"Did you put something in these eggs?"
>Bonbon looked up from her plate (which was also your plate) with a frown
>"What the buck do you mean? Why the hay would I put something in your eggs?" she asked
>You stare at her hard before looking down at your eggs
"I don't know," you admit. "But these eggs have been tasting funny for the last couple of days."
>Though she was trying to look like nothing was out of the ordinary, Lyra's ears flicked and her eyes widened ever so slightly
>Which meant that she either had to sneeze or they WERE actually putting something in your food
>...To be fair it could have been either one
>Bonbon gave you a shrug of her own
>"I don't know, I could have put a bit more pepper in them or something," she tells you, scooping up a fork full of eggs and stuffing them in her mouth
>You move your eggs around with your fork
"...No, it doesn't taste like too much pepper..."
>"If you have a problem with the way that I cook eggs then you can start making them in the morning, monkey," Bonbon grumbled, wiggling around in your lap
>That was fair
>But here WAS something funny about the eggs...
>Maybe you just bought a bad batch or something...
>"So do you have work today, Nonny?" Lyra asked, bring you out of your thoughts
>Your mood sours slightly
>And not for the reason you think
>You see, you had been having a bit of a problem with your marefriends
>Namely them not letting you out of their fucking sight
>Whenever you left the house, be it to go to work or just go and get something at the market, either Bonbon or Lyra went with you
>And while that in itself wasn't that big of a deal-- it was always nice to have someone to talk to on the way to work and it was great to have someone help with carrying the groceries home-- your marefriends were a little... aggressive with any mares that you came into contact with
>Like annoyingly aggressive
>If a single mare walked near you, or said anything to you, or even smiled in your direction they'd get a glare or one of your marefriends would rub themselves against you or they'd get a situation where you'd have to pull two little horses apart
>While you could see Bonbon doing stuff like that since she was kind of a cunt (and you meant that with all of your affection) seeing Lyra doing it really threw you off
>From all the time that you've known the little unicorn you've never seen her get into an argument with another pony before now
>And now she was threatening to knock a pony's block off because they smiled at you!
>You had tried to look over the books that Twiggles gave you but if they were standoffish and aggressive outside the home they were smothering and affectionate inside of it
>If you sat down one of them would hop up into your lap and start nuzzling you
>If you tried to lay down on the couch or on your bed they'd hop right in with you and start kissing and nuzzling and rubbing themselves against you
>And while it was kind of nice you couldn't help but get the feeling that you were being smothered
>And, as a guy that usually preferred being alone because he liked his privacy, you were starting to get irritated with it
>The leash pulling
>The controlling
>The affection
>All of it
>And when you tried to fucking talk to the fillies about it, tried to ask them to ease off a little so you could get some fucking breathing room, you'd look be the "weirdo"
>Mares were supposed to do this for their stallions, they said, if they didn't watch you around other mares something bad might happen, they told you
>The second part was what really made you upset
>What? Did they think you were going to cheat on them the second that they weren't there to pull down your fucking pants and suck your fucking duck?!
>You might have been a bit of a jerk from time to time
>And you could say truthfully that you weren't the most responsible or reasonable person in the world
>But you'd NEVER fucking cheat on someone!
>Cultural differences or not thinking so little of someone was garbage
>And it pissed you off
>...But this was a weird, new relationship with two horses
>They didn't train you for this back home and you're pretty sure they didn't even make a manual
>So you were going to just have to play this by the ear and see where it went
>Just give it a little time and you were sure that both Bonnie and Lyra would chill the fuck out eventually
"...Yeah, I got work today," you say, trying to keep the irritation out of your voice
>Your green marefriend nodded, taking a drink of her juice
>"So Bonnie, do you want to take him or should I do it again?"
>Your expression sours a little more
"I'd really prefer that you didn't," you tell them, pushing your funny tasting eggs away. "I can walk myself to work. You know, like I've been doing since I got the job."
>Bonbon looks over her shoulder at you
>"Well YOU can walk me to work then, dummy," she said, finishing her eggs. "Me and Lyra keep walking you to work. The least you could do is do the same for us!"
>...That's the biggest bunch of bullshit you've ever heard
>You wanted to say something but a quick look at the clock said you really needed to be getting ready now
>So, with a sigh, you found yourself nodding
"Alright, but if you want me to walk you to your shop we gotta go now. I don't want my boss to bitch at me for being late to work."
>with a nod, Bonbon hopped off of your lap and quickly made her way out of the kitchen, leaving just you and Lyra in the room
>Your green marefriend, with a smile on her face, got up out of her chair and trotted over to you
>"I'll have some more of the house cleaned up by the time you and Bonnie get back," she said, hopping into your lap
>With another sigh you wrap your arms around her and pull her close, kissing her right under the horn
"Just make sure not to hide all of my shit this time," you mutter
>Lyra giggles, leaning down and kissing you on the lips once, then twice
>You return each kiss, though it wasn't done as readily as you would have done a few days ago
>Lyra obviously notices this, biting her lip as she broke the fifth or sixth kiss, but she said nothing about it, simply leaning forward and pressing her forehead (minding her horn) against yours
>"Have a good day a work, Fingers."
>You smiled, running your hands up and down her back
"You have a good one too, Lyra."
>A little known fact about Ponyville was that it had one of the bigger shipping companies this part of the country
>Everything from Canterlot finery to Dodge City wares to the Apple's apples were recorded, packaged, and shipped all over the country from here
>Since you didn't have any other desirable job skills other than being the world's best shitposter back home (something that Twiggles said wasn't very marketable here) you had gotten a job at the shipping company putting boxes on and taking them off wagons so they could be hauled to god knows where
>Not the best or more glamorous job in the world but it paid the bills and kept you in pretty good shape
>After dropping Bonbon off at her candy store (and giving her a hug that lasted five fucking minutes because she wanted to rub herself against you) you quickly made your way into the big warehouse that served as the company's shipping dock and punched in
>Time to earn that fucking paycheck...
>As you go to your designated "shipping zone" you saw your little horse team leader, Pumpkin Patch, an elderly little orange earth pony mare
>"Anon! Honey!" Pumpkin called the second that she saw you. "I was wondering when you'd get here!"
>You playfully give your "boss" the finger (since she didn't know what it meant it was okay)
"Hey, I got in on time today," you say defensively as she walks over to you with her usual motherly smile
>"Oh I know dear, I'm just teasing," Pumpkin says, patting your leg.
>The mare chortles, her eyes filled with mirth
>"Celestia knows that my husband was late to work when me and the girls started dating him."
"I still don't like coming in late all the time like I've been doing, Patch. It's shitty of me and I'm really sorry about it."
>That wasn't really the whole truth to be honest
>While you didn't like being late to work over the past couple of days your job had kind of been this sanctuary from the love-smothering you were getting back at home
>Lyra and Bonbon hadn't gone and tried to come in here and have a pissing match with all of the mares you worked with
>You didn't have to watch out for stepping on any toes
>Your girlfriends weren't threatening to beat anyone up
>All of the flirting and teasing didn't mean anything (at least to you)
>And throwing around all of these heavy ass boxes was a good way to burn the frustration and irritation that you had been feeling the last couple of days
>And when you came into work late you had less of that
>But you couldn't tell Pumpkin that
>Like Lyra and Bonnie she probably wouldn't understand here you were coming from
>Her being a horse and all
>Once again Patch laughed that grandma's laugh of hers, batting at your leg
>"You're such a silly colt, Anon. I'm happy that a pair of mares managed to snatch you up! Now come on, let's show you what you're doing for the day."
>The next couple of hours were a blur of heavy lifting and bullshitting with your fellow workers
>The load was kind of light today; all you had to do was load a shipment of wood and cotton and unload some containers of... something, so you just let your mind wander while your body took over
>You thought about everything and nothing really, going from topic to topic so quickly that it all kind of blurred together
>You know, when you get home you should probably try to read one of Twiggle's books again
>Just go on the shitter for an hour and just read in peace
>That way you'd be able to figure out what's doing on with Bonnie and Lyra
>Or maybe you could see if you could get them to ease up a little
>Try and talk with them again
>You were pretty sure that Lyra was starting to see your side of things, and you heard Lyra and Bonbon talking about easing off of you early one morning
>If you just knocked some sense into Bonbon then you'd be fucking golden
>"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm from the Equestrian Monster Hunting Agency."
>You are wrenched out of your thoughts as a very familiar voice rings out
>Turning around you see your girlfriend, mother fucking Bonbon and...
>Was that bitch wearing a black suit with some fucking black sunglasses?!
>The box that you had been holding slipped from your grasp as you looked at your girlfriend and your boss, who your girlfriend appeared to be talking to
>"Monster Hunting Agency?" Pumpkin said in confusion, looking at Bonbon unsurely
>Bonbon nodded, pulling out a badge and flashing it
>"Yes ma'am, I'm Agent Sweetie Drops of the Equestrian Monster Hunting Agency."
>Her face the picture of seriousness, Bonnie trotted past Patch
>"We got word that there might be something dangerous hiding in this warehouse and I've been sent down to investigate...
>No way
>There was no way in hell that you boss was going to believe this bullshit
>She wasn't--
>"Oh my goodness!" Patch said, hooves going to her mouth as her eyes widened in shock. "Do you need any--"
>"No ma'am, as long as you let me check everything out I won't be needing anything."
>Bonbon looked back at her
>"And please don't tell anypony else what I'm doing here. We've already contacted the owner of the warehouse and we don't want anypony to panic."
>Your jaw dropped as Pumpkin frantically nodded
>"Of course! Look around all you want! I'll make sure that the crew stay out of your way so you can work, Dear."
>"Thank you, ma'am. Your assistance is appreciated. If I need anything else I won't hesitate to speak with you"
>There is no hope for horsekind...
>Your eye twitches as Bonbon trots over to you, all business-like
>"So this is where you work?"
>Your marefriend looked at you over the rim of her shades
>"It suits you."
>Your eye twitches as you lean down and picked up the box that you dropped
>Hopefully whatever was in here wasn't--
>There's fragile stickers all over it...
>... FUCK...
"Bonnie... what are you doing here?" you asked as calmly as you could manage, your eye twitching again when you notice that she was starting to eye all of your female coworkers
>"I got a mission from Canterlot to--"
"Look around for a monster or whatever. I fucking heard."
>You cross your arms as you look down at your marefriend, your eyebrows furrowed
"But I see a couple of problems with that. One, you're a candy maker. And two, never in all of the time that I've known you have I seen you do or talk about ANYTHING monster related. And three, you're a FUCKING CANDY MAKER!"
>"If you didn't know I was working for the MHA then I was doing my job," Bonnie smartly replies, taking off her sunglasses and stuffing them into her jacket. "Now, by the power invested in me by the Equestrian government and her majesties Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, I need to look around this warehouse. And I'm going to need you to help me you big dummy."
>...This is bullshit
>In fact you've never SEEN so much bullshit in your LIFE
>You opened your mouth to call Bonbon out on her bullshit since you KNEW she wasn't a fucking secret agent or whatever the fuck she was claiming herself to be, when Pumpkin Patch just appeared right beside you
>"Anon dear please help out Mrs. Sweetie Drops in anyway that you can. She's here for... an inspection."
>You have to resist the urge to put your head in your hands as your boss smiles up at you and pats your leg
>"Forget about the shipment for today, dear, and please help her in anyway that you can."
>...Fucking ponies...
"Yes ma'am," you dryly said, eyeing your marefriend as Pumpkin, nervously staring this way and that, walked away from the two of you. "...You look nice in that suit."
>Bonbon nodded, looking around once again before rubbing herself against you
>"Thank you. Now come on, we have work to do."
>...You know what?
>You'll give Bonbon the benefit of the doubt
>Maybe she actually was some secret agent monster fighter
>Maybe she was here to fight some monster that just so happened to make its home in the warehouse that you worked
>There was no way that all of this wasn't bullshit any way that you looked at it but MAYBE
>MAYBE your marefriend was telling the truth
"Alright, so what are we looking for?" you asked, leading her out of your little shipment area
>"From intel reports I suspect that there's a skinchanger that's hidden itself amongst the workers here."
"What? Like a Changeling?"
>Bonnie shook her head, sticking close to your side as she looked around
"No, a skinchanger is something much more dangerous. Unlike a Changeling they'll usually kill the ponies whose identity they take."
>Reaching into her jacket Bonbon pulled out a small note pad
>"They usually take the form of mares, so I'm going to need you to tell me about every single mare that you come in contact with. Their names, their temperament, whether they bother you a work, things like that. "
>Oh sweet mother of god...
>Though you weren't very happy about it you lead Bonbon through the warehouse, telling her about every mare that you knew, that you came into contact, and any that looked at you "strangely"
>You weren't happy about Bonbon pulling this bullshit but your boss HAD told you to lead her around
>And that little nigglet signed your paycheck so you weren't gonna say NO
>You still didn't like it though, and though you didn't say a word you could feel anger starting to form in your gut
>And that anger festered with each passing minute
>Though she was still trying to act like she was here to "hunt monsters" her behavior around other mares was just like when you were walking around town
>The aggressive comments, rubbing herself against you every chance she got, the angry looks
>You tried to keep yourself calm
>You really, honestly did
>But soon you were gritting your teeth with every comment and every rub
>How DARE Bonbon come in here and pull this shit!
>This was where you fucking worked!
>You didn't care if she was smothering you because that was how ponies did things
>This was too fucking far
>WAY too fucking far
>Bonbon, oblivious to your souring mood, nudged you
>"Don't you have a lunch break soon?" she asked
>You look up toward the end of the hall where a clock was hanging
"Yes I do," you say, turning the corner and walking toward the break room
>"Did you want to go out and get something or--"
"I'm actually not all that hungry."
>If you would have bothered to look you would have noticed Bonbon's face scrunching up at you
>"Well you might not be hungry but I'm--"
"I'll get you something from the vending machines."
>You don't give your marefriend the time to say anything more, picking up your pace so that she almost had to jog after you
>You were done
>You were the donnest that's ever been
>When you and this little horse here got home you were going to have a fucking LONG talk whether she wanted to hear it or not
>Like it always was about this time the break room was filled with mares and stallions alike, all of them eating and talking and joking with each other
>The mood is light and cheery, but it does nothing for your as you make your way over to one of the tables at the far end of room and sat yourself down
>Reaching into your pockets you pulled out a small bag of bits and handed it to Bonnie
"Go and get whatever you want. I'll be right here."
>Bonbon, finally catching wind of your bad mood, doesn't even reach for the bits
>"What the buck's wrong with you?" she demanded
"We'll talk about it when we get home," you respond
>This answer doesn't seem to sit well with your marefriend, whose expression turned ugly
>"I want to talk about it now!"
>Your anger started to once again build
"I'm not going to get into it with you at work, Bonbon."
>Bonbon opened her mouth to say more when one of your coworkers, a mare by the name of Ship an' Stock, walked over to you with a happy smile
>"Anon! Where the hay did you run off to this morning?" she asked, ignoring your marefriend and nudging you with her side. "That loading job took FOREVER without your monkey butt helping us!"
>Time seemed to slow down as Bonbon gritted her teeth
>You knew what was going to happen
>Heck, you kind of knew what was going to happen the second that Stock walked over here
>Bonbon was going to make a fucking scene and then she was doing to do something ridiculous like rip off your pants and fuck you right here in the middle of the break room
>And that thought was the tipping point for you
>Before Bonbon could so much as utter a syllable you stood up from your chair, stepped around Stock, and yanked Bonbon up by the scruff of her neck
>"HEY!" the candy mare cried in surprise as you started carrying her out the door. "WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
>Ignoring you squirming and her shouting you look down at Stock
"Could you do me a favor and tell Pumpkin that I needed to take off of work early? I got something I gotta take care of."
>Not even bothering to wait for an answer you stomp out the break room
>You got stares of confusion and bewilderment and confusion but you couldn't care less
>You were mad
>Madder than you had been in a long time
>And you and this little horse and the other little horse back at home were going to have a nice little chat about boundaries
>The whole walk home ponies are staring and Bonbon's fucking yelling
>At first she was yelling demands and questions
>What are you doing, let me go; stuff like that
>But as you silently stomped your way home she started cussing you out and calling you names, which in turn put you in an even worse mood
>It was so bad that you practically tossed her through the door as you wrenched open the gate to the fence and walked up onto your porch
>"WHAT THE BUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" Bonbon shouts as you step through the door and close it behind you
"Don't you FUCKING try that with me!" you growl, any trace of calm gone. "You seriously walked into where I worked and tried to scope out the FUCKING MARES?!"
>Lyra poked her head into the hallway with a concerned expression but both you any Bonbon ignored her
>Her lips drawn back into a snarl, Bonbon hopped up into her back legs and butted heads with you
>You could hear a voice of reason in the back of your mind telling you to calm down
>Yelling like this was going to do more harm than good
>But you didn't care
>Weeks and weeks of frustration had built up and it needed to go somewhere
>Bonbon tries to shove you but you stand firm, looming over her
>Bonbon's eyes narrow and you swear that you can see flames in her eyes
>This time you shove Bonbon, sending the mare to the ground in a heap
>Lyra, now more scared than concerned, raced over to her marefriend, but Bonbon was back on her hooves before she could take two steps
>Never before had you seen Bonbon this angry
>The fur on the back of her neck was standing up, she was practically foaming at the mouth, and her eyes were blazing
>Her eyes widening, Bonbon stopped herself from saying more but the damage was already done
"...A freak huh?"
>Lyra bit her lip, her tail tucked between her legs
>You watched as the anger just drained out of Bonbon
>"A-Anon I didn't mean--"
>Taking two big steps forward you yanked both her and Lyra up into the air, threw open your door, and tossed them outside into a heap
>Both Lyra and Bonbon scramble to their hooves but you slam the door in their faces, absolutely livid
>You could hear someone slamming against the door
>You didn't even hear her as you locked the door and sat against it, the anger draining from you as you stared off into nothing
>You don't know how long Bonbon stood there pounding on the door begging and pleading with you but eventually the pounding stopped
>Which meant you were alone
>Just like you had been before
>You didn't need--
>Hopping to your feet you throw a fist back and put it through your wall before drawing back and doing it again
>The rage quickly returned but this time it was couple with a gut-wrenching, mind numbing hurt
>You've heard Bonbon call you names and talk shit to you since you've known her
>But she never called you a freak...
>You've been called worse by ponies sure, sometimes to your face
>But SHE never said that...
>You pull back a bloodied fist to fuck up your wall again when the strength just leaves your body and you slump against the door with your head in your hands, blood dripping down your face
>It had been years since you've cried but right now you were getting pretty fucking close to it
>You felt like shit
>You felt so shitty that it twisted your stomach and hurt your soul
>Never had a few words hurt you like that
>And most of the hurt came from because you knew you could have stopped it
>You didn't want to take it that far...
>You didn't want to take it that far at all...
>For hours you just sat there huddled against your door, empty and filled with regret
>You needed to go and make this right
>You needed to go find them
>You needed to--
>Your eyes widened as a thunderous boom shook your house
>There wasn't supposed to be a thunder storm today was there?
>Your head leaves your hands and you look up
>You got to your feet, ignoring the pain in your hand, and you walk into your kitchen and look out the window
>Just as you feared it looked ugly out there
>The skies were filled with black clouds, it was raining cats and dogs, and you could see lightning shooting through the sky
>Damn near kicking down your door you step out onto your porch and frantically look around
>The winds whipped at your clothes as you looked over at Bonnie and Lyra's house
>They had to be at home right?!
>Sweet Christ you hope they were ho--
>You hope off of your porch, ignoring the rain that instantly soaked you, and you run over to your marefriends house
>Lightning could have been going off all around you
>There could have been a tornado right on your heels
>But you wouldn't have even noticed, so focused on the house in front of you
>You start pounding on their door as hard as you can
>Your still bleeding hand screams in protest, sending a wave of pain through you that made your head spin, but you kept pounding on the door like your life depended on it
>There was no answer
>You pressed your ear against the door, trying to tune out all of the shit that was happening outside as you listened for any signs of life inside the house
>Though it was faint, so faint that you had to strain to hear it, you heard a whimper come from inside the house
>Good enough for you
>When trying to open the door by twisting the knob failed you took a step back and kicked the door as hard as you could
>The door squeaked and groaned but managed to stay firm
>It took two more panic-filled kicks for the fucking thing to open up, but the second that door, which was now barely hanging on the frame, flew open in a cloud of splinters you were running inside
>If you would have bothered to look around you would have noticed that the usually clean house looked like a hurricane had gone through it
>Furniture was overturned, mirrors had been broken, there was a hole or two in the wall, and there was broken glass EVERYWHERE
>But you ignored that, instead looking over at the stairs
>You run was fast as your legs could take you, ripping off wet clothes on the way, hopping up the stairs three steps at a time
>Since you had never been on the second floor of Bonbon and Lyra's house you had to slam open a couple of doors until you finally found the bedroom
>But when you did what you saw broke your heart
>Lyra was lying in the middle of the room, curled up in a tight ball and quietly whimpering
>Her eyes were shut tight, you could see tears streaming down her face
>Her mane was unkempt, and her mane and coat were in disarray
>But that wasn't what really got you
>Bonbon was sitting on top of the bed, staring out the window
>Though each boom of thunder sent Lyra into a whimpering and squealing fit Bonbon didn't even react
>The mare looked broken, defeated, like she had lost the will to do anything other than sit there and look heartbroken
>There were hundreds of tiny cuts all over the mare, it looked like bits of her mane were gone, her face was soaked with tears and...
>You have to use the door's frame to support yourself as regret hits you right in the gut
>You did this
>You could have handled it better but you just went and blew up
>You needed to fix this
>You needed to help your marefriends!
>In nothing but your underwear and still wet from the rain you walk into the room
>Lyra's eyes snap open as you kneel down right next to her
>As gently as you could you picked up the little horse and cradled her in your arms
>You kiss her nose as you brush her mane out of your face
"Yeah, it's me. I'm here, Lyra" you say, holding the mare close
>Getting to your feet you quickly make your way over to the bed
>With Lyra still clutched in one of your arms you place a hand on Bonnie's shoulder
"Bonnie..... Bonnie honey."
>Bonbon slowly blinked, her eyes clearing as she looked at you
>Fresh tears came to her eyes and her lips started quivering as she looked at you
>"A-Anon?" she asked with a whimper
>You could feel some of the rainwater drip down from your hair to your face, right under your eyes
>If you didn't know any better you'd say that you were crying
>Bonbon starts to shake, regret in her eyes, and with a sob she wraps her hooves around you
>You hold both of your mares close as they both shake and sob and cry
>The thunderstorm fades off into the background as Bonbon cries and babbles apologies while you hold her and Lyra, tears streaming down your face as you mutter apologies yourself
>Though the thunderstorm ends in just a few hours not one of you got a wink of sleep
>Though you were both mentally and physically exhausted with everything that happened you do your best to stop your marefriends from crying and shaking
>It takes a while but eventually the three of you are just lying on top of the bed, which was soaked from you and Bonbon and Lyra's tears, holding each other
> "I didn't mean it Nonny," Bonbon croaked out, her hooves wrapped around your head so that your cheek was right up against her chest. "You aren't a freak, you aren't--"
>You reach up and cup one of Bonbon's cheeks with a hand, stroking it with your thumb
>She leans into the affection, nuzzling your hand
"And I'm sorry for everything I said to you, Bonbon."
>You look down at Lyra, who was laying on your chest in contentment as you played with her mane and ears
"You two didn't deserve me flipping out on your like that."
>You kiss her chest, closing your eyes
>Bonbon's grip on your tightens a little as she kisses the top of your head
"We both said some shitty things and we let our tempers get the better of us. So can you guys forgive me? I forgive you."
>You look down at Lyra then you look up at Bonbon
>Both of them smiled at you
>"I don't want to lose you, Fingers." Lyra whispered, nuzzling her head into your chest
>You and Bonbon look at each other for a long moment
>Both of you want to say a million different things, some of them dumb some of them meaningful
>But neither of you say a word as Bonbon leans down and you lean up
>Your kiss was a gentle one, soft and nervous
>Like the two of you were afraid that the other was going to leave if you did the slightest thing wrong
>Closing her eyes and sniffling, Bonbon crushed your head against her
>"I-I don't want to lose y-you."
>You kiss her chest again, the smell of thin mints and candy putting you at ease
"You won't. You're stuck with me now you silly horses."
>You look at both of them once again before closing your eyes with a weak smile
"MY silly horses..."
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by lapsbin
by lapsbin
by lapsbin
by lapsbin
by lapsbin