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Fucking Bonbon... 4

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:21:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >"You know Anon... I think I might be a little proud of you today."
  2. >You paused mid-sip of your kinda warm beer and look down at Twilight
  3. >While she was usually wearing her birthday suit today the mare had gotten gussied up in a baseball player's uniform
  4. >You were similarly dressed, wearing an oldie style baseball vest,button shirt thing and a cap
  5. "Proud?" you say, raising an eyebrow as both you and the Princess of Books leisurely make your way down the street. "What the hell are you proud for?"
  6. >Twiggles smiles at you from underneath her widdle baseball cap
  7. "The crusaders asked you to go to their game and you actually made the effort to come out!"
  8. >Spreading one of her wings she poked at your shirt
  9. >"And you even got Rarity to make you a jersey with Applebloom's number! We didn't have to drag you out of your house or anything!"
  10. >So yeah, apparently baseball was a thing in horseland
  11. >There was a major league and everything
  12. >Which, while a little weird, was fucking awesome because you LOVED baseball
  13. >Cubs all the fucking way nigga!
  14. >...
  15. >...
  16. >...
  17. >...The Cubs were going to win a World Series in your fucking lifetime dammit!
  18. >Really, they were!
  19. >Frowning ever so slightly you take another sip of your beer
  20. "Hey, never let it be said that I didn't enjoy a good baseball game," you tell Nerkle, pointing your beer in her general direction. "And the kids said that it was their season opener and I couldn't miss that."
  21. >Twilight awed, bumping her rump against your side
  22. >"I'm still proud that you're actually going coming out to cheer on the Ponyville Pythons."
  23. >You couldn't help but snort
  24. >Why were ponies so SHIT at naming things...
  25. >Though you didn't see it Tinkles eyes the thirty pack that you were carrying in your non drinking hand
  26. >"...Though I might have preferred it if you WOULDN'T have brought THAT to the game with you."
  27. >You look down at your case of beer then up at the Princess
  28. "And the hell's wrong with me bringing a couple of brewskies to a baseball game?" you asked indignantly
  29. >"Anon it's a little league game," Farkle deadpanned. "There's going to be fillies and colts there."
  30. "I'm not going to give them any!" you say, hiding your 30 case behind your back protectively. "It's a human tradition to drink beer during a baseball game; let me fucking have this."
  31. >Vampire book hoers studies you for a moment before looking away with a sigh
  32. >"Just... don't go overboard with that stuff alright?"
  33. >Hah
  34. >This little nigga things that a thirty pack's gonna do more than give you a buzz?
  35. >Pffffff
  36. >You were about to defend your alcoholics honor when the baseball field came into view
  37. >It honestly looked like the one that you had behind your grade school when you were little
  38. >...Except that the bleachers looked a lot better...
  39. >...And where the teams sat wasn't covered in graffiti...
  40. >...And the grass looked nice and cut and--
  41. >"Mr. Anon! Yea' made it!"
  42. >Blinking, you watch as Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Dictionary run over to you with smiles on their faces
  43. >"Yea' see? I'ah told ya'll that he'd come!" littlest apple hoers said with a happy little wiggle
  44. >Smiling yourself at the ADORABLE sight of the three fillies in baseball jerseys and caps you kneel down, hiding your beer behind your back
  45. >You didn't want Twily bitching at you or whatever
  46. >You might still have an open beer in your hand but who gives a fuck right?
  47. "Oh course I came! I wanted to cheer you guys on for the season opener," you say, flicking the lip of Sweetie's cap
  48. >Scootaloo's widdle chest puffs out
  49. >"No Mr. Anon! You're going to cheer us on while we beat the tar out of the Canterlot Diggers!"
  50. >Canterlot Diggers?
  51. >Jesus fucking Christ...
  52. >Shaking your head slightly you put your beer down and start fumbling with your pockets
  53. "So what positions are you girls playing?"
  54. >The cutie mark crusaders look at each other, smirking, before they hopped up into their back legs and struck poses
  55. >"I'am playin' first base!" Applebloom chirped
  56. >"I'm the pitcher!" Scoots cried
  57. >"And I'm short stop!" Sweetie finished
  58. >...Oh thank god they playing important positions and not in the outfield
  59. >Outfield was where the shit-tier players played in little league
  60. >The shittest of shit tier
  61. "Well that's fantastic girls, I hope you all kick their as-- I hope that you guys win out there!"
  62. >Finally you managed to reach into your pocket and pulled out a little plastic baggy
  63. "Here girls, a little something that baseball players used back on my world to crush the competition."
  64. >The crusaders frowned
  65. >"Mr. Anon, it's not called bas--"
  66. "Why don't you open it up and see what's inside huh?"
  67. >The fillies noses scrunched up but they didn't say anymore as they ripped open the bag and--
  68. >"...Bubble gum?"
  69. "No, it's SHREDDED bubbly gum," you correct, looking at the tiny pink strips with warmth
  70. >For some fucking reason horse world didn't have shredded bubble gum
  71. >Which was some BULLSHIT
  72. >Shredded bubble gum was a cornerstone of your childhood!
  73. >You ALWAYS chewed it whenever you and your buddies were playing baseball or bothering homeless people
  74. >So, after deciding that you WERE going to go to this game instead of binge drinking in the comfort of your own home you had decided to shred up a bunch of gum yourself
  75. >Give back to the community and all of that shit
  76. >The crusaders look upon your masterpiece in confusion
  77. >"How the hay's this supposed to help us win our game?" Scoots asked
  78. >Grabbing your beer you stand back up
  79. "Just take a bit-sized handful of that and stick it under your lip. Don't chew it and make sure to spit every couple of minutes. Trust me, if you do that and give some of this to the rest of your team you're going to win this game."
  80. >It was also going to make the kiddies into a bunch of goddamn sexual tyrannosaurusseseses but YOU weren't going to tell them THAT
  81. >...They'd learn
  82. >That seems to win over the little horses, Applebloom and Sweetie stuffing big mouthfuls of the gum into their mouths before they both raced toward their respecting dugout
  83. >"Thanks Mr. Anon!"
  84. >"Yeah, thanks Mr. Anon!"
  85. >Scoots looks down at the gum a little longer before shrugging and sticking some under her lip and racing off with the bag full of gum in hoof
  86. >Twiggles quietly aws as the two of you watch the girls leave
  87. >"You know, Anon, I really think that maybe you should write a friendshi--"
  88. >Finishing your beer in three big swallows you belch and crush the can against your head
  89. "Fuck that Figgles. Now come on! We gotta game to watch!"
  90. >Surprisingly it looked like all of Ponyville had come out to watch, with nearly every single seat on the field's bleachers taken
  91. >Luckily for you and Twiggles Applejack and the other girls, all wearing their team's colors just like you, had saved you some seats
  92. >The crowd gathered chatted amongst themselves for a bit while the two teams warmed up
  93. >You managed to finish off five beers in that time and a whole bag of popcorn that Pank had brought for all of you in that five or ten minutes
  94. >It was kind of... nice sitting out here chatting and--
  95. >OOHHHHH!
  96. >The game's about to start!
  97. >You grin hugely as the Ponyville team slowly gets into their respective positions out on the field and the Canterlot team's batters get ready
  98. "Yeah! You go get'em girls! You got this!" you called, clapping your hands together.
  99. >You crack open another beer and take a drink of your lukewarm beverage
  100. "FUCK'EM UP!"
  101. >Ponies all around you jump as your shout echoes throughout the field
  102. >Twilight, her ears pinned against her head in embarrassment, glared at you
  103. >"Anon! LANGUAGE!"
  104. "What? I was just--"
  105. >"Come on Canterlot! Kick this team to the bucking curve!"
  106. >Your pupils dilate as you watch Bonbon, who just seemingly appeared three rows down from you, started clapping her dumb bitch horse hooves together while dumb horse words came out of her dumb horse mouth
  107. >You weren't too focused on what those words were at the moment
  108. >What really caught your attention was what angriest horse was wearing
  109. >Was...
  110. >Was that little nigger wearing a CANTERLOT jersey?...
  111. "OI! BONBON! Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up you candy-coated asshole!"
  112. >The candy mare stopped her shouting, spinning around so that she could glare at you
  113. >Lyra, who was wearing a Ponyville jersey (like a good little non trator horse) also turned around so that she could see what her marefriend was staring at
  114. >"...Fingers? FINGERS!"
  115. >The unicorn's eyes light up and a smile made its way onto her face
  116. ""Hiya, Nonny! I didn't know that you liked stickball!"
  117. >...
  118. >...
  119. >...
  120. >Baseball...
  121. >It was called fucking baseball...
  122. >"Lyra, don't talk to the monkey," Bonbon chastises, giving you a disgusted look before turning around and sitting straight ahead
  123. >Your frown deepens
  124. "Hey, fuck right off you--"
  125. >You grunt as Twilight elbows you in the ribs
  126. >"Anon!" she hissed. "Stop yelling right now! Ponies are looking!"
  127. >Looking around you see that nearly every single little horse in the stands and even some of the players were looking at you and thunder cunt
  128. >...Alright
  129. >Maybe you might have gotten a LITTLE carried away...
  130. >Crossing your arms you sit back into your seat
  131. "...Sorry."
  132. >Rarity pats your side
  133. >"No harm done, Dear," she reassured, giving Bonbon a look before weakly smiling at you. "Though I'm sure everypony here would very much appreciate it if you'd..."
  134. >She trailed off as you took another sip of your beer
  135. >...Fucking Bonbon
  136. >That little nigga was going to ruin this game
  137. >She just KNEW it
  138. "Just pass me some more snacks so I don't keep opening my big mouth.
  139. >Pinkie giggled, whipping out a pair of hot dogs out of nowhere
  140. >"Don't worry about that, Nonny! Your aunt Pinkie has all the snacks to suit your needs."
  141. "...Is that mustard?"
  142. >"Of course it's mustard! What kind of silly filly wouldn't want mustard on their hot dog?"
  143. >...
  144. >...
  145. >...
  146. >Fucking Pinkie and her shit taste in contaminants...
  147. >>Though you don't like it you take one of the hot dogs and take a big bite out of it
  148. "Thank you."
  149. >For the next half an hour everything is fine after that
  150. >Surprisingly the little league game was kind of fun to watch
  151. >Scoots could really whip that ball, Applebloom was one hell of a first base horse, and even Sweetie was a pretty decent shortstop
  152. >The other team gave as good as they got though, so the score was pretty much even up until the sixth inning
  153. >The crowd cheering and jeered good naturedly at each other and at the players, shouting encouragements
  154. >Though you and Bonbon shouted every once in awhile you managed to keep from verbally sparring with her
  155. >You just sat there eating your food and drinking your beer while you glared at the back of Bon cunt's head
  156. >But like so many things the peace did not last
  157. >Applebloom was up to bat
  158. >The pitcher's name was Sugar Dumpling, Bonbon's cousin from what you gathered from her yelling
  159. >The bases were loaded
  160. >The Ponyville team had two strikes to their name
  161. >The entire crowd was on the edge of their seats
  162. >And you had just finished up your twenty-fifth beer
  163. >The two little horses stared at each other, their eyes narrowing as Applebloom patted her bat against home plate and gave it a few swings
  164. "Outta the park, Applebloom!" you shout. "The pitcher throws like a cross eyed vegetable!"
  165. >"Come on Sugar! Get this strike!" Bonbon yells. "This filly couldn't hit the side of a barn if she was a foot away from it!"
  166. >Both your and Applejack's eyes widen at the jab and you were about to get to your feet when Twilight yanked you back down with her magic
  167. >"Just let it go, Anon," she growled
  168. >Applejack looked over at you with an understanding look
  169. >"She ain't worth gettin' upset over, partner," she said, narrowing her eyes at Bonbon before looking back at you with a smile. "'Sides, Applebloom will shut 'er up when she knocks it outta the park."
  170. >...Yeah
  171. >She's right...
  172. >Just because Bonbon was acting like a nigga didn't mean you had to stoop to her level
  173. >You all watch as the filly at the pitcher's mound winds up and tosses the ball as hard as she could
  174. >Though she must have been under ten years old that throw had some heat to it
  175. >Which meant that when Applebloom smacked that sucker it was really going to get out of the park!
  178. >Littlest appul hoers watches the ball fly forward and cocks her bat, and she started to swing, but she must have seen that it was a bad pitch and stopped mid swing
  179. >"Strike one!" the umpire cries as the ball hits the catcher's glove with a meaty smack
  180. "Bullshit!" you roar angrily. "She barely moved the fucking bat! You need some fucking glasses Ump!"
  181. >"Good throw Sugar!" Bonbon yelled, clapping her hooves. "Lets see two more!"
  182. >You glare at the back of Bon Bon's head and cock back your beer to nail the little horse in the back of the head but you hear Darkle growl beside you
  183. >"Anon... I swear to Celestia if you start a fight here..."
  184. >Though it's a hell of a lot harder this time you managed to calm yourself down
  185. >It was going to be alright
  186. >It was going to be alright
  187. >Just stay calm
  188. >Just STAY CALM
  189. >The ball is tossed back to the pitcher as the little bitch smirks at the Ump's niggadry
  190. >Applebloom snorts and sips out a mouthful of sugary saliva before swinging her bat a few more time
  191. >Atta girl
  192. >Smack that fucker right out of the park!
  193. >The pitcher winds up and throws the ball again, this time switching up the fastball with a curve ball
  194. >Applebloom doesn't even swing this time
  195. >"Ball!"
  196. >Bonbon's on her hooves in an instant
  197. >"What the buck Ump are you bucking blind?! That was right down the middle!"
  198. "Good call Ump, good call!"
  199. >You hear the candy mare growl as she turned around and glared at you
  200. >"Why don't you shut the buck up Monkey."
  201. >Don't you do this little horse
  202. "Why don't you just sit down and shut the fuck up, Bonbon?"
  203. >The little horse tosses off her cap and stands up on her seat
  204. >"Why don't you come down here and make me you poop throwing ape!"
  205. >Don't fucking do this cunt
  206. >You aren't ready to handle all of THIS
  207. "I'm actually going to just sit here and--"
  208. >You and every single little horse on those bleachers watch as Bonbon rips off her jersey, throws it away, and spreads her arms out wide
  209. >...
  210. >...
  211. >...
  212. >Oh no...
  213. >She went and did it
  214. >You lean over toward Twiggles, who looks utterly horrified with this turn of events, and nudge her cheek with your beer
  215. "Twilight... hold this for me will ya?"
  216. >The Princess looks from you to Bonbon, bits of her mane springing out from her (kinda dumb) haircut
  217. >"A-Anon... What are you g-going to do?"
  218. "Bonbon just threw down the gauntlet and challenged me to a duel. I cannot refuse and I need you to hold my beer, Twilight."
  219. >Twilight twitched, the mare's wings fluttering at her sides before she hopped up onto her hooves
  220. >"No! NO! I'm not going to do that, Anonymous!" she snarled, her face becoming furious. "I can't BELIEVE that the two of you can't set aside your silly feud for FIVE MINUTES just to watch a bucking game of STICKBALL!"
  221. "...It's baseba--"
  222. >"I DON'T BUCKING CARE!!!"
  223. >Holy hell
  224. >Twiggles used Canterlot voice
  225. >It's super fucking effective!
  227. >Everyone flinches as she glared and snarled at no one in particular
  228. >"This is disrespectful to me, this is disrespectful to everypony here, and it's disrespectful to yourself that you're ACTING LIKE THIS!!!"
  229. >She huffed, sitting back down and crossing her hooves
  230. >"I'm not going to let this behavior go on any longer! The second that this game is over the two of you are in for some SERIOUS friendship lessons! So no, Anon, I'm not going to hold your stupid beer for you!"
  231. >You all stare at the purple princess for a long moment
  232. "...You know what? I'm sorry, Twilight. It was shitty of me to put you in a position that you were uncomfortable with."
  233. >Twilight slowly blinks before a big ol' smile comes to her face
  234. >"...Well, you didn't apologize for causing a scene when I asked you not to but this is a real good star--"
  235. "Pinkie, hold my beer please."
  236. >The party pony giggles as you maneuver the beer around Twiggles so that you could hand it to her
  237. >"Okie dokie lokie Nonny!"
  238. >Tossing your hat off you stand
  239. >The ponies in front of you scooch out of the way as you step down toward Bonbon, the bleacher's metallic steps ringing with each step
  240. >The ponies around Bonbon move the fuck out of the way as the little mare glares at you as you stand before her
  241. >The two of you eye each other while Twilight has some kind of dork panic attack behind you
  242. >Neither of you blink
  243. >Neither of you breath
  244. >You wait for the other to-- SURPRISE BEER ATTACK!
  245. >With a loud shout you pull out the beer that you had hidden in your back pocket (for just such an emergency)
  246. >Before Bonbon could so much as twitch you shook the can and opened it right in her face
  247. >"THPRTNRTmPmFF--BUCK!" the candy mare sputtered as foam and piss warm beer blasted her right in the face, knocking her off balance
  248. >Seeing your chance you toss the beer away, and, with another battlecry, you tackle Bonbon as hard as you can
  249. >The two of you go for one hell of a ride, the two of you banging hitting each FUCKING row of bleachers on the way down
  250. >But that didn't matter
  251. >The beer deadened most of the blows
  252. >That and your MASSIVE hate stiffy
  253. >The second that you hit the cold, hard ground you were on your feet, ripping off your jersey and throwing it onto the ground
  254. >Time to bro the fuck out
  255. "The fuck's good, Bonnie?!" you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air. "What's real fucking--omph!"
  256. >You stumbled forward as a garbage can nailed you right in the back, sending you right back into the dirt with Bonbon
  258. >Groaning you looked over at Bonbon
  259. >The two of you looked in each other's eyes
  260. >There was hate in that shared look
  261. >And quite a bit of it
  262. "...Fuck you Bon--Omph!"
  263. >You let out another groan of pain as candy ass nails you in the ribs
  264. >To make matters worse you could see Twiggles stomping toward you with another garbage can caught up in her magic
  265. >She looked furious
  266. >More so when usual when you and Bonbon got into shit
  267. >And this time it wasn't really your fucking fault!
  268. >You just wanted to sit down and drink while watching a baseball game!
  269. >Was that really too much to ask?!
  270. >...
  271. >...
  272. >...
  273. >Fucking Bonbon...
  274. >Fucking Twilight...
  275. >Fucking stickball...

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin