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[Tech] /usr/bin/anon/

By Barney
Created: 2020-12-30 04:34:24
Updated: 2022-12-30 23:00:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >"They are quite queer creatures, aren't they?"
  2. "Luna, please don't use that word."
  3. >"People, then. Or sapients, we've seen them use both interchangeably."
  4. "That's not what I meant. Although, Twilight stressed that the word creature implies savagery in their language."
  5. >"I had a conversation with one who said as much. He called himself an 'UNPOL'. Apparently that's what they call their guards here."
  6. "That's a strange word, even for their language."
  7. >"I said that. He said it stands for United Nations Police. Humans seem to have a strange love for acronyms."
  8. "I noticed that too. Same with those glasses."
  9. >"Indeed! Perhaps all humans have terrible eyesight naturally. I have seen some staring off at nothing before, and even reaching for things that weren't there."
  10. >Before you can reply, you noticed a human walking up to you and your sister
  11. >He was wearing glasses, just like everyone else you've met here
  13. >You tk'd your earpiece in and Luna did the same
  14. >"Your highnesses, Anonymous would like to introduce himself before you speak to the General Assembly."
  15. "I'm not familiar with him. I thought we were introduced to all the leaders of the United Nations already."
  16. >The human suddenly looked nervous
  17. >"You mean... no one's told you anything about him?"
  18. >"The name sounds familiar. Also, my earpiece always relays human names as they are spoken, but for some reason it's telling me the Equish word for nameless instead of whoever you're talking about."
  19. "Yours is doing the same? I think that's the first time someone's name was changed by this device."
  20. >"Well, uhm, Anonymous made the translation library for your language so maybe he did that on purpose?"
  21. "Oh, he must be the one who Twilight spoke about! She said that he wanted her to teach him Equish. She was quite happy that someone wanted her to read a dictionary out loud for once."
  22. >"...Yes, he was the one who made first contact with Princess Sparkle in the town of Rachel. He is quite skilled at translation and interpretation."
  23. >"So is he the United Nation's official foreign language interpreter then? I would like to thank him for this gift. It is amazing what you humans can make without magic."
  24. >"Anonymous isn't a translator for the UN. His official position is General Area Chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force, which became a specialized agency of the UN a decade ago. Anon also has observer status granted from the General Assembly, so he'll be there when you go before them."
  26. "I don't really understand what the Internet is, but I know Equestria doesn't have one. What could he want to talk about?"
  27. >"Anon just said that he wanted to meet you two, face to face. He didn't want to talk over a video chat, so he had to wait until the fancy depth display arrived."
  28. >"The what?"
  29. >The man looked nervous again
  30. >"Er, I'd rather let Anon explain it all. There's a lot of context you need to know."
  31. >You glance at Luna uncertainly
  32. >"Look, just go talk to him. He's really easy-going and hard to offend. He also seems really interested in meeting more ponies, he's only met Twilight so far."
  33. >"Fine, we shall meet this Anonymous and listen to whatever he has to say. Please lead us to him."
  34. >With that the man lead you into an elevator up even higher into the building
  35. >You disembarked and he lead you to a set of doors labeled "Conference 38F"
  36. >The man knocked twice and smiled at you
  37. >"I'll be out here if you need anything."
  39. >You hear a faint 'come in' and open the door
  40. >The room is more barren than the open areas you were shown earlier
  41. >The walls were white with some of that weird abstract artwork humans really like
  42. >The table was solid wood and the chairs seemed expensive
  43. >At the end of the room was a large glass... thing
  44. >You walked closer with Luna to observe
  45. >It was 7 feet tall, 3 feet wide and deep
  46. >The back appeared to be metal, with lots of wires coming out
  47. >The metal was only a couple inches thick
  48. >The creation was solid glass, as evidenced by the odd warping effect
  49. >The metal as viewed from the inside appeared solid black
  51. >Suddenly there was the sound of a fan whirring and the black back lit up
  52. >A shape appeared in the glass, looking like a slab of marble roughly shaped like a human
  53. >It began to become more refined, as if it was being carved in fast motion
  54. >Eventually it was a recognizable human male, wearing a fancy suit and dress pants
  55. >His face was completely blank save for his mouth, and he had no hair on his head
  56. >You noticed a pin on his lapel that looked like... a four leaf clover, almost
  57. >There was another flash and the white-gray checkerboard pattern was replaced by color
  58. >The human's skin was green for some reason, but his clothes looked fine
  59. >You could now tell that his tie was red, and his clover pin was green
  60. >The man's face still only had one orifice, along with what looked like a tattoo of a human symbol where his eyes and nose would be
  61. >Then he spoke
  62. >There was no undertones of a foreign language
  63. >He was speaking Equish
  65. "Good morning, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am the general artificial intelligence known as Anonymous. I am very glad to finally meet you."
  66. ##
  67. I found the idea of an AGI Anonymous existing on Earth instead of Equestria amusing, and it resulted in this. I wrote a few more scenes but never finished them. I might return to this world someday, so I won't spoil what little of the story I had planned out.

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