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[SiM, Aria]Anon Caught a Big One

By Olibird
Created: 2020-12-31 15:13:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >You rub your hooves against the band holding your muzzle shut, growling as they fail to catch hold.
  2. >If you can get this off, then you SHOULD be able to use your mouth to open the door.
  3. >It didn’t sound like he locked it last time.
  4. >As the sides of your mouth grow raw, you start to slap your tail against the ground in frustration, your hooves' scrabbling getting more and more forceful.
  5. >Finally, having made no progress, you roll over on your side and punch the wall.
  6. “Nnnn!”
  7. >Blinking back tears, you punch it again and again and again, feeling...nothing.
  8. >You never thought you’d miss your hands.
  9. >The three of you don’t even know how long trying to get home, to get back to normal.
  10. >Of course you took the first opportunity you saw, regardless of what the other two said.
  11. >After Adagio’s screw-up lost you three your magic, you told her to drink bleach and followed the princess bitch back through the portal.
  12. >Boy, was she surprised to see a giant sea-monster appear right before her.
  13. >A giant sea-monster who, as it turned out, couldn’t do a whole lot besides flop around in front of her.
  14. >Turns magic, no flight.
  15. >No flight means you can barely move out of the water.
  16. >She almost killed you right then and there. Then she took pity on you, that was even worse.
  17. >You curl up in a ball.
  18. >You don’t even know what you’re going to do once you get the door open.
  19. >It’s doubtful you could get away before he catches you.
  20. >But you never were one for plans. Sure, you can deal with the immediate issue, but anything beyond that was Adagio’s department-and she wasn’t even good at it!
  21. > wonder what those two are up to?
  22. >Is there even anything left? No magic means no flight, no singing, no immortality, no plans.
  23. >Do they even care that you’re gone?
  24. >...Of course they do!
  25. >They’re probably trying to follow you right now!
  26. >Then it’s only a matter of time before they hear you disappeared and figure out a way to rescue you.
  27. >Your blood runs cold as you hear the door open.
  28. >He’s back.
  29. >You shut your eyes tight and curl in harder on yourself, hoping he gets distracted, that doesn’t see you.
  30. >Right. Like a human wouldn’t notice YOU.
  31. >Then again, it always worked with Sonata.
  32. >Maybe he's just going to hose you down again? It's been a while.
  33. >’I know a way to restore your magic.’ You HAD to believe him didn’t you?
  34. >It made sense at the else could he have gotten to Equestria and stayed a human, unless he had magic?
  35. >The last thing you expected was for him to drug you and wake up down here, with him pouring water over you, declaring that you're his “new pet.”
  36. >He even had the gall to claim that Princess Bitch said he could "hold you captive until you're rehabilitated."
  37. >You’re still trying to figure out if it was a lie or not.
  38. >Apparently you're still 'dangerous.'
  39. >Which you are! Just...not out of water anymore.
  40. >Your heart beats like a drum as his heavy footsteps draw closer.
  41. >Your still-sore facial tendrils are demonstration of how creative he is at inflicting pain for the sake of it.
  42. >Speaking of, pain soon lances into your skull as he grabs your dorsal fin, pulling your head back.
  43. >Your blood boils as indignant rage swoops in to replace that fear.
  44. >He's human-they've been your prey for centuries!
  45. >How DARE he touch you?! He's food!
  46. >”Look at me, Aria.”
  47. >You open your eyes, glaring daggers at him as you snarl as best you can.
  48. >”How’s my little seahorse doing? Still as feisty as ever?”
  49. >If your looks could still kill…
  50. “ ‘uck you.”
  51. >That’s the best reply you can make with that band on.
  52. >He chuckles, his hand twisting your fin.
  53. >You tense up, trying not give that...prey the satisfaction of knowing how much that hurts.
  54. >”That’s the spirit. We wouldn’t want to ruin the fun by giving up too soon, would we?”
  55. >He lets go of your fin and stands up, towering over you.
  56. >You’re nearly twice the size of him but it doesn’t matter when you’re stuck on your belly.
  57. >”Now I have a game for us to that might be more fun for me than you, but we’ll see.”
  58. >You seethe, just glaring at him.
  59. >You’re not going to beg for mercy-you won’t give him that satisfaction.
  60. >He gets NOTHING from you.
  61. >”How about a fun little game of dress up?”
  62. >Wait...what?
  63. >You blink twice as he holds up a bag.
  64. >That was...not...quite what you were expecting. Most foal-nappers wouldn’t do something like that, would they?
  65. >You three never did.
  66. >”You’re familiar with the concept of a mermaid, I hope?"
  67. >Familiar?
  68. >Ha! Shows what he knows! You three practically invented them!
  69. >But you don't let up your death glare for a second.
  70. >Seeing he’s not getting a response, he crouches back down, cupping a hand to his ear.
  71. >"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Let's try again. Do you know what a mermaid is?"
  72. >He growls out that last sentence.
  73. >Your chest heaves, a snarl on your face as you decide how to properly respond.
  74. >He’s too far back for you to reach with your tail…
  75. >And your...arms? Legs? Forelimbs aren’t as flexible as they were as human.
  76. >He’s at the wrong angle for you to attack him.
  77. >Not that the last two times have been very successful...he’s faster than you are on land.
  78. >...You don’t care.
  79. >No human deserves to be anything more than your next meal!
  80. >You lash your tail back, flipping over to bring your hooves to bare.
  81. >”Woah!”
  82. >You only get half way before his hand grabs your snout, slamming your head back against the floor, his other arm sweeps up, hooking under your leg and presses to your chest, pinning your withers to the floor.
  83. >No!
  84. >You let out out a scream of rage.
  85. >Thrashing your hooves, you kick your tail, your fins making a wet slapping noise against the stone floor as you try to break his hold on you.
  86. >He laughs as he holds you like that, his grip unyielding.
  87. >His laughter makes you see red.
  88. >You don’t care how useless it is.
  89. >You just want to kill him, hurt him-make him know his place!
  90. >He should be begging you for mercy!
  91. >But the only thing you manage to accomplish with your flailing is to exhaust yourself.
  92. >It’s only once you’re completely limp, your muscles burning, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath, does he speak,
  93. >”Did you have fun?”
  94. >You start another weak bout of thrashing in response.
  95. >”Alright, enough!” he yells, letting go of you as he stands up.
  96. >This is your chance, you can-
  97. >He stomps his foot down on your chest, right on the scar where your gem used to be, knocking the wind out of you.
  98. >You instinctively curl up again, your eyes wide.
  99. >”It was cute the first time, but now it’s just annoying.”
  100. >He grinds the heel of his shoe into that scaleless scar, causing your eyes to water.
  101. >”You know I’m going to have to punish you for that little outburst. It’s cute, yea, but I can’t be dealing with you trying to hurt yourself every time I want to play with you.”
  102. >Blinking away your tears, you spit out your reply,
  103. “Ea’ a ‘ick”
  104. >You resume snarling at him, trying to will him to have an aneurysm.
  105. >But the look on his recognize that one.
  106. >It’s a look of utter confusion...Sonata’s default expression.
  107. >Despite the fact that you could barely stand her, a pang of homesickness stabs your heart.
  108. >You can feel your expression hasn’t been a week you already miss those two.
  109. >”Did you really just say…? Wow. No one’s told me to do that since I got here.”
  110. >Now it’s your turn to be confused as he starts laughing again.
  111. >That laughter stops abruptly an instant before he stomps his foot into your chest again.
  112. >He’s on you in a flash, his hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing your gills shut. It’s not enough to strangle you...just annoy you.
  113. >He straddles your chest, his knees pressing to the perfect spot to pin both of your legs back.
  114. >His snarl mirrors your own, mere inches away.
  115. >”You do NOT talk to your master that way, is that clear?!”
  116. >What's he going to do?
  117. >You're cloaked in a thick, protective coat of scales-you're practically wearing armor, he can't do anything to you with his bare hands!
  118. “ ‘uck-”
  119. >There's a flash before your head's knocked to the side, cutting off your scathing reply-leaving the side of your face stinging.
  120. >Right.
  121. >You forgot the scales on your face are actually REALLY sensitive.
  122. >”Try again. You do NOT talk to me that way. Is that CLEAR?!”
  123. >You aren’t going to let him win.
  124. “ ‘uck y-”
  125. >He slaps your face again, knocking your snout into the floor.
  126. >”And again. You do not. Talk to your master like that. Understand?”
  127. >With a strangled scream of rage, you thrash under him, slamming your tail, trying to throw him off you.
  128. >You might have succeeded if you hadn't just exhausted yourself.
  129. >He switches from open slaps to a closed fist, bring it down on your snout again and again until you stop flailing.
  130. >"Try again."
  131. >He continues on like this, slapping on the first syllable of your clever insults, switching to full on punching when you try to get him off.
  132. >Finally, you lay under him, panting, your extensive list of brilliant insults exhausted, the human still incessantly repeating the same thing over and over again.
  133. >"Try again. You don't get to talk to your master like that, understand?"
  134. >...Your face hurts.
  135. >How are his hands NOT hurting?!
  136. >You aren't getting anywhere like this...just appease him and move on.
  137. >Trying to avoid looking at him, you nod.
  138. "Yehsss."
  139. >His scowl instantly brightens, his hands slipping from your neck.
  140. >Your throbbing head rolls back as you lay back against the ground, staring up at the ceiling.
  141. >”Good girl Aria, good girl.”
  142. >He pats at your shoulder before getting off you.
  143. >”Look at me, my seahorse.”
  144. >You turn your head to look at the human, refusing to sit up.
  145. >He's reaching inside his coat.
  146. >Yep, the pretentious bastard always wears a full suit and tie, like he's important-you'd want to kill him even if he WASN'T abusing you.
  147. >Just grab that tie and strangle him.
  148. >His gasping cries, begging you for forgiveness, for his life, would be sweet music to your ears.
  149. >"Now, I get it. You've been human for so long, you forgot you're really just a stupid fish. You’re still getting used to your dumb animal brain again."
  150. >Your rage flares anew-ANY siren is smarter than a human! You three more than proved that!
  151. >But he's out of reach...
  152. >Not to mention your muscles are still burning from all your flailing.
  153. >He walks around you, staying out of range of your tail as he walks down to your caudal fin.
  154. >"That's why it takes you so long to learn a lesson. Why you need to be taught the simplest of things."
  155. >He swoops his free hand down, grabbing your tail just before the fin and lifts you up by it.
  156. >You're too exhausted to do anything more than lift your head to watch.
  157. >He pulls his hand out of his coat revealing…
  158. >A pair of pliers.
  159. >Your heart skips a beat.
  160. >Every other time he’s pulled those out has resulted in you screaming.
  161. >...Not this time. You won’t let him!
  162. >"Which means we had better get started on your punishment!”
  163. >As you try to pull your tail back, he grabs one of your scales with those pliers, causing you to tense up-you know trying to pull away would just cause that scale to be pulled out.
  164. >”What do you think? One for every insult?”
  165. >Without giving you a chance to respond, he yanks hard, ripping that scale out by the root.
  166. “Naaauuh!”
  167. >You arch your back as agony shoots through your tail. You once again try to pull your tail back, you can’t let him-
  168. >Too late.
  169. >The pliers grip another scale, causing you to freeze, save for a slight quiver.
  170. >How many times did you just insult him?
  171. >”Two.”
  172. >He tears out a second one, causing you to scream out yet again.
  173. >But this time you use your spasming, rolling your upper half over.
  174. >Your hooves scrabble against the stone floor, failing to make purchase as you thrash your tail, desperate to try and break his grip.
  175. >His arm wraps around it in response, those pliers grabbing another scale.
  176. >”They don’t count if you’re squirming!”
  177. >With that he rips another one, another bellowed cry of agony being torn from your throat right with it.
  178. >But the message gets through to you, clear as the tropical sea.
  179. >There’s no escaping without making it much, much worse.
  180. >You cover your head with your hooves, pressing your face to the floor as you squeeze your eyes shut, tensing up-preparing to endure this.
  181. >”Three.”
  182. “Nuuuaaggh!”
  184. -
  186. >Twenty six.
  187. >He got up to twenty six before he finally let your limp tail drop to the floor with a thud.
  188. >Your breath wheezes in between sobbing.
  189. >It’s not emotional! It’s from the sheer agony…
  190. >The end of your tail feels as though it was dipped in molten lead.
  191. >You actually gave gave in and just...just LET him-your prey-descale you like a complete bitch.
  192. >No...that was only because you were so worn out from fighting him!
  193. >That's the ONLY reason.
  194. >Your ears swivel as you hear him walk around you, soon hearing something jangling.
  195. >A shiver runs down your long spine, but you don't dare look up.
  196. >Not out of submission!
  197. >No. Fuck him.
  198. >You just don’t want to know what he’s playing with right now...not until you can get your breath back.
  199. >Then...then you’ll break him. You’ll make him pay dearly for every one of your gorgeous scales he tore out.
  200. >His hand claps on your withers, sending another shiver running through you.
  201. >”Every time you insult me, I’m going to take another scale. You should be thanking me for only taking one, apparently they’re worth quite a lot...but I know you’re just a dumb animal, and I get the feeling we’re going to have to revisit this lesson quite often.”
  202. >You're in too much pain to get worked up right this second.
  203. >But you’ll make him pay...oohh yes, you’ll make him pay.
  204. >That hand lifts away, soon pulling at your opposite wither.
  205. >”On your side, Aria.”
  206. >Catch your breath...get him to lower his guard...then you’ll go for the kill.
  207. >You do as he says, rolling in the direction he was pulling so that your back is facing him.
  208. >This is related to the “game” he mentioned earlier, isn’t it?
  209. >Fine, whatever...he can ‘dress you up’ however he’s not exactly like any outfit would be more humiliating than a siren being abused by her own food.
  210. >Your blood runs cold when you feel him grab your tail again, just before the now scaleless bit.
  211. >He’s going to start pulling them again!
  212. >As if sensing your anxiety, he speaks up,
  213. >”There, there, you’re being good, I’m not going to pull anymore out unless you start running your mouth. Now give me your tail.”
  214. >...Fine.
  215. >You relax, letting your heavy tail go completely limp in his grasp-you won’t fight him, but you aren’t going to do him any favors.
  216. >Your scales drag against the ground as he walks your tail back.
  217. >He curls it around behind you, bending it back until it’s almost touching your upper back.
  218. >Yea, that’s right. You’re the flexible one.
  219. >That one even translated to your human body.
  220. >He still pulls it until it’s well into uncomfortable range, though.
  221. >Let him play with you...he’ll probably pull it in front next and then…then he’ll be in front of your hooves.
  222. >But he stops there.
  223. >”Now hold still my seahorse, or this could hurt.”
  224. >What is he-gah!
  225. >You feel four pin-pricks along the middle of your caudal fin, one after another, the first causing you to jump.
  226. >But you avoid yelping out, or even reacting to the other ones-he may have gotten one reaction out of you today, but that is ALL he’s going to get.
  227. >...Hopefully that won’t encourage him to keep breaking out the pliers.
  228. >There’s another four pinpricks, this time going up your dorsal fin.
  229. >Ha! You didn’t even react that knew he was going to do something else.
  230. >He lets your tail go and walks around you.
  231. >You start to pull it back into a more comfortable position and quickly regret the decision.
  232. >Something pulls painfully at the site of the pinpricks, soon threatening to tear the delicate membrane of both your fins.
  233. “Nnnn!”
  234. >What did he do?!
  235. >He grabs your hooves while you’re preoccupied with what’s going on with your fins.
  236. >”I told you it would hurt.”
  237. >There’s another two pinpricks in each fin under your fetlocks.
  238. >With a roar of fury, you rip your hooves out of his grasp, the human surprisingly stepping back, letting you see what he did.
  239. >Your blood turns to ice.
  240. >...Fish hooks.
  241. >He jabbed fish hooks through your fins, a line connecting each pair...that’s probably what he did to your back and tail.
  242. >You're too terrified to be pissed feels like that line's stronger than your fins.
  243. >There’s no getting those hooks out without magic or fingers.
  244. >You know that from Sonata coming home with one in her mouth at least once a week.
  245. >At least she usually ate the fisherpony it was attached to.
  246. >You test them anyway, pulling the lines taut as you paw at the hooks with a hoof, feeling the barb dig into your skin.
  247. > could probably get them out with your mouth, you just need the band-
  248. >"These hooks are staying in until you stop trying to flop around like a fish every time I come down here."
  249. >...You're completely his mercy.
  250. >You look up at him, your stomach doing flips-whether from rage or terror, you aren't sure.
  251. >Upon seeing him grinning from his little pun, you immediately know which.
  252. >Rage.
  253. >Pure, unbridled rage.
  254. >He did this to you! He tortured you, made it so you can’t move-jabbed HOOKS into you!
  255. >Screaming wordlessly, you squirm, the hooks sending jolts of pain as you twist yourself over to face him.
  256. >You'll use the string as a garrote! He...
  257. >He easily steps along with your hobbled squirming.
  258. >"This right here? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You keep doing this, the hooks stay in longer."
  259. "Shut! Uuu'! I’m ‘unna ‘ill you!”
  260. >Your voice cracks as you scream out, seeing red once again.
  261. >Rather than cower in fear like you'd hope, he simply shrugs, pulling out the pliers again.
  262. >"Okay. That's seven, one for the outburst, and six because I JUST finished explaining it."
  263. >Your rage extinguishes as he walks around, yielding again to fear.
  264. >Your mouth’s running before you realize it.
  265. "No, no nonono wai'!"
  266. >His hand touches your tail. Those hooks are already taunt, you can't pull it away, you can't even flip over!
  267. >"You broke the rules, Aria, you're going to get punished."
  268. >But he pauses.
  269. >"However...I'm not trying to be cruel. Tell you what. If you can convince me that outburst was just an honest mistake because of your slow fish brain, that you didn't mean it, then I might be willing to let it slide. But I want to hear you beg.”
  270. >Your eyes bulge out, your body shaking from...fear? No, not fear, from the outrage.
  271. >HE’S the prey not you! HE should be begging YOU not the opposite!
  272. >You won’t do it.
  273. >...Then again.
  274. >You’re already about as humiliated as you could possibly get.
  275. >You-the siren, an apex predator that feasts on things that THINK they’re apex predators-caught by your prey, bound in this ridiculous position...maybe there’s no reason to add even more pain to this.
  276. >Especially if it gets him to leave.
  277. “ ‘rease don’.”
  278. >His response is to grab a scale with those pliers, your breath quickening.
  279. >”That’s it? You didn’t even use the magic word.”
  280. >You said please! That IS the magic word!
  281. >”Hang on...” Those pliers let go of your scale. You breath a sigh of relief before he continues.
  282. >“I get it now. My little seahorse is too stupid to know how to beg properly!”
  283. >Your eye twitches.
  284. >Nooo...You need to stick with your plan.
  285. >Just wait for him to leave or let his guard down...just need to wait. Let him THINK he’s the smart one, if that’s what it takes.
  286. >”Then let me spell it out for you. I want you to apologize. I want you to promise it won’t EVER happen again-and I’ll hold you to it. And I want you to do it, while addressing me as master or it doesn’t count, my seahorse.”
  287. >...You were wrong on the whole ‘being as humiliated as possible’ thing, apparently.
  288. >Well fuck him! You’ll let him take the scales, you aren’t going to BEG him! You’ll take the pain and you won’t even yelp out this time.
  289. >You twist your head back to look at him, ready to tell him he can choke on your scales...but your eye lingers on those pliers.
  290. >How many scales are you willing to lose just to prove a point?
  291. >For all you know, he might just pull every single one off your tail...would you even survive that?
  292. >Maybe you could’ve before don’t have the gem anymore.
  293. >You can’t recover from these injuries like you used to…
  294. >Anxiety grips you as the true reality of what just happened sinks in.
  295. >”Well? I’m waiting…”
  296. >Will they even grow back after being torn out like that? Sure, one or two would but this many at once?
  297. > don’t remember.
  298. >Oh god, you don’t remember. He might have permanently disfigured you!
  299. >The only way to find out would be time…
  300. >Time you can buy by playing along...following the plan
  301. >Just remember: You’re doing this for the SOLE purpose of getting ahold of him. Of making him pay.
  302. >When you left, Adagio yelled that you’d need her.
  303. >That was a load of crap. You’ve watched her work long enough that you could manipulate anyone to do anything you needed.
  304. >Some of her skill had to have rubbed off on you.
  305. >Time to put it to the test.
  306. >He wants “begging?” Fine, you’ll give him begging.
  307. >You make a big show of closing your eyes and laying your head back down.
  308. “I’m sorry mas’er,”
  309. >Ugh. Even knowing you’re lying, you hate saying that word. “Master.” Hah.
  310. “I’m s’ill 'rying ‘oo learn. I’m ‘ust a stupi’ ‘umb animal who nee’s more ‘ime to learn fings. I won’ ‘oo it again, mas’er.”
  311. (Translation: [spoiler]I’m sorry master. I’m still trying to learn. I’m just a stupid dumb animal who needs more time to learn things. I won’t do it again master.[/spoiler])
  312. >To your immense relief, the pliers let your scale go, his hand pulling away from your trapped tail.
  313. >”Wow….I don’t believe it...I really did break my seahorse. Roll over Aria, I want to look at you.”
  314. >Ha! You win!
  315. >You’re barely able to keep from grinning as you do as he commands, pinning your tail under you.
  316. >Once you’re on your back, his foot comes down and slams into your chest, pinning the fishing line under his shoe, forcing your hooves to your side.
  317. “Nah!”
  318. >Fire burns in his eyes as he leans down, sneering at you.
  319. >”No. Really. I don’t believe it."
  320. >...Oh shit.
  321. >"There’s NO way my seahorse would give up THAT easily AND give me such a PERFECT apology. You’re far too stupid for that.”
  322. >His free hand grabs your snout, pushing it back to pin your head to the floor yet again.
  323. >You start thrashing under him as best you can-nowhere near what it was before the hooks-your hooves can’t move one bit.
  324. >”That’s five more for wasting my time, and TRIPLE for lying to me!”
  325. >The pliers grab at one of the scales on your neck.
  326. >”How about I spell something out this time? How about LIAR? That way everyone will know what you did! That NOTHING you say can be trusted!”
  327. >Your eyes tear up as you can already imagine it. A giant scar on your neck saying it-everyone knowing exactly what this monster did to you.
  328. >And still thinking you’re the monster.
  329. >The pliers start to pull, wiggling back and forth as they start to tear that scale out by the root.
  330. >As the burning pain shoots through your neck, you can’t stop yourself.
  331. >Whatever pride, whatever fight you had is gone as you sob out.
  332. “No! ‘lea-ea-ea-ease!”
  333. >He pauses-not pulling the pliers away, but not continuing to pull.
  334. >”And why not? You LIED to me Aria, I can’t trust anything you say anymore. You DESERVE this-there’s NOTHING you can say that will convince me otherwise.”
  335. >You break down, fully crying before him.
  336. >This is why Adagio was the leader...why you weren’t the one in charge…
  337. >You never should have left…
  338. >You should have listened and stayed with them.
  339. >This monster’s going to torment you for the rest of your shortened life because you thought you were smarter than her…
  340. >But ‘at least you got your body back.’
  341. >”...Although…”
  342. >A glimmer of hope shines through your despair as he speaks.
  343. >”There is something you could DO. I can’t believe it if you say it anymore, but if you SHOW me how subservient you are, that you’ll do ANYTHING your master commands…”
  344. >You nod, pressing against his hand to show him you’re willing.
  345. >There’s not a whole lot you can do like this. Maybe he’ll have to remove the hooks?
  346. >Or he’ll probably do the ‘dress up’ thing he wanted earlier.
  347. >”I know you’re like a dolphin down there. I’d need to figure out electro-stim to force you to let me here’s the deal. You show me you’re willing to let me use my pet ANY way I want, I’ll go ahead and forget all penalties. But if you don’t, I’ll take my thirty-six scales.”
  348. >He leans down and hisses into your ear,
  349. >”And because you’re a stupid animal, let me spell it out. You need to let me fuck you. Understand, my seahorse?”
  350. >He...he wants to rape you? Seriously?
  351. >You aren’t even remotely CLOSE to looking human-like. Why would he want to?
  352. >Let’s remember most humans lasting roughly three minutes.
  353. >...
  354. >You were trapped there a long time, and that world had PLENTY of alcohol. No one would judge you.
  355. >Three minutes of unpleasantness...versus losing thirty-six more scales.
  356. >You can deal with that.
  357. >Your voice is still shaky as you speak up,
  358. “Oh-oh’ay...u-use me.”
  359. >You relax yourself down there, making it so your sex is visible.
  360. >”What’s the magic word?”
  361. >Please? No, wait, he said it was master.
  362. >...Why doesn’t that word feel as wrong now?
  363. “Use me ma-mas’ure?”
  364. >The pliers let go of your scale, his hand lifting from your muzzle, your hooves being freed.
  365. >You don’t bother to lift your head, hearing the sound of a belt being unbuckled.
  366. >You don’t want to watch.
  367. >”If this is another trick, I’m going to rip out one of the noodles on your head on top of everything else.”
  368. >You nod, showing you understand. You can deal with this.
  369. >It was his goal when he came down here, wasn’t it?
  370. >Fine. Let him have his fun.
  371. >You tense up as you feel his fingers rub over your sex-not being rough, but not exactly what you’d call delicate either.
  372. >”That’s my good little seahorse,” He breathes out before shoving a pair of fingers inside you.
  373. ”Nuuhh...”
  374. >You shudder, one of your hooves twitching as you feel him inside you. He’s a lesser species, it’s disgusting.
  375. >...It’s not just disgusting, it’s beastiality.
  376. >He simply probes you with his fingers, causing you to twitch occasionally whenever he hits a particularly sensitive spot.
  377. >You’re MUCH more sensitive down there than you were as human.
  378. >Yea, human sex was pretty disappointing.
  379. >He presses his knuckles against you as he rubs back and forth over one of those sensitive spots.
  380. >A small whine escapes your throat, one of your legs twitching.
  381. >But you grit your teeth.
  382. >You aren’t going to let him ‘pleasure’ you. Yea, let him have his fun, but you are NOT going to enjoy this.
  383. >He doesn’t DESERVE being able to pleasure you. You aren’t going to give him that satisfaction.
  384. >...Yea...this is just another way to get him to let down his guard.
  385. >He soon pulls his hand out, seemingly satisfied.
  386. >”Look at me, my seahorse.”
  387. >Reluctantly, you lift your head and see him naked, holding up two slick fingers.
  388. >Presumably the ones that were just inside you.
  389. >”You’re already niiice and wet down there. I can see you want this, that’s a good girl. But I know you might not realize it, so I’m telling you right now. Any funny business, and I’m still going to punish you.”
  390. >You nod, giving a still-shaky “Mmmhmm.” to show you understand.
  391. >You DON’T want it. You’re just naturally wet down there!
  392. >...Not that wet.
  393. >He places his hand on the fishing line connecting your hooves before laying upon you, killing any idea of attacking him before it could form.
  394. >He unceremoniously shoves his cock inside you, causing you to shudder uncontrollably.
  395. >You literally can’t remember the last time you had sex before you were banished.
  396. >...Drunken experimentation with those two doesn’t count.
  397. >You close your eyes and start to lay your head back again-but you don’t get very far.
  398. >”Nooo. My seahorse needs to watch. You need to learn how to pleasure your master, because I expect you to do this without prompting next time.”
  399. >Wait that wasn’t part of the dee-EEEAAL!
  400. >You arch your back, shuddering, your line of thought interrupted by him pulling back and thrusting hard into you.
  401. >He wastes no time getting to work, fucking you hard.
  402. >You feel his fingers squeeze under the band on your snout, pulling your head back down.
  403. >”Look at me!” He commands, not even slowing down.
  404. >You force your eyes open, looking at him as he fucks you like an animal.
  405. >Uses you for his pleasure.
  406. >You don’t look away, not wanting to tempt his wrath...but without being able to lose yourself mentally, you can’t deny it.
  407. >It’s starting to feel really good.
  408. >It shouldn’t-it’s disgusting! He’s the animal, not you, he’s raping you-it’s a crime against nature!
  409. >...But if you truly didn’t want it, you could force him out.
  410. >His hand squeezes your leg as he starts to grind into you, causing you to shudder despite yourself.
  411. >When he goes back to thrusting, you can think clearly enough to continue your mental argument.
  412. >You’re only-ONLY letting him do this, because it’ll keep him from hurting you.
  413. >That’s it.
  414. >...then why is your breathing getting quicker?
  415. >Why are you squeezing against his cock?
  416. >That last thought shakes you to the bone. You weren’t even aware you were doing it.
  417. >Making a conscious effort to stop, you clear your mind, trying to ignore the pleasure, instead focusing on top of his head, his closed eyes.
  418. >Doing your best not to focus on how good it feels for him to rut you.
  419. >But it’s already too late.
  420. >You’re too isn’t long before you can feel yourself tense up, your breath ragged, little whimpers escaping your throat.
  421. >It HAD to have been three minutes by now!
  422. >Hell, it had to have been ten!
  423. >He has to be try to use your whimpering, and squeeze down on his cock, trying to push him over the edge.
  424. >Just need to hold out a little DON’T want this, he doesn’t DESERVE to know he can do this.
  425. “No, no, no no, nooo-uuuh!”
  426. >You shudder hard against him, your tail twitching painfully against the hooks embedded in your fins as, despite your best efforts, you cum against him.
  427. >Tears spring forth anew while you involuntarily clench down again and again on his thrusting cock.
  428. >He made you couldn’t stop it.
  429. >You couldn’t stop him from pleasuring you, you couldn’t stop him from hurting you, you couldn’t lie to him, you couldn’t even get away.
  430. >He’s beaten every turn he’s beaten you.
  431. >It isn’t much longer before he shudders, his hands squeezing you as he finishes.
  432. >Without pulling out, he looks up at you, a hand soon stroking your muzzle.
  433. >”Good job, my seahorse….you did a very good job.”
  434. >He then pulls out of you, standing up as he starts to dress himself again.
  435. >”You even came! Do you know why?”
  436. >Your only response is to blink away your tears.
  437. >You want nothing more than to curl up in a ball out of shame...but you can’t.
  438. >The hooks in your tail won’t let you.
  439. >”It’s because you love it. You love your master fucking you, using you like a toy.
  440. >No, that’s not true, he…
  441. >You don’t believe your own denial. He’s right.
  442. >You wouldn’t have came if you didn’t like it.
  443. >His hand strokes over your muzzle.
  444. >”I think that’s enough for today, don’t you, my seahorse? Now I expect to see you presenting for this every time I come down here from now on.”
  445. >You nod, showing him you understand, the implications not sinking in yet.
  446. >Your mind’s still stuck on the realisation that he completely defeated you.
  447. >”I think our game can wait until tomorrow, don’t you?” He walks over, picking up the nearly forgotten bag.
  448. >”I think you’ll like it, though. Aria, Ariel, it’s perfect for you. But right now, I’m going to go make you dinner. I think you deserve a reward, so no cat food tonight, you’ll get real fish. Then I’m going to tell Twilight that your rehabilitation is coming along swimmingly.”
  449. >...Oddly enough, you don’t even care as he sniggers at the terrible fish pun.
  450. >You’re...numb.
  451. >That’s the only way to describe you mentally right now.
  452. >”She doesn’t need to know the details, though, don’t you think? All she needs to know is next time she sees you, you’ll be a happy, non-evil member of society. Now...what else...oh right!”
  453. >He approaches you, reaching into a pocket and pulling out...the pliers again?!
  454. >Your breath quickens, rolling over onto your side in a vain attempt to wiggle away.
  455. >You were good, you let him rape you!
  456. >”You still had an outburst earlier, which means you still need to be punished for it. Rules are rules.”
  457. >The pliers grab ahold of a scale and quickly tear it right out.
  458. “Naaaauuuh!”
  459. >”One. I’ll be back later, my seahorse.”
  460. >With the loss of that scale, a dam bursts within you.
  461. >You start to sob uncontrollably, burying your face in your newly-bound hooves as best you can, barely registering as the door slams shut.
  462. >Adagio and Sonata need to get here soon…
  463. >You don’t know how much more you can take.

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[SiM, Aria]Anon Caught a Big One

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