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Fucking Bonbon... 9

By lapsbin
Created: 2020-12-25 17:27:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon... Anon, it's time to get up, Hon."
  2. >You groan, trying to ignore the voice that was trying to get you up
  3. >You were barely conscious but even you knew that right now (whatever time it was) was no time to get up
  4. >Dreamland still had so many wonders that you wanted to explore
  5. >And to do anything other than that was heresy of the highest order
  6. >And papa didn't raise no heretic
  7. >Your tormentor giggles as you roll over and nuzzling into your pillow
  8. >"Come on, sleepyhead. You gotta go to work."
  9. >You tense as you feel something warm and soft pressing itself against the back of your neck
  10. >"So rise and shine! Bonnie's making breakfast again and she wants us down in the kitchen soon."
  11. >While a reasonable man would have thought over the mystery person's proposal you weren't a reasonable man
  12. >Like at all
  13. >So FUCK that
  14. >Grumbling again you curl into a ball, wrapping your blankets firmly around you
  15. >Though you didn't say anything you were sure your modest counterproposal was heard loud and clear
  16. >Whoever was harassing you could come back in... two or three hours if he or she really wanted to talk business...
  17. >Your grumbling became a little louder when you felt a pair of furry hooves wrap around your middle and gently tug you
  18. >"Come on, Nonny."
  19. >The back of your neck was once again kissed
  20. >"Come on, Hon."
  21. >You felt a pair of soft lips graze your cheek
  22. >"Early to bed, early to rise, Fingers."
  23. >With each kiss your tormentor keeps gently but firmly tugging on your blankets
  24. >Though you try to resist you're too tired, and slowly but surely you find yourself being pulled out of your little sleep ball
  25. >And that was bad
  26. >You liked going into your little sleep ball
  27. >It kept you warm and made you feel safe
  28. >Like an armadillo
  29. >A sexy armadillo
  30. >Your tired mind chugs along, trying to figure out how to solve this dilemma
  31. >Though it takes a minute a thought comes, and with a grunt you roll around and wrap your arms around your attacker in a classic snuggle sleeper hold
  32. >You hear another giggle as you nuzzle against a soft, furry chest, thin mints assaulting your nose as you try to settle yourself
  33. >"Stop being so silly and get up, Nonny." the mystery pony said, patting the top of your head
  34. >You just hug harder, hoping that your attacker would get the idea and fall asleep
  35. >Sleep was good
  36. >Sleep solved every problem
  37. >The world would be a better place if everyone just went to sleep
  38. >Though you had thought that your snuggle-based attack was a masterful stroke of genius there was one major flaw in its defense
  39. >And to your horror your opponent was about to use that to her advantage
  40. >You make a face as you're pulled upwards and your cheeks are squeezed
  41. >"Come on, Nonny! Let's get a move on, Nonny!" you attacker sing-songed, kissing your nose
  42. >You tried to move away but hooves firmly held your face in place as the kissing assault continued
  43. >Not a single bit of your face was left untouched either
  44. >Cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, lips, your attacker kissed these and more without mercy
  45. >The monster
  46. >Though you did your best to ignore it you soon found yourself fully awake
  47. >And with a few more kisses your found one of your eyes slowly cracking open to see Lyra, her golden eyes shining and her mane all messy, looking at you with a smile
  48. >"There we are," she cooed, giving you a peck on the lips
  49. >Begrudgingly you returned the kiss, leaning forward and pressing your nose against your marefriend's
  50. "I don't wanna get up," you mumble, your voice thick with sleep
  51. >Lyra nuzzles you
  52. >"I know you don't want to, Hon, but you gotta," she says, one of her hooves rubbing your back
  53. >Lyra rubs her nose against yours and her smile turned mischievous
  54. >"Why don't the two of us have a little fun to REALLY help you wake up?~" she cooed, her hoof leaving her back and slowly traveling downward
  55. >Nope
  56. >Nope!
  57. >None of that!
  58. >Both of your eyes snap open as you grabbed your marefriend's hoof
  59. "If we start doing that I'm going to get yelled at for being late again," you say with a yawn
  60. >A whine escaped Lyra's throat as she rubbed herself against you
  61. >"Oh come on! It'll be a quicky, I promise."
  62. >Lyra tried to lean in for a kiss but you beat her to the punch, leaning up and kissing her forehead
  63. "Not right now, Hon. Like you said I gotta get up for work and shit."
  64. >Quickly rolling out of your bed you hop to your feet and make the trek to your bathroom
  65. >Though it STILL felt weird that you turned down sex it was something that you had needed to do on an almost regular bases
  66. >It had been a couple of months since you started "dating" Lyra and Bonnie Buns, and it had honestly been... something
  67. >Your house had girly shit all through it and the smell of candy and thin mints was on everything,
  68. >You included
  69. >Your bathroom had been renovated and a big ass bathtub had been put in
  70. >Your mornings were now filled with even more hugs and kisses and nuzzles and blowjobs than before
  71. >And all of it was starting to feel... normal
  72. >Welcomed even
  73. >Flipping on your bathroom light you quickly turn on your shower, grab yourself a toothbrush, rip off your PJ's, and hop into the shower so you could wash yourself and brush your teeth
  74. >You were multitasking like a motha fucker
  75. >"Monkey! Hurry up in there before your eggs get cold!"
  76. "I just got in the fucking shower!" you yell, spitting out a mouthful of toothpaste. "It's going to take a little bit."
  77. >Through your bathroom door you could hear a snort
  78. >"You know your boss wouldn't yell at you for being late if you didn't roll around your bed for twenty minutes being a baby right?"
  79. >Blinking slowly, still trying to get the sleep out of your eyes, you frown
  80. "Fuck off and just wait a minute for the fucking eggs!"
  81. >"Nope, I'm making them now! If you get them cold you're getting them cold!"
  82. >...Fucking Bonbon...
  83. >Over the last month you had managed to read all of the books that Twiggles had given you
  84. >And boy did you learn some shit
  85. >While you kind of knew that most ponies practiced the whole polygamy thing you REALLY didn't know in depth it went
  86. >Or who weird it got
  87. >Apparently mares grouped themselves into little herds and tried to go and get themselves a man
  88. >If they did get a horse man they had to go ahead and "mark" him
  89. >And they did this different ways
  90. >For earth ponies they fucked the male until he passes the fuck out, just like what Bonbon did to you
  91. >For unicorns the mares sit on the males horn
  92. >Though you didn't have a horn Lyra sure as hell made do
  93. >And for Pegasi...
  94. >Well, who the fuck cares about bird horses?
  95. >...Fucking bird horses...
  96. >...Playing around in your fucking bird baths...
  97. >After the mares went ahead and got their stank on their guy now they had to go ahead and keep him
  98. >Which explained Bonbon's aggression
  99. >And Lyra's sudden and aggressive change of character
  100. >Mares that didn't have a herd or mares that were in a herd but didn't have a stallion became more flirtatious to any newly-marked stallions, either hoping to steal him away from his herd or get him to add the mares to his herd
  101. >Which explained a hell of a lot of things when you read it actually
  102. >Roseluck wasn't the only little horse that tried to make the moves on you whenever Lyra or Bonbon weren't around
  103. >Cheerilee had made a pass at you, as did some of the nurse horses and even a unicorn or two
  104. >Some of them were subtle about it
  105. >Others... not so much
  106. >A few of the bird horses tried to make a pass at you but those little niggas knew you weren't too fond of them
  107. >...The little fuckers knew what they did...
  108. >So mares flirting with you wasn't that big of a deal
  109. >And, after a hell of a long talk between you, Bonnie, and Lyra, it was made into an even smaller deal
  110. >The couple of days after that little thunderstorm had been... kinda rough honestly
  111. >Lyra and Bonbon had been terrified that you were going to dump them and you were (kinda) scared that you were going to lose your favorite little horses
  112. >None of you wanted another fight
  113. >And none of you wanted to just blow up on the other because of something that one of you didn't understand
  114. >So yeah...
  115. >For a while it wasn't all that fun
  116. >But, as stated before, you had one hell of a heart to heart with the little mares
  117. >You talked, they talked, both sides explained things (things that you understood a little more after finishing those books) and everyone came away from it better equipped to deal with this situation
  118. >Though they were still a little protective of you both of your marefriends eased off considerably, and they even made it a point to leave you alone every once in awhile
  119. >And you made it a point to get a little more touchy feely, huggy kissy with them whenever you could
  120. >There might have been a bump along the road here and there but that was alright
  121. >Now the three of you were in this together
  122. >And you couldn't be happier about it
  123. >Quickly finishing your shower and getting dressed you hurry down the stairs and into the kitchen
  124. >Like it had since Bonbon and Lyra "moved in" the smell of delicious breakfast foods greeted you right as you stepped in the room
  125. >You could see Bonbon, wearing her adorable little cooks apron, finishing up a plate of eggs and pancakes
  126. >"You're lucky that the first batch of these got burnt," she said, not turning her head as you walked over to the table. "If I would have had my way you'd be eating cold eggs and Lyra and I would have eaten all of the pancakes."
  127. >You couldn't help but roll your eyes at that
  128. "You burned the eggs seven times in a row?" you asked, mirth in your tone. "Christ isn't that something..."
  129. >Bonbon stiffens at the jab
  130. >"If you don't shut your bucking mouth I'm gonna spit in these eggs!" she threatens, spinning around to glare at you
  131. >You smile when you see a blush on the little mare's face but you don't say anything
  132. >It was way too early to get into it right now
  133. >Seeing that you weren't going to say anything else Bonnie turns back around with a snort
  134. >"...You're a butt."
  135. "You weren't saying that last night," you snark right back, taking a drink of the juice that was oh so thoughtfully laid out for you
  136. >Turning back around Bonbon walks toward you with eggs and pancakes held in her hoof and mouth
  137. >"How long are you supposed to work today?" she asked, ignoring your comment completely
  138. >You shrug as she sets the plates down and takes off her apron
  139. "It depends on how big the shipment is today," you say as you help yourself to a plateful of eggs. "The last couple of days we've been getting pretty light loads so I shouldn't be there too long."
  140. >Though the answer doesn't seem to please the little mare she nods, hopping up into your lap and making herself comfortable
  141. >"...Alright, make sure to hurry home..." she said, wrapping her hooves around your neck and nuzzling you
  142. >A veteran to the earth pony's affection you nod and give her a kiss as she continued to wiggle in your lap
  143. >If you didn't know any better you'd think that she was trying something here...
  144. "Thanks for cooking breakfast again, Bonnie."
  145. >You swear to god that Bonbon nearly giggles at that, the candy mare giving your neck a kiss
  146. >"If I didn't cook in the mornings nopony would get anything for breakfast."
  147. >Her hoof grabs you hand and starts to play with your fingers
  148. >"You'd think that with these wigglers of yours you'd be able to do more than buck all."
  149. >Spinning around Bonbon presses her back against your chest and picks up your fork
  150. >"Come on, we both have to go to work soon..."
  151. >As Bonnie started to dig into YOUR food Lyra came in with a vial...
  152. >Wait a fucking second...
  153. "I fucking KNEW you guys were putting something in my food," you grumble as Lyra sets the little glass vial filled with grey... stuff down in front of you
  154. >Bonbon's eyes widened
  155. >"H-Hon, what t-the BUCK are y-you doing s-showing the m-monkey that?!" she demanded
  156. >You swatted Bonbon right on the cutiemark
  157. >The mare yelped in surprise, launching herself about a foot into the air before landed right back into your lap
  158. "No, the better fucking question is why you two little niggers are putting shit into my food without telling me."
  159. >Lyra idly kicks at the floor as Bonbon glares up at you angrily
  160. >"W-We were going to tell you eventually," Lyra said. "A-And it's not anything bad..."
  163. SLAP!
  165. >Bonbon yelps again as you slap her on the other cutiemark
  166. "And what IS this?" you asked
  167. >You know...
  168. >You should probably be a hell of a lot madder about all of this...
  169. >Lyra keeps her gaze firmly on the table
  170. >"Well... Me and Bonnie noticed that if we rutted you too much you wouldn't cum a lot. So we went and asked Zecora if she had something to help with that..."
  171. >Biting her lip, harpbutt looked up at you
  172. >"We saw all of those books you were hiding under the bed, Fingers, and me and Bonnie wanted to say... sorry for being so secretive and stuff."
  173. >Though she still looks pissed Bonbon bites her lip as her ears flick back and forth
  174. >Just like Lyra had been she was firmly keeping her gaze on the table
  175. >Nuzzling her marefriend's side, Lyra places a hoof on your leg
  176. >"You deserve better than that... So we're sorry... about putting things in your food and being pushy and stuff....... Please don't leave..."
  177. >...
  178. >...
  179. >...
  180. >Wow
  181. >Was she really that beat up about putting shit into your food so you'd cum more?
  182. >If anything you were confused as to why they just didn't ask you to start taking the stuff
  183. >If they weren't happy with your loads and there was something to fix that then you were fine with taking something
  184. "So WHY didn't you guys tell me about this?"
  185. >Lyra kicked at the floor again
  186. >"...We didn't want you to be mad at us..."
  187. >Your nose scrunches up
  188. >Mad?
  189. >Why would you--
  190. >...Oh
  191. >Looking down at Bonbon you noticed that she was shaking slightly
  192. "You guys thought that if you told me about this then I might dump you..."
  193. >You knew that both Lyra and Bonnie were still kind of dancing on eggshells around you but you had no idea that they were THIS scared about pissing you off...
  194. >Not waiting for an answer you wrap your arms around Bonbon and pull her against your chest
  195. >You kiss the back of her head as she sniffled
  196. "Hey, hey, none of that, Bonnie," you murmured, rocking her back and forth. "I already told the two that I wasn't going anywhere."
  197. >You look at Lyra and smile
  198. >Seeing that you weren't upset she smiled back
  199. >Bonbon held onto your arm as you just quietly held onto her whispering encouragements
  200. >"S-So you're not mad?"
  201. >You look at the little vial of grey... stuff that had managed to turn a perfectly normal morning into one where Bonbon nearly had a panic attack
  202. >Grimacing slightly you reach over and grab the bottle
  203. >Lyra and Bonbon watch with wide eyes as you pull out the cork with your teeth and start chugging the stuff
  204. >Lyra gasped
  205. >"A-Anon! Wait!"
  206. >You make a face as you drain the bottle
  207. "...Fuck does that taste funny..." you grumble, licking your lips
  208. >You look at your marefriends and notice that they're looking at you like you just did something really, really stupid
  209. "...What?"
  210. >Bonnie and Lyra look at each other
  211. >"Zecora told us to only give you a teaspoon a day," Lyra says slowly, as if she was still trying to get over the fact that you up and drank all of the zigger juice
  212. >"...You just drank fifty doses worth of that potion you bucking dummy," Bonbon adds, now clearly over her little episode
  213. >You shrug
  214. "Eh, I'm sure I'll be fine," you say dismissively, giving Bonbon's cheek a kiss. "So, now both of you know I'm not mad. So no more crying now alright?"
  215. >You sigh in relief when your marefriends nod
  216. >...Thank god
  217. >You didn't want to have another hyper emotional day...
  218. >"And we promise not to do anything else to you without you knowing, Fingers," Lyra promises
  219. >Bonbon scooches around until she was sitting sideways in your lap
  220. >"Yeah... We're really sorry and we won't do it again, Anon," the candy mare says, wrapping her hooves around your neck and kissing your cheek
  221. >You couldn't help but grin, your hands traveling down to Bonbon's rump
  222. "I'm getting anal from one of you when I get home."
  223. >You couldn't help but smile when the looks of calm and tranquility on your marefriend's faces turned into looks of outrage and shock
  224. >Delicious, delicious shock
  225. >"WHAT?!" they both cried in unison
  226. "Yep, you both owe me anal now as an apology," you say, giving Bonnie's buns a squeeze
  227. >The mare blushes with a squeak and hops out of your lap
  228. "And you're going first, Bonnie."
  229. >Oh
  230. >The look that Bonbon gave you
  231. >...
  232. >...
  233. >...
  234. >Ohhhhh...
  235. >You wish you could have taken a picture of it
  236. >You were going to play with yourself with that look in your mind
  237. >"I, you, but, we--"
  238. >Bonbon looks over at Lyra, whose face was so red that she could have probably started a fire, before looking back at your quietly cackling ass
  239. >You could tell that she was trying, TRYING, to figure out how to tell you to fuck off
  240. >Ponies, for some reason or another, weren't into the whole anal thing from what you've been told
  241. >Like so much so that it was kind of taboo to even TALK about
  242. >And, while you weren't usually into that kind of thing, you were curious
  243. >What would it be like fucking a pony in the ass?
  244. >You had two marefriends
  245. >They had two asses
  246. >So why not find out for science's sake if nothing else?
  247. >And at the very least, if it sucked, you could always make some ass jokes at your mares expense for a while
  248. >You cross your arms and sit back into your chair as Bonbon shimmers and babbles before she sighed
  249. >"...F-Fine," she grumbled with a blush, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. "But just because I want your dumb flank to know how sorry I am..."
  250. >Emboldened by her marefriend, Lyra nodded
  251. >"W-We'll do it, N-Nonny!"
  252. >You know
  253. >You should probably feel a little bad about twisting your marefriend's legs like this
  254. >But--
  255. >Ohhh!
  256. >Bonbon was making that face again!
  258. >Grinning (and trying to hide that fact that you were VERY much erect) you stood up
  259. "Alright! Fantastic! You gals make sure to buy some lube!"
  260. >Your grin widens as they both flinched
  261. "I'm gonna go to work!"
  262. >Kneeling down you wrap your arms around Bonbon
  263. >"I bucking hate you so much right now..." she grumbled, wrapping her hooves around your neck after a minute
  264. >You try to reach over to give her rump another squeeze but she swatted your hand away
  265. >Kek
  266. "I love you too, Hon," you say, kissing her cheek
  267. >You break the hug and walk over to Lyra
  268. >She smiles weakly at you, getting up onto her back legs and wrapping her hooves around your neck
  269. >"Have a good day, Nonny," she said, kissing your cheek
  270. >Still grinning like a fucker of mothers you give Lyra and Bonbon one final goodbye before you moonwalk out of the kitchen
  271. >Aw yeah!
  272. >You're tearing up that ass tonight!
  273. >In a far better mood than you had been a few minutes ago you throw on your shoes, throw open your door, and--
  274. >"HI ANON!"
  275. >...
  276. >...
  277. >...
  278. >Nope
  279. >Your face loses it's grin
  280. >The happiness drains from you
  281. >And, now the picture of solemness, you close the door and lock it
  282. >...Welp
  283. >It looks like you weren't going to work today...
  284. "Lyra! Lock that kitchen door please!"
  285. >Lyra pokes her head out of the kitchen
  286. >"What did you say, Anon?" she asked in confusion
  287. >You calmly look out the window
  288. "Go and lock the door for me, hon," you say. "And prop a chair up against it for good measure."
  289. >Though Bonbon and Lyra look confused when you walk back into the kitchen and grab a chair you ignore it
  290. >Alright
  291. >You couldn't hear anyone fucking around upstairs
  292. >That meant she wasn't in the house yet...
  293. >Good
  294. >Quickly walking back to your front door you prop the chair against the door securely
  295. "Bonnie, there's a crossbow under the sink. Do me a favor and grab it for me."
  296. >"You have a bucking crossbow?! Why the buck do you have a bucking crossbow?!"
  297. "Just get me the fucking crossbow... for fuck's sake... and there should be a bolt or two in the drawer under the spoons!"
  299. ~Ten minutes later~
  301. >The doors were locked and barricaded
  302. >The windows were boobytrapped
  303. >And you checked the basement and the house
  304. >It was do or die time
  305. >It was--
  306. >"So what the buck are you flipping out about?"
  307. >You look up from your crossbow, which you MAAAAAAAY have gotten through... less than legal means, at Bonbon
  308. "There's someone outside that I don't very much care for," you say, making sure that your weapon was cocked and readied. "Someone and maybe her husband, who I also don't very much care for."
  309. >Bonbon's eyes widened in disbelief
  310. >"And what? You're going to SHOOT them just because you don't like them."
  311. >You stare at your marefriend for a long, long moment
  312. "...Just open the door for me, Bonnie."
  313. >Bonbon, now frowning, looks over at Lyra
  314. >"Lyra, aren't you going to SAY SOMETHING?!"
  315. >Harp hoers shrugs
  316. >"I don't know what's going on but if Nonny thinks that whoever's outside is BAD..."
  317. >You ignore the rest of the argument, focusing on the door
  318. >Carefully, with loaded crossbow at the ready, you make your way over to the door
  319. >Aiming down the sights of your weapon you kick away the chair and unlock the door
  320. >You breath in
  321. >You breath out
  322. >You were lighter than a slice of bread
  323. >You could shoot the wings off a fly at a hundred yards
  324. >...
  325. >...
  326. >...
  327. >Alright...
  328. >With a battlecry you throw open your door and hop through it
  330. >Wildly flailing your weapon around you search for anything pink
  333. >...
  334. >...
  335. >...
  336. >Where the hell was she?
  337. >You frown as you look all around your empty front porch and yard
  338. >Though it looked like there was no one around you knew better
  339. >She was somewhere
  340. >Just waiting for you to drop your fucking guard
  341. >Then BAM! she's get you
  342. >But not this time!
  343. >NOTTHISTIME!!!
  344. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
  345. >You step off of your porch, your ears peeled and your head on a swivel
  346. "I know you're out here you pink pain in the ass. Come out and--"
  347. >And then you saw it, a flash of pink to your left
  348. >You tried to turn and fire but she was too fast
  349. >She was ALWAYS too fucking fast
  350. >...Goddammit
  351. >Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the Princess of Love and the Ruler of the Crystal Empire, tackles you to the ground with a big old smile on that stupid pink face of her's
  352. >"NONNY!"
  353. "FUCKING SHIT!"
  354. >Your crossbow wildly fires off into the air as fucking Cadence knocks you to the ground like a big, stupid, pink puppy
  355. >Now on your back you try to bash the alicorn with your crossbow but it disappears in a burst of magic
  356. >Cadence, with a big smile on her face, wrapped her hooves around your neck and pulled you into a bear hug
  357. >"Oh Nonny! I came as fast as I could!" the Princess of Love said, oblivious to the fact that you were pounding your fists against her sides, trying to beat her off of you
  358. >Fucking indestructible alicorns
  359. >"I almost couldn't believe that a big ol' grump like you would let two mares into your heart but it happened!"
  360. >You try to pull the pink horse off of you big she's too fucking strong
  361. "LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING PUTZ!" you snarl
  362. >Purple eyes regard you as Cadence giggles
  363. >"I told you that you'd find love, Nonny-kins," she said with a smirk. "I told you but you didn't listen! Now who's the silly one?"
  364. >You don't know how you did it but with a herculean amount of effort you managed to rip Cadence off of you and stand up
  365. >"...What the buck is going on here?"
  366. >Panting like a racehorse you look over and see Bonbon and Lyra were standing on the porch, staring at you in confusion in concern
  367. >You opened your mouth to reply when you see a flash of white out of the corner of your eye
  368. >...Goddammit...
  369. >This time you try to roll away but your new attacker was faster than Cadence
  370. >So just like last time you were tackled, knocked onto your back and looking up into the sky
  371. >...For fuck's sake...
  372. >"Hi Anon!"
  373. >You look down to be Shining Armor's big stupid horse face
  374. >"So I heard SOMEPONY'S got himself a couple of marefriends!"
  375. >...
  376. >...
  377. >...
  378. "I hate you two," you say after a moment, letting your hard thud against the ground. "I hate you two so fucking much."
  379. >Fucking love hoers...
  380. >Fucking head cap'n pone...

Diggy Hole 1

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 2

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 3

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 4

by lapsbin

Diggy Hole 5

by lapsbin