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Fucking Bonbon... 6

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:23:36
Expiry: Never

  1. "...Fucking salesponies... Bothering me all fucking day..."
  2. >You look back at yourself in your bathroom mirror
  3. >Christ was it a fucking trial of a day...
  4. "I already told those fuckers that I didn't want any of their shit..."
  5. >Picking up your toothbrush and toothpaste you get to work scrubbing your chompers
  6. >While it had been a LONG fucking day it was finally over
  7. >No more shitty work
  8. >No more irritating little horses that wanted to sell you shit
  9. >And no more annoying purple princesses telling you that you couldn't hit ponies with brooms until they left your property
  10. >...Which you still thought was a crock of bullshit...
  11. >But whatever
  12. >It was bedtime
  13. >You had showered, you had eaten, and you were brushing your teeth right now
  14. >All you needed to do was--
  18. >You couldn't help but jump up into the air with a yelp (a manly one mind you) as thunder booms out of nowhere, shaking your fucking house
  19. >Shit!
  20. >You didn't know that there was going to be a thunder storm tonight!
  21. >And if you didn't know then--
  25. >Rinsing your mouth and quickly shutting your bathroom light off you race down the steps and into the kitchen
  26. >From your kitchen window you could see the whole night sky was filled with angry black clouds, streaks of lightning flying all over the place
  27. >...Fuck...
  28. >Walking over to your door you unlock it before turning around and making your way up to your bedroom so you could prepare for your guests
  29. "I'm going to have to fucking talk to Rainbow about this shit in the morning," you grumble, throwing the covers off of your bed and climbing in it. "She knows that she's supposed to fucking schedule ALL of the fucking wea--"
  31. BOOOOOM!
  33. >You finch again as the lights flicker and your windows rattle
  34. >It looked like the fucking weather team once again put the clouds a bit too fucking low
  35. >The fucking idiots...
  36. >If this storm messed up your house you were going to lose your fucking--
  37. >From downstairs you could hear someone slamming into the door, fiddling with the doorknob, before throwing the door open so hard that you could its hinges groaning in protest from here
  41. >"A-Anon! A-ANON!"
  42. >Mentally preparing yourself you reach over and turn off your night on your nightstand
  43. "I'm up here Lyra!" you call
  44. >A funny thing about your two lesbian horse neighbors
  45. >...Well it's not really funny but whatever...
  46. >For some weird reason both Lyra and Bonbon were DEATHLY afraid of thunderstorms
  47. >Especially the thunder part
  48. >They were like little dogs whenever they heard it; shaking and whimpering and hiding behind things
  49. >Even Bonbon, with her usually cunty attitude, looked like she was going to shit her nonexistent pants when she heard one of those world shaking booms
  50. >So, being the good neighbor that you were, you had offered to help the two out
  51. >You were a big guy
  52. >And you liked to think you were pretty huggable
  53. >So it almost made sense to be the mares big old teddy bear while a thunderstorm raged outside
  54. >They wouldn't be running around their house yelling and breaking shit all night and you'd have something warm to sleep with
  55. >So it was a real win-win for everybody
  56. >And both Lyra and Bonnie would always make you a nice breakfast in the morning as a thank you, so that was nice
  57. >You hear the sound of hooves stomping up your wooden stairs and a moment later a wild-eyed Lyra throws open your bedroom door
  58. >With her an equally scared Bonbon standing next to her
  60. BOOOOOM!
  62. >Both mares flinch, both of them pale, wet (probably because they ran all the way over here in the pouring rain), and shaking like crazy
  63. "Well come on, get on over here before one of you passes out."
  64. >Not needing anymore encouragement the two mares run over, hop on the bed, and wrap their hooves around you and hold you tightly
  65. >And like always they squeeze you just a little too hard
  66. >A veteran to this you simply wrap your arms around the little mares as they bury their muzzles into both sides of you neck, shaking and whimpering all of the while
  67. "Shush, shush, it's going to be alright," you murmur, running your fingers through their manes as they wiggled under your blanket. "Everything's going to be--
  71. >You let out a slight grunt as Bonbon's grip on you tightens
  72. >It's not enough to break your ribs but you were certainly going to fucking feel it in the morning
  73. >Giving the candy mare a gentle nuzzle (you found that nuzzling always seemed to calm her down during this) you just keep running your fingers through that curly mane of hers
  74. >The little mare's eyes were darting this way and that and, even in the darkness, you could see the beginnings of tears in the mare's eyes
  75. >It looked like this one was going to be rough for the poor little horse
  76. "It's alright Bonnie, it's alright," you tell her holding a little closer as another flash of lightning lit up your bedroom
  80. >"B-Bonnie, i-it's going to be alright h-honey."
  81. >Blinking in surprise you look over to see Lyra, though she looked as strung out and terrified as Bonnie, looking at her marefriend with a worried expression
  82. >"N-Nonny's here, a-and he's going to k-keep us s-safe."
  83. >Bonbon didn't say a thing, just hugging you all the tighter and closing her eyes tightly
  84. >You could feel the mare's heart pounding against your chest and you just hold her all the tighter
  85. >Even though she was the mother of all cunts you always hated seeing Bonbon like this
  86. >It almost made you uncomfortable seeing a mare that spat at everything from manticores (don't ask) to nobles to your ass turn into a shaking, scared mess
  87. >With each crack of thunder, for reasons that neither mare would tell you no matter how much you ask, the less and less of Bonbon you saw, a terrified little mare replacing her
  88. >And you didn't like that
  89. "She's right, Bonnie. I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you," you whisper, giving her another nuzzle before turning your head back toward Lyra
  93. >Though, just like Bonnie, Lyra jumped the little mare none the less saw you motioning to the shaking candy horse in your arms
  94. >Without either of you saying she knew what you wanted her to do to help her marefriend out
  95. >Quickly looking over at your window, Lyra crawled over both you and Bonbon, grabbing her marefriend from the back and snuggling her close
  96. >"W-We're going t-to be alright s-sweetie. I-I'm here. I'm h-here..."
  97. >Rolling onto your side you wrap your arms around both of the little mares, pulling Bonbon as close as you can
  98. >Bonbon lets out a quiet whimper, tears streaming down her face as both you and Lyra whispered soothingly to her
  99. >Though both of the mares tremble and shake and whimper with each boom eventually the two of them fell asleep, leaving you looking over them with tired eyes
  100. >It must have been three in the morning, you ribs were probably fucked up, and your PJ top was soaked in tears
  101. >...But that was alright
  102. "Good night, sleep tight," you say, kissing Lyra's forehead, right under the horn
  103. >You look at Bonbon, her mouth slightly open and her face peaceful, for a long moment before giving her a little kiss and closing your eyes
  104. "Don't let bedbugs bite..."
  106. ~Later~
  108. >"Phush, wake up you dummy."
  109. >Your face scrunches up when you feel something poking more nose but you mostly manage to ignore it
  110. >FUCK anything trying to wake you up right now
  111. >Daddy didn't get up until the sun was up!
  112. >"Hey... get the buck up or I'm going to kick you."
  113. >You're booped again
  114. >"Get up."
  115. >Another boop
  116. >"Get up."
  117. >You feel yourself (unfortunately) waking up with the next boop
  118. >"Get up. Get up. Get up."
  119. >Boop. Boop. Boop
  120. >Mother
  121. >Fucking
  122. >Boop
  123. >"Get--"
  124. >You grab what feels like a hoof, stopping its reign of booping terror
  125. >Cracking open an eye you see Bonbon, with the worst case of bed mane that you've ever seen, looking up at you with a frown
  126. >It takes a few seconds for your tired brain to remember why the FUCK this little horse was in your bed but when you did you couldn't help but groan
  127. "What the fuck time it is?" you groggily demand with a yawn
  128. >"It's four in the morning."
  129. >You groan again, closing your eyes
  130. "And why the hell did you wake me up when I only had an hour's sleep?
  131. >Reopening one of your eyes you notice that Lyra was no longer on the bed
  132. "...And where the hell did your marefriend go?"
  133. >Bonbon just looks at you, her expression unreadable as she wiggled against you
  134. >If you didn't know any better you'd say that she was... nervous
  135. >"...I wanna know why the hay you do this."
  136. >Your face scrunches up in confusion
  137. "What?"
  138. >Though it's still pitch black out you swear you can see the little mare blushing
  139. >"Why do you let me and Lyra come over here everytime there's a thunderstorm?"
  140. >She boops your nose with one of her hooves
  141. >"And don't you bucking lie to me."
  142. >Her eyes narrow
  143. >"Do you do it because you wanna do stuff to us? Weird monkey butt stuff?"
  144. >...
  145. >...
  146. >...
  147. >Woah
  148. >That came out of fucking nowhere...
  149. "...No, I don't want to do any weird monkey butt stuff with you," you say, trying to wiggle away from the little candy mare
  150. >Before you can wiggle more than an inch though Bonbon pulled you back over
  151. >Though she was half of your size she was still an earth pony with that earth pony strength, and though you find yourself trying to get away she firmly holds you in place
  152. >"Do you want to do it so you can make fun of us when we're not around?!" Bonbon practically growls
  153. "I've been doing this with you guys for months," you say while quietly wondering what the hell had gotten into this little horse. "Have you heard anything about you two being afraid of thunder from the other ponies in town?"
  154. >Bonnie's face scrunches up and she snorts, wiggling upwards until she was laying on top of you
  155. >"Then why the heck do you do this?" she demands, butting heads with you. "Why?"
  156. >Sweet christ above she actually sounded angry...
  157. >What the hell was all of this?
  158. >Why were you getting fucking interrogated in your fucking bed at five in the fucking morning when you could barely fucking think?!
  159. >"I don't want to see you two flipping the fuck out whenever it thunders out," you respond, getting a little angry yourself. "I don't--"
  160. >"But why do you do it with ME?"
  161. >Your mouth snaps shut as Bonbon looks away from you, placing her head on your shoulder
  162. >"...I understand Lyra, you're her friend, but me, I...We're not friends..."
  163. >Your anger just kind of dissipates as you're just left staring at little the candy horse
  164. "...Why do you care, Bonbon? You hate my fucking guts."
  165. >Bonbon nods
  166. >"I... I do," she says hesitantly. "I call you names and fight with you all of the time and steal your cheese from your cupboard whenever you're not at your house."
  167. >...WHAT?!
  168. >That fucking BITCH!!!
  169. >THAT'S where your fucking cheese was--
  170. >No...
  171. >NO...
  172. >Just hear the little horse out...
  173. >You can kill her later...
  174. "I also do all of that shit with you too," you tell her, placing a hand on the small of her back and giving her a little scratch. "I don't break onto your house to steal your cheese-- you fucking cunt-- but I still do the other stuff."
  175. >Like most ponies, Bonnie's fur felt so thick and silky smooth that you could have just laid there and petted her until the cows came home
  176. >"But then you do all of that nice stuff for me too!" Bonbon snapped, picking her head up to glare at you. "You'll help us with yard work whenever we need it over at the house, you gave me half of your block of cheese to eat when I wanted some when he were in jail, and you do THIS--"
  177. >She gestured to herself and you
  178. >"--Whenever there's a thunderstorm!"
  179. >The anger on Bonbon's face once again disappears and she puts her head back on your shoulder
  180. >"Lyra sometimes doesn't even ask to do help us with stuff! You just come over and help me when I have trouble with something! And, and..."
  181. >Bonbon sighed hugely, one of her furry little hooves wrapping itself around your neck
  182. >"...And I don't know why you do it..."
  183. >You stare long and hard at Bonbon
  184. >It sounded like the little earth pony had wanted to get this off her chest for a long while...
  185. >You didn't really know what to do or even say in this situation but you guessed that a comforting word would help in getting things in the right direction
  186. "...Are you on your pony period or something? Because I don't think I've ever heard you bitch this much."
  187. >Bonnie's eyes snap open and her glare comes back with a vengeance
  188. >"Go buck yourself you bucking weirdo!"
  189. "Cunt."
  190. >"Gangly alien!"
  191. "Dyke."
  192. >"Butt-loving jerk!"
  193. "Bitch."
  194. >Bonbon opened her mouth to say more but then she saw your smile
  195. >"...I don't even know why the hay I even said anything..."
  196. >With a quiet chuckle you look up at the ceiling
  197. >Though she didn't look very happy with you at all Bonbon wiggled downward and placed her head on your chest
  198. "And I don't know why the fuck you're being so weird about this," you tell her, reaching up and playing with her ears
  199. >Though she twitched the second that your fingers made contact she didn't say anything as you give her some much needed scratchies
  200. "So what if the two of us are assholes to each other every once and a while? You're still my neighbors and you and Lyra are some alright horses in my book."
  201. >"You help us because you think we're alright?" Bonbon asked disbelievingly
  202. >You grimace
  203. >You had the feeling that ol' Bonnie Buns was fishing for something...
  204. "Hey, you might be a cunt Bonbon but you're my cunt. And I'm not going to just stand by and let you harpbutt suffer just because you're a bitch every once and a while."
  205. >Starting to feel the effects of your lack of sleep you close your eyes and nuzzle yourself into your pillow
  206. >If you had kept your eyes open you would have noticed Bonbon looking at you strangely
  207. >"...But what about you letting us sleepover during thunderstorms?" she whispered insistently
  208. >This little nigga...
  209. "I know what it's like to be scared of something," you say with a yawn. "And even though I'm a pretty big asshole I don't like seeing the people I care about terrified."
  210. >Almost absentmindedly you kiss the top of the little mare's head
  211. "Now shut the fuck up and go to sleep."
  212. >Bonbon's hooves jerked in surprise but she didn't comment as you wrapped an arm around her
  213. >Though what you said didn't sound all that meaningful to you Bonbon's eyes widened and the faintest of blushes started coloring her cheeks
  214. >"W-Well... um..."
  215. >The little mare fumbled with her words and she wiggled around uncomfortably until she just sighed and placed her head on your chest again
  216. >"...Thank you... Anon."
  217. >If you weren't already half asleep you would have realized that this was the first time that Bonbon EVER thanked you
  218. >You would have also realized that she called you by your name; something that she had NEVER done
  219. >She nuzzled your chest when she heard your breathing slow, her blue eyes looking up into your face, almost as if she was looking for something
  220. >From the corner of the room Lyra, with a great big smile on her face, stepped out of the shadows, sauntering toward the bed with an air of victory about her
  221. >Making sure not to wake you up the unicorn crawled into the bed and snuggled up to your side, placing her head right next to Bonbon's
  222. >Bonbon snorted, not bothering to move her head as she marefriend nuzzled her cheek
  223. >"So what do ya think?" Lyra whispered, using her magic to pick up your arm and wrap it around her body
  224. >Bonbon bit her lip as she picked her head up off of the admittedly comfortable position on your chest, looking at Lyra then at you
  225. >An inner war seemed to rage within the little candy mare for a few moments before she nodded
  226. >"...Alright. If you want to do it then we can do it."
  227. >Lyra bit back a squee, wiggling up your body and wrapping her hooves around your neck loosely
  228. >Pulling you against her furry chest the mint green mare giggled before kissing your cheek once, then once more
  229. >Bonbon joined her a few seconds later, tenderly (but nervously) wrapping her hooves around you and nuzzling your cheek
  230. >And a few seconds after that she gave also gave your cheek a little kiss
  231. >Lyra quietly giggled in excitement at the sight, wiggling in place as she held you close
  232. >"Sweet Celestia above FINALLY~..."
  234. ~Sometime in the morning~
  236. >"See? I told you that you'd like this!"
  237. >"Hmpumpplph- *pop* stop talking so loud. You're going to wake him up."
  238. >"Well I wouldn't keep talking if you let me have a turn with him!"
  239. >"Shut it! You're going to wake him up!"
  240. >"At least let me have a little taste before you make him cum! Bonnie? Bonnie! I swear to Celestia hon..."
  241. >Wa?...
  242. >What's with all of the fucking noise?...
  243. >Here you were trying to sleep and ohmygodwhythefuck'sgoingonhnnnnngggggg!
  244. >Your hips buck as pleasure overtakes you
  245. >WAIT!
  248. >A low moan escapes your throat when you feel something sucking hard on your cum-firing cock, making your toes curl and your eyes cross
  249. >What feels like a tongue swirls around your twitching head and your moan becomes just a little bit louder
  250. >FuckshittittyniggerfuckingcintfuckfuckFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!
  251. >All thoughts are lost as you ride out one of the most intense orgasms that you had had in a fucking long time
  252. >"Ohh! Look at the funny faces he's making Bon!"
  253. >You manage to buck wildly a few more times before going limp, panting like you had just ran a marathon
  254. >...What
  255. >....The
  256. >...Niggering
  257. >...Fuck?
  258. >Needless to say but you felt a hell of a lot more awake than you did a fucking minute ago
  259. >That was a pretty hard cum after--
  260. >...
  261. >...
  262. >...
  266. >Your eyes snap open and you lift up your head to look downward
  267. >The first thing that you notice was that your blanket had been tossed off the bed, leaving you out in the open
  268. >The next thing was that your PJ bottoms and underwear were no longer on your person
  269. >And Finally, for some reason, both Lyra and Bonbon were laying down next to your crotch
  270. >Oh, and Bonbon had your cock in her mouth
  271. >...
  272. >...
  273. >...
  274. >...Wait a fucking second...
  275. >Lyra giggled as her marefriend struggled with your load, Bonbon releasing your rapidly softening member with a lewd pop that made you shiver
  276. >"Boy did he cum a ton! How does he taste, Bonnie? Actually why don't you..."
  277. >Mint hoers freezes, her head turning to look up at you
  278. >Bonbon, her cheeks bulging with your... your cum, followed her marefriend's gaze
  279. >...And now you're all staring at each other...
  280. >The three of you just kind of freeze, staring at each other wide-eyed
  281. >Like a couple of deer in some headlights
  282. >...To be honest you had no idea what to do in this situation
  283. >You hadn't been in many situations waking up with a horse blowing you...
  284. >In fact you hadn't been in a situation like that at all...
  285. >Should you start screaming?
  286. >Should you go and grab a broom so you could shoo them out of your house?
  287. >Should you reach down there and start booping them until they gave up?
  288. >...You didn't know why but you felt that booping them was the smartest thing to do in this situation
  289. >Lyra was the one to finally break the awkward, tense silence, gulping loudly before a VERY nervous smile came to her face
  290. >"G-Good morning Anon... Hehe..."
  291. >...Good morning?
  292. >GOOD MORNING?!
  294. "...Good morning to you too?..."
  298. >Your little greeting seems to break Bonbon out of her little stupor, the candy mare snorting before getting up and flopping onto your chest
  299. >You, still a little overwhelmed (well... more than a little to tell you the truth) with all of the shit being thrown at you, didn't even think to do anything more than stare as the little earth pony mare opened her mouth wide
  300. >You couldn't help but shy away as you looked into that big pink cavern, your sticky white cum coating every inch of the mare's mouth
  301. >...what the fuck...
  302. >Bonbon keeps her mouth open for a few seconds longer, giving you an eyeful, before she closed her mouth and noisily swallowed
  303. >"Hmm... it tastes... salty," she said thoughtfully, licking her lips.
  304. >She looked down at you with a bit of a glare
  305. >"Though it would have been better if you didn't give me so bucking much! You darn near choked me!"
  306. >She leaned forward until your noses were touching
  307. >Though you could tell that she was trying to look mad at you it was kind of ruined by the fact that she was blushing
  308. >...And because she still has some of your cum on her lips
  309. >"...You bucking jerk..."
  310. >...
  311. >...
  312. >...
  313. ">Alright
  314. >It's official
  315. >You're in a dream
  316. >There's no way and hell that any of this is real
  317. >Not a chance in he--
  318. >"N-Nonny? Are you alright there?"
  319. >Looking past Bonbon, who was licking her lips to get the last bit of your... stuff off of her, you see Lyra splayed out near your legs looking worried as all hell
  320. >You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out
  321. "... I... What is..."
  322. >You can't even find the words right now
  323. >No you weren't alright
  324. >You weren't alright at all
  325. >While Lyra bites her lip Bonbon rolls her eyes
  326. >"You'd think this dumb weirdo would at least THANK us for waking him up like that. But no, he's just laying there like some dummy with his mouth half open."
  327. >You feel a familiar rage start to well up in your stomach
  328. >And because its the only familiar thing in this bizarro world that you found yourself in you latched onto it
  329. "Hey, FUCK you cunt," you growl, glaring at Bonbon as she just stared at you with a bored expression. "I didn't ask you to fucking blow me!"
  330. >Baring your teeth you start to struggle from underneath the surprisingly heavy earth pony
  331. >FUCK her!
  332. >You'd fucking show her!
  333. >You don't know what you were going to show her but boy was she going to be bummed when you showed her that thing that you didn't know about!
  334. "In fact, I'm pretty fucking sure this is rape! I don't know why the hell you-thmp!"
  335. >You stiffen as Bonbon's mouth crashes against yours
  336. >...Wat?
  337. >You blink, looking up at a red-faced Bonbon, whose eyes were shut tightly as she kissed you
  338. >Your eyes snap over to Lyra, who had her hooves covering her mouth in shock as she gasped
  339. >...
  340. >...
  341. >...
  342. >Boy...
  343. >Bonbon's lips are soft...
  344. >...WAIT
  345. >WHAT?!
  346. >NO!!
  347. >NAHA!
  349. >You wiggle your hands out from under the candy mare, reaching up and grabbing her face
  350. >You needed to get this crazy horse off of you so you could...
  351. >..Could
  352. >...Why the hell does she taste like caramels?
  353. >Didn't you just cum into her mouth?
  354. >You try to shove her away but for some reason your heart wasn't in it
  355. >Maybe it was because she just sucked your dick
  356. >Maybe it was because she was too heavy and you were just too tired with all that had happened last night
  357. >But after trying to push her away for like a minute you just find yourself holding Bonnie's face as the two of your kiss
  358. >Yep, that's right
  359. >You went ahead and kissed a mare that hated your guts and just kind of raped
  360. >And it felt... nice weirdly enough
  361. >It wasn't anything special, just a peck on the lips as far as you were concerned, but it wasn't... BAD
  362. >You were still freaked the fuck out with everything that was happening but you wouldn't say no to another one
  363. >...That was fucked up wasn't it?
  364. >Bonbon holds your little kiss for a moment longer before breaking it
  365. >"I don't want to bucking hear you complain about this monkey," Bonbon growled, panting lightly as she rubbed her nose against yours.
  366. >She once again glared at you like you're the scum of the earth but she couldn't hide her nervousness from you
  367. >You could feel her heart pounding in her chest
  368. >And she most certainly couldn't hide the wetness that you felt on your lower stomach...
  369. >...Ho boy...
  370. >That wasn't sweat...
  371. >Bonnie flinches as your thumbs caress the soft fur on her face as you just lay there looking at her
  372. >"Y-Yeah! I-In fact you s-should be hopping up and down for joy that me and Lyra actually want to d-do something like this w-with you, you dumb b-butt!"
  373. >Bonbon keeps blabbering on, threatening you and calling you names as you slowly pull her head back down toward you
  374. >You didn't know what was going on
  375. >You didn't know why Lyra or Bonnie were doing this
  376. >You didn't understand why Bonbon, who just showed you the your own fucking cum that she had sucked out of you, was suddenly all nervous and blushy about the two of you kissing
  377. >But you just couldn't be bothered with that at the moment
  378. >Bonbon quickly trailed off when she realized what you were doing, her lips puckering up as she inched closer
  379. >Sugar and candy invades your senses as the mare's mane falls all around your face as your lips brush together
  380. >This time Bonbon's gentle with you, letting you give her a little peck on the lips before you push her away
  381. >Once again their softness shocks you, and because of it you find yourself pulling Bonbon back into another, deeper kiss
  382. >Then you push her away again, and then you kiss her again, even deeper this time
  383. >Your tongue prods Bonbon's lips and without a moment's hesitation her mouth opens, her tongue snaking out to greet yours
  384. >Your wet muscles intertwine and tease each other as Bonbon's longer and thicker tongue enters your mouth, tracing over your teeth before going back to play with your smaller, thinner muscle
  385. >There was nothing lust-filled about the kiss
  386. >Nothing hurried
  387. >It was slow, tender, almost... loving?
  388. >A low groan escapes Bonbon's mouth and her hips begin to grind against your crotch, her wet marehood sliding against your rapidly hardening dick
  389. >Almost without meaning to you start thrusting, coating your member in her juices as you vainly try to enter her
  390. >The heavy musk of arousal started to lay thick in the air as your hands left Bonnie's face and started to explore her body
  391. >Like most earth ponies Bonbon was heavily muscled from snout to rump, but since she was a candymaker (a candymaker that enjoyed her sweets just a little too much) she also had this thin layer of fat that made her surprisingly squeezable in all of the right places
  392. >And squeeze you do
  393. >The candy mare lets out another moan as you give her plush ass a squeeze
  394. >Breaking the kiss Bonbon grinned
  395. >"I knew that you liked pony butts you weirdo," she said, giving her rump a shake
  396. >You answer her with another rough squeeze, earning you a pleased moan before Bonnie's mouth came crashing back to yours
  397. >This time the kiss is more aggressive, yours and Bonnie's tongues battling each other as you both touched and felt each other
  398. >Though neither you or Bonbon notice, Lyra's pouting as she watched the two of you go at it
  399. >"Bonnie!" she whined as Bonbon let out a needy nicker. "Couldn't you have at least let me taste Anon before you started grinding on him?"
  400. >With a gasp Bonbon pulled away from you, looking at your throbbing member with a hungry growl
  401. >"Come on you stupid bucking thing..." she murmured, wiggling her hips eagerly as she grabbed her cock with a hoof and guided it toward her opening. "I NEED you inside me..."
  402. >Lyra snorted as Bonbon lifted her hips up and positioned herself over you
  403. >Your cock throbs in anticipation, your hands going to the candy maker's hips to steady her
  404. >"You know, a couple of hours ago you were yelling at me for suggesting this! Now look at you!... You'd think YOU were the one that was really into humans and not ME and--"
  405. >Both you and Bonbon stop what you were going to look over at Lyra
  406. >...Shit
  407. >You had almost forgotten that harp butt was there...
  408. >Bonbon and you share a look and you nod, and reaching out you manage to grab Lyra's tail
  409. >Before the little mare could say anything else you yanked her toward you
  410. >"OW! Anon! What the hay are you... Oh..."
  411. >Lyra bit her lip as you picked her up and placed her on your chest
  412. >Her eyes widen, and she looks over her shoulder at her marefriend
  413. >Bonbon, who was now teasing you by rubbing your cock head against her twitching marehood, smiles warmly at her marefriend and nods encouragingly
  414. >A happy, excited noise escapes Lyra's throat, the unicorn opening her back legs to present herself fully to you
  415. >Rubbing her inner thigh with a hand you look at her wet marehood, her clit poking out every few seconds, then at the two little teats up on her lower belly
  416. >...You know it's not as bad as you thought...
  417. >In fact it kinda look cut--ohmyfuckinggod!!
  418. >Both you and Bonbon groan as your cock sinks into something wet and warm and tight
  419. >Though you can't see it since you have Lyra in the way Bonbon's eyes cross and she bites her lip
  420. >"B-BUCK!"
  421. >She manages to get half of you into her before she had to stop to take a breather
  422. >"B-Bucking... bucking... B-BUCK!"
  423. >Lyra giggles when she sees your expression
  424. >"So? How is it Bonnie?" she asked, sounding a little breathy
  425. >Tensing, Bonbon raised herself off of you until just the head of your member was in her, then she lowered herself
  426. >She managed to get a little more of you inside her before she once again had to stop
  427. >You couldn't help but suck in a breath through your teeth as her cunny tensed and squeezed your member
  428. >F-Fucking shit...
  429. >"It's... ha~, it's biGGER than I--OH~... expecTING!"
  430. >Looking over her shoulder again Lyra sees her marefriend struggling with your length
  431. >"Well maybe if you didn't go bongers just by kissing him we could have eased into this a little bit," she said smartly, wiggling her hips to get your attention. "Wooho! Don't forget about little old me Nonny!"
  432. >Your legs twitch as Bonbon raises up again--
  433. >Fuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!
  434. >Comeoncomeon!
  435. >You needed to do something to distract you!
  436. >Your heart beating a mile a minute you reach out with shaky hands and grab Lyra's hips
  437. >The little unicorn lets out a pleased hum, wiggling her butt eagerly as you pick her up and bring her marehood close to your face
  438. >Too far gone to care that you were about to eat out a horse you give her slit a nice long lick, holding Lyra firmly in place as she gasped, her hips bucking just a little bit
  439. >Hmmm...
  440. >She tastes like...
  441. >...Fucking thin mints?
  442. >...
  443. >...
  444. >...
  445. >Alright then...
  446. >Lyra's golden eyes watch with laser-like focus as you tease her opening with a finger, coating it in her juices
  447. >You apply just enough pressure to part her lips to the pink underneath but not enough to enter her
  448. >"Don't you fucking tease me, A-Anon!" Lyra growled, wiggling her hips. "I swear t-to Celestia I'll... I-I'll... KIIIIICKKKKK!"
  449. >Lyra's voice jumped a few octaves as you slipped a finger into her while using your other hand to pinch one of her teats, gently rolling the sensitive flesh in between your thumb and pointer finger
  450. >Bonbon, at the same moment, once again lowered herself onto you
  451. >You tensed, biting your lip so hard that you tasted blood
  454. SLAP!
  456. >Your cock throbbed as Bonbon's rump finally hit your pelvis with a wet slap, and you really had to dig deep to keep from cumming
  457. >Bonbon, panting and sweating like a racehorse (heh), grinned
  458. >"T-there! I got your w-weird thingy a-all the way inside m-e!" she proclaimed, sounding oddly proud as she leaned forward and wrapped her hooves around Lyra, who cooed
  459. >"So how does he feel, B-Bonnie?" Lyra asked, twitching as you give her clit a lick while pumping your one finger in and out of her
  460. >Bonbon raises herself off your cock a few inches before slamming back down so hard that the bed's springs squeaked in protest
  461. >The candy mare then roughly grabs her marefriend and started nibbling her ear
  462. >Lyra lets out another moan, her marehood giving your finger a squeeze
  463. >"B-Bonnie, I--Haa~..."
  464. >Bonbon then kissed the side of Lyra's head
  465. >Then she started sucking her neck
  466. >Lyra twitched again and she just seemed to melt against her marefriend, her eyes fluttering as she let out a throaty moan
  467. >"M-More..."
  468. >"What was that, hon?" Bonbon asked, sounding smug as she grinded herself against you lap
  469. >You let out a groan yourself, bucking your hips slightly
  470. >Lyra bit her lip, her ears folding backwards and her forelegs tucking into her chest
  471. >"P-Please, Bonnie," she begged as the candy mare gave her another love bite. "Don't t-tease me."
  472. >"I'm not going to tease you, hon," Bonbon replied, looking down at you with a predatory grin as she nuzzled Lyra's neck. "I just want to know what you want me to do."
  473. >Lyra's marehood tightened around your finger even more as her breath quickened
  474. >"I, ha~! Oh I want... t-to..."
  475. >Alright...
  476. >Enough of this shit...
  477. >Tired of the teasing you wrap your lips around Lyra's clit, sucking hard, while also putting another finger in her
  478. >The effect is almost immediate
  479. >Lyra's eyes bug out of her head, her back arches, and she throws back her head
  481. >Bonbon grins, kissing her marefriend's cheek as Lyra bucks her hips, grinding her marehood into your face
  482. >"If that what you want, hon..."
  483. >With that Bonbon was off to the races, riding you as hard as fast as she could while nibbling and kissing her marefriend
  484. >Though Lyra MIGHT have been prepared for her assault you most certainly weren't
  485. >There was nothing gentle about this, nothing coy
  486. >The candy mare's grinding and riding was fast and jerky and hard
  487. >You could feel her need as her marehood squeezed your cock, and you could hear it from her whimpering and gasping and moaning
  488. >This wasn't going to a session of lovemaking
  489. >This was going to a fucking
  490. >A hard one
  491. >Bonbon's ass claps as her rump slams into your pelvis and you both moan
  492. >At the moment you would have given anything to see the look on the little pony's face as she rode you, her mane bouncing around her face and her eyes shut tight as she held onto Lyra for dear life
  493. >...
  494. >...
  495. >...
  496. >It was too much
  497. >Man was not made for fucking such as this
  498. >You found your vision becoming hazy with each wet slap and each teasing grind
  499. >From where you were lying you couldn't properly thrust and with Lyra grinding her cooch into your face you couldn't even grab onto Bonbon
  500. >The only thing you could do was attack Lyra's marehood with everything you had and pray that you could hold out long enough to hear Bonnie scream that final time
  501. >...As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no horse pussy...
  502. >Lyra's perky little bottom wiggles as you lapped at her marehood and add another finger
  503. "Y-Yeah, just like t-that, NonNY!"
  504. >Bonbon roughly nipped at her marefriend's neck, the earth pony growling as she raised herself up and slammed herself back down
  505. >And raised herself up and slammed herself down
  506. >AND raised herself up and...
  507. >Getting your teeth you try your hardest to focus on the task in front of you but it's no use
  508. >You can feel that familiar ticklish sensation welling up inside you
  509. >Your hips awkwardly bucked and your fingers dug into Lyra's thighs
  510. >Come on!
  511. >You just had to hold off for a little longer!
  512. >They couldn't be that far off could they?!
  513. >You grit your teeth as you feel Bonnie slam down on you, her rump jiggling in your lap as her marehood clenched you
  514. >...Fuuuuckkkkkk...
  515. >Determined not to be the early bird in the scenario you start to gently nip at Lyra's lower lips with your teeth, tugging on the sensitive flesh while you curl your fingers inside of her and start running them along her walls
  516. >You're greeted with an almost immediate moan/whinney/scream as Lyra's legs wrapped around your head, pushing you closer against her
  517. >Come on...
  518. >"A-ANON! Ehh~! I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
  519. >Yeah!
  520. >Come on mint hoers
  521. >Do it!
  522. >Cum your little horse brains out!
  524. >Closing her eyes Lyra started grinding her marehood against you face in short, furious strokes
  525. >Her chest started heaving, her marehood started gripping your tongue and your fingers tighter and tighter, Bonbon's licking and kissing and biting were sending her into a tizzy until--
  527. >Leaning back fully against Bonbon Lyra threw back her head and screamed as she came, every inch of her little horse body tensing as her legs twitched and spasmed
  528. >You do your best to lap up her juices but then your own orgasm sneaks up on you
  529. >Eyes widening you tried to hold out for a few more thrusts but it was no use
  530. >You hadn't come prepared, you had come onto this underestimating the horse pussy, and you just couldn't deal with Lyra screaming and cumming
  531. >Shutting your eyes tightly you manage one last awkward thrust before the floodgates opened
  532. >A groan escapes your mouth as the first burst of cum fires from your cock
  533. >You buck your hips so hard that you accidently knock Lyra off of you with a yelp as your vision goes white as the next spurt fires off
  534. >Then the next
  535. >Then the next
  536. >Then the next
  537. >You couldn't think, you couldn't breath
  538. >All you could focus on was the pleasure in between your legs and how you could elongate it
  539. >Bonbon, oblivious to your orgasm, continues to ride you hard and fast, overstimulating your already overly stimulated member
  540. >Your balls clench painfully as you continue to cum
  541. >Eventually your orgasm dies down, but Bonbon, even though you were sure that she knew by then that you had just finished, kept riding you
  542. >Hissing you desperately pawed at you bed sheets, which were soaked in sweat and cum, praying that she'd eventually stop
  543. >But you had underestimated earth pony stamina yet again
  544. >Even though her marehood squeezed around you, her marecum soaking your crotch, Bonbon didn't slow down
  545. >She rode your twitching and writhing form, not allowing your member to soften
  546. >She rode you even after her own finish
  547. >She kept going even after you came a second and third time, panting and sweaty and moaning like no one's business, but she didn't slow down
  548. >She didn't take a breather
  549. >She
  550. >Didn't
  551. >Fucking
  552. >Stop!
  553. >Your cock twitched in protest and you found yourself wheezing as time went on
  554. >This was not how a pony was supposed to fuck
  555. >They were supposed to last for a few thrusts before cumming and passing out!
  556. >But Bonbon here wouldn't stop, even when you hear her moan and saw her eyes glaze over as she came a second time
  557. >...Or was it a third?
  558. >This little mare wasn't going to be satisfied until she had fucked you into a coma
  559. >You tried to push her off of you, tried to get away from the pleasure that was liable to make you lost your mind but you couldn't even lift your arms
  560. >It was too much
  561. >You couldn't take it
  562. >This ride might have been fun at first but now you wanted to get off of it
  564. >Some time in between what was probably one of the longest, hardest fucks of your life Bonbon had grabbed your face and forced you to look at her
  565. >"You... bucking... keep looking... at me..." she snarled, her rump hitting your pelvis with a wet slap. "Keep... looking.... at.... me... keep...... looking........ at....."
  566. >...
  567. >...
  568. >...
  569. >"....Anon?....
  570. >...
  571. >...
  572. >"Anon?..."
  573. >...
  574. >...
  575. >"Nonny?"
  576. >Your eyes flutter open as a hoof lightly slaps you in the face
  577. >Licking your dry, cracked lips you can still taste Lyra on you
  578. >It takes a second for your brain to reload but you eventually remember your name, where you were, and what had happened
  579. >Then the pain set in
  580. >An achy, bruised pain that you could feel throughout your whole body
  581. >It wasn't anything life threatening or world changing per se, but it was sure as hell going to make you stiff for a long while
  582. >"Can you hear me, Nonny? Say something if you can hear me."
  583. >You groan, bringing a hand up to rub your face
  584. "Fuck a duck on a truck with a motherfucking buck!" you croak out, blinking a couple of times to stop your vision from being so fucking blurry
  585. >The first thing you saw was Lyra and Bonbon, both of whom looked absolutely relieved that your ass was awake
  586. >You look at both of the little horses slowly, carefully, before your gaze turns toward Bonbon
  587. >The little candy mare looked a right mess
  588. >Her fur was matted with sweat and... other fluids
  589. >Her mane had lost it's natural curliness (at least you think that curl in her mane is natural)
  590. >And she looked dog fucking tired, with bags under half-closed eyes and her kind of slumping over
  591. >...
  592. >...
  593. >...
  594. >Waking up after you were nearly snu-snued to death by a fucking three and a half foot tall horse would be a lot to take in for anyone
  595. >So you had to give it a few minutes
  596. >Let the ol' noggin come to grips with everything that just happened and all of that
  597. >Both Lyra and Bonnie just waited patiently for you, Bonbon laying on top of you and Lyra snuggled against you side with a glass of water floating beside her head in a green magical glow
  598. "You--" you wince as you go into a coughing fit, your dry throat protesting all the while
  599. >Lyra and Bonbon looked at each other in worry
  600. >Lyra and Bonbon looked at each other
  601. >"Here, Nonny, drink this before you do anymore talking," Lyra said, levitating the glass of water over toward you and guiding it to your lips
  602. >You slowly take a sip of the water, sighing as the life-giving liquid soothes your dry throat
  603. >Smiling, the little unicorn gives your cheek a nuzzle as you finish your water
  604. >"There, now you should be able to talk right, Fingers."
  605. >Licking your lips (and making a slight face when you tasted mint on them) you clear your throat before looking back over at Bonnie Buns
  606. >Realizing that you honestly don't know what you say you open your mouth and hoped something meaningful would come out of it
  607. "You cunt."
  608. >...Alright then...
  609. >So much for meaningful...
  610. >The little mare stiffens, her look of worry turning into a look of outrage
  611. >When she stiffened you also learned about useful tidbit
  612. >Not only was the candy mare laying on top of you your softened member was still inside of her
  613. >...What the fuck man...
  614. >Bonnie opens her mouth to say something but is stopped when Lyra shoved a hoof into her mouth
  615. >"Hehe me and Bonnie are sorry about all of that, Nonny," Lyra said apologetically, looking down at you with a little smile while she rubbed the back of her head. "...You know... all of that..."
  616. >Her eyes widen
  617. >"W-Well, unless you're h-happy about what we d-did and stuff and..."
  618. >She trails off as you just continue to silently look at her, biting her lip and fidgeting in place
  619. >She looked worried, and rightfully so
  620. >If you really wanted to you could freak the fuck out about all of this
  621. >Maybe toss these two little horses out of your house and call the horse cops
  622. >They DID kind of hold you down and fuck you until you passed out
  623. >...Well Bonbon did most of the holding down and fucking but still
  624. >...
  625. >...
  626. >...
  627. >You're about to say something, what not even you knew, but it just turned into a sigh
  628. >...Fuck it
  629. >Though it hurts like a motherfucker you reach up and pull Lyra's hoof out of Bonnie's mouth and grab the candy mare's face
  630. >You give her cheeks a squeeze, moving them back and forth
  631. >Your thumbs graze her lips, then her cheeks, then her chin before you pull her face gently downwards
  632. "I go to sleep with the two of you in my arms because of that thunder storm, I wake up to see you guys blowing me, then you crawl on top of me and fuck my brains out, Bonnie, while Lyra sits on my face."
  633. >"Hey! You were the one that picked me up! Don't you go and blame me for that whole facesitting thing!... Even though I REALLY liked it..."
  634. >You can see the confusion on Bonbon's face as you keep pushing her toward you until your noses were touching
  635. "You hate my fucking guts, Bonbon, and you two that I had no desire to fuck a pony so--"
  636. >"...I don't hate you..."
  637. >You blink, looking up at Bonbon
  638. >...Yeah she fucking does...
  639. "Yes you fu--"
  640. >Her hooves come up to touch your face, squeezing and pinching your cheeks, giving you the same treatment that you gave her
  641. >"Shut your bucking mouth you dumb weirdo and let me talk!" Bonbon demanded with narrowing eyes.
  642. >Pulling away from you the candy mare sat up (your cock still firmly inside of her), looming over you as she continued to touch and stroke your face
  643. >If you didn't know any better you'd say that she was trying to be tender about it
  644. >"Lyra's been bothering me for MONTHS to ask your green butt out," Bonbon continued with a snort, looking over at her marefriend. "But I kept telling her no. Ponies are supposed to be with ponies and you were some big weird alien with weird hands and a weird body."
  645. >You frown
  646. "Well FUCK you too miss dais--"
  647. >You couldn't help but twitch when Bonbon's marehood suddenly gave your cock a squeeze
  648. >...Ow...
  649. >"I didn't want anything to do with you since you're a butt and a jerk and a bucker."
  650. >Bonbon squeezed your lips together, making them pucker, as her gaze softened
  651. >"...But you said some things last night that made me... think a little bit."
  652. >"You were also thinking about it because Nonny helped us with all of that stuff, Bonny," Lyra helpfully added.
  653. >"Let me just say what I wanted to say hon," Bonbon snapped, glaring at her in embarrassment before she once again looked down at you
  654. >She bite her lip as she used a hoof to push a bit of your hair out of your face
  655. >"I know that the two of us have had a... DIFFERENT relationship, mon-- Anon but just like you said yesterday: you might be a butt but you're MY butt!"
  656. >With a sage nod Bonnie flopped down on top of you
  657. >"Especially now that we're marefriends and coltfriend and stuff!"
  658. >You raise an eyebrow, wrapping an arm around the little earth pony mare as Lyra laid her head next to yours
  659. "...Oh, so we're all dating now? That's what's happening right now?"
  660. >Without missing a beat Bonbon nodded, giving you a kiss on the cheek before burying her muzzling into the nape of your neck
  661. >"Yep! You're stuffs all inside of me--" she wiggled her butt for emphasis. "--and you put your weird paws inside my marefriend, so we almost have to be marefriends and coltfriends with each other now."
  662. >A mildly disgruntled/amused sound escaped your throat as you wrapped an arm around Lyra
  663. >Realizing that you hadn't kissed the little unicorn on the lips (well... on the upper ones) you pull her into a little kiss
  664. >Lyra giggles like a little filly, wrapping her hooves around your head as the two of you smooched
  665. >Just like with Bonbon it's... nice
  666. >It's a nice kiss
  667. >9/10 you had no complaints
  668. >Since you're dog-fucking-tired you break it after only a minute and close your eyes
  669. >Though you still had some questions (who the fuck wouldn't?) nap time seemed to be calling your name
  670. >Both of the mares seemed to have the same idea, Bonbon going slack on top of you and Lyra using her magic to close your blinds as she nuzzled and kissed your cheek
  671. >Your blanket continues to lie on your floor
  672. >But you don't need it with the two little mares in your arms
  673. "...You know, you could have just asked me on a date," you say as the three of you finally got settled
  674. >Bonbon snorted
  675. >"You would have said no you dummy."
  676. >Though you are cuddled and warm and comfortable you frown
  677. "Fuck off."
  678. >Bonbon laughed quietly at that
  679. >"There's only two things that I'm going to buck or fuck, monkey, and that's your weird flank and Lyra over there. So get used to it."
  680. >...
  681. >...
  682. >...
  683. >You couldn't help but smile at that
  684. >...
  685. >...
  686. >...
  687. >Fucking Bonbon...

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin