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Fucking Bonbon... 7

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:24:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >You awaken the second time that morning to the sound of quiet, gentle breathing
  2. >Quiet, gentle breathing that is not your own
  3. >Cracking open an eye you see Bonbon still laying on top of you fast asleep
  4. >The little candy mare looked peaceful laying on top of you with both sets of legs wrapped snugly around you
  5. >Blinking the grit out of your eyes you look up at the little mare
  6. >Then you reached up and touched her side
  7. >...Yep
  8. >You can actually feel her
  9. >She's actually lying on top of you
  10. >Which means that everything that happened this morning wasn't a dream
  11. >You done went and fucked a horse and ate another horse out...
  12. >And you even kind of enjoyed it and shit...
  13. >...Nigga...
  14. >What's wrong with you?
  15. >You just kind of lay there for a few minutes taking that in, your other hand going up to be with its brother to poke and prod and squeeze your little horse blanket
  16. >...Well fuck...
  17. >This was sure to fuck up your thursday...
  18. >Bonbon let out a sleepy hum as you rubbed her back, her hooves tightening around you ever so slightly before she went back to her quiet breathing
  19. >Looking around you see that Lyra had once again fucked off to parts unknown
  20. "She better not be looking through my shit," you grumble with a yawn
  21. >Hopefully she was out getting you all something to eat cause you were hungry as a motherfucker
  22. >Being almost fucked to death by a furry little horse half of your size really whetted the appetite
  23. >Frowning slightly you take a whiff of the air, and your nose crinkles as the smell of sweat and sex fills your nose
  24. >God does this room reek now...
  25. >And you probably don't smell much better now that you think about it...
  26. >You should probably go and do something about that...
  27. >Sighing, you wrap your arms around your... marefriend? (sweet christ that was going to be fucking weird...)and with a grunt you roll the two of you over
  28. >Your cock pops out of Bonbon with a wet pop, and you couldn't help but make a face as you felt your own cum once again coating your crotch
  29. >...Ew
  30. >It's still warm and sticky
  31. >That shits fucking NASTY...
  32. >Bonbon lets out a snort, a small, irritated frown coming to her face, but she stayed asleep as her furry little body hit your bed
  33. >...And speaking of your bed you were probably going to have to do something about those sheets after all the fucking you three did...
  34. >Hell, it might be a good idea to go ahead and just toss the fucking thing after all it's been through...
  35. >Eh
  36. >That could wait for a little bit
  37. >Right now you needed to get the Bon stank off of you
  38. >After that you could go ahead and tackle all of the shit that you needed to tackle
  39. >Wiggling around in Bonbon's grasp until your back was against her chest you try to scooch away from her as quietly and carefully as you can so the little mare could get some more shuteye
  40. >You managed to get about two inches away before Bonbon, her sleepy little frown deepening, wrapped her hooves around you and pulled you back against her
  41. >"Nooooooo!" she murmured, giving your cheek a sleepy kiss before she gave it an equally sleepy nuzzle. "Staaayyyy."
  42. >...Aw...
  43. >That's really...
  44. >Wait!
  45. >No!
  46. >None of that now!
  47. >Remember that you still had cum and a whole bunch of shit all over you!
  48. >Horse cuddles could wait until after you got yourself cleaned up
  49. >...And maybe after you got a new change of sheets...
  50. >You continue to try and wiggle out of Bonbon's iron grip but the mare firmly holds you in place, wrapping her back legs around you to really secure you
  51. >"You're not going anywhere you stupid butt," she said, kissing your neck
  52. >...Fuck, it looked like she had you trapped
  53. >...Or did she?...
  54. >You look around for anything that could get you out of this cuddle prison
  55. >You were a pretty smart guy
  56. >If you found some random stuff lying around within arms reach then maybe you could MacGyver your way out of this shit
  57. >So you look
  58. >And look
  59. >...And you find nothing
  60. >FUCK!
  61. >It DID look like Bonnie Buns here had you trapped in her little horse grasp...
  62. >Sighing once again you wiggle around until you were face-to-muzzle with Bonnie
  63. "Let me get up, Bonnie," you say, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her against you. "I wanna get up and shower and stuff."
  64. >Bonbon let out another snort as she nosed your face
  65. >"You're going to bucking stay right where you are and you're going to bucking like it," she grumbled
  66. >Her tail wrapped around your leg as she kissed your cheek
  67. >"Now go back to bed before I smother you with a pillow."
  68. >With a tired smile you give Bonbon a little kiss of your own
  69. "I don't want to spend the rest of the day laying in my own sweat and cum," you said trying to reason with her. "That shit's nasty.'
  70. >Cracking open an eye Bonbon looked up at you
  71. >"Well I had your stuff in me the whole morning and you don't see me complaining," she sleepily argued
  72. >You gave her another kiss, pushing a bit of her mane out of her face and putting it behind her ear
  73. "Just because you're a nasty bitch doesn't mean that I have to be one."
  74. >Bonbon smiled, her lips puckering as you leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips
  75. >"I might be a bitch but at least I'm not a big baby like you; passing out in the middle of sex all because you were tired."
  76. >Your hands reach up and start playing with the mare's ears
  77. "Well if you weren't so goddamned crazy in the sack I wouldn't have passed out. If you fuck like that all the time I don't know how poor Lyra's still walking around."
  78. >Bonbon coos, wiggling closer against you
  79. >"Lyra can still walk around because she's not a dumb green alien that can't last ten minutes."
  80. "Fuck off you cunt."
  81. >"Pansy."
  82. "Bitch."
  83. >"Baby."
  84. "Human fucker."
  85. >"Pony bucker."
  86. >The two of you sighed with a pair of matching smiles
  87. >Though you didn't know why this felt... nice
  88. >Not the weird kind of nice either
  89. >It was a wholesome, family-friendly nice that warmed your chest
  90. >Almost like how you'd imagine a really old couple would feel when they woke up in the morning...
  91. >Bonbon give you one last kiss before releasing you
  92. >"Go ahead and get your bucking shower if you want one so bad," she said rolling over so that her back was to you. "I'm going to get some more sleep. Rutting your weird monkey butt took a lot out of me."
  93. >Kissing the back of the little mare's head you roll off the bed and hop to your feet
  94. >...Ow
  95. >Fuck, fuck, FUCK
  96. >You were still sore all over
  97. >...Don't show any weakness
  98. >Bonnie Buns can SMELL that shit...
  99. "Well don't mind if I do."
  100. >You waddled to the door, leaning on anything that could hold your weight
  101. >Each step was a trail; a test of faith and will of such magnitude that it would have crushed lesser men
  102. >But eventually you grabbed that doorknob and stepped inside your home away from home
  103. >"Are you alright in there monkey? Do you need to walk you to the shower? Maybe hold your hand while you get undressed?"
  104. >...Shit
  105. >She noticed the waddling...
  106. "Fuck off!"
  107. >Grunting you start to take you PJ top-- which was torn and stained probably beyond repair-- and turn on your shower
  108. >Thank god that Lyra and Bonbon had tossed away your pants and underwear before jumping your bones
  109. >It was going to make that trip to Rarity's house just a little less awkward
  110. >You wait a minute for the water to warm up before you hop your ass in there, groaning when the water hit your bare chest
  111. "Ah yeah, daddy needed thi--
  112. >"...Anon? Can I come in?"
  113. >Freezing in place (damn near slipping in your fucking shower) you look over toward the door
  114. >Lyra, with a bottle of something in her mouth, had poked her head into your bathroom
  115. >And now she was staring at your dick
  116. >Like really staring
  117. >And she wasn't blinking
  118. >...
  119. >...
  120. >...
  121. >Fucking ponies...
  122. "...Did you need something Lyra?" you asked, not bothering to cover yourself up
  123. >She doesn't answer
  124. >She just keeps looking at your junk
  125. >...And was she drooling?
  126. >Pinching the bridge of your nose you start snapping your fingers
  127. "Hey, my eyes are up here sunshine."
  128. >Lyra blinked, a bashful smile coming to her face as she blushed
  129. >"S-Sorry, it was just dangling there and--"
  130. "Lyra you're letting all the hot air out keeping the door open like that," you say, reaching for a bottle of liquid soap. "Take a shit or get off the pot."
  131. >Though it was obvious that mint hoers didn't understand the phrase she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her
  132. "Alright, now what do you want?"
  133. >The little mare bit her lip and looked down at her hooves
  134. >"...Can I shower with you?"
  135. >You blink
  136. "...What?"
  137. >The little unicorn before you nervously tapped her hoof against your linoleum floor
  138. >"Can I shower with you please," she asked again, a little louder this time
  139. >Using her magic she levitated up the thing she had been holding and showed it to you
  140. >"I got up before you and Bonnie and ran over to the house to grab some shampoo so I could get cleaned up but then I saw that you were taking a shower and..."
  141. >Lyra started wiggling in place, both her frustration in her shyness in asking you to be shower buddies and her excitement of maybe showering with you growing and growing until it reached a boiling point
  142. >Groaning in frustration, she finally looked up at you
  143. >"Urgh! Can I just PLEASE shower with you? I don't want you wasting your water with all of us having three different--"
  144. "Yes you can come and shower with me, Lyra. Now come on and get in here, I don't want the water getting cold."
  145. >"--...W-What?"
  146. >You resist the urge to get out of your shower and wrap the adorable little horse in a hug
  147. "Come on and get your ass in here," you say, beckoning her with a hand.
  148. >Lyra stares at you with child-like joy and wonder for a few seconds before she makes a noise that reminded you of a rubber duck squeaking
  149. >Hopping into the air with a grin as wide as her face Lyra raced toward you (damn near tackling you) and hopped into your shower
  150. >She opened her mouth, and you were sure that she'd be vomiting words in her excitement the moment she got going, but a raised eyebrow from you nipped that in the butt
  151. >Reigning herself in, though you could see her wiggling like a happy puppy, Lyra cleared her throat and smiled up at you
  152. >"Thanks Anon!" she chirped
  153. "You dropped your shampoo when you ran over here," you say with a smile, pointing at the bottle that she had dropped in her haste to get over to you
  154. >Your smile widened as you watched Lyra's blush grow, the mare quickly teleporting the bottle over to her
  155. >"Y-You too."
  156. >Rolling your eyes you push the silly little horse into the stream of water with your foot
  157. >You had no idea why the hell she was being so bashful about all of this
  158. >Just a couple of hours ago she was grinding her junk against your nose
  159. >...
  160. >...
  161. >...
  162. >Yeah...
  163. >About that...
  164. >You should probably get some answers about that...
  165. "...Hey Lyra... You mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" you asked, looking down at the little horse as she soaked herself
  166. >Lyra flinched
  167. >"...Yeah, I figured that you'd have a couple of questions..."
  168. >Grumbling, the little mare popped open her shampoo
  169. >"If Bonnie hadn't gone and ignored the plan we could have eased into this..."
  170. >She was about to pour the shampoo on her head but she stopped and looked up at you
  171. >"...If I have to tell you stuff the least you could do is wash me... Please."
  172. >Chuckling, you (slowly and carefully since you were stiff as a MOTHERFUCKER) grab the bottle out of her magic
  173. "Alright, fair enough. Now get to telling me about this "plan" of yours."
  174. >"Well... you know that I have a thing for humans, 'Nonny," Lyra mumbles, sighing happily as run your now shampoo-y hands through her mane, lathering it up
  175. "Yeah, I remember you almost killing me with your horn when you first saw me."
  176. >She damn near did too
  177. >If Twignig hadn't gone and used her book hoers magic Lyra would have poked a hole right into your stomach
  178. >And that shit would have SUCKED
  179. >Lyra nodded
  180. >"I knew that Bonnie didn't want a stallion in our relationship but then you just kind of... APPEARED! I real, bonafide human! And you were our neighbor!"
  181. >Lyra wiggled around happily as you finished scrubbing her mane and started soaping up her back
  182. >"And not only were you a human and our neighbor but you were just like Bonbon!"
  183. >...A day ago you would have resented that...
  184. >...In fact you still kind of resent it a little bit...
  185. >Lyra's back arches as you thoroughly clean her coat, doing your best to scrub off the sweat and stank from this morning
  186. >Your movements are jerky and awkward and slow but she seems to enjoy your touch all the same
  187. >"Ahhhhh yeah... keep going that..."
  188. >You give Lyra's sides a little squeeze
  189. >She sighs again, closing her eyes with a blissful expression on her face as she just quietly sat there and let you bathe her
  190. >Which wasn't too ideal since you wanted the little horse to explain all of the shit that lead up to the shit this morning
  191. >So let's fix that...
  192. "I was just like Bonbon and..." you say, trying to get her talking again
  193. >"Hmmm?... Oh yeah, you were just like my Bonnie, Nonny," Lyra continued, giggling at her little rhyme. "You had a bit of a temper and you had a hard time being nice to ponies that you didn't know but deep down you were a big ol' sweetheart!"
  194. >Giggling the little mare cracked open an eye and turned to look up at you
  195. >"And after the two of us became best buds and I spent some time around you I kind of... fell in love all over again..."
  196. >...
  197. >...
  198. >...
  199. >Aw...
  200. >That was the sappiest thing you've ever heard in your life
  201. >But aw...
  202. >Qt3.14 mint hoers is cute
  203. >"So... I kinda asked Bonnie if the two of us could try asking you out on a date but..."
  204. "But she hated my guts?" you suggested, surprised when Lyra shook her head with a snort
  205. >"My Bonnie never hated you, Fingers," she said with a dismissive wave of the hoof. "She just has trouble showing affection to others; especially to ponies-- or in your case humans-- that she really likes."
  206. >After you had finished scrubbing harp pone's bottom, which she seemed to particularly like, you instructed her to rinse off
  207. >She did just that, putting on a little show for you by wiggling her rump and humming what you assumed was horse porno music
  208. >Seeing that you services were no longer needed you were about to reach for your soap, only for it to be snatched up by a green glow
  209. >Turning back toward Lyra you see her grinning mischievously at you
  210. >"Ahahah! You washed me off, Nonny-kins, the least I could do is return the favor."
  211. >Still humming her little tune, Lyra magicked up a rag, squirting some of your soap into it
  212. "So Bonbon didn't want to ask me out because she liked me too much?" you asked as Lyra started scrubbing your chest
  213. >You stifled a yelp as your body once again scream at you
  214. >But you were a man
  215. >You could tough it out and let your... marefriend clean you off
  216. >Lyra made a face
  217. >"...Kinda. It's a little hard to explain but pretty much... That and she was probably worried that you'd say no."
  218. >...Bullshit
  219. >That was a lie
  220. >This little horse was lying to you
  221. >She was being a dirty little horse lier
  222. "...And you're sure about all of this? Cause that doesn't sound like the candy horse I know."
  223. >No matter how you looked at it you didn't see that earth pony as the kind to be nervous or shy or nice... or anything other than a giant bitch...
  224. >A giant bitch that was a demon in the sack but sti--
  225. >...God
  226. >You were REALLY going to have to rethink some things weren't you?...
  227. >Lyra grinned
  228. >"Well I've known that "candy horse" since the two of us were filles, Buster Brown, and we've been dating since we got our cutiemarks. If anypony knows about what she's thinking it's me!"
  229. >You twitched as the wash rag traveled to your stomach
  230. >Owowowowowo!
  231. >Suckitupsuckitupsuckitup!
  232. "I'll have to take your word for it," you say, gritting your teeth
  233. >"Yes you will," Lyra said with a sage nod. "And you want to know the best part about all of that? I bet you a bag of bits not even Bonnie knew that she liked-liked you until last night!"
  234. >You make a face as Lyra's rag goes a little lower, your sore muscles protesting
  235. "And what made last night so special?"
  236. >You braced yourself as Lyra eyed your junk, licking her lips
  237. >Both of you knew where that rag was going next
  238. >You were too sore to stop it
  239. >You knew it
  240. >Lyra knew it
  241. >And the little mint horse couldn't be happier about it
  242. >You could only hope that she was gentle
  243. >That soapy rag brushes against you junk, pushing your member back and forth, subbing--
  245. >Your dick hurts!
  247. >A pained squeak escaped your throat, though it went unnoticed by Lyra, who patted your leg with a hoof
  248. >"Oh don't you try to play off what you said to my Bonnie last night, Anon!"
  249. >Lyra sighed dreamily as your body spasmed
  250. >"I couldn't hear everything that the two of you said, but I sure as hay was that little kiss you gave her. Sweet Celestia above was that--
  251. "Lyra... stop... touching... dick... fucking... hurts..."
  252. >Blinking in confusion, Lyra looked up, gasping when she saw your pained face
  253. >"Ohmygosh! I'm sorry Nonny! I totally forgot that Bonnie put--"
  254. >Why did your dick have to start hurting NOW?!
  255. >Why didn't it fucking say anything when your ass woke up?
  256. >You might love him but Anon junior was a motherfucker at the worst of times
  257. >Fucking Bonbon
  258. >Why the fucking did she have to go and break your dick?
  259. >...She better not have broken your fucking dick...
  260. >You'd...
  261. >You tense as you feel something encasing your poor, poor penis
  262. >Pain erupts from your abused wang for a second but then you feel this...
  263. >Cooling sensation?
  264. >Loosening up a little bit you look down to see your johnson glowing green
  265. >That green glow travels up your body, easing your aches and pains and hurts
  266. >Awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss.....
  267. >Groaning softly, you lean back against the end of your shower and sink to the floor, just closing your eyes and savoring whatever the hell Lyra was doing to you
  268. >The cooling, tingling feeling travels up to your chest and up your face, making you squirm a the sensation, before it disappeared
  269. >"There, that should have helped a little bit," Lyra said, smiling at you when you cracked open an eye
  270. >You look down at you body, moving your arms and legs
  271. >...Huh
  272. >You do feel a hell of a lot better
  273. >Cautiously you reach down and grab your member, moving it back and forth
  274. >...It... doesn't hurt
  275. >Thank fucking god...
  276. >You groan in relief, letting your arms flop against your bathroom floor
  277. "Yeah... I do feel a heck of a lot better."
  278. >Since you feel like a million fucking bucks you couldn't help but smile back
  279. "Thanks Lyra, I really fucking needed that..."
  280. >Still smiling, the little horse walked over and hopped into your lap, wrapping her hooves around your neck
  281. >"Yeah, I figured that you would," she said, nuzzling your cheek."And I'm sorry I didn't remember to ask you if you were hurting or anything after what Bonnie did to you..."
  282. >You groan again
  283. "Does she fuck like that all the time? Because I swear that I'll throw her ass out if she tries to kill-fuck me again."
  284. >Lyra's horn sparks to life and once again she's scrubbing you down with that rag of hers
  285. >"I promise she'll be gentler next time the three of us have a little fun," Lyra said, biting her lip while she "stealthily" grinded into your lap
  286. >The dirty little green horse
  287. >"Earth ponies are always a little... rough the first time."
  288. >You grin as you lift an arm so she can get at your side
  289. "Oh? So did Bon Buns fuck your brains out your first time too?"
  290. >Your grin widened when a blush formed on mint hoers's face
  291. >W-Well, she was a bit... gentler with me since it was both our first times but yeah... kinda."
  292. >You lean forward, allowing Lyra to scrub your back
  293. >"And if it makes you feel any better I passed out WAY sooner than you."
  294. >Oh...
  295. >So it sounds you weren't a TOTAL bitch for KO'ed by a sex-hungry little marshmallow horse...
  296. >The thought made you chuckle as you and Lyra just looked at each other for a moment
  297. >To your surprise Lyra darted in and gave you a peck on the lips
  298. >"Thanks for giving us a chance, Nonny."
  299. >She gives you another kiss
  300. >"It means a lot for both me and Bonnie."
  301. "Yeah, you told me once already."
  302. >Lyra made a face, growling playfully as she gently bit your nose
  303. >"I keep telling you because I really mean it you dummy!" she chides, giving you a little shove. "I know that you really don't... well you DIDN'T think of ponies like this but..."
  304. >Lyra trails off
  305. >It looks like she want's to say a million different things to you at once
  306. >But then she just smiles, kissing you again
  307. >"But I hope me and Bonnie can show you just how much you mean to both of us."
  308. >You chuckle, and you were about to kiss Lyra back as she leaned in to peck you on the lips but then it just... hits you
  309. >Everything; all of... THIS
  310. >This little horse right here was now your girlfriend
  311. >For all intents and purposes you had agreed to date the little mare in your lap and her ill-tempered girlfriend
  312. >A girlfriend who Lyra had apparently been dating since the two of them were little
  313. >You were dating, and probably going to have sex with in the near future, these two mares
  314. >Who weren't human
  315. >Like at all
  316. >You had thrown your equine virginity out the fucking window on a whim and because Bonbon sucked your dick like a champ this morning
  317. >...
  318. >...
  319. >But Lyra and Bonbon hadn't just done this spontaneously like you had
  320. >If what Lyra had told you was true she (and maybe Bonbon) had been talking about and wrestling with the idea of letting you into their lives in a intimate way for some time
  321. >Two mares that had been in love all of their lives had decided, after talking and arguing and soul searching, to take the leap and tell you that they really, really liked you...
  322. >An angry, disagreeable dick that had sworn up and down that he was fine only fucking his hand for the rest of his life...
  323. >...
  324. >...
  325. >...
  326. >Wow
  327. >You weren't expecting to feel feels today
  328. >But there they were...
  329. >Though you really didn't know why (or at least pretended not to know) that same warmth that had felt when holding Bonbon filled your chest as Lyra gave you another kiss
  330. >A kiss that you happily returned
  331. >Wrapping her tightly up into your arms you pulled her close and just held her, listening to her breaking and the gentle thud of her heartbeat
  332. >Though she didn't know the cause of your sudden affection Lyra gladly returned it, hugging you right back while she laid her head on your shoulder
  333. "...I'm sorry that you didn't really get in on any of the action this morning, Lyra," you say, since you had no fucking idea what else to say in this situation. "I'm sure you were really looking forward to it
  334. >Giggling, Lyra kissed your cheek
  335. >"Oh don't worry about it, Nonny, what the two of us did was more than enough for me."
  336. >Lyra's blush deepened a bit
  337. >"And... I had more than enough "fun" watching you and Bonnie go at it like you did..."
  338. >Oh...
  339. >Mint pone is a dirty little horse...
  340. >Giving you one last kiss Lyra scooched off of you
  341. >"Alright, I think I cleaned you off! Time to rinse off, Nonny! Then you can start the day!"
  342. >You look up at the little horse, your... marefriend, as she grinned and did this little adorable skip into the air
  343. >...Silly hoers...
  344. >...YOUR silly hoers...
  345. >After rinsing off you and Lyra quickly hop out of the shower and dry yourselves off, opening the bathroom door to see...
  346. >...Bonbon rolling around on your clothes?
  347. >...The fuck is that shit?
  348. "Hey! HEY! Bad horse! BAD!"
  349. >The candy mare stopped her rolling, ending up on her back (which looked fucking adorable with that determined look on her face) and she looked over at you with a frown
  350. >"Buck off," she said, rolling to her hooves and walking over to the two of you
  351. >A frown formed on your face as you looked at all of the clothes on your floor
  352. >There were pants, shirts, socks; you name it and it was lying there
  353. >And there was a lot of everything...
  354. >Wait a fucking minute...
  355. >Looking around your room you see cupboards half open
  356. "...Did you take all of my clean clothes and just throw them on the dirty floor?" you asked the candy mare as she nuzzled her--your marefriend
  357. >"Yep."
  358. "Why?"
  359. >"Because I wanted to roll around on top of them."
  360. "...Why?"
  361. >Bonbon's frown deepened as she looked up at you
  362. >"Are you going to keep asking me dumb questions or are you going to get dressed?" she demanded while you just kind of stared at her
  363. >...
  364. >...
  365. >...
  366. >Asking someone why they were rolling around on top of your clean clothes was NOT a stupid question
  367. >It wasn't stupid at all...
  368. "...You know I just washed those the other day right?"
  369. >To your surprise, Bonbon hopped up on her back legs and awkwardly walked the two or three steps toward you
  370. >Leaning on you to support herself, Bonbon looked up at you with a frown for about a minute before she puckered her lips
  371. >"...Kiss me you dummy..."
  372. >Though you didn't know what had gotten into her you did as she asked, cupping her face as you leaned down and kissed her
  373. >Bonbon cooed as you wrapped an arm around her and deepened the kiss
  374. >Sweet Christ above did this little horse have soft lips...
  375. >Breaking the kiss you smile down at her
  376. "There, the dummy kissed you," you snark, kissing her on the nose before standing back up
  377. >Bonbon nodded, falling back down onto all fours
  378. >"Good, now get dressed. I'm going to go and make us something to eat."
  379. >Giving her marefriend a nuzzle, Bonbon trotted out the room without looking back, leaving you wearing just a towel
  380. >...With a fuckload of dirty clothes that you needed to clean up...
  381. >Fuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk
  382. >You just fucking washed most of those too...
  383. >Fucking Bonbon...
  384. >You were about to turn to the door and start yelling at the little horse to come back here and clean up the mess that she made when Lyra, a great big smile on her face, walked over to the clothes pile
  385. >"Don't worry Nonny, I'll get all of this put away for you," the unicorn chirped, levitating over some clothes for you
  386. >You were about to protest but then you saw Lyra picking up ten shirts at once and folding them simultaneously
  387. >...You know what?
  388. >Maybe you SHOULD let her pick all of these up...
  389. >Even though Bonbon should get her fat ass back here because she was the one that tossed all of the damned things on the floor like that in the first place...
  390. >Shaking your head you toss your towel onto your bed and start getting dressed
  391. >"So Nonny, did you have any plans for today?" Lyra asked as she folded some of your boxers
  392. >You shrugged, pulling on your shirt that absolutely REEKED of sweat and sugar
  393. "Well, todays thursday and that's the day I usually drink on my front porch and yell at passing ponies until I pass out... but I guess that plans shot to shit."
  394. >That's a real shame too
  395. >Blackout thursday's usually the highlight of your week
  396. >Though she was trying her hardest to look adorable and innocent Lyra only managed to be one of those things
  397. >You could see that the little horse was planning something
  398. >"Weeeeeeeellll the three of us could go and do something..." she suggested, not looking at you as she folded your pants
  399. >Yawning you throw on some socks
  400. "I'm going to go and get some coffee before we do anything."
  401. >"What happened to your coffee maker?"
  402. "It broke the other day and I haven't had the time to get it fixed."
  403. >Fucking cheap ass coffee maker...
  404. >And speaking of things that were a pain in your ass...
  405. "Lyra... you wouldn't happen to know why the hell Bonbon threw all of my clothes on the floor and rolled around on them would you?"
  406. >She could have been just doing it to be a bitch but you figured you may as well ask
  407. >It could have been some weird pony thing that you didn't know about about for all that you knew
  408. >You raised an eyebrow as the little mare stiffened and her eyes widened
  409. >"O-Oh I'm s-sure Bonnie was just being s-silly, Nonny! Hehehe..."
  410. >Your eyebrow raises just a little bit further
  411. >If Lyra had a shirt on right now you were sure she'd be tugging on her collar
  412. "You sure about that?"
  413. >Nodding her head just a little too hard Lyra pointed toward the door
  414. >"Yep! I'm as s-sure as sure can be! Now why don't you go and get us some coffee for our breakfast? Everypony knows you can't have a good breakfast without coffee!"
  415. >...
  416. >...
  417. >...
  418. >Eh...
  419. >You weren't even going to bother...
  420. "I'm going down to SugarCube Corner. What kind of coffee do you want?"
  421. >"Could you get me cappuccino with extra milk?"
  422. "Sure. Do you know what Bonnie would want?"
  423. >"Just get her a black coffee, she'll fix it up herself."
  424. >...Of course Bonbon would like fucking black coffee...
  425. >It takes some looking but you eventually find your shoes and slip them on, giving Lyra a pat on the head before making your way out of your bedroom
  426. "Alright, I'll be back in like twenty minutes."
  427. >Lyra nodded, neatly arranging your clothes on your bed
  428. >"Alright, bye bye Anon!
  429. >Look at you
  430. >Usually you'd be throwing empty beer cans at children this time of day
  431. >Now you're walking down the street to go get you and your girlfriends some coffee so you can have a nice brunch together...
  432. >...
  433. >...
  434. >...
  435. >God...
  436. >You were turning into a faggot just like your old man was you would...
  437. >...
  438. >...
  439. >...
  440. >Fucking dad...

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin