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Blinders Off pt 2

By AnonymousWritefag
Created: 2020-12-23 14:52:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Agent 47
  2. >You used to have a different name before you graduated the Academy, but now you're Forty-Seven
  3. >And you wear the name proudly - there aren't more than sixty ponies in the world who have successfully completed the training you have
  4. >There will be more in the future, but you're still part of an elite group
  5. >The Academy was founded by a former Secret Service agent who developed the curriculum
  6. >Of course you only saw him at graduation, where buyers picked up the new graduates and took them to their assignments
  7. >Your organization provides executive security solutions
  8. >One of their clients is Fox, and recent assignments have included being part of the detail for executives traveling in Latin America
  9. >It turns out ponies make excellent additions to security teams once properly trained, and you've been properly trained
  10. >You're better than people at spotting possible threats
  11. >Though not naturally as cool headed as people in a crisis
  12. >Which meant a lot of the training was learning to do just that - keep a cool head
  13. >You had one of the coolest heads at the Academy
  14. >And you also excelled at hoof to hoof combat, as well as hand to hoof
  15. >This new assignment pairs you with Agent 42, who you knew well at the Academy
  16. >You two were frequent sparring partners, and you look forward to revisiting that with him
  17. >You've both been briefed about the assets you're protecting
  18. >While you're working together he specifically is assigned to Roseluck and her colt
  19. >Better him than you - her street smarts are practically non-existent!
  20. >Smalltown mare from Equestria ended up as an executive's bedmare before becoming emancipated and the mother of a free colt
  21. >She's completely unequipped to live the life she's now living as a well-known TV celebrity in a shitty Brooklyn neighborhood
  22. >She's already managed to get herself foalnapped in broad daylight
  23. >Admittedly it was by a bunch of kids looking for a quick buck
  24. >This is not the kind of thing career criminals would even consider
  25. >But that doesn't mean the situation she found herself in was any less dangerous
  26. >If the foalnappers had known what they were doing - really known - she'd be dead
  27. >Which is why you and Forty-Two are moving into Apartment 1B, right across the hall from them
  28. >Your asset is her roommate, also a TV celebrity from the same show, which you've watched every episode of for research
  29. >Your asset is, well... a slut
  30. >Not by choice, but that's what she is
  31. >You've studied her psychological profile
  32. >Fillies who grow up with the kind of experiences she has usually go one of two ways
  33. >They either end up frigid or promiscuous
  34. >She's very much the latter, which is an issue you'll have to contend with
  35. >You can't stop her from having whatever trysts she chooses to - she's a free mare after all
  36. >But it will be your job to assure her safety regardless of her own reckless behavior
  37. >Which you still figure is going to be a less thorny problem than 42's gonna have keeping Rose from walking into traffic
  38. >Or something stupid like that, like getting into the car of a stranger with candy
  39. >Regardless you're going to have to have each other's backs, so you're glad to be working with him of all ponies
  40. >You two have always had respect for each other
  41. >And you really couldn't ask for a better partner in what's likely to be a long, open-ended assignment
  42. >Doesn't hurt that both assets are beautiful mares
  43. >Yours especially in that she's also incredible sexy in the kind particularly way of a young, beautiful mare who is also clearly...
  44. >Damaged goods
  45. >She really shouldn't be free
  46. >She should be the bedmare of a powerful, wealthy man who throws orgies with his equally powerful friends
  47. >But that's not how things worked out, which is why you're here
  48. >Once again you find yourself so very thankful for the Academy
  49. >They saw the potential in you when you were a feckless colt
  50. >They bought you and trained you, giving you the opportunity to earn not just the respect of your peers
  51. >But the respect of your superiors as well
  52. >And to you that's a much greater thing than being free
  53. >If it hadn't been for the Academy who knows?
  54. >You could have ended up as fucked up as she is
  55. >Thankfully your training also makes it easy for you to overlook just how attractive you find her particular stripe of fucked up
  56. >You're confident it will have no effect on your mission here - you are a highly trained professional
  57. >But you're still a stallion
  58. >Which means if she were to take an interest you'd probably have to make some serious calculations
  59. >Regarding exactly what could compromise the mission and what wouldn't
  60. >Of course this is exactly the kind of situation where thinking with your dick can get you in trouble
  61. >Make you vulnerable, and compromise the safety of the asset
  62. >So you try to stop thinking about that
  63. >But not before the image of her pretty little muzzle wrapped around your cock floats into your mind
  64. >That would be nice, wouldn't it?
  65. >And probably not all that difficult to make happen
  66. >And what safer place for your asset than between your legs?
  67. >Stop thinking like this
  68. >You are a professional
  69. >But you're not made of stone, even if you're starting to feel yourself stiffen
  70. >Good thing 42 stepped out to get some groceries
  71. >He'd definitely give you shit if he caught you like this
  72. >But it's not like he hasn't commented on how attractive the assets are
  73. >Of course he mistakenly believes he got the prettier one
  74. >He can think whatever he wants, you know you got the better end of the deal
  75. >Not that it's a competition - it's an assignment, and one that ought to be pretty cushy
  76. >You have your own place and a pretty relaxed schedule
  77. >Just protect the assets while they're not directly under network security
  78. >You have to be vigilant, of course
  79. >But at least you're not the one who has to follow your asset to a flower shop in Manhattan four days a week
  80. >But this will be interesting on several fronts
  81. >You've never been around free ponies before, though you've read up on them
  82. >From what you can tell they're generally undisciplined but good intentioned
  83. >Got to be sure none of that rubs off on you
  84. >Intentions don't matter - only results
  85. >And discipline ALWAYS matters, regardless of what floats through your mind in idle moments
  86. >Once contact is made there will ne no idle moments except when you're asleep
  87. >And you're to make contact with the assets today
  89. >Be mare
  90. >Having a security detail is fun
  91. >First of all the one assigned to you - Forty Seven (dumb name) is hunky
  92. >A BIG brown stallion with a black mane
  93. >Bigger than master was
  94. >He wears sunglasses and a communication device in his ear
  95. >He's not network property, but belongs to a security company that he's frequently in contact with
  96. >He didn't laugh when you asked if he could call in an air strike with that thing in his ear
  97. >Because he never laughs - he takes EVERYTHING seriously
  98. >Which makes it irresistible to mess with him
  99. >In fact it's became like a game for you over the last week
  100. >Trying to sneak out without him noticing or give him the slip when you're out together
  101. >He's good, though
  102. >So far you haven't managed to do it
  103. >And he's definitely on to you - you've seen him almost smile at your behavior
  104. >But you remain undeterred
  105. "Rose, I'm going out for a walk"
  106. >"At eight o'clock on a Wednesday night? That's not you," she replies. "You're just messing with him"
  107. "So what if I am?"
  108. >"We're not supposed to make their jobs more difficult"
  109. "I think of it as making things more interesting for him. It's got to be a boring job"
  110. >"I'll bet you five bucks he's waiting in the hallway outside our door"
  111. "You're on"
  112. >You carefully, quietly open the door to the hall to be greeted by the sight of the brown stallion
  113. >"Ma'am," he says politely with a nod
  114. "Dammit! Rose, I'll pay you when I get back"
  115. >You head toward the front door with the stallion following behind you
  116. >You really didn't want to go for a walk, you just wanted to see if you could get out without him noticing
  117. >But you can still tease him a little
  118. >He looks extra yummy tonight, but you figure that's just because you're going into heat
  119. "Do you just wait here in the hall?"
  120. >"Sometimes I do, Ma'am"
  121. >As he follows you outside you make it a point to raise your tail just a little more than you should
  122. >Not in a come hither way, but like you did in the salon as a filly when you wanted a client to pick you
  123. >Free mares have a word for this kind of behavior: slutty
  124. >It's a recent concept for you
  125. >Being too brazen about attracting male attention in a sexual way is called being slutty
  126. >And being too friendly with stallions (or men) sexually makes you a slut
  127. >Slut means whore, which you think is kind of funny
  128. >Of course you act slutty sometimes - you were raised to be a whorse, and a good one at that!
  129. >But free mares say it like it's a bad thing - none of them wants the others to think she's slutty
  130. >Even when she is
  131. >And the stallions pretend to go along with it to humor the mares, even though you know they like it
  132. >Except those who have daughters - fathers of fillies discourage slutty behavior for obvious reasons
  133. >Who would want their daughter to be a slut if she had other options?
  134. >Being raised with no other options you don't mind raising a few eyebrows being slutty
  135. >Sometimes not even on purpose - you were raised that way
  136. >So you're not the least bit uncomfortable giving the brown stallion following behind you a nicer than usual view
  137. >There's no way he doesn't realize you're in heat as well
  138. >But you're not even going to look back to see how it's effecting him
  139. >He won't let anything show anyways - you've already learned that
  140. >You're pretty sure he's enjoying it though
  141. >At least you hope he is
  142. >A stallion who just passed you did a double take - you caught that from the corner of your eye
  143. >You figure free mares look down on being slutty because it makes the field uneven
  144. >They can all pretend to be equal, but some can pull off being slutty while others would just make fools of themselbes if they tried
  145. >And the prudish ones always seem to be the ones with the least to flaunt anyway
  146. >They can look down on you all they want while you turn heads with complete impunity
  147. >Because you have Mr Forty Seven following along dutifully behind you, enjoying the view you hope
  148. >But shit, now you need a purpose for this walk beyond just teasing him
  149. >You've already headed off in a direction that's not as familiar to you as other parts of the neighborhood
  150. >Having him around makes you totally fearless, and you weren't exactly fearful to begin with
  151. >Along the block in front of you there's a neon sign that reads The Pink Pony
  152. >A pony bar!
  153. >You have a $20 bill on you, and that sounds like fun!
  154. >You stop and turn to Forty Seven
  155. "Hey, can I buy you a beer?"
  156. >"I don't drink, Ma'am," he says in his official tone. "At least not while I'm on duty"
  157. "When are you not on duty?"
  158. >"Wen I'm asleep, Ma'am"
  159. >You can't decide whether you like being called Ma'am or whether it makes you feel old
  160. >But you do like leading this handsome stallion around
  161. "I'm going in. What can I get you?"
  162. >"Seltzer with lemon would be fine, Ma'am"
  163. >So you find yourself in a pony bar on a Wednesday night drinking a beer you didn't really want in the first place
  165. >Be mare
  166. >You turned a few heads walking into the bar
  167. >You like to think it's because you're pretty, but you know being a little famous is part of it too
  168. >Still you're just happy that you turn stallions' heads
  169. >And even a mare or two every now and then
  170. >Though that's not your thing you still like the attention
  171. >You headed straight to two open seats at the bar, Forty Seven walking behind you
  172. >When you ordered a cider the barmare told you that you didn't want the cider they had
  173. >So you got a beer and a seltzer for your companion
  174. >You don't have much experience with beer, but it's pretty good
  175. >A little bitter, but not in a bad way
  176. "So, what's your story, Forty Seven? How did you get to be a secrent agent?"
  177. >"I'm not a secret agent, Ma'am," he replies. "Just your personal security"
  178. "Ok then, how did you end up security?"
  179. >"Same way you ended up in a brothel. I was bought then trained for this purpose"
  180. "Do you like it?"
  181. >"Does it matter what I like, Ma'am?"
  182. "Maybe it matters to me. Or at the very least I'm curious. You don't have to indulge me if you don't want to, though"
  183. >'I don't mind. I was singled out as a young colt for sale to the Academy because of my size and level headedness"
  184. "And I'm guessing the Academy was a big deal?"
  185. >My training was rigorous and I excelled at it. It also shaped my values"
  186. "They taught you values?!"
  187. >"Yes, Ma'am. Duty and honor"
  188. "So you're more like a soldier than a secret agent"
  189. >"Similarly trained, yes Ma'am"
  190. >How would Skydancer put it?
  191. >She would say something about internalizing your experience as part of your identity
  192. >You can't put it into a smooth sentence like she can
  193. "And that training made you the dutiful security stallion who now serves with honor"
  194. >'It's a lot to live up to, but I'm confident in my abilities, Ma'am"
  195. "Being good at what you do is a big deal. Even when I was at the brothel I still took pride in my work"
  196. >"I'm sure you did, Ma'am. And I'm sure that pride was well earned"
  197. >Is this his game?
  198. >Is he flirting with you?
  199. >You've noticed his nostrils flare a couple times while talking - he knows you're in heat
  200. >Hell, half the bar knows it by now, though you can tell you're not the only mare here in a similar way
  201. >You are curious to know more about your new shadow, and you've never met a stallion (or man) who wasn't happy to talk about himself
  202. >This guy just needs a little prodding
  203. "So do you have any dreams, Forty Seven?"
  204. >"Dreams are for free ponies, Ma'am," he replies in a hushed tone
  205. >Shit
  206. >You KNEW he was private property, yet you asked him about his dreams?!
  207. >Idiot
  208. >You really have become a free pony
  209. "Sorry. I didn't mean to..."
  210. >"Easy mistake to make, Ma'am. I was specifically told not to wear a collar on this mission so as to avoid unwanted attention"
  211. "It feels weird, doesn't it?"
  212. >"Yes, Ma'am"
  213. "I remember. It took me a while to get used to not wearing one"
  214. >"I'm still not used to it. But I understand the reasoning. What it would look like if I followed you around wearing one"
  215. >You hand't thought of that!
  216. >But now that he says it you're glad he isn't wearing one
  217. >Because if he were it would look like...
  218. >You'd bought him - he was your property
  219. >Shit, that wouldn't go down very well at all in this part of town
  220. >"Back to your question," he continues, "I do hope future missions involve more travel. It's a bigger world than I realized..."
  221. >He trails off and looks into the distance whistfully
  222. >"I've had the privilege of seeing more of it than I thought I ever would," he says, "and I wouldn't mind seeing more"
  223. "I'll drink to that," you say, finishing the glass of beer in front of you
  224. >The barmare appears the moment you set it down
  225. >"Can I get you another?," she asks
  226. "Sure, thanks"
  227. >You look back at your companion who isn't even yet a third of the way through his seltzer
  228. "Where have you been? Other than the Hamptons I've never been outside the city"
  229. >He laughs
  230. >"Well you know a lot of places are non-starters because of my status. Canada, the E.U. Any place that doesn't recognize private property"
  231. "Of course"
  232. >"But I've been to Mexico a couple times, as well as El Salvador and Guatemala"
  233. "How was Mexico? I've heard good things"
  234. >"I'm sure it's a great place to visit. It's beautiful... But in my line of work it... keeps you on your hooves"
  235. "Oh, right. I've heard the drug gangs are more powerful than the government is some parts"
  236. >He laughs again and says, "In too many cases they're on the same side - even the same people"
  237. "How do you handle security in a place like that?"
  238. >"Very carefully. Though the toughest assignment I had was Brazil, mostly because my Portuguese isn't as good as my Spanish"
  239. "How many languages do you speak?"
  240. >"English, Spanish, Portuguese and a little Mandarin, but that's more aspirational than realistic"
  241. "How so?"
  242. >"There'll probably never be a mission in China. But if one comes up I want the first thing they think to be '47 speaks Mandarin'"
  243. "So you have a lot of opportunities"
  244. >"I do. I consider myself very lucky to be in the position I'm in"
  245. >The position he's in
  246. >unf
  247. >You know what position you'd like him to be in
  248. >His weight on your back as he thrusts into you
  249. >That's just your heat talking
  250. >Maybe not entirely - he is really hot in a good little soldier kind of way
  251. >And he's anything but little
  252. >Would it be too slutty to just have him fuck you in the bathroom here?
  253. >It would be pretty obvious, but from the look of this place it probably wouldn't be the first time it's happened
  254. >It would be high risk, though
  255. >But he's military trained - probably disiplined enough to pull out before putting a foal in you
  256. >Stop thinking like this - fucking the help is looked down upon, and security probably counts as help
  257. >It has to - he's working right now
  258. >Not to mention ponies here know who you are
  259. >What if somepony tweeted about it - that might get Mr 47 here in trouble
  260. >You don't want that
  261. >You wonder if he's ever even had sex
  262. >But you know well enough not to come right out and ask him
  263. >What if he's a virgin?
  264. >Then wouldn't letting him plow you be a kindness?
  265. >Especially after teasing him all the way over here?
  266. >Stop
  267. >No need to make things awkward with him
  268. >Yet
  269. >If it's gonna happen let it happen in a way that won't be awkward
  270. >Is this gonna happen?
  271. >Shit, stop thinking about it
  272. >You're just being lazy
  273. >If this is what you want you should go out and find a free stallion
  274. >It's not like there aren't plenty of them around, probably a few eyeing you up right now
  275. >Don't fuck your bodyguard
  276. >Or at least don't fuck him yet
  277. >You take sip of your beer and try to think of what to say next
  278. >Taking a cue from the lull in conversation Forty Seven speaks up:
  279. >"By the way, thank you Ma'am"
  280. "Thanks for what?"
  281. >"For this. This is work, sitting at a bar talking with a pretty mare? It's a welcome... change of pace"
  282. >Great
  283. >He appreciates you messing with him and teasing him while you're sitting here fantasizing about fucking him
  284. >Now you feel guilty
  285. "You know, the reason why we're here is because I've kind of been... messing with you"
  286. >"Of course you have. It's not unusual behavior, especially with entertainment industry types"
  287. >You're an entertainment industry type?!
  288. >Actually you are, but you don't think of yourself that way
  289. "Entertainment industry types?"
  290. >"Yeah. You guys like to make it into a game. I was told not to be surprised if that happened. This is my first entertainment assignment"
  291. "What do you usually work?"
  292. >"Executive security. They don't play games. They just expect a lot"
  293. >He smiles
  294. >"But I realized from the moment we met that you were going to be mischievous"
  295. "Sorry about that"
  296. >"Nothing to be sorry about, Ma'am. You haven't done anything wrong"
  297. "You mean that?"
  298. >"Of course. You wouldn't believe the stories from the guys who've worked in the music business"
  299. "I might. The love of my life used to be in the music business, not here but in Equestria. He was pretty... extreme"
  300. >Thinking about master makes you sad, but you still have to laugh
  301. "He was always seeing just how far he could push the network with his requests. That's how we ended up together:"
  302. >"For a certain type of pony it's irresistable when they feel like they have handlers. And security counts as that"
  303. "And I'm that kind of pony, too?"
  304. >"Don't let me take the fun out of it for you. We can double down and make it a competition if you like, Ma'am"
  305. "Why would you do that?"
  306. >"You think I'm not enjoying this as well?"
  307. >Holy shit!
  308. >He's enjoying this!
  309. >So much for feeling guilty then
  310. "A competition?"
  311. >"You're not going to give me the slip. But you're welcome to keep trying. It's... adorable, if you don't mind me saying so. And it keeps me on my hooves"
  312. >Is he being condescending or hitting on you?
  313. >Or does he really think you're adorable?
  314. >Of course he thinks you're adorable, because you know you are
  315. >He adds: "And keeps this assignment from being boring"
  316. >You shouldn't say what you're about to, but you can't help yourself
  317. "If it gets boring for you just let me know and we'll see what we can do about it"
  318. >That was probably over the line, but saying it gave you a little thrill that you haven't felt in a long time
  319. >You feel like you did when you were a filly flirting with the guard
  320. >Then sneaking off to the bathroom for a tryst
  321. >Or not, because whether or not it happened was entirely YOUR decision
  322. >Just like now, you think
  323. >So drawing this out for a while will be its own kind of delicious
  324. >Also one big thing in Forty Seven's favor: he doesn't smell like an Italian hoagie
  325. >And if you get desperate in the meantime you know a producer who is both hot for you and very kind
  326. >He doesn't smell like a hoagie either
  327. >But he's engaged so your window of opportunity to do stuff with him is supposedly shut
  328. >Though you're pretty sure he'd go for one last little fling with you
  329. >Which would be enough to help you keep your hooves off Mr Forty Seven here
  330. >You finish your beer and the barmare appears
  331. >"Can I get you another, sweetie?," she asks
  332. >You produce your $20 bill
  333. "No thanks. What do I owe you?"
  334. >You settle up and leave
  335. >With tip you only got three dollars back
  336. >So you're gonna owe Rose two dollars, and definitely not make that bet again
  337. >Walking home, 47 following behind you don't feel compelled to be as slutty as you were when you walked over here
  338. >There's no need for it
  339. >You know you have his attention, and not just in a professional manner
  340. >And whether or not that amounts to anything more than a little flirting is entirely up to you
  341. >Which feels almost though probably not quite as good as getting plowed in the bathroom of the Pink Pony would have
  343. >Be mare
  344. >On your laptop going over the books for your former organization
  345. >You COULD have stopped doing this when you were emancipated
  346. >Or you could have demanded they pay you more to do it
  347. >But the truth is you're doing fine financially
  348. >And this work - the regularity of its weekly rhythm, the certainty of the math itself, the connection with your past
  349. >It's meaningful to you, and you'd probably keep doing it even if they stopped paying you
  350. >Of course you wouldn't let anypony know that
  351. >Because working for free is not something a free pony ought to do
  352. >You have a choice about what you do, and when it comes to work you have to make sure you get paid for it
  353. >Because you have to pay for everything yourself now and don't want to run out of money
  354. >Money is security when you're free
  355. >So are the two stallions across the hall, and the network is paying for them
  356. >But they should - your show makes a lot of money for the network, so it's in their interest that you're safe
  357. >An alert comes in showing you just got a new email message
  358. >Not from the work email on your phone, but from your old webmail account open in a tab on your screen
  359. >Which means it's one of your friends
  360. >Clicking over you see it's from Snowdrop
  361. >The subject reads: I went 2 a fancy party leik u go 2!!!!
  362. >Ever since your TV wedding she's assumed your life involves going to fancy parties because you're a celebrity
  363. >You stopped trying to convince her otherwise a while ago because she obviously likes the idea
  364. >Even if it isn't true
  365. >There's a photo attached to the email
  366. >You click on it to reveal a picture of Snowdrop and several other mares tied to a carousel
  367. >They have children (mostly little girls) on their backs
  368. >It was taken outside on a sunny day
  369. >Well the email just came in, so you assume Snowdrop is online
  370. >You Skype her
  371. >And seconds later she appears on your screen wearing headphones
  372. "Backstory on this?," you ask instead of just saying hello
  373. >She smiles and replies, "We had an offsite gig at a fancy party! It was so exciting! We got champagne and everything!"
  374. "And got ridden by little girls, I see"
  375. >"It was fun. Pretty cute, huh?"
  376. "Yeah. No idea why they'd pay our offsite prices just for a carousel though"
  377. >"That was just the first part. Later we went inside to a private room where there were no children and, you know"
  378. "OK. That makes more sense"
  379. >"Of course no pictures of that were allowed. But the guy who took that pic, that's his daughter on my back"
  380. "Cute kid"
  381. >"Yeah, she's on my back and less than an hour later he's is in me"
  382. "What did he do with the kid?"
  383. >"They had a bouncy house"
  384. "So father and daughter both got to ride you"
  385. >"And he was nice enough to send me the picture"
  386. >She giggles
  387. >"Then they gave us champagne and canapes! I was thinking of you the whole time! I felt like I was a celebrity!"
  388. "Nice. What's up with the headphones, by the way?"
  389. >She blushes
  390. >"I'm not allowed to use the speakers anymore. It was disturbing the other girls"
  391. "What exactly was disturbing them?"
  392. >She blushes again and looks away from the screen
  393. "Oh come on, it's me. Spill"
  394. >"Well, I've gone down the rabbit hole with some of the porn I watch. You know how one things leads to another"
  395. "Violent stuff?"
  396. >"Whip," she says shamefully, "Especially where the mare is tied down but desperately trying to get up and run"
  397. "Oh, Snowdrop. That's... pretty specific"
  398. >"You'd be surprised how much of it is out there. Besides, you can't throw any stones"
  399. "I know. You know some of the stuff I'm into. But still, whip porn?"
  400. >"It's not like I wanted to get into it, but punishment videos got old and I needed something a little... stronger"
  401. "Well that is some strong stuff. And you can see how the audio of it might be traumatizing to somepony who wasn't into it"
  402. >You add:
  403. "Which is most ponies, you know"
  404. >"Speaking of traumatizing how's Rose holding up?"
  405. "She seems OK. A little less bold and headstrong than usual, but that's to be expected. We have bodyguards now"
  406. >"How does that work?"
  407. "They live across the hall and follow us whenever we go out"
  408. >"Is that cool or awful?"
  409. "It's OK. They're cute in a dorky soldier way. And mine is pretty hunky"
  410. >"Really? Is there romance in the air?"
  411. >You laugh, since that's such an un-Snowdrop like thing to ask
  412. >Growing up the idea of romance was something you scoffed at because it was nothing you were ever going to experience
  413. >So it just was this absurd idea you all mocked
  414. >Not all of you - Skydancer didn't usually join in on that much
  415. >And now you realize that's because she was actually having little romances with some of the other fillies
  416. >Including Snowdrop
  417. >Maybe you were being insensitive to her by mocking the idea of romance in front of her with Snowdrop?
  418. >Wow, thwe shit it takes you years to realize
  419. >But Snowdrop is waiting for a response about Forty Seven
  420. "I've got his attention that way, of course. But I don't know what to do about it. Having to make your own decisions aboiut that stuff is..."
  421. >"Complicated?," she asks
  422. "It sounds cliche, doesn't it? But it is!"
  423. >"I KNOW! My one relationship like that has become more complicated lately"
  424. "Oh no! Are you and Sky on the outs?"
  425. >"No. Nothing like that. We'll always have a special; bond, even if it is only over video chat these days"
  426. "Is that waht makes it complicated?"
  427. >"A little. The real issue is," she switches to a high pitched filly voice, "having to talk like this all the time"
  428. "You're kind to indulge her that way now that she no longer visits where we grew up"
  429. >"I don't mind doing it, either. Just not EVERY time we talk"
  430. >She laughs and adds, "But I shouldn't complain. I mean, I still like making her cum, and if that's what it takes..."
  431. "It isn't one-sided, is it?"
  432. >She smiles
  433. >"Of course it isn't. It just feels a little lopsided lately"
  434. "Just be honest with her about it. She's very smart and self-aware. I'm sure the last thing she wants to have is any issues between you"
  435. >"I won't let it come to that. Our relationship is way too important to both of us. I'm just venting"
  436. "Good. You're my two oldest friends and I don't ever want to be in a position where I had to choose a side, because I couldn't"
  437. >"Never going to happen"
  438. "Maybe now that she no longer goes back home she can visit you instead?"
  439. >"I didn't realize that could be an option. I'll have to run it by her and see what she thinks"
  440. "If anypony can manage to get special treatment it's her"
  441. >"Always. Because she is special"
  442. >You're not going to argue that
  443. >Part of you wants to say we're all special, but this isn't the situation to say it
  444. >Truth is it's something you've only recently started thinking about, and you're not even sure you believe it
  445. >But more and more there's a part of you that would like to
  446. >The idea you might be a special, noble, magical creature who deserves to be cared of is overwhelming
  447. >But you want to believe it
  448. >And it hurts a little, because that means ponies like Snowdrop and Skydancer deserve the same
  449. >They're never going to get it beyond what they can manage to do for each other
  450. >Why believe in something wonderful when the world around you will only try to crush it?
  451. >Seems like a set up for disappointment and heartbreak
  452. >Hope is awful fucking stuff
  453. >Yet part of you still wants to have it
  454. >Something about that seems cruel
  455. >You hear the sound of tiny hooves raing toward you from the other room
  456. >A colt's voice shouts, "Auntie! Auntie!," as he enters your room. "Can I show you what Mr Forty-Two taught me?"
  457. "In a minute. I'm on a video chat with my friend Snowdrop. Want to meet her?"
  458. >"Yes," Snowdrop adds, "Let me see the colt"
  459. >You turn your laptop around to face him and suddenly he's shy, looking away from the screen
  460. >Curiousity quickly gets the better of him though, and he looks up
  461. >"Wow," he says, "You're as pretty as mommy and auntie!"
  462. >"Thank you. And you're a little charmer, aren't you?," Snowdrop replies
  463. >"What's a charmer?," he asks
  464. "It means you know how to say the things a mare likes to hear"
  465. >"And you look just like your sire," Snowdrop continues
  466. >"You knewe my daddy?"
  467. >"I only met him the one time at, umm... auntie's wedding. He was a very handsome stallion, just like you're going to be before very long"
  468. >The colt beams
  469. >Of course he does - what colt (or stallion or man) doesn't like being called handsome by a pretty mare like Snowdrop
  470. >He looks over the screen toward you and says, "She's nice. Can she come over and play sometime?"
  471. >You hear Snowdrop laughing
  472. >You want to say, "Maybe when you're older," but stop yourself
  473. >That would only lead to more questions with answers you're sure Rose wouldn't like
  474. "Maybe," you say turning the laptop back toward you
  475. "I'd better get going," you say to your friend on the screen. "Nice to catch up and thanks for sharing that bit about the party"
  476. >"Thanks for letting me vent a little," she replies. "Talk later"
  477. "Bye," you say as you shut the screen
  478. >The colt looks confused and asks, "What's 'vent'?"
  479. "That's when something is bothering you and you just want somepony to let you talk about it. Something friends do for each other"
  480. >"What's bothering her?"
  481. "Nothing serious. Just a little... friendship problem. She'll work it out"
  482. >"Do you think when I grow up I could marry her?"
  483. >You laugh
  484. "I'm sure youi'll find a mare as kind and pretty as she is, but not her"
  485. >"Why not?"
  486. >Which of several possible answers do you give him?
  487. "For starters she isn't a free pony, so getting married isn't an option for her"
  488. >"That's not fair"
  489. "No, it definitely isn't. Now what did you want to show me?"
  490. >He snaps himself into what you assume is a martial arts pose
  491. >He rears up on his hind legs and flails his front hooves in a way that looks like it could actually do some damage
  492. >Thankfully those hooves remain a safe distance from you
  493. >He returns to standing with all four hooves on the ground as Rose appears in the doorway to your room
  494. "That definite looks like you could do some damage"
  495. >The colt looking up at you now wears a very self-satisfied look on his face
  496. >"I don't know how I feel about him learning to fight," Rose says
  497. "He's a colt, so he's bound to get into a fight or two. Better he be good at it"
  498. >"How gender-normative of you," Rose answers
  499. >Gender what?
  500. "I don't even know what that means and I can tell it's bullshit"
  501. >"Auntie!," the colt chiodes, "You said..."
  502. "I know what I said. Sorry"
  503. >"I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that," Rose adds
  504. "OK, but he should still probably learn to fight, though"
  505. >"Yeah, I don't think I have much of a choice about that with Forty-Two around"
  506. >Good
  507. >Because you know what a swishy stallion looks like - one does your mane every week
  508. >And there's nothing swishy about this colt - in spite of his mother's wacky ideas
  509. >He pretty much just wondered aloud if he could fuck Snowdrop someday
  510. >And he doesn't even know what fucking is yet
  511. >He should know how to fight, because that's likely to come up a lot sooner
  512. >Or you think it will
  513. >You really don't know much about colts, but you have seen some fighting more than once on the streets since moving here
  514. >Better to be the one kicking ass than getting his ass kicked
  515. >You want to see him grow up to be a winner, not a loser
  517. >Be VP
  518. >Your arm still isn't 100% and may never be
  519. >But you've weaned yourself off the painkillers
  520. >Which leaves you with an understanding of how people end up addicted to that shit
  521. >It was nearly as hard as quitting smoking was when you did that 15 years ago
  522. >And you were only taking them as directed!
  523. >Worth it though - nice not to be groggy and constipated all the time
  524. >As soon as you stopped taking them your dick came roaring back, too
  525. >Which is doing well at your age, when you really can't be sure how much longer you'll be able to count on it being...
  526. >Ever ready
  527. >So far so good though
  528. >No blue pills required for you yet
  529. >And your mare and your wife haven't been let down that way
  530. >Beyond these last two months when you were on the painkillers
  531. >Of course you don't let on that you're thinking about Cloudy sometimes when you're banging Cynthia
  532. >But fair is fair - you're pretty sure she's thinking about that piece of shit stallion you bought for her half the time anyways
  533. >Thankfully she keeps him out of the apartment you share
  534. >He can stay at the place in the Hamptons - you don't give a shit about that place anymore
  535. >It's nice for a week or two in the summer, but the truth is you'd have more fun running off to Mexico City
  536. >Which you can do for pocket change with the dollar's current value against the peso
  537. >And you know this because you just got back from there
  538. >Fox Latin America wants to do their own version of Hippodrome because the Spanish dub is so popular
  539. >They don't give a fuck about the CGI either
  540. >They want to shoot it as an actual death match in front of a live audience
  541. >Not that you haven't done that - there was the Madison Square Garden event
  542. >One hell of a publicity stunt as well as an insurance and legal nightmare to pull off
  543. >Evidently it's not nearly so much of an issue in the land of vitamin T
  544. >You chuckle a little remembering how the driver of the Escalade almost freaked out when you asked him to pull over
  545. >So you could get some chilaquiles verdes from an vendor's orange thermos set up on a card table on the sidewalk near the metro
  546. >For 30 pesos - a buck fifty - which was still a rip-off
  547. >But satisfying regardless, eaten out of a styrofoam container with a plastic fork in the back of the stupid vehicle
  548. >The driver was so worried about security with you on the street
  549. >But it was fucking Polanco - how dangerous are the streets around the embassaies and Maserati dealerships?
  550. >You know it was more than that though
  551. >It was the class thing
  552. >The driver was horrified that the executive he was driving wanted to line up on the sidewalk with cops and construction workers
  553. >To buy the most pedestrian breakfast possible
  554. >But it was fucking good
  555. >That's the thing there, no matter how spoiled you might be from eating at some of the best restaurants in New York
  556. >The most lowbrow street food there is still fucking great
  557. >Which makes it annoying when colleagues insist on going out to restaurants that may as well be in New York
  558. >Knowing this is why you made the driver stop
  559. >And a couple hours later you'd sealed the deal for the Mexican production of Hippodrome
  560. >Full on bloodsport in the way the US version only pretends to be
  561. >Most of the time at least
  562. >You kind of have mixed feelings about it
  563. >Domestically Hippodrome has pretty much peaked
  564. >The government shutting down the gambling on it hurt
  565. >That was always a grey area, and the risk along with most of the profit from it was borne by a subcontractor
  566. >Who is now out of business
  567. >But the inability to legally bet on the show's outcome with your smartphone definitely hurt Hippodrome
  568. >It's still popular, but you're confident the future lies with Blinders Off, which is still gaining in popularity
  569. >And causing no less controversy - more actually
  570. >But it holds zero appeal for the Latin America market
  571. >They want the bloodsport
  572. >The Spanish taught them well
  573. >The hangover of 15th Century Iberian Christian rage ended up writing most of the New World's history
  574. >They've been out for blood from the moment they took the penninsula back from the Moors
  575. >And their slave trade from overland across the Sahara to the ocean, the West Indies and the greater Americas
  576. >The Portuguese started it with Pope Leo's blessing, of course
  577. >You're sure the Portuguese dub of Hippodrome is going to shift to the Mexican version once production starts
  578. >It's the same bloody rage in the culture - look at fucking Brazil
  579. >Same Inquisition and slave trade roots
  580. >But you have to hand it to the Spanish, really
  581. >For the little details, like coming up with tapas
  582. >Make the symbol of hospitality a glass of sherry with a thin slice of ham on top
  583. >So you can rout out all the Muslims and Jews under the guise of hospitality
  584. >While taking over the New World with West African manpower
  585. >And cutting egde seafaring technology
  586. >Leaving the cold, unpleasant parts to the French and the Puritans
  587. >In your darkest moments you like to think you could be some kind of evil genius
  588. >Technically you own two slaves and are responsible for a hit show that feeds people's lust for pony blood
  589. >But you could never even come close to what the Iberian pulled off for how long?
  590. >A couple centuries?
  591. >Then again you're just a network executive
  592. >They had the fucking pope in their back pocket
  593. >Back when being pope basically meant you controlled Europe, after those pesky infidel Moors were driven out
  594. >Why not profit from taking out your rage on the rest of the world?
  595. >At least the heathen parts - they don't count
  596. >Really only the British and the Dutch gave them a run for their money
  597. >New York and London are still the capitals of capitalism
  598. >Though London seems to be in the process of fucking itself
  599. >Not really their fault though
  600. >Tyrany of the masses, which is why you're glad to live in a Republic
  601. >And you're proud to be part of it's last minutes of global cultural hegemony
  602. >Which makes you smirk a little at the thought of critics calling Blinders "insightful", "Important" and "philosophical"
  603. >Which they're increasingly doing
  604. >And to you that's hilarious, though you could never admit it
  605. >You suspect it's something you have in common with Bob Dylan
  606. >Everyone thinks his lyrics are so deep, so meaningful, so insightful
  607. >But you've never seen them that way
  608. >You're pretty sure he's just a guy who could string words together that fit nicely over folk rock melodies
  609. >And created enough of a mystique around himself that everyone assumed he was deep
  610. >So they read whatever deep meanings into his songs they wanted
  611. >Dylan is undoubtedly a talented guy, just like you are
  612. >But he's no deeper than anybody else
  613. >He just created work people like to project some kind of depth onto
  614. >And you've done the same with Blinders
  615. >Critics comment about how it addresses the searing social issues of our time
  616. >Who knows? Maybe it does
  617. >But what is it, really?
  618. >A bunch of pretty mares trying hard not to talk over each other
  619. >With barely an topical outline worked out for them to go by
  620. >In front of an audience that wants to find meaning in whatever they happen to say
  621. >Because they represent a perspective that never got a platform before
  622. >Which you suppose is why the show is called "daring", "inniovate" and "groundbreaking" in reviews
  623. >You don't really care what critics think, just about ratings
  624. >And ratings are good
  625. >But what they praise the show for has nothing to do with your intent
  626. >You just knew if you put a bunch of pretty mares talking about raunchy and controversial shit on TV people would watch it
  627. >It was nothing more than that
  628. >A younger you would have put ten times more effort into the concept for a show
  629. >Only to have it not get picked up or last a single season
  630. >But you've learned from your mistakes
  631. >Hell, the idea for the show came from one of your mistakes
  632. >Roseluck - falling for her was a mistake instead of acknowledging the fundamental nature of your relationship
  633. >And staying true to that
  634. >A mistake you won't be making with Cloudy
  635. >In fact...
  636. >You have no meetings for the rest of the day, and nothing here is on fire
  637. >You grab your personal phone and call her
  638. >"Daddy!," she answers
  639. "How's my good little girl?"
  640. >"Missing her daddy"
  641. >This is going to get old one day
  642. >You're actually surprised it hasn't yet
  643. >The pretty young pegasus who rides your dick calling you daddy still gives you a dirty thrill
  644. >You're an old perv, but it's better than being an old monk
  645. >Besides she wasn't cheap so best get as much enjoyment out of her as you can
  646. >Which turns out to be pretty easy because she's so well-behaved
  647. >Roseluck wanted to be treated like an equal
  648. >And doing that ruined her
  649. >Cloudly just wants to be your pretty talking pet who fucks you
  650. >And while a younger you would never have had a reason to string those particular words together
  651. >You're quite happy you have a pretty talking pet who wants to fuck you at this stage in your life
  652. "Would you like it if daddy came over to play with you now?"
  653. >"I'd LOVE it! Will you bring wine, too?"
  654. "Of course"
  655. >"I love you, daddy!"
  656. >The wine is a newish thing between you two since you got off the painkillers
  657. >It makes talking to her after so much easier
  658. >She's not exactly the conversationalist Rose was - probably still is
  659. >Because she's not half as smart as Rose, or if she is she's not letting it show at all
  660. >You're fine with that either way
  661. >But she's cute, and even cuter when she's wasted
  662. >And she's also a total lightweight (you've heard most pegasi are)
  663. >So by the time the two of you polish off a bottle of wine she's a lot more fun to hang out with
  664. >Because while you barely have a buzz she's visibly impared
  665. >And it's hilarious - you could spend hours with her like that nd not get bored
  666. >Shit there's an idea!
  667. >Do something like Drunk History, but with ponies
  668. >And no history
  669. >Just drunk ponies
  670. >A charismatic male host sitting down with a pretty young not all that bright pegasus mare every week
  671. >And getting her wasted while flirting with her
  672. >It's pretty thin as far as a premise goes
  673. >But you're damned sure every guy who wishes he had a mare of his own but can't - for whatever reason - would watch it at least once
  674. >The question is whether it's enough to hook viewers week after week
  675. >You think you'll need a little more than just drunk featherbrains, cute as they are
  676. >But probably not a lot more of a hook
  677. >Just a way to spin it or a gimmick to make it stickier
  678. >Gonna have to run that by some writers
  679. "I'll see you in a little bit"
  680. >You end the call and get ready to leave your office
  681. >At 2:30PM on a Thursday
  682. >To go drink wine with your pretty little talking pet who wants to fuck you
  683. >It's good to be the boss
  685. >Be Cloudburst
  686. >Life is funny
  687. >Some things are very exciting
  688. >You live in a nice apartment in New York City
  689. >You're pretty sure it's an expensive apartment because none of your neighbors seem poor
  690. >Master is a very important man who makes television
  691. >You've become very fond of TV lately because it's a good way to fill up your days
  692. >Which can otherwise get a little dull in the long periods between the exciting parts of your life
  693. >Since master is a busy man who also has a bitch of a wife distracting him
  694. >Well maybe she isn't a bitch, you don't really know
  695. >You just hate her because she keeps master away from you sometimes
  696. >Which sucks, but you understand
  697. >Very important men don't have a lot of free time
  698. >But what little he has he chooses to spend with you, which makes you feel important somehow
  699. >Though you're not one to have delusions of grandeur
  700. >You know your life is grander than most
  701. >Sometimes you get to ride in black cars and go out to fancy restaurants
  702. >And even if you don't see master as much as you'd like you know he loves you
  703. >He makes you call him daddy, after all
  704. >And you give each other lots of cummies
  705. >You like that part a lot
  706. >This very important man wants to have cummies with you
  707. >And now that he's mostly healed from his scary accident
  708. >Is getting shot an accident?
  709. >You're not sure
  710. >But now that he's better you two are making more cummies than ever
  711. >AND drinking wine!
  712. >Just like all the successful people on TV
  713. >They're always drinking wine on Grey's Anatomy when they're not cutting people open, which is gross
  714. >Or fucking, though they never seem to get that right
  715. >When two of them start one always comes up with some kind of issues before too long
  716. >So they stop fucking, which seems like an exhausting way to go through life
  717. >It makes you glad you're not a doctor
  718. >Being unsure about where your cummies are coming from AND having to see people die all the time?
  719. >No wonder the characters on that show are so fucked up
  720. >But they are successful people who drink wine
  721. >And you're a successful pegasus who also drinks wine
  722. >Master is on his way over with some right now
  723. >So it's going to be an afternoon of cummies and wine
  724. >You feel your tail rising in anticipation - silly, he's not here yet!
  725. >And experience has taught you to drink the wine very slowly
  726. >Otherwise you just fall asleep too early and wake up feeling woozy the next day
  727. >You don't want to fall asleep in what little time you get to have with master
  728. >Though he'd tell you it's OK - "perfectly natural" he'd say - to fall asleep after cummies
  729. >He's done it a few times
  730. >And you just stayed there beside him listening to him breathe
  731. >It gave you a weird feeling - like he was yours as much as you were his
  732. >You tried not to think like that, because you know it's wrong
  733. >But it felt good to have YOUR man sleeping beside you in YOUR bed in YOUR apartment
  734. >Even if technically none of it is really yours
  735. >It's OK to pretend a little
  736. >Master wouldn't mind, you're sure
  737. >He might not have as much time for you as you wish
  738. >But he is very indulgent
  739. >You know better than to take advantage of it, but pretty much anything you ask for appears
  740. >Because he's an important man who makes things happen
  741. >You understand not all of those things are good, though
  742. >He told you not to watch Hippodrome, so you haven't
  743. >But you've seen ads for it and you get the gist
  744. >Master is not a man you ever want to displease
  745. >The very thought terrifies you
  746. >He also told you Blinders Off was not a show for good girls, but he didn't forbid you from watching it
  747. >So you did a couple times
  748. >It made you angry
  749. >A bunch of entitled whorses endlessly going on about their bad girl lives and sharing their opinions on things ponies shouldn't have opinions about
  750. >And you know one of them used to belong to master!
  751. >So you automatically hate her for that - not being a good girl to such a good master
  752. >She deserved to get foalnapped
  753. >Stupid bitch
  754. >But these kind of thoughts you know you'd better keep to yourself
  755. >Because while you HATE to admit it you know master still has some interest in her
  756. >When she was abducted he was at her place in godforsaken Brooklyn instead of here with you (where he belongs)
  757. >Whatever he sees in her is not your business
  758. >But you can't let him know you hate her for it, because that might make him think less of you
  759. >And you can never let that happen
  760. >Even though your life may be dull for long stretches of time you know you have it way better than most
  761. >Including those you see on TV
  762. >And you don't really have a care in the world aside from pleasing master
  763. >Which is pretty easy - it's mostly a matter of cummies, after all
  764. >He might be a complicated man at work or at home, but with you?
  765. >He's very simple, which suits you just fine
  766. >The last thing you want is a complicated life like characters on TV have
  767. >Or the mares on Blinders Off
  768. >Well, not the unicorn - she's OK, but the poor thing has to go through life with a horn sticking out of her head
  769. >Which might work on a stallion, but on a mare?
  770. >It looks ridiculous - such a masculine feature
  771. >You actually feel a little sorry for unicorns, but thankful you weren't born one
  772. >But now it's time to do your mane and tail to make sure you look great for master
  773. >Probably ought to preen your wings as well
  774. >He could be here in less than an hour!
  776. >Be mare
  777. >On your way to pick up Cuddleslut from play group
  778. >He's not yet old enough for school, which the city provides for ponies as well as children, though in seperate facilities
  779. >So Rose pays for him to attend play group with other colts and fillies his age while she's at the flower shop
  780. >But play group ends before she gets back from work
  781. >So most days it falls on you to pick up her colt
  782. >Which you don't mind - it gets you out of the apartment
  783. >When you lived in Manhattan you didn't really want to leave the penthouse because the view from there was better than on the sidewalk
  784. >Brooklyn is a different story
  785. >You like taking little walks around the neighborhood
  786. >There are even ponies you see so often that you say hi to them in passing
  787. >Even if you don't know many of their names
  788. >They're just neighbors, so you say hi to them
  789. >You're sure they've noticed you can't go anywhere without a large brown stallion in tow these days
  790. >But they know what happened to Rose, so nopony has commented on Forty Seven's constant presence
  791. >You've even gotten used to it
  792. >Though the novelty of trying to mess with him wore off a but when he told you he thought it was adorable
  793. >If you want to be adorable you can be that for a lot less effort
  794. >Play group happens in a storefront church ponies rent from the congregation on weekdays
  795. >You never even saw a storefront church until you moved to Brooklyn
  796. >It's literally a storefront where people hold services on weekends - that's the only thing that makes it a church
  797. >To passers by it may as well be a store or beauty salon
  798. >Nothing about the space itself suggests it's a church aside from a lectern and a big cross on the wall
  799. >And it's just a couple blocks from where you live, so it's not much of a hike
  800. >As you arrive to black colt says goodbye to another colt he was talking to and joins you and Forty Seven
  801. "How was your day, sweetie?"
  802. >"OK. Well, really not so great"
  803. "What's the matter?"
  804. >"I'll tell you on the way home"
  805. >You start walking in that direction follower by the colt and the stallion
  806. >"Auntie," the colt asks, "if you were married to daddy how come you're my auntie and not my mommy?"
  807. >This was bound to come up
  808. "Your mommy and daddy had a special moment together before I married him. That's what created you"
  809. >"It was sex, right"
  810. >Forty Seven almost successfully hides a snicker, but not entirely
  811. "Yes. And I was very happy for them because your mommy had a crush on daddy since she lived in Equestria"
  812. >"For his music?"
  813. "Yes. She's played you the album"
  814. >"I love daddy's music. He was a good pony, right?"
  815. "Of course he was"
  816. >"Blaze's mom says she doesn't want us to play together anymore because of daddy"
  817. >Blaze
  818. >You don't really know the other ponies at playgroup, but he has mentioned Blaze before
  819. >And with a name like that you can guess which one he is
  820. "Did she tell you this?"
  821. >"No. Blaze did. He said daddy did bad things on TV so she doesn't want us playing together"
  822. "Your daddy was on a bad show. But that doesn't mean he was a bad stallion. Remember he wasn't a free pony"
  823. >"He was pirate property?"
  824. "Private property. Or if you want to be less polite about it he was a slave. So was your mommy, and so was I"
  825. >Forty Seven is doing a good job being indifferent to your conversation, but you think he may have winced a little at the word "slave"
  826. >"But you and mommy are free now"
  827. "Your daddy was partly responsible for that. But he couldn't free himself"
  828. >"Did he do bad things on TV?"
  829. >Oh boy, this one you should almost leave for Rose - she should be the one talking to him about this, not you
  830. >But you're the one who is here now
  831. "Good and bad are different for a slave. A free pony has free will"
  832. >"What's that?"
  833. "You know what's right and wrong, and you choose to be good even though you could be bad because you want to be a good pony"
  834. >The colt nods at you
  835. "Slaves don't always get to make choices like that. You have to do what your master tells you"
  836. >"Even if it's wrong?"
  837. "When you're a slave you don't have a choice. When you don't have a choice right and wrong don't really apply"
  838. >"Who was daddy's master?"
  839. "The network. They put him on TV and told him what to do. He did what he was told because he was a slave and didn't have a choice"
  840. >"Did he do bad things?"
  841. "If a free pony had chosen to do what he did it would have been bad. But your daddy didn't have a choice"
  842. >"So good and bad don't mean the same thing if you're a slave?"
  843. "Right and wrong only matter when you have free will and can choose one over the other. Slaves don't get to choose"
  844. >You really ought to drive that home, because there's a chance he'll actually see the show one day
  845. "Your father wrestled with that. Like your mom he grew up free. He knew right from wrong, but when your a slave..."
  846. >"You have no choice?"
  847. "You certainly don't have many choices. And none at all if your master tells you to do something"
  848. >"Did he kill ponies on TV?"
  849. "No. He was the announcer on a show where..."
  850. >How do you put this?
  851. >You've never even seen Hippodrome
  852. >Master was ashamed of it, and it didn't sound like the kind of thing you'd want to see in the first place
  853. "Slave ponies fought each other. The winner became a free pony"
  854. >"And the winner kills the loser, right?"
  855. "I've never watched it. It's a bad show. But that's the idea, yes"
  856. >"Killing is wrong"
  857. "All the ponies on that show are slaves. They don't have a choice"
  858. >"So killing is not wrong sometimes?"
  859. >You look at Forty Seven
  860. >He smiles at you, realizing you're almost in over your head
  861. >"It's like fighting," Forty Seven says to the colt. "Fighting is not good, but if you're attacked you have to defend yourself"
  862. >The colt nods
  863. >"If, god forbid, someone is trying to kill you," Forty Seven continues, "then killing them first is the smart thing to do"
  864. >"Why were the ponies trying to kill each other on TV?," the colt asks
  865. "Because network property, and that's what the people at the network told them to do"
  866. >"Bad people"
  867. "Yes, very bad people. They have free will and make the ponies who don't fight. For entertainment"
  868. >"You and mommy have free will," the colt says slowly - you can almost see the wheels turning in his head
  869. >"But you work for the very bad people at the network," he continues, "Is that why you don't let me watch your show?"
  870. "Our show is good, it's just about grown up stuff, not for colts or fillies"
  871. >"Like sex?"
  872. "Sometimes. Also why slavery is bad, even though people don't always want to admit it or own up to it"
  873. >You want to add something a little more noble to that to drive home your point
  874. "Slave pony voices almost never get heard. Our show tries to change that"
  875. >"And the bad people at the network can't make you kill each other because you're free ponies now," the colt replies
  876. "If the bad people let us keep talking about it maybe more people will realize that all ponies should be free"
  877. >"Why do the let you talk about it if they're bad people?"
  878. "Because it makes money. And people care a lot more about money than they do right and wrong"
  879. >Nice
  880. >It's important that he know that
  881. >And you're proud of yourself for not falling apart under this intense line of questions
  882. >About very delicate matters
  883. >"So is Blaze's mom wrong for not letting us play together anymore?"
  884. "She's being a little ignorant. A lot of free ponies have no idea what it's like to be a slave"
  885. >He's still looking at you, waiting for you to continue
  886. "You can't judge a slave by free pony standards, and that's what she's doing. She might not even know any better"
  887. >"So she's stupid?"
  888. "The word is 'ignorant'"
  889. >"What's the difference?"
  890. >How do you explain this to a colt?
  891. >Compare it to something he knows
  892. >You visualize the room at playgroup
  893. >There's the cross, the lectern, the boxes of toys and games for the little ones
  894. >You've got it!
  895. "Think about doing a puzzle. If somepony is stupid maybe they can't do the puzzle because they can't see how the pieces fit together"
  896. >"Sometimes there's a lot of pieces and it takes a long time"
  897. "Right. Being ignorant is like being smart enough to put the pieces together, but you're missing a few so you don't see the whole picture"
  898. >"Then our puzzles at playgroup are all ignorant"
  899. >You laugh
  900. "Blaze's mom's view of your father is missing a lot of pieces. Important ones"
  901. >"Can you give her those pieces so Blaze and I can still play together?"
  902. "We can talk this over with your mom when she gets home and see what we can do"
  904. >Be VP
  905. >Sitting on the couch in the apartment you keep for your side piece
  906. >Who is an adorable grey pegasus now drunkenly splayed across your lap, asleep
  907. >She's no Rose, that's for sure
  908. >Your dick actually likes this one better
  909. >And she is easier to deal with
  910. >You still miss Roseluck a little sometimes
  911. >Face it dude, you let yourself fall for her
  912. >A mistake you watched yourself making, but did it anyways
  913. >But you're still in a position to look out for her
  914. >And boy does she seem to need that!
  915. >Thankfully Blinders makes a lot of money for a show that costs almost nothing to produce
  916. >So the added cost of a security detail - especially a pony security detail - really didn't make any waves with the network
  917. >Especially in light of nearly losing one of its stars or half a million dollars, or both!
  918. >At least the pony on your lap is easy to take care of and keep safe
  919. >You're keeping the relationship strictly within the paramaters of what she's been groomed for since she was a foal
  920. >Or a young filly, at least
  921. >Which in truth probably wasn't all that long ago
  922. >You're pretty sure you won't have to worry about her getting ideas in her little featherbrain
  923. >She knows how good she has it and acts accordingly
  924. >You let any threats about what could happen if she didn't be implied
  925. >You're sure her own worst fears combined with whatever she was taught are a better deterrent than anything you could provide
  926. >You could never do that with Rose
  927. >To be fair Rose had known freedom and you knew it was what she wanted for herself
  928. >She was happy to act like a free mare as long as you let her
  929. >And by not keeping her within the lines you ruined her to the point where she HAD to become one
  930. >Ruined
  931. >Funny to think of it like that, but it's kind of true
  932. >Which is why you set things up for her to be able to choose what she wanted anyways
  933. >As soon as she realized she had the choice
  934. >You were happy not to make that immediately clear when you foisted her off on Bronc
  935. >Kind of a you broke it you bought it moment for him
  936. >Then the poor bastard went and broke himself
  937. >You smile thinking about his crazy requests to "mamagement" - a couple interns at the network
  938. >Boy did they end up with crazy stories about their first jobs in the indusrty!
  939. >You miss that fucker
  940. >He hated you, of course
  941. >You made him do something he truly hated doing on national television
  942. >But he hated himself more for... being so damned good at it
  943. >He couldn't help but take pride in his work because he was a born performer
  944. >He had star quality, that's for sure
  945. >And in return for exploiting it you saw to it he lived the life of a rockstar
  946. >Which he was already familiar with
  947. >And just like a rockstar he had nobody around him to suggest he ought to consider slowing down
  948. >That was your fuck up - you totally enabled that shit
  949. >But if it hadn't been you it would have been somebody else
  950. >He did his best to sweat you, though
  951. >He got you to buy him his own mare, for fuck's sake!
  952. >And while she's been a pain in your ass she's also been one hell of an investment
  953. >Bronc had a good eye
  954. >You really do miss him
  955. >You sigh and the little sleeping pegasus on your lap shifts her weight on you
  956. >And does that thing where she kind of fluffs her wings then returns them to their resting position
  957. >Damn, that's cute
  958. >Is she drooling, too?
  959. >This is nearly cute overload
  960. >An ad from years ago runs through your mind
  961. >Of Course You Can Own A Horse!
  962. >That ran on your network, and every other one for that matter
  963. >Back in the days before anyone had actually seen Equestrian ponies because none were here yet
  964. >But the debate about how to deal with them was raging
  965. >Lots of fear stories about how dangerous they were
  966. >Not unfounded - they were supposedly quite powerful creatures in their own magical world
  967. >Just not in yours
  968. >Of course you can own a horse
  969. >That ad pretty much undid every passionate anti-slavery campaign
  970. >It just made it seem self-evident that people should own them
  971. >Of course you can own a horse
  972. >It wasn't even clever or original - just a matter of being the right thing at the right time
  973. >Like so much in life
  974. >And why not?
  975. >Look at this little one
  976. >Not that bright, barely educated, young and very pretty
  977. >You can guess what would happen to her if she'd been born a free pony
  978. >In a magical world where ponies ran things she'd have been fine
  979. >On the streets of Brooklyn she'd have been fresh meat thrown to the wolves
  980. >Then again, your own interest in her is pretty wolfish
  981. >But you're happy to care for her in return - which is all she knows to expect, therefore all she could ever want
  982. >You honestly don't think it's that bad a deal
  983. >Though your niece very much disagrees and has no problem telling you so
  984. >And as long as she's kind enough to do that outside of this one's earshot you're OK with it
  985. >She's welcome to be an abolitionist if she wants, just like you're welcome to be an owner
  986. >By the time anything actually gets changed in that regard you'll be too old to care, anyways
  987. >Still asleep, the pegasus on your lap starts to squirm
  988. >You know what that means, and you're the one who got her drunk, so...
  989. "Come on, Cloudy. You've got to get up and go pee"
  990. >You run a hand through her mane
  991. >"Daddy, I...," she begins, slurring a little
  992. "Get up and go pee"
  993. >"Yeah, I've got to go pee"
  994. >She climbs off you and weaves her way to the bathroom without incident
  995. >Saving the couch and your pants from the threat
  996. >And the rug, for that matter
  997. >Bladder control isn't her strong suit
  998. >Which can be an issue when you get her drunk and she passes out
  999. >You learned this the hard way
  1000. >So it's probably not so good a thing to make a habit of doing with her
  1001. >To her
  1002. >Remember what drinking did to Bronc
  1003. >Got to make this be more of a once in a while thing
  1004. >And certainly no alcohol of her own in the house when you're not here
  1005. >Cloudburst appears from the bathroom and wobbles toward you
  1006. >She stands right between your legs and rests her head on your crotch
  1007. >"You smell like us, daddy," she says
  1008. "I'm sure I do"
  1009. >"Are you going to stay over tonight?"
  1010. >Good question
  1011. >You kind of don't want to, having already killed the afternoon and early part of the evening here
  1012. >It's what? 7:30 or so?
  1013. >You should get something to eat
  1014. >Did you and Cynthia have plans?
  1015. >Not tonight, but tomorrow
  1016. >You COULD stay here - you know it'd make her happy
  1017. >And you have a suit and a couple shirts here
  1018. "Sure. I'll call Cynthia and let her know"
  1019. >"Yay! I love it when you stay over!"
  1020. "So what should we do? Order some delivery and...?"
  1021. >She gives you a sheepish look and mumbles, "There's a new Gray's Anatomy on tonight"
  1022. "That's fine"
  1023. >You've suffered through worse
  1024. >Actually you have quite a bit of professional admiration for Shonda, even though you'd rather not watch her shows
  1025. >And the Viet place around the corner is just fine, and they deliver pretty quickly
  1026. >Why not spend the evening with your pretty little mare doing something she likes?
  1027. >She's still a little drunk, which does make her even cuter
  1028. >She'll probably fall asleep halfway through the show anyways
  1029. >As long as you're indulging her you might as well make her say it
  1030. >Because you don't get tired of hearing this shit
  1031. "How does a good girl wake her daddy up in the morning?"
  1032. >She gives you an adoring look - there's no way that's fake - followed by a lacivious smile
  1033. >"With a blowjob?"
  1034. "Good girl"
  1036. >Be mare
  1037. >Roseluck just got the colt to bed and met you in the kitchen
  1038. >She opens a bottle of wine
  1039. ?"I'm assuming you'll have a glass with me?," she asks
  1040. "Sure. What are you going to do about Blaze's mom?"
  1041. >"I guess I'll have a talk with her. The son shouldn't suffer for the sins of the father"
  1042. "Sins?! You know the situation he was in!"
  1043. >Of course I do. But a pony who has never been private property would have a hard time understanding"
  1044. >She pours two glasses of wine and offers you one
  1045. "Cheers," you say, being sure to look her in the eye
  1046. >That's what you're supposed to do it before you drink
  1047. >Touch the glasses together and look your drinking partner in the eye
  1048. >It's a weird human thing, but apparently ponies now do it too
  1049. >Rose is the one who taught you about it, after all
  1050. >"Regardless of whether he had a choice," she continues, "He was the face of Hippodrome. Nopony is going to forget that"
  1051. >You take a sip of wine - you're still getting used to drinking the stuff, but it's much nicer than what master drank
  1052. "Yeah," you reply very softly, "and it killed him"
  1053. >"We know that. But to them he's still a traitor to all of ponykind"
  1054. "But that isn't true!"
  1055. >"Of course it isn't, but it's what they saw on TV"
  1056. "And she's going to take it out on his son? That's not fair. I thought free ponies were supposed to be fair"
  1057. >"They give lip service to the idea. I guess I'll find out just how fair-minded this mare can be"
  1058. "Look at us - talking about free ponies like we're not them"
  1059. >"We've been through things many free ponies can't imagine, or if they can they sure don't WANT to"
  1060. "They're pretty easily shocked"
  1061. >"To be fair your story would be shocking to most ponies, free or not"
  1062. "Not the mares I grew up with, but I get what you're saying. It's not like it's my fault, though"
  1063. >"Definitely not. It's something that's bound to happen when ponies are nothing but pieces of property"
  1064. "I was one very nice piece of property, though"
  1065. >"You were always more than just that, you were never allowed to see it"
  1066. "Or even think it, really"
  1067. >You take another sip from your glass
  1068. "It's still a little scary, you know? I know we're doing fine, but there really isn't all that much separating us from..."
  1069. >You were going to say unicorns starving on the street
  1070. >But the truth is there's not as much of that as you'd thought there'd be
  1071. >Some ponies are homeless, some spend their days begging on the street
  1072. >A day doesn't go by when you don't see one or two like that
  1073. >And you've learned to ignore them because there's nothing you can do about it
  1074. >But things aren't nearly as bad as you thought they were going to be in Ponytown
  1075. >Ponies have their own charity organizations that do their best to help out those in need
  1076. >Not that they can do much, but it's rare that you see a pony dead on the street
  1077. >You have, but it's rare
  1078. >"Oh, come on," Rose says, "If you're talking about finances I KNOW yours are in good order"
  1079. "True. And we live below our means, which is good"
  1080. >"I'm definitely drinking much less expensive than when I was with John"
  1081. "You spent a lot of his money, didn't you"
  1082. >"He treated me like his mistress - not like your friend Sky, and not like I owned him, but like I wasn't his property"
  1083. >She takes a sip of wine
  1084. >"Like I was his kept mare. So I behaved accordingly - like a mistress of a wealthy man"
  1085. "Doesn't sound all that bad"
  1086. >"You know it wasn't... until it was"
  1087. "Do you think Moonglow is in a similar situation? Her master treats her more like a kept mare status symbol than his property?"
  1088. >"That's certainly the story she tells. I hope it's true, for her sake. Why?"
  1089. "My friend Skydancer sent me a link to a video about unicorns and said I should look out for any unicorn friends if I could"
  1090. >"Do you have it on your phone?"
  1091. "Yeah, I'll play it for you. I'll warn you though, it's pretty racist. Abd scary and sad"
  1092. >You set your smartphone on the counter and start the video
  1093. >Nice to have counters at pony height
  1094. >You don't need to follow the video visually, you've already seen it and is mostly just clips of sad, undernourished ponies
  1095. >Nearly all of them unicorns
  1096. >But you follow along with the sad music and narration:
  1097. >"More help is needed than we have resources to provide. But there is something we can do to lessen the suffering"
  1098. >"Over three quarters of unwanted pony births are unicorns. Please spay or neuter your unicorn, it's the humane thing to do"
  1099. >"The Humane Society also offers no-cost reproductive health services for free unicorns"
  1100. >"Together we can we can be part of the solution to the suffering"
  1101. >That's the whole thing - just that narration over pictures and sad music
  1102. >But it's chilling the way it singles out unicorns and proclaims sterilizing them is the right thing to do
  1103. >Because the way the say it makes it almost seem plausible, instead of horrific
  1104. "Should we be worried about Moonglow?"
  1105. >Roseluck thinks for a minute and says, "Doing that to a bedmare would work against the purpose of having one"
  1106. "Right. Most men like it when we're responsive to them, even if it's faked. Doing that would make a mare unresponsive"
  1107. >"So she's probably safe," Rose andswers, "But this is something bigger and more disturbing"
  1108. "The racism?"
  1109. >"More like genocide"
  1110. "Isn't that more of a war thing?"
  1111. >"Usually it is, but think about it: If you make it so unicorns can't breed you don't have to kill them - they'll die out on their own"
  1112. "Why would anyone want to get rid of an entire pony race?"
  1113. >"Why does genocide ever happen? One group scapegoats another, then comes into power and pushes it even further"
  1114. "Thinking that all problems will be solved if the undesirable race is gone?"
  1115. >"And it makes sense for it to be unicorns. Breeders don't really breed them. They don't sell well. Half of Ponytown is unicorns"
  1116. "The poorer half, of course"
  1117. >"When your value is based on what people think about you and you're not a pegasus or an earth pony it's got to be tough"
  1118. "You don't think ponies - earth ponies and pegasi - could be partially behind this, do you?"
  1119. >"I'm sure it's possible, but this really seems like human thinking. Especially selling a slow moving genocide as the humane thing to do"
  1120. >She pours you each another glass of wine and looks at you intensely
  1121. >"I mean," she questions, "How do you feel, I mean REALLY feel about unicorns?"
  1122. "I don't know. I really only know one beyond a few neighbors I say hi to on the street. But they're ponies like us so we..."
  1123. >You take a sip of wine
  1124. "The right thing to do would be to stick together. That's how I feel, really"
  1125. >"I knew a few unicorns back in Ponyville. We'd gotten over racial antipathy a long time ago in Equestria"
  1126. "So it wasn't like here"
  1127. >"It might have been a long time ago, but not in my lifetime. Some earth ponies may have been a little distrustful of unicorn magic"
  1128. "Kinda racist"
  1129. >"Maybe a little, but magic was powerful there, and sometimes it could be dangerous"
  1130. "And Ponyville was an earth pony town, right?"
  1131. >"Oh yeah, and it had been for a long time. There were a few pegasi and a few unicorns, but it was mostly earth ponies"
  1132. "So if people are behind this like it seems, what do they want?"
  1133. >"Maybe sympathy twoard ponies in general is increasing, so they have to come up with another way to keep us down?"
  1134. "So this is what? Divide and conquer? Haven't they already won? Haven't we already been conquered? Aren't we already down?"
  1135. >"One could argue unicorns are the proudest race. Taking them out could strike a blow against the idea of pony pride"
  1136. "Sucks this is happening just as I'm finally begining to have an idea what that even means"
  1137. >She gives you a sad look and says, "Yeah, it does. But we've got to use our soap box to fight against this"
  1138. "Ponies have to stick together"
  1139. >"Especially when genocidal people start offering solutions to problems"
  1140. "Should we give one of the producers a call, or just wait to bring this up at the next production meeting?"
  1141. >"Let me talk to Moonglow and see what she thinks. Please tell Skydancer this was a good catch on her part. Thank her"
  1142. "We could invite her on. She's really smart, and a pegasus would show solidarity of all ponies"
  1143. >"Maybe, but I think more important is making unicorns more relatable. Because that ad made them seem like dogs"
  1144. "Wait, I thought people loved dogs?"
  1145. >"But magic nuisance dogs who can talk back? They'd like that a lot less. That's how they're portraying unicorns"
  1147. >Be Agent Forty-Seven
  1148. >Relaxing a bit with your partner Forty-Two in your Brooklyn apartment
  1149. >It's 8:30 on a Wednesday night
  1150. >You can let your guard down a little, as the assets are very likely in for the evening
  1151. >Still you leave the motion detector on - you can check the video if/when it goes off
  1152. >It really didn't take much in the way of stealthy electronics in the hallway above your door to make that set up work
  1153. >You figure it's subtle enough that the landlord won't even notice, and so far he hasn't
  1154. >Then again he knows who you are and why you're here, and he seemed happy to have you
  1155. >It's not a bad place
  1156. >The apartment is just big enough for two stallions as long as you don't fill it up with stuff
  1157. >And beyond the necessities neither of you have much stuff
  1158. >It's also cheerful
  1159. >The couple who lived here before you stenciled some hearts on the walls and painted some flowers here and there
  1160. >Which makes the place feel a lot less spartan than most of the places you've lived
  1161. >"They're definitely in for the night," Forty-Two says, "Unless yours wants to mess with you some more"
  1162. "She's over that. Telling her I thought it was adorable took all the fun out of it for her"
  1163. >"She'll never be completely over it. She's a whorse and you're a big, strong stallion. You know she wants it"
  1164. "She makes no secret of loving the attention, that's for sure"
  1165. >"They're all whorses, yours just doesn't bother trying to pretend she isn't"
  1166. "What about yours?"
  1167. >"I've caught her checking me out, especially when I'm interacting with the colt"
  1168. "You're going to become something of a father figure to him, like it or not"
  1169. >"In a very limited way, and I don't mind that. She also checks out mares, so I'm nmot too worried about things becoming... compromised"
  1170. "Me neither"
  1171. >"You've got more to worry about than I do. Not that I don't trust your professionalism"
  1172. "I'm not all that concerned. But I won't deny she's a piece of ass and has a... generous nature"
  1173. >"I'm surprised she hasn't tried to suck your cock yet"
  1174. "Thankfully she hasn't. Trying to take a pass on that would be a great way to hate myself for a while"
  1175. >"No matter what you do you lose in a situation like that"
  1176. "True"
  1177. >"I mean you could almost rationalize it - it wouldn't be compromising the asset in her case because she's already..."
  1178. "So compromized?," you laugh. "I could almost believe that. HQ wouldn't buy it though"
  1179. >"Who knows? Maybe they just assume it's already happening. They know exactly what you're dealing with"
  1180. "And I know the conduct that's expected of me. So do you"
  1181. >"Yeah. Ever wonder what it would be like without those expectations, like if we weren't chipped?"
  1182. "Being around free ponies is starting to get to you, isn't it?"
  1183. >"No. Just making conversation"
  1184. "It doesn't matter. We are chipped and that's that"
  1185. >"I know, I'm not stupid. But imagine If our dams made it in without getting chipped. I heard it was chaos at the portal"
  1186. "It was who got to you first when you came across. If they'd made their quota for the day the abolitionsts took you and no chip"
  1187. >"That must have been nuts"
  1188. "The ponies coming through didn't even realize what was going on"
  1189. >"And when they stopped coming through?"
  1190. "The changed the law so you could only chip foals born to chipped dams. Like us. That stopped the foalnapping and sale of free ponies"
  1191. >"Until a few rocket scientists decided to try foalnapping a pony celebrity"
  1192. "Which is why we're here"
  1193. >"So imagine if we'd been born to dams without chips"
  1194. "We're already in Ponytown, so it wouldn't be all that different I guess"
  1195. >"Sure it would. What would you have done if you'd had choices?"
  1196. "Probably the military or law enforcement, so like I said, not all that different"
  1197. >"Yeah, me too I think"
  1198. "Might not have ended up as well trained as we are, though"
  1199. >"Good point. They don't lavish the kind of resources on free ponies that they did on us"
  1200. "Of coure not. Free ponies aren't loyal like we are. They're thinking about other things"
  1201. >"Like what the girls are talking about on the show"
  1202. "Ugh. If watching that weren't part of the mission I wouldn't watch it at all"
  1203. >"Not a fan?"
  1204. "It's hard enough to listen to one mare talking. Multiply that by five talking over each other? Not my thing"
  1205. >"It's better with the sound off"
  1206. >You laugh because its true
  1207. "Accomplish this mission and we'll probably get bred for it"
  1208. >"Assuming we manage not to breed inadvertently before its over"
  1209. "Let's try to keep that from happening"
  1210. >"You ever been bred?"
  1211. "Yeah, once"
  1212. >"Lucky"
  1213. "My service record is a little longer than yours. Your time will come"
  1214. >"Was she prety?"
  1215. "Of course she was. What I saw of her. They had her tied in a stall. And gagged. I guess so she couldn't say anything to ruin the mood"
  1216. >"Good thinking"
  1217. "Still a little weird. Gave it to her good, though. Doubt it was her first time - you could have parked a truck in there"
  1218. >He laughs
  1219. >"But it was still...?"
  1220. "Yeah, it was still pretty awesome. Their bodies are more responsive when they KNOW you're putting a foal in them"
  1221. >"Good memory to have"
  1222. "I'm sure she remembers, too"
  1223. >"I'm sure she does. She's the one who carried the foal and gave birth to it. Shit, a little 47 galloping around somewhere out there!"
  1224. "Who knows where, but yeah. There'll be a little Forty-Two before too long I'm sure. We were top of the class, after all"
  1225. >"You ever do a recovery mission?"
  1226. "No, you?"
  1227. >"Yup. They only let you do so many of those because they say it's hard on you... mentally"
  1228. "I'd would think. Fuck, they should have bred you for that!"
  1229. >"It was my first mission out of the Academy"
  1230. "Wow. They threw you right on the fire, didn't they?"
  1231. >You said it: top of the class"
  1232. "Let me guess - 100% recovery and no permanent damage to the assets"
  1233. >"Almost. One suicide"
  1234. "Life is for the strong. Sucks to be weak"
  1235. >"Not that either of us would know what it's like to be weak. But that fucker kept me from a perfect score my first time out"
  1236. "How'd he do it?"
  1237. >"Unicorn. Gun"
  1238. "Impressive. That's some strong magic!"
  1239. >"I was impressed in retrospect, but at the time I was just pissed"
  1240. "I hear you. But you know the job isn't always controlling the situation. Sometimes it's managing an uncontrolled situation"
  1241. >"I kept thinking I should have seen it coming..."
  1242. "There was no way. That's ability way outside the bell curve"
  1243. >"They'd escaped from a research facility. I knew there was a gifted magic user among them. They'd warned us"
  1244. "Still you can't beat yourself up. There's no way you could have seen that coming"
  1245. >There's a beep from the motion detector in the hallway
  1246. >"That would be the guy upstairs getting home from work"
  1247. "Yup"
  1248. >But you check the video just to be sure
  1249. "He's bringing her flowers"
  1250. >"Wonder what he did wrong"
  1251. "Not our concern, thankfully. She's starting to show, isn't she?"
  1252. >"Either that or she's overeating"
  1253. "I'm pretty sure he's knocked her up"
  1254. >"Must be nice"
  1255. "The nice part is almost over for him. Then he'll be tied down to the repercussions. May as well be gelded"
  1256. >"That's harsh"
  1257. "You were wondering what life would be like as a free stallion. There's your answer"
  1258. >"He seems happy enough"
  1259. "Happiness is fleeting, and you know it"
  1260. >"Having a mare to come home to every night? You can't tell me that wouldn't be nice"
  1261. "The SAME mare every night? One you just turned into an incubator and soon to be milk dispenser? No thanks"
  1262. >"When you put it that way..."
  1263. "I think you just need to get your rocks off. Youy're not thinking straight"
  1264. >"You're probably right. I could use a piece of tail"
  1265. "I'm willing to go on austerity measures with the groceriers to fund some street meat for you if that'll clear your head"
  1266. >"You're a good partner, Forty-Seven. I may take you up on that"
  1267. "Look where we are. It's not that hard to find a mare willing to rent her hindquarters for a pair of twenties"
  1268. >"Or just one of you're willing to overlook obvious signs of addiction"
  1269. >You laugh
  1270. "Regardless if you bring her here don't turn your back on her"
  1271. >"Duh"
  1272. >The motion detector beeps again
  1273. >"That's probably your friend"
  1274. >You look at the monitor to see her in the hallway, walking toward the front door
  1275. "Shit, I'm off"
  1276. >"I'll just keep an eye on things here then"
  1278. >Be mare
  1279. >You weren't planning to go out tonight, but when you read there was a KtMA rally just a few blocks from you
  1280. >At 9PM on a Wednesday night - do unicorns not have jobs?
  1281. >You wanted to check it out - Sunrise will be speaking, and you're curious about her and her grassrots movement
  1282. >You're a little intimidated, too
  1283. >Because even though the organization is open to all ponies (and people, you think) it's mostly a unicorn thing
  1284. >You're not racist - or you try not to be - but you just don't know that many unicorns
  1285. >Like really know
  1286. >Since moving to Brooklyn you have a lot of unicorn neighbors you say hi to
  1287. >They seem nice
  1288. >But you never knew any growing up, and you can't say you're all that close to any of them now
  1289. >You know Moonglow from the show, but she's in her own bubble
  1290. >Her race doesn't define her
  1291. >Not nearly as much as her bedmare status and Gucci collar
  1292. >And you would never argue with her about that, either
  1293. >You've been private property, and as far as that goes she's really at the top of the pecking order
  1294. >In spite of being a unicorn
  1295. >Which makes her opinions on the show even more inflammatory than yours
  1296. >To ponies, that is
  1297. >She has a lot of young adult men fans
  1298. >So the producers say - you don't really follow twitter
  1299. >There are a couple free pony interns for that, and you don't even remember their names
  1300. >They've only shown up to a couple meetings with the cast
  1301. >Come to think of it they're both unicorns
  1302. >But that's not a huge surprise
  1303. >It seems like unicorns make up a disproportionate share of free ponies
  1304. >Because no one wants them
  1305. >Is that racist?
  1306. >Is it racist if it's true?
  1307. >Yeah - that's the point - racism is real and since moving to Brooklyn you've seen it operating in the world around you
  1308. >In a way you never thought of back when you were private property and lived in your own little bubble
  1309. >Which is exactly why you dragged your ass out on a Wednesday night to see a KtMA rally for yourself
  1310. >Forty-Seven fell right in line behind you, dutifully following a few paces back
  1311. >Your smartphone tells you you're now just a block and a half from the site of the meeting
  1312. >In the basement of a church, of course
  1313. >So many free pony grassroots organizing happens in churches during off hours
  1314. >It makes sense - many churches are abolitionist
  1315. >Even those who see magic as ungodly, it seems
  1316. >But it's hard for you not to be a little distrustful of them
  1317. >The scariest night of your young life was when some Christian missionary types tried to foalnap you from the brothel
  1318. >What would have happened if they'd succeeded?
  1319. >Would you be a free pony in Canada? Praying to Jeebus?
  1320. >Or would you have been brought back minus an ear?
  1321. >That would have been the end of your career at the brothel
  1322. >Or maybe not - there are probably guys who are into that - maybe more than you'd think
  1323. >Or maybe you'd just have become a preacher's bedmare somewhere, hidden away because you were his dirty secret
  1324. >That would have sucked
  1325. >You're lucky things turned out the way they did
  1326. >Even if it means having to face a world far more complicated and dangerous than you ever expected
  1327. >You've heard people and even so ponies say everything happens for a reason
  1328. >Maybe that's true, but so much is happening for so many reasons, some related some not
  1329. >There's really no way to understand what's going on in this world
  1330. >Not in any meaningful way
  1331. >You just have to get by and try to do what you think is right
  1332. >Even if you end up being wrong about it
  1333. >Which is why you find yourself outside the open door to a church basement
  1334. >There are plenty of ponies around, most of them unicorns
  1335. >You look back at Forty-Seven, half expecting an eyeroll
  1336. >But he's too much of a pro to give you that
  1337. >You wonder what he'll think of this
  1338. >Probably nothing - it has no impact on his life
  1339. >That's how you would have thought back when you were private property
  1340. >You enter and follow a couple ponies down a flight of satairs into a large basement auditorium
  1341. >Forty-Seven follows you closely
  1342. >There's got to be over 100 ponies here! Maybe closer to 200!
  1343. >You get a few looks of recognition, which you're used to by now
  1344. >Everypony is standing facing the stage at the front of the room, where a yellow unicorn mare stands at a podium
  1345. >Sunrise
  1346. >"Settle down, everypony," she says into the microphone
  1347. >"First I want to thank everypony for coming out tonight," she continues, "I know we all have busy lives, but this is important"
  1348. >"Systemic racism against unicorns is as real as the subjugation of ponykind at the hands of men"
  1349. >"We're here to speak out, to act out to put an end to both in our lifetimes"
  1350. >"We're here to...," she pauses giving the audience the cue they've been waiting for
  1351. >Everypony responds: "KEEP THE MAGIC ALIVE!"
  1352. >"Free our enslaved brothers and sisters!," the yellow unicorn shouts
  1353. >The sound of hooves on the floor applauding gets louder
  1354. >She continues: "Stop the racism against and end the forced sterilization of unicorns!"
  1355. >The applause contiunes to increase
  1356. >"So that every colt and filly regardless of race can grow up free, with dignity, pride and self-determination!"
  1357. >The applause reaches a deafening level, and the unicorn on stage takes a step back waiting for it to die down
  1358. >It takes a minute, then she leans into the mic
  1359. >"They're trying to divide us," she says in a softer voice. "You know it and I know it"
  1360. >"They want us to think the fight for abolition and equal treatment under the law for all pony races aren't the same struggle"
  1361. >"They know how much easier it would be to perpetuate the enslavement of our brothers and sisters if free ponies failed to speak up"
  1362. >"And if fewer and fewer unicrons are born until someday there are no unicorns to speak up at all"
  1363. >"The want us divided among ourselves so we cannot speak with one voice for all of ponykind"
  1364. >"Those chained in slavery cannot be heard. Their voices are silenced. We must speak for them, and we will not be silent!"
  1365. >The applause begins again
  1366. >You KNOW Crystal is here somewhere
  1367. >She hints at this stuff sometimes on the show, though she's careful not to come off this radical
  1368. >She's mentioned Sunrise and KtMA plenty of times off camera though
  1369. >You look around the room and eventually spot her, right up in the front of the crowd
  1370. >Of course
  1371. >Forty-Seven leans over to your ear and whispers, "Permission to speak freely, ma'am?"
  1372. "Of course"
  1373. >"Events like this aren't exactly the safest places to be, if history is any guide"
  1374. "I know. That's what I have you for"
  1375. >You missed what Sunrise just said, but everypony in the room shouted "KEEP THE MAGIC ALIVE!" again
  1376. >"I'd feel more confident," Forty-Seven says inches from your ear, "if we were a little closer to an exit"
  1377. >You oblige him, but move very slowly
  1378. >You feel eyes on you and do not want to cause a scene
  1379. >"Are there any pegasi among us?," Sunrise asks
  1380. >"Silly question, right?," she continues, getting a little nerveous laughter from the crowd. "Has anypony ever met a free pegasus?"
  1381. >The crowd goes quiet
  1382. >You hadn't thought about that, but there aren't any pegasi in Ponytown it seems
  1383. >"Two," the unicorn continues, "I've lived in Ponytown my entire adult life and I've only met two free pegasi"
  1384. >The audience murmurs disapproval
  1385. >"An entire pony race silenced by slavery," she says sadly. "Who will speak for them?"
  1386. >"We will!," says a chorus of pony voices around you
  1387. >"How many earth ponies here," she asks, "Show of hooves"
  1388. >You raise a hoof, and a look around the room shows you're one of 20-some earth ponies in the crowd
  1389. >The unicorn on stage looks around at the raised hooves
  1390. >Her eyes rest on you for a moment - she recognized you
  1391. >When her eyes get to Crystal she lingers for a moment on her as well
  1392. >"Thank you," she says. "For realizing this is a fight for all ponies, not just unicorns, and standing with us"
  1393. >The 20-some hooves in the room come down
  1394. >"Who will speak for our enslaved earth pony brothers and sisters?"
  1395. "We will!," you say along with everypony else
  1396. >The mare on stage looks right at you
  1397. >"I see we have a couple mares standing with us who are doing just that on a national level," she says, now looking st Crystal
  1398. >You feel a lot of pony eyes on you and manage a smile
  1399. >"Thank you," the yellow unicorn says, "I think they deserve a round of applause"
  1400. >It lasts at least half a minute
  1401. >"And on to the rest of you," she continues, "I see your horns. Who will speak for all unicorns, slave and free?"
  1402. "We will," you say along with everypony, even though you're aware you don't have a horn
  1403. >"That's why they're coming for us," Sunrise says quietly, "They want us silent, preferably forever"
  1404. >That causes some murmurs in the crowd
  1405. >"Will we be silent?"
  1406. "NO!"
  1407. >"What will we do instead?"
  1408. >You see this coming and join in
  1410. >"Since our last rally I'm told there have been over a hundred foals born here in Ponytown," the mare says
  1411. >Applause erupts
  1412. >"That's over a hundred voices of the future," she continues, "Voices that will literally..."
  1415. >After the rally some ponies ask to pose for selfies with you, and across the room you see Crystal is in the same position
  1416. >Eventually you make it over to her
  1417. >She gives you a very smug look
  1418. >"I thought you found the politics of abolition distasteful," she says
  1419. "We're going to be talking about this on the show. I don't want to be ignorant"
  1420. >"What did you think? She's great, isn't she? We should totally have her on"
  1421. "I get what she's saying and even why she's saying it, but..."
  1422. >"But what? It's all pretty obvious stuff if you've got four hooves and a tail"
  1423. "You're wrong. Like when she said we have to be the voices of those who have no voice"
  1424. >"You don't agree?!"
  1425. "It's missing the point. I had no voice for a long time. But guess what else? I had nothing to say about any of this"
  1426. >"Nothing?"
  1427. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't even dare to let myself think about any of this stuff, much less say it. I was a good girl"
  1428. >"You were brainwashed," Crystal says matter of factly, then adds, "Tall, dark and handsome behind you just rolled his eyes"
  1429. >Guess he's less stoic when he's out of your field of vision
  1430. "He doesn't even like me being here"
  1431. >"You know they offered me one. I flat out refused"
  1432. "We weren't given much of a choice after what happened to Rose"
  1433. >"Could be worse. He's cute at least. If I were into boys I might not mind having him around"
  1434. "Yeah you would," you whisper, "He's private property"
  1435. >"Oh shit. But of course. Of course it would be like that," she says looking over at the stallion, "No offense"
  1436. >"None taken, ma'am," Forty-Seven replies
  1437. >"You ready to meet Sunrise?," Crystal asks you, smug once again
  1438. >Why the fuck not?
  1439. >You came to the rally, totally took part in it
  1440. >Even got a little swept up in it if you're being honest with yourself
  1441. >May as well meet the mare behind it all before she ends up being a guest on your show
  1442. >Which seems inevitable now
  1444. >The first thing you notice about her up close is her cutie mark - a microphone
  1445. "MY late mast, er, husband had a microphone cutie mark!," you blurt out
  1446. >"I'm well aware," Sunrise replies, "I'm trying to put mine to better use than he did, in this world at least"
  1447. "Nice that you have a say in the matter. He didn't"
  1448. >"That's what we're fighting to end"
  1449. "You couldn't have been more clear about it"
  1450. >"If you'd said Crystal Clear I would have hit you," Crystal says with a smirk
  1451. "That would have been a mistake in front of my muscle over there," you say gesturing with a nod toward Forty-Seven
  1452. >"I'm afraid things are getting to the point," Sunrise says sadly, "where I'm going to have to consider some protection for myself as well"
  1453. "What do you think about that, Forty-Seven?"
  1454. >"There's definitely a target on your back, ma'am," he says flatly to Sunrise, "and if you take your message on national television..."
  1455. "When," Sunrise interrupts, "Not if"
  1456. "That's what I'm afraid of, honestly. Talk like this will get somepony killed, and it will probably be you"
  1457. >"We cannot be silent in the face of this oppression," Sunrise replies, "not when we have the choice to speak up and..."
  1458. >She gets a faw away look in her eyes
  1459. >"Change things," she continues, "for everypony's sake. Of course that will mean sacrifices. I'm not stupid. I accept that"
  1460. >It's still shocking to hear somepony talk like this
  1461. >And obviously it's showing on your face
  1462. >"It's a lot to take in for a mare who proudly wore a collar to her wedding, isn't it?," Sunrise says gently
  1463. "You have no idea"
  1464. >"Get used to it," Crystal says, "because this is happening"
  1466. >Be VP
  1467. >Washing off your dick in the bathroom sink at the apartment you keep for your little pegasus
  1468. >It's funny what Cloudy does to your head
  1469. >She's so small and cute that every protective instinct you have gets stoked up
  1470. >You want to care for her and indulge her and sheild her from the big bad world
  1471. >And you do that
  1472. >But hand in hand with that feeling she stokes something in your darker side
  1473. >When you cuddle with her you're sometimes hit with the urge to squeeze her too hard
  1474. >Like way too hard
  1475. >Of course you don't give in to it
  1476. >But you like sex with her a little rougher than you have since you were in your young twenties
  1477. >After one girl broke your heart so you took it out on the next couple girls you dated
  1478. >Particularly that chubby one with the great ass
  1479. >You never thought of yourself as one of those guys who was into anal
  1480. >It always seemed a little gay to you
  1481. >But for the year or so you dated her you were into that
  1482. >Relentlessly
  1483. >No wonder you were the last man she dated before deciding she was into girls
  1484. >You really were a full on perv with that one in a way you haven't been since
  1485. >Until now with Cloudy
  1486. >You like taking her in the wrong hole while she calls you daddy
  1487. >You like the idea that you're hurting her a little for your own pleasure
  1488. >The way she whimpers while you're doing it makes you rock hard
  1489. >You're going to have to record that one day
  1490. >Audio only, of course
  1491. >Because there's sure as hell no reason for video of 50 year old you fucking a small horse up the ass to exist in this world
  1492. >She suffers through it for the sake of being your good girl
  1493. >That's just so fucking delicious
  1494. >You get hard at the office just daydreaming about it
  1495. >In a conversation with your niece last week she used the term "cuteness aggression"
  1496. >She was talking about her dog's behavior
  1497. >You'd never heard that particular term before - you're sure there's a whole array of new lingo you have yet to learn
  1498. >But understood it right away
  1499. >It's exactly what Cloudy brings out in you
  1500. >It's why you like getting her falling down drunk just to watch the spectacle of it
  1501. >And why you feel so tender toward her but still want to hurt her just a little bit
  1502. >Sexually
  1503. >And you don't feel the least bit bad about it, either
  1504. >She's not a woman, she's YOUR little pony
  1505. >You own her
  1506. >If all that cute means you rail her a little extra hard
  1507. >And up the tailhole every now and then so be it
  1508. >It's not like you're abusing her
  1509. >Well, maybe you are just a little, which is part of what gets you off
  1510. >But you're also really good to her
  1511. >How many mouthfuls of her piss have you swallowed without complaint when going down on her
  1512. >And she cums so hard she loses control of herself?
  1513. >You can't count
  1514. >And it takes a while to get the taste of horse piss out of your mouth after
  1515. >Or the smell of it off you when you make her cum from just straight up fucking
  1516. >Which you do often
  1517. >You put her up in a nice place and take care of her every need
  1518. >No one could call you a bad master because you're definitely not
  1519. >You reach for a towel as she appears in the doorway
  1520. >"I should be doing that for you, daddy"
  1521. "You've done plenty by being such a good little girl for me"
  1522. >She gives you a little smile
  1523. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
  1524. >"You just made me sore again, daddy, and now I have to..."
  1525. >She looks at the toilet
  1526. "Right, I'll get out of here"
  1527. >You'll give her that little bit of dignity
  1528. >Least you can do after what you just did to her
  1529. >You walk out to the bedroom and put your pants on, instinctively reaching for your work phone
  1530. >Because it's still afternoon on a workday
  1531. >To see you have one new message from a certain beardy producer
  1532. >Shit, you hope Roseluck hasn't managed to get herself into trouble again
  1533. >You don't bother to read it, just call him straight away
  1534. >"Hi John," he answers
  1535. "What's on fire?"
  1536. >"Nothing yet. But this is big"
  1537. "Good big or bad big?"
  1538. >"The girls are adamant about having Sunrise as a guest next week"
  1539. "Is that a pony or an R&B singer with a positivee message?"
  1540. >"She's the leader of KtMA"
  1541. "That acronym sounds familiar, but I'm not tracking it"
  1542. >"Keep the magic alive?"
  1543. "Oh shit. The unicorn rights group"
  1544. >"That's not how they think of themselves, but yeah"
  1545. "Dare I ask how they see themselves?"
  1546. >"Abolitionists speaking up for pony voices silenced by slavery"
  1547. "But that's just the rhetoric, right? It's still a unicorn rights group"
  1548. >"It's both, actually"
  1549. "How long has it been since abolitionists have had any mainstream media attention?"
  1550. >"Been fringe for a while - since I was a kid, or a teenager at least"
  1551. "Wow. And those voices have never been actual ponies before. We're going to lose a few sponsors"
  1552. >"We call them advertizers now, but yes"
  1553. "Thanks for reminding me I'm a fossil"
  1554. >You switch the phone to speaker and rest it on the bed so you can put your shirt back on
  1555. "It still fits with the spirit of the show, but I was hoping it wouldn't come to this until the third season"
  1556. >"So they're more precotious than you thought. We're talking epic shitstorm here"
  1557. "Fuck it - that's what Blinders Off is supposed to do - cause epic shitstorms"
  1558. >"This'll be the biggest one yet, and I wasn't going to touch it without your approval"
  1559. "You have it. This will probably hurt us in the short run, but pay off bigtime in the long run"
  1560. >"If we're lucky enough to make it that far"
  1561. "There's always that, but I'll let it be my risk"
  1562. >"You're sure about this?"
  1563. "If the show gets too hot we can always sell it to Netflix. If things get to that point and you're still committed to it I can..."
  1564. >"I appreciate that"
  1565. "I doubt things will get to that point"
  1566. >"I'll make it happen then"
  1567. "Good. But I want to meet with Miss Sunrise before we have her on. Just so I know what we're dealing with"
  1568. >"Dynamite is what we're dealing with, but I'll make that happen, too"
  1569. "Who sounds like a fossil now?"
  1570. >"I picked that up from you!"
  1571. >Dynamite
  1572. >You laugh
  1573. >Literally the dynamic way to mine in the early 20th Century
  1574. >Now an antique expression in the 21st - did you pick that up from P.G. Wodehouse novels you read in your 20's?
  1575. >Probably
  1576. "We're green lit. Talk later"
  1578. >Be VP
  1579. >At your desk with a yellow unicorn mare seated in front of you
  1580. >Her blue eyes are giving you an icy look, which is exactly what you expected
  1581. >"Why would a slaver give me a national soapbox to stand on? That's what I don't get"
  1582. "I'm actually agnostic about slavery?"
  1583. >"How can you say that?! You OWN two of us personally!"
  1584. "Sure. Because I can. If I couldn't it wouldn't be a big a deal. I've also been responsible for nearly a hundred ponies getting their freedom"
  1585. >"And how many deaths?"
  1586. "About the same. Your politics is going to result in deaths as well, if it hasn't already. How many have you freed?"
  1587. >"My sighs are set on all of them"
  1588. "Couldn't you keep the magic alive by finding a nice unicorn stallion and...?"
  1589. >"I plan on having foals someday if I'm lucky enough to be able. But now I can do more good for ponykind this way"
  1590. "You really think you can convince people to destroy over a billion dollars' worth of property in the stroke of a pen?"
  1591. >"It's happened before in your history"
  1592. "It took a civil war. Over half a million people died. Something like that would be a lot of blood on your hands"
  1593. >You ctach yourself
  1594. "Hooves, I mean"
  1595. >"Unlike the blood on your hands it would be for a just and righteous cause"
  1596. "So you're telling me you want to start a civil war? Say that on television and you'll be arrested for incitement"
  1597. >"Those are your words, not mine. I hope to accomplish this through nonviolent means, though I do believe in fighting for a just cause"
  1598. "Listen, you ought to have your say. But once you do the genie will be out of the bottle. You'll be the most..."
  1599. >"Controversial pony in America?"
  1600. "Yeah, and national news - probably international as well"
  1601. >"I'm aware. I'm as prepared as I will ever be"
  1602. "No you're not. I want you to sit down with legal for an hour or two. Run what you're planning on saying by them"
  1603. >"Last time I checked we still had free speech in thia country"
  1604. "We do, but there are limits. There are also broadcast standards. The more work you make for the editors the less of your message gets out"
  1605. >"Why are you doing this? Why work to get my message to the nation when you claim to be agnostic on the issue"
  1606. "I've made a lot of money for the network by putting controversal pony related material on television"
  1607. >"So this is all about making money to you?"
  1608. "It's proving I have my finger on the pulse. When this airs everyone will be talking about you, and Blinders Off"
  1609. >"So for you this is nothing but a way to hype your show?"
  1610. "I get what I want, you get what you want. It's win - win. Just be sure this is what you want"
  1611. >"I've never been more sure of anything in my life"
  1612. "You were born in Equestria, right?"
  1613. >"I was a filly when I came through. I was taken in by abolitionists for a while, then ended up in Ponytown"
  1614. "So this isn't just survivor's guilt, you were indoctrinated from a young age"
  1615. >"I've always been free, as all ponies ought to be"
  1616. "Even in a world where men rule?"
  1617. >"If women can find their way into positions of power ponies can be treated equally under the law"
  1618. "That's one hell of a leap. Very idealistic of you"
  1619. >"Is it so hard to believe I have ideals? Obviously you lack them, but what if it were your brothers and sisters enslaved?"
  1620. >She's actually kinda cute, for a unicorn
  1621. >You'd totally do her, horn and all
  1622. >Of course the fact that she's about to be a guest on one of your shows means you can't let that on
  1623. >She's right at that sweet spot
  1624. >Fully an adult, but still full of the passion of youth
  1625. >You're getting better at picking up on how old they are the more time you spend with them
  1626. >This one is younger than Rose but definitely older than Cloudy
  1627. >How young is Cloudy?
  1628. >You're sure the number is in her paperwork
  1629. >But since she was a private purchase from a trusted source you didn't really pay attention to her stats
  1630. >Younger than Bronc's whore?
  1631. >Maybe a little, which makes her pretty young
  1632. >Well it's a big bad world - they have to grow up fast
  1633. >Maybe that's why you feel so protective of her - she's like your little pioneer wife
  1634. >Or pioneer side piece
  1635. >Which very much makes you a dirty old man
  1636. >You might not want to know her actual age
  1637. >You realize there's an angry looking yellow unicorn across the desk from you waiting for a reply
  1638. "Thankfully I've never had to think about that. But I get it - you're an actual pony abolitionist and civil rights leader"
  1639. >"You seem surprised"
  1640. "I figured somepony like you was going to come along, I just figured it'd be a few years from now"
  1641. >"Probably because you don't realize how desparate things are. The ponies you know are a pretty... skewed sample"
  1642. "And some of them have been through some serious shit, regardless"
  1643. >"Which you exploit for entertainment purposes"
  1644. "Maybe, but I also allow their voices to be heard. Just like I'm doing for you. Being heard costs money"
  1645. >"I don't like that, but I guess I have to accept it's true some of the time. So this is an investment in me"
  1646. "This could become an ongoing relationship. Of course I'll take care of security while you're here, but you should..."
  1647. >"I realize that. I'm looking into it"
  1648. "I have a relationship with an excellent pony security organization if you're interested"
  1649. >"Free or slave labor?"
  1650. "Shit, they're private property"
  1651. >"You know that's not going to work for me. For the time being I'm going to have to use volunteers from my supporters"
  1652. "Good luck with that. Now if you don't mind we ought to get you down to legal"
  1654. >Be mare
  1655. >Walking down the hall toward your studio
  1656. >There are several studios in the building, so it isn't too much of a surprise to see Juan Pablo coming toward you
  1657. >The handsome pegasus stallion smiles at you
  1658. >"I hear you're making history today," he says
  1659. "Or jumping the shark, depending on your politics"
  1660. >He laughs
  1661. >"I don't have any politics, so I'll go with making histroy. Ada Maria was telling me all about it"
  1662. "It's scary, to be honest"
  1663. >"Free pony probnlems"
  1664. "Yeah, you're pretty much expected to have opinions, and you're a monster if they don't line up with everypony else's"
  1665. >"You and Rose are the only free ponies I know. Well, Crystal, too, but she won't give me the time of day"
  1666. "Free ponies have a lot of trouble with Hippodrome"
  1667. >"I have a lot of trouble with Hippodrome, but I deal with it"
  1668. "How are you holding up?"
  1669. >"You know what it's like, you we're married to it. I'm doing just a little better than that"
  1670. "He never wanted to talk about it"
  1671. >"Then you'll understand when I say I feel the same way. So Sunrise - as free ponies what do you and Rose think of her?"
  1672. "Rose is worried. She's afraid she'll cause a rise in hate crimes against ponies"
  1673. >"That's natural, she is the mother of a free colt. Of course she worries. You guys are just out in the open"
  1674. "She's also been a lot more cautious since she was foalnapped"
  1675. >"Understandable. What about you? You have free pony opinions on Sunrise?"
  1676. "I think she wants too much too quickly - she's getting a lot of ponies' hopes up when in the end she's only going to..."
  1677. >"Get herself killed?"
  1678. "Yeah. It's to the point where I'm actually wondering if her message would be more powerful if she became a martyr for it"
  1679. >"Ponies dying so that others can be free? That's what I'm selling every week"
  1680. "That's got to be horrible"
  1681. >"It would be easier if it were meaningful. Do you think Sunrise is meaningful?"
  1682. "I don't know. I don't agree with everything she says. She claims to speak for ponies like you, then brings up topics no slave has opinions about"
  1683. >He laughs
  1684. >"You know. You've lived it. Opinions aren't exactly encouraged, and having them will only make you miserable"
  1685. >You nod - you remember what it was like
  1686. >"I know my job is horrible, but I know I'm treated very well for doing it. I have to be grateful. I could be a unicorn starving on the street..."
  1687. >He stops and looks you right in the eye
  1688. >He is handsome, and he smells good, too - stallion with just a whiff of booze - reminds you of master
  1689. >Makes you want to lick him, but you know better
  1690. >You hope he and Ada Maria are happy together
  1691. >"Does that really happen? Do unicorns really starve to death on the street in Ponytown?"
  1692. "Yeah. Not as much as you might think. Ponies try to help each other out, but some slip through the cracks"
  1693. >He winces
  1694. >"I've seen a lot of death, but that still seems horrible"
  1695. "That's the double edged sword. You're valuable, so you get treated well. They're just refugees no one cares about except other ponies"
  1696. >"I can see why she sounds so angry about it"
  1697. "She does seem angry, doesn't she? I think that's because she actually believes she can change things. Imagine believing that!"
  1698. >"I can't. But is sounds like a very dangerous way to think"
  1699. "I'm starting to think that way a little bit myself, and it scares the shit out of me"
  1700. >"Do you think she can? Like actually change things?"
  1701. "Nopony knows. She CAN start a shitstorm that I'm going to get caught in"
  1702. >"You get used to being in a shitstorm, especially when you don't have a choice about it"
  1703. >God, he reminds you of the way you used to think
  1704. >Which makes you both sad for him and a little jealous
  1705. >And that conflicted feeling makes you horny
  1706. >Without knowing exactly how generous Ada Maria is with her stallion you probably should wrap this up
  1707. "Well good talking with you. I gotta get back to work"
  1708. >"Yeah, me too. We'll have to have you and Rose over sometime soon"
  1709. "Definitely. I'd love to see the old place and what you've done with it"
  1710. >"She changed a few things, but I think you'd still recognize it"
  1711. >Slaves in the penthouse, free ponies on the street
  1712. >A smug echo of your former self thinks, "That's how it's supposed to be"
  1713. >But you know that isn't true
  1714. >There' no "supposed to be" about any of this
  1715. >Just what is and what could be
  1717. >Be Cloudburst
  1718. >You are angry and confused about so many things
  1719. >Master... Daddy told you Blinders Off was not a show for good girls
  1720. >And you watched it and knew what he meant
  1721. >It was bad girls talking about bad girl things
  1722. >But today is different
  1723. >You have no idea why daddy would put that yellow bitch on TV
  1724. >She's not just a bad girl, she's the baddest of bad girls
  1725. >She's saying things nopony should even THINK!
  1726. >And she's so shrill and angry while saying them!
  1727. >She's the most horrible pony you've ever seen
  1728. >And the half bottle of cider you have in you might only be making your reaction to her worse
  1729. >But you are mad
  1730. >You're almost shaking you're so angry
  1731. >But daddy knows better than you do
  1732. >Even if he likes making your tailhole sore
  1733. >You wish he didn't like that - or being so rough with your wings - so much
  1734. >But that's being ungrateful and selfish
  1735. >You can't EVER be that!
  1736. >You couldn't have dreamed of a better master... daddy
  1737. >He's so good to you - you're a bad girl for even thinking of complaints
  1738. >He's a smart, powerful, rich man who takes very good care of you
  1739. >A sore tailhole now and then is nothing when the truth is you can't imagine a better life
  1740. >Not like that yellow free unicorn bitch he put on TV
  1741. >You shouldn't be watching it because you're a good girl
  1742. >You should just change the chanel
  1743. >But DADDY put this hot garbage on TV!
  1744. >He knows something you don't, and while this isn't for you
  1745. >You can't look away, even from the stupid ad with animated bears for toilet paper
  1746. >The yellow bitch said she's speaking for those who have no voice
  1747. >She specifically mentionned pegasi
  1748. >Do you dare ask daddy to put you on the show?
  1749. >Because you HAVE a voice and you'd love to tell her she's a piece of shit and she should shut the fuck up
  1750. >She wants to ruin everything - she wants to take you away from daddy
  1751. >The thought is terrifying!
  1752. >But you know that's never going to happen
  1753. >If daddy thought there was even the slightest chance of that he wouldn't have let her be on TV
  1754. >Right?
  1755. >And there's that cunt Rose nodding along like the ungrateful bitch she is
  1756. >Daddy gave her everything she wanted, including her freedom
  1757. >Yet here she is on TV stabbing him in the back!
  1758. >Again
  1759. >Why does he let her do this?!
  1760. >You almost can't believe she's an earth pony because she sure as fuck acts like a filthy unicorn
  1761. >You shouldn't think like that
  1762. >You were brought up knowing racism is bad, and you shouldn't be racist
  1763. >Even though a teeny tiny little bit of racism against unicorns is perfectly normal
  1764. >But you can't take it too far or you'll be racist, which isn't good
  1765. >You take another sip of your cider
  1766. >The card daddy gave you doesn't work at the wine shop, just the grocery store
  1767. >But you've learned you can buy some cider on the budget you're alotted
  1768. >If you just take the cost out of your food budget
  1769. >Which means on days like today when you know daddy isn't going to visit you can choose not to eat
  1770. >And instead have a couple ciders
  1771. >It should be one or the other because you don't want to get fat - you know cider is fattening
  1772. >You've got to stay sexy for daddy
  1773. >Because there's no better feeling than him taking pleasure from you
  1774. >Knowing you're satisfying him by his grunts and moans of pleasure
  1775. >And cummies!
  1776. >Because of you - you make him happy!
  1777. >And that's EVERYTHING!
  1778. >Now the other unicorn, Moonglow is talking
  1779. >She's about as good a girl as a unicorn can be
  1780. >"I miss Equestria as much as anypony," Moonglow says, "and being able to use magic in a proper sense"
  1781. >You didn't realize she was that old - as old as Roseluck at least
  1782. >"But there's nothing there anymore, and if I'm being honest I have it better here than I did there," she continues
  1783. "You tell her!," you say to the television
  1784. >"My master is a kind, powerful man who dotes on me. If I wanted to go shopping in Paris I could"
  1785. >"Nonsense," Sunrise counters, "No slaver would let his property go somewhere where they'd automatically be granted asylum"
  1786. >"I've been to Paris," Moonglow replies very smugly
  1787. >"Why are you even on this show?," the yellow bitch asks
  1788. >Moonglow laughs
  1789. >"I like to think I balance out the opinions here," she answers, "But the truth is my master used to play golf with the executive producer"
  1790. >"So you're in the top one percent," Sunrise responds
  1791. >"My master is, for sure," a still smug Moonglow answers, "But as far as ponies go I'm more like the top seven or eight percent"
  1792. >Roseluck adds, "Owning a mare is still very much a status symbol for wealthy men"
  1793. >Moonglow smiles and replies, "Owning the RIGHT mare, that is"
  1794. "Rose, you just got TOLD by a unicorn!"
  1795. >You're probably being a little silly talking back to the TV, but you have enough cider in you that you don't care
  1796. >"And you know you're missing the critical ingredient for your day of action march in Brooklyn, right?," Moonglow adds
  1797. >"What am I missing?," Sunrise asks
  1798. >"A reason for anyone to care," Moonglow replies, "Beyond this show who is going to cover it. The New York Post?"
  1799. >"Why wouldn't they?," the yellow bitch says
  1800. >"They might give you a paragraph buried somewhere under a byline like 'Strays on Parade', but I doubt it," Moonglow answers
  1801. >Strays - that's hilarious
  1802. >You're laughing a little more than you should, but fuck it - it feels better than being angry
  1803. >The show is a lot better when Moonglow is talking
  1804. >"You know the history of slavery in this country," Monglow continues
  1805. >Crystal interrupts her, "We do not conflate our struggle with that of African Americans"
  1806. >"You don not conflate YOUR struggle," Moonglow answers, "but I do. The parallels are obvious"
  1807. >"Not to me," Sunrise replies
  1808. >"You're lying," Moonglow counters, "That's the reason why you're here"
  1809. >"What's the reason?," Sunrise asks, hesitating a little
  1810. >Moomglow has her on the defensive, which is fun to watch even though you have no idea what she's getting at
  1811. >"After being emancipated blacks in former slave states were brutalized, terrorized and lynched for a century," Moonglow says
  1812. >Silence
  1813. >"And no one cared," She continues, "You know this. Then suddenly the eyes of the nation were on their struggle. Why?"
  1814. >"I can't believe you're going there," Crystal comments
  1815. >"It's why she's here, isn't it?," Moonglow continues, "No one cares about ponies marching. But if white kids march with them and something happens to them?"
  1816. >"That's not why I'm here," Sunrise replies, "But of course we welcome the support of all who want to stand with us, four legs or two"
  1817. >"You have to say that," Moonglow answers, "but what you really need is white kids"
  1818. >There's some murmuring in the audience
  1819. >"Show of hands," she continues, "How many white people under thirty sympathize with this cause?"
  1820. >The camera panns to the audience to show about a quarter of them raising their hands
  1821. >"If you really want to support Sunrise you'll march with her in Brooklyn," she concludes, "I won't be joining you, though"
  1822. >"I can't believe you did that," Sunrise says, a little dazed
  1823. >"You're welcome," Moonglow answers, then turns toward Ada Maria, "Can we move on from this topic now?"
  1824. >Wow
  1825. >Good girl steals the show by calling the bad girl out on her shit
  1826. >That was satisfying
  1827. >Maybe daddy lets bad girls on TV just for moments like this
  1828. >Or maybe he's just fearless
  1829. >He knows you're his no matter what bad girls have to say about it
  1830. >So they can make fools out of themselves on television all they want to
  1831. >Of course they need white people with them
  1832. >Not to march, but to be their masters
  1833. >If you were on the show that's what you would have said
  1834. >But you realize you don't want to be on the show at all
  1835. >Unless daddy says you have to be
  1836. >You're pretty sure he has no interest in you that way
  1837. >And you're very happy with the way he is interested in you
  1838. >Maybe you'll have another cider and watch some cartoons
  1839. >That sounds like a plan
  1841. >Be VP
  1842. >Riding in the back of your black car to surprise Cloudy
  1843. >You know she doesn't have all that much going on in her life
  1844. >Not that everypony HAS to be motivated
  1845. >But it's been a few days since you've seen her
  1846. >And you know she likes riding in the car and being taken out to eat
  1847. >So this ought to be a nice little surprise for her
  1848. >You're feeling a little celebratory yourself, because it's been a big day
  1849. >Blinders aired a couple hours ago with Sunrise as the guest
  1850. >You were informed that the @BlindersOff account on twitter went wild
  1851. >And the hashtag #KeepTheMagicAlive is trending
  1852. >Also you lost an advertiser, like you figured
  1853. >So you're pretty pleased with yourself
  1854. >So far you've done very well creating and then shining a spotlight on pony controversy
  1855. >Sunrise is nothing short of a gift to the show
  1856. >Her call for a Day of Action march in Brooklyn just got national exposure
  1857. >This could be the start of a movement
  1858. >And something of a legacy for you
  1859. >When people and ponies play the clip of today's show for historic reference long after you're dead
  1860. >Better than looking up outtakes from Orson Welles drunkenly trying to get through TV commercials for Paul Masson
  1861. >Muah, the French!
  1862. >It's funny but it's also sad what he was reduced to
  1863. >You hear the great man's voice in your head: "Here under protest is beefburgers - we know a little place in the American far west..."
  1864. >You sigh
  1865. >Now the real question is how do you keep your talent away from Sunrise's Day of Action
  1866. >Crystal is impossible to keep away
  1867. >You can't comtrol her, and she's very much on board with the movement
  1868. >So best to send her with a camera and a unicorn tech or two
  1869. >So that if Sunrise has her Howard Beale moment you'll have exclyusive footage of it
  1870. >God, that movie was meant as a dark warning satire, but in retrospect it pretty much predicted the future
  1871. >Chayefsky was a fucking genius
  1872. >Though you think you're not so bad yourself
  1873. >You've pulled a few good moves
  1874. >Like stealing from Letterman's playbook and making a cameramare one of the voices on the show
  1875. >That worked out really well
  1876. >What about Roseluck?
  1877. >You can pressure her security pony to advise her against it
  1878. >She's more cautious than she usecd to be, due to the combination of motherhood and getting herself kidnapped
  1879. >But if that doesn't work you can place a major order from her shop that day so she can't go
  1880. >Cynthia's birthday is coming up, so there's a perfect excuse to fill the place with flowers
  1881. >Keep that in your back pocket
  1882. >Moonglow has no interest - she made that clear both to Sunrise and the audience
  1883. >That white kids bit was a good moment - you feel roud of casting her
  1884. >Ada Maria is company property, so no problems there
  1885. >Besides you're putting her and Juan Pablo up in the penthouse - they have every incentive not to go against your wishes
  1886. >And they know it
  1887. >Bronc's whore, what about her?
  1888. >There's still plenty of juice left in that orange so you don't want her in harm's way
  1889. >That's why you're paying for her security as well
  1890. >But you don't think she's at the point of coming out and supporting abolitionists
  1891. >Yet
  1892. >She could actually be moving in that direction, though
  1893. >The reluctant free mare who grew up as a sex slave and thought that was normal
  1894. >She was a big part of the show's early critical success
  1895. >Plenty of viewers tuned in to see what the mare from the fairytale wedding had to say
  1896. >Only to be shocked by matter of fact descriptions of filly sexual exploitation
  1897. >People were pretty naive not to realize that was a thing
  1898. >You make creatures that attractive private property and people will be fucking them, even the young ones
  1899. >There's always those who will pay extra for the young ones, as creepy as that is
  1900. >Seems kind of obvious
  1901. >You spent a lot of money on a little grey pegasus, and not all of that premium price was the wings
  1902. >Then again plenty of people get most of their information from TV, with a little social media on the side
  1903. >Pony issues were never covered from the pony's point of view before
  1904. >And you were the first man brave enough to do that on national television
  1905. >Brave - you know you weren't brave at all
  1906. >You just knew a bunch of pretty mares would make for good TV
  1907. >And if you did minimal editing to what they said it would also be shocking as well
  1908. >More shocking than Hippodrome
  1909. >Sex sells - even Sunrise is beautiful, which makes her easier to put on television
  1910. >Makes you wonder what percentage of your viewers are pro-slavery men jacking off the the fantasy of tying her down and hatefucking her
  1911. >Probably more than you'd expect - that does sound kind of hot
  1912. >It took a fair bit of willpower not to hatefuck Bronc's whore when she threw herself at you
  1913. >But not giving her what she wanted was the play there
  1914. >Could you imagine being that cunt's master?
  1915. >It would have been nothing but hate sex, and that would done some negative things to your head
  1916. >And the show, which hinged on her journey to freedom at the time, even if it wasn't obvious to her
  1917. >Now you've pulled the lens back to all of ponykind
  1918. >You hope this doesn't get you shot - again
  1919. >Unlikely
  1920. >The real target here is yellow and outraged, with a horn growing out of her head
  1921. >And the whole country just met her thanks to you
  1922. >The car has now stopped at a familiar residential building
  1923. >In front of a fire hydrant
  1924. "Wait here, we'll be down in a couple minutes," you say to the driver
  1925. >You let yourself in the front door using your key and walk up the steps to the apartment where you keep your pony
  1926. "Cloudy?," you call out as you slide your key in the lock, so as not to scare her
  1927. >Ponies spook easier than people
  1928. "Cloudy," you call out again opening the door to the modest but tastefully arranged studio apartmenmt
  1929. >The TV is on, and your little pony is asleep on the floor in front of it
  1930. >You notice an empty bottle of cider on it's side next to her
  1931. >And register a little disapproval
  1932. >Which builds as you note the state of her mane and tail
  1933. "Cloudy!"
  1934. >That rouses her
  1935. >"Daddy? I wasn't expeshting today"
  1936. >Obviously - she's already been drinking
  1937. >Who taught her to do that?
  1938. >She registers the disapproval on your face and her ears go back, eyes widening
  1939. >"Daddy, I'm sorry!"
  1940. >You walk over to er and crouch down
  1941. >She looks at you in fear
  1942. "It's OK. Give me a hug"
  1943. >She stands up on her hind legs and presses into you
  1944. >Bursting into tears
  1945. >Her scent is stronger than usual
  1946. >Not like she's in heat, just like unwashed mare with a whiff of alcohol
  1947. >Fuck!
  1948. >Your little pony is depressed!
  1949. >YOU are a bad master!
  1950. "It's OK. Everything is going to be OK. You're still my good girl"
  1951. >You cradle her head with your hand and she clams down a little
  1952. >Of course she's depressed - you've made her world so fucking small
  1953. >What else does she have to fill it when you're not around beyond TV and daydrinking?
  1954. >You bought a flower shop for your last one, but what have you done for this one?
  1955. >Other than getting her into drinking and creepy roleplay?
  1956. >She has a cutie mark, which means she has a special talent
  1957. >You don't even know what it is - you never bothered reading her paperwork
  1958. >You don't even know how old she is!
  1959. >You were so excited to get your hands on her you didn't give a fuck about WHO she actually was
  1960. >Beyond a trained little sex pet
  1961. >It's been all about your desires with zero consideration of what her needs might be
  1962. >Obviously she needs better than that from you
  1963. >You've got to fix this
  1964. >After a minute's embrace you feel her push away from you ever so slightly
  1965. >"Daddy, I have to...," she says looking in the direction of the toilet
  1966. >You release her and she trots in that direction in an almost but not quite straight line
  1967. >You reach for your work phone and call the driver waiting downstairs
  1968. "Bobby? Change of plans. Take the rest of the night off"
  1970. >Be Cloudburst
  1971. >In the bathroom, peeing
  1972. >Embarrassed, ashamed and terrified that you've been...
  1973. >A bad girl
  1974. >You neglected your appearance thinking master would never find out
  1975. >Drinking and not bothering to bathe for three days behind his back because you figured he'd never know
  1976. >That's not what a good girl would do
  1977. >If you were doing something you didn't want him to find out about than you were actually being...
  1978. >Bad
  1979. >Two bottles of cider is a lot for you
  1980. >Thankfully you'd drunk them over the course of the afternoon then fell asleep
  1981. >You're still drunk, but can speak without slurring if you concentrate on it
  1982. >The shower is right next to you
  1983. >You shouldn't keep master waiting, but by the same token he shouldn't see you in the state you're in
  1984. >How fast could you put yourself at least halfway together?
  1985. >Realistically ten to fifteen minutes - that's too long
  1986. >But you could improve the state of you quite a bit in a mere five
  1987. >You flush the toilet and open the door to call out to daddy
  1988. "Daddy, is it OK if I take five minutes to... freshen up a little?"
  1989. >"Take ten," he answers. "I'm going to order delivery. Thai sound good?"
  1990. >You weren't planning on eating today, but something salty sounds really good right now
  1991. >Not that you deserve it
  1992. >A quick look in the mirror confirms this
  1993. >You look like shit, and you can't believe you let daddy see you like this!
  1994. >You are so ashamed and rush to turn on the water in the shower
  1995. "Thai sounds wonderful, thank you!"
  1996. >You hope that sounded more cheerful than you feel - at least you got it out without slurring
  1997. >It would be wrong to let daddy down any more than you already have
  1998. >You know he's disappointed in you at the very least
  1999. >But it's probably worse than that!
  2000. >You shiver as you get into the shower even though the water has yet to get hot
  2001. >Making him wait for you will only make things worse, no matter what he says
  2002. >You hurry through your shower, not even bnothering with soap or shampoo
  2003. >Even a wet mane and tail will look better with a quick brushie than what you just saw in the mirror
  2004. >You really should blow them out, but taking the time to do that seems unwise
  2005. >Making daddy wait for you a second more than absolutely necessary is a bad idea
  2006. >So as much as you'd love to grab the drier you resist doing so
  2007. >At least you smell better now
  2008. >You can't believe he hugged you like that
  2009. >What if he was disgusted?
  2010. >He certainly SHOULD have been - you were fucking disgusting
  2011. >He should never have seen - or smelled - you like that
  2012. >Stupid, lazy and self-indulgent, that's what you are!
  2013. >And drunk, but a quick look in the mirror reveals you're now borderline passable
  2014. >Still not fit to be seen by him, but in the best shape you're going to get yourself without making him wait any longer
  2015. >With your ears back you emerge from the bathroom to find daddy sitting on the couch looking at his phone
  2016. >As you approach him he looks up
  2017. >"Tere you are," he says gently, "Feel a little better?"
  2018. "A little, but you should never have seen me like that. I'm so sorry, daddy"
  2019. >"I'm the one who surprised you. Ended up surprising myself in the process"
  2020. >You lower your head to look at his feet because you don't deserve to look him in the eye
  2021. >You feel his hand on your wet mane
  2022. >"I'm not upset. I'm not pleased, but it's not your fault. This is my doing"
  2023. "You're very indulgent daddy, but I can accept responsibility for my own actions. I know I was bad"
  2024. >"No you weren't. This is my fault. I get you drunk a bunch of times then leave you cooped up for days on end with nothing to do"
  2025. >You can't believe what you're hearing!
  2026. >You have to tread very carefully with what you say, and being drunk isn't helping
  2027. >You can't contradict him, but he's making way too light of this!
  2028. >You KNEW you'd let yourself get into a state he'd disapprove of, but you did it anyway
  2029. "I was the one who let myself go, which I never should have done. I'm sorry"
  2030. >"I'm the one who put you in that position. I'm the one in control here. I should have known better"
  2031. "I'm sorry to have made you feel like that daddy, and I'm ready to accept the consequences"
  2032. >You have to bring up punishment if he won't
  2033. >He's never punished you before, and the idea is terrifying
  2034. >But things can't get back to normal until it happens - that's what you were taught
  2035. >And like it or not now is the time
  2036. >You'd hoped this time would never come because you figured you could be a good enough girl to avoid it
  2037. >But you've failed at that
  2038. >And as kind as daddy is trying to shoulder some of the responsibility for your transgression
  2039. >You were still bad and have to be punished
  2040. >He's giving you a puzzled look
  2041. >No need to beat around the bush
  2042. >Just say it
  2043. >So with ears all the way back, eyes on his shoes you summon your most contrite voice and say:
  2044. "I think we'll both feel better after I'm properly punished, daddy"
  2046. >Be VP
  2047. >Your little pegasus just asked you to punish her
  2048. >This situation makes you thankful your sadistic streak is very short and narrow
  2049. >Because while visions of physically abusing her flew through your head for a second there's no way you would actually go there
  2050. >You can see how guys get off on that shit, but that isn't you
  2051. >Poor little thing
  2052. >She really expects some kind of physical retribution - she believes that's what she deserves
  2053. >Maybe Sunrise has a point
  2054. >The training they put private property ponies through really fucks with their heads
  2055. >Owning a sex pet is a level of fucked up you can deal with
  2056. >But facing a situation where she'd actually be relieved if you beat the shit out of her right now?
  2057. >She's actually expecting it
  2058. >That's a little more fucked up than you want to deal with
  2059. >Railing her a little too roughly is one thing
  2060. >Beating her is another entirely
  2061. "I'm not going to punish you for being depressed, Cloudy"
  2062. >She's looking at your shoes
  2063. "Look at me"
  2064. >Slowly she lifts her head, but doesn't quite manage eye contact
  2065. >She looks ashamed, but also scared - she's shaking
  2066. "I'm not going to punish you"
  2067. >"I'm sorry I disappointed you, daddy. I know what I deserve"
  2068. "I said it's not your fault. You're depressed, and that's my fault. I've been neglecting you, and I'm sorry for that"
  2069. >Now she looks confused
  2070. >"Depressed?"
  2071. "That's what it looks like. I'm not a psychologist, but getting drunk alone in the middle of the day while watching TV?"
  2072. >She blushes
  2073. "Yeah, that sounds like you're depressed"
  2074. >"Isn't that selfish of me?," she asks in a very quiet, small voice
  2075. "What do you mean?"
  2076. >"I was taught depression was a luxury for people, not ponies. We're not supposed to be depressed"
  2077. "A luxury? I don't know about that. But let's say it's true. Your circumstances are more luxurious than you've even known before, right?"
  2078. >"That makes it worse. I'm not just selfish, I'm ungrateful. I'm so sorry daddy"
  2079. "Stop apologizing. It doesn't work that way. Look at a guy like Tony Bourdain - he was living the dream"
  2080. >"I don't know who that is"
  2081. "Was. He was a guy who had it all - fame, bestselling books, several hit shows, got to travel the world - all on his own terms"
  2082. >"What happened to him?"
  2083. "He killed himself"
  2084. >"Why would he do that?"
  2085. "Because he was depressed"
  2086. >He pupils go narrow
  2087. >"I would never do that, daddy"
  2088. "Of course you wouldn't. His depression was chronic, yours is acute - different things"
  2089. >"I don't understand"
  2090. "We can make a few changes in your life and make you happier, I'm pretty sure"
  2091. >"Changes?"
  2092. "Yeah. something to give you more of a purpose, keep you busy doing somethng you like"
  2093. >"I have a purpose - pleasing you, daddy"
  2094. "And you're very good at it," you say running a hand through her mane
  2095. >She looks at you pleadingly
  2096. "You are a good girl, Cloudy. But pleasing me doesn't fill up all the days in the week, does it?"
  2097. >"No...," she says looking away
  2098. >You look at her flank - her cutie mark looks like a brush and a pencil - what's that supposed to mean?
  2099. "Why don't you tell me the story of how you got your cutie mark?"
  2100. >"We're not supposed to talk about our lives before, daddy"
  2101. "Who told you that?"
  2102. >"It's what we were taught"
  2103. "You were also taught to do what your master tells you, right?"
  2104. >She nods
  2105. "So tell me the story of how you got your cutie mark"
  2106. >She hesitates, then brightens a little
  2107. >"Well, you know all of us girls were taught how to keep ourselves looking good for the masters we'd have someday"
  2108. "Of course"
  2109. >"Some of us were better at it than others. A lot of the girls would go too heavy with the makeup, which doesn't look classy at all"
  2110. "So they looked more like whorses than bedmares"
  2111. >"You have to be subtle with it. I understood that"
  2112. "Obviously. I never realized you wore makeup"
  2113. >"This is the first time you've seen me without it I think. I still think you should punish me for that"
  2114. >Boy is this one lucky you don't get off on that kind of thing
  2115. "Continue the story"
  2116. >"So one day Lily shows up looking like a... what you said, and I took her into the bathroom with some of the other girls who were having trouble"
  2117. >She smiles at the memory
  2118. >"I not only fixed her up, but showed all of them how to do it right. And since the blow dryer was right there I blew out her mane as well"
  2119. "I bet she looked great"
  2120. >"She looked amazing! Then it happened. A hairbrush and an eyeliner appeared on my flank"
  2121. "So your special talent is being a stylist who could someday end up teaching at a beauty school?"
  2122. >"If I weren't so much more valuable as a bedmare, maybe that would have happened"
  2123. "I think it still could. Give me a minute to think"
  2124. >You know a pegasus stylist from work - pink and gay - what the fuck is his name?
  2125. >He's really good, too
  2126. >He does both Hippodrome and Blinders Off
  2127. >Vidal! Of course that's his fucking name!
  2128. >You can call him tomorrow
  2129. "Would you like the chance to put your special talent to use? Doing hair and makeup for ponies?"
  2130. >Now her eyes go wide, pupils as well
  2131. >"You'd DO that for me, daddy?"
  2132. "Plenty of men let their mares work. And it's not like there isn't work for stylists at the network I happen to run"
  2133. >She claps her forehooves together, which is adorable
  2134. >But then she gives you a confused look
  2135. >"I don't understand it, daddy"
  2136. "Understand what?"
  2137. >"I feel like I was a bad girl, and instead of punishing me you're rewarding me"
  2138. "You're not looking at the big picture. I created a small problem and solved it before it became a big one"
  2139. >She considers this
  2140. "And that solution might just make your life a little brighter, which is good for both of us"
  2141. >"Then I should make your balls a little emptier"
  2142. "Look who's all raunchy"
  2143. >"Sorry daddy. I'm still a little drunk"
  2144. >You unbuckle your pants and unzip your fly, giving a growing Little John some air
  2145. "It's OK. You should make my balls a little emptier regardless"
  2146. >She's immediately on you with almost calf-like desperation
  2147. >You don't even last a minute
  2148. >And as you're zipping your fly back up the buzzer rings
  2149. "That would be our dinner"
  2151. >Be mare
  2152. >He wants to meet in a so called neutral place
  2153. >So you chose a coffee shop that has a mixed clientele - two legs and four, light and dark colored people
  2154. >This time of day there's just a few people on laptops and one pony couple patronizing the place
  2155. >He's sitting at a table by himself, and stands to meet you as you walk in
  2156. >He looks so much better without the beard
  2157. >You like to think you can play this cool, but you can't
  2158. >You run into his arms to be rewarded with a somewhat hesitant hug
  2159. >Not what you were hoping for, but not unexpected
  2160. >By the time her releases you 47 has taken a seat at the bar, leaving you some privacy
  2161. >"I got married last weekend, you know"
  2162. >You knew he was getting married soon, but didn't know it had happened already
  2163. >Of course you wouldn't - there was no way he was going to invite you!
  2164. "So it's definitely over between us?"
  2165. >"You knew that"
  2166. "Well your timing is shit. YOU convince me I deserve to be taken care of, give me a little taste of it, then leave me hanging!"
  2167. >That came out sounding angrier than you meant, and you don't stop yourself from adding:
  2168. "It's not fair!"
  2169. >"Since when did you give a shit about what's fair?"
  2170. >Good question
  2171. >Its never been something you thought about before
  2172. >But now it's something you hear all the time
  2173. "I live with a free colt. What is and isn't fair is a really big deal to him"
  2174. >"There you have it. You're settling in to being a free pony"
  2175. "I guess. But it's lonely"
  2176. >You don't want to make a fool out of yourself, but you hear yourself saying in a very low voice
  2177. "I ache for you"
  2178. >He gives you a loving look that quickly turns sympathetic, and lifts his left hand to show you the gold ring on his finger
  2179. >"I can accept being the guy who allowed a magical creature to seduce him to cheat on his fiancee"
  2180. "That was a two way street and you know it!"
  2181. >"Fair enough, but I'm not the kind of guy who cheats on his wife"
  2182. >You don't know why that's such a big fucking deal, but he seems adamant
  2183. >"Can I get you something?"
  2184. "A coffee, I guess"
  2185. >"Black?"
  2186. "A little milk, thanks"
  2187. >You feel a little like a fool
  2188. >For the second time in recent memory you're practically throwing yourself at a man who you KNOW is going to reject you
  2189. >But when he returns with the coffee you try just one more time
  2190. "Plenty of married men have pony mistresses"
  2191. >He gives you another sympathetic look
  2192. >"You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"
  2193. "Can't blame a girl for going after what she wants"
  2194. >"You're a free pony now - you can do better than being some man's mistress"
  2195. >You'd love to have a comeback for that, but he's right
  2196. >"You were happy being married, weren't you?"
  2197. "Of course. But I can't just run out and buy a replacement for him. He was one of a kind"
  2198. >He sighs
  2199. >"No offense, but he was a notorious wreck of a drunk. Talented and good looking? Sure. Obviously madly in love with you, too. But..."
  2200. >You feel anger rising - if he says anything else bad about master you're going to...
  2201. >You don't know what you'll do
  2202. >"I know what you two had was special, but you're such a kind beautiful mare... You can do just as well of better when you're ready"
  2203. "And how do I do that?"
  2204. >"Socialize. Meet some ponies"
  2205. "I don't know how to do that!"
  2206. >"Doesn't Ponytown have a nightlife scene?"
  2207. >You think of the little bar a couple blocks from your place
  2208. "Not really," you lie
  2209. >You could easily meet somepony there
  2210. >Certainly a Mr Right Now if not a Mr Right
  2211. >Then again master was hardly a Mr Right by most standards
  2212. >The life of ease in the penthouse with America's sexiest stallion was great
  2213. >But the constant drinking was something you had to actively overlook
  2214. >He wasn't nearly as sexy when he was red-eyed and slurring and only half-hard
  2215. >Which was the end of every night
  2216. >And that might have become a problem over time if it hadn't killed him
  2217. >The morning sex was fire, though
  2218. >And master's dick was bigger than this guy's
  2219. >You almost want to say that, but it seems cruel to punish him for being right
  2220. >Then again it was cruel of him to awaken something in you and just walk away emotionally
  2221. >While you still have to see him at work
  2222. >That's probably why workplace relationships are frowned upon, or it's one of the reasons
  2223. >But can you REALLY do better?
  2224. >Find a stallion as sexy as master, but as emotionally supportive as this guy - as he was for a minute at least?
  2225. >Do those two things even go together?
  2226. >"I'm not going to be cheesy and tell you you'll find The One. It'll probably be hit or miss out there for you like it is for everyone"
  2227. >You nod absently
  2228. >"There is no The One. But there are probably hundreds of stallions out there that you would be very happy with"
  2229. >Again you nod
  2230. >"I'm just saying don't settle for less than what you deserve, like being someone's mistress"
  2231. >Fuck, he's probably right again, though you would never have been able to admit that before now
  2232. "I want you, but I guess it's good our timing was such shit"
  2233. >"Why is that?"
  2234. "Because you being right all the time would have gotten old really quickly"
  2235. >He smiles
  2236. >"It's not like I haven't heard that before"
  2237. "Guys love being right. It's annoying"
  2238. >"Sorry to be annoying"
  2239. "I'm not kidding myself though, right? You really do give a shit. You really do care and believe in me, right?"
  2240. >"Of course I do. I put my fucking future in jeopardy just to show you"
  2241. >That makes you feel a little better for some reason
  2242. >But the message is clear
  2243. >His life has moved on, so yours should, too
  2244. >"That and the obvious," he adds
  2245. >Now you smile at him
  2246. "The obvious was good, too"
  2247. >"Good enough that I still feel guilty about it"
  2248. >That makes you feel a little better as well
  2249. "No point in that. We did what we did. It wasn't meaningless, but it's over. And you can still say you're not the kind of guy who cheats on his wife"
  2250. >Knowing the way men are you have to add:
  2251. "At least for the time being"
  2253. >The walk home with 47 is uneventful
  2254. >As you climb the steps to the front door you see a unicorn mare leaving his apartment
  2255. >She quickly pushes past the two of you, eyes downcast
  2256. >Her mane looked like shit, and her make up was pretty awful
  2257. >She was skinny and scraggly, too
  2258. >You know exactly what she was - a skank
  2259. >A streetwalker
  2260. >You shoot a questioning glance at 47 even though it's obvious what the situation is
  2261. >"You weren't supposed to see that, Ma'am"
  2262. "I'm in no position to judge"
  2263. >But you are judging her hard
  2264. >Not for being a whorse, you'd never look down on anypony for that
  2265. >But for not taking any pride in her appearance, and probably none in her work, either
  2266. >Generally cheapening the profession
  2267. >And lowering the value of mares in general
  2268. >Because she clearly wasn't a real pro
  2269. >She's doing it to feed a habit, and is most likely making a beeline to her dealer right now
  2270. "What do you think she was on?"
  2271. >"Meth, from the looks of her, Ma'am"
  2272. "Out of professional curiosity, if you don't mind me asking... What does a mare like that cost to...?"
  2273. >"She'll ask for fifty, but you can always negotiate her down, especially if she's having a bad day"
  2274. "How far down?"
  2275. >"Depends. Half that if she's desperate"
  2276. >You know what clients of your former organization pay for similar services
  2277. >It's A LOT more than that - beyond an order of magnitude more
  2278. >Suddenly you remember being a filly at the brothel
  2279. >Spying on a couple of workmen there doing something involving wires
  2280. >They were talking about a mutual friend's new girlfriend in a less than flattering way
  2281. >One of them said, "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick"
  2282. >And it was all you could do to keep from laughing so hard they would have heard you
  2283. >But you managed to keep quiet
  2284. >Now you can imagine 47 walking in there and saying that to 42
  2285. "You get what you pay for, I guess"
  2287. >Walking into your apartment you're greeted by the sight of Cuddleslut sitting in the kitchen
  2288. >Completely engrossed in some game he's playing on Rose's smartphone
  2289. >He's gotten so big so fast
  2290. "Where's mommy?"
  2291. >"She's having a playdate with Miss Chrissy. They're in our room talking about grown up stuff"
  2292. >Playdate?!
  2293. >Miss Chrissy? Who the fuck is that?
  2294. >The door to their room is shut
  2295. >Weird
  2296. >But you hear hoofsteps and Rose opens it
  2297. >"How was your thing?," she asks
  2298. "Exactly what I expected"
  2299. "Is that good or bad?," she queries
  2300. "Neither. How's your 'playdate'?"
  2301. >She opens the door a little more to reveal Crystal is in there with her
  2302. >"We're having fun," Roseluck answers with a nervous giggle
  2303. >The smile on Crystal's face and molten look in her eyes suggests what Kind of fun
  2304. >Are they hooking up?!
  2305. >That's kind of what this looks like
  2306. "Hi Crystal! Planning the revolution?"
  2307. >"More like entertaining the troops," she replies
  2308. "Well if I'd have known you were coming I'd have picked up some wine"
  2309. >"I brought a bottle," she replies, "I'd offer you a glass, but we finished it"
  2310. >Rose giggles again
  2311. >Well fuck, look at that
  2312. >You may not agree with Crystal's politics, nor do you think she'll be a good influence on Rose that way
  2313. >But you'd been hoping Rose would find a marefriend sooner or later
  2314. >Crystal is a good mare, though
  2315. >You don't have to agree with everything somepony says to like them, and you consider her a friend
  2316. >Hopefully this showmance will work out better than yours did
  2317. "Should I run out and get another bottle?"
  2318. >"The place on the corner delivers now," Rose says turning to the colt, "Let mommy see her phone for a second, sweetie"
  2319. >"But mommy, I'm in the middle of a game!," he complains, "That's not fair!"
  2321. >Be Cloudburst
  2322. >Nervous about starting your new job - internship - today
  2323. >Daddy said you'd do great, because how could you not? It's your special talent!
  2324. >But this is such a big deal
  2325. >Daddy makes TV shows but he isn't famous
  2326. >You're going to be working with ponies who are actually ON TV!
  2327. >Celebrities!
  2328. >It all seems so glamorous, even more than when daddy takes you out to fancy restaurants
  2329. >But you're nervous because you've been trained how to behave at restaurants and fancy parties
  2330. <You don't know a thing about how to act in the workplace, and you don't want to say or do anything that'll make you look stupid
  2331. >Especially in front of celebrities
  2332. >Daddy was confident Vidal would show you the ropes and you'd be fine
  2333. >It's important to show him his confidence was not misplaced
  2334. >It's also important not to call him daddy at work - it has to be master or sir - he made that clear
  2335. >Just riding in the back of the black car with him on the way to work was exciting
  2336. >But now is the moment
  2337. >Daddy - master - leads you to makeup
  2338. >"If you want to go in on your own you can," he says, "He's expecting you"
  2339. >You realize what he doing
  2340. >He wants you to feel like a big girl who can do things on her own without needing her daddy there
  2341. "Thank you, sir. I've got this"
  2342. >You sound a lot more confident that you feel, but it gets a smile out of your master
  2343. >"Good girl," he replies and turns to walk away from you
  2344. >You walk into the room alone
  2345. >There are a few chairs facing lit mirrors along the wall with counters under them
  2346. >And there, looking down at his smartphome is a stunningly beautiful pink pegasus stallion
  2347. "Oh my god, you're gorgeous!"
  2348. >He looks up from his phone and gives you a very quick look up and down
  2349. >"Honey, I could say the same to you and it would be no lie! You must be Cloudburst"
  2350. "Yes sir!"
  2351. >"Oh, none of that sir shit, please. Call me Vidal. Do you go by Cloudy?"
  2352. "Yes, I do"
  2353. >"Then welcome to Makeup, Cloudy. I hear it's your special talent, so you should fit right in"
  2354. "Unless my cutie mark is lying to me. Thanks"
  2355. >"Cutie marks don't lie.Sometimes their meaning isn't obvious, but that's not the case with us"
  2356. "It's good to be here, to get the chance to put my special talent to use"
  2357. >"Damn right it is. That was the first thing I told the BF when he bought me. I've got to be able to do what I do best"
  2358. "The BF?"
  2359. >"Boyfriend"
  2360. "You call your masteer your boyfriend?"
  2361. >"He is my boyfriend. Legally he may be my master, but I he didn't buy me to be a bottom"
  2362. "A botttom?"
  2363. >"He bought me because I'm obviously a top, and I'm going to act like one"
  2364. "A top?"
  2365. >"Oh, you're a sheltered little thing, aren't you? It's a sex thing, a gay thing... think about it"
  2366. >You do and end up blushing
  2367. >"OK, I don't need to say anything more. I'm guessing you have a very different relationship with John"
  2368. "He's definitely the top"
  2369. >"I would think so. It's not like you have the equipment to be one"
  2370. >You blush some more
  2371. >"Does he make you call him master?"
  2372. >Do you tell him?
  2373. >In spite of making you blush you like him
  2374. >You've never met a pony so frank and self-possesed before
  2375. >Fuck it, tell him
  2376. "I call him daddy"
  2377. >Vidal laughs
  2378. >"Oh, that old pervert! I get it though. Who wouldn't want to be your daddy? If you're going to rob the cradle may as well own up to it"
  2379. "Rob the cradle?"
  2380. >"You are half the age of his last mare. That's the kind of thing some ponies will tut tut about. Especially free mares"
  2381. >Makes sense, but it feels like he just called you a filly
  2382. >You may be young, but you're not a filly anymore
  2383. >"They're just jealous, you know," the stallion adds
  2384. >He continues: "And speaking of John's ex and your maturity level I'm going to continue styling Roseluck until I know there's no weirness between you two"
  2385. "Fair enough"
  2386. >Good, actually
  2387. >You weren't exactly looking forward to meeting her
  2388. >Not after how she betrayed daddy - master
  2389. >And how he still looks out for her even though he has it so much better with you
  2390. >You don't like that
  2391. >So you don't like her, really
  2392. >You're actually thankful Vidal sees fit to keep you two separated, at least for a while
  2393. >That actually relieves a little anxiety
  2394. >"Any questions so far?"
  2395. "No. It seems a bit more freewheeling here than I expected, that's all. Not as proper as I thought a professional setting would be"
  2396. >Vidal laughs and says, "You mean raunchy? I know I'm raunchy. I hope you can deal with that"
  2397. "Of course I can. It's just a little bit of a surprise, that's all"
  2398. >"Talent and creatives have a lot of leeway here. We can get away with shit among ourselves that would have the office drones calling HR"
  2399. >He continues, "So as long as you act proper around them we get to keep our little bubble here"
  2400. >He suddenly looks a little sad
  2401. >"Hell, Bronc - rest his soul - used to come in still drunk from the night before. He drank on set! He made a lot of work for me"
  2402. "I've never been allowed to watch that show, but everytime I saw him on TV he looked great"
  2403. >"My doing. Well he was a beautiful stallion - except for that stupid mustache, which was John's idea. But he lived HARD, and I had to cover that up"
  2404. "From what I saw of him you did great! Like in the wedding! But I've never actually seen Hippodrome"
  2405. >"Nor should you. It's evil. I have no part in it beyond making the hosts look good, and that's more than enough"
  2406. >You hope you don't have to work on anypony associated with the show, if it really is as bad as everypony says
  2407. >"As long as we're on the topics of bad behavior and the level of discourse you know everypony sees the bond with their stylist as sacred, right?"
  2408. >You're not sure what he means by that
  2409. "I think so..."
  2410. >"They're going to tell you things. Overshare. TMI kind of stuff"
  2411. >You nod
  2412. >"Anything juicy you're going to share with me. This place is the nerve center, and I HAVE to know what's going on with everypony"
  2413. >So part odf this job is going to be gossiping with Vidal about the celebrities you style
  2414. >That sounds pretty good, actually
  2415. >You've never been much of a gossip, but you've never had much to gossip about
  2416. >Nor have you ever had a gorgeous, raunchy gay pink stallion to gossip with
  2417. >This is going to be a lot more fun than watching TV all day alone
  2418. >"But this bond is sacred," he continues, "which means anything said in this room stays here. Discretion is part of the job"
  2419. "I understand"
  2420. >"That goes double because of your relationship to an executive"
  2421. >Uh oh, that doesn't sound good
  2422. >"Johm is a smart guy. He knows everything that's going on here. You can't let him lean onm you for intel"
  2423. "I can't put myself in conflict with him, you know that"
  2424. >"There's no conflict," he replies, waving a wing dismissively
  2425. >It sure sounds like the possibility for some
  2426. >"I'm just saying discretion is part of our professional courtesy. John knows that, so of course he expects you to be discreet"
  2427. >That's a relief
  2428. >You sigh
  2429. >There's no way daddy would put you in a position where your loyalty was being split
  2430. >"It's just that if he ever forgets that it's on you to remind him"
  2432. >Be mare
  2433. >Talking with Rose on the way to today's Blinder's Off taping
  2434. >It turns out she met somepony she knew from Equestria at one of Sunrise's rallies
  2435. >She's become more intrerested in politics now that she's seeing Crystal
  2436. >Crystal is very into politics, the kind you think are dangerous
  2437. >You're happy Rose and Crystal are together, but you wish the politics weren't a part of it
  2438. >But Sunrise is charismatic, and her message seems to resonate with a lot of free ponies
  2439. >Including Rose's Equestrian friend Applebloom, who it turns out was a contestant on Hippodrome
  2440. "That's got to be rough on her. I understand it's kill or be killed, but you still have to live with being a killer"
  2441. >"That's the point," Rose answers, "She isn't a killer. Everypony just thinks she is"
  2442. "How is she still alive if she lost? And why is she free then?"
  2443. >"She didn't lose, she just refused to... um... finish the job. They had to fake that"
  2444. "Are you saying Hippodrome is like deep fakes?"
  2445. >"It wasn't at first back when it was done live and people could bet on it. Once the betting became illegal there was no reason to do it live"
  2446. "So they could just fake it?"
  2447. >"You were married to Perfect Pitch and you didn't know any of this?"
  2448. "He didn't want to talk about work, and I respected that"
  2449. >"He told me that sometimes they had to fake it. Using pro software so no one could tell"
  2450. "That's waht happened with your friend?"
  2451. >"Now everypony thinks she's a killer and she isn't!"
  2452. "You know the truth and we have a soapbox. You could vindicate her"
  2453. >"I wish it were that easy. John would never let that make it on the air"
  2454. "You sure? You've said a lot of negative things about him that aired"
  2455. >"Personal things. He has no problem with me trashing him personally as long as it makes for good television"
  2456. "But we can't go on the air and say Hippodrome is faked?"
  2457. >"That would hurt him professionally - the show is still popular. He won't allow us to hurt him professionally"
  2458. "So we can't help your friend... what was her name again?"
  2459. >"Applebloom. I'll figure something out"
  2460. >You've now walked through the building all he way to the make up room
  2461. >Entering you see not just one, but two pegasi - the large pink stallion you expected and a small grey mare
  2462. >"This is Cloudy," the stallion says to you in particular, "Our new intern. She'll be doing your mane and makeup today"
  2463. >You're a little doubtful, as she's younger than you
  2464. >But a quick look at he cuitie mark is reassuring - obviously she's meant to be a beautician
  2465. "Hi cloudy," you say setteling into the chair, "I've been going back and forth about the bangs for years. What do you think"
  2466. >"They're cute and they suit you. I'd keep them," she replies
  2467. >"That's what I always tell her," Vidal chimes in, the he says to Rose, "I've got you over here"
  2468. >With Cloudburst so close to you it's impossible not to smell her - she doesn't smell bad, but very obviously a young mare
  2469. >It's familiar, a smell you recognize - it's the way the VP smelled the last time you were in his office
  2470. "Are you John's good girl?"
  2471. >"Wow," sh3e replies, "gossip moves quickly around here! Yes, I am"
  2472. "Not gossip. I recognized your smell on him. You mark him pretty heavily"
  2473. >She blushes and says, "I do? I didn't even realize it"
  2474. "It's not like other people would notice, but it's pretty obvious to ponies, which I guess is the point"
  2475. >"You don't think I'm being out of line with it, do you?"
  2476. "He knows. Hell, I've pointed it out to him. He's the master, so he decides what's OK. If he didn't stop you it must be OK"
  2477. >"Now I'm embarrassed that it's that obvious"
  2478. "It's understandable if he's a good master"
  2479. >You hear a little snort from the other chair
  2480. >Rose obviously has her own opinions on the matter
  2481. >"He's a very good master," Cloudy says, then adds, "To me at least. But he is also a busy, important man""
  2482. >"Which is why you have this internship," Rose says with a sigh, "He is good that way"
  2483. >"What way?," Cloudy asks
  2484. >"He doesn't want your entire life to just be that of a kept mare," Rose answers, "When I was his he bought me a flower shop"
  2485. >You hear the barest whisper from Cloudy saying, "And look how you thanked him for it"
  2486. >It was too soft for Rose or Vidal to hear, clearly meant only for you
  2487. "Who knows? Maybe there's a salon in your future, Cloudy"
  2488. >Why did she trust you enough to make a comment like that to you?
  2489. >She has to know you and Rose are friends - roommates, even!
  2490. >It must have been something you said - what?
  2491. >Thinking back you realize what it was
  2492. >You didn't ask if she was John's bedmare, the term Rose would have used
  2493. >Or if she belonged to John, like a man or woman would have
  2494. >You asked if she was John's good girl - only somepony who was brought up to be a good girl would have said that
  2495. >You may be a free mare now and entertain some free pony thoughts, but obviously your upbringing still shows
  2496. >And she recognized that immediately
  2497. >Rose and Crystal would call it your indoctrination
  2498. >But it's the way you were raised, regardless
  2499. >You realize something else - all three mares in this room know what John's cock tastes like
  2500. >And all of you have benefitted from the man's generousity, even though two out of three of you hate him
  2501. >"I think I'm already very lucky," Cloudy says. "I have a good master and I get to put my special talent to use"
  2502. "And I'm guessing you never had to maximize ROI along the way by being a rental"
  2503. >"They told me I was too pretty for that," Cloudy replies
  2504. "It was a lie. Look at me. We're in the same league, right? Solid nines out of ten, really just a step short of supermodel territory"
  2505. >You look back to see her nod
  2506. "And I was a rental because I was sold to an organization that expected serious ROI. By the time John bought me for master..."
  2507. >You do the math in your head - it's just an estimate because you never saw your actual figures
  2508. "I'd probably paid for myself five times over and still cleared a decent profit on the sale"
  2509. >"Not everyone has the stomach for running that kind of organization," Vidal says, then to Cloudy, "Yours was called a finishing school?"
  2510. >"Yes," she replies, "How did you know?"
  2511. >"I know a couple people in the industry," the stallion replies, "There are a lot of gay owners and staff"
  2512. "Why?"
  2513. >"If you're in the market for a stallion you want him broken in," he replies, "not so with a mare. You won't get top dollar for even slightly used"
  2514. "I get that. My first client paid a premium for me because I was in new condition"
  2515. >"Yeah," Vidal responds, "Probably years before that seal should have been broken. That's not going to happen to a mare surrounded by gay men""
  2516. "Should is a relative term"
  2517. >"Here it is," Rose adds, "It wasn't in Equestria"
  2518. >"For better or for worse," Vidal answers, "these two beauties were born here. Now tell me Cloudy, Westchester or Connecticut?"
  2519. >"Rockland County at first," Cloudy answers, "then Connecticut"
  2520. >"And in Connecticut it was a liberal arts cirriculum, a little bit of Home Ec and some electives?," he asks
  2521. >"Yes," Cloudy replies
  2522. >"And you never even heard the word bedmare or knew what it meant until a few weeks before you were sold?," Vidal asks
  2523. >"That's right," Cloudy replies, blushing
  2524. >"Oh honey," he says, "John paid top dollar for you. You're like a young 1960's wife"
  2525. >"I just want to be worth it, then," Cloudy responds
  2526. >"You know you ARE!," Vidal quips back
  2527. >"There are free mares here as well," Rose says impatiently
  2528. >"Just how free?," Vidal asks. "Did the inevitable finally go down between the rose and the cameramare?"
  2529. >You laugh
  2530. "Yeah it did"
  2531. >"Really?," Vidal says in an exaggerrated tone. "I've watched Rose walking around as oblivious as a straight guy for months now"
  2532. >"Not oblivious," Rose answers, "uncertian. Most of my experience with mares was in threesomes with her. I wasn't very... confident""
  2533. >"So this is your first full on gay thing?," Vidal asks excitedly. "I'm sure you did fine"
  2534. >"In any meaningful sense, yes," Rose replies, "and she seemed happy enough"
  2535. "She fucking melted from what I could tell"
  2536. >"Have you rented the moving truck yet?," the stallion asks. "Or is Crystal renting it?"
  2537. >"No," Rose answers, "and you can ask her yourself"
  2538. >"Oh you know I will in like, five minutes," he says, then adds, "I'm so happy for you two!"
  2539. "So am I"
  2540. >"This was a long time coming, honey," he says to Rose, "and you deserve it, especially after all you've been through"
  2541. >"I almost feel silly coming to this so late in life," Rose replies
  2542. >"Better late than never," Vidal replies
  2543. >By this point Cloudy had done your mane, mascara and nose
  2544. >You look in the mirror and realize you look great
  2545. "Great job, Cloudy! Vidal, I think you have some competition"
  2546. >"No, honey," he responds, "It's easy to make you all look beautiful. You're all tens in my book!"
  2548. >Be agent Forty Two
  2549. >Going over the location details for the planned Day of Action protest
  2550. >You heard from HQ that Rose will not be attending, but it's best to be prepared for things not going to plan
  2551. >Forty Seven is out shadowing his asset
  2552. >Normally this would be time for a wank, but today a monkey wrench got thrown into that plan
  2553. >A knock on the door of your apartment follows the alert of the hallway motion detector
  2554. >Foalsitting - that's what you're reduced to
  2555. >Rose couldn't arrange a playdate or a sitter for the little guy
  2556. >And she was getting together with Crystal for a more adult playdate
  2557. >You offered to watch him, because the thought of the little guy stuck in the next room while his mother is dyking off just seemed wrong
  2558. >The thought of you in that position is kinda hot
  2559. >But that shit could traumatize a colt
  2560. >Even so you made it clear you weren't going to let this be a thing
  2561. >The last thing you need is to be roped into being a foalsitter, and something tells you Rose would be the type to take advantage
  2562. >Especially in the flush of newfound love
  2563. >Or whatever it is between her and Crystal
  2564. >You open the door to be greeted by a black colt
  2565. >"Hi Mr Forty Two!," he says
  2566. >You stopped correcting him that it's "Agent" a while ago - it seems like he's been taught to call all male adults "Mister"
  2567. >That's got to be his mother's doing - it seems kind of old fashioned and Equestrian
  2568. "Come on in, cadet"
  2569. >He beams at you
  2570. >"I've never seen your place before!", he says looking around, "Wow, you guys have hardly any stuff"
  2571. "Two agents on assignment don't need much stuff. We do have video games tough"
  2572. >"So do I on mommy's phone"
  2573. "Ours are more violent"
  2574. >He smiles at you
  2575. >"Mommy's with Miss Chrissy"
  2576. "Plotting to emancipate all of ponykind?"
  2577. >"That means free, right?"
  2578. "Yeah"
  2579. >"I'm free. Mommy and Auntie used to be slaves, but they're free now. A lot of ponies are still slaves, and that's sad"
  2580. "For some of them it is, sure. For others not so much. I'm private property and I'm not sad"
  2581. >"YOU have a master?!"
  2582. >You laugh
  2583. "No, I'm owned by a a security company that bought me from the academy where I was trained"
  2584. >"So you're not a free pony but you live here and have no collar?"
  2585. "I'm on assignment with Forty Seven. You know what our asignment is?"
  2586. >"Keeping me, Mommy and Auntie safe?"
  2587. "You got it"
  2588. >"I still have nightmares about the men taking Mommy"
  2589. "Of course you do. That was a horrible thing to see happen"
  2590. >"You're here to make sure nothing like that ever happens again?"
  2591. "That's exactly why I'm here"
  2592. >"Good"
  2593. >The colt thinks for a second and asks: "And you're not sad you're not a free pony?"
  2594. "No. I get to do a job I've been trained for and know I do well. All my needs are taken care of, well, nearly all of them"
  2595. >Don't open that can of worms with a colt, stupid!
  2596. "And I have a lot of autonomy, probably more than you do"
  2597. >"What's autonomy?"
  2598. "I get to make a lot of my own decisions as long as I'm accomplishing the mission. There's no one telling me what to do all the time"
  2599. >"I don't even get to decide what's for dinner unless it's my birthday," the colt says glumly
  2600. "That's because you're still a colt. By the time you're a stallion you'll have all the autonomy you could want"
  2601. >"Wanna hear something gross?"
  2602. >Colts - short attention spans and always obsessing on gross stuff
  2603. >You indulge him
  2604. "Sure. Tell me something gross"
  2605. >"I think Mommy and Miss Chrissy are doing it"
  2606. >Uh oh
  2607. >Play dumb
  2608. "What do you mean?"
  2609. >"You know... IT!," he says like you're an idiot. "I mean, two mares can't really... do it, but I think they're trying"
  2610. >Shitshitshitshitshit!
  2611. >Play this cool
  2612. >But what the fuck do you say to that?
  2613. >You don't want to traumatize the little guy any more, but you can't lie to him because it's so obvious even he noticed
  2614. "That's not my business. That's Mommy and Miss Chrissy's business. They probably wouldn't like you talking about their private lives with other ponies"
  2615. >"Does that mean Mommy's gay?"
  2616. >Thank you and fuck you Rose for this shit
  2617. >You are not the one for this colt to be having this conversation with
  2618. >But obviously you're the closest thing he's got to a strong male figure in his life, so it falls on you
  2619. >Fuck!
  2620. "I wlawys thought gay was if you were a mare who only liked mares or a stallion who only liked stallions. Your mommy had you so she's not that"
  2621. >If you're not really careful here it could compromise your ability to complete this mission
  2622. >And that bitch Rose put in this position so she could dyke off next door with her marefriend!
  2623. >"But a mare doing it with another mare is gay, right?"
  2624. "They've got a whole lot of words today to describe sex things there days. I don't even know them all"
  2625. >"So Mommy's not gay?"
  2626. >Who knows how she identifies herself? You sure as fuck don't
  2627. >You never bothered trying to keep track of all those identifiers anyways, because you've never had to protect an asset who identified that way
  2628. >She's a free mare now - she could reject the whole heteronormative thing
  2629. >And you're pretty sure you couldn't use the word 'heteronormative' or try to explain it without sounding sarcastic
  2630. >So don't go there
  2631. "Your Mommy has been through a lot you know. And some ponies like mares and stallions. I'd call that bi, and in a mare I'd call it... pretty awesome"
  2632. >The colt gives you a confused look
  2633. "I'm saying I think your mom is awesome no matter who she may or may not be dating"
  2634. >Hopefully that's crisis averted
  2635. >Shit, maybe this assignment would have been easier if you'd gotten Forty Seven's asset
  2636. >"Blaze hates faggots," the colt says, matter of factly. "He says they have caca on their peepees"
  2637. >Why can't you two just be playing video games right now?
  2638. "You probably shouldn't use that word"
  2639. >"Faggot, caca or peepee?"
  2640. "The first one. Blaze is the one whose mother won't let you go on playdates with him because of who your sire was, right?"
  2641. >The colt nods
  2642. "He and his mom are ignorant"
  2643. >"That's what Mommy says!"
  2644. "She's right. Do you know what ignorant means?"
  2645. >"It means you're not really stupid or mean but you say stupid and mean stuff because you don't know any better"
  2646. >That's better than how you would have put it
  2647. >"But I think Blaze is stupid, mean AND ignorant"
  2648. "That's it exactly. If YOU don't want to sound meand and ignorant you probably shouldn't use the word faggot like Blaze does"
  2649. >"Why?"
  2650. "Because it's one of those words that means you hate somepony for ignorant reasons"
  2651. >"Like having caca on their peepees?"
  2652. >Why can't you two just be playing video games right now?!
  2653. "I don't know about caca and peepees," you begin
  2654. >"That's what they do..."
  2655. "Regardless, hating somepony for that is just ignorant"
  2656. >"But it's super gross!"
  2657. >You agree, but given some of the shit you've paid to do with mares you can't throw stones
  2658. >Seriously, think!
  2659. "So is peeing and pooping, and we all do that"
  2660. >Think some more, and don't fuck this up
  2661. "Say you hated apples..."
  2662. >"I love apples!"
  2663. >OK, try another tack
  2664. "You love apples. Imagine you met a pony who hated apples for no good reason. And he saw you eating an apple and decided he hated you"
  2665. >The colt laughs
  2666. >"That's silly"
  2667. "Of course it is, but this guy really hates apples. And he calls you a piece of shit stupid fucking applefag"
  2668. >That gets a shocked look from the colt
  2669. "Then he says it again - fucking applefag! What would you do?"
  2670. >"I'd fight him"
  2671. "He's older than you and could easily kick your ass. It's either take the abuse or a beating"
  2672. >The colt thinks for a moment, then asks, "This is because I'm eating an apple?"
  2673. "He hates ponies who eat apples"
  2674. >"That's stupid"
  2675. "That's ignorant. That's why you don't use the word faggot"
  2676. >You're not even all that invested in what you're saying, but damn are you doing a good job!
  2677. >"Why can't Mommy just be normal?"
  2678. >FUCK!
  2679. >Now you really have to sell this because you're how entirely sure how much you actually believe it
  2680. "Just because being straight is the majority doesn't mean it's normal. There are enough gays an bi's out there to make those other flavors of normal"
  2681. >Then for his benefit you add:
  2682. "And there are plenty of ponies who think sex is just gross to begin with"
  2683. >"Do you think that, too?"
  2684. "I did when I was your age"
  2685. >"Not anymore?"
  2686. "Around the time you get your cutie mark your junk wakes up"
  2687. >"My junk?"
  2688. "You call it your peepee now because that's all it's good for at the moment"
  2689. >Careful here
  2690. "It wakes up one day. Once it does you can't sit still around pretty mares without being distracted by them"
  2691. >You're missing something there
  2692. >Right, he might be gay
  2693. >There's no way this one is gay - you know it
  2694. >But given his mother you'd best hedge
  2695. "If you're straight, that is. Otherwise it'd be around whoever turns you on. And your junk will demand your attention""
  2696. >"That sounds horrible"
  2697. "Just part of being an adult. Enjoy being a colt while you can"
  2698. >"What if Mommy doing it with Miss Chrissy makes me gay?"
  2699. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way. You're probably straight because most ponies are. But you'll know when your junk wakes up"
  2700. >Is that right?
  2701. >Better hedge again
  2702. "It's pretty obvious to most ponies, at least. Probably will be for you as well when the time comes. Do you want to play some vidya?"
  2703. >"Sure!"
  2705. "Let me show you what we've got. Most of our titles are rated 'mature'. You're mature, right?"
  2706. >"Bring on the violence!"
  2707. >So much easier than sex!
  2709. >Be mare
  2710. >Tomorrow is the Day of Action march
  2711. >You are still up in the air about whether you plan to be part of it
  2712. >You feel like you should be there because it's going to be a hot topic on this week's show
  2713. >And in the broadest sense you think freedom is good now that you've lived it
  2714. >But Sunrise is so presumptious claiming to skeak for all enslaved ponies
  2715. >That REALLY rubs you the wrong way
  2716. >Rose and Crystal have completeloy drunk the Kool-Aid
  2717. >Of course Crystal will be there regardless, with a camera and a tech documenting the event
  2718. >Which is going to be a bunch of ponies marching in the street chanting and carrying signs and really not much else
  2719. >Sounds pretty boring, to be honest
  2720. >Rose has been trying to convince you it's important, but you really don't see it
  2721. >Ponies can't change anything - people make the decisions
  2722. >And protesting on the street doesn't seem like a way to make the people in charge sympathetic to you
  2723. >Or it doesn't seem like it would work that way
  2724. >Maybe people and ponies marching together might send a good message - that does make a kind of sense
  2725. >But whether that amounts to anything has nothing to do with whether you take part in it
  2726. >"BUCK!," you hear Rose shout from her room
  2727. "You OK?"
  2728. >She emerges still engrossed in her phone
  2729. "What's wrong?"
  2730. "We've got no choice," she says into her phone, "but I don't have to like it. Ok. See you tomorrow"
  2731. >She ends the call and looks up at you
  2732. "What's going on?"
  2733. >"Big last minute order came in at the shop - rush job for tomorrow"
  2734. "That's extra, right?"
  2735. >"You know it - I'm going to have to scramble to fill it"
  2736. "The timing is pretty rough. Are you going to miss the Dat of Action because of it?"
  2737. >"It's a large, complicated last minute order, so yes. And I don't think the timing is a coincidence"
  2738. "What makes you say that?"
  2739. >"It's to be delivered to a private residence on 5th Ave. I looked up the address online. Guess who?"
  2740. >You have no idea who would need a large complicated order of flowers delivered to the residence there
  2741. "Someone rich, obviously"
  2742. >"John. It's John. He didn't even bother to try hiding it"
  2743. >The VP
  2744. "Finding new ways to control you"
  2745. >"That's what Crystal would say. And please, no hint he's behind this to her - I don't want to hear it"
  2746. "What are you going to do?"
  2747. >"I run a business, and because this is so last minute it's will be very profitable. I can't pass on it"
  2748. "And he knows that"
  2749. >"Yeah, but I don't this is about control - it's his messed up way of looking out for me. He still cares for me and I have to think that's a little sweet"
  2750. "He cares because you're now talent on one of his hit shows. That's why we have Forty Seven and Forty Two"
  2751. >"True, and he is the asshole who made me choose between my foal and his will"
  2752. "Yeah, you can't give him a break on this. He's controlling you"
  2753. >"Except for the fact that he gave me that choice in the first place, when technically that choice wasn't really mine"
  2754. >She winces a little bit and continues:
  2755. >"Like it or not my son was born a free pony is John's doing. He gave me to Perfect Pitch knowing I'd be freed as soon as we realized it was possible"
  2756. >Shit, she's right
  2757. >You got so caught up in thinking like a free mare there that you forgot
  2758. >He did give Rose the choice when she was his property and he could easily have made the choice for her
  2759. >Instead he gave her barely the start of a whipping and handed her off to your master and eventually freedom
  2760. >Then he arranges security for the two of you - three of you
  2761. >And you've met his good girl Cloudy, he seems to be doing right enough by her
  2762. >The only one he's done really wrong by was master
  2763. >But maybe that was just too much indulgence with regard to the stallion's demons?
  2764. >That and making him do a job he HATED
  2765. >Putting him in an impossible position
  2766. >Like every contestant on Hippodrome
  2767. >Right, don't cut him any slack - he's still a monster!
  2768. "No, fuck him. He's an asshole, even if he is a generous asshole"
  2769. >Rose sighs
  2770. >"Regardless it means I'm going to miss the Day of Action"
  2771. "That means I will as well, because you don't have a sitter"
  2772. >"You'd do that?! I could try to lean on Forty Two again, but he made it pretty clear that was a one time thing"
  2773. "I'm sure it'll be more than that, but best not to take too much advantage. I got tomorrow"
  2774. >"You're sure you don't mind missing the march?"
  2775. "I still have some issues with Sunrise's message. It makes sense that if ponies are supposed to be free that each pony race should be treated equally"
  2776. >"But?"
  2777. "People haven't even worked that out among themselves yet. The boss or master is almost always the same kind of person"
  2778. >"A guy like John. An older white guy"
  2779. "Yeah. If they can't work out something resembling equality for themselves how could they for ponies?"
  2780. >"Ponies managed to work it out in Equestria, more or less"
  2781. "Ponies were in charge there. That's not the case here at all"
  2782. >"Maybe it could be someday"
  2783. "You think the kind of guy who says 'Of course you can own a horse' is going to accept the idea of ponies being equal to him, let alone in charge?"
  2784. >"I guess that's kind of a tough sell"
  2785. "They haven't even let a woman be president yet. Women having any say in their government is still a new thing"
  2786. >"But we're not asking to be in charge. All we're asking for is freedom and equality"
  2787. "And I'm saying generations of well meaning people haven't even worked that out among themselves yet. I don't see them magically granting it to ponies"
  2788. >"We could really use an alicorn princess. That's what united the pony races and protected us"
  2789. "Celestia was like a goddess, wasn't she?"
  2790. >She wasn't almighty, but she raised the sun everyday. Until the day the sun didn't rise. That's when we knew. Nopony said it, but we knew"
  2791. >Rose is tearing up
  2792. "That must have been terrifying"
  2793. >"It was the end of the world. Literally. Imagine the world ending before your eyes and you're still there and there's nothing you can do"
  2794. "Except make your way to the portal and take your chances - I think you did OK"
  2795. >"If I could go back to the way things were... The only thing that gives me hope is being the mother of a free colt"
  2796. "I understand wanting to make this world better for his sake. I just doubt how much ponies can actually accomplish"
  2797. >"If we can win the hearts and minds of young people like Moonglow said..."
  2798. "The look on Sunrise's face when she said it was priceless"
  2799. >"Well it's not an element of her strategy she wanted articulated quite that way to the viewing public - especially in terms of people and race"
  2800. "Moonglow definitely took control of the message there, but I don't think she was wrong"
  2801. >You think about what Roseluck said about needing an alicorn to unite the pony races
  2802. "You've seen the alicorn rumors on the internet, right?"
  2803. >"About Princess Cadance? That's just wishful thinking I'm afraid. If she'd made it through we'd have known about it years ago"
  2804. "You don't think there's a chance she was found by abolitionists who realized who she was and have been keeping her in hiding?"
  2805. >"Listen to yourself. No, I don't believe that's possible. People can't keep secrets that well. And spreading those rumors is cruel"
  2806. Because it gives ponies false hope? All hope can be cruel, not just false hope"
  2807. >"I don't want to believe that. But I don't believe there are any alicorns among us, so Sunrise is the closest we've got"
  2808. "You don't think there'll ever be any more alicorns?"
  2809. >"Magic is so weak here. I don't think there's enough magic in this world to create and alicorn. I'd love to be proven wrong"
  2810. "So for now you're gonna line up behind Sunrise?"
  2811. >"Well, not tomorrow, unfortunately. And I've got to call Crystal and let her know. She's not going to be happy, but she'll understand"
  2812. "As long as you don't tell her it's John's doing"
  2813. >"Yeah, I'm definitely going to leave that part out for now. We haven't had any issues yet, and I'd like to keep it that way"
  2815. Excerpt from NY Times article Saturday, July 6 2019:
  2817. Marching for Magic
  2819. Keep the Magic Alive, a unicorn advocacy group will hold a Day of Action march in Brooklyn tomorrow. The purpose is twofold - to support equal rights among the pony races and to call for the emancipation of all ponies regardless of race. The unicorn Sunrise, the spokespony for the group has gained national recognition through several appearances on the controversial Fox talk show Blinders Off. While the group has been criticized for being overtly pro-unicorn pony freedom deas indeed break along racial lines, with the majority of free ponies being unicorns. "Of course we celebrate unicorn births," in light of what she calls a "slow motion attempt at genocide," Sunrise told the Times, referring to several organizations (including the ASPCA) offering free healthcare to unicorns willing to undergo voluntary sterilization. "We have to speak out against injustice wherever we see it. It's our duty as the only ponies capapble of speakinmg out. Slavery and genocide are gross injustices that we live with every day, and we're marching to bring both to an end," reads the group's press release. While the issues the group supports are pony centered Sunrise told the Times that all sympathizers are welcome at the march. "Americans proudly speak of liberty and justice for all, and we encourage those who believe that should extend to ponies to make their voices heard by marching with us." NYPD confirms that a permit has been issued for the event. More information about the demonstration and the organization can be found at KeepTheMagicAlive.org
  2821. >Be mare
  2822. >Today is the Keep the Magic Alive Day of Action, which means Rose went to work early to fill the not so mysterious last minute order at her shop
  2823. >That left you foalsitting Cuddleslut, who has been mostly good
  2824. >He's just discovered video games, and Rose got him a very modest tablet computer to play them on
  2825. >Hopefully it'll be a while before he realizes just how modest it is and wants something more expensive
  2826. >That's kept him busy most of the morning, but she also left him with a few dollars, and that's...
  2827. >What's the expression people use when someone has money the just HAVE to spend?
  2828. >Burning a hole in his pocket, even though he has no pockets!
  2829. >You promised him you'd take him to to corner store at 11AM
  2830. >He's become obssessed with the corner store, and you understand that
  2831. >If you'd seen the variety of junk food snacks they sell there when you were a filly - all for a coupole dollars!
  2832. >You would have been obsessed as well
  2833. >Back when you were a filly just having sugar cubes was a big deal
  2834. >It's almost unbelievable what the colt has available to him just half a block from your building
  2835. >You're sure you could just let him go by himself - the Chinese people who run the store know him and are very nice
  2836. >Well, nice to customers who are polite to them
  2837. >You've seen them give back as good as the got from those who are rude
  2838. >You wonder if before too long, once their hard word puts their kids through college if it won't be ponies running shops like that
  2839. >That would be something, actually - to have your neighborhood corner store run by ponies
  2840. >You'd probably shop there more often even if the prices weren't the best around
  2841. >Just to support pony run businesses
  2842. >You already try to do that
  2843. >"It's 10:56, auntie!," the colt says excitedly
  2844. "OK. We'll head out in a couple minutes"
  2845. >You'd really like to just send him out on his own - you KNOW he could handle it
  2846. >But Roseluck doesn't think he's ready yet, so if you did and anything were to happen...
  2847. >Yeah - you're going with him, which means poor Forty-Seven will have to dutifully shadow the both of you for half a block and back
  2848. >It seems silly, but that's how things are
  2849. "If you save half of what you have I'll take you to the store again in the afternoon. How does that sound?"
  2850. >He considers this for a moment and replies, "Good, but I'd still like to keep my options open"
  2851. >Keep his options open?!
  2852. >Free colts!
  2853. >You grab your keys, open the door and let him out into the hallway
  2854. >By the time you're out the building's door Agent Forty Seven has fallen in behind you
  2855. >To the casual observer the three of you on the sidewalk probably look like a family going out for a walk
  2856. >Then again many casual observers know exactly who you are and what your situation is
  2857. >So your little fantasy of being a family walking the streets of Ponytown really doesn't hold up
  2858. >Regardless you think it's a cute little procession, Cuddleslut a few steps ahead of you, Forty Seven a few behind
  2859. >You learned pretty quickly that three ponies walking beside each other on these narrow sidewalks just gets in the way of those you share the sidewalk with
  2860. >Looking up from the colt you see a familiar face coming toward you
  2861. >THE GUARD?!
  2862. >What's he doing in Ponytown?!
  2863. >And what's he doing engrossed in conversation with a unicorn mare?
  2864. >She's got to be a free pony!
  2865. >She's a little older than Rose by your guess - definitely Equestrain born
  2866. >Pretty dark blue coat and mane, looks like pale stars on her flank
  2867. >As they approach he still hasn't noticed you, his attention entirely on the mare
  2868. "Hey! Long time no see"
  2869. >He looks up, confused for a second, but recognizes you immediately
  2870. >"Hey kid! Fancy meeting you here," he says, adding, "Oh right, you live here. Hey Tari, this is..."
  2871. >"I know who this is!," The unicorn interrupts. "Starry Night," she continues, extending a hoof. "He insists on calling me Tari"
  2872. >It's obvious her annoyance is pretend annoyance
  2873. >Holy shit! Are they dating?!
  2874. >How in the fuck is the guard dating a unicorn free mare?
  2875. >"I'm actually a big fan," Satrry goes on, "I can't believe how brave you've been. It's inspiring"
  2876. >You supress a snicker at the word "brave", which used to have a different meaning for you
  2877. "Thank you and it's a pleasure to meet you, Starry. I'm so glad you enjoy the show!," you reply than turn to him, "Backstory?"
  2878. >"It's a long one," the guard replies, "But I could try to give you the nutshell version"
  2879. >You hear the clop of a small hoof on the sidewalk, apparently annoyed at this obsticale between him and the corner store clearly in view
  2880. "You go on, sweetie. Just be careful crossing the street"
  2881. >"I know," the colt replies, "Wait for the walk light then look both ways just to be sure"
  2882. "OK. I'll be watching you"
  2883. >You divide your attention between the colt walking away from you and your old friend in front of you
  2884. "Nutshell version, please"
  2885. >"He's not yours, right?," the guard asks
  2886. >"You KNOW that!," Starry says to him. "I swear he watches the show, he just doesn't follow along so well"
  2887. >"It's too girly for me," the guard replies. "I just watch to see you and make sure you're OK. The rest of it isn't so much my jam"
  2888. >"Baby steps, as they say," Starry says, "I swear I wasn't looking for a project, or a man for that matter"
  2889. "So how did this happen, assuming this is what it looks like?"
  2890. >She blushes, he almost does. Maybe he does a little. Hard to tell. He's got a beard now, though he keeps it closely trimmed
  2891. >It actually looks good in spite of how much of it is silver
  2892. >The colt has crossed the street safely and disappears into the store
  2893. >"Well, my mother passed a few, well more than a few months ago now," the guard begins
  2894. >You know what people and free ponies expect to hear in response to news like that
  2895. "I'm so sorry for your loss"
  2896. >That's what you're supposed to say, even if you don't mean it
  2897. >Of course you're sad that something sad happened to someone you care about
  2898. >But you have no reference point - you don't have any memories of your mother
  2899. >You don't know who either of your parents are/were, nor whether or not you have any siblings, cousins or whatever
  2900. >It seems odd to console a man for the loss of his mother, but you know it's expected and will probably be appreciated
  2901. >"Thanks," he replies automatically, "it wasn't a shock or anything. In fact I took a month off to take care of her at the end"
  2902. >That explains it. The organization stopped issuing him checks months ago. When you called Madam to see if he was OK she said he'd found another situation
  2903. >You figured that meant he'd been fired or quit or something
  2904. >You'd been meaning to call him to see how he was doing, but you have only so much time
  2905. >And keeping up with Snowdrop and Skydancer were bigger priorities
  2906. >Even over keeping up with Durril, which you feel guilty about
  2907. >But you'd still been meaning to give him a call, and now feel embarrassed at your failure to do so
  2908. >"Anyways," he continues, "my mother had opinions. We didn't agree on things like the Catholic church. But she ran deeper than just that"
  2909. >Is he actually blushing now?
  2910. >He lowers his voice and says, "She didn't approve of slavery. Not one bit"
  2911. >Starry giggles and he shoots her a stern look
  2912. >"Sorry," she replies, "that would have been a pun in Equestria"
  2913. >Then she adds, "That was insensitive of me. Still getting used to being sensitive to a man's feelings. Really honey, sorry"
  2914. >"This is a new thing for both of us," he answers
  2915. >"Anyways," he continues, "After she passed I couldn't go back to work. I'd always told myself I was doing good protecting you girls, but..."
  2916. >Is he choking up?
  2917. >"But I realized," he continues, "none of you should have been in that position in the first place. And even I took advantage of it"
  2918. "You're not talking about what happened between us, are you?"
  2919. >"When he told me about that," Starry chimes in, "I broke up with him. We didn't talk for a week. I was convinced he was a monster"
  2920. >Really?!
  2921. "Are you kidding?! That was one of the few times in my life when I actually HAD consent - when whether or not anything happened way MY call!"
  2922. >That sounded a lot more intense than you meant it to
  2923. >Starry answers, "You were too young to really give consent. You know that, right?"
  2924. "No. Please. Don't take that away from me. Whatever it was it really meant something. You can't judge - you weren't there"
  2925. >"Fair enough," she replies. "Honestly I can't imagine. I forgave him when he explained that he was just ignorant and didn't know any better"
  2926. >She adds, "Only because I understood your perspective a little from watching the show. I still think it was wrong though"
  2927. "Right and wrong didn't matter in that situation. Kindness mattered, and he was kind"
  2928. >Now she's blushing
  2929. >"I understand that now," Starry answers, "It's just really hard to wrap my head around that given how I was raised. He is kind, though. That got him his second chance"
  2930. >You want to say maybe hers is just a different kind of ignorance, but you hold your tongue
  2931. >If only for his sake, even though you didn't like her calling him a project
  2932. >He looks fine. A free mare should be happy to have a man like him, especially a unicorn
  2933. >Don't be racist
  2934. >"Tkank you," he says to you like you've just forgiven him
  2935. "So?," you say to the guard while watching Cuddleslut emerge from the gorner store with one of those tropical ice pops in his mouth
  2936. >"So I looked at my life," he replies, "What I wanted to change, you know. I couldn't go back to work, but with my modest inheritence I didn't have to"
  2937. >You nod
  2938. >"Then I realized I wanted to be in a relationship but had no clue about dating nowadays"
  2939. "Yeah, that's a thing for me as well - then again I never knew from dating. Still don't"
  2940. >"Turns out there's an app for that. AI and machine learning know you better than you know yourself"
  2941. >Scary thought
  2942. >"I just answered honestly, and when the question came up would you date a free mare I said yes, even though I'd never thought about it"
  2943. >"I answered maybe about a man," Starry adds, "but the app hooked us up anyways. I was really doubtful at first"
  2944. >"YOU were doubtful?," the former guard counters, "Me with a free unicorn?! What kind of judgment was I in for?"
  2945. >"Well I knew nothing about former slave guards," she counters
  2946. >"See what I mean?," he responds, giving you a plaintive look
  2947. >You expect this to escalate as Cuddleslut heads toward you after successfully crossing the street
  2948. >Instead they smile at each other
  2949. "Well I'm happy for you, and wish you the best. Are you headed to the Day of Action?"
  2950. >"Just for a peek," Starry replies, "then brunch. No reason to radicalize the new convert"
  2951. >The former guard rolls his eyes and says, "She doesn't want me too close to the front line. I want to see it though"
  2952. "I get that - I've come to sympathize, but I don't feel like it's really my struggle, even if they are mostly on the right side"
  2953. >"She's no Celestia, but she's the best we've got," Starry says. "You get what I mean?"
  2954. "Sort of. Roseluck has given me a loose idea of what Princess Celestia meant to ponies. I grew up thinking of her like mythology"
  2955. >"She wasn't like that," Starry answers. "She was very real"
  2956. "That must have been amazing. Like I said Rose has told me a little bit about what life was like there under her rule"
  2957. >"Under both their rules. She ruled with her sister Princess Luna until the end. Here ponies just have to do the best we can"
  2958. "Right. Sunrise is an inspiring speaker but I can't see her ruling anypony"
  2959. >"Not even applicable here," Starry replies. "Everything is uncertain, complicated and ultimately some sort of compromise"
  2960. >She sighs
  2961. >"You play the hand you're dealt," the former guard replies
  2962. >You know what he means but it gets a confused look from Starry
  2963. "He means that what you get isn't always what you want or think you ought to get, but you have to deal anyways"
  2964. >"Right," Starry replies, "big difference from Equestria. There you knew how things were supposed to work and you could count on it most of the time"
  2965. >"I don't know how any of this is supposed to work," he answers, "inter-species dating, brunch... I don't think I've been to brunch in 20 years"
  2966. "Just go without getting radicalizied and you'll be fine"
  2967. >Starry smiles at you
  2968. >Then she turns to him and says, "I doubt much has changed aside from the prices"
  2969. >"I'm not eating avocado toast," he replies
  2970. >"I already told you that you don't have to get avocado toast," she says patiently
  2971. >They're pretty cute together, even if the come off as a little old
  2972. >They are a little old, after all
  2973. >You always thought of the guard as older, but now he actually seems a little old
  2974. >He gestures toward agent Forty Seven
  2975. >"She has her own private muscle," he says to Starry
  2976. >"And I've got you to be my muscle," she answers. "I'm not a celebrity. I don't need 24/7 protection"
  2977. >"This is a high crime neighborhood, especially violent crime," he replies, "I worry about you living here"
  2978. >He looks past you to agent 47
  2979. >"What's your take on this?," he asks the stallion
  2980. >"Violent crime is very high in this area, sir," 47 replies, "but statistically ponies are unlikely to be the victims of it"
  2981. >"It's man against man?," the former guard asks
  2982. >"For now it is," the stallion replies, "That could change with the political winds, of course"
  2983. >"Would you let your marefriend live here?," the man asks
  2984. >47 pauses for a second then reples: "I doubt I'd get a say in such a matter, sir"
  2985. >"Good answer," Starry affirms
  2986. >The former guard shrugs, accerpting defeat on the issue
  2987. >"We should get together sometime", Starry offers as Cuddleslut approaches
  2988. "Sounds great. He has my number. Enjoy brunch!"
  2989. >He gives you a hug and says, "See you around, kid"
  2990. >"Really a pleasure to meet you," Starry says
  2991. >Then they walk off
  2992. >Cuddleslut removes the ice pop from his mouth and looks up at you
  2993. >"Who were they?," he asks
  2994. "He's an old friend, or sort of friend. Someone I was close to back when I was your age. A good guy"
  2995. >"They're not a couple, are they?"
  2996. "Yeah, they are"
  2997. >"A free mare and a MAN? That's not right"
  2998. "Don't talk like that"
  2999. >"It looks like she should be wearing a collar"
  3000. "He's a good guy. I'm happy for them"
  3001. >"She thinks she's too good for a stallion?"
  3002. >You see what's going on here
  3003. "I don't think it's like that at all"
  3004. >"That's what it looks like and it's doesn't look right at. She's a free mare and she's with a man and not a stallion?!"
  3005. >You don't know how to answer that
  3006. "I don't know what to tell you. She's a free mare, so she's free to make her own decisions. Let's head home"
  3008. >Be Cloudburst
  3009. >You've just about settled into your routine in make up with Vidal
  3010. >Since only three pony shows are currently in production your workweek is pretty modest
  3011. >Three days a week
  3012. >But it gets you out of the house and gives you something else to take pride in beyond just pleasing master
  3013. >Which is still top priority, of course
  3014. >It also seems like he's more interested in talking with you now that you have something else going on in your life
  3015. >He's let you babble on and on about your day while listening patiently
  3016. >He's a very indulgent master
  3017. >On workdays he sends the car to pick you up at 7:30
  3018. >It's really a limo, but no one calls it that - everyone says black car
  3019. >You get in the back then ride to pick him up
  3020. >When he gets in he always gives you a kiss and a gentle pet on your mane
  3021. >About half of the time he'll raise the screen between driver and passenger and let you take care of him
  3022. >You figure you're one of a very few mares in this city being driven to work in a limo
  3023. >With a powerful man's cock down your throat
  3024. >Lucky is what you are!
  3025. >But it does mean you've had to start keeping mints at your work station
  3026. >You don't like mints all that much but your job puts you in close contact with other ponies and smelling like your ride to work would be...
  3027. >Unprofessional
  3028. >Not like the ponies at work don't know exactly what your primary purpose is with relation to their boss
  3029. >But it's one thing to work alongside the boss' bedmare and another thing entirely to smell his cum on her breath
  3030. >You weren't really trained for the workplace, but you just know that would be unseemly
  3031. >Today you needed the mints
  3032. >Two of them, just to be safe
  3033. >Three upsets your stomach, you've learned
  3034. >Today was also a longer shift because Crystal will be on the stage instead of behind the camera
  3035. >So extra effort had to be put into her look, and that fell to you
  3036. >You get the feeling that she tolerates you, but doesn't particularly like you
  3037. >That isn't a surprise as your views of the world couldn't be much more different
  3038. >She's a free mare abolitionist who works because she has to, giving her a modest life in Ponytown
  3039. >Maybe a little better than modest now that she's something of a pony celebrity
  3040. >But nowhere nearly as posh as the life you live as a bedmare to a rich and powerful man
  3041. >You don't HAVE to work - you're not even getting paid to do so
  3042. >You've just here because Daddy was smart enough to know you should put your special talent to use
  3043. >And he doesn't really require much in the way of styling
  3044. >So you're here
  3045. >Vidal told you Crystal and Roseluck were an item
  3046. >When you seemed surprised he said it was pretty obvious
  3047. >Evidently there are plenty of obvious things going on that ponies are trying to keep hidden
  3048. >That's the kind of stuff that keeps a gossip like Vidal happy
  3049. >But that also is probably another reason why Crystal is merely tolerant of you
  3050. >Rose is no fan of you, after all
  3051. >She knows you think she's ungrateful because... well, she is
  3052. >But you know she's Equestrian born, and they have a very different view of things
  3053. >Not that that gives her a pass for being ungrateful
  3054. >And though you try to hide your judgment from her you know you're not that good of an actress
  3055. >She knows how you feel about her
  3056. >She had it all - you hate to admit it, but you even suspect Daddy loved her
  3057. >You're a little uneasy with the thought of him loving another mare, even though you're confident in where you stand with him
  3058. >You're the good girl she wasn't
  3059. >And like a bitch the cheated on him - what gave her the right?!
  3060. >Nothing
  3061. >She didn't have the right at all
  3062. >And still Daddy forgave her instead of flaying her alive like she deserved
  3063. >What did it get her?
  3064. >She's a free mare single mother living in Ponytown dating a MARE for fuck's sake!
  3065. >What a spectacular self-inflicted fall from grace!
  3066. >He's still providing security for her and she walks around all smug and entitled because she's free
  3067. >You relize you hate her
  3068. >You actually hate her
  3069. >You don't think you've ever hated anypony before
  3070. >You've known a few mares who were total bitches, but you just avoided them - you didn't actually hate them
  3071. >Thankfully Vidal still insists on styling her
  3072. >She's got to ba as happy about that as you are
  3073. >A look up at the monitor confirms they've started taping
  3074. >Which means your workday is technically done
  3075. >Even though you have to stick around in case somepony needs a quick tough up
  3076. >That never seems to happen, but you have to stick around just in case
  3077. >"May as well put the sound on," Vidal says, "This one is going to be interesting"
  3078. "How so?"
  3079. >"After what happened over the weekend?," he replies
  3080. "Oh, right. The riot"
  3081. >"It wasn't a riot," he says flatly. "Someone purposely caused a panic during which people and ponies were hurt"
  3082. "Didn't someone die?"
  3083. >"Yeah," he answers, "One person got trampled to death. Not good at all"
  3084. >You reach for the remote and take the monitor off mute
  3085. >Ada Maria is in the middle of a sentence as footage from the KtMA incident plays on the monitor behind her
  3086. >"...calling on barring ponies from gathering in large groups because we're supposedly too easily spooked," she says
  3087. >"You can see right here," Crystal replies, "NYPD officers have their guns drawn. The thought it was an active shooter situation, too"
  3088. >"Yet no bullet casings were found," Ada Maria answers, "and no gunshot injuries"
  3089. >"It was firecrackers," Crystal says indignantly. "Someone deliberately set off firecrackers and yelled 'GUN!'"
  3090. >"Just like yelling 'FIRE!' in a crowded theater," Rose chimes in
  3091. >"Now one woman is dead and many are injured because of it," Crystal replies
  3092. >"Her name," Ada Maria says solemnly, "was Maddy Bishop. She was 23 years old and an abolition activist"
  3093. >A picture of a very pretty young woman with long dirty-blonde hair fills the monitor
  3094. >She's wearing one of those plastic headbands with fake pony ears and a unicorn horn on it
  3095. >"She'd dedicated herself to fighting for equality between ponies and people," Ada Maria says, "She was trampled to death in the panic"
  3096. "I can't believe they used a picture of her wearing that!"
  3097. >"It's becoming a thing," Vidal replies. "I think it's really tacky, but it's supposed to show solidarity"
  3098. "The kind of solidarity that gets you trampled by panicked hooves while fighting for pony rights?"
  3099. >"The irony is not lost on me," he replies, "but that doesn't make it any less tragic"
  3100. "Of course. Any idea what the fallout from this is likely to be?"
  3101. >"That's being determined right now," the pink pegasus answers. "They're trying to get their spin into the mix"
  3102. "Well it was obviously no pony's fault. Some chucklefuck staged a fake mass shooting and everypony panicked"
  3103. >You like the word chucklefuck - you don't remember where you heard it, but you've been waiting for a chance to use it
  3104. >"Obviously," he replies. "But many would like to spin an alternate narrative out of that"
  3105. >You're actually glad there are pony voices to speak out then
  3106. >Even if it's pony voices you disagree with, some you even hate
  3107. >Because this isn't right - they're free ponies, after all
  3108. >They already have it bad enough - it just seems cruel to mess with them on top of that
  3109. >Then again, you know some people are cruel
  3110. >You've heard stories, though part of you didn't want to believe them
  3111. >You've also seen shit on the internet that gave you nightmares
  3112. >It's a dangerous world where very bad things happen every day
  3113. >You're lucky to have Daddy to keep you safe
  3114. >You don't want to have to think about just what alternate narratives might be
  3115. "I don't know how much more of this I can watch"
  3116. >"You can take off then," he replies, "All the heavy lifting is done, and I'll be here if anypony needs a touch up"
  3117. "Thanks!"
  3118. >You get your phone and text Daddy: fyi got done early today!
  3119. >His response arrives a minute later: come up to the office. i can break away in 15
  3120. >Yay!
  3121. >It's always fun to spend an afternoon with him, and breaking away means just that
  3122. >Maybe he'll take you out to a fancy restaurant or a cocktail bar
  3123. >Or maybe you'll just go back to your place for more cummies
  3124. >Or maybe cummies in the limo on the way to someplace else exciting
  3125. >It doesn't matter as long as you get to be with him
  3126. >And be his good girl
  3128. >Be mare
  3129. >It's girl talk time!
  3130. >And not a taping of the show - that was yesterday
  3131. >It's a pain in the ass to set up with everypony's schedules, but you manage to schedule a video chat with your old friends
  3132. >At least once a month
  3133. <Of course it falls on you to organize it, but you don't mind
  3134. >What you'd really love to do is take them out in Ponytown for a night
  3135. >The one time you did that everypony had a great time!
  3136. >But they rarely get nights off, and never all at the same time
  3137. >And you really can't afford to pay your former organization their out call rates plus take them out someplace
  3138. >Well you could, actually
  3139. >But then everypony would want to make it a regular thing, and you don't have THAT kind of money
  3140. >You might if Blinders Off gets picked up for another season
  3141. >Of course there are rumors about that
  3142. >Some say it's a lock because the show has good ratings and a more than respectable viewership
  3143. >Others caution that its increasingly abolitionist leanings might make corporate want to distance themselves from it
  3144. >The VP and the producers really haven't given you anything to go on
  3145. >But there was a rumor that if the network didn't renew it Netflix might pick it up
  3146. >You don't see how that would work
  3147. >You talk about real issues in real time
  3148. >The show might not be broadcast live, but it's relevan to the moment it airs
  3149. >You doubt people stream ahows like that
  3150. >You could find out
  3151. >It's offered streaming after it's broadcast - someone has to have the stats on that
  3152. >Might be good to know
  3153. >But now's not the time to think about that
  3154. >You have a different set of mares to catch up with
  3155. >And a hot bit of gossip to share
  3156. >By the time you get on to the chat the other girls are already there
  3157. >Skydancer, Snowdrop AND Durril - she's the toughest one to schedule
  3158. "Hi girls!"
  3159. >"Hey," Snowdrop replies
  3160. >Durril and Skydancer proceed to talk over each other, much like you and Rosedid when you first started taping the show
  3161. >They pause, and Durril defers to Sky
  3162. >"How's freedom treating you?," Skydancer asks
  3163. "Complicated as usual"
  3164. >"You seeing anypony yet?," Durril asks
  3165. >"She isn't," Snowdrop says before you can reply
  3166. "How do you know?"
  3167. >"You have the same hungry look Skydancer's had for a while," Snowdrop replies. "And not skinny hungry"
  3168. >"Is it true?," Durril asks
  3169. "Unfortunately. It's not for lack of takers. I get checked out all the time. It's lack of... inclination"
  3170. >"Free pony shit is complicated, right?," Skydancer confirms
  3171. "Yeah. I could easily just go get fucked, but the whole dating thing they do is still over my head"
  3172. >"I can't imagine," Snowdrop replies, then clarifies, "Both dating and NOT getting fucked"
  3173. >Everypony laughs except Sky
  3174. >"I stopped going back for a reason," she says sadly, "Not out of lack of desire"
  3175. >"And I bet somepony there misses you horribly," Snowdrop answers
  3176. >"Don't rub it in," Sky answers. "I didn't ask to be like this, but I'm pretty convinced growing up the way we did is why I am"
  3177. "It left marks on all of us"
  3178. >"Well I don't want to be responsible for leaving any of those marks on somepony else," Sky says, "more than I have already"
  3179. >"Or maybe there aren't any fillies who are as sexy as I was back in the day," Snowdrop teases
  3180. "Yeah, right. That's definitely got to be it"
  3181. >You're happy to see that gets a smile out of Sky
  3182. >You were starting to worry about the direction this conversation was taking
  3183. >If it were anypony other than Snowdrop talking to Sky like that you'd think they were being insensitive
  3184. >But Skydancer and Snowdrop have a more than just friends relationship with different... What's the word?
  3185. >Boundries
  3186. >You know Sky hasn't magically lost her attraction to fillies, and deciding acting on it isn't right had to be tough on her
  3187. >You don't know if you agree with her decision, but she's made up her mind. She has to live with it
  3188. >"It's just one of many marks left," Sky says flatly. "Like what was the one big rule for clients growing up?"
  3189. "No rough stuff!," you reply in unison with the other girls
  3190. >"Right," Sky says with a little smile. "And I end up a dominatrix, wile two of you end up with fetishes along those lines"
  3191. "Yeah, Durril, how did you manage to dodge that bullet?"
  3192. >"I dunno. Maybe because I had another physical outlet," Durril muses
  3193. >She blushes, which looks really funny on a green mare
  3194. >You thought green was such an ugly color for a mare when you first met her as a filly
  3195. >Some of that must have been jealousy because she's a beautiful mare now
  3196. >"But if you think I'm not getting off a little bit when I'm dancing," she says slyly, "think again"
  3197. "It's pretty obvious"
  3198. >Snowdrop nods
  3199. >"I'd still like to see you dance someday," Sky says whistfully
  3200. >"We'll have to arrange that," Durril replies
  3201. "Or if WE can't maybe I can"
  3202. >"You have the most agency by far," Durril answers
  3203. >"What I'd like to see is Skydancer at work," Snowdrop says
  3204. >You and Durril laugh
  3205. "We know you would"
  3206. >"Yeah," Skydancer replies, "pretty sure that's not going to happen"
  3207. >"I know," Snowdrop answers, "But I'd still like to see it. A man being dominated by a mare? What's hotter than that?"
  3208. "I dunno... whip videos?"
  3209. >"Ooooh, burn!," Durril says
  3210. >"I can take it," Snowdrop says, smiling. "At least there's not a video of me getting off on being choked out floating around online"
  3211. "I don't masturbate to it, al least," you respond. "Oh wait! I've got gossip! You won't believe who I ran into on the street the other day"
  3212. >"Spill," Snowdrop says excitedly
  3213. "The guard back from when we were fillies!"
  3214. >"Last time I went back there he was on leave," Skydancer says, "Caring for his mother or something?"
  3215. "Caring for his dying mother. Who turned out to be an abolitionist! And on her deathbed she converted him!"
  3216. >"So he quit his job?," Durril asks
  3217. "Yeah, but it's bigger than that"
  3218. >"Don't keep us waiting," Snowdrop pleads, "Spill!"
  3219. "He's dating a mare"
  3220. >"Dating?," Skydancer saks, "like a free mare?"
  3221. "Yep"
  3222. >"A unicorn?," Durril asks
  3223. "Yep"
  3224. >"I can't see him with a mare," Snowdrop says, "other than you, of course"
  3225. "I'm never living that down, am I?"
  3226. >"You fucked him for a sandwich," Snowdrop giggles, "Way to devalue the rest of us!"
  3227. "I had no idea back then. Really. Now I know exactly what all of you are worth. One extreme to the other"
  3228. >"Sky's still worth the most, right?," Snowdrop asks
  3229. "Nice try. Not telling, and you know it"
  3230. >"I've always wondered about the kind of guy who dates a free mare," Sky speculates. "Idealist or cheapskate?"
  3231. "In his case it's probably a little from column A and a little from column B"
  3232. >When the girls laugh a little at that it almost fells like being on the show
  3233. >Tailoring your comments for comedic effect is a recent skill, but one you like to think you've gotten good at
  3234. >"Is she pretty?," Snowdrop asks
  3235. "For an older unicorn, yeah"
  3236. >"Are we talking Madam old," Durril asks, "or..."
  3237. "Not that old, but definitely Equestrian born"
  3238. >"The guard with an Equestrian born free unicorn," Skydancer says in a surprised tone. "There's an odd couple"
  3239. "She's gonna do a number on his politics, that's for sure"
  3240. >"Are you talking keep the magic alive kind of shit?," Skydancer saks. "I thought they frowned on interspecies couples"
  3241. "Seems to me like they're trying to be inclusive. I've met Sunrise. You've seen her on the show. It seems like she's trying to reach out"
  3242. >"Seems pretty horn-centric, if you ask me," Durril responds
  3243. >"Yeah, really," Snowdrop chimes in, "Unicorns just being unicorns without much consideration for the rest of us"
  3244. >"While giving lip service to us all being in this together," Skydancer adds, "Regardless of what else they post online"
  3245. "That bad?"
  3246. >"Yeah," Skydancer answers, "or worse, depending on which sources you trust"
  3247. >"If he lets himself get cucked so she can give birth to a unicorn foal," Snowdrop begins, but you interrupt her
  3248. "Cucked? What's that?"
  3249. >"You don't spend much time online, do you?," Durril asks
  3250. "Not as much as you girls do, obviously"
  3251. >"Probably why you're giving Sunrise the benefit of the doubt," Skydancer responds. "They're really a fringe group"
  3252. >The sound of a hoof knocking on the door to your room disrupts the conversation
  3253. >"Permission to enter, Ma'am," comes 47's muffled voice from the other side of the door
  3254. "Permission granted"
  3255. >You don't like talking that way to him, but he seems to prefer it
  3256. >"Ooooh, is that your muscle?," Durril asks
  3257. >"Turn the laptop around and let us see," Snowdrop demands
  3258. >You comply as 47 enters the room
  3259. >"Yummy!," Snowdrop says
  3260. >"Hi hot stuff," Durril chirps. "Come by the tack dance club and I'll see to it you're taken care of"
  3261. >"Ma'am," 47 says in his usual all business tone, "We're on lockdown"
  3262. "Lockdown?! What are you talking about?"
  3263. >"They let STALLIONS in the tack dance club?," Skydancer asks
  3264. >"They let in who I tell them to," Durril replies
  3265. >"We have a situation," 47 says calmly, but you can see he's concerned
  3266. "What kind of situation?"
  3267. >"Unrest on the streets," he replies. "We're to shelter in place"
  3268. >"Holy shit!," Skydancer exclaims, "There's a full blown riot on the streets of Brooklyn right now!"
  3269. "What the fuck is going on?"
  3270. >"Your pegasus friend summed it up neatly, Ma'am," 47 responds
  3271. >"You keep her safe!," Durril demands
  3272. >"That's the plan," 47 answers
  3273. "Um, girls? I think I've got to go"
  3275. >Be mare
  3276. >There's a riot going on?
  3277. >You followed 47 out the common room where Roseluck, 42 and the colt were waiting
  3278. >47 is bringing you up to date
  3279. >"It's more of a panic on the streets than a riot," he says then adds, "There's an active shooter situation two blocks from us"
  3280. "Holy shit!"
  3281. >"Please stay away from the windows," he councils
  3282. >You hadn't even realized you were walking toward the window so you could look out at the street
  3283. >Rose laughs nerveously
  3284. >"I did the same thing when Forty Two told me," she says
  3285. >"These things rarely last long," 47 says, "but given our proximity to the situation best to avoid line of sight to the street"
  3286. >"You doing media?," 42 asks 47
  3287. >"To find out what I already know is true?," 47 asks. "Shooter is a white male in his early 20's armed with a semi-automatic weapon"
  3288. >"He's no fan of blacks or Jews, is particularly concerned about hispanics replacing him," 42 adds
  3289. >"But sees even more of theat from free ponies," 47 continues, "Especially in light of the recent increases in unicorn birthrates"
  3290. >47 sits in front of his laptop
  3291. >"Hashtag Ponytown already trending on Twitter," he says. "Already the misinformation has started"
  3292. >"Are they posting that he's an abolitionist?," 42 asks
  3293. >"You know it. Just saw an account get deleted for it," 47 replies. "Definitely fatalities. Pony fatalities. There's video"
  3294. >47 furiously taps away on his keyboard
  3295. >"There's also an alleged manifesto on infinity," he says flatly
  3296. >"I ain't reading that shit," 42 answers
  3297. >"You already know what it says," 47 counters
  3298. "What does it say?"
  3299. >47 sighs
  3300. >"The usual. You know the profile. Every time something like this happens it's the same. White nationalists," he replies
  3301. >"If it's that obvious why isn't it reported that way on the news?," Rose asks
  3302. >"That's a whole other ball of wax," 42 replies
  3303. ?"Yeah," 47 begins, then pauses. "Journalists don't want to be seen as fear mongering or inadvertently encouraging these people"
  3304. >"Then there's the political angle," 42 continues. "Politicians who benifit from the support of such people can't acknowledge they actually exist"
  3305. >47 laughs and says, "Even though their silence is tacit approval of their actions. And some of what they say actually encourages them"
  3306. "You believe this?"
  3307. >"More importantly THEY believe this," he replies. "I just have to be aware of it for security's sake"
  3308. "Who is they?"
  3309. >"White nationalists," he replies. "Alot more of them out there than you'd think, and they hate free ponies more than any other minority"
  3310. "What have we done to them?"
  3311. >You exist and breed in their country," he replies, "thus changing the demographics, culture and undermining their hegemony"
  3312. "Their what?"
  3313. >He ignores the question staring intently at his screen
  3314. >"Shooter may be in custody," he says. "Told you these things move quickly"
  3315. >"It'll be a few minutes before they announce it, though," 42 answers. "But if he's in custody and not dead we were right about him"
  3316. >47 laughs again
  3317. "What's so funny?"
  3318. >"I just read someone saying this is a DS false flag," he answers
  3319. "A what?"
  3320. >"Conspiracy theory stuff," the stallion replies calmly, "The kind of guy who thinks shooting up a crowded place is a good idea eats that stuff up"
  3321. >"It's better that you don't know what some of these people believe," 42 adds, "It makes it a little harder to sleep at night"
  3322. >"And the nutjobs over at infinity are already calling him ourguy," 47 says
  3323. >"Well if the shoe fits," 42 says sadly
  3324. >"Mommy, I'm scared," the black colt whines
  3325. >"It looks like the scary part is over," 42 says confidently
  3326. >"These things don't last long," 47 repeats
  3327. >Suddenly you hear an explosion like a tunderclap
  3328. >It's powerful enough to shake your building a little
  3329. >Thankfully far enough away that your windows aren't blown out
  3330. >But you're pretty sure somewhere nearby windows are blown out, and probably worse
  3331. "What was that?!"
  3332. >42 rushes to the window for a quick peek outside then touches the communication device in his ear
  3333. >"There's been an explosion," he says, "perimiter secure, assets safe"
  3334. >"Can't say with certianty, Ma'am," 47 replies, "but a truck bomb would be a good guess"
  3335. >"This guy pulls off an mass shooting and a McVeigh?," 42 asks, almost seeming impressed
  3336. >"We don't know that. What did HQ say?" 47 asks, furiously scrolling through various feeds on his laptop
  3337. >"Shelter in place," he replies
  3338. >"We're a few minutes away from any reliable information," 47 says
  3339. >"You really should have your com device in," 42 chides
  3340. >"In this situation I can monitor things better without it," he replies
  3341. >"You're still violating protocol," 42 counters
  3342. >"We just had a mass shooting and an explosion two blocks from us," he replies, "and the assets are safe. Don't tell me how to do my job"
  3343. >"Sometimes I worry you're too into this stuff," 42 says quietly
  3344. >"You gotta know your enemy," 47 answers without taking his eyes from the screen
  3345. "I didn't realize we had actual enemies"
  3346. >"With these types the newest arrivals are at the top of the hit list," 47 replies
  3347. >"We're talking the kind of people who seriously want to send ponies back through the portal," 42 adds
  3348. >Rose gasps in horror
  3349. >"But there's nothing left there," she says in disbelief
  3350. >"That would suit them fine," 47 says with an edge of anger in his voice, "You see how much contempt the have for our lives"
  3351. "That's just a few angry, disturbed people, isn't it?"
  3352. >"If this wasn't happening here right now what would your reaction be?," he asks. "Just another horrible story on the news, right?"
  3353. >"Because this is happening all the time now," 42 adds
  3354. >Shit
  3355. >They're right
  3356. >You hear about mass shootings all the time and feel bad for those killed and traumatized by them
  3357. >But they happen so often you they are just another awful thing out of many on the news
  3358. >You've never even been a fan of following the news because it's depressing
  3359. >Though you've been making an effort to keep up recently so you don't make a fool out of yourself on TV
  3360. >But you just realized something that never hit you before
  3361. "So we're targets, aren't we?"
  3362. >47 nods toward 42 and says, "That's for us to worry about"
  3363. >You didn't realize that was going to be an aspect of being free
  3364. >You've known for a long time there were some people who simply didn't like ponies
  3365. >But when you were private property you were in your place and posed no threat to them
  3366. >Being a free pony changes that, it makes you a threat and those people are willing to paint a target on you because of it
  3367. "But it's true, isn't it?"
  3368. >The stallion nods
  3369. >He looks really sexy right now
  3370. >Why are you horny?
  3371. >What's wrong with you?
  3372. >A lot, probably
  3373. >A lot more than suddenly being overcome with the desire to fuck your bodyguard
  3374. >When he gives the all clear you're going to have to start figuring out how dating works as a free pony
  3375. >Otherwise you are going to fuck your bodyguard
  3376. >Is it wrong to be so horny when you know ponies were killed just two blocks from you?
  3377. >Is that what made you horny?
  3378. >You're glad the others are here
  3379. >Because if it had just been you and 47 in this situation you're pretty sure he wouldn't be lost in his laptop screen right now
  3380. >He'd be lost inside of you
  3381. >unf
  3382. >Stop it, stop it!
  3383. >You can't fuck your bodyguard!
  3384. >You realize Roseluck is kind of staring at you
  3385. >"You OK?," she asks
  3386. "Yeah. You?"
  3387. >"I have to be, don't I?," she replies with a quick nod in her son's direction
  3388. >42 picks up on the cue and says, "You were very brave today," to him
  3389. >You have to stifle a giggle at the word "brave"
  3390. >"You kept your cool while something scary happened," 42 continues, "That's what you're supposed to do in a crisis. Good job"
  3391. >The colt looks a little sheepish and scared, but you can see some pride on his face
  3392. >42 is a good agent
  3393. >He's kinda sexy, too
  3394. >Shit, stop thinking like that!
  3395. >Dating - you have to start dating
  3396. >The thought is terrifying
  3397. >You don't know a thing about it
  3398. >The guard said there was a app for it
  3399. >He said it knows you better than you know yourself
  3400. >You owe him a call anyway, and checking in to be sure he and Tari are OK after what just happened seems like the right thing to do
  3401. >You can ask him what that app is then
  3402. "Are we still on lockdown?"
  3403. >"Unfortunately, Ma'am," 42 replies
  3404. "I'll be in my room making a call"
  3405. >"I ought to call Chrissy," Rose says, "I hope she was nowhere near this"
  3406. >"Ten confirmed dead, and they haven't started going through the rubble of the buildings," 47 says matter of factly
  3407. >Then he adds, "Looks like a war zone. Don't be surprised if it takes a few attempts for your calls to go through"
  3408. >You should also call the girls to let them know you're OK
  3409. >Last thing you want is anypony worrying about you
  3410. >Though it seems like there's even more to worry about than you'd realized
  3412. >Be mare
  3413. >47 wants to explain the anatomy of the terrorist attack yeasterday
  3414. >He looks like he's been up all night as details are reported along with misinformation about it
  3415. >He's seems sure he can tell which is which
  3416. >You're pretty sure you couldn't
  3417. >It's mind blowing how people react to events like this on the internet
  3418. >The news outlets report the official story
  3419. >But for various reasons details are left out
  3420. >That opens the door for conspiracy theory types to add their own speculation about those details
  3421. >Speculation that is shaped by their political beliefs
  3422. >And it's easy for those with the same beliefs to find each other and push their view of it
  3423. >Regardless of whether the "facts" used to support that view are actual facts
  3424. >When someone is called out for incorrect facts they label their accuser fake news
  3425. >Which strikes you as really ironic
  3426. >But it also undercuts the ideals men claim to support
  3427. >Not that it matters to you, because nopony has any actual say in civic life or politics
  3428. >Free ponies can march around on the streets and talk on TV, but none of you can vote
  3429. >Only poeple can vote, and the result of the vote is supposed to represent the will of the people
  3430. >Which strikes you as silly and maybe even a little stupid
  3431. >In order for the vote to represent the will of the people the people need to have access to correct information
  3432. >If no one can be sure of what's true and what isn't why even vote?
  3433. >Your vote isn't going to represent your will if your choice is based on incorrect information!
  3434. >Skydancer once told you that religious statements can neither be proven nor disproven
  3435. >Because religion has no proof - it's a matter of faith, which is whether or not you believe it
  3436. >The whole idea of faith sounds like wishful thinking to you, but it's popular with people
  3437. >But when the news becomes a matter of faith, whether or not you choose to believe it instead of whether or not it's actually true?
  3438. >Something about that seems really wrong
  3439. >Stories in the news should be based on facts
  3440. >And you suspect some sources believe that more than others
  3441. >But social media is now a news source - one you stay away from
  3442. >Not 47, though
  3443. >He's been combing through it all night and into morning, discussing every find with 42 who stayed with him dutifully
  3444. >Then 42 asked for Rose's permission to debrief the colt while 47 debriefs the two of you
  3445. >She reluctantly agreed, but firmly told the stallion not to traumatize the colt any more than he already is
  3446. >42 assured her he intended to do just the opposite
  3447. >Which leaves you and Rose sitting in front of a disheveled looking 47
  3448. >"The shooter - I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of naming him - was from Rochester," he begins
  3449. >"And he was more ambitious than most," he continues
  3450. "Both an automatic weapon and a bomb, you mean?"
  3451. >"A van full of explosives, to be precise," 47 replies. "This guy was thinking bigger than a high bodycount at a soft target"
  3452. >"The market wasn't a soft target?," Rose asks
  3453. >"That wasn't his first choice," 47 answers, "He wanted to take out the KtMA Day of Action,but he broke down outside of Ithaca, where he had to spend the night"
  3454. "So car trouble is the only reason there was no mass shooting at the Day of Action?"
  3455. >"Followed by an explosion that would have taken out police and emergency responders"
  3456. >"This guy was anti-police as well?," Rose asks
  3457. >"When police protect free pony lives they're on the wrong side of the fight in their view," 47 says matter of factly
  3458. >"Why is there a fight in the first place?," Rose asks, "I'm not fighting anyone"
  3459. >"You have to understand the inflammatory langue they use to frame it," he responds. "Do you want me to go there?"
  3460. >"Can you maybe, like, go halfway there?," Rose asks
  3461. >The stallion sighs
  3462. >"OK," he begins, "The way they see it nothing was done to stop the invasion so something has to be done to stop the replacement"
  3463. "Invasion?"
  3464. >"The arrival of ponies here in the first place," he answers
  3465. >That gets a visible reaction from Rose, who is practically shaking with anger
  3466. >"We were refugees fleeing a darkened world!," she nearly shouts, "not to mention half of us were enslaved upon arrival!"
  3467. >"They're more or less OK with that half," he answers
  3468. >"Of course they are," Rose practically spits
  3469. >"But they see free ponies as invaders to their country," 47 continues, "who will eventually replace them"
  3470. "Replace? We can't even become citizens yet"
  3471. >"They're afraid that day will come when your numbers are bigger than theirs," he replies, "then you will have taken their place"
  3472. >"That's ridiculous," Rose replies
  3473. >"Their fears are based on reproductive rates," 47 continues, "Free ponies recently edged past hispanic people"
  3474. "Really?! I mean there are a lot of fillies and colts running around here, but I didn't realize..."
  3475. >"Reproductive rates increase dramatically when a population is under stress, and fall when it isn't," he explains
  3476. >"Ponies are definitely under stress here, whether free or not," Rose answers
  3477. >"You're a perfect example, Ma'am, he says, "If you don't mind me saying so"
  3478. >"How so?,." she asks
  3479. >"Enslaved refugee gets herself pregnant at the first opportunity?," he asks
  3480. >Rose blushes hard and he nods
  3481. >"And you're thinking about giving him a brother or sister in spite of being romantically involved with another mare?," he asks
  3482. >"Shit, you're good," she answers
  3483. >"I'm observant Ma'am," he replies, "Major part of the job"
  3484. >He adds, "Hispanics used to be the main targets of this kind of terrorism until free pony breeding rates caught up with them"
  3485. "Just free ponies? I would think in the case of private property ponies breeding is very profitable for the owners"
  3486. >"Of course, unless the ponies are worth more in specialized fields," he replies
  3487. >"Like we were," Rose replies, "and you still are"
  3488. >"I'm a stallion, so it doesn't apply. But of course I've been bred"
  3489. >He added that bit just to brag, you're sure of it
  3490. "So that's why they hate us? We're here and outbreeding them?"
  3491. >"And by doing so eventually change the culture by changing the demographics of it, correct," he replied
  3492. >"So when this psycho missed the Day of Action he still had the gun and the bomb and he... just decided to use them anyways?"
  3493. >"Apparently he spent a few days scouting soft targets here until he found one he liked in the form of the market"
  3494. "I shopped there"
  3495. >"Everypony shops there," 47 replies, "Or shopped there. The building isn't really standing anymore"
  3496. "Shit. How many were killed?"
  3497. >"Thirty five ponies, six people and over fifty injured," he replies, "With a few still missing"
  3498. "That was a big explosion!"
  3499. >"Most of the victims died from gunshot wounds," he says, "Not much you when the shooter has a tactical assult rifle"
  3500. >"Why do they even sell those things?," Rose asks, then adds, "That's just crazy"
  3501. >"I agree, but we don't make the rules," he replies. "I can't even tell you what to do, but I can advise you"
  3502. "Stay away from places that would be easy targets? Kind of hard living in Ponytown"
  3503. >"Try to avoid situations where lots of ponies are gathered in one place," he replies. "KtMA rallies, for example"
  3504. >He looks ar Rose
  3505. >"This hit close enough to home as is," he continues, "but if his and your plans had both worked out we might not be having this talk right now"
  3506. >"Crystal's not going to like that," Rose replies
  3507. >"Even once you explain how close she came to...?," he answers
  3508. >"No closer than if she'd been shopping at the pony market yesterday," Rose counters
  3509. >47 looks at her gravely and says, "We can't eliminate risk, but we can do our best to minimize it"
  3510. >"Which means you and Forty Two telling me a lot of things I don't want to hear, right?," she asks
  3511. >"Prpbably, Ma'am," he replies
  3512. "On an unrelated note... or more like an FYI..."
  3513. >Why do you feel embarrassed bringing this up?
  3514. >It's nothing to be ashamed of, this is how things are done these days
  3515. "I downloaded a dating app and I'm going to give it a shot. Just letting you know"
  3516. >"That shouldn't be a problem, Ma'am," he answers. "Whoever you date will probably be aware of your celebrity and not be put off by..."
  3517. "The fact that security will be there with us? I don't even know how I feel about that"
  3518. >"Ive been nothing but professional, Ma'am," he says, "and will continue to conduct myself in that manner"
  3519. >Did he sound a little sad saying that?
  3520. >You know he thinks you're cute
  3521. >And you think he's cute, too
  3522. >If the situation were different maybe...
  3523. >Stop kidding yourself
  3524. >If he were a free stallion and not your bodyguard you'd totally jump him
  3525. >And maybe even get to have a little peek at the stallion underneath the good little soldier act
  3526. >You still COULD do it
  3527. >But it might be cruel - that's what you're afraid of
  3528. >If things work out what happens when this assignment comes to an end?
  3529. >You're pretty sure you can't afford to just buy him, and how would he feel about that if you could?
  3530. >And if things didn't work out, which seems like the more likely option
  3531. >He'd still be stuck on assignment with you, or forced to admit to his organization he'd compromised the asset
  3532. >So as easy as it would be to just fuck the stallion you spend so much time with in the first place...
  3533. >It would be really unfair to him
  3534. >And at the end of the day he's still a stallion
  3535. >If you threw yourself at him he wouldn't resist, even though he knows better
  3536. >Knowing better doesn't matter once the penis gets involved in the decision making
  3537. >Don't think about his penis!
  3538. >Stop
  3539. >You can't even let on what you're thinking
  3540. >There's no way his ego could handle you thinking he's the more vulnerable one in this situation
  3541. >But he is
  3542. >And that's the only reason he's not balls deep in you right now
  3544. End


by AnonymousWritefag

Hippodrome pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Forty Seven's Baby Mama

by AnonymousWritefag