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Fucking Bonbon... 3

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:20:51
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anonymous... Anonymous... ANONYMOUS!"
  2. >Jumping slightly in surprise you look up from the SWEET dragon that you had been drawing for the past ten minutes to see your math teacher, Mr. Theorem, looming over you with a frown
  3. >...Oh poop...
  4. >He noticed...
  5. >The older stallion's frown deepens when he sees your drawing as you just kind of sit there awkwardly
  6. >Not awkward in the way that you were squirming in your seat but awkward because you didn't want anyone to see your mad dragon drawing skills until recess
  7. >Hopefully your teacher didn't go trying to draw your dragon or something like that...
  8. "...Yes, Mr. Theorem?"
  9. >Adjusting the glasses on his face, your teacher loudly clears his throat as he waves the ruler that he had in his magic around your head
  10. >...That jerk knew you didn't like it when he did that...
  11. >"Well, Anonymous, I was wondering, if you weren't too busy practicing your art skills--"
  12. >Your classmates snicker but you just ignore them
  13. >This wasn't the first time you've been yelled at by a teacher
  14. >And it probably wouldn't be last
  15. >"--If you knew the answer to the solution on the board."
  16. >...Double poop...
  17. >Looking past the stallion you turn your attention to the chalkboard
  18. >...Oh no
  19. >Long division
  20. >You HATED long division...
  21. >But you knew Mr. Theorem was trying to make you look dumb in front of everyone because you hadn't been paying attention to his BOOORRRRRIIINNNGGGG class
  22. >Which was boring
  23. >And dumb
  24. >Because you were never going to use long division in your LIFE
  25. >Unfortunately the gauntlet had been thrown and you couldn't just say NO
  26. >That'd mean the teacher that you didn't like and who HATED you (for some reason) would win
  27. >And you couldn't have that!
  28. >So it looked like you were gonna have to bite the bullet and go show this dumb adult who was boss
  29. >...Somehow
  30. >Grimacing you nod
  31. "Yes Mr. Theorem sir, I know how to do the problem..."
  32. >Your teacher looks down at you with a mocking smile that he only seemed to give you
  33. >"Oh?"
  34. >There's a popping sound, and a piece of chalk just appears in your hand
  35. >...Stupid magic
  36. >"Then why don't you go up to the board and show us how it's done then, Anonymous?"
  37. >Putting on a brave face you wiggle out of your desk (since it was a little too small for your seven year old self) and stand up
  38. >Five thousand seven hundred and thirty six divided by seventy six huh?
  39. >...
  40. >...
  41. >...
  42. >Oh no
  43. >Not only was this long division but this was going to have DECIMALS
  44. >Crap
  45. >...No...
  46. >You got this
  47. >YOU GOT THIS!
  48. >Puffing out your chest you stride toward the board with a determination not seen in many first graders
  49. >You'd show your dumb teacher!
  50. >AND you'd show this dumb math problem!
  51. >You were Anonymous, and you didn't afraid of anything!
  52. >Your fellow first graders watch as you march up to that chalk board, roll up your slightly too big sleeves on your slightly too big shirt (momma kept getting the tailors to make you bigger clothes so she didn't have to get you measured every few weeks since you were growing so much), and you attacked that math problem with everything you had
  53. >Chalk dust went flying as you scribbled on that board as you wrote down problems, erased mistakes, and wracked your brain for all it was worth
  54. >Eventually, after what felt like a million, billion years you think you came up with the answer
  55. "...Is it seventy five point four-seven-four, Mr. Theorem?"
  56. >Your teacher's eyes narrow, a scowl coming to his face as he looked over your math
  57. >"...Yes, yes it is Anonymous," he grumbles, not sounding too happy that you freaking KILLED IT!
  58. >WHOO!
  59. >Who's the man?
  60. >You were!
  61. >Heck yeah you were!
  62. >Your fellow classmates giggle as you do a little happy hop into the air
  63. >Mr. Theorem just frowns more
  64. >The grump better watch out with all of that frowning
  65. >Aunt Luna said that if a pony frowned too much their faces would get stuck like that
  66. >And your aunt knew what she was talking about since she was a princess and stuff and they knew everything
  67. >...Though a frowny face seems to match Mr. Theorem to a T since he frowns all the time when he looks at you
  68. >Not that you really care though since he's a jerk and a meany and big, smelly butt and stuff
  69. >"Quit your dancing around at once, Anonymous, and come sit down. And I'll remind you that this is MATH class! If I catch you doodling again I promise you your mother will hear of it!"
  70. >The smile that had found its way onto your face died as Mr. Theorem ripped out the picture of your dragon out of your notebook and crumpled it all up
  72. >You spent like half an hour working on that!
  73. >A series of thoughts flash through your mind, and though you're but a child (that didn't know any swear words since you mom was REALLY strict about ponies swearing around you) you couldn't help but mentally fling some poopy butts and dummy heads toward him
  74. >You also kind of want to walk over there and bop him one in the nose but you knew mommy would give you a whoopin if you tired
  75. >...Again...
  76. >You clench your fist and grit your teeth but you manage not to lose your temper
  77. >...Jerk...
  78. >Grumbling to yourself you make your way back to your seat and sit down heavily as your JERK of a teacher once again starts to lecture
  79. >It was going to take FOREVER to draw everything again...
  80. >"Hey Anon!... Anon, over here!"
  81. >You don't look up from your notebook as you reach for your pencil
  82. "Yeah, Lyra?" you whisper-shout to the pony whisper-shouting right next to you
  83. >You didn't know why she just didn't lean over if she wanted to talk to you about something but whatever
  84. >Your friend wiggles happily in her seat with a quiet giggle
  85. >"No, 'Nonny! You gotta look up! Didn't your mommy ever tell you that you gotta look a pony in the eyes when you're talking to them?"
  86. >Your mom did, in fact, say something along that lines of that but you were a real OG straight from the underground (...whatever that meant) so you didn't listen to no rules
  87. >...
  88. >...
  89. >...
  90. >Urgh
  91. >You were gonna have to look at her weren't you?
  92. >...Well, if you get in trouble today at least you had someone to blame it on this time...
  93. >Looking up from your notebook you see Lyra grinning at you excitedly
  94. >...For some reason...
  95. >"Anon! Anon! Look a this!"
  96. >Opening her mouth wide the unicorn shows you that she's missing her two front teeth
  97. >"Guess who's gonna get some bits from the tooth Breezie tonight!"
  98. >Your eyes widened
  99. >Lyra was going to have SO much candy money giving the tooth Breezie TWO teeth
  100. >Lucky...
  101. "You lost two teeth?" you asked in awe. "How did you lose two?"
  102. >"I ran into a door this morning," Lyra answers, her little furry chest puffing out in pride.
  103. >Wow...
  104. >Maybe YOU needed to start running into doors...
  105. >Who needed this stupid teeth anyway?
  106. >You were about to open your mouth to say more when you heard a snort coming from your right
  107. >"Hey! Will you two be quiet? I'm trying to learn something."
  108. >Frowning once again you turn around and glare at Sweetie Drops, your other desk neighbor and evilest and most sworn enemy
  109. >Who also had cooties and was the dummiest of dummy-heads
  110. "You're trying to learn how to be a butt, that's what you're learning how to do..."
  111. >The little earth pony mare looks up from her textbook to glare at you
  112. >"Well, at least I'm not some dumb green weirdo," she snaps
  113. >Hate fills your very soul as you had yourself a little staredown with your arch nemesis
  114. >Your child's mind tries to think up of a word or a group of words to just throw at her
  115. >Words so hurtful and so scorching and so lasting that the very name Sweetie Drops would be synonymous (momma taught you that word) with being a smelly, girly, butthead
  116. >But alas you were still but a child, one who didn't understand the ways of the world and all of the ways that you could curse a pony out
  117. >So you just glare and--
  118. >"Anon and Bonnie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."
  119. >Both you and Sweetie look over at a grinning Lyra, matching scowls on your faces
  120. >"...Lyra, if you don't be quiet I'm going to pinch you the whole time during recess," Sweetie growls. "And don't call me Bonbon... I hate that nickname..."
  121. >You smile
  122. "Don't you listen to her, Lyra. Call her Bonbon all you wan--"
  124. >SMACK!
  126. "Ow! Hey! I'mma tell on you!"
  127. >"You could tell the teacher whatever you want, dummy brain!"
  128. "Fart face!"
  129. >"Smelly butt!"
  130. "Booger head!"
  131. >"Weirdo!"
  133. >HATE!
  135. >You're about to tear into Sweetie more when, out of the corner of your eye, you see Mr. Theorem glaring at you
  136. >...
  137. >...
  138. >...
  139. >No
  140. >You'd didn't need to get into anymore trouble with your dumb teacher...
  141. >You could call Sweetie names during recess...
  142. >Scowling you sit in your seat proper and stare straight ahead at the chalkboard
  143. >Stupid, Cootie-having Sweetie...
  144. >You weren't a dummy brain...
  145. >Nor were you a smelly butt...
  146. >For the rest of the lesson and the next two classes after that you just sit there daydreaming and stewing over all that your most hated enemy had said
  147. >But then the fifth period came
  148. >Aka first recess
  149. >The grand time
  150. >The fabled time
  151. >The time of milk and cookies
  152. >Probably the best part of your day
  153. >Though for most students recess was only forty five minutes you got double the time because after recess everyone usually had some kind of magic class
  154. >And since you couldn't use magic in any form (for reasons not even you mommy knew), and since your teachers didn't want you getting into trouble you got DOUBLE RECESS
  155. >Which was awesome
  156. >Like the most awesomest thing in the whole wide world
  157. >But, like every would-be paradise there was one major problem
  158. >Sweetie Drops, just like you, couldn't go to any of the magic classes since she wasn't a unicorn and this was a school that had mostly unicorns
  159. >So that meant she also had two periods of recess too
  160. >With you
  161. >And since her and Lyra were really the only ones that talked with you, and really your only friends for that matter (though Sweetie wasn't your friend AT ALL; more of a person that you tolerate because she was Lyra's best, best, best friend) she was really the only one who would play with you for the whole time
  162. >Which wasn't good since you didn't like each other
  163. >In fact you HATED each other with every fiber of your beings
  164. >And that meant at least once or twice a week the two of you would end up in the head master's office because of fighting...
  165. >Wherein after your momma would paddle you for being bad
  166. >..
  167. >...
  168. >...
  169. >But that wasn't going to happen today!
  170. >You were going to just draw the hold time, maybe try to climb one of the many trees in the play area, and just relax!
  171. >No going to the head master's office for YOU this week!
  172. >You wait for the fourth period, a dumb history class that you never pay attention to, on the edge of your seat staring at the clock on the wall like it was the answer to all of your problems
  173. >Which it was since it was going to tell you when you had recess
  174. >Come on...
  175. >Come on...
  176. >Just ring already....
  177. >Ring...
  178. >RING!
  181. RING!
  183. >Oh thank mom!
  184. >Not even giving your teacher a chance finish up her lesson you grab your notebook and sprint out the door, a great big smile on your face
  185. >Aw yeah!
  186. >Recess time!
  187. >Like usual you're the first student out in the courtyard that functions as the recess area
  188. >The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
  189. >Truly it was a perfect day to just lay around or play around or do whatever!
  190. >Your smile widening you race over to the great big old oak tree in the center of the courtyard and sit down with a groan
  191. >Reaching into your pocket you pull out the icing on your relaxation cake
  192. >Mother
  193. >Trucking
  194. >Shredded Bubble gum
  195. >Hastily ripping open the bag you grab it a bit-sized worth of gum and stick it under your lip
  196. >Oh yeah...
  197. >Daddy needed him some gum to suck on...
  198. >You close your eyes and let the sugar sooth your weary soul as you open up your notebook and pull out your pencil
  199. >Alright
  200. >Time to get on drawing that dragon!
  201. >...
  202. >...
  203. >...
  204. >...Wait...
  205. >Looking up from your notebook you look around
  206. >By now Sweetie Drops would have wandered over here to yell at you or be a butt or something...
  207. >...Did she get in trouble?
  208. >Eh, whatever
  209. >Drawin' time!
  210. >Your first part of recess seems to end too soon, you finishing your dragon just as the teachers were calling the students to come back into the school
  211. >Putting down your notebook you once again look around the courtyard
  212. "...Where in the heck is she?" you mutter to yourself, getting up.
  213. >Even if Sweetie would have gotten in trouble most teachers would let her out for the second part of her recess...
  214. >Biting your lip you look around the courtyard, worry gripping you when you don't see hide or hair of Sweetie
  215. >...And where in the heck was Lyra?
  216. >Didn't she have second recess?
  217. >Gripping your notebook tightly you make your way out of the courtyard and into the school proper
  218. >The halls were empty and silent as you started making your way through then, a pip in your step and a frown on your face
  219. >You needed to get some answers darnit!
  220. >Where in the heck did those two go?!
  221. >Did they find some neat place to play and not tell you about it?
  222. >Ohhhh you bet that's what all of this is!
  223. >Lyra must have found an abandoned room with a whole bunch of stuff and Sweetie made her promise not to tell you about it!
  224. >Stupid, dummy-head...
  225. >"--And what are you going to do about it, Mud horse?"
  227. >You stop in the middle of the empty hallway
  228. >...Mud horse?
  229. >Wasn't that a really bad word?...
  231. >...Was that Lyra?
  232. >An emotion that your young self couldn't identify settled in your stomach as you followed the sound of arguing and yelling into the next hall, here you saw Lyra and Sweetie, both of whom were surrounded by colts
  233. >And not just any colts
  234. >Your friend (and Sweetie) were surrounded by Prim and Proper and his little gang of bullies
  235. >Prim, who's father your momma didn't like all that much, appeared to be holding something in his hoof
  236. >On closer inspection you saw that it was the doll that your mom had made you give Sweetie on her birthday
  237. >It was a pink little princess dolly
  238. >Nothing all that special, but Sweetie never left her house without it
  239. >In fact it was the of the only things that she brought to recess
  240. >"YOU GIVE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" Sweetie growled, Lyra keeping her from lunging at the little jerk
  241. >Prim sneered, holding the doll high up in the air with his magic
  242. >"Why don't you make me you worth, magicless mud horse?"
  243. >That funny feeling in your stomach grows the moment the bully and his friends laugh at a seething Sweetie
  244. >"Stop calling Bonbon a mud horse!" Lyra demanded, her ears pinned back against her head. "She's not a mud horse!"
  245. >"Yaha she is!" Prim countered with that same stupid smile on his face. "You're a stupid, dumb lower class mud horse that shouldn't even be in this school!"
  246. >He looked back at his friends, who grinned cruelly back
  247. >"You should be at regular school with all of the worthless, magicless feather brains and mud horses!"
  248. >"Shut up before I put my hoof in your face!" Sweetie snarled, her whole body tensed to pounce
  249. >Though they're still laughing at her the bullies take a few hasty steps backward
  250. >Just like you Sweetie was a fighter, and with that earth pony strength of hers she could pack one heck of a punch
  251. >You'd know
  252. >Looking like she was about to have a panic attack, Lyra tried to pull Sweetie away
  253. >"Come on, Bonbon, let's just go and tell on them," the mint green unicorn quietly advised
  254. >"No!" Sweetie snarled, pushing her friend away. "That's my dolly, and I'm going to get my dolly! GIVE ME BACK MY DOLLY!!"
  255. >Sweetie tried to charge Prim, but the colt, with a smirk, simply tossed the doll to another one of his friends
  256. >"You want your dolly mud horse? Well go and get it!"
  257. >For a moment Sweetie looks like she's just going to slug him, but then the colt with her doll yanked the doll's arm
  258. >Sweetie's eyes widened when she heard stitches pop
  260. >She then tried to charge that colt, only for him to toss the doll away with a grin
  261. >"What are you going to do about it, mud horse? Use your magic on us?"
  262. >"Mud horse! Mud horse! Sweetie Drop's a mud horse!"
  263. >Sweetie charged in all directions, hopping into the air each time the doll was tossed to try to catch it
  264. >But the colts' magic was too controlled and they threw it too high, and with each missed grab the bullies taunts became louder and meaner
  265. >"Hornless!"
  266. >"Mud horse!"
  267. >"Peasant!"
  268. >"Dirt farmer!"
  269. >Panting and with a wild look on her eyes Sweetie watched as the bullies tossed her doll around her head, stitches being popped with each toss
  270. >She looked frustrated, then she looked lost about what to do in the situation, then...
  271. >Well then Sweetie sad down and--
  272. >Your heart leapt to your throat as Sweetie sat right down in the middle of that hallway, looked down at the ground, and sniffled
  273. >"...I am NOT a mud horse," she said, so quietly that you had to strain to hear it over the bullies. "I'm not..."
  274. >Looking in Sweetie's face you see the beginnings of tears forming in the corners of her eyes
  275. >...
  276. >...
  277. >...
  278. >Sweetie doesn't ...
  279. >You've don't a whole bunch of stuff to her before and all she did was yell at you...
  280. >She never CRIED...
  281. >In fact you didn't think that Sweetie COULD cry...
  282. >Your hand curled into a fist as Sweetie's body shook as she quietly sobbed
  283. >That feeling in your stomach spread to your whole body and from the fringes of your vision you could see red
  284. >Looking to your right you see that the classroom you were standing by was where Mr. Theorem taught
  285. >Brow furrowing you walk over to the door and roughly throw it open
  286. "--And as you can see if you divide this by... Was there something that you needed Anonymous?"
  287. >Every single eye in the room turns to you but you ignore it, looking around the room until you found a chair that was empty
  288. >"Anonymous, didn't you hear me?" Mr. Theorem demands as you walk over to the chair and pick it up. "What do you think you're doing barging into my classroom like this?! Anonymous!"
  289. "I need to borrow this chair for a minute," you say calmly
  290. >Mr. Theorem, who had been angrily making his way toward you. stopped when he saw the look on your face
  291. "I'll bring this chair back in a minute or two."
  292. >Not bothering to wait for an answer you walk out of the room and back into the hallway
  293. >Turning the corner you still see the bullies tossing around Sweetie's doll, though it looked like they had ripped off one of its legs
  294. >...
  295. >...
  296. >...
  297. >Your vision gets that little bit redder as you put the chair down and pick it back up by the legs before striding over to Prim
  298. >"Mud horse! Mud horse! Mud hors--
  300. CRASH!
  302. >The bully goes down with a pained cry as you swing the chair as hard as you could right at the back of his head
  303. >There's a loud cracking sound and you think you see blood as Prim skids across the marble ground, but you're too angry to care
  304. >Breathing heavily you toss the chair to the ground and look around
  305. >The bullies, Sweetie and Lyra, even some of the students that had poked their heads out of Mr. theorem's math class looked at you with wide eyes and mouths agape as you look around
  306. >You can hear Prim crying/yelling in pain as you walked over and snatched the doll out of the air
  307. "You all messed up," you say, walking over and giving a teary-eyed Sweetie her doll before turning around and rolling up your sleeves.
  308. "You all messed up big time."
  310. ~---~
  312. >"Are you sure that you don't want to sit down "Nonny?"
  313. >You look over at Lyra, who was playing with a ball, and shake your head
  314. "I think I'm gonna stand for a while, Lyra..."
  315. >Your mint green friend looked at you knowingly
  316. >"Did your momma beat your butt?"
  317. "Yep."
  318. >You got suspended
  319. >In fact you, Lyra, AND Sweetie all got suspended
  320. >It was a lot better than you thought you were gonna get but that still didn't mean mommy was happy about it
  321. >In fact she was the exact opposite of happy
  322. >After auntie Luna brought you home school and the doctors fixed you up (you had three teeth knocked out and one heck of a black eye after fighting all of those bullies) momma had spent the next THREE hours yelling at you
  323. >A prince doesn't hit ponies with chairs...
  324. >A prince doesn't beat on ponies until they cry like little filles
  325. >You should have said something to one of the teachers...
  326. >You were grounded until you were a hundred...
  327. >The whole song and dance...
  328. >...
  329. >...
  330. >...
  331. >And then she had hugged you and told you that she was proud that you had stood up for your friends
  332. >Which, even thinking about it now, kinda made all of that yelling unnecessary
  333. >If you did a good thing then why were you getting yelled at for it?
  334. >You only hit Prim with a chair!
  335. >His head will grow back eventually and get all fixed up and stuff...
  336. >And you didn't beat up the other bullies that much...
  337. >When you had told your momma such THAT was when she had pulled the paddle out
  338. >And boy did she beat your bottom
  339. >She beat your butt so hard that you were probably going to be walking funny for the rest of your life
  340. >...But it wasn't all bad
  341. >You didn't have to go to school for the next couple of days
  342. >And your momma let Lyra come over so the two of you could play and--
  343. >"Oh THERE'S the big hero!"
  344. >Before you can even turn around someone scoops you up into a hug
  345. >You try to wiggle out of the mare (by her laughing you could tell that she was a mare) but she's too strong
  346. >"Saving my little Bonnie from all of those big, bad bullies! You're such a gallant little--"
  347. >"MOM! Put the weirdo down... you don't know where he's been..."
  348. >The mare holding you in her death grip chuckles before releasing you
  349. >Because you just had the life squeezed out of you you kind of just slumped onto the ground
  350. >Right on your mother trucking butt
  351. >...
  352. >...
  353. >...
  354. >...Ow...
  355. >"Oh don't be silly, Bonnie," Caramel Strudel, Sweetie's mom teased, waving Sweetie over
  356. >You just kind of lay on the ground trying to get the air back into your lungs
  357. >Boy oh BOY did that mare have one heck of a hug...
  358. >...Your butt hurts...
  359. >Caramel smiles warmly down at you before looking to your left
  360. >"Alright Bonnie, why don't you play with your friends while momma goes over and chats with the princesses and Lyra's momma, hmm?"
  361. >Out of the corner of your eye you see Sweetie walking toward you
  362. >Just like you it looked like a doctor had fixed her up
  363. >She didn't have that black eye on her face that she had gotten on of the bullies and...
  364. "Oh, did you fix Sweetie's doll, Mrs. Strudel?" you asked the second that you saw Sweetie's doll, which looked as good as new
  365. >Mrs. Strudel lets out this weird chuckle before leaning down and nuzzling you
  366. >"Oh always thinking about my little Bonbon," she cooed, her smile widening as you tried to push her away. "Oh it's just like when me and Sugar Glaze were kids..."
  367. >You tried to ask when the heck she meant about that but she walked away
  368. >...
  369. >...
  370. >...
  371. >Adults were weird
  372. >"Bonnie!" Lyra said with a happy wiggle, bounding over and wrapping her friend in a hug. "Did you momma beat your butt too?"
  373. >Though she had her usual frown on her face Sweetie returned the hug
  374. >"No my momma didn't beat my butt, Lyra," she said, looking over at you. "Wait... Did Anon's momma beat his butt?"
  375. >With a giggle Lyra nodded
  376. >"Yep! She beat his butt so hard that he doesn't want to sit down!" she cheerfully replied
  377. >Sweetie snorted in amusement, walking over and sitting by your side
  378. >"Get up," she said, kicking your side. "I wanna tell you something..."
  379. "I don't wanna get up."
  380. >"...Get up or I'm gonna roll you over and sit on your butt until you cry."
  381. >...And she'd do it too...
  382. >A frown coming to your face you sit up, wincing in pain
  383. >...Boy does your butt hurt...
  384. "So what do you--"
  385. >Sweetie leaps forward, wrapping her hooves around your neck
  386. >You stiffen in surprise as she nuzzles her cheek against the side of your head
  387. >"Thank you," she whispers
  388. >Before you could even move your mouth you feel a pair of lips press against your cheek
  389. >"Istillthinkgyou'reabuttthoughyoudummy!"
  390. >Now blushing, Sweetie darts away from you as you sit there confused
  391. >"Bonbon kissed Nonny!" Lyra, who had been watching the whole scene in front of her with a smile, yelled. "Bonnie kissed Nonny!"
  392. >"S-Shut up Lyra! A-And stop calling me Bonbon!"
  393. >Giggling the mint green unicorn dashes off for Sweetie
  394. >"Anon and Sweetie sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"
  395. >"If you don't shut up I'm gonna hit you, Lyra!"
  396. >From across the courtyard you could hear your momma and Mrs. Strudel and Lyra's momma awing and though you don't know why you feel yourself blushing
  397. "...Stupid Bonbon," you grumble, rubbing your cheek. "Mother trucking, apple bucking Bonbon..."

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin