >But John finds out everything, and it makes sense that it should go to another star pony couple owned by the network
  3716. >You also suspect Ada Maria told you because you've been dragging your hooves gettting out of the place
  3717. >And she was obviously wondering when she could move in
  3718. >That was the motivation you needed
  3719. >After all there is no reason for to take advantage of the network like that
  3720. >You and Rose get salaries, you should pay your own way
  3721. >And leave network housing perks for those who are still network property
  3722. >You hope they'll be happy there
  3723. >As happy as you and master were for such a painfully short time
  3724. >The place you're looking at now in Brooklyn is nowhere nearly as big
  3725. >It's a Pony 3BR
  3726. >Which means it was a 2BR where the larger of the two has been subdivided
  3727. >The kitchen and common area are both small as well
  3728. >But you've been looking at rentals online, and this is a good deal
  3729. >It's a space that could definitely work for the three of you
  3730. >And it's been beautifully painted in a very Equestrian style
  3731. >The ponies who did it were talented - it looks like a professional job
  3732. >That makes the place seem very cheerful even though the views out the windows are nothing special
  3733. >And the rent Micah just quoted you seems on the low side - almost too low
  3734. "So what's wrong with the place?"
  3735. >"What do you mean?," Micah asks, absentmindedly stroking his red beard
  3736. "The rent you just quoted us is below market rate. There has to be a reason for that"
  3737. >"There is," he responds. "I usually charge a premium when I know I'll be showing the apartment again within the year"
  3738. >He straightens his black jacket
  3739. >"I did a background check on you two," he continues. "I know you'll be able to pay the rent on time. That's worth a lot to me"
  3740. >He blushes and adds, "I even watched your show"
  3741. "Did you like it?"
  3742. >"For me it's a little controversial and... racy. Much too racy to have on in my house"
  3743. >Of course
  3744. >The guy is wearing black pants, a black jacket, a white shirt and a black hat
  3745. >And he sports a beard
  3746. >He's religious, and religious people are usually conservative, you've learned
  3747. >Especially about sex
  3748. >You can imagine a person like that would be scandalized by a lot of what you and the girls say on the show
  3749. "But did you like it?"
  3750. >His face turns almost as red as his beard
  3751. >"Let's just say I liked what I saw," he replies, "but I won't be watching any more of it. If my wife or daugher caught me watching..."
  3752. >You understand
  3753. >He liked it, but he's the kind of man who can't admit to liking it
  3754. >Because he's the kind of man who shouldn't be watching it in the first place
  3755. "So you're giving us a break because of the show?
  3756. >"Oh, there's some self interest involved," he says with a smile. "I have another building on this block"
  3757. >"And us moving in could have an effect on property values?," Rose asks
  3758. >"Not that I wouldn't respect your privacy," he says hesitantly, "but when word gets around"
  3759. >"Your properties will be more desirable to other ponies?," she replies
  3760. "The kind of ponies who pay their rent on time?"
  3761. >"Hopefully the kind of ponies for whom that's not even a question," he answers
  3762. "So we're a good get for you?"
  3763. >"I think the rent I'm offering reciprocates that. I want you to feel like living in one of my buildings is a good get for you"
  3764. >This place is a good get for you
  3765. >Not everything you could want after living in a penthouse
  3766. >But a good deal on a nice place with just enough room for the three of you
  3767. >Probably the best you can do as free ponies
  3768. >Actually a better deal than most free ponies would be able to get
  3769. >Celebrity is a powerful thing
  3770. >You realize this is something you're going to face again and again
  3771. >"I want you girls to be happy here," he continues. "Because you being happy is good for my business"
  3772. >"I think we could be happy here," Rose offers
  3773. >No reason to argue with her
  3774. >She's right
  3775. >A preferential lease from a landlord who wants you in his building is a great thing
  3776. >You nod agreement with Rose and Micah smiles
  3777. >"Well, then. How about you girls come to my office and we'll sign a lease. Welcome to the neighborhood!"
  3778. >You have a neighborhood!
  3779. >You never thought of yourself as part of a neighborhood before
  3780. >But that's going to be the outside world you interact with
  3781. >There will be people, of course
  3782. >But lots of other ponies as well
  3783. >Especially just a few blocks from you
  3784. >For somepony who grew up almost never leaving the brothel it's almost overwhelming
  3785. >But it's also crazy exciting
  3786. >There's a whole new world - your neighborhood! - that's about to shape your daily life
  3787. >You also suspect your new landlord is titillated by the very idea of renting to you
  3788. >You can imagining him confiding to his more liberal friends in a stealth bragging way:
  3789. >"You'll never believe who just moved into one of my buildings. Of course I had no idea who they were until I did a background check"
  3790. >And his friends would feign being scandalized to cover their jealousy
  3791. >Maybe
  3792. >That's fun to think about
  3793. >This upstanding religious man secretly turned on by renting one of his apartments to two sexy mares from TV
  3794. >Maybe he'll even think about you while having sex with his wife
  3795. >Part of you fantasizes about offering him a blowjob someday as a thank you for putting you in such a good situation
  3796. >But something tells you that would be over the line with a man like him
  3797. >There are a whole lot of lines out there, and you're going to have to learn where they are
  3798. >And you know your upbringing puts you at a disadvantage that way compared to other ponies
  3799. >Ponies like Rose
  3800. >You may disagree with her about a lot of things, but you're going to be taking some cues from her on how to be a free mare
  3801. >She did live free in Equestria, after all
  3802. >And Ponytown is the closest thing to Equestria that exists here
  3803. >And you're going to be living a stone's throw from it!
  3804. >Something you never realized you yearned for
  3805. >But now you're yearning for it
  3806. >You know you're going to make some miostakes along the way and embarrass yourself
  3807. >You'll come off looking like the poor little slave filly who grew up in a brothel
  3808. >But hopefully your celebrity status will buy you a little indulgence here and there
  3809. >Because everypony KNOWS you're that pony
  3810. >And you're now struggling to find your way
  3811. >You're almost schocked by how little this intimidates you
  3812. >Then again you have been through a lot
  3813. >You've kind of proven already you're stronger than you thought
  3814. >You can do this!
  3816. >Be mare
  3817. >Be getting ready for the move
  3818. >You've realized you're going to need some furniture because you and Rose own almost nothing
  3819. >And the rugs she likes so much won't even fit in the new place
  3820. >You've looked at some stuff on Craigslist and even Freecycle
  3821. >Plenty of stuff looked good to you, but Roseluck is a little more fussy
  3822. >She likes a certain look
  3823. >Fortunately it's not all that expensive as long as you don't pay retail
  3824. >Micah told you not to do that, and it makes sense
  3825. >He's a good man
  3826. >You're pretty sure you can tell
  3827. >Or at least he's what your idea of a good man is
  3828. >Not paying retail if you can help it sounds like a good idea to you
  3829. >Sounds great, actually
  3830. >You're going to have to ask Micah where he suggests buying stuff in the neighborhood
  3831. >Maybe he has some knowledge to share with you
  3832. >Right now Cuddleslut derails this line of thought
  3833. >Because as usual he's right up against you in a way that's kind of creepy
  3834. >In that it's entirely not sexual, which is something you're not all that used to
  3835. >Even when you cuddled with Snowdrop back in the day you still felt a little something sexual on her part
  3836. >But not with him
  3837. >Even though he looks like master so you'd welcome it
  3838. >it's just weird to be touched so intimately in a nonsexual way
  3839. >But he snuggles right into you like you're his
  3840. >"Can I ask you a question?," he asks
  3841. >You're still getting used to him speaking in complete sentences
  3842. >You weren't prepared for that to happen so quickly
  3843. >You now have to be careful about what you say to him
  3844. >As you realize he's only a little bit younger than you were when you were sent to the filly brothel
  3845. >He could actually remember some of this
  3846. >And Rose has made it very clear to you that she doesn't want to give him any traumatizing memories
  3847. >Which is a minefield because a lot of things you think are normal Rose considers traumatizing
  3848. "Of course," you answer, feeling your own anxiety building
  3849. >You've heard him ask Rose about the move to Brooklyn so many times that you have that speech memorized
  3850. >'We can't stay here because this place is for ponies who are network property'
  3851. >'We're free ponies, so we're going to where free ponies live'
  3852. >'There will be lots of colts and fillies you can play with there, so it will be better'
  3853. >You're ready to give that speech
  3854. >Especially the bit about how he'll like it better
  3855. >He's definitely noticed the lack of other colts around to play with
  3856. >Which won't be the case in Brooklyn
  3857. >Instead he just says, "It's sad not to have a daddy, isn't it?"
  3858. "Yeah, it is"
  3859. >You don't know how far you want your answer to reference your own upbringing, but you feel compelled to say:
  3860. "I grew up without a mommy or a daddy"
  3861. >He looks incredulous
  3862. >"Not even a mommy?!"
  3863. "You're lucky to have a mommy who loves you. I don't even know if mine did. I think she did. I can't remember"
  3864. >"No daddy either?"
  3865. "No daddy"
  3866. >"That's sad, isn't it?"
  3867. "I never thought about it. I had other things to deal with"
  3868. >You feel pretty smart for side stepping things you know Rose doesen't want you talking about with him
  3869. >Like sex things
  3870. >Evidently sex is not something you're supposed to talk about with colts and fillies
  3871. >Unless he asks you 'what things?'
  3872. >"Can I ask you something about my daddy?," he asks
  3873. >Better than asking you about how you came up
  3874. "Of course"
  3875. >"You were his wife, right?"
  3876. "Not legally. But for show I was. He was my..."
  3877. >DON'T say master
  3878. >That's way too much explaining for a free colt
  3879. "Husband, for all practical purposes"
  3880. >"Then why is mommy my mommy and you're my auntie? Shouldn't you be my mommy?"
  3881. >You laugh
  3882. "No. Your mommy is your mommy. But my husband was your daddy. He was a good stallion"
  3883. >"Why did he die?"
  3884. "He was... sick. A kind of sickness we didn't know about, so we didn't know how to help him. That eventually killed him"
  3885. >"Nopony knew?"
  3886. "People at the network knew, but they didn't care. Because he was talent"
  3887. >"What does that mean?"
  3888. "Mommy played you his music, right?"
  3889. >He nods
  3890. "He coud make music. He was also great on camera, though the show they made him do was horrible"
  3891. >"Mommy said"
  3892. "So no one cared if he was sick as long as he looked good on TV. That's what happens when you're famous"
  3893. >"Is mommy famous?"
  3894. "Yeah, a little"
  3895. >"Are you famous?"
  3896. "Yeah, just like your mom"
  3897. >"Am I?"
  3898. "No, but maybe you could be someday. It's not like it's something to chase after though. There are good things about it and bad"
  3899. >"What's bad about it?"
  3900. "No one cares if you do things that might make you sick. Like your daddy did"
  3901. >"Then you die? From being famous?"
  3902. "Not exactly, but it can work that way. It's like the rules are different for someone famous and that can get you into trouble"
  3903. >"And daddy got into trouble?"
  3904. "Yeah. And I was his wife and I didn't even know. I thought it was just normal for somepony on TV"
  3905. >"You were his wife but he was my daddy and mommy is my mommy... How does that work?"
  3906. >He's obviously just figured out where foals come from
  3907. "Your mommy was a fan of your daddy's music from back in Equestria. She'd had a crush on him for years"
  3908. >How do you put this gently for him
  3909. "When I found that out I thought it would be nice to share daddy with her, and that's how you started growing inside of her"
  3910. >"You shared daddy with her?"
  3911. "Yeah. I never saw her as a threat to my relationship with him. Even when she moved in with us"
  3912. >"Why not?"
  3913. "Because what your daddy and I had was something special. Your mommy being with him wasn't going to undermine that"
  3914. >You add:
  3915. "And I knew it would be something special for your mommy"
  3916. >"Oh. It's still sad not having a daddy"
  3917. "But you have a mommy and an auntie. That's more than I ever had. You'll do fine I'm sure. Especially once we get to Brooklyn"
  3918. >"I don't want to leave home though"
  3919. "Brooklyn will be a better home. You'll have other ponies your age to play with there"
  3920. >"I'd like that, but I don't want to leave home"
  3921. "Something new is always a little scary. Even when it's some thing good"
  3922. >"Are you scared too?"
  3923. "Of course. But I know this will be a good thing, so I don't let being scared stop me from doing it"
  3924. >"Like letting daddy do that to mommy to make me even though he was your husband?"
  3925. "Exactly like that. You don't know how it's going to work out, but you know it's the right thing to do"
  3926. >"Mommy said she got whipped for having me in her"
  3927. "Well it wasn't a real..."
  3928. >Stop.
  3929. >You have no reason to contradict Rose here
  3930. >The little black colt looks up at you confused
  3931. "Yes. She got whipped because of you. But That also set her on the path to emancipation. It was important to her you were born a free pony"
  3932. >"I am a free pony"
  3933. "Yes you are. So am I now. And the man who whipped your mommy is a big part of why we're free"
  3934. >"That's why we're moving to Brooklyn"
  3935. "That's why"
  3936. >"And I'm gonna like it because there'll be other colts to play with there?"
  3937. "Sounds about right"
  3938. >"It's sad that all ponies aren't free, right?"
  3939. >You catch yourself about to say, "I don't know"
  3940. >But you do know
  3941. "Yeah, that's sad, too"
  3943. >Be mare
  3944. >On moving day
  3945. >Cuddleslut cried when you walked out of the building that had been the only home he knew
  3946. >And he continued crying in the van on the way to Brooklyn
  3947. >Everything you three owned fit into a van with enough room still left for the three of you and the driver
  3948. >You found a man with a van on Craigslist
  3949. >It turned out he was available for a few hours, so after he drops Rose and the colt off you're going to get some stuff
  3950. >FREE stuff for the apartment that you found on freecycle
  3951. >The driver's offer of four hours with the van for three hundred cash seemed like a deal
  3952. >He told you his name but it the chaos of moving you've already forgotten it
  3953. >Not that gracious of you, but his name is in your phone so it's not a major faux pas
  3954. >Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge he turns his head back to look steal a quick look at the three of you
  3955. >"I'm a fan, you know," he says. "Love the show. And I think you're doing the right thing here - sending the right message"
  3956. >So he's not just man with a van
  3957. >He's fan with a van!
  3958. "Thank you. It was a difficult decision to make"
  3959. >"Yeah, and I think viewers' understanding that was a huge thing. Everyone watching was thinking 'Of course she should choose freedom'"
  3960. "You have no idea. It was like jumping off a cliff when you don't have wings"
  3961. >"The uncertainty of being your own mare when all you knew was being a good girl for someone else," he replies sympatheticaly
  3962. "You really do watch the show"
  3963. >"It was a no brainer for me," Rose says, "and would have been even if he hadn't been on the way"
  3964. >"Sure. Because you knew freedom in Equestria so it wasn't an intimidating idea"
  3965. >Then he adds: "Do you miss it? Equestria, I mean..."
  3966. >"Every day," Roseluck replies. "It wasn't a perfect place - there were monsters, evil creatures and bad magic"
  3967. >She trails off for a second
  3968. >"But the good was always more powerful and won out," she continues. "Until the day it didn't"
  3969. "Do you think that was intentional on the part of your kind?"
  3970. >"I wouldn't put it past our government," Fan with Van replies, "They have a history of doing really shady shit in other countries"
  3971. >"Then again", he continues, "we don't send our men on suicide missions, so the accident story makes more sense"
  3972. >"An accident that was capitalized on pretty quickly, though," Rose answers
  3973. >"We are a capitalist country," he responds. "Though I really only know what I saw on the news"
  3974. "Which was what, exactly?'
  3975. >"When contact was made you were powerful creatures who might have even been a threat to our world," he laughs
  3976. >"To be fair," Rose replies, "we were all much more powerful in Equestria"
  3977. >"So I heard," he answers. "Earth ponies like you were super strong, right?"
  3978. >"Compared to here, yes," Rose says. "I was much stronger in Equestria. Pegasi could fly much faster and unicorns..."
  3979. >"Right," Fan with Van responds. "Magic is really what scared the shit out of everyone"
  3980. >"Magic can be scary. I was there when Nightmare Moon tried to bring eternal night," Rose says quietly. "It was very scary"
  3981. >"I bet," he replies. "Awful that that's eventually what happened, one way or another"
  3982. >You ride on quietly for a minute
  3983. >"Can I ask a question?," the little black colt asks
  3984. >"Of course," Fan with Van replies
  3985. >"Why did coming here make ponies slaves instead of...," he makes a confused face trying to find the word
  3986. >He looks to Rose
  3987. >"Immigrants?," she suggests
  3988. >"Yeah. Why weren't ponies immigrants?," he asks
  3989. >"Well," Fan with Van continues, "we didn't call it slavery at the time. That's what you guys called it"
  3990. "What else would you call it if you can just own us?"
  3991. >"We didn't think about it," he replies. "People have always owned horses. In some states it's legal to shoot a man for stealing one"
  3992. "But we're not very much like your horses at all"
  3993. >"No one really knew what you were," he says, "aside from ponies. No one saw anything wrong with people owning ponies"
  3994. >"Do they now?," the colt asks
  3995. >"They're starting to," Fan with Van replies, "and your mommy is part of why"
  3996. >The colt beams with pride
  3997. >He adds, "So is your..."
  3998. "Auntie"
  3999. >"Auntie," he says. "Really, no one knew places like where you grew up existed. Or at least I had no idea"
  4000. "They're not the kind of businesses that advertise on TV, that's for sure"
  4001. >"Really. That's like some dark web shit. The average person has no idea about it. If someone told me that was real I'd have thought PETA got to them"
  4002. >"Mommy!," the colt says, "He said 'shit'"
  4003. >"He's a grown man," Rose replies, "he can be vulgar if he wants to"
  4004. >"Sorry," Fan with Van says, "but you get my point. No one really thinks about how the darker side of people owning ponies manifests itself"
  4005. "They do now. Not that I like being the postergirl for it"
  4006. >"It's brave of you," he replies. "Because really, when people think about owning a pony they think of a pony like Moonglow"
  4007. >Your sphincter involuntarily clenches at the word brave, which meant something entirely different to you growing up
  4008. "Why her?"
  4009. >"Well, you know WHY her master bought her, but she lives like a pampered pet and seems perfectly OK with it"
  4010. "She kinda is"
  4011. >"People look at her and say owning ponies isn't a bad thing. You were in the same position at the start of the show, weren't you Rose?"
  4012. >"Was I OK with it?," Rose asks. "I wasn't OK with it. I had no choice and appreciated that my situation was better than most"
  4013. >"I watch the show," Fan with Van replies. "It was more than that. You were convinced he actually loved you"
  4014. >She's blushing
  4015. >"I didn't love him, though," she replies. "It was just the closest thing to love I thought I'd find in this world"
  4016. >"Right," Fan responds, "and you can't blame him for thinking he was in love with you. I totally would be"
  4017. >"How can you say that?," Rose replies a little huffily, "You don't even know me"
  4018. "He watches the show, Rose. He knows us a lot better than we think"
  4019. >You add to Fan:
  4020. "So she's your celebrity crush?"
  4021. >"Actually both of you are," he replies
  4022. >Now he's the one blushing
  4023. "It's not like you probably imagine it - us living together, that is"
  4024. >"It was for a minute," Rose adds
  4025. >Shit, now you feel a blush on your cheeks
  4026. >"Wow!," Fan says. "You're making me feel like I'm on the show!"
  4027. >"Mommy doesn't let me watch the show," the black colt chirps up
  4028. >"It's adult stuff," Fan Answers. "Adults sitting around talking about adult things. You would think it's boring"
  4029. >"Also," Rose adds, "there are some adult things little colts don't need to be exposed to just yet"
  4030. >Wow, nopony thought like that about you when you were a little filly
  4031. >You're realizing more and more that what you took for normal back then really wasn't normal at all
  4032. "So why us? If you just had a thing for mares you could save up and buy one like Moonglow, or at least fantasize about it"
  4033. >"It's embarrassing," Fan responds
  4034. "Like you haven't watched the show enough to hear us talking about embarrassing stuff all the time"
  4035. >"Just pretend you're on the show," Rose adds, "but keep it OK for little ears"
  4036. >"You mean boring?," the colt replies
  4037. >Fan laughs and says,"Yeah, it's probably boring to you"
  4038. >Then he drives for half a minute and says, "It's the idea you're both beautiful free mares and something I could do could..."
  4039. >"Make one of us fall for you?," Rose asks
  4040. >He nods
  4041. "Or maybe both of us?"
  4042. >Why not offer him an even better fantasy?
  4043. >Poor guy hauls shit around in a van for a living
  4044. >He blushes more
  4045. >"Why not dream big?," Rose says
  4046. >Which seems a little mean
  4047. >"It's silly, isn't it?," he replies. "But understand it's more about me than you. That I could be that guy - that's the fantasy"
  4048. "Very self-aware of you. That's what my friend Skydancer would say. But I know men, so I know that's a half truth"
  4049. >"Of course," he answers. "I'm not made of stone. You think any guy can watch the show without crushing on at least one of you?"
  4050. >"Yet you meet us and choose not to give us any game," Rose replies
  4051. >"The driver can't have game," he answers. "Same goes for the waiter and the bartender, and I know because I've been both"
  4052. "Good point. But now that we're no longer under the network's wing we need a driver with a van, and will again"
  4053. >"You have my number," he replies. "Anytime"
  4054. >He adds, "I'm doing my best to keep my cool here, but I feel like a 12 year old"
  4055. "You're doing a great job. This is actually one of the most real conversations I've ever had with a man"
  4056. >"Good, because this is totally surreal for me," he answers, turning his head quickly to give you a weak smile
  4057. >When you pull up in front of your new address Micah is waiting for you
  4058. >Stepping out of the van you smile at him
  4059. "How are you, Micah? I told you you didn't have to meet us"
  4060. >"Very well, thanks G-d," he replies. "I wanted to give you the spare keys, and welcome you, of course"
  4061. "Thank you"
  4062. >Fan starts unloading your things from the van, which are mostly toys, computer gear and a few kitchen things
  4063. >And a case of very expensive bourbon
  4064. >Micah notices that
  4065. >"No furniture, but you have a case of top shelf whiskey?," he comments
  4066. "It was my mas... late husband's"
  4067. >"Such a tragedy," Micah responds. "And so young to be a widow"
  4068. >So young?
  4069. "What do you mean by that?"
  4070. >"No offense, of course," he replies. "Remember I did a background check. You are very young to have gone through all you have"
  4071. >Very young?!
  4072. >Your age is not something you've ever kept track of
  4073. >There were no birthday parties growing up in the brothel
  4074. >You've since memorized your official date of birth because you have to fill it in on forms here and there
  4075. >But it doesn't equate to a meaningful number to you
  4076. >You're younger than Rose by more than a little bit, but you never thought of yourself as very young
  4077. "I don't get what you're implying, Micah. Sorry"
  4078. >He smiles at you
  4079. >"Let's just say if you were a young lady you might not yet be old enough to... vote. Certainly not old enough to drink legally"
  4080. >You like how hard he pronounces the "k' on drink
  4081. "Good thing I'm an emancipated pony then"
  4082. >"Very good thing, but I understand why the decision was so difficult for you"
  4083. >He pronounces the "g" on thing like a "k" as well, which you think is cute
  4084. "Someone's been watching the show?"
  4085. >His face reddens a little
  4086. >"Just sneaking a few peeks here and there. Keep that between us, please"
  4087. "Of course"
  4088. >"You've had an intense life, and you're at an age where you feel everything intensely"
  4089. "What age?"
  4090. >"Like I said, if you were a girl you'd be a teenager. Everything a teenage girl feels is intense. I know. I've been the father of one"
  4091. >He sees you as a teenager?
  4092. >No way!
  4093. >You're much more mature than the teenage girls you've encountered
  4094. >You've considered yourself an adult for a while now
  4095. >But Rose is an adult, and you are much younger than her
  4096. "I think you're underestimating my maturity"
  4097. >"I'm not underestimating a thing. You're very mature. But given your age there's still more to come, G-d willing"
  4098. >willink
  4099. >He continues, "My wish for you is that this place will be an oasis of peace"
  4100. "Thank you. As peaceful as things can be with a colt running around"
  4101. >"Ground floor apartments are good that way - no neighbors below you to complain"
  4102. "Already been through that at our last place. We're aware"
  4103. >"And don't lose your keys. There's no live in super. If you lock yourself out the locksmith will take you for a hundred dollars!"
  4104. "Noted. Thanks"
  4105. >When you make it up to the apartment Fan with Van has already carried up all of your not so many boxes
  4106. >Cuddleslut is looking dazed
  4107. >"It's so small," he says
  4108. >"It's cozy," Rose replies. "Our room is this one"
  4109. >They get the bigger one, of course
  4110. >"There's only one bathroom," he says
  4111. "But there is a huge tub in it"
  4112. >Fan with Van asks, "You ready to go?"
  4113. "Yeah. Rose, you'll wait here for the mattresses to be delivered?"
  4114. >"This is home now," she replies. "I'll put the kitchen stuff away while you're out"
  4115. >You and Fan set off to pick up two bed frames, a table and some chairs
  4116. >It takes a couple hours running around Brooklyn and Queens, but you manage to get everything you'd planned
  4117. >On the way back something from your earlier conversation with him occurs to you, and you may as well ask him about it
  4118. "You said no one realizes the darker aspects of pony slavery are real, right?"
  4119. >"No one thinks about it except people who are into that sort of thing, I guess"
  4120. "But how can that be when Hippodrome airs every week?"
  4121. >"I always assumed it's fake like wrestling. But I'm sure fans believe it isn't, or they want to believe"
  4122. "Why would they want it to be real?"
  4123. >"Historically people always liked bloodsport. It may be out of fashion now, but it's legacy lives on with boxing and ultimate fighting"
  4124. >He adds, "It wasn't all that long ago when public hangings were the kind of things you'd bring the family to"
  4125. "No way"
  4126. >"Really. Less than a hundred years ago in this country. Go back to Ancient Rome and they really went nuts for all kinds of gruesome stuff"
  4127. "You're more savage than we are, I guess"
  4128. >"That's in us, though a lot of us like to pretend it isn't. Hippodrome's popularity proves otherwise"
  4129. "Is it that you're just savage, or is there some particular thing against ponies involved, too?"
  4130. >"There's that. You don't see as much of it here in New York, but there are parts of the country where you'd be hated just for having four legs"
  4131. "Really? I mean I've seen people uncomfortable around me because I'm a pony, but I've only seen real hate online"
  4132. >"It's out there. And if you're helping raise that colt you'd do well to make him aware that its real"
  4133. "Why, though?"
  4134. >"Why is there hate? I guess some people think you being here takes something away from them"
  4135. "Like what?"
  4136. >"Could be a lot of things. Jobs, housing, cultural stuff - hell, plenty of women are upset at how many men find mares attractive"
  4137. "That one I've seen on the show"
  4138. >"I had a girl break up with me when I admitted it to her"
  4139. "Sounds like a girl you're better off without"
  4140. >"Probably"
  4141. >When you get back Fan with Van helps you carry up the stuff and insists on assembling it for you
  4142. >Even though it's past the time you'd agreed on
  4143. >While he's puttinmg your bedframe together you whisper to Rose
  4144. "He's going above and beyond We ought to do something extra nice fo him"
  4145. >Roseluck gives you a suspicious look
  4146. "Not like that"
  4147. >"I can never be sure," she whispers, "Sometimes it seems like you think any guy who's nice to you deserves a blowjob for it"
  4148. "I do NOT think like that"
  4149. >You kinda used to, so you add:
  4150. "Anymore"
  4151. >Rose laughs
  4152. >You tell her your idea
  4153. >A minute later you're giving your smartphone to cuddleslut and explaining how to work the camera
  4154. >"I know how to do it," he responds
  4155. "OK then. Take like five or six and we'll pick the best one"
  4156. >You and Rose walk to either side of Fan
  4157. "Let's get a pic with you. Squat down so your head is level with ours"
  4158. >He squats effortlessly, and you and Rose kiss his cheeks as Cuddleslut snaps away on your phone
  4159. "There go. Let's see what we've got"
  4160. >You take your phone from the colt and look at the results of his work
  4161. >Most of the shots are poorly framed, but one is good and one is all you need
  4162. "I"m sending this to you right now," you say to Fan as you tap on your phone
  4163. >It is a really cute pic
  4164. >His eyes light up as he looks at it on his phone
  4165. >"This is fucking DOPE!," he says
  4166. >"Mommy, he said," Cuddleslut begins
  4167. >"I heard," Rose answers
  4168. >"Why were you kissing him?," the colt asks
  4169. >"We were kissing him on the cheek like friends do, because he really helped us out today," she answers
  4170. "And we thought a picture of it would be a nice thank you"
  4171. >Two hours later you, Rose and Cuddleslut are on your bed, watching some kid's movie you've already seen 20 times on your computer
  4172. >Eating very mediocre Chinese takeout from a place around the corner
  4173. >You're going to have to figure out where the good places are
  4174. >Rose bought champagne, so you and she are sipping that as well
  4175. >For shits and giggles you're browsing Blinders Off fan sites on your phone, just to see if Fan posted his pic
  4176. >Eventually you find it with the words, "Guess who I moved to Brooklyn today!"
  4177. >And a whole bunch of comments about what a lucky guy he is
  4178. >Good for him
  4180. >Be mare
  4181. >You've just about settled into the new apartment in Brooklyn
  4182. >The neighborhood is nice - lots of other ponies around
  4183. >Which means lots of businesses that cater to ponies, and even many run by ponies!
  4184. >Your grocery bill has been nearly cut in half
  4185. >But getting from your neighborhood back to the city is a bit of a bitch
  4186. >It's a long subway ride or a more expensive commuter train ride to a shorter subway ride
  4187. >You and Rose were almost late for taping the show enough times that the network started sending a van for you on show days
  4188. >Which is convenient
  4189. >Walking around you've had to get used to different kinds of people than you've experienced
  4190. >Ponytown is located in what used to be called New Lots
  4191. >The people who live in the area nearby are darker colored and much poorer than those you met in Manhattan
  4192. >Lots of Spanish and Caribbean accented English spoken on the streets
  4193. >The former is incomprehensible to you, and you're still getting used to the sound of the latter
  4194. >Word among ponies is that these people have a reputation for being violent - East New York (as it's also called) is Brooklyn's murder capital
  4195. >But that doesn't seem to extend to ponies
  4196. >Everypony tells you that the violence is something they keep among themselves
  4197. >It seems to be true
  4198. >To most of them you seem almost invisible - clearly not many of them watch the show
  4199. >Though you have been catcalled on the street by some of the men
  4200. >And it may be a minority opinion, but you actually find it flattering
  4201. >That's probably because you don't find them threatening, just different from the people you're used to
  4202. >They have different foods as well, a few you've tried and liked
  4203. >Rose has been less adventurous that way so far
  4204. >But she'll be the first to admit she got spoiled by nice restaurants and good wine when she was John's bedmare
  4205. >And that may have made her a little bit of a snob when it comes to people food
  4206. >She's not at all snobby about Equestrian food, and there's plenty of that just a stone's throw from your place
  4207. >Your place
  4208. >It's looking nice, if still a bit sparsely furnished
  4209. >The vase of flowers you just bought make it look cheefrul, and will also serve as a snack
  4210. >You picked up some people food snacks as well because you're having a guest over today
  4211. >John the VP's niece Anna asked if she could interview the two of you for a paper she's writing for school
  4212. >She didn't ask directly, of course
  4213. >The request came from John, who made it very clear this was something you could pass on if it was inconvenient
  4214. >But Rose remembered the girl and said it would be nice to see her
  4215. >Even though the subject of the interview might be a little awkward for her:
  4216. >The Pony Sex Trade
  4217. >Which is a polite way to say the paper is about the lives of bedmares and pony sex workers like you used to be
  4218. >It's a frequent topic on the show, but you can only be so explicit about the details or the segment gets chopped to bits
  4219. >Aparently Anna wants you to get into greater depth about it
  4220. >Her thesis is that it's wrong and an end should be put to it
  4221. >But it still has to be viewed differently than human sex trafficing because it is a different thing
  4222. >Mares like Moonglow would find that very threatening
  4223. >You would have as well not all that long ago
  4224. >But this isn't something that's going to change the world, it's just a student's paper for a college class
  4225. >Rose commented that she couldn't believe Anna was in college because she remembered when she started high school
  4226. >Which means if Micah is to be believed this girl you're about to meet is your peer in terms of relative age
  4227. >Maybe even technically older than you
  4228. >Of course she's literally older than you because Earth years and Equestria years are not the same
  4229. >Ponies mature much faster than people
  4230. >A fifteen year old pony would be nearly middle aged, whereas a fifteen year old boy or girl would be an adolescent
  4231. >You're barely halfway to fifteen, but this Anna is probably eighteen or nineteen
  4232. >When the buzzer rings Rose rushes to let her in
  4233. >And into your apartment steps a girl - a pretty girl with long brown hair
  4234. >She's not model pretty, but could-be-on-TV pretty for sure
  4235. >She and Rose hug
  4236. >"It's so good to see you," Rose says. "Everything good?"
  4237. >"As good as can be," Anna replies. "Life is exciting, stressful and depressing all at once"
  4238. >When they break from their embrace Anna turns to you
  4239. >"It's a pleasure to meet you," she says. "You are an inspiration"
  4240. "I am? I'm just trying to figure out what a normal life is and how to live something that resembles one"
  4241. >The girl reaches out to hug you, and you don't resist
  4242. >Until the hug lasts just a little too long and you realize this girl probably likes girls herself
  4243. >She feels you stiffen a little and quickly releases you
  4244. >No harm, no foul
  4245. "Welcome to Ponytown, or almost Ponytown. Did you have any trouble finding the place?"
  4246. >"I took an Uber," she replies. "Even on a Saturday afternoon I'm not entirely sure how safe these streets are for a white girl"
  4247. >You nod, not being sure yourself
  4248. >"So Rose, where's your son? I'm dying to meet him," Anna enthuses
  4249. >"At a play date with a neighbor colt, I'm afraid," Rose replies. "I've got to go get him before supper. You can come with me if you want"
  4250. >"It's not far?," Anna asks
  4251. >"End of the block," Rose answers
  4252. >"Then sure. I can't wait to see him," Anna says
  4253. >After some more pleasantries Anna repeatedly thanks the both of you for helping her and holds up a bag she's carrying
  4254. >She pulls out two bottles of wine from it and shows them to Rose
  4255. >"Burgundy!," Rose exclaims. I love Burgundy. But you're not old enough to buy this yet"
  4256. >"Yet I drink it anyway," Anna replies, then adds, "It's a thank you from Uncle John. He knew you'd like it"
  4257. >"Then let's get them open and let them breathe," Rose says, searching for the corkscrew in the kitchen drawers
  4258. >If it weren't for her you wouldn't have a corkscrew
  4259. >Or three wine glasses - there used to be four, but you broke one
  4260. >Thankfully three is all you need for now
  4261. >Anna opens both bottles and pours from one into the glasses
  4262. >Rose turns to you and says, "It's going to be a little tight at first sip, but will open up nicely"
  4263. >You don't know what that means, but you accept the glass and clink it to the others when Rose says, "Cheers"
  4264. >Both Rose and Anna turn to look you in the eyes before taking a sip
  4265. >You taste the purple liquid
  4266. >It's not strong and harsh like bourbon
  4267. >Instead it's sour without any sweet to balance it
  4268. >It's not bad, but sour is a flavor you're still learning to appreciate
  4269. >You can tell it has alcohol in it, but it's notnearly as strong as other drinks you've had
  4270. >Actually it tastes about as alcoholic as the Champagne you sipped at your wedding
  4271. >Leading you to conclude it's pretty harmless as long as you don't have more than a couple glasses of the stuff
  4272. >Which is all there is in the house anyways
  4273. >The three of you sit at the table
  4274. >Your table and chairs are pony sized, so Anna has to work a little to get comfortable
  4275. >But she insists she's fine as you sip your wine
  4276. >When you catch yourself about to absentmindedly nibble on a flower in the vase you realize it's time to put out the people snacks
  4277. >That's what a good host would do
  4278. >You get up and get what you managed to find
  4279. "I have some snacks. I got some water crackers and some Gouda cheese"
  4280. >"Just the crackers for me," Anna replies. "I don't do dairy"
  4281. >Well fuck it, you bought the cheese so you may as well have a little taste of it
  4282. >Turns out it's salty and rich, like so many other people foods
  4283. >And it goes really well with the wine, making it taste much less sour
  4284. >Good to know
  4285. >Anna taps her phone begins interviewing Rose as you munch and sip away
  4286. >Rose says, "The auction happened really fast, literally less than a day from crossing the portal and being informed of my status"
  4287. >"As private property?," Anna asks
  4288. >"Yes," Rose replies. "I was told I had to call whoever bought me master and do whatever he said or I would be punished"
  4289. >"That must have been a shock," Anna replies
  4290. >"There were rumors it was going to be like that, but there was nothing left in Equestria, so there was no choice"
  4291. >"No hope in a world of enernal night," Anna answers
  4292. >"I'm sure some ponies made a more drastic choice than crossing over, but I couldn't do that," Rose says quietly
  4293. >She continues: "It was pretty obvious what the deal was at the auction. All men bidding and mostly pretty mares being sold"
  4294. >"So you knew what you were being sold for?," Anna asks
  4295. >"I didn't KNOW," Rose replies, "but I knew. And it was made clear immediately when I was sold and master brought me home"
  4296. >She spits the word 'master" hatefully
  4297. >"Can I ask how so?," Anna says tentatively
  4298. >"He said he could kill me if he wanted to, but he wouldn't hurt me at all if I showed my appreciation for his kindness"
  4299. >"And then?," Anna prods
  4300. >"I was basically raped until it became routine. Then my heat came and my body betrayed me"
  4301. >"It was pleasurable?," Anna asks
  4302. >"Of course it was," Rose replies. "I hated it and wanted him to stop, but my body... After that it was really weird"
  4303. >"You felt ashamed?," Anna offers
  4304. >"Shame, hate, lust, self-pity, disgust - you name it," Rose answers, "and something else. He was taking care of me and keeping me alive..."
  4305. >"After making it clear he could just kill you," Anna confirms
  4306. >"Right. so the fact that he didn't made me feel...," Rose pauses for a moment, "tender toward him in some perverted way"
  4307. >"Stockholm Syndrome," Anna responds. "It's a documented thing. Your kidnapper could kill you but chooses not to so you start seeing him as your protector"
  4308. >"Wow," Rose says, "that's pretty much it exactly. And you stop seeing him as the monster who rapes you and more like..."
  4309. >"The strong man who's watching over you?," Anna asks
  4310. >"Something like that," Rose replies. "You appreciate him in a really messed up way that it takes years to get over"
  4311. >"But you were only with him for a short time, weren't you?," Anna asks
  4312. >"Yeah, but it did a number on my head," Rose replies. "I started thinking like a desperate, manipulative creature who would do anything to get to a better situation"
  4313. >"And Uncle John was that situation?"
  4314. >"Master was in financial trouble and wanted to get into the Pony Trading business..." Rose begins
  4315. >"And your uncle offered an apartment, a flower shop," she sontinues, "it seemes like he wanted a pony mistress more than a bedmare slave"
  4316. >"I believe he did," Anna replies
  4317. >"So of course I nudged master in that direction," Rose says, "out of the desire to make a better situation for myself"
  4318. >"And was it?," Anna asks
  4319. >"Of course it was," Roseluck answers, "He was a total gentleman at first. Though it didn't take much to win me over given what I'd been through"
  4320. >"So he wasn't awful to you?," Anna asks
  4321. >"Not at all," Rose says gently, "It was the best I thought I could do here, and he actually had me believing we were in an equal relationship"
  4322. >"I think that's what he wanted with you," Anna says, "He was so desperate when he told me he'd fucked it up"
  4323. >"Doesn't matter," Rose replies, "I fucked it up as much as he did. I just didn't expect his intractability on that one issue"
  4324. >"He is a proud man," Anna responds. "But behind the scenes he saw to it you were taken care of. Like being emancipated"
  4325. >"I owe him more than I could ever pay back for that and everything else" Rose answers
  4326. >Anna smiles and says, "Emancipation was my idea, actually"
  4327. >"Thank you," Rose says flatly
  4328. >This is eye opening
  4329. >You wouldn't say it makes you see Roseluck in a whole new light, but it does explain some free pony attitudes you've encountered
  4330. >Anna and Roseluck both have tears in their eyes
  4331. >Emancipation was HER idea?!
  4332. >What kind of power does this girl have?
  4333. >Shit
  4334. "We can wrap things up there if you think you have everything you need. But let's have some more wine"
  4335. >"I'd like to ask you a few questions as well, if you're up to it" Anna counters
  4336. "Sure, but you might not like my answers"
  4337. >"Why wouldn't I like them?," Anna asks
  4338. "I have a very different view of things than Rose"
  4339. >"I expect that," Anna replies. "Give me an example"
  4340. "OK, like I was a little shocked when Rose talked about being raped, because they way I was taught about rape was very different"
  4341. >"What were you taught about rape?"
  4342. "It's someone having sex with you against your will, which didn't apply to us since we didn't have our own will"
  4343. >"You didn't have your own will?"
  4344. "Of course not. But we had to learn to roleplay it because some clients wanted that. I was pretty good at rape"
  4345. >"You were good at rape?"
  4346. "Yeah. You know: Oh no! Please mister, stop! Please don't do this. I'm just a little filly. Please stop!"
  4347. >Without even thinking the fake tears come to your eyes, just like when you were a filly
  4348. "I had a couple regulars who loved that shit. That's the one situation where you'd try to keep your tail down with a client"
  4349. >You notice Rose's mouth is hanging open a little
  4350. >Of course it is
  4351. "But now I understand the traumatic experience she's communicating with the word. I just never think of rape that way"
  4352. >"So what would you call it if some man forced himself on you?"
  4353. "I don't know. It's never happened outside of when it was just what was supposed to happen"
  4354. >"Right, you grew up in a brothel"
  4355. "Exactly. For a free mare like Rose suddenly having a master was terrifying. But when you grow up a rental a master is like the impossible dream"
  4356. >"So in your view Uncle John's new mare has is good?"
  4357. "Cloudburst?"
  4358. >You laugh at the thought of the VP smelling like her piss
  4359. >"What's so funny?"
  4360. "She knows how good she has it and let's just say she can't keep herself from... marking him as hers"
  4361. >"You still think that as a free pony?"
  4362. "Let me put it this way: unless he plans on emancipating her someday her situation is far and away the best she's ever going to do"
  4363. >"You believe that?"
  4364. "It's true. And she knows it. She's going to hang on as tight as she can. I understand that"
  4365. >"Well that explains a lot. Uncle John and I both thought it would be too awkward for me to interview her"
  4366. "When you're private property having a good master is as good as it gets. Rose didn't understand that because she never really accepted being..."
  4367. >"Owned," Rose says. "And you're right. It was something I never truly accepted"
  4368. "While it was something I never questioned"
  4369. >"But you question it now, right?," Anna says. "You're against the idea of slavery"
  4370. "If you could wave a magic wand and make all ponies free and able to take care of themselves like me and Rose, sure"
  4371. >"But?," Anna prompts
  4372. "You can't do that for everypony. For those who are going to be private property a good master, or at least..."
  4373. >You think about your fillyhood friends
  4374. >Skydancer, Snowdrop, Durril
  4375. "...an organization that treats them well - or well enough - that might be the best you can hope for them"
  4376. >Oh shit, you made her cry
  4377. >You didn't mean to do that
  4378. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
  4379. >"It's OK," Anna responds. "It just sounds so fatalistic"
  4380. "Think about it. Your uncle seems to have a thing for emancipating mares, so maybe Cloudburst will know freedom someday"
  4381. >You add:
  4382. "If she could even handle it. But the mares I grew up with? Their lives are pretty set, and they know it"
  4383. >"You don't think we'll live to see slavery abolished?," Anna asks
  4384. "That's on you, not me. It won't be ponies that abolish it if it happens. It'll have to be people. You're the ones in charge"
  4385. >That's a good point, actually
  4386. >You ought to reinforce it
  4387. >So you look Anna right in the eyes and say:
  4388. "We're powerless, after all"
  4390. >Be mare
  4391. >Interview with Anna seems to be wrapping up
  4392. >She just said , "One last question for both of you"
  4393. >And now you're waiting to hear just what that question is
  4394. >"How has your experience in Equestrian sex trade effected your view of men and even males in general?," she poses
  4395. >"I'll go first," Rose answers, "if that's OK"
  4396. >You nod
  4397. >"I've actually thought about this a lot," she begins. I've always been attracted to stallions. But after my experience with men..."
  4398. >She blushes and continues, "I find myself looking at mares the way I used to look at stallions"
  4399. >"So you don't subscribe to the idea that sexual preference is something you're born with?," Anna asks
  4400. >"No," Rose replies. "Maybe it is for some, but I think it's more a complex interaction of nature and nurture"
  4401. >She adds, "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be looking at mares like this if it hadn't been for my experience as a bedmare"
  4402. "And the threesomes with master," you can't resist adding
  4403. >"Yeah," Rose answers, "that had something to do with it as well"
  4404. >She turns to Anna and says, "Such a shame she's so damned straight"
  4405. >Anna smiles and says, "Usually I go for women or really twinky men, not mares. But in this case I agree with you"
  4406. >You KNEW she was like that!
  4407. >And now it's your turn to blush
  4408. >Rose continues, "I guess not really having a say about how and when a penis goes into you for a while undercuts their appeal"
  4409. >"Yet you seemed happy with Uncle John," Anna says
  4410. >"He really had me convinced we were equals in our relationship. Then he whipped me for defying him. Kind of hard to trust the owner of a penis after that"
  4411. "Bullshit, Rose! First off that wasn't a real whipping and you know it! And you trusted master after that"
  4412. >"Yeah, and look at how that turned out," she replies, starting to lose it. "We had to watch him die on the bathroom floor"
  4413. >Fuck, now you're losing it, too
  4414. >"Sorry," she says, leaning toward you for a hug
  4415. >You really don't feel like hugging her right now, but you do anyway
  4416. >Both of you are sobbing
  4417. >When she recovers and relases you from her embrace she says, "No slight on Perfect Pitch at all, but I think I'm burnt out on penises for a while"
  4418. >You disagree but let her keep talking
  4419. >It was kind of rude to call bullshit on her, after all
  4420. >But she was super hot for master and you know it
  4421. >Even if she became hot for you after the fact
  4422. >It's not just some consequence of being involved in the pony sex trade
  4423. >Or maybe it is
  4424. >What do you know about what's going on in her head anyway?
  4425. >Anna is talking, asking Rose something about how that attitude might effect her raising a colt
  4426. >"I'm doing my best to raise him to be emotionally honest, compassionate and kind," Rose answers
  4427. >"Better get on that right away," Anna responds, "because when the hormones kick in they'll be working against you"
  4428. >"There's still time before the aggression, agitation, lack of empathy and snap judgments kick in," Rose says
  4429. >"Testosterone is a hell of a drug," Anna replies, "but we're all at the mercy of our hormones, as savage as it is"
  4430. >"Right," Rose says. "I go into heat, you get your... period?"
  4431. >"Every month, like the fucking moon controls when my emotions go crazy and I bleed for a few days"
  4432. >"Try going into heat if you want to see your emotions go crazy," Rose replies
  4433. >"At least you get a break from it," Anna answers. "I'm like halfway there most of the time"
  4434. >During the lull in the conversation Anna divides the last of the wine between your glasses
  4435. >She looks at you and asks, "How about you? What you've been through has to have had an effect on your relationship with males"
  4436. "Well it hasn't made me gay, I can tell you that"
  4437. >Anna and Rose respond with a polite chuckle
  4438. >You think for a minute
  4439. "I do still feel like I'm supposed to please men. Like that's what's expected of me"
  4440. >"Please them sexually?," Anna asks
  4441. "I know I don't HAVE to, but part of me feels like I should. Rose called me out on it the other day"
  4442. >"What did she say?"
  4443. "She said she wonders whether I think any man who's nice to me deserves a blowjob for it. And I don't think that, but..."
  4444. >"I'm listening"
  4445. "It's such a little thing and it makes them so happy. And afterwards they're really nice to you"
  4446. >"So when dealing with men you always assume there's a transactional sexual subtext operating?"
  4447. >It takes a few seconds to figure out what she means, but you think you get the gist
  4448. "Isn't there? I mean you can try to pretend it's not there, but it always is. And you can use it to your advantage"
  4449. >Maybe that was too much
  4450. >Kind of makes you sound like a whorse
  4451. >But it's true
  4452. >If the horseshoe fits
  4453. >"So do you see stallions the same way?," Anna asks
  4454. "I have less experience with them, but no. It's not always there, the... what was the word you used?"
  4455. >"Subtext?"
  4456. "Right. Subtext. With men it's there all the time. With stallions it either is and something intense is about to happen or..."
  4457. >You think for a second
  4458. >How many stallions have you interacted with aside from master?
  4459. >Really only a handful until recently
  4460. >But that tension isn't always there with them
  4461. "Sometimes it isn't there with stallions. And I don't feel like I have to respond to it like with men"
  4462. >"You feel like you have to respond to it with men?"
  4463. "I know I don't have to. But like I said part of me feels like I should. I know better than to give in to that these days"
  4464. >"But it's still there"
  4465. "It's still there. It might always be for all I know. It's how I was raised"
  4466. >"So if you were going to settle down with a partner again would it be...?"
  4467. "I'm not there yet. But I think a stallion. In the meantime I'm not done with men, though"
  4468. >"Interesting," Anna answers. "I think we're done here"
  4469. >Good timing, because the wine is finished and Rose really has to go pick up the colt
  4470. >"I'll walk you out," Rose says to Anna, "and you can meet my son"
  4471. >"I'd like that," Anna replies, "And thanks so much for helping me with this"
  4472. "It was a pleasure to meet you"
  4473. >"The pleasure was mine," Anna replies, taking her smartphome from the table and putting it into her purse
  4474. "Tell John thanks for the wine"
  4475. >With a little bit of cheese it was actually good
  4476. >Rose and Anna leave
  4477. >Well that killed the afternoon
  4478. >And now you have to think about what's for dinner
  4479. >You really don't have time to put much of anything together, so it'll probably be going out for hayburgers in Ponytown
  4480. >That'll make Cuddleslut happy and it won't really bust your budget
  4481. >There really isn't much in Ponytown that can bust your budget
  4482. >It's not a wealthy neighborhood
  4483. >And by the standards here you're reasonably well off
  4484. >The door buzzer goes off
  4485. >The one here is really loud and jarring
  4486. >Rose must have forgotten her keys
  4487. >You mindlessly push the button labeled open
  4488. >Seconds later a frantic colt bursts through the door
  4489. >His pupils are pinpoints, his ears are back and he's crying
  4490. "What's the matter?"
  4491. >"Some men pushed mommy into a van," he says, trying to catch his breath. "And they...," he gasps, "...took her away"
  4492. >And bursts into labored sobs
  4493. >While cold terror washes over you, freezing you to the spot
  4495. >Be VP
  4496. >Catching up on the news at the tail end of a Saturday afternoon
  4497. >You could be watching your network's news service
  4498. >But you actually want the news and some thoughtful commentary on it
  4499. >Not sensationalism and manufactured outrage
  4500. >So you're sitting in your chair slogging through the Economist, bad puns and all
  4501. >Sipping on a half empty can of warm Modelo Especial because it's the fucking weekend
  4502. >It was cold when you opened it an hour ago
  4503. >It takes you longer to read than it used to, because it takes more effort fo focus 50 year old eyes on the small print
  4504. >And you're too stubborn to give in to reading glasses just yet
  4505. >Though most of your friends have
  4506. >So it takes you one hour and half a beer to get halfway through a magazine you could have read all of in the same time a decade ago
  4507. >Just another of life's little indignities that start piling up as you get older
  4508. >Thankfully you've only experiencd a handful of them so far
  4509. >Unlike your brother who is so obese and asthmatic he's practically disabled
  4510. >And he's younger than you
  4511. >An alert sounds on one of your phones
  4512. >You recognize it - work phone, email
  4513. >You don't HAVE to look at it on a Saturday
  4514. >But it might be something important
  4515. >Fox Mexico has been wanting to do a homegrown version of Hippodrome for a while now
  4516. >Instead of just having Spanish speaking hosts narrate the American version
  4517. >Maybe there's been some movement on that
  4518. >You pick up the phone to see that the new email message is from...
  4519. >You?
  4520. >Have you been hacked?
  4521. >Shit
  4522. >The subject is "Rose"
  4523. >This doesn't feel right at all
  4524. >You tap the screen to read the message:
  4525. Q: When is a free mare worth 120BTC?
  4526. A: When you want her to show up alive for work on Monday
  4527. >Fuck, this isn't good
  4528. >Your personal phone starts ringing
  4529. >You look to see who is calling
  4530. >Her roommate, Bronc's whore
  4531. >Shit, this isn't good at all
  4533. >Be VP
  4534. >Standing in a Brooklyn apartment talking with an NYPD lieutenant
  4535. >You brought Ada Maria with you, and she's looking after a very shaken up mare and a colt who won't stop crying
  4536. >"Herd mentality," the cop says, "I see it all the time"
  4537. "Herd mentality?"
  4538. >"Yeah. As long as they're around other ponies they assume everything is safe," he says. "But this is still East New York"
  4539. "A place I avoid"
  4540. >"I would if I could," he responds. "It's still the city's murder capital, and you know half the shit that goes down here doesn't even get reported"
  4541. "Where do you live?"
  4542. >"Bay Ridge for now, but we're looking at places in Staten Island"
  4543. "Nice," you lie
  4544. >"Yeah, it's nice there"
  4545. "So the ponies living here are end up being targets?"
  4546. >"For crimes of opportunity," he answers. "Robbery, assult, rape... This is the first time I've seen one held for ransom"
  4547. "How do we proceed?"
  4548. >"I'm going to level with you," the cop says in an exasperated tone. "It's not technically a kidnaping, and she's not private property, so it's not grand larceny"
  4549. "But holding a free pony against her will is still a crime, right?"
  4550. >"Of course it is. Just not the kind of crime that gets enforcement priority in a neighborhood like this when resources are... limited"
  4551. "So you're saying you've got nothing for me?"
  4552. >He looks a little offended
  4553. >Be careful
  4554. >"I've got a man on it," he replies. "I'm just saying you might want to get that money together instead of hoping for a miracle from the NYPD"
  4555. >Is this what you pay fucking taxes for?!
  4556. >Don't say that - you want this guy on your side
  4557. >"You know," he says, "NYPD resources for this may be limited, but maybe the federal boys would be interested in this case"
  4558. "What makes you think they'd be able to do more than you can?"
  4559. >"You said the ransom request came from your own work email?"
  4560. "Yeah"
  4561. >"And you're a bigwig at Fox Television?"
  4562. "I'm a VP and Executive Producer. One of many, but still an executive"
  4563. >"So you make TV shows?"
  4564. "I'm directly responsible for a few"
  4565. >"Which ones?"
  4566. "Well, Blinders Off is the show the victim and her roommate are on"
  4567. >"I know some guys who watch that, but it's too girly for me. What else?"
  4568. "Hippodrome"
  4569. >"I knew you were going to say that! I was at the live broadcast from MSG! That pegasus battle was epic"
  4570. "Glad you enjoyed it. It's a very popular show. But about Roseluck?"
  4571. >"The missing pony isn't the big crime here if you want to get more resources behind this," he says calmly
  4572. >You're about to argue that, but catch yourself
  4573. >Because you think you see what he's getting at
  4574. >"A cyber attack against a media giant demanding ransom... That's cybercrime, maybe even cyberterrorism"
  4575. "That would get the feds involved, wouldn't it?"
  4576. >"And you'd have a lot more resources working this than NYPD can provide. I have some FBI and NSA contacts. Let me run this by them"
  4577. "And you'll let me know?"
  4578. >"If they bite you'll know. I'd still get that ransom together just in case"
  4579. "I understand. I didn't get a chance to run the numbers. Any idea what 120 Bitcoins are worth? A lot I'm guessing"
  4580. >"Just over four hundred thousand dollars"
  4581. "You've got to be kidding me"
  4582. >"They're dreaming big. Hopefully we can keep their dreams from coming true"
  4583. "You think we can?"
  4584. >"I hope. If I wanted to watch the bad guys get away with it I'd have gone to work on Wall Street, not into law enforcement"
  4585. "The entertainment industry isn't that much better, I'll tell ya"
  4586. >Don't be too folksy with him
  4587. >"I can believe it. And I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, but two high profile free mares and a colt in this neighborhood?"
  4588. "They're free. I can't control where they choose to live"
  4589. >"Herd instinct. The other ponies are here so this is where they have to be. Never mind that it's a dangerous shithole"
  4590. "I should have been paying closer attention to their security. That's what you're saying?"
  4591. >"Cheaper than paying ransom, especially in the long run"
  4592. "Kind of an expensive way to find out, though"
  4593. >"Hopefully it won't be. You have any idea how to work Bitcoin?"
  4594. "Nope"
  4595. >"Me neither"
  4596. "But I have people for that"
  4597. >"Good. And just to be clear the victim used to be your property?"
  4598. "Yes"
  4599. >"I don't know if I could have given that up. Not to get political or anything, but I get it. They probably ARE our equals intellectually"
  4600. "I believe that"
  4601. >He lowers his voice to a whisper and says, "But boy could their instincts for self-preservation use some work"
  4602. >Fair point
  4603. >They may be smart, but ponies are also guileless for the most part
  4604. >Putting one over on them is often little more than confidently saying whatever nonesense you want them to believe with a straight face
  4605. "To be fair they evolved in a world where they had powerful magic to protect them"
  4606. >"Maybe so. But without that magic they make a lot of spectacularly terrible decisions. Over and over. I see it every day"
  4607. "They are kind of naive, aren't they?"
  4608. >"You wouldn't believe some of the shit I see"
  4609. "Probably not"
  4610. >"Yeah and this isn't storytime so let's leave it there. Let me go and see if I can get some bigger wheels in motion for you"
  4611. "I appreciate that"
  4612. >"You're Hippodrome Guy, and I'm a Hippodrome fan"
  4614. >Be Roseluck
  4615. >It happened so quickly
  4616. >A beat up white van stopped on the street beside you while walking home with your son
  4617. >The sliding door on the side opened and two young men got out
  4618. >You thought nothing of it - guys getting out of work vans is something you see all the time
  4619. >They walked just a little ahead of you on the sidewalk
  4620. >You should have noticed the van with the door open keeping pace with them
  4621. >But you didn't because your attention was focused on hearing the excited details of a colt's playdate
  4622. >When one of the men turned to you and showed you the small but very sharp looking knife he was holding you froze
  4623. >When he told you to get into the van you remained frozen
  4624. >When he said, "You don't want the boy to get hurt, do you?," it snapped you back to reality
  4625. "Don't you touch him," you said with a mother's bravery
  4626. >In response you were again told to get into the van
  4627. "Go to auntie," you said to the colt and complied with the man's request
  4628. >Your son balked and shouted, "Mommy!"
  4629. "GO TO AUNTIE!," you said as firmly as you could as the door slid shut between the two of you and the van sped away
  4630. >When you asked why you were being foalnapped the guy with the knife and the driver laughed
  4631. >"Money, of course," knife guy replied. "Speaking of which," he said to his cohort, "you heard her: FOALnapped. Pay up"
  4632. >The other man - not the driver - took out his wallet, removed a $20 bill, crumpled it up and threw it at knife guy
  4633. >"It's always about money," knife guy continued, "and I just made an extra twenty because he didn't believe you'd call it 'foalnapping'"
  4634. >At that point you started shaking and really couldn't stop
  4635. >You were almost afraid you were going to pee yourself right there
  4636. >You were told you weren't going to be hurt as long as you did what they said
  4637. >And that this would all be over in a day or two
  4638. "By all be over you mean?"
  4639. >"Safely returned home unharmed is how we'd like it to work out," knife guy answered, "but that's on you and your ex"
  4640. "My ex?"
  4641. >"Yeah. Ex-boyfriend, executive producer, whatever," he answered, then turned to the guy whose wallet he's just lightened and said, "Make the call"
  4642. >Moments later his cohort was on his phone saying, "We got her. We're on our way"
  4643. >He listened for a few seconds and said, "Oh right. I'll do that right now," then turned to you and demanded your phone
  4644. >You complied only to watch him toss it our the window
  4645. >Knife guy shook his head and said, "That could have been a rookie mistake right there"
  4646. >"But it wasn't," his cohort counters
  4647. "So you guys aren't career criminals?," you asked
  4648. >"Everyone in my family is either a cop or a drug dealer," knife guy answered. "I'm the black sheep without a badge or a record"
  4649. >Best to leave it there
  4650. >Soon you pulled into a parking lot behind a warehouse in a desolate part of town you didn't recognize
  4651. >Alongside another van, newer and better cared for
  4652. >"That's our whip," knife guy said. "We're going to switch to that van. Don't do anything stupid"
  4653. >You didn't, but once you were in the new vehicle you asked why the switch
  4654. >And were told the van you'd been foalnapped in was stolen
  4655. >Another young man was waiting in the driver's seat of new van with a laptop computer
  4656. >"The stressful part is over, ransom note is sent, we can all relax a little now," he said, turning the key in the ignition
  4657. >"Hi Rose," he continued, "I'm Mr White. That's Mr Brown, Mr Blue and," he gestured to knife guy, "that's Mr Pink"
  4658. >"You said we weren't doing the fucking Resevoir Dogs thing," Mr Pink protested
  4659. >"Well we're doing it now, and you're Mr Pink"
  4660. >"Fuck," Mr Pink answered
  4661. >Another van ride took you to a detached house with a driveway and a garage in a neighborhood of houses that looked the same
  4662. >The driver clicked a button on the visor and the garage door opened
  4663. >He pulled the fan inside and closed it with another press of the button
  4664. >"Here we are," Mr White said. "This is gonna be home for the next couple days"
  4665. >And you find yourself in a modest house that looks like it was decorated by someone of equally modest means and taste
  4666. >Mr White apoligized for the collar and chain he put around your neck
  4667. >The chain is about 10 ft long and laced through a bunch of cinder blocks on the carpet
  4668. >"For everyone's peace of mind," he said
  4669. >Mr Brown took the keys from Mr White and left in the van with Mr Blue
  4670. >So it's just you, Mr White and Mr Pink in the den, where they've turned on the TV
  4671. >"Nothing to do now but chill and wait," Mr Pink says pulling a plastic container out of his pocket
  4672. >"Use my pen," Mr White says, "so we don't stink the place up too badly"
  4673. >"Do ponies smoke weed?," Mr Pink asks
  4674. "I'm fine, thanks"
  4675. >That's a lie
  4676. >You're scared, worried and just want to be back home with your son
  4677. >Who you're sure feels the same
  4678. >These guys are monsters for putting a colt through that
  4679. >Who knows what else they plan on putting you through
  4680. "Actually, I could use a drink"
  4681. >Mr Pink brightens and says, "What would you like? Maybe a glass of wine?"
  4682. "That would be lovely"
  4683. >He laughs and says to Mr White, "See? I told you! They're totally white girls!"
  4684. "What?"
  4685. >"He has this theory," Mr White begins, "that mares are just like white girls in terms of... sensibilities"
  4686. >"And attitudes," Mr Pink replies, "just less mean and entitled. And sorry, there is nothing to drink here"
  4687. >"But we will order some delivery," Mr White says. "I bet you're hungry. I know I am"
  4688. >"First though," Mr Pink says, breaking a little piece off the green bud he took from the plastic container, "we get high"
  4689. >You can smell it across the room
  4690. >You can smell yourself too, stinking from all the stress of today
  4691. >Except that's more than just stress stink
  4692. >Fuck, not now!
  4693. >You're going into heat
  4694. >Back in Equestria you always knew when it was coming
  4695. >But here it keeps a less regular schedule, surprising sometimes when you least expect it
  4696. >Mr Pink exhales the hit of weed he just took and passes the pen to Mr White
  4697. >"Pizza OK for pony?," Mr Pink asks
  4698. "Sure"
  4699. >Mr White pauses as he's about to take a hit to say, "None of that Buffalo chicken ranch bullshit. I want a fucking normal pizza"
  4700. >"What do you want Mr Boring," Mr Pink taunts, "Pepperoni?"
  4701. >Mr White holds the smoke he just inhaled for a few seconds before exhaling and replying, "I'd be fine with that"
  4702. >Then he looks at you ans asks, "You fine with that?"
  4703. "Sure. Maybe you could, maybe order a salad to go with it?"
  4704. >Mr Pink starts laughing
  4705. >"What did I tell you?," he says. "Tell me that's not total white girl shit"
  4706. >"Maybe," Mr White replies
  4707. "So you're not white? Human racial identity is a lot more subtle than with ponies. I still have trouble picking up on it sometimes"
  4708. >"I'm Boricua," Mr Pink replies
  4709. >"Hey!," Mr White chides him, "No personal details, remember?"
  4710. "It's OK. I don't even know what that means"
  4711. >"It means stop and frisk was a reality for this hood rat growing up," Mr Pink answers, "and that shit never happened to white boys"
  4712. >"Blacks had it worse," Mr White adds
  4713. >"No shit," Mr Pink says, taking the pen back from Mr White, "Why do you think the Nation of Islam is prepping for a race war"
  4714. >"That's not gonna happen," Mr White answers
  4715. >"You don't know that," Mr Pink says
  4716. >The smell of pot smoke in the room is a foreign thing to you, but you welcome it
  4717. >Because it's strong enough to mask your own smell
  4718. >Not that most human noses are sensitive enough to pick up on it, but the notion of these young men getting any ideas about you THAT way is terrifying
  4719. >That plus worring about what your colt must be going through right now is almost unbearable
  4720. >You don't want to cry in front of these guys for fear it might make them angry, but the stress of the day is catching up with you
  4721. >And tears start welling up in your eyes
  4722. >"Aw Rose," Mr White says, "Don't cry. We're not going to hurt you I promise. We're just going to waste a day or two of your time"
  4723. >He grabs his laptop and taps away
  4724. >"I'll even get you that salad you wanted," he says
  4725. "It's hard to believe you after being ripped from my son at knifepoint and being chained up who knows where with two strange men"
  4726. >"Sure," Mr White says gently, "being held for ransom isn't supposed to be an enjoyable experience. But this is as bad as its going to get"
  4727. >"We agreed we would be gentlemen about this," Mr Pink adds, "if that's what you're worried about"
  4728. >"We may be kidnappers, but we're not rapists," Mr White affirms
  4729. >"I'm not so sure about Mr Blue," Mr Pink counters, "But we won't let him alone with you"
  4730. "That's not all that reassuring. I don't even know how my son is doing"
  4731. >More tears are coming and you can't stop them
  4732. >"You'll know as soon as we get our money," Mr White says flatly. "You don't know the IP address of your computer, do you?"
  4733. "What? No, I have no idea what it is"
  4734. >"Too bad," he replies
  4735. "Why?"
  4736. >"Because if I had your IP I could enable your camera and we could get you a view from home"
  4737. "You can DO that?!"
  4738. >He laughs and Mr Pink says, "He's a hacker. You wouldn't believe what he can do"
  4739. "Then why foalnap me? Can't you just make money hacking stuff?"
  4740. >"Honestly?," Mr White replies, "This is less risky. The Wild West days ended over a decade ago when I was just a kid"
  4741. >"When they came for Sabu?," Mr Pink asks
  4742. >"And turned him into a fucking snitch," Mr White replies, then adds, "not like he had much choice about it"
  4743. >You have no idea what they're talking about
  4744. >"That's when the party was over, and I'd only just found out about it," he continues
  4745. >"If only you'd been born ten years earlier," Mr Pink says
  4746. >"Good thing I wasn't," Mr White answers, "for all I know I would be in federal prison by now. I did allow myself a few style points with the ransom note"
  4747. >"What did you do?," Mr Pink asks
  4748. >"I sent it from his own email"
  4749. >"Nice!," Mr Pink replies admiringly
  4751. >Be Roseluck
  4752. >Foalnapped, chained up in the den of a stand alone house in a neighborhood you don't recognize
  4753. >Mr White is walking back into the room with a pizza box that has a large bag sitting on it
  4754. >'Dinner is served," he says in a funny accent that you asume is an attempt to mock some antique upper class way of speaking
  4755. >"Delivery guy was a stallion," he continues. "I felt bad for the guy, delivering on foot in this weather"
  4756. >"You left him a decent tip?," Mr Pink asks
  4757. >"Of course I did. He definitely smelled the weed, though. I saw him take a big sniff before he smiled and said,'You guys have a good night'"
  4758. >If a stallion was just at the door he smelled more than just weed
  4759. >No way he couldn't tell there was a mare in heat in the house
  4760. >Probably figured Mr White had hired a whorse for the evening
  4761. >And she just happened to be in heat
  4762. >Because it's really unlikely that a self-decribed hoot rat would be able to afford a mare of his own
  4763. >Even a modest house like this would be like a bit of a stretch, given how young he seems
  4764. >"If we weren't in the middle of something delicate here," Mr White continues, "I'd have invited him in for a hit"
  4765. >"Now that you mention it," Mr Pink says, "it does stink in here. That weed was skunkier than usual"
  4766. "Some of that might be me. Having your son threatened with a knife and getting foalnapped is pretty stressful"
  4767. >Careful how you phrase this
  4768. "I've been nothing but a ball of nerves for hours.If you don't mind I'd love to take a shower after we eat"
  4769. >Mr Pink approaches you as Mr White sets out the food on the low table
  4770. >Mr Pink comes close to you and sniffs
  4771. >"Oh yeah, pony," he says, wrinkling his nose. "Some of that stink definitely is you. We're not taking the chain off"
  4772. >He takes another sniff and says, "But we'll drag it into the bathroom after we eat and you can take a shower"
  4773. >You feel a blush on your cheeks
  4774. >"That bad?," Mr White asks
  4775. >"Yeah, we got a stinky pony on our hands"
  4776. >"OK," Mr White answers, "then we'll let you freshen up after we eat. Here's the salad I promised"
  4777. >He hands you a clear plastic bowl
  4778. >In Manhattan where you used to live you'd expect such a bowl to come full of tender baby greens
  4779. >This one is mostly iceberg lettuce, some tired shredded carrots and a few tomato slices that have no business being served raw
  4780. >But it's vegetable matter, and very welcome
  4781. >"They gave us Italian dressing if you're interested," Mr White says, holding up a packet
  4782. "This is fine, thanks"
  4783. >Oh, there's a bit of cucumber
  4784. >"Dressing on the side," Mr Pink chimes in between bites of pizza. "Just like a..."
  4785. >"Give it a rest,"Mr White interrupts. Then to you he says, "He actually watches the show, which is why he has theories about you"
  4786. "I'm sure I would be flattered under different circumstances"
  4787. >Looking down you realize you've made very quick work of your salad
  4788. >And you're still hungry
  4789. >You look over at the pizza
  4790. >Just over half of it is left, but it looks greasy and awful
  4791. >Pepperoni - you never understood that
  4792. >You like a little taste of salty meat as much as anypony - salty anything, really
  4793. >But taking a fundamentally greasy food like melted cheese on bread
  4794. >Then topping it with a sausage that puts off that much grease?
  4795. >What were they thinking when they cam up with that?
  4796. >They were thinking like carnivores, which omnivores are halfway to in the first place
  4797. >At least these guys didn't want ribs or fried chicken - those would have been non-starters for you
  4798. >But you figure you can choke down a slice of pizza, though it'll probably make you feel queasy after eating that much grease
  4799. >Mr White sees you staring at the box and says, "Go on, Rose. Have a slice. There's plenty"
  4800. >You do, eating it very slowly to savor every salty bite - also the keep from gagging on the grease
  4801. >Mr White controls the TV from his laptop playing videos from Youtube
  4802. >Mostly conspiracy theory stuff about how the military-industrial complex along with the media and globalist leaders are manipulating the masses
  4803. >Calls for civil disobediance from internet hacker groups
  4804. >Mr Pink protests when Mr White plays one about reptilians controling the government
  4805. >"Take her up for a shower," he replies, "and we can watch Rick and Morty when you get back"
  4806. >"Mr Pink looks at the pile of cinder blocks you're chained to and says, "I'm not carrying that shit upstairs by myself"
  4807. >Mr White gets up, walks over to the pile and produces a key from his pocket
  4808. >He finds the lock keeping the chain looped through them and unlocks it, pulls the chain through and hands the end to Mr Pink
  4809. >"There," Mr White replies, "just wrap it around your arm like you're walking a pitty"
  4810. >Moments later you're walking up the stairs on a chain like an obediant Pitbull Terrier
  4811. >When you get to the top of the stairs Mr Pink says, "There's a bathroom on the right"
  4812. >Going in you see a tub with a shower in it, some soap in a dish and towels
  4813. >You sniff the one closest to you and that's not going to work
  4814. >The next one on the rack seems clean enough
  4815. >"Got everything you need?," Mr Pink asks from outside the doorway
  4816. "I do actually"
  4817. >"Then don't take all night"
  4818. >You start running the water to discover the hot water is pretty good
  4819. >You step into the shower backwards, careful about your mane because you're not going to bother washing that - you did this morning
  4820. >It's the other side of you that requires the attention
  4821. >The soap is green with white streaks in it and smells like a chemical company's idea of "fresh"
  4822. >Normally something you wouldn't touch, but perfect for this situation
  4823. >Exactly the stuff to keep you from being a "stinky pony" until morning, at least
  4824. >When hopefully they'll set you free, or at least let you shower again
  4825. >You emerge from the bathroom to find Mr Pink with the end of the chain still wrapped around his arm
  4826. >He looks you over and smiles
  4827. >"All freshened up?," he asks
  4828. >You nod and say, "Thank you"
  4829. >He whispers, "That wasn't just stress, was it? You're in heat, aren't you?"
  4830. >And not for the first time today you're terrified
  4831. >Before you can respond he says, "It's OK. I told you we've agreed to be gentlemen about this"
  4832. >The terror is slowly replaced by a hot blush
  4833. "A gentlecolt, um... man, wouldn't have brought it up directly like that"
  4834. >"No? Than what would he have done?"
  4835. "I don't know"
  4836. >You do
  4837. "Maybe shown a little extra attention or interest toward her to see if..."
  4838. >"What?"
  4839. "That caused her to see him in a new light"
  4840. >"So it's not some crazy animalistic thing where you turn into a sex maniac"
  4841. "I'm sure in the right situation with the right stallion it can be. But generally no. It's not that at all"
  4842. >"Too bad. So there's no culture of it's not rape if she's in heat?"
  4843. "I thought you were going to be a gentleman"
  4844. >"Sociological interest. Nothing personal"
  4845. "Oh, you're a scientist now? I'll answer, though. Nothing like that. 'It's not rape if' only exists here, and that's only when master says it isn't"
  4846. >You add:
  4847. "Which is incredibly fucked up, if you don't mind me saying so"
  4848. >"I don't mind. As far as slavery goes I've been pretty agnostic about it most of my life, leaning toward against now"
  4849. "Yet you foalnap a free pony and keep her on a chain"
  4850. >"This is just a moneymaking scheme - nothing personal"
  4851. "You don't see how that's exactly the attitude that allows slavery to exist?! It's not like I asked to be here"
  4852. >"If you're going to get philosophical about it NONE of us asked to be here"
  4853. "Do you want me to start calling you Mr Existentialist instead of Mr Pink?"
  4854. >"What do you know about Existentialism?"
  4855. "I know it's a way of thinking from your world that wouldn't have lasted for half a second in Equestria"
  4856. >"Why not?"
  4857. "We had a beautiful, powerful Alicorn Princess who raised the sun every morning and lowered it every night"
  4858. >What else?
  4859. "We had ponies who wielded powerful magic as the living embodiments of ideals you claim to glorify: love, friendship, kindless..."
  4860. >There's another big one
  4861. >Right, cutie marks!
  4862. "And a a piviotal moment in our young lives we magically received our cutie marks which gave us a clear idea of what our destiny was"
  4863. >Wow, you're breathing heavily and feeling emotional
  4864. >And it isn't just the heat, though that probably made you more passionate about this than you expected to be
  4865. "There was simply no way you could look around that world and conmclude, 'Nope, it all looks meaningless to me'"
  4866. >"Sounds like living in mythological times. Must have been nice"
  4867. "It was. And if by mythological you mean powerful magical creatures living and breathing among you then yes"
  4868. >Mr White shouts from downstairs, "Everything OK up there?"
  4869. >You realize you must have raised your voice more than you thought for him to hear you downstairs over the TV
  4870. >"She's all cleaned up and we're on our way down," Mr Pink replies
  4872. >Be VP
  4873. >Back in a shithole neighborhood in Brooklyn
  4874. >But with more useful company today
  4875. >Agent Abseloff seems to have his shit a lot more together than the NYPD representative you spoke with yesterday
  4876. >"In the early days there were some free pony kidnappings," he says, "Idiots would try to sell them at auctions"
  4877. "Getting arrested immediately I'm guessing"
  4878. >"Those rocket scientists found out trying to sell a pony who wasn't in the system got you five years"
  4879. "Because all ponies who are private property are registered"
  4880. >"Only way to keep track of who is and who isn't. Can't take their word for it. Point is we didn't need to get involved with that"
  4881. "So this is the first time you've seem a free mare kidnapped for ransom?"
  4882. >"Free mare being the unique aspect of this situation. We're always on the lookout for sex trafficking, but it's really not a thing"
  4883. "No market for it. Anyone who wants a pony can legally buy one. And those who can't afford one can always rent"
  4884. >"Exactly. And as far as ransom goes no one would pay a ransom for a free pony"
  4885. "Until I created the free pony celebrity"
  4886. >"Their lack of value was their protection, and you made a couple suddenly very valuable"
  4887. "Just like private property ponies are protected by the fact they're so valuable that stealing one is a serious crime"
  4888. >"Serious enough that the bureau lends its resources to the investigation"
  4889. "So what's the bureau's opinion on this case?"
  4890. >"These punks getting away with this would set a bad precident"
  4891. "I think that was lost on the NYPD lieutenant"
  4892. >"I don't think so. That's exactly why he called me. He's got it rough, you know"
  4893. "How so?"
  4894. >"He's got a tough beat. Citywide crime has been falling for years. Former toilets like Bushwick and Bed-Stuy have turned around"
  4895. "Bed-Stuy has turned around?"
  4896. >"It has three French bistros now. I'm talking real ones. I had lunch at one last week"
  4897. "Holy shit"
  4898. >"Yeah, but East New York refuses to. Still as crime ridden as it ever was. You know the mayor isn't happy about that"
  4899. "And shit rolls downhill. I get it"
  4900. >"From the mayor to the police commissioner all the way down to the guys in the field"
  4901. >He drops his voice to a whisper, "They're actually under pressuer to play down the details of more violent crimes"
  4902. "Like how?"
  4903. >"You know, 'losing' evidence at the scene so assult with a deadly weapon becomes assult"
  4904. >That's actually pretty shocking and the opposite of how you'd expect dishonest cops to act
  4905. >Don't crooked cops plant evidence on people when they've got nothing on someone the want t to arrest anyways?
  4906. >Intentionally losing evidence to make a crime less severe doesn't strike you as something a cop would actually do
  4907. >Unless the neighborhood was really, really fucked up
  4908. >He sees the look of shock on your face
  4909. >You didn't mean to let it show, but his comment caught you off guard
  4910. >"You didn't hear that from be, by the way"
  4911. "Hear what?"
  4913. >Be Roseluck
  4914. >Foalnapped
  4915. >It was a long night
  4916. >Mr White went to sleep but Mr Pink stayed up talking with you
  4917. >Mostly about the theories he has aout pony and human relations
  4918. >He admitted you're the first pony he's ever actually had a conversation with
  4919. >But he's seen every episode of the show several times
  4920. >He's something of a super fan
  4921. >Which you would almost find charming if he hadn't foalnapped you and threatened your son with a knife
  4922. >He's particularly fascinated with your co-host/roommate and her sexual history
  4923. >Which he has many theories about, some of which rest on a bizarre set of ethics regarding slavery that he's worked out
  4924. >You've been kind of tuning him out for the last hour or so because it's very late and you're sleepy
  4925. >Also you have no desire to discuss ethics with the guy who foalnapped you
  4926. >But that hasn't stopped him
  4927. >"I'd say it's no different than having sex with your pet horse, or dog for that matter"
  4928. "What?! You think it's OK to have sex with pets?"
  4929. >"It's an unpopular opinion. I wouldn't say it with anybody else in the room, and I'll deny it if you tell anyone. But yeah"
  4930. "OK, I'll bite. How do you negotiate the idea of consent in that situation?"
  4931. >"It's pretty obvious - if they tolerate it then it's OK"
  4932. "Sounds like rapist logic to me"
  4933. >He looks hurt
  4934. >"If I were a rapist we wouldn't be sitting here talking right now"
  4935. >Careful, Rose
  4936. >You are at this guy's mercy
  4937. "Well you could say the same thing about sex with a child then, and that's pretty universally considered wrong"
  4938. >"Only over the last century. Before that it was OK if you married them, or mentored them in Ancient Greece"
  4939. "Is that what you think?"
  4940. >"It does eliminate the part of it that I see as wrong, so yeah"
  4941. "And what part is specifically wrong in your view?"
  4942. >"The psychological damage it causes the victims"
  4943. "And you're making the case there's no psychological damage with child brides and fucking your pets?"
  4944. >Not if you're a good husband or master and take good care of them for the rest of their lives"
  4945. "That's a really paternalistic and patriarchal view. You're saying it's OK to use a sentient being as your fucktoy as long as you provide for them"
  4946. >"Isn't that what marriage has been traditionally? And in an unspoken way also domestication of animals?"
  4947. "But that perspective completely devalues the will of the wife"
  4948. >"Like wives don't find ways to ecert their wills even in the most patriarchial societies. Even pets do"
  4949. "So this means you're just fine with bedmares then?"
  4950. >"If their master treats them well. You were happy as one when you felt you were being treated well"
  4951. "I wasn't happy. I was in survival mode grabbing on to the best situation I could find"
  4952. >"Aren't we all? And would you consider your years with John traumatizing?"
  4953. "He raped me for years so, yes"
  4954. >"Isn't rape too strong a word"
  4955. "I had no consent, so that's what it was"
  4956. >You think back for a second
  4957. >That IS what it was
  4958. >But it sounds awfully harsh toward a man you actually believe loved you
  4959. >Until you betrayed him
  4960. "He did give me the illusion of consent. He made it seem like he respected me there for a while. But it was a cut and dry thing going into it"
  4961. >"Of course it was. He bought you. But his intentions were to take care of you. Didn't he set you up with an apartment and a business?"
  4962. "Yeah"
  4963. >"And even when things fell apart he saw to it you kept the business AND got your freedom"
  4964. "OK. So maybe it's a grey area. Sure, I was a willing participant in most of what we did physically, but..."
  4965. >"But you still had no choice about it, so there was no consent. Which means you have to call it rape"
  4966. "Isn't that the definition?"
  4967. >"Today's definition. Seems to change for every generation, and as a man if you don't keep up with that it'll wreck you"
  4968. "It must be so hard being a man"
  4969. >"My point is it wasn't all that hard to be a bedmare to a good master, was it? Sounds like a pretty fair trade to me"
  4970. >It wasn't hard
  4971. >It wasn't what you wanted, but given your other options it wasn't hard
  4972. >Nor was it horrible or traumatizing, until you got whipped for refusing to get an abortion
  4973. >Which was really just him trying to save face
  4974. >You realize that now, because he could have just made you get one
  4975. >You were his property after all
  4976. "It was an unfair position to be in in the first place, though. You've got to agree with that"
  4977. >"Fairness isn't something that actually exists. It's something we try to create because we want the world to work that way"
  4978. "Shit. This is what I get talking ethics with a self-proclaimed nihilist. How can you even take ethical positions if you don't think anything matters?"
  4979. >"Ethics might not matter in any meaningful sense, but my own and those of the society I live in will have an impact on my quality of life"
  4980. "So ethics only matter so much as they effect your quality of life?"
  4981. >"And the lives of those I care about. It might be meaningless, but you still need something to pass the time before you die"
  4982. "How noble of you"
  4983. >He smiles at your sarcasm
  4984. >"I'd still argue your situation with John wasn't rape. It didn't leave you traumatized. It was transactional in nature"
  4985. "I was lucky. Not every mare in my situation has it so good. But it was still rape because I gave no consent, at least at first"
  4986. >"You're clinging to the whole consent thing really hard. Is that really what you think, or just feminism talking?"
  4987. "I wouldn't need feminism if I didn't have to trip over patriarchal shit every day"
  4988. >"Fair enough. But you will admit rape is probably too strong a word for relations involving situations like bedmares and child brides"
  4989. "Don't forget pets. You were the one who brought up fucking pets"
  4990. >"Between us. I won't own up to it in front of anybody else. I'm saying if there's no trauma and the guy is a good master or husband then..."
  4991. "No harm, no foul?"
  4992. >Listen to yourself - that's an expression John used to say
  4993. >"Yeah. I know that as a free mare you can't admit that because you have to go along with feminist thinking, but..."
  4994. "I see the point you're making. It's like my roommate thinking everything was great because she had a good master"
  4995. >"It's exactly that. That's why she balked at being a free pony, isn't it? Having a master meant she could think of her entire life as being a good girl"
  4996. "That was important to her"
  4997. >"Of course it was. That's what kept her from looking at her upbringing in a traumatizing light. She was just being good"
  4998. "And you don't think she can see things that way as a free mare?"
  4999. >"Of course not. By free standards her life has been nothig but nonstop sexual abuse. Coming to terms with that sounds awful"
  5000. >Shit, you never considered that as a consequence of emancipation for her
  5001. >It turned her from a good girl to a victim in the stroke of a pen
  5002. >And you know she hates the idea of being a victim
  5003. "You just gave me something to explore on the show, very gently of course"
  5004. >"I'm sure I'm not the only one watching who's worried about what that's going to do to her"
  5005. "Kind of ironic you're worried about her, you espouse an ethics system based around not traumatizing others yet you foalnapped me"
  5006. >"That's just business. You'll get eaten alive if you let your personal ethics spill over into your business decisions"
  5007. "This is the right town for you then"
  5008. >"Born and raised here. It's gonna be sad to leave it"
  5009. "Why are you leaving?"
  5010. >"Once the money comes in and you're back home you think we're sticking around? Fuck no. The four of us are going in four different directions"
  5011. >It's reassuring to hear the words "you're back home" because there's been a constant fear in the back of your mind
  5012. >Fear this this could end badly for you
  5013. >It's nice to hear yet again that's not the plan
  5014. >"Or I'm assuming it's four different directions. I have no idea where the others are headed"
  5015. >He adds, "Speaking of the others, Mr Brown and Mr Blue ought to be here soon. They'll spend the day with you and I'll be back tonight"
  5017. >Be mare
  5018. >Sorting out mixed feelings is hard
  5019. >The VP is here in your apartment
  5020. >You hate him and the idea that he's here in your personal space practically infuriates you
  5021. >But another part of you -and you hate that part - is reassured by his presence
  5022. >This is an emergency and having the boss taking care of things makes it seem like everything is going to be OK
  5023. >And you have to think that way because you're looking after a very distressed colt who just wants his mother back
  5024. >Pretty much all you've done for the last 24 hours is tell him over and over that a lot of powerful men are working hard to bring his mommy back
  5025. >"Why can't they bring her back now?," he asks
  5026. "Because they have to find her and the bad men who took her first. When they do they'll bring her back and put the bad men in jail"
  5027. >"Good," he replies. "But why haven't they brought her back yet?"
  5028. >"It'll be prison, not jail," The VP interrupts, "The FBI is on the case now. Those guys are going to wind up in federal prison"
  5029. >"The FBI?," the colt asks. "What's the FBI?"
  5030. >"They're like super cops who wear suits instead of uniforms," The VP answers
  5031. >"Supercops?! Can they fly?," the colt asks
  5032. >"Not like a pegasus can fly," the VP replies, "but they have helicopters"
  5033. >"And the super cops are going to find mommy?," he asks
  5034. >"That's the plan," the VP replies
  5035. "Do we know anything more yet?"
  5036. >"They found her phone. Got a print from it, but it didn't match anything in the database," The VP answers
  5037. "A print?"
  5038. >"A finger print. It doesn't apply to ponies," he says, "When people touch things they leave fingerprints"
  5039. "So you can tell who touched what by their fingerprints?"
  5040. >"You don't watch crime shows, do you?," he replies
  5041. "Watching people do bad things isn't my idea of entertainment. I don't really watch shows at all. Well, cartoons now"
  5042. >"Well between that and the stolen van they have fingerprints of at leasttwo individuals"
  5043. "So they know who did it?"
  5044. >"Not exactly," the VP responds, "If those fingerprints aren't in the system they can't ID them until they are"
  5045. "So it's a record people leave behind them"
  5046. >"Yeah, like DNA, which applies to ponies, too"
  5047. "I'm not even going to ask. I thought that was how you confirm parentage and find out about your heritage"
  5048. >"The former is probably more reliable than the latter. But even more than a fingerprint it's a unique signature"
  5049. "My signature is still an X. Gonna have to work on that now that I'm getting asked for autographs"
  5050. >"You're going to have to get used to some kind of security as well, because I'm going to see to that"
  5051. "Like what? Bodyguards? That would be awkward"
  5052. >"We'll talk about that later. I'll want the landlord's contact info. It could be as simple as a couple stallions across the hall in 1B"
  5053. "To do what?"
  5054. >"Shadow you when you're out in these streets"
  5055. "That sounds awful"
  5056. >"Look at the alternative"
  5057. >"Are bringing mommy home soon?," the colt asks. "I want mommy now"
  5058. >"We all want her back now. Soon is what we're hoping for"
  5060. >Be Roseluck
  5061. >Mr Brown and Mr Blue have taken over for Mr Pink and Mr White
  5062. >These two are much less chatty than Mr Pink, which is a relief
  5063. >That guy kept you up all night, and now you're exhausted
  5064. >You stretch out on the couch and feel yourself drifting off to sleep
  5065. >You're awakened before long by Mr Blue shouting at you
  5066. >"Yo, pony, you stink!," Mr Blue says in an annoyed tone. "And now you're stinking up the couch"
  5067. >You shake off some grogginess and formulate a response
  5068. "I could use a shower, if you'd be so kind to walk me upstairs"
  5069. >"Fuck that," he replies. "I'll just chain you up out back"
  5070. >Mr Brown is in the kitchen making bacon and eggs in the kitchen from what you can smell
  5071. >Can he really smell you over bacon?
  5072. >Shit, heat is full on
  5073. >And you spent the entire night talking about sex related topics with Mr Pink
  5074. >And while you don't find Mr Pink the least bit attractive
  5075. >Well he's not unattractive if you're being honest
  5076. >All that talk just made you think about - sex
  5077. >Even more than being in heat already makes you think about sex
  5078. >Because you were talking about sex
  5079. >So of course you smell like an invitation to a stallion right now
  5080. >Fuck Mr Pink for putting you in this position!
  5081. >Mr Pink putting you in position almost sounds...
  5082. >Stop that!
  5083. >Don't think like that
  5084. >The guy thinks it's OK to fuck pets
  5085. >He's definitely some kind of pervert, you're sure of it
  5086. >Though right now you're feeling a little pervy yourself
  5087. >"Pony stinks! Can I just chain her up out back?," Mr Blue shouts toward the kitchen
  5088. >"It's pretty cold out," Mr Brown shouts back. "Think she'll be OK out there?"
  5089. >"She's a pony," Mr Blue replies, "I'm sure she'll be fine"
  5090. >You don't like the sound of this at all - it is cold out there!
  5091. >"We can't let anyone to see her," Mr Brown shouts back from the kitchen. "That would be bad"
  5092. >"Who the fuck is going to see her? It's Sunday morning. Everyone who isn't at church is still in bed"
  5093. >"I don't think it's a good idea," Mr Brown replies
  5094. >"Just for while we're eating?," Mr Blue pleads
  5095. >"Yeah, OK. Breakfast is ready," Mr Brown says
  5096. >"Outside for you, pony," Mr Blue says, producing the key from his pocket and opening the lock on the chain around the cinder blocks
  5097. "You could just let me take a shower"
  5098. >"Maybe after we eat, but for now you go out"
  5099. >He leads you to the door to the back yard
  5100. >It's barely a back yard, more of a fenced in patch of cracked concrete with one scraggly tree and a patch of dirt that probably used to be a garden
  5101. >A garden - you would love to have a garden!
  5102. >It is cold out here
  5103. >And now you're chained up outside like a dog
  5105. >Be Sarah
  5106. >Sarah Who Works for the City
  5107. >It's not exactly your childhood dream of being a vet
  5108. >Though Animal Control and Welfare is somewhat related, and doesn't require an expensive advanced degree
  5109. >It also has you in the office on a Sunday morning working the phones of all things
  5110. >Fucking budget cuts
  5111. >At least it's not Saturday - your grandmother would be spinning in her grave if you worked on Shabbos
  5112. >And at least you have a job - one that comes with benefits at that
  5113. >Your parents approve, and are happy you (finally) got your own place
  5114. >Even if they're a little skeptical of the neighborhood
  5115. >Rent in the city is insane though, forcing you to consider living in places they would never set foot in
  5116. >And Gravesend isn't so bad, though the commute to work is a haul
  5117. >A haul you rewarded yourself with a fancy espresso drink this morning, half of which is now cold
  5118. >The phone rings and you answer
  5119. "Animal Control and Welfare, how may I help you?"
  5120. >The voice on the line sounds like that of an elderly woman
  5121. >"There's a pony chained up in my neighbor's yard, and that doesn't seem right"
  5122. "Do you mean a horse, or an Equestrian pony?"
  5123. >"I think it's Rose from TV"
  5124. >Shit, do you have a crazy person on the line?
  5125. >Again?
  5126. "If you're calling about a nuisance issue involving private property I can transfer you to the operator and tell them you want to file a complaint with the NYPD"
  5127. >"The lady put me throught to you"
  5128. >Idiots
  5129. >They heard the word pony and connected this lady with animal control without even bothering to find out what kind of pony
  5130. >And this isn't the first time that's happened
  5131. >The woman is still talking
  5132. >"She's a free mare. She shouldn't be chained up in Mr Vega's yard"
  5133. "Maybe your neighbor bought a pony?"
  5134. >She laughs
  5135. >"He didn't have that kind of money. Also he died two weeks ago. They've been getting the place ready to put up for sale"
  5136. >She continues, "They say it was a heart attack. And he was young - retired from the force just a couple of years ago"
  5137. >"It was his nephew that found him a couple days later. Poor kid"
  5138. >Lady I don't care
  5139. >That's what you want to say
  5140. "This is animal control. We don't deal with Equestrian ponies. If you think this is an emergency please hang up and dial 911"
  5141. >"I don't know if it's an emergency, but it doesn't seem right. Free ponies shouldn't be chained up in the backyard"
  5142. "How do you know the pony in question is a fee pony?"
  5143. >"Because it's Rose from TV. I watch her every week. She didn't used to be free, but she's free now"
  5144. >She adds: "Let me get the binoculars to make sure"
  5145. >You've always thought it's creepy how many people in this city have binoculars, and none of them are birdwatchers
  5146. "If you think a free pony is being held against her will you should call 911"
  5147. >"You think I should? I'm looking at her right now. She's got the rose cutie mark. That's Roseluck from TV"
  5148. >This definitely could be a nutjob, but dealing with calls from the public is part of your job, at least it is now
  5149. >Equesrtian ponies however, are not
  5150. >Push her off on 911
  5151. >But do it politely because they do recod these calls
  5152. >So you keep it professional
  5153. "If she is on a television show maybe this is a TV shoot? Are there people with cameras around?"
  5154. >"No. They shot Special Victims Unit a couple blocks from here. I saw what's his name? You know, the actor who plays the older cop?"
  5155. >You really don't need to hear any of this, but she continues
  5156. >"There's nobody with her. She's just chained out there alone. She doesn't look too happy about it, either. Can't blame her - it's cold out there"
  5157. "If you believe a free pony is being held against her will that's a crime and you should call 911"
  5158. >"Poor thing. Can't you just transfer me?"
  5159. "I can transfer you back to the 311 operator and they can transfer you to 911. But it'll be quicker to hang up and dial them directly"
  5160. >"Well, maybe I just will"
  5161. >You hear her hang up
  5162. >Yeah lady, one of the ponies from a show you watch is in your neighbor's backyard
  5163. >And she's probably a Russian spy, too
  5164. >The sad thing is that call might be the most interesting thing that happens at work today
  5165. >Not for the first time you wonder about going back to school
  5166. >It's not so much the academic work that puts you off, but the mountain of debt you'd incur
  5167. >Debt it would take a long, long time to pay off, and an advanced degree might not even ensure a better paycheck
  5168. >Maybe if Bernie takes it in 2020 tuition will be free at state schools
  5169. >Yeah, right...
  5170. >The guy who makes himself the enemy of the Old White Men in Charge of Everything stands a chance of being president
  5171. >And claiming to be a socialist isn't even the biggest thing he's got going against him
  5172. >As much as you'd love to see a member of the Tribe in the White House in your lifetime you know America isn't ready for that yet
  5173. >When a black man looked like he had a chance what happened?
  5174. >Claims that he wasn't Christian started popping up, even though every time the guy spoke there were echoes of preacher in him
  5175. >You got a black president, but he was definitely Christian
  5176. >Someone who actually isn't Christian?
  5177. >A Jew?
  5178. >That's not happening
  5179. >Maybe if he were a Latina woman
  5180. >Are you supposed to say LatinX now?
  5181. >They do on npr
  5182. >But it seems strange to be so neuitral about gender when talking about a group that referrs to themselves as chicas
  5183. >You take a sip of coffee and realize you're not even a quarter of the way through your workday yet
  5185. >Be Roseluck
  5186. >Those bastards left you chained up outside in the cold for an hour!
  5187. >Mr Pink may have been creepy (and probably a dogfucker) but at least he was concerned about your...
  5188. >Comfort isn't the right word, since nothing about this situation is comfortable
  5189. >But he wan't out to make things even more miserable for you
  5190. >When Mr Blue finally opens the door to let you in a powerful whaft of pot smoke comes out with him
  5191. >You're out here shivering while they're in there getting high?!
  5192. ?He unlocks the lock and takes the chain in his hand
  5193. >"Get in, stinky pony"
  5194. >You do as you're told
  5195. >"You eat oats, right?"
  5196. "Yes I do"
  5197. >"Good, because that what we got for you. But first you're getting a shower"
  5198. >You walk toward the stairs and he follows holding the chain
  5199. >When you get to the bathroom he follows you in
  5200. "Um... if you wouldn't mind"
  5201. >"I would. You just do your thing and I'll do mine," he replies, unzipping his pants
  5202. >You quickly turn on the water and get under the shower stream before it's even warm
  5203. >You see his dick in his hand, but his clothes are still on, so as long as you're in the shower you're probably safe
  5204. >He's pretty large and uncircuncised
  5205. >The powerlessness of your position makes it all the more terrifying
  5206. >If he wanted to rape you right now he could, and there would be nothing you could do about it
  5207. >You had hoped never to be in this position again now that you're a free pony
  5208. >Your dignity - your entire sense of self reduced to nothing in front of a penis demanding release
  5209. >He sees the fear on you
  5210. >Even though the water is now warm and feels good you're shaking
  5211. >"You don't want a taste of this?," he asks
  5212. "I don't"
  5213. >Your reply came awfully quick and you hope it doesn't make him mad
  5214. >But he just stands there staring at you while stroking his cock
  5215. >"Fine. But this'll go quicker for me if you put on a little show"
  5216. >A little show?!
  5217. >Well the quicker he cums the quicker he'll be less... inclined to be rapey
  5218. >And the part he's interested is the part that needs washing the most right now
  5219. >You turn around, lift your tail and let the water stream down on your hindquarters
  5220. >Your eyes are shut but can feel his eyes on you
  5221. >In spite of being too scared to be disgusted by the big man standing so close to you with his hard dick in his hand...
  5222. >The warm water feels good hitting right there - you are in heat after all
  5223. >Unconsiously you feel yourself wink and let out a low moan
  5224. >And Mr Blue's breathing gets heavier
  5225. >Another wink
  5226. >"Fuck!"
  5227. >Your eyes are still closed, but you know what just happened
  5228. >You hear his breathing return to normal followed by the sound of him zipping his fly
  5229. >"I'm really into girls more than mares, but that was pretty hot. Oh, and you're cleaning that shit up"
  5230. >You hear the chain drag on the floor as he walks out of the room
  5231. >"And don't keep me waiting!"
  5233. >Be Hector Vega
  5234. >Although today you're Mr Brown
  5235. >Waiting on a $100,000 payday
  5236. >Which has you checking the burner for the message that it's come in every 15 minutes
  5237. >And you know what to do when it does
  5238. >Drive the pony to the drop off location, chain her up there, drive away and use the burner one last time to tip off the police
  5239. >And blindfold her - can't forget that
  5240. >You're not going to risk stealing another van for this and you don't want her to get your dad's plate number
  5241. >It's all worked out, but the wait is brutal
  5242. >Sure, you don't mind hanging around your late uncle's place getting high with José
  5243. >But you really can't relax until this is over
  5244. >And that could be any moment when the message comes in
  5245. >Then it's off to Philly
  5246. >You can easily buy a two family place in Kensington, rent half of it to Mexicans to pay the small mortgage you'd have
  5247. >And then buy another two family to rent for profit
  5248. >You'll still be a few hours' drive from your family, but you hopefully won't end up like your tio
  5249. >Working a dangerous job for 25 years, retiring and dropping dead just a few years later
  5250. >With nothing to show for it but an ex-wife and a little house in Woodside
  5251. >You're gonna do better than that
  5252. >You're gonna enjoy life while you're young AND set things up to be OK once you get old
  5253. >And all it takes is ruining a pony's weekend - that'll get you your seed money
  5254. >You're OK with that, because it's just a pony
  5255. >A free pony who wouldn't be worth anything if it weren't for a TV show
  5256. >You check the burner again - nothing
  5257. >Technically they have until tonight to pay, so they have every reason to wait until the last minute - you would
  5258. >But you wish they wouldn't
  5259. >The doorbell rings
  5260. >That was fast - you called in your delivery order less than 15 minutes ago
  5261. >You walk to the door and open it, expecting to see a pony or a Mexican with a bag of food for you
  5262. >Instead your blood runs cold when you see two cops and a unicorn in a police hat
  5263. >"Is this your place of residence?," an officer asks
  5264. "My family owns it. It was my uncle's. He was on the force, Sargent Vega," you say, reaching for your wallet to show your PBA card
  5265. >"Sorry for your loss," the offficer responds, examining he card. "We're following up on a tip about a missing mare"
  5266. "There's no ponies here"
  5267. >Think fast
  5268. "But the old lady next door isn't all there upstairs, if you know what I mean. Dementia or something. Maybe she thought she saw something and called you?"
  5269. >"Maybe," the cop replies. "Yet a mare matching the description of one abducted in Brooklyn was reported chained in your yard this morning"
  5270. >The other officer adds, "Do you mind if we come in and have a look around, just so we can say we followed up on it?"
  5271. >That's tricky - do you just ask if they have a warrant for that?
  5272. >You decide to take that risk
  5273. "Shouldn't you have a warrant for that?"
  5274. >"Shouldn't the nephew of a Sargent know that the smell of weed gives us probable cause to search the place?"
  5275. >"Not to mention," the unicorn adds, "the smell of a mare in heat. He's lying about there not being a pony here"
  5276. >In seconds guns are drawn, your hands are in the air, then you're on the floor being handcuffed
  5277. "We're unarmed!"
  5278. >As you say it you hear the back screed door slam and the other officer and the unicorn run in that direction
  5279. >Seconds later you hear shouting then two gunshots
  5280. >They fucking SHOT him?!
  5281. >You hear the cop near you on his radio saying shots fired and calling for backup and EMTs
  5282. >As the other cop returns he says, "One perp is down"
  5283. "Did you kill José?"
  5284. >"That's for the EMTs to determine"
  5285. "You mean he could be laying out there dying and you're doing nothing about it? He was unarmed!"
  5286. >"That's the EMT's job, and they'll be here in a couple minutes. Just the two of you and the mare in the house?"
  5287. "Yes. And delivery on its way, so don't shoot whoever rings the bell next"
  5288. >"Damn, I thought we should have handed this over to the Feds. You just made this a pain in the ass by discharging a weapon"
  5289. >The cop who shot José replies, "You saw it - he was resisting arrest and attempting to flee the scene"
  5290. >"What about your bodycam?"
  5291. >"I'm till getting used to the new protocol. Didn't have it on"
  5293. >Be Roseluck
  5294. >Chained to a pile of cinder blocks in the den of a house somewhere
  5295. >Speaking with Officer Blue Sheild of the NYPD's Pony Auxilliary
  5296. >"Are you OK," the unicorn asks, "Did they hurt you, or...?"
  5297. "They didn't hurt me. The one you shot did technically sexually assult me, but he didn't actually touch me while doing it"
  5298. >"So that couldn't have happened to a nicer guy then?"
  5299. >You don't know what to say to that
  5300. "I think he's got the key to these chains in his pocket"
  5301. >"OK, we'll get you freed in a minute," he replies. "You're safe now. Any other accomplices"
  5302. "Yeah, two others. The one who had the knife and the hacker. They went by Mr Pink and Mr White"
  5303. >The unicorn rolls his eyes
  5304. >"Obviously been watching too many of the wrong kinds of movies"
  5305. "Can you call my son and tell him I'm OK and am on my way home?"
  5306. >"Of course we can. Any reason we should have a doctor check you out first?"
  5307. "No. The worst they did to me physically was leave me chained outside in the cold for an hour"
  5308. >"That was their undoing, actually. A neighbor saw you, recognized you and reported it. Excuse me for a moment"
  5309. >Officer Blue Sheild walks over to the other two officers and you hear him say something about the key and two more suspects at large
  5310. >At which point the paramedics arrive and race through to the backyard
  5311. >Moments later the place is swarming with police
  5312. >The paramedics bring Mr Blue through the house on a gurney
  5313. >Officer Blue Sheild approaches them and one of them rifles through his pockets and hands the officer a key
  5314. >You hear Mr Brown's voice yelling, demanding to know whether José is still alive
  5315. >No one offers him a satisfactory answer
  5316. >Officer Blue Sheild frees you from the chains and says, "The feds are on their way. When they get here they're taking over"
  5317. "Can you help me call my son before then?"
  5318. >"Sure," he says, grabbing his phone, "What's the number?"
  5319. >You realize all contact info was in your phone
  5320. >The only numbers you've actually got memorized are your own number and...
  5321. >John's
  5322. >John's personal number - you memorized it back when you were his bedmare
  5323. >That's the number you give to the officer
  5324. >And moments later you're on the phone with John
  5325. >"You OK? I just goit the call you were rescued"
  5326. "I'm fine. You're not with my son right now, are you?"
  5327. >"No. But I can conference in your co-host cum roommate. She's been looking after him"
  5328. >Seconds later you hear her voice on the line
  5329. >"John? Any news?"
  5330. "I'm on the line. I'm OK. The cops rescued me, but the feds are going to need me to answer some questions before I get to go home"
  5331. >"I'm so relieved," she replies. "It's mommy. She's OK. She's coming home soon!"
  5332. "Put him on"
  5333. >"MOMMY!," the colt says, "I was so scared for you!"
  5334. "Mommy's OK. I just have to tell the men the story of what happend and they'll bring me home"
  5335. >"Come home now!," the colt replies
  5336. "I'll be home very soon. Everything is OK now. I just have to answer some questions from the feds"
  5337. >"The supercops?!"
  5338. "What?"
  5339. >"I told him the feds were on the case," John says, "and they were like supercops in suits"
  5340. "Well that's who just showed up and the regular cops don't seem all that happy about it. I gotta go. See you soon. Love you"
  5341. >"Love you too, Mommy. Come home!"
  5343. >Be mare
  5344. >Rose didn't get home until nearly 10PM
  5345. >Which meant you had four hours of Cuddleslut asking, "Where's Mommy?" every minute and a half
  5346. >While alternating between being demanding and sobbing uncontrollably as the hours ground on past his bedtime
  5347. >You did you best to comfort him, like you've done all weekend
  5348. >But you were really out of your depth the whole time
  5349. >Growing up you had nopony to comfort you - and no mommy that you could remember to miss
  5350. >Snowdrop did her best, and Madam did what she could
  5351. >But you were always taught to just accept the situation you were in because there was nothing anypony could do about it
  5352. >Trying to keep hope alive is a foreign thing to you
  5353. >You've been telling the colt for two days somebody else was going to make things right
  5354. >When you grew up believing even the possibility of anybody or anypony making things right was pure fantasy
  5355. >And having to fake being strong for his benefit wore you out
  5356. >You didn't even know what the right things to say were in a situation like this
  5357. >On top of being so worried about and scared for your friend on top of it all
  5358. >You just said what you thought were the right things to say, but you have no idea whether they actually were
  5359. >Thankfully as soon as she walked through the door he wrapped himself around her and you were nothing to him anymore
  5360. >Which was nearly as much of a relief as seeing Rose return home unhurt
  5361. >And that was it - that was all you had
  5362. >You gave her a quick nuzzle and said, "Welcome home," the went straight to your room and shut the door
  5363. >You flop on your bed and shut your eyes
  5364. >You've never been so exhausted
  5365. >Not just physically, but mentally and - emotionally
  5366. >You didn't even realize emotional exhaustion was a thing until Master died
  5367. >It always sounded like something for the entitled who had too much time on their hooves
  5368. >But it turned out to be real, and now you're experiencing it again
  5369. >It's different this time though
  5370. >It's not the aching grind of sudden loss that leaves you unable to get out of bed for days and unable to function when you do
  5371. >It's the exhaustion of being so worried while trying to look after somepony else
  5372. >And not knowing how to do that at all
  5373. >If he were a grown stallion you could at least have distracted him in the way you would a man - just like you were brought up
  5374. >But it didn't seem right to even think that way about a colt
  5375. >Not Rose's colt, anyways
  5376. >Not a free colt
  5377. >Even though that was perfectly OK for you as a slave filly?
  5378. >To take a little comfort from the stray gentle touches of men after they'd had their way with you?
  5379. >More than that - to revel in those cuddles and caresses!
  5380. >Hoping one of them might take you home someday and be your master
  5381. >Then realizing that was a silly hope
  5382. >Back then you wanted to be a mommy, too
  5383. >Yet when you had a foal innside you had it cut out
  5384. >Now you're not just exhausted, you're confused
  5385. >It would be nice to have somepony to talk to
  5386. >You figure Rose is going to need that once she gets Cuddleslut to sleep, so you probably don't have much of a window of opportunity
  5387. >There's a beardy producer you'd love to call right now, but at half past ten on a Sunday night he's undoubtedly with his fiancee
  5388. >And you don't want to do anything to fuck that up for him
  5389. >Because you're hopeful he'll still be up for taking care of you during your next heat
  5390. >To be taken care of - that's what you really want now
  5391. >And part of you feels selfish for wanting that
  5392. >You were brought up to be the one who takes care of others, not the one being taken care of
  5393. >But the memory of strong fingers gently washing your mane comes back to you
  5394. >And almost brings you to tears
  5395. >Not of sadness, but of longing
  5396. >Do you dare trouble Skydancer with this shit?
  5397. >Would that be cruel?
  5398. >Or is that just what friends do?
  5399. >She doesn't have a phone, so getting in touch with her is a matter of whether she's online
  5400. >Unlike Snowdrop she does have her own laptop, because she reads like crazy when she's not working
  5401. >You taught yourself to read enough to get by, but she REALLY reads
  5402. >And she's so smart she understans and retains everything
  5403. >Opening yourlaptop you check Skype
  5404. >And seconds later there's your prgasus friend on your screen
  5405. "How are you doing, Sky?"
  5406. >"A little tired. Busy weekend with my own clients, training a new girl and doing more and more admionistrative stuff around here"
  5407. "They have you running the place now? No wonder the numbers have been so good recently"
  5408. >She smiles
  5409. >"I've basically been doing what amounts to MBA coursework online"
  5410. "Of course you have"
  5411. >"So what do I owe the pleasure of your call? Let me guess... free pony problems?"
  5412. "That, too"
  5413. >"Hey, it was the right thing to do even though you knew you really weren't equipped to deal with it at first"
  5414. "I have nopony to talk about this stuff with"
  5415. >"Of course you do. I'm right here"
  5416. "You know, when you don't bellong to anyone you really are alone. Freedom is realizing you're alone in the world"
  5417. >"Not as long as you have friends. What's bothering you, sweetie?"
  5418. "Well, it's been an intense weekend..."
  5419. >And you just spill everything to your friend
  5420. >She does look a bit shocked, but politely listens as you ramble on abut the foalnapping and the anxious wait caring for the colt
  5421. >When you finally pasue for a bit she replies, "You're not kidding about that being intense! Are YOU OK? Are you safe?"
  5422. "I don't really know. I thought I was, except for that one latter"
  5423. >"What letter?"
  5424. "Back when we lived at the penthouse someone sent me a letter filled with white powder and a note that said fuck you"
  5425. >"You never told me that!"
  5426. "I could tell right away it was sugar, so I didn't see it as a threat"
  5427. >"That's a threat, sweetie. And it shouldn't be a surprise. Your show speaks out about a lot of controversial stuff"
  5428. "But it's crazy to get that mad over Blinders Off. It's just a TV show"
  5429. >"There are a lot of crazy people out there. It was crazy to foalonap Rose in broad daylight, yet they did it anyways"
  5430. "Yeah. John said something about security. I think we might get bodyguards"
  5431. >"That would be wise. So Rose is OK?"
  5432. "She said she was. She just got back, and we haven't really gotten to talk about it much yet"
  5433. >"Of course. Her colt gets priority"
  5434. "The thing is she's more used to making her own decisions, and because she's so cultured, she knows about Equestria, Music, wine..."
  5435. >"And she's older"
  5436. "Yeah, that too. I think I've just been letting her call the shots without questionning whether her calls are any good"
  5437. >"You can't blame her for getting foalnapped. That's not something that's really happened before"
  5438. "So she's a trailblazer?"
  5439. >"Both of you are in that you're pony celebrities. There are like what? Ten? And nearly half of them are you and the mares on your show"
  5440. "And free ponies, at that"
  5441. >"Emancipated ponies," Skydancer whispers. "You used to be private property, now you're not. That's what makes you a symbol of hope"
  5442. "Hope is fucking hard stuff!"
  5443. >"Yeah, I don't envy that aspect of your situation. People and ponies looking for inspiration and meaning in everything you say or do"
  5444. "It's exhausting to even think about that. I try not to"
  5445. >"That doesn't mean it's not true. Of course if you don't like it you could just walk away from the show"
  5446. "In theory I could. In reality I can't, and the network knows that"
  5447. >"Sure. No one walks away from a once in a lifetime thing like that"
  5448. "Except I've had what? Three once in a lifetime things happen for me in less than two years"
  5449. >"Which only makes your story that much more compelling. But yeah, the entertainment industry moves really fast, doesn't it?"
  5450. "You're so busy doing it you don't even have time to think about what you really want"
  5451. >"What you want? You really ARE a free pony!"
  5452. "Except I suck at it. You're supposed to have plans for your life. I'm just reacting"
  5453. >"I think you're doing fine. And it should get easier as you keep doing it. You'll know what you want eventually"
  5454. "I know one thing i want, but it's gonna sound silly and selfish"
  5455. >"Say it anyways"
  5456. "I want someone or somepony to just care for me a little every now and then. Like take care of me a little"
  5457. >"A lover?"
  5458. "More than just that. Like how you were with Snowdrop when we were fillies"
  5459. >"A little tenderness?"
  5460. "Yeah, I used to think a good girl didn't need that if she was really good enough"
  5461. >"Everypony needs that. Whether or not they get it is another matter... Speaking about getting it and the entertainment industry..."
  5462. >She pauses like she's debating bringing up a new topic
  5463. "What?"
  5464. >"Do you have an opinion on the Me Too thing bringing down careers right now?"
  5465. "I know that's for women, not mares"
  5466. >"You don't think free mares wouldn't be all over that if they felt it was safe to speak up?"
  5467. "I hadn't thought about that. It's weird to see men going down for things they could have just paid for and done to us as fillies and no one would have cared"
  5468. >"I know, right? It's one hell of a double standard. And I think you're helping people realize it isn't right"
  5469. "I don't want to put you out of business, though"
  5470. >"There will always be a market for what I do. And you can run this kind of business without being property of it"
  5471. "We'd have gotten trouble for talking like this when we were fillies"
  5472. >"Damned right we would have. I stopped going back to the Filly Brothel, as a... consumer, by the way"
  5473. "Why?! You LOVE fillies!"
  5474. >"I was uncomfortable with the ethics of it"
  5475. "What ethics?! Those girls are going to work regardless of whether you show up, and I'm sure some appreciated you over a man"
  5476. >"Undoubtedly. I know one in particular is missing me. But let's face it - the way we grew up damaged us"
  5477. "That's a pretty strong word"
  5478. >"Are you still in that much denial?"
  5479. "I'm not in denial. I just think damaged is a strong word. I'll agree it left a mark on us. How about that?"
  5480. >"Sure. I just don't want to be the one leaving marks on fillies anymore"
  5481. "BUt that's one of the few joys you have available to you. You're really going to just give it up because of ethics?"
  5482. >"Sometimes that's exactly what happens when you take an ethical stance"
  5483. "It seems a little extreme"
  5484. >"It's my decision and I don't get to make that many, so I like to think it carries a lot of weight"
  5485. "Well good for you then, I guess. What are you gonna do about your needs though?"
  5486. >"Snowdrop is happy to roleplay with me, so I'll be fine"
  5487. "She's a good friend"
  5488. >"She's even more than that to me, but yeah"
  5490. >Be mare
  5491. >Riding home with Rose in the network van after taping this week's episode of the show
  5492. >It was all about her foalnapping experience
  5493. >You even had Agent Abseloff on
  5494. >He gave a speech about how the FBI has seen to it from the start that kidnapping wouldn't be a thing on American soil
  5495. >Then he caused a stir by saying that applies to all Equestrian ponies - free and private property as far as the bureau was concerned
  5496. >Rose is explaining to you why that was a big deal, but you get the feeling she's not entirely sure herself
  5497. >"You know plenty of things that would be crimes against free ponies are not against slaves," she says
  5498. "Sure. Rape, assult, battery, sexual harassment... all those things still seem like strange crimes to me"
  5499. >"Because you grew up a slave. They'd seem like common sense if you'd grown up free"
  5500. "Well I get assult and battery because nopony wants that. The rule at the brothel was no rough stuff"
  5501. >You pause to think about it and add:
  5502. "We were all afraid that if we didn't stay pretty enough we'd be sent somewhere where rough stuff was allowed"
  5503. >"That's horrible. So how did you end up being into rough stuff?"
  5504. >You blush
  5505. "What's the term people use? Forbidden fruit? You can't tello me the same thing doesn't turn you on"
  5506. >"I'm not into rough stuff at all"
  5507. "No, but forbidden stuff. There's a colt waiting for you right now who looks exactly like somepony who was your forbidden fruit"
  5508. >"He was more than that, but yeah. When you're told you're not allowed to do something that does make doing it more exciting"
  5509. "Which is exactly why I had to share him with you. I knew how exciting that was for you. So back to what the FBI guy said"
  5510. >"Right. Slavery has been a states' rights issue. A federal agency saying it doesn't draw a line between free and slave when it comes to foalnapping..."
  5511. "Is a big deal?"
  5512. >"Yeah. I don't know exactly how, but it opens up some legal challenges. If foalnapping is a crime how is holding a pony against her will not?"
  5513. "Because you own her, so the idea of her will is meaningless"
  5514. >"That's what we've been told. This could be evidence that the federal government sees things a little differently"
  5515. "Don't things go badly when the states and the fed end up at odds? Like riots in the streets and civil war?"
  5516. >"It makes for trouble. You've heard Crystal make the parallels with the Civil Rights movement"
  5517. "Mostly off the air, though. She'll only hint at that on the show"
  5518. >"For good reason. If something big ever goes down we want the support of those whose ancestors lived through something similar"
  5519. "I know. If we seem like we're co-opting their cause it'll turn them against us"
  5520. >"THEM is right here," a male voice says from up front
  5521. >You'd forgotten about the driver
  5522. >You had noticed he wasn't your regular driver, then promptly forgot about him once you were on your way
  5523. >He's black
  5524. >This is what happens when you get used to just being driven around everywhere
  5525. >You forget there's a person driving you who hears everything you say
  5526. >"Don't think we didn't watch in horror as this shit went down," he continues, "and speak out against it"
  5527. "You did?"
  5528. >"As much as we could," he replies, "but by the time your kind arrived here it was pretty much a done deal"
  5529. >He adds, "Still you'd be hard pressed to find a black man who thinks it's right"
  5530. "What about Kanye?"
  5531. >"Name one other black man who owns a pony. One"
  5532. >You can't
  5533. >"But we still have our own shit to deal with," he continues. "A generation of white people only just became aware of what's going on"
  5534. >"Systemmic racism?," Rose asks
  5535. >"I'm taking just the tip of that iceberg - like a few of them just noticed it's a thing so they bought Black LIves Matter t-shirts"
  5536. >He practically spits the word "t-shirts"
  5537. >"Yeah," he continues, "The stuff we deal with everyday that's invisible to them. The fear we have for our children"
  5538. >"I get that now. The cops shot Mr Blue, um, José when they rescued me, and then just left him there like his life didn't matter"
  5539. >"And that kid died," the driver replies, "Do you think they'd have been so quick on the draw if he was a white kid?"
  5540. "Probably not"
  5541. >This is a little uncomfortable, but interesting
  5542. >You've never spoken with a black man more than simple pleasantries at a shop or with a driver
  5543. >It's explaining a few things you've only had vague ideas about, but saw in action with people
  5544. >"Definitely not," he answers firmly. "And what happens when white people finally start becoming aware of this shit?"
  5545. "What?"
  5546. >"A rise in hate crimes and mass shootings. And when you hear about a mass shooting who is behind it? ALWAYS?"
  5547. >"A white man," Rose answers
  5548. >"A white supremacist," he replies. "They just usually leave that part out, just like how they refuse to call it terrorism"
  5549. "It is terrorism though, right?"
  5550. >"You only get to call it terrorism when it's the oppressed people behind it. Now if a pony ever did something like that you can be sure..."
  5551. >"Nopony would," Rose cuts him off. "We're not like that. That's inconceivable to us"
  5552. >"And you speak for all ponies?," he asks
  5553. >"On this matter I'm pretty sure I can"
  5554. >"Well let's see what a few more generations of oppression does to you," he replies, "It took us 400 years to produce Malcom X"
  5555. >"He was shot too?," Rose asks
  5556. >Assassinated, like Dr King, but you know what it really was"
  5557. >"Terrorism?," she replies
  5558. >"Sent a pretty clear message to those uppity negroes, didn't it?"
  5559. "I never understood the guns thing. What's the big deal about changing the gun laws if they cause that much suffgering?"
  5560. >The driver laughs
  5561. >"Whitey loves his guns. They're all he's got to feel safe when there's black men around"
  5562. >"You'd think he'd love his children more," Rose answers, "Kids are getting shot at school"
  5563. >"The only way you're gonna see gun laws change is how it happened in California"
  5564. "How did it happen there?"
  5565. >"California used to be all bang bang shoot 'em up wild west cowboys. Open carry all the way"
  5566. "What changed it?"
  5567. >"A group of Black Panthers showed up at the state capital exercising their legal right to bear arms"
  5568. "I'm guessing this has nothing to do with the movie"
  5569. >He laughs and says, "Civil rights protesters. And all it took was a bunch of armed black men in front of the capital"
  5570. "Weren't they afraid of getting shot?"
  5571. >"Of course they were. There's a reason this went down in California and not Mississippi. They weren't stupid"
  5572. >"So a bunch of armed black men in the streets was all it took to change the gun laws?," Rose asks
  5573. >"It's the kind of thing white men have nightmares about"
  5574. "So their fear of you is stronger than their love for their guns?"
  5575. >"They've gone hand in hand through history. Without guns how were they gonna keep us down in states where we outnumbered them?"
  5576. >The van turns down your street
  5577. >"Thank you for being so frank with us," Rose says, "We don't get to hear much from your... perspective"
  5578. >"They don't want you to hear it," he answers, "But of course Imma be real with you - you're the ones sticking your necks out"
  5579. >"Sticking our necks out?"," Rose asks with a little trepidation
  5580. >"Yeah," he says gravely, "That kind of terrorism they'll never call terrorism..."
  5581. >Then he brightens a little and adds, "But maybe your struggle will be easier than ours. You're not fighting hundreds of years of oppression and prejudice"
  5582. "Something to be hopeful about, at least"
  5583. >"No small thing," he replies, "Just remember that for all that land of the free home of the brave beacon of democracy shit"
  5584. >He double parks the van in front of your building and continues
  5585. >"Don't get me wrong - that's true. But there's also never been a time when this country wasn't deeply fucked up"
  5586. "Never?"
  5587. >"Never. And right now ponies are on the receiving end of a lot of that. It can crush you"
  5588. "Noted. And thanks"
  5589. >"Take care of yourselves," he says as you and Rose exit the van and shut the door
  5590. >As he drives away you notice Rose looks a little shaken
  5591. >Understandable given the weekend she just had and over an hour of reliving it in front of an audience
  5592. "He was nice. And I don't know about you but I feel like I learned a bunch of things"
  5593. >"Same here.Drivers usually don't talk like that. He felt compelled to. Do you really think we're sticking our necks out?"
  5594. "I was trying to figure out what he meant by that. Didn't strike me as a good thing"
  5595. >"It means we've put ourselves in a dangerous position. Not in an exciting way like being free mares in Brooklyn"
  5596. "Which turned out to be more dangerous than we thought it would"
  5597. >"No shit. I didn't expect to get foalnapped"
  5598. "That was probably a fluke. Just a bunch of dumb kids with a dumb idea"
  5599. >"That's how Agent Abseloff portrayed it to me in private. You know what else he said?"
  5600. "What?"
  5601. >The one they haven't caught yet - the hacker? He said they have the ability to track him down but they're not legally allowed to use it"
  5602. "That can change depending on who writes the laws, right?"
  5603. >"A lot can change depending on that"
  5604. "What do you think about what he had to say about terrorism?"
  5605. >"If he was trying to scare me he did a great job"
  5606. "Yeah, it's scary. But the idea that black people are more sympathetic to ponies than they're willing to let on actually makes me feel safer here"
  5607. >"Well there are a lot of them here. You got that from what he said?"
  5608. "I got he was warning us to be careful in a way he wouldn't have if there'd been a white person around"
  5609. >"Yeah, I picked up on that. Maybe you're right. He certainly had a point about black people not owning ponies"
  5610. "I don't think I ever saw a black man at the brothel growing up. Though I've seen a few interspecies couples here"
  5611. >"I have too. But you never hear the mare call the man master, do you?"
  5612. >As you enter your building you notice the door to the apartment across the hall is open ans Micah is standing there
  5613. "Hi Micah! How are you doing?"
  5614. >"Very well, thanks G-d"
  5615. >He looks to Rose and says, "And you! Such a blessing to have you safely back among us!"
  5616. >"I suppose it is," she replies
  5617. >"Not to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but after something like that it might be a good idea to find somepony to... talk to"
  5618. >It still amuses you how he pronounces the "g" on something like a "k"
  5619. >Sonethink
  5620. >"What, like a councellor?"
  5621. >"Might be a good idea for both of you. Maybe the little one as well"
  5622. "Do they even have pony counsellors?"
  5623. >"They must," Micah replies. "I have a sister in law who is a therapist. I can ask if she knows somepony. It never hurts to talk"
  5624. >It never hurts to talk?
  5625. >You suspect that's a white lie
  5626. >It might help in the long run, but you're pretty sure talking about some of the things you've been through would be painful
  5627. >For both you and Rose
  5628. >While looking at Micah you notice the apartment behind him is nearly empty
  5629. >"Sure," Rose says. "And thank you"
  5630. "What happened to our neighbors?"
  5631. >A cute couple maybe just a little older than you live across the hall
  5632. >You expect to see her with foal any moment, but it hasn't happened yet
  5633. >"They're moving upstairs to the three bedroom," Micah answers
  5634. >Movink
  5635. "Good for them! Does this mean she's...?"
  5636. >"I didn't ask. Not my business. But I know it's not the reason for the move. Still might be an incentive"
  5637. "What, did they win the lottery or something?"
  5638. >"In a manner of speaking. The new tennants insisted on this apartment and were willing to help subsidize their move"
  5639. >Speakink, willink
  5640. "New tennants?"
  5641. >"I haven't even met them. I just have assurance they'll be quiet and well behaved in the form of a large security deposit from the network"
  5642. >"The network?," Rose asks. "As in our network? Fox?"
  5643. >Micah nods, "Of course. I thought you knew"
  5644. "These aren't free ponies, are they?"
  5645. >"I didn't think to ask abuot their status that way. But it's two stallions moving in tomorrow"
  5646. "Our security detail"
  5647. >"I actually don't mind," Rose says. "I should, but I don't"
  5648. >"Then it's a blessing all around. You are safer, the building is safer, your neighbors get a nicer apartment..."
  5649. "And I'm guessing it's a good deal for you as well," you say with a little smile
  5650. >"Why should I make bad deals? Where's the sense in that?"
  5652. End part one


by AnonymousWritefag

Hippodrome pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Forty Seven's Baby Mama

by AnonymousWritefag