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Fucking Bonbon... 2

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:20:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Mr. Anon? Mr. Anon sir?"
  2. >...
  3. >...
  4. >...
  5. >Sir?
  6. >Who the hell was calling you "sir"?
  7. >Looking up from your Playmare you see Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom all staring at you
  8. >You couldn't help but jump in surprise
  9. >Holy fuck!
  10. >Where did those little munchkins come from?
  11. >And how in the hell did they get on your front porch without you hearing them?!
  12. "...Hey kids," you say, very slowly reaching over for your broom (you know, just in case). "How's it going?"
  13. >The three littlest horses smile
  14. >"Me an' the girls were comin' from school an' we wanted ta see how you were doin' Mr. Anon!" Applebloom says, adjusting her widdle bow on top of her head while Scoots and Sweetie look on, the picture of innocence
  15. >You just stare at the three fillies as you close up your porno
  16. "...You walked all the way from school over to my house to just say hello?" you asked, suspicion etched in your tone
  17. >All three fillies nod so hard that they damn near knock themselves over
  18. >"Yep! The girls and I thought that you could use some company!" Sweetie chirps
  19. >"Yeah! And we could help you around the house and stuff if you wanted us to too!" Scoots adds as the three little horses walk closer to you
  20. >...
  21. >...
  22. >...
  23. >Bull--
  24. >No
  25. >You can't swear in front of the kids
  26. >...Again
  27. >Twilight will be over here with a bunch of angry parents before suppertime if you do that
  28. >So instead of calling these lesser beings (aka children) out on what REEKED of bullshit you simply elected to cross your arms, keep your mouth shut, and see which of the little buggers would crack first
  29. >And they'd crack
  30. >Just like they always did when they came over here trying to get you to do some dumb bullshit
  31. >...Stupid kids not being able to keep their mouths shut...
  32. >The filly's smiles start to wane as you just sit there
  33. >Staring
  34. >Silently judging them
  35. >They knew that you knew that they were dirty, little, small-horse liars
  36. >But you could tell that they still wanted to see if they could bullshit you and skirt around the REAL reason they were here
  37. >They couldn't, you were the biggest bullshitter you knew and you came from a long, long line of bullshitters, but you may as well see what they come up with
  38. >You didn't have anything better to do today
  39. >"...Yep! We were thinkin' on helpin' our good ol' buddy Anon if'n he needs any help!" Applebloom says, beads of sweat starting to form on her head. "Since he's our good friend an' all!"
  40. >"Y-Yeah! Friends help friends no matter what!" Scoots says with a nervous flutter of her wings
  41. >Sweetie nods, pushing past her two friends and just up and hopping into your lap
  42. >"Yeah! And good friends also let their friends look at their magazines! Especially the dirty ones!"
  43. >You couldn't help but snort as both Applebloom and Scootaloo groaned
  44. >God damnit could this little marshmallow horse in your lap not lie to save her life
  45. >....Kek
  46. >"Sweetie!"
  47. >"What the hay did ya go an' say that fer!"
  48. >Sweetie Belle, realizing that she MIGHT have fucked up just a little bit, blinked twice before blushing in embarrassment
  49. >"You guys know I don't do well under pressure!" she says, sitting in your lap with a huff
  50. >The other two littlest horses just groan again as you quietly chuckle
  51. >Fucking Sweetie Belle...
  52. "...So what was this about the three of you wanting my Playmare?" you asked in amusement.
  53. >All three fillies flinched, looking up at you with big, embarrassed smiles
  54. >"...We just wanted ta take a little peek an' see what all of the fuss was about, Mr. Anon," Applebloom says, fiddling with her bow
  55. >"My sister has a whole bunch of those magazines that she hides under her bed!" Sweetie tells you, nudging her nose toward you porno. "And I tried to look into one of them but Rarity just came in, took the magazine off of me, yelled at me, said something about "dirty" magazines, and threw me out of her room!"
  56. "What a bitch," you say, giving Sweetie's ear a little scratch
  57. >Scootaloo cocks her head at that
  58. >"Bitch? We aren't talking about dogs, Mr. Anon..."
  59. >...Aw
  60. >You hold onto that innocence, kiddo
  61. >Someday you're going to miss it when the weight of this cold, hard, unforgiving world is bringing you down...
  62. >Shaking your head you motion for Sweetie to continue
  63. >"I don't know why she was making such a big deal out of it, Mr. Anon! Why the hay would she yell at me when she had like a ZILLION of them under her bed?! If SHE can look at them why the hay can't I?"
  64. >Three children, children that are too young to really know the ways of the world and all of its dangers, look up at you with big, hopeful eyes
  65. >They want you, the "adult", to explain something to them that could change their young lives forever
  66. >Not their parents
  67. >Not their sisters
  68. >Not their teachers or the ones that had already shaped them into the little mares that they were today
  69. >But you
  70. >A green psycho that liked cheese a little too much and binge drank on Tuesdays
  71. >You just let that sink in for a couple of moments
  72. >...
  73. >...
  74. >...
  75. >Alright then
  76. >That's enough time to let that sink in
  77. >Time to ruin some childhoods!
  78. "Alright," you say, motioning for the other two to hop into your lap. "Come here, let Uncle Anon show you his porno."
  79. >Twilight was going to fucking KILL you for this...
  80. >Kek
  81. >Making their adorable excited little horse sounds, Applebloom and Scootaloo hop up into your lap with Sweetie as you open up your magazine
  82. "Alright kiddies, what we have here is a Playmare. This is what you would call a "dirty magazine" or a "pin-up magazine."
  83. >The girls ooh and ah, Applebloom leaning down to get a better look before looking up at you
  84. >"Mr. Anon?"
  85. "Yes Applebloom?"
  86. >"Why the hay is that stallion's willy out like that?"
  87. >"Yeah," Scoots says, not taking her eyes off the... "equipped stallion. "And why is his thing all long and hard like that?"
  88. >Flipping the page to give the filles another eye full of stallion D you continue with your little explanation
  89. "Well, magazines like this are used to make their readers feel arousal, and for most mares, who are the ones that usually buy this particular magazine, though some stallions buy them too if that's their thing, stallions' twig and berries are what gets them going sexually."
  90. >The three girls nod slowly
  91. >"Mr. Anon?"
  92. "Yeah?"
  93. >"What does ar-ou-sal mean?"
  94. >You open your mouth to answer but immediately close it
  95. >That's kinda... a difficult question to answer actually...
  96. >YOU know what how you feel when you're horny, but what if it's different with horses?
  97. "...Well, since I'm kind of different from you guys and it might be different for you I can only tell you that, for me, it's like a... tingly feeling I get in my lower regions... I guess?"
  98. >God were you bad at explaining things
  99. >"...I don't get it," Applebloom admits, taking the magazine out of your hands and lifting it up into the air so she could get a better look at the picture. "I'm lookin' at this from every which way I can an' I ain't gettin' no tingly feelin'!"
  100. >Hah!
  101. >If she wasn't like eight years old you could have made a dike joke!
  102. >...
  103. >...
  104. >...
  105. >...God was there something wrong with you...
  106. "It doesn't make me feel that tingly either," you say, shrugging your shoulders as you take the magazine off of her. "I just read this for the articles."
  107. >Rolling up the magazine you bat the back of their heads with it
  108. "Alright, enough lesson time, you girls need to be getting on home. If you have anymore questions then go and ask your parents or teachers or whoever the fuc-- heck you go and ask things."
  109. >Smiling, the girls jump off your lap and turn around to look at you
  110. >"Thanks fer showin' us a bit of yer magazine, Mr. Anon !" Applebloom says as Scootaloo's eyes widen
  111. >"Oh shoot! We forgot to tell Anon girls!"
  112. >You cock your head at the little pegasus
  113. "What did you forget to tell me?"
  114. >Both Sweetie and Applebloom look just as confused as you before Applebloom's eyes widen in realization
  115. >"Oh! I just remembered! Askin' 'bout that there magazine wasn't the only reason why we came all the way out here, Mr. Anon!"
  116. >The littlest earth pony scrunches her face up as she puts her thinking cap on
  117. >You could see her do it and everything
  118. >...It was a cooking pot if you were curious...
  119. >"She said... that ya needed to get on up ta Canterlot to go and see the other Princesses in a couple of hours!"
  120. >Your mind races, trying to figure out WHY that would be the case, and you groan when you remember
  121. >Once or twice every month Princess Celestia wanted you to lug your big ass all the way up to Canterlot for some stupid bullshit
  122. >Something about having a bunch of medical horses poke at you for an hour or two for "reasons"
  123. >AND, after THAT bullshit tallest pone always asked that you tell her what you learned about "friendship"
  124. >Like you said stupid shit
  125. >But Lightbulb horse was the one that brought you this house
  126. >...AND she was the ruler of this little horse country
  127. >So you kind of HAD to go
  128. >But that didn't mean you fucking liked it!!!
  129. >Since you always managed to "forget" when you had to make these little trips up to Canterlot, Twilight always made sure to bother you about it
  130. >...And forcibly drag you to the train station whenever you told her that you didn't want to go, that she could go sit on a cactus, and that she could go be purple somewhere else
  131. >The bitch
  132. >So, though you honestly don't want to, you rise to your feet with a frown
  133. "Alright girls, it looks like I gotta get ready for a train ride," you grumble, rolling up your magazine
  134. >The little filles awed in disappointment, Sweetie plopping onto her bottom and crossing her hooves
  135. >"But who are we gonna ask about colts wieners an' stuff? she asked with a pout
  136. >You look down at the fillies
  137. >Then you look at your porno
  138. >Then you look at the fillies again
  139. >And a SMILE worms its way onto your face
  140. >The evil, paper-thin smile that only meant that you were up to no good
  141. "Well girls... you could go and ask Twilight about that stuff."
  142. >Squatting down you hand Applebloom your Playmare
  143. "She's a really smart cookie and all of that. Here, take this with you. You know what? You three can just keep it; it's an old issue anyway."
  144. >The three filles gasp, looking down at it with big eyes
  145. >Your cruel smile gets just a bit bigger
  146. >Oh Twiggles...
  147. >Oh Twiggles...
  148. >This is what you get for not coming here yourself...
  149. >"You'll really let us have this?!"Sweetie asked in a hushed tone
  150. >You nod
  151. "Yep. It's all yours."
  152. >With a squee, she rushes forward and hugs your leg. "You're the best Mr. Anon."
  153. >"Yeah! Thanks Mr. Anon!"
  154. >"We really 'preciate it, Sir."
  155. >Chuckling you pat each of them on the head
  156. "Oh, well you're very welcome, girls. Unlike those sisters of yours I'm more than happy to do my best to teach you the ways of the world."
  157. >Oh sweet lord above were Rarararararara and Apple kicker going to shit their pants when they see their sisters running around with this
  158. >And Twilight
  159. >Oh lord Twilight...
  160. >You can't even imagine the look on her face when she sees what you cooked up for her
  161. >Kek
  162. >Toppest of kek
  163. >The kekkest of keks
  164. >Trying not to rub your hands together maniacally, you shoo the three away with a hand
  165. "Alright, I'll be seeing you three around... Oh and remember to tell Twilight that you got that magazine from Rarity alright?"
  166. >That probably wouldn't cover your tracks all that much but it'd give you enough time to get ready and on the train before Farkle starts looking for your green ass
  167. >"Yes Mr. Anon!" the three chirp before dashing away
  168. >You watch the three impressionable children race down the street and out of sight, putting your hands on your hips as you take a deep breath of the sweet, sweet air
  169. >Your mind harkens back to your childhood and when you saw your first pair of tits
  170. >It was one of your fondest childhood moments
  171. >Right after the time when you learned how to make a sex toy out of basic household items
  172. >Hopefully those little girls running down that street unknowingly ready to fuck up Twiggles day would look back on this day with the same warmth...
  173. >Or not
  174. >You honestly didn't care
  175. >You were just doing this because you kind of wanted to see how bad it would get
  176. >Somemenjustwanttowatchtheworldburn.jpg
  177. >...Yep
  178. >You had a feeling that this was either going to be the funnest thing ever or you were going to get arrested for giving minors pornographic content...
  179. >...
  180. >...
  181. >...
  182. >Welp!
  183. >Time to get ready for the train!
  184. >Humming a little tune you about-face, throwing open your door and walking onto your house
  185. "...Alright... Now where the hell did I put that suitcase?..."
  187. ~Later_
  189. >"All aboard to Canterlot!"
  190. >Hefting your now filled up suitcase (which had been filled up with a set of spare clothes, some pjs, toothbrush, and what have you) you walk over to the ticket stallion and hand him your ticket
  191. >The elderly colt, who had a big ol' handlebar mustache with a conductor's jacket and hat, looked down at your ticket before ripping one end of it off
  192. >"Please make your way to cart seven. You're be sitting at seat eighty-five, Sir."
  193. >You just nod, taking what was left of your ticket from his hoof and stuffing it into your pocket as you step into the train
  194. >Though it had been pretty neat and weird riding on what looked like a train that had come straight out of Candyland at first after the thirtieth time it had REALLY lost its charm
  195. >This gingerbread train was a bit too small for you, it went a bit too slow, and you always got seated in front of a bunch of screaming brats
  196. >Every. Fucking. Time
  197. >And that shit sucked
  198. >But, as stated before, you were a veteran to this train ride, so you'd be able to get in a pretty solid nap before you reached the capital
  199. >Pushing past the other little horses that were making their way to their seats you eventually make your way to cart seven and then to seat eighty-seven
  200. >Sighing you take a seat, putting your suitcase on the floor at your feet before opening up your jacket and pulling out the latest issue of Exotic Cheese Monthly
  201. >Yawning you flip open the book and start reading
  202. >Hmm
  203. >You hope they finally wrote that article on--
  204. >"And what the buck do you think you're doing here, monkey?"
  205. >...
  206. >...
  207. >...
  208. >Oh no...
  209. >Not like this...
  210. >You quietly groan when you recognize the voice, looking up to see motherfucking Bonbon, a suitcase in hoof, glaring up at you like you were the scum of the earth
  211. >There's a gasp from beside the angry little candy mare
  212. >"Ooooh! Is Anon on the train too?! Whereishe?!?!"
  213. >Peering above your chair you spy Lyra, who was also sporting a little suitcase, hopping around, her golden eyes scanning the seats excitedly
  214. >...Aw
  215. >She's just like a little dog...
  216. >The hatred that had been building up at seeing Bonbon standing in front of you lessened a bit, and you couldn't help but smile
  217. "I'm right here, Lyra."
  218. >The little harp horse pushed past her marefriend and hopped onto your lap, making excited little horse sounds
  219. >Bonbon huffed, tossing her suitcase in the compartment above you
  220. >"Get off that weirdo, Lyra. You don't know where he's been," she says, sitting in the seat right next to you
  221. >Well FUCK you Miss Daisy...
  222. >You raise an eyebrow at the little grump
  223. "And what the fuck do you think you're doing putting that suitcase up there, Cunt?"
  224. >Bonnie huffed again as Lyra giggled
  225. >"Me and Bonnie are going up to Canterlot for the weekend," she explained, wiggling in your lap. "There's supposed to be a big chocolate makers expo and Bonnie's been dying to go!"
  226. >You look down at Lyra, then over at Bonbon and the ticket on her hoof
  227. >....Eighty-four
  228. >FUCK!
  229. >Candy horse was sitting next to you
  230. >For the entire fucking trip...
  231. >Double fuck!
  232. >Bonbon, seeing you look at her, huffs once again, wiggling deeper into her seat
  233. >"Stop looking at me you pony butt-loving weirdo."
  234. >She turned her gaze to her still giggling marefriend
  235. >"And Lyra, why don't you go and find your seat?"
  236. >"But I am in my seat, Bonnie honey," Lyra chirps
  237. >Both you and Bonbon look up at the excited little horn-head
  238. "...No it's not, Lyra," you say, pulling out your ticket and showing it to her. "My seat is number eighty-five."
  239. >Lyra's horn sparks to life and a second later a little green ticket pops into existence
  240. >"Well I got seat eighty-five too, Fingers!"
  241. >...
  242. >...
  243. >...
  244. >Wat?
  245. >Both you and Bonbon look at each other again
  246. >"...I'm going to go and the conductor..."
  247. "Yeah... you do that..."
  249. ~Sometime Later~
  251. >"I'm sorry Sir, Madam, but I honestly can't help you."
  252. >If looks could kill the glare you were giving the conductor would have sent that little shit six feet under in an instant
  253. "What the fuck do you mean you can't help us?! You're the jackasses that sold two of us same ticket!"
  254. >Bonbon roughly grabs the stallion by his vest
  255. >"Yeah! Now throw this monkey off the train so me and Lyra can sit down and start enjoying our little vacation!"
  256. "...You know, this is why people don't like you. You're a cunt; a big, unlikeable cunt that says things that hurt other people."
  257. >The stallion, who already looked stressed the fuck out by all of the manhandling, simply shook his head
  258. >"Look you three, I know that our ticket vendor might have made a mistake but this train has a schedule to keep."
  259. >He nudged his head toward the door as best as he could with a dike in his face
  260. >"If you really want to argue with anypony you're going to have to do it at the station proper."
  261. >Lyra, who had been happily seated on your lap since Bonbon had gone off to drag the conductor over here, giggled
  262. >"It's alright, Sir. Mistakes happen and--"
  263. >"Shut up Lyra," Bonbon snaps before hoisting the conductor into the air with a hoof
  264. >"If you're not going to help us with this then what do you expect us to do then, huh?!"
  265. >The stallion gulped, looking at you then back at angry candy horse
  266. >"...W-Well ma'am, like I the train's all p-packed up so we can't get y-you another seat... So you can either take a train that comes around later or you're going to have to make do with this..."
  267. >Though you weren't a guy that knew his train laws all that well you kind of had a funny feeling that this putz was just pulling this all out of his ass
  268. >The little nigga
  269. "...You know we're going to report this to someone right?" you tell him, grabbing Lyra's hips so she'd stop
  270. >Fucking
  271. >Wiggling
  272. >In
  273. >Your
  274. >Mother
  275. >Fucking
  276. >Lap
  277. >Goddammit!
  278. >The stallion somehow managed to break out of Bonbon's kungfu dike grip and look down at his watch
  279. >"Like I said we're terribly sorry, ladies and gentlecol--"
  280. >He let out a squeak of terror when Bonnie Buns growled, taking a threatening step toward him
  281. >"Butthetrain'sabouttoleavethestationatanymomentokaybye!"
  282. >Moving faster than you think you've ever seen a middle aged little horse move the conductor scurries away, leaving you, Lyra, and Bonbon with a couple of REALLY shitty options
  283. >You three could all get off this fucking train and go and chew someone out and get everything situated
  284. >But if you did that then you'd miss THIS train and none of you knew when the next one that was bound for Canterlot would be coming in
  285. >Or you could just bite the bullet and let Lyra sit in your fucking lap for the entire ride
  286. >Which honestly wouldn't be all that bad but Bonbon would be sitting right next to you
  287. >And that wouldn't be good
  288. >Like, at all
  289. >Because you two didn't like each other by any stretch of the imagination
  290. >And because Bonbon was the Queen of Cunts
  291. >The Duchess of Dikes
  292. >the Khan of being a asshole little horse
  293. >You look at the two little mares and they both look at you
  294. "...Well, I can't get off the train because I need to go up to Canterlot castle to get poked at by the princesses--"
  295. >Bonbon snorted
  296. >"What they need to do is go ahead and neuter you you big dumb green butt..."
  297. >...Must...
  298. >...Keep....
  299. >...Hate.... Stiffy....
  300. >....DOWN....
  301. "--so you two are going to have to decide whether to bite the bullet or not."
  302. >Please say no...
  303. >Please say no...
  304. >PLEASE
  305. >SAY
  306. >NO
  307. >You don't want to sit next to Bonbon's fat ass for fifteen hours...
  308. >Lyra, despite your hands doing their very best to hold her still, wiggles around in your lap
  309. >"Well I'm willing to sit in your lap if you're alright with it, Nonny."
  310. >She looks over at her marefriend
  311. >"But what about you, Bonnie? We can do whatever you want."
  312. >Bonbon bites her lip as she reaches from behind her and whips out a pamphlet
  313. >What the fuck?...
  314. >...No you're not even going to fucking question it
  315. >...Fucking ponies...
  316. >"The opening ceremony starts in a couple of hours," the candy mare mutters so quietly that you had to strain to hear her
  318. >Bonbon flinches, trotting in place as she wrestles with herself
  319. >On one hand she hated your guts
  320. >Like HATED your guts
  321. >But on the other that candy festival or whatever the hell the two of them were going to seemed like a big thing to her
  322. >Come on Cuntbon
  323. >Let the hate win
  325. >Precious seconds tick by, the tension mounting more and more and more until the candy mare sighed, slowly crawling into her seat before glaring at you with the angry scrunch turned up to eleven
  326. >"I'm going to sit here and ENJOY the beginning of my little weekend with my marefriend, you bucker."
  327. >She poked your shoulder with a hoof
  328. >"So here's what's gonna happen: you're gonna just sit there and be quiet or Celestia help me they'll never find your body."
  329. >While many would have been shaken by the sheer amount of malice and venom that Bonnie had put into her words you don't even flinch, and, giving her the finger, you reach into your jacket and once again pull out your cheese magazine
  330. "Hey, as long as you manage not to be a cunt for the next couple of hours I'm sure I'll be able to keep my mouth shut."
  331. >"Buck off."
  332. "Go and eat a bucket of crusty cunts."
  333. >With a happy sigh Lyra leaned back against your chest, wiggling around to get more comfortable
  334. >"Oh I can tell that this will be the best train ride ever!"
  335. >Both you and Bonbon made some irritated and disapproving noises before you look down at you magazine and begin reading
  336. >Though it was admittedly a bit difficult to get any reading done at all with fucking harpbutt wiggling ang giggling and just making herself an all around distraction you manage
  337. >You manage so well in fact (partially because you were REALLY good at ignoring people and partially because those cheese articles were REALLY engaging) that you eventually forgot that Bonnie Buns was sitting next to you and even that Lyra was sitting in your lap
  338. >It wasn't until you had read your magazine front to back that you realized that the sun had gone down and both of your seatmates were sound asleep
  339. >Lyra, the adorable little scamp that she was, had pressed as much of her little furry body against you as she could with her head rested squarely in the nape of your neck
  340. >Bonbon, who also had acquire a magazine from somewhere, was curled up in her seat with her front legs tucked in against her chest as she let out quiet little snores
  341. >Tucking your magazine back into your jacket as best as you could without waking anyone, you couldn't help but aw at the adorable little sight in front of you
  342. >Right now, if you didn't know any better, you'd have said that Bonbon looked ready to be snuggled...
  343. >And you weren't even going to talk about the little qt.3.14 in your lap
  344. >A small smile makes its way onto your face as you scratch Lyra's neck, awing once again when you hear the little mare make a sound that was a cross between a purr and a neigh
  345. >You would have stayed there like that until your ass decided to get a bit of shuteye but there was one little problem with that
  346. >You really, REALLY had to take a piss
  347. >...But you honestly didn't have the heart to wake Lyra up
  348. >Hell, you would have felt a little bad if you went ahead and tried to wake up Bonnie right now!
  349. >...
  350. >...
  351. >...
  352. >FUCK!
  353. >You try to ignore the growing pressure in your bladder by giving Lyra some more pets but eventually you're squirming in your seat doing the pee-pee dance
  354. >You needed to get your ass up right now before you went ahead and pissed yourself...
  355. >With a look of intense concentration on your face you very slowly and very gently wrap an arm around Lyra and hold her under her rump with the other
  356. >Listening carefully to her breathing you stand up, awkwardly using your head to hold her's in place, turn around, and put her in your seat
  357. >The second that mint horse is seated one of your hands went to your dick
  358. >GottapeegottapeeGOTTAPEE!
  359. >Shuffling past Bonbon you race down the row of seats to the other end of the cart to where a restroom was so that you could empty the water dragon
  360. >OhsweetChristaboveyes!
  361. >Though you were sure that half of the the train could hear you groaning as you took the mother of all pisses not one single fuck was given
  362. >After emptying your bladder and washing your hands you get out of that tiny little bathroom to see one of the little train hostesses walking toward you with a cart full of blankets
  363. >"Would you like one, sir?" the little mare asked politely. "There's still a good few hours until we get to Canterlot and the train gets pretty cold this time of night
  364. >While you weren't that particularly cold, since you were wearing a suit and all, you couldn't help but think about your poor, naked little seat buddies
  365. >...And not that way you fucker...
  366. "Yeah, I'll take two," you say, quickly taking them from the little mare and making your way back to your seat
  367. >Both Lyra and Bonbon were still where you had left them, both of the little mares curled up adorably in their seats with their widdle hoofsies kicking and their widdle ears twitching
  368. >But you could see that the two of them were shivering slightly
  369. >Adorable horses were cold...
  370. >This looked like a job for BLANKET MAN!
  371. >Throwing yours and Lyra's blanket over your shoulder you grab Bonnie's, opening that sucker as you squat down toward the little mare
  372. >Very gently moving the mare's head from its position on the armchair and tossing her magazine down onto the floor you sit Bonnie up and you were about to wrap her blanket tightly around her shoulders when the little candy horse let out a snort
  373. >"...Seoringrmmhmh..."
  374. >Bonbon's whole body twitched and before you could do anything she slumped forward toward you, her head falling onto your shoulder
  375. >Bonbon, having to come in contact with something that would warm her up, sleepily lurched forward, wrapping her hooves around you middle and pulling you close
  376. >You're assaulted with the smell of gum drops and sugar as the little mare's mane tickles your nose
  377. >"...Tithorigrmo..." the little mare murmured, nuzzling your neck with her incredibly soft cheek fur before going back to her quiet, adorable breathing
  378. >Not knowing what to do you just kind of stay where you were with the blanket still in wrapping up position
  379. >...
  380. >...
  381. >...
  382. >As carefully as you can you wrap the blanket around the little mare holding you before pulling her off of you
  383. >Though Bonbon's face scrunches up in irritation she offers no resistance as you wrap the blanket fully around her and lean her back against her seat
  384. >Staring at her for a second more you reach up and brush a bit of her mane out of her face, tucking it behind her ear
  385. "Night, night, Bonnie Buns... you cunt."
  386. >Getting up and brushing past the sleeping bane of your existence you pick Lyra up, wrap the blanket around the two of you, and sit down
  387. >Though it must have been close to midnight you don't find sleep for a long while, simply sitting there petting a snoozing harp horse as you listened to the sounds of the trains other sleeping passengers until your eyes grow heavy and the darkness takes you
  388. >Ididn'tknowwhattofeel.pjn
  390. ~~Hours Later~~
  392. >"Canterlot station is incoming in thirty minutes ladies and gentlecolts! Canterlot station is incoming in thirty minutes! please make sure to--"
  393. >With a groan you open your eyes to see who the hell was yelling so that you could throw something at them
  394. >It was still sleepy time and any cunt that tried to interrupt it DESERVED a fucking shoe to the--
  395. >You are drawn out of your thoughts of shoe-throwing when you feel what felt like a little horse stretching against you
  396. >"Noooo! five more minutes mommy..."
  397. "Hey dummy, you have to wake up. We're going to be at the station soon," you hear another voice, different from the other ones, say beside you.
  398. >Cracking open an eye you look around to see that you were still on the train to Canterlot
  399. >Looking down you saw Lyra looking up at you with tired golden eyes
  400. >"...Anon?" the little mare said with a sleepy yawn, rubbing an eye with a hoof. "What the hay's going on? Why is everypony yelling?"
  401. >It takes a few seconds for your minute to connect the dots but eventually you do
  402. "...I think they said something about us getting to Canterlot soon," you say with a yawn of your own as your shrug off the blanket that had been covering you and your little horse friend
  403. >Lyra blinked slowly before putting her head back on your shoulder
  404. >"But I don't want to get up!" she whined
  405. >Out of the corner of your eye you see Bonbon, with her usual frown, looking through your Exotic Cheeses magazine
  406. "Oi! What the fuck are you doing stealing my shit, Bonbon?" you demand, stifling another yawn
  407. >"Because you touch yourself at night," the candy mare says without looking up from YOUR shit. "Now hurry and get up and get ready. We're going to be in Canterlot soon."
  408. >Feeling your glare Bonbon looked over toward you, a small smile coming to her face
  409. >Wait...
  410. >She was smiling?
  411. >Why the hell was she--
  412. >"Lyra come on and get up. I don't care if the monkey doesn't get off on the right stop but the two of us have stuff to do this weekend with each other."
  413. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you have a lot of dirty cunts to eat out this weekend, Bonnie," you say, giving Lyra's back a scratch
  414. >Lyra, yawning, lifted her head off of your shoulder and did her best to glare at you
  415. >"Hey! I'll have you know I clean myself everyday," she said, yawning again
  416. >You give her ear a scratch
  417. "I wasn't talking about you, Lyra, I was talking about all of the other unwashed cunts your dike of a marefriend eats to retain her cunt powers."
  418. >Snorting, Bonbon looked back down at your magazine
  419. >"At least I don't drink stallion spunk you bucker..."
  420. >...
  421. >...
  422. >...
  423. >Huh...
  424. >Why the hell was she still smiling?...
  425. >Since your thinker still wasn't at a hundred percent capacity you just shrug off candybutt's odd behavior
  426. "Alright, come on Lyra you gotta get up so I can take a piss. Come on, up, up!"
  427. >It takes a bit of coaxing but Lyra looks back up at you
  428. >"Alright, alright, I'm getting up, Nonny," she said with one final yawn. "Just let me--"
  429. >Distracted with rubbed your eye you don't notice Lyra scanning your face with wide eyes
  430. >"...Oh holy horse apples... What the hay happened to your fa--"
  431. "Come on, come on, get up already so I can take a piss," you grumble, picking the little mare up
  432. >As tired as you were you don't listen to Lyra babbling, and nor do you notice the smirk growling on Bonbon's face as you scoot past her
  433. >Smacking your lips you slowly trek down the aisle, ignorant to the muttering and chuckling happening all around you
  434. >Fuck it
  435. >Too tired to thinky
  436. >Not enough sleepy
  437. >Pissy, piss, piss
  438. >Awthisisthebestwaytostartthemorning2.0
  439. >It wasn't until you had finished your piss and you were washing your hands did you notice that something wasn't right
  440. >More specifically something was wrong with your face
  441. >...
  442. >...
  443. >...
  444. >MOTHER
  445. >FUCKING
  446. >BONBON!!!
  449. >"Anonymous's train should be coming to the station in a matter of minutes, your Highness."
  450. >You look down at your guard with a warm smile
  451. "Wonderful, just let me finish my tea and we shall go and greet him."
  452. >It was that time of the month again
  453. >The time where that strange creature that had dropped into your world came up to your city so that you could see how he was doing
  454. >And more importantly see if he happened to learn anything about friendship
  455. >Since friendship was your jam and all
  456. >Though up till now Anonymous had been a little... lacking in the friendship department you still had high hopes for the young stall-- er man
  457. >From what you student had told you he was coming up to Canterlot with two of his "friends"
  458. >You don't understand why Twilight put a sarcastic emphasis on the word friend (or how she knew who was on Anon's particular train) but the news still made you excited none the less
  459. >You truly, honestly believed that all creatures, no matter how big or small or tall, deserved to bask under the light that was friendship
  460. >And if you could just find a kink in Anonymous's armor so that you could see the kind of stallion he was underneath you were SURE that you could turn that seemingly permanent frown on his face upside down
  461. >And today was, with the help of these "friends" of his, going to be the day that you did it!
  462. >You could feel it in your bones!
  463. >Quickly finishing your tea you stand up and motioned for your guard, who had been standing at the corner of the room dutifully, to come forward
  464. "Come, my little pony, lets go and meet Anon."
  465. >The guard saluted, walking toward you as you charged up a teleportation spell
  467. POP!
  469. >The world blinks out of existence before you and your guard are in Canterlot Central Station
  470. "And there we are!" you say with a happy ruffle of your feathers
  471. >It took a few moments for the many ponies wandering around the station to take notice you but eventually every single mare, foal, and stallion ended up doing something you honestly didn't like
  472. >They bowed
  474. >Just keep smiling...
  475. >Just keep smiling...
  476. "Oh please, please! There's no need for that my subjects," you say with a wave of the hoof. "I'm simply--"
  477. >"Your, majesty. LOOK!"
  478. >Blinking you turn toward your guard and saw that he was pointing down the track
  479. >Why was he...
  480. >Following his hoof you see that a train is making its way to the station
  481. >And, if what your guard said was true, this SHOULD be Anonymous's train, which would have been all well and good if not for the fact the the train seemed to be on FIRE
  482. >And it was rocking back and forth on the track dangerously
  483. >And it was moving just a bit too fast
  484. >And could you hear ponies screaming in it?!
  485. >You think you did!
  486. >With wide eyes you shove your guard out of the way and spread your wings out wide
  487. "Everypony, please move AWAY from the tracks as far as you can!" you command, your horn glowing brightly
  488. >You didn't know what the hay was going on but you needed to stop that train before it crashed into the station!
  489. >You take another step forward as your subjects scurry away from the train, puffing your chest out and holding your head held high
  490. >PrincesspowersGO!!!
  491. >Using your magic you force every single wheel on the train to slow down
  492. >There's some sparks, and more screaming from the passengers of the train but you manage to force the train to come to a complete stop
  493. >...
  494. >...
  495. >...
  496. >Whoo
  497. >That could have bee-
  500. >Before you can look over the train or see if everypony's alright you hear the sounds of glass being broken coming from in the train
  501. >Wait
  502. >That sounded like-
  504. CRASH!
  506. >You and your guard hop backward as Anonymous comes flying through one of the train's windows with a mare on his back
  507. >AUUURRRRGGGHHHH!" the human roared, hitting the station with a meaty thud before instantly getting back to his feet
  508. >Anon didn't look much better than the train did now that you had a good look at him
  509. >His suit was in tatters, he had burns on his arms and his legs, he was bleeding from the numerous cuts on his body and it looked like somepony drew dicks all over his face
  510. >...
  511. >...
  512. >...
  513. >Wait
  514. >Wha-
  515. >Anonymous hopped around like a bull, trying to throw the mare on his back who appeared to be trying to choke him
  516. >Like Anon the mare looked like she had just walked out of the mouth of Tartarus
  517. >Her coat was dirty and standing up at places, her face was bruised and bleeding, and parts of her mane appeared to be on fire
  518. >"I'M GOING TO KEEP HITTING YOU UNTIL I CAN'T HIT YOU ANYMORE BONBON YOU CUNT!" Anon snarled, trying to reach up to grab the mare
  519. >The earth pony in question snorted, tightening her choke hold so that you could head Anon gasp for air
  520. >"Shush, shush, just go to sleep you dumb monkey. Just go to sleep. Nopony's going to miss you. Just go to sleep," she said as Anon's eyes started to--
  521. >Wait!
  522. >You should probably do something about this shouldn't you?
  523. >...
  524. >...
  525. >...
  526. >Yep
  527. >You really needed to do something!
  528. >Looking over at your loyal guard, who looked just as confused about what the hay was going on as you, you look back over at Anon and the mare, loudly clearing your throat
  529. "Um, excuse me..."
  530. >And just like that Anon and the little mare froze, looking over to see your bemused self
  531. >You know
  532. >You've seen a lot of shit since you've started this whole princess gig
  533. >And this was a first for you
  534. >...
  535. >...
  536. >...
  537. >Alright Celestia
  538. >Take a deep breath and ask the million bit question:
  539. "Might I ask what's going on here?"

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin