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Filly Brothel pt 2

By AnonymousWritefag
Created: 2020-12-23 15:21:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Begin Part Two
  3. >Be filly
  4. >As you predicted the new girl arrived scared
  5. >You figured they'd replace Skydancer with another pegasus
  6. >But she's an earth pony
  7. >Named Durril
  8. >She said it means a sweet fruit that was the same color as her coat
  9. >You don't know what she was talking about, but you don't know a lot of things, so you'd let it slide
  10. >She's tall - taller than you and Snowdrop, though she looks about your age, given how much fluff is on her
  11. >Her mane, tail and most of her coat are light green, though she has a few whte spots on her rump
  12. >Most striking are her hooves
  13. >Or the fact that you can't see them
  14. >From her fetlocks down she has green feather all the way around, front and back, completely covering her hooves
  15. >When she saw you staring she told you she had gypsy pony blood in her
  16. >Snowdrop said it made her look extra sexy
  17. >You thought it made her look like a draft pony, in spite of her thin build
  18. >But you kept that to yourself
  19. >And when she said it was just more to brush you nodded along, glad you didn't have such extra brushing in your life
  20. >But you have to admit you were maybe a little jealous
  21. >Not that you'd want that draft pony (or gypsy) look
  22. >It makes her less cute than you and Snowdrop
  23. >But no less pretty, and maybe more... elegant?
  24. >That's not really it
  25. >Draft ponies aren't elegant
  26. >Exotic?
  27. >Definitely more exotic!
  28. >A gypsy pony?!
  29. >You KNOW some clients are going to find that attractive about her
  30. >And you hope none of them are YOUR regulars
  31. >Because you don't want to hate her
  32. >You'd like to be her friend
  33. >You know what it's like to be new here and scared
  34. >And having Snowdrop as a friend made it OK
  35. >You want to do the same for Durril
  36. >So why does she have to be so tall and exotic, with feather over her hooves?
  37. >Why can't she just be a normal earth pony, or even a pegasus?
  38. >Why can't she just be Skydancer?
  39. >You realize that's part of it
  40. >She could be an alicorn and you'd find fault with her
  41. >Because she's not Skydancer, and you miss your friend
  42. >And that isn't fair to her
  43. >You don't really FEEL like being fair to her right now
  44. >But you know it's the right thing to do
  45. >For the future
  46. >SHE needs a friend right now
  47. >For that matter you do too, being down to only one
  48. >And she's going to be bunking with you
  49. >She's got to be a new friend - which means YOU have to offer her your friendship
  50. >Even though Durril is a stupid name and those draft pony hooves rub you the wrong way
  51. >She can't help either of those things
  52. >Letting those bug you is as ridiculous as disliking her for being green
  53. >Though if you're going to be honest you don't think that's a great color for a filly
  54. >But she's one of you now, and you have to stick together
  55. >You've been standing with her and Snowdrop letting your mind wander while Snowdrop describes life at the brothel
  56. >If you want to be a friend you ought to ease her apprehension about it
  57. >And make sure she knows about lube
  58. >"But why fillies?," Durril asks. "Aren't fillies not supposed to be for sexual?"
  59. >Snowdrop giggles. "Try telling that to men!"
  60. >That does nothing to make Durril seem less scared
  61. "Have you ever been sexed before?"
  62. >She winces and nods
  63. "Poor thing. He wasn't nice about it, I'm guessing?"
  64. >She nods again, looking on the verge of tears
  65. >"The men here are almost always nice," Snowdrop says encouragingly. "They're happy to see us"
  66. "A lot of them will pet you and give you cuddles"
  67. >"But they still...?," Durril asks
  68. >"Of course," Snowdrop replies. "But they don't hurt you. There's no rough stuff allowed here"
  69. "It's NEVER happened to me, but if a client gets rough you call 'security' and the guard will save you"
  70. >"The guard is her coltfriend," Snowdrop says slyly
  71. >You blush
  72. >"The only time it really hurts is when they want your tailhole," Snowdrop continues
  73. "Then you just use a lot of lube and try to relax"
  74. >"And tell Madam right away," Snowdrop adds, "because that's extra and you get ice cream after"
  75. "Though one time a client was so long it felt like he was ramming into my cervix"
  76. >"He probably was," Snowdrop says
  77. "That hurt almost as much as the tailhole, but fortunately not for long"
  78. >"The point is," Snowdrop says proudly, "you don't REALLY get hurt here. Sore sometimes, but NEVER really hurt"
  79. >"Doesn't it seem wrong?," Durril asks quietly. "We're just fillies. We shouldn't have to DO that"
  80. >"What else would we be doing?," Snowdrop replies. "Toiling in the fields somewhere without enough to eat and sleeping in a barn?"
  81. "We're SAFE here. It's warm and we get fed. You get to have friends. And aside from chores all you have to do is let men sex you for a few hours a night"
  82. >"It's a pretty good set up if you consider the alternatives, which I don't like to think about," Snowdrop says with a shiver
  83. "Being safe with your friends is a big deal"
  84. >"I don't have any friends," Durril says
  85. "You just met two!"
  86. >She brightens a little, almost but not quite smiling
  87. >"OK," she says a little unsurely. "So as friends tell me... It doesn't seem wrong to you that men come here to sex fillies?"
  88. "Do you really think right and wrong apply to how men treat ponies?"
  89. >"It never has," Snowdrop adds
  90. "What matters is how WE treat each other"
  91. >That actually gets you a smile from her
  92. >She may have a stupid name
  93. >Stupid hooves
  94. >Stupid gypsy blood
  95. >Be a stupid color
  96. >And ask stupid questions
  97. >But now she's a friend
  98. >And friends look out for each other
  99. >You bust out a few sugar cubes from your stash
  100. "Welcome to the Filly Brothel!"
  102. >Be filly
  103. >You're trying to be parient and supportive
  104. >But what you are is annoyed
  105. >Durril cries herself to sleep
  107. >Snowdrop can sleep right through it
  108. >But you can't, and it's been five nights of this
  109. >So you finally get out of your bed and into hers, cuddling up against her
  110. "It's OK," you whisper
  111. >"No it isn't," she says through sobs. "You keep saying that, but it isn't true"
  112. >How are you supposed to console somepony who will not be consoled?
  113. "What is so wrong then?"
  114. >"How can you even ask me that? It's like you're pretending not to know the difference, or... nopony taught you"
  115. "Taught me what?"
  116. >"You KNOW we're not SUPPOSED to be slaves, right?"
  117. >Uh oh
  118. >This kind of talk that can cause a lot of trouble
  119. >And not just for her
  120. "If you're going to tell me about some magic human book that saves souls I already know about it, and it isn't true"
  121. >Then for good measure you add, "I've even HAD one, and it didn't do anything"
  122. >"No," she says. "That's human mythology, and it has zero magic to back it up. I'm talking about the truth of who we are"
  123. >That's a relief, but this is still dangerous territory
  124. "We're ponies. Which means we should be kind and look out for each other"
  125. >"Of course. But there's MORE than that"
  126. "Well," you say, knowing this is probably shaky ground to her, "We have to do what humans tell us, too"
  127. >"But what if what they tell is isn't right?"
  128. "How can something you do be right or wrong if you don't have a choice about it?"
  129. >"Because some things are bigger than us," she whispers desperately
  130. >"I was born at a breeder who only bred gypsy pones. As a foal I was surrounded by my own kind. Some of them had lived in Equestria"
  131. "Madam lived in Equestria. I asked her about it once but she just got quiet and sad"
  132. >"Gypsy ponies pass our culture along by word of mouth. The ponies around me told me as much as they could about who I was and what it means"
  133. >So she thinks she's special?
  134. >Too special to be here?
  135. >THAT is a lot of nerve
  136. >"Some of it only applies to my kind," she continues, "but some applies to everypony"
  137. "Like what?"
  138. >"Like ponies should be free to come and go as they please. Ponies shouldn't be slaves. And... fillies and colts are NOT for sexual"
  139. >She starts quietly sobbing again
  140. >But what she said sounds good
  141. >It sounds like Equestria, or how you imagine it was
  142. >What would your life have been there?
  143. >You'd be in school
  144. >Probably have a coltfriend
  145. >Would he sex you?
  146. >No
  147. >He wouldn't
  148. >Not yet
  149. >But you'd probably kiss
  150. >Then what?
  151. >One day you'd get your cutie mark and discover your special talent
  152. >And build your life around that
  153. >And your coltfreiend would eventually become your husband
  154. >Then he'd sex you, for sure
  155. >If not a little before then, too
  156. >Then you'd have foals and be a mommy
  157. >And probably live to see their foals
  158. >Thinking about this makes you sad
  159. >You get why Durril cries
  160. >You can feel tears starting to well up in your own eyes
  161. >Knowing about a great life you could have had makes what you do have seem horrible by comparison
  162. >But your life isn't horrible
  163. >It's just not as great as the fantasy you just had
  164. >And can't anypony think of a fantay life that's better than the one they have?
  165. >Of course they can
  166. >And you're pretty sure too much of that would make anypony miserable
  167. >Like poor Durril here
  168. "It sounds you're talking about what things would be like if ponies were in charge. And it sounds great. But we're not in charge. Men make the rules"
  169. >"But the rules they make are wrong. And if we don't keep what's right in our hearts those who come after us will never know"
  170. >That makes sense
  171. >But there's a problem with that
  172. >It sounds like a good way to be miserable
  173. >And you don't want to be miserable
  174. >You don't want to live your whole life feeling like something great has been taken away from you
  175. >You want to be safe and your friends to be safe in what you KNOW is a dangerous world
  176. >It would be nice if it wasn't dangerous, but it is
  177. >Even talking like this is dangerous
  178. "What you say is beautiful, and it sounds important, but I have a little problem with it"
  179. >"How can there be a problem with right and wrong?"
  180. "The problem is we don't have a choice. I can think of hundreds of things I'd rather do than sex men here"
  181. >You pause for effect
  182. "It's gross. But so is pooping and peeing, and you don't have a choice about that, either"
  183. >"But pooping and peeing is natural. Sexing men isn't"
  184. "Sure, but we still don't have a choice about it. So it doesn't matter"
  185. >"It DOES matter"
  186. "OK. It matters to know how things ought to be if we ever have a say about it. So these things you know are important that way"
  187. >"Yeah, that's it eaxctly. You DO understand"
  188. >What you understand is that you need to say something to get her to stop crying about it every night
  189. "But we still have to live. And if you keep obsessing over how things should be when there's nothing you can do about it..."
  190. "You'll never appreciate what you have"
  191. >"I have nothing. I'm a slave filly whore"
  192. >You sigh
  193. "You have friends, and a safe place to be with them in a very dangerous world. That's actually a lot more than many ponies have"
  194. >"But you know it shouldn't be like this?"
  195. "I know I'd be happier if things worked they way you say they should. But I'm not going to let that make me miserable, and you shouldn't, either"
  196. >"Why not?"
  197. >Good question
  198. >You need to come up with a good answer or you're just going to keep going around and around on this
  199. >You have an OK one
  200. >You hope it's good enough
  201. "Imagine you really wanted to be a princess, but you weren't born one. Would you cry yourself to sleep about it every night?"
  202. >"Maybe"
  203. "But it would be silly, right?"
  204. >"Yeah, I guess it would. But this is a much bigger deal than that"
  205. "I know. We don't get to live the lives we would have had in Equestria because we're here instead. And that is sad"
  206. >She sniffles
  207. "But Madam is kind. Nopony here gets belted, and you know a lot of ponies get worse than that"
  208. >"It's still wrong"
  209. "Maybe, but what's the worst thing that can happen here? Some man takes you up the tailhole"
  210. >You feel her shiver
  211. "That's bad, but really, if that's as bad as it gets how bad do we have it?"
  212. >"I see what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it"
  213. >She sees half of what you're trying to do
  214. >You are trying to comfort her because she's your friend
  215. >But you're also trying to get her to stop crying all night
  216. >Because it's so bucking annoying
  217. >And making you think about the life you could have had if you'd been born in another world?
  218. >Snowdrop would probably call that cruel
  219. >You don't know if it is, but it does make you sad
  220. >And you don't really think there's a reason to be that sad
  221. "I'm saying you can appreciate your life here while still knowing things would be better if ponies were in charge"
  222. >"Because I have no choice"
  223. "Well you can choose to be miserable, but that's not going to do you any good, is it?"
  224. >It's not going to do YOU any good, either
  225. >"Thank you"
  226. "Do you feel any better?"
  227. >"No. But you gave me something to think about. I don't WANT to be miserable"
  228. "I don't want you to be, either"
  229. >"They always pet me"
  230. "Yeah. I get pet a lot, too. It's them trying to be kind, I guess. It feels good most of the time"
  231. >"It makes me feel small. Like I'm a pet and not a pony who can think and talk and..."
  232. "I can see that. But you are irresistable that way"
  233. >"What do you mean?"
  234. "Imagine you're a human. Not fluffy at all, but you have hands that can pet"
  235. >"OK"
  236. "And you just paid a lot of money for a half hour alone with somepony as fluffy as you are. How could you NOT pet?"
  237. >That gets a little giggle from her
  238. >"I guess I am pretty fluffy. But it still makes me feel like I'm less than I am"
  239. "This job will do that to you if you let it. When I first got here Snowdrop told me on how much the men LIKE us"
  240. >"As sex pets"
  241. "Yeah, but that's what a brothel is. Doesn't change the fact that they like us. And a gentle touch isn't a bad thing"
  242. >"You are determined NOT to see this place as horrible"
  243. "Why would I want to think my life was horrible? I'm determined to tough out what's not so good and appreciate what's not so bad"
  244. >"I'm nowhere near that kind of perspective yet"
  245. "You just got here. Give it time. I have a harder time with the things I DO have control over than the things I don't"
  246. >"Like what?"
  247. "I sexed the guard for a sandwich I didn't even want - though it was a really naughty sandwich - just so I could feel like I was making a decision for myself"
  248. >"Really? I guess I can see that. We don't get control over anything, and there was a situation you could control"
  249. "It's more than control. It's power. For a second I had power over a man to get him to do what I wanted. What I wanted didn't even matter"
  250. >"It's that you could get him to do it?"
  251. "Yeah. That feels really good. Too good. Chasing after that feeling almost messed up my friendship with Snowdrop"
  252. >"What did you do?"
  253. "Sexed the guard again for some sugar cubes to apologise to her with"
  254. >"That's why she says the guard is your coltfriend," she says, laughing
  255. "I'm not proud of myself. But I did learn something. It DOES feel good to be selfish and manipulative."
  256. >"That doesn't sound like such a good thing to learn"
  257. "Knowing that you'll mess up your friendships if you give into that feeling too much is a very good thing"
  258. >Durril is quiet for a little while
  259. >"Do you think I'm selfish for being so upset about being here when the rest of you are just dealing with it?"
  260. "Maybe a little. Only because the life you want - the life we'd all pick if we had the choice - isn't an option"
  261. >"So what options do we have? Sex the guard or don't? Anything else?"
  262. "I'm still trying to figure that out"
  263. >"Would you two SHUT UP?!," a very sleepy sounding, verry annoyed Snowdrop demands from her bed
  264. "Sorry. Yeah, we're done. Didn't mean to wake you up"
  265. The to Durril you whisper:
  266. "I'm going back to my own bed now. You gonna be OK?"
  267. >"I have no idea. But I do feel a little better now. Thanks"
  268. "Good night"
  270. >Be filly
  271. >Durril is still having trouble fitting in at the brothel
  272. >And you've done everything you can think of to make it easier for her
  273. >But she's still miserable
  274. >You and Snowdrop don't know what to do
  275. >"You keep telling me the clients are nice and the like is," Durril complains, "but I don't see it. They don't seem nice at all to me"
  276. >She adds, "Even when they pet me it feels condescending or mocking"
  277. >Snowdrop frowns
  278. >"Don't they cuddle you and tell you how cute or pretty you are?," she asks
  279. >"Not really," Durril answers. "It's more like they're enjoying the fact that I don't like what they do to me"
  280. >Snowdrop perks up
  281. >"I should have seen that," she says. "If Skydancer were still here she'd have seen it right away. She understood psychology"
  282. >You're pretty sure that means being able to read ponies/people, and she was good at that
  283. >But so is Snowdrop
  284. >"It's the signals you send out to the clients that put ideas in their minds," she says
  285. >"Signals?," Durril asks
  286. >"How you are in the salon. I do the ruined innocence thing"
  287. "Ruined innocence?"
  288. >She turns to you
  289. >"Oh come on, You do it better than me. 'Look at me - I'm a cute little filly, but I also know what you're here for, so come play with me'"
  290. "That's ruined innocence?"
  291. >"It kinda is"
  292. >You never thought about it like that, but maybe she's right
  293. >"And what does that act get you?," Durril asks
  294. >Act?!
  295. >It isn't an act in your case!
  296. >"Treated like the cute little filly you are most of the time," Snowdrop responds
  297. "Sometimes even cuddles after," you say, a little miffed that Snowdrop thinks you're acting
  298. >"I love that," Snowdrop says
  299. >"I don't get cuddles after," Durril responds
  300. >"Then you're not sending the right signals," Snowdrop says sounding validated
  301. >Now you see where this is going
  302. "You can put ideas in their heads without even realizing it. That's why you don't let them know you have lube unless they're already going for your tailhole"
  303. >"Exactly," Snowdrop responds. "Because if they see lube it might make them think tailhole when they wouldn't otherwise"
  304. "I've got a story like that. A special client gave me a collar. I've got it here"
  305. >You open your drawer and show Durril the black leather collar with the gold heart hanging from it
  306. "Pretty, right?"
  307. >Durril nods
  308. "So he came to see me and I didn't want to take it off after. So I wore it for the rest of the night - in the salon, with other clients"
  309. >"I remember this," Snowdrop says, "You had no idea what was going on!"
  310. >"What was going on?," Durril asks
  311. "I didn't realize that just wearing a collar like that in front of other clients sends a message"
  312. >"What message?," Durril asks dismissively
  313. >"That you're totally submissive, and might even LIKE being treated a little rough," Snowdrop responds
  314. "It was a hard night, and I had no idea why until Snowdrop explained it to me"
  315. >"Which leads back to you," Snowdrop says to Durril, "I've seen you in the salon. You look like you'd rather be anyplace else"
  316. >"That's true," she replies
  317. >"And like you're hoping you don't get picked by any client. You look away when they look at you. But there you are for the choosing"
  318. >"So?," Durril asks
  319. "What kind of client would choose that, you know, find that appealing?"
  320. >Durril looks blankly at the two of you
  321. >You wait for Snowdrop to answer, because she's going to put it better than you would
  322. >And she does
  323. >"The client who might not have been thinking about it before, but suddenly finds the unwilling filly appealing," Snowdrop says
  324. "Because you're there looking like 'I hope no one rapes me'. So who's gonna choose you?"
  325. >Durril looks confused
  326. >"The client!," Snowdrop says, "Who suddenly realizes he thinks raping you might be hot. That's why you're not getting cuddles"
  327. "Damn!"
  328. >You didn't mean to say that out loud, but Snowdrop NAILED it
  329. >And you now feel even more sorry for Durril
  330. >Poor thing makes it so clear she hates it here that the clients sense it and choose her BECAUSE of it
  331. >The rapey ones
  332. >Her mouth is hanging open a little
  333. >Which would be funny if it weren't tragic
  334. >And since Snowdrop hasn't said anything else yet
  335. >And you actually understand what's going on you say:
  336. "You gotta send a better message to the clients"
  337. >Hopefully this is helpful for her
  338. "We can practice!," you say, clapping your front hooves together. "Snowdrop, look her up and down like a client"
  339. >"Why me?," Snowdrop asks
  340. "Because I know you can look at her more convincingly like that than I ever could"
  342. >Be filly, trying to get Snowdrop to look over Durril like a client would
  343. >It takes a few giggle fits for Snowdrop to fix Durril with the right gaze
  344. >Once she does the fluffy green filly looks very uncomfortable
  345. "Now look at yourself in the mirror. Does that look like a cute little filly palymate or a soon to be victim?"
  346. >"Do I have to be one or the other?," Durril asks
  347. "Who do you think has a better time of it? Try smiling and looking like you enjoy the attention"
  348. >"But I DON'T"
  349. "Look, you're so cute and fluffy. Isn't that what you want clients to see, instead of you being miserable?"
  350. >"I guess being looked at like THAT would be OK if I was dancing, but I wouldn't want it any other way"
  351. "If you were WHAT?!"
  352. >"Dancing. You know what I mean"
  353. >"Umm," Snowdrop says, "No we don't"
  354. >"You weren't brought up to dance?!," Durril asks in disbelief
  355. "Show us what you mean"
  356. >You expect her to be self-conscious, but she isn't
  357. >She suddenly explodes into a very noisy bit of fluffy hoofwork while keeping her head perfectly steady, but her eyes take on a come-hither look
  358. >Right at you
  359. >Her tail is held high
  360. >As her hooves cross each other she moves sideways
  361. >You didn't know a pony could do that
  362. >You wonder awhat Skydancer's reaction to this would be
  363. >And realize she'd probably be drooling
  364. >So would a lot of the clients, you're pretty sure
  365. "That's amazing!"
  366. >The noise quickly attracts the other girls and Madam
  367. >"What's going on here?," she asks
  368. "Durril was just showing us how she dances. Show Madam"
  369. >Durril obliges
  370. >All the ponies stomp their hooves on the floor when she comes to a stop
  371. >"Beautifully done, Durril," Madam says. "I haven't seen real gypsy pony dancing in a very long time"
  372. >Durril is catching her breath, but looking pleased with herself
  373. >You ease up alongside Madam while all the girls are focused on your new friend
  374. "She's been having a hard time," you whisper, "Sending out the wrong kind of signals in the salon"
  375. >"I was afraid of that," Madam whispers back to you. "She looks like prey down there, when she isn't trying to blend into the wallpaper"
  376. "I think that's how she's getting treated. Do you think this would send better signals?"
  377. >"I do. Would you like me to have her dance for the clients?"
  378. "If you don't think it would be too disruptive"
  379. >"I can't control that," Madam says. "I can choose to allow it and deal with what happens next. A long time ago brothels provided a variety of entertainment"
  380. "Like what?"
  381. >"The girls who had musical talent or could dance would perform for the clients. The salon was buch bigger. And there was a bar"
  382. >The talent show aspect sounds great
  383. >But the bar implies drunk men, and from what you've heard you don't want to be around drunk men
  384. >They can turn mean or violent for no reason, both with each other and the girls
  385. >Which is why Madam doesn't allow alcohol here
  386. >"My concern," Madam says, "would be to keep the salon from turning into a saloon. I won't allow any rowdiness here for all our sakes"
  387. "Of course"
  388. >And you really do appreciate that
  389. >"But a little 'cultural exihibition'?", she says with a wink, "might help your friend better get along here"
  390. >You nod, and actually feel smart for once
  391. >You and Madam, on the same page!
  392. >Madam clears her throat and the room goes silent
  393. >"Durril," she begins, "how would you feel about dancing like that in the salon, for the clients?"
  394. >Durril looks at the floor
  395. >"I don't know," Durril replies. "It sounds like fun on one hand, but on the other it seems like giving away a piece of myself I ought to hold on to"
  396. >You can feel Snowdrop rolling her eyes without even looking at her
  397. >"Perhaps," Madam suggests, "it's a way of keeping your Equestrian heritage alive under... less than ideal circumstances"
  398. >"It does feel good to dance," Durril replies
  399. >You only see one downside to this
  400. >All the attention will either freak her out or give her a big head
  401. >Or both
  402. >But even that would be better than her crying herself to sleep every night
  403. >Because you are tired of felling sorry for her and annoyed at the same time
  404. >If this gives her days a bright spot it's a good thing
  406. >Be filly
  407. >Walking down to the salon when a voice from behind you speaks up
  408. >"So the new girl, your green friend," the unmistakable voice of the guard says, "She's a dancer?!"
  409. "Yeah, she dances. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. How do you know about it?"
  410. >"Madam had to borrow my phone to find some music for her to dance to. And she can't figure out how to use it so..."
  411. "You had to find the music."
  412. >"Yep. Wasn't that hard though. She liked almost everything I played"
  413. "So you met Durril?"
  414. >"Yeah. She's a looker, too. Should I poke my head in the salon and catch part of the act?"
  415. "Probably. You hot for her now?"
  416. >"Tell you the truth I'm hot for all of you. If I had fuck you money I'd buy this place and turn it into my personal harem... Madam included"
  417. >He smiles at you as he bends down so his hand can scratch your ear
  418. >You can smell the Italian cold cut sandwich on his fingers as he does
  419. >And for a second you worry that your ear will smell like that
  420. >Then you remember men never use their teeth on you ears, just their hands
  421. >They wouldn't even notice
  422. >"You'd still be my favorite," he says, "becuase you're still the prettieist one"
  423. >You remember something you heard Madam say once
  424. "You, sir, are a flatterer!"
  425. >He laughs
  426. >"Yeah, maybe I am. Not the worst thing I could be, though"
  427. "So how much is fuck you money?"
  428. >"Enough to be able to say 'fuck you' to anyone you want and not suffer for it"
  429. "That sounds like a lot"
  430. >"It would have to be"
  431. "And you might have fuck you money someday?"
  432. >"I play the Lotto everyday like a chump, so it could happen"
  433. "What's the Lotto?"
  434. >"That's where you fork over money to the government for a chance to win fuck you money"
  435. "And that happens?! YOU could be my MASTER?!"
  436. >"Oh, yeah, I'd LOVE that, kid, but the odds are like, one in a million"
  437. "So it's not gonna happen?"
  438. >"Probably not, but you never know"
  439. >It would be weird if the guard became your master
  440. >He's the only man you've ever had any control over
  441. >And by control you mean the only man where it's not a given he's just gonna sex you
  442. >As much as it would be nice to have a master you'd hate to lose that
  443. >The little bit of power you have over this one man in the world
  444. >He watches men come here to sex the fillies while he never gets to
  445. >Well, almost never
  446. >You sexed him a couple times
  447. >But it was YOUR decision, not his
  448. >And for some reason that makes you feel tender toward him
  449. >Snowdrop jokes that he's your coltfriend, which isn't at all true
  450. >But you do feel something for him
  451. >He's special
  452. >Because he's the only man you've ever sexed by choice
  453. >You suspect that's supposed to be a little bit shameful
  454. >But you really don't feel much shame about it
  455. >Not that you're eager to do it again - HE still owes YOU a favor
  456. >But knowing HE wants you to, and whether or not it happens is YOUR decision?
  457. >That's intoxicating
  458. >His hand has moved from scratching your ear to stroking your mane, gently pushing you toward his crotch
  459. >A quick glance shows a bulge there
  460. >You almost feel sorry, because you know how desperate men get when they're like that
  461. >But this moment is too delicious to pass up
  462. >You rub your cheek against his leg, for good measure
  463. "I've got to get to the salon. You should come too, if you want to see Durril dance"
  464. >He removes his hand from your mane
  465. >"Yeah, I'll be along in a couple minutes. Gotta take care of something first"
  466. >He heads toward his private bathroom at the end of the hall
  467. >Part of you wants to offer to help him take care of it
  468. >Because the idea of him taking care of himself alone in the bathroom makes you a little sad
  469. >But walking away from him feels even better
  470. >YOU are in control!
  471. >Even if you do smell like a cold cut hoagie now
  473. >Be filly
  474. >In the dorm with Snowdrop and Durril
  475. >After she danced in the salon this evening
  476. >The guard did stop in for a minute
  477. >He seemed to like it
  478. "You know what the guard said?"
  479. >"What did your coltfriend say?," Durril asks with a little smirk
  480. "He said your dancing would be even better if you wore a bridle"
  481. >"He's right," Snowdrop says
  482. >"I don't know...," Durril replies
  483. >"The real question," Snowdop begins, "is how did the clients treat you after seeing you dance?"
  484. "And HOW were they different?"
  485. >Durril blushes
  486. >"Yeah, they were different" she answers. "One called me his green goddess. Another asked if he could..."
  487. >"If he could WHAT?," Snowdrop says impatiently
  488. >"...kiss my hooves," Durril replies
  489. "You let him, right?"
  490. >"Did I have a choice?," she asks. "It was weird"
  491. >"But you have to admit," Snowdrop says, "it's better to be adored by clients than just... used by them"
  492. "Much better, right?"
  493. >She gives you a weak smile
  494. >"It's much better when they treat you like you're special, but it doesn't change the outcome, does it?"
  495. "The outcome?"
  496. >Durril looks down at the floor
  497. >"No matter how nice a client is to you it still ends with you getting raped"
  498. >Uh oh
  499. "Durril, that's a TERRIBLE thing to say!"
  500. >"Tell me it isn't true," she responds in a flat tone
  501. >Snowdrop looks furious
  502. >"Of course it's not true!," she says hastily. "We work in the brothel. Taking care of clients is what we do!"
  503. >"They sex us and we have no say in the matter," Durril responds. That's..."
  504. >"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT WORD AGAIN!," Snowdrop shouts.
  505. >Durril seems takes aback by her reaction
  506. >"I'm sorry," she begins, "I..."
  507. >"I KNOW what I do," Snowdrop interrupts, "and I KNOW I'm good at it. And I'm appreciated for that. I am a GOOD GIRL with a GOOD life, not some kind of..."
  508. "Victim," you finish for her, after the pause goes on a little too long
  509. >"Yeah. Definitely NOT that!," she turns to Durril. "How can you even THINK like that?! That'll ruin your life"
  510. >You do NOT like how dark this conversation has turned
  511. >"I think about that sometimes," Durril says. "Maybe being dead would be easier than this"
  512. >Snowdrop's mouth is just hanging open
  513. >"I can't bucking believe you," she says. "You had a man call you a goddess and another kissing your hooves, and you talk like that?!"
  514. >She shakes her head and gives Durril a disgusted look
  515. >"You don't even realize how good you have it," she begins. "Just a few hours ago men were applauding your dancing"
  516. >"I know, but I...," Durril begins
  517. >Snowdrop is having none of this
  518. >"I don't know who put these crazy ideas about how things ought to be in your head," she says, "but they weren't doing you any favors"
  519. >She continues, "It would be one thing if you were just being ungrateful. Nopony says you HAVE to be grateful"
  520. >An edge is creeping into her voice that you've never heard before
  521. >"But you're being worse than that - you're being selfish, and DANGEROUSLY selfish, because it's not just about YOU being miserable"
  522. >You don't even realize it, do you?," Snowdrop accuses
  523. >"Realize what?," Durril asks in a small voice
  524. >"That you're not just making yourself miserable," Snowdrop scolds, "This stuff is contageous. If you start up with it you'll make other ponies miserable"
  525. >"For no good reason!," she adds. "Then what do you have? When ponies are miserable BAD THINGS start happening, and all for what?!"
  526. >"Because somepony filled your head with crazy ideas about right and wrong that have NOTHING to do with reality - THIS is reality!"
  527. >"And we have NO CHOICE about it. I'm not going to let you ruin what's good about it for the other fillies here because YOU think YOU deserve better"
  528. >"So just stop it with this moral high ground nonsense. You're a whorse like the rest of us. How dare you use words like..."
  529. >Snowdrop's voice drops to a whisper, "...rape, or saying you'd be better off dead. Don't you KNOW what that kind of talk does to the fillies around you?"
  530. >Durril is starting to cry
  531. >But Snowdrop isn't finished
  532. >"Or are you just that bucking stupid and selfish and... cruel?"
  533. >Snowdrop is on the verge of tears herself
  534. >But she's right
  535. >None of you have a full glass, so to speak
  536. >If you look at it as half full life seems pretty good
  537. >But insisting on seeing it as half empty isn't good for anypony
  538. >And it's really time Durril stopped doing that
  539. >Not just for her sake, but for all of your sakes
  540. >You're all in this together, you have to stick together
  541. >And you can't do that when somepony keeps insisting that everything is awful
  542. >That will just bring everypony down
  543. >You've never even thought about the 'better off dead' angle
  544. >That's really dark
  545. >No filly should think about that, ever!
  546. >And you're kind of mad at Durril for even bringing up something like that
  547. >It seems so selfish and cowardly
  548. >And now she's looking at you like you're supposed to come to her aid
  549. >But Snowdrop was right, if a little on the tough love side of things
  550. >Is there something sweet you can say to her that doesn't undercut Snowdrop?
  551. >You've got nothing
  552. >You wish you were smarter
  553. "Snowdrop's right. A MAN called YOU a GODDESS and you're unhappy about it?! What more do you want? A MAN put you above him. And not just one!"
  554. >You don't want to be too harsh, because you're supposed to stick together
  555. "I KNOW deep down in your heart you're a good girl..."
  556. >Come on!
  557. >You have to come up with something better than that
  558. "You just have to find it instead of saying all this dark, horrible stuff. Maybe you DO need a bridle"
  559. >Where are you going with this?
  560. >You don't want to make her feel worse
  561. >But you don't want her to think she can just make everypony else feel bad, either
  562. >And she's already done it to you
  563. "We have to stick together, and that's a lot harder if we're looking down instead of up"
  564. >Was that any good?
  565. >You don't know
  566. "Please try to look up instead of down, Durril"
  567. >Both fillies are smiling at you
  568. >Maybe it was good?
  569. >Buck, you can't tell
  570. >You're just happy this dark moment seems to have passed
  571. >Hopefully for good
  573. >Be Filly
  574. >Sneaking down the hall to just outside the door to Madam's office
  575. >She came up to the dorm a minute ago and asked Durril to come with her
  576. >And you have to know what she's gonna do
  577. >Because somepony has to do something
  578. >The door is shut, but not all the way
  579. >Leaning toward it you can just about hear what's being said on the other side
  580. >"You're a filly of at least average intelligence, aren't you?," Madam asks
  581. >"I guess so, Ma'am," Durril replies
  582. >"Then you realize WE have a problem?," Madam continues
  583. >"I don't want to have a problem, Madam"
  584. >"I don't want to have a problem either, but I'm afraid we do. And if it's possible I'd like to at least try to solve it pony to pony"
  585. >"Pony to pony?," Durril asks
  586. >"Yes. I have not yet made the owners aware of our problem, and I'm hoping I won't have to. Humans have their own ways of solving problems"
  587. >"Like what?," Durril says meekly
  588. >Madam sighs
  589. >"If I told them one of the girls was exhibiting behavior that was putting the other fillies at risk they'd to one of two things"
  590. >Madam continues: "Sell you or medicate you. Selling you is risky, because odds are you'd end up in a much worse situation than this"
  591. >"And the other option?," Durril practically whispers
  592. >"Humans try to solve a lot of their problems with pharmaceuticals. And for them it's kind of a mixed bag. When it comes to ponies..."
  593. >"It's worse?," Durril says
  594. >"Let's just say we're having this conversation because I never want to see that done to one of my girls"
  595. >"Yes, Ma'am," Durril replies
  596. >"Now about your behavior..."
  597. >"Do you really think I'm putting the other girls in danger?," Durril asks
  598. >"You are. I don't have to tell you ponykind is in a less than ideal situation in this world"
  599. >"No, Ma'am"
  600. >"And in a less than ideal situation," Madam continues, "What is your biggest enemy?"
  601. >Durril is quiet for a few seconds, then says, "Fear?"
  602. >"Fear is bad stuff," Madam answers, "but ponies can cope with it. Do you know what we can't cope with as well?"
  603. >Silence
  604. >"Despair," Madam says ominously. "We can't have that here. I won't have that here. And your behavior is going to spread it among the girls if you don't stop right now"
  605. >"But I can't control how I FEEL," Durril protests
  606. >"You'd better learn to," Madam says coldly. "And quickly. Because this matter is going to be settled, if not pony to pony than in a human way"
  607. >"But you of all ponies should know what we're doing here is wrong," Durril protests. "You LIVED in Equestria"
  608. >"Equestria has nothing to do with where we are now," Madam responds, sadly
  609. >"That doesn't change right and wrong, though," Durril says
  610. >"I'm afraid it does," Madam replies. "You're right, in Equestria I worked some young girls, but they all had cutie marks"
  611. >"I knew it," Durril says, soulding almost sounding victorious
  612. >"Also," Madam continues, "the girls were all working there by choice, at least in some kind of meaningful sense - they could have done other things"
  613. >"That's how it's supposed to be!," Durril replies
  614. >"No, Durril," Madam chides. "That's how it was in pony lands where ponies made the rules. If you traveled to dragon or griffon lands their rules weren't the same"
  615. >"Are you saying right and wrong depends on where you are and WHO you are?," Durril asks
  616. >"I wouldn't have liked the sound of that when I was a filly," Madam says, finally with a little compassion. "It sounds really unfair"
  617. >"But you're saying it's true?"
  618. >"We're not in Equestria. We're in the human world. Our bodies don't even belong to us - we're property of the company that owns the brothel"
  619. >"But that's wrong"
  620. >"That, Durril, is completely beyond our control. But I have a little control here, because I'm a pony and I'm the one running this place"
  621. >"Which means what?," Durril asks. "I still have to sex men, don't I?"
  622. >"Yes you do," Madam replies. "And if that isn't a good fit for you I'm sorry. It wasn't a good fit for Skydancer either, but things turned out well for her"
  623. >"Then what CAN you do?"
  624. >"Keep you safe under the umbrella of the brothel until you graduate, then safe within the parent organization"
  625. >"Safe?"
  626. >"Yeah safe, you misguided filly!," Madam says a little hotly. "This is not a safe world for ponies. I can see to it my girls are safe here, and where they go next they'll be safe, too"
  627. >"And that's the best you can do?," Durril asks
  628. >"It is," Madam says matter of factly. "This isn't Equestria. But I take what little I CAN do for the fillies here VERY seriously"
  629. >She continues: "Which is why I'd turn your case over to human solutions if it meant protecting the others. Neither of us want that, do we?"
  630. >"So what do I have to do to keep that from happening?"
  631. >"I hope you CAN do it," Madam says, "I'm taking a risk by even giving you the chance"
  632. >"I understand how serious this is now," Durril replies. "I'll do whatever you say"
  633. >A whispered voice from behind you almost causes you to bolt
  634. >"Should you really be listening to this?," asks the guard
  635. "Is it your business?," you whisper back
  636. >"Nope," he says. "Just bein' nosy like you." He gestures toward the door. "Your green dancer friend?"
  637. >You nod
  638. >"Like you couldn't see THAT comin' from a mile away"
  639. "Shhhhh"
  640. >"You can't sush me, filly! But it's pretty cute that you try"
  641. "I'm trying to hear what's going on in there"
  642. >"Anything good?," he asks
  643. >Suddenly the door in front of you opens about halfway and Madam sticks her head out
  644. >"I can turn a blind eye," She says, "to things that aren't likely to cause any trouble"
  645. >She makes eye contact with the guard first, then you
  646. >"But stay out of my way when I'm trying to solve problems, if you don't want to become problems yourselves"
  647. "Yes, Ma'am," you say in unison with the guard, as you both head down the hallway
  648. >You turn to him as you're walking away from her door
  649. "So Madam is your boss?"
  650. >"Not exactly," the guard responds. "She doesn't sign my paychecks. But they set things up so she is in charge of day to day operations here"
  651. >They
  652. >You smile
  653. >Madam has the kind of smarts you have to learn
  654. >And while you're sad the guard blew up youe evesdropping you already feel like you've learned something today
  655. >You also hope Durril can step up, because it doesn't sound good for her if she can't
  656. >Hopefully Madam can keep her safe
  658. >Be filly
  659. >Talking to Snowdrop about Durril, who is still meeting with Madam
  660. "That's all I heard before the guard came and got us yelled at"
  661. >"He was totally messing with you," Snowdrop laughs
  662. "Of course he was, but he picked the worst time to do it"
  663. >"Do you think she'll be OK?"
  664. "Madam was kind of pinning her ears back, and explaining to her that if it fell to humans to decide things could be really bad for her"
  665. >"I hope it works out. She's had a tough time"
  666. "It's kinda her fault, though. She's the one who has to be so dark and negative"
  667. >"Everypony is different"
  668. "I get it. When I first got here and you told me what I'd be doing I was shocked"
  669. >"But you went with it"
  670. "I only did because YOU seemed fine with it, so I figured it was no big deal"
  671. >"Because it really is, except on those days when you get ice cream"
  672. "Even then... imagine getting whipped? That's got to be a lot worse"
  673. >"You think?," she replies sarcastically
  674. "I don't know why she can't see that"
  675. >"You can ask her yourself"
  676. >You hear hoofsteps approaching
  677. >You can pretty much tell everypony in the brothel by their hoofsteps
  678. >But Durril is really easy
  679. >Being taller than most, and with a different build she's got a very recognizable gait in the brothel
  680. >And she'll be here any second
  681. >As she enters the room you can see she looks a little shaken
  682. "You OK?"
  683. >"I don't know," the green filly responds. "I just learned a lot of things I'd rather not know about"
  684. >"Like what?," Snowdrop asks
  685. >"I don't even know where to start," Durril responds, sadly. "And what's up with you and your coltfriend having a tiff right outside Madam's office?"
  686. "Sorry about that. But HE started it"
  687. >"It doesn't matter," she responds dismissively. "Did you know men used to enslave each other?"
  688. >You didn't know that, and from the look on Snowdrop's face she didn't, either
  689. >"It's part of what this country was founded on, and went on for a couple hundred years"
  690. >That helps explain why they seem so confortable with the idea
  691. >"And even though they stopped it here well over 100 years ago the descendants of the former slaves still get rough treatment because it's part of their culture"
  692. "Which means?"
  693. >"Any hopes we have for bettering ponykind here," Durril continues, "are probably hundreds and hundreds of years away"
  694. "I'm not following you"
  695. >"She just realized," Snowdrop explains, "That freedom for ponies is NOT going to happen in our lifetimes"
  696. >"Exactly," Durril says giddily. "That's why almost all the clients are light colored men. They're the ones in charge because the dark ones used to be the slaves"
  697. "So?"
  698. >"If they haven't worked this out yet among their own kind how can we expect them to work it out with ours?"
  699. "You make it sound like that's a good thing"
  700. >"It isn't. It's awful. It's beyond awful," Durril says in what still sounds like a giddy voice
  701. "So why do you sound happy about it?"
  702. >"Because if they can't help but be slavers then regardless of whether we're smarter or more capable and ethical we'll still be nothing but ponies to them"
  703. >"There's NOTHING wrong with being a pony," Snowdrop says icily
  704. >"But to THEM," Durril replies, "there's nothing good about it. The Big Picture stuff is entirely out of our hooves"
  705. "You're just realizing this now?"
  706. >"I was brought up thinking that somepony sonmewhere could do something," She says looking down and scratching a hoof on the floor
  707. >She continues: "The breeder didn't care what the others said as long as he got the gypsy foals he wanted"
  708. >"So what did they tell you?," Snowdrop asks
  709. >"More or less that this world was going to become a New Equestria any day now, and it was on me to keep our values alive for that day"
  710. "And you believed that?!"
  711. >"It's pretty much what I was told since I was a foal until I got here"
  712. >"Wow," Snowdrop says. "So this place really was a shock for you!"
  713. "You really had no idea how humans are?"
  714. >"There were only a couple around, and they didn't interact with us much. As long as the foals kept coming they were happy"
  715. >"So why didn't they just KEEP you there?," Snowdrop asks
  716. >"Madam said they had to sell ponies to keep the business going. Some got their New Equestria and some like me got..."
  717. >"Sold," Snowdrop finishes. "It was a lie, though. New Equestria was just for the best stallions and mares, and only as long as they were good at THAT"
  718. >"I get that now," Durril replies, "but they passed gypsy pony culture along. I know the things I learned are valuable"
  719. "Well you sure can dance"
  720. >"Oh it's more than that," Durril says with a little pride. "If some magic ended pony slavery tomorrow I actually KNOW things I could teach the HUMANS that might make them better"
  721. >THAT'S the arrogance about her that bugs you, but you let it go. Instead you just say:
  722. "Oh"
  723. >Durril gives you a funny look
  724. >"Oh?," she says. "That's all you have to say about it?"
  725. "Well, it's not something I really ever thought about. I'm too busy trying to understand how things work here to think about how they ought to be"
  726. >"Well, I learned more about how things work from Madam, too," Durril responds. "Do you know why the Filly Brothel is separate from the grown mare's brothel?"
  727. "Because men who like fillies have particular taste?"
  728. >"Particularly GOOD taste," Snowdrop adds
  729. >"Try again," Durril responds
  730. >"Because the mares would get jealous of the fillies?," Snowdrop poses
  731. >"Nope," Durril answers
  732. "Because men sexing fillies is shameful?," you say in a more mocking tone than you'd intended
  733. >"You'd THINK that," Durril responds
  734. >"YOU think that," Snowdrop counters
  735. >"But that's not why," Durril says
  736. "Then why, already?"
  737. >"Because we're adaptable. In ways that most mares can't be"
  738. >Adaptable?!
  739. >You didn't say it, but you may as well have shouted it from the look Durril gives you
  740. >"Do you know what happens," Durril whispers, "when they just put mares into a situation like this unprepared?"
  741. >Once again you and Snowdrop exchange a blank look
  742. >Some of them," Durril begins, "Exhibit bad behavior"
  743. >"What kind of bad behavior?," Snowdrop saks
  744. >"Self harm, or worse," Durril responds
  745. >OR WORSE?!
  746. >"And it's catching, like a disease," she adds
  747. >Thanks again, Durril, for turning everything really bucking dark
  748. >You are just about fed up with this dark stuff from her
  749. >"That's why this place exists," Durril says triumphantly, "to protect US"
  750. "We TRIED to tell you that!"
  751. >Though you could have lived without knowing those dark details
  752. >"Maybe I just needed to know some older ponies had a structure in place that had my flank as well," she says sheepishly
  753. "Now can we just enjoy our friendship until the next one of us graduates? I don't like it being more complicated than that"
  754. >"It may not have to be anymore," Snowdrop says
  755. >You don't even mean to say anything else, but you hear yourself say:
  756. "Madam is really bucking smart"
  757. >"She told me she might have saved my life, and I'd only realize it looking back," Durril says
  758. >"She's probably right," Snowdrop concludes
  759. "THAT'S exactaly why we're so lucky to have friends, and even though she's in a position of authority, she's your friend"
  761. >Be filly
  762. >Durril seems better
  763. >But she's a little weird now
  764. >Like a different kind of weird
  765. >You don't want to pry
  766. >Oh, that's not true
  767. >You totally want to pry
  768. >But you really want to know what Madam said to get her to give up her strong ideas about right and wrong
  769. >And just appreciate the brothel as a safe place
  770. "So, if you don't mind me asking," you begin
  771. >"Ask away," she replies
  772. "What did Madam say to you that changed your mind about being here?"
  773. >"She didn't change my mind, she just showed me where I was wrong. And I already told you about it"
  774. "Where were you wrong?"
  775. >"Timing. I was brought up thinking I'd be one of the ponies who teaches our values and traditions to the next generation in New Equestria"
  776. "And you don't believe that anymore?"
  777. >"Madam made it pretty clear if the day when we have a New Equestria EVER comes it'll be hundreds of years from now"
  778. "And that makes a difference how?"
  779. >"Because it means I'm not going to be some important part of it. What happens to me has nothing to do with it"
  780. >She smiles at you
  781. "And that makes you feel better?"
  782. >"It's a huge relief NOT to be part of some big plan. I can just live as if I don't matter"
  783. "I wouldn't find that all so reassuring"
  784. >Let me put it like this. Imagine you knew you had to act a certain way because your destiny demanded it"
  785. "OK"
  786. >"Now imaging you find yourself in a situation where it's impossible to act that way"
  787. "I don't know how I'd feel"
  788. >"I do. Panicked. Betrayed. Dirty. Like you're a very bad girl, even though you have no choice"
  789. "That's horrible"
  790. >"You're telling me. Then you find out you DON'T have that important destiny, so you're NOT messing things up!"
  791. "So you're relived?"
  792. >"Yeah. This place is wrong in so many ways, just like all of pony enslavement. But I'M not the one letting everypony down because I'm here"
  793. "You felt like you were letting everypony down?"
  794. >"By letting this place warp me so I couldn't fulfill my destiny. But now that I know I have no destiny like you and Snowdrop it's easier"
  795. >You and Snowdrop have no destiny?
  796. "You don't want a destiny?"
  797. >"If we were in Equestria, sure. But here? Does having a destiny here seem like something that would work out well?"
  798. "Not really"
  799. >"Only if New Equestria was about to happen. And that's dreaming," she says shyly, "I realize that now"
  800. "Since I got here I realized I had a bunch of things wrong. Part of me still likes the idea of having a kind master someday"
  801. >"Is that the best any of us could hope for?"
  802. "I don't even think it's a realistic hope"
  803. >"So what do we have to look forward to?"
  804. "You said we're adaptable because we're fillies. So I gues when we graduate frome here we go to a brothel with other mares and be..."
  805. >"The good girls with no bad behaviors"
  806. "I guess. And make new friends, and stick together to make sure everypony is OK"
  807. >"And that's it?"
  808. "I don't know. Once I'm a grown mare I think it would be nice to do what Madam does - look after fillies in my own brothel. But I have to grow up and learn a bunch of stuff first"
  809. >"You want to be a madam?"
  810. "I want to be like her someday - smart, caring, in charge"
  811. >"I could see that"
  812. "Thanks, Durril. That's sweet of you to say"
  813. >"I wonder if I'll ever be somepony special. Though I'm happy it's not in the way I thought"
  814. "You already are, though. You're a dancer!"
  815. >"Yeah. And I've been thinking about your coltfriend's bridle suggestion. That might be fun, actually"
  816. >Your coltfriend
  817. >Snowdrop started it, but Durril sure has picked it up
  818. "It would be cute, you respond, "And I'm sure a lot of the men would love it"
  819. >"That's the most important thing," she says quietly. "Isn't it?"
  820. "Well, better they love you than not"
  822. >Be filly
  823. >Dealing with one excited Durril
  824. >"It came," she says, holding the black leather straps up for yopu to see. "You gonna help me get it on?"
  825. "Of course, and just in time for tonight"
  826. >Tonight is Tuesday
  827. >You never used to pay attention to what day of the week it was because that never mattered to you
  828. >But you've become aware of Tuesdays because of Durril
  829. >Those are the nights she dances in the salon
  830. >And over the last month her fan club, as you girls call it has grown
  831. >Last week five clients arrived to watch her dance, and waited for a turn with her
  832. >Some complained to Madam about the lack of alcoholic drinks, but she stood firm on that point
  833. >Thankfully
  834. >You've heard stories about how mean and violent men get when they drink
  835. >And you hope never to see that
  836. >But the fan club has been good for Durril
  837. >It hasn't gone to her head or anything
  838. >But she seems to actually like something about being here now
  839. >Probably because she can think of herself as a dancer instead of a whore
  840. >Or instead of being nothing more than a whorse
  841. >You'd almost be jealous if you didn't have your loyal regulars - proof that you're a GOOD whorse - good at what you do
  842. >And your favorite, your "Master" is coming tonight
  843. >You know it's just roleplay - Snowdrop gave you that word - but it's still good to see him
  844. >For half an hour every week you belong to someone
  845. >It makes you feel valuable and precious
  846. >So you'll be wearing your own leather accessory for part of the evening as well
  847. >The little black collar with the gold heart hanging from it
  848. >But right now it's all about Durril and helping her get her bridle on
  849. >Which you seem to have figured out
  850. "There you go," you say. "Go look in the mirror"
  851. >She does just that
  852. >"I like it," she says, talking a little funny from the bit in he mouth
  853. >Snowdrop comes over to inspect your work
  854. >"It's gonna make you talk funny," she says to Durril, "But it's pretty sexy"
  855. "I think your fasn club is gonna love it," you add
  856. >The green filly is practically beaming
  857. >Which is so nice to see, given how miserable she was here at first
  858. >Kind of amazing what a little bit of leather can do for a pony
  859. >Kind of amazing what happens a mere two hours later when you're wearing your little bit of leather
  860. >And HE'S driving himself into you from behind, with two fingers pulling the collar tight against your windpipe
  861. >Making it just a little hard to breathe normally
  862. >You accept that because he's your Master
  863. >But it causes a starnge feeling in you
  864. >Almost like you have to pee - the same kind of tension rising in your body
  865. >But it's not having to pee
  866. >You're sure you don't have to pee
  867. >But the tension is rising inside you
  868. >You hear your voice croaking out as you speak
  869. "Master, something is happening to me. It almost feels like I have to pee, but that's not it. I don't know what's happening"
  870. >He chuckles a little
  871. >"I do," his almost grunting voice replies to you, as he proceedes to slam himself even more forcefully into you
  872. "What?," you ask, feeling like you could explode any second
  873. >A third finger finds its way into your collar, pulling it tighter and effectively making it impossible for you to breathe
  874. >"Remember YOU are MINE, and this is something I"M giving to you!"
  875. >Suddenly your back legs are shaking as you push your rump onto him
  876. >The wave of pleasure through your body catches you off guard - you've done this countless times before, but it never felt like this
  877. >Not only does it feel like he's pushing into you
  878. >But like you're trying to suck him further in
  879. >He's gotta feel it, too, because he finishes within seconds
  880. >Then the world goes black
  881. >Moments later you come to being cuddled in strong arms on his lap, with the feeling of release still whafting over you
  882. >You look up at your "Master" and he looks so pleased
  883. >They always look pleased when they finish
  884. >But he looks pleased with HIMSELF!
  885. >As he's cuddling you like no tomorrow, which feels great
  886. "What happened, Master?"
  887. >"I made you cum," he says proudly
  888. "But I'm just a filly. I'm not in heat. I've never been!"
  889. >"But you just came, didn't you?"
  890. >You couldn't have
  891. >But what just happened to you then?
  892. >You think about Skydancer and Snowdrop
  893. >You know they'd cum before
  894. >Is that what that was?!
  895. >NOW you understand why the clients are so happy to see you!
  896. >It IS a great feeling
  897. "Thank you, Master!"
  898. >"Remember, you are mine," he says, and you feel yourself quiver in response
  899. >Wow. This is a whole new thing.
  900. >When you tell Snowdrop and Durril about it that night the former is excited for you, the latter confused
  901. >"That is so cute!," Snowdrop says
  902. >"I don't get it," Durril responds
  903. >"The client who paid extra to be her first just gave her her first fillygasm," Snowdrop says breathlessly. "It's like a fairytale"
  904. >You are blushing
  905. >"A really WRONG one," Durril replies
  906. >"Don't take this moment away from her," Snowdrop chides
  907. "Is THAT what you used to feel with Skydancer?"
  908. >"And once with you," Snowdrop answers. "Never with a client, though. You're lucky!"
  909. >Durril looks at both of you supisciously
  910. >"I'm missing something here, aren't I?"
  911. "The same thing I was missing until today. Something awesome"
  912. >"They say it gets MORE awesome when you get older and go into heat. So much that you BEG fo it!," Snowdrop whispers
  913. "MORE than that? I don't know if I could handle it"
  914. >Snowdrop laughs
  915. >"So it's the feeling the clients get when they finish?," Durril asks."You just felt that from a client sexing you?"
  916. "I guess. It felt really good in a way I'd never felt before"
  917. >Snowdrop gives you a lusty smile, "It does feel great, doesn't it? The intense build up and release? You get why the clients are so dopey and cuddly after"
  918. "Intense is the word. I wasn't expecting to black out from it"
  919. >"You came so hard you blacked out?!," Snowdrop says with a mix of surprise and concern. "What, did you forget to breathe?"
  920. "I didn't forget. I couldn't"
  921. >"Why not?," she asks suspiciously. "The collar?"
  922. "He was pulling it kinda tight"
  923. >"Does he do this often?"
  924. "No. He'll sometimes slip a finger or two under it and lead me around, but this was the first time he"
  925. >"Kept you from breathing"
  926. "I don't think he meant to do it, but that's kind of what happened"
  927. >"Did he know you were about to..."
  928. "He knew what was happening before I did"
  929. >"Then he meant to do it, just to be sure you'd get there"
  930. "What does not being able to breathe have to do with 'getting there?'"
  931. >"It just does. I don't know why," Snowdrop replies. "Skydancer explained it to me when I'd get frustrated about not getting there"
  932. >You look at Durril
  933. "They were lovers, sometimes"
  934. >"I figured that out," she responds. "I'm not stupid"
  935. "Sorry. I can never tell what's supposed to be obvious and what isn't"
  936. >"Well, not breathing helping you 'get there' isn't obvious," she says uncertainly, "At least I don't think it is"
  937. >"It's true, though," Snowdrop says. "If I was stuck on the edge with her I'd just hold my breath as long as I could, and more than half the time"
  938. "You'd get there?'
  939. >She nods
  940. "So he was being sweet!"
  941. >You suddenly feel the same affection you felt for him as he cuddled you earlier today
  942. "He was making sure I got there because he wanted me to feel that. He was being a good master! Taking care of me"
  943. >"That's probably part of it," Snowdrop says with some concern. "But he still choked you out. You might want to mention that to Madam"
  944. "Why? Was that wrong?"
  945. >"It doesn't sound right to me," Durril says
  946. >"Well...," Snowdrop replies, "No rough stuff is one of the RULES here! Choking out a filly sounds rough to me"
  947. "No. He wasn't rough about it at all. Just in control"
  948. >"But you were unconscious?"
  949. "Just for a few seconds"
  950. >"Don't let it become a thing with him," she chides. "It's dangerous. And I'm pretty sure it's rough stuff"
  951. >Snowdrop is making too big a deal out of this
  952. >The truth is you don't mind that he choked you out
  953. >You'd be happy to let him do it again if it meant
  954. >Feeling like THAT again
  955. >Plus it's like you're giving EVERYTHING to him
  956. >Even your LIFE in his hands
  957. >Knowing he's a good master, and he wouldn't actually hurt you
  958. >And even if he did, that would still be OK, because you belong to him
  959. >Even if it is for only half an hour a week
  960. >Just thinking about that makes you feel a yearning back there
  961. >The same feeling you get when you think about a stallion putting a foal into you
  962. >Or the naughty rush that comes from teasing the guard
  963. >"Are you listening to me?," Snowdrop demands
  964. "Yeah"
  965. >You really aren't
  966. >You're thinking about how good it feels to be HIS
  967. >"You'll tell Madam if h chokes you out again?"
  968. "I think you're overreacting"
  969. >Snowdrop shakes her head. "I think you're being naive. About him. Again"
  970. >HIM
  971. >He just made you feel something you never felt before
  972. >It was like he gave you a gift
  973. >Why can't she see that?
  974. >"You'll at least tell us if it happens again?," Snowdrop pleads
  975. "Of course I will"
  976. >You're well aware that's probably a lie
  978. >Be filly
  979. >Finishing your chores with Snowdrop and Durril before work
  980. >There are always so many sheets and towels to wash!
  981. >You're wrestling another load of whites from one of the sriers into a cart when Madam arrives in the launbdry
  982. >"A word in my office?," she asks you
  983. "Yes, Ma'am," you answer, shooting your friendsa a dirty look as you follow her out of the room
  984. >Back in Madam's office you settle into a chair in front of her desk
  985. >"You know why you're here, right?," Madam asks gently
  986. "Bucking Snowdrop and her big mouth!"
  987. >"It was Durril, actually," Madam replies. "Snowdrop had the poor girl convinced your life was in danger"
  988. >You roll your eyes
  989. "My life is NOT in danger, Madam"
  990. >"I'll be the judge of that," Madam responds. "But seeing her that upset after she's been doing so well... I had to ask you in"
  991. >You understand
  992. >You don't like it, though
  993. >"So," Madam says casually, "tell me what happened"
  994. "It was nothing, really"
  995. >"That's not what I heard," she says, a little sternly
  996. "OK. It was something. He was pulling on my collar while he was sexing me and I started to feel funny"
  997. >"Does he normally pull your collar like that?"
  998. "No, Ma'am. Not like that"
  999. >"And do you normally feel funny like that?"
  1000. "This was the first time"
  1001. >"What happened next?"
  1002. "I told him about it, and he realized what was happening, so he pulled the collar tighter and I..."
  1003. >"You came? First time?"
  1004. "Yes. To both"
  1005. >"Good for you," Madam says, smiling, but there's a concerned look in her eye. "Then what?"
  1006. "By then he was about to finish inside me"
  1007. >"But he kept pulling the collar tight after you came?"
  1008. "I think he was too busy with his own to notice mine was done. He seemed proud of doing that to me"
  1009. >"I can imagine. They love it when them getting off gets you off - really a thing for their egos, and good to play off that if you can"
  1010. "It feels good, too"
  1011. >"Of course it does.That's not what concerns me. Did he use the collar to keep you from breathing until you passed out?"
  1012. "I don't think he meant to"
  1013. >"That's not what I asked"
  1014. "Then yes. Just for a few seconds. And I came to in his arms"
  1015. >Madam sighs
  1016. >"I was worried about breathplay from the moment he gave you that collar"
  1017. "This was the only time anything like that has happened!"
  1018. >"Still it puts me in a difficult position. He's been happy with the services here - very happy with YOU"
  1019. >You can't help but smile proudly about that
  1020. >"I can safely assume you enjoy working with him?"
  1021. "He's my favorite"
  1022. >"So everybody is happy with the arrangement. I shouldn't take the collar away, then?"
  1023. "Please no!"
  1024. >"And you're even OK with the breathplay because it... works for you?"
  1025. >You nod, feeling a little blush on your cheek
  1026. >"You know, for a filly who seems to love manulipating her own will onto situations around her you sure are a sub in the bedroom!"
  1027. "Is that bad?"
  1028. >"No. It's an angle. You gotta have one. But it makes you the opposite of me. I was ANYTHING but a sub in the bedroom..."
  1029. >Now she's blushing a little
  1030. >"And I don't like having to control situations, but this is over the line. I can't have ANY client, even a good one choking out one of my girls"
  1031. "I really dodn't mind..."
  1032. >"Of course you didn't, you little sub! But that's where it actually becomes dangerous. And clients who like that kind of thing..."
  1033. >She lowers her voice
  1034. >"...can go pay a premium to do it someplace where that kind of thing is allowed. This isn't a place like that, and you should be glad you don't work in one"
  1035. >You nod
  1036. >"So somepony has to let him know. Is that pony you or me?"
  1037. "I only broke character in our roleplay once, and he didn't seem to like that at all"
  1038. >"Can't have the slave explaining the rules to the master?"
  1039. "You understand?"
  1040. >"Enough to let this continue against my better judgment after I have a talk with him"
  1041. "Thank you, Madam! I don't really think he meant to knock me out"
  1042. >"That can't happen again, you understand?"
  1043. >You nod
  1044. >"I appreciate your commitment to your roleplay. And I know your client does. I just need the same commitment to our rules here"
  1045. "Yes, Ma'am"
  1046. >"And I'll remind him exactly what those rules are. And you are to tell me if he fails to comply"
  1047. "I will, Ma'am. But..."
  1048. >"I'm trying to make this easy for both of us. The line is super clear. Anything dangerous is over it. Is that clear?"
  1049. "Yes, Ma'am"
  1050. >"And if anything like this happens again and you don't want to break character during the session you HAVE to tell me after"
  1051. "Yes, Ma'am"
  1052. >"Even if you don't want to"
  1053. "I understand"
  1054. >"Good. I shouldn't have to find out about this kind of thing from your friends"
  1055. "I'm sorry, Madam. I really didn't think it was a big deal"
  1056. >"Your judgment was way off. But I understand. He's your first, your favorite and had just given you your first orgasm"
  1057. >She smiles at you
  1058. >"And you're really into being his sub. You couldn't have expected to have clear judgment under those circumstances. Just do better from now on"
  1059. "I will, Madam"
  1060. >"Good girl"
  1062. >Be filly
  1063. >You wanted to be mad at Durril for betraying your confidence
  1064. >It only lasted a couple days
  1065. >Before you figured Madam was probably right
  1066. >Your judgment was probably a little off
  1067. >Your biggest takeaway was when she called you a "little sub"
  1068. >That really stuck with you
  1069. >Because it kinda fits, you guess
  1070. >Who wouldn't really mind being choked out during sex?
  1071. >A little sub, that's who
  1072. >But Madam said it was an angle, and that was a good thing to have
  1073. >So you don't feel bad about it
  1074. >Or ashamed
  1075. >Really all it makes you feel is a little turned on
  1076. >And while Madam may have had a talk with your "master" a few weeks ago
  1077. >That hasn't stopped the breathplay
  1078. >Or your response to it
  1079. >Though he has been careful that you don't lose consciousness
  1080. >All the while telling you that your very life is in his hands
  1081. >Which really turns you on
  1082. >Like a little sub
  1083. >When Durril and Snowdrop ask if things are OK with regard to him you honestly answer yes
  1084. >He knows where the line is, and he hasn't crossed it since that one time
  1085. >But you've decided not to go into details about what happened today with anypony
  1086. >Not because he did anything wrong
  1087. >Or you're ashamed of what happened
  1088. >You just don't want to deal with anypony else's reaction
  1089. >Because even your own surprised you
  1090. >Today there was more breathplay as he rammed into you
  1091. >And made you cum
  1092. >But it wasn't like the other times
  1093. >Because he wasn't in the right hole
  1094. >You came from your 'master' bucking your tailhole
  1095. >You didn't even know that was possible
  1096. >And truth be told you HATE it when clients want that
  1097. >But HE made you LOVE it
  1098. >Like a good little sub
  1099. >Cumming really changes your perspective on things like that
  1100. >Snowdrop told you everypony ends up warped or perverted in some way from working here
  1101. >Now it's happening to you, and you LIKE it
  1102. >You even liked that it hurt - because your hurt was giving HIM pleasure - like giving him a gift
  1103. >It made you feel more alive than you've ever felt, with his hands firmly wrapped around yout throat
  1104. >Your heart racing
  1105. >You didn't tell Madam about it after - you had no intrest in ice cream
  1106. >You'd already gotten your reward for being brave
  1107. >Though bravery had nothing to do with it
  1108. >This is just something you want to keep to yourself, for now at least
  1109. >You have a feeling your friends would judge you if they knew
  1110. >Maybe not Snowdrop - it'd probably turn her on
  1111. >But you don't want to deal with that, either
  1112. >Not with Skydancer gone
  1113. >Skydancer
  1114. >You were a little put off by her attraction to other fillies at first
  1115. >Because it seemed opportunistic and more than a little predatory
  1116. >But you ended up not judging her for it because it seemed like who she was, not a choice she had made
  1117. >She'd probably understand exactly what you're going through, being a dominatrix now
  1118. >You still miss her
  1119. >Of course if she were still around she'd offer to dominate you
  1120. >Would you like that?
  1121. >Maybe?
  1122. >Is THIS who YOU are - a little sub - or a choice you're making?
  1123. >You don't know
  1124. >And you don't know if it matters
  1125. >You do know that the you of a couple months ago would be shocked at the you of today
  1126. >And part of you thinks that's kind of hot, too
  1128. >Be filly
  1129. >It feels weird having secrets
  1130. >Because you're used to being able to talk about anything with your friends
  1131. >But recently some things have happened that you don't feel like sharing with anypony around you
  1132. >Last week 'master' told you that you were only allowed to cum with him
  1133. >Not with any other clients, nor with your own hoof
  1134. >You know it's supposed to be roleplay between you two
  1135. >But you accepted it regardless, because it was no big deal
  1136. >No other client has been able to make you cum - yet, at least
  1137. >And you suck at doing it with your own hoof - so much so that it's hardly worth the effort
  1138. >So you took his command at face value, since it was hardly any sort of imposition
  1139. >And you like playing along, getting to pretend he IS your master
  1140. >You like it A LOT
  1141. >Today was something different entirely, though
  1142. >It's like he's coming up with new ways to challenge you every time he visits
  1143. >And it just makes you think about him all the more
  1144. >Almost rekindling the naive fantasy you once had about him buying you and taking you home
  1145. >Though you KNOW that's stupid
  1146. >Part of you really likes the idea that your fillygasms belong to him and him alone
  1147. >You know it's not actually true, but in practice it kinda is
  1148. >Which means you're thinking about HIM all the time
  1149. >So it was a bit of a shock today when he told you that you weren't allowed to cum
  1150. >You'd been looking forward to that all week!
  1151. >Then he proceeded to do the things he KNEW would make you cum
  1152. >All the while telling you that you weren't allowed to
  1153. >He got you right up to the edge several times, your body practically screaming for release
  1154. >You begged him
  1155. >He said no
  1156. >You did not disobey
  1157. >Then after, as you sat squirming in his lap as he pet you he said he had to 'take a piss'
  1158. >You told him the bathroom was at the end of the hallway
  1159. >"Why should I have to get up to take a piss when I have a slave right here?"
  1160. >And without a moment's hesitation you did it
  1161. >You got down between his legs and put your mouth around his thing
  1162. >And soon your mouth was filled with the worst taste you'd ever tasted
  1163. >Also unpleasantly warm, and there was so much of it
  1164. >It was really hard to keep from choking as you gulped to take it all
  1165. >But you did it - not a drop touched the bed
  1166. >He patted your head and said, "That's a good girl"
  1167. >And you melted
  1168. >There you were
  1169. >Between his legs
  1170. >Denied an orgasm
  1171. >With the acrid taste of his pee in your mouth
  1172. >And you melted at his words and touch
  1173. >Of course the moment he left you ran to wash out your mouth
  1174. >And realized you now had another secret
  1175. >Two, actually
  1176. >That you couldn't share with the other girls
  1177. >Or Madam, for that matter
  1178. >At that point you made up your mind
  1179. >You had to find a way to get in touch with Skydancer
  1180. >You need somepony to talk to, and your dominatrix friend is the only one who might understand what's happening to you
  1181. >The only pony you trust to tell you whether how you feel is just a little weird
  1182. >Or really deeply messed up
  1183. >Or both, because it feels like both
  1184. >But you've got a plan to find out
  1185. >The guard owes you a favor and has a smartphone he's always playing with
  1186. >You're sure he'd let you use it for a while to even things up between the two of you
  1187. >In hopes you'll need something else from him in the future
  1188. >You just have to figure out a way to use it to get in touch with Skydancer
  1189. >And you'll probably need Madam's help to figure that out
  1190. >Because you don't even know where she is
  1191. >But Madam might
  1192. >You just have to get her to help without giving her the exact reason why
  1193. >You figure wanting to get in touch with a friend isn't the least bit implausible
  1194. >How you suddenly have access to a smartphone will be a little more awkward
  1195. >But nothing she doesn't already know, or at least suspect
  1196. >Time for another talk with Madam
  1198. >Be filly
  1199. >Madam understood your request to get in touch with Skydancer
  1200. >But she was pretty clear about fillies not being allowed to tie up the brothel's communication system
  1201. >Which she needed for booking, billing and emercencies only
  1202. >When you said the guard might let you use his phone she gave you a smirk
  1203. >And offered to make a call or two to inquire after Skydancer on your behalf
  1204. >A day later, after promising the guard you'd be even if he helped
  1205. >Madam told you that Skydancer would be on Skype at 3PM sharp
  1206. "You can do Skype?," you ask the guard
  1207. >"Yeah," he replies, fiddling with the phone. "It's charged enough to last at least 20 minutes"
  1208. >20 minutes!
  1209. >That's more than enough time
  1210. >"There," he says handing it to you. "I'll let you have some privacy
  1211. >You're in Skydancer's old room, and he shuts the door on the way out
  1212. >The phone makes a little noise, and there's Skydancer on the screen!
  1213. >She looks more like a mare than a filly now!
  1214. "Look at you! You've grown up a lot!"
  1215. >"So have you," she replies. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
  1216. "I need some advice, but before we get to that how have you been? Do you like it there?"
  1217. >"I like it better here than I did there. Aside from missing Snowdrop and you..."
  1218. "I miss you, too! And I know Snowdrop does"
  1219. >"Yeah... Well, things here are fine. It feels great to be good at what I do, but... it's not exactly what I hoped"
  1220. "Treating men like slaves isn't as great as you thought it'd be?!"
  1221. >"The idea is great. But the reality is that just like the brothel it's still all about them - to fulfill THEIR fantasies"
  1222. "Without any concern for you... I get that. I think I'm having a problem of my own along those same lines"
  1223. >"Yeah, it's hard," she says, smiling at you anyways. "But it's still good to see you. Now spill!"
  1224. >You do
  1225. >You tell her everything you've been keeping secret from everypony else
  1226. >She listens very patiently
  1227. >But some details make her smile at you in a way that isn't just friendly
  1228. >When you finish she says, "Damn, I wish I'd known THAT about you back in the day. We could have had some real fun!"
  1229. "I didn't even know it about myself! It's not messed up, is it?"
  1230. >"No," she replies firmly, "but this guy is a rank amateur. Classic moves, awful pacing"
  1231. "What do you mean?"
  1232. >"The stuff he's doing - brethplay, anal training, orgasm denial, using you as a toilet - all classic dom moves."
  1233. "Really?"
  1234. >"Yeah. But he's got no discipline. He's hitting you with everything at once because you respond and he doesn't care about being a GOOD dom"
  1235. "He's not a good dom?"
  1236. >"Total amateur. A good dom does it as much for the sub as him or herself. But he doesn't have to care about being good at it"
  1237. "Why not?"
  1238. >"Because he's a MAN, and he's PAYING for it. You are nothing but the thing that fulfills his fantasies"
  1239. "So is it wrong that I... that I like it?"
  1240. >"No. But you know what's wrong here. You've been through this before with him. That's why you're talking to me instead of taking shit from Snowdrop"
  1241. >She's got you there
  1242. "So what do I do?"
  1243. >"What you should have been doing all along. Roleplay with him. Enjoy it like the sub you are. Then when he's gone it's over until next time"
  1244. "But I..."
  1245. >"This is the same guy you thought was going to really be your master because he gave you a collar"
  1246. "Yeah, but..."
  1247. >"What he gets off on has a lot of overlap with what makes you tick, so you're really vulnerable to him"
  1248. "Part of it feels so right, though"
  1249. >"Execpt the part where you're just an object to him. Not even an object of affection - just a toy he pays to come play with"
  1250. >That hurts
  1251. >But you know it's true
  1252. "I would be his toy if that were possible"
  1253. >"If that's what he really wanted you would be his. What he wants is a rental, and that's what you are, but you've let him get in your head anways - AGAIN!"
  1254. >Once again you realize how foolish you've been about this guy, your ''master'
  1255. >You can feel the tears starting up
  1256. >"Sweetie," she says in a cooing tone. "I wish I could take care of you"
  1257. >You ALMOST wish she could as well
  1258. >"You can talk to Madam, you know"
  1259. "It's embarrassing..."
  1260. >"I'm sure she already knows what's going on and is surprised you haven't come to her yet"
  1261. "You think?"
  1262. >"She arranged this call, didn't she? She knows you, and she knows what he's like. She knows what's going on"
  1263. >She adds, "It's pretty obvious you're heading for heartbreak again"
  1264. "Snowdrop is gonna give me so much hell for this"
  1265. >"You kind of deserve it. You really should have known better. But he's your first. Nopony thinks clearly about their first"
  1266. "So don't let yourself get attached to them - ever - because it's ALWAYS about them, and will NEVER be about you - not even a little bit?"
  1267. >"It's pretty obvious, isn't it?"
  1268. "Not when you're busy pretending it isn't"
  1269. >"Stop doing that!"
  1270. "Yeah. Thanks, Skydancer. You're a good friend. Wanna talk to Snowdrop?"
  1271. >"I'd love to!"
  1272. >You rush to the door and open it to call for her
  1273. >Of course she's right there listening against it
  1274. "I'm guessing you want to talk to Skydancer, and would rather be alone?"
  1275. >"That OK?"
  1276. "Yeah"
  1277. >"You OK?"
  1278. "Yeah, just stupid. Again. And stupid hurts sometimes"
  1279. >"We'll talk about it"
  1280. "After I talk to Madam"
  1282. >Be filly
  1283. >In Madam's office again
  1284. >You're here more than you expected yourself to be
  1285. >But you know Skydancer was right
  1286. >In expecting Madam to listen as well as Skydancer did you were disappionted
  1287. >You barely told her why you wanted to talk to her when she interrupted
  1288. >"He's been GROOMING you from literally the first day you arrived here!," she says with disapproval
  1289. >You guess this has nothing to do with your mane and tale from her tone
  1290. >And that tone toward a client?!
  1291. >Sounds more like Durril than Madam
  1292. >And that makes you uneasy
  1293. "You OK, Ma'am?"
  1294. >"I'm fine. I'm sorry," she says with a guilty look. "The important question is how are you?"
  1295. "I'm OK I guess. Conflicted again because of HIM. I feel like I shouldn't like some things I do - even things I don't really like..."
  1296. >"Because his approval is so much more important to you?," Madam asnwers
  1297. "You have no idea"
  1298. >"I can guess," she replies sadly. "Especially if you felt you had to get in touch with Skydancer about it"
  1299. "I feel like I'm becoming a totally different pony since he made me cum"
  1300. >"It started before that," Madam says firmly. "The moment he won the auction to be your first based only on a picture of you"
  1301. "That was a thing?"
  1302. >"That was a thing. Then he immediately became a regular, bought you a collar and started in with the master thing - he knew EXACTLY what he was doing"
  1303. >You have no idea how to react to your first time being something that was auctionned off by the brothel
  1304. >You thought you were only auctionned off once, when they bought you
  1305. "What was he doing?"
  1306. >"Taking a filly and shaping her entire sexual awareness around himself and his desires," she says, letting her disapproval show again
  1307. >She continues, "Literally making who you are what he wanted you to be - not out of concern for you, but for his satisfaction only"
  1308. >What are you supposed to make of that?
  1309. >You've never head Madam sound so disapproving about a client
  1310. >Not even when she heard he'd choked you out
  1311. >Now you find out she's disapproved of him all along
  1312. >And how your relationship with him has shaped you?
  1313. >How can Madam help you when she disapproves of your situation?
  1314. >You feel dirty
  1315. "Well what an I supposed to do?!," you ask, breaking into tears. "I just want to be a good girl"
  1316. >"YOU have no fault in this. Even when you enjoy it. YOU are not at fault"
  1317. "Then why do you make it sound like it's such a bad thing?"
  1318. >"Bad isn't the right word. Nor is wrong, but at the risk of sounding like Durril this kind of behavior toward a filly would be considered very wrong back home"
  1319. "I understand that. But if we were in Equestria I'd be in school instead of working in a brothel"
  1320. >"True. And we have no choice but to play the cards we're dealt"
  1321. "Then why does this upset you?"
  1322. >"It's personal. A lot of mares who got into this like of work back in Equestria had been through something like this as fillies"
  1323. "There were Filly Brothels in Equestria?!"
  1324. >That's a new one
  1325. >You assumed fillies were nor for sexual in Equesrtria, just here
  1326. >"No. Absolutely not," she practically huffs. "But there were stallions who gained a filly's trust, and exploited it for their own... purposes"
  1327. "For sex"
  1328. >"Yes. For sex. And some of thoswe fillies ended up working at brothels once they grew up into mares"
  1329. "So then what's the big deal? I already work at a brothel"
  1330. >"So your client doesn't have to abuse your trust to have sex with you, does he?"
  1331. "No... He just has to show up"
  1332. >"Yet he's been grooming you from the start regardless, because that's what he get's off on"
  1333. "Is that against the rules?"
  1334. >"No," she sighs, "which is why I can't stop him from doing it"
  1335. "Then I guess I just have to deal."
  1336. >She sighs again and says, "But not alone you don't. I may not be able to stop this, but I can help you get through it without..."
  1337. "Without what?"
  1338. >"Without it doing too much in the way of... complicated and unpleasant things... to your head"
  1339. "Complicated is right! Skydancer says he's a total amateur with no discipline, which is why he's moving too quickly and overwhelming me"
  1340. >"That's a pro's assessment of him as a dom. I don't care so much about that - roleplay is allowed as long as nopony gets hurt"
  1341. "Then what's the issue? Why is this so confusing and painful emotionally?"
  1342. >"I think you know. He's gotten into your head. He's not just a client you roleplay with, is he?"
  1343. "It's hard. There's always been a part of me that wants it to be true, especially when he tells me it is"
  1344. >"You CAN'T let yourself believe anything a client tells you once they leave"
  1345. >She adds, "Especially when they say things you really want to be true, but know are not. That's not how you survive as a pofessional"
  1346. >That's what makes you feel stupid
  1347. >You believe the things he tells you, even though you KNOW you shouldn't
  1348. >That's why you think about him all the time
  1349. >That's why he can do awful things to you
  1350. >Things you actually hate
  1351. >Like doing you up the tailhole or peeing in your mouth
  1352. >And making you love it because you're pleasing him
  1353. >Because all that matters is that you are his
  1354. >You don't feel like that about any other client
  1355. >Just him
  1356. >And you know you shouldn't feel that way
  1357. >"I can't stop him from telling you lies, but I can help you to remember not to believe them..."
  1358. "Even the ones that turn me on?"
  1359. >"Especially those. That's become part of his power over you. He's got you turned on by believing what he wants you to"
  1360. >That's the case, for sure
  1361. >You don't want to feel good about drinking piss
  1362. >That's bucking disgusting
  1363. >And you only did because you let yourself believe him
  1364. "I'd gotten good at not really believing him for a while there," you begin. "Then when he made me cum it got a lot harder"
  1365. >"It's always harder with the ones who get to you that way. But it's easier when you have somepony to talk to"
  1366. "Thank you, Ma'am"
  1367. >"I'm here for you. Remember that"
  1368. "I will"
  1369. >You leave Madam's office and head down the hall
  1370. >Passing the guard along the way
  1371. >"Hey kid," he says. "You OK? You've seemed a little down lately."
  1372. "Working it out with Madam, but thanks for asking"
  1373. >"Oh, good. You know, if you ever need someone else to talk to you can always talk to me," he says, scratching your ear
  1374. "Would I have to sex you for that?," you say, jokingly
  1375. >"Only if you wanted to, kid. I would never want to make you do anything you didn't want to"
  1376. >Did a MAN just say that to you?!
  1377. >He totally did!
  1378. >And to you right now it sounds like the nicest thing a man has ever said to you
  1379. >A kind man whose fingers are on your ear
  1380. >Just told you what YOU want somehow matters, when he really has no reason to say that
  1381. >He's a man and you're a pony
  1382. >You look up at him
  1383. >He smiles down at you
  1384. >And you completely lose it, bursting into tears leaning against him
  1385. >While he awkwardly pats your head
  1386. >"It'll be all right, kid," he says
  1387. >You believe him
  1389. >Be mare
  1390. >Looking back life has actually been good since you left the filly brothel
  1391. >You'd asked Madam if there was any way you could help around the office
  1392. >Just to try to do something nice for her
  1393. >And she complained she couldn't make heads or tails out of the computer she was supposed to modernize the accounts with
  1394. >It turned out the computer could talk, which helped you get over the fact that you couldn't read
  1395. >Back then, at least
  1396. >You couldn't do math, either
  1397. >But you really didn't have to
  1398. >You just told the computer what to do, and it did the math
  1399. >Once you got the hang of it (with a lot of help from youtube)
  1400. >You realized everything Madam was doing by hoof in the ledger could be done automatically in a spreadsheet program
  1401. >Which was exactly what the owners wanted
  1402. >It took months to figure all of this out
  1403. >But once you did you realized you could even automate the process to tie in with the credit card data
  1404. >And let the thing run itself with minimal direction from you
  1405. >Beyond the booking
  1406. >So when your cutie mark appeared
  1407. >And it was a ledger
  1408. >Madam just laughed and laughed
  1409. >"Your special talent is ACCOUNTING?!," she said through tears of laughter
  1410. >But when the owners saw what you did for the books at the filly brothel it wasn't funny at all
  1411. >You were moved to one of their less specialized operations, and they had you do the books there as well
  1412. >It turned out they ran five operations: the filly brothel, two mare brothels, the dungeon where Skydancer worked
  1413. >And one other place that no one gave details about
  1414. >It was the only part of the business more profitable than the filly brothel, but much more expensive to run
  1415. >Before long you were doing the books for all five operations, and rarely seeing clients anymore
  1416. >So you didn't ask questions
  1417. >The other girls weren't was warm with you as they were with each other because you were really no longer one of them
  1418. >No longer a working girl - at least not a sex worker
  1419. >But the bookeeper for FIVE businesses!
  1420. >HE had followed you over as a client, and wasn't very happy about that
  1421. >But to you it felt like a triumph
  1422. >By then Snowdrop had joined you, followed shortly by Durril
  1423. >And even though they were working girls it didn't cause any issues with your friendships
  1424. >Durril's tack dancing caught on, and was eventually made into a sixth business
  1425. >As she taught more girls to dance
  1426. >Her cutie mark was a pole, which she explained to you meant sexy dancing
  1427. >She was actually happy about it, as it meant she also spent much more time using her special talent than actually seeing clients
  1428. >And of course you did the books for the tack dance club as well
  1429. >Which kept you busy with work you enjoyed
  1430. >You still can't do math in your head
  1431. >Which you suppose is funny for somepony who innately understood the advantages and disadvantages of cash vs accrual bookeeping
  1432. >But you don't complain
  1433. >Your position gives you unfettered internet access
  1434. >And a level of respect nearly on par with a Madam, as far as the owners are concerned
  1435. >There was only one thing that kept nagging you in the back of your mind
  1436. >Your browsing history
  1437. >You didn't have a lot of free time
  1438. >But you spent a lot of it pretending to be working
  1439. >While watching videos online
  1440. >Videos of men, and sometimes stallions dominating mares, and more often fillies
  1441. >Never the ones where the fillies hated it or were being abused - you thought those were awful and ought to be banned
  1442. >But the ones where the fillies seemed to like it
  1443. >Those almost always got you off
  1444. >And part of you feels like that should be shameful
  1445. >But it seems normal, or at least normal to you
  1446. >So when you called Madam at the filly brothel asking if there was any interest in a particular fetish
  1447. >She was all business with you when she said there was
  1448. >And the owners were more than happy to let you visit as long as it had no effect on your bookeeping
  1449. >So you find yourself back in Madam's office, sitting next to a filly who reminds you of yourself just a few years ago
  1450. >"You understand the situation?," Madam asks you both
  1451. >You nod, the filly a little more vigorously
  1452. >Minutes later you are in one of the fimilar work rooms with the filly next to you
  1453. >The client enters
  1454. >He's good looking, you figure about 35 years old
  1455. >As he looks the two of you up and down approvingly the filly speaks up
  1456. >"Mommy, what is this man doing here?"
  1457. >Her acting is terrible - her voice is perfect innocence
  1458. >But her lusty smile and wide pupils looking up at you are anything but
  1459. >You're practically shivering in anticipation, though
  1460. >You haven't felt this kind of electric thrill since you left the filly brothel
  1461. "This man," you begin, "is our new master. And we will do whatever he says"
  1462. >The man smiles


by AnonymousWritefag

Hippodrome pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off

by AnonymousWritefag

Blinders Off pt 2

by AnonymousWritefag

Forty Seven's Baby Mama

by AnonymousWritefag