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[SiM, Luna]Her Kingdom for the Safeword!

By Olibird
Created: 2020-12-24 18:13:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are the Princess of the Night, and all associated with it.
  2. >As you are explaining to your human during dinner, it includes THAT aspect of it as well.
  3. “Yes, Anonymous, sexual debauchery is my realm. There’s not anything you can do sexually that I HAVEN’T done or invented myself.”
  4. >He points at you.
  5. >”Now that’s a load of crap, you said you never did anal before. And it’s just Anon.”
  6. >Oh look, he’s pulling that card again.
  7. >He brings that up every time you shoot down one of his inanities.
  8. >’But you liked anal sex!’
  9. >Doesn’t he realize you and your sister used to have buggers publicly flogged?
  10. “You are Anonymous until you stop calling me ‘Moonbutt,’ and that was because the anus is not sexual in any manner. It is perverse, encourages stallions to injure themselves and discourages procreation.”
  11. >”Then stop having a moon on your butt!”
  12. >He says with a tone that screams ‘you’re a simpleton.’
  13. >As if simply removing or changing your cutiemark is as easy as wearing clothing.
  14. >”And besides, YOU liked it!”
  15. >He’s getting sadly predictable.
  16. >”In fact, hang on a minute, how is that not ok, but oral was perfectly fine?”
  17. >Now THIS was a legal challenge you dealt with in past.
  18. “It’s simple, Anonymous. One prepares the stallion, and if done properly, ensures the mare will receive her due pleasure as well. The other causes the stallion to spend everything in the wrong place. The fact that we partake in it, is because you and I will never produce a viable offspring...”
  19. >You pause for a moment before calling out,
  20. “And if we do, Discord will find himself PERMANENTLY petrified!”
  21. >You listen for any response, hearing none.
  22. >Good.
  23. >He didn’t overhear that first bit.
  24. >You continue as if you didn’t just stop to threaten the Lord of Chaos
  25. “As such, it is morally acceptable for the two of us, if still perverse."
  26. >He pinches the bridge of his oddly shaped nose.
  27. >His fingers still amaze you with how miraculously flexible they are.
  28. >”Alright fine, whatever Moonbutt. So you did everything, except the weird stuff that doesn’t count, huh? Sooo, can I guess what doesn’t count?”
  29. >You roll your eyes.
  30. “If it makes you feel better, Anonymous.”
  31. >He grins.
  32. >”Alright, so weirder stuff...let’s start with...can't get much weirder than watersports.”
  33. >You blink.
  34. >...The Equestrian Games category?
  35. “I...suppose I could see how a stallion would find a sopping wet mare attractive.”
  36. >Anon laughs.
  37. >”That’s not even close! And don’t ask what it is, I don’t want to do it. Alright foot-I mean hoof play?”
  38. >You’ll have to look up exactly what that "water sports" is-assuming it isn’t a purely Human thing.
  39. >You smirk and rest your head on a covered hoof.
  40. “Yes, hoofplay was one of mine. These chausses keep my frogs far more sensitive than the average pony’s.”
  41. >He frowns at that and rubs his chin.
  42. >Part of you is hoping to see how he could put his fingers to work on your hooves.
  43. >”Alright, bondage? Wait, no, that’s practically vanilla, hang on.”
  44. >Bondage?
  45. “Anonymous, I fail to see how being arrested and jailed could be sexual in any manner.”
  46. >He stops, his hand falling away from his face.
  47. >”Wait…” He sounds as though he just discovered that you have a second head. “You said you did practically everything, and you don’t even know what bondage is?”
  48. >You sigh deeply.
  49. “Anonymous, many a concept have been invented during my banishment. One minor fetish could have easily slipped by me in my studies.”
  50. >A grin slowly starts to take form on his flat face.
  51. >”Moonie, it’s like, the biggest fetish on Earth. When’s your next estrus?”
  52. >You think for a moment.
  53. “It should start in 8 nights.”
  54. >Your ape’s grin just gets’s almost becoming fearsome.
  55. >Not that you have anything to fear, as the Princess of the Night.
  56. >You’re the one who CAUSES fear.
  57. >”Then you’re in for a real treat, Luna, just you wait.”
  58. >...Perhaps you’re feeling an inkling of unease.
  59. -
  60. >"Come on Moonbutt, you're gonna love this!"
  61. >Anon is practically skipping down the halls of your castle as you trot behind him.
  62. “You don’t call my sister ‘Sunbutt,’ Anonymous, so why do you insist on calling me that?!”
  63. >It’s that time of the month , and you are testy.
  64. >You’re also unbelievably horny.
  65. >”Cause I’m not hitting the butt with the sun on it, I’m hitting the one with the moon on it! Besides, she said she’d send me to the moon if I called her that again, and I know she means it.”
  66. “Don’t tempt me, mortal.”
  67. >His manic grin doesn’t fade in the slightest.
  68. >”Ooohh, you know you love it.”
  69. >You REALLY don’t.
  70. >...but you do love him.
  71. >Him and his glorious, non-sensitive, wonderfully long lasting monkey dick, which you want inside you right NOW.
  72. >Estrus tends to get to you.
  73. >He finally stops outside of...his room?
  74. >Really?
  75. >"Alright, so, remember how like, a week ago you said you never tried bondage? Well, I got a couple things to give you the full BDSM experience."
  76. >BDSM?
  77. >Baltimare Department of Sewage Management?
  78. >He dramatically swings open the door, waving his arm as though presenting a play.
  79. >'ll humor him.
  80. >Especially if it leads to an early ovulation.
  81. >Smiling, you give him a nuzzle as you enter his room.
  82. >What you see is absolutely perplexing.
  83. >He's..redecorated.
  84. >All his personal effects, save for a bookshelf and his bed have been removed, instead replaced with various straps, chains and sex toys.
  85. >Were it not for the sex toys, it would look like one of your interrogation chambers from when you were Nightmare Moon.
  86. >There's even a chain with a collar on it in the corner.
  87. >He closes the door behind you.
  88. >"Well? What do you think?"
  89. >You look back at him, your jaw agape.
  90. "It looks like part of the reason I was banished. How in the world could this be sexual?”
  91. >Anon keeps that...rather creepy grin on his face.
  92. >”I know, it looks weird. It won’t sound any better if I try to explain it, but seriously. It will make everything feel ten times as good. You trust me, right?”
  93. >He’s never given you a reason not to.
  94. >You look up at him, meeting his gaze.
  95. “Yes Anon, I do. But I must ask, how did you even afford all this?"
  96. -
  97. >Last week.
  98. >"Alright, so you want all this in Princess Luna's measurements huh? Yea, we can do that, are we sending the invoice to you?"
  99. "Naaaww, bill it to the crown, Luna said she'll pay for it."
  100. >"Sure thing, Anon."
  101. -
  102. >"I told them it was for you and they gave it to me for free."
  103. >You sigh and shoot him a look.
  104. >He knows you hate it when he throws around your name for free things.
  105. "Anon..."
  106. >"Hey, they insisted when I gave them your measurements-speaking of which."
  107. >He grabs a mess of various leather straps, bands, and hooks off the bed and brings it over to you, kneeling down.
  108. >"Let me help you put this on."
  109. >You look over what he's holding.
  110. >You recognize a heavy leather halter...but the rest is a mystery to you.
  111. >Perhaps it's some kind of specialized lingerie?
  112. >You're no stranger to that.
  113. >You give him a kiss as you remove your regalia, still suspicious, but at least one part is making sense.
  114. "I hope this will be worth it, Anonymous."
  115. >He grins away and scratches behind your ear, sending waves of pleasure over you.
  116. >You close your eyes and revel in it.
  117. >"It will be, Moona. I promise."
  118. >He starts by hooking up a...type of harness around you, almost like a leather yoke with a band going between your forelegs.
  119. >It would uncomfortable if you didn't wear an obsidian torc constantly.
  120. >He hooks a second and third band to that strip, wrapping them around your barrel and thoroughly pinning your wings to your side.
  121. "Anonymous, what...?"
  122. >He boops your nose, causing your eyes to cross involuntarily.
  123. >It’s a reflex all ponies have.
  124. >"Haaang on Moonbutt, one more bit."
  125. >You sigh and tap a hoof waiting as you hear a few clicks, followed by the feeling of more leather straps, one around each of your hind thighs, with bands pressing over your rump as they connect to the closest 'wing band.'
  126. >"There we go! Take a look, what do you think?"
  127. >Anon points to a mirror on the wall.
  128. >You're bewildered by what you see.
  129. >The straps have all fit together to form one piece, with it all on you it accentuates your figure even better than any saddle.
  130. >Your plot appears twice its usual size, your waist even smaller than normal.
  131. >You look downright sexy.
  132. "This is incredible, Anonymous! I can see why such a restricting dress would, sexually. I believe I greatly enjoy this bondage."
  133. >Anon beams away.
  134. >"I'm glad you like it! But we haven't gotten to the fun part yet."
  135. >You eye the various chains scattered through the room.
  136. >You aren’t certain his definition of fun matches yours.
  137. >However...he has already surprised you once.
  138. "Very well. What next?"
  139. >Anon holds up a small leather loop with metal rings attached.
  140. >”Next up is ankle cuffs, then halter, then we can get started.”
  141. >You kiss him again.
  142. “Go right ahead, Anonymous.”
  143. >You can’t help but admire your new look in the mirror as he attaches those leather cuffs to your cannons, just above your fetlocks.
  144. >Is this a purely human thing?
  145. >You hope so, because you're severely tempted to wear this around the castle.
  146. >Then YOU'LL be the one getting comments about your plot instead of your sister.
  147. >You're so lost fantasizing about your guards drooling over you, that you don't notice as Anon attaches bars to those ankle cuffs, your forelegs to their associated hinds.
  148. >You're only snapped out of it when Anon starts to slip that halter over you.
  149. >You lower your head, knowing that your horn tends to get in the way, and look up at him.
  150. >Something hard presses to the bottom of your muzzle.
  151. >With his hand on the bottom of that halter, he smiles and kisses your cheek.
  152. >”I love you, Luna.”
  153. >You blink, confused at the timing of his sudden declaration.
  154. “I love you tooOOph!”
  155. >He pushes the bottom of that halter up hard, forcing something metal into your mouth, past your front teeth.
  156. >What in the world?!
  157. >The straps press to your jaw, holding it shut as a curved piece of metal pushes down on your gums, pinning your tongue while paradoxically pressing against the roof of your mouth.
  158. >...That’s a bit
  160. >Those are illegal in Equestria-they’re what other races use when they ENSLAVE ponies!
  161. >Your horn springs to life, ready to remove this...abomination.
  162. >”Oh! Right!”
  163. >Anon declares as he pulls something out of his pocket, slipping it over your horn in one smooth motion.
  164. >You shudder as your horn goes cold-he just cut off your magic!
  165. >You can’t feel your moon…
  166. >Does he have any idea what he’s done?!
  167. >You try to lift a hoof to remove that inhibitor, only to feel it jerk as that cuff catches on something.
  168. >He scratches behind your ear, but you aren’t falling for his fingers’ lies.
  169. >His voice is full of concern.
  170. >”Thanks for reminding me about that, Moona. Don’t worry, Twiggles said she’ll handle the moon. Now, everything’s enchanted so you don’t need to worry about breaking them, room’s sound proofed so we can be as loud as we want, and safeword is the tune to Ponyville’s “Winter Wrap-up” song. I know you know it, they play it everywhere. Just hum it.”
  171. >What in the name of Tartarus is a safeword?!
  172. >This has already getting out of hoof.
  173. >You just need to explain what he’s done is SO wrong it rivals something Discord would do.
  174. >You do your best to speak around that bit.
  175. “Uhnooo-”
  176. >You’re cut off, your vision swirling as something hits you in the face, almost sending you to the floor.
  177. >...He struck you...
  178. >Malice taints every word as he yells out,
  179. >”Bad pony, who said you could talk without your Master’s permission?!”
  180. >...You’re going to kill him.
  181. >Coltfriend or not, he just took you captive and assaulted you.
  182. >If nothing else, he’s going to spend the next decade as a statue-or better yet, on your moon!
  183. >You snort and point your horn at Anon.
  184. >You push forward with your forehooves as you charge, your hind legs suddenly being knocked back.
  185. >Something stops you from getting them under you.
  186. >Your wings strain as you propel yourself face first onto the floor.
  187. >Your hooves are bound together...
  188. >”D’aaww, poor wittle pony fell down and got hurt,”
  189. >Anon’s voice is dripping with sarcasm.
  190. >He walks over to you as you desperately try to get your hooves back under you.
  191. >Something pulls hard at your head, causing that bit to dig into the roof of your mouth.
  192. “Nunnnh!”
  193. >You let out a cry of pain as you jerk your head up, trying to relieve the pressure.
  194. >You glare daggers at him as he forces you to meet his gaze.
  195. >”You try that again, and I’m going to snap this off, bitch.”
  196. >He strikes your horn.
  197. >You whimper out in pain, tears forming from that slight abuse to your sensitive organ.
  198. >He pulls back hard on your...reins, causing that bit to pull your lips back.
  199. >He glares, a malicious smile on his face.
  200. >”It’s adorable, you’re trying to be defiant.”
  201. >His free hand reaches back, slapping your rump hard.
  202. >Those fingernails dig into your skin as he squeezes, your instincts screaming at you to run away from the predator.
  203. >You start panting as terror grips your mind.
  204. >“I’m going to have FUN breaking you…”
  206. >No, no, no, NO!
  207. >You claw through the fog of panic that your prey instincts have flooded your mind with.
  208. >You are not some mere beast to be broken.
  209. >You are Princess LUNA, the goddess of the night!
  210. >You were an unstoppable monster who terrorized the world for centuries-you will NOT be beaten by this...this ape!
  211. >You writhe on the ground, trying to find some weakness to whatever’s bound your hooves.
  212. >Your wings strain against the straps as you try to force them, loosen them, move them, something!
  213. >Enchanted or no, they WILL yield before you!
  214. >You’re interrupted as Anon yanks your reins, that bit jabbing into the roof of your mouth, pulling your lips into a grimace as he forces your head back.
  215. >No.
  216. >You pull down on those reins, trying to take them from his grasp.
  217. >Ignore the pain.
  218. >You NEED to get control of the reins!
  219. >His hand claws up from your plot, dragging hard over your barrel.
  220. >His nails leave a trail of fire behind them.
  221. “Nuaaaahh!”
  222. >That instinctual terror returns, your mind begging, SCREAMING at you to get away RIGHT NOW before this monster EATS you.
  223. >You thrash your forelegs, pulling this way and that, the metal rings on your cuffs clinking and rattling.
  224. >He starts yanking those reins from side to side.
  225. >That bit sends lightning bolts of agony into your sensitive mouth.
  226. >You’re fueled by both rage and terror now-you can’t tell which has more of a grip on you.
  227. >Once those talons of his reach your neck, he wraps his fingers around it.
  228. >Anon yanks those reins down, pressing your nose to the ground and holds you there.
  229. >No!
  230. >His hand squeezes hard.
  231. >You can’t breathe.
  232. >Your limbs seize up, your eyes going wide.
  233. >He slowly pulls your head back with those reins.
  234. >Your foreleg tugs weakly at its cuff as you instinctively try to reach it up to your neck.
  235. >Once you’ve met his scowling gaze, he snarls out.
  236. >”Stop. Struggling.”
  237. >You do as he commands, going limp as you wheeze out from behind the bridle.
  238. >Your lungs are burning.
  239. >”Now if I let you go, is pony going to keep squirming?”
  240. >Air, you need air!
  241. >You shake your head no.
  242. >You’ll say anything right now.
  243. >”Is pony going to be good from now on?”
  244. >Your vision’s starting to go dark around the edges.
  245. >Anon’s not going to stop...
  246. >He’s going to kill you if you say no, isn’t he?
  247. >He’ll just squeeze harder and harder until your heart stops.
  248. >You slowly nod your head.
  249. >You’ll be a good pony.
  250. >”Good girl…”
  251. >He drops his hand, sending you into a coughing fit.
  252. >You gasp for precious breath between your hacking coughs.
  253. > don’t understand.
  254. >Why is Anon doing this?
  255. >There is no possible way in the world ANYPONY could find this even remotely arousing.
  256. >This isn’t sex.
  257. >It’s pure torture.
  258. >You would know, you’ve done it as Nightmare!
  259. >Was he replaced by a changeling?
  260. > You would have noticed before if he was...something would have seemed off.
  261. >He’s been the same adorable monkey-stallion he always is.
  262. >Right up until he brought you in here.
  263. >Then why?!
  264. >Did you do something to deserve this?
  265. >Was it because you ordered the staff to only respond in monkey noises to him for the past month?
  266. >He knows it was because he kept neighing at you!
  267. >No...he’s been stupid, abrasive, thoughtless, but not malicious, not purely sadistic…
  268. >...unless that was all an act...
  269. >You start to remember the horror stories he’s told you of Earth...of the absolute depravity his species has been capable of.
  270. >But...this is your Anon...he’s different...
  271. >Isn’t he?
  272. >Your chariot of thought is de-wheeled when the ape tugs at your reins, forcing your head up.
  273. >”Get on your hooves,” he growls.
  274. >”Now!”
  275. >You struggle to all fours, trying to work against those bindings that hold your legs together.
  276. >It's soon apparent that the way your legs are tied makes any sort of natural movement impossible.
  277. >After at least a full minute, you finally manage to stand.
  278. >You look him in the eye.
  279. >You see a flash as his hand slaps the side of your muzzle, throwing you off balance.
  280. “Naaah!”
  281. >Those reins yank hard, your stinging snout forgotten as his hand then pushes down on your withers, that bit digging in as he forces you down, your muzzle soon inches off the floor again.
  282. >He’s making you bow to him.
  283. >YOU'RE the royal, not him!
  284. >You bow to NOPONY.
  285. >...But fighting those reins right now isn’t going to accomplish anything, will it?
  286. >You just tried that...
  287. >Was he serious about the horn thing?
  288. >”Did I say pony could look her master in the eye?”
  289. >His hand slides from your withers to the front of your neck again.
  290. “Nuuuh-uuh! Nuuh!”
  291. >...You don’t know if that whimper was answering him, or just begging him not to squeeze again.
  292. >What is he doing to you?!
  293. >You shouldn't be begging!
  294. >”And pony’s talking without permission again…”
  295. >His voice drips with venom and his hand twitches.
  296. >Your blood runs cold as you start to pant.
  297. >No, no, not again!
  298. >But his hand mercifully pulls away from your throat.
  299. >He starts walking to the side, your reins pulling you to your right.
  300. > can’t walk like this!
  301. >That bridle pulls hard, simultaneously forcing your lip back and digging into your gums.
  302. >You have to try.
  303. >You lean to your right, lifting both left legs at once.
  304. >The bindings yield, allowing you that.
  305. >It’s the opposite of how ponies walk…
  306. >The next tug pulls your head forward, the bit gnashing against the back of your teeth.
  307. >You start to shamble along, rocking from side to side as you make short, quick steps, trying to both keep from falling over and that bit from digging in again.
  308. >He leads you over to his bookshelf.
  309. >”You know, I thought this was going to be fun. I thought I’d just tie my pet up, tease you for a couple hours, then fuck your brains out.”
  310. >He...what?
  311. >You feel a trickle of fluids run down your thigh as you imagine that.
  312. >It disgusts you but...despite everything, that sounds incredibly sexy.
  313. >He reaches the shelves and looks back at you.
  314. >His expression is one of cold fury.
  315. >”But no! YOU couldn’t just follow the rules, could you?! YOU think you’re worthy to look your Master in the eye?! I OWN you now!”
  316. "You don't get to eat, walk, BREATH without your Master ALLOWING you to! I own EVERY SINGLE THING about you, and I can take it away!"
  317. >He pulls those reins hard, forcing you to stumble over to his side.
  318. >...You can taste blood.
  319. >”You need to learn your place!”
  320. >He pulls a long, black object with a loop on one end from the top shelf.
  321. >...That’s a riding crop!
  322. >No…
  323. >You start to shamble backwards, your eyes wide as terror grips your bones again.
  324. >Anon responds by pulling your reins down, forcing your muzzle to the floor and pinning the reins under his foot.
  325. “ ‘weeze, Uhnoon!"
  326. >Your begging falls on deaf ears.
  327. >He swings his arm back, that crop in hand.
  328. >”You!”
  329. >He brings it down on your rump, your vision flashing as pain shoots through you-you can’t help but cry out,
  330. “Naaaahh!!”
  331. >He pulls back for another swing.
  332. >”Are!”
  333. >He brings it crashing down again, right on your cutie mark.
  334. >You can’t stop yourself from yelping again.
  335. “AAahh-h-h-h!”
  336. >”Nothing!”
  337. >A third word, accompanying a third whack, followed by a third yelp.
  338. >"More! Than! My! Slave!”
  339. >With each word, he brutalizes your rump, the crop always landing on either your birth-mark, or your cutie mark proper.
  340. >You collapse on the penultimate strike, spasming and screaming at the last one, bursting into wracking sobs from that assault.
  341. >Your throbbing haunches feel as though they’re on fire.
  342. >He pauses, doing...something.
  343. >You can’t tell-the world’s nothing more than a blur from behind your tears.
  344. >It’s not just the pain that’s getting to you.
  345. >’s also shame.
  346. >You know you felt yourself clenching back there with every strike.
  347. >You're wet down there.
  348. >Because despite all this abuse, the fire in your loins has only grown.
  349. >Part of you still wants to beg him to rut you.
  350. >To do what he said he wanted…
  351. -
  352. >You look at your marefriend, bound, gagged and crying before you.
  353. >Her cutie mark is so red, it could be called a blood moon.
  354. >Placing that crop back on the shelf, you start to feel like definitely overdid it there.
  355. >You listen closely.
  356. >She’s not giving the safeword, though…
  357. >Huh.
  358. >She really does like this.
  359. >Well!
  360. >If she likes being broken by an evil master, you’ll be happy to give her what she wants.
  361. -
  362. >You tense up, still sobbing, as you feel his fingers wrap around your sensitive horn, his other hand cupping your muzzle.
  363. >He pushes up on your chin, forcing your head back.
  364. >That other hand pulls down on your horn, hard.
  365. >He’s going to break it!
  366. >A pitiful whimpering cry escapes your throat as your vision goes white from the agony-he’s going to crack it! You can feel it! He’s going to break it!
  367. >You didn’t attack him again!
  368. >You were good!
  369. >”Seriously?! You’re going to cry from THAT?! That was NOTHING.”
  370. >His voice hisses into your ear.
  371. >”Now get up before I lose my patience.”
  372. >He mercifully lets your horn go.
  373. >Sniffling, you try to swallow those sobs as you climb to your hooves.
  374. >It’s easier now that you’ve figured out how they’re bound.
  375. >...You don’t want to be whipped again.
  376. >You don’t want to be choked again, or struck again, you don’t want to lose your horn, or have that bit forced against your throbbing, bleeding mouth anymore.
  377. >Maybe...maybe if you do as he says right now, he’ll calm down.
  378. >Then you can think of a way to escape.
  379. >Or remove that magic inhibitor and get a message to your sister, or your guards.
  380. >You keep your gaze on your hooves once you’ve stood, still sniffling.
  381. >You aren’t going to tempt him right now.
  382. >His hand touches your head.
  383. >You wince hard, tensing up as you ready for more torture.
  384. >A squeak slips past your lips.
  385. >But all he does is pet down your soft mane once before pulling his hand back.
  386. >” You’re learning. Good girl.”
  387. >...What?
  388. >He gives your reins a sharp yank forward.
  389. >You whimper out again before you realize it.
  390. >He mercifully chooses to ignore it, saying only, ”Now come along, pony.”
  391. >You blink back tears while shuffling along with him as he leads you to a corner of the room.
  392. >Stealing a glance, you see it’s the one with the collar on the chain.
  393. >You’re guided over the collar. You see the chain’s run through several hooks embedded in the floor.
  394. >You don't get too long to examine it.
  395. >Anon soon turns you to face away, towards the rest of the room, the bit causing your gums to bleed again.
  396. >He pushes down on your withers.
  397. >You bend your forelegs before he has to pull the reins again.
  398. >He takes your neck in the crook of his arm as he kneels down.
  399. >Those reins are held down by his leg.
  400. >You hear little clicks as he fiddles with something by your cuffs, first the left, then the right.
  401. >”Now, because you were still a BAD pony and couldn’t take your light punishment without putting on a big show, I’m going to have to take away certain privileges from pony.”
  402. >What?
  403. >What ‘privileges’ is he talking about?
  404. >He attaches that collar to your throat, the chain pulling taut underneath you from even your lowered posture.
  405. >Mercifully, it isn’t choking.
  406. >It just keeps you bowed.
  407. >He stands, walking away, leaving the reins behind.
  408. >You could grab them…
  409. >You start to lift your left hooves, only to feel your forehoof is completely stuck.
  410. >Looking down, you see that the cuff is now also secured to a ring embedded in the floor.
  411. >Both of them are.
  412. >You’re stuck.
  413. >”You’ve already demonstrated you’re nothing but a stupid horse who’ll just hurt itself if I let it move around. So I’m taking that from you, until you’ve earned it back.”
  414. >You look up at him in shock.
  415. >Luckily, his back is turned.
  416. >He’s what?!
  417. >You could barely move as is!
  418. >You look back down as he turns around, hoping he didn’t catch you.
  419. >He was holding something...
  420. >”And because you keep looking at things you KNOW you aren’t allowed to, I’m going to have to take away your sight until you’ve earned it as well.”
  421. >...what?
  422. >No, not that!
  423. >He can’t take your eyes!
  424. >Your wings, your hooves, ears, mane, fur, sex-he can have all that.
  425. >Just not your eyes! Not your horn!
  426. >As he kneels in front of you, you thrash your head, pulling at your forehooves.
  427. >The collar heavily restricts your ability to struggle.
  428. >”Really?” He deadpans.
  429. >He grabs your horn, twisting your head to the side, further than your neck will bend.
  430. >Too far, too far!
  431. “Naaauuh!”
  432. >You go still, tears welling up again as you gasp and whimper, the pain shooting out from your withers and horn.
  433. >Not your eyes…
  434. >Even on the moon, you had your stars.
  435. >He holds up that object for you to see. It’s a leather blindfold.
  436. >As he presses it to your face, the world goes black.
  438. >You hear four snaps as he affixes that blindfold to your bridle-absolutely no light is getting through.
  439. >Only then does he let your horn go.
  440. >...He...he only blindfolded you.
  441. >You slowly start to emerge from that haze of panic.
  442. >A blindfold can be removed...
  443. >He….some part of him must still care for you, right?
  444. >Your throbbing rump, bleeding mouth and still sore throat attest otherwise.
  445. >But...if the stories he’s told from Earth are true, if he’s like the other humans, he would have taken a knife to your face without a second thought.
  446. >
  447. >Anon’s different.
  448. >He’s been sweet, kind, and loving to you...until today.
  449. >...What if this is just how humans act in bed?
  450. >You almost always took the lead before.
  451. >He said that ”Bondage is the biggest fetish on Earth.”
  452. >If humans beat and abuse their helpless partners in bed for arousal...does that mean he’s just finally showing you his true colors?
  453. >You don’t really know him, do you?
  454. >His fangs, those blunted claws, his violent dreams, the fact that he always asks for meat whenever you two go to a restaurant…
  455. >Those have always unnerved you…
  456. >But then he’d do something like attempting to fellate a spoon and he’d just seem adorable.
  457. >You’ve always thought of him as a kindred spirit.
  458. >You’re both trapped in an unfamiliar world, with strange customs...
  459. >But what if that’s just how humans hunt?
  460. >Act cute, get into their prey’s good graces, then trap them in something like this.
  461. >You feel Anon’s fingertips slide over the fur of your abused rump.
  462. >They’re mere inches away from your sex.
  463. >Your tail starts to inch upwards, silently begging him.
  464. >...You're pathetic.
  465. >You're beaten, bleeding, bruising, and you STILL can't keep your mind away from sex.
  466. >"Now what’s this?"
  467. >Your ears swivel, trying to pinpoint his voice.
  468. >His other hand grabs your lifted tail and pulls it straight up, almost as far as it will go.
  469. >"Pony's being punished because she can't control herself, and she thinks she has her Master's permission to beg for sex?"
  470. >Icy claws grip your heart.
  471. >You press your ears back against your head.
  472. >He’s right behind you...
  473. >"Answer me honestly, slave. Do you really, TRULY think you've earned it?"
  474. >That fear yields to righteous anger.
  475. >You are NOT a slave.
  476. >You may be his captive now, but you are NO SLAVE.
  477. >And after the abuse he's put you through?
  478. >If he was telling the truth and this really is some kind of twisted, demented human fetish, then you've more than earned it.
  479. >In makes sense with the position he's trapped you in.
  480. >You nod.
  481. >The hand on your ravaged hindquarters squeezes, his nails digging into your raw skin.
  482. >”Wrong. Answer.”
  483. >You grit your teeth, tensing up as the pain lances through your haunches.
  484. >He drags those claws over your rear-it’s as though he was pouring salt in an open wound.
  485. “Naaauuuhh!”
  486. >Your legs twitch as your instincts start to kick in yet again.
  487. >Claws, those claws mean you’re caught by a predator!
  488. >He’s a predator!
  489. >You’ve been caught by a predator, you need to run, you need to fly-NOW!
  490. >You grit your teeth, little sobbing whimpers leaking out between gasping breaths as you desperately try to battle your instincts.
  491. >Not out of pride, not out of duty.
  492. >But out of fear.
  493. >Fear of what he'll do to you if you start struggling again.
  494. >His claws start to slowly, painfully drag over your birthmark again.
  495. >He WAS lying-this isn’t a fetish, it really IS how humans hunt!
  496. >Get away, getaway getawaygetaway!
  497. >His hand lets go of your tail before you feel pressure on middle band on your back.
  498. >You're almost hyperventilating now.
  499. >You hear him sniff deeply above your head, causing your limbs to quake.
  500. >He..he has your scent.
  501. >Something warm and slimy slides across the back of your neck.
  502. >That’s his tongue!
  503. >He tasted you!
  505. "Naaa-oooohh!"
  506. >What little composure you had shatters as you scream out in terror.
  507. >Adrenaline courses through your veins as you thrash against your bonds for dear life, trying to free yourself, loosen them, get away, SOMETHING!
  508. >You don’t want to be eaten!
  509. >"Bad pony!"
  510. >Those claws pull away.
  511. >Agony shoots through your back as something grabs you by your tail and lifts you up by it.
  512. >Your shake your hind legs from side to side, the only way they'll move.
  513. "Nuuuooohh! Nuuuh!"
  514. >You can hear his snorting breath through the rattling and clinking of your cuffs-he can still smell you!
  516. >He’s holding you up like a chunk of meat!
  517. >You continue to thrash and squirm in desperation, your neck pulling hard at that collar.
  518. >Tears escape your blindfold in your panic.
  519. >Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know it’s a fool’s errand.
  520. >You were already caught.
  521. >There’s nothing you can do to get away...he has you helpless.
  522. >But he doesn’t do any more.
  523. >He just holds you up by your tail as your struggling slows, that voice getting stronger.
  524. >Once you stop thrashing your legs, reduced to a twitching, quivering mass out of exhaustion, you’re set back down on your hind legs.
  525. >Your sides heave as your rational mind takes control again.
  526. >...he’s going to hurt you for that, isn’t he?
  527. >For struggling...for being a bad pony.
  528. >You hear his footsteps as he walks away from you...maybe...maybe you’re safe?
  529. >No, nooo, he’s approaching again!
  530. >Something thin and hard presses to your lowered breast.
  531. >There’s something loose at the tip where it’s poking you….is that the riding crop?!
  532. >You hope, pray it’s not that, anything but the crop again.
  533. >You’ll be good! You couldn’t help it!
  534. >It slides over your breast, over the side of your barrel.
  535. >It slaps against you as it passes each band-just enough to sting.
  536. >You can’t stop the whimpers arising from each strike.
  537. >”You know...I’m starting to wonder if it’s really worth the effort to train my pony.”
  538. >...Is he suggesting he’s going to let you go?
  539. >”I mean, you’re such a BAD pony, such a BAD girl, I’m wondering if my time would be better spent elsewhere.”
  540. >You perk up an ear.
  541. >Yes, yes, that’s a good idea.
  542. >He should find somepony else to torment-you’ll even join in if it means he’ll free you right now.
  543. >’ll what?
  544. >Where did THAT thought come from? You’re not Nightmare anymore.
  545. >That’s behind you….right?
  546. >”Of course...I can’t just let you go.”
  547. >You freeze up.
  548. >The crop slides over to your rump where it pauses.
  549. >No, no, please, no, not again!
  550. >You clench your teeth as you brace for him to start whipping you again.
  551. >”I’m starting to wonder if you’d better serve me as a meal instead of a slave.”
  552. >Your stomach drops.
  553. >What did he just say?!
  554. >”You know...I haven’t had meat in so very long...not since I got here from Earth.”
  555. >Your ears press back against your head.
  556. >He can’t really…?
  557. >No...of course not. He loves you! He says so with irritating frequency.
  558. >”And you’re very tasty!”
  559. >He grips the base of your mane, forcing your head down.
  560. “Naah!”
  561. >Your cheek presses to the cold, marble floor.
  562. >Wasn’t he just behind you?!
  563. >You try to kick out to the side in a vain hope to catch him, push him away.
  564. >You’re going to be eaten!
  565. “Uhnoon, nuuuoh!”
  566. >”I think I’ll have a snack!”
  567. >He bites down on the back of your neck, his fangs sinking into your skin.
  568. >Your limbs seize up.
  569. >...You’re dead.
  570. >One twitch of his jaws...that's all it would take to sever your spine.
  571. >A sob catches in your throat.
  572. >This is it...this is how you die. It’s not some eldritch abomination, some world ending monstrosity that could level mountains and slay thousands.
  573. >It’s not even your sister.
  574. >It’s just a random carnivore looking for its next meal.
  575. >Because that’s all you are to
  576. >Your tears flow're sorry. You’re sorry for everything.
  577. >You're sorry for betraying 'Tia.
  578. >You're sorry for everything you’ve done in retaliation to Anon’s shenanigans...
  579. " 'Erh-ffie...'weeze..."
  580. >His fangs pull out as he opens his jaws.
  581. >He...he let you go?
  582. >His hand lets go of your mane, allowing it to billow behind you once more, the crop lifting from your rear.
  583. >Anon listened! He let you go!
  584. >You’re still alive!
  585. >...You still aren’t sorry about the itching powder in his suit.
  586. >He deserved that one
  587. >But your elation is soon cut short as you hear his voice hiss in your ear,
  588. >”Hurt you? Ooohh, I can do that, pony."
  589. >Mercy, you said mercy!
  590. >Lightning strikes you on your back, landing between the straps.
  591. "Gyaaahh!"
  592. >"No!"
  593. >He's whipping you again.
  594. >This is what you wanted, isn't it? Being alive but beaten is better than the alternative, right?
  595. >He gives pause before the next strike.
  596. >Long enough for you to tense up and bite your lip, readying for the next blow.
  597. >If you scream again, there's no telling what he'll do.
  598. >He might even take your horn.
  599. >Or change his mind.
  600. >You arch your back, trying to make that a more desirable target than your haunches.
  601. >But he doesn’t aim for either.
  602. >Pain lances through your hind legs as your hocks are struck.
  603. >Your legs buckle, pressing hard into your hips.
  604. >The restraints keep you from being able to fall to the floor-trapping you in this unnatural position.
  605. "Nnnn!"
  606. >"More!"
  607. >Those tears start to flow yet again.
  608. >You can't stop them.
  609. >At least you managed to keep from screaming out this time.
  610. >"Talking!"
  611. >The whip cracks onto your already savaged rump, your mental fortifications falling to his assault.
  612. "Neeeiiiggghh!"
  613. >You break down, whinnying and sobbing again from the pain. It's all too don’t deserve this.
  614. >The abuse, these bindings-nothing you've done is worthy of this.
  615. >You feel the crop press against your snout, causing you to tense up, your breath catching.
  616. >”Do you really think I’d eat you raw? That was a test, and you failed. You do NOT have your Master’s permission to talk when you have the bit in.”
  617. >”You need to EARN that privilege. Until then, it’s not something you get to do anymore. Do you understand, slave?”
  618. >Swallowing your sobs, you nod your head.
  619. >You won’t talk anymore….even if it caused him to spare your life.
  620. >The crop slides up your snout, over the tear stained fur on your cheeks before pulling away.
  621. >”I don’t think you do…” you hear him mutter.
  622. >You do, you do! You’ll be a good pony, you won’t talk!
  623. >You hear him fiddle with something as his footsteps recede.
  624. >At one point, you swear you hear him mumble, “Instant, huh?”
  625. >You hear the sound of a bottle uncorking, followed by something straight out of your nightmares.
  626. >It’s the woosh of dragonflame.
  627. >Crackling fills the air as you smell the acrid scent of wood starting to burn.
  628. >But how did he start a fire so fast? Why?!
  629. >You feel a pressure on your fore cuffs, that collar falling away.
  630. >You scramble to stand up properly again-that’s what he wants, right?
  631. >He pushes you down to the floor, your belly pressing to the cold marble.
  632. >His fingers press to your skin as they wrap around the front most and rear most straps on your back.
  633. >With no care at all towards you, he pulls you forward, knocking your hooves out from under you as he drags you over that smooth floor.
  634. >You start to pant again out of fear. Is that fire getting closer?
  635. >”I don’t think you DO understand. I think you’re just trying to placate me again!”
  636. >An errant thought pierces through your growing fear,
  637. >Hey, he actually used one of the words you taught him.
  638. >Now is NOT the time for that!
  639. >”I think you’re more trouble than you’re worth as a slave! I think you’re just going to fight me every single step of the way, making me take away more and more privileges from my pony.”
  640. >You quiver on the ground.
  641. >No, that’s not true, you learned your lesson!
  642. >The smell of wood burning is getting stronger..that crackling IS getting closer.
  643. >”Well you know what? We’re already at that point! I already took away everything I can! And you’re STILL fighting your master. So at this point, I think I actually DO value you more as a meal than a slave!”
  644. >He what?!
  645. >No! Noooo no no no, you’ll be good! You really will be good!
  646. >You feel a heat on your horn, soon covering your face.
  647. >You squirming, desperately trying to get your hooves under you.
  648. >You need to get away!
  649. >He’s going to eat you! He’s ACTUALLY going to cook you and eat you!
  650. >Your mortal terror returns in full force.
  651. >You scrabble your hooves under you, desperately trying to catch on something-anything on the floor.
  652. >At least being bitten was going to be quick! He...he’s going to cook you alive!
  653. >Those beatings were him TENDERIZING you!
  654. >”Do you know what that is, slave? Answer me!”
  655. >You nod while starting to sob.
  656. >Tears stream past your blindfold, evaporating from the heat of the fire.
  657. >You ARE sorry about the itching powder!
  658. >You truly are!
  659. >”Good. Then you tell me, you tell me RIGHT NOW if I’m wasting my time trying to train you.”
  660. >You furiously shake your head no, stopping your struggling.
  661. >He’s not wasting his time! You’ll be good from now on, you promise!
  662. >Just don’t put you in there!
  663. >He lets go of your rear strap, his fingers soon grabbing at the front of your bridle, pulling it back.
  664. >”Open.”
  665. >You cautiously open your mouth while the fire rumbles and crackles before you.
  666. >You’ll do whatever he says.
  667. >And nothing more-that’s what he wants, isn’t it?
  668. >”You get ONE Word.”
  669. >He pulls the bridle back, pulling the bit out.
  670. >You could talk! You can beg now! You can ask him why he’s doing this!
  671. >...But he’ll put you in there if you say more than that one word…
  672. >He’s not different from any of the other humans he’s told you about.
  673. >Those stories were his way of giving you fair warning.
  674. >And you ignored it.
  675. >He doesn’t care about you at all.
  676. >”Now you tell me. Do you want to be a SLAVE, or a MEAL? It’s your choice right now!”
  677. >You snivel.
  678. “F-former….”
  679. >”What was that? I thought I heard FOOD!”
  680. >The hand on your back strap starts to pulls you forward.
  681. ”Nooooo!”
  682. >Your legs thrash again. He’s still keeping you to the floor-you can’t get your hooves in front of you! You can’t get them under you!
  683. >But he pauses.
  684. >”Really?! Then in one word, you tell me EXACTLY what you’d rather be instead of my dinner!”
  685. >You don’t want to say it...
  686. >The word catches in your throat.
  687. >You’re a princess of Equestria, one of the highest ponies in the land…you are NOT a slave.
  688. >But you don’t want to die.
  689. >The fires roar away, louder than the ancient Dragon Kings.
  690. >Reminding you of what will happen if you don’t submit.
  691. >You don’t need the blindfold off to see the flames are licking inches away from the tip of your horn.
  692. “S-s-slave!”
  693. >You sob as you say it, your tongue fighting you on every sound.
  694. >The word leaves a foul taste in your mouth.
  695. >But you mean it...
  696. >You’d rather be a slave than be eaten.
  697. >”Oh you DO, do you? Prove it. Say, “pony wants to be your slave, Master.” Say it!”
  698. >Crying away, you manage to whimper it out.
  699. “P-pony w-wants to b-be your s...s-slave, Master.”
  700. >You’re disgusted with yourself.
  701. >”Again.”
  702. >”Pony wants to be your sssslave, Master.”
  703. >He roars out, ”One more time!”
  704. >Your tears flow again as you cry out,
  705. “Pony wants to be your slave, Master!”
  706. >You know it. To your very core, you WANT to be his slave if it means not being eaten.
  707. >It’s better than going in the fire. Anything is.
  708. >”Show me. Open!”
  709. >Tears streaming unbidden, you open your mouth, knowing he’s going to take your voice again.
  710. >He does exactly that, the bit being pressed back into your raw mouth.
  711. >Once he’s resecured that bridle against you, he starts to pet over the back of your head.
  712. >You tense, thinking he’s going to push you in anyway.
  713. >”Good girl…”
  714. >He keeps petting you.
  715. >Slowly, you start to relax, your breath still coming in sobbing gasps.
  716. >His hand rests on the top of your head.
  717. >”Just because you want to, doesn’t mean you’re worthy, slave. One more fuck up and you WILL go in there. Understand?”
  718. >Still sobbing, you nod in response.
  719. >You’ll be good. You’ll be his slave. You’ll do exactly what he tells you because you’re his helpless slave.
  720. >...You aren’t fit to rule Equestria.
  721. >Not if you agree to that.
  722. >Which you do… with all your heart, you know you REALLY do.
  723. >"Good girl."
  725. >His other hand slips from the band on your back.
  726. >"Get up," He commands.
  727. >You slowly climb to your hooves, quieting your sobbing as the reality of what you agreed to starts to sink in.
  728. >You're a coward.
  729. >You just sacrificed everything for a life as a slave.
  730. >Celestia wouldn't have submitted.
  731. >She would have told Anon to jump in the fire himself.
  732. >She's stronger than you.
  733. >That's why everypony loves her instead.
  734. >You feel pressure on the bit-he's picked up the reins. Your reins.
  735. >"Now we're going to go back over to the collar, and you aren't going to struggle again. You're going to be a good girl and stay still when I put it on, and when pony's earned it, THEN you get to move again. Understand, slave?"
  736. >Still sniffling, whimpering, you nod.
  737. >You understand.
  738. >You aren't allowed to move around.
  739. >You aren't allowed to do anything without his explicit permission.
  740. >With a tug at those reins, your circle around, shambling blindly as he leads you to your newest prison.
  741. >Because you just agreed to be his slave.
  742. >Possibly the last decision you'll get to make for...decades? Centuries? Perhaps another thousand years?
  743. >You never asked Anon how long humans live for.
  744. >At his command, you circle around again.
  745. >That bit pushes down hard on your abused gums-you prostrate yourself as commanded.
  746. >The collar wraps around your neck, securing your position before you hear the clicking, feeling tugs at your cuffs as Anon immobilizes you once more.
  747. >All the while, your tears never stop.
  748. >This is just your latest prison, isn't you obviously deserve if you so readily gave in to him.
  749. >You even called him master.
  750. >You do manage to keep your sobs under control-he wouldn't want to hear them.
  751. >"Hey now,"
  752. >You tense up.
  753. >You aren't sure what to expect, but you know it's nothing good.
  754. >A whimper dies in your throat as you feel his fingers brush over the fur on your cheek, wiping away the streaks of your tears.
  755. >"None of that, you. You’re being a good girl right now.”
  756. >You gingerly nod, half expecting him to slap you.
  757. >His voice carries all the tenderness and warmth that you’ve come to expect from him on your worst nights.
  758. >All a damnable lie, you now know.
  759. >It was all just him trying to lure you into a false sense of security so he could take you prisoner.
  760. >Make you his slave.
  761. >But why? What’s his endgame? What possible labor could he want you to do?
  762. >...unless it’s not labor he wants.
  763. >Anon’s often bemoaned that you won’t rut him outside of estrus.
  764. >He’s taken you as a sex slave, hasn’t he? To use and rut as he wants, when he wants….
  765. >The thought fills you with dread...and, to your great shame, arousal.
  766. >Your estrus is actually making part of you LIKE that thought.
  767. -
  768. >You look between Luna and the pitiful, single board burning in the fireplace.
  769. >There’s no way they’re from that.
  770. >You were dead sure she was hamming it up but...those were actually tears.
  771. >Maybe she just got too into the biting part?
  772. >You know that a well timed nibble can freak her right the hell out.
  773. >A new movement catches your eye.
  774. >You spy a slowly growing puddle below her hind legs, which dispels all your growing doubts.
  775. >Good.
  776. >Because after “breaking” her, her saying she wants to be your slave? You’re so hard, your dick could cut diamonds.
  777. >Her yelps of pain sound exactly like her yelps of pleasure.
  778. >You stand up, grinning as you look down at her.
  779. >She looks cute with that blindfold on.
  780. >You WERE just going to tease her and make her beg for you until the “main event,” but if you don’t get some release NOW, you’re going to go crazy.
  781. >It’s a good thing she has one muscle in her leg that ALWAYS twitches right before she cums.
  782. ”Now then.”
  783. -
  784. >Anon’s voice is colder than your moon.
  785. >You tense up, your breath coming out in short gasps as you feel that riding crop slide over you.
  786. >His voice circles around you.
  787. >”Let’s see if pony IS worthy to be my slave. Let’s see if you can earn back your movement.”
  788. >Your ears perk up at that.
  789. >You’ll do it. Whatever he wants you’ll do it.
  790. >The crop drags over your ravaged hindquarters.
  791. >...he’s going to beat you and see if you can keep from crying out.
  792. >It’s the only thing he COULD test you for.
  793. >The crop slides under your tail, tracing over the wet lips of your sex.
  794. >Your tail twitches.
  795. >You fight your instinctual desire to lift it, the last time still fresh on your mind.
  796. >The crop slides up, over your sphincter, soon tapping at the base of your tail.
  797. >”Up.”
  798. >You’re more than happy to comply, your tail shooting straight up.
  799. >...which made it that much easier for him to strike your most sensitive areas, should he desire.
  800. >Should you do something wrong.
  801. >That’s just need to do exactly what he says!
  802. >Just do what the human you just called master wants you to do.
  803. >Because you willingly said you'd be his slave.
  804. >His fingers wrap around your horn.
  805. >You tense up, a whimper escaping your throat as he pulls your head back.
  806. >Not your horn, you haven’t done anything!
  807. >You’re being good!
  808. >His voice hisses in your ear.
  809. >"Here's what's going to happen. You begging for your life has gotten me aaalll nice and horny, so I'm going to fuck you until I'm satisfied."
  810. >...This was all human FOREPLAY?!
  811. >You’re going to kill him.
  812. >...and how exactly are you going to do that?
  813. >There's nothing you CAN do. You're still bound and helpless.
  814. >”And if you start squirming, I’m going to have you for DINNER. Understand, slave?”
  815. >You feel your fluids run down your thigh, proof of your body’s betrayal as he lets go of your horn.
  816. >You aren’t sure what would be worse at this point.
  817. >Did he ACTUALLY take you as a slave?
  818. >Or is this just the way humans behave in the bedroom when they get a chance?
  819. >Either way, the fact remains: you still can’t struggle without being beaten.
  820. >There’s no functional difference between the two right now.
  821. >He lets go of your horn, letting you put your head back down as that crop lifts from your rear.
  822. >You nod before he can strike.
  823. > “Good girl…”
  824. >You hear him fuss with his clothing.
  825. >Dread and anticipation fill the pit of your stomach as he seems to be taking his time.
  826. >Your breath catches in your throat as his fingers press to your back, wrapping around the back band.
  827. >Despite all this abuse, despite your life being threatened-still being threatened, part of you WANTS this.
  828. >The fire in your loins became an inferno the moment he said he was going to FINALLY rut you, and it fills you with shame.
  829. >You’re absolutely disgusting.
  830. >Estrus or no, NOPONY should be willing to mate anypony that just did...all of THIS.
  831. >He beat you, tortured you, made you beg for your life, to be his slave, and you STILL want to be filled by him.
  832. >But you’re finally getting what you “wanted,” right?
  833. >You let out an involuntary shudder as you feel his hard cocktip press to the wet lips of your pussy.
  834. >Pushing forward, he unceremoniously shoves his entire cock inside you.
  835. “Nuuuh!"
  836. >Before you realize it, you cry out, your body readily accepting him.
  837. >You tense up, pressing your head to the floor.
  838. >You know you shouldn’t have done that...but you couldn’t help it.
  839. >It felt so good.
  840. >But that pleasure’s instantly forgotten as you feel his claws dig into the back of your neck.
  841. >”Did I just hear pony talk?”
  842. >You furiously shake your head no.
  843. >You need this...please, don’t take it away! You don't need to be punished again!
  844. >”That’s what I thought…”
  845. >...He can be merciful after all.
  846. >He pulls his claws from your neck, his hand resting on your haunches.
  847. >You feel him pull back, slamming into you as he wastes no time in rutting you hard.
  848. >It's exactly how you like it.
  849. >You bite your lip as you resist the urge to groan and give in fully to the carnal pleasure.
  850. >You shouldn’t enjoy should be struggling, squirming, trying to buck him off-he does NOT have any right to mate you.
  851. >But you don’t have rights, do you?
  852. >Didn’t you just give them all up when you agreed to be his slave?
  853. >Maybe...maybe you should give in.
  854. >Enjoy this while you can.
  855. >It’s why you came in here in the first place, isn’t it?
  856. >You press your head to the ground and push back against him, winking against his cock as you give in to the pleasure of Anon rutting you.
  857. >It’s still wrong need this.
  858. >You don’t have much of a choice, anyway.
  859. >You're so pathetic, so disgusting that you'll take the release Anon's giving you.
  860. >Quivering as you give yourself over to the pleasure, your wings press against the harness.
  861. >Your leg twitches as you fight the urge to buck back against his thrusting cock.
  862. >He said no squirming and you don’t want him to stop.
  863. >You aren’t even concerned about the fire right now-you NEED this.
  864. >Your breath quickens, your muscles tensing as you near your climax-the first of many, given how long he usually takes.
  865. >Just as you’re about to reach your peak, you feel him pull out of you entirely, leaving a sudden, aching emptiness.
  866. “Nnnnnn!”
  867. >You whimper out in need and frustration, clenching back there.
  868. >You’re so close! You just need a little more…
  869. >Anon’s hand lets go of the strap on your back.
  870. >”Aw...did pony think she had her Master’s permission to cum? That’s adorable.”
  871. >The sarcasm no doubt joins the puddle of your fluids.
  872. >No nooo no no no!
  873. >You NEED this! You DESERVE it after all the abuse he’s put you through.
  874. >You arch your back, twisting to the side as you try to press against the hand on your rear-maybe you can get his fingers over your dripping pussy to let you finish.
  875. >Those fingers turn into claws.
  876. >He rakes his talons over your recently abused cutie-mark, pain lancing through your hindquarters
  877. “Nyaaah!”
  878. >”Was that squirming just now?!”
  879. >You shake your head no, your breath still ragged.
  880. >This isn’t fair…
  881. >”That’s strike two.”
  882. >You feel yourself slip away from that orgasm, an almost painful need replacing it, now even worse than before.
  883. >Only then does he push back inside you.
  884. >Being filled feels as wonderful as it did the first time.
  885. >You exhale hard, making sure not to moan out this don’t expect the same mercy twice in a row.
  886. >..Mercy, huh? This is anything BUT mercy.
  887. >He goes right back to the rhythm he had before, almost rocking you forward with every thrust.
  888. >Your climax starts to rebuild, slowly, painfully.
  889. >But faster than before.
  890. >As you get close, you try to hide it.
  891. >You take longer, deeper breaths, trying to keep from clenching too hard as you wink against his cock.
  892. >But it’s not enough.
  893. >Again, just as you’re inches away, he pulls completely out of you.
  894. >A high pitched whine escapes your throat.
  895. >Noo! You NEED to cum!
  896. >Your legs tremble, but you don’t try to press to his hand again.
  897. >He told you before what “strikes” mean.
  898. >You press your cheek to the floor as your denied climax subsides.
  899. >You whimper softly in frustration.
  900. >Once again, your ‘base’ arousal is’d be begging him to fill you if you were allowed to talk.
  901. >He pushes back inside you once again, your whimper turning into a moan.
  902. >You freeze up in fear as he goes back to rutting you.
  903. >Is he going to…?
  904. >He thrusts hard back and forth within you, but doesn’t seem to have noticed it...
  905. >Good...this time you can concentrate on release.
  906. >You’ve never needed anything so badly in your long life. Even escape from the moon wasn’t as pressing a need.
  907. >You wink hard around his cock, squeezing it as you push back against him.
  908. >You concentrate solely on his dick.
  909. >It doesn’t take long before your breathing becomes ragged yet again. You’re so close.
  910. > more-NO!
  911. “Mrrrff!”
  912. >He pulls out yet again just before your climax
  913. >How?! How does he know this?!
  914. >He...he knows your body better than you do...maybe that’s why he decided to take you as his slave.
  915. >You whimper out as he shoves his length back inside you yet again, going right back to rutting you.
  916. >You don’t want the build up anymore.
  917. >You don’t want to cum, you don’t want to feel pleasure-you just want him to stop.
  918. >But he doesn’t.
  919. >Time and time again, he pulls out just as you’re on the brink, leaving you gasping and whimpering before going right back to where he left off.
  920. >You lose track of time, track of how many times he denies you your release.
  921. >Each and every time, you get so close, just on the edge before he pulls out, giving you nothing.
  922. >A puddle of drool forms around your muzzle.
  923. >You don’t even care-you can’t even think.
  924. >You just want release...
  925. >After an eternity, he enters you still hadn’t come down fully.
  926. >You aren’t right on the edge, but you’re close.
  927. >Maybe you could…?
  928. >You don’t get a chance.
  929. >You wink twice around his cock before you feel his fur press against you, he grunts as his cock spasms inside you, his seed filling you.
  930. >...He finished.
  931. >Anon just bred you and didn’t allow you to climax once.
  932. >You sob quietly on the floor.
  933. >He’s a monster...
  934. >Anon unceremoniously pulls out of you, leaving your aching, yearning pussy empty once again.
  935. >A sharp pain soon fills your mouth as your reins are pulled.
  936. >Following the command, you lift your head up, as high as the collar will allow.
  937. >A pungent smell greets you,
  938. >You feel the strap on your muzzle loosen before hearing Anon command,
  939. >”Clean it off.”
  940. >You stick your tongue out, licking something hard and recoil, shuddering in revulsion.
  941. >That’s...marecum.
  942. >That’s YOUR estrus! He wants you to lick your OWN fluids up?
  943. >”If pony ever hopes to cum again, she’ll be a good girl…”
  944. >You do...more than your life do you…
  945. >Stifling a whimper, you start to lick over his cock, shuddering all the while.
  946. >You have to pause while you gag.
  947. >It was just INSIDE you-it’s revolting.
  948. >But you do it.
  949. >He said it’ll earn you your climax-you’ll do whatever he wants for it.
  950. >Because he has complete control over you.
  951. >You drag your tongue from base to tip once it’s finally clean.
  952. >You wink again, your fluids dripping away as the only thing you smell is his potent musk.
  953. >His hand comes down on the back of your head.
  954. >Not in violence...he’s petting your mane.
  955. >”Good girl, cleaning her Master. Pony knows she needs to clean up her messes.”
  956. >You nod before you even realize it.
  957. >Your need for release is destroying what dignity you had left.
  958. >”Now does pony want to cum?”
  959. >You open your mouth to respond, but your voice catches in your throat.
  960. >He loosened the strap, but he left the bit in.
  961. >The implicit message is clear: You don’t have permission to talk.
  962. >You nod emphatically.
  963. >Yes, yes you do.
  964. >His hand slips up, his fingers brushing over your horn.
  965. >”Now you tell me honestly, slave. Does pony really, TRULY think she’s earned that privilege?”
  966. >’s a trick question.
  967. >You do, you KNOW you’ve earned it!
  968. >But you’re only going to be punished if you say yes.
  969. >You blink back tears as you lower your head.
  970. >Either way, you're going to stay like this.
  971. >You should still say it. You shouldn’t give in to him. You DESERVE it, you NEED it.
  972. >But you shake your head no.
  973. >”GOOD girl!”
  974. >Part of you dies inside as he ‘rewards’ you by scratching your ear.
  975. >You’re giving him what he wants, doing what he says.
  976. >You’re acting like his slave.
  977. >Because he's the master of your body, not you.
  979. >You no longer have any say in what happens to you or what your body does.
  980. >Not while you're his captive...his slave.
  981. >This can’t be forever can it? He's still in the castle...which means he’s still surrounded by your and your sister's guards.
  982. >If he keeps you locked up too long, somepony will search for you.
  983. >...Won't they?
  984. >Celestia never did try to rescue you from the moon…
  985. >No, you were a monster then. That was different.
  986. >...just like Anon was supposed to be different...
  987. >"Since pony knows her place, she gets a reward. Pony gets to choose which one she earns back: sight or movement?"
  988. >Your ears perk up, elation filling your heart as he says you're being rewarded.
  989. >Followed by humiliation.
  990. >Are you really HAPPY that he’s lifting restrictions HE placed on your body?
  991. >Happy to be his plaything?!
  992. >Maybe you do deserve to be his slave.
  993. >You push those thoughts out of your head-you need to choose before he changes his mind.
  994. >You tug at your hoof, showing him your choice-the bit is still in your mouth, you know better than to speak right now.
  995. >Being blind isn’t anything you can’t deal with.
  996. >You know you’ll still be hobbled, but at least you’ll be able to stand up.
  997. >No longer being forced to bow to Master.
  998. >”Good girl, not talking without permission.”
  999. >You feel pressure on your fore cuffs as horror fills your mind, your ears pressing back.
  1000. >You thought of him as Master.
  1001. >Not as Anon.
  1002. >Realization dusks as you realize you know what is endgame is.
  1003. >The collar falls away, but you don't care.
  1004. >Anon has no plans to keep you hidden away, to keep you physically bound forever.
  1005. >He’s going to break you.
  1006. >He’s wants to turn you into his obedient little slave, who will do exactly as he commands, when he commands it.
  1007. >And it’s working.
  1008. >You take a deep, steadying breath as you stand, trying to push away the pain, to ignore the aching need in your hindquarters.
  1009. >You still keep your head lowered, however. You don’t want to tempt his wrath.
  1010. >Now that you know what his plan is you can…
  1011. >You...can...'t need release!
  1012. >Whatever strategy you were making crumbles as his fingers start to tug at your nipple with just the right force.
  1013. >Even that slight pleasure is enough to pull you back down into the throes of arousal.
  1014. >You press against his fondling hand, your legs quivering as you try to steal more pleasure than he’s willing to give.
  1015. >Even if you know it won’t be enough.
  1016. >”There we does pony like being able to move again?”
  1017. >It takes a moment for the words to register through the haze of lust in your mind.
  1018. >Right.
  1019. >You CAN move again.
  1020. >You carefully lift a foreleg, testing it. The attachment to your hind is still there...but now you’re not bound in that completely subservient position.
  1021. >Instead, now you’re taking it voluntarily.
  1022. >You still nod your head in affirmation. At least it’s one step away from the fire.
  1023. >..Now that you think of it, you can’t hear that fire anymore.
  1024. >Did he put it out?
  1025. >”Good girl…”
  1026. >You feel his hand stroke down your mane, his other still tugging and rubbing over your stiffened nipple.
  1027. >You didn’t flinch this’re starting to understand him.
  1028. >”But this is a pretty big privilege to earn back. If pony wants to keep it, she’s going to have to show her master that she’s not going to squirm around and struggle. Do you think you can do that, slave?”
  1029. >Well, you thought you understood him.
  1030. >With your eyes wide behind the blindfold, you freeze up in fear.
  1031. >You don’t know how to respond to that…
  1032. >The only “squirming” you did was when he was beating or molesting you.
  1033. >Does it mean pain or tortuous pleasure?
  1034. >”Well?”
  1035. >You finally force a small nod. You’ll have to endure whatever torment he has planned.
  1036. >A sharp pain shoots through your mouth as he pulls at your reins, forcing you to stumble forward.
  1037. >It means pain, apparently.
  1038. >At this point, you think you’d prefer it.
  1039. >His hand slips from your teat before he leads you to, according to your mental map of the room, somewhere near the bookcase.
  1040. >Where he keeps the crop.
  1041. >You brace yourself for another beating, clenching your teeth around that bit.
  1042. >What you weren’t expecting, was for two of his fingers to be shoved into your sopping wet pussy.
  1043. “Naaaah!”
  1044. >You arch your back, shuddering hard at the sudden intrusion.
  1045. >You’re squeezing down on Anon’s invading fingers before you even realize it, your desperation once again overriding any rational thought.
  1046. >His fingers curl inside you, his claws pressing to the bottom of your over-sensitive passage.
  1047. >Overpowering your clenching muscles, he drags them back out.
  1048. "Nnnn!"
  1049. >Those talons dig into your inner flesh, the searing pain doing nothing to alleviate your desperate need.
  1050. >If anything, him filling you yet again makes it even worse.
  1051. >His fingers push into your clit as he pulls them out-far, FAR too hard, your legs threatening to buckle as stars explode before your eyes.
  1052. >”There we go…”
  1053. >He seems to be doing something, leaving you to your own devices for a moment...your breast is pressing to the floor, and your tail is raised-almost the exact position you were just bound in.
  1054. >You prostrated yourself for him without knowing it.
  1055. >Hoping he doesn’t notice, you quickly lower your raised tail.
  1056. >He didn’t give you permission to beg- it will earn you another beating if he sees.
  1057. >And you swore you’d be a good pony.
  1058. >Your blood runs cold as the bit presses to the roof of your mouth.
  1059. >He saw.
  1060. >Your breath quickens as you raise your head, obeying his command.
  1061. >You didn't mean to! You're trying to be good!
  1062. >You just need release so badly!
  1063. >Following his nonverbal command, he pulls you until you're standing, your head craning upwards, your neck fully exposed.
  1064. >You worry for a moment that he’s going to strangle you again. For being a bad pony.
  1065. >But he doesn’t stop pulling.
  1066. >Instead, he gives a sharp, upwards yank to your reins.
  1067. >”Come on, up!”
  1068. >He barks as though commanding a pet, the bit going slack in your mouth.
  1069. > aren’t sure if a pet would be your superior as his slave.
  1070. >He wants you to rear up?
  1071. >Once again, he wants you to something that feels impossible.
  1072. >Standing as he does…
  1073. >Without your wings? Nopony could manage it for more than a few seconds.
  1074. >Not to mention your legs are bound together!
  1075. >The bit digs in again, mashing into your gums and causing you to bleed yet again. “Nnnnn!”
  1076. >”Either up or collar, slave.”
  1077. >Your breath quickens.
  1078. >The collar means you’re right back to being a single mistake away from your demise.
  1079. >You push off the ground with your forelegs, your haunches straining to pull yourself into a rearing position.
  1080. >Your forelegs soon catch on the restraints, pulling them down against your barrel.
  1081. >You can’t use them to balance yourself-you’re going to fall.
  1082. >He’s going to punish you!
  1083. >You’re trying!
  1084. >The bit digs into your mouth, harder than ever-still pulling you up, despite being on your hind legs.
  1085. >Helping hold you.
  1086. >Tears well up behind your blindfold as your gums scream at you-the bit feels as though it’s trying to pull your muzzle off.
  1087. >The straps press to the back of your head, pulling individual hairs in your mane.
  1088. >But it balances you.
  1089. >You manage to stay up on your hind legs.
  1090. >You whimper out between short, gasping breaths, your teeth clenched as you desperately try not to cry out.
  1091. >Crying out would make you fall.
  1092. >Which would put your back in the collar...and probably earn a beating for speaking.
  1093. >”Good giiirrrl.”
  1094. >Yes, fine, you’re a good girl. That means he'll let you down now, right?
  1095. >Wrong.
  1096. >His grip on your reins, the pressure on that bit never lets up.
  1097. >Your pained whimpers slowly get louder the longer he forces you to hold this unnatural position.
  1098. >He snickers out,
  1099. >"You look like a dog begging. It’s kinda cute."
  1100. >You’ve been too preoccupied with the agony in your mouth and the two very different ways your haunches are burning to even think of how you look.
  1101. >But his suggestion causes centuries of worrying about how you present yourself take hold.
  1102. >Despite your position, you imagine how you must look.
  1103. >Your rump possibly scarring
  1104. >The harness making a mockery of your royal figure.
  1105. >The de-equanizing bridle and blindfold.
  1106. >Standing on your hind legs like a buffoon.
  1107. >All the while you're dripping on the floor.
  1108. >It would be enough to make you cry, if you weren’t already.
  1109. >”I suppose if you’re begging, I need to give you a treat.”
  1110. >You don’t have much time to contemplate what kind of “treat” he’s talking about before his fingers rub over your nose, smearing something wet and sticky.
  1111. >Even panting through your mouth, a musky scent invades your nostrils.
  1112. >It’s his cum.
  1113. >You instinctually wink as every pained breath you take is tainted by his pheromones.
  1114. >Human and stallion seed are close enough in scent to drive your mating instincts wild.
  1115. >You feel the pressure lessen on the bit.
  1116. >”Down.”
  1117. >Happy to comply, you lower yourself, your forehooves soon supporting your weight yet again.
  1118. >You don’t stop there.
  1119. >He didn’t tell you to stop.
  1120. >You keep lowering yourself until the the reins go taunt again-your snout must be mere inches off the ground.
  1121. >”Good girl,” He coos.
  1122. >You’re not sure whether your muzzle or haunches hurt worse at this point.
  1123. >As you stand there panting, that musky scent worms its way into every breath you take.
  1124. >You aren’t sure which part hurts worse, but you know which one aches more.
  1125. >Breathing through your mouth does nothing to help.
  1126. >The bit pulls against your still-bleeding gums.
  1127. >You stumble forward.
  1128. >”Come on, pony. Let’s go.”
  1129. >He leads you around the room, circling around, doubling back, even walking backwards once.
  1130. >It doesn't take too much of this before you lose track of where you are on your mental map.
  1131. >It’s not your fault, though.
  1132. >Your lust is making it hard to think about anything other than being rutted.
  1133. >You’ve given up breathing through your mouth.
  1134. >No longer panting from exertion, your every breath is long, deep, and through your nose.
  1135. >Right now, you just want his dick inside you again.
  1136. >Your rational mind knows you aren’t going to get release.
  1137. >Not until Master lets you.
  1138. >No...Anon, NOT master!
  1139. >After an eternity, he finally stops you-it may have been a small room, but you have no idea where you are.
  1140. >For all you know, he could have dragged you into the rest of the caste...except your guards would have rescued you.
  1141. >You feel him shake your reins-not hard enough to be a command-as he must be fiddling with something.
  1142. >There’s a squelching sound.
  1143. >Not unlike a cock being shoved in a mare.
  1144. >...That’s really is all you can think about right now, isn’t it?
  1145. >”Tail up,” He commands.
  1146. >A shudder runs through you as you obey-maybe he’s going to rut you again? Maybe you’ll get to finish this time?
  1147. >Something hard and slick presses to your rectum.
  1148. >Wrong hole, wrong hole!
  1149. >You arch your back, lifting your hindquarters but the object follows, not slipping from your tight ring.
  1150. >”Now relax, or this could hurt.”
  1151. >Normally you only reserve that as a treat for him.
  1152. >Of course he would take advantage of it now.
  1153. >But pulling out of your rear is far more involved than your might actually be able to get your release.
  1154. >It’s difficult, but you’ve done it before.
  1155. >You do as he commands, relaxing your...ponut.
  1156. >You never liked that term, but according to Anon, that’s the modern day word for it.
  1157. >Then again, he was the one who said your sister still used the Royal Canterlot Voice in public.
  1158. >You grunt softly as he starts to push past your sphincter. Your tail twitches-it’s VERY cold.
  1159. >Colder than it should be.
  1160. >As it pushes inside you, it continues to stretch your entrance.
  1161. >...It’s tapered.
  1162. >That’s not his cock!
  1163. >You clench down on the invading object, trying to force it out of you-you know moving away would only bring pain.
  1164. >You discussed this-only his phallus is allowed in there!
  1165. >...That was before you became his slave.
  1166. >Now there’s nothing stopping him from doing that-from using your body any way he wants.
  1167. >He’s already just shoved his fingers inside you.
  1168. >Used you for his pleasure while denying you.
  1169. >Beaten you and threatened to eat you because he felt like it.
  1170. >There’s no reason to resist this. Especially not if you can use it to achieve release.
  1171. >Then your mind will be clear enough to figure something out.
  1172. >Even if you do manage to keep it out, he'll probably strangle you and then shove it inside anyway.
  1173. >Accepting your fate, you relax again.
  1174. >Your little grunts of discomfort-your only sign of protest-grow louder, more panic filled as that thing continues to widen, nearing your physical limits.
  1175. >Something’s about to tear, you can feel it!
  1176. “Nnnn!”
  1177. >Just as it reaches the border of pain, the invading object thins out, your sphincter squeezing around the newly narrow part.
  1178. >A flat piece presses to your rose, keeping it from slipping further.
  1179. >Said flat piece is long enough that it’s rubbing against the lips of your labia, ending just short of your clit.
  1180. >You breath a pheromone laden sigh of relief.
  1181. >Now that the...thing is inside you, it's merely uncomfortable rather than the agony you feared.
  1182. >”That’s a good girl.”
  1183. >Your acquiescence earns you a few strokes down your mane.
  1184. >It’s as soul crushing as it always is.
  1185. >”Now,”
  1186. >Your ears press down as his hands grip your cheeks, turning your head.
  1187. >You’re too terrified to resist.
  1188. >”Do you see what I see?”
  1189. > honestly don’t know if he’s joking.
  1190. >He continues on, sounding as though he’s speaking to a foal,
  1191. >”I see that pony’s made a biiig mess all over my room. Now, I know that pony knows she has to clean up her messes, and I know I haven’t given you a chance to.
  1192. >”So I know that if I leave my slave to her own devices for a bit, that you’ll clean up every drop, with your tongue. Won’t you, slave?”
  1193. >Mess? What is he talking…
  1194. >Your stomach twists itself into a knot as you realize what “mess” you could possibly have made.
  1195. >No, no, that’s disgusting! Cleaning his cock was bad enough!
  1196. >...but you know better than to say no…
  1197. >This is just him driving the point home isn’t?
  1198. >That you have absolutely no agency anymore. You’re his to control.
  1199. >Perhaps he just wants your assent, without actually expecting you to do it?
  1200. >You latch on to that faint beacon of hope.
  1201. >Of course! He wouldn’t actually sit there and make you try to do that...he’s been far, FAR too active in your abuse.
  1202. >Not to mention, there’s no way for you to tell where your fluids are.
  1203. >Part of you knows you’re lying to yourself.
  1204. >But the lie makes nodding your head so much easier. Yes, you would do that, if he wanted to sit around bored.
  1205. >”Thaaaat’s a good girl.”
  1206. >He strokes over your mane again.
  1207. >Yes, yes, you’re a good girl, now move on to why he shoved this thing inside you, please.
  1208. >”Well, then Master’s going to do exactly that!”
  1209. >Your hope shatters as those words invade your now drooping ears.
  1210. >A sob catches in your throat.
  1211. >”I’m going to go for a while. When I come back, I expect the floor to be absolutely spotless. If it’s not, then I’m going to have an extra special punishment in store. Understand, slave?”
  1212. >’Extra special?’
  1213. >Your mind races as you think of what could be worse than what he’s already done to you.
  1214. >...You’re not liking what it comes up with.
  1215. >It doesn’t help that inventing creative ways to torment ponies was one of your pastimes as Nightmare Moon.
  1216. >But you nod, showing you understand him.
  1217. >You don’t believe for a second that he’s actually going to leave you alone….you could escape if he did that.
  1218. >Or use that thing inside you for release.
  1219. > the same time, he knows you haven’t dealt well with being alone since your return.
  1220. >His footsteps seem to move away from you.
  1221. >...He’s just going to his bed, right?
  1222. >To watch you in comfort?
  1223. >”Good. Then when I come back, the floor had better not have a single drop on it. Oh! And if I find out you wiped my cum off your nose to make it easier, you’re still going to be punished, slave.”
  1224. >Your ears twitch as you hear the door open.
  1225. >You turn your head to face the sound, even though you’re blind.
  1226. >Is he really…?
  1227. >You hear the door swing shut, followed by a click.
  1228. >A deafening silence descends.
  1229. >You’re frozen in place save for your swiveling ears, unsure if this is a trick or not.
  1230. >But you aren’t hearing his breathing...
  1231. “Ahnon?”
  1232. >Your voice dies without so much as an echo, the only response the scream of silence surrounding you.
  1233. >Just like on your moon.
  1234. -
  1235. >You toss the key to your room from hand to hand as you jaunt down the halls, whistling to yourself.
  1236. >Not caring that you forgot to put your pants back on...again.
  1237. >These ponies don’t care if you're naked, so why should you?
  1238. >You hope that buttplug will give her just enough to keep her right on the edge the whole time.
  1239. >That’s what the box said the “patented teardrop base” was for.
  1240. >Right now, you have some very important work to do the need to prepare.
  1241. >Prepare yourself a sandwich.
  1242. >Is it weird that all that talk about eating your girlfriend made you hungry?
  1243. >You sure hope not.
  1244. -
  1246. >Taking a few tentative steps, you continue to swivel your ears around, the fall of your hoofsteps, the drumbeat of your heart, your panting breath the only things keeping the hideous silence at bay.
  1247. >He...he really IS gone.
  1248. >This is your chance, you can escape!
  1249. >Buck him, and his little game-if you can get out, then you’ll just need to find one of your guards.
  1250. >You don’t even care that they’ll see you in this get-up. Any sensible pony will recognize that this is a prisoner’s harness!
  1251. >You shamble around, trying to locate the door, his bed, the wall-SOMETHING you can use to figure out where you are, and thus escape.
  1252. >With every step you take, the base of that toy rubs against your nethers in the most delightful way, sending shivers down your spine. However, your tentative winking fails to give you any extra’s just there to tease you.
  1253. >Something gives you pause before you reach a ‘landmark.’
  1254. >What if it’s a trap, like his questions?
  1255. >What if he’s right outside that door, waiting for you to try and escape?
  1256. > don’t know…
  1257. >You try to think of what he would most likely be doing...not just based on this horrible night, but his actions in the past.
  1258. >But you don’t have much success.
  1259. >You only have a few seconds of lucidity before your thoughts devolve into images of stallion cocks, filling your every orifice, rutting you silly.
  1260. >You can’t plan like this, you can’t think.
  1261. > don’t need to be able to plan to escape. This isn't your moon, there's nothing magical about this prison.
  1262. >You just need to get these restraints off! That should be relatively easy, now that he’s not here, ready to beat you for struggling.
  1263. >Once they’re off, it won’t matter if mas-Anon’s out there waiting for you or not.
  1264. >You resume stumbling around until you find what you think is a dry spot on the floor and attempt to lay down.
  1265. >The closest you get is a deep crouch.
  1266. >That’s fine. If anything, that’s even better!
  1267. >You rock yourself back and forth before launching yourself backwards, landing hard on your rump, that toy digging in to your delicate sex almost painfully.
  1268. >But now you have your forehooves relatively free.
  1269. >Bending your head down as far as you can, you strain against the cuffs holding your hooves, inching them closer to your horn.
  1270. >Almost...almost…
  1271. “Gah!”
  1272. >An electric shock runs through you the instant your hooves touch the inhibitor, causing you to jerk them away.
  1273. >That means this inhibitor is one of the ones from the castle dungeon.
  1274. >They can only be removed by an ‘authorized’ pony.
  1275. > and your sister are ALWAYS authorized! How in Tartarus could Anon have had you removed?
  1276. >...He had to have had help. His ability to comprehend magic rivals that of a rooster.
  1277. >But there’s only one pony who could supersede your authority...
  1278. >No. NO! She wouldn’t have done that. She had her chance you banish you again, and she didn’t take it!
  1279. >He HAD to have found a way around it.
  1280. >Escape first, worry about that later.
  1281. >You start to paw at the bridle with your hooves, attempting to find purchase.
  1282. >The only thing you manage to accomplish is to smear your marecum all over your face.
  1283. >Of course you would need fingers or magic to remove it.
  1284. >It’s designed specifically so ponies CAN’T.
  1285. >But there’s a mirror in here somewhere. You’d be able to see the buckles in it.
  1286. >You just need to get the blindfold off, first.
  1287. >Tilting your head, you drag the edge of your hoof against it, attempting to knock the blindfold loose.
  1288. >Your hoof keeps threatening to catch on the edge before slipping, the blindfold unyielding.
  1289. >It’s stuck on tight.
  1290. >As you work, you realise that you’ve been unconsciously grinding yourself against the lip of that toy, once again causing a puddle of your arousal to grow under you.
  1291. >Even when you’re trying to escape, you can’t push that incessant fire in your loins out of your mind.
  1292. >Your continued pawing at that blindfold becomes more and more forceful as your frustration grows.
  1293. >Soon you’re scrabbling your hooves against it, trying to push it from those snaps, pull it back, knock it loose, tear it.
  1294. >SOMETHING to regain even a modicum of sight.
  1295. >But nothing doesn’t works.
  1296. “Nnn!”
  1297. >You throw yourself on the ground in frustration, burying your face in your bound hooves as the last dim light of hope, your last chance at freedom dies.
  1298. >No wonder he left...he knew there was no chance of you escaping.
  1299. >You lay there, your throat tight as reality sinks in, still absentmindedly winking against the toy inside you.
  1300. >!
  1301. >There HAS to be a way!
  1302. >You escaped from the MOON, dammit! You escaped from a prison created by the Elements themselves, no mere ape is going to keep you trapped!
  1303. >You just...can’t quite think of exactly how to do that right now.
  1304. >Not because there’s no way out, no! It’s because he has you so pent up, so needy.
  1305. >You need to clear your mind...regardless if he’s waiting right outside the door, if this is all a trap, or if he actually expects you to lick your own marecum off the floor.
  1306. >You’re going to get your release.
  1307. >Then...THEN you’ll figure out a way to escape.
  1308. >Despite knowing the result, you test the bonds on your hooves anyway, confirming that-as you feared-it's impossible for you to reach your hoof back there.
  1309. >That’s fine. There’s plenty of things in here you can use.
  1310. >Like his bedpost! That’ll feel wonderful.
  1311. >It takes a great deal of effort, but you’re soon back on your hooves, stumbling once again to find the wall, this time with a different goal in mind.
  1312. >Your hooves threaten to slip out from under you whenever you hit a particularly slick spot on the floor.
  1313. >But soon enough, your nose boops against the wall almost painfully, your eyes crossing behind the blindfold.
  1314. >Pressing your cheek to it, you shamble along the edge of the room...without having any idea how long he's been gone, you need to hurry. It could have been hours for all you know, he could come back at any moment!
  1315. >You don’t have time to root out the bed.
  1316. >You’ll have to take whatever you can get.
  1317. >It isn’t too long before your fetlock bumps against something hard and...crystalline?
  1318. >That’s your torc...your regalia! You know where you are now!
  1319. >You’re also keenly aware that it’s the perfect shape to reach back there…
  1320. >No. You’re not THAT desperate.
  1321. >You carefully nose it to the side. You took that off right by the door, you know where you are now!
  1322. >With your mental map more-or-less reestablished, you shamble your way over to the bed-you have time to use it, now that you don't need to root it out.
  1323. >Once you find it, it takes a moment to locate a post.
  1324. >Finding that wonderfully curved bedpost, you raise your tail high and press hard against it.
  1325. >You wink hard as you start to grind your way towards that precious climax.
  1326. >You let your mind wander, your head filling with memories of some of the more debaucherous dreams you’ve encountered.
  1327. >Stallions mounting you from both ends, writhing tendril monsters, and yes, even some from Anon run through your head as you wink furiously against the bed.
  1328. >They keep being interrupted by images from your most recent rutting-views of what you must have looked like from any observer.
  1329. >Those you push away-you do NOT need to be reminded of your current predicament.
  1330. >But a problem soon becomes apparent.
  1331. >No matter how hard you wink, no matter what angle you contort yourself into, you can’t get any clittoral stimulation.
  1332. >You also can't get much more than what the toy was providing beforehoof. The flat base of the toy is too thick, it doesn’t curve with the bed at all.
  1333. >Of course! It’s not enough that the monster violated you, shoved that toy inside you, and it’s been teasing you with every step you’ve taken.
  1334. >Master also had to insure you couldn’t properly please yourself until his return.
  1335. >Anon, ANON, ANON!
  1336. >He’s NOT the master of anypony-as soon as you can clear your mind and escape, he'll be lucky if he's a lawn ornament.
  1337. >...If you can.
  1338. >No, you WILL! If you don’t, then the torment will continue...and he’ll punish you for disobeying him.
  1339. >You shake your head and pull away from that bed. It’s not going to be any help with this toy inside you, especially if you can’t get Anon out of your head.
  1340. >Just expel it and get back to what you were doing.
  1341. >...That soon proves to be impossible.
  1342. >It doesn’t even move, no matter how hard you push. It quickly becomes evident that the bulbous nature of that toy was to keep you from doing exactly this-you’d need somepony else’s help to remove it.
  1343. >That makes pleasuring yourself truly impossible.
  1344. >No, no! Not impossible, you just need to find something that will reach…
  1345. >Like your necklace.
  1346. >No, that’s disgusting! You wear it every day!
  1347. >Forget pleasuring yourself, you’ll just find a way to escape…
  1348. >With a deep breath, you start to run through all the possible ways you can do that-you’ve already exhausted all the obvious ways.
  1349. >Once again, you're unable to come up with anything before your mind devolves into stallions and mares pleasuring each other.
  1350. >You really aren't going to be able to escape until you've cleared your head.
  1351. >Maybe...maybe you should give in and use your necklace…
  1352. >You just won’t ever be able to bear wearing it again. Not if you’ve sullied it like that.
  1353. >...Buck it. You can always get a new one.
  1354. >Maybe one shaped like Celestia's...then hopefully everypony will stop calling it a bib.
  1355. >Regardless, you need to clear your head NOW, before he gets back.
  1356. >Before he punishes you.
  1357. >Now, were you on the left, or the right post?
  1358. > think.
  1359. >You start shuffling over to where you left your jewelry, your desperation still not completely overriding the fact that you’re about to sully your own royal regalia.
  1360. >But you need this, and fast.
  1361. >You don’t know how long Anon’s been gone, but it must have been a while, he must be coming back soon.
  1362. >If you don’t finish this soon, figure out a way out, you might not get another chance.
  1363. >If he gets back and sees you tried to escape…
  1364. >You don’t even want to think of what he’ll do.
  1365. >Instead, you try to lose yourself in sexual fantasies, the toy's base once again teasing you as you walk.
  1366. >You’re pulled out of it as your slick hoof slips on something, throwing you off balance.
  1367. >You try to flail your hooves, the restraints keeping you from getting them under you. In an instant, you come crashing down on your side, something hard and thin digging into your wing.
  1368. >Your head slams into the stone floor, your fur quickly being coated in something wet and sticky.
  1369. >...It’s your marecum.
  1370. >Your entire front half is absolutely covered by it. It’s in your fur, your mane’s quickly being matted down by it, the weight of your fluids keeping it from waving in that ethereal breeze.
  1371. >It’s absolutely revolting.
  1372. >Gagging as the smell overpowers that of his cum, you squirm, trying to get your hooves back under you.
  1373. >The bindings make doing that incredibly difficult-standing up from your belly was already asking too much.
  1374. >But it can't be impossible, you NEED to get up!
  1375. >If you could only get your wings free….
  1376. >You hooves slip against the wet floor-wet with YOUR fluids-finding no purchase.
  1377. >The only thing you manage to do is slide further and further into that puddle of your estrus.
  1378. >You give up your struggling once you feel your feathers being soiled, your head collapsing against the stone floor with a thud.
  1379. >...This is exactly what you deserve, isn’t it?
  1380. >You tried to disobey him and look where you ended up?
  1381. >Hurting, covered in your own sex fluids, and with no release, no progress towards escape.
  1382. >He didn’t even NEED to punish you. YOU did it all to yourself.
  1383. >Once again, when you’re left to your own devices, you turn into a pathetic wreck of a pony.
  1384. >Once more tonight, your tears start to fall, your sides shaking as you to sob once more.
  1385. >This is where you belong.
  1386. >In a puddle of your own filth, waiting for Anon...your master to return.
  1387. -
  1388. >One slightly burned fried egg sandwich with enough "hot sauce" to take the roof of a pony's mouth off....which of course means 'lukewarm' to a human.
  1389. >It's the closest thing you can get to making to proper human food in this crazy world.
  1390. >At least, when there ISN'T a planned meeting with the gryphon ambassadors.
  1391. >But that'd be like winning the damn lottery on a night like tonight.
  1392. >You take your time eating your sandwich, wanting to make sure to give Luna plenty of time to be a "good pet."
  1393. >Yea, there's no way she'd be able actually clean the room up...but that's fine! It'll make your return THAT much more fun for her.
  1394. >Although maaayyybe you should hurry up.
  1395. >The attention you've been getting from the night guard has been kinda creepy-and not in the normal 'blaaahhh we're spooky vampire ponies' kind of way.
  1396. >No, instead the mares all keep snickering whenever you get anywhere near them, and all the stallions have been staring at you and making a weird face.
  1397. >Apparently you smell like Luna or something.
  1398. >If you hadn't already had something in mind, you'd be tempted to punish her for doing a bad job cleaning you up.
  1399. >Now, you TRIED asking the mares exactly what was so funny.
  1400. >But the only response you managed to get was, "Ook ook awk awk awk!"
  1401. >...You know, it's really sweet.
  1402. >As far as you can tell, Luna thought you were feeling homesick and asked her guards to try and learn English for you.
  1403. >You haven't had the heart to tell them they aren't even close.
  1404. >You're just about done with your sandwich when you spy a suspicious form slinking along in the shadows of the dimly lit kitchens.
  1405. >Luna's chef already went home for the night, and you didn't want to attract any more attention by turning the lights on.
  1406. >Whoever this pony is, they're about the least sneaky thing imaginable.
  1407. >And not just because they're wearing metal horseshoes on tile floor.
  1408. >They have a gigantic billowing mane, even crouched down they're larger than the average pony and who are you trying to kid, you know it's Sunbutt trying to sneak a midnight snack.
  1409. >Well...more like an early breakfast at this point.
  1410. >As if to confirm your point, her long horn lights up with a gold aura, the half dozen padlocks on the dessert locker quickly coming undone.
  1411. >Getting an idea, you wait until she sticks her head inside the door and sneak up behind her.
  1412. >Well ok, not directly behind her.
  1413. >Last time you tried THAT, she sent you to the hospital.
  1414. >Seeing as you’re the only thing around that doesn’t go clippy clop when walking, she doesn’t appear to notice.
  1415. >You creep your hand up to her sun-emblazoned ass, hovering mere inches above it.
  1416. >She doesn't suspect a thing.
  1417. “Boo!”
  1418. >You jab your arm down, fingernails pressing into her her gigantic plot.
  1419. >”Aah!” Her hindlegs flash as they kick behind her with, and you know from experience, enough force to break bones.
  1420. >You can’t help but laugh as she stumbled backwards, her wings outspread with her eyes wide.
  1421. >In a flash, her look of panic is replaced by one of annoyance.
  1422. >"Anon! Don't do that, you could have been hurt!"
  1423. >Good ol' Sunbutt.
  1424. >You mess with her, and her first reaction is to be concerned for YOU. You'd feel bad if she didn't dish it out as well as she takes it.
  1425. >Just like her sister.
  1426. >Speaking of, you fully expect her to demand to be the dom next time. That could be crazy sexy if you can convince her to wear that autismo armor of hers.
  1427. "Aren't you supposed to be on a diet right now?"
  1428. >She rolls her eyes. "That depends. Aren't you supposed to be wearing pants? You certainly smell...interesting, without them on." Her eyes finish rolling once they’ve locked onto your junk.
  1429. >Hey, your eyes are up here, dammit.
  1430. “With how much fun your sister and I are having, I don’t need pants. By the way, thanks a ton for letting me borrow that special halter and that 'Code Moon' inhibitor. She’s been reeeaaally appreciating them.”
  1431. >She blinks and stammers a bit before finally spitting out, “I don’t need to know that, Anon. Any of that. I’ve never had any desire to learn what Luna does behind closed doors.”
  1432. “Oh come on, you’re the sister to the pony who claims to be the goddess of sex. You can’t tell me you haven’t picked up a few tricks from her.”
  1433. >”No, Anon, I have not,” She says, a little too loudly. “But, I won’t deny a bit of...morbid curiosity. What EXACTLY are you two doing with those?”
  1434. >This fucking mare.
  1435. >You still don’t get why Luna gets all antsy whenever she finds out you’ve been hanging around with Celly.
  1436. >Maybe it has something to do with all her unresolved issues.
  1437. >You really need to get her to a therapist.
  1438. “So you can have Twiggles do it to you next time she comes over? I’ve SEEN the way she looks at you.”
  1439. >That gets Celestia sputtering again.
  1440. >You don’t wait for her to finish, this time.
  1441. “Tell you what, grab a cake or two, and I’ll explain on the way back to my room.”
  1442. -
  1443. >You aren’t sure how long Anon’s left you to stew in your fluids.
  1444. >Hours? Days? It’s impossible to tell with this blindfold, and without being able to feel your moon.
  1445. >Your sense of time’s never been the same since your return from your banishment.
  1446. >You just know it's been long enough for you to regain a shred of self respect. You'd almost forgotten who you were for a second.
  1447. >As such, you haven’t let yourself remain idle.
  1448. >This isn’t the first time you’ve been trapped in a silent, seemingly inescapable prison, even if this one has a smaller time limit. You may not presently have any idea how to escape, but you know it won’t happen if you stay on your side.
  1449. >Laying in that disgusting puddle
  1450. >You’ll worry about whether or not you deserve that fate later.
  1451. >If it weren’t for the chain you landed on, you’d be completely immobilized. As is, you can use it to let your slick fur gain traction.
  1452. >You thrash from side to side, rolling back and forth over that chain, trying to flip over on your belly.
  1453. >It may be painfully digging into your skin, but you won’t let that stop you.
  1454. >It’s nothing compared to the pain Anon will inflict if you simply lay there. He might even take your horn.
  1455. >Finally, you manage to flip over, your hooves clacking on the slick ground, skidding as they threaten to slip out from under you once again.
  1456. >Good. That may have taken several hours, but you’re FINALLY able to move again.
  1457. >Your ears swivel, listening for any sign of Anon’s return while you think of exactly what your next step is.
  1458. >You...haven’t been able to plan beyond the immediate problem. You’ve barely been able to figure this out between fantasies of being triple penetrated by your guards.
  1459. >After all this effort, you're still no closer to escape OR release than you were before.
  1460. >You're still completely trapped in here, with that toy still teasing you every time you move your hind legs, and no idea how to break out...
  1461. >Your sides heave as panic starts to well up, competing with your lust for control over your mind.
  1462. >He's going to come back soon and when he finds you, he's going to beat you, break your horn and make you beg for your life because you didn't clean up your mess, because you were a bad pony-
  1463. >Wait.
  1464. >Not when he finds you. IF he finds you.
  1465. >You may not know how to escape, but...he just has to THINK you've escaped.
  1466. >Twisting your head around uselessly, you try to think of where you could possibly try to hide in this room.
  1467. >From what you can recall, he removed most of the furniture...including the painting of him “being a bad ass,” you gave him for his birthday...he kept only the bookshelf, filled with various horrors, and his bed.
  1468. >You still aren’t sure why he wanted a picture of himself as an evil donkey.
  1469. >...The bed’s the first place he’ll look, isn’t it?
  1470. >You can’t think of anywhere else that you could even fit behind...perhaps if you’re lucky, he’ll think you turned into a mist and escaped, like you could have when you were Nightmare Moon?
  1471. >He probably thinks you could have done that even if your horn was disabled.
  1472. >Deciding that it’s either the bed or stumble around and hope to find something you had missed, you carefully, every so carefully work your way back the way you had come.
  1473. > that’s something you would LOVE to do.
  1474. >Noooo...get yourself to safety, then you can worry about that.
  1475. >You jerk your head back as your horn hits something hard. Taking another stumbling step forward, you rub your cheek against thing you struck to confirm that it is in fact his bed, and that you aren’t about to try and squirm under the wall.
  1476. >Once your suspicions are confirmed, you carefully, gently lower yourself onto your belly and wriggle under the bed.
  1477. >The...filth covering your fur helps you slip right in.
  1478. >It’s only once you feel the far wall against your horn do you feel safe enough to tuck in your tail, no doubt limp and lifeless after being cut off from your magic for so long.
  1479. >You don’t understand. Why hasn’t there been any sign of a rescue party?
  1480. >They...ARE coming, right? They must be! It can’t still be night, sister would surely know by now that you’re incapacitated, that something’s gone wrong.
  1481. >Any moment now the guards will burst in, you’ll call out and they’ll save you. They MUST be tearing the entire castle apart looking for you.
  1482. >When they get here and free you, once they’ve disposed of that monster Anon, you’ll be more than happy to give each and every one of them a nice and long...hard...’special’ reward.
  1483. >You wink instinctively, uselessly against that toy as, now that you're no longer in imminent peril, your mind devolves once more into images and thoughts of you be rutted from both ends, being filled by your guards, at this point, by any stallion who passes by.
  1484. -
  1485. >”I still don't think I understand. How exactly does...doing all THAT make everything feel better?”
  1486. >Celestia takes another gigantic bite of cake as you walk through the halls, a dozen other whole cakes levitating behind her.
  1487. >You aren’t quite sure how she’s able to physically fit forty cakes inside her stomach, but she’s been doing a good job of it so far.
  1488. >It always disturbed you that she took that joke as a challenge.
  1489. “ know, this is why it’s hard to explain. It sorta balances everything out. If you have too much of one good thing, then it makes it all feel bland. This way when you get to the pleasure, it’s that much better.”
  1490. >She rolls her eyes and swallows the bite she took. “Don’t you start with the diet talk too, Anon. I only have a weight limit because of a law I passed when I was young and stupid.”
  1491. “I...that wasn’t quite what I meant. I was thinking more like how a good bout of humiliation between bits of sex is more or less the same as drinking some milk in between swallowing whole cakes like a snake.”
  1492. >Sunbutt pauses and closes her mouth, having been preparing to do exactly that.
  1493. >...She also does that with these foot-long gummi worms whenever you’re around. You’re still not quite sure why.
  1494. >”Fair enough, Anon. Now, are you absolutely SURE Luna’s enjoying this? I don’t know if I would like all of that...especially the part with the fire.”
  1495. “If she didn’t, she can stop it at any time. All she has to do is hum ‘Winter Wrap-Up.’ Anyway,” you stop and jerk your thumb at your bedroom door, “Here’s my stop. She’s probably dripping all over the floor while waiting for me to get back. Anyway, I’ll ask her about that brunch thing with the Minotaurs, but I don’t see why she wouldn’t be up for it. We’ll definitely be awake.”
  1496. >Celestia blushes at the image you've painted. She opens her mouth before closing it wordlessly. After a few attempts at speech, she says, “Do you think I could give it a try? Just to see if I understand this Earth-sex game properly?”
  1497. >You can’t help but grin.
  1498. “You mean so you can make sure you’re doing it right when you try it out with Twilight next time she stops by.”
  1499. >She glares at you, “Anon, that is so horrendously improper-”
  1500. “That it sounds exactly like something you’d do, don't lie."
  1501. >That gets her impersonating a fish again. She resolves it this time by stuffing her face with cake in a fairly undignified manner, rather than respond.
  1502. >Haha! You win.
  1503. “Anyway, I know better than to tell you no. know.”
  1504. >Once she swallows the poor pastry, she says, “I don’t want to join in. Ever. For a variety of reasons, I’m sure you know. I just want to try something quick to see if I understood it.”
  1505. -
  1506. >A click rings out into the otherwise deathly silent room, pulling you back to reality.
  1507. >Your ears jerk up, listening.
  1508. >That...that was the lock, wasn’t it? Your throat tightens in this actually rescue, or is it Anon, ready to begin your torment anew?
  1509. >He’s going to find you, he’s going to drag you out by your tail and beat you senseless!
  1510. >You start to shake. Why did you try to hide under the bed like a foal?! You could have just pretended to be a good po-
  1511. >A click-clack meets your ears, sounding nothing like the fish-like slapping noises of his feet. Those are hooves!
  1512. >You lift your head up until it touches the bottom of the bed, your ears swiveling.
  1513. >Despite what this could mean, you manage to catch yourself before calling out.
  1514. >It could still be Anon, and you know exactly what he’d do if he catches you speaking without permission, on top of everything else.
  1515. >However, it doesn’t stop your ears from standing at attention while you quiver in anticipation.
  1516. >”Lunaaa~?"
  1517. >That...that’s your sister’s voice!
  1518. >You’re saved!
  1519. >Your heart flutters as you find strength you didn’t realize you had. Elated, you start squirming, rolling over to wriggle out from underneath the bed.
  1520. “Ee-hya! I’m ‘ere!”
  1521. >You knew she’d come looking for you! The nightmare’s finally over!
  1522. >This outfit will be evidence enough that Anon went insane and reverted to his human culture, you’ll-
  1523. >”I hope you’re being a good pet for you master, Luna!~”
  1524. >Your heart just about stops.
  1525. >No. Nooo no no no, you must have misheard her!
  1526. >She...she can’t…
  1527. “Wh-whaa…?”
  1528. >You freeze up, possibly sticking out from under the bed. You’re too terrified to even move.
  1529. >This can’t be happening, you must have misheard her, she HAS to be there to rescue you! She wouldn't leave you here, to be tortured by this monster!
  1530. >She loves you! She…
  1531. >She left you trapped on your moon for a thousand years, forced to use your every scrap of magic to survive, and never once helped you move those stars into position for you to escape.
  1532. >She might have even reset their position a few times.
  1533. >Why did you think this would be any different? Nopony has ever, and will ever help you save yourself.
  1534. >”How was that Anon? Did I get it right?”
  1535. >”I’d say you did pretty good, you got it figured out."
  1536. >Your mouth quivers as any attempt to beg for clarification dies in your throat, a small squeak being the only noise you can eek out.
  1537. >With those few words, your world comes crashing down around you.
  1538. >Celestia knew about this. From moment one, she KNEW.
  1539. >Not only did she know, she...she and Anon worked together.
  1540. >She’s the reason he had the bridle. She’s the reason you no longer have your magic.
  1541. >She’s the reason Anon’s doing this to you.
  1542. >It’s because he loves her, not you.
  1543. >”Anyway, you should stick around. I’m sure Luna’ll love to show off what she’s learned."
  1544. >”Oh, I’d like to see that.”
  1545. >This...this is just like before. Just like all those years ago, when you were a foal, when you found her in bed with...
  1546. >How could you be so stupid to think he could love you? That ANYPONY could love you?
  1547. >Anon’s a literal monster, and even HE’S above you.
  1548. >...You’re pathetic. A joke, who’s entire existence is to make your sister look better by comparison…
  1549. >If you ever try to say no, to try and be more than that, then this happens. You’re imprisoned, your lovers stolen, until you learn to be her set piece again.
  1550. >This is your true lot in life, isn’t it?
  1551. >If you ever try to delude yourself into thinking anything could love you, you’ll just end up imprisoned again, for the rest of time.
  1552. >Your cutie-mark is a lie.
  1553. >It never represented the moon, it was evidence that you'll forever be eclipsed by her.
  1554. >Oblivious to your revelation, Anon calls out, “I wonder where my pet could have gone off to? She certainly would have known better than to try and hide from her master, when she didn’t even finish the job I gave her..."
  1555. >Something grabs ahold of your tail and pulls hard, dragging your slick body back from under the bed.
  1556. >Your limbs go limp as you’re pulled back, the only movement from you a heavy, wracking sob.
  1557. >There’s no fight left in you, no point in struggling anymore. You’re here until you’re allowed to leave, if at all.
  1558. >Just like before.
  1559. >There will be no rescue. Any struggling will just result in more pain, you know this. He’s made that perfectly clear.
  1560. >At least you aren’t alone this time.
  1561. >”…”
  1562. >Your sister’s words ring out, barely registering before Anon’s fingers wrap around your horn and pull your head back, demonstrating that you're no longer protected by his bed.
  1563. >”Well, pet? Don’t you want to say hi to your sister?”
  1564. >”I-I think I’m good, Anon. I’ll leave you two to it.”
  1565. >”You sure, Celly?”
  1566. >Your ears sink down as you can taste the disappointment in his voice.
  1567. >He wanted you to put on a show, and you’ve already failed...
  1568. >You’re going to pay dearly for it, you just know it!
  1569. >”Yes, I...I’m sure. This is-this is a bit more than I had expected this early in the morning. I’ll see you at the brunch?”
  1570. >”Wouldn’t miss it Cellybeans.”
  1571. >His fingers tap over your horn, drilling in what’s about to happen as the sound of your sister’s exit raps against your ears. .
  1572. >”You know,” his voice hisses in your ear once the sound of the door closing strikes you, “I WAS going to let you cum. I thought you’d deserve a reward when I got back, for trying to clean up your mess."
  1573. >You feel the toy inside you rotate, twisting around, the base slipping off your dripping wet sex.
  1574. “Nuuuhh…”
  1575. >The cold air rushing against your now exposed sex causes you to shudder involuntarily.
  1576. >"But, I didn't think in a million years that I'd come back to see my slave thought she could hide under the bed. You didn't even TRY to clean it up, did you?"
  1577. >The toy's spun until the base pushes into your tail dock, forcing you to hike your tail as high as you can, leaving yourself completely exposed.
  1578. >You don't even try to fight it anymore. know you're nothing but his plaything now.
  1579. >His fingers press to your still sopping wet labia, pushing hard to either side of your unconsciously winking clit.
  1580. >At this point, any direct stimulation might be enough to push you over the edge.
  1581. >His fingers start to drag over the fur around your sex, staying just around the very edges...he knows that, doesn’t he?
  1582. >Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?
  1583. >You shake your head no, twisting your horn softly in his grasp.
  1584. >”So all my pony did was make herself as messy as she could? Were you TRYING to embarrass me in front of your sister?! If I didn’t know better, I’d think pony wanted me to punish her…”
  1585. >He pauses, his fingers stopping their slow circling of your sex, letting go of your horn.
  1586. >In a completely different tone, one seemingly devoid of malice, he asks, “Do you?”
  1587. > honestly don’t know how to answer that.
  1588. >You know trying to say no is a futile gesture. If he wants to punish you, then he will, no matter what you wish.
  1589. >That’s why you’re here.
  1590. >...You’ll be a good girl.
  1591. >Lowering your head in subservience, you give him the answer he wants, nodding away.
  1592. >You still brace for him to start striking you, ready to accept the blows.
  1593. >It doesn’t take long.
  1594. >A blow comes down upon your horn, causing you to see stars behind your blindfold, knocking your head to the side.
  1595. “Nnn!”
  1596. >He pushes down on it, your horntip pressing to the floor.
  1597. >You bite your tongue, killing any noise whimpering would make.
  1598. >His hand’s not letting up, he really IS going to break it this time!
  1599. >There’s nothing you can do about it. He’s going to turn you into nothing more than his plaything, nothing but a living sex toy and there’s not a thing that could stop him.
  1600. >You squeeze your eyes shut, ready for him to take your magic from you once and for all, your horn threatening to crack.
  1601. >You can feel the bone bend to its breaking point, agony lancing out into your skull.
  1602. >But it never breaks.
  1603. >Instead, his hand pulls from your sex and squeezes into your tender rump, his claws digging into your skin.
  1604. >Your instinctual response to run away, kick the predator, to do SOMETHING to try and get away wells up, screaming at you.
  1605. >You try to ignore it, to push that voice away, knowing there’s nothing to be done.
  1606. >Succumbing to that fear would only bring pain.
  1607. >He pushes you forward, dragging you across the floor on your belly. The shock of the cold marble rubbing over your teats is almost painful.
  1608. >You stop moving once a pungent smell hits your nose again.
  1609. >A smell you’ve recently become intimately familiar with.
  1610. >”Then here’s what’s going to happen, pet. You think you can get away with ignoring your master’s commands by making me angry? Well, guess again.”
  1611. >“I’m going to hold you down here and make sure you do as you’re told, and that you clean up every. Last. Drop. Understand?”
  1612. >Of course...he knew you were ready for pain. It wouldn’t be a punishment if you accepted it.
  1613. >You nod and stick your tongue out, shuddering in revulsion the moment you taste the salty, rather thick fluids.
  1614. >You manage to keep from gagging, however. It’s revolting, just as disgusting as before,’re just as disgusting, now.
  1615. >You’re covered in the exact same fluids, having been rolling around in it while waiting for his return.
  1616. >Master’s hand lets go of your rump and soon resumes tracing around your twitching sex.
  1617. >As if licking up your fluids weren’t awful enough on its own, he needs to keep you on the verge of losing your mind in need.
  1618. >You aren’t sure how long you spend licking yourself off the floor.
  1619. >The only sign of progress is your master dragging you by your horn to a new spot, the haze from his teasing hand keeping you from forming any coherent thoughts.
  1620. >Gone are the images of your guards, of other stallions, the fantasies of what you’d do once you you’re only seeing him.
  1621. >All you can think about is your desperate desire to have him rutting you, even a broken, helpless you, instead of the pony he desires.
  1622. >It’s not like anypony else would ever touch you out of affection.
  1623. >He finally pulls your head up from the floor, straightening your neck.
  1624. >You tense up, having been torn from those fantasies.
  1625. >You frantically try to think of what you could have done wrong, why he might start hurting you again.
  1626. >”There we go...see? Being a good pony wasn’t so bad, was it?“ His grip on your horn keeps you from answering in affirmation.
  1627. > really wasn’t.
  1628. >You had thought there was much more of a mess to clean up than there was.
  1629. >Plus...the taste isn’t so awful once you get used to it.
  1630. >What if...what if being his slave no different?
  1631. >It really might not be so awful once you get used to’d still get to feel his affection.
  1632. >Resisting him only brings pain and torment...but giving in?
  1633. >The one time you gave in brought you more pleasure than you were capable of handling.
  1634. >That’s been the case your whole life, hasn’t it?
  1635. >When you fought for love you didn’t deserve, you watched as your sister stole your very first coltfriend and rutted him before your eyes.
  1636. >When you tried to move above your station, you were imprisoned…
  1637. >So what if your station’s been lowered yet again?
  1638. >If fighting only leads to pain, then embracing it must be the way for you to finally be happy.
  1639. >You lean towards the sound of Master’s voice to nuzzle him, to show him you understand now.
  1640. >However, only thin air graces your cheek.
  1641. >You shoot your head back to the ground before he has a chance to think you're acting out, and instead shake your head, responding to his question.
  1642. >”Good girl,” he coos, his fingers running over your slick mane in reward.
  1643. >This is the only way you'll ever feel his warm touch again, isn't it?
  1644. >If so, then...then you’ll learn to like it.
  1645. >”Now, I’d love to reward you, I really would. Pony’s learned her lesson, which means she would normally deserve a reward. But pony was a bad girl, and I had to force her to obey.”
  1646. >“So, since I had to work to get my slave to obey, it means you’ll have to work to get your reward.”
  1647. >You tense up, fear gripping you despite your recent acquiescence.
  1648. >What possible labor could he have you perform, while wearing this?
  1649. >His hand grips your horn in answer, pulling your head up from the ground.
  1650. >A familiar scent hits you, causing you to shudder mere seconds before Master pushes your nose against his rigid cock.
  1651. >...Oh.
  1652. >You know exactly what to do with that.
  1653. >Before he has to command you, you open your mouth to take in his cock.
  1654. >However, the bands of your bridle quickly prevent you from getting your lips around his strangely shaped head.
  1655. >Instead, you slip your tongue out and lap at the underside of his shaft.
  1656. >You’re rewarded with a sharp tap to your nose, causing you to try and jerk your head back, more out of shock and fear than any actual pain.
  1657. >His firm grip on your horn keeps your head still.
  1658. >”Not quite pet. That’d be too easy. I want you to use your hooves.”
  1659. >You pause, blinking behind that blindfold as you process exactly how you’d do that with the way your hooves are bound.
  1660. >”Well? If pony isn’t going to be a good girl, then I guess it means you won’t get your reward…”
  1661. >That gets you struggling to your hooves before you have time to think about that statement.
  1662. > WANT to be a good girl.
  1663. >Soon sitting on your haunches before him, you struggle to find his cock again with your forehooves, the binders connecting them to your hind legs heavily restricting your ability to do so.
  1664. >The rattle of the chains connecting the binders to your cuffs assaults your ears as you gingerly paw at the air before you, searching for...success!
  1665. >Feeling something firm against the side of your hoof, you shuffle yourself forward and gingerly cup your master’s cock between your forehooves.
  1666. >You aren’t...quite sure how to properly give him a hoofjob while bound, but you know you need to try.
  1667. >Not being a good girl only leads to pain.
  1668. >Despite those bindings preventing you from twisting your hooves to the proper angle, you press your soft frogs against his cock and start rubbing them up and down his shaft.
  1669. >The fire in your loins is only incensed by the feeling of your master’s cock against your frogs.
  1670. >You feel yourself winking, your fluids leaking even harder as the way his cock parts those frogs is almost as if it were parting your nethers…
  1671. >You’ve always had a thing for hoofplay, and, despite your new position in life, you’ll take the opportunity to enjoy this while you can.
  1672. >That enjoyment doesn’t last long.
  1673. >The edge of your hoof catches on Master’s cockhead.
  1674. >His yelp of pain is the only warning you get before a blow comes down on your face, sending you reeling.
  1675. >”What the hell Moonie?! You’re supposed to be the ‘Princess of sex,’ I thought that means you’re good at this...”
  1676. >Your ears press to your head as you tense up, and curl into a ball, waiting for more blows to come raining down upon you, your stomach tying itself in a knot as he curses your failure.
  1677. >He’s going to hurt you, you just know it, he’s going to repay that pain ten times over...and you deserve every bit of it.
  1678. >You tried to steal pleasure you didn’t were a bad girl.
  1679. >It’s true WAS part of your domain, when you were still a princess, and you’ve managed to be a failure at even that.
  1680. >His hand comes down on your horn, pulling you back up onto your haunches.
  1681. “Nnn…”
  1682. >You quiver, waiting for him to whip your teats, snap your horn, something.
  1683. >The expected pain never comes.
  1684. >”Last try, slave. If I feel any sharp bits or your cuffs, then that’s it. No reward for you. Got it?”
  1685. >He...he’s forgiving you for that?
  1686. >Elation bubbles up from your heart, catching in your throat.
  1687. >He’s more merciful than you deserve.
  1688. >You nod your head vigorously, understanding.
  1689. >You’ll be a good girl, you’ll pleasure Master properly this time.
  1690. >Rattling your bonds, it takes you a good minute to find his cock again...but when you do, this time, you wrap your fetlock around it.
  1691. >You work away at his shaft, doing the best you can without being able to see, your chains rattling all the while as your leg starts to burn from the effort.
  1692. >But you need need to be a good girl for him.
  1693. >It’s hard, almost impossible….but that’s been the story of your life, isn’t it? It’s always been almost impossible to do the ‘right’ thing.
  1694. >Plus...being a good slave should be much easier than being a good ruler.
  1695. >You won’t have to worry about pleasing anyone other than Master...won’t have to worry about what ponies think of you, how to solve horrendous issues while still standing out compared to Celestia.
  1696. >Being a slave would mean that the only thing you’d have to worry about is obeying your master.
  1697. >The thought would have horrified you a little while ago...but you’re getting used to it.
  1698. >In’re starting to like it.
  1699. >You redouble your efforts, pushing the fatigue and pain from your foreleg away as you focus only on what matters-pleasuring your master.
  1700. >He grunts, an obvious sign that your efforts are having their intended effect.
  1701. >After a moment, his fingers grip at your mane, pulling your scalp roughly as he starts thrusting against your hoof.
  1702. >Your ears perk up as you swear you hear him whisper, “Good girl…” the encouragement keeping you going.
  1703. >It’s impossible to tell how long you’re working that shaft before he pulls away.
  1704. >”On all fours. Now.”
  1705. >Hastily, you obey, shuffling backwards so not to accidently bump him, in case he’s still in front of you.
  1706. >His hand grips your tail, lifting it high.
  1707. >A jolt runs through you as something hard and warm presses to your exposed sex.
  1708. >You tense up, fighting against the overwhelming urge to wink against what could potentially be your master's cock.
  1709. >Winking against him would be stealing pleasure, you’ve learned your lesson on that.
  1710. >His voice graces your ears, “You have permission to cum this time, pet.”
  1711. >You freeze up, scarcely believing those words.
  1712. > do?
  1713. >Without another word of warning, his cock rams inside you, quickly filling your slick pussy.
  1714. >With one hand gripping your side and another soon grabbing your horn, he starts to slam into you, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body.
  1715. >If this is your reward, then...then you’re going to enjoy every last second of it.
  1716. >You clench down around him, winking against his shaft as you find yourself hurtling towards that sexual peak.
  1717. >Shuddering, you bite down on your lip as you near that long denied climax, trying to keep from moaning out.
  1718. >After all, he gave you permission to cum, but not talk.
  1719. >Unfortunately, all the effort in the world couldn’t prepare you as your climax hits with the force of a full grown dragon.
  1720. “Nyaaaahh!”
  1721. >Your body convulses, the cry leaving your lips before you could stop it. Your legs tremble, slipping apart as they threaten to give out.
  1722. >As if sensing you may fall, his arm wraps around your barrel, pressing into the mess of straps to hold you there as he continues to thrust into your maregasm, not slowing in the slightest.
  1723. >Pure, unrivalled bliss floods your mind as he continues to rut you through the most powerful orgasm of your life.
  1724. >You don’t even come down as you finish, staying right at that peak, and your master is more than happy to push you to a second, third, and even fourth climax.
  1725. >Only after your fourth maregasm does he finally cum inside you, his cock flexing within you as he breeds you for yet a second time tonight.
  1726. >He soon pulls out, letting you slump to the floor before him as your rational mind slowly takes ahold.
  1727. >If this is the reward you’ll get for obeying him...then you happily accept him as your master.
  1728. >For now and forever.
  1729. >His fingers grab ahold of your bridle for a moment before the blindfold is ripped off, the light of dawn spilling through the windows and blinding you in an entirely different way.
  1730. >The only thing shielding you from that dazzling light is the silhouette of your master’s face, beaming away with as much intensity as your sister’s sun.
  1731. >”Sooo? Was that great, or what? Come on Moonshine, let’s get you out of this thing.”
  1732. >He starts to undo the straps of your bridle, pulling that bit out of your mouth before discarding it on his bed.
  1733. > don’t know how to respond. If you even have permission to respond.
  1734. >He soon gets to work on the harness binding your wings and legs, chattering all the while.
  1735. >”You know, I had my doubts for a minute there, but DAMN if you didn’t seem to love every bit of it, Moonie. What was your favorite part, by the way? The fire thing? The orgasm denial? You definitely seemed to like the beatings.”
  1736. >Your ears sink down to the sides of your head as you watch him work, all the while fear gripping you.
  1737. >Something’s wrong. He’s giving you back things you haven’t earned, you haven’t done anything to deserve getting to see, talk or move!
  1738. >You’ve only just started to be a good girl!
  1739. >He pauses after undoing one shackle, looking at you.
  1740. >”Luna? Sweetie? Are you ok? You aren’t answering me…”
  1741. >The fear’s hold grows icy talons, stabbing into your heart.
  1742. >You need to answer, NOW.
  1743. >You avert your eyes as quickly as you can.
  1744. >The memory of what happened the last time you met his gaze flashes before you, having been almost drowned out by the rest of the ordeal.
  1745. “I...I liked learning my place, master.”
  1746. >There’s a pause, allowing the talons of fear to rake over you until Anon finally responds,
  1747. >”Oh you.” His lips press to your cheek, giving you a kiss before he continues, “Come on Moonbutt, we’re done with that for now. I’m worn out.”
  1748. >You freeze up, not even blinking as he resumes removing your restraints, the cuffs binding your legs falling away one by one.
  1749. >What does he mean by “done?”
  1750. >He couldn’t possibly mean you’re free to go…
  1751. >This is another game, you know it.
  1752. >He wants to see how trustworthy you are, he wants to see if you’ll attack him again.
  1753. >You won’t! You want to be his good girl, you’ve learned your lesson!
  1754. >His fingers grab ahold of the toy still lodged inside you.
  1755. >”I need you to relax. Otherwise this is gonna hurt.”
  1756. >Lowering your head to the floor once again, you obey his command, shuddering and twitching your tail as he finally removes the toy.
  1757. >You clench down as the toy leaves, feeling the odd sensation of looseness back’s something you’ve never gotten accustomed to.
  1758. >It’s just another thing you’ll HAVE to get used to, now that you’re his plaything.
  1759. >”Sorry this is taking so long, Moona. I want to get this stuff off before we get you nice and cleaned up,” He says, starting work on the bindings that hold your wings to your side.
  1760. >You shake your head wordlessly, knowing you don’t deserve to have your wings back, or be clean!
  1761. >Why does he want to lift all these restrictions?
  1762. >There’s no reason for him to...
  1763. >Unless he wants to show you off properly.
  1764. >Of course!
  1765. >That’s what he was trying to do when he brought your sister in...and you had made a mess of yourself.
  1766. >The image of being paraded around in front of your sister “properly,” brings a whine from your throat before you can stop it.
  1767. >”Shit!” Anon exclaims, his hands jerking away from your harness.
  1768. >That was talking without permission!
  1769. >His hands jerk away from you, just in time for you to flinch hard, clenching your teeth as you wait for him to carry out the appropriate punishment.
  1770. >”Did I pinch you? Are you alright?”
  1771. >You peek up at him, looking to see if there’s any duplicity in those words.
  1772. >...Why is he being so nice to you?
  1773. “I...I am alright, master. You didn’t pinch me.”
  1774. >He scowls, the last reaction you’d have expected.
  1775. >What did you do wrong?! You’re trying to be a good girl!
  1776. >”Seriously Moonbutt, cut it out. There’s no way I could go again, I’m AMAZED you aren’t worn out, and besides, we need to meet your sister soon. Something about some meeting. Still...”
  1777. >He wraps his arms around the base of your neck, causing you to freeze up. He could crush your windpipe in a moment.
  1778. >What did you do?!
  1779. >”That’s really cute.”
  1780. “Wh-what is, master?
  1781. >The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop yourself.
  1782. >Stupid, stupid! Why would you ask him that when he thinks it's something obvious!?
  1783. >”That you like being a pet so much?”
  1784. “I…of course, master. It is far better than the...alternative.”
  1785. >”Than the alterna...whah?” He pulls back, keeping his hands on your withers threateningly as he peers into your eyes.
  1786. >He looks almost...confused?
  1787. >”Moonie, what are you talking about? You mean the fire thing? Come on, enough with the roleplay, you know I’d never do something like that!”
  1788. >You shake your head, speaking before his words fully sink in.
  1789. “No master, I mean...thank you for not sending me back to the moon! I know my”
  1790. >You twitch in his grasp as the meaning of one particular word strikes you.
  1791. >No…
  1792. >That can’t be what he means.
  1793. >Obviously the threat of death was simply a farce! Of course he wouldn’t kill you!
  1794. >Your sister obviously wants you around in some capacity, or she would have done the deed herself.
  1795. “What do you mean ‘roleplay,’ master? Did you mean you weren’t going to kill me?”
  1796. >”Of course I wouldn’t! Why do you…”
  1797. >Something behind his eyes snaps.
  1798. >His face twists into a visage of horror, ”You didn’t think I meant all of that, did you?! I love you! I would never INTENTIONALLY...”
  1799. >His voice falls away as those words churn their way through your mind.
  1800. >He didn’t...mean it…?
  1801. >You squeeze your eyes shut as he talks, tears threatening to well up.
  1802. >No.
  1803. >Noooo, no, no, no, no, this can’t be some sick game, that was just his pretense to get you here!
  1804. >It was your sister’s carefully constructed plan to teach you your true place in the world, your nose in the dirt, grateful to be allowed even in her shadow!
  1805. “No you don’t! You don’t need to pretend anymore. We both know you love my sister, which is why she had you enact her plan!”
  1806. >You blurt out, purposely forgetting his title as you wait half hoping for him to rain down blows upon you.
  1807. >It can’t have been a game, him play-acting, it just CAN’T!
  1808. >He...he DESTROYED you!
  1809. >Your sense of self-worth, of who you are...isn’t THAT fragile!
  1810. >Is it?
  1811. >Those awaited blows never come.
  1812. >”Luna I don’t-I’ve never cared for your sister! I’m still fairly certain she’s a lesbian, anyway. I asked her to help me get you a few things, because I wanted to make it the best night of your life! I…oh god...”
  1813. >You crack your eyes open to see his are just as filled with misery as yours.
  1814. >He...he was the sole architect of this...
  1815. >He tortured you, raped you, destroyed you...and he thought you’d LIKE it?!
  1816. >Finally, his eyes meet yours, his half-shouted words dripping with desperation, “Why didn’t you use the safeword?!”
  1817. >”Or even try it?! You know I would have stopped!”
  1818. “I…”
  1819. >Your gaze drops away from his.
  1820. “I do not know what a safeword is…”
  1821. >Your inner voice speaks up.
  1822. >Ponyville’s Winter wrap-up song.
  1823. >He was very careful to tell you that was ‘the safeword’ before he turned on you.
  1824. >Why, WHY didn’t you even TRY it?!
  1825. >The meaning is obvious …
  1826. >You know exactly why you didn’t.
  1827. >It’s because part of you thinks you truly deserved to be abused, to be tortured like this.
  1828. >That’s the same part of you that compelled you to create the Tantabus.
  1829. >You know you deserve it...from everything you’ve done.
  1830. >”Oh god…” Anon whines out again, his voice quivering a he pulls you back against him, his arms squeezing you against his chest.
  1831. >He presses his forehead to yours, the base your horn resting just against the top of his head. “I’m so sorry…”
  1832. > should push him away.
  1833. >He doesn’t DESERVE to touch you!
  1834. >Not after what he’s done to you-malicious or not, the fact that he actually, truly thought you would ENJOY this is repugnant!
  1835. >In fact...perhaps you should pay him back in kind! Show him just how “enjoyable” this was!
  1836. >Put him on Discord’s pedestal, show him what a year on your moon would be like, throw him down with Tirek!
  1837. >But…
  1838. >If you did, you’d be left alone…
  1839. >It’s not like you could take comfort in Celestia’s presence.
  1840. >You couldn’t even tell her!
  1841. >If she thought you were even capable of thinking she would do something like this...she’d tell Twilight you were Nightmare Moon again, and you’d be back on the moon.
  1842. >He’s abhorrent, he’s a monster...but...Anon’s all you have.
  1843. >Wrapping your forelegs around him, the mental dam holding back your misery from the night bursts, and you break down crying against him, your tears flowing freely as you take comfort in the monster that destroyed you...your master.
  1845. -
  1847. >”Moonie, what the hell is this?! What did you do with my clothes?”
  1848. >You human storms into your bedroom, angrily pulling at the singular article of clothing on his body..
  1849. >Smiling innocently, you stand up from your desk and look up at him.
  1850. “That, Anon? That is a collar. One that I believe suits you. As for the rest, I’ve had to sell all your custom made suits.”
  1851. >A lie, of course.
  1852. >Even the scrawniest minotaur wouldn’t be able to wear his outfits.
  1853. >But you didn’t overtake your sister as the Princess of Pranks by always telling the truth.
  1854. >”You what?! Why?”
  1855. >...and he’s stumbled right into your trap.
  1856. >Igniting your horn, you pull out a piece of paper from your desk.
  1857. >Levitating it in front of him, you reply,
  1858. “I will answer that question with one of my own. Why, pray tell, have I received a bill for eight thousand bits from a ‘Cabbage, Cuffs and Cauliflower?’
  1859. >He blinks behind that paper, “They must be the new company in charge of feeding the staff…aaah crap, they itemized it.”
  1860. “Yes. Yes they did.”
  1861. >Folding up the invoice the paper, you place it back in your desk.
  1862. “I cannot begin to fathom your asinine logic behind telling me you received it for free.”
  1863. >Anon holds up his hands, slowly backing away from you, “Ok, in my defense, you liked the outfit beforehand! I really thought if you enjoyed the rest, you’d be fine with the bill!”
  1864. >You slam the door shut behind him doing your best to be ominous.
  1865. >He jumps, twisting his head around in time for you to lock the door, the click ringing out.
  1866. >Apparently, you CAN still be just as scary as you were as Nightmare.
  1867. >Doing your best to suppress the grin that threatens to take over your face, you continue,
  1868. “You thought I would find that “fun?” Anon, “fun” is launching pumpkin catapults and animating toy spiders!”
  1869. >Looking back at you, Anon’s growing fear is plain to see, “Well, yes, but sometimes our definition of fun is different!”
  1870. >”Moonie, we’ve been over this, you know I’d do anything to make it up to you! I...didn’t your sister talk to you about it?”
  1871. -
  1872. >”Luna, are you STILL sulking over last month? For goodness sake, you’re twelve thousand years old, it was one night.”
  1873. “Sister, he RAPED and TORTURED me! I thought I was going to die!”
  1874. >”And? You tried to kill ME, and I got over it.”
  1875. “ banished me to the moon! For a thousand years!”
  1876. >”...That’s not the point, Luna. The occasional death scare is the price you pay when you decide to mate an apex predator from another world, instead of just dating a pony like a sensible mare.”
  1877. -
  1878. >Through clenched teeth, you continue your spiel,
  1879. “Yes, Anon, I did. Do you know what she told me?”
  1880. >You pace before him, your wings spreading out as you take on the Royal Pose.
  1881. “She said that I should learn to appreciate your definition of “fun.” That is why I’ve revoked your citizenship and had you legally classified as livestock.”
  1882. >”Wait…” It takes him a moment to process that yes, you do actually have the capacity to do that.
  1883. >“You...what?”
  1884. “Kneel!”
  1885. >Whirling to glare at him, you spark your horn and force him down onto his knees with your magic.
  1886. >You grin sadisticly now that he’s at eye level with you.
  1887. >Of course, you would never ACTUALLY take away his legal status as a citizen...despite how dangerously stupid he can be, you still love him.
  1888. >But...he doesn’t need to know that.
  1889. >Not until you two are done, tonight.
  1890. >...The fact that your sister may accuse you of reverting to certain behaviors plays absolutely no bearing in his continued citizenship...especially after what you’ve done to prepare for tonight.
  1891. >”Ok, hang on Moonie, this isn’t-”
  1892. “Shhhh...”
  1893. >You place your hoof on his lips to silence him, your magic forcing his jaw shut to insure compliance.
  1894. “If you insist on calling me by that insipid name, then you will address me properly.”
  1895. >Using your magic to grasp the artifact you…”acquired” from the vaults below, you levitate a certain helmet out from under the bed, and place it upon your head.
  1896. >...
  1897. >It’s not exactly the best fit.
  1898. >Apparently your head was larger as Nightmare Moon.
  1899. >Perhaps you should have tried it on beforehoof.
  1900. >...Were your eyes really this far apart? You can barely see around the nose piece!
  1901. >No matter.
  1902. “When I allow you to speak, human, you will address me as your Empress.”
  1903. >With a wicked grin, you lean forward, peering into your human’s eyes, drinking in his growing terror...right up until that helmet slides forward and completely covers your eyes.
  1904. >You rear your head back and quickly adjust the headpiece with your magic, trying to act like you meant to do that.
  1905. “Now, human, I believe we require a...safeword, correct?”
  1906. >Anon’s growing fear evaporate the moment those words leave your lips.
  1907. >Smiling, he vigorously nods his head.
  1908. >Your own, much more malevolent grin spreads across your face.
  1909. >The effect is...diminished, without fangs.
  1910. “Then the safeword shall be Equestria’s National Anthem. The proper one. From before I was banished.”
  1911. >His face falls.
  1912. >He’s now in the exact same predicament he put you in, a month ago.
  1913. >”Mrr! Mroooma!!” He tries to call out to you, despite your magic still holding his mouth closed.
  1914. “Odd. I don’t recall giving my human permission to speak. On all fours. Now.”
  1915. >Once more using your magic to insure compliance, you retrieve the same riding crop he used on you, having hidden it along with a few
  1916. >Is this healthy? Is it fair?
  1917. >Of course not.
  1918. >But you haven’t been able to touch yourself down there for the past month without feeling like you were about to be punished.
  1919. >You haven’t been able to cum without his assistance...without your master’s permission.
  1920. >By the end of tonight, not only will he be your master, you will also be his mistress.
  1921. >Unless he says the safeword, of course.

Old Man Anon

by Olibird

Moonbutt is for Gentle Sexual

by Olibird

[SiM, Luna]Her Kingdom for the Safeword!

by Olibird

Celestia Can't Into Cuddles

by Olibird

[SiM, Aria]Anon Caught a Big One

by Olibird